VIOLST. t aml m late ne Tioltti n'r rtlif. liii(-"Abl ahs tared!, tod they hsrs T at mr law a snow hlie lot I bh (it no aljro. Eah iiaI Mid, "AIM I al.e (jrows Much leas rtlTloe." I a tat mr 1ot a jewel trr, And tr.n she rote Tour Kilt I will not Ml (o nr." 'I bursed lb note. ! Her face soon fvied from toy ronld, Thonjh fair to s ; I ;'!. ! onlr l0Tt,' I find, ' ' 1 Ut gold, not tne." Iatpmaat ts Ullaoli Railroads. ' Th I following U an offlclnl letter from thj OoTrnor of Illinois, on it subjoct of muah importanco to cities nml towns In thistUte: Sztcunvx Ornee, April so, 1871 -7mi it rr.r. If ,111 . J DsabSi: The eighth section of tlic ci entiued "An act to rund nnd provide for paying the railroad debts of counties. cities and towns," In lorco Anrll 10. 18C. require each railroad compnny In old of wmcn aDy Donai man nercaRer bo issued djt una count, incorporated city or town, so nj ior any suoicnption to tlio cnpltnl siocs ui suca company TO OIVK to surli counties, townships, cities or town col- lectiTely, a representation In tho board of director of iuch company of one-fourth of the) number of such board of directors, and tbo Governor If empowered to ap point tho directors to represent tbo inter est of such counties. Tho directors mwt he givon to subscribing counties, cities and towns by tho railroad corpomtlom that Is, tho numborcf directors being fixed by law. or by the act of tho corporators, vacancies to the number of not 1cm thnn one-fourth should be left to bo tilled by tho OoTornor, and be should bo requested by the corporation to mko tho nppointments ; and then tho Governor, after consulting the wishes of the counties, townships, titles and towns, will appoint rcprescntn lives to represent them. They must be nppointcd before the bonds nro ittuud, for it is to protect tho rights of tho people With rcitlCCt to tlin nl the bonds that tho directors are nppointcd. I understand the Governor bus no right to appoint directors unle'S requested to do so by the railway compnny. and that niv appointees constitute n portion of tho reg ular directors. I think good faith to tho penpleof tho counties, cities and towns mat coninoute to ujo tiuiidintr of tho ml J - . l-a t tubus uemmnuj mat, ino aireclom to p- pfuui'.'u hi iuo cnriicsv moment imcr tlw -it rrr n i t Inn sifthrt rAsstnflticn 1. .. s it... 'b w' assv VWifiuiHUVII, tHlll, HIV ftPf ml AA HIpAiMnra mn liuvn Imln a t, rt rt ..f w . . wa w HIMJ IliilU bliUit EUUIU 'l tnnuence in an mat relates to tho location, the line, the construction of tho road, tbo selection of points for depot", etc. j I believe 1 have fully nnswercd your in quiries, and am rcspactfu'lv, etc. Ylia Dfina or the Capitol. From lha Standaid. The dome of IhoCanitol at "Wa.hlnirton h the soft ambitious structure in Amer ica. It U 108 feet higher than the Wuli in ton Monument at Baltimore, sixty. alafct fMl tilnhnf thnn ll.ol r.t 11, Mill tnd twenty-three feet hiehcr than tho Trinity Church tower at New York. It k thoonlyconsiderabledomoof iron in the arnrlf?. ft It a .! linllnw .,),.i ftf ireigntn b,uou,zou pounds. How juucli is ;bat? Moro than 4,000 tnn, or about tho aroignt or 70,000 full-grown people, or loom oquai to i,oiw laden coal cnr, winch, JOldlntr four tons ?ach. wimlrl rpnrli tu-,i biles and a balf. Directly over your head is a llgure in ronze, "America," weighing U.085 tpon its piers ar.d tiillars is 13.477 tiour.ds y 20,000 pounds moro to tho fquaro