OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, December 29, 1870, Image 4

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1870-12-29/ed-1/seq-4/

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jjsT.iisi.iiri:i woo
Tne superiority of tins cx.-cllent jreparnlmit
titer any oilier m Ik In cter uircred lothc public
In, been deninn'tratcd by the wntideifnl pulnr
tty II hn MlnltiMl wdhintho brief war it
was first manufactured. Not lea . than
Ono Million Honsokccpo'S
lo.dny iixlnfc Hapollo In this nntt uth ircomi
s, and Iho demand is rapidly lncreaii x.
nth Iirlck,rollctt tour, ncltl nitit lyu
cnnlongcr a necessity in the honscholi', slum
oho lUicattte work uf caeli nnd all tin .c, nil J
l!i lxr less lnlor awl expense.
Ihe f illow ns nrejn ' Tcf'"l '
v.hk.h biMhu li sdmlrnhly miapted i
ILKAK WINDOWS Without trotting 0 pets
orsolting tho pamt. Taken wet 1 loll , lint
Jrlpnttiif, ruli II ove r Iho oako of 8.i tdlo
until it IscUrcdwlth n creamy lather, and
then hilskly over the pnno ol .dnss 1 nn
oil riml polish with dry cloth or eliiinol. To
rciucte viirni'lior lined pnlnt will require n
littl' rxtnt nibbing.
0 CI.KIS K.NIVr.S-tseyntir dirlixlolh, nil; 1
on the, fcHtmHo. ntni then rapidly otcrtho
knives. Tin will givis n brilliant nntl dura
)! pllsliwlthont scratching.
I'OI.IMI TIS. IIIIASC. nnd other 1'ullnnry
rtlclcs uiililho damp tlotli 011 the t"tk.i
r riapollo until well oror(, nud then
(illicitly T,rtiiftir!:i"e of th utensil. .1
will produc- nlitslrc lf not superior lo
lothe licit.
k ci.i:n r.uxr ami wooii-iToiiic-t'oB.i.
pniio ns above) ilonut rub too hard, nml
Utw tilth rloinin elfin "liter.
I'M! llOl'Si: n.KlMMI -Kp'liu Isnf Ineijrcal
1 ft viluii lit 1 tie caving of (Imp, lalmt ana
the wear of tlm nrlielcs cleansed. Try II
once and )oii 'lt never ! without it.
t'Olt VtAMHMJ UISIIM, Until 'J 11 hi, llanrs,
'faults, fir. Where soup was funnel ly itil
hnpolto In luvulu.il.U'i and onou 11 -1-.1, will
never Isstt.spvnicd with.
IS TIIK IIOl'SK tornll purpo.es liwiieptwiiah.
Inc. clothes), till' Jttlolu Is lontcutc lit
. ti'imi-'nl mhI n l;n''lp.
IS TIIK SfOIIH 1'or ")lililu ffulfi-, incimirr
(till, linn nr'iirr), kiulr, limr, lr.
IS Till: Nfliir Pir 1 li-iinin. ioittitii ami re-
inorin tutii,o)l, Mo., Irotn mstchlncry mi l
MT IIKOFFIfK-of lh nuuton, tlcnllt, civ
mgni'of. i1 ilrite r wi J 'iir.t r r.
X AM, l'I.AI'. wlicrn n rli'mmint; nnl pollih
ieb i.Knt,t oin'o I'tlrx'inc, rciiniiiiiluiiluii l
likrmlcw, Id rrqulroil, our M;in, uill
jiror ll Rtcat cut crlorlty ovr nil ether
rOlt II AMI IVA IIIXO-Plllo I4 wliftt rvrty
Ifintrr, jmlntrr, iilmtonriiplif r or tnnrlilnirt
ntd. It itllKly nmort uulili, pnlnt,
-nk anil other kUlim friitn iho hninlo. uliluli
op will 11c ttoi.cli. It j-orti-iiK tho li.inils !
nnti ipavc? ineiii mnogui nnu wuiii.
mvy, a trvtcrnU.
bUI.DDV yuttr Kroeer nr.il ilrnill
Wholrialo Iicfotf,
til VraklRton, St., ami HO (Hfunl St.,
New York. l.mnlon.
jgVERY l-1 Alt M Kit
v ro iiu ...
fSi i. B O t'
Vat hand or pome, 11. e, rnnyin; in in ';;.'
law la tim iu m I iiui. .ly In in
I to 20 Bushols Per- Hour
& 11 11.-.. . . ..... ., 1 . .
Th M.IUaro. irry i j. I durt.Mo, an i
teQUlrs very llttlo pviur tJ i..uil.. ..1. Ict, his
will grind tlthfr
FjMiii-y :lvce.ax
JjMtock feed, in y 'ie Ueairr I, nnwttl iiw.ro
avo Us Frlco-Every Year
Kvcry Mill Inlly nmrnntt 1.
Waln rnakeivru ! of llonit Mill', cni.nr..
ity 1), ti " ion, H-r il, j.r.. . t. J; l,
wkt win I'm hi 11 iiirih. on Mii'li 'aiioii
to '
The Dtainiiitil 51 III .nniitir.i t vil lus Co.
tuiiM:u I'lm: ami iii(r sTin:in.
fl.M l..A1l,
AS'Dtina wol-1 n.-ritj town uinl .vuiiTj,
CI W. itVSMSU, H.l li v
IDKNCi:-1rft Hintli knJ WhIih t
uFflCi: Conir hut Hx,h on .. Ur
OKKICK JIOUIW-Krom if 8.. to 11 qi., i,.i
WlIiMA.n St. MIII'S'II.M . h
I'.r.iiiUKNt l:- . si, 'nnrtniri t-
ctween Wa.h.nj n At. f an I W't ti'i. Mne
OI'KOK. - i:c leme .1 Avn.ii-.t. 1 r
WILLIAM Ri liiffi, Ml.
Uoor nljont tlie l"li, i of K-j tc!iilr. 1.'. 111
Uieeltyof NetrUili'in., Hlnl.l in j-Tf. . 1 ti ilii.,
I waainH rnvintut. trwki n with uial).. . u.v
tnliralufl ldr.' J-..r iiiohj tluti lun yeim I wn.
Iirl.lf iirli.lf, unalilo to iiwiu hmit "T I " t,
coiirincd tu y lie I, An All I' -wi-rful nnd im r. 1
ml God I. now ul lotonoi; mo tu lii-aHli, nuu 1.
eiuUIni; me njjilo to ri-uiim practu o o
irof.on. 1 imtf t.i.ni an ortk-i', for tlm iirti..
In tho Perry I-Iovihg.
Corner Coiomtrcial sviuhb nnd IIiRhth .lint
w erI will be repar-t to r ti ler iirufimiiw.u
aid VI ho may noil inr mrnci-..
