Newspaper Page Text
j 1 1 ii5iY'i WmTJ is i iVSU Oil AttaJL QttAKD Turner Picnic SUNDAY,APRL30,I87I aoimh tri nivun, OPPOSITE QALIQHER't MILL. The Turner SoeUly of the city of Cilro will K"7"ruiaricntc alio trot pur.oathlTli ai April. STEAMER WILL LEATE FOOT OF EIGHTH STREET. a jawE e'txcu, a. n. And Make 0e Trip Every Hour Dor- us; ue My, PABB 25 CTS Aroal prtptimtlo&s will bemad en the itobpiIs -A. IFTiTH TiA"Nm Will tola Mundane, and rrrirraAjtBetfor KEneSMKNTS IN AlCIBAHCE W. WIDER, BTEVE1 WltWANITZ. ROBT. II R I BACH, Commltt, A Chance to Wik a Foktckb. Tbii legal enUrprlto in aid of a public library at Omaha, comes well recommended, and we haro no doubt It U gotten up In good faith and will b carried out to the lcUcr In short that it Is no bogus affair. See advertisement in another column, apr25d&wlw We have been requested to nay that Elliott Sc Haythorn hare now on exhibi- bltlon, and for sale, everything in the boot and ilioe line for ladi.s, and gentle men'i wear; and that nil their goods aro new and stylish, aprlotf TuennaTOF Mav, Iri. C. A.Meyers will opeiv grand lunch, including Bock Beer. All those who are disciples of King Bacchus will partake of her hospitality. Old Klof Col was a merer eld ti1, a merry old HUfU hA t If called ft ni Plt, h c&lld for hi br, h vujvi rr mi caaif rn iar. u TCTI. There can be no doubt that Baugh it, par exttlUne, the boot and shoemaker of Cairo. He challenges com petition In hit trade, and an urea the pub lic that he will guarantee to hii cuitomeri MtUfcotioo, Hit ahop i on Eighth itreet near the corner of Ohio Levee, tf Wakibo Uf. Feoplo begin to realize that our reipecttd ancestors must have bad very inconvenient time of it without railroads, steamers, gas, friction matches, telegraphs, expresses, sewing machines, and last, and par consequence not least, Charier Oak Cooking Stoves. apr25d&wlt M LASTCiLL. The undersigned is preparing his delin quent list for State and County taxes, and will havo it in tbo hands ot the printer by the 1st proximo. All parties in arrears for taxes olthor upon real estato or per sonal property at that dale will bo taxed with cost. ALEX, n, IUVIN. p-7-d td. MtKRlFF. J ' 2UM0TAL. Mrs. J. Oumminns wishes to inform her customers and the public generally that she has removed her mil linery goods from her store on Eighth street to the commodious room on Com mercial Avenue, between Seventh and Eighth streets known as Mrs. Oswold'g old stand. Mrs. Cummings has added largely to her stoek of goods, and now has cheap, seasonable and, fashionable col lection of hats, bonnets, ribbons, etc., to which she asks the attention of old and new patrons. mStdtf -Fob Sauc Toe undersigned will tell at )iivate Mia the) following described property: Four work horses; 2 sets double harness j 2 two-horse wagons; several plows and other agricultural im plements. Parties desiring to purchase will call at her residence or at Bobt. Brl i bach's, opposite the court house. Terms of sale, half cash ; balance on tlx month's I credit, with good aecutlty. apr22dlm MM. JfcATIB COOPER. 0k gttltyiin. NEWS OF THE CITY, Men's Fin Seal 8lln Gaiter;, and alto "Prlnco Alberts,'' nt Elliott & HaythorcV Misses' Scrgoand Kid Polish, scallop- iop, at mo city Hnoo Store, cornor Com mcrciai avonuo and Eighth street. tf 11 11 s Ftoua.-Cholce Famllv Flour In bbls half bbls., sacks &c, for salo at thaErvD- nan JHiili. au Ladles' Serge (Polish) French Kid. foxed, at City Shoo Store, corner of Com- merclal avenue and Eighth street. tf Who is it that does not like smokinir hot biscuits for breakfast? The Fame Cook stove will bake them in five minutes time by the watch. tf dents' Oxford Ties, Priori Alberta and Opera ftllppers, at the 'City Shoe Store," corner of Commercial Avenue and Eighth street. tf Be of good cheer, thcro Is life and health for you yet. So those that have tVn Simmons' liver Regulator attest. apr25(lSswlw W anted Immediately, a girl to do general house work, ot No. 67, Ninth street, between Walnut and Cedar street. U Mrs. JErF. MARTIN. Ladles' Sorgo (Polish), scallop-top, for from one duller and fifty cents to three dollars and twentv-llvo cents, at Citv Shoo Store, corner of Commercial avenue ond Eighth street. tf Tun Urio patent moveablo point steel plow; one extra point given with each plow. For sato only by ' I1EEBWART. ORT1I & CO. 0tf 134 Commercial Ave. Notick. All persons having articles at the Cairo Dye House aru requested to call and get them before tho 20th of May next, or thoy will be sold for charges. Mrs. ANN REDMAN. For Sals. Household furniture, con sisting of carpets, bureaus, wash-stauds, bedsteads, chairs, sociables, mirrors, win dow curtains, ice-chest, knives and forks, dishes, pictures, etc. Apply to It L. H. MY KK3, Chief of Police. A splendid assortment of bird cages moss baskets, flower standi, flowor train ers, wiro-cloth for window screen, bath and foot tubs, 4c, 4c, just received at BEERWART, ORT1T & CO S, 130 Commercial Avo. aOtf Tax Fouarrar Wau. On of the moat popular institutions of tho Fourth Ward is Ebler's stioe store, where ho makes to order nil kinds of hoes In the most work- man-liko mannor. The citizen who utixt his goods will never patronize any other shoemaker in the city. Ills shop Is on Twentieth street, nearly opposite the court house. tf Sewing Machines. Attention of persons wishing a Uru-clais sewing machino is called to the late improved Wheeler and Wilson's. They cannot be excelled for a family aaachine, or for light manufacturing pur poses. All are Invited to call and exam ine the improvements. J. C. CARSON, ap3(Mlm Agents, Cairo, 111. FOR RENT. Tho house heretoforo occupied by Pat rick Fitzgerald, on Ohio Leveft between Fourth and Sixth streets. This house, if not the best business homo is certainly one of the best stands in Cairo. It fronts the principal steamboat landing and is near the Illinois Central railroad depot. Apply next dcor at -Robert Smyth & Co's. wholesale grocery store. Ktnaston. James Kynaston, the well- known butcher of tho Fourth Wnrd, opened his branch butcher shop yester day, and now invites the patronoge of tho public. His branch" is on tho lot next to the grocery store of Aldormnn Carroll on Commercial avenue, and will be sup plied with tho freshest and licst meats in tho Cairo 'market. Kynaston knows his business, and always furnishes good meats and gives full weight. tf Gold Loan in Cairo Jny Cooko &. Co. ofl'er tho 7.30 gold lonn of tho North ern Pacific R. II. Co., ns a safo and profit able investment, but n still inoro profitable way of investing inonoy is in lirown & Edwards' borbor shop, where, among oth er excellent harbors, Gus lliino 'handles bis trusty razor. Remember tho place Thcobold's old stand, Sovcnth street, noar Ohio Levee. tf Thk Fknton Corn Miix-Thls estab lishment, corner of Commercial avenuo and Twentieth street, Is novr in charge of Mr. M. D. Gunter, who having purchased and thoroughly refitted it, invites the at tention of the publio to tho fact that he is now prepared to furnish dealers and fami lies with tho very best article of corn meal. Ordors left at the mill or sent through the postofflce will recoive prompt attention. t tf I will sell, on reasonable terms, my three story hotol and grocery building, and lot, located on the Ohio Levee, opposlto the Central F.leva'.jr. This is a very de sirable property bolng close to tho new manufacturing establishment now being erected In the Fourth Ward, and is par ticularly adopted to the uses of any por ion desiring a stand for either tbo hotel or grocery business. Apply, either by letter or personally, to MICHAEL HOTJRIGAN. 8UUm THE CAJCO STJ'3L,XiETI3iT, May-Da r. Thousands of men, women and children, in and nround Cairo, will en joy a day that tubers in a month of blos soms, sweet dews and fragrant flowers. Prompted by nnturo this day has been eel obratud from tlmo Immemorial, and will contlnuo to bo ol 'erred in the proper man i ner so long as the seasons of tboycars make i their allotted rounds, and fill their allotted i i destinies, and May, fresh and creen, laden with flowers, gives tbo rich promises tbat " August fulfills with brown fields and ripe fruits. This day of gladness' for two hun dred years has been but littlo 'observed In England ; but In the United States, where naturo is lavish In her gifts, sad fruits and flowers grow almost spontaneously from mother earth, young and old go forth from their homes to the green fields and delight ful groves to danco and twine wrcathi of flowers. Throughout tho Southern HtftfeJ, where tho seasons nro advanced, and earth, air and sky, remtnd'uaof the slum berous