OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, May 03, 1870, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1870-05-03/ed-1/seq-4/

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mm or the act,
French Bronzing forslioo tit Klllolt, H.
& Co's. pl3(Kiat.
Bargains In Mack silk nt Cunning
ham's. Everything In tlio boot and shoo lino for
gentlemen's wear at Klliott, llaythorn A:
CV. npl30l.1l.
Extra Inducements In wliito good, ho
Ury, gloves, notion", linntlkercliiof. etc.,
nt Cunningham'. tf
Musqultoes, tho'ininl annoying nnd
pestiferous Inect over "invented," lmvo
come again, florv-fungeil, nnd hungry as
Andcron villi' prisoners.
Cunningham li offering inducements In
llncn goods, which will 1 found tn ho "0
percent. less than In nny other hoii'o In
the city. tf-
They never tiro the ryes. Tliey nro
warranted not to break. They am perfect
In cTcry particular, (let u pair from
Tabor Bros. Sco ndvertlemont of 1 IVr
fectcd Spectacles." niny3dhi)ltw
Cunnlnglmm otfer no Uten upon staple
good to attract trade, but will sell them
at prices that cannot li UjUmnUly mxrr
told. Fair dealing nnd low price nro
what he depend upon for success, tf.
.lA special convocation of Cairo
JVChaptcr Xn. 71 H. A. M. will bu held
at Masonic Ilall this (Tuesday) crenlog
M 8 o'clock for work lu the M.Ex. M. de
gree. Hy ordor of tho M. Kx. H. 1.
II. L. DUNNING, .See'y.
Svkryiiodv it delighted with Ma
earthy' character reprocntatloni last
night. In fact the wliolo entertainment
was of a very superior order. Tho troupe
maVei It last appearance thl evening, nnd,
rain or hln, a crowded houie may bo
looked for. It 1 not ofttn that our chi
tons arc invited totuch a fenst of fun ni
that which await them at tlio hands of
Macarthy tbl evening.
AjfONO the puiUofthc lemon are
myrlada of cluimy black bug rotund
fellow thut Host rut during the day time
recuperating for tho revel nt night.
Countless thousand nftliotu wero abroad
lat night, inuklngcurytrco and Wli In
tho city vocal with their hum. It In ald
that their blto or itlng deaden vegeta
tion, but being confined almoU wholly to
tho leaf, is not to dctructlve an It other
wlio might 1.
The Fifteenth Amendtmntcrsannounco
h "grand colehratlon by t lie colored jieoplo
ofColumbu, Ky., on Thursday, .May 5th."
Feature! of tho occatloti will bo a speech
by J. J. Ulru,of Cairo; a bran band from
Cairo j uddreitc on ''Tho I'at nnd
Future on "l'hllofophy, on "Klcvutton
and Education, ' and on tho "Fifteenth
Amendment, and Fut Event!.1' For
the information of porom who want tn
take all tho chance offered to turn an lion
uit penny tho announcement l inndo that
"huckster privilege on the ground ran Imj
obtained for flvo dollar.
Will the people avoid tlio-e (lungers by
u-lng a genuine article, wluii I perfectly
afe and hai the rcjmtatlou of Mug- the
best In use? It I- the Aurora Oil. It
give a brilliant light, utid can bo had nt
5 Ohio Levee. Call nnd gtt tho ehcajvet
Ight In use. tf
ClRpKTs! CAIimsi! CtlU'KTSI I!
K. II. Cunningham ha added a cret
department to hi otublLhnierit In which
he exhibit all tho new design, In Brunei,
Ingrain, ell elotln, rug, etc, which he
offer at price which will insure their sale,
The annual rlectiou of otllccr for thu
ltough and Jteady flro company w hold
Iat night. There wa a goU uttendaiico
of memhcr and tho result of tho elec
tlon l entirely satltfactory, and will in
mrethe continued prosperity of tho or
ganljatWi. A count of the ballot
Unwed the election of
William T. Ikerwart.a I're.identj
J oi. Vclrun, n Vico-l'rtldciit(
Jo. B. Taylor, ui Secretary ;
Herman Meyer, a Treasurer ,
Chris. Orth, W. T. Ilctrwart, .1. M.