.V t piorluitiat nil tune pmcribe, eliter
Xtllll .ire.
raja Mir NrKro well ai llie in or
WHIte Han, will ulMnya be Meleiin.i.
aujr ttrvire. itl
th Conirietrat ,n fouthtrn lnl
ii "' s s OTjTfy" ' m -.aaassa ttew ajr.LA
itKi!ir:-t-NTtvf tjii: i'om.owi.vi u.t.h
Memphis St. Louts Packet Co
CVliiprii'iiii; Hip futloiiliia ilrftKl.i!i 1'iif.iriiirpr
rilfntniT' 1
Hello .llcmnlils, I ltcllu St. Louis
City of Chester, (Irand Tower.
Vicksburg Mail Line
Cilr or Alton.
.in I In,
Miu liic City,
Cily of Vlcksliury,
St. Louis & New Orleans
Olive ltrniicJi,
Collie Alilf.
(.'rent Itcpiilillr,
Tli(iniis(iii lldiii,
I'milliid Cai'roll,
Will Irf-avn on
Tiiestlnys, Tlinrsdayji, S.itttrliiy. mill
Will Lc.ivo on
tu'iiiH'sthiis, I'i'IiIims ami Sun)1'
Cunni'ttinif llli thn ".IdI.jIi nml flliln IroAil
M Coliiribii, Xmlivillo nn.l NorlliwmlrV. !''"
roml at lln'Umnn: tllli tho Jlctiinhm'1 ''i'f
IcMon, 3IIkIiihiiiiiI nml TViHH'M! iiii1''"!!11'11'
nml Lntimulln II iiiroml nt Mniitihl, ' '"' 'I""
Ht. l'rniMis Whlto nml ArUaimua rl li,"tt tt
tho h.init iaer. T'1.0
VkffiMlmrn: Vwfytn
Will 111 ! connection., iilmi, w Arlwna
llur iiiu'kcta ut .Niii.lfon; wi Holitlirrii Iliill
roml an. I um river nml wfl', lelti'I nt
Xnw Oi lt'imy"''"".
MMims nil way lanJIn 'l(,l,s'l trl-Mockly.
Ono or llm Alioritciiiiiprs 111
Leave Cairo If SI, Louis Daily
Connpollnulhrrowlnlll'i" IliilmaiU rnnnlnii
out or M. I.oiiih, nnithtlie JI KOiiri rhtr uml
:H1A. 18. MYliK. Tlclti'l Ann' I
ii.1.?I.1,IiI11P'.',I'"1""i vlinrflinnt
UAH". IM.l.N'OIl
Where tlir3iii:lik,, "'"' !"',l'":tirel for nil
pohiU lla.t, Wl. Ntrtlinn'l Hutilli, rtMolu-il hj
iheiilioin liut'r throiyli uuntvctlotia iiimlu hy
tlum. WIM.IAU UltAXT.
yi nen.l iivktl Atfat, rit. I.oulu, Mo.
Savings Bank
ClmrlcrtMl .tlnrcli 1, litn
on-'ici: in
g;Aiit; irAirvoi.M.
A. It. M'l 'ilt'i. lVt'il"iitl
h. I WI.Hl. V. .I"ri.li'til;
Y. IlltU.ur, i-H 1. tiy nml 'I'ri'.i.iirci'.
i'. w. ituu'i. w, r.iv. iii.i(iiii:u,
K. M. Mfi'i'K1 i.Kril, I'MM.ti. M'llUII,
u )i. fy.NM.M.iivM, w. 1: n!.i,iii.v,
1 .1, .M i im.i.ir.i.
J)(liii.K. uf niiy AiiKiimt Itrrolvi il fi'-in
1 it-n t ciiim &ii.. ui'iih.
liilcroithitll mi ilrw.nnM llio ruin of opAri'i nt.
per mill. 111 M.irrli Nt nml hi.t. Ii.
Inli'ilii'it ui'li'lriiiMi mill icl liiiini'iliikly In
tho fir.iK-ii... r.f iiieil('Kiit4, llii-nliy inii(; llii'iii
loiiijioau liliterrl
Jlarrlotl Women ami Children
MayiliMiii.lt money mtiiui
miii.m: r.t.si: oas uiiaw it.
oon i.ii'ry I'li.inr't Uiy Iioiii u a in. to .1 p.m.
unil HiiliipUy I'leiniiK . r hWINli lli:i'0.'tTH
only, it. 'in u 10 Mi clouk.
HUX'l 1
W. UTrl.OI'.TrodMirer.
HUT liliOII.
oai z?:. o-.
IIWIKI. III'III), rrklilintt
UllIIKHI' W. .1111. I.I. It, Vli'ft'rih.i
. .. lit till i;s, Mi.lilcr.
Collections Promptly Made,
r-Jxchance, .'ln, EtnnU Sutvn
and i;iltt'd Stales Noeiirl
tics liaui;li( and
lutt'fut AUowcdm Tlmo Deposits.
cm I
?ttlJinl - - $100,00
V. V. IIAI.MUAV, lrralilent
Ai II. SAI'1-OIII), C'aalilri i
WAI.TKU IIYSL.ni, A.l.lntCr.i.litr
MR Tnjlor w. I'. IliillUar,
roll Ulilte llolil.ll. Cuniilacbaui
('10. 1). Mllllamtoa, Mfplirn lllrd,
A. II. NalToril.
Kxcliiiii$e, Coin and
(U. H. Mmul Mmixght
mid SnUl.
XJoiaciraiitoM Iloooivocl
Aii:,M:itM, iiAMu.n ih'nitii:nn
The experloneo of ycara lm -'-rated th
it that lelinnco m.iv bj l.lw.C I m " '
fuit thnt iclinnco may bJ plw-t I n
Specific Pills'
l'o r tho epeiJv nml permanent enrt uf Seminal
Wi-akiir,lliirinuUiifexeei or ymilhfiil mli
ill.errtinn, ulilch neli'leil, rttlns the liappn.ro
nml limits t tit: Mifierc rjfor tiiiritieati, aucletv or
innrrlnue. Thev I'an U' used ullhout ileler'lo'i
or Interference uitli lnJilluo pntmiit; lind iieur
f.iil lotvinowi ncnniHllolillity, luoof memory,
ii.n.Un.nni ilrrnin.. Mf:lK nerve. Ili.'l'lacliP. lur-
oiialreliilillii,Keneilln"llilile,illiiiiiei.aorvi; ,
tu, HinhlnRof I (10 i-IJii which. If neRleeled will
liroly ll'ftil Oil til olliei-iiin uiMwr., iitr h urn
oiiy icm 19 iiiii-c inn i.", . ..ui.w. .v. ... v. ... I.
1 nvip.
Are prepared froillio prefiilplltm of Ir. liobt.
i: Illdl, nn nnlnf phjaicwnor iimny para" ex.
perlenco, and nniiot wonliloaa patent infill;
t-lno !.". llell'iipeoino rf iledy hna lieen tmlod
foniiany vonrt, M I' warnntud 11 certain euro,
no matter how 111 'he cum inny Im Iliitidrodn
of certlllente.eaijbB r1,'1,"'?ulT1i,i"? srnr
ttine.itieln.o Si' lc"'r nml Iht-y willboiient
on receipt, eci' ff'1'" oliervntlon, by innll, po.l
nalil. vvitn riiir in! uim'ii. .nil. .nil iii.niii
,'. , r eedy cur IViTaterlMtllap. aet.t lieo. A,l-
en 1 .irou, .u. iiro.iau.iv, .-. iv.