foot. nore. It would require, ul cnh tbn up- iortri ftf our lnmn- r nrnitiifi it "V. i0 pounUft to tbo tounrc root. TLu cot m about ttl.100.000. The new winrn U- -v,..n,it 4i ..i.i . i . J t VI'IIRI hi u tj 1 1 ini 1 1 1 : - will nnri;. ivilll'II WIN .va-v ovv rwa"VV'itt C?A blundor in tranimlttlnL' dr.. orresriondcnt of thu Xnsr,- u iftiateh'tn thn ptKvt tht M- a the dlscuMionol tl9 San I)oniliKo uestiun. naa aeciarm in Cungis in tvor of a nrntectornto of thn UUtid. n . n . . ff l 1 . . . , . . . e r . .... roceedbd to exnlnln to tin rn.ufor. iv.u leanlnt; of tbU. fitturxiit 4iotriic-. "It i . i i. . . i . ; . romiic 'i cnniiui-r urcav itrilnlii In i.rdiir retjiiciii.. very 'llllliy, lilt not t.j. i tl:. i . . . . imltfiti 11?. a In .ykiin ...!.. .. I.I. . 3 f ....... l)t I III 5lS A New Yorl letlnr iivi. Vd or nm moucniy iiwakern-d tt tln fact nuiiutvia Ul mn mill .IU(jql l.riMVdlll, Mil I ereir . tliMi'-m,t li-ni... , r i..i. ...i . t ii:iiinit-u in iiiuiou rrnfl t turkl.llT... a.. tmw . i;iiuiiiiLiuai nrt find hi... i..... ... . ---i.,,'f h.iiiuivivi nvii nuwii km me uuinor of "i.dntaln IVimf' llf.n a f.niil..'.ir1 1 I f., . .1 ..... . . . --"'. 1 "iiu (l l 1 nuurrata nroi ii(.iri. ft. in. lit - - - j ....... M UOLII1- i nn luillTUfll II wru nwn i n. ...ill. . i t . . . i i . j i aiii;ra uurrv iirueiu. ana ASme miirr cd . VrnnnU I 110 tcOln tninr nf Van 1 t i t - . 'MVV'a 4. OMIIfllill . aa . "niij, lillt'Il 111(1 . yirii iru hi linn aim i,i, t . a rr r,ri,4 11, .. . .-" "' 1 .r. ......... bu wj,iint,t. nr , . riiua. iu TOIIU l ir.Vi. II.,. (, l,.tVI ,..! . uvvr' I .... .... ,v....ul, ,. n . hIe i ai cimmimLeat.l ni.lj.. fc- I 'J urut'ier m UoluniliQi. . . ... . . . . h .. ..lur. . atuiMuri aiii iieuiLifin in c...i,i. . r i . . . . - . r n , i. , . ui ' . . . "-" iuvi;ii is : rrina an Indian , .1.1 ..,t i. .i 1 . . -r'r v- i GCrBlffatS. oo4 tnt,h. ara vanud NOW eter. . - w a,r, cruomrnn . r'.' . 'r TT". Pirneni, or li.jii A'.iii.. rlS!'i "' "la wBipanr ut -..rijii SPECIAL NOTICES. IIATCIIIXOU'iS IIAIK IYK. Till" dipfrb Hair ilhe tst i"rtiRVtiiitn rerleelly llntm!ei. KrliaMo nnl Inf llneteons. .No dlsipr.olritmnril. .No Itliliculous Tint or Un .Ims Oilor. Thegenutno W. A. Itwhelor' llair Dyo prolit.pi IMMlJDIATKt.Y a fjilemlld nUtk or" cattirxl Drotn. IVies not f'mlii (he Skiq, tmt leatrxnio Hair Clean, Bofl iJ fleautl fol. Tho only S,.r n.t Vet fen 1 ye- B'l 1 ly :l ilruBi-l. I'iicli' It Duud fclruet, New Veil;. iftnjSldeo.Uwljr lis Cure and lis Provcnlivc BY . 21. 3CHEH0K, :iT.D. . Many a .luman Mna (ins raseixl ti irar I jr vtjovj ojMta t!ivtaiili(iuirr rnuvin lliati llioneiflxl iirununiiniid ln0l.utnblf pnircii ineanioreuni I Juwo nnur himI ilmr Hi iiinllj nnd Irtomlnrw wpplna i'ii orcamleii v!uuiut Intowlili-. Iwd nit. josurti ii. KC'iinNcu''i.r. TBii,VT.iii;.Nr, and arnllcd thcrn'Mn of lilt W'.ndfrfiillrcffla clima niooicliir-, iln'r weald not haf o fiillen. Ilr. ticlionrk lia In li un Cd't rrnrnd Dint wherorer nmc-ljiil vltallt r rcoi&lm. tIMI Ilr, tr III tiH-dIcln.M nnd lil illrccllnns lur tbcir LMi.tcjulckrjiiHl Into iK .HUiful tlior. In till" rutrniiU llicrv u imUiliiir prrinmn ttiduo. Tii Ilia (mill i t 110 Inrnlld M in.irtd nil rrprf ..cnlnllon Hint I' not u thouund timet ms rtintutfd lir IliliU and Mjlblo Korku, tha liiourr ir the rure lir Dr. fcclirnck' nifdlclncs l4af tluil'lo n It In uiifatllns. Illlo.iph)rn' qulm nuureumunt. it l sc.f-aSiUlntr, iviLeun llnrliir. 