Newspaper Page Text
ill -l M JOHN H. OBERLY & OOMMISSION-FORWARDING. J M. I'HIl.MI'H A O.. 'Biicoessors l E. 0. Hendricks Co. FORWARDING ....... Mmission Merchants PROPRIITORS. OAIllO, ILLINOIS. fciBr.Ri. AMTiifrrM hadx on con. NlO.lf M KN tH, KWAtk prepared lo recefve, afore and forwatd freight ( nil i)lnt, and buy an I aII on com. fnlaWon earnuilnca aiUoJaJ Uwllb tirom-ito.,. QLOSE A VIA'CI'Va', CENEItAl. MEKCIIAXTS, atvl dralr In lime-, Cement, Plaster Paris AM) PLANTER EKS HAIR. Cor. 8ih Street and Ohio Lcvce CAIRO ILLINOIS. fsbUJtm K. W.MlUU. )ti. T. Pasara Ac PARKKIC, GEHERU COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants DEALERS IS FLOUR, CORN, O ATM, II A V, 3Bto.. aato., JLT. 58 Ohio j-Levee CAIRO., ILLIXOIH. JiVO. II. PIIILLIN. Baceosaor lo Parker A Phltli.. UESEBAL. COMMISSION FO R WARDING MEB CH A H T And Dealer la Flour, Meal, Hay, Corn, Ohih, Uran. Cor.10thSt.8tOhio Levee CAIRO. II.MXOIf. jTJALLIDAY BROTIIEKN. L fMMK I tlMUKItl DKAI.VUH IN OUR Ami Agsnu ol OHIO BIYEB AM) JiiNiIIA SALT COMPANIES Wo,70 OIZXO Xj33XTX33Q CAIRO ILLINOIS. JEADYOIAm: CLOTIILU. I. WAIDEB COK. CTII ST. & OHIO LEVEE, alro, - - - IllinoiH H at recerei4 a full and compteteitrwk n READY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' Furnishing Goods Of ar'aryJeKritillQp, which wjll be. anld at p n that will not lall to nut all purcheri. lf.rnct fiti guaranteed., till itock of Shirts,- Hats, Caps, etc, la not excelled tn point ol price and tjlo In tn I; cr any other market. ' BOUNEJBALiUVG ANH MOV. 'SUMERWELL'&BAIRD CAIRO, ILLINOIS, Areprepard to take contract fnr ralirri or oiher I 9f workm Hielrllne.V " tlrT,,.,h,P,,hl0,',I'i'1P1''l?cJ hr."' moln2 if niulnf nouiM on ibori noti eesd a thai of puWle pairooaxe. ioiltr7 COMMISSION nnunni IT CO. CHARTER OAK. 170,954 Sold Since Their Introduction The Mont MaeceMNful Popular and Perfect COOKING OP TZXXI PHlHOtJ ni: oun. well known ... - Hfimrof the Slmnlost Count rnei Inn. arc "easily niatinfrcd and jruarautfed to ENTIRE SATISFACTION ! A no article in the Inn. .1,1,1,1 I,.. Influence in erornotin the health, camion and hajpllie., el the f. In lit lnl llian lh Cnnlt Stove, II I, economy a. well a, ollcy to Kit the very ti.t ; and In liuylnjj the. trm Charter 0a jou can lely in stulnir the mail tuvrM til, popular jsnd -perfect cocking (tore erer rente. HOLD IIV p.xc'KLsion maxufactduim; to. fil2 A 014 If. JItn Mtr.ef, Nl. I.oula, Mo.. AND A LI Live Merchants LIKE. . W. ICjEXDjERSOX Cairn, Illinois. d.lirnl.'T MICROSCOPfeS. rrilTICELEBKATED CR1IG MICROSCOPE I. an optical wonder, reveal, the thouaanda of hldiien wondera of Nature; I, ol permanent uw and pwtical availability, combining instruction with amuaement, and never lo nr Hi Interest. It TEN THOUSAND TIMES a power .U1 to other micro trop. of mam timii Its co.L 1'eveal, cotintlea, luile woilda, all arounj u.. teeming with life, which fi the naked evetnmt lo-ever remain atealed bniiLatel in Tinecai, animal In water, chere mite,., tagar and Itch IdikIi, milk niobiller, claw and hair, uf In- ecu, hundred. of tin in alfijclv eye of a Br. duitufa Initifrflr'a wlngito hAperfevlly formed fcatiier. the muuhtalkeuof TrinchinaSpirfcliii or pork worm.Khlch wa Artld.itcotertl in America with tin. Jllcroxiope. It it of Infinite Talue to profeaalnnal men, to tea. htra ami to atuitem,, but nowhere i. It of Krolcr value than n Iri-umily t.l, within the reaahnf errjf memlr. It will Jellcht yourfe,f, jmiirchihlren and yoor friend" tlurlnj the 1od w Inter erenm;ii. It will ibow j.m adulteratlmia and iraelearilineia ot various kind, of food, Ml Kr, tea, lread, meal, e. 1 It Is of Inr-st hualjcl Yulnelo the Forme 1 In examluloe Inrecti which prey upon hn rrnpi. I The power or ajvjmtcroacope.anii tn aiinple In iia cuoiHiirjion inaiaay ciuid can u.e it und.r Undingly ati.i with appreciation. A laiif ll prenenl, elrrint, iD-tructltej Ainun ing, nndhe Orer CU.iwj hate teen told. Dunne th" paat eii taia lla worth h.a been tea. titled to tiy thoutwidi of ictwn title mcu, farmer,, echool teai-hrr. tudi-nt, phy.iclin., Ileiwl. c( familli a, uud otnere. I'ltlCE ?3 OO.