Vlirun, J, I loch nod ol nd .lolm Kodiler,
mtbo board of Dlrectors .lu, ,S. Swnyne,
at Foremnnof the .Engine; Augutt Vlerun,
a AnUtnnt, Foreman i Harry Svliuli,
Foreman of the Hose: lludolnlillalxaeker,
at AttUtant, ami William Jlonenberg, it
Captalu of tho Torch Boy.
tiidi for tho contract for building th'i
eoiupHtiy' new engine homo were received
from George A. C'liriUman, Wood and
ltoyle; Ooo. W. Hcndrlck nnd John A.
"'or. and referred to u 'clal committee,
hUu will report next Jloiiday evening.
CIII.TT OK SI'L'JlftJ t'lllllJCK.
Kath fte01ng month bring forth
komtthlng i,n,. (r, spring und iummer Urt
good, the Wt.i'.j of which would ecm to
admit or no Improvement, vet in every
arrival we m KiiiHtbing jjow to admire,
mmithing prettier than ever. Fabric for
1B70 are about tho uiae ut tlioio worn lut
year, but are neater ai.d pnttlt r. l'iquc,
mareillo., ixmltt, ihlut, figure and
atrip, japaia-e poplir,., rc ,y
aought for and make neat nud economical
uiu forcing wear. Jt.A. Cunnl.,a.
ha full upply of thetegoodj oa i, K.ilD
them 20 per cent cheaper than latt year "
Why J It that hi. itore U o popular
mongthoewlhlrigdre goyd, Jt j,
became ho keep the aortmtt and dl
poaei of them at prices which cannot prove
othtrwUe than atifactory, Ji, fata U
crowded very day and hit good wgsrly
ought for. For new nnd dcdinbl good
go to Cunningham'. tf 1
I It nut time that tlio Democracy wero
casting about for n Mlltnlilo person to till
Cuiit. WilllnniHiiiV vacant scut hi tho
Select Council ? Hitherto the matter htw
fC.irccly pxcited remark. No pcr'ori ha
been .prominently pokcn of n n Miitnblo
candldato In fact tbcro I nn npnthy pre
vailing that bode no good to tho Demo
cratic party.
Wo feel well m I jred that Cairo it Demo
cratlc dwplto tho Into HCecalon to tho
ltndirnl strength nnd that by unity of pur
pose nnd offort our nucendoncy may be
maintained complete Thus assured wo
did not hesltnto to uhnllcngo the enemy
to combat, challenging him to n trial of
ttrengtli In tho election flxod for tho 30th
instant. Hut, while confident of tlio ability
of tho Dumocrncy to triumph, we
did not forget tho fact thut
we have no vote to lotu
through indifference, over-confidence, or
otherwise. Tlio Kndlcnl nro thoroughly
orgnnlxiil, ntld will vote their full ttrcngth.
If thu Democracy do less they will imper
il their nscendency, If they do not Incur
defeat. Succcm will cot u an earnest ef
fort, n cloic watching of the poll, and a
full vote. Wo hnvo hundred! of vote to
puro no longer. It would cnrcely bo
afo to count our surplu by acorcs. In
fact, ovory voto wo can command mut bo
balloted, and tho purity of tho ballot box
preserved. Othcrwlto tho result may bo
dlsR'tor nnd defeat from which It will bo
difficult for utto recover. "A pull nil to
gether,' liarinoniotu councils, nndoncne
of effort will Inturo us victory, Luke
wartime, over-confldcnco, strife and div
traction will Inevitably bring defeat.
tv imtK nhIll wk no t
Contemplating tho heat nnd dint of tho
blistering day of July und August, the
Inquiry very naturally itiggctt itiolf:
Where (hull we go to iccuro an interval of
exemption therefrom. The (Jrecn, White
nnd ltocky mountain nro too remote and
ditllcultof accct; Saratoga, Iong Ilranch
und tho Whlto Sulphur Spring, of Vir
ginia, nro luxurict too expciuivo to bo in
dulged In by Individual of ordinary
mean hence, tho qucition recur: Whero
shall wo go? Sir. K, II. Perkins attempt,
in the circular beforo ui, to convey tho tin-
prc4lon that tho bct retreat for citizen of
Cairo and vicinity I tho Whlto .Sulphur
Spring, In Crlttondcn county, Kentucky.
Guest will bu hotpitably cntortntned nnd
furnished lubstnntial food nt n cost that
will bo no incrcae upon homo outlay in
the samu direction.