'i'hr ses.wivl T "'5nnd3lndni PIIHnrnllio Cnl twu it ...lid n trlt'i wltlcli Uio dtmlnl of tlin ninla.1 l hjjH 'I. Tt thllVJ of ttiu mecn nr riniiiiinttliin i.1u :itij In drpplntind m lunc tloiiaJlr dlfuruerrd IITit. Vltti tliln condition tfia tnmWiial Inrc9 "afrntnuiilio" with tho ti.mncli. Timr ri"Kind Uj tlio tuorbllle actl'm f tlio llrir. Hero ilmn cimi's thu culmlniulnc rrult. and lh w,uin2 111, witu all Its dlstreu liik'f jnji'l'jtiii (.( fONatUIl'TJON. Tliollnm'.rs'o nrc rorapnud (if nnoof Na Jnro's tmblnt ullu-tlia lmluwlillium IVIUtum. 'I'lii-r nw nil tlin lilond'iK'ari.hliiir. ulluntlTO pruicitlct ul uiluucl, but, unllkft culumcl, tlivr "LEAVE NO STl.Nn nEHIXD." Tho work of rnrn la nowboslnnlnar. Tho villa tod and inucnua ilciUi In tlio tiuwila nnd 111 tlio nllrueniar caoal uro I'Jcctcd. The liver, llko n clock. It wound up. U arouses from IK torpid ity. Tlin atinuarli nets rKinstvelr, and tho lullcnt begins U feci tlnitliolscciuiiff.utluit, A HUI'PLV OV GOOD DLOOC. TIio Fca-wpoil Tonle. In conjunction with tho rilla, iwrimratia una unslnilliiu-a with thn food. (.Iillitlcatlon Ii now pnuruolni: without It pre Tluua torture', lilrcatlon brcumoa inilnlera.iiiHl tho euro It Men tu lio ut hind. 'I hern Ii no moro tlutulimce, mi vxacvrbatluu of tlio stoiuacu. An UpiH.'IIH) IH'iH in Nowcnmos tho crealeatElood Turlflcr ever rot clven lir un Iniluliront tauter to auirerlnu miin. llnioillo MrruDculnea In Lit iM.rl.imi Schenck'a I'ulnioiilo rJrrupcuinea In Ul Its fuiK'tliin and to Imoten nnd enmpfeto tho cure. It entira ul oaro ti.n Its work. Nature cm nut bo cheated. It cutlecta and rlrcna tho Impaired and dlieaaed Imrtlool nf tho Innju. In the form of nretiarea them rnr cjpccturntluii, rnd lot In nTi-ry h.rt tlmo tho mnliidr la vanquished, tlio rotten throno that It occupied Ii runurnted und made new, and tho patlent.ln nil ttinnunltr nf rvcalncl Tlcnr.ttepa loittr tu injur tho luaulioud or Unit i-as R1VK.V Ul AH LOST. Thoafcond thlnp Is. tho pHlenta mri't star In a warm r.h.m until ilier eel wt'lli It la jilmiottm l.mlblo ! iircrnt tnklnr mid when tho luncs are dlaeaaed, hut It uuit bo proroiitod or n euro can not be tn.'clcil. freali nlr nnd ridlnir out, jiicUllr In tills tt'Otlun nr tlio cuuntrr, fit thu f.ill und winter M-urni. are nil wrnnit. I'liyal. clana who rmniniiivml thutrouraa lou tliclr pa tient.. If their lunpa tro bndlr dljeitaed t nnd i et. hecijuro they nro in tho huuo they iniiat nos alt down quiet i thoyiumt walk nlxiut tho room lit much and uafiiitm UioatrcnKlli will bear, to set upuirooilnrtiihittnn of blood. Tlio patient muat tmi lii bj'jJ eplrlla-bo detcrralrusl to act well. This it ureal rtenl to dn itlUi tho appo. tlio, and la tho creat ilnl to piln. To driinlr vt cure niter sncti eTldenoe of II possibility In thn vorrt eaac. and moral cer Ulnli In nil filler, la alnful.. Ur.rlrhcnck's per sonar sutcmcnl to thn faculty uf hli ovmcuio tout In tlieae itMMlmt woidat "Many yeara ei.M 1 ni In tho lt rUpc of eonauniiitlonr coiitlnml to my bed, ar.H at nno time lay phyaleUiua tliouvlit umt 1 could not live a week i then, like n ilrownlior nmn catchlns at 'f T'.' ''iMP.I "f ami obUlneJ Om prnpunitliina whU-h 1 iiowoXir tntlie jaibllc, nini Uiey niudn a r(crt ;uro uf n.rj. It ncuiwl tu tuo that 1 could leel them penetrate my wlinln aystenv. They mion indued tho lunttur In my lunaa.niid 1 would tnlt up tnoro thnn n pint uf urtcntlYu yellow mutter trery mornlns foru lonir tlrno. ' At toon na iK-tran to ruhalde, ruy couch, ferer. pallia, nnd nlk'lit iwoM utl ticuuii In loaro me, un.) inynpixHiw Iwoame antrreut UintUwua wlthdiaculty that I lould l.i'i-p inun citing ton much. 1 aojni rained mr suenirtli, und hiiro crown In Ceh crer allies, " 1 waa sviantal i-hortiy attar my reeoTery. addwl tho Doctor, i,un looklni; like u mero akrletnat ray wolcht w.ta unly iilnetr-aeTen puunilii my nrcfut wcliht la iwobiimircl und twuiity-l!o (Till (lounda, end fo'.