Newspaper Page Text
J-'JrrLJLU f3A young lady, of Tcrro Hnuto i wntitifc book on "What I know nbout courting." 1'rofcMOr Iletich, of Dudley Obsor Tatory, Albany, M, announce tlio ills- coTery 01 a now rora " ' --" '- ' II U meroui tbli year In Franklin and iledfurd Coanlhw, Virginia, inat planters um .k.itnnxl tha hnnn nfralllni It CfOI thlifMr. It U feared the tobacco railed will ha of orv inferior uuailix in com- of ita belnr? necessarily planted lata In tba season. WTho dalrymon of fit Louis liavo tottata an association w resist mu iura. Bot by the Board of Health of tbo rcgu latloris recently adopted, requiring them to furnish samples of their milk for nnalyza tion prorioui to iu LelngsolJ; also requir ing them to keep tbeir cow stables in n strict lanltary condition, and cense feed hg dUtillery slops to cows. hi Only One Left. The but surviving revolutionary pen sioner, and tho only positively-known rev olutionary foldicr alive, it Daclcl FrcJ cr ick Batcman, now rciidlnc in Freedom, Cattaraugui county, Now "i ork, wbcro be hat roiidcd for tho past sixteen years. Mr. Bat em an is nbout ono hundred nnd nlno years old, And makes bis mark as signature to tho pension receipt, ABItof Nentlmrnl. Speaking of terrapins, tho Lebanon Star gives this interesting item from Clin ton county: "Isala Morton, in plowing round a terrapin, and thinking to transmit his came to unborn generations, concluded to cut It upon the shell of this slow travel ler; but on clearing tho surface, what was his surprise to find the namo of his father and tho date, 1831, plainly carved upon the shell. Mr. Morton's father has been dead for twenty-flvo years, nnd his feelings on this occasion can bo better imagined than described." JOEL! HYLAXD'H SAXOO-V II supplied with all kinds ol SUPERIOR LIQUORS Boor, SLlo, tfco., N COMMEKCI.IJL, AYESVil BitwMn Eighth and .ilnlh9treets, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. thirsty, whs love coodHqnot, should jeWe lira a call, and thoso who want a s7BAGBANT DIG AB f aahT6 their want snpplted at hlittwr. Family Grocery Cor. 8tU St. & Washington a., Cairo, Illinois Is supplied Willi tho frc-Mu-Ht fVfrisrifS, Urern and Dried nml Can. nad fruit. Oressed Toiiliry, Fresh Butter f a4vrrjthug else needed tor family anpply th ctTJrtCn' b't ,Dlt' krocerir U e?.a""sfef l'Mio jiaUooftje 1 reapecllully t01lcltd ilMi'JIitl'n ATE Its, TOiI ;o. Importers and Jobbers of RIBBONS, MILLINERY AND STRAW GCOBS, 409 N. FOURTH STREET, ST. LOUIS, Have atsll tiii. u full rnkLi R ' r'.'1 l tbiMnweH ISr'i ' V""- wacrs .oicill aud pmuiiT I J 11! I 1 i n i iHiiuiiui aim mmim ueaisf Wines, Liquors TOBACCO and CIGARS. Ageni f Ul brands of itKA3i AND STOCK ALU :Cm(ortoa A.lo iii or cl if foroixt lr.lxa.cini. CAIRO. ILLINOIS. g,t U.KTOi.'KJr'I.imit r s CnoeNsnf to rohlo 4 S.'wkfli lli) Ucctlttcr ttd VThnik;ft)ft liralf-r It. J'or- iwns, im, tn "ZG Ohio Xiovec, CAIRO. - - - XJJJu, lit keeps oa hau l constantly, a full stock r CUKcutukr