-Scnt by Mall, Post Paid Erery inrrument it neatly boxe.l, ami nand nnmely latwled with full direction for ue. Thou ,and, have been er.t by mail. Addre.., W. J.1.1NF.-W A Ctl., Cblcaco. FREE! FREE! "The Sllcro,coo, - a inonllil) journal of infor. mation for tne people-tho tnycterifH ol nature explained lutereaiiDK iLloriuatlon on tbe won. dera of creation .tones, tk-th. In. Teimn tl 00 per yr. Thl journul will be font Free fur oue year to any one purrilin.ini; a Cralc Mn-ro-cpe, at tho reifiilar price, JS, (Craij; .Micro.copn will bei tent poat paid.) Fomamplecopr.nnd nurheaut'fully illtutrated anddecriptitoclrcuUr,iind-lnhi pagea ol tes timonial, uf Croli Mlcroscono, aemt lx cent, for poittcetn W. J. LI NKS L CO., Uplluias:, anl So! Prupricora of Craig nud Not. city Mlcronciipe, CnlcnRO, III. Acnl. an I DeAlori. IliU Miirj.copo veil in ct ery tunlly on It mrnta, when (xiuited. L're Prnfita Oulckdle. febttuum u:3 oi 3. r-:r5iws, Nortlj Ultihth St., f'hil.ida. DoTdWiis UMM Vecetable&IIv A color and dressing tlmt will not burn tho hair or injure tho head. It does not produce ft color mechanically, as tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually rcstoroa tho hur tonta original color and lustrs, by supplying now lifo arid' vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, fino .hair. , Tho best and Bafept- articlo eyor oilbrcd. , - . v Clean and Puro. iTo sediraenw Bold ovorywhere.' ASK FOR DOBBINS''. A nth) in. SATURDAY. Pnr.siDENT OnANT participated in the'ou at Ifnjotte, Inil., on Wednesday. Vica-Prc.iilent Colfnx dtlircrcd iho nddYps:!. TIE Cincinnetl, Timts.anil ChronlcU Lavo been consolidated, and on Monday ..'.II t. ! , - . ' .uum niu. u. uwuuu.aa an -avonl! Ior. . r ; . I i! i.i . . . i it ixjiicveu mat iwotitv nuiiioiiM of dollars will not cover tliu elainiH of tho Southern loyalitx, at, the rate that they ore now hein laid before the Claim Comtniscionrr. in. nwMjiiiiiKor or fii country liavc held a convention in New York city, t 'I' I which they declared their Jisapprnvnl ot the JJiirJtngham treaty inviting the introduction of Chinee labor, and an nounced their unalterable dctcrmitin tion to oppose any party that will not guarantee the prohibition of Coolio slavery, and inviting the co-operation of all trades unions against the en eouragemcut of Coolie labor. A telegram from San Francioo, dated April Jith, contain tbe information that tho jury in tho ca.o of Laura D. Fair, the murderer of A. P. Crittenden, brought in a verdict of murder in the firpt degree. The jury were out foriy minute". Till within the last week, huch a vordict waiuot looked for, but it i approred by nine-tenth? of the com munity and is' looked upon a. a just vindication of the law and a rebuke to the doctrines put forth in the defense of the 'cac. The prisoner is said to have been unmoved when taken from the court room, tbe only perceptible difference being that she was somewhat oiler than, .tmial. Ihb Hartford Time maintains that Gov. English is legally and indubita. bly re-elected.. It says; Governor Enclilh it rc-lectcl trovern or of this ttate by a majority of T V J5LVE. no na inn clear niujority ovcruK tho votes cmt for all other person!.. It u co.vhtitl'tio.val majority. It belong to nun uv i no nrovuioiis oi 1110 constitution, which proscribes tho manner In which tho returns of votes shall tq maiio hv tvlioui tnaJo and when they shrill be rnntfrj. The constitution, which members of tho lcuis laturc, as well as