OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, May 06, 1871, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library, Urbana, IL

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn88074142/1871-05-06/ed-1/seq-3/

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the oaibo Buiiiiirri jst, i&jLrsr e
r ARB f ram Terpaal.I-oadoaderrr
Alaasjaw a' Buntow to Cairo
wH 20
0arr1, Harris Y CaatJec, Agl'
Importer and Wholesale Dealer
ines, Liquors
Aen; for beat breads of
(nooetfiar to Pohle ft Btoekfletb)
r '
ulet!2er Ml Wholesale Dealer la For
elga and Domestic
79 Ohio Iicvee,
'CAIRO. - - - XUTj.
Be keeps on bu 1 conatantlr, a fait tok f
.fUEMtiekr Bcirbea. Rje and Mom.
aarahela vThlskleg, French Bras,
tie. Holland till. Raise
s. . Mtowicc
i l.
,A Comer SUth aid WsJiat Streets,
(Entrto'ee onilxthBlrttt.)
OAKES, CADY 4 CO., Proprietors.
fratattrclal At Opposite Pest Oflce
Ths Home It newly lurolthtd nod offer loth
publle Brflt-vUs aecomra datione. fk7dlf
Win. II. Myers. Jno.II, Caanoa
.'Hiiecewtr to E. O Tcttm A Co.,
502 K. 4th St., eor. St. Our I en,
Orsr U. H. Expren Officii, BT. LOCIS.
4: )T7 t - .
Order will rectlre piompt and careful atttn.
ion, aprfdlm
.L WMIJtiliER,
" LAW.
William,..!. AlUn,
Joha H. BJalkey,' $ CAIKO, ILL,
Namael , VItler J
Particular atfeeMon paid to rl w nd admiralty
r JpJ Roams, WlBlera Block!
William H. 6ra, )
William H. UlllMrl. V CAIRO, ILL.
Teliae r. Ollborl. J
tipeciat attention arrea to Admiralty and Steam
beat btulneas.
, Uatea i mm Olila ! UHmi 7 mm
PcctioorAitaaA Co,,
jBeneral: Commission Merchant
No. 133, Ohio Levee,
& FOR 1 v ;
TtAail( aa TBRVrAnoE eaah MtnmlMtoa
to good agcnte.who ara wanted NOW ary
wnore. Qomeininaior arerr noma., pua
for terw, 10cnn7r partial ipeeloUni, or II. (
fir complete outfit, to Brishl ida Ojmpanjr II
juauon mrrai.unieaso i.timju.
iBAjQcjfaiVroeiiilMKiui. job
Men's Fine Seal Skin Gaitcrf. And alio
'Prlnco Alborti' at Elllolt Allay thotVa.
" tf
Htascs' Serge and Kid PolUb, ea1 lop
top, at tho City Shoo Store, corner' Com
mercial arcnue and Eighth itreei, tf
: )
Floor. Choice Family Flour la bbli
half bbli., tacki Ac, for tale at the Egyp
tian Mllli. au
Ladle.' Serge (PolUb) French Kid,
ozed, at City Shoe Store, corner of Com
mercial arenue and Eighth street. tf
Who la U that does not like imoklng
hotbliculU for breakfaf? The Fame
Cook itore will bakotheminflre minute
time by the watch. tf
The Urfe patent moreable point iteel
plow; one eitra point gtven with each
plow. For tale only by
Cif 130 Commercial Ato.
Ladle' Serge (Poliib), acallop-top, for
from one dollar and fifty ccnU to three
dollar and twenty-five centi, at City
Shoe Store, corner of Commercial avenuo
and Eighth itreet. tf
A iplcndld assortment of bird cages
moai basket?, flower itandu, flower train
en, wire-cloth for window screen, bath
and foot tubi, &c, Ac, just received at:
aCtf 130 Commercial Ave.