tropics, this day is particularly ob served with long procession of beautiful children of all nationalities, sweet strains or music, banners twined with garlands, and silken canopies festoonod with flow ers, A custom so innocent, evidencing a lovo of naturo and her beauties, should for ever remain to mark tho social history of All communities. The Turner picnic to-day" "wilfv'te' a grand affair. ' s ' A j , HUBOLARf. Tho IndcfallgableVChlef of police, Mjrers, while on his rounds'Sat urday morning, at 4 o'clock, met a man on Tenth street carrying packages that war ranted a slight suspicion that nefarcotis practices had been indulged In during un seasonable hours. A ihort parley ensued between Myers and the matt of package. Thorultconfirined thechlof s suspicion;, for no sooner did he attempt an exauiin-' ation of tho preciou. burden than its tem porary owner left suddenly, and at a gait and rate tbat worrantod swift pursuit on the part of Jfyers. Johnson, for tbat was his name, ran through Walter's lumber yard, making devious and Intricate ways fur his relentless pursuer, and finally went into a trap, under tho sidewalk of Bailor Harrell's store, whore, unfortunately for Johnson, a partition stood, and tvhero Mycr came upon him, and whence he took him to light and recognition. He proved to be a man named Fred Johnson, and It soon came to view that ti articles be had in his possession boxes o cigars, a lot of tobacco, and two bottled of .-u.'sky he bad stolen from tho houso of PuU!n Smith, on Ohio Levee whose premises he burgla rioiulyentered, and whoso till ho broke open with evil intent, but found mpty. Chief Meyer placed him in prison, and yes terday morning he was examined before Judge Bros and ordered to tho county JaUJinUfkuUuf $MO bonda to,anwor at the next term of the Circuit CourV toMhe chargeof burglary. Myornrrertod John son some days ago on the charge of steal ing iron. He was tried for vagrancy, finedi andbolng unable to liquidate, pUced in jail, and was released as late' as'Thursday night. Evidently a bad man that John son. Don't forget tho Turner picnic to-day. A FUGITIVE CRIMINAL. Hr ! rplurcil la the Vlelullj- nfCalrtt. John Singleton, in August, 1870, mur dered his little step-daughter, aged three years, In. Lyon county, Kentucky. After committing the foul deed be secreted the body of his victim in a lence corner, on the premises his prosonce cursed,, where it was found; plainly showing; evidences' of brutal violence. It bets' the appesttaace of having been terribly beaten, so much J so tbat death proved an angel of .moroy to the frail sufleror, whom, it seems, was an invalid at tho time of her death. The cir cuit court of Lyon county found John Singleton guilty of the murder of Clom ontine Singleton, and beforo tho officers of tho luw could secure his body ho had de serted his home, which should have ap peared rombro and dark to him, and went away to othor parts. Tho Governor of the State of Kontucky offered a reward of $500 for his apprehension and delivery to tho jailer of Lyon county. Notwith standing tho untiring and faithful search mado for Singleton, stimulated by tbo re ward, ho evaded tho mon of law until ho concluded himself entirely safe, when, In an evil hour for him, and a gain to justice, ho returned to Kentucky, and settled near Cairo. F. M. Hildreth und B. F. Cochrah, of Kentucky, during this month, by some strange chanco found cluu to the trail tlmt finally led to his whorenbouts. They trav ersed tho couhtry between Lyon county and Cairo, and ciunoupon himon tho Ken tucky sido opposite this city, pursuing tbo avocation of a farmer; upprohended him, placed him aboard tho steamer Lumsdeu and took him up the river, and on tho 10th Inst, delivered him to A'. J. Rots, Jailer of Lyon county thus earning, by their shrewdness and bravery, a handsome- re ward, and bringing to justice a fiend who boat unto death nn innocent and defente less child, an Invalid, one to whom his heart should have warmed, and upon whom he should have bestowod sympathy and filial caresses. KVNCH AND BOCK BEER. The Risitu of sb BcroriUck Opk 'Neil Monday. Mrs. C. A. Meyers, ut her popular saloon, cornor Washington avenue and Twelfth street, will opon tho Bock Boerscasou on Monday, May 1st,. with a grand froo.lupch, at which all that can please tho pulnta of an oplcuro will be served. Let the lovers of Bock take notice, and bo prosent at tho uncb. apr28dHt - - t- ""f 1 ii' s hi 1 sua -iiiiiii 1 iv r-t-rnrv" nfmi ir n ri i sm i'hmmamKsmi','j'',,,' msi - ' -"r" CODXCIt'rnOfjEEDIMiS. Regular Joint Sonion of tho City Coun cil, held at the. Council Chamber, in the city of Cairo,, on Friday evening, April 2. 