othcn, are bound to supjKirt bounil by their oaths to sustain co mines tin; Ir-gislnttiro to tho votes counted Hnd declured "in ihe tltctor' tiicrting,' on "tfie firit Monday of April." Hut the liopublicaiis propose to count votes tound in boxes in Jlnv; nml thev claim that they will declare ".lowcllel.'c tedonuch u count, in violation of the constitution! If this Is to lj Uio rule, tho' constitution shculd bo changed, and tho party that can print tho ino.t votes, nnd Huffthein in during tho thirty nights be tween tho election and the meeting of the legislature, will win. LETTER FROM ANNA, "'"-Viindsil iMaect-A Html Juke Homicide Inaaue Aarlum Cummlaalouera, Amii, April 20, U'. Editor Ihdletin: Thero has been such o plentiful luck of news and absenco of stirring evcnU In our village during tha past few weeks, that I have been con strained to keep silont frtm shoor neces sity. "We lunuish for some excitement. Wo nro enjoying seven Sundays to tho weak nnd our business men are as quiet nnd dignitU-d as so many preacher. Tho nrrlvnl of a wagon from the rnral districts is a noticcahtu Incident, und tho preienco of hnlf u dozen farmers In town nt ono time attracts tittentiun and Inspire! hope. Only the tux gnthcrcr and revenue officers uro buisy. This tojiipoi'ary dullness, howevor, Is no evidence of waning prosperity. It Is meroly tho sequence of short crops,, lrtiit failures und scarcity of money. The farm er Imvo but Httlo of lnt year's products to sell, and nro only purchnsing tho actual necessaries of life, thus contlning com mercial transections within a small circle. Tho toiling tillers of the soil nru improv ing each shining hour of tlicsu lovely spring days In putting In feed fur tha new crops mid coma to town only when in prcsiug uccd of tome artlclo,foc household or farm uso. Tho wheat throughout our county is in splendid condition, soma of It threo feet In high', and "heading out." "Thoro riovcr was a bettor promise of n generous wheat harvest, than that which iiowladdcns rtho oyes of our furmcrs upon, every lsljt sido and in Qvery valloy of our fortilo, county. . ,, t . i JDniauiNaturt,llko Datno 'iFOrtilno, is om:Uincad"codlpa''llk3 but prn'sj sho 'oemr lnclcdf'fX treat our "Eg'ypt'ilihdly. Tho peach treoj In' tho nu triorous orchards are' laden with peaches big as hasul nuts, Ono of our rural pocU esses say-"Tho tiny peachlets look out CAIRO, ILLINOIS, AL'llIL '29, I from among the leaflet!," etc. Pretty, isn't I It? Apple, plume, nprlcols, chcrrln, (trawberric, nnd nil tho small fruits aro in good condition, giving promlso of re payment to tho fruit-growers lor losses In past fruitless enson. Thoy have labored and waited patiently, and lhcr reward Is likely to bo great. A largo number of commliilon merchants from Chicago and St. Leuli aro now here soliciting consign ments of fruit, etc. A few dnyi of cool, cloudy weather cul minated In a light frost on Sunday morn ing last, cutting down, In tho grccnnc'S ot their youth, tomatoes, peasx beans and 'garden truck," Injuring sotrto strawberry field, and In the 3Tissistppf bottoms de stroying.' great many peaches and other fruit,- Tiio-wcntberls warm nnd pleasant to-day, nnd Wc hopcthnt Jack .Frost has withdrawn lo tha land of tho bluo noses, frightened hence by the warm advances of ardent spriiic. Tho next danger dreaded by our fruit 1st.', Is tho coming of the accursed curcuHo. This vandut insect came into existence simultaneously with tho 1'adicnl party nnd has been as destructive? of fruit as that par ty has been of civil llberljcH and Republi can Institutions. Some Inventive 'uenius has invented n machine for capturing curcuHo. One of these 'catchers'' hns bcn perambulating our streets several da ya. It resembles a buco buttcrllv on a wheelbarrow mid lm a bumper in front