Bonrbon, Uyo nnI Mon. . ouff.Uele, Wilakles, French llrau liol!B4 (an, Ualuo aJCtllferabWIneti, SPECIAL NOTICES. JIATCIIl.tOHVJ IIAIK IYE. Thin superb Hair Dro is lh i,r t tut Woau IVrcvilv Harmless. Ilcllablc ami Inslhantenns o dlsspi ulatmtnt. No Itldlculons Tints or Vn pleasant i.lor. Thnffenuino V. A. Jliudiclor'A llH'r Vre produocs IJIMKDIATfil.V o splendid Jl(k or natural' lSronn. lXen not Smin this Bkia, Init lenveillie llnlr Clean, oft ond Bcanll iui. ino only safe ind Ter fret rjf H Id bvall itriifKi'l. Factory Ifiliond Street wioik. lanjStdeodiwlv -KJB ; . Its Cure and Its Prevontiva BY J. JI. SOHENCK, ItD. ' xJSfffr !!?? l,lnf ftrrtl asrny t or irlioas i!K!vJl? " 7 no'T'ITL-asoii Shan il neirlocl iKnonRndlndiaratl)lrt'nTninniniorcurn. 1 Iiiim near uhUilpHr to fnmllr 'l Irlenda ara Jiei'WnK tliedrenmlcis tluioticr into irlilcli, had tlioycrtiuilndopted , DK. JOSCPII tf.- hCllKSCiVH Til HA I'M K N T, and arallM tlicmlrpt of Mi wnndrrf nltr cHca cl'iua moiliclnp., Iber wuuM Dot liaro fallen. Dr. whrnck lm Iu hl own rao rmed that wliuretcr aueielant viuillly remains tlial rlial. HT,.tiy liH mrdldne and tils illrrctloru Tor Uiulr quickened Into licnlthful visor. In iui at.ilinpnt tiioro la nothlnz rrofnmrt tuniis. Vn llio fallli of tlio Invull.l V muUo retirp-nn'ali iu that latin, u llmu.:inri ti...n- tmilUlcl hy lutnit nn'l llblu workn. Thra theory or (lis euro liy Itr. KberKk'a tiwllclnei lcllru;lu ixltlsunrnilinir. Ita phlluiopliy ro- n Hires no r.r jumcnt. 1 1 iltcll-ajjuttog, yir.con Tlnclns. '1 bo .'03.IT' ad T'lnleand t.inrtmtf) rilln aro thn r.-t tiro niMiains wlin wlilcti tUo cltiidtl of tho jna:o lr l r.viUkvl. Tiro thirds of tun cam nr cunjor.ip'i uniilislnato In flyWPlHud n func llonallr iliManlonsl livr. vith ihi. r.niin..n Iho Pr 'Bcli'al tubea aymiatulto" wltli tho rtlimUCtl. '1 f.DT rfi.imnit til Ihn lun.hllln ..nll.u. I tin llrer. Hero then cornea ttie culminating rviu.t. and Uio rctlliig Id, with uli Ita illitrsii lnjf jnjptu-.-j ut COXBimiTIOK. tore a nuhltat pllt-tho IVaiuplitiium I'ellatum. ihey ivncsn Iho Llooil.nrchlni(. iiltcnitlro propuillus or uilomtl, hut, unlllio calumel, they "1UVE NO BTINQ IinniND." tnd nnd tnnrrni in ti.n i "Ilnientary canal aro Pjecled. Tho llrer. Ilka I!" ,,vn "uunu up. itarousos irora ita toriitd- 117. Ino rtoinHtli nrlM .. n.i patient begins to (eel that ho la Kcttlntf, at lait, A HVVVhV OF GOOD BLOOD. ThO Pfl .Wfwl Tnnf In MMlnnInn -III. . t. - Pill'. jiermenun nod ntalmllntea with iho lood. .JI.1.U..IIUII iiin ii.Kri:aIIIK WltnOUt lift Iire VlOUa tortUff. Illrrttlun li.M.ninA. Mlhl.. ..... fJatulrnoe, no aittccrbauoa or tho itomacii. An uppetltoactaln. iSow oomca tho sroateitTllood PnrtOereTerrct,.,i.W. '""ohfont father to auffartng man. Hchenck a I'olmonio (tyrupeomoa In to perform IU lunctloDa and to hasten and complete thu cure. It enters at oneo upon IU work, yvatnro enn not ho chontcd. It ooUecU and ripens tho Impaired and diseased portions of tha lunp. In