Tlio Crittenden Spring ur only about
ninety mile distant from Cairo, nnd enn
bo reached ut nn expenso not exceeding
eight ilolluni. Tho water nro considered
ui fully tfuml to thoso of tho Sulphur
Spring lu Virginia. AnanalyiUof them
how tho ircenco of tulphurettnd hy
drogen gii: iodide, bromldo und chlorldu
of magneilum ; potassium; (llum: cal
cium; nlumluum; blcitrbontito of llmo,
etc, o blended nt to render them u ov
erclgn remedy for nil dlsoasc of tho
stomach nnd howul, and aingulnrly nd
viintageotu i:t rheumatic und icrofiilou di
t'ices, (iUi'iiFi) of tho kidney, ete.
.Mr, I'orkins, who ha hud many year
experience n u hotel keeper, Invite the
coutinueil i:itronngu of our cltUons, and
pledge himielf to ervo them a woll at
tho fucllitie at hi commnnd will allow,
and ut nil time kindly and hospitably.
It I with more than ordinary luteret
that we Invito tho attention of our friend
to tlio. advertisement of tint "(treat Hen
deon County, Kontucky,Sclnuno," which
we giro n prominent poltlou in our
column to-duy. Thla I not ono of tho
petty "gift' or 'lottery" utl'ulr which dl-
hone.t rucalto often attempt to palm off
upon uimi'pcctiug peofdi', but u trulght-
forward und lcgltlniiiti) enterprise, with a
regular charter from tho Legltlaturo of
Kentucky, and tlio full npprovul or all
prominent otllclul and louding citizen in
the Stnto. Wo do not ltvlUvc, thut any eo
inclined, will r.vor hnvo a moru favorable
opportunity to lnvut fire iMIart morn
milUfuctorily than lu thl tehemo. For
any of our friend who may delro It, wo
will tuko pleuiuro In priKuiring ticket.
Wo hnvo already bought ovcrul ourtolvo.
-Ml JUT.
Harry ilncnrthy wn peculiarly fellelt
on latt night, and kept hi largo and in
telligeut nudiencuin uu almost continuum
roar of laughter at hi drolleries, witti
cl.uis, facial contortion, and truthful
churucter portonatlon. He ha acquired
u proficiency in hi line that dittingulthc
him at the tlr.t iiiimlo nnd humorit of tho
ago und country. Hi nUtunt, niulo
utid female, uru urtit ofmuch merit, und
aild greutly to tho diverlty and Interest of
tho entertainments.
Thu eccoud und last exhibition will bo
given to-night, and it I hazarding nothing
to my that tho homo will bo crowded.
Itcaervol feat can bo hud during tho day
nn application at tho box office.
There wu a row on the corner of Tenth
and Commercial, yetterduy evening, that
threatened for a time, to involve n tcoro
or moro of persons. It hud it origin In n
fight between u tcambout pilot and a Ush
er boy. A largo number of citizen gath
ered, und an attempt, to separate und nr
ntt thu combutanttt uxcltcdj rotWtuncc.
Two or thiee of tho pilot' friend threat
ened to interfure, but retrained them-
elvc, and toon uflcrward tho crowd dl
Iered. A the utl'ulr turned out, nobody
wu lerloutly hurt ; but for a few minute
It looked, n tho lamented Wurd ob-
Ntrved, "far different.''
One huudrod lmlf-barrel of Choice
Family Flour, julUblo fori tho trade, for
hie at tho Kgyrtl' Ulla. nplUdtf
The Cairo Bulletm, May 3.
j A HEW Til A nr.
! Few of our citizen, not Immediately
connected with tho mercantile nnd produco
trndu of our city, upprcoluto tho oxtcnt
nnd valuo of our buslne relation with
tho country bordorlng tho Cumberland and
Tonneco river. Every pneket thither
goes laden with oat, flour nnd groceries,
nnd not unfrequcntly dry-good, drug,
seeds, agricultural implement, stove and
all other kind of good that jtre nulled to
the want of at agricultural people.
A gentleman connected' with our produco
nnd commission butlncs, assured in, this
morning, that tho Tenncsce and Cumber
land river order trndo constitute qulto
ono half thn business of hi house, ulid
that totuch nn extent hai it grown that
overy business man of the city would se
riously feel It lo or withdrawal, whether
ho appreciates it existence or not.
As ii useful ngent in tho work of culti
vating this trado wo mutt not forget the
stenmer A. linker. Without nny nttur
anco of Micccs In fact in full view of
falluro on tho part of others Capt.
