I 2
-uen a t mo St-al (Skin (Jailors, ami a'
''PrJnco AHrtV at Elliott & ltHtliorr 'a.
MwV 8rge mid Kid Polish, scallop
t', at ttio Guy Bbou titoro, corner Com
mercial avenue and Eighth trcct. tf
Ff.oua.-Cholce Pamllr Flour In 1.1,1
half bbl., sacks &c, for sals at the Egyp
tian JIIUI. au
. .
, "vi),!! awiiiu; xreucu Ala,
foxed, at City Shoo Store, corner of Com.
. .. .....
l.afllfft' NiiNm 1lAll.t. V t. I'll
mwrciai avenue and Klgbth street. tf
1 I I I n
Who Ii It that does not like imoking
nui uiscmi ror breakfast? The Fame
Cook store will bako thorn In Are minute
time by tbo watch. tf
Tiik Urie patent inorealle point steel
plow; one extra point given with each
plow. For talo only by
0tf 130 Commercial Ave,
A splendid assortment of bird cages
moi baskets, flower stands, flower train
er, wire-cloth for window screens, bath
and foot tubs, Ac, &c, juit received nt
aGtf 130 Commercial Ave
The home heretoforo occupied by Pat
rick Fitzgerald, on Ohio Levee between
Fourth and Sixth itrccti. This home, if
not the bct business homo la certainly
unoofttie best stands in Cairo. It fronu
the principal steamboat landing and I
near the Illinois Central railroad depot.
Alio the second floor of the tamo building
suitably arranged forofficci. Apply next
"dear at Robert Bmytb Ss Co'f. wholetalo
grocery itore.
IIu,iVoeBl C. lath Frosa Field.
The ice wagom of Huae, Loomis & Co.will
Commence to deliver Ice about the city on
Monday, May lit, and will continue to
make daily roundi each morning (Sun
day, excepted) during the pretent season.
Orders left at tbo office of the company,
corner Ohio levee and Eighth street, will
receive prompt attention. Huse, Loorais
& Oo. we also prepared to All all orders
in do steamboat and shipping trade.
Picxic Excursion Mat lit Tbo
oro named, picnic Is postponed until
Wednesday, May lotb, on account of the
steamer Eckert having to go to the wreck
of tbo steamer Dunham, sunk near I.itllo
Rock, Arkansas, sornu six days ago. On tho
day named tho excursion will take place
according to the already published pro
gramme, when it will bo much plcaiantcr
for steamboat and rural enjoyment.
Ladles' Sergo (Folith), scallop-top, for
from one dullar and fifty cents to three
dollars and twenty-flvo cents, at City
Shoe Store, corner of Commercial. avenuo
and Eighth street. tf
Removal Mrs. J, Cummings withes
to inform her customers and tho public
generally that she has removed her mil
linery goods from her store on Xlghth
street to the commodious room oft Com
mercial Avenue, between Seventh and
Eighth streets known as Mrs. Oswold's
: old stand. Mrs. Cummings has added
largely to ber ttoek of goods, and now baa
I ft cheep, seasonable and fashionable col
lection of bats, bonnets, ribbons, etc., to
which the ask the attention of old and
now patrons. mMdtf
TnuK. There can to no doubt tba
iBaugh Is, par excellence, tbo boot and
I shoemaker of Cairo. II o challenges com
petition in bis trade, and atsurcs the pub
lic that ho will guarantee to his customers
liatlifactioru His shop is on Eighth street
near tho corner of Ohio Levee. tf
Notiiino venture, nothing have. Here
is achanco to aid in a good cause and at
I .he same time win a fortune This legal
jntorpriso in aid of a public library at
IJmaliA is conducted by bonorablo men, in
hom confldenco can bo placed. Buy a
icketand win that IHO.OOO. So adver
isement. mv2dawlw
Success is the best test of suporority;
Ino wonderful demand for Simmons' Liver
llegulator is ono of tho convincing proofs
Ibat this articlo is appreciated abovo evcry-
Ihing elso or tno kind. However much its
Ijalous defamers may throw their shafts,
ruth will prevail and so will this medi
ino, rnv2dawJw
Bakclay Bbos. aro selling more of Sim
eons' Liver Regulator, at retail, than of
I ll lhe others of that class of medicines
I ut together. The reason of this Is be-
lause all who try it recommend it to their
lends. my2dlw
For. S ixa .Tbo undersigned will sell
It private salo tho following described
Iroperty: Four work horses; 2 sets
ouble harness; 3 two-borso wagons;
"J plows and other agricultural lm-
Jl'arties desiring to purchase
Lber residence or at Robt. Bri
dle the court house. Terms
(If cash; balance-on six month's
i good security.