IfcjAJr1' L alz' ati4;k.
r. Havey's
i4(i!iin nt fti l-r if 1 atki f Idnr r Il.r j nta
Harvey's Chrono-Ther-
l'ortlio lintne.llato lelnio! all tlii'-nIlITl -.i
and ilfraniieini-ntii puunllnr to thn l'l'iniln
To married I idles they nropnttlciilarly mliliti
t liny never tail tu remove .ho miiu illf Ires
pj iiiiiui., no iiiiiiu-r ll'in iiiuk liii-r iiuo cjii
l'riviitD clrctjau iMl.idiea.uivliiir lull lii-lrm li
em fren on receipt of nlamp. Dr. llnrvo
vyiirnnu. 1 iiermai I'.iMinum nut 110 coiiioiinn
with worthlum imteiit niedlclnea ruld iiilVmu
l'ill, fur his pills inn i-nftf and Hire In every em
Thev will bo M-iit n-enrely sealed, 011 rcivlpt
SI. bv reliirn mull, with full illreelloiis furiinv.
AdHrev, hTi:l'ili:.N 1IAMI.I.V,
tltn'l Aireut, 7:17 llruadwnv, New ork
rpiii.;s you oiHsiiT to
A Lccturo on tlio L')ilIosoiliy of .liar-
rniu'f, nnu iiiu ni'iTci iniiriiiiiies
or Y011II1, Miinliouil ami
Oltl Age.
This lecture aliottM lio in tho hands of creiy
jntiiiK iiiun, nnd ('iecliitly Ihoeu uunli-mplatlni;
mnrtnue. It will caution mid Kiudo lilm liiromli
h'r, nnd If h lollowH llm instructions llicro laid
down, ho m iy e.eni tiillteai.11 mid attain old aijo
with all his fh''iillii timmpnired. It coiil ilii.
rules nnd prescriptions that will euro uny cine of
i-einlual weakness, emloloiis, etc., uu.l restore
loft manhood tu perfect health. Hrtil frto to nil,
by onowlio li.11 hUllcted and Is tio-v cured.
.Vlnrrnjt, Ir. KIMiAllTIIIIMAIN,
fution I, ll.blo ilou.e,.cw York.
i.i) im. iiiiA'iirs
Many years' experieneo tn cnting Caturrh, eon.
suiiitdioti, lipe..l.i, 1 oiislipMlou, pile",
;.ii.o of thu l.tver, blno.l, fliln, and
tiilinry nritnus, din lore I tho rt.it 1 1
Invf.n't that thn majority of tlim wero ism,
ed by und u.jiild only Im cured iiftur citrine them
'f Miiiliial weakne-i-, 'iiliul.iilon, chuIius, Iron,
lollies, MlMHll.lIlK, liJKiphohlteii, ineuur) .cop
11111:1, eiils bs, biiehu. injis-tinin, uu.l the or lliinry
ri'liiidles had pruvul wurn thnu 11. do'.
i:vnu:.v i: I'liavi.vn
1 l e.iiineiit mii jii rior 10 nil 0II11 1 ..
I deem II 11 duty In say you eun-.ltlirenilu.es or
rnu.iimjiiiuu, iiii.. I'liiiTrvim iie miii .1, iiiei ii'
01 lypnoHi h ut in inn Min i n.ixc, j vt mi
IH'tlil 'u their HlH.lnl its if tun Ml.ll.
JAMi;iPKTi:is, M. Canada Wi.cl.
Vol! l ine 1 my wifii uf liiiiicslHiidiu: weiikui-s.
nnd injulf ol .li.isi'e of Ihcliter, kldlicj '
slier tii'iiliuenlnloni; llun' lv olhem.
K iV HICK, Iliirtl'ord.Comi.
After hiving be.n treated by profusion snd
iii.iuy rmliient physieuuis 1ilhn11t lieneflt fgrln
il.n'i .tioii, tlizaiiu .. hciirt .illiH tiuu, coinih, ili-i-a.ei.f
Iho luus, liter, kindeys, mid orc-uiu' ile
bihiy, 011 rusioicd iiiu inlliriHi inuntli. t'liii'iuly
viKor und fit-mi health. I', KI'IIIIII.V, M. V.
0uc11rcd my wifuof lonir it.in lin wi nkne.s
nnd m mII of ilieao uf tho litur, kidneys, it-.,
nflt r trcuimeiit nlou Mn be others.
, WjlilCi:, llailfor.l,(.'omi.
M) wife's ene uns couiderel huptlcas .j all
the jilii. uiii. but i.y llu- I.Ic-.iiik of the .M
liujlM) --! ti .tuud In r l li-ilili. A llioiimui l
thinks. i:. 11. litmKlTll.
i:in.iii Ih, Boyd t-i Ind.
Vour medlemea nre the gicatent mcr diseonie
byinsit. Tiiey cured my sun of Urono hit i. .ijs
peuu, an. I so wok our liuctur am luir.chcs
Hate iipallhnpc, A an instrument In Iho Imn.l
of liod we ilanliyon foriviM linn.
WM. J.s'ri:i'i:.S.s,Nuidin.ky Cily, o.
Yniilintu relict cl mcof -lii nnd re-torwl mv
urine to 10 natural -ohir, 1 tc
II. IIIIVIICOCi:, Miarotl. Yl.
Yuii enri d me of diseiue uf ti-li ..ur. t-l.llidlliK.
1 M.u.Ti 'i -1 . . 1 1 .ifurii took j.nir i.ie.lli me.
-. ni::'i.i:Tr, ii.uiiniituii. n.j.
Y'.nr medii'inii eurcl 1110 o rapljly, 1 won 1 1
liatc i.p.)iiii$' had Miu n iiiire I it,
J. III. U-KsTOM:, jr., Apple Ilivcr. III.
I Ifi l tifstvlm tuvuii, as I was not iipi i-n. In
llli-wticn I I'liliiliieni eil 1 1 1 r medicine, I kiwll
lin olhcri'i'ii d hate aatcd 1110,
Mis. II. I. II VhliKN, Milwmike, Wis.
The nulling ilwt mlli. ii-, my wile la eiiiu- ly
rciuoted by jour iiiedlcine. f. li. HI'ITI'lill,
Van Hun 11, Ohio.
V011 i-iiieilmi' of ndieitot thirty year -uiiid
in. ai.i:.. muoiii:ii i:ii, oum. j . u.
oil remove 1 my luuK-snm l, i-ouiplicalu.1 ills,
ease ma Iw da) s. JIAIiliN WltlliltT,
Wright' Uiud.tii;, Wis
I title leii tt'll nliout it ji-nr Iniin the nmd.
l ine Jul, tent me. Mr. M- VII.K IN-M.N,
Nublesvilh-, ind.
Three physicians .aid I .mil. 1 11 it bo heipei a.,t
Tall, out tuur medicine roi.ne.l my heulih.
