Newspaper Page Text
STEAMBOATS. CAIRO AND NASHVILLE PACKET .U-. ..... .- 10 lomnR ite,rncrt leT0 Ca'ro J-'OKNAHHVII.LK On the days and at the ....... I TALISMAN, Every Monday nt5 p.m.; TYRONE, Every Thursday, nt 5 p.'n.j LUMSDEN, Every Saturday, ut o p.m. r"ni or i aisaf-e apply on hoard, 6r . BIGGS & MALLORY, 'n" '"'J TS OHIO LHVEE. CAIRO AND PADUCAH. DAILY PACKET. Tli beautiful and light dMiixtliltamor 'AMES FISK- ,TR """"'I ISMKni.E Matter. I-etret clro dally at 5 p.m., u i IVJuttli daily --.iii. iiaungaupenor accommodations the uncut public patronage. Particular a'Kntion paid te collation r in. oice chafes, tm the boit will not be rtspon- i"i wig am until collected. JECJAI., ENTEIiPItlNK. $100,000 GIFT FESTIVE X, AT OMAHA NEBRASKA, May 2otli, 1871, IX AID OF A PUHLIC LIIIRAIIY TltkHiTno Dollars Hsu-li-IInl vca One iMiur rata. 5BTh.s enterpn.e will becondwtrdina prt cl.el, similar manner lo that of the late Orand U ft Concert of the Mercantile Library A.ocU. lion, or n rranclsco. which gate inch nnlTersal au.iacuon. Onet'tianrelu Every Thirty. Klgiit. 1 r.,h out 1 Cash (lift ... 1 Cash Oilt.'.....,. 1 h filft 1 Cah Out- .. 1 Li-h (llll ... 1 Cah tilfl.......... 1 Ca.h Oft .. .. I Ca.h Olft ........ I Cah fiift . 15.CJI) . IO.KjO . t.K'l . S,V) . 2.KII - l.'UJ . l.UH IHO . 1.1UJ . !) . t,H . 1,". . 1 ,in ,. l.UM . '..v .. iv) . 3.H) . lo.rnt) 1 Ca.h Jifl....... 1 Cash Oil t ..........., I Ca.h Oft ... ..... 1 Cash Oift..... .,..... I Ca.h tilfl JJ Caah 0 fia, .V0 wti.. 11 v shuifts, avi each......, VI Caah Olfie, lui each........... U Cash Uifta. W each 1W Caah (ilfta, S eaeh., 100 Caah'Sirtt, M each-.- , lux) Caan Otftt, 10 each. lift) Ca.h Gift. 5 each 2510 Oifti, amounting to...............li9ti.fl Which will be distributed by chance amour tha ticket holders, by the Mrlual Aid Association of Omaha. R. Brock. U H. Mar.hal'a office, Omaha: Lrfirar Zabriskie, late Union Pae Ifie Hall road office, Omaha; J. Tuiner, leputy U. t. Mar hl, Omabil J. Doyle. Postofflce, (foiaha, Neb. Good responsible areata wanted. Llbeial com. mt.sion allows!. Address, I.TFOKD A CO., business Manager!, rirnahs, SEWING MACHINES. i. 4 ii in AQCCTr THE DAVIS VERTICAL FEED SEWING MACHINE, The Completcst. Simplest ami Beit Sewing Machine In Use. Coi. 8th St, & Washington Ave CAIRO. ILLINOIS. The demand for the DAVIS HEWING MACII NK in the Atlantic State, where they are tl nown, and wliere they aupplant all otheri, la reater than can be aupplled. It nter falla In any kind of work. It It almple, onaiitlng of a few atron parta, and tta Terlical. oil enaira It to run over teams and to turn cor em wlthautehanie of atllch or tenainn. Clothing; and Glore manufMturer' preferlt to II othnrt, anil that It Ii Jum the thing for htnllr 'wing eTerybtidy wil 1 acknowledge after exam jlea of flnlh, and repectfallr Inrite all who ant the fBirB iiuuvn lino niriu bibvp ant unirrriii I W MACH HE anufactured tocitetbema rail before piirchaa. Call and Cct a Circular. ICE, ICE. uie, l.oomlait: Co. Iu tlie Frozen field. .lie Icq wagons of Huso, LoomU & Co.wlll 'mmenco to deliver Ico about the city on onday, May lit, and will continue to ako daily rounds each morning (Sun- ys eiccpiou; uunng mo present season, dors left at the office of tho company, rnr Ohio levee and Eighth ttrcct, will !oivo prompt attention. Huse, Loomls f. u alio nrenared to fill nil ordnn lio steamboat and (hipping trade. air27-dlm Wk linvo been rcquoatod to say that liotl & Haythorn have now on cxhlbi- l , . iL ! I. I.nftl n, nnu lor auio, eTuryiumg i i ar; and that all their goods are now I c,iisu, , I Pjusic Excursion Ma.v 1st. The nameu iiviliu ia iusjvuvu wihi w. iiay lotn, on account 01. tno Art Aftving to go to we wroca for Danhatn, sunk near Little inns, tome ilz davs airo. On the I w ;id the excursion will tako nlace tutinn IL will Ka miinh nlejttantnr 111 ill v, " M ..... ... i steamboat ana rural enjoyment. JACK WINTER, 1 ii u If AllllKTili. I W. H. SCUUTTER, Mioigtri WM.HA.MBLKTON , , mi I M rntrn r rn t th rrx mx r- x Ji v O UJ! lTIJli UJLX I . Stkawdrrrikh. This delicloui fruit wnt retailed yciterdny at forty cents ft box. Men's Fine Seal Hk'n Gaiters, and also "IVinco Albert,' at Elliott &IIaythorr.'s. u Mliscs' Sorgo and Kidrollsh, scallop- lop, at tho City Shoo Store, cornor Com mercial avonue and Eighth street. tf FLOUR.