JUnc'Lir Dnon. are telling more of Sim
mons' Liver Regulator, at retail, than of
all tho others of that class of tnodicinc
put together. The reason of this is be
came all' who try it recommend It to tholr
friends. my2dlw
Wk have been requested to say that
Elliott & Haythorn have now on exhibi
tion, and for tale, everything In tho boot
and shoe lino for ladlw, nnd gentlemen's
wear: nnd that all their goods aro new
and ttvliib. aprlCtf
A Haxdful. A very small quantity of
wood or coal, in a Charter Oak Stovo will
cook a plentcou meal for a small family ;
for its whole arrangement hot-air flues,
oven, fire-box, damper, etc, is so planned
as to save and apply all the beat gcreratcd
directly to tb cooking food, without per
mitting it to escape up the chimney.
Scccess is the best tett of supcrorlty;
tne wonderful demand for Simmons' Liver
Regulator is one of the convincing proofs
that this article it appreciated above every
tblngelte of the kind. ITowcTcrmuch its
jealous defameri may throw their shafts,
truth will prevail and to will this medi
cine. my2dawlw
Fob Sals. Tbo undersigned will soli
at piivate tale the following described
property: Four work: hones; 2 .et
double harness; 2 two-horse wagons;
soveral plows and other Agricultural Im
plements. Parties deniring .to purchase
will call at her residence or at Robt. Dri
bach's, oppot ito the court house. Terms
of sale, half cash; balance-on ilx month's
credit, with good security.
apr22dlm Mas. KATIE COOPER.
Picnic Excursion Mat 1st. The
above named picnic is postponed until
Wednesday, May lOtb, on account of the
steamer Eckert having to go to the wreck
of the steamer Dunham, sunk near Little
Rock, Arkansas, tome sis day ago. On the
day named the excursion will take plaoe
according t3 the already published pro
gramme, when it will be much pleasantec
for steamboat as d. rural enjoyment.
W. n. 8CUUTTER, Managers
New Time Table.
On and after 12:30, p. m., Sunday, Dec
4th, the following timo table will govern
the arrival and departure of potion gor
trains at Cairo ;
Mail train leaves at 3:40 a.m.
Express " " at 3:30 p.m.
St. Lou and Cairo Express
leaves at 1:20 a.m.
Accommodation leaves nt... 12:80 p.m.
Mall arrives. 2:05 a.m.
Express arrives '.12:24 p.m.
St Louis and Cairo Express
arrives 4:4S p.m.
Tho last named train leaves St. Louis
at 10:30 a.m. Traders can leave Cairo at
1:20 a.m., reach St. Louis at 7:25 a.ro., re
main in the city three hours, and return
to Cairo at 4:46 p.m., the samo day.
The 12:30 accommodation and Cairo
and St. Louis express leavo dolly ;' all oth.
rs leave dally except Sundays.
Way passengers should Jbear. In mind
that the 3:30 p.m. train makes only Ave stop
pings between Cairo and Centralla via t
Mounds, Joncaboro, Carbondale, Dq Quoin
and Ashley. The 12:30 p.m. train stops
at all the stations along the route.
k i , Agent, Cain..
Coraer Wstaklaxsjtoai Avan mum rmr
teeatk (treat. .
Fred. BlaakenbuTg's saloon Is newly
and elegantly fitted up aod,suppljod,,wh
cthe'flnest wines, liquors, boer, clgnrsVoHo,
that can bo found in tne city; and Fred,
hu'ndifiporlor'as'a'dlipcnter of dotlehtful
beverages. Do'not forget the place, cor
ner 14th itreet and Washington RTennt,
, James S. Morris was la the city' yes
terday on saw mill business. '
Chief of Police Myers traced the
meat thieves, who robbed Oayer & Co 4
moke5houso on Thursday night, to tho
barraekaj "
Tho cisterns the public, cisterns
tor, which tho Contractor received several
hundred dollars, how aro thoy 1 will they
hold water T
Wlckwlro will bavo his full force of
brick-layers at work on tho Bros. Halli
day buildings next Monday, and will
crowd the work thrpugh with all tho ex
pedition possible.
Tho negreea who was severely Injured
by the brick of the little bout that fell
on Thursday, I doing very well. She
will not die. Luckily the brick hit hr
on the head.
Motes Torre nee, the Dlnkle burglar,
was taken before Brois yesterday, but
called for a change of venuo. The J udge,
being a man of sound sense, sent the pris
oner to McHale.