that etrlkes tho tree, jarring olTtho bugs, (who by tho way nr no; so tennciou. of grip us arctbelr prototypes tho Harts) ami they aro.canght on Alio outspread canvas wings of tng mnchlno and killed. Tliis car of juggernaut 1 an "Kgyptlan In vention and is iid to be tho best bug- Killer made, it lius but. ono wheel, vet while in use, it is. "a little buggy." VJamcntabld homicide occurred nenrour town a few days since, Two men, a Mr, vukiii, nnu .ur. uoy jmvi, nau n dis .11.!. r v. . . pute about tho right of possession of a pieco of land, A quarrel ensued and both beenmo angry and excited. Finally. Ad- k?n, who was nt work upon tho disputed ground, struck Davis with a ho hitting the aids of bis bead nnd fracturing tho Mill. Tha wounded man lingered seve ral days and dlcL Adkins Is In Jail. charged with murder. IJoth men were reipoctablo fanners.nnd this, terrible affair has excited the sorrow and sympathy of the no ghtorh90tEr)r their bereaved f itniHe. Tho new board of Insane Asvlum Com missioners have not vet put in thair ap pearance. Messrs. Wiley nnd Owen aro here putting things in order for the com ing men, but wo miss the pleasant counte nance of Mr. Kingsbury. Ho is probablr enjoying his otiiiu turn dj. in the ofllco of n moro powerful and certainly less fickle patron than the State tho Illinois Cen tral railroad. IIo is u practical nnd ener getic business man, if not a practical ouiiaor, tucli as our uttuto Solons havo pronouned tho only persons capablo of watching tbe progrm of 11 building al ready under the caro of an experienced superintendent ami u ilm-cln. architect, nnd protected by the snvcro penalties named In tho bond of tho contractor, In case of failure to do his part. Owen and Wiley havo been the most earnest nnd ac tive members of the original board, and certainly nooo of tho blame, If blame there is, for slowness in the progress of tho work, I enn attach to them. Gov. Dougherty, with a liberality that ha been wholly unap preciated, donated to tho.State all of tho magnificent building siono that has been used. IIo wat tho "father of tho bill" thnt brought this institution into being, and, after having for a year prevented tho lo cation of tho cditlcn, ho repented him of his obttlnacy nnd has faithfully attended i6 the duties pertuining toiils position as chairman of tho board. Hut tho legisla tive guillolino spared not even this, our venerablo Lycurgtis. It sometimes happens to n younr physi cian to nttend a patient through long nights of weary watching nnd days of anxiety and got him where something tells htm that convitlicencQis near nt hand, and Just thon sorno meddlepnm womqn in terfere old Dr. I-ogy is called in tho patient improves rapidly and tho old Dr. reaps tho reward. So with our commis sioners. Just as everything hnd begun to work smoothly; ufior spending months, like moles, under ground whero their work mndo no showing, and had got to :i point whero they could Ukmoimi pride in what thoy worn doing, nn;! had begun to look forward lo tho early completion nf n building that should re fleet nredit upon themselves and bo the best and most per fect 9fi its kind In .short Justus thoy jlmij passed the breakers and get into smooth water down ennie a com mittee of marplots from the "l'rnbc-God-bare-bones Parliament" ut Spring Hold, who devoted fifteen minute- of their valuable time inspecting tho wurk and hurried back to report thorn olves displeased. Tho fact of its being in Kgypt was no doubt at the bottom of their dlsjilcuSuru. All the northern Improvements Imtl been provided for by generous appropriations, but'wheni It came to doing anything in 'ltyir.A;bcboo,ves.theni tofhow tholr lovo ofcqonotny, Ono, hundred and twon-ty-flvo thousand dollars to Elgin, cheer fully; SCO.OOo' to Anns $30,000 to Car