- yenra 1 huto on Jnriiil uninterrupted betUtli.' lir. pijlnrnok hua nliconUnned lila prnfcalon-t) Tl.lta tu New. Yurie nnd lbfloni I In i,t Ills n.n, Dr. J. Il.Xohe.ip. Jr., atlll ciutliiiiu tn aen pa. tli iu ut tin IrullH'i No. lj Muiili imiiIi blnvl, I'hll jiIi Iphm, ertry t-ntot hr I roni 'J a.m. In .1 p.ti. Tliuao whii t'Hi u l.iiiMiik.i I'jiuMliiuiiiin wttli tlm ItoHdroini'ti r will b - dnr.-i d SJ. Tlio Hi f. lunitnctvr Uivinrea lli-i trct uuiidlllud uf ilio luiiu, und p.itlenti cun tcadlly le&in ttlieui -r they wo curable v. n t. Thn dlrmiiiin Mr la'.lnjr tjie medicines nro mliipted to too in'olllpi'iHuuTrn of niblld. Put. low tliixeillrectliiiK. und kind .Nature will do tlm reit, cxcptin that In aonni caaes ilio lunoniko t'llla ur-i ti bn u U li 111 liideeae, l' thn throo inadiclnea need rm otlwr acouniifciiilrucxila than the 1111,1,1,. Instruction th.U urenmpnny tlienu I irt cv '.ito upiwllle. Of niliirnlm.' In altli. hiiMTer la tho moll welrcmn ampti'ni, tYiwn It c ooi-a, 1, a II wUl come, let tho ileepnlr Ii ir'jiri'.'rionf(-rni,lchf'cr. liwxIMooiliitiini'o I ,1, .', r 01 c juu I "kju, tho iduht nacat I linnb'd. l.i h .ilioiv tlnto iMvtli ut tnc-aj luoibid ay)p.i:u ai e (rnm fiireyt-r. Ilr. Kin ii"k' 111 dlrlnea nre r, .-inllr-C t In tentcf tli .udit of UiDillrK. A alHiatlro ur I ur.'juic.t1 e ll.nwnke I'liliru-oaitaiidnnl p.rc lumli.1 1 ulllf.1 1I111 I'nltntmli HrrtiTL n. 11 enti .1 v-mxH 1,11,1 1 iliuv he re.-?.inilHl na 11 pro PhJhirtefiO enrnn- . onauruotiLii tu nnv tif Iti forms. floc nr lh IMIioiut.- Hrrop anil Fra-wml Tuntc. Ik.iii. 1 -JJaliilf rtoien. Man. urako i'lll. d'l.u bo x. Vur r.Jl oy ull druc "'UfinaoeAler. A nw Ml f.I.i'e lurJllle. i l l.i Ipe MISSOURI 1I0H LIFE 01 i.ttiirn. 0 'in, J-ile nor4l,,.ei. flnti .he,l at 1.1 ii . . ,ioil pin,,., 11, 1 j ( vivi a h.i .ituiil intrre. ii-ien ll H I II' l Ol.l PU,I ,IO. .,! renor'ii 1I.0 . , n 1: 1 -i f 1 in 1.. n i, . " Hv !. s I, I 1 1 1 j ... ,. -, iw-r ' . nl, 1 1 1 in;.'in, , 1 Jnni im.i'li . Th. . an I . lull 111 I r- .. Hi iouuMv Tr.woiM,! ih nmr eMlnrni , m, j . .. . .11. '1 thn fln J j ,1 mi J j ithoiet nl ri n.,raM , .-..ii,., ,,V,i ). n l a.u'i I '. it ha. 1,, r y,-: 11.,'t.t. 11 o.'a. , ornci: .Vorlliit pst ! TJIK ro,MI'A.NV: cur Foiirili t; OJIvt. Slf. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. A .mint . IIAHKI'.TT, lVtsdlfiit IIexj. Vit.iiAtN Secretary. L"- ..p.;.,;,.Lbul'M ""n'1- It hit ample ,-h pll-fcl ji,!, 1 ilu.'""""""."1 ""'" -l.ih lOi-OVernlllia ln hillri, . in ail.i.iio , .0 u,0 f ha- one huii Hp I tin ua tl .J.,11,,, , ,rI 4,tw, II liaa 'O.i. I 0,1 u,h h .... . "'J -nil llir I I'W IJUH fir Ills ..n. nnno ii.'u im ilk avkiimirda.i .. . I . "j -qi"rt. loan ll f r.iu, ui. . ' ii mtB-u m in..,. .V.fc'V.." .. IxinI II, irm win . . I,. f t L r,i..n.(f . . .'.."'''!". - ,n in iiiiii tin - . alru.r.niroiuuna.ii!w ..... ... -.-..j iui3 mi,j eru n,iiM,n...h i,. , . , . .... -- ..... oiiH.r nt. . v.)"i"y iioiucr icoo ic un the i.rofli ..M19 t'k holrlers can r,lr m,tv - r. "i uiirefet no 1 111. .....