1871. V A - ' Mayor Lansdetfpjtsidlng Present (Joan ell men Holildty, HurJ, '"""""i .iur, oou niiu huwiwhiu I . . ,, ' ' . . ... . . I Hull A i nrrrtan I nnnlnnhum ft A I. .11 ni. calf, Sense, Straltpn and Swayno 12. Absent Aldermen Buder, Carroll, Fitzgerald,; 1orlcn,: Waldcr and Win tor 0, ! Tbojournnl of tbolast special meeting was rcau ana ' On motion f Councilman Halliday, tb reading of the Journal of 'tho last stated meeting was dispensed with. Aldermen. Buder and'Rearden appeared and took thelrenti. KXrORTS. The City Attorney, to whom was re ferred tho reports of Police Magistrates Broea and Shannesay ; of Marshal Cain, and of Policeman Shcehan, reported the .sameback as correct. On motion tfyi re port was rocoived 'and approved. ' Tho reports of AijCaln; Cify ifarsbal; John Shechanj Police Constoblo: Jos. B. Taylor, City Treoidrer, nnd B. Shannoisv. P. M., for April, wcro presented, and, on motion of Councilman Wood, received and ordered on file. Alderman Walder nppoareil and took j his scat, A communication from i' Bross.P. M asking for further time In which to mako his report, was rend. Councilman Wood moved tbat further timo be granted in prayed for. . Carried. The Street Committee reportod that dur ing tho month of April tbo chain gang perforraod t!0 days labor on tho streets and aowors, at au oxpensoto tho city of iV-."0. ;j ,iid Committee also reportod the bills of N.' A. Devoro for 22 dayb' labor on sidewalks, ffiO.and Thomas Fitz gornldffa dars'labor'ofi same, $3 2.50, as corroct. Councilman Taylor moved to re fer said reportand bill to the Committee on Claimf. Carried. Tho bills ot tbo Gas Company, amount ing to $270, having been roferrcd to the Committee on Olalmj by tho Board of Al dormen, said Committco referred the samo back for properactlon. Councilman Hal lidoy moved to.jcfer said bill back to tho Committco on Claims. Carried. Tbo Coairajtteoyon Markets report, that-inpurasincb'of a' Joint resolution previously adopted, they had employed Joseph MenJej to take charge of tho City 'Hcaleya(thflompeniatIqu allowed by .a!d revolution. Tbo: Committee on finance reported that tbor bad destroyed by burning, $2,107 ubi. tuuv uu ucourutu ojr ournmg, J, ln'Trcaiury Warrants p City Scrip to ainountof '11425.30 ; and Coupons to the to the mount of $2,210. On motion of Council. man 'Wood, Irild report was r-eeiv(vl. l'rKTIOXS. The petition of E. A. Burnett, praying the Council to allow him unfit tho 20th day of May to file tho Assessor's Book, was presented and read. Councilman Halliday moved that tho prayer of the pe titioner be granted and the time extended as prayed for. Carried. ; Tho petition of sundry citizens praying ( that tho structure in tho Fourth Ward, known ns "Ganncy's Ball Alley," bo de clared a nulsanco and removod, was pre sented and read. Alderman Sease moved to grnnt tho prayer of tho petitioners. Councilman Wood moved to amend by referring tho petition to a special committee of threes to act in accordance with tho ordinances re lating to such matters, and to report their action to tho Council. Amendment car ried. Tho petitions of M. L. Halliday pray. ing permission to erect a two story frame building on lot 4 in block 50 in tho city of .Uairo, ana It. L. and M. L. Halliday pray ing permission to erect trb brick build. ings on lots 15 and 16 in block 2, in the city of Cairo, wore presented and read, and, on motion, tho prayer of the peti tioners were granted. Alderman Cunninchnm procntcd tho petition of Aboil & McLaughljn praying the Council to allow tho balanco of 12 claimed by thorn on their bill for tho use of their otllco at tho lato election. Councilman Wood moved to table. Car ried. nn.i. Tho bills of John H Oberly & Co., j amounting to '$83.65, for printing, were,, cn motion of Alderman Roaden, referred to tho Printing Committee, The following bills wero presented, and, on motion of Councilman Hunl, referred to tbo Committed on Claims; U Able, liiiUnod ituo him aclorkof tlin lato lclionidtjr j m mi Jni I,linii, h-ullng drunken mn to Jtll 75 Mtiilvrr'inrjr, for one se.or's Hook !l at Jtorrl, ltooil t Co. lumlwr por order ol thComptroiler,ciuhor itsaiiulrnlent in scrip , ..,...... ITi !) Morrlt, Itond t Co.. I unber pi-r order of vvniiiroiicr, rann or in eHiTirnl In tenp Thou rauiliton, W dm.' Ulwr nnnlrfHi. 