Wanted. An energetic lady and gen-
eraan to engage in a pleasant and profit-
ble soliciting businoia. Address J. IT.
Ill AMBERS, this pIDce, saying when an
terviow can bo had. It
Ulw th
I.oeal lnmlci-5twi In a Ant Htirll.
Agents 'Wanted. See advertisement.
Tho council proceedings are worth
I Tho Presbyterians aro making ar
rangnmcnU for a strawhorry rVtivl.
The Entcrprls SavWs Bunk adver-
Uses to tako Interest bearing scrip atptr.
Good boys.
Tho city assessment list will bo re
turned to tbo council by Comptroller Bur
nett ou the 20th inst.
John McKco, tho well-known river
reporter of this city, is confined to his bed
by the throat disease which has affected
him for years.
The Young Men's Prayer Meeting,
a vjry popular Institution, will hold its
next session on noxt Friday night at the
Presbyterian church.
Tho Young Men's Christian Associa
tion will meet on next Monday night in
the room in the rear of the Presbvterian
church. An InUreUlne debata ti on thn
Tbo shoe-dealer who sells babv shoes
that aro marked with o o as tho buy mark
and s o as the sell mark, will confer a great
fuvor on a deserted baby a wanderer In
this wilderness by conferring with Chief of
J'olico Myers.
Tho Hibernians want tbu council to
build a plank "run" from Commercial !
avenuo to their new houso on Thirteenth
street, between Commercial nvcnuo and '
Poplar street. And how can the council i
refuso tho pursuasivo boys of that cntcr-
pi islng flra company.
Alderman "Winter rcqnircs committees
to be sworn befuru entoring upon tbo dis
charge of their dutiw. Tbo oath of tbo
Alderman to purforn his duties faithfully
cover all his duties, but Jack I a sort of
double-triggored man who undoubtedly
ieiicves tnat no less than two oaths will
hold a Cairo Alderman level.
It should not be forgotten that Ike.
Waldcr keep constantly on hand the
very best of gentlemen's furnlshlnz coods.
clothing, hats, caps, etc., brought to this
market, and sells at figures so low that
competition .cannot bold a candlo to him.
Tho SU Louis DitpaUh of the 2d inst.
says that Jewctt "Wilcox, Esq., ex-mino
host of the St. Charles of this city, arrived
in St. Louis on the 1st. "We think our
agreeable friend "Wilcox," says tho Dit
paUh, "is sensible in taking a rest after
the long stretch of work he bus had, and
ho can congratulate himself upon tbo gen
eral results of his labors, for in our opin
ion at keeping a first-class hotel ho is a
"Wi: have been requested to sav that
Elliott & Haj thorn havo now on exhibi
tion, and for sale, everything in the boot
and shoo lino for ladies, and gentlemen's
wear; and that all their goods aro now
and stylish. anrl&tf
0.ve or the Sioss. Mr. Clairborn
"Winston, tho popular real cstato broker
of this city, inforrSs us that bo has sold
more city property within tho past
three weeks than was sold
by hlrn in tbreo year provlous. This I
ono of the hopeful signs of the times, and
proves that tbo prospects of Cairo aro
brighter now than they have been at any
time slnco tbe conclusion of tho war.
Important ik True. Tho Chicago
Tribune, of a late date, says that the Penn
sylvania Central railroad is about to, se
cure the line of railroad from Indiatup9-
m to Cairo, and!s negotiating for,if it haa
not already secured tho Cairo and Fujton
road. Thcso connections will giro tho Cen
tral tho main branch of the Southern Pa
cific road. Tbe Tribune no doubt SDoaks
without definite information, but such ex
pressions prove that Cairo is bficg looked
to by tho great railroad lines of tho coun
try, and that it has a chanco to prosnoc
ven if tbo county it is in is afflicted by a
ounty court that know too much to do
what nine-tenths of itspooplo desire.