The public t:hool library I entirely free
from debt, thank to the energy of Rev.'
0. II. Footc. The library now prauetie
several hundred volumes of .valuable
works and Is now In charge of Mr. Eng.
Ilsb, tho very efficient superintendent of
our public schools.
Judgo Dross and Editor Davit locked
horns on the railroad question at the pott
office tho other evening. The dobato was
warm for a time, but the Prutslanio per
sistency of the Judgo was n little too much
for tho Frenchified courtesy of the shining
man of tho Sun, and well, the dispute
ended in words, only words.
McHale, with his band of gallant chain
gangers, has opened the ditch leading
from tho pond behind Williams' mill to
tho Thirty-second street sower. Owing
to the muddy condition of the ditch all
the obstructions could net be removed;
but, a very good job was done, considering
the difficulties in the way.
Mr. Joseph Arnold, a man who make
his living by polico business, and moves in
a mysterious way, Is an applicant for a
position on the police force. Let the good
people of the city ponder and become
wrapped in wondor. A couple of year
ago Joe would have filled the bill, hut
now I
llalllday Brother now receive the
well-known Ohio river and Kanawha salt
in bulk, and pack it here in' the white wood
flat-hooped barrels, now being manufac
tured in this city, free from the dinger
stain that spoil the beauty of the ordinary
oak barrels used in salt packing. Salt in
this new "cooperage" k much more desira
ble for the trade and command higher
price than when packed in the old-style
A member of our distinguished County
Court is roputed to have said that tbo
court is indifferent to public criticisms and
don't care a d n for all tbe newspapers in
tho United States. If we were not fea'rful
the expression might shock tbo honorable
court and bring down on our head its high
diiplcasure, wo would gently assure it
that if all tbe newspapers in tbo United
States aro like Tiik Bulletin, all tho
newspapers in tho United States don't
care a d n for the court. Even.
Fitzgerald's Sautle Room. Por
sons blbulouily inclined, lovers of the ex- 1
bllcratlng juice of the corn and juico oi tho
grape, or malt beverages, should call im
mediately at tho sample rooms, on corner
Commercial avenue tad Fourteenth street.
Beside everything In the drinking line,
of the purest kind, he has the most fra
grant' Havana clgars,importatlonr from
Cuba, that land of narcotio weeds," Fits
gerald keep a flrtt-clait place, and 'has
wUh him Jimmy Eigliibf whoi know ev
erybody, and knows the want of every
body and who is a gentleman, every
inch of him.
To Ttaesa tke Atttatlom mt Ike Pwklle
is EaiMeUlljr lavlicd.
New Barber Shop, Tho razor is might
ier than cither tbe sword or pen, and
Frederick Netzer bandies his razor with
nioro skill than William doe his sword or
Dickens did 'his pen; and beyond all
.doubt, he has tho most splendidly fur
nished shop in tho city. He may bp
found near tho corner of Ohio lovce, on
Eighth stroet, in (he rear 0 the SI. JVeA-
olas Hotel, Givo him a call. myCtf
Meat). The branch meatshop of James
Kynaston, located on Commercial avenue,
noxt door to tho grocery ttoro of James
Carroll, is now in full blest, and this pop
ular butcher is supplying all tho refined
meatcators of that portion or tbe Fourth
Ward with splendid meat. If you have
not tried him givo him a call. tf
Alba'. Tho barber shop of Wro. Alba,
on Commercial avenue, near tbe corner of
Eighth street, Is tho place to which all
lovers of a good, close shave with raxors
(harper than th .wit of twenty Jcrrolds,
wind their way. tf
St. Nicholas. Day boarders can se
cure good accommodation at the St, Nich
olas (formerly the St. James) at per
week. Tbe bouse is at thoj corner ofOhio
levco and Eighth street, a central location;
and is proprlctored by Hariy Walker,
who Is alive to the want of his patrons,
Parties deilrlng hoarding and lodging can
learn term on inquiry at the office,
may3dtf, ,
(ieritf' ..Oxford. Ties,' Prln.-e Albert
and Opera Slipper, at the '-City Shoe
-J ' w. .. v. v. WVWIMIVI. .f ,HU. BIJU
jiigntn street. tf
.frommmt MeVtieMs1Sfira to ike
The City Jail, or calaboose, Is not the.
mow inviting naoitanon in we worm, ana
until tbo present jailer took charge of It,
was not far removed fronVthe flltbtnes of
A pig pen. Under McHale' care, however)
It ha been put into as good- condition as
possible, and Its cleanliness is abovo re
proach.' But other rlerms;re needed
almost siemandodia ecesHlo.