Trover entered tho Cuiro and Tetineitco
river trade, and tho measure ' of success
thut ha attended him, Is due to determ
ined nnd persistent effort, at times In the
face of obstacles that would hnvo caused
nine men out of ten to have abandoned
the cntcrprlso. HI boat ba now become
n favorite nnd a necessity with tho people
Interested, and, although sho Is not ''coin
ing monoy'' for her owner, dm
may bo regarded us n fixture in tho trade.
Wo need not ndd that sho hut earned the
united patronage of all concerned, for that
fact is gcnernlly conceded.
cniiNKii.HTu.M: i:iii:.momi.
Wo ncknowledgo tho receipt of Invita
tions from Messrs. llunl, of thl city, und
Dowycr, of Ulncy, to partlcipuli! in the
public ceremonies of laying the eorner
tono of tho Normal Unlvertlty, at Cur
bondulc,on Tuesday, tho t7th of -May. It
I announced that Gov. l'nlmer will de
liver thu address, nnd thut other eminent
gentlemen will bo present, nnd follow him.
The ceremonies will no doubt be wit
nested by thousand of perron. A large
number of special invitation hnvo 'been
Ismcd by tho Trustee to promlnont ed
ucators and editor, and tho Indication nro
that many distinguished members of those
calling will be present. Wu prctimo ar
rangement will bo made for half furu on
different lines of rnilrondt lu tho Statu, so
thut tho expense will bo noser ion olntiiclo
In tho way of thoao who may dcilroto at
tend. Wouccepttho kind Invitations extended
by Mcttr. Hurd & Jlowyer, and dinll see
to It that the JHii.lktin it represented.
The children of the Catholic school of
tho city, will Join, next Thursday, tho Mi
lnitant, In a grand picnic. Tho ground
elected are tho tludy groves In Kentucky,
opposite tho city. Swings will bo erected,
tents prepared, and nil other provision
mado thut it nccctsary to Inturo a day of
genuino enjoyment to all who tuny partic
ipate. A steamboat has been engaged,
and will ply between tho city und the
ground during tint entire day, leaving
tho wharf on her first trip about ! o'clock
a. m.
Tho price of tickets for tho round trip
ha been fixed nt AO cent; children '.'5
This popular nnd eligibly located house
uf public entertainment I now fitted und
furnished throughout In good stylo; and,
under tho management of Messrs. Wnlker
& Slisson, I doing it Urge nnd thriving
business, It is kept upon tho European
plan tho guot culling for what he want
and when ho want it, whether lu the day
or night time, und paying only for what
ho orders. Thu rooms nro large nnd clean,
furnished with tho belt of bed und bod
diriij, whllo ull other fenturo of tho es
tablishment nro urrunccd with an ctpcclul
eyu to tho comfort and eonveiilenen of tho
guet. , JnCtf.
oil t cjoou (iiucifirs.
Wu there rrtr tuch a disappointment at
that occasioned by tho potonumont of
tho Comet bund picnic? The llttlo one
In half the home of the cltv were lutlr
curly In tho morning, anticipating nil the
delights of u itenmlxiut ride, u dinner and
romp lu the woods, and u hundred other
pleasure peculiar to their llmo of life,
Tho roomy basket wero filled with pie
and cake, and nuuduielie und fruit'
Jolinny'x ttrong summer suit nnd l.lly
calico dn-ss wero donned, that finery
might bo no impediment to tho full enjov
meut of tho occasion, when, oh t horror.
the llevoy clouds overhead, that had been
welcomed as a protection ugaiiut tho
boated siiiHhlno, commenced silling down
n moisture, then u '-sprinkle," then a heavy
drenching rain storm. How deeply llttlo
girl, Into whoo eyes gathered unbidden
tears, nnd llttlo boys who said "oh, pshaw!"
felt their disappointment, no language at
our command can describe. AN Ith sorrow
fill faces and teur-dlmmcd oyo thoy watch
tho varying phuze of tlio heavens, hoping
to tho lust moment that-tho sun might
peer through but tho ruin continued to
pour down, every drop of it falling like a
load upon ut least flvo hundred young
heart. At lust tho postponement was nn.
nounccd, nnd tho little ones who hud gath
cred ut tho appointed rendezvous, dlsjier
od to their several homes, silently brooding
over their disappointment, und refusing to
bo comforted, even by tho' insurance that
the picnic will yet no lielil, possibly to
morrow. l'llOTOUBil'IIS! PlIOTOIMUI'IISt
Oo to J. O. Bagwell, Photographer,
corner Eighth street, and Ohio Levee, for
pictures, Carlo do Vltilus, etc. Having
mado urrnngoments with wmio of tho best
artist of our largo cities, ho respectAilly
solicits orders for copying nnd enlarge
ing old picture. Call ut his rooms and
aeo specimens of work In that line.
