Newspaper Page Text
r t 1 0 1 7, 8TEAMBOAT8. OAUtO AND NASHVILLE PARK EM, The fo Jewing steamer 1mv Cairn . FOltfiAHIIVJl.LK on lhi days and at the hoiN b-lo.nmnl TALISMAN, Every Monday nt C p.m. : TYJIONE, Every Thursday, at B p.m.; LUMSDEN, Every Saturday, at C p, , For Freight or IWaga'aepijr on lrd, or I .m. lo 1IIUUH & MALLOItY, JanSVNlf :j OHIO I.F.VEE. CAIRp AND PADUCAH. DAILY PACKET. Thtlyqtiftil and ght dranghl steamer TAMES iFISIC t ,TR aveeifclro daily, d I'a-f.teli dally eA.'m. graving ttipVrlotw-vlTmrnmlatione tlx ,i.-n ...i ii ... . ..una patronage, n 0f PavlienUr a'tenttopgu j tfrtocLaiga, tut fletVi eollejetiou of Iti. lttoi l rtKn- aiMefor tbeaameiintil rolleeted, t'EOAI. EXTF.RPKIME. SIOO.OOO GIFT FJESTIVA J, AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA, May 25th, 1871, IS AID OF A PUIiLIC MIIKAltY Tiikrn Tito Dollar Ijtrti-Ilattra Our . 1 .. vlloilor Kuril. J 'anrThl enferprl'p will he conduct il In a prc rlel similar Inaitntr lo lhatof Ihe late Grand 'I. ft Concert of the Merrantlle Library An.ool.i. . lljn.ofriui Frocflcn..yulrh xtrq lchitnlvernl SMI. ration. J KlgM. One I'liaurelu x;er Thirty. i ch oiii .,........ . tjii,) i r-iii ;iri... n,'i t Cuh (lilt. .......... -.......,.......-......- Iv t CbU um ; L.i - , 1 Cwuli (lilt...- . 1 Ch Olll... . . 1)SD 1 CmiU I lin ........,....-.. -...... l.") I Oil l)in........J. M.hlMi'M.H.WUH..H Hwa Ml i rii flirt 1,100 1 Cah f lift ,.. IJNO I Cult Gift . 1,000 i cot fjnr... . i. 1 Cash (tt .. .. l.ini. 1 Caih Oifl I Cah Mift. l.ou II Cash (l.fu. f.vo kDm-... . T.uu in C"h(iifl, 'ifO etn.. s.tiM iffj cn nirtt, ii mch... .... z.uju W !uh tllff, M tach:.. , 100 Cuh Oirta, 30 fwh. . 3,(W 10 CmIiOIRi, nlr,.. lomcu.-inini, lo Vali. ..... lo.oi) luCli GtfU, 5 rwti.,... &,r) 231doTrta,aniouDllDx to . I oo.i UJ Which will Ldintrilutel lir chacemoK tfie .tlcktt hoMM,toUhe.JIiJUul Aid A'rocUtloa of 6UU! UlXumtUM. K. RntrltiV.i! Xuabal-a ofl Iter. Omaiia: Kdxar Zabrnkla. lata Union aoltltlUII road otter. OmitKJ. Tnrnrr. Imlr If, H. lar- hal, Omaha; J. Dotl. Poitoffice, Omaha f Cool rapouitlc aoU Wanted, Ubrialcoto .iroBaiMwta. . niitai,'V l.TFOKO CO., DnrraMttr, Omaha. NVItraaka OROCCRS. NMTTIT St CO., GROCERS OHIO LEVEE, TiDAXXt6, XXjXjXXOTOXS. Alo. krfp rntiaUntlj en l)0'l a LlOft coin, pine nlock tit Scotch and Irish Whiskies G-X3N7JE1. Pod, Madeira, Sherry, Calabaw WINE . We aHI irlullj for Caah, to which I act w IqtiU the attention of cloae bargain bujreri Special attention iTn to filling ordcra. llJ'iH, WILLIAMBON, GROCER PRODUCE COMMISSION MEBOHANT ' - Si'7 Ohio Levee, tt"-";V CAIRO, III. Npjtil'BtteiitIon irfvrH to Conalgn lacnta n4'UJliiH Order- W. Blratton. T. Bird. STitAxroN a: iiiict, uo;f mors to Stratton. umtaon A Clark.) t.I J'WholeWnle GROCERS COflHIsiNHERCHAliTS, H7 OHIO CAIRO. ILL. Ag-cnta ol Ainerlran FuwiUr Co., and i iwwmwniri viayepii, ,t i;gaa nri. i-jrr!;-; fr-? 4 ' COAL, ETC. .TyOOI! WOOD!! WOE I! J k The imdcriilKnfd will furnlah irard ami lry Wood As Cheap If at Cttaepr '"iiuVariy woodlealer Id Cilm. Leave order at " tnf.Pqji.Qinceund at the corner otiitnatreet and U'rah nuton Avenue, 1 Eire cood meaturo rlc u 111 cor J the wood tljl." UKJINIH HAUKV. rVbrnarv WqJ. 1171 1-1- I .' H prepare to deliver t tt Fire Wood &"Stohe,Coai in unjf part of tho city," in any quantity;. deu ; Coal DeUjrfai.H MPer 10B OKKIOET-PveriBeerwart,, Prth Oo.'a tov I tore, two door aoove tne corner oi cignin airee and Oommerclal avenne. decoit in; ,',",..,'t,'(.. , M,.......',MM,,S,.,,( JEWS OF THE CITY. l if Mcn'i FIno Heal'Hkin Gaiter, Md alio "Princo Albort," at Eiitott ftHayUiorn'-). ?. Off MUca' Sergo and . JCIdl'olikb,' icallop top, at the City Shoo ilort, corner .Com mercial nvcnuo and Eighth atrect; It VijDvn. Choico Family Flour In" bbli half bbli laclu 4c, for tale at thaEgj-p- UdlcV Sorgo (I'oll.h) Fmnoh Kid, foxod, at City Shoo Store, corner of Com morclal Voaue" and eighth attest. . tf AVhoIi it that doei not like imoking hot bitcuita for bruukfait? Tlio Firm Cook atove will bukotliem In flro minute time by tlio watch. tf Genu' Oxford Tica, l'rln.