The Fenton Conx Mux. This estab
lishment, corner of Commercial avenuo
and Twentieth street, is now in cbargo of
Mr. M. D. Guntcr, who having purchased
and thoroughly refitted it, invites tbo at
tention of the public to tho fact that ho is
now prepared to furnish dealers and fami
lies with tbo very best articlo of corn meal.
Orders left at tho mill or sent through tbo
postoffice will reccivo prompt attention.
Unbjr round by the Chirr of Pallet
Whox t-Wliat Btiall We Uo Willi
IS 1
At about daybreak yestcrdoy morninc
Chief of Polico Myers, in bis rounds, dis
covered an infant, aged about ten monthst
lying in front of Mrs. Martin's rcsldcnco
on Ninth street, botwoon "Walnut and
"Wo need not say that Chief Myers was
astonished by bis good luck, but has had
so llttlo oxporlencoin tho handling of ba
bies that ho did not know what tu do with
After contemplating tho situation
thoughtfully for a fow raomonts be ven
tured to makoa modest examination of the
bundlo, but did not ascertain tbo sex. Ha
then procured tbo services of a lady Jn
whoso caro ho left tbo llttlo stranger until
yesterday aftornoon whon ho took it to
tne urpnan Asylum.
The infant was comfortably dressed, and
was wrapped in a heavy woolen shawl.
Has it a father and has it a mother, and
IT so, who are they ? This
is now a groatcr mystery than
"To bo or not to be?" Chlof Myers
believes ho has a cluo to tho detection of
tho unnatural parents, but wo bellovo tbo
ladles of tbo Orphan Asylum can do moro
in this bohalf than all tho chief of polico
In tho country.
cou cil i'it(cnni)i.uv.
Special Joint session of tho City Council,
called by the .Mxyo'r, and held uttho Coun
cil Clumber In tho city of Calm, on
I Wednesday evening, Mny 3. 18TI.
' Mtyor Landsen pvsldlng.
' Present, Conncllmen Halllday, Sehuh
an l Taylor, and Aldermen Cunningham,
Fitzgerald, Klcb, Melcalf, Rearden,Soaso(
Stratton and Swoyne 11. Absent, Coun
cllmen Ourd, "Wood and "Woodward, and
Aldermen Budcr, Carroll, "Waldor and
On motion of Aid. Stratton tho reading
of tho journal was dispensed with.
Aid. Budor appeared and took his seat
In pursuanco of instructions from tho
Council at It last meeting, tho drainago
committee reported that they bad exam
ined the pond near "Williams' saw mill,
and recommended that tho work of drain
ing off tho water bo done by means of a
ditch connected with a sower through the
lev.ee. in the unplatted street, immediately
west of tho mill. They alto recommended
that tho work be done as soon as practica
ble, and to bo dono under tbo dirroction
of tho street co.nmittcc. Said committee
reported the estimated cost of tho work to
be $500.
On motion of Aid. Swayno the report
wasreccivod and tbo committee discharged.
Aid. inter appeared and took his seat.
Aid. Kitzgcrold presented tho petition
of tho Hibernian Fire Co, praying tho
council to build a plank 'run" on tho
north side of thirteenth Street from Com
tneccial avenue to their engine house.
On motion of Aid. Reardcn tho petition
was referred to tho street committee.
Councilman Woodward appeared and
took his seat.
Tno petition oi u number of
proporty holders in tho vlclnitv of
William Gearin's building on
Ninth street, representing said building
to be in a dilapidated and dangerous con
dition and praying tho Council to declarer'
the same a nuisr.ncc, and have it removed
ax such, was presented and read.
On motion of Aid. Winter, the petition
was referred to a special committo of thrco
to be apotnted by tbo chair, said commit
teo to be sworn before taking any action in
the promises. Tbo chair appointed as such
coramitte, Messrs. Winter, Ruder and
Tbo petition of Robert Br! la eh and oth
ers, praying tbe Council to drain that por
tion of tbe city in tbe vicinity of 21st and
Walnut streets, was presented, and, on
motion of Aid. Cunningham was referred
to tho Street- Committee.
Tho following resolution, introduced by
Aid. Cunningham, was, on motion ot Aid.
Winter, odoptcd by tho following voto:
Ayes Sease, Stratton, Swayne, "Win
ter, Budcr, Cunningham, Fitzgerald, Hal
llday, Kleb, Motcalf, Reardcn, Taylor,
Schuh and.Wcodward 14.