-Choice Family Flour In bbli half bbls., sacks &c fur tale nt theErvn- Urn Mills. ,u Ladles' Scrgo (Polish) French Kid, foxed, at City Shoo Storo. corner of Com. morclal avenue and Eighth atrect. tf Who is it that does not like smokinir hot biscuits for broakfast ? Tho Fame Cook stovo will bake them In Ave minutes tlmo by the watch. tf NoTifK. The Oulek Stop D. II. Club buvo got their grounds nt the Lceust Grove. u The Urlo patent movcablo point steel plow; one oitra point given with ench plow. For sale only by I! KK It WART. ORTII A CO.. "r'tr 130 Commercial Ave. Lkctuiie "The Fut Contributor-' will lecture in Cairo lomo limo this month un der the auspices ol tho Voting Men's Chris tian Association. Due notice will be clven of tho tlmo, place, etc, through thee col umns. Xotick. All persons nnvinc articles at the Cairo Dye House aru requested to rail nnd get them before the 20th of May next, or they will lo sold for charges. Mim. ANN REDMAN. Quick "Work. One of our enterprising milliners, who knows how to advertise, re ceived an addition of Ave dozen hats to her stock of goods on Saturday evening and yeiterday evening thelastoue, on tho head of the wearer, left her establishment. A tplendid assortment of bird cages tnos basket, flower standi, flower train ers, wire-cloth for window screens, bath and foot tubs, &c, A-c, just received nt li EERWART, ORTII it CO S, aOtf 130 Commercial Ave. Gci Heiu will, In tho future conduct the barber business of Fred Theobald, at tho old stand. A full set of competent bar bers have been engaged, and customers will receive attention In every particular. Do not fail to cr.ll and get a flrst-clais shave, hair-cut and shampoo. m2tf Tin: Fouutii Ward. Ono oftbetnoit popular Initiations of thn Fourth Ward Is Ehler's snoe store, where he makes to order all kinds of shoes in the most work-man-liko tnannor. The citizen who uses his goods will never patronize any other, shoemaker In the city. His shop la on Twentieth street, nearly opposito tho courthouse. tf Skwino 3Iaciiixes. Attention of persons sewing wishing a first-class machine is called to tho late improved "Wheeler nnd "Wilson's. Thoy cannot bo excelled for n family machine, or for light manufacturing pur poses. All are invited to call and cxam ino tho improvements. J. C. CARSON, nptfMlm Agents, Cairp, 111. FOR KENT. Tho bouie heretofore occupied by Pat rick Fitzgerald, on Ohio Levee between Fourth and Sixth streets. This house, if not the best business hou'e is certainly one of the bcit standi in Cairo. It fronts tho principal steamboat landing and is near thn Illinois Central railroad depot. Also the second floor of tho same building suitably arranged for offices. Apply next dcor at Robert Smyth & Co's. wholesale grocery storo. KvXASToy, James Kynaston, thn well known butcher of the Fourth "Wnrd( opened his branch butcher shop yester day, and now invites the patronage of the public. Ills "branch" is on the lot next to tho grocery store of Alderman Carroll on Commercial avenue, and will be sup plied with the freshest and best meats in tho Cairo market. Kynaston knows his business, nnd always furnishes good meats nnd gives full weight. tf "Wanted. An energetic lady and gen tleman to engage in a pleasant nnd protit ablo soliciting business. Address J. II. CHAMBERS, this office, saying when an interview can bo had. It0 Ori'IIan Ahylum. An election for twelve trustees of tho Orphan Asylum of Southern Illinois, nt Cairo, will be held at the office of D. Hurd & Son, nt 4 o'clock p.m., May 4th, 1871. II. II. CAN DEE, It Suc'J'' Died. Mrs. Ruth Dimmltt, an old time resident of Cairo, dtcd suddenly yes terday morning at Paducah. Her remains will be brought to this city on tho steamer Fisk, on Friday noxt, nnd be taken by train Immediately to Villa Ridge for in termont. Mrs. Dimmltt was tho widow of the late Captain Dimmltt, widely known among river men. Tho friends and ac quaintances of tho deceased are respectful ly Invltod to tho funeral. 