Unless provonlod by another heavy rain
storm the picnic by tho Silver Cornet
band, nt Fort Jefferson, will cunio off to
morrow. TIioIkmI, towing n large bnrge, provided
with seat, will leave the foot of Tenth
street nt hnlf put 8 o'clock, nt which hour
thu school children Mill by escorted In pro
cession from the Thirteenth street school
Tho boat will make n trip ut 11 and
half'pu-t 1 o'clock, returnlni; in the even
ing by supper time.
A splendid string hand will he in alien
dance. Tho fall of rain this-mornlug did not ex
tend to Fort .lellersoii, so the ground
thcro will bo found perfectly dry.
MuyOrd, 11.
Slued tho 1st day of Suptomber 180'J,
tho Illinois Central railroad company
have bundled twenty thouand, six hundred
nnd ninety-two bnle of cotton. Dur
ing tho yenr thcro wero only six thousand,
nine hundred ami forty-! bales for
warded. ThU shows a ruto of lncrcuo
which, If continued, will, in another yenr
or two, mnko tho shipment of cotton
through Cairo the leading Item of the
road's business.
During the month of April, three hun
dred und eighty-eight hogs heads of tobiicro
wero forwarded, forming tho heaviest
month's business In that line, luce the
llrt of January.
STATE AM) CMWTt TAX IN 10)! lid!).
Thotlmu prescribed by law for the pay
mcnt of personal taxes, having expired, I
am now authorized to collect by seizure,
und sale, und dlsagreeublo a that duty
will be, I shall bo forced Into tho perform
iiuceofit, unless there Is nn Immediate, re.
sponso upon thu part of delinquent.
I have, during tho woek, been engaged
in thu preparation of a 11-t
of the delinquent hinds and
town nnd city lots, nnd shall plncu the
first sheets in the hnnds of tho printer on
Tuesday next. Much cost may be saved
therefore, by u prompt payment of the
taxes due. ' h.il. MYKUS.
nplSOtf Sheriff and Kx-olIWfi Collector.
Your Inclination to drop in on I.oni
Herbert, under the first National Hunk.
Ho has laid lu u stock of the best Cincin
nati lluck ileer manufactured, nnd all
other kind of beverage that are nt all in
request. Ho bus also u splendid music box
that play twelve iiriu from tho tno-l pop
ular Optra lu print a treut everybody
will relish. The restuurunt, as usual, will
bo supplied with everything seasonable,
unddeslrablo. Cull In to-morrow, next
day, orr.nytlme, and you will bo welcomed
and kindlv served. '.'t
HIKE t'illtX HlltT.
I therii nny hnlr coloring preparation,
either hero or in Europe, that resemble
l'lialon's Vitnlln, or Salvation for the
Hair? Not one. It is n clear lluld that
llows from thobottloj doe not stain the
skin, und produce none but natural shade
Uf color. It ha no sediment. Sold b nil
drugu'tst nnd fancy goods dealer.
a iim: iiesihem k nut sale ataiction.
I will sell at Auction on Thursday, May
5th, thu flno resilience now occupied by A.
A. Ariek, situated on Center street, Cairo,
III. Term of sale, olio third ta.h in
hand, balance in one mid two vi-nr- with
interest. Sale nt two o'clock a. m., on
premise. DANIEL HA HTM AN,
uplS'.itd. Auctioneer.
1 1 inxui ui t'K iii:i:i:.
An undoubtedly pure, genuine and ino.t
popular brand of Cincinnati lluck Iteer
can lw hud at the Sun Flower Saloon, Ohio
Levee. Oct the bt. a.lo.lt
Messrs. Miller and Miller havojiitt re
ceived an unusually Urge, well assorted
and strictly tVhlonablo supply of piece
goods, to which thoy uk epeeial ntteu
tiou. Tho lot embrace tho finest cloth
and cutsluier uvcr brought to Cairo, ami
inch a variety of style thut all tntc may
bo accommodated. Suit r gnrmeul
from theto good uru madu to orjer in tho
best manner and hite.t style, ami ut fig
ure that will defy competition. For
proof of this they only Hk to lie put on
trial. At nil oVciiW cull uround and sett
tho new Uoods.