iho form o caxhcrln(!s,lt preparea then, or rxpertoratlon, and lol In a rnrj short tlmo tho wu is vuuijuiBjicu, sno roiun tarooo taat It oectipled Is ronoratod urnl made new, and tho wmm hii ...a uikuiij ui ruHainva TiRor, steps ortntoenjoy tbo manhood or womanhood that CilVEJf VP AS I.08T. Tho second thlnn Is. tho patients rnuit stay In a warm room until they, cat well j It la almost Im polhlo to prOTent taking oold when tlio lungs aro dlteased, hut It must bo. prevented nr a euro can not be tl.'cud. Frcali air nnd rldloir out, especially In this section or tho country, In tho (all and winter season, aro all wrong, l'hysl tlans who recommend thatcourso loro their pa tients If their lungs aro badly diseased I and yet. bocauso they ure In tho.housa they mast not Ut down quiet I they must walk alwjut tho room us much Mid a fait as tho strength win bear, to t-i . vni viiLumviun vi uiiiuu. i no iwiients possibility. In tho worst caies. nnd r. tainty in all uikecs.-l sinful. Ur.hrhenck's per-' sonaf statement t.. tho l uc.dty of his own euro wa In thoto inodeil words; "Many yeara nan 1 wua fn the lat stages of Mnsumplfiini. c.nllned Pi ray bed. and ut ",no !. -UL'J l'?''", 5" thought that 1 rould not IWu ?.r.2J"i ,w"',lll' " .drimiiing man cuirhing nt "rawt. I henrdnf ond nbutntd tho pn-iwratlona which 1 n ,w ,ror to thy public, und tl'ey rr.adn Mlr'ru" "" " ccial to mo that 1 cnold Jecl them lK'netruto ar whole siVlom. i'w 'ho matter in my lungs, and I would spit up mora than 11 plot uf olierJlvo yellow mailer i rery mornlrg f.!r n long lime. ..A.,,u!n ", that l'gan to tubrldo, rnr couch. fSTer.polns.uud night awaits all begun to learu -l'il,'"m,lu);.u:,l.'ctiti hc"no ro great that It was hUlalful" "'at! could kec-n Irnm citing too much. . 1 soun gained luir trtcli. ur.ii T.,I trovrn In floh OTer klnce. Mld'd tbe lx.uir. ' won weiunea rnortir nrier mr mm..FT men looxing llk a meio Dictum laj weiB.n was nniy ninety -set en .nr ,ii'.c..i, nuiuni 1 twoimiinreii anil twenty-tiTo (1.1 i-.unrts. bo.1 for years 1 huvo en Joyed linlnlerriiptid litallh." .1 . ;',;i".,.''" dlicuntlnned lil prr.fenrhnnl TUIlj l Now.l ork nnd lPijion. Ho or his sou, Jir. J. II. bvlienok. Jr.. still ri,ntlnoo to sc-o i a! VSfM :lr " North tutu Mr.Vt, riilhidolpliia, every Faturdur In.m IU.m. toi p.! lliow who wh n thorougU ejtHinlnutlon with tho Unnj.lromot'r will be charged ti. "Tho li,. plrumeter decinroi tha exact condition of tf, I unit j, and pnlleius ran readily luurn whether they uro curablo or not. .'1? .V'.r?r,"n. rf;r UMnK t''0 medicines nm adapted to tho Inlelllgcnco even of a child. I'ol. low thoso directions, und kind Natnro will do tho ret.oxcepiliu that In aomocasoa iho jiaodniko I'llls aro to bo utten In Incroaeed doscn tho tbreo medicines need no other accompunlineiits than tli iiuiplo Instructions that accompany them i Hrt erenu apietlte. of retnrntr.r' ,,Kl"n,.f'M' ' t10 ,"u'twcJiiu..iyiflptuuI JMien II It will cumo.k't tho desiailr