4 LAST CALL. Tho undersigned is preparing his delin quent list for Stato and County taxes, and will have it in tho bands ot tho printer by tho 1st proximo. All parties in arrears for taxes either upon real estate or per sonal property at that date will bo taxed with cost. ALEX. II. IllVIN. ap-7-d td. ahmw, TZE3CIE1 CAIRO BULILiETinsr, HVCA. 4 BOARD OF ALDERMEN. Regular meeting of tho Board of Alder men, hold nt the Council Chamber In tho city of Cairo, on Monday evening, May 1, 1871. Alderman Rcardcn In tho Chair. Present Aldermen lludcr, Cunning ham, Motcalf, Reardcn, Seaso, Station nnd "Waldor 7. Absent Aldermen Carroll, Fitzgerald, Kleb, Swayno and "Winter 5. Aldormnn Cunningham moved to dis pense with tho reading of the journal. Carried unanimously. RKt'OPT OP COMMITTEE ON CLAIMS. Tho Commltlco on Claims, to whom were referred the following bills, reported tho same back rccommcndlne payment. Al derman Mctcalf moved that tho rccom mondatlon of the Committee be concurred In. Carried by the following vote, viz, Ayes Ruder, Cunningham, Metcalf, Roardcn, Seno, tjtratton and "Waldcr Nay 0. II Able, balance due him ai clerk ot the lale eleetlonxd.ya 10 rn Joa Ihmifl, li.ultua: 7r, 1 no. aaughton, ?i day.' labor on etrreta, tn April, endinit Hit. 2Mh.ul tl.U) rcr ciiTr'MirK, lornne 4.ciMr a ikiok i dar. ....... SS tlO ! SI .honey, n dayi' labor on ureal.. In April, ending Ihe2ltn,at S2.VJ per day S? U) fitrattnn Bird, 10 shotela ftr Street Committee .... IS CO W WThornton.lumber per order ol Comp troller,...mmm ...i 42 be Thoi Mtehan, hauling lumber......-...... 20 40 Wrn Mcllalo, 'ridaya in charge of ctiaJn . . ran tu April 12 (Viper day........ 57 tl Hibernian Kirr Compaur, neceitary ex. peoiea on account apparatus etc., for 11 ni'inili', ending AorilJO. 17I .... Ill ?C Cairo t il y (;Co., for K. consumed iu i Mrect lamps from March 1 to April I, N A JJevore, labor on Idewtlka daya in Apn at SJ I or day... T?iO. hitiiterald, lalr on .uleuaika 13 dya in April, at tj.'.tfper day..... 2Tb 00 ' K TO 32 10 Thu simo Committee to whom, also, were referred the following bills reported the samo Imck, recommending payment: J O Lynch, rent, 1 month, to April l'th, l;i,rath...... Morri", l'.ood Co., j unber per order of Comptroller, rj.h. ...... ........ .. Morn-, Hood Co. lumber per order ot Comptroller, cah.. II A lUnnon, nt.v.lon-ry fur Clerk end Trea. liter, ca.h 23 CO el 70 1T2 W It 33 Alderman Cjnnlngbatn moved that said bills be allowed in city orders at the rate of eighty cents on the dollar. Carried as follows. Ayef Bader, Cunningham, Metcalf, Reardcn, Seise, Stratton and "Welder 7. Nay 0. The said Cmnmlttco also reported back the judgement of John Cahill against the city recommending an appeal, if possible. Alderman Cunningham moved that a special committee of three be appointed to confer with said Cahill towards n settle ment of said judgment. Carried. Tho bill of tho Hibernian Fire company not having been acted upon by the Fi nance Committee, on motion of Alder man Metcalf, the action of the Council al lowing the same was reconsidered, that the bill might take its' proper course. ORDINANCES. Upon their first reading: Anordlnance In relation to hogs; nlso "An ordinance to provide for tho appointment of n Fire "Warden, nnd to provide compensation for his services as such." Said ordinances having been read, wero laid ever, under the rule, for a second reading. IUU.1. The Bill of tho Arab FIro Company, amounting to $102.45, for necessary re pairs on apparatus, etc., from Juno 30, 1870 to .March 31,1871, having been al lowed hy tho Select Council, Aid. Metcalf moved that the tame be allowed and paid. Carried by tho following voto: Ayes Buder, Cunningham, Metcalf, Reardcn, Sease, Stratton and "Walder 7. Nay 0. .The Select Council having allowed James Quinn tho sum of $313 in accord anco with tho report of the Select Com mittee on the public cisterns, Aid. Cun ningham moved to concur in the action of the Select Council. Carried; the ayes and nays t hereon being as follows: Ayes Buder, Cunnlnghnm, Jtotcalf, Rcarden, Sense, Stratton and Wulder Ii Nays-0. The bills of street laborers for Mnrch having been allowed ns follows by the Se lect Council, Aid. Cunningham moved that tho action of laid board bo concurred in. Carried by tho following vote: Ayes Buder, Cunningham Metcalf, Rcardcn, Scare, Stratton and "Wnlder 7 Nnvs 0. Wrn McIIttle. lSiI.iymt S2pfr day . no H Mahoney,2l dy