Thu ''l'eerless," the lxt ciiklng tlove
in use that took the gold modal at thu
Turl Kxpo.ition, th llrt priito nt the
LouUlunn Statu fair, for IBtiT, and tho tlrt
prize wherever it ha Wvn entered, may !
lu found hi Cairo, at the store of C. W.
Henderson. Don't spend your money for
a cooking novo until you eu tho l'eerle.
A plentiful supply of other pattern of
Moves on hand; ulx u good stock of buil
ders and general hardware on hand, 'it
To the former patrons of I). S. Parker,
Photographer, In this city, we would stnto
that wo uru in poi-csi(u of ull his rttcrved
negatives, alto his olar camera.
Wo uru prepared' to executo any order
from tho uforenld negatives ut reduced
Mound City, III , -May 2nd. C(.
J.Geo.Stelnhouse, formerly of thu St. I
Charles Hotel, hat opened n barber shnii I
on tho corner of Eighth .treut and Com-
nierclal uvenuo, (l'orrv Houte) nnd with
skillful assistant is prepurod to oxecntn all !
business Incident to tho profes.io.i in tho;
!iiot scientific, innnnor. und to tho ful tut-1
Miction of his customer. api'.'sdim
n .. i i TiT i
JleiiviT braud jiuro Mohair, unea-l
quailed for lustre, dyo und finish, at Cun-
ningham's. Ho alo hug tho celebrated
SwU nlpacca" n new Impnrtntlon. tf.
Ft. .Nicholiis Hotel, Mnjr 1,170.
A. U. Sonmnii, JolfcKoii Texiu; J. A
nydon, 111; .T. 1'. II nit in, Mnu.irl ;
B. .1. Smith und wife, do; J. I,, Smith
wife nuil mrvniit, do; S. O. linker, III;
Aurora Oil can be hud at forty emit ft
gallon, and suitable burner given freu of
churgu, tn thoo who will patronize Ewell
&.feob, nt No. 1)2, Ohio Lcveo.
Oo nnd see the -Maria Antoncttc shoe nt
Elliott, lliiylhorn & Co's. nplflOdnt.
Ml'" Ol.lVK I.noAV will lecture in
EvaiHvillo nnd Vlnceiines during thu com
ing week. Cnn not ho he Induced to em-L-noe
Cairo in In r round Shu would
' ill out an lmmenu crowd of litners. A
lecturu In Cairo would no doubt "pay" her
better than It would her hearers.
Atlnr.tlc, ft. Iiiils;
lion Arconl, ilo
Alxi.D. Clll
IVIrolln, I'nilneali:
Mllhrey, "
t Carroll. N(lj
lirorslHK, ili
Knutrnello, 1'itls.
I.orerio, ilo
MlnneoU, ilo
llubicun, Vlcksli
.Mllhret-, I'ltiliienhi 'lan Alik, Coluintm;
1'fliolM, " Miiii llrusin, M. Inil;
All mile, .V (l: Alx'onn, iln
Hon Aeeonl. Metroj.olliKontnif Ilo, ilo
MluneuU, Mrluplns, ltlllilciin, ilo
it.it--lx.-ck, I'm I'Cnrrull, ilo
I.orcnu, do
The weather 1 very pleasant at regards
temperature, but a succession of drowning,
deluging shower commenced ut 8 a. m.,
nnd lusted sovernl hours effectually iutting
ii stop to ull hopes of enjoyment In tho
wood'. At least thu Silver Cornet bund
concluded not to hnvo uuy picnic "In
theirn.' Hundrcdf of children und many
grown people weru sadly diaiiolntcl
thereby, but there wns no help for it. 'We
hopu tlio picnic will ho announced for
Saturday next.
The river hsi fallen seven Inoho since
Init report and it now going down rapidly.
Exit sipe water nnd uo-quitoc.
. Tho .Mitsi'Hiippl 1 again falling nt St.
Tho Ohio I rilng very unexpectedly nt
Pittsburg with soveu feut water In th"
channel. Heavy rain is reported up thu
.Mononguhcln. The river ! falling rut
idly at Cincinnati und Lotitsvlllu with
seven feet water In the chuto down tho
Uiuliies continues fair.