bondalc, under; protest and many reatrlc- 1871. lions. Wo aro grateful and humble. A groat many Improvements are 'In ' .....,.,., n.nuu! . iioru lllion. WASHINGTON LETTER. Wasiiisuibx, April 2ih, UTt. TIIKhUPItEJIE COfBT yeilcrdny reached a decision on the con stitutionality of tho legal tender net. This doclslon not only declares tho act consti tutional, bnt reverses the decision of tho last term of tho court, nnd mnkes valid nil contracts made prior to its p.nagc. I should bo sorry to lo compelled to think harshly "of the' highest tribunal in tho land, but thl decision Is only the fuinil- ment of what was threatened hv lfiu rriqnji of Cfonurnl ;ranl. Tho court di vided ns follows : .Iiutices Davis, Miller, Strong, Swuyno and ISrndlev, in favor of 'ho constitutionality. of tho act; nnd Chief JtisllcoChaso andJusllccs Nolson, Clifford and Field, dis'cntlnu. Judges Strong and Nrndloy nro the late appointments of (Jen- em! Cirnnt. THE JOINT litem COUMIUMON will sign the treaties this week, it having been ascertained that tho homo govern ment havo agreed to what hns been done ; and then the wisdom of our Senate, with Its wooden-headed carout-bnL'ara nnd . on Windy scalawags and no-r-oulcd rotton borough land-grnbbers and narrow-minded ynnkee?, will agreo to tho treaties with out respect to their turms, which ofcourso must Include h sop to New England, solely out of deference to tho wish of L'lysscs, who thinks ho is making it ten strike by n settlement of tho Alabama claims. The provisions or the treaty on tho Alabama claims will be compared with those of tho indignantly rejected John ton Clarendon treaty, and if not much moro favorable to us there will bo a sudden let down of Grant this administration among tliof.0 who nro now disposed to be .friendly to him and his aspiration.', hut who re member his splurgo in his mcsNigc, when it was generally thought that Grant In tended wiping Knglnnd from oft" the map of Europe. Grunt will find in this, ns in everything clo he has yet undi-rtakcn, ex. cept the ilu-Klux bill, thut has blun derod. XUdiivi will tell the nor v. Tho following uuno.incement In the ?- publienn, of this city, does nut portend much on its faco, hut it has a hItorv. 'V. r. IIOI.MK, nssistcnt apprni'er of morvbnridiiein .Now lork, has resigned, to tuko effect May 1st." When wo nro so well nwern that i 'few otllce holders dio and nono resign," wo were nnturally anxious to know why any one should voluntarilly resign tho very comfortable position of nssUtanl ap praiser. When tlia lately appointed ap praiser, W. Darling, took possession of his ollice, he mndo u speech to his numcr- I ous employees and told them they must : "sL'ri'oitT grant's aiimimsthation." ! Mr. Darling then requested from ' each deputy nsistant npprnifier nnd oxaminer n lift of their employees nnd tha names of tlioso who recommended them. This was dor.o to wetd out Senat or Fcnton's friends. This small and con temptiblo buineM was too much for Mr. S. 1'. Holme, who declined to furnish the list, nnd sunt his rc'ination to Mr. Uout- well. Darlinir had raised consldernhln nf storm by hit opening address, and he ro- nllzed It, und sent to Mr. Holmes, reaucst- ing tho withdrawal of his resignation; but he peremptorily declined. Heretofore ex aminers nnd appraisers wero chosen with special rcferonco to thoir nbility, without regard to their politics, but now things ato changing, nnd politicians of tho Radical stripe must now havo oven tho important npprnlsors' department under their con trol, nnd thnt means swindling and rob bery. So much for Mr. Hoi me-, resigna tion nnd the why and wlierefjre. iion.irn nnEELKY has on loreral occasions lately hit Grant some pretty sovero slnps, wiilnh leads tho Grunt conspirators nnd manipulators to believo that Horaco itt very