Nays O.
Resolved, That tbo Street Committee
aro horoby instructed to drain tho pond
near Williams' saw mill, as recommended
in tho report of tho Drainago Committee.
By Councilman Scnuh :
Resolved. By tho City Council of tho
city of Cairo, in Joint session assembled,
That tho Board of Health be required to
investigate tho situation of the sink or
water bole in tho rear of Commercial ave
nue, in block No. 23, and the railroad strip
between Fourth and Eighth streets, as well
as the sink or bole, near tho northeast cor
ner of Commercial avenuo and Eighteenth
street, and that tboy be empowered to cm
ploy the city team and chain gang, Under
tho direction of the Jailer, In making such
iauur ana expense as may do necessary to
abate the nuisances existing therein.
Aid. Cunningham moved to adopt. Car
ried as follows :
Ayes Buder, Cunningham, Fitzgerald
Halllday, Kleb, Metcalf, Reardcn, Schuh,
Sease, Stratton, Swayno, Taylor, Winter
ana woodward 14.
Nays 0.
The following resolution waa intro
duced and, on motion of Aid. Cunning
ham, adopted; tho ayes aud nays thereon
being as follows, viz-
Ayes Buder, Cunningham, Fitzger
ald, Halllday, Kleb, Metcalf, Rearden,
Schuh, Sease, Stiatton, Swayne, Taylor,
Winter and Woodward 14.
Nays 0.
lie it Jtctolred by the City Council of the
CityoJ Cairo, in Joint Session eontened,
That whenever tho holder of any order
hereafter drawn In pursuanco of Jaw by
tho City Clerk upon tho City Treasurer,
shall present the samo to said City Treas
urer for payment, and there shall bo nn
funds in tho treasury for tho payment of
said order, it shall bo tho duty of said
Treasurer, at tba request of tbo holder of
the order, to endorso upon tho back of the
samo the tlmo of its presentation In tho
following words, to-wit: "Registered for
intorest, this day of A. D, ,"
which endorsement shall bo signed by the
Treasurer who shall, at tho time, mako a
minuto or entry in a book to be provided
for that purpose, of tho number and
amount of said order, tbo namo of tbe per
son to whom issued, and by whom and
when presented.
All such ordors, so presonled and en
dorsed, shall draw interest at the rate of
ten per cent, per annum from tho time of
such presentation and endorsement until
tho samo shall bo paid, or take up by tho
City Troasurer.
Tho accrued interest upon all such or
dors shall bo received in payment of all
sums of money due tho city In tbo same
manner and to tho same effect aa the or
ders themselves are now, or .may hereafter
be, receivable ; Provided, that in tho pay
ment of such orders, or In their being re
ceived in payment of city duos, tho prin
cipal and interest shall not bo separated,
and the ono paid without tho other.
Whenever any such order is paid, or re
cuivod in payment, tho Treasurer shall i
enter In said book tho tlmo of payment,
tbo amount paid, Jirlncipal and interest
soparato, and tho porson to whom paid.
Councilman Taylor introduced and
moved tho adoption of tbo following rsg
lu'ioii. Carried by tho following vm ,
'y. :
Ayes Buder, Cunningham, Fitzgerald, j
Halllday, Kleb, Metcalf, Rearden, Scae,
Stratton, Swuyiic, Taylor and Winter j
12. " 1
Nsy Schuh i.nd Woodward 2. I
Resolved, That a special committee, to
consiitioi tnree members ir tne yuy -oun-
eil, bo appointed by the Mayor, whose
duty it shall bo to pruparo lor atibmission
to tho City Council a revision of the or
dinances of tho city" now in force., and
that said committee be, and thoy are here
by authorized to bavo said ordinances
printed as revised, provided, the oxprnser
of such printing shall not exceed twd
hundred and fifty dollar.
Tho special committee to whom was re
ferred tho "ball alley petition," reported
the ball alley to be in ft dangerous condi
tion and recommended that the City Mar
shal bo instructed to notify the owner or
ownera thereof to have tho samo removed
within a reasonable tlmo.
On motion of Aid. Winter, tho report
was received and tho commltteo di
charged. Aid. Reardcn moved to concur
in tbo recommendation of tbo committee
and that tho 3farhal be instructed to
give the notico recommended. Carried.