at f i.livet day 67 7S Tho. NaUjthlon, 2luuyi at !i.7A per day... 37 73 On motion of Alderman Waldcr, the Board ndjuurncd. M. .1. HOWLEY, City Clerk. Regular meeting of the Board of Alder men, held nt tho Council Chamber, In the city of Cairo, on Tuesday cventng, May 2, 1871. Aldermitn Rcarden in tho Chair. Present Aldcrmon Cunnlnghnm, Fitz gerald, Reardcn, Sease, Stratton, Swaync, Walder nnd Winter 8. Absent Aldermen Buder, Carroll, Kleb and Metcalf 4. On motion of Alderman Winter, tho reading of tho journal was dispensed with. ORDINANCES, Upon Its second reading: "An ordin ance to providn for the appointment of a Fire Warden, and to provldo compensa tion for his sorviccs as such." Said ordinance having been read, Al derman Fitzgerald moved to adopt. Car rier! ; the ayes and nays thereon being as follows, vizj Ayes Cunningham, Fitzgerald, Rear, den, Sease, Stratton, Walder and Winter 7. Nays Swaync 1. Alderman Budor appeared and took bis teat. Upon its second reading: An ordlnanco In relation to hogs. Said ordinance having bad a socond reading, Alderman Winter moved that it be laid upon the table until the next re- gular meeting of tho Board In June. Lost. Alderman Cunningham moved lo adopt tho ordlnanco as read. Carried j tho nycs and nays thereon being as follows: Ayes Cunnlnclmm, Fitzccrald, Rcar- den, Seaio, Stralton and Swaync C. ' Nays Ruder, "W alder and "Winter 3. 1 Tho Committco on Finances, lo whom was referred tho bill of tho Hibernian Fire Company, amounting to $111.70, was reported back by said Commltlco, recom mending pnyment. Aldortnan "Winter moved to concur in tho recommendation of tho Committee. Carried; thoayesand nays being ns follows : Ayes Buder, Cunningham, Fitzgerald, Reardcn, Seaso, Stratton, Swaync, Waldcr and "Wlnter-0. Nay 0. In accordanco with tho desire of the Board, expressed nt Its meeting on list evening in connection with its action on the judgmentof John Cahlll Vs. the City, tho Chair appointed as a committco to to confer with said Cnhtll towards n settle tnent of laid, judgment, Aldermen Cun ningham, Waldcr and Stratton. On tnotfon'of Alderman Cunningham, tho Board then adjourned. M. J. HOWLEY, City Clerk. USEFUL BOOKS. (ttamliera Eucrcluiieilla National Portrait Gallerr f Imminent Amerl. eana-Tlie Complete) U'orki latory of the World. Every person, malo or femnlc, who can command the necessary sum of money, should provide him or herscll with nn en cyclopedia; and of nil tho works of this kind that of Chambers' is the cheapest and tho best. It is, in the langungo of tho pro spectus, expressly n dictionary in ono al phabet, as dlitinguished on the ono hnnd from a collection of exhaustive treatises and on the other from n set of dlctlonnrieil of special branches of knowledge. To teacher, who ore frequent ly called upon to givo sur-cinctexplsnntl'in of topics in the va rious branches of education, no other work will bo found so useful; for school libra ries tho work is peculiarly adapted. It should find a place In every family, and tho general reader cannot in justice to himself do without it. The tro.uble heretofore has been that f. w could spare tho money necessary to buy tho complcto edition. But now our readers, no matter how poor they may be, can obtain this great work. Mr. C.G. Downc, agent for J. H. Chambers, Bookseller and Binder, qf St. Louis, will canvass the city for subscribers to the work the revised edition complete in 80 parts, with fine maps, plates and wood cuts each part GO cts. delivered. In this way tho work can be bought and paid for by almost oyery person without difficulty. At thoatne time, Mr. Downc will can vass the city to solicit subscriptions for Tho National Portrait Gallery of Emi nent Americans,'' from full length paint ings by Alonzo Chappol, designed ex pressly for this work from original like nesses obtained from tho most authentic sources. This work has been n long tlmo in preparation, and every pain has been taken to mako it perfect, both in Its artis tic nnd literary departments. Iu pJun is that of a scries of biographies of tho illus trious men of tho nation Irom tho earliest days of tho republic till the present liuic. Each biographical eketch will be accompa nied by n full length portrait of its uh- ject. Tho