much demor alized, nnd thnt ho is not a unit for Grant's renomination, and in order to calm the troubled spirit of tho philosopher thev awarded to tbo Pbutc-Litho-'ratihlo Company of Now York, of which Horaco is l'residont, nnd u large stockholder, tho contract for ing tho plans nnd drawings of tho nnmml Patent Ofllco report, for tho sum of $lg(),- ' 0)0, only fCO.ono moro than Lnnagrmi Ogllvie, n well-known and rollabo firm here, otfered to do it for, bnt whoso bid win i ejected that tlm company, of which Hor ace, tho philosopher, is nreIdent. may flourish. If tho Tribune does not now full into lino uud rhom for Grant, then Grant may well loo ull faith in human nature, for thorols no appreciation or gratitude In tho author of "What I know about farming." Some scribe who doi not know the differ- encn between it beet nnd an egg plant, I . i says that tho country will not recover in , twenty years the evil which ha, been do.,,. by Greeley's book, "What I knpw about farming." This is mero joalntisy of Oreo- loy's liiiraenso knowledgo of Intern and turnips. lladiciilisni is not only wicked, but It Is also absurd. Tho lladlcnl committee of this district i.35 appointed a committca to Inqulro into tho "logul rights" of a, num. bor oT discharged flshurmon, who lost their ONLY ' p'iicm by leaving tboir work to como here Xn b These mTnVad S'"ShUo'wti lioro nt VOTF. ON ELECTION liAV. all, not being citizens of tho District; whilo employees of tho Olote office, tho raw ' yard nnd other Government workshop, ' wore di'chnrgcd tho day atW tho elec tion, nnd no explanation as to tho why or wherefore given. Thoy hnd voted t' o i Democratic ticket. ' ' IMPEACIIKlt ASHLEY I was snonkingnrouud tho departments yes-1 terday. Of couno be was lifter no good, 1 except to lino his pockets with cash ho ac counted good. Had man, that Ashlsy. RAILROADS. IO.V 12,000,000 A.CVC-M . -.OF TIIK.- llc-t Fnrmlng and Mlni' America. l.andi In 3,000,000 acre, ehoic- f.irinin landi on the, lin of the read, in ttn- STATE F Xi-.tHSAKStA In Ihn r.HE.vT 1'I.ATTK VALLKV Now fnraiJe, lorcaaliorcmlitnt low rslesof m termt. Tii ,a land, are near the 'In rarallcl of NorihLoiiKltude, In a mild nnd healthy climate, and forcram Rrnwlnrj and tvk raiKitJir nre un equ lla.l by any In the Unite 1 btate. i.'oiireufent lo market toth ent nnd wet. Price., rsnuerroin ii Wto (10 in! per acre. ; it k ATa .v d vctin t: ts To cttlt with hinllOd me.m,. J3.SOO.OOO Aorca Rich Gore.mment lands ftlnnj; tho roij helnii OJIAlI.t AS It MOItTJI 1'LATTI! fiurreye l and open for eniry under the llonw tcail eri'l lTe.emiillon la, and can 1m. lake., by ACTUAL KETTLE!!.4, 0.VLV. AnouiKirlunitr neir bfore nreerited fur ec- rurinv home, crtul llilhun.! uilh all tin' contenlence, of an oil icttlnd country. Jiomt edillon ol de-crtntire DAmnhtet, with mini, now ready and unt tree to nil putt, of the United flaiea, C'n.vl. nod Kurupe. Adiirci-i o. I , I. I?. Land O'lnmmioiinr an! ittmw'mi ll. P. II. It. Cn. Oiiinlm, Nh. QUICKEST IWllTK FU05I Till' SOUTH. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Ii. I St. i.otsls I.oulHVllle, Cliuiiiiiuti ChiciiRsi, Xcw York. Itssston . Still ALt I'ua.eiiccr Traliii Arrive nt nml Iciive C'nlro iih Xolliiwa: Mall Kxiirca. A'H'.V.