Inc 'el iinat, boot goo-t cheer. OujiI blood at oneo lollnos, toe cugh loosens, tho night sweat . nbated. In n short tlma both ot tlicwi morbid tyiu piotnt hi b guno f oturcr. ."' '"f-'a laedlclniH, nro constantlykept In ten. of thou.unds n( famllls. As n laiatlsu or purk-atlvo.tho.MuiirtrrtWg I'llls are a standard pn parjlloii i Hlnlii tint J'ulraotilo Kyruiv ui u uuro uf iugln and tti!ds.itiijl.u razurdod ns a pro. Ili)Ucli'iio i consumption In any of lis ,l'r)'T "ftln riiltnimto Htnio and Foa-wocd Vunli Sl-'fl ti J.;tli, .r TiO o half Ooien. Man. .r. " ''' . -i'iu yu. i or ey uu uruu- A n ii"wl system uf I.tfn lnmrnnoo ro n'lv tiiliodu.'ed by the, aissBesi iiiii m. Of rT. LOfSV. lly ih.s m m 1,1, ui Im-iirri' e u r, as lit by the utiial plans nn.i I V hoi or rr( v,.. ,.h b. I . .I rt Ol ' ven ' iIih l.iir lent, upon nil Ihn money (hkI i.t , ,' "njwnr ; hs a,iitia pr-tiiiiis ti.i. ,'ci hirng. ino. hsH gi)virnm nt luii'l rn.nx and sl.Hl l ,.....,,.,,. rnth-lar.ndeed iiieniion Hiwiy tepesble (tti.lrtr. orwci: orDTiT com pax v : NorUnvesl cm-. I'diirtli A: Olhp Sis I ST. LOUIG, MISSOURI. AUTHCR 1'.. IJAV.1SKTT, I'rtstJnii Uknj. Wilmamh, Secretary. ll hsuainplDoopilKl-sus i). i4&s::aK;.'s,:::;a ' dent. ft ligoious, skillful und pru. Uowmen, plan,, at ffi , '" ft ,d I ,. ilssncuninanis!. "v ' oii-r lust. eent . f ''"t "kIvh oaly U ner . Tlio Mai. of i f?. ...... .' . . that may U . ,i$JL',.1 p'd tor aq nrtlcl at home I 1 Ju.t as cheap'y (oriuoru p) aprf-lawif WMll .Vl lltv AKutx nt Cairo. MEDICAL. .ffAYlVAlaD'K BITTERS TIII2 IIEST TONIC IN USE FOU BALC'DY E. F.MAY NARD, Prop. rrrrsnuncj, pa. lOeoJlr VOIU qUACKfi. iMmfi'"!.0' enrlyln'I':rction,CftUsini; nermn. lCulllir. bremalurn riepfiv. 1.1..1 .. Tnln ptery advertised remedy, nai dlncovered u l.V. , 11 . . wnlc" ho will eend for .....-Duiiviun, nuurose, j. it. 1U1JXJS towcin T Nassau si., New Tork. TVTATUDSE'H fiKEAT RES IS TOiSATIVB. SCHEETZ CELEBRATED Bitter Cordial Uhalcsolo I'cpot N. V. corner Fifth and Kace ktrects, l'hllailclphin, l'a. JACOI1 fiCIIKETZ, Nolerroprlcot V It in 11 reliable Family Medicine, and can It aken by cither Infant or acult with Iho beet llclnl resnlls. It is acertaln, prompt nnd speedy emody lor diarrhea dysentery, bowels compiled dyspepsia, Inwnces of spirits, falntlngs, nick stomach, headache, etc. For chills and fevet ot all kinds, It la far better nnd safer than quinine; eithout any of Its pernicious ellccts. It eflccts an appetite, proves a powerful digestor of food and will counteract tho ettccts of liquor in a few minutes. As indisputable evidence of lt md. cal properties, wo append a few of the many ccr Iftiutes in our piesiont Johuaob' Depot, Kast.Tcnn., ond V11. 1L It. IVtiii. Jacos Scnivn, Iq. Denr Sir: I inve uie I the Hitlers I have obtained Irom you, and Cad '.hen: to bo all tliajr ara recommended to ho. I fonud ono botllc to ailord mo considerable relief, 1 leel as thouth I cannot do very well without them, lu my present stale of health. 