-o AlberU and Opera Slipper, at Die - -CUy Shoe Store," corner of Commercial avenue and Klghtlritieol. tf IIk of gnodobeer, there N life and health' for you yet. So those that Imvo tuken Simmon,' LIVer llegulntor nltet. apr2&d&wlw .(- fiooii' I'I.ack. All ntrnngurii vltiting the city call "on ' AlLit to vl lino ihav4 and have their tmlr cut in un artiitia man n.;r. ,tf WA'NTr.liImmcdiateli-, a (j'fl to do grnoinl houiu work, at No. &7, Ninth trcnt, betwitsn Wnlnut and Cedar flrceti. It Miiri. J EH F. MAltTI N. Ladlcji' Sergo (lollh), aonllop-top; for from one dollar and fifty cent :n three dollar and twenty-flvo crnl, at City Shoo Store, corner of Commercial ivvcnuo and Eighth (trcct. tf 'I'll A Urio patent tnovenble point alee plow) one extra ipoint kIvcu wltlt -nob plow. For ttlo only by IJEEKWART, OUTII & CO., 130 Commercial Are. HUtf Fiii.iNO or Lots. Jojik flock 1 and l'eter Neflf arc flllinir their loU on Ohio levee from the debrli of tlio old olai Hotel. Nctrpropoei to build upon hit lot. N6tic. All penoninaTini; article, at the Cairo Dye IIouio are requested to rail and get them before the 20th of May next, or they will be aold for charges. 3Ibj. ANN ItEDMAN. School Picmc Ono of tho moat Jnr- Greeting and 'acrceabla affair of tbV. 5rt month of Hay, the' puplic achooU picnicy will certainly take place on Friday,; May 12th. Preparation are being mudofo ln t ure lucceu in every particular: A iplcndld auortmcnt of ,ltl jcagal mosi batkeU, flower ttand, flower train on, wlro-cloth for window screen,' bath and foot tuba, &c, &C-, juit received !utr UEEnWAKT, OltTIIiCO'd, 4 aOlf 130 Commercial Ave. Tun Founrn "Wakij. One of tho moat popular Institution of tho Fourth "Ward It Ehler! ihoeitore, whero he make to order all kind of ahoca in the most work-man-llko mannor. Tho citizen who uie hi good will never patronlr.o any other rhoemuker in the city. Ills ibop It on Twentieth street, nearly opposite tho court houae. tf . Skwixu Macuineh. Altentltfu of; perioni wlihlng a flrt-clau sewing 'tnachino I called to the late Improved "Wheeler and "Wilwit'i. They; cannot be excelled for a family' raacLlfte, or for light manufacturing pur poica. All are Invited to call and exam ine tho improvement. J. C. CAKSON, npaqdlm Agentf, Cairo, 111. YOU BENT. , Tho bouse heretofore occupied by Fat- rick Fitzgerald, on Ohio Lcvoo betwonn Fourth and Sixth itrceU. This bouse. If not tho best business homo is .certainly ono of tho best stands in Cairo. It fronts tho principal steamboat I rinding und is near the Illinois Central railroad depot. 'Apply noitdcor at ltobert Smyth & Co'. wholesale grocery store. Ktnartok. James KynaMon, the well known butcher of ,tho. Fourth -AViird, openod hi branch butcher hop ycftor doy, and now Invites tho patrpimgu of tho public. His "branch," i on tho lot next to the grocery store of Aldorman Carroll on Commercial avonuo, nnd will b'j sup plied with tho freshest and, best meats in tho Cairo market. Kynaston know his business, and always furnishes good meats and gives full weight. tf Ooi.ii Loak IK Cairo Jay Cooke ifc Co. ofTer lho7.30 gold loun of tho North ern Pacific It. R. Co., as a sofa and profit able Investment, but a still mure profitable way of Investing money la In Brown & Edwards' barber shop, whero, among ptn er excellont bitrhors, Gus Hlmo bandies bis trusty razor, ltoniembor the place Theobold's old stand, Seventh s'trcut, neiir OhloLevoe. , tf M" Pealnr in MILLINERY UdlM Furnishing (loodg Cortter Klaitla altreel, .l in wi,iH.oflnthlo;ter Ladltk' wear made orier. or ready made. Alio, a full Mfortment MltteVani'lAdiet'sV.M. nrtf THE CAIRO, yXiXiETJIsr, FoRTtmR'is FiOKtB-Wo mot a mJn' Sunday eronlngliu needy, etrcumttancoa, whoj In 1859 wixj vory wealthy anc iur- tinrta1 tf nit tIia a,nnllnrir-Al comfort, and which are tho auxllllarieitg; wealth coupled witti