(it hu.i.ji... ' I llnamiM dm.len.l. i ll... i.,.i.i' , crn i.viiir.ariK car about foi.r Why .& lll.llr.r..u sirsvioKi-VYork uniTJ'l '"l H Slate at home? ,0,t "fitap y (or moro o) Wilms 4tlMY, air2CJawl MEDICAL. M BITTERS fin: TONIC IN USE rou .u,M.n ii v E, FMAYHAJiD, Prop. I'lTTSIIUHi;. PA. 10r6JlV VOJJ QIJACKN. A vlntlinnf early indiscretion, rantim nerrmu d'Mliiy, irematuro dncay, otc, hivinx tried in valuover) adTerti'ed rrtneily, na ilccoteteil u alnipletnonn ofaelf cure, wliioh he will arm! for hi fejlorr-suileror., Addreaj, .1. II. TUITI.K MwCm 7H .N'a..all at., .Nevr Yr!c. NATUKK'S SCKAT KI.S Toscvriv:. SCHEETZ CELEBRATED Bitter Cordial Uh lt-ialn I'epot W. corner Ktnllaud It&ca ntlceta, riuladtl,hlu, l'n. JAfOn HCIinnrZ, Snlerrotirlcot I It Is ii reliable Kamlly Medicina, nml rnii U aken by either Infant or ai till with tii aanic U-ci flolnl reaulta, It la nccrt&ln, .r.,ioil nii.l apced, liir diarrhea, ilyaentery, lioel coni lied Uyai.epain, lownera of M.inli, falnliuga, nek toiiiaih,liCAdaclie, etc. r'ornnilla and feer cl ill kinds, It Is far belter and titer than iiimi'.nc eitliout liny nf Us pernicious ellet;t. It i tlect; Mi aiiatite, proyen n arerinl dieator of loud aid will couiileriU't the' cttectn ol llT'or In a ;v inintitea. Aa indisputable evljcnct' ol 11 tmdi. cal properties, wo append a few of the man) vvt Incnlcs iu our poar canton t Johnson's Depot, Eat Tenn., im.l V. It. it. Tuu. JacoafcmtTi, Kfi). DenrBlr: I nnteliae l Ihe II Hern I liftv.i oh ninod liom you, nnd .hem to he all limy nro rcommeodeil to I o. I found uiKiiOttlc toal!ordm3conaiitralila rtllef, I loci aatliouuli I cannot rto Tcry "i ll uilliotit tlioin, in ri.) present atnto of health. II. Jlj;MGi:. lUSonthOlli at., I'hll. I'iiatar Kaptist raaajunk Church, Rol.l by W. I'. Allen, 3S Mala street Jhihiirjae. otlmJH iiiiatakin or rheiunntiatn, Thetiomnch iaatleot. cdwltli loan of appetite nod sicknea., howela ID ireue u entire, aometimes nJtcrnalirjg with hut The haiH ! Imuliled with pain, nnd Jail, heavy aauaauuii, lon'iucrbliic loa of memory, necom. panird with painful sen nation of hariiK left tin lone soinethlnK whicl. lUKht to have been done Ol! CUIIlt. lain. 11 ul wcilkneaa. llelillilv. nn,l tnu epirlta. boiuetliiie, some of the above ejinp. tiima attend tho dl-. a-e, and at nihe' time ver) few of them; but the Liter U generally the oritai meat involved. Cure the Liver with X3x. Simmoxtn' Xaiver Regulator A preparation n! rooia and herha, warranted to Iflrtrlctly iCKelable, nnd ciu do no Injury to any ono. It ha leoa tied l.y hundred, and knownol tho la.t M j curs a one ol the mint reliable, et!i cocloiie and harmlei. preparation ever nllercd the auilariiio. ll taken regularly and ixunMcu it f aure to eire. ,lJMaaci3M3ajia5a5Iiypepla, neailach.-. (. ...-I.U.M.1., , . .,,,,, I rrnua, hihs'Iiohw ul blii.ider, ennir i rr.syg.crir?p jatji m i v , ri,u,r . i.ih i' I ,,, n oi iimHiuiirya, 1'ier iirri..une.a,hllla. ili.i uf ilw: ekiil. impurity ol tlio Mood, mi-l-incheiv or depreeaionot apinla. Iloirtluru. colic, ur paid in the IkiwIm, j . i i In Ilie head, feier nun kui drop-), boil, p.iia in Ihe rv W nnd Ilinha, aatlima er) l.i feln.lo alh-ilon, and liil.oua df an . lltl.lIV. si I'm t ;.n ! I ' .1. II. '.i Illii A ., t'llb-'l'IMa, .Mil" till, li.l. fr.r . ii lir M ,r. '-r Hi e-a ' l,e-e .uiro, lilinoi'., . hv t . 