Mrs IH.T11 COX. IT.ilsMia.tllilo.
The ) 011111! man juiir me 1 i.-.i... cm tl was 11 hope.
Iss um. of tlircu t curs' stamlm. llu cuuld not
lie mi his null- lor two year..
J. 11. MttAllt.MlCK llilUboro. In. I.
Tour year aim m) coustitiit.on w.scomplitily
broken iion, but jo 1 hive coir i.l.tili cum I ino
J.J. Itlll I., t-'titlt.iiry. I'.
1 leceiveil Imuiedlate relief ft 0111 your iiiuoViiio
UD.NJ. liWIIbT, l.iil.t llie. Kt .
M) side I. well. I'HIINTImS AlllllV,
I'cipianuock Hride, CI.
I'i'ii't Ihluk 1 havo n perlecl cute, tlietefoio
seiiTine mule medicine,
J.Mi Hi:.l!.MA.N. Lyndon, 111.
1 bad tho llvereomplaint, ii r-it.i, mi l vomit
Inulittt Jists In-lori-1 tonk "iir wonderful nu-d-Icltie.
H, VANTltl I.S, Ciilcdomn, I ;uo.
JiVoiir medlinnii rrniotid th wiii In in)
sli.lli:uli,aij.ireue tliroilh III)' shoulders.
Mrs. 11. Tuttle, Indcpmideuee,!).
l.aae Trunito, Ii.iutMIe, Ky euied ot cuinpll.
Cliurlesiinllllh, cured after luvliitf Is-en nban
dmicd by a number of doctors.
Thus, itiKiu.ou, llurilsouiillo, HI., wroiolhreo
jears after w hndciired lilm, lumai well,
itt. I,. II. II all. llowlini: l!irn, Hy., weakness
ni,. couiplicntfdUisea.il cured.
tun, Heter, Linfurdville, Iniilina, wrote Jan.
ISjii, had cured him oit'lit eaia pretitms.
l.-Mn)or (ieoiito flnll. Ilroosltu, .New York,
cured of i,I, Uisea.u of kidneys und bladder Willi
pnral) sis of other oruan.,
Ileule.l nraiicefotia ulcer on tho faco bfNalli
alnel llatdeii. i:.i . l-r.-.i,'. nt nr 11, . -I, 1 1. , .
lUuk, .New Vork, w'n. Iithoiuoneminent doctors
and professors bad treated eight tmrs,
I'aiicuU eSn ls ciifut their homes, w Ithotit 11
perbutinl inttrie.r, by slaiiun tiieiri n.t nnd lire.,
cut condition Adtlcofreo. I'r. A. ll.llcaih, lu
ceiti a palientaat Ills rtsidence, i'o. lit), Ka.l
iathatriel, Nm-Voil', 11 short Uistnucu lioin Mil
uvenuu hotel ucross luaUlsou njuari ti foro 10
11, m. (.lid alter fi p.ln. istlleodaHly
It. JOILV-ijasK
M1c1l1l.11 tilrcrnnd tender ol tho
Smith's Tonic
It Till:
MM Mi ill
flj'IIi: tropr'etor of this eelM.mlwl nie.ii.-ir.e
X JitiU) iiii.i.i 1 it i.hUporioncy -iter mire
medlea 1 vi nil n ttotl.e public fur tin-.'", n
rsw, sfft ei ffr nntrl ttrt of Atron und I - t -r,
or Cliilla mi l 1", ver, whether of ahort or loni
'sUOiiln. He rvteri in tin- elliro West' 111 mil
P-iullurt sicm count. y I I ear h.m taetlun uy to
Hut I1BII1 tt the ns-e.llrn, tint in in i-
i hauler Kil ft (.ill to cure, if the dln uini an
strictlv iolloued nnd iarnd out. In n ureni
in in mcs it sintle iih tins boin uCi .-itt ir 1
enru, an i whole niiiiilies hate been nuvd ly a
slni;lu IMtlu, ellli n perfect re (oration ol lit
treii-.riil hdillli. It i', Imwever, pru lent, nnd 11.
every ease mi re t'truuii In cure. If n . uro 1 ci.n
tintud in suialli c il4.es fur 11 week or two niter tic
illj'd'.c tins I101 11 lIiocI.i I, utoie cpcpiall) in .lit
n. lilt nnd Innt standit -.- etuis. Ctiuillr. tins
niedleinn will not rUirn unv aid tu kicntnt
luwels in (nod older 1 hou.h the patlpnt, !. ov
er, ri.piiru n cat'milic tucJkine, nner lu.vlnu
taken lim e or four ilesa of Ihe Tonle, n slna'e
ib v ul IIiiU'm VruDtnbln Fniully I'llls
will be tuttletral.
Ir.. JOHN HUI.t.'a I'rlneiiwIofSeei
rs.40 Flt-TII, (Crojvi 'Street,)
Xaoi.i.4rtfcri2.1;, jESl-y.
. , .
ITf SlIl!iiI llti'M lll!(
" ... .
J' IIAVh rureirtMl many testtmontnls Irotn
prutcsslond nnd mv Ileal men, as my almanacs
nil I various iiiilii.itii.iis liatoali'iMii, iilior whioli
nmceiuiliH. ili ruiinwintr. from n iiiywy cm
caled nud popular pli.uifinii In (JcorRin, ii-er-lailily
nnu id llio in tl aeliaiblnroiuiminlenl.oti
I hntc ever rece rcl. I'r. Clement knows ex
iK'tly what ho speaks of, nnd his testimony do
M tiei to U wiillen in lutlnrs of Hold. Ilu.ir
what thn I'ovior a)a of MtlU'iJ Yiurni lies,
Vil!ta it, ttaiitereulmty, 0.,
Juan 3.: IM. I
Iir. .Iomn licit Hear :ri 1 linvs nlreco
jr.reji )uur "Wttrni lijtroer" scleral trials
and tluil it uotidi rfail) vltiouclous. II has not
failed in n sinulo insMu e to luitc the wnlied-lor
eirifl. I mn iliilnj; a pretiy laree county praelnd. i
nnd hato dtl y u-e for iomn article of Up- li.Jv
I mn irto lo coin.-is 4-.il i Know 01 i.o ruin '
recommended by th" a'.i' -t Aitthorttli s that is .c
certain 'id s-ilyiuit e.'ticta. un tli"n utn' )
ti.evureiiiiceriaiii.il iiu i-Atroiue. mj o"iti m
writing) on i lo tin, I out upon what terms I can
uct thu modicum dire Uy :rom you. If 1 can r. t
it upon ejsy t'-rtn-, 1 .ti!1ua h gtuat dual ol It.