roBnomcnt. Jyrlng i ... i M i.i . -A'V.J-T ibo nuovo year no was a rcsiuoni uiivw Orleans, and moved In the best ctrclesof hhn society of that polished Southern me tropolis. To-day bo earns tlio scanty mean of livelihood by the uio of tho vio lin, an instrument from which, In the days Of till wealth, ho drew .exqulslto sounds through choico and' a love of music. Ho married In Vermont, arid for ton years resided in New Orleans, In which blty ho proaporcdluntflj"utttroro'' tlio wof, when misfortunes camo upon him, and with il a lovo of that which hnth tho dotnon In It. lie Wintjftfuun&iA condition In lifo toanothor, until hi soon found 1iimiclf tho manager of a smalOUntrranircmpany ofdramatlo pcrformerr, and his refined wife the leader oftho dramatic talcnti This company disbanded In AVcitern Texas, anu i boca Houston tlon of toitbrette. She, riIn vocation, was poon engaged at jcadlng actres in tho Galveston theater, where, by hftp IwmiiLw antl lniAll2in4i..halt.r!iptpl ...f. L. V.. J" i'i'i.L.i hc alluring totigjif uritlict JflatUrcr and; eat a I " I villain, ami iiou no one Knew ..whito, ki sue imt never i,eeri ucaru, incc. from that lilcts hi! novcr recovered uim Sun day I'Vunitig ciKild liiivu ,bee'n seen n our landing pennllcs, hcutclesf, ifrloiidlcis prcmuturoly grey, and a victim jo Jhc, fascinations of the cup. Tlilrf U nji Idle mj that u:h hII fiction, but ond of tli'4u llfo '.tlrmii csnhantlv Imi rbatijj. Tbrjit hi ttlaU, povprty and vlciitudn, bth t 7 jus never parteJ with the violin niround which urn cluit'irrtt j tt- nmnl nnd bitter memories. . If. doubt 'that TniiK. Thoro can be no Baugh is,' pur txetllenee the .boit und liwmakcr of Cairo. Ho chnllonge com- Ptitton lii hi trudo. and utsuro the riub-1 lie tbat'he will guarantco to hi eustlimiira. fatltraclIoK. Hit shop it on Eighthstrct near the corner of Ohio Lerco. tf TuiWKii's PtCMc The Turner s pjc-- nic, on tne Kentucky siuo oi t,i' fvfr Tetterday, would nave been nicoiapleto success but for tho rain. Daring the! iVrrWhbTdnav F ? 8 2 " noon tne festivities commenced witu'great spirit, nnd would have continued until n late hour in tho evening had not rudriz-. zling,ru!n aetln, which lastuntil hvo ' o'clock in the evening, Notwithstanding this Interruption by un clement that L-ou!d not bo controlled tbrrlueh any human: fancy, the daftelag was coa'jiuetl onjhe. at anamst rcat hilarity aid good,, to !ieixjiOslS f htcnWst'ti itring' The. eo'ajtnitUe'iWm.'Budcr. Sic-: vonr3chwanlt"x and ltoberfUrlbnch labored- energetically in preparation fgr, tbo affair,, as did alt thi "leading1 Turhen, among ,vfbom were Charles Sllnerrx-spcallcr'Sf. .i in. .(.... ( . " vuvriuuiuiiuiimuayauu, in'Uict, eyery. Turner In the city. ' - I ' " i J i "This W Iaistaik." Tbot j-Vlba ,nevcr fulls Jo do bis tonsoVial.'-work i in a mauner that will warrnnt'us in"aylng that he has no superior In his lino of buiinbs. Alba' everybody knows lAlba in on Commercial aventio, near soventh street, tf ' FmaKXAipV Sauple RoohsJ jl'fir-. sons bibuloutly. inclined lovers of the ex hlleratlnt; jtilc of the corn and juice oi tho grape, ot.mait.bevorages, sbould-call im tBcdJatily.Vt Qiesamplo roobiVon' jedrner. CcrnmerCiiil avenue' and Fourteenth strcetr of "tho purest kind, lio bus the most fru- grunt. Uavaua cigars, Iinportatop from Cuba", tbat land of narcotic weeds. Flt"kwm ,10,,tC()rtftinbr. corrupt his -morals gcraldkoeps n flrst-clais place, und big with bim Jimmy English, who knows ev erybody, and knows the wunts of every body nnd who is a -Bontlcmanjerery Incb of him. " Ur.reoplo begin to realize 1 that our respected anccstors'mutt havq had very Inconvenient tilnn' of' it'i without railroads, steamers, gas, friction inatchci, telegraphs, espresso", sowinc machines, nnd ljit, and par contequenco not least,' Charter Onk Cooking Stdves. upr25diwlt Jtouurnv, Saturday night .Michael "White nnd n man named Kuztln,; arrjved ill mo cny irom .uimouh, jWiiuru wiujr uivi ji f.. t... nr.. t ...t - .1.