1. MEMOK, 133HoutliC!h nL, Phlla. I'ostorilaptist J'awyunk Cliurch. Bold by W. I. Allen, SS Main Mrcet IJubuque. octlCdU Tho Bvmntomsho SIMMONS' liver complaint are uneasiness and pain in tho nlde. Konio tline Uie pain la in '.he shoulder, and la I hi ut rim milt it. .11. . tiJ Wllli'lrfst Dr appctnn'nnd nitknose, bowU In geno alcotive, sometimes alternating with lax Tho head I. tmutili-d with rain, and dull, heavt rcuiauon, consiucrabie lots of inemo.y, accom panied with painful Sen talionof having left un- joiio tomcirung wnipr. 'mailt to liavo been done. Ono complaining ol weakness, debility, and low spirits, homettmes, some of tho above aymp tniiia attend tho diseax', and at other limes ver) fevrnf tliem ; but the I.iver is Konerally tho orgni ir.ot Involved. Curotho l.ivcr wuti A preii.iratioa ot tools nnd hrb. warranted to txi strictly vegetable, nndcim do no Injury to uny on. It ha been used by hundreds, and knownot Iho lait SS jeiir.Hn ono ol tlio mwt reliable, elH entlous and harmless preparations ever ottered tho mtlerluK. If laken rtguUriy and pcrsmtcD It U sure to cure. ;syiQacvT;ii?gMSfaajj!:DyHpep5ia, neadache, iflFW II I J Tfl ptBjniindfcj'.coslivt-ness, IsiTS2nsaJ3rciaEaH tynti-r, atlrrtuma nl tho k idneys, lucr. nerouitiirs, cJnlLs, duca.ij of Hie akin, impurity of the blood, melancholy, or depresKioiiof spirits, heartburn. colic, ur pain In tho lioirehi, pain in the head, fever and ague dropsy, IkIIi, psln In IhfUSk and limbs, asthma erysijirlar, fcm.t!n ntlvellbiii, nnd bilious diseaso generally. si rrej.irci only by J. II. Zelllu A. Co., , , . I', Jlo.on, (la, hor salt bv Ilandsy llrnlhei, Ohio I.cte Caljo, Illinois. 1: by nianmvlldaw EUGENE JACCARD&CO. HAVK TO THKIR .NEW JEWELS Y STORE, 300,302 &304 N.'FifthSt. Cor, 5th & Olive. ST.LOUIS,MO. ..A.1 visitors to tho city cor- iuviu'u to can. i ".ATsHsVH J Head Bispensary riu.":1 VM 1 ''l'a'rd I'm. tor th -li IT? ifct 1 ,J f a priinle nature, M'litiii Utli .., A cure I, guaranteed very ea.e undertaken. t Oewces' Female Regulators : 7'.,"" ,?f.,m.!'l'.niandat nndTrm.e Galen's Head Dispensary, ,r, ,. No. 7.1 Wiist Jetlwrson streei s-Iecddaef.!, Louville. K 71 1VA WW S B M CHARTER OAK. 170 Q JL w A, J Q m3iV Sold Slnca Their Inlroduciion The BCoMt iH''iaS Popular and Pel feet COOKING MACI1INRH Oar" TBB 3PJDXIXOXI ARE OUR VtELU KNOW.N Uclncof tllC Slmillost Cnn'tlriifltnti. aro Casllr TJlftlintrfll mill ? f giro r ENTIRE SATISFACTION ! As no nrllele In lh'q hni.Al.nT.I h. . Influence In nromotin i tlm I.Hilih '.,,nin, happiness of tho fam ly tlirle ihno Hie Cook ciove. nig economy neii as pnnev tn gel the very best; and in buying tho Hie clmr'cr iiuta you con rely cn tct.inr Iho i:cce.s nl, jopular and perfect eoohlnrf stovo ever made, . SOU) 11V EXCELSIOR MAXUFACTUIUXJ CO. C13 . OH X. 3fnln fitrrel, Nt. Louis, Mo., .AND ALL Live jftfterchanis LIKE Cairo, Illluols. dylwulalv INSURANCE. W.II.Morna. Il.lf.Cnude olary I'ul.lic Notary Public and V Commissioner; INSURE! FIRE HULL CARGO LIVE STOCK L Insurance EFA'A, HARTFORD, AmscIm 95,54 07 AORTI7 AXIJCRICA, f'A., AuctH Ji,7s:i, HARTFOItD, CON.V., AiHcta ,54 1.210 72 t'JI(E.M.. UAliVFOUD. AhmcIm 1,UH1,148 SO I-TI2R.ATIOA'AIi, N. ., AhhoU 1, 383,398 17 PUTJVAJI, 1IAUTF4HI. A'sct 700,037 73 ULKVULAM), I.EVl'liA.'V'l. ActM 515,073 88 IJOMi:, COLLMHUN. Aet 515,878 43 AIKUICA.V CENTRA ll, MO., AHHCts......... 