On motion of Aid. Winter, tho Council
then adjourned. M.J. HOWLEY,
City Clerk.
Special meeting of tbo Select Council,
called by the Mayor, and hold at the
Council Chamber in tho city of Cairo on
Wednesday evening, May 3, 1871, Mayor
Lansden presiding.
Present Councilmcn Halliday, Lans
den, Schuh, Taylor and Woodward 5.
Abmnt Councllrnen Hurd and Wood
On motion of Concllman Taylor tho
reading of tho Journal was dispensed with.
' Upon their first roading : An ordinance
in relation to hogs; also "An ordinance to
provido for tho ap'polntment of a Firo
-Wardenand to provide compensation for
his services as such." Said ordinances
having been read, wcro laid over, under
tbe rule, for a second reading.
Councilman Halllday moved that all
claims ready for .action by this Beard bo
laid over until the next regular meeting.
On motion of Councilman Woodward,
the Board adjourned.
31. J. HOWLEY, City Clerk.
Sewi.vo Machines. Attention of
persons wishing a first-class
sewing machine is called to the
late unproved "Wheeler and Wils6n's.
They cannot bo excelled for a family
machine, or for light manufacturing pur- .
poses. All aro invited to call and exam
ine tho improvements. J. C. CARSON,
nr39dlm Agents, Cairo, 111.
The Iutercst Plan of the Council Isa
Good Effects VUlble Already Tbe En
terprise Having Dank O fieri to Bay
the ilew Order al Par The Old
Worth ninety so !flnety-Flve Cent on
II Dollar.
Some, of tbo members of tho Council
timidly approached the proposition to put
ten percent, interest on all scrip hereafter
issued, nnd two or thrco held back because
they were afraid a fow men would bo ben
efited by the interest. But, after travail,
the Council finally brought forth its in
terest bearing scrip scheme its first finan
cial child and it is prospering beyond
Two months ugo scrip was not worth
more than slxty-flvo cent on the dollar,
and was not saleable at that low price.
Tbe Citizen's Ticket was elected. Col
Taylor submitted a resolution that inter
est should bo placed on all scrip issued
under new contracts, and Tn Bulletix
enlarging on the suggestion, declared for
interest on all scrip to be hereafter issued,
for tho paymont of which no money was
in tho treasury. Tho Financo Commltteo
declared that Barkis was willin', and then
up scrip went to seventy, sevonty-flvc,
eighty, oighty-fivo nndninety cents on tho
dollar. Then tbe Council hesitated, and
down went tho prlco to eighty cents. Then
tho Council rallied again, and passed tbo
resolution published in tne Council pro
ceedings in anotbor column, and up now
the nerf scrip stands at par, wbilo tbo old
only lags fivo and ten cents behind, with
tho promiso of getting up to par in a fow
Thcro is but one othor thing to bo done
by tho Council, and that is to keep tbe
outgo within tho income. If this is dono,
our financial troubles will soon bo at an
end, and Mayor Lansden, who has given
to this mcusuro hearty but discreet sup
port, arid his Council, will receive tho
thanks duo to thorn from cverv citizen of
Gus Ueiu will, in tho futuro conduct
tho barber b'usfne'W of Fred Theobald, at
tho old stand. A full sot of competent bar
bers havo. boon engaged, and customers1
will receive attention in every particular.
Do not fail to cs.ll and get a first-clnt'
shave, hair-cut and shampoo. m2tf
The Downfall of m Haase-rour
r Injartd
Last night about eight oclock a house
on Washington Avonue, near Fourth
street, (ell to tho ground with a crash.
The building, constructed partly of brick,
was occupied ut tbo tlmo by n neh'ro fam
llyi 'fgur, of whom worn Injured. An In
fant was entirely covered with brick bat
but wot rescued without ovon a scratch.
A woman, who was sick and In bed, was
badly hurt, nnd thcro is soma doubt of hor
To llirm tlm Ait.-utinn or I tic rnb'lr
U lirlaliy Invited.
Proper Siraxcitrry Festival. Then
will bj a meeting ot tbc.so interested, at
tho Presbyterian cburcb, Friday evening,
Immediately after the Young Men's
Prayer Meeting, to mako arrangements
for the strawberry festival to bo held at
nn early day.