-.. l.Ut ticcn working iur a inriuer, naaiaa Max. They took loggings ut Johnny (iockol's boarding bouso on 'Ohio, ltiveo, tdcupying. tlui tamo bed. Toward morning white.". uroo from tho bo J, us Kutzing was sleeping, appropriated most all of that gentloman's wardrobe pants, but, coat and ull the money bo conld find lying uround loose. Kutzing awaking sometimo after, soon discovered hit lost, nnd un folded hit tale of loss to Chlef.Myer. A short search disclosed White in tile act of donning tho apparel .of thj injurcd'Kutz ing in the Gibson Houso. Ho was "hauled" nnd put Into tho hands of tho city jailor, whore ho remained during Sunday. Ho was tried before 'Squire Shanncssy with tho result as indited in the police report. PJoniO HycoBiiioy, Mh ltrrr-The abovo numcd plcnlo I postponed until "Wednesday, May iOth, oii accbunlf tho stoamor Eckort having to go to thvo wreck of the steamer Donham, sunk Tier Little iear Little U6ck,Arknai aomo sixaayaago, dgy.namdd, tHe'e'x'ci(rtipn" wll til " 9 according t.i tlio ulready published pro irramnie. when it will ba much ple'aiatilor fot'iniiin1ifnt' nnd 'rural oiiiovmout. . : ' J'ACk-WINTKB, il.B. HAUltULL. . of W. II. SOUUTTEB, Monagerg 1 "WM. IIAM1ILKT0N ' pXpu oaVi celebration Padneahltee Celebrate May-Da In a , .'? tuV,rt W W9 : jiuwa.tiuin oar ejtociui.rvporier ui iin' j. u rducah colabratloa. The procestion was very long, consuming throo quurtcrs of an hour In pas'sTtig a given point. In tho procession there wcro two slx-horto vehi cles, ten foJr-fioaio, sixty-four two-horse, and thlrtj-tbrteone-horso vorjiclcej and fifty-eight' noriemon draped In whlto; thlrty-ftvodrnwand carta. Almost every bujIrieyuWaV'fepresented on platform rrotablo were, iron fur-J rr an "tin ,...ti.i v buRders'rt'ifrliige-rnalors coopers, black smiths jjyroj a ikw mill running by steam, etc. A tastefully arranged tnlnlaturo steamboat, named tho James Fisk, Jr., at tracted much attention, The jiroceMlon mfiied'itiirougli ftiO frirfc(paf)trtots Ac companied by tho Cairo Silver Cornet bund nnd the Pnducah band. r Tbeifiru uc The JatenoisTbf tho hour precludes our saying more, .except that all Cuiroi(cfi who . .i-.;r . i. .i I! I.i . ir ... p rirt'ipaieu in mo coinomtion pronnnnro tlt.a - crand affair. " rA nXS7)Vfb. A Very small quuDtlty of ikt i-ronnl, in a CliKKer" Oak Stove will cook u ptenUious.ui.cilfvr (a toialjj family , iif it wliolo nrranowout , hot-air llue' over., fire-box, daintier, olc, is so planned a? to t'nvVnd apply 'WUIioTtetvt geroruled directly. to th -Kking food; without lyr piIulngttoHispotrp.the chimney) ' . uySdawlw jr . i ...... . i 4i, un.i.i n its. .Tolly tiiimbrinu.huliLliiUi'iirnival nil .day .ycsterilhy. 4 ,!)..! j.JUkcrCi jcuit Judge.hat gno to "Mefropoli to bold court.' .-.. " - : . Associate- Justice. McCrllc urrived In tbo city vcstprdnvofternoons Free liiieli were very popular ,yos wrdny morijin', itnjl were well patronized Commercial avenue nnd Obib lov'ce presented u liveV appearur.oo Sunday eve oliig alsrH'iu ruin) A slighrrain fell yctcrdaynftermxm, I ,nd the tkv remained cloudy i td tiring the Itev. C. H. Footc e U absent from thj city . ulplt. was filled by -tho Kev,;Mr..MJihan. t 1 ;Vrthnf 'IJoyTe's mnle critcJ u ona- tionypstrday-Jiji going -up Poplar, and .iMpta'iu'cniietii .itrect t a-toAriair rale. ,rSEIcWtr!furn!tur6 fitory'on.AV'h- iuwju aeuuu lAjriipiuiy auvnncing iqwnru eompletipp. . ; Tho ferry-boat; nt 6 vory' trip from tho Turn or piuntc grounds brought legions of taosqultogs to tha.Ulinois eidc. ' TholatcVdld sharIs liftVInga tenden cytond ouf' trees tit the caterpillar. They full to the ground,. and cluster together by the "hundreds: Thu alarm of lire last night at 12 o'clock, win caused by tho burning of tin oldshed formerly ujedby tho colored folki as a mectlngdiouse. Uarry. "Walker it running the St. Nlcliplas hotel in flrst-cluss style. His ta blo is always filled with tho best the mar ket affords. ' j Ono hundred and fifty men, wmcn and children cimo up on tho steamer Illi nois, yesterday, from Columbus, on an excursion. -Our river editor wont'away onUundsy on bis favorite steamer, tho James Flsk, Jr., for Paducab, in company with Phil Ilorf urd, of whom ho writes occastonrlly. Phlt Hon'I Sharon Tvitdulo: an account of wuose titsaisination appears cisewnere in this issue of Tuu Bulletin, mada tho flrstt Survey of the, Cairo nnd St. Louis liailroad, and was, at tho of time of his dually a jmdmbor of-tbo directory ot! tho roa iV hV was well-known in tho city. 