I am aware that Iho u-uolsunlmrtioici Uaontrat)
to IhoteiiehliiKs nnd pra'dice of a jjri-.it niui-nty
of the rrsMs llun iliscaidin n lemeily wiH1iw
know tu li siiilieint simply l.e.-HUse may l-
Ipiionuitor it. cumHiiatioii. I'or my psrf, 1 shall
makit Hn rule to iii all an 1 wi ry mean to el
levialu itilltrinithuiiiamty wl. -h I may I'.' a 'e
to ('omuisnd uu' h-iiaiui4 'inau9 aoine oi
inufi Inciunn than ny -elf lit leurne. u
i1ih.Is Prst, mid sa-iUU-l tho Mile rljlit to scour.
that km wlc Itfe. Ili.a. ver, I mby no Iim ..i.s hi.
adtociitc oraiipnoiu-rof lhi-lliuusandnlt.rihlia
lii-.trtims th t llu... I me ii.iiuiy, tl...t Hirji. i to
cute nil manner m d.o.i-e to which Meali.ia h- ir
l'le-su repl) suuii, and iuftrm inn uf )utir uei
t.riua. Ii.lii.sir. t- .j r.-sin. fi.liy,
ji f.it '.V.t'f.KMKyr. r:. i.
Stead (tie I'tipiataN Letter and
Iiiu JTitsnorlVuiu hit Mother:
Hcntiin 1'. u ri. !s, Mo., Aprilo-i, MA
I'll. JidlMil'Lii- 1'. r-u': huuin tlm .
c.i ii. y of ).-ui - j ' -1,1-1111 i i- i.iulinit at...
beru Iii-i.i1 iiuai t n o ...i-ses, I cnd )ou tit
foll'iuiRt stutenuut oi my case t
I was troun-li-.i i.i o-it t.i jfti.s ajjo was laker,
piii-oin r nndcouliue-t I ir sixlen inonlhs. Iio.u
inure.i .ii on.. n, my wouu is have not liekltl set
I Isaronot ent upn inoiiHint sitieA I was wounded
Imn l.m ilii'i'.j:1! llm Inpa. My llsuefal lieultl
a linitlr 1, and I no... I omeiliini to aa.i.t na
turo. I hat ino,, . faiin In yuiir sa.-ijunlla thai
Hi mi vihin.t ewe. i Wi.l tli'.l tli.it la gami'i.e
please einresM mo a lioll ilftaer Inltliy, ai.c
i-itri I li lnll.,iv
lllA v. a.
81. IstiUl-i, Mi .
V. H- Trie lollowing wae wiuten April SU, li
in Mis. Jeunitt Jsjiiisjn, no.tlitr of Capt. Joiiu-
lilt, JU1IK Ill'I.I-lKrmn My husband. !.
U la. Juhatun, ua a skillful suiaion ami uli) . .
Inn Ir Central New York, where lie died, knvini
Uih als. i i;. 1. Jultaeiju in my earv. At tttirti n
year, of nae, he had a chrou e liiartlnat ana
aoiefUlH, fir wlileh I gate Imn )oi:rHarayarilla,
IT Ut'ttUl' lUMl l.lavM Pi twii years rss-oin
mended II tomuny in .mi l'ork, ntuu and lu.
lor scrofula, lever solos, ami Knoral debdil).
I'vrltH't suiiuss lias ailcnded it. TU e.M imI
la ,u. t ut' ' ftri'th ua1 fcerr aairea vara) oisssi
tiinuutfu, 1 am very atwiuus lur my son to asssie
luito raeoiiAo to your wtraHirilla. iu Is frariu!
ol jjittluKM spuiuius nrt ii Is, hem o hi willmn n
mil lor il. Ihs .founds avi'h lernule, but 1 U
liot l.ewill reeovir Heaiei-tfiiMr.
Cedron Bitters
AniriEK.vrio booiU3iKVi,
Arkansas Heard Ih'om.
a'eMtir.uinj' 1' Jlcdleal .lien
Hlony Point Whllo Co., Atlt. May 21, '1.1.
Hr. Jous HfiL IicarHIr: I.nst IVl.rtutry 4
t Loiustillo piirchus-.im drugs, nud 1 gut aomi
of your Karsnpanlla and Cedron Hitlers.
My romlti'law-, who wa,, with inu in llio More
hint iccn down with Ihs ilieiitiiati.m lor some
time, uotiiineiiccd on the Hitlers, nnd noon lonml
In ccncr.il hoiiltli Improt d
Hr. llisl. who has beui In bud hcnllh,i tried
Iheni, mid I101.U0 impiuvel,
Hr Cnlleii, who lull been in bad lio'ilili for sev
eral years -tfiuf and lirir nlleeted lip improted
tery much by Iho uo of your Hittirs, Indeed
tho Cod run llltleia has Kivcn)0ll ttrcnt popiilaril)
In this settlement, 1 think I could sill it ricit
miantily of jour mfdiomo this lull caprcially llio
Cedron lliltcra nnd twrsaparilla. Milp me lo
Memphis euro cl Illckclt A fit ely.
Hoc pitifully,
I'ri'iiarod by DH, JOHN lWhh nt
hin l.iilioiatory, KJfth Ktrcot, laouls
vllle, Ky.
For Sain !y ItAliX'I.U ItfsO.S
111 mm
1 k.'irnn'ely i "ill n porn'i .(-i f ,,- i :, ! ...t t, nr
. , -.rd l.ittn, i'r..i 1 Whiulinoii,- c '
l !i fartod clu o, Hir. juil,- nii Lwan fenl 1,-, t!i0
I . II eve, Iho eloiuled inlelleel, tho deep hoavlmi
- Jh, thn feeble nn-l tmiicialc.i frame, the ilejcetpd
'""' thn tottering eiul, all Indi. ,ito tirenoin
triiiaari-sslpjLurinw, Knowing that "priwrmlinv
loin la ih.t (lijor or tune,- ml Inti Hue nt belpn
I apply for solno remedy its 111011 n 1 ireliuisl-iii-vs
, pormlt i tilillc Iho.o who do 10,1 net unni, th
nr ncplo that "delay are damjctxnis,'' generally
, litiffor, loan more time nnd pay mom money.
lliotiMiids ul mothers nnd ilaiixlilerj, in nil
1 -tailuiia and uindllions o' life, nil- suili rilm,
li.iuerlti ,aiil dyintj rrom the 1 ir- ol aiiiuu
, .In .0I01I nnd iir. n.lful
Th it , Inim.ltn tletims llironKlii.iit the lonelh nnd
bn ndlli ul the held.
Many Innnlei autlir In s-uno way At each
mmitlily period 1 soiiuikiIi nro In Krent peril at
thi'votnnieneemiiit ol menstruation, tvhlln older
1 lies ilrond Us ali-oliitas l llm "turn of life." Pome.
nines tlieiiieuiiru.il llrm la too tunc!,, or ton little.
nrHUvbonttuiidM wui, 0,ti t may io Irieirnlar
or entirely chP'-ked, or chanire.l 111 npponiunee,
or alien. Is.l with other dlstre-sliiK ejmpluiiis.
