f-mTt 19
nTO"m ri A TT?n PTTT'.Tl'L!l I IT-NT A T--t- r-r rm
J- -J UlJ w-C-sl l-w w in UX4.J.N , -C3 JCVilJ ieSO
The fo losing it mera leave Cairo
on the days and t the lio itt bMow.nuned
TALISMAN, Hvory Monday nt 0 n.rn. :
TVIIOXK. Kvory Thursdny, at 5 p.m.
LUMSDKN, Kvory Saturday, at 6 p.m.
Kor Krolght-or I'asiag apply on bo nl, or to
JnM,7llf 75 OHIO LKVCK.
The beautiful rod light drnglit steamer
IsUItNEY HMr.Dl.KY Mister.
Leaves Cairo dnflv t S p.m., jd Paducah dally
at 9 a.m. Having superior accommodations the
oliells public patronage.
"BroIasVlV' C'nstora-Mflde
Shoes A Slippers.
Commercial Avenue Corner ofKlehth
fttrcct, Cairo, III.
I'articnlir attention (old It 'l irdtrt for
IIOOIUKIHTH and hllOKi. aprStf
Cairo. - - - Illinoin
Ilia ust received full and complete stock ot
Gents' Furnishing Goods
Of every description, which will b oH i t
that will not 111 to suit all purchasers, I' t.a
flu guaranteed. Ilia itock of jj. ,
Sliirts, Hats. Caps, tc.,
la ot eicelled In polat ol ne and title n Ik
cr any ether market.
Tf Ullama' Ilotirboa and Illgb Wlaea
la ofcered for asjeby thenndcrslgne I on the-mcst
reasonable term.
frTl.ei building ii new and compute throsghtut
In nil the mo tern Improvements aud appliance
of Otb an e.taMlshrnenl, la Inrimrl'te running
order, but lia. never l-tn run. The. englns,
machinery, aul appuatu generally are of the
kel manufacture.
The malu building la 7 1J 4t fret, and three
alotlf hlgti. Til taller abed la U by 23 fact , the
tub shed ia 37 by- 12 fect, each ahed bring one
a lory high,
TDe cmloe ia IS inch cylinder, with DO inh
atrnke.two boilers 4 Inches indiamater, 4 Sue,
and i feci long.
Tlie eapac.ty of the distillery Is 7J barrrela per
day. Contiguous to the distillery ar a lir,e brick
warehouse, aiiJ pens tor stock,
It Is believed that to any one desiring to carry on
tha distillery business, no belter npportunry fir
lnTCstinentcs.ii beoRered than It found heie, both
considrlnj(lhdltillry building and apptntus
and tho locnf.cn thereof at Cilro.
Kor further particultrs apply to the under
signed at Cairo, or toHinith,l!e,(K- A Co. .corner oj
Main and Morgan streets, M. Units, Mo.
Cairo, llll.-i..
1Btbi'iii,'B f.i,i',,
Whereat. James H. Ilnardenand Uarr V. Ilrnr.
Hen.ot theclty of Cairo. county uf Alexander aud
hut of llllnol., rjr their cruln Hale Uongae,
bearing dale the fifteenth day of February, a I).
M?0, and recorded in book "Z" of mortgagee,
page 43, in the recorder'a oce of Ales.iudcr
county, Illinolf, did conrey in fee lon.e under
aignel A. It. bafford, Truttee for tho Commercial
Insurance Co., of Chicago, the Independent Insu
rance Co., of Ho, ton, and H. M. llwre k. Co ,
Chicago, the following lecrlbed lota nr parcel ol
UndiO'Wttt Lot nnmrxred eleren (ID In block
numbered flrty-two (U) lying and being in the
city of Cairo, Alexander county, Illinois.
Provided, however, that in ca,o of default la
the payment ot three ceruld proiniMory nout ot
the aaid Jamea b. Rcarden, each bearing ren
date with the aitid ale mortgage, each being for
the aum of (J4S ll-lii) three hundredorty-elght
and 11-10J dollar and being more fully
deacribnd Intmd aale mortgage, due and payable
t the undersigned A. II. Bafford. truate,
at tho City National Hank, Cilro, with Intcr-at
(at ten ucrcent. per annum from date, thai the
undortlgned A. Ii, Sntlord, tru.tee, hit legal
reproseutatlTo or attorney, etiould proceed and
ell thtt aaid premises, aa by aaid aaie morlgng
prnTldel, and executo to tho pilrchater a good
and mttlclett deed, conveying all the right and
title "t tho 'Aid Jann B. IteArden and Mary V.
Hearten, by Mid aaln mortgage, conveyed to the
uodiiralgned. Andwhcroa,deiaulthaalien mad
intho payment of aaid noteaand the entire princi
pal aud Interest of cuch. ofsald notes, remain
duo and unpa'd.
Now thcrefere, notice la hereby given, that by
vlrtuo of tho terms and condition of said aale
mortgage, I will, on Thtimday, tho 4th day ol
May, lt71, nt tho tald premise, In the city ol
Cairo, Illinois, atihe hour often o'clook,r.m.. if
aid day, aril the premises nfoicaald, at publlo
vendue, to the highest bidder for cash inlinnd,
ml will execute and deliver to the purchaser a
deed therefor. A. II. HAVKi.MtD.