In the 'first place, the jail is' too small.
Thoro aro only two eells and a hall, and,
.into these cell and haU.all the ordlnaocc-
Tfealter," male and fekale, irunk and so
ber, clean and dirty, verminlesa ana lousy,
decent and Indecent are crowded. Tho
consequence tf, tttwi discipline in tho jail
K naainiAinea ,wa,. tjrea ..io?r. Ane
rough f for the tender sprig of (In, and
tbe drunken, men, go for the mat
trasee and rula them a 'rapidly at they
can U parchased. What I mott,Boeded is
alock-up la 1 which toeonflne the drunken
fellow aad tho prevent the destruction
of property and preserve the "mugs" of
non-combatant prisoners. Tho roof of tho
jail leaks badly and must bo re-hinjrled.
rIt I proposed, while doing this work, to
add two additional cells. Tho following
diagram will show the proposed Improve
ment: MEW CELL
9x10 feet; "
,T -,LOCK-Ur
i 19 x9 FEET.'
This show tbo ground floor. The se
cond story, which now contains but two
small rooms and a very small k'ttchen,
will also be enlarged by the addition, and
thus bo mado a tolerable residence for hu
man being.
The cost of tho proposed improvement
will not exceed $800. ,
The Dest Sewino Machine. At the
annaal exhibition of tbe New England
Agricultural and Mechanical Society'
Fair, held in Beaton during the month of
August, 1870, theDavit tewing machine
wa entered a a competitor on the list of
double thread machine for manufactur
ing and family purposes. After a close
test of one week on all-.the j points oi ex
cellence claimed by;Othcr'aaehines, it was
awarded the first and highest premium a
gold medal. Also at the Michigan State
Fair, held at Jackson Sept. 20 to 23, it
was awarded tho first premium a? med
al for the belt double thread sewing ma
chino for family use; also the first premi
um for the best douule tbread'eewing ma
chine tor' manufacturing purposes.
E. and W. BUDKR,
Agents for Southern Illinois.
The Fen ton Corn Mill. This estab
lishment,, corner of Commercial avenue
and Twentieth street, is now in charge of
Mr. M. D. Guntcr, who having purchased
and thoroughly refitted it, invito tbe at
tention of the public to tbo fact that he is
now prepared to furnish dealers end fami
lies with tbe very best article of corn meal.
Order left at the mill or sent through tho
postoffico will receive prompt attention.
Meat Thieves. Look Out for Your
Suokb Housns. The meat thieve of
' the city tho rascal who must eat and
won't work have, if appearances are not
very deceptive, an especial partiality for
Gayer & Co., the proprietor of the Peo
ple' "Meat Market, at the corner of Tenth
street. If ot long ago, a well-postod thief
unlocked the door at night, helped himself
to what be wanted, and retired in good
order, locking the door behind him. Then
Gayer & Co. becamo very careful, and
fell into the habit of locking their" meat in
a brick smoke house locking tho door
with a padlock fastened td a staple Tbo
thieves were equal to tho emergency, and
on Thursday night pulled a1 board off tho
fonce, go", through tbe hole, then pulled
out tbe staple, and opened tbe door. It
never struck Gayer & Co, that tbe pad
lock and staple were only slight impedi
ments in tho way of hungry meat thieves.
At last report tho ntnount of moat gob
bled by the (taple puller had not been
definitely atcortained but it is a large
amount. Wo would suggest to butchers
who Jock up meat in smoke houses' that
they thould.put the ttaplet of thedoors on
the inside. Which is advice we give with
out money and without prlco.