work will be issued i-iicmt-monthly parts, each part containing two super ior portraits, and will be completed in about sixty-two parts, each part payable on delivery. Praise of this work nt our bands would be superfluous. It is its own best recommendation, and every man nnd woman who feels a pride in the great men of tho nation, living or dead, will not tall to become a subicriber to this work. Wo would alio call 'attention to n new edition of tho works of Shakspeare issued in CO cent parts, Illustrated by fifty-seven engravings, forming n complete gallery of Shaksperioh scenes nnd portrait". Tho text is pure, and the nn notation.., explain ing obsulcto words and allusions, com plete. Tho work will bo issued In-semimonthly parts, at fifty cents each, payublo on delivery. Tho wotlc will bo fully com pleted In twenty-eight parts. All over that number tho publishers guarnntoo to present to thu subscribers gratis. Mr.'J. H. Chambers, importer, book seller nnd binder, 315 Locust streot, St. Louis, will to-dny begin to canvass tho city for subscribers to this book, and also ror subscribers to tho History of tho World, from tho curliest period down to tho present time. ' Too much cannot be said in prnlso of this work. It Is just what is most needed a comploto encyclopedia of history ancient nnd modern. It will bo fully completed in not exceeding forty semi-monthly parts, at fifty conts each, containing sixty-one fine steel engravings. Each numbor will contain slxty-four pages of lettor-pross. Tim purls ore paj - able on delivery. Everv render in Cairo should avail himsolf of this opportunity to obtain an excellent work on easy terms. St. Niciiolab. Day boardors can se curo good accommodations at theSt. Nich olas (formerly tho St. James) at $4 per week, Tho houso ii at tho corner of Ohio loveo and Eighth street, a central location, and is proprletored by Hany Wulker, who is alive to tho wants of his patrons. Parties desiring boarding.and lodging can loarn terms ori Jtiqulry attho office. may3dtf Barclay Bros, aroselling more of Sim mons' Liver Regulator, nt retail, than d all tho others of that class of medicines put together. Tho reason of this is be causo all who try it reoommend it to their lends. my2dlw Interim on ScRir. Tho City Coun- ell last night adopted tho following Import- nnt rcsolutlun, which, If wo nro not great ly mistaken, will have the effect of bring ing warrants on the city treusury to par I ! if lUnohtd by I he City Council of the urer lor payment, and thoro shall bn nn funds in tho treasury for tho payment of said order, it shall bo tho duty of said Treasurer, at tho request of tho holder of the order, to endorso upon the back of the same tho tlmo of it, presentation In tho following words, to-wit: "Registered for interest, this day of A. D ," which endorsement shall bo slgnod by tho Treasurer who shall, at tho time, mako a mlnuto or entry In a book to bo provided for that purpose, of tbo number nnd amount of raid order, the name of tho per son to whom issued, and by whom and when presented. All such orders, so presented and en dorsed, shnll draw interest at tbo rale of ten per cent, per nnnum from tho time of sucti presentation nnu endorsement until the samo shall bo paid, or tako up by tho City Treasurer. Tho accrued Interest upon nil such or ders shall bo received In payment of all sums of money duo tho city In tho same manner and to tho same ctfect as tho or ders themselves aro now, or may hereafter ho, receivable; Prodded, that "in tho pay ment of such'Orders, or In their bcins ro- clived in payment of city dues, thu nrln- cipal nnd interest shnll not bo separated, nnd tho one paid without tho other. Whenever any such order is paid, or re ceived in tifivmoiit. the Trcaaurur shnll enter In said book tho tlmo of payment, tbo amount paid, principal nnd Interest scpnrnte, nnd tho person to whom paid. r. j.omii, r. a. lodwick. CRAWFORD HOUSE. Corner Klxtli nnd Walnut Ntrccta r.n- traneeon Hlxtltstreet. Ciicik-iati, May 1, 1H71. Card. Wo desire to inform our friends, nnd the traveling public, that wo aro now located at tho above mentioned house. Wo have been at great expense, and spared no pains in selecting and fitting up a Jini-cla hold. After thoroughly remodeling