Newspaper Page Text
- r rr FRANCE. mnbli, Vnitr as Attack. U. JkiranpteMs n ht CMUMlllTMt Htlltl Wl tllf. he rarffk ' T 1 ' Vtmmb Br ! rt a. KK.XASK Of X COMMAXPANT. Fams, Mjr.Tho Corarnunp bu or- raJRW'coWwind.HVf Fori Vlnccn wlio wm raenntlr arretted on upt sWoraky ,ts tb.Jratllc. BOWIM. UNPOPULAR. Tbe new rainlitcr of war, Genoral Rom m), i aapojrolar with tbo Commune. , Tk cofanuvdant of jFort Imjt ha bcc nalNedbOatieral Bouel forlniuoor dlaallon. Tbo German commander, tMf, T?5 ? TAX, , , Mi, M a oaajmualjoo to the Commnno, pTOUMM afalart the, execs of 200 trofps a UM nrrmm at'Fort vncennci. Tbo PrtusJtBi atlUJnUrrupt provision Intend d for Paris, and rofuW an explanation a to th causo. of their action. TAkidVB i.tOAOEUENTS. VKBaaitLxs, May C Thcro was can monadlnf during all lait night. ThU Bornlng thero wero several engagements (a the tteacbsja, and oome prltonon were taken. All meant of communication be tween the iniurgenU In Fort lay and YaaTrM hTe", been destroyed. Tlio, fcov rnitwit worki arb being completed dciplto tne b'earjr fire kept up by tho Cummuniat latteries. .SLEqTIOK wlrrpKJtDA; Tbe lopplementary clrtioni, to fill va- cascie in the AiAcmbly, hao boon post-, ported until alter tne turrenocr oi ram. IVaUXQENT SUCCESSES. Paxil, May C The force of tho Com mune hate occupied Fort Isy. Tho Com, BaoMeeUre'tbat Fort Yanvrci 1 i'till tenable, and that' (heir troop have' car riod the barricade on the iilanda of (I rand Cote and Bineau. (Probably a cabjo. blunder for Putaaux.) , MEMBEB OF THE COMMUNE AHBEBTBU. Blaneliet,mwiber oftbjJ Commune,-bat been arreated by order of hit associate. General Rowel, in hit operation against th TeriallllfU, avoid all tuelcu 'dcatrue tlopoproperjy. " , t aiAkr woax n xus tkenches. Vim aims, May 6. At noon to-day there wa;harp engagement in tho trenche In front of ForU Itty and Van- rre. The Verteillea troop carried by at aault m email redan, defended by a force of the CoBUBunkU, who wore taken prii oner. The work wa, howo vcr, ovacuatod by the VenalllliU, in conicquonco of it aipoweto f re from Fort Vanfrci. " r ) jourvau scrnuusED1. " Plait, May &Tho Commune'has up preeftKfoltowlnic, JotinaTt: PoUt Monlteur, Petit National, Bon Scvo, Pollt; Prciae, Petit Jauriihl, Orenco and Tempt. m -0 RCKSKL A1roUTED OKNKllAI. IK .CI11EV The docreo LwuM by tbo,conimltteo of public tarcty rosU in. General ltossol the inuiavory airecuon oi military operation. The Communo Lave alio given an ordor lor Jho demolition of tho i-Eiiiatorrchanol. Geaeral Bbisel hat formally Uiea control uf ipotomuno army, and an ofder'of the dayi appolnu Donibrdwkl .to com- mand the right wjng,-LuCoxnlia 'te.cen- wi, aooiaaiii tne iert wing and Jlorgurot andEndct the retervot. . AttempU'at an'armitUco ccnllnne, but a yet, without iee. ; ' roBT TIXCEXXEa ASKS HEIXroaOEMEMTH. PAia, p. m., May ft The commandant of Fort Vlnceone ha informwl tbe.Couw monethat the reaction W reduced" l"i garriion one huudred aud fifiy men, hnd' 0TV?,Di',!,11t',n- THE" BAVETT COMMltTHM WITH BOHKt. General Rl ha ci)'of th? inwrnwc on, uio pixrt.i.r tlie.cotnmlt- lee onafcty, and rtject tharetponnibility piaooa upon hint, lie wm gonu lo T-Vrt Vanvrw, where Iio has dlmU'a t, e.itn. mandanu. Tering, toiith of tlii pity; U" TiKurou) win io uiat' at tuillv and A:j mere ! alternately furious mid weak. A A fBENH ATTACK on the touthwt cf the elly it inipeiid. Piatt ha signed the uiombunliiji of tli.i tafety cominlttt-o. ' kepokih. " ''I' tho Communo of the-conrnltUxi fp retlKn, It I laid that Botsel anil.DamVruki reuii(unfripnly,tertiw. ine Jtevfiiio.irpportt Jlgimp,riiit In- trlguo at Geneva. l-RBfiftlNO roK THE OrrEIthlVV.. ' Pabi, May ft General HomcI U pre paring for anxiffeolI?eroovem'ei)t,iwlUi lorty tboutand of hit best men. The Com muuifUetm retain Fort lav aVd'otnnot be expelled. . 