New IJnrber Shop. Tho razor is might
ier than cither tho sword or pen, and
Frederick Netzer handles bis razor with
moro skill than William dothi sword or
Dickens did his pen; and beyond all
doubt, he has the most splendidly fur
nished shop in tho city. Ho may be
found near the corner of Ohio levee, .on
Eighth street, in the rear of the St. A'iih
ola Hotel. (Jlvo him a call.
Meats. Tho branch meat shop of James
Kynaston, located on Commercial avenue,
next door to tbo grocery storo of James
Carroll, is now in full blast, and this pop
ular butcher Is supplying all tbo rcflnrd
meat caters of that portion of tbe Fourth
Ward with splendid meat. If you have
not tried him giro him a call. tf
Alba's. Tho barber shop of Wm. Albs,
on Commercial avenue, near tho corner of
Eighth street, is tho place to which al'
lovers of a good, closo shavo with razors
sharper than tho wit of twenty Jorrolds,
wind their way. tf
B'aWfr's. Everybody is getting Into
tho sensiblo habit of buying their ready-
made clothing at Waldcr's clothing storo.
Waldor is n gentleman who deserves pub
lic patronage, and has on hand a new com
pleto stock of clothing which he is deter
mined to sell at figures defying competi
tion. Try him.
St. Nicholas. Day boarders can se
cure good accommodations at the St. Nicb
olas(formorly the St. James) at $4 pr
week. The house is at the corner of Ohio
levco and Eighth street, a central location,
and is proprictorcd by Hany Walker,
who is alive to the wants of bis patrons.
Psrties desiring boarding and lodging can
learn terms on inquiry at tho office.
Ptttr Offenders The Xm and Wnaaea
Who go it Loom and Oct fastened la
lu Calabooe.
Mar 4 : A. 0. 1871. Judft Ilroit, pri!din
Stand up, James Brady. Charge, vag
rancy. Not guilty. Go.
James dead drunk and disorderly.
Arrested by Myers. Ho was too drunk to
stand for trial, nnd was sent to jail to be
come Bobcr enough to bo fined.
Christian Johnson got drunk. Tho
fine assessed was vory small but Cris ' id
no small chango and will consequently bo
compelled to abida with McHalo eight
Jennie. Bavis was up charged with tho
offento of using offensive- languago nnd
with being guilty of public indecency.
But Jcnnio was discharged. She. was tho
wrong woman,
Bill Rennio was also drunk and Shoo
han went for him as Cain had for Chris.
Tho Judge knowing how truo it is that
man, being reasonable, must got drunk,
fined him tho pittance, $2, which ho could
not pay. Eight days he will thoroforo
labor on tho streets.
Mr. Hay let looso bis tongue, his
tongue this Hayjlet loose ; and in doing tbo
samo thought he'd played an aco when.
ho'd only played the duce. Then Brors
ho stood up and fined ho this Hay this
rather peculiar and hard cussing "boy "
fined him fivo dollars and costs, do you
see, which tho moral it is for to let cuss
words be.
Nellie Woods for striking Annie Wash
burn, arrested by Cain, was fined $15 and
costs. Sent to jail for twenty-one days.
xseiuo is a lowd woman, desperato and
dissipated. Sorved her right.
It u tan Murray, a colored porson, was up
far using offensive and obsceno languago
and violatiug public decency. Ho ran
against two white ladies on tho sido walk,
nnd then called them G d white,
b s. Proof clear. Flno $25 and costs.
Sent to Jail for thirty days.
A HANDruL A very small quantity of
wood or coal, In a Charter Oak Stovo will
cook a plenteous meal for a small family ;
for Its whole arrangement hot-air flues,
oven, fire-box, damper, etc., is so planned
as to save and apply all tho heat gorcrated
directly to tho cooking food, without per
mitting it to escape up tho chimney.
Genu' Oxford Ties, Prlnjo Albert
and Oporn Slippers, at the ' City Shoo
Btoro," corner of Commercial avenuo and
Eighth etreot. j
The Best Sewino Machine. At tba
annual exhibition of the KurVnM
Agricultural and Mechanical Society's
Fair, held in Boston during tho month of
August, 1870, tho Davis sewing machine
was entered as a competitor on tbo list of
double thread machines for manufactur
ing and family purposes. After close
test of ono week on all tho points of ex-
eeiience cjaimed by other machines, it was
awardod tho first and highest premium a
gold medal. Alto at tbe Michigan State
Fair, held at Jackson Sept. 20 to 23, It
was awarded tho first prorolum a med
al for the best double thread sowing ma-
ohlno for family uso; also tho first premi
um for tho best douulo thread Sowing run
chino tor manufacturing purposes.