Mortgages and Trustee,
fUir t flitatav. Attwa. apradSOd
, clan, Surgeon and Accouchour, for
merly ot Anna, Union Co., Winnie, lia, pormn.
nently located in city. OFFICE-Commcrcirl
Avenue, between 8ih and Oth Btreets Wcei aide,
UlENCK-Corner Ninth and Walnut
OFFICE-Corner Sixth Street d Ohio Levee
oryiCE. HOUnS From t .. t 1 m., and
P" "
firisLi-vmrn. imiYii.iK. i
11 RKBtDENOE-ls)., Thlfttlll r
a rwM Washington kymv ! Wtlani Ovroat
OFFOK' W Cmteil venne, nrslsdn
BESIDEHCR-flofteer wf 0le3Bth
and Waahlgton ave. OFPICO-Oa Oamnaxiel
i,r., over the l-ottaftoo OFFICR HOUW
rom 10a m to U m., (baaJaya aioopticll t n3
ton a to ftpm.
' Homeopalliist.
.UateeHaara, St 10svmv'lw 7-n
Men' Fino Soul Skin Onltcr?, nnd alio
"PflncoAlbcrti,1' at Klllott Sc HaythorrVb
as -i ma - a i. ia.
Mtaici1 Serge nnd Kid Polish, fonllop
top, at tho City Sliou Store, corner Coin
rncrciul avenuo and Eighth tirvct. It
Lftdlea Sorgo (Pollih) I'rcn.ch Kid,
foxed, at City Shoo Store, corner of Com.
jnerclal urcnuo ahd Eighth street. - tf
"Oct Aoain." AVo wcro glad to meet
Br. Smith on tho ttroett yesterday, sound
and wall.
Who Ii it that doct not like imoklng
hotbficalti for broakfaitr'7 Tho 'Patiii
Cook atore will lake them in flvo tnlnutcj
time by the watch. tf
Genu' Oxford Tioa, i'rinie A.tArUi
and Opera Blljipnrs, at tho 'City Shoo
Store," cornor'of Commercial avenuo a'nd
Eighth ttrcet. tf
Ladle' Serge (Pollih, callop-top, for
from one dollar "and fifty centt to thrco
dollar and twonty-flro ccnU, at City
Shoe Store, corner of Commercial avenuo
nnd Eighth itrcct. tf
On MoNDAV..-Tbo itoro of tho late
Scott "While will bo rc-openod to-morrow.
Tho stock, purchased by Mr. "Whito
only nfew weeki aincc, it complete, and
will be eold at tho lowest prices.
Til r. Urio patent tnovcablo point ttcel
plow; one extra point given with each
plow. Kor laic only by
aCtf 13C Commercial Ave.
NoTlcr. All penonahavlng articles at
the Cairo Dye House am requested to rail
and get them before tho i!0th of May next,
or they will be sold for charges.
A splendid assortment of bird cages
moss baskets, flower stands, Cower train
ers, wire-cloth for window scroens, bath
and foot tubs, Ac, Ac, Just received nt
a6tf 13i Commercial Ae.
Notice. The next ministerial meeting
of tho Colored liaptists of the Stato of
Illinois, will beheld with tho Second Bap
tist Churcb of this city, on Friday, the Oth
day ot June, 1871. I
J. P.OBEnTS, Moderator.
G. Hickman, Clerk apr21d:tawlt
Biet IIakte jn Caiko' This distin
guished author arrived in tho city yevter
d.iy, and went without delay to Alba'a and
wa shared in the most approved .tylo of
that matter of tho razor, whose tnnsorlal
rooms are on Commercial ttvenue, near
the corner of Eighth street.
True. Thoro can bo no doubt that
Ilaugh Is, pir txccllentt, tho boot and
shoemaker of- Cairo. He challenges com
petition la his trade, and assures tho pub
lic that ho will guarantee to his customers
satisfaction. II is shop is on Eighth street
near tho corner of Ohio Levee. tf
Tim Is nn intoxicating bevcrngo or doc
tored liquor, to lend tho tippler on to
drunkenness and ruin, but a strictly mcdl
ical preparation niudo from roots und
herbs, auitable to any ago or condition.
As a family remedy, Simmon's Liver
Kegulator is equal to un entire medicine
chest. nprl8JAwlw
Lost $20 "Reward. Ilroke loose at
Ohio levee, "Wednesday evening, one
iron;ry horse, five years old ; and two
bay mares, two and three years old, res
pectively had leather lmlters on. Twenty
dollars reward wil ba paid for tho above
described horses, delivered at Mile Par
ker' livery stable, Cairo, Illinois.
apr21dlf J. E. KREY11ILL.
"WATitit-GitATK Bahs." Capt. "Vm. II.
Fnrris, of this city, has just returned from
Washington City, where ho has been for
several weeks looking after his interests in
his invention of n new and useful Im
provement in Water-Grate liars. The
Captain claims for his invention many
excellencies that will mako it a grand suc
cess. Celebration, -The Odd-Fellows of
this city will coltibmlo tho comlnur anni
versary of Independent Odd-Fellowship
in America, by n social re-tiaion of tho
members and friends on Wednesday night
noxt. Tho occasion promises to bo ono of
real enjoyment, and will bo undor tho
chargo of Mcsdamos Stockfleth,. Wc-ed-ward,
Schwanitz, Cary and Slack, of tho
Daughters of Kcliokith.