70 In April, ending the SHh, at Si.M) pr dy ;M M Mlioney. a iy' Uljor on ireet, lu April, endins th28tii,at J2.J0 i,rdy atntton A llird, 10 slioirls fir Slieel fiommltlee V W Thornton, lumber pf r ordr ol Comp troller .i7 V) 16 00 I.' OS j iincii, rem, I mnnili, to April luin, le7l,rli ; ; 25oi II A Hinnnn,. stationery fur Clerk nnd ..uni.nHu or. iis o.iuiTnirni in ncrip ', , lOiiitfcfhaqiiliDglumbiTMZZZr.'.'. WmMullalo, 2I.Iy n ehurgfi of ehsln U Oil in w r.7 :o ilrnUn Fir Comoanv. ueveuary k- IHinsos on account anptratu., etc., for 11 months, ndliiRAprflTw. 1S7I. 111 7 The following salary bills wore presented 'and on. motion of Counonmaii Hnlllday, .ailowodand ordered paid by tho followlug vole, via.: Ayes Budof, t Cunningham Halliday, Uurd, Klob, Lansdcri, Mc'tcalf, Itearden, Schuh, Sease, Btratton, Swayne, Taylor, Walder, .Wood and Woodward 16. Way J6; ' ' APBIL 30 JA,p,'ll'r,lor' ,,,,r' TrcMurcr for Jo VvVrux, liy U NTRht iCic'emin for f ICO 00 74 m 7i 00 Jn velrun, rnlHtjr s ljln lWiieh,,,fr,u 27 69 n hfiMrhRiT, Suluty 01 l'blrpm.ii tut Joli ii Apr I M j II 1 H. 1 oTV "iV'ri'f 7S O) n I ...... .... B llurnnu, al r ss Cilj C 'mstrollcr fur April M , A C t, fRl.u) a.. Cur Mrh I for II Slinnpj,i.liry a I'. M., tot April HP ) lb CO in 10 21 00 KK'OLUTIO.VS. Councilman Wood introduced and moved tho adoption of tbo following resolution, which was adopted, viz.: Rttolted, By the City Council In Joint Session convened, that the Printing Com mittco bo and is hereby ordered to place the contract mado by thorn with John II. Ooerly ic Co., in the hands of the City Clerk, and that said contract be put on re cord In the Clerk's ofllco for tho benefit of all parlies concerned. By Councilman Taylor : Hctalrtd, That Uio wages of F. Fitz gerald, assistant on sidewalks, be fixed at 12.00 a day, in scrip, until othorwie di rected by the City Council. Councilman Wood moved to adopt. Carried by the following voto: Ayes Builor, Cunningham, HulIIday, Iiurd, Klcb, Lhnsden, Motcalf, Keardcn, Schtib, Snase, Stratton, Swayne. Taylor, Waldcr, Wood nnd Woodward 10. Nay 0. By Councilman Woodward : llttohtil. That the Committee on Po- llco and Jail bo and aru hereby author ized td have the roof of tho city lull re paired or mado new. ns, in their opinion they may considor tho interests of the city demands'; proeMtil, however, that sniil amount expended shall not exceed two nunurcd and fifty dollar. Councilman Halliday moved to adopt. Carried by tho following vote, viz : iVyes Buder, Cunningham, Halliduv, Hnrd, Klob, Lansdun, .Motcalf, Itearden, Schuh, Soaic, Stratton, Swuyne, Taylor, Wnlder nnd Woodward IC. Nays Wood 1. Councilman Hulllduv IntrtKlucod a res olution In regard to drainage in tho Fourth Ward, which, uftorboing amended and the nmendment cmied, was with drawn. By Councilman Wood : Ilcsolctd, By tho City Council m joint session convened, that tho City Attorney bo and is hereby instructed to proceed nt once to collect tho balance duo from Thos. Wilson on tho salo of the enginu bv tho old Drainage Commltte. Councilman Wcod moved to adopt. Carried. MI'KCrAL COMMITTEE Rr.roitT. The Special Committeo appointed at tho last meeting of the Council to coitldcr and report on tho petition of Marshal Cain concerning an increnjo ot his compen sation at Marshal, reported that undor ex isting constitutional law thuy could find no relief for him except by appointing him to tho performance of Romo other du ties authorized by existing ordlnuuces. Councilman Wood moved that the re port be received nnd tho Committee dis charged. Carried. Aid. Beardon introduced the following ordinance and moved its reference to tho Ordtnanco Committee, and also that the blsnk be filled up so as to read ?25 per month. Carried. An ordinance to provide for tho ap pointment of a Firo Warden, and to pro vide compcnratlon for bi services at such : Jio it onlalned ty tho Citv Council of ttio city ot Ualro, 'lliat for tho nurnoso of carrying out and enforcing