I.eileorilioen,ortho ' Whites," licpinilly dlnliis
the system or iilrcralmn ol Ihij won, I, uy eicntt,
snil sli J eiitise lapld pro'trntlon.
rulllKiif the womb Is nn oAeeiallnxly common
1 oimihallit, t-'hlln nilloli trotilitte inij ilwire...
wiilch, under orilliriry trcnimuil, n d.rticitt tu
ill o, i1' ' ,
llsteric.s, ifrcrh r?.'l:licss, Irrilablllly of llm
JkmiiIi. mid iithersorluilshii.t lapil oomplalnta fu.
low the foliwloscs throughout life. I.ltfs thurn 11
mi li.al Kentb'iiisn who h or i-iin relievo Die fulr
.... ............ - . ' iiiauv. in lliero
no combination uf imo dial agents tint rill conm
I t ' her lesi'U? W. iui-,i,ys.
msBwon iweiwiwii iiise-TO-emum it. -rrr'rrr
The only laeknowledip-d 1'toriiie Tonic nnd fc.
male llajtilito- kno-ni.w-lll cure all thorn com
plain! iihwVi meiiliiini d In an ineredihly short
time. The. Hi'ti-is at nee nn.iisis, slreiutheim
the noma toll, natural conditr.n, remiitiuK oh'
libntritelmtis, lellet'llK pal 11 nBll tel'ntini the.
tiinntnlt psrhMl.' Tooun stninUupnK ftebluaiid
lanuunlKitl, Ju-I Vur!iun Uilu wumanhoodi fl,"
j i. in- iri.ie ui an, imii nan; i sue ueii'iy i' ns a
i pckle, cas ilislkora alalu pencil) no npp-tile
I forlooil; she turns with a dull ot e an I shims ol-
1 1 ii las i hi r i)o tio ..iier spurMes , her merry
' Iniiiflns no li'iui r l.ear.. rliimiur inruiuti tin- Mr,
ehr miisi about u1lhbl,ia.ll,.ri,i,. mid uu. ullli
; h'-adn-he, pilii.latii.n, constipatinn, swutmiinrtof
tin- head, el f fi i-t an I hands, mi l tie holy j sho
i .o a . o n. ! i..nui'.., cm-nsitc im v.. mill lio-t
. l .tliei td to in llierons In i-itlili.
, V I . . n lo-al-- ti d nil these stnitums l.i.sm?
(iiaia'cl.therels Mck stum 'li, he .itii.rti, ml.nli
, line ..".irnlit the ii i In-1. , mI ankle.
nri-.w .1'. a, the h di luasHR i is kI .ss nnd tails oil.
ili..i.. . I ritileni s and splnnnu the tlntinr
nan -, stt.nen ihioiiii ii, i iri-iu- neriMiiiii ss.
mil,- and a :lio. drv enilah. In.eri.-al HI., r ml. I
I prostralieti and d'jsfh I If )oii, or any f ) ir
irieu is nre 'inn ninii-it-i, senu nt once nr a liouie
of Knli.li Ke.nnli- Ibtiers and be euu-.l. Its ef.
f-els mo m ojn nl tiisiirh. nplamis. Htiniy no
iin.nu r tun po.'punv uici iy tu s cmiy iini.i
ii:atii is at tiu: io.
rma --i i . 1 1 1 a i rmaraa.
lii a'l t i-.s iimnplaint. th- aistorn ri lently
sleiHsa want ol rod I !., t, mid llr. .nre!. II, ill
hi Uurkoll 1isojics of I'llnnlis sat: "lleai.n
in mind that Iho Mood la ri'marKaMy di fie if lit ill
reil .-..rpuiM-les, and the kuuw n property i f iron to
ii.rii.-l in . coo. lii, ..ii, tiuory ujj'-s. it n tl...
Iliest tul. ri ll-t on, ilie liest Of wli li is.tliof .
ir.ilei.f limi." I itu.u of Irun enters larirf'ly into
mm lhi ixmipoiltloa if Cnithsh leinale Hitters,
cinbnie l wlthpwwafui v tv'tablo tune of rr.ru
Anonif ill mountaiiis uf Tii.ni .-i.- nnd the
lumy wood, of Mi.siasippi, I f,uiol a i-i-ruun
hard ami flinty rool, wlio li ma U on in . or. t ti'o
t,y .oiiiM old in'ilwlves rr many ear., p- oessmt;
iimalu Kiwer III rsyulaiinji no I lestnin, nil t
mill-s in"i-riiUt with any irv-ti'in of Ho- wuinsi.
Tin. root we have nbtained, li'.i.ii.' it u li rtist n
our pro ii , an I it i now one ..f tl,- ( r.ne p -I
It.Ki.-.l'. 111. Ill llir-i" l,il, rs. 1-ll.er pl.WVIIUI
iiurni" aii-l ip-n.-ral Ioiih-. also ut.-r iniu i.
i.iki.iIi,iii, Wi- ii..i aid l..pl.u.lri ..r li'.o i
p ut, .iirti leuiut uci iipunth. Im i .ai I i.e. p i .,
!. Is 0iCH.
I MiiwvsmiUMisiieraa
i !5LO5I.Vs- YO!,'V ;JltI.S
M,..lle.aKi- littltron', th .ae nt tie .. .' ul in -.1
a id tlio i.-. I tran luyitlu r, ni all ur-i (t n.o
t..fc .11 I. t- 1- 1. - .
u "i "iif isbmiisi. I i'iiini,' iituiTH Uf.-si'r.is. i nn-l
Used by pji)s)i1llii ult ov.-r Ih l ei-nutiy.
lf)ou are tronUatl Mithallltu ol the Womb,
atn ii i.-.l with n si-nsiiof milit uu, H irm do-n
sin m tlm link ami aids, nn-l oilier iiuvudaut
evil.. Uugliali I'emale Hitters will Kiln entire re
Th.i.o at the "tiirui.l I fc," mothei a'tercou
iiuiimut, and nil 'hers (male or f.ni.iU) who
lll-,"llt -leai-vllti. fl' lll nil) prutra 'tl d or llelllll
Utiliii euinpl-iitit, who .u.i alreiiglli slowly, nnd
wIio.m iljic-tltm is) al)Y ami Immdc. t, will i,n 1
HieVu llulers the tery tliinu their sy. m
lilsiid. It H)u i ii powerful iippi tile, aids und ss
slits diftistiHi, utuii.os th liter, sti.ntlliens
meiitnll) aud phtsieully, and till, the li..i s).
tout with tiurc iimaiMi blool coursing lliruuh
its el uHiHS,
L'oainion iivas K.iuji 351 tiers
I'oipt v Ilitti 1 It. il.l. ., of tnrioiia styln, em
is- found aroiutal almost ctcry iiwellmii m.-l ' ui
tl.rou4i1.1ul the land. Their lane is pi. a. .ill, i.n.j
hp iiilverlised t cure almost every ilist-n.,-, while
Hie inaainatirisra know tliay po. a u ui.
ii-iual prupeiis s whatever. I'hev ur- so mini,
ilisiiuls,-. lur ix i.d.iigly vnmnioii bitiuatey
which iba nt, lur cauuot jiy.lbly cure ; uy oils,
Htware of these plea., nt liit'ei. m .11 ,r ,.
lies, they couiuiii a Hug I r your tv-il-, ut.d If.
wjiu but. them ai.,- M'-lupei's" jr.,. . int.. In.