The Atlantic received here 'J,300 tacks
corn, Tlo -ks outs, 1,027 bbl llour. o,0fs0
bbl lime, Ut bbl whisky, 113 hhdi to
bacco, 100 toll lumber nnd tundrlet for
New Orleans.
The (julckttep it the regulur Cuiro mid
Evitntvilln packet this evening.
The liclle St. Louis i the regulur packet
for .Memphis to-day. '
The lVtrolhi und Milbrvy still leave for
I'udiicah every evening.
WEDHESDiUflIY, 1870.
Tin- Cairo Silver Cornet
IjhikI have porfeotoil arritnge
inont.s lor a grand picnic on
Wednesday, Mnv-l th. A steam
boat, and largo barge, if neces
sary, the two furnishing ample
room fur fifteen hundred per
sons, have been chartered, find
will be so ni ranged as to insure
the perfect safety of those who
may attend, and particularly
the children.
The schools of tho City
have been invited, and most
of them have signified a pur
pose to be present.
The grounds selected are the
beautiful hills nt Kni t. .Ii.n'mmi
Kentucky by far the most)
romantic spot tor it picnic
within the reach o! Cairo.
Tho members of tho band,
tho sSchool Directors, teach-
I it a '
era and others, win exercise
constant caro to prevent any
unpleasant occurrence.
Spirituous liquors or intoxi
cated persons will not bo al
lowed on tho boat.
Families will provide their
own refreshments, but should
anv ono prefer not to be encum
bered with a basket, refresh
ment stands will be found on
tho around.
'Pl.n nnt mnnile nf flm
, -n 1 j
"1C WlU 1)0 U?ed l th
piU'ClmSO OI a HOW SCt Ot 1U-
Stl'limentS for tlip band,
Kare fov the VOUnd trip, 50
' . . '.
ecnts. hpcciai arrangements
!'01' tho school childron. All
4l , ., , .... , ,
Ulnul ' UHireu WHJ ue CUargCU
25 cents.
April 28, .1870.
May 2d a 3d,
Harry Macarthy
Author, Actor,
In tlielr rimI
Personation Concerts
.ltiil l.y
il.'lnlir llrlilKf.)
Anil olliet ef iimlonl.tcJ liilmt.
ll.xrtpil st
feal nnlM :ureil at llnrtman' nlnre.
pi:n:it timr,
Millers' Agent,
Order Nnllrlltil, nml l'riiniill)- mill I
Nll.rilorll- llllril.
Z. I). Molhu- I., i' t hl. I
jyj.lTIIlT.NS X. I'll I.,
t.Mi. . ;
(,i:m:kai. I'ltomjci: ,
Commission Merchants!
i:i.iOliliiI.cwi-,lAIItO,lM.I.(llS. I
S-i:,lktli-nUonKilt il to the iurt'liie ami laleof
LfoCoimly Nitlnnisl llin, Knon, III I Win I' hi,
liixon, III. lilr lionl lUnk, Cairn, llhnm,
Muthewo, lMlr .1 (.. CoiiiiiiO'I'iu Mrr hull..
Chicago, III i llahlwlii 4 Slniii, Colli. Mi-n hinl-,
ChK'gu, III., Io, ilorn X lb., L'Iik-uko. III.
iimr xlll
r5 si Tiii:Asri:itx it. it.
On nml iiTler Tliursilny, Aull Htlli
trnliiH IU run if follin. :
wm.t ui Tiir ir r rii.rii 1 1:
Mil t t
l;ire. 1
hoish luiiioni-iMit rtn
I'irr Ii'
Mhu , .. .. I i r. m
Makuiecl' connitllon. l l'ii ili M n"
OiiirM II. II. for c.iiri mi l all wilnl- iith. m
Willi Urn del. X HI. IUI. It. It. fur Ici'lh.np..lu
i.na i.oukhiii', ru uu uiai. oji un.i rouinruti.
Al.o, nt hriliL'll-. Mllh the Tull ., WhImiIi X
Wi-.tcrn II. II. fur IMIiny ami all polnl. uni, miI
kIIIiiIik IIik'WK'iA -1 1eiK II. It. .,r H. I."U
uni I h.ci'i, ami all yniiHt nuiili ol nurtiitt. l
P. li)(KiH l.cn'i-Mrt.
JOHN Kof.Oi rr.fieii I Tnk t Axt
i)i:(a i,4ii:Aiiu v i:sr.
xv ioitTMi:i:iiiiV im'ki:t
tiik sr:MKit
I.fuvfi. Cairo HT.rv
liiaklli(elbeMnnitliin villi lmln.nl
with iiiixi iim
N AS II -XT I Xj Xj 33.