'iv.iila,. EUWEMCCARD&CO. HA V Jffi REMOVED! NEW JEWULRY STORE 3UU, 302 & 304 Ns Fiflh St. I f''JrS jainijyiuvitt-d to jail. fgj.Ar.L2VS Head .I5spssasai?yir Tata' ! . ri alii.i in .nl I every case u ii lKjn. :,) , h,irtere. UU. lor 111 II of a private iiatutc, "ss. .ini i. jiuadiutrrd -.1 .rin'i.n. 1- oi' Ottloi Dewces' female Regulators the lux elatioral prattH tn sanieiontalnlni; ulaiKe i.a Seiii In i ft T' ""u,,,r"'neieiit Maijea, Galon's Head Dispensary, sneufdaeow- l.oiiville, K IGXESXaLBBmetlRBUSai The )tnptomho jJimlmniA Irrnthejains'ra !!VFR Al.o a full Hs.'irliiiMitor Jlaii. i,n,l Trn aaurerioriiullii-n m, ehealiiiai si fu,! o .m.v.,.,.., i uiiijiiihi ciinlain hit an tu alt... ou thealaive ,,., .,, w,h (2 reinarlia iinni. ii... ...... nil lr.u INSURANCE. W.It. Jlorrli. II. ll.S imilr NourvruMioanj n tomm!mioner. Solary I'iiIJIu. FIRE HULL CARGO - LIVE STOCK : ACCIDENT LIFE jpiRE ANl MAUI WE INSURANCE COJIPAMtd IVingfartv, IV. Y. : ANSKTS ...l,t3,'416 German in, T. Y. ; ASNBTft il.OOS.flUI 7 Hanover, IV. AHHKTfi Y. . 5720,701 Republic- IV. "S". : ASHtri 8.. 7 1 1, tr-J a CumprUiiiK the Vnilcrwrl trra'Ar Vonkerw, !N. Y. ; asi;t8 . - 6H7H.4IH City; 16 Albany .. H 133,103 U3 ircm'n'i Fund.S.F'. ANS17TN .... 8078.000 00 Security, IV. Y. ; Marine AHSK TS I,43 H49 00 tsr-filorea, Iiwelllnita, Furniture, Hulls an Cargoes lumred at rates aa rarorable a mnnd fermanent aeonrltr will warrant I resentfully ask ol the cltitens of Cairo, ahare of their patronage. C. JV. IIUGUKr.. omce-atFlrat National Hank Insurance JErXA, HARTFORD, AkscIm 9n,51tf,5U4 V7 KOUT1I AlflKRICA, PA.. AfactH !i.78:i ItARTFOUU, COX.V., AMctH- 2,514.210 7ii l'llffiMX, HARTFORD. AstsctH 1,81,148 80 l.TERNATIONAIa, N. VM AsHeta 1,53.3UH 17 PUT2VA.H, HARTFORD. A 'SCla 70I1.0U7 73 CMiVlvLAM'. (JLKVi;i,AM. AhiclH... 515,073 H IIUMU. OLUMRIIN. Asocla 515,27! 43 AMKISIl'AX CENTRA 1., MO.. ANNCtM 500,000 00 ;J.V.. ilIUTUAIa LIFK, At4 oo . ISA VJ-.I.KR'N, HARTFORD, 1. 1 F SI V A CC I D K X T, .Lmsch 1.500,000 00 RAICall'AV PAHSKXiiiXZS AS Ml It AXVK CO., lIAKi'., AtfHiiia 500.000 00 l.aJKBKXDi:.T, IIOSTOX, Ahi!h, S(J!J0,J02 OS Safford, Morris & Candee, City .National llhnt. Oxixo. XII. 7AIai:XTJlM: RESCH'.S Family Grocery Cor. Slli St. Ar WnsliIiiifUiii iivp., Cairo, - - - Illinois I aiipplipd with the lical.cM (rnccrlea, tJreell nml llrlrd anil fan. ntd I'rnlta. Dfessed Poultry, Fresh Bute Alii rvrntliina cNo mlvu tor .nmfly hunnfv it M tn fthitri oiis oi ti.H lunt taff-.a..! A ('OIltllMlrlft of frlitill.' isiitr.inrw.. m rcii'fvUiUy yATI3 US, TODD iV CO, . of RIBBONS, MILLINERY STRAW GOODS, 409 H. FOURTH STREET, ST. LOUIS, HaTti At all llinea a full . a.irln,.,,, ,.r A l()iiiilo fiiol, whluli will In, ai,,j i, Hieloweat market nHiv. ()rd n wiled .i,.l .,....,- Hied am I n"7 yrooD ItlTTKMIOUSK Smtraaaior AtcbhA Co. FLOUR AMi General Commission Merchant Xo. liw, oiilo JLcveo, novllir (lAlllO, ILL. ! i BEEEWART, aoiixts rou the Q UJ UJ aL o O H (J) UJ UJ WARRANTED FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECTt WHAT JIOUSKKK PKJ13 SAV AI10UT "FAME" CSOOKIWTtS. STOVES li-lwayn Kcn1y, A 1 wn y s M el iMU Always the Best, Always tho Cheapest AXD DNEQUALCD l. THE l'l.KFECTIO.V OF CUOKISd AI'PAltATUS TEN DIFFERENT SIZES NOW READY. Tltctc Pfis crc an mfaClng Tenure Hcy.XnXor, intctvkd for ifiwi rflrrtj ; thnce rHittfnati onrn i,i7iTein!cr and chtaiicr fnctf ciwifnil. 