ordinance num bered 87 of tho ordinances of tho city and uch other ordinances as nro now in forco relating to tires , tho erection of buildings und tho removal of or extension or enlarg ing oi ouiiuiugs wunin tno city, that there shull bo appointed by the Mayor, with the ndvico and consent of tho City Council, a Firo Warden, whoso duty shall bo to visit and inspect every building pro posed to be erected or in courio of erection. or sucn uunuings as may oe oxtonueu, en larged or repaired, or in any way changed, or such buildings as may bo removed from one piaco to another within tho ,city; and it is noroby made tho duty of tho Firo Warden to see that all ordinances relating to tho matter herein named aro properly enforced and obeyed : ond for such ser vices he shall recoivo tho compensation of v uouars per monin. Tho Chair stated that in accordance with the deslro of tho Council, expressed in connection with tho "ball alloy petition,"ho would appoint Messrs. Wood, Seaso and Mctcalf us a committco to inquiro into the facts contained in said petition. Tho Chair instructed tbo Council to pro ceed to tho oleotlon of u committee to not upon tbo resolution puscd ut tho lut meet ing of tho Council in reforoncn to ctreet filling assessments. On tho first ballot, Councilman Hnrd and Aid. Ilcnrdcn hnvlng received it majority of all tho votes cast wcro duly declared elected members of said committee. A second and ft third ballot wore taken for tbo romainlng two members of ?aid committeo and no election had. when Councilman Hallidny moved that, lium much ns Messrs. Taylor and Mctculf had received tho highest number of votus oust, they bo declarod elected members of said committee. Motion carried. XOMI.VATIONiS. Tim Mayor nominated Thos. Fitzgerald fcr tho position of assistant carpenter on tho sidowalks. Tho nomination whs con firmed as follows: Yo'aj m. Noys 1. Tho. Mayor nominated Thos. Mahan for tho position of city teamster. The nom ination was confirmed by the following vote, viz: Yeas 13. Nays'.'. Councilman Taylor Introduced the fol lowing ordlnanco, and moved Its refer ence to tiio Commlttoe on Ordinances, without being road. Carried. In relation to hogs ; Be It ordained by tho City Council of tho city of Cairo: 8iCTio.v 1. Tha. no hoi; or pTrf sb M run at lanjc witliln tho limits or t ie m. city; and tin' owner or keeper of such anlui ', whoshallknowinly sutl'eror imftllu-m so to run t largo sloill f rfelt fid pay to said citv a ' j' t not los than threo doj- lars nor m 1 mn tendollnr tor onehnw d tve v offei s Szc. 2. It fh1I bo tho duty of the sutd City Marshal nnd of the Police Cm Mbli-s Htid cneh of thorn to take up nil ut' mills found running at largo within the lm.its of said city contrary to the ordinances thereof, and confine them In some securo pen, pound or other place, and tho officor taking up said animals shall provldo suit abln and nccossiry sunenanco for thorn, and the rtaionablo colts of providing such sustenance shall be paid to tho ofllcer be fore the animal shall be released bv him. Sxc. 3. Any animal taken up under tho provisions of this ordinance, maybe sold by tho ofllcer taking it up, at nnv titnn nf ter the expiration of thrca days frtm the time of being taken up, of which salo two day previous notice shall bo given bv posting up written or printed notices of" the tlmo and place of sale, nt the front door of the County Court house, nt tho postofilco and City Clerk's office, describing tho animalA by tholr color, size, marks and brands. Sko. 4. Tho officer tnklng up nnd im poundiug any animal shall bo entitled to charge and reccivo for the same fifty cents ; and for each twenty-four hours the sumo mav bo kept, twenty-fivo coins additional: ana if sold, fifty tents for each animal sold, but if any percon shall npoly nnd pay tho officer s fees and cost of siute nnnco nnd Impounding, nt any timo beforo salo of such nninmlii, tboy shall bo retailed by tho officer. Six. 6 An nccurnte account shall bo l;upt mid rendered by tho ofllcer making tho sale, to tho City Council at tvry WU:d meeting thereof, of all animal "10UI by him, mill his fees and charges tnoroen. anil all moneys roeeived by him for the salo of such unlmuls, after deducting therefrom the fees nnd cost of impounding, sale, nnd sustenance, shall without delay, bu paid, as