'iScccKsh it tlAi best trUof niporority; tho wonderful detnhnd for Siiumons' Liver Ilegulutor it ono of tho convincing proofs that thUjarticIf jt apprcuigU'd'above every thfngolso of thor kjiid? . Jlowavor much its Jealous deraiiiers iiiay throw their elmfls, truth will prnvail nnd to will t Ii Is medi cine. mySduwl'w ""'Ti-Po(iitgpnT'.--Tbe folowlngjitrm:ted from' 'th'o-tMe'griipIlic' reports" or the St. Louis Democrat is tho most romarkablo npecimon of typography wo have hod tho bixdlfortunp (b lay oyos upon laycars; JlEJirms, April ST. Weather atlll hqworV, oticnaancei larco, track little heavy, handicap ull ages molu quarter dash, thirty dollars 1ml? forfeit ten if de clared club adds throo hundred, banquet (aula tiirrell wood born ttjla sumo order tlmo two ton night huwk col Johnson Von AioitKo unco roara torrelteu KvvucpstilKe threo , Foitrs mlloihcats twotitj-fivo P P club adds three fifty eight subscribers won by senlinol bearing Sir Kufils Ludy Fulr field and Hampton Jlf Davis Lizziu mor rison forfeiting time ono forty uinu threo quarters. Fifty half purnu four hundred mile heat an ages Uortlcan ono ono ianglaloot uu- forty eight hulf favorites won in every in stance bolting light. -j . Tim Fento.n Corn Mill. This cutab-j "Dmnti corner of Uominerciui avonup, l.l.l , .... II. mm luorouguiy routieu iv, iiiviwj mu 111- tontlon oijbo,pub(io(tO'.tbelfact that ho Is now prepared to furnish doalers und fami lies with tho very best article of corn meal, rdergj Jolt-at tho mill or sent: through tlio posiofflco will receive prompt attention. tf ittnceu uorrtngsr nvo r,o.ur qimrtisr master loun flVptEllul Jneksou Threo threo Sue Douijlirtvilmrf-ene-fiirlv nine quarter ZMjAg" 2 Pehsoxai.. Frod Theobold, our old follow-townsman nnd cx-alderman of tho First ward, is In the city, on a busi ness trip. Ho will ronm n sovoral dayi. Fred looks oxccedlngly we'll. A. II, SafTord returned from Chicago yesterday. J. H. Findlay, ltobert Hunch, ltobert Castle, Sol. A. Silver and Charles Kyle, left Sunday night for St. Louis. E. 11. "Wcakely, n former citizen of Cairo, Is In the city looking for a proper silo on which to establish a carriage man ufactory, An ostballsbmont of this char acter will do much to ndvanco Cairo In her steady march of progression. "Wo wel come nil such enterprising citizens to our city. Barclay Bros, nfesolling more of Sim mons', Liver Itegnlator, at retail, than of nil ho others" of that class of medicines put together. Tho reason of this Is be cause nil who try it recommend It to their friends. my'Jdlw Mthtkiiious Dimaitkauakok. For fume timo past a man mimed Lesllo bas been acting In the capacity of watchman to b.irget in tlio Ohio river oppoiilo tbo box factory. Ono night last week tho bnrgpt were taken from their mooring, destined for Memphis. In the morning after tlnjir departure It wut discovered th.