Gold Loan in Oaiho Jay Coolco &
Co. offer tho 7.30 gold loan of tho North
ern Pacific, 11. R- Co., as a safe and profit
able investment, but a still moro profitable
ivay of investing money is in llrown &
Edwards' harbor shop, whore, among oth
er excellent barbers, Gtia Ilimo handles
hla trusty raror. Remember tbo place
Thcobold'g old stand, Sovcnth street, near
Ohio Lovw. tf
A QtmrioN. Why do some of pur
mrchnts persist in the old-time practic
of itndinft to St. Looit, Chicago, Cincin
nati or Eew York for their printing hfn
Ihry could obtain it hsrs in Cairo it prices)
loo Bndof acjoslHy in no trtieul.r in
ferior to foreign prlntinc T We now :sirt
thet Oe ren fin toj Mnd of letter prem
tjrtntlug ctedtd In hh cosnmunlt? in
t,ood arjl ond ct pricji lowsr then St
Loth- of Chic y.o and at low t Kt Yorb.
5,-rlco?. ThU Bulletin Prihtibo Ea
TACLinvc3T h tn Egyptian institution
Aat ii :x-4i. t thii f k Btte,
i Cip.cOit CouitT. No business of great
lmportanco 1ms been transacted in this
court for sovcral days. Ycstordny busi
ness was as follows :
Tho cuso of Harlow vs. Bross was set for
hearing at Chambers on Wednesday oven
Ing noxt ;
In tho caso nf Lewis vs. City National
Bank, leave was given defendant to
amend answer ;
In tae caso of Northwestern Insuranco
Company vs. Llzzio IL- IIalliday,ec cL,
demurrer argued nnd taken under advise
ment ;
Watkins vs. Wintcrburg, wus contin
ued gcnorally, as was also tho caso of saino
vs. Davis ;
In tbo caso of A. Mackio & Co. vs.
Ucasloy and Piles, demurrer to declaration
argued nnd taken under advisement by
tho Court. By ng'rccment of counsel thU
caios wnt.sot.fdr' second t Monday in next I
In tho caso of G. II. Greeley is Co. vs..
John and Elizabeth Walsh t ejectment
tho papers had been lost, and counsel for
plaintiff was, on motion, permitted to sub
stitute a now declaration and fllo it
nunc pro tune: ' The' Court allowed the
defendant a contlnuanco on account of tbo
loss of 'papers."
Items in BitiEr. Sharply has gone.
Flora Garden tc-day.
Cold as blazua yesterday, but warm
ing up a little.
The colored Bnpt'sls of Illinois pro
pose to hold their next ministerial meet
ing in Cairo. Tho session will comtnenco
on tho 9th of June, next.
Kynnttan opened his branch butcher
shop In the Fourth ward yesterday.
Saup's Ice cream tustos better onSun-
day than on any other day,
The stockholders of tho Cairo & Vln
cennes railroad company will hold their
annual meeting in this city next Tuesday.
Kynaston. James Kynaston, tho well
known butcher of tho Fourth Ward,"
opened his branch butcher shop yester
day, and now invite tho patrenago of tho
public. His "branch" is on tho lot next
to the grocery store of Alderman Carroll,
on Commercial avcauo, and will bo sup
piled with the freshest and best meats it?
the Cairo market. Kynaston knows his
business, and always furnishes good meats
and gives full weight. tf
Two. 'Squiro Shannesy yesterday
fined S. L. Caskcyf 10' and costs for drunk
nnd disorderly conduct, and . C.IIcnshaw,
for the same offense, $5 and costs. Both
piid. These arc the only cash customers
Iho Squire tins bud for a month or two,
I will sell, on reasonable' terms, uy
three story hotel and grocery building, nnd
lot, locatbd on the Ohio Levee, opposite
the Central Elova'.jr. This is avcry de
sirable property being close to tho new
manufacturing establishment now being!
erected In the Fourth Ward, and is par
ticularly adopted to tho uses of any per
son desiring a stand for either tho hotel
or grocery business. Apply, either by
letter or personally, to
Gone. Mayor Lantdcn is at Decatur
attending court. Ho will bo' back about
tho middle of-the present weekt
Grand Picnic" Excursion, Mat Ibt
1871. Tho fast steamer, T. F.Eckort, will
leavo tho Cairq wharf, May .1st, at 7
o'clock precisely, in the morning, for the
beautiful groves up tho Tcnncssco river,
landing for excursionists at Mound City
at 8 o'clock, at Caledonia at 9, Metropolis
10, Paducah at 12, arriving attho'groves
prepared at 1 o'clock, whero tho excur
liontsts will partrkeof their dinner, re
turning to Paducah by 4, leaving for
Cairo ut 0 and arriving at 10 o'clock p.m.
prccisoly. Brass and string bands lire
engaged. For full particular see small
W. II. SCHUTTER, Manager
Mound City, 111.