a special deposit, Into the City Treasury and tho Treasurer sha'l lccoipt for tho amo und shall keep It inn sepa rate account subject to the order of tbo City Council. Krc. 0. If at any salo of animal, undor the provisions of this ordinance, no poron shall bid, the wholo amount of costs for taklni: up, kocping and selling said ani mal, tho ofllcer entitled to receive tbe few wuy, for himself, bid tho amount of his costs und charge, and if no person oiusnny moro saiu utiimau may 00 struck ; otf to him ns in other cases. i Skc. 7. If any pereou shall break opon any pen, pouna or oiner inciosim, in which any animals may bo confined or kept under the requirements of this ordinance, or shall directly or Indirectly aid or abet tho saroeor tho escape of any such animals, he or they shall forfeit and pay to sn'd City a sum not loss than ten dollars nor moro than fifty dollars for each and cvurv offense. Skc. 8. If tho Citv Marshal or nnv I'a- lico Constable, shall neglect or refuse to tako up and impound any animal known by him to be running nt largo contrary to tho ordinances of tho city, uu shall forfeit unu pay 10 laid city a sum not less than uvo uouars nor moro man twenty-nvo dol lart for each nnd every offense. " A copy of tho judgment trom the Circuit Court in the coso of "John Ciihill vs. Tho City of Cairo," action of iiumpsit, dam- ages being usscsscd by tho court at ?12G."0 and costs at .$12.85, was presented an 1 read, and, on motion of Councilman Halliday, referred to tho Committeo on Claims. Tho ofUclal bends of John Shcehan, day policeman, nnd Geo. Lohr, special police man, wcro read, and, on motion of Coun cilman Schuh, approved nnd ordered filed. Couucilman Wood moved to refer tho matter of drainago in the Fourth Ward, heretoforo mentioned, to tho Drainago Committco, with instructions to report at a special Joint meeting. Alderman Mct calf moved to amend by requesting said committco to report tho probable cost of tho project. Amondmont carried. Tho oriitinal motion was then put nnd carried. On motion of Councilman Woodward tho Council then adjourned. MICHAEL J. 1IOWLEY, City Clerk. EXCFLSIOU SALOON. Corner Washington Avenue anil Four-' tceiUtk irct. Fred. Blaukcnburg's saloon U nowly and elegantly fitted up nnd'supplled with tho finest wines, liquors, beer, cigars, etc., that can bo found in tho citv; nnd Fred. his no superior as n dispenser of delightful bovoragej. Do not forgot tbo place, cor nor stroct nnd Washington uvenui'. mtEAT'n.icE. ItUtaiirc to he Knn, Klvu Ililililrril YumIh. A greut r.ieo will be run on Saturday, April :20th, nt 11 o'clock, 1..111., between John lloophlo's r.m. und Martin Cain'ii, nbovo ;Mtli streot, on tho prnirio near tho hub factory. DU tanco (W yards. Tho itttondaneo will bo large, in much interest Is taken in this race. tiprl'Tld lliisi-, i.ooiiiU A i'n. In tin- I'ro.i i) I'lclil. Thf i' wugoni of Hn.e, Ioomls A: Co.wlll commeneu to liollver ico about tho city on Monday, Muy 1st, mid will cuiitlmio to j mako daily rounds oaoh morning (Sun ' days excepted) during thu prc-nia season. uruer.- ten 111 tun oitico ot tint rompany, corner Ohio lovco and Jvighth tret, will receive prompt attention. Jlme, Loonils & Co. tiro nUo propared to fill nil ordors in tbo kleanibont hikI shipping tr.'ido pr-'7-dliu I'lcvif KxetntsioK Mav M. --The above niimud picnic is poitponed until, Wednesday, Muy 10th, 011 account of tho ! steamer Kckcrt having to go to tbo wreck of tho steamer Dun hum, unli iii'iir Littlo Rock, Arkansas, some tlx day ago. On tho day named tho oxcurslon will tnlio place according tj Uio already published pro gramme, when it will bo muuh plcasaitor for steamboat and rural unjuymont. JACK WINTER, 1 , B.3. IIARRKLU j . . W. H. SOHUTTER, 1 Mauagcri WM.IIAMBLETON - r , , ra UltAh 1) ,,',T'.Jlj((), T'Jt X,v iibIj ,t or Mr. 11 ATklil. If. Yesterday WvTWcTi he dry gooihes WblMimiwi Of Mr. K. n, gmnlngh, m. Ai our ront'ers aro mosttif them awar Mr. Cunnlnjhnm has recently removed h,s goods from his old stand ori tin lovco to tho hsndsomo building on Commercial nvcnuo put up by tho lot6 John Hamilton. .Tho first thing which atlractcduj atten tion was tho display of handsomely ar ranged goods In tho 'large windows on cither sido of tho entrance Drcii goods, shawlf, lncc, etc, etc., aro hero shown In tho greatest