E, and W. BUDER,
Agenti for Southern Illluok
The Finest and TltrA
Ready-Made Clothing
Hmta. Cmps, Boots, Shoes. Eto.
Particular attention paid to orders for
and only tho b?st
TERnlllLE Acciiiest A Fatiiek
Cnors Off His Son's Foot With ax
Ax, Mr. Mat Bagby, a brother-in-law
of Geo. Olmsted, well-known In this city,
Inflicted upon his son, a boy of four years'
old, a fearful wound, which resulted In tho
loss to tho unfortunate boy of his right
foot. Mr. Bagby, who lives four miles
back of Oolconda, with his son, was en
gaged in cutting down bushes when tho ac
cident occurred. Uo had coino to a bush
of larger growth than those he hnd al
ready disposed of, and told his son to
"push it over," while he struck it with tho
ax. Unfortunately, tbo ax, at tho first
blow, cut tbe bush through, and striking
the son's leg above tho anklo severed tbo
foot entirely from tho body. A surgeon
was called, and tho leg amputated. Al
last accounts tho llttlo sufferer was in a
fair way to rocover.
Parlltalar notice kr Ik Enterprise
avlasji Bank.
Citt Scair, registered for interest,
bought at PAR by the Enterprise Savings
Addition to the City Jail. An ad
dition is to bo built to tho city jail two
new cells and a new roof over all. The
proposed improvements aro groatly
needed. Thoy will cost, according to an
cstimato mado by a skillful carpenter, not
to exceed ono hundred and soventy dol
To occupy a very pleasant room, (fur
nished ,or unfurnishod), on Washington
avonue, opposito the now custom house ;
sultablo for man and wife or singlo gen
lloman. Also a limited number of day
boarders. Terms very reasonable. En
quire at this office., mny5-Ctd
Steamer Illinois, Columbus.
" Jas. Fisk, Jr., Paducah.
" Tyrone.
11 Idlewlld, Evansvllle.
M Mohawk, Now Orleans.
" Argonaut, Tenncsseo river.
" Pink Varblo, Wabash rivor.
" Olencoe, Evansvillc.
" Julia, Vicksburg.
" Saltle, Arkansas rivor.
" Grand Tower, St. Lonis.
" Dictator, "
Steamer Illinois, Columbus.
" Jas. Fisk, Jr., Paducah.
" Tyrone, Nashville.
" Idlowild, Evansvlllo.
" Mohawk, St. Louis.
Argonaut, "
u Pink Varblo, Louisville.
" Glencoo, Now Orleans.
" Julia, St. Louis.
" Sallio,
u Grand Towor, Memphis.
" Dictator, St. Louis.
tTbo rivor roso about ono inch yos
terday, and seems to bo undecidod about
the noxt step.
86yTho weather was anything but
pleasant, boing mora or less cloudy all day
with a shower or rain at noon and a chill
ing atmosphere, which mado hoavy cloth
ing and brisk fires grceablo In tho ovon
ing. The clouds may bavo savod tho
fruit last night, but thoro was no othor
BQuThe Mississippi roso ono inch at St.
Louis yestorday, Tho upper Mississippi
is rising rapidly and very high water is
expected at St. Louis and bolow.
tsjuTbe Oblo is stationary at Pitts
burg with five feet four leches in tho chan
nel, bulls still rising at Loulsvllto with six
feet 'in tbo chuto and eight in tbo canal.
lB.Tho Nick Longworth left Now Or
leans on the 3d.
Ucy-Tho Idlowild brought out a very
good trip yestorday, mostly for ro-shlp-ment.
STTho Colorado for Viaksburir. Co-
lumbU for Fort Smith and II. M. Sla-ovo
for Rod rivor, aro duo t-day.
WHITE SHIRTS la all stylet rnnde,
of material used.
Corner Wadilngtnn. Aventie and ?oar
teentlt irrt
Fred. Bla;ikcnburg's saloon Is newly
and elegantly fitted up and supplied piih
tho finest wines, liquors, beer, cigars, etc.,
that can bo found in tbo" city; and Fred,
has no superior as a dispenser of delightful
beverages. Do not forget tbo place, cor
ner 1 1th street and Washington avenuo.