-it.Lctlio had alio disappeared, leaving hit lantern on the rivor bank. Feare are entertained thnt tie was drowned, a up to thl tlmo nothing has been heard from him by bin or friend. LaUr. Slnco writing tho ubnvu Mr. Leslie' body 'was recovered from tho rivor, oppoiito tho factory. NoTiiixit venture, nothing have. Hero Is a chance toutd In n good causo and at the tnmu time win n fortune. This legal cnterprito in aid of n public library nt Omuba Is conducted by honorable men, in whom confluence can be placed, lluy a ticket und win that $'20,1)00. Su: adver tisement. mySdnwlw Cuuitoii Projkct. Active step nre now being taken for tho organization of n Baptist Church In Cairo. A preliminary, meeting was held on Sunday lust in Inn Presbyterian church, ut which it Wns de cided to meet again in two week from to n ight, ut tbo place hereafter to bo desig- unlsid, when thnt portion oftho Baptist el racnt of Culro attending tho meeting will be regularly organized into u Baptist so ciety. Tho Kev. Mr. Muhan, of Ccntralia will bo pru'ent. Paducaii Biia8h Baku. Thu swift tun ning steamer Idlowltd gracefully rounded to Sunday evening, r.ud steamed slowly up to tho landing, her duoka crowded with passengers, nnd tho P.ulucuU brut band, on a tour of pleasure, playing beautiful and Inspiriting nlrs, to tbo largo and de lighted crowds of citizens and strangers on Ohio levee. I will tell, on reasonable terms, my threo story hotel and grocery building, und lot, located on tho Ohio Levee, opposlto the Central Elovu'.jr. This is a very de sirable property being close to tho now manufacturing establishment now being erected in tho Fourth "Ward, and is par ticularly adopted to tho uses of uny per son desiring u stand fo either tho hotel or grocery business. Apply, cither by letter or personally, to M.ICHAEL HOUICIGAN. mSldlm l'OI.ICK B V f I S KKS. S A N.N Khrt V. T WO men were arrested yesterday afternoon, by officer Veirun, for firing n pistol on Tenth ttroet, near Thornton's building. Shannctty discharged them. A negro and white man for engaging in a fisticuff, were each fined $5 which they paid. Michael "Whlto was committed to tbo countvjall in default of 12(0 bonds to an swer to tho chargo of stealing money and clothing. National The imtionul bunting was unfolded to the breezo yester day morning from tho cupola of the Itough-and-ltendy's beautiful building. All day long it displayed its bright colors as tho May winds tossCd it about. Fow cities have few such engine house.-, in point of architectural finish, from which to unfurl tho national staiidurJ. Kkmoval. Mrs. J. Ciimminga wishes to inform her custoinnrt und tho public generally that sho has removed bur mil linory goods from her storo on Eighth ntreet to tho commodious room on Com morcial Avemie, bntweeu Seventh and Eighth streets known as Mrs. Owold'n old stand. Mrs. Cummings. link milled Inrgoly to hor slook of goods, und now linn )i oheup, sousonablo and liishloiuiljlo col lection of hats, bonnets, ribbons, etc., to which sho asks tbo attention of old and now patrons. , m'Jliltl' An Affiiav, A difficulty occurred last Saturday night between n whlto mail and negro on Twonttoth titrect. During thu meloo a pistol was fired by unit of tho piirtlirwith no erlous result." Thu eon buttants, were both' under tlio Influeiico of that olTectlvodlitllUtlon coiumunly known tit chained je;btning.' H' h jj" iyg, lyE. , ' at'gialpleA i. la Use fUlit. 'fCluiKttvagons or Huso, Loomi & Co.wlll ooniipencrt to.dellvor ice about thu city on Monday, May Jtt, and will oontlnuu to niuko dally round ouch morning (Sun days oxcoptod) during tho present (cifan. Order left at thu ollleo of tho company, corner Ohio leveu and Eighth street, will recolvo prompt attenllon, Huse, Loomlt & Co. aro alto prepared to fill ull orders in tho steamboat and shipping trade apr'J7-Um At tho meeting of tho Hough and BcnJy Firo Company, held lust night, tho follow ing officers wore elected to servo the en suing year: President "Win. T. Boer wart; Vice-President Hiram Bixby; Sccretty Hnrry Schuh j Treasurer Herman Meyer; Foroman of Engine JnmCs S. Swayne; Atsistunt Foreman Frod. Decker ; Foreman of Hose J. 0. Taylor ; AU- tant Forcrnnn, Frod. Strati. Bonrd of Directors YT. T. Beerwnrt, J. H. Oberly, Vf. "W. Thornton, II. Blxby, A. Marx. For. Salic. Tho undorslgnod will soli at ptlvate sale tho following described property! Four work horses; 2 sots double harness; 2 two-horse wagons; several plows and other im plements. Parlies dealrlng to purclmto