' . -
Removal. Mrt. J. Camming wiibet
to inform her customers and the public
generally nat she has removed her miU
linory'good from her store' on Eighth
street tp the commodious room ,oa, Com-
merciai Avenue, between .oeveniu ana
Eighth 'streets known as Mrs. Oswold'a
old stand. Mrs,- dimming1 hat added
fargelyOo her tloek of goods, And now has
a cheap, seasonable and fashionable col
lection of hot, bonnets, ribbons, etc.. to
wblch,she asks the attontlo'n.cjf.qld and
new patrons. miuii
GubUeim will, in tho future, conduct
the barber business of Fred Theobald, at
the.pld tand. A full set of competent bar
Dora have tcon engaged, and. customer
wllj riryVslientton in overy particular.
Dohot'ftiirto call' and get a first-class
shave, hair-cut and shampoo. m2tf
g . rri:.tv
H r .v j ,
. . CELL.
Reda)tlrlta and White, Blaek Bpfrlta
and Otlr-lniiilrillan.l Nalrlttfal-
t Situ-IIenllng Hptrliaallam-.Talklas;
pwiiaaiiintuy oia nplrltnaiism
lath !; orth Red Has' We Con.
A few months ago a peculiar craft
might havo been accn floating down tho
placid Ohio, flying at tho pinnacle of n
long pole fastoned to tho bow, a red rag
a nico red rag, that fluttered in the breeze
and toyed in crimson glee so to speak
with tho breezes.
Silently tho craft approached our wharf
and was tied fast nearly oppotite tho box
factory in tho Fourth ward.
Tho man who tied thi ark of a new
doctrine fait was Doctor Lathrop, who i
It owner, and the husband of Mr. Lath
rop, who' cleave to her husband on the,
river and off the river, in sunshine and in
Tho Doctor toon became active in the
noble work of healing the tick, and Joe
Arnold, who i alway on the lookout for
softsntpi, had this great agent of civili
zation arretted on the chargo of peddling
without a license. But Joe will occasion
ally mako a mistake, and in barking up
tbe tree of tho owner of tbe red rag, he fell
into an cggreglous error. Litbrop was
not a soft snap. Uu knew his. buslnoss.
Ho didn't know bow to "come down"
gracefully. Bross discharged him. Ar
nold bad no case.
But to our story. Dr. Lathrop began
at onco to preach tho doctrino of spiritual
ism, and hold his wifo up as one of tbo
greatly favored of tbe spirit land.
Converts gathered about tho Red Rag
and tho cozy recesses of tho Doctor's boat
becamo tho meeting placo of the believers.
And now "circle" open to tho public
aro held on Tuesday and Thursday nights
of each week.
Yosterday, the Doctor favored us with a
call, and after Indulging in a philippic
against Joe Arnold, ho branched out into
a description of tho powers of his gifted
Ho said, among other things: "Mrs.
L. is a medium through which the spirits
of the great dead doctors of tho past take
great delight in communicating. Shecan,1'
ho added, diagnotii all dlseaiM. Sho it,
in short, an inspirational medium, reading
casca without any previout information
rolat'.ve to them. Sir, the gives myttic
power to every person who comes to the
boat that flies tho Rod Rag at the mast
Now, hero is the opportunity for the af
flicted. Let the sick of tho city tho
lame, the halt and the blind all flock to
tbe Red Hag, and bo cured by inspiration
aljMrs. L athrop. She isgreat.
True. There can bo no doubt tha
Baugh is, paf excellence, tho bxjt and
shoemaker of Cairo. Ho challenge com-
.petition In bis .trade, and aisuros tbo pub
lic that he will guarantee, to his customers
satisfaction. His shop is on Eighth streot
near the corner of Ohio Leveo. tf
Notiiino venturo, nothing have. Here
i a chance to aid in a good cauio and at
the samo time win a fortune This legal
entcrprite in aid of a public library at
Omaha is conducted by honorablo men, in
whom confidence can be placed. Buy a
ticket and win that $20,000. Sco adver
tisement. my2dawlw
II0U8K Moving. James Kennedy is
well-know in tho city as a .skillful rac
chaaic. Ho has been absent from tho city
for several months, but has returned and
is now seeking business in bis line of work.