I.oii.e, tine 11 1 tut who knojt. nutliuig ur,oi.i nn-l-1
inc, .ai s hi. Ida l.otil.'uf comm..i lull will
1 inu cii ll.und d i-r, rheumatism mid i.,iui,i ,p
noil! 1. o. Ihii, wllo-o buMJe . teiy f 11 ), ini.
ali iBipiirittet ol tJij hloriil, m.k.s 1.1. 1 i., n
tuiing, easls out devil, ii .liri s jhi to 1,
l-l.ii'l, nn-l uutueruus ollisr mira -lo; ul, h t,i
Hii.ither, who presumes ereiy 111...1 a .ln.ui.uV I,
propose, tu cure cull., Imrrow inj' Int.l-, va 11 t
f.-ur. In art iliiiis,aii.l lotc.su-l, in 11. 1 1 ! v.'e
know they tunkc no .-uoliouu,, no km. a-11, 1. .,.
pi.. 111 larRO " ileei.'. and umii II. I, ,.,mu.
Ii sire lo tiutilatu tliu.-o c.iniiii. n I ul nps,
1 . 1..- llu- in.i'.w 111. 1 hi,i itife to otic all I ,t.l,
uaiiflrs-Tffaaw-atfr.ai....asiTr ..n. a..., j j.fr7-tro
That on.- tal.l.-.pooilfill ot I .lil.l-ll ri'.MAI.i:
linTlUUScoiilams ns 1 it it. h ineUiiilnal prupertios
ns nK 1I..TII.K of uny ol ihu pleHsaiiilv tuileil
ciiiiimun i,.veti.ed bitters of the day I 'llu'ini !
inal piol. .1011 l i deeiilu llm iueilniii, He it l.l.
ilerstoud thai Kngllsli 1'i lnalo Ilittn. is not 11
beicr-nc, lull 1. u pvwetfu. Iron mil Ycicjablu
'I'.inio iiiir.b'iicd, i"irin long standing uiruii c
fi'iualec impl.uuts in im iv iliuoiioii.
Put, pa in largo LottleH at 1 ilnllar and '.' c. r.U
per Imtlloyor ix laiitlcs for ciht dollais ami
bold by drngjjthts and merchants everjw hero,
J. 1'. 1'HOMiiOOl.i: X CO., I'lop's, .
Memphis, Term.
s mwr.u c I
Tim best nnd ehenpot coiiilumiilon for a'l alloc.
Hons nf Iho Kidney and llladih retcr ollcujd Hi
ho piildio, Itis'prvp.ips I liy icguhir plit.iijii.ui
lid Used by tho piotusslou,
l'rico ouoiloar.''0r ls Imlllca forfiviv ilollnr
old by d.'ujfifisisiind nienhniils evert where,
J. l DHO.MOOOI.i: A CO.,
110 11 1.U-im Memphh Ten
iiiiiiiiilii mm n
- Ol1 ST.
J? Xi. XT Si
C. .V. II WO II i:.S, (Mshler 1'irst National Ilnnk.
J15Wi:rT'yiI.CO.T,I'iop'r 8!. Cnittlc, Hotill
91. WAKIWISII.M. !., l'hjslclannnlKurneoni
lanVAtlls lltlIKlt,ofi:.,v W. ilttdcr, Jeclrs;
u. 11. ;ui:i:m:v, Hrop'r n, v. f-mrci
Dei,is;e.l w ill. llm Hliilc of Mls.oiirliwonllnK lo the laws of that MnV lur the morn perfect "county
of llm poliy linMers,
CasL Cnpit.-il 8.15,000,
'in which thectoehollers cundritw only linl Interest, (tihieli it mure thai earns) llu- ptnfils of llio
bilsine.s b-dngilividftl aiinuHly amnnu Ibea.snreil.
Kpeeial niteiitlon Is called tu thn SKVIIN I'HIt CKST. ISIlIinWT I'AVINa l'l.AN, Jint Inlro
dlieeil bv this (.tompnny. Tlio plsn Is entirely new, the cuinput.itious hatliijr been made, by
Hon. V.'.'i:. Harvey, tlm well-ltnowu ne.nmry, in nocordnnro with thu designs ol the Company) and Is
rellevod lo bn belter ndap'ed In llm vleas and wntits oflhn public 1'i.m any plan previously inlroilueed.
It Is Hlmple, Hquitable niidilcllmtc. nnd uierltn Iho alleulioii of th public. It is is priintalilajtive.t;
men' snd Insiirnnce com'iined. since tlm tmlli-vh'dder is entitled tn an ANNl'AI. INTKIIl-iT Or
pKVKX Pi:itCi;:.T. iiNTIIHSI'Mtll' Tril'. I'ltKMIUM I'All), whkh n eleatly set forth In tlm
pol.cy, milking it itdcllnito eontr.wt, free from Iheili.n.hati'agea of iluctun'ing mid unecrtaiti dlvld
end. avoiding tho iioeess.lv nml pr-'Ventlnlhu (siaaib lily of mlreprese:.t.i'ion. The policy is frcu
niii lestrletions rctnlln;? travtl nnd r udenci'.nn I is
JVON-l'OlllT.lTAIli:) ACC'Ulini.N'C T Till'. .MAHSACII I'M I.TTS I. AW,
Or by n l'uld U,i l'ollcy, at the option of tno assured,
Cull ut the Oillre, (Klrst Xutlolial II.iuUi unit Kel a Circular.
e;!:e:.iia. jkyiik, irest.
CHAN. CU.M.i;!A2i;.St-i!retnry. t tl.tf)
yM. si. .sc:isJrrKrt,
mpoiler and Wholesale Dealer
Wines, Liquors
Aen for bet hr n's of
. -
foi-ont 2c.lX3.Cln.
fgj.ttKK. 'c OIIallKItT,
. LAW,
U lUlnin H. (Irern, )
Wlllinni II. tailiert, ! CAIlttl, 11,1.
illUi I'. illl,crl, J
special iitlentma ki n to Admiralty an J iieaiu.
tcat bislness,
Olllce on Olilnl.evee. Iloaiiu 7 anil
liter it)' :i'hUoiiuI HiiiiIi.
!.SsJ:.V, WK21IJ iV ItLTIaKH
Jlllr.e In llruss' .Vetv ttullilli.ir, rnrnr
ol lltli .Str.mul Coniiiu rclnl Ate.,
IV.. I. Allen,
II. Wat. on Webb, J CAIKO, ILL
I. I Il.itlcr j
mm mm,
tiilS 12 1 3.A. 1S .S.N.1.00.-V
Is Miiinlliil wllli nil Klnits il
X3oov. Alo. cft:o..
iX fO.M.HKitt'IAI. AVK.MT.