will call nt her residence or at ltobt. Brl bach's, opposito tho courthouse. Terms of sale, lialf cash ; bnlnnofl on six month,' credit, with good security. aprlSdlm Mr. KATIE COOFEK. Tun ClTV Jaii "Wo wwrq rhown through tho city jail by 'Squire Mcllnle, nnd must say it 11 tho cleanest, best kept Jail wo Jin rn ''been In for many dais." Mack Is a model jailor, nnd tukes good enre of hi prtinert. The promIe gpmirnlly aro tidy nnd fresh-iookinif, arid speak loi-filer than word in fnvir of the perron in chnrgn. A IIakh CitANUK. A large u.rtment of Iiouki furniture, carpet, chairs; Ul1:i, bedtteadt, nuiltruAsc, wardrobes, bn renin, standi), buoWiino, elc, will bo olferfd Tor salo to-dny at the residence of JoM 0. Morgan. Those in wunt should r.ut I'm) to attend. Sale from ! o'clock .to la ni. ' It EXOFLHIOK SALOOK. ("oriifr WKllliston Avrntie nail 'mr teentlt street. Fred, llla.ikenburg's faloon is newly nnd elegantly fitted up and suppliod with the finest wines, liquors, beer, cigars, eU., that run bo found in the city; mid Fred. Ins no superior ns a dispenser of delightful beverages'. Do nut forget tho placo, cor ner 11th street and "Washington nvenue. Tim undersigned it preparing his) tlellrt quent list for Stuto nnd County tnxc-, and will Imvo it in tho bunds ot thu printer by the 1st proximo.. All parties in arrears for taxes either upon real estato or por sonul proporty ut that duto will bo taxed with cost. ALEX. II. 1KVIN. ap-T-d td. j-iiuntrv. 1I.LI50LS CENTRAL K.VILIIOAD. Stew Time Tftliln. On and after 12:30, p. m., Sunday, Dec. 4tb, tho following timo table will govern thu arrival and departure of pasenger trains nt Cairo ; unr.MtT. Mail train loaves tit u:40 Express " " ut 3:30 p.m. St. LouU and Cairo Express leaves ut 1:20 a.m. AccomiuodHtion leaves at... 12:30 p.m. Ar.iuvi:. Mail arrives t!:0& u.m. Express arrives '.12:21 p.m. St. Louis and Cairo Express arrives 4:45 p.m. Tho last named train loaves St. Loulj ut 10:30 a.m. Traders can lo.tvo Cairo at 1:20 u.m., reach St. Louis at 7:23 a.m., ro main in tho city thrca hours, and return to Cairo at 4:45 p.m., tho samo day. Tho 12:30 accommodation and Cairo nnd St. Louis express leavo dally; nil otli- crs leave daily excopt Sundays. "Way passengers should bear In mind that tho 3:30 p.m. train makes only four stoppings botweon Culro and Ccntralia viz: Joncsboro, Carbondnlo, Du Quoin and Ashley. Tho 12:30 p.m. train stops at all tho stations along tbo route. JAS. JOHNSON, dee3tf Agent, Cairo. The l.lie or Ilie Kniprera i:it;eute nt Cliliclliiimt. Krnm tho Court Joumol.l During tho last six months 11 plrinly dresscd. crracoful lad v. uccoinimiiitd bv three or four attendants, might Imvo boon met nnviiiiy walking in tlio lutic in und about Chisulhurit. Few ol'thoso meeting hor Hint lining to recognize i familiar face, would hiifo suspected that 0110 short twelve months liineu aim wuu nn Empress and wife of tho ruler over 11 great nod powerful nation. A.'ith tho resignation of royalty fho has abandoned uvory nppear aueoot" stale. Every Sunday aim walks to thu little Cuthulie chapel, whatever tlio weather may bo and it U tho rarest thing In tint world to ten her riding in 11 carriage. Her at Uro I of the simplost, und she sometimes may bo eon wnlklng in a plain cotton ilrt". Sho neither visits nor recelvu vU itors in any iiuinbor, anil, indeed, :arrlcs licr seclusions o fur that when solicited to bo present nt it concert in tho neighbor hood, given for tlio benefit of her dressed subjects of former ycur, sho declined. For yours thu KinpriM lnii been tlio lead er or fashion, nnd tho leat peculiarity of manner or dres, whether intctitltinul or not, bus beiiii faithfully copied by uvory ludy who pretuntU to bo long In the llgl.tet degrou to the world of fuhion. Evun now her man ner of walking, with tho body slightly bent forward, und tho iiiu11 stick widen sho frequently carrion, is imitated by the ladies of Chitulhurst, und a rollux of it mav bo traced fur beyond that excluded district. 