'I hey nro ccrapoC(l c.f the moal active and iKiwurful prir.chilca of til a run, root.i ncd ixmcs, eo iilsMy tonccntrttcil that each pill contains tnoro medicinal trcnG'.it tiiin a wiiolo liox or uoiiir racui- t. Although amltAiotnnl that the most fefV.e c s.i tile f.'it.jt vuXfryX ( fpjciy. LIT P.!- , t porlxx, mid I .y ml DniKhts. rB.lltottariceil ei.i'jnuationortiaTicc, tvilllHiliroinntlya wnd V i ( uu.i aU iliAoasiA caused W l,e -ilitt. .,;z:Sirrna- li. v. i i. emintu ncaii' Jii'jhl Jimhsiont, Zvjcif.Mnnorii. Universal ltwlr, J'ttxnt in the J.iuL, cf Itsum, DiflcvltJIreatMnj, union tvU aa a ncnmco of yoalhful indiscretions. Iach rr c;n gn contains occ bot t lo filled trith Basarioatcd rill., and ono Tlsl filled with Jliiii-atcd l'otvdeiii, unfticlcnt to tnako one hiJfp''it of Irj slioti; and ono Syringe-. Co-Price, i -cr package, by null, 13 C3. !i.Vl by'.DruRgiBt) ovcrynhcrc The amu Jr-uian Diurviio ciTf ! all Cittatcs of Cie Vrin ( nj Organs, such as Intents :u urn fit' Lrinr. Jnilnmtnntlnn cflha !" Met; Inflammation tit thn Kitlncya, .Stone in the Jj.uucr, .Vrtcurr, i; ravel, Gonorrhoea, GUil and ts f specially recommtndedin i I'.ui siytua vr ir fiiira.y I'acli packavo contains nnn liriltJorilliltvHhHnf:ar-coated l il.j, and ono rial tilled with 'Mirated Powders, sufllciciit to aiI;o ono pin t of Injection; UlllllJIIU I lilKl. i)TS-Price. t5. bv mail. 3 CO. rMjui ut jrnirinio evemwnere. t?Wo ilesiro to send our thlrtv-tiro paga pamphlet, entitled "Man and Woman as Invalids," to every reartorof this paper. Bend autirosi. wttn btomp to pay return pootago, iuu uuufeaa aa luiiuws ; l'r, Loris tfiaicit Auoainox, 117 -ojia aura siassr, 841? Lacu VuJCUa. HA!KI.' AC'TIXC. PAT. liVlMA- Window Lock & Sash Holder TUB ONLY UKMAiti.:: Wimlovf r.,kt nut it lift no aj.ritiKi 'a SliiiVe nn.l Hum. ., a welt n orna- montal, loclia win. lowaaeeiirelj, ulilla opi-n i.r rinae.1, an.l ireenla ratlllti) nf uio aan, Nlneillllerentlilnila Pf Trlmmlne. tn milt nil tiialn, l.v ...v , linn W( rf.rrale.l. & caii.v. uuiirnr rln. Tnrelin.i.u ..i.. IIIino,: Wlaenn.ln an. 1 , . ' i'' 1 V". " (,,.... ' rf.".. , "0,uu, Ilia" III. lr, lt. .. niin,i,i. ;III'A.(. Miareh7.ll,m VIEW?. Al.IlUJlr), CIIKOJIOS. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., 301 UHOADWAY, SI.W VOItK, Invito llm tu, iion ,,( l0 .rradt. , ,(.r , Mt. ' '""v"ullt D IHI'IKTtllO, I'HOTOLANTKII.N Rl.WFH AMi ,,.. onAI'IIQVdOPKS. NKW VJKWa OF VtWCMlTi:. K. A II. T. ATlinr &, t o., Ml Ilaoim-AY, Jfw Youk, Opporllo Melropolllsn Holel, laroarim ami Mtsuricrriuss or' PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. ml6(iiT3m D INSOI.IJTIOIY. rijp narinerahlp existing Letween Jos. Jl. Iteed and Hugh M. Mann, mo far a tho "Jron and Ha. chlvery Supplies blore" iBcoocerned, is this day dissolved by mutual, oonsent. Joi, 11. Heed hav. InK bought outtno thelnteroalot H, J, Mann in the same. The atoio will bo conductod under the name of JIM. Il, UKKD Tho Cairo Iron Works will Lw conducted as usual under tli tirm namo of Iteed A Mano. JOS. 11, ItEED, ., . t. ,,uQM.MAr5N. Oalro, Ilia,, Aprtt 20th, 1S71, aprWlrn f v VI hoiho oi oriunarr r,lX tr-"erfvl.V 'foriut "7r i l ihtir c. l 1 Hill I in moM) OHE mm (THREE) Vdays STOVBH. -r ' .. . ". OETH & CO ot:r.Kmt.vr.r H O to rn '. r r DRUGS. Turtle Oil SOAP. low, m akd umi s 33tx,oJfs.3r CSroa THERMOMETERS! Tirt:nioMr:Ts:iss: Large Stock 1 1 ..I'UIl HALK AT. Whitcomb's SOOTHING SYRUP FOr. .ALE AT BAEOLAYS' Sapolio, ia JlieH,cr , aim lictter IIibiiI Haopliir allusea .xm'iIki,Ii., Inir clothe