-1'00 M 'J'8I P. nni Alit-aiUil A. itx :il301 Jl Hoih Iralnacoiineetal Ceulralla with trainaoo th MAIJ JLJDtfJE. I'aiin, Decatur, lllooinlngt mi, Kl I'aio, La Salle, Slemlotn, Frerpurt, (Jalemi llutmiiuc, anil all pulnta In lllliinla allaanurl, Ulnucaota, WUcoiitln and lowu. Ani with line, tunning I'ahI and West for St. Louis. Sprlngllriil, LoulsUlle, Cin cinnati, liiilluimpolls Si Ccliiuilius, and ai CIiIcrro ith Mlelcan Central, Michlsrin Southern, nnd Pitlobiirit, I'mt Wijriie and ;iilcvo i.ntlroad, to Detroit, Cli'vcliiin', Dunkirk, Alliiiny, ilnstoii, Ahiiiiilflphlii. IViiHliln NIngrj 1'iills, llrlc, liiill'iiln, Xeir York, J'ltlsuiig, JlllllllllOI'f, ton, ALL POIWTS EAST l o. through tlekelSnnd lufurinatinn, prly IllinoiH I.Vntra. Itiulroad ZJepor. W. P. JOHNSON, ficiier I P.nenuer Ap'Bt, Chteneo. M. Iir.WIT1', lieneral .supen ileiident J.Johnaou, iint Oulro. c-iMca.'t.i-'ii-'i.cA A- ni-B,a..s On nnd after Monday, IVhruary 27tli, 1S71, trnl iix will run ns liilliniM .Milll'IIKUN niVHI'i.N. tii,i aniMi i.nrTilr.r. Mail. J.i;iue A'hlanJ TKN.m Ktprei.,, ..J&.W tn. ....Iit'l " ....ftti; ' M..i. t ti in, ,...f,iu .....hi 1 ...:l' li'll. l " SlirinuHVil .... 0 1" " " Ti)lornlle .... -Iln " I Arrive ai I'aiii I.'.ki in, ......... imiM .iMi NOkTimmr, I'xiiret., I,eie Psu I .Hal n in " Ti)lirvillo in; " Arrive at fi lripl'i... . i.-S I ne Kpulnutli'liln..,, Arrive at Anhtainl.... 'irriii:it. pivhiiin-. milNe noiNu .oi'riu 1-1. Ine i;dj;ooonU...Ui'ia m " Hon " Arrive at hhawiieeiouiviaVip in TR.sii OAiai. Mini in, i. t. Leave 5ii,4iieeliiiru ul.'. n.lli " Klor .'.'.Vi ' Arrive nt IM;i'imI....I;Mi ' ., .. lUil" ..IliM i .. u.'i ..ill .....V l1i.Iil , .... Ti" ;' , Thei:' m . Ii'.ln Irum IMi-eiin'iil. rtin- Mill" Mniuis, W.ilneni.ij snnd 1'rirtay, ,n l '' i. iii.iii iii'iu iiiinii neinwri nu I np.n.j i"i" i uay and iMdunioja. ' ..trSSniaU: .A".1. ' ii.fc.'f.lV'J ii'-iT-AU-" Petal .lm a, Meun( llr, m lid ell llnl et. At I'ptiiiKiii'l I. ih' Olin k" nd tl'i.r, mil Toledo, Wiiln.h and Wr-tern llniiuml, ' r.r i lllooinlnKti ii,flileB",uiidll mlni norih.iiorih- et met urn , At Puna u ltd In, I. nml b' I.oiils, mill lllinol. Central llailnHi.l lor all iPuits rnat eouili riel aoutheail. A I lilitiiod with llhluaijo Hivialoti lllmoln Ceiiiml lUllroiul, At Flora, Willi Ohio aid Miaianpi Itailroad ih ucuiu-ii. miii aieaiiiuuaia lor i;inein nati, P.iducih, Cairo ami tit. loiii., OilLANU SMITH. Oen'IKup't. Joan Foooitt, Oen'l Fr'gt and Ticket Ag't. pacific omifiui tijbcmmsmE 3 , U.-'n.iV'nia'tlia In alt Its lo'jai, and I cW luiitierfn'.a relief In nil cue..- (Irani nirrct ffora llir IJovern. I 'VAtSftUtl tlpthltttvs, br, DAfyY PAPER IN iic.YPT. f n D7PU A TTJO I IJ) jiiuJlAU tS j GoMBU KQfflGCliGS. 117JS.!.C :'.,..rJ. l a"hi')."T:ilhlnd lfoner. f I tlx) K' A'l rf ary t.ui ef u.w, In any stij-fwhi'li th -y fail tn core. a. wui-.utu mii-ut, BAL SAir4, Noi, i a J, ars the L-restest .Itcrttltir, "int)n. Dr. IIICIIAU'.S ntlLDF..V i: j. i ii D'.iJinun i, th, flrciUr.t Tonic nul Astrlnitnt In the Melllcil Mali Its. HI- ciiAira tioLiTEjif "AXrrnoTK Ii the onlr reUatle dlantic. Theie rmelt are Ml, ailrefl"jrt! t Care all Cciplalat, and heneflt tmM but ar,irn,fiintef'l to eUnt l'.llcal and H(eily- Cart In all raw, for wMcii Uy are roimmended, wbaa all etlief treit- I by IMf i i.iTi,. nu'tt. Tens tiiii'Wiana, ren recoet ht have tMl mtl hAnHl an4 'h. My 1 mMllcal A. HO. J, ; Ar 1IAT.SAM. :. I, jatV, uic(r. Llc-rate.1 , h iretlir at an I y,M. !Vr, Catane- j Mi F.rupil.iiii. Coppr,IrM niotcliei, Serencit 5ri.icaip, i-erorme'c, ii is ini.ratetnno rntjr, AlieraUre Pl'il I'orltW linn. re. m ir?s all mfrcur Itixi ILj ijiuio, und J-nti fVU UTHLMTS GOLDEN Jl A.NTIiHIK, r mdltal can tir all urinary i .- . - ..u. Prion C3 i-r jjUle, rH. ' golden uly I Li., ll D'V'hiCK. a radical cm for "-. , O a ril UtilLiy, la fcli or J nnnj ; I'lMt1' j r ; with 3ttfal tScct. l'flH S3 per Ir.ttle. ir tw fr C. )ii letelrt yt.t.-. taejj rrmcilla Kill be lUnred I .'. . I'r mpt atteaUia pall to all e-rp , v n cnulae -rltJiunt the Mm- if i i r- fur-H OiiI.liK.V r.fJIKDlES, P. JI. P.: i., -, . .., PiDfrJ' t it," Uova In pin.. ,.ri. , i ire.!'- I-.-,'. nn.rll..t at a lib-nl tllv . it. ft AC. i Ii ,i. II. RtCILMin?. IC1 Varick r't.-. V .' . I KTa-Ki-.VjY IAYJX I.,AX: A n'tr ar 1 norel ytetn of Llfo Insurance re I i r. lv . ,.twlucfl br the mmm Mflriim LIFE ! nr. i.iiim. ll.v tw,- a'stem, I.!o Inmrin.