Ho has all tho necessary implement for
moving house of any size from tbesmall
est smoke house in the city to the custom
houte. Ho it also at tho command of tho
public a a builder, and will do all kinds
of repairing. We can recommend Ken
nedy as a gentleman in every way worthy
of patronage. Seo hi advertisement.
CAcqut at Last. Sometime ago
man named Moset Torrenco was arrested
for playing tbe confidence game on a
young man, at that timo a band on the
steamer Eckert. Tbe evidence was not
sufficient and be was discharged. At that
time Torrenco was boarding with Henry
Dinklo, who appeared to havo considera
ble conlldenco In tbo rascal, his personal
nppourunro' being much In favor of tbo
Impression that he was strictly an honest
man. After awhile, Torrenco left, the city,
but rolurned on Monday last. Chief of
Polleo Myers "spotted" him at a danger
ous, character, notwlutanding his honest
looks, and kept "an eyo on him." Yester
day morning, about 1 o'clock, Myers saw
Torrenco enter Dinklo's home, and laid in
whR for him. In about fifteen minutes,
Torrenco re-oppearod and walked off, carry-,
ing atuiplciout bundle. Myers followe
and arrested his man, and found in his pot
tesslon four bed sproads, valuod at $1 each,
Dinklo's property. Tbo honest-looking
thief wn locked up, and yesterday was
brought beforo Esquiro McIInlo who
held him to answer in the turn of $800.
He is now in chargo of tbo county jailer.
Addition to the Citt Jail. An ad
dition is to bo built to tbo city jail two
new cell and a now roof over all. Tbo
proposed improvements aro greatly
needed.: They will cost, according to an
estimate mado by a skillful carpenter, not
to exceed one hundred and seventy dol
lar. Sewino Machines. Attention of
pertons wishing a first-class
sewing machine is called to tho
late improved "Wheeler and Wilton'.
Tliey cannot bo excelled for a family
machine, or for lltrht manufacturing nur-
,poses. All are invited to caH and oxam-
mo tuo improvements, j. u, uAiiaun,
apSOdlm Agents, Cairo, 111.
Tub St. Louts Ladies' Magazine.
We aro Indebted to Messrs. W. B. Rock
woll & Co. for the Initial numbrr of this
magazine. It i intended, says, the edi
tress, Mrs. Margaret L. Johnton, "to oc
cupy a potltion in advnnco of tho so-called
Ltdlc" periodical both In breadth of
icopo and literary cxcoilence." And tint
intention it well carried out in tho nunw
ber beforo us. Besides a fair amounUof
matter, in the shapo of stories, essay and
potry, it contains several well-written
article upon topic Interesting to every'
woman in the West. Each number will
contain an elegant fashion plato, pattorna
for embroidery, music, etc Prico twenty
flvo cents. For salo at Rockwell's.
p. Attention, Sir Kxioms. A re
Vgulr conclave of Cairo Command
ry No. 13, of Knight Templar, will bo
held at the Asylum, In the cily of Cairo,
this (Saturday) ovening, May 6th, 1871,
at 8 o'clock. Sojourning Sir Knights aro
courteontly Invited to attend.
JAS. S. RBARDEN, Recorder.
Tbe home heretofore occupied by Pat
rick Fitzgerald, on Oblo Levco between
Fourth and Sixth streets. Thit faoutc. if
not tho best business faouio is certainly
onoofthe best Hands in Cairo. It fronts
the principal ttoamboat landing and is
near tho Illinois Central railroad depot.
Also tho second floor of the samo building
suitably arranged for offices. Apply next
dcor at Robert Smyth & Co s. wholctalo
grocery store.
Halt, Laotal 4c Co. la the Froxcn Field,
Tho ice wagons of Huso, Loomis & Co. will
commence to deliver ico about the city on
Monday, May 1st, and will contlnuo to
mako daily rounds each morning (Sun
days excepted) during tho present season.
Orders left at tho offlco of tho company,
corner Ohio tevce and Eighth street, will
receive prompt attention. Hute, Lfomls
Sc Or. aro also prepared to fill all orders
in tne steamboat and shipping trado.