a) for lennlnir W III. I If Q dnwl ulllioill staler, 'llil. Oil SJIoi ha,' t'lnom, Talilra, a nil E o 2 nil w.iimivnru, ajiiinu, liartli an nu it (ila,Hnri, nml lur General llniiae cicmtlnir 1'iir. poses. For I'olUIiltii? Kniveai, Tin rn Itritaa, htrel, Irfiu, nnd atll Heir Wares. Iternov. a. na Ite .lfaule. si ami iiiki, leitving n brilliant sur cijiiiii to ,m . Tor Snlo hy UAHCLAY IJi Chapped Hands HA T llM V M If M W A a :- . ibLrttriiHt uunun 5 An Klcfrantly icrruiiinl nu ralniilik' article fur the tullot t-I O l.ndlcs and (iciitlenirii. U ciiri!4lliniiiicdIlaniln.ltoii-lii I'M. or mo Miin; tiiapiioil Lip? niitl uuntvu niirinccs. TKV OXK IIOTTLC. 1'repare.l liy Barclay Brothers EXTBA FINE COLOGNE. (Jptmlm) Impoi tril KxlaelK. FIXE E.VCiLISH SOAF.S. tr..l r . il a SB . , law 0 uiur, Kiutii iiiiu ,nn linislic: Imlla Kiilibcr Xurs'crj- d'ooils.n 0 rj I! AT CIIOIaAH I-'IJITII, UiTDEI R T A K 23 R r. v. ll e r 4V c a 1 eH I 5 i r a. dir. Wnslilnjftiiu avc. & 11th Street CAIRO ILLINOIS., ir22J3in J30STKIW, HANDBILLS. CIRCULARS And all W J'ZaAJa AND COUMEHCIAti IHIHTINO JOB FURNITURE. B. aiawas. K. HARRZX, ii:ai.kii in Bar Fixtures, MaAKSWAKE and IIOI.'SE FUUXsMl IXU (iOODS, 135 and 107 COMMERCIAL AVENUE C'Uiro, IllinoiM. MILLINERY. rjU TffiR IiADICH. II vs. CJJIcGEE'N Cheap Store I now abuo'laotl supplied a '.III NEW GOODS To which "lie iiartlrularl) Intlle attention. Khe lis )nat recelreil a full line ot llrcsx TrlmiiilncH, Silk (iliuiiK, Silk (alooii. (.tilinro J.iiccm, Moss TilmmiiiKs-, Silk and Vchit Ilntlons, Crockt't lliilloi.M, I'IiikIi anil Trlmiiiliii' Vrhcl, Silk Gimps. HATS and BONNETS. Fine Kid (ilunc., Ladies and Childrens' Shoes An, In Dill Anl complete stwk of FANCY GOODS All of bltti saa iro(iaes tnsell at Tho Very I.oufst C'tU Price Hheloriiea Die ladle, lo call antl see her tuw gomla Anil learn the prteee. wtie la,letnolne. to maintain her claim to toe name of hating "1 lie Cliep Hlore." I on BUTCHERS. yyAIaTKItsfc SIAIaO.VY. Butchers AND DKALKR3 IN FRESH MEAT Elghth.St., between Washington k Commercial Ave., AilJolnlnR Itltlenhonse .V Ilanay'a. Keep the beat or Ileel, Porlcf Mutton, Veal, UmU, fauaage, te and are prepared to ith cltitens in the moil acceptaU manner. octllSdtf j 4-i:ouje FASHIONABLE BARBER Cor. Sth St. und Commercial at., ix Tin: ii:ieitY iiou.m: Nharp Ilarora. rieaii Totrcts an tl Skill. till Wairkiurll. Ladiet' and Children's Hair Cut and Ehsmpooned 'either at tne shop or AT THEIR OW.N HOMEH. fjenllemcn's Whiskers and Hair JJjeJ Inaacien tide manner and aaUif&ollon guaranteed. Ml QAIJla la. TUONAN, t prepared o do all kinds ol PAINTING IN THE PERRY HOUSE. ( OUM!It fOJl JIItCIAi, AVKSiUE AND t:iUJITII NTRECT. JAMES KYNASTOX BUTCHER AND riKALKftUf AM KINDS OF FRESH MEATS Cor. liMli and Poplar St., Cairo, - - - - Illinois lliivanml aliugkter cnly tho best cattle, not and sheep, and ts prcarct to nil any U'mana lur freali ini-iints Irom ouo jiund to ten thousand pounda. diCJOdtl onto Li:vi:i5, OAIItO. FUfiTOX (c SO.VS. - - Proprietor Arc Aiow Iu Fnll Operstluis. Meaara. Fnltnn ' Rum ara nrenared to lurnlsh all kinds of Flour of tho leit. q,ia lly, and also i III Koel of sll kinds. Orahsm Flour, in sacks or In lees nuantltr, mads from ine nest wruls Whest. s aunUWti JOM.V CJATKM Proprietor of th Billiard Saloon and Bar ltoom jiii xporaao 100 Commercial Ave.. Cairo - - - - Illinois JjCHIXKNSCAnUS, BIfcT. HEADS, , ' BILLS LABIIfO, 1 " ' I.KTTBK BEAJDS'; J' 1 m