500,000 00 A t OIV-N. MUTUAL IilFE, 30.000,000 00 I6A VKE.RR'S, IMRTFORIK e.ifj-: ic Acoaii:.T, RAKI.WAV VAmtiSUKRU AS . KCHAKCJE CO.. I !IT., rC'sV",. 500.000 on t e 2i t 3; x i 1 : 'a', ronton, J:;0.K0i m SafTord. Morris & Candee, 7JB VMS CityV.'nlional Hank, OtifO. Xll. Qxnti AN1 MARINE INSURANCE C09IPANIEM rN'iJiRrava, 3V. Y. ; ASSETH -..81,ta6,'4Xtt lt Geimania, 3V. Y. ; ASN,:TN . $1.0UN,0!4I ll'nnnver, 3V. ,Y, AMMBTH. 7110,701, Republic, 3V. A8NKTH... , . oc CoiuliriMnir tbe t'BdcrwrUara'Aa; YonlcorH, IV. Y. ; ANK1STH lt...).....$H7H,t(H 1 ASSKIH .....1.I,..ll....3t33,0a ill Firom'n'h 3F,o.ricl, S.3B'. ANSirm .... 078,00 00 Sectxvity . 3V. Y. 5 M.ririe AbKICTW,,,,. ......i.3'4 Bl 00 OrStores, IiwelilnKs, Furniture, Hulla an CarKoes. Insured nt rn7e, , favorable is ,0und permanent security will warrant I respectfully aak ot the cltiiens of Cairo, haro of their patronage; vi."i t). N. UUGlTF.rt. Omea-atrral Naliooal ,bVnk s bbeewaet5 oeth &, co I ai;xts 'iii run cjiMznuATr.n UJ o Q UJ UJ r- at MX UJ (J . WARRANTED FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT WHAT HOUSKICK l'KKS SAY AIJOUT , "FAV GOOKISTG STOVES Always 'Ke.uly, Al-ivuyK the Kesa, AIviy.s eifio 4Iicj.cst A.YI) UXrQLMI.!:i) IS 'Jill.' PJ:kFECTIO.V OF CVOKINU Al'IMKATUH TEN DIFFERENT SIZES NOW READY, 3Vro rz.t ore an imfrtCfnj Tern .Zi HtffLlitor, intaulfdfor fye-lci cv- J J fAorfo&,'fni.'ffonea 1 here in.Ulcr checrxr rr.cdi tt.icsf,ti'.. '1 Iiv.7 trocomroscdcft!iotnpst SC'iVllnTlll t.rr.Vfrftil (.onlntA. t.4 fltC"'W lVaI,,! r 0 3 rni I'tmcfl, bo I? K9r A luA"v "nci .uraw'ii mat cacii firrlrxl'"1 r0ut '" '"oro medicinal 1-5"kjv!';'-m,5'1 ,,-' vrliolo box or k cf fi'inary dollar medi- Cjf . H . in tl.'i v iket. IMoujA ; ou-rTu.i-f.ryMu'ttnMiiasant in thiir ciK-rcf. i that the mott cjh Idle than tcU.'i) rfect tneJ'j. JOlr P;. j'. t per l.i x, m nl by r.ll Jrugritta. mr.Mll.HorKfcCf 1 1 uli 'ormatloncrtdTlco, wiu. iiiriiiiiii(jyari.v(r..t rn.cil rdl discua canned I 1 - bu-vviz:Ajcrrna-tcrroUf, titmtnnl WtaJi. utiS,' Hight Mniniora, fx. 30Miviarj. Vniverid Jlissvvtl.; J' dint in Vie JkriCf, Jiiinucri cf Virion, I'livuiturcOUl.ipe, JIVafc .V. nt. fltficvltrtxalhing, J'a.o I rtintciianc, asan iijl, Cjrisvuij-.tim, and ail I'.bcaara thit follow aa a so.-iucruii uf joalhfal indiscretions. .aoli acV:i;jS runt tin oi:c hot tie filled with f?u,?jr'-c -ltd T;;i), and or.o Ial filled with M .'isitcd I"'Wd rti, ireffldctit to rnako cuc lt.jfp jie mi Midf not-yringe. CTVi ' '. m t r j , rl. go, 1,y irjsi), ti V). i d liy Jlni'-'lslt rvitjulitrre. i..