nnd refur nishing It, nnd having everything new now paint, new furniture, now style, new chargci, new servants, new arrangements, and n good house, containing over ono hun dred rooms, with a frontage on two Htreets, affording both light and air, we offer su perior inducements, and hope, by furnish ing a good table, comfortable rooms, atten tivo waiters, and our own personal atten tion, to merit a portion of the patronago of the traveling public. Respectfully, OAKF.S, CADY it CO. BREVITIES. Thu local of the Paducah Kentuekian regret exceedingly thnt ho did not have tlmo to pay tho proper attention to his vis aing friends from Cairo and oilier points. "They must," lie says, "take tho will for tho deed, and excuso any apparent lack of courtesy on our part, nnd we will try and be more sociable at another time." All right, Lcn. Four prisoners were consigned to the calabooso yesterday threo men and ono woman. The men wero nil drunk, nnd tho womnn a nice young lady of doubt ful virtue had Indulged her pugilistic propensities, nnd whipped a friend of hers. Resch wns selling lino strawberries yesterday for thirty cents n box. Tho moonlight Is inviting to thoso who have nn attack of tho soft passion. Tho trial of John Shannessy, at Mo tropolis, has been continued by the defend ant. Popo continues to go for tho dealers who continue tn sell liquor without li cense. Wo had the pleasure of meeting on tho street, yesterday, our old friend, Mr Louis Mnthuwn, who has returned from St. Louis, and taken n position of respon sibility in tho Iron storo of our enterpris ing citizen, Mr. 0. R. Woodward. Mr Mathews has in this city n host of warm personal friends, .who will be glad to learn that ho has concluded to cast his lot with us onco ngain and this timo "for good. Cnpt. E. 0. Van P.dt requests the Ta ditcah Ktntuckian to return his thanks to Mr. James Fulton, of Cairo, nnd to seve ral citizens at .Mound City for many cour tesies and fuvors extended to him. The Turners intend to repent their pic nic given last Sunday, and tho next timo thoy will select a day that is not drizzly. Rev. C. II. Footo returned home yes terday. Base ball Is becoming tbo rngo with our old nnd young boys. Tun Fenton Corn Mill. This estnlc lishment, corner of Commercial nvonun and Twentieth street, is now in chnrgo of Mr. M, D, (Sttntor, who bnvlng purchased nnd thoroughly refitted It, invito tho at tention of the public to the fact that he is now prepared to furnish dealers nnd fumi lies with tho very best article of corn meal. Orders left nt tho mill or sent through the postoflleo will rccclvo prompt nttcntion. it ' mm. Fitzqerald'h Sample Rooms. Per sons bibulously inclined, lovers of tho ex- hilerating juico of tho corn and juice of tho grapo, or malt bovoruges, should call im mediately at tho satnplo rooms, on corner Commercial nvcnuo and Fourteenth street. Buiides everything in the drinking line, of tho purest kind, ho has tho most fra grant Havana cigars, importations from Cuba, that land of narcotic weeds. Fltz-1 gornld keeps a first-class place, and haH with him Jimmy Eugllsb, who knows ev erybody, nnd knows tho wants of ovory body and who is n gentleman, overy inch of him. it. t . ?tuun conttnttt, ordered bv tho peoplo to bo Issued," say fS-Srss:; lt Si wet k r1 mu,t the Cily Clerk upon tho City Treasurer, ')e commenced In sixty days and bo com shnll prosent tho same to said City Treai 1 pletcd from Cairo to Vinccnncs within J Tun County Court and the Cairo and Vincknne Railroad. Tho court has gono nnd done It sure. It hni nbsolutcly como to a conclusion ln re gard to tho C. & V. R. R. matter, and such n conclusion 1 "Wo will isstio tho bonds two years; iuf when tho road Is completed from Cairo to Mound City, then this court will ittue $50,000 of said bonds to said railroad company on delivery of $50,000 of paid up stock, and when tho road is completed to Johnson county, $50,000, etc.; &tt the tbonds thus Issued shall not bo valid unless tho wholo road Is completed in two years; nnd even If the road is completed from Calso to Vinccnncs within tho specified tlmo, no interest on them shall become duo until the court shnll havo had ample tlmo to collect tho same. And further, the stock issued to tho county for thcio