To occupy a very pleasant room, (fur
nished or unfurnished), on Washington
avenue, opposite tbe new custom house ;
suitable for man and wife or ilnglo gen
tleman. Alto a limited number of day
boarder. Term very reasonable. En
quire at this office. may5-6td
Yattleaiar Katie air tka Eaterailaa
Mvtac asaata.
Citt Scair, registered for interest,
BononT at par by the Enterriie Stttingi
mySdlw Treasurer.
Tka DowafaU of a. Iloaae Four ?(
roaa lnjartd.
Last night about eight oclock a house
on Wathington Avenue, near Fourth
street, tell to tho ground with a crash
Tbe building, conttructed partly of brick,
was occupied at the timo by a nero fam
ily, four of whom wcro injured. An in
fant was entirely covered with brick bats
but was rescued without oven a scratch
A woman, who was sick and in bed, was
badly hurt, and there Is some doubt of bcr
Steamer-Illinois, Columbus.
" Jat.Fitk, Jr., Paducah.
11 Champion, St. Louis.
M. T. Wicks, St. Louis.
" n. S. Turner, St. Louit.
" Paulino Carroll, New Orleant.
" John Lumsdon, Nathville.
" Colorado, St. Louis.
" Mary Houston, Louisvlllo.
Sam Brown, St. Louis.
Stoamer Illinois, Columbus.
" Jas. Fisk, Jr., Paducah.
" Champion, Cincinnati.
" M. J. Wicks, Now Orleans.
" n.S. Tumor, Louisvlllo.
" Paulino Carroll, St. Louis.
" John Lumsdcn.
" Colorado, Vlcktburg.
" Mary Houston, New Orleans.
' " Sura Brown, St. LouIj.
ITho river continue to rite tteadily.
IgfTbe weather continue cloudy and
disagreeably cold.
MrTbe river it rtill rising at St. Louis,
but slowly. The Illinois and Missouri are
about stationary.
lO-Tho Ohio it ritingat Pittsburg with
tlx feot three inches in tbo ohaunel, and
coal men Expected to start a tow out yes
terday. .
fSTAt Louisville tbe river is also rising
with six foet eight inches iu tho chulo.
BavA Louisville telegram enumerates
the Cbas. Bod man among the departures
for Cincinnati.
SaTThe Jumna Ifnwinl nnd Itlohmnnrl
for Now Orleans, and Bollu Memphis for
Memphis, aro duo to-day.
MaT-A dispatch from Davenport May
4th, says that: Tbo St. Johns collided. this
morning about 0 o'clock with plor No: 3
of tho new bridge, whlto trylug lo, pats
down. Both guards were crushed la and
tho boat was badly wrenched, displacing
the boilers. A loak wa sprung, but he
wa able to reaeh thi wharf without dif-
a' i.J . f
ucuiij, wuer siewt un:
pairs, wlilch will takTiomo davt. "
tlonof bniinofVMei0
Tho Jno. Lumsdcn brought 19 hhds
tobacco J Uk Soyth and 17 thouiand
feet lumber, 20, thousand cedarpoila
forreihlpmontloStLoui. "
sSLiTho combination ;hw etefoea ;!(t
Ing between the Lumsdn(TyroeMTa1
isman, ha been dUiolved: and, each .Woat
now runapn it.own,book ,Whcthai.thi
change is indlcatiro of an open warfare
Nashyijle and . Evantvllle picket Molllo
Ragan. or not, o cannot, sayyet(tlobk
a eood deal that war: That m "Aan.,
should have occurred just at the, time
when business ft so very dull, and when a
comoination lor euo protection , is most
needed, teems to indicate that war las
been dcclaro and If so, we may look for
ltvely times, low ratesnd"a bijj'lfust up
v.. lug VUIIIUCI inilU 1U fcllV IWUIf. Vl,ll UiU.
erTA telegram fromc '(niffieAni lay
that In the la'o itorm on tnoT6wer',Sii
sisiippl the Leonlda lost her chlnitrtys,
cscapo pipes andj.whce) b9;wp. v Pretty
heavy lo for a stern. wbeel,bpat, ami ono
which can never bo ropnlred.
agi-Tho nrkansas Bell Is the Evansville
packet this ovoning on arrival of tho train.