-r Ji.turn Jlita tlla 1 rest'Ji " '(fi'tltr Urin 1" y Ofrt s, r nA ta IneontU rs 'a cf lrtne, Jnjlammation tft'oJJ' ' .', ffJrrtnwjffBn rf'f-o A'.1 "it, Aline in tho J' 'Jtr. -;c'Tf. Or at el. Gonorrhaa. Qkit ami la ir.snccinlly recommended in lrru!),'.nt(3(pr uvwm.) Hscli mctaco enntsln!i nnn Ii'llolUli'dwUhBrizar-coatrid 1 1 J . ono vial Ullcd with " urntcd Powders, sufficient toiutkaono jiintof injection; anil ono Syringe. tnrVrlce. S5. byraail. fo 60. tvim y j)ratpM9 everywhere. ASTWo (lesiro to cend our thirtv-two pago painuhiet, entitled "Han and Woman awn luvallda," lo ovcry reader of this paper. Bend addro.s, with Btamp to ,pay return postsgo, and address as follows:- fr. Xmit VxxieiL Asaxuno, UT vosnt sixth man, Bust Lena VntorK siSBIMiHIfftifa TTANKEIS I AT, lOSJitl.E JLJL ACTINCJ Window Lock & Sash Holder. THE ONLY ni:r.iAiii,i: Window l"nM out It Inn no spring; la Hnip:o and Dura hie, ns vtell as onia montut, loclis un. dows securely, tlillo onen or closed, nml presents rnlllini; of tho sanli. Nlnoilidorciitltlnds of 'Jriiumlni?", to IS- ..II In.lZJ I..- '.rliiv'i s li la lock is operated. ni:ui.iziii:iMi:ii &. flolo owners of tlio Terrltorica of llie Klated ol Illinois, Wisconsin nnd Iowa, and Ayi-nt for oilier Slates, (ieiiiral Sltllrr, til) 'VVASIINtl. TUN NTltlllfl'. UIII(!A(i(. innrc)i7dCm BTXSrUBOSCOFXlS. vu;wh, AMIUMS, CHJIOMO.'?, fiiam r.a. E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO., BOl IIIIOAOIVAY, XFAV YOIIK, Invite, Ihn attsr Hon of tne Trade to their rxten. Hive assortment of the nhove Roods, ol tuna own t-VBLTL'ATlOX, M4VFArU'BK JAU U1VUTA1 PlK, Alan, 111 OTO I.ANTEItN KMDEH . . AXU i ailAI'ilUHCOI'KH. NBW V1BW3 Or YOSEJUTE. K. II. V. ANTHONY dt Co., 6'Jl IlaoABWAT, New York, Opporlto Metropplltan Hotel, iMPOaitas aud MAKvricTuiirai or PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. Ill18d3m D ISNOLUTIOIV. The partnership existing between Jos. II. Heed and Hugh M. Mann, no far us the "Iron and Ma. thluery HuppllesBlore" laconeerned, is this day dissolved hy mutual consent, Jos. II. Heed tiav InK bought out tho tba interest ot II. M.Mann in the same. The stoiq will be conducted under the name of JOS. II. RKBIj. Tbo Cixtro Iron Works will bo conducted as usual under the firm name of Heed k Mann. 3W. II. HEED, Cairo, III.., ArrUCOOi, in!,,UaU U,.!?m (iMrnsM) (THREE) w m m DRUGS. j I Turtle Oil MADr IIY h WW, SOU AUD HAT90K TilERMQMETERSf TiiaiiniOMKTKItSi . B 0 Large Stoek f ..Toil BALK AT Whitcomb's SOOTHING SIRUP rOUALK AT- EAEOLAYS' Sapolio, laCliPaner Hint Tirtttv tlianfi I vviinll. Krtoiifor all iiHes Irxienl Inr clothe,) for iPHiiliiir ilotva ttlliiout water, l'ulnt. OlIClotttN, floorN, Tables, and nil w oouworu. t:iunn, Jinrui cn ntiU iattitre, nuil fur General House Clciiitini; I'nr. poses. For Polishing Kntvra, Tlmm llrnss, Steel, Iron, and all Jlelr Wares. Ilemo vi a, Hi ll ' JIt:lr, Ml and Itn.t, lenvtna; a brllllaut aur i Mtinl to Ntr. For Salo by BAKCLAY BKI. Chapped