profusion. Passing Into the store, wo looked about Us ,w(th admiring oye. Mr. Cunningham ' has Mi shelves and window filled with n VIST. STOCK OKOC trehly selected for the new establishment anil comprising all tho necessaries and nov: .ics of tho season. In, tbo Jirie of fan cy nrtivdc, such ns trimming lingerie, fans, parasols, gluvrs etc, Mr. Cuning hini h.11 displayed unusual Uslc. His nitraa oood. are elegant mid include an Itifinito variety. Ainonir.thi'so n noticed somoof tho J.l'AXEHE SILKS, wJifWt., universally admired; The !ook of mttIIn, '-rheotings, etc., a bir-jo and the prices remarkably low. Mr. Cunningham sells tho best of 10-4 sheetings ut GOc nnd some very good qual ities at ir.o. On this counter wo noticed some toilet quiets in elognnt designs. Passing up stnlM to the S"cond story we name Upon tht c.vni'tT iiitrARTMsar, vshluh contains tho largest assortment of carpet- ever brought to this market. The pattorns are excoodingly beautiful. We notiml several pieces of Brussels, which we havo uovcr wen surpassed In beauty of dmign and rnro combination of colon. There aro also a tlno variety of twe-ply and three-ply carpets, which nro of ex cellent quality und handsome pattorns. On this floor thcru aro alio a good as sortment of UonU and shoes. THK TlflFtD STORY of the building Is filled with unpacked goodi, intended to take the place of the goods on tbo counters below as fast as theso aro 5i!d off. AVo havo not timo; to do justice to all tho beautiful things wo haw In Mr. Cunningham's handsome establishment. Wo can only add that ii Is a model store, tho clcrki are obliging, ind we bopeak for the proprietor an, increase of well-dcscrvcd patronage. . ' Uoatlcuvci Uiolanding ovory hour "jo day lor the Turner picnic. Pcnur Schools Ficrfic The public picnic sometime bc- j twoen the Otli nnd IStu of 3 nito tlmo has been sot. scuoois win gtvo a May. No dell- R1YEMBWS. ra3)Tho rivor hits risou 7 inches in tho past - I hour'. 3t.Tho woather coutlnucd clear and pleasant yesterday. CSL-Tbo Mississippi is still hesitating ai to tho next movo at St. Louis. BGUTho Monongahela is rising at Brownsville, and thera is 3 foot 7 inchos in tho channel. At Cincinnati the Ohio Is 'falling with 10 feet C Inches in tho chute. riSfTho Cumberland la falling again at Nnshvillo with 10 feet on nurpoth shoals. BPJuTho town of St. Aubcrt, on the Mississippi, has boon shut off by a bar so that boats cannot land thoro. BcrjuTho JobnXunudon'was dotained In adding a largo lot of tobacco In tho Cum berland which goes forward on the Com monwealth. C3.Grccnficld ferryboat was steaming nround In tho harbor n little while last evening, trying her now machinery. Everything performed satisfactorily we understand. Shu will bo ready for work ' on Tuesday next I CSS-Tlio John Lumsden brought 240 j hhds for tho South. fifeiV'Ilusiness wa3 exceedingly dull yes- terday worse than usual In fact matters along tho wharf wcro painfullyqulet Tho only btistlo wo saw was nt tho forry land Ingnn her flMt'aftornoon trip, whilo tho unusually uumborof passongui-ii who had como over to witness tho horse race wero embarking for homo. Ono boat was al most black with people. A Memphis dispatch of tho 27th says : Grand Lnko citmo down quietly last night, took off all flats and barges latoly used by Phillip St. Jolm, former agents hero for tho Illinois Big Muddy Coal Company, and slyly wont iip tho river' with tbo fleet, much to the surprlseofpovc- ! rnl hero. Tho hllcwlld Is tbo regular Evans vlllo packet, leaving this evening prompt, ly on arrival of thu train. B3.TI1u.Ino. Lumsden leaves for Nash, villa nnd nil way points to-day. P3.TI10 Paulino Curroll loft New Or Iwun on tho 2Sth. llLT.IGIOf.S. Tho Itov. I. 8. Mnhanof Centralis, of tho Baptist Clou. Au'n,, wlU.preach. In too, Presbyterian church this morning at U o'clock. ' I Immtdintoly uftor morning seryi'co tbe'ru will bo hold it meeting 0 tbo 'Bapiis.s o"t, Cairo, und of nil pertont jiitorwKd In Uisv orgunizutloii of a Baptist society. Tbo ob ject of tho mooting Js 'lo determine i course' for tho ucconiplUhpenof'tbayurpo&t'. It is hoped that al, persons who. bare beaa. members of B.ipttst churches In- other places, undid) who urn interested i In ibat toclcty, will lond llioiiSncllon'aiiil'encotir- I sgoment of their presence nt the meeting