'lrooadero battoiie bare been advancod aad opened lire agalnit Fort Valerein. etwM iwrta. AUITED rOB THE COVrKHEMCV. l VBAnuSTOVTMK-MAi2r, May 0. lUmarck and Favre and Pouyer Quertlen kro arrived here for tbe purpote of hold- ,B 'fW9 rW A"VWed uovaoH:frM)H citizen. TBEATT PfJlCEAMnCJrATXU. Loco,'My T,i:3d i, i.-It'l, .nllci tod that a d4n (reaiy of peace will U ilgM4 MFrMikfort a toon al tbe mode of paycoMt of the fudeiMRlty i aettled. ar M 1 . . MEDICAL- HOOFLAND'Si mm BITTERS NOOFUNil'S CERMAh TONlC .! IIooHHtirt'it Portitpli) Ulnn '.Pill -li. Hboflattd's' Greek Oil.. ' lIooniand's'f.'ermaK Hlttr-rs. A Billera WUhont Alrohol or Miilrlta or nny Ulna Iidlffircnt from all otner. In comjiocd of tho nnwiiilc-nr Tiinl princlpls of Itodta, Ilcrbsaatl Dark (or tn-dicallr termed, (xtracis.) the worlhl anl lnrt portlom of the losredienta not being uml. Therefore, la one bottle of tlii BIUr there 1 1 contained a rnoch medicinal vir tue as will bo found In tcreral gellont of ordinary mixture. The Hoots, ete., uaed In thla Uittora are grown In Germany, their vital principles ex tracted in that country br a sclentlflo Chemist and forwarded to the manufactory In thUeltv, where they are compounded and bottled. Containing no vplrltuouatngrtdlent, (hi Bitters Is free from tbe objections urged against all others) nodeslri for stimulant can belnducedfrom Ihelrtise, can maka no drunkards, and cannot, nnditr ircumstancn-, tiarq any but a beneBalal etrect. llotilluiiil-'a tirriuitii Tonic. WaCflMiiiun'iJdrr mom uol Inclined (it ex' nine btituM, asl is intrndod for uan In cote wiionaokioalcolivliOHtimulantls equirod Incoa ncciioa with Hie ioolo propertiei of the Kilters Kscbbotilu of the Tonic contatus one liollleo. Ihe Iliuers, combined with pnroPata Crtis itiitn, anjflvuiiliiiiiicli n manner that the extreme bitleniers.or lh Ititlera is OTerdome, formmxa preparation highly agreeable and pleas nt to the palate, anJconulnlDi-the medicinal virtue of the Hitters. The price of the Xomo is 81 00 per bottle, which many persons think too hih They mint tkr into couiidoration tiiat the, stimu lant used l guaranteed to bqof u pure quality, i poor article could be furnlnhed at a clierptr price, lut Is It not letter to pay a little more and nave a kooi article I a, loedlclnal preparation should contain none but the best inzrvdienis and UieywhoexpiDt to obtain a cheap comnotimluill mottcertalmr be cheated; - - They air the Urealcst Known Hem ,,,Utes, For Liver Complaint, Dyapepsis, Mrvoun tMblli ij, jsuQuicc, encase oi iiieMtlncys, Erup tions of tho' 6km, and all diseases srlinig Irom a dlsurileied l.lttr, timiiiach, orlio- putily of the lood. 11 tiu OllOWIIIt aytnptoniat Ccnpationv if lilfifwl In tliM Klamlcncc, luaard l'il, t uUneks r blood to the head, Aciihty ot the Womach, Naui-ea, llart-burn, dirgustuUonu, fullninsorwciglit in the Stomach, .ur trucUtion,rrn!tluK or tliittiring at thu pit of the Ktoinuch, swimming of tlio .blind, burneil crdillitullbtHtUilug.liiHterlmrat tliel.earl.chok ingur tuuocUliaKcnautloiuwhi-nln a lylac po. iuie, uniineM oi vision, uoiasnd wul ijefure the . m..., uu i i mi in mi. iimu, uvncicncy nr pcrspir. aiion,yliuboasuf the skin and rjes, piln In the side. buck. i ht, limb, cic., mddon liiibbes of heat, burning In iho flesh, ronatant inagiunics oi etil,aniKreatilepieaionor sulrits. Alltlieio indicnte dliwero of tire Liver or dl"vitlvo oicaii. combined wiUi liiiporeblocK ' . Hie ueof the llnieis or Tonlo will soon cane (healjoie a)ini;tom todlappur,aiid the iialient will lmtenp and healiv. lir. llnofluiul'M Greek Oil, LlBlitlne'Cliire for all Klattla of PsUns naacntt APFLlrtl ExrKEIlLLTIt VI1I..1IIU all .