Farllrnlnr utlrntliiii lit ni- liu tlnr..
Tho Xcw Tow unil Jul) llout
If. If. COULTER, 1,,,,fr,
pri'i.are.l at ml Umi o ilu r II kimU ul lnw
Inx nml Jol.hlnK en I lie mo.t riR.inal.li. Irriim.
IieiMliiiurter t Cairo, Illinul.
rwnRiiis m-
omo i-i;vi:k, caiko.
FULTOX k SOXS, - . rroiirletorn.
Ar Kow lu Kill t Opernlluu.
Merii. Fnllnnl Sona ar iirvnuro.l ( d.r.,1.1.
all kliiila of Flour of thu bom inia ity, knit alia
Mill tVl'd of all klmln. nrahnin flr.nr in.iu.lia
orlu leu iiimutlty, inailo from ttio U-t While
I For .lmlf(r of (lie Knpmiir S'onrl.
tV riiiilliorlf."l t .uiiioiiih'o that Hie !!"
' VIDNKVllllUBnvlll luineandldatcfor tliecinVe
of .fmlgenf theMirme Court vt Illlnnle, from
' the 1'lmt f Irntnl Dlvliion. Weetlon on Mnmln) ,
J""e C.1S7U.
SalvMion for the Hair.
1 For Restoring to Grit Hair Us
Original Colo
Phalos's "Vitav" difrcrs
utterly from njrthe "dyes,"
" colorcrs,'Vund " restorers "
(?) in jsc. It acts on a
totally dUTcrcnt principle. It
is limpiclfragranr, and per
fectly innocihiis, precipitates
no muddy or flaCtvylcnt mat
ter, n'tpnres no shaWn up,
and communicates notain tu
the skin or the liner. No
paper curiam is nectary to
conceal its ttidiitppt'arance,
for the simjvic reawsii hat it is
net turlyf. It i. to all intents
and pu'poscs, a nkw discoviry
iti ToilV Chemist rv.
Z3f" I.'1i.k"- " Vitaua" is
warranted to ifV. a change
in the color of thi. lu&r within
10 davs after the firstVinnlica-
tion, the direction being
-..ii.. . i i .
carciuny tinserveti,
Prior, f)nc Dollar per llox
t'llnsJINt. TW imiTIIM.
Sold bv AuSDRuncisTs.
If your Drupgi5 has not
" Vitalia " on haiir write, en
closing $l.oof!nl wc will
forward it i;tfniediattly.
Phal(n 6c Son,
17 Broadway. N. T
in m,
At tlio Wa.HhiiiKloii Sa
loon, corner ol Waxli
iiigtoii Avvniio and
loiirloontli Sfrovt.
I'. III.AMCi:.Mint(i, I'mprh tor.
A flue Mii'i'ly ('I
Murk Hcrvtill l re.
iltril ill
Henry Weltner'i
i illlli-i-mi .irinir.
U lvmu Kulirlll aiel
Ullli iirci u, on hH.
all Iniira nf lhal
trasa ar lialteil lu
A hni' lunch will tm apra ul t 0 o'clock, i mhriw
lnn ihcnoil iHlima uf iho nmrkil. uhlch will
U fru lu all Krcnlmili I llllttril lu run r.
iimllu 'I'.it.ilrink auiH inirr)
jpoit MALE.
Innorlli llnllnril.rnnlnlnlni? uhout 105oici rach.
frniiin Uu clliDK houe aivl all iieecury oiit-houn-
on one uf Ihrni: aoil h cmiau iliu'lfiim, alahlr
ami one of tho Knot Inharro larn in iim coliniv
on thn older. Theia furin. lie In Ihe llnenl lolmc.
co ijrOHlng rrtiiiii of kontucky, llnn par'ly a
HI nil. CI , , h IMIIII1III, U1IU MUII nmririi.
i:ery Acre of tlio l.iiuil
I simcciitlLlii fo ihn moat aiiccrHafnl cultivation.
The farms J tin, anil u ill l auld acoaratrlr or in
one liojy.
For term anil further iiftrIcuars apply on llm
premliri or to W 11UUO,
JUanuvilie, Kfniuckv, or lu
J, K. IlIKK,
Cairo, lllinnia,
March ;n,ia:o-iUn
WhMt. .pillMII
s , '

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