Fitzgerald's Sample Rooms. Por
sons bibulously inclined, lovers of tho ex
hllcratingjuico of the corn and Jaiceof tha
grapo, or malt leverages, should cell im
mediately at tho samplo rooms, on corner
Commercial avenuo and Fourteenth street.
Besides everything in the drinking line,
of tbo purest kind, ho has tho most fra
grant Havana cigars, importations from
Cuba, that land of narcotic weeds. Fitz
gerald kocps a first-class place, and han
with him Jimmy English, who know ev
erybody, and knows the wants of every
body and who is a gentleman, every
inch of him.
op ran
Northern Pacific Hailror.d
The building or tho Northfrn FmISo JUilrond.
(begun July Uat) 1 txlng poaheil forrd with
great eorrKT from oth exiremitir of th tin,
bercrnl thoimanil men are employed la UlnniaoU
and on Iho I'kcIBo coast. The (trad I nmly
completed 1480 mile ut stward Itom Lak Super
ior ; train are running over 13 S mllet of finis".
el roso, and trclt.lnl rapidly pro-rniing
toward iheeutern border of Dakota Including
11 purchase of the St. Paul and Paei&a Pod, th
Nurthern Pajfifia Comnnnr no hi 413 railos
of completedroad, and br September next thi
willbeincreosi to at least 000.
Jajr, Cooke & Co., are now selling, aod nohrsl
Utingly recommend, a proflubi and x! irv
ve-tment. the First Mortfife Lund Grant Sail
Hrndsor thn Northern I'stifli Btilrnd Oorap-.a.
Thrr hare 30 year to run, bear e?en and thr
tenlhs per cent, gold interest jmor than 3 pit
cent, currency) and are secured by flrt end onlj
mortgage on tha entire road and ft iqaipntat,
and aiu,i fast Mhe road I complttid, oa
93,000 ACRES OF IiARSt
to every mil of track, or SOO acre tor ereh
11,000 Bond. They aro exempt from U. 8. Itx;
principal and Interest are titrable In cold: d.nom-
inatlom, coupons, flOO to 11,000; rUKrJ, ilOO
to IIO.UM.
Northern Pacific 7-30' are stall tlm raelm
tile, at ten per cent. bnre par. in exchange for
tho Company'Hlandf, at their lowest en price.
inn rrnueri uicm particularly interest ueariaf
The proceeds ot all sale of land are rqu!r4
to be dnvuled to the re.purchueandcancelltsioa
of tha Kirtt Mortgage Honda of the Company.
The Land Ornt of th road exceeds fifty million
acre. This immense. Sinking Pund will undoubt
edly cancel tha principal of the Company's
bonded debt before It fall due. With their aropla
security and high rata of Interest, there I no in
vestment, accoisibl to tha peopto, which I mors
profitable or fe.
The success of the newcoterntnentS per cent,
loan will compel the early surrender of tha
United Slate S per cent. Many holders of Fire
Twentle aro now exchanging them for North
ern Paairla B-tren Tlurtle. thus reillxlnir
nandsonie profit, and greatly Increasing their
) curly income.
,411 marketable dock and bond will b re
ceived ut their highest current prlco In cichane
for Northern I'aciBo Beren. Thirties. k,r,..'.
charge on Money or bond rocelted, and oa
Seven-Thirtlc ent la return, will lie raid bf
ino rnuuicmi Assam, run information, maps,
pamphlet, etc., can be obtained on application at
nv agency, or from the undersigned.
Pmladelphla, New York, Washington,
Financial .sgenU Northern Paciflo JUilroai 04.
LUNT. PRESTON k KINfl. Bankers. Ch'ciro.
(leneral Aeent for Illinois, Wisconsin, Minne
sota aod Northern Indiana.
Kor ale by tho
City Kutloual Hank end Flrt national
To Intel South and West. Csn make bit mane..
Mend stamp for terms and circular, to
, . , J. iiiuanaoit,
Care Orletmalur' Hotel, SO ru4 SU, Bomb, E
couj street, Hi. Louis. diteod
Commercial At., Opposite - Poit Offlc
JOSEPH 1IAYLISS, Proprietor.
The House Is utwly turnlshtd and ofsrstoth
puMlfl CrtKlMi accommodations. f7iif