A "CloskSuav.e." A friond of ours
a well-known citizen narrowly escaped a
dangerous accident yesterday while pass
ing along Sixth strcot, between Ohio
Lovco and Commercial avenue. When
ho arrived opposito tho flnoly furnished
harbor shop of Brown & Edwards the fa
mous Fred Thcobold stand ho stepped In,
and "taking achnlr," was soon undergoing
the delightful operation of being shaved
by that prince of barbers, Otis, Hlno. If
ho had not douo this it is altogether
probablo that tho fatal accident"
would havo carried him off. From tails'
fact a render may draw tho Inference that
thoir only safety from nccidonts on Sixth
street is to atop Into tbo tonsorial mttggory
of Brown and Edwards nnd get it delicious
shave. Evory person who shall refuso or
neglect to do this will do so at their peril,
and wo wash our hands of all responsibil
ity for their sudddon taking off. ap7ml
Todiiacco Sales Yesterday. Sales
yesterday sH tho Ballard Tobacco Ware
house, wero not t large as wo would liko to
have teen them. Tho fault U not in tho'
market but the season, which has beon so
bscVtiaTd ond cold that planters hare been
unable to preparo their tobacco for market.
Selerjere-- -;
End Ola YiJhy Legs oo
i .,..,,.....-- a vo
it it 'J.....".....m. M
GoottLaas M,w.l..,w..,,Mi. B 71
Law leaf. 5 to
t ! ....... ( OA
Qood Leaf. 10 CO
afltlJVVa fit Lsld,MttiMii.it..t.iuMpM KM
Kennedy. Mr. Jumcs Kennedy Is now
prepared to contrnct for house moving
und carpenter work of all kinds. Ills skill,
as n mechanic Is well known In Cairo.
i on JjALE.-Tho undt r.lgnod will sell
at pilvato sale tho following doscribed
(property: Four work horiesj 2 sets
uouoio harness) 2 two-borso wagons',
I icveriil plows and other agricultural. Im
plements, Purtlu dettrlng to purchase
will call at her tcsidenco or nt llobt. Bri-
bach's, opposite the court bouse. Term
of sale, half cash ; balanco on tlx month's
credit, with good security.
apr22dlm Mrts. KATIE COOPER.
picnic of tho Turner will tako placo on
30th Inst., in the "Groves of Kentucky,"
nearly opposlto Gfdighcr' mill. A steamer
will run to 'and' from tho grounds all day.
A jovial tlmo may bo'antlclpalcd.
Fi vk'boTtAiw 'Reward Sthayxd or
SToLaii.-iOn or about tho 16th Inst., from
St. Marv's Iuflrmarv. filled mildi cow
' wltlr?n lihlttiiinee, having tho fore teats
longer tun mp ninu ones. Any person
returning tho cow to tho Infirmary, or
giving information by which sho may bo
recovered will jo paid tho aliovo reward.
nctond Day of (he Stcaton-Mutlr
Mr. Reese, proprietor of tho Flora
Garden, is determined to mako the garden
a placo of pleasant resort during tbo pres
ent season. To-day it will again bo opened
to the public, and after thrco o'clock In th"
afternoon u string oand will furnish music
for (bo entertainment of the patrons of j
tho garden.
-Peori.K'aro often surprised. when tuld
that such and such fine nrticlcs of iowulry
were mudo in Cairo.
Why should theyijot be if tho necessa
ry puironugo ia exicnuca o warrant it t
All who aro curious in such things,
orhuvcdoubu in tho matter, ..nro Invited
to experience, our facilities and watch tho
process by which the rugged rocks arid'
metals are fashioned Into the most orna
mental patterns of jewelry. Call on us at
88 Ohio Lovco nnd we will soon satisfy you
that wo can make anything you may,
The Fourth 'Ward. Ono of the most
popular institution of tho Fourth, Ward
is Eblcr'a shoo store, whero ho mokes to
order all kinds of shoes in tbo most workman-like
mannor. Tho citizen 'who uses
his goods will ncyc.r patrpnizo any other
shoemaker' In "the city.' His shop I on
Twentieth itrcct, nearly opposite tho
courthouse." tf
The annual meeting of stockholders of
tho Cairo and Vincenncs R.R. will be held
at the office of tho company, in
Culro, Ills, on Tuesday, the 26th of April,
1871, fur tbo purpose of electing Directors,
and such other business ns may be neces
sary. I). R. LARNED,
SroAit or Lead vs. Warm Water.
Squiro Shanncssy got up nt 4 o'clock yes
terday morning to get a drink of water,
and by mistake drank a cup full of u
strong solution of sugar of load. Discov
ering his mistake, tho vcncrablo 'Squiro did
not .yield to nny weak fear?, but pro
cured warm water and mustard, which
soon overenmo tho poison. Dr. Gordon
was called In to mako tho matter b'nding,
and in a littlo while made his patient "as
good as now."
The Fenton Corn Mill. This estab
lishment, corner of Commercial avenuo.
and Twentieth street, is now in chargo Of
Mr. M. D. Gunter, who having purchased
nnd thoroughly refitted it, invites tho at
tention of tho publid "to. tho fact that hols
now prepared to furnish dealers and fuml-i
lies with tho very best article of corn mcnl.
Orders left nt tho mill or sent through'tho
postoffico will reccivo prompt attention.
The first ok May, Mrs. C. A. M cycrs
will open n grand lunch, including Beck
Beer. All thoeo who nro disciples of King
Bacchus will partake of her hospitality.
Old King Cole was it merry old soul, n merry old
nuitl Hut tit-,
He called fnrnli Idles. JiccaUeu" for hi
culled for hit tiddlers three.
bd-r, he
Kf.mov.vi.. Mrs. J. Cttmmtngs wishes
to Inform her customers and tho public
gcnorally that sh'o ha removed her mil
linery goods from her storo on Eighth
street to tho commodious room on Com
mcreln,l Avenue, between Seventh and
Eighth streets known as Mrs. 'Oswold's
old stand. Mrs. Ctimmings has udded
largely to liar stock of good1, nnd now tins
a cheap, scasonnblo nnd.' fushlomibloicnl- .
, . . t . i. . .'i . A . ' , , , - . . i
iccuoii.oi mm, L'oniicu, rinuons, oion 10 j
"which sho niks
new patrons.
the attention nf old and
Flour. Cholco Family F.lbur in bbln '
'half bbls., sa'cki Ac, for said attboEgyp- j
tlan Mills. au '"
Wo hnvo beon requested to sny thnt
Elliott ifc Haythorn have now on oxbibi
bltlonnnd' for sale, everything jn iho
boot ydsJioq'Mne.fo.rt.ladl'is, and gentle
men's wear; and that all their goods aro
now.nnd stylish., nprlGtf
rv , s j s i , - 1 ' ' f
Ilea Cream, P. Saup's Ice orusm sa
loon has becouto one of tb most popular
institutions of Cair. His rooms, at 102
Commor clal r.vnuare now open to the
public, and ladies' and families msy visit
thom in theoiiurapce that they will re
ceive tho besl of Jea cream and be dis
turbed by no Impropor cheracten. A1 0
liavo s:id before, Saup s ico crsam is al
ways tbo coldett and best, his lsmonade
delicious, and his soda-wator beyond com
parUott. , l
Tun Ai.nM. Yesterday at noon tho
flro bells sounded an alarm, and soon tho
r.l.y was In n high stato of excitement. But
no conflugritlton gratified tho expectation
of our flre-lovlns population. Tho
n)nrm resulted from the burning of a solar
camora used by Worthlnr.ton to cnlargo
photogr.iplu. Tho camora had been left
on tho roof of Yost's building, and tho tun
shining through the lens set fire to the
' "machine'' und burned it to ashes
about $lo0.
Rapid PKoar.nss. Tho building de
signed for tho manufacturing establish
ment of tho Eamcs' hub and spoko facto
ry is progicsslng rapidly toward comple
tion. Tho walls have reached tho top of
tho second story.
The undersigned Is preparing his delin
quent list for State and County taxes, and
will have it In tho hands ot tho printer
by the 1st proximo. All parties In arrenrs
for taxc either upon real cstato or per
: sonal property at that data will bo taxed nt
np-7-d td. MIKRIFF.
F011 MUST.
' The houso herctoforo occupied by Pat
rick Fitzgerald, on Ohio Lovco between
Fourth nnd Sixth streets. This house, if
not tho best business houso Is certainly
one oftbc best stands In Cairo. It fronts
tho principal stoambout landing and is
near tho Illinois Central railroad depot.
Apply next dcor at Robert Smyth A Co't.
wholesale grocery storo.
New Time TnlIe.
On and after 12:30, p. m., Sunday, Dec.
4th, tho following tlmo table will govern
tho arrival and departure of passenger
I trains "nt Cairo; .,
DEI' art.
Mail train loaves at .1:10 a.m.
Express " " at 3:3i p.u.
St. Lou.' and Cairo Express
-loaves nt 1:20 a.m.
-Accommodation' leaves nt.. -.12:30 p.m.
Mail arrives 2.05 a.m.
Express arrives... -.12:24 p.m.
; St. Louis und Cairo -Express .
arrives 4:45 p.m.
Tho last named train leaves St.' Louis
nt 1CI30 a.m. Traders can leave Cairo at
1:20 a.m., reach St. Louis at 7:25 a.m., re
main in the city thrco hours, and return
to ChIto at 4:45 p.m., the samo day.
The 12:30 accommodation and Cairo
and St. Ixiuis express leave daily ; all oth
er leavo daily cxcqpt Sundays.
Way passengers ihould bear In mind
that tho 3:30 p.m. train makes only four
stoppings between Cairo and Centrnlln
viz ; .Toncsboro, Curbonunlc, Dtt Quoin
nnd Ashley. The 12:30 p.m. train stops
nt all the stations along the route.
dee3lf Agent, Culru.
Steamer Illinois, Columbus.
" James Fisk, Jr., Paducah.
" Red Fox, Shnrncctown.
" -Mary Mlll-.r, St, Louis..
" Qulckstpp, Evansville.
" Arkansas Belle, Evansville.
" Rour, -Now Orleans.
" City Chester, Memphis.
" Diamond, Memphis.
" Indiana, New Orleans.
" Abeona, Cincinnati.
" Argonaut, Tennessee river.
" Mary Alice, Now Orleans.
" Wm. Cowcn, Pittsburg.
" N. W. Casey, Cascyvillc.
" J no. Kyle, St. Louis.
" Jennie Howel, Now Orleans.
" 0. H.Wilson, St. Louis.
" John Lumsden,
" Paulino Carroll,
Steamer Illinois, Columbus.
" Jas. Fisk, Jr., Pnducuh.
" Red Fox, New Orleans.
" Mary Miller, Evansville.
" Quickstep, Evansville.
" Arkansns Bcllo, Evansville.
" Boaz, 1'ittsburg.
" City Chester, St. Louis.
" Diamond, LouUvillu.
" Iiidinmi, Loulsvillo.
" Abeona, St. Louis.
" Argonaut, St. Lou!'.
Mary Alleo, St. Louts.
" Wm, Cowen, Now Orleans.
F. V. Casey, Casey villf,.
" .Ino. Kyle, Nov.1 Orlonin.
" Jumcs Howel, Cincinnati,
C. H. Wilson, Louisville.
11 Jno. Lumsdon, Nashville.
" Paulino Carroll, NowOrleans.
trBtisineS9 sumo ns ut lust report.
r-Tho Argonaut brought for Charles
Gallghor, 10 thoand staves, and 41 bis
tobacco for reabipmcnt South, and is woll
laden for St. Louis.
C27"Tho Abcohn discharged hero for J.
Do Zonla, 11 pkgs sundries; Strotton A
Bird, 10 bbh potatoes.
B3uTho Qulckstop brought for Charles
Gollghor, 100 empty bbls ; G. D. William
son; coop poultry.; iThom's, Groan; Al
den, 3 coop poultry; aud tlW followlnj
tor reshipment; 570 sks corn, 48 tksoats,
4S bbls whisky,' CO pkgs sundries fur the
South, and Tj bunches chair splint tor
St. Louis.
, L.TIio river ha fallen 1 foot in lb
past 34 hours.
UTho weather was clear yesterday
and is rapidly becoming warmagaln. But
tor ibt clouds olijlit Uforo lstt ,all fruito
and everything olso of a tender character
would hnvo been destroyed. We blievo
thcro was no frost.
HBiTho Mississippi Is still fulling at
St. Louis at tho rate of 0 or 7 Inches per
day. The upper Mississippi Is rising bat
all other stroams are on tho decline.
HaTTbo Ohio Is stationary nt Pittsburg,
with 3 feet 5 inches In tho channel, but Is
falling ulsowhoro with lOi feot at C'incin-
j nutl, and 3 fuot in tho chuto nnd ii In the
canal at Louisville.
! tOfTUn Tn.,. v..i, r. i.-,.,...l,i irtl.Ai.. '
iron for O. R. Woodwnrd, Cairo; 10 hhds '
tobacco, 10 bxs handles for St. Louis.
tttTho Indiana brought CO hhds sugar
for tho 1. C. railroad, 2 do. for G. D. Wil
liamson, 144 do. for Cincinnati and SO do
for Louisville. I
9gL.Tho T. F. Eckcrt left yesterday evol
ning nt 5 o'clock for Littlo Itock, Ar
kansas, to go to work upon tho sunken
steamer Dunham, which lies n short dis
tance bolow that city. This wilt bu a sor-
... ,H . v. n . ... t. n t
v nuiiuuiiwiueiib fcu uiusu win imiu suv
.til. -t , . c . ,
Illnlp hnmU ttrvin ihn nn ni'mAnl r n I, n
to Paducah on the roomy nnd commodious
Eckcrt. But wo trust that tho par' its
having tho excursion In charge will dc
vlso way whereby to carry oat tho origin.
nl design of n Mny-day excursion in enso
tho Eckcrt should not return in time.
Sy Cupt. Dors Smodloy, of the Pndti
call packet James Flsk, Jr., proposes, ns
moro pooplo will want to go to Paducah
on tlio llrst of May than can bo accommo
dated by nny ono steamer, to carry nil
who may wish to go upon tho packet
J Jamc-t Fisk, Jr., at hnlf-furo rate. Tho
riikwlll lenvo Cairo at 4 or fi p.m. on
tho 30th, nrrlvlng at Puducali nt 10 p.m.
Returning iho will leavo Paducah nt i
o'clock in tho ovcnlng.
tfay-Tho Arkansas Hello brought for II
S. Miller 5 pkgs sundries; Parson, Davis
A Co. 23 empty crates, J. Pruss 2 pkgs
B5Ti-Tho steam was raised on Halll-
day llro.'s new tug yesterday.
CQTTho Potomac and Alton left Now
Orleans on tho 20th, nnd tho Kate Kinney
and Glcncoo on tlf.i 21st.
Tho Illinois brought up 02 bcles of
cotton for tho Enst per rail.
aTTho John Kllgour will bo sold at
public sale on Thursday, tho 4th of May.
6"Greenflold's steam ferry boat will
raiso steam during tho foro part of tho
Beventv-flve to two hundred dollars iter month
everywhere, lnalo and 'emale.to introduce the
Oenulno Improved Common en.o Fumltj fcewlnz
M item nr.. mis ma-nn.e win allien, item, leu,
tnck, bind.lirald, conl, milit ant! einbroblei In a
mostauperior innnr-er. I'nco only $l Fully
witirintt-d for flvo vi-itrt. Wo will .ny al,0s) f.,r
any mat.hln tint will sew a stronger, inoru t-ati-tlful
or more eli-tln seam thm o-r. It mtiltcsti'o
'El.istlc Locatltch." Ktery rei-onil s'ltchcitn
be rut, nnd sti'l tho eloih Cinnot bt pulled apart
without Uarirgl We pay agent ST5 to $lt r
mouth nnd expenses, ornt:tiiiiiriis-.iiin frnin which
twic thu amount can bo umdo, FurmrcuUia
aad term, apply to.r address,
c. iiownrtaico,
41U Spruce Street, rhlbitlelphla, P.i.
C'iution Uo not bo Imposed upon by other
parties pslmlng ott woithlrt-scitt iron nijahines
under the same name or others Ut. Ours Is the
only g' nnlneana really practical rherp muchlno
manufactured. aprlGdSin.
udixaxcl: no. hs.
An ordinance lo amend sect on S-iiol an ord'nance
entitled "An ordinance to adopt tho ordinances
of th" City of Cairo ns revised nnd codlflod."
D ii ordained by the City Council of tho City of
Cairn i
Rtcnox 1. Tli.-tt sa d section JSC be nnd tho rarno
Is hereby amended by adding r.t the end thoreof,
the follow!- g, vis: Provided rc.l cedar lumber
may be aubttliutcd for white or bur onk In tne
tills, crosstlos, stringers and posts, and tho
Itostn of the trsttft lenrlc mit I, snt fin oilir
boanls 12 inches square laid on ih snrfuco of tho
groiind,if,intheoiinionnr tlio Street Committee,
1. I- tirt-itit;.! r Alruinui it! .1 IS SOi
Approvea, April itiii, 1871
JOHN M. I.ANSDE:.. JIayor,
( FOR f42.25.
IUtn'1. and VHItY I..VRO P. cash eommlsslont
to good ageuts, who are uunted NOW overv-wht-ro.
Bomethlng for overv home. Send stamp
forteims, locenis for partial specimens, orfl.io
fur complete outfit, to Bright nido Company, lit
Madison blreot, Chicago, ldinoit. ar2u.ltt
riiAX PUitciiASEirs no.
To Mormaduko S. Ensmlugcr; Ton ro hereby
notified that at a sale ot real eatatti mndaovtlm
Sheritf of Alexander County, Illinois, at the door
or iiiu cniiri nouse, in um city 01 utirn, uminty or
Alexander and ft no of Illinois, ontlit27lh tiny of
July, A. I). l!W9, the un jcraignjn purchased ihn
following tlecribod re.il rtlute, situated In aaid
County, for tho taxes, Interest mid costs thin
thereon, tor the J ear A. !. ISie, to.H It i Lois ('Jl)
tttenty-onn nnd 21) luenty.lno in lllock num
bered (:si) thirty, In Iho city ot Cilro, taxed In Iho
namoof.MnriniduLoB. Knsniiuger ti I tli-i the.
time allowed by hw lor tint ri-tli-inption of said
ren estate villi expire on tho a;ih day of July, A,
T"" riirunmer. ,
CIKIN'IE5s-E iV if.lAXmH
r3sovyTXIKA.Vl'JWKtV K. Hi.
On nnd nflcr Monthly, IVbruary 27 tli,
1871, trnlns At 111 rim us fulluiTM
Tilt INS UOIM1 hOlTIIEilr.
Leavo Ashland T:.'itl n.m
" KpruiglieMt .0:10 "
" Titjlorvlllt. .i:s "
Arriior.t I'ann r....UM in.
TatlSt 00111 MIKTIiWUT.
..JIM i in.
....lu'll '
....5:17 "
..4.i An m ,
....1 3) u in.
...4,-VS "
...0.1") "
G:ll) "
,.8.W "
Lrnre I'.ina
Arr vo at i,rlngtlcld...t!ilS "
Invti Spsliigfield
Arrive at AshUtid......
Tstixa aoisii toiTiictsr.
1,04 16 Edgew0ood...,6:S0n.in ,lO;l(ln.ni
" Flora 5:5.1 " lliiu
Arrive at khawuoetown&S-lp in 5;15 n,m
raaist ooiau Kournwr.ii,-
Leave Shawnoetown S: IS a.m S.Ot'n.m
' I'lors '2:65 " 7:i.i't
Arrive at s.rtKsweod -.4U i. mnm e!io
TheS'3.) a nr. train from Kdneaon.l. runs only.
Mondava. WsdnesSavaand r'nlnts. an, I .1:13 a.m.
train from Sliawneatown on Tues.fsts, Thurs.
days and baturdayi.
Coiinecls at ashland tilth Jai-kscnvl'le Hliislon
of t'hirago and al'nu K llro.d fit Js ksor.villc,
PaUrsburtf, MasonCKf ,ai t sJI t'iut a.'tt.
St riprlujfi.-ld. astili Chusa-uaul SUvn, and
Ttltdu, abash and Wi-tu Hillrnnd, f,.r
Uloosaluf it.n, Chlt!g",and all lals north, north.
at an t aes ,
Altai. with Int. and Hi Louis, and llUnoU
Centra' sVtiln'ud for all points t.t.i, suili and
At Lrfgeatiod ilh Chlosgo Dlvlston' lllitiolt
Central kadroat.
AtHoia.sjlili Ohln aid Misaiesl,i railroad,
AtHliawntsto.il, mii Steamtu a n,r-Ciniln-tl,
l'uducuh, C.ilf o and St. Louis. ,
OBLANi-WMIT1I fll.nM'Sup't.
JaiM Fsstist, Osa'l i'fgi sad Tiakt A' i.
w - .
t rAM ... . .
-0r inshinston n.ve.
1 .m..
? w
11th Street
RoM Bribach
Has Removed fo Write r's Itlock, and
Opined n Firtf.Clas?
1!. w.ll kp always on hand tho li.-st nf Metis of
every var.ety,
Xiowomt Prioosj.
Smttltetl .Uent, Ftenli Jlent.Snrune;. , etc.
At tho lowest pricei, Ciire him n call.
Iy sou. Uavi lien Abram, rs.n away from the
neltthboritMi ! tit Mopp c, l oul.hns, nlwiit ten
dsya njro and has not bcim hearu ironMtnt-e He
h.id In his pes(t.lon al irgei niim f money. He
is about icut eJrsof g,j, blfe ojes. ,a low
u- mplexmn, h.in en-l henry set o L.ture, nntl
-pealts a hn! -tloin rr moro l.ingungu using
French mostly In hi ordinary conver-Ulon. A
llnr.l rewi tl wih bo pa lor any information
-nntr rnmg hit u hereabout by bta f.ttne-. at the
St. Nl. holm Hotel, Cairo. Il'-no s.
Ciiro,Jl!s Apnlj;. 1S71. pr2.' i, ,
cc of the C.Iro cVPt. Iiuls nllioad Co.
t;nr,, ins., April Jlot, 1971. ,
Xctloe Is hereby given that n meeting of the
Hoard of iJlre. lur of tlttjt C,tnrt.nnt.- iiri.1 . ..!.,
on I n,-i iy, tH T!lh i st , i.i Ihn rtomhern Hotel.
In thoe.lv of St. IiiiN. .Mo..nt 10 o'clock, n.m.
ani'J.MI 1 S. TATSTAYr,(H. I'rlrienl
llelivi-en Washington Ave A Poplar St
ltimianntl Mtinea .tle.tlr fo Order. Flnra
W'ttrUitleit Kntili7rrla
Satisfaction Warranted
I a 1 1 1 tui i uaii ' """liMMMni'sM
Cor. Sth St. nnd Commercial ar.,"
1; 1T5IK PllItRI
.Sharp (Inzors.rieaii Towels and Skill,
till U'ttrkiaou.
I.aJies' nnd Children's Hair Cut and Shatnpooced
eititer attno shop or
Gentlemen's Whiskers and nair Dyedtnasclen
tide iniiuner nnd satlsfuclionguaranteed.
Mny 25tlt, 1871,
TIcltetsTwo Dollara i:nrli Halves One
Hollar Lticli.
ftsTThls enlerpnso will lt conducted In a pro
olev similar manner to th-noftho late (intr J
d ft Concert of the Jlcrcnntlle Library Associa
tion, nfrian Tranclsco, which give tuch unlveral
Oiit':iniircli Every Thirty-Eight.
1 Cssli C.ft
, 19,010
1,1 Of.
1. KSJ
7 .'.)
2, fits)
2 u.i
1 Cash tiin .
I Cash !itt
1 lash Gift
1 Ctt-h tint -
1 Cssh (lift
1 Cath (lift
i t;.nh c.ft ,
l Cash (nit
1 Cash liift
I Cash tlilt
1 Cash, til,
1 Cish 01 t
1 C.nh Od'l
I Cash (iift
15 Cash l lis, fWi enul
10 O sliOirts, 'i'.i eno-
21) C-tsh tilfis, lisi eueh
M Ciish (lilts, W each
lis) Ca-Ii (tills, Sii eeh...i.
101 tliah (lilts, 'Jl esch
IisjO Cws.i O'f s, i eaeh...
1UAI Caih (lifts, J) osch.....
i'lltt dirts, nnituinting to .-uJ,(ju)
Which will b.t tl'strtliu ed by chance sinni-r the
tlckwt holders, by (ho JUiltual Aid Astociatlon of
Ilirr,ascn-M 11. Ilrock, U . Msrshal'torUce,
Omuh.t! EdtrZibriskie,lsio Union raolHoluil
rnj, ottioe, Omshn; J. Turner, Peputy U. 8. Mais
slisl, iniinna, j. inyie. ruiiomoo, Uin tha, Nh.
IIOOU resfuits utvaKVUb. wailletl
inlttlonaiintve.t. A,ittrvs,
LVI'OItll Ji CO., lltisinets Managers,
iiiiiMit.. neitrastc.
Iinpprtoistind Jjobbrrs'ef
Have at all times full" stHftr'jrn'errFof faailon
tollable goods,, which wiirimM.lt atAllln lowest
uinruuc, pne, want aelicited, i,u1, ortsjy
VhM i ? W n,
mu m
f I
& m? Ut is" , ttt. SKLi- fi,- -m i n'sji. -W"1.