-e u furnished at a, 1 t 1- c i-" i y i, r o,iml plaue.jiad tho po! . ley In, rrrece i in an'BU Intocst ol ,CTen percent upon ml tumnney psiil by him to tho iinruir In' mntial tiremntiiii thus earning Inula, tin. uli a, . x Mrtlliicnt.boQil. Th p'nn .. 'rn thordnirlily' criticised and fully lndorse.1 Ity thn not Vnnlnent 'aetuarica and itkil'.tal iiii-UeiUHtfciiuiii in tli. land i indeed it hn. not jil ' en tuo Mibjciit nX unUvorable menlion in uny r pcctftblo n.uarrT. Ol'l'icr. 0V THlT "COMPANY: XortHvcst cor. rourlli & Ollro St". ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. AltTIIL'U 15. JJAItKKTT, President. Hkxj. William, Secretary. flsnka hlirh In the II?l ol .onml, thrifty Weatern Life Cmnp'inie,, It haa am ilo capital 8IJJ,0C0. Ithosne(. nurothan enough to corer.aU ft, lulillltlrii in additloj tn Ihe e.inital. It ha, ono hundred thnuranil dollara deposited with IhaH'-ejL iil' Mib-oun rut u renivluul KUar anton to It, (.cliev hoi Urs, It haHcomrlieil fatly with tho new laws of the Hlatp, which ariito as rxutlnitand more rigid lyeoroicril than tbu.oiif F.istern Btatea, It inret Its fundi In th4 Wet, among tho people frnm whom they nre receteil. lla management idTlsotoua, aklllful and pru dent. It. lnenmn finin tho interest alene I, alrtady moru Ihnn intticlenl tn jiaylti losse,. It I, .lie, nolicie, upon the ordinary life and cni itowrnentilan, at ti.o samo rate aa other flr.t. cls companies. Tho policy holder reeeire all tho profits In an nual dirideii'J.. Tho nocli holders can receire only ten per cent, ef mt.rc t "ii their cipital, by the tcrma of thncharter. Ihennnii il illfidendi- to policy holdera are al ready greater than nuny old Kutem Compaaie, hare ever been nble to pay. Trioeitatp of lllmolapaid lat year about foi.r million dollars lor Llfo Insumnce. Why aend an much money out of tie Stale away tn NVw VorK an 1 New Enlum! for ao article thai may be produced lust as ciiean y (or moro ao) at homo? VOO A LOW, npr: liu'f Agcnla at Cairo. CILVPX:j A. DAN' A, Editor. A N'c-rnpuperol tbo Present Time. Intended for I'coplo Novr on Earth. ! Incluaiaj Farmers. Mechanics, Merchants, Pro foulonal ilea, W'otters, Thinkers, and all ilan ncr of Honoit Folks, and tha Wires, Sons, and tumblers of all men. oM.' oxi: noi.t,Are a vear i OSR IID.VDnED COP1CS FOtt 110, Of tcs thin One Cent a Copy. Let thero be a dsn oinli at ercry rot Office. HHUI.VEEK-UYDN, 83 A YEAR, of the sstno sl:a and (cncral character as Tnii WKEKLV, bat with a creater variety ot mUccitaaooai readme, and furnlshloi the news tout suMcttbers with creitcr fru tineas, beaaute It coaies twlco a wook Instcaa ofonco only. Tlir. DAIliV" SUJf, 30 A VKAH. A proJmlr.cntlr rcadahlo nowipaper. wita tha lir.-t-u circnlatlon m thi world. Free, lode t'ondcr.r. and learleia In politic!. All the new, rrotu ercry where. Two conu a copy i by raalL aOcsatsunant'j.erSUaycar. TEniH3 TO OLTJBa Tlir. D01.LA11 WKEKtY 8UK.t I Ito copic, one yesr, s 'paratelr addreaaed, Four llollarsu Ten roplei. ono resr, seniratelyaddxeaaool aod aaetiracopj tollicrctter ud otcluoi 1 Elaht iiolUra. Twenty copl, one yesr, soparatelr addreaaed sd an txim cipy ii tbo cotter up oremhir J'tftceo Do Harm, rlf,'-.crj'1"f:.OC11 tlT toons address taad taa betnl-W eekly one year to retler tffd" ). Tblrty-tUrco baUat-tu land tha 11,, for ono year 0nA.V.Blia.rd.C09l,l, " Tear, senarattlr a?. tub be.iii.wi-i:i;i.y pDIf. , Five copies; one year, separately addiesMd. , . . . - --'. cia-stjuaij! " tueic, ono Tear.ieparatelr addreaaed (mad an extra copy loBeliar apof rt0)7rTj J, ' oiaacca DMiajaa. WEND YOUXt atOKIY I v.Vate Ofden.chectS.oy drafU en New the letters contafalng woi,"Aldroiis li TT'eSOLAND. PahlUber. 8a oaee, X-i Xrll Otr. w)