B3uTho James Fisk, Jr, is the Paducah
Packet. i l
tS'Tho Jno. Lunsdcn is the aihyllle
packet, leaving this evening on (arrival of
the train.
B.rauline Carroll discharged 700 bxs.
of orrnngcs'nnd lemons for Chlcaso.
JamcR Kcnnodp-
.1 prepareit to do.sll ktndt of.
Itepalrlaa: Every D'tcfTtotUn
On the m t rf onable trrmt. Orders left at the
It-siucuw ui oil. nruiir'ij, DQ wntnrpirwI.'DflZI
door tl tho nrr wliool builllng, or twMrntsxl to
win reoeiTo prompi ai tension. mfoii
7 "30 GQLI LoAr
uuiiiuciu a u.vaiiii uauiimii
"J -
The building of tho Northern Pocfflc IUllrftftJ,
(begun Julj Uit) U bcln tuh4,forwrd'wUii
rreat cn5rTVr from roth tilrAnti tt tha IfnA.
anUonlbfl PAniflocntiat. Th-grtvJe la..f-rly
Mmnlalail Qflit tilj , t J a.....
topf Irtilna nro rnnnlna m.as 1 .1 ai yv A.Lw
earoat, ana iraeKuioff,t rapmi? progrcisiRg
- . . - . " -
oi compiawaroaa, aiia or Hp;imMrDixiuiu
win d incrcuoi 10 ai icoaioov;
JayCook uo.,arenow lellinff, and nnheni-
Hnnila oi ihn VnrthAm Pa (ft i RailmaH rnmrianv
. j -iu v m m 1 1 m wui i wv snuu uiam uui
iuei lis v av uaia iu uu wmw ivi cu auu um
mnPttrairA -in triM n first rnrtil and ila nn tmianl
93.000 ACBX3 OF JsAltB 1
to evenr mile of track, or 500 acres for each
ii.uuu nonu. Anew, m sixain nt rramx ij.iMihi
iriHiiDna.rDiiniini. siuu in ai.utai: t-aaasaajetrtaii-" a i
to $10,000.
land fob; aexDt:
the Company's lati(l, at their lowest cash price
Of the t int Mortneei HAndli of lh Comnanv
vui v tauvci ma bjs uzt sjaa ui asiaa ajumnsanw
.It. ...I hUh IL... I- I
Tvniiiiviiii njviiwia au ssibi ircuuiD. ie iiiv:is IB IIIU
runtaui) or sa.n
1 he success of the new enTernintnl S per cent
ITnltbUl.l..ltn..n..l. '
Tweutl'tii are now exchinglujr tl.ora for North
rrn i .0 u: o-tcq in rue-, inue re.nuar
1V "Z.:. . -
Ullinu niit,UHlIAB,
tha Kln.nt..illl Amenta Pull infttrmlnn 'm.n.
nr og-ncy, nr from the untiereigoed
Kor .ale by . '
Pnilailclphla. New York, Wafhlngton,
Financial Agent. Northern 1'aeifla IUIIrod fja
LUNT, PRESTON KINO. Baaker.. Ch'c.f.
uui. ..wi.uviil I11UI.IUI.
For sale by l tho . i V
Baak. Calra. midti
rnri. nrf..maier'a iini.i. aos and all. Aimk
conittrret, St. Louis. dittos
, - !!
niTV MAHNirAl.ta Kgvwmrtv
a i
All owners oi uob ar herebr nnlll n,.t
... unninff.iuoaa'iaeH
. ... ...... ww lly -,,VTV p onn naiiv- uutib
f!a(rn Anvit vt lirrf In. V7T
IS Ma allial
' t-... .., mtrtm, ar IU
' . ' 4 8i -TMiravTl
. '2?iX
flaaJtemoTeJTroiuilial'wrrJIoiuolo Hit;
Baa a ansa mm siBB.aaa.aar is.i at . m asaa
t . - - J- i
t Be hii jrea'lT lacreasid h-S'a(eok, aoit has i
aaia. oaii bigaia, uiooe. snauua.
nxurea.ana mviua the patron of thei-ablio.

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