(...l 1 rain, and no!,.; niudi a, UhviiuiKti.iii, Kemslgia. rooUuchi),.tanlURin,, Hnues,"Kroti 1 '",.i"''',f,:h''"! ?''!"" ln the Hack and IajIih. I'alne the Joint., i.lnilin, HUngi r Insects, Bihk imi, etc. ' 11K1H IhtmhllLV II will ...... L.-I. I 'i'."." ia I'eaaehe, f.i0, dy.tery, diiurlioca, uhiLt-ia lufdntum, ehulera nioibui. I""1". " M"'h. fver si I ague . t'ti'jgns, coldn, Hlhiiis,et.. ilr. lliiolhuiil's I'odntilivlllii. OK t-vit'i-iifirr fwi jiKitcuitY l 'Jxto.CIi ,i c, .. iUoo-fh', vet lioittcent Veytablt Cutlarfle Known. ,11 l nut IINT-Ilrf lSt:il:e r.l ... - i .1.- 1 1 "'"If" neeti tum i . . . 1.. . .1 .tHX..., V. 1 II. '( lllh ilsvir. lis iwciiii.r wtlon is uiwull.e l.iv, r' 'uliiu K,l T?r.,.,,l tl'iujml. suits aiiiu-lu-l to II. o line uf ili.u . n.Li eleim. all the luimri'. 'ee-1 Intv ncli limine i.i ih Ani...i iuu iiitiirririuii ibau . . treme"", orTonlo shot Uji i ttU "f,,,fn'" ""Hers i.,n. , W." ."J" 1 " iiieitionllii ih. dealers ; in medUdue, e,?w7er7. K meoueiti ami ilu nut allow the lruteUVT,. iV. you to take anythiog else th.t he t'.'.0 .'.n.,,.?., liuilnsk.. . l. ,D J"?i 'root or n. a ln.nji.1 Alttll HTllBKli'hiiadVlpi7,;.'' ft OUM"! 031 riuc. niDDiir.iLii.n m .:iii(.tvf t. .. . formerly . M. JAOisitv , Uiropghput the United tftatea Cuiidls 'SliVJ waricaand fb. West Indies. Voraw, ! Ulh IM.UVIIIR 'rr. Jn. or the rdJ.oY.' o ?. .r!-lr .MiiiKlr.ike.wnu li a.byinauv limes mor. powerfu . aolmir hikI senvelirm.ii.un ti, - ... 7. uc. mo oiooa.siri'nittiiiis H tne Liver nnd gives strength, enenir Keep jour lijaelsactlie iYlh t,3i UII IIIU Mklt'IIl ttvLIh fliu RAILROADS. P4CIFIC RAILROAD CO., IfAVK A I.nnl Orant Direct from (lie Uorern- incut ol 12,000000 Acres a.:OPTHE. v Best Faming and Mineral Lands In America. j 3,000,000 acres choice farmiuf fasji on tbellne.of the road.'lnth - STATE OF VKBRASKA :inihe '" 1 OJtEXT putte VALLkir ' r , ., Noirfortale. foreashorcrpdltat low rale of In. urst Theso lands are near the'Alst parallel of norm LiDgiwiut, mi rnua mn nesiiny climate, nl lUTKrain ruwing nim svt'H jainiu arv tin- equ illad bv any In the United States. , Convenient lo market both east and weal. Price rangefrom ti Mto 10.uuperacre. UKBATINDCCfMEATS To MtUers with limited Mean. 8,000.000 uaVoreBB Rich Ooveanmest lands along tbe roaj between OMAHA A!f B noRTH fLATTE Burveyed nod open .for htry under the tlome alcsd and Preemption laws, andean be taken by ACIVAI SETTl.EnS, OJfLV. An oppoHunitr never before nresenled for as- cunag homes nearKrfl Itallrnail with all the conveniences of an old settled country. New edition ol descriptive pamphlets wltli mips, now ready and tMit free to all parts of the United Bute, Canada and Kumpe. Address u. r, ua io, i.ann mmmtaaioner antdlrawSni It. Co. Omaha Net). QUICKEST ItOUTi: FROM Til 41 NO II HI. CENTRAL I I HU LouUsLouisTlllcClnclBBatl Chicago, New York, Bosteat ....AXD AL1. aPointH JQaiit and North I'nsseiiKer Trnlnii Arrive at nnd leoTe . Cairo ii follows! nan ICzprci. AHRlvi:-aioo a. m. ..)ii9o p. m DKPAKT-MI05 A. M....T.rZT.ZZai30P. St Moth trains connect at Centralla with trains on th SMJrar liinrx:. Paaa..Daaalnr. niaanlnHan. ei" . ' ! Malle, Mendota, FreKrt, Ualennv rl. points in Illinