Newspaper Page Text
STEAMBOATS. CAIRO AND NASHVILLE Tho fo Idwlrg steamer Iravo Cairo KOI'.NAKIIV.I.U: on lh days and nt tho hour b. low.namcit TALISMAN, Every Monday nt i p.m. ; TYRONE, Every Thursday, nt 0 p.m. 5 LUMSDEN, Kvtry Snlurdny, nt 0 p.m. For Freight or I'asaago apply on lord, or to DIOG3 it MALLORY, Jri20'7Ilf ;j OHIO LKVBK. CAIRO AND PADUCAH. DAILY PACKET. The be dutiful nj ht draught steamer JAMES FISK' ,TR DOIINKY MMKULKY Matter. Leavea Cairo daily at 5 p.m., ajd PaJucah dally at 9 a.m. Having aupcrlor aycommfidationiT she "licit public patronage. JEGAL K.TEHPHISE. $100,000 GIFT FESTIVAL OMAHA, NEBRASKA, May 25111, 1871, IN AID OF A rUHLIC LIBRARY Ticket Two Dollar Each HaWe One Hollar lach, MTThla enterprifo will ! conduct"! In a pri cl'clv nfmllir manner 10 that of the late Orar.d (J ft Concert of the Mercantilo Library Acia.,orn rraneiaco, which Kve kiicii uuifeml lauaiacnon. One Chance- lu Every Tlilrty-KlRlil. 1 i!h out .. ,() 1 Ch I. ill. ...... .,., 15,'xl 1 Cuh Oitt..... ......... lO.i'O 1 rath rim . 1 Cash (iilt . 1 Cauli (iilt....... a 1 Ca.h Olft........j;...... 1 Caah Clft...... ..... ,.... 1 Cah Oirt M 1 tMh (lift I Cash Olft... I Cuh (I ilt,.... ....... . 1 Cash I1 ...... ... ..... 1 Caih Oifl ,... .. ,... t Caah Olft.M.. 14 Cash O n, 'M each 10 Cull Oifl,., 240 each at Caah Olfta, 1J each . U) Ca,h (;m, 60 each 1(0 Canh filfu, 30 each 101 Cash (lift', U each...... P1 f'aan (lift,, 10 each... 1000 Caih Ulfta, 8 each............ ..... a,uj l,ni) l,(l ..... !,' 1,( 1,") ...... ...... l.ou !.". ...... 7,VD ItJU't ...... '!. ..... 2t ...... 3,IM) V.WKI ll(.() ..... (; 2110 Gift, amounting to...... fl(,(iJ Which will bo distributed by rhance among the lleai.1 holder, by the Mutual Aid Aitociatiun of Omaha, Kutacacta M. It. Ilrock, U.H. Manual' office, Omaha: Edgar Zibnakie, late Union Pacific Itall road office, Omaha; J. Turner. DeputyU. H. Mar ihl, Omaha; J. Itojrle. Postolnce, Omaha, .Vfb. fiojj responsible arents wanted. Liberalurn ralaiiSn allowed. Audreai, LTKOitD CO., Iluttuesa Manager. Omaha, Nebraska. STOVES, TINWARE, ETC. ' DEALER IS STOVES Tin and Hollow AVare,CIolhPH WrlDgers Toilet Wore, Coal llod, Fire Bhovcln, Air Uratui, Manufacturer ol Tin, Zinc, Copper and Sheet Iron 3FL 33. No. 166 Washington Ave IlooSInf . Clnllerlaiir and all kind of Job WorM none lit rlliorlcat Nullce. fehilif COAL. QAIKO CITY o o COMPANY ire Frcpnred to Supply Customer with the Beit quality of PITTSBURG AND Illiuois Coal. Ortltra left nt HatllUay Bros. MOlce, .No. 70 Ohio Levee, or nt the Coal Yard below the St. C'hnrle II o tel, will Receive Prompt Attention. The Tug "Montauk" will bring Coat alcngauie (earners aianjr hour, day or nlglit. Cairo, Oil. lh. 1870 tf REAL ESTATE BROKERS- 1 VJLSIOX V CO., (8acceaaor to John Q. Unrman A Co.,) REAL ESTATE a u c tioFe e s 74, Second Floor, OHIO LEVEE Cairo, Xll., Buy and Sell Real Estate PAY TAXBS, .CHNI8II AIWTHACTH F TITI.l ANI FRKI'AHhCONVEVANl'KS IIPAI.f.Nn8 BOAT-STORES. s AM WILSON. DEALER IN BOAT STORES GROCERIES. 1X0 Provisions 110 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, 111 noiai. -JgVNINENS CARDS, BILL HEADS, BILLS LADING, T.ETTBR DEADS NEWS OF THE CITY. Mcn'i Fino Seal Hkln Gutter, nnd alto "Prlnco Alberts,'' nt Elliott & Haythorr's tf Mines' Sorgo and Kid Pollih, scallop- top, nt tho City Shoo Store, cornor Com mcrcial avenue" and Eighth street, tf Flouk. Cholco Family Flour In bbls half bbls., jacks &c, for tale at thoKgyp. tlun Mills. au 1 I I I I .Mi Who ia It that docs not llko smoking hot biscuits for breakfast ? Tho Famo Cook stovo will Ukothcm In flvo minutes time by the watch. tf Gents' Oxford Tics, l'rlrt.-o AlbcrU nnd Opcrn Slippers, nt the -Clty Shoo Store," corner of Commercial nvenue nnd Eighth street. tf AVamtki, Immediately, i girl to do general liotno work, nt No. 57, Ninth street, between "Walnut and Cedar streets. It Miw. JKr-F. MAKTIX. Ladles' Serge (I'olish), scallop-top, for from one dollar nnd fifty cents to three dollars and twenty-flvo cent, at City Shoe Store, corner of Commercial itvcnuo and Eighth street. tf Tiik Urio patent moveable point steel plowj 0110 otrn point fjiven with ench plow. For sale only by HKKRWAKT, OllTH Si CO., ar'tf mc Commercial Ave. Xotick. All persons having nrticlcs nt tho Culro Dye Houae nro requested to (mil nnd get them before tho 20th of Mny next, or they will be sold for charges. Mm. ANN ItEDMAN. Lyman Jamk Se lino. The new saloon and billiard hall of Lyman Jamc & liro. will not b oned on ilonduv nest, as stated by us in yesterday's paper. j)uo notice will be given of tho event. A splendid assortment of Mid cages moss baskets, flower stands, flower train ers, wire-cloth for window screens, bath nnd foot tubs, &C, &c, just received nt HEJiltWAHT, OKTII itCO S, aOtf 130 Commercial Ave. Cauoiit. A suspicious fellow, discov ered lurking about tho premises of Mr. Tanner, tho grocer, was nrrosted by ono of tho night policeman on "Wednesday night. Ho was taken beforo 'Soulre Shan- ncssy yesterday morning, and discharged lor want of ovidenco to hold him. Tuck. There can bo no doubt thut llnugh is, par treeUence, tho boot nnd shoemaker of Cairo. Ho chnllongcs com petition in his trade, nnd atsurcs the pub lic that he will guarantee to his customers satisfaction. His shop is on Eiuhth street near the corner of Ohio Levee tf Gnu Loan in Cairo Jay Cooko ii Co. offer the 7.30 gold loan of the North ern 1'aciflc R. It. Co., as a safe and profit able investment, but n still more prufltablo way of investing money Is in Urown St Edwards' barber shop, where, among oth er excellent barbers, Gus Himo handles his trusty razor. Uemcmbcr the place Theobold's old stand, Seventh streot, near Ohio Levee. tf Notice. From and after this dato tho steamer James Fisk Jr. v. ill not receive goods for transportation with involco charges thereon. I). SMEDLEY. Master. Ciro, 111., April SJ, 1870. apIS-dJt Ladies' Serge (Polish) French Kid, foxed, at City Shoo Store, corner of Com mercial avenue and Eighth street. tf PEori.ic aro olten surprised when told that such and such flne articles of jewelry were made In Cairo. "Why should they not be, if tho necessa ry patror.ago Is extended to wnrrant it? Ml who aro curious in such things, or havo doubts in tho matter, nro invited to experionce our facilities nnd watch tho process by which tho rugged rocks and metals nro fashioned into tho most orna mental patterns of jewelry. Call on Us nt 88 Ohio Levco nnd wo will soon satisfy you that wo can make anything you mny wnnt. TAT! Kit IiKOTIIEIW. Tiiu Fknto.v Cohn Mill. This estab lishment, corner of Commercial avenuo nnd Twentieth street, is now In ohargo of Mr. M. D. Guntcr, who having purchased nnd thoroughly refitted it. invites the nt tontion of the public to tho fact that he is now prepared to furnish dealers nnd fami lies with tho very best nrtlclo of corn meal. Orders left nt tho mill or sent through tho postoClco will rcceivo prompt attention. tf Removal. Mrs. J. Cumnungs wishes to inform her customers and tho public generally that tho has removed hor mil linery goods from her storo on Eighth stroct to tho commodious room on Com mercial Avenue, 'botween Seventh nod Eighth streets known as Mrs. Oswold's old stand. Mrs. Cummings hns added largely to hor stook of goods, nnd now lins n cheap, seasosinblo nnd fashlonnblo col lection of hats, bonnets, ribbons, etc., to wbichsho nsks tho nttontion of old nnd now pntrons. m2-ldtf "Wakino Ui 1'eoplo begin to realize that our respected ancestors mint havo had 11 very inconvenient timo of it without railroads, steamers, gas, friction mntches, telegraphs, expresses, sewing machines, nnd last, nnd par consequence not least, Charter Oak Cooking Stoves. nprJSd&wlt THE C-IIRO BULLETIN", A FESTIVE OCCASION". 03t Annlreiaary of the Katnbllsliment of the I. O. ), I'. In America. svi:.ii(i.r;, n.vxci.vfj. Ki)ii'i:n, .11 I'M C AXIS MIKTll. Tho soclnl party nnd dnnco given by tho Odd-Follows ut their hall on AVcdnci day night, tho 62d anniversary of tho or der in America, was ono of this mot en joyable nflnlrs of tho kind that hns over taken place in Cairo. The company pres ent numbered about ono hundred nnd fifty and was composed of tho jncmbors of tho order, their families nnd friends. THE HALL, which is n handsomely furnished room of contldcrnblo sizo, was well lighted and well ventilated, provided with an nbund- of chairs nnd wns In every respect comfortablo nnd pleasant. Tho compnny guthorcd at an early hour, and wcro addressed by Mr. John II. Oberly,by request. TIIK TAI1I.KH, under Iho supervision of tho Daughters of Rebokah, presented a very beautiful ap pcaranco. Thcv wcro vcrv tastefully ar ranged, arid wcro handsomely decorated with flower.. Tho expectation raised by tho tempting array of viands wcro not dis appointed, for they proved on trial to bo ovry particle us good as they looked to be. After supper, the company, to the lively and inspiriting music of ltiKMir.RO'n liTIUNO HANK, proceeded .to enjoy themselves in tho dance. Ceremony and stiffness woro ban ished from the rooms in fact, wo bclievo their presence is norcr allowed in tho hall of thn order when ita members meet on social occnion. Old and young, without regard toago or condition, gave themselves up to the enjoyment of the hour, nnd only separated when tho hands of the clock pointed to the morning hours. Tho general verdict of thoio present was that tho Odd-Fellows nro good fellows at nil times, and the best of fellows on n social occn'ion llko their celebration of "Wednesday night. A Chance to "Win a Foiiti-nk. Tills legal cnterprito in aid of n public library at Omaha, comes well recommended, and wo hnvo no doubt it is gotten up in good faith and will bo carried out to tho letter In short that it is no bogus affair. Seo advertisement in another column. apr25d&wlw IMMIGRANT AND All) SOCIETV. Beaouree and Prndoctlrctiesa houtlieni Illlnol. of IIKAI.TIIPUI. CI. 151 A U;, HI til NOll. ASH U.l)i:V:L.01'f.I VYKAIril. Meeting or the ftoelety Hay 3d. ou Tneailay, Tho members of tbo Southern Illinois Immigrant Aid Society, as well ns all thoso interested, nro respectfully requested to meet in the Poor Mnn's Club room, in "Winter's block, on Tufday evening, May 2nd, at seven o'clock, sharp, for tho pur- poso of considering the propriety of per fecting n moro permanent organization, and devising ways and means to carry out its purpose?, if found expedient. "Whilo it is truo wo have taxed uurjclvcs to our utmost capacity for railroadr, nnd county roads, bridges nnd other im provement, wo havo sadly overlooked the very importaut item of encouraging immigration nnd wealth, to improve and beautify our country, nnd aid us in further er.tetprites. It would bo superfluous to say that tho southern portion of our State, (and in par ticular tbo four or flvo southern counties,) for location, soil, tlmbor, rocks, nnd ore, water nnd climate, is not surpassed by any Stnto in tho Union. Nature has provided us with every nat ural advantage ever vouchsafed to any lo cality. Hounded by two of the most prom inent rivers on this continent; centralized by tho Illlnol! Control rt 11 road and other railroads in progress; timber second to none; beautiful, clear, gushing springs of water without number quarries of finest lime, sand nnd marble.; iron oro sufficient, if manufactured, to lay n rnilrcad track ten times nround tho world, twlco told; whilo our rich soil, if properly cultivated, would produce enough to feed nations. Owing to our genial clltnnto, thoro is no country can excel ours for raising all tho staple wheat, rye, oats, corn and to bacco; wnllo our fruits nnd vegetables aro far in advance of any other portion of tho Stato nnd of superior quality it only re mains to bring this favorlto country into proper cultivation to mako it a second Eden, minus tho forbidden tree. At first view, mnny will bo surprised that this beautiful field of naturo has been so lung neglected, whilo others, not half as nttmctiva havo been cultivated for Iho last quarter of a contury. Itut as this is foreign to our subject 1 will dismiss It. It now remains for us to say whether wo shall remain passivo nnd gropo our way under tho shadow of our moro prosperous surroundings; or shall wo not' rathor shako off this incubus, nnd set our sight on tho hills to Invito prosperity and woalth. Respectfully submitted, D. ARTER, President. Fok Sam:. Tho undersigned will sell nt piivnto snlo tho following described property: Four work horses; 2 sets double harness; 2 two-horso wagons; sovcral plows and other agricultural im plements. Partlos denirlng to purchase will call at hor resiileneoorat Robt. Ilri bach's, oppbsito tho court liouso. 'forms of snlo, half ensh ; balance on six month's credit, with good socurity. npr22dlm Mrts. KATIE COOPER. Tiik Police Fokce. Ilccauso an occa sional robbery occurs in tho city certain parties, Inclined to grumble now, but who somo tlmo ago would not open their Inno cent mouths whilo tho Ollpporlan thlovcs infested every corner and piled their ne farious calling, cry: "IWrlblo I "Why don't tho authorities squolch all thlovcs ?'' Nov., oven tho blindest of theso grumblers must seo that tho polico officers on duty n very small forco aro doing nil thnt can bo done to suppress thievery. They havo worked n great reformation, but It is nn unreasonable expectation that they shall mako all tho crooked men walk in straight paths. Only.throo policemen nro on duty at ntgbt Chief Myers, nnd of ficers, Vcrrino and Sumner, nnd, although Myers Is actlvo always whoro duty calls him nover backward well posted in the requirements of his position; nnd, nl though officers Vcrrine nnd Sumner aro vigilant nnd industrious, tho force is too small to do all that tho citizens demand of tho constabulatory forco of tho city. Rut, nevertheless, wo aro suro every ono must sco a marked improvement in tho condition ofaflalra slnco tho new administration took charge of the city government. In the thirty days, ending to-day, n greater num ber of priioncrs havo been arrested and convicted for violations of tho city ordi nances than In nny other thirty days in tho past history of tho city during five years past. There is now n larger forco of hardy laborers on tho chain gang than hns been on it it in the samo period r.t an von a time. Credit fur this result must not nil bo given to' tho faithfulnes of Myers, Vorrlne .and Sumner, but also to Marshal Cain and officer Sheehan who have been very faithful to duty. Robberies, howovcr, cannot bo prevented. Tho most pcrrectly policed cities in. the world uro liable to bo invaded by burglars, who do their mis chief in the darknossof niuht. Rut this wo will say, that what can bo done in tho way of prevention the present forco will labor to do; n larger forco is no doubt demanded by tho nccesr itics of tho situa tion, but a moro faithful small forco can not bo found an v whoro. KvNAhTO.v. James Kvnaston, the well- known butcher of tho Fourth Ward, opened his branch butcher shop yester day, and now invites tho patronago of tho public. His '-branch" is on tho lot next to tho grocery store of Alderman Carroll, on Commercial avenue, and will bo sup plied with tho freshest nnd best meats in the Cairo market. Kynaston knows his business, nnd alw3 furnishes good meats and gives full weight. tf . Ritr.viTiEs. Houpt fur.ilshed the reg ulator that will adorn that's tho right word the Excelsior saloon of Rlankon burg, corner of "Washington avenuo nnd Fourteenth street. Tho Tcnncsico river picnic on next Monday will bo a grand affair. Tho Turner picnic on next Sunday will bo tho great occasion of tho season. Tho Rough and Ready Uro company will elect otlicers next Monday night. Rilly Hamlin Is making tho Hunting liouso as good ns new. Larnod, of tbo V., railroad has not yet como to time. Circuit Court will oonveno ngain to morrow. Sheriff Irviu's delinquent list will bo put into tho hand of tho printer on the first of May. Tho mcctin g of tho Immigrant Aid So ciety, on Tuesday evening next, should not bo forgotten. Tho City Council will meet in joint cession to-night. ThT Paducah Keniuehan says tho Paducuh basn ball follows can beat our baso bailer, which is a statement not founded on fact; nnd tho same wo would riso to maintain. Tho.S'iin says Potter, of tho Mound City Journal, wns in tho city yesterdnv. Tho tun keeps us well posted concerning tho doings of our weighty friend of tho first high ground above Cairo. Tho lalo nnniversnry of Odd-Fellowship in Americnwin colobrutod by the or der in Mound City by npproprhito festivi ties. Dr. Casoy delivered an eloquent oration. Scrip sold yesterday for eighty conU ou the dollar. If interest wcro placed 011 all new scrip, vnluo would not then fluctuate, tho now would sell for par immediately and tho oM coon becomo as'good as green backs. Judges Rross nnd Murchildon, of tho County Court, participated in tho anni versary festivities of tho Odd Follows of this city on "Wednesday evening. Judge Rross is ono of tho earnest of tho Odd Fal lows of Cairo, nnd Judge Murchlldou has for n long timo been n member of tho order. LAST CALL. Tho undersigned is preparing his delin quent list for Stuto and County tnxes, and will havo It in tho hands ot tho printer by tho 1st proximo. All parties in arrenrs for taxes cither upon real estate or per sonal property nt that (Into will bo taxed with cost. ALEX. II. IRVIN. ap-7-d td. mikuifk. FOK KENT. Tho house heretofore occupied by Put rick Fltzgorald, on Ohio Levco betwonn Fourth and Sixth streets, Tills house. If not tho best busiiioss liouso is certainty ono of tho best stands In Cairo, It fronts tho principal stoamboat landing nnd is near tho Illinois Central railroad depot. Apply noxt dcor at Robert Smyth & Co's. wholosnlo grocery storo. APBIL 28 Tub Cot'NTVjCocrtT. This court con vened yesterday in special session for tho purpose, of Inking into considerntlon tho C. & V. R. R. question, but Jttdgo Mc Crito being absent nnd tho cthor mom bors desiring his presence beforo taking action, court adjourned to meet to-morrow. Wo nro now satisfied that Judgo Ilrosi ' and tho Asioclnto .Justices, Marchildon and ' McC'rite, nro willing to act inlh.s matter . according to tho will of their constituent', and will rclnstnto tho contract with tho C. ifcV.R, R. coinnanv under nroner r. , , - - ... strictions. It is not expected that they should act rashly, but it is hoped that they will net promptly and so act tint tho mn controlling tho C. A V.R. It. enterprise shall hnvo no excuso for allow ing it to drag its slow length along, and finally dio of much nursing. Glvo Hum- udo a chance ono moro chance; nnd, if bo cannot then succeed, ho will got out of tho way. Hut, it is said, ho Is nnxious to get tho contract reinstated so that ho may sell out to good advanlnge. "Woll, and If this Is true, what then? Wo do not caro who builds tho road, nnd If rcinttating the contracts will enable llurnslde to sell to parties willing nnd nblo to build It, thoro Is no reason why tho contract should not bo reinstnteJ. On tho contrary, wo bclievo that if tho court has reason to know that this movement is in contempla tion, tho reinstatement should bo made nt once. 0 want tho road, nnd don't caro n fig who shall build it not a flg. "Wo have been requested to say that Elliott fc llaythorn havo now on pxhibl- bition, nnd for snle, everything In tho boot nnd shoo lino for lndlis, nnd gentle men's wenr; nnd that nil their goods nro new nnd stylish. nprlotf Maurikk. On the 27th Inst, at tho res idence of Dr. Wardner, of this city, by thy Rev. Mr. Coan, Mr. E. E. Cadwell nnd -hiss jtyrn jv. j-.atimnn, uotn 01 i;hicngo. lit. 1 . . . A number of tho friends of tho happy couple witnessed the ceremony. The Bulletin offers it congratulations nnd wishes the brido nnd groom long lifo nnd happiness. Djsseuter.'. Threo deserters from tho nrmy wero nrrested by Chief of Polico Myers yesterday and locked up In the cal aboose. They say thoy deserted bocauso they arc unwilling to become enforcers of tho Ku-Klux bill. Ono is a Kontucky man, another n Massachusetts Yankeoand tho other a New York Irishman. Later. At a late hour last night wo re ceived tho information that thoy, whilo in Paducah, gnrrotcd itcllteen of that place, and robbed him of n sum of money. A sergeant of their company arrived in Cai ro last evening and Identified them. The Fourth " One of tho most popular institutions of tho Fourth "Ward is Ehler't shoo store, where ho makes to order all kinds of shoes in tho most work-mnn-liko manner. Tho citizen who uses his goods will never patronize any other nhoemaker in the city. His shop is on Twentieth street, nearly opposite tho court house. tf County. Tho nvcrago valuation of horses in tho county is f A2.08 ; of mules, $03.20; sheep, SI. 10; hogs, $1.04; carriages and wagons, $20.08; clocks and watches, $21.31 ; pianos, 5H9.12. Total, aggrcgato nvcrago value of above, S303.0S ; Total value of personal property 111 tho county, $500,703. Avorago price por aero of improved land, S3.70. Total number of town nnd city lots in tho county, 7,100; valuation, including improvements, 011,145; LVcrago prico per lot, 283.20. Number of ncrcs of land in cultivation in 1809,0,2,10. Population In 1870, 101(. LUNCH AND HOCK I1EEH. ! The Reason or this lleer or Hock Open Mext Monday. Mrs. 0. A. Movers, at her popular saloon, cornor Washington avenuo und Twelfth street, will open tho Hock lleer sensou on Monday, Mny 1st, with n grand frco lunch nt which alt that can pleaso tho palato of an opicuro will bo sorved. Lot tho lovers of Bock tako notice, nnd ho present nt tho lunch. npr23d3t Git.iNi) Picnic Excuusion, Mav 1st 1871. Tho fast steamer, T. F.Eckcrt, will leavo tho Cairo wharf, -May 1st, lit 7 o clock precisely, in tho morning, for tho beautiful groves up tho Tonncssoo rivor, landing for excursionists at Mound 'City at 8 o'clock, at Caledonia ut U, .Metropolis 10, Paducah ut 12, arriving at tho groves prepared at 1 o'clock, "whom tho excur sionists will partrko of their dinner, re turning to Paducah by 4, leaving for Cairo ut 0 nnd arriving at 10 o'clock p.m. precisely. Brass and string bnnds uro engaged. For full particulars -co small Programmes. JACK "WINTER, 1 U.S. HARRELL. AV. II. SOU UTTER, "l .Managers W. M.HAM HLUTONf Mound City, 111. Thekiustof Mav, Mrs. C. A. Movers will open n grand lunch, Including Beck Dcor. All thoso who nro disciples of King Bacchus will partako of her hospitality. OM King Colo was n merry old conl, 11 wr:y obi a .111 ti ii iiu ) He called for nil plies, hecalled for hl l"r, ho culled for hi tiddlers three. If 1 will sell, 011 rcasonablo tonus, my thrco story hotel und grocery building, and lot, locntod on tho Ohio Lovco, opposite thoCentrnl Elovn'or. This is n very do slrublo property being closo to the now manufacturing establishment now boing erected in tho Fourth "WnrJ, and is par ticularly adopted to tho uses of any per son desiring 11 stand for uithor tho hotel or grocory business. Apply, clthor by lotlor or personally, to MICHAEL IIOURIttAN. mfildlm ICE, ICE. lltise, f.oomla A- Co. In the I'rozrii Field. Tho ico wagons of IIu.c, Loomls & Co. will commenco to deliver ico about tho city on Monday, May lit, nnd will continue to mako daily rounds each mornfng (Sun days excepted; during tho present senson. Orders left nt tho ofilco of tho coinpnny, corner Ohio lovco nnd Eighth street, will rcceivo prompt attention. Huso, Loomts fc Co. nro also prepared to fill nil orden In tho steamboat nnd shipping trade. apr27-dlm FRED HL.VNKr.NHKRu . S10R." "EXCEL- free Lunch-Clraml Spread dny NlKlit. on Sntur- Fred Blankcnbcrg will spread a grand lunch at his new ''Excelsior' saloon Sat urday night (20th) n'. half-past eight o'clock. Everything In tho way of eata bles Fr.KK. FIno w nos, liquors, liock beor, fine cigars, etc.. it tho bar. All nro Invited to call and purtako of tho good things that will bosproh J before them, nnd enjoy the palatnblo lovi rages thnt will bo dispensed by Illankentcrg. Don't forget your pocket-books. apr27d3t GREAT RACE. . Distance o lie Itmi, IfJve Hundred Yiirtls. A great tjoii will bo run mi Saturday, April 20th, at 11 o'clock, a.m., between John Ilocpblo'is r.m. nnd Martir. Cain's b.h., abovo 31th streot, on tho prairie near tho hub factory. Di- tanco GUO yards. Tho Rttcndnne. will be. largo, a, much Interest is taken in this race. nnr27td Hi: of goodchcer, life nnd health for you yet. So thoso that havo taken Simmons' I.lvcr Regutator nttcst. nprsrul&wlw BIYEB 3STEWS. PORT LIST. AltlllVALS. Steamer Illinois, Columbu. " James Fisk, Jr., Paducnli. " Arkansas Halle, Evanville. Tyrone, Nashville. " Ironsides, St. Louis. " Potomac, New Orleans. City Vicksburg, Vicksburg. " Mary E. Poc, Cincinnati. " J. H. Grocsbeck, '' " Abeona, St. Louis. " Olencoe, Now Orleaii'. City Alton, " " Argonaut 2, St. Louis. " Grand Tower, St. Louis. IiKl'AHTUREH. .Steamer Illinois, Columbus. " Jns. Fisk Jr., Puducah. " Arkansas Belle, Evansvillu. " Tyrone, NnshvIIIo. " Ironsides, St. Louis. Potomac, Cincinnnti. " City Vicksburg, St. Louis. " Mnry E. Poc, St. Louis. ' J. H. Grocsbeck, New Orleans. " Abeonaj Cincinnati. " Glencoe, " ' " City Alton, St..Loui. " Argonaut 1, Tennessee river. " Grand Tower, Memphis. fiyi ho river roso 3 inches since last reports, from n riso coming out of- tho Cumberland river. That river has been rising for tho past f days, acd Paducah don't know it yit. CUfTho weather was cloudy at inter vals yesterday, and a light sprlnklo of rain foil In tho nfternoon. Tho air folt chilly and nguish Inst night, nnd will bo tho causoof considerable sickness. ESy-The Mississippi is stationary ugain preparatory to another retrograde move ment, and thcro is somo prospect of n flood nt St. Paul nnd nbovc, ns tho upper streams aroswcllingrapidlv. Tho Illinois and Missouri nro falling. tS5ThovOhio roso 6 inches and camo to n stand at Louisvlllo with 3 feet 7 inches in thoehulo over tho falls. It is falling ut Cincinnati and above. , CSjf'Jho Cumbcrl'ind is rising with 8 feet 011 IInrpethsho.1l.-1. CQ-Tlio packets Tyrone and Fisk brought very slim triM and nro dlscomo lato ovor tho prospect of allairs. 65?Steam was raised on (Jrcenfleld's ferry boat yesterday, arid her whittle woko tho echoes for the first time, in obodienco to the touch of a monkey wrench in tho hand of tho proprietor. She will bo rea lly for work next Tuesday. CflTTho tug A. 15. Sallord ttcamujl around in tho harbor n llttln dav beforo yesterday but will not bo ready for work for 1 01110 time yet. SaT All Little Rook tinned out and lined tho river banks, tho other day, to witness tho departuro of tho Cleburne, with hor bran new flag, adorned with tho Arkansas coat of iirm.1nll painted in blue. Sho ran tibovti town to show off, got her jackstall' caught in tho tolegrapli wire, hung fast for somo minutes, broko tbo wire, rounded to and camo down past tho city at 11 tearing rate, nmid tho hhouts and cheers of tho multitude on tho bl nil's. Captain Pritchard looked as proud as'n teu-your-old with a bran new brass-but toned suit of harness. fislrTho Glcncou discharged hero CO hhds sugar for Chicago.' 6s3"A rumor was circulated yostordny thnt tho Hollo Leo had taken flro and was consumed on her way out from St. Louis by somo fiction loving chnp, nnd, although no ono believed it, many heart beat light er rhon her whistlo sounded tho signal of hor arrival. Tho City of Alton discharged hero 413 canks wlnp, 3 ik cotl'oo for 1.0. R. R., J 25 pkgs groceries, la cask, wlno for Cair arid Nashville, niut hns able trip for SU! Louis CaTli, uanj Wit bo accompanied ori' their trip t Puducah on tho James Fisk1 f r., by Phil Howard's vnrictios, tho first exhibition of which will bo given early -Monday morning. They consiit In n nut shell, n fliigoolct, n whistle, n mocking bird, a dog, and a cornilootllonlcao and nro all played by tho snmo individual tho tinsquelchablo Phil nl different times, j tSTlf an Item of any moment mXdolU nppoarnncoon tho levco or any whoro near It yesterday, wo did not soo It. 1 nguTho Columbuj packet Illinois brought up 30 bales cotton for tho till-1 nois Central railroad. l"Tlio Arkansas Hullo brought 75 bales shooting, 43 bids whMky, -I hhds to- mt ui. i.uui", j. jiji.n r, iu it vim iiiuu, 1 ldwl. l! on -1.... II - . shipment south. vxs 1 no .James t isk, Jr., is tho regular 1 nducnli pneket daily ati p.m. -Tho (Julchstcp Is th&rcculor Ev- ansviuo nuu ;ol ln-l.iv. nn.l will inovn . Ml. . . . . pron.ptly on arrival of tho train. 1 fi"" Tho Silver Moon fcr Louis vlllo.r Richmond for St. Louts, left New Orleans on uio .'ijtn. monwoalth for Now Orleans, Bcllo St. Louis for Vicksburg, Utah for Fortp binitii, it. J. I.ookwood for Red river aro duo to-dny. LDuTho Hontifit Carrie crevasse on tho 1 Mississippi wns at last accounts 7o0 yards wide, but its spread was'nrrested by the oxortions of thn people who run out en massco. Five other breaks aro reported but nono ns great as this ono. NE YT ADVERTISEMENTS A.M) Turner Picnic SUNDAY, APRIL30, 187! .vt itoss Tin: r.ivr.n, OPPOSITE GALIGHER'S MILL. The Turner Society ol tho oily of Cairo srlll KiTenCitAnd Picnic atthonhoTo place on tho loth of April. STEAM Kit WILL LEAVE FOOT OF EIGHTH STREET, AT MXi: O'CLOCK, A. Id., And Mako Ono Trip Every Hour Dur ing tliu Day. IF'.A.IRIE 25 CTS Amnio preparations ulll be mode on the grounds for ihoiuToii.inodation ot visitor. Will bo In attendance, and oyery arrangement for daneict;. REFRESHMENTS IN ABUNDANCE WM.nunKrt, KTf.VES SCHWANITZ, itoiir. imiuACH, Committee. UCTIO.Y SAI.IJ or DRY GOODS IM CLOTHING HARTMAN'S AUCTION STORE. The undersigned will sell nl public auotlon. on NATI'IIDAY, AI'Itll.aoTlI, A loek of Staple and Fancy Dry Hoods, Cloth liu, l'ntf iTU lire, Iloiery, etc., :o. Thegoodi h i bo sold uthoiit reerre (o rim hlgheat bid der, m this 19 ih rrmnant of a atock of good that mint lie. cloned out. Tho tale will com. meneoiit n'clo. k,, and continue until 10 o'clock, p.m I. 1IAUTM.VN, npr.'liil Auctioneer. JPOK N.IXE. 'MVIllliini' lloiirhon and IIh '.Vlnea lILllllrry." " - AT CA 1 110, ILLINOIS, l Jltered for ittlehy the nndcralgned on the most leruit. IjiB Imihliiw la new nnd complete throHihtut mull iho modern Improvement- and appliance of auct an ctiililUtiuient, la in complete runuin order, hut has never leen run, Tho enKlne,, machinery, and appiratus generally are of tho beat iriuii'itactiire. ' ' Tho main biilMln U 67 by 11 feet, and three Hloriesh gli. Timboderahed I, U by Kl feot , the tub Hhed is 117 by h! fcot, each shed bwiug ono atory hlsh, 0 Tho enjlno la 1 inch cylinder, with X inch troke.tvin boilers II Inches In diamaier, 4 fluea. and au fect long. ' Tho cajao.ty of the iliitillery I 7S barrret per day.'ContlKUoua to the UUtillery are alarxe brick warehoiitc, and pens tor atock. It ia bfliuvvil thnt to nuy ot.o Ueairinc to carry on thudlatlllrry better opportunity for luvcatiiientcan Uiotiured than ia found heie, both conaldorlnKthudlalillery building and apparatus nnd the location thereof al Cairo. for further partioulira apply to the under- is-ied ni Cairo, or. to rimtth.UeKga&Ca., corner of iluln and Morgan atrceta, Bt. Louu, Mo. JOHN M. LANHnEN, Cii.o,IUIun. i