'IV fouling.! of tho iiihiib tnnts toward tho Empress mid tlio yoiui! Princo lm Hrati'lirill.ltV. SlllUuIod llltO respect for her wish to keep ber.iilf quite private, unu nium' """ "" " " tontion than uny ordinary lady. Tho only .,.. Imi. Irton to bring (town 11 tuw peo ple from lymdoit on Sunday mornings,, who visit tho ohupol for tho purpo4u .of7 gazing 011 royalty. flrMIss Mary Kylo Dalliu, the New, Tork hnigtr story writer, is soon vo 00 I marriod to Irving, tho rich Now York ar- 1 Ut. 1U y a matter ot lwnas ajni sensa. 4 i A special convocation of Ca' Chapter, lio.TJf iU bo hold nt M nic Hall, tbif, Tuesday etenin;?. Mnv t .0 1871, for work in de-fia, By ordl ui ma ia. a. U. J.'. F,K01tSMEYEU, Sc'y. SEW ADVERTISEMENT AEItSHIP. 'I Tliocr.pttnrhinh, Momrn. WoO'lnnillloylelnlliemaionanltiui! ' Idr LuiilnnM, la hrreby dissolved hy mntnites aent, Uilhnr of the parties are aiilhorlaed loi II any ontntnndlnK clSim lor or anlnntM Hrni. The lurtnerahlp nl.tln by tVnud A Do in iiiv jijwkiuk wnu. prvTii.iuu uiisinria mil nr uriiier nonce nnr.iorori. (Slgne-U, , JOHN WOOti. autiil'r niiti.E. Atil'iir tuyl will ooulran In the Jjiill lm M , sine, and belliq thankful tihlslrlenl, for H lll?ni!, nppcf .JO-jeccur n ciinnuunnrn ni I tame fiitnrr. . A. IlOTI.ll CAlrrIII4-ApTll'.,1Tr. mtJ-li I nrr A CA.HH. t - m. t ' 1 1 w "at h I.iraiUora luring i.ljtialtjet I vwithitlie Unit Put, I'alcntOl'Jco.niU (lnd,ll.toheirnIvnta Masn, Wick & liaivrencf 1 l I'm cut AKent,-ri1:ilnjri.(o, !l. f. They havf ilonn ray Ltislirfv. (Ii . 'Hf It ti, andjutto pit .is 11 ro in, ih t' wertrrn Inventor. VI Itn'-nlorof ImitroteU nevolifnj 'filhnl r WiL jrw. JUrfl. ' " " ! C.iro, Atrt W, 171. .fi12mf REAL ESTATE' BROKERS. 1 ('lin't-- 14 to Johnl). )lJ(fHi A 1 j , 1 REAL. ESTATE A flJ V WKfSW2?T& 5.6 1 7i, Second Ftorfr, OHIO 1.)-VEF i5uy und Sell ItcaEstuI fliASSH ARVMlAf.-TR ISH" IT1, k.M) flXtJI'AUH :or)VyANl t ofi t.i.wiis ; COALf ire, Prcpnritl td Supply Cualomej' vrlth the. Scat (JnaUty t,f ( PiTTSBURG 'AND 1 Order left nt ISnllldivy (iot,. Odlc' So. 70 OI1I11 Levee, or r.t. tto,CoHl Yard belnvr the St. C'liar'lca Ko cl,vvJltnoceIvc,VrJ.iint" Attention. . (.11 Tne Tim ".MunLvik' will bririiC WM Mmia.n Miilro, O.'t. SJtb, JiiTO.-; ir;itiiL'fj atunv xiour. onr orniguvs t TjT"JEa SLf CA.TIOIV. ' HELLN1UTH COLLEGb ltoar.l and Tuition per annnm, JE6. '' HELLHUTH LADIES' COLLEGE' Inaugurated bv 11. 11 II Priuco Arthay. Bo.v aud lotion iieriinnntn, Prrsuloot, the Vet Iv.I.elhnuth,I). I)., Dean of Huron Fi partlunlarHiipply to Major Evans, London, Can Vot. SEWING MACHiNES. gEWSXG JIACIIIiVErS. ' 1 1, 1 if an THE DAVIS VERTICAL FEED SEVJING MACHINE, Tho Complctcst, Simplest and Bcs Setvlntr M&chluo In Use. Cor. 8th St. & Washington Avi CAIRO, ILLINOIS., Vim .I.MM.m.l for the DAVIS SBWlftO JtACiliJ I.S'niii tho AtlHntlo Htaton, whero Uiey are bee.H known, and wlicru thcr autiDlnnt nil others. I 1 greater lh.ven bo supplied. 1 " S It never DU In any Uimlof workc.UjtImpl" feed en'tlilei ii to ron over uraini ami to turn cot I in rn without e!i:uno of stitch or tonnun. il Clothlni; nnd (llovo minufactliretii prefer It tfl all othira. and thit It Is lust tho thina for fJmll .1 hewing ovcrylmdy wit lttuknoulpdgo niijr'J ining. . 1 Xt Messrs lludera haro nevend i nd dilterer."! atle of finish, and rexpeciruliy lurllu Mlvrfvl nans iko ; BEST WE mm llinuf.ictureJ togtre tbeina call bijforo j.u:olia Ins risen here. Cull nnd (let ft CltrularT ATTORNEYS. I. ..EX. HlIbKHYi. A WIIl'.KtiESl, ATT01tiSEXffikl!sSl.5V A William J. Allen, ) . , . Jolin, )l. Mulkey S ioAlRiHt.I? .Sitaueia,VUfcei) I'urtiv'iibii tuteniion psu,iv,"''t""i'l adrairaiH blHlllllfJ. ' " f UiUee llooma T K Wliiler' HlotjkJ .viTonyi3rMAMoVoHit.ti.tife; .A'sllLniu It. tiraesa, millnnt II. aiberi,V'4UIIM'II.IA Hiiea t. tinners, j Bpeeial attentioa given tu AdouraJty and St. beat uusineaj. OOUe on UbloAieve. Iloosna 7 over Clix NallosuU Maxhu I mmammmauM