bonds arn not to bo liable to any as sessment made by tho company. Wo modestly suggest that this order is the qulntcsccnco of stupidity. i i True. There can bo no doubt that Baugh is, par txctlltncc, tho boot and shoemaker of Cairo. He challenges com petition in Ills trade, nnd atsurej tho pub lic that ho will guarnntoo to his customers satisfaction. His shop is on Eighth street near tho corner of Ohio Lnvoc. tf "Tim Wk Maintain." That Albn never fails to do his loniorinl work in n manner thnt will warrant us In saying thnt hehasnn superior in his lino of business. Albn's everybody knows Alba Is on Commercial avenue, near seventh street, tf Nothing venture, nothing have. Here la a chance to nld in a good cause and at tho same timo win a fortune. This legal enterprise In aid of n public library nt Omaha Is conducted by honorable men, In whom confidence can bo placed. Buy n ticket nnd win that $20,000. Sco adver tisement, mvldnwlw Succkh is tho best teUof superority; tno wonderful demand for Simmons' Liver Regulator Is one of tho convincing proof thnt this article Is appreciated nbovo every thing ebo of the kind. However much its jealous defamcrs mny throw their shafts, truth will prevail and so will this medi cine. mySdawlw A Handful. A very small quantity of wood or coal, In a Charter Ouk Stovo will cook a plenteous meal for a small family ; for Its wholo arrangement hot-air flues, oven, fire-box, damper, etc., Is so planned as to save and apply all thu heat gcrcrntcd directly to the cooking food, without per mitting it to escapo up the chimney. my2dawlw I will sell, on reasonable terms, my threo story hotel and grocery building, and lot, located on tho Ohio Levee, opposito the Central Elcva'.sr. This is n very de sirable property being closo to tho now manufacturing establishment now being erected in tho Fourth Ward, nnd Is par ticularly adopted to tho uses of nny por son desiring a stand for cither tho hotel or grocery business. Apply, cither by letter or personally, to MICHAEL HOURIGAN. m.lldliii For Sale. Tho undersigned will sell at ptrvnto salo tho following described property: Four work horses; 2 sets doublo hnrncss; 2 two-horso wagons; several plows and othor agricultural Im plements. Parties do! ring to purchnso will call at her residencoornt Robt. Brl bach'f, opposito the court house. Terms of sale, half cash; balance on six month's credit, with good security. apr22dlm Mrs. KATIE COOPER. EXCFLSIOR SALOON. Corner Waalilmton Avenue ami Four teenth alreet. Fred. Blaukcnburg's saloon is newly and elegantly fitted up and sunpllcd with tho finest wines, liquors, beer, cigars, etc., that can bo found in tho citv; and Fred. has nosuporlorni o dispenser of delightful beverages. Do nut forget tho place, cor. ner Uth street nnd AVashlngton nvoniio, ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. ev Time Table. On and nfter 12:30, p. in., Sunday, Dee. 4th, the following timo table will govern tho arrival nnd dopnrturo of passenger trains nt Cairo ; depart. Mull train leaves nt 3:4u a.m. Express " " nt .1:30 p.m. St. Lou's nnd Cairo Express leaves nt 1:20 a.m. Accommodation leaven at... 12:30 p.m. arrivk, Mail arrive. 2:05 a.m. Express arrives -.12:24 p.m. St. Louis and Cuiro Express arrives t:ir, p.m. The lust nutned train leoves St. Louis at 10:30 H.m. Traders can lonvo Cairo at 1:20 a.m., reach St. Louis at 7:25 a.m., re main in the city three hours, nnil return to Cairo at 4:45 p.m., tho samo day. Tho 12:30 accommodation nnd Cairo and St. Louis express Inava daily; all oth ers leave dully except Sundays. Way passengers should bear in mind that the 3:30 p in. train makes only 11 vo stop pings between Cairo and Centralla viz: Mounds, Joncsboro, Curbonditlc, Du Quoin and Ashley. Thu 12:30 p.m. train slops at all the stations along the route. JAS. JOHNSON, dec3tf Agent, Cairo. Gnta' Oxford Ties, and Opera Slippers, at Prlnso Alberts the 'City Shoe Store," corner of Commercial avenue and Eighth street. tf Cairo Branch or Tn Iron Moun tain Road A. P. Smith, Eiq tgnt of tho Iron Mountain road at Belmont wsi In the city yesterday, and reported that tho branch of the Iron Mountain road from Charleston to Bird's Point would be complotcd within sixty days from this djte, and can bo