Hands GLYCERINE LOTION An Eloirantlr ntrfnmcd nud raluablo nrticlo tor the toilet uf H 2 o A Ladies ftnu tientlemcn. Will cure Channcd Hfljidg.IloiiL'liiiPfi!. or ino, HKin; Lnappcu i.ipn and Chafed Snrfaccs. TUV 0XEJ10TTLK. Prepsred by Barclay Brothers. EXTRfi FINE COLOGNE. lioutiliio Ijuiitirtcd J'xtat'ts. tup FINK I:N(JLISI SOAI'S. B 7 p 0 Hitlr, 'J'oulli nnd Xnll fjrnIic India ISiiIjIjri Nurfitry (iooilsj o AT 'I3V.3T2.aXj.Tr BROS IC'IKOIiAS FUITII, OtNIBAL UltTDERTAKSK e-i W is a 'o- . 3 i-j PS a 'r. P J3 r a 3 S M Cor. Washington arc. & 11th Street CAIRO ILLINOIS. prZM3m ' HANDBILLS. CIRCULARS And all k IZQAI. AND COMMBBCX JrOII PRIBTTIMO 8 2 S 5 0 1 5 FUflNITURE. h. n.tuiiKr,, HKAI.KIt IN .Bar Fixtures, ULASSWAUE and IIOUSK FUUiJjrl INO (lOOI)S, 185 and 187 COMMERCIAL AVENUE Cairo, IlllnolNs MILLINERY- Mrs. .McEjE'H Cheap Store Is now abundantly supplied sr'.th NEW GOODS To which tho parlloularl) Invites attention. !-ho ha.4 iibI received a full line ot Dress Trlmni!rir.s, fill!; ,Hmps, Silk (Inlonn, liulptire Iicc.m, Moss Trlmntliiy, Silk nuil Velret lliittons Crockrl IlnltoiiH, l'liish aud Ti'Iminliii; Vilvel, Silk Ulnips HATS and BONNETS, Fine Kid (Hones, Ladies and Childrens' Shoes And a lull and complete stoek of FANCY GOODS Alt of which ane proposes to sell si . The Very lowest Cash Pricti She invites the ladies to call and seo her DtW goods and lesrn the prite. Hhe lsdetermineil to maintain her claim to tnt) Dime of having "The Clieap Blore." A' oil BUTCHERS, yy AI7TEU A WAI.O.VY. Butchers AND DKALK1W IM FRESH MEAT' Eighth St., between Vashlngton & Commercial Ave., AilJotnlUfT mttenliousc L Ilaun'a. Keep tbe Lest of Meet, I'orW, Mutton, Veal, Lamh. Kaussge, etc., and are prepared to serve cltitni in the inott aceeptatle manner. ocUSdir J.m OIIGK STEIMIOUSI) FASHIONABLE BARBEIl Cor. Stli St. nud Commercial nr., in tux: perky house Hliarp Ilarors. Clean Tovrele aud Skill, lul Workmesis lilies' and Children's Hair Cat and Hhampoone I, either at the shop or AT Til KIR OWN HOMES, rkntleratn's Whiskers and HurDjed In ascien UDc manner, and latisractioncuarabteed. fsdt QAM. Ii. THOMAS, la prepared o da all kinds ol PAINTING snop. IN THE PERRY HOUSE. COStMilt COMMIlt'IAI.AVr.MJK ANI r.lUIITII STKIXT. JA3SES It Y3J ASTON BUTCHER AND DEALER IN AM KINDS OF FllESK MEATS Cor. ltllli aud Poplar St., Cairo, - - - Illinois Iluvsand sliughters cnljr the best cattle, nogs and slisep, and Is preared 10 rill any demand fur fresh ineanta from ono pound to ten thousand ponndi.. decSOdtt OHIO IiEVEtt. OAIBO. PULTON & SOSt, - Troprletor Aro Sow Inlfull Operation. Messrs. Fulton Sons ara prepared to (orolsh all kinds of Klour of the best quality, and also Mill Kaed of all kinds. Graham Flour, tntacka or In loss quantltr, mada from tho best WniU Wheat, aawlMSt fOHN GATES v Proprietor of tha Billiard Saloon and Bar Boon T7!I tTft.fT 100 ComuicrclalAve. n'o - - - Illinois JJE8INESS CARDS, mi III LI, HEADS, IIII.LS LADING, LETTER UKADKa