1 " " i eiweim 1". -'Ii an-l .'.n.ih streets, "
f e in i'iy, w', . . v. r p i, .In . I j, te
In m ncall, an-l those wliu want a
Ctn hsve their wants supplied V h 'stair.
oii.v wati:s
I'ropriclor of thn
Illlllnitl Siilnoii ami liar Itnotn
100 Onniacrelal Ave.,
Cniro, - - -
j: y I.. itt a Kit
Has f.xi I up ti fine
Saloon and Restaurant
Anil is n
Popular Public Resort
Wliero iho vls.tnr wdl Hu I birco m.y roo
u pbcl w.lh
ll.MlATllI.l.i: AMI l'H.IKI.MIIII.i: TA!tl.i:s
C-iufortiilito sest. i to , mi I n bar supplied w , .h
llio I . ui.d euoi rt.ij;f.i Ucr, llu- purel wims
ind li'iuurs, i g us, oi. ., tu la- f,u ai-i inCnire,
KverybiMly is uititr I lo c-ii in nud "cod nt),
I'lii.t) ol rouiu Ircw to eti .)(.. It .
imtTtirjn'H sj'sWrVl'l'f'aaU UrO - si ' Wf I
(f VAliKS'S
Hoad Dspe2sary
INtnbllshed In mm, and chartered WI, f r th
re (.tin- ul of all di-( uses uf a prmitu nnitirt-,
cell ill lo L'i'li si hi A cure is tuaranlsi d
every eae undertaken.
Uewces' Female Regulators
I'or females, unrrmlcd lorcmovo obitrtietion
tic. l'rico J per Isix.
Also n full iissortineiilorilainlairrsar.il Trusses
It superior nihility nl Main rsl.eahhsl tl fursiiiijle
nnii! S.1 iter luilf duzen. or Faia.r iloxell
A .Medid.il I'.iuiphlet, conlnlnint! uu claboralo
Ire.itisooii Ihnnbovudltoises, with n few practical
icmarks upon Iho chusc, ttleut nnd treiilin ut ol
tno sauio-contaliilng on Urg" pages nno ;jj ruts
unilengrarnifis, showing tno illllcient ttngi s.ctu,
Hent In sealed wrapper on leceipt of j.ilee ii
cents.) Address
Galon's Hoad Dispunsary,
No, "1 West Jtiterton ureo
.i27endil.teoww l.outille. K
111''. ivr..nr It. I', iilikc.
Dealers m
Wlnilow (Jlass nml 1'iilly.
Urushes, Woll Paper, Window Shea
Cairo - -' - - Illinois
XjO ins.
riAT3rtAlTi SA'l;:.
V 33 232 J2S :
JOII.VII I'HIM.IN, Commission Mercl,
I1KK "IAN .MKYKII, TolKiecnnlsli
1. II. I'OI'i:, Attorney nt Mir,
'.'r.V.VIXlHA.M, Teller 1st N.it'l II
.. a. nni.iisri.M:, rry ooin Mere
cixuixxati Aivi:inisi:Mi:xrs.
a k jit!:i:xVAisi
Copper and Sheet Iron Work
Xo. 2 IS Hast l'carl Slreot,
i ?v
' .... .
Cor. Walnut a Gano Sts
The undersigned will jeronlly attend attl e
litterent precincts in Aleiander C- t.nty f rt'm
liuriiaeof i '.dn-iina tlm rutu and County Tat a
f-i tin-year 1'Tii, atihelimea and t t. f.ll w
i nt, ! it .
Cl.l.'Alt l.'HHHIt, at Ca.teavl A I'rot s at r ,
mouth ut ulear Creek, Tuesday, January I th,
THKIIl-y, at Thomas Ilrown'a itnre, Tlicbe.,
We inesdaj. January llth, U7I.
i A NTA I'K.nt Virgil Hetaney's store, giata IV,
i'liuisday, January l.ih, 171.
HMss:M,Ml,at M. I. fliinler's store, Ctso
Island, I'ridar, January IWi, Jl!I.
Pn. TOOTH, at Ih" hon.n of II. K. llrvant,
iir- Tun Martin place) y.ilurdty, Jinuary llth,
HAXLi:W(K)H,at the l.oVjsu of Jacob Hart! ne,
frida), January mth, 171.
I'MTV, at John Knuth'a store, I'nily.Hatur lVi
a tnu.rt xia, in.
I .11 l-i alta-l at it.e Cuiirt lloti.e, 'i I e,
. lur ii ; the inoali.uf K itfoar) fur sa 1 1 j.sf v.
.- H Taxpa)ra will Iw sure to ! tt ' i
'i-m their title del., or last year's Uilt : f.'s
ui ruiier lo moid mis takes.
Im riff of Alexander County am Kx-OrSco C l
1 ''a r-. ri.ii a, ! n.' r li I. . ias sr
Is Hcsptr nntt lii-ller than
itiiiliir nil uses (rri-it vt n.li.
liiK i-lollirs lur I la-tttiliiir Win
tlotss ttlllimil miier. I'nlnl,
Oil I lnlhs, floors, 'Inlilea, nml
ill Wiimttviirk. riiliiu, Karlli
cu mill (ila.ktsiire, nml lor
Oeiieral House Clrnnliiir I'nr.
I'nr I'nllstiliii; Kitlvta, Tfiiivn
iirasa, rsiri-., aroii, mill ail Jieir
Wares. Ilrinow a, un Uy Maglr, si
nml Itust, ItittlUK a brilliant am
i iiinl lo .New.
For Halo lij- HAItCLAV JtKO
yy.n. Kin.Kits,
twi:xth:th sTiti:i:T,
Hctwccii Wasliliiftoii Ave f; rojilar S
Hunts nml Mimes .tfa.lo foOriler. I'litea
H'oiliineit i:iiiiliiyiit.
i Satisfaction Warranted
I'atrounu'O .Solicited.
Cdy Clerk's oniee. Cairo, III
Iioeeinl.or '.'Ttli ls;u.
A I'l'onint lteiiewal nf 1'lty I.lt-enaek for
JsiTI l(e(tilrt-il.
Notice , hcri by given lo nil merchants, eiJnon
keepers, ilrnyiiien, tc.im.ters, and all olhor. in.
len-sted that iheru must Ihs ii prompt compliance
with tho ordinance reiiiirliu: a renewal of licenses
on the 1st day or January. Is7l. On and nfter Iho
lith nay of January all ilclmoiient persons in this
respect will ho I p Ulplly prosecuted w lthnilt fur
iber notlco. JUUN HltOW.N,
dwJidat cay Clerk.
CityClcik'gOnice. Cairo, III,, 1
Hccember S7lli. 1"7U.
ToKnlonn Keepers, Hrojera nnd Vendor of Vin
uus, hpiritous nud 1'ermented I.iiiuvni.
Hecllon lsl of Iho revised Ordinances Impose!
n penally upon any person of not less I inu Ten
Hollors nof more lliau Kilty Dollars, who shall sell
or barter uny vinous, spirituous or fermented
lopiors in a Icssotmutlty than ono fiullni wllhotii
n liconsu Ynu uro thercforo iiercliy no.
lined, on or before tho oth day ol Jan
uary, lh71, to procure it license to carry
on such business, All persons tloliUliiA
llm ordinances in this respect will bo promptly
proaeeuted without further notice nccurdlnc lo
tho ordinance upon thin subject.
joiix imowN.
dcci7d3l City Clerk.
in,l nil 1IiiOm.
I.KUAI, ANI 'ommi:iciai.

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