running thereon within that lime. Good Place. All strangors visiting tho city call on Alba to get fine shaves nnd hnvo their hair cut In an artistic man. ner. Ladle' Scrgo (Polish), scallop-top; for from ono dollar and fifty cents to three dollars nnd twcnty-flvo cents, at City Shoo Store, cornor of Commercial arenas and Eighth street. Removal. Mrs. J. Cummmgi wishes to inform her customers nnd tho public generally that sho has removed her mil linery goods from her storo on Eighth street to tho commodious room oa Com mercial Avenue, between Seventh and Eighth streets known iu Mrs. Oswold'a old stand. Mrs, Cummingi has .added largely to her slook of goods, and now nas n chenp, seasonable nnd fashionable col lection of hats, lonnet", ribbons, clc, to which she .nl. tliu attention of old and new patrons. rn24dtf NEW ADVERTISEMENTS HOTELS. Cntumorcltil Ay., Opposllu Poit 0Blcj CAIRO, ILLINOIS. JOSEPH BAYLISS, Proprietor. The Home ii newly luml.hed and offers to the public flrt-cl accommodations. febTdtf H ovsk irtm.G aa'jD mov- SOMERWELL & BAIRD ca ;:, u.Liixoi, Are prepared to take coctmcki for ralsrnn or lilOTine hOtie. of any a a., or da erintfon.'oranr other kin I of norlt in their Una. THy hue all iho in chin cry appllc far re moviiiij or riming Imu.eaiin ahorl notice,uda. a.h.'- n' irihlle noTtlf HOTELS. i. a. loawtcx. CRAWFORD HOUSE Conipr Sixth nud Wnlnut Streets, tKntrance on Sixth Street.) OINCINXATI, OHIO. OAKES, CADY & CO., Proprietors. myMCm joi'ici-:. Stn'eof lllinol", Alexmder County, . In the Circuit Court uf Alexander County, July Term, 1S71. Daniel Arler, Cha-les D. Arter and Joseph II. Bit. lenliou.-c, partners doinx bu.lnesa under the firm name of l. Arter A Co., . Kr-nm E. Wil.on. In Attachment. Demand (112.00. Dam. aj?ea iXO.W. Notlcels hereby siren to you, the said Franc 1 1 E. WiUon. that a Writ of Attachment has been aued out of the office ot the Cleric of the Circuit Court of Mid County of Alexander, at tha ault of Iheaaid Daniel Arter, Char'es D. Arterand Joeoph II. IlittenhouMO, tlrm o D. Alter A Co., and tf ainst the e.tate of you, the aaid Francis K. Wilton for one hundred and twelro dollars, besides Intereat, directed io the Sheriff of said County to execute, which aalil writ has been returned by aald Sheriff ex cutcd by attaching Lot No. elffht (S) in Illockx Nn. twenty, four (21) In the Fi nt Addition to the Cily of Cairo, County of Alexanderand btate of Illinois-, an tha property of.ald Wilson. Now unlent on, the aaid Francis E. Wilton, shall personally bo and appear before the Circuit Court t said County ou thetlrst I'ayof the next term theroof, to t fiolden in the city of Cairo, in said County, on tho Br.t Monday In the month of July next, givo apeoial bail and plead to said ac tion, Judgment will bo entered against you tn faYT of the tail plaintitla and the property attached aold to aatlufy the same with coata. JOHN Q. UAH! Cairo, Illinois, May 3d, U.l. Ltneirar, MunnA I'ope, Plaintiff" t Attorney, MldltwU D ISSOI.UTION OFCOPART. MiltSIIII'. The rn.n-irlner.hln heretnfiirA exiltlne between Mcer. Wood and Itoyie In the maaou and build ioi; bu.ine.ii, I. hereby di.solred by mutual con pent, Eitherof tho parties aro authorised to let. tti nny oulatandlns claims lor or against said tlrm. The pnrtner.hlp existing by Wood A Uoyle further notice remain heretofore. isiKoeui jiiii.i ituuu, AKTlIUIl UOYLK. Arthur novle will continue In ihehuildin- hn.l. sluess, nnd being thankful to lilt triendt for past rami., hopei to receive n continuance of the same future. A. UOYLE. Cairo, Ills,, April 29, 1871. my2-3t REAL ESTATE BROKERS- q wi.wrox v co., (Succe.sors to John CJ. llarnian A Co.,) REAL ESTATE A.UC Tl'oiiVE EBS 74, Socond Floor, OHIO LEVEE Cairo, 111,, Buy nud Soil Real KsttH X- rp m -r YMIt t'ttH.MSH AllMTItAfTn p TfTI.V N HKI'ARh COUVfcXAXCr.a ortf.i.vjnM F. N. M Ullll AY. GAS & STEAM FITTER Han llemoTcdfrom the Perry House to the URIC- BU1LUINU 05 SRTlTNtl ST Between Com ommttelalansl WasftisAtM , Unpottta Wiaifi't Blotm, avenue He hat increaaid hltatek.vad)iatioia on hand adiindtof Chindelicre, lraokt)t. I'mJ. ants. Hall I.ijthls, Olobrs, Hludt-s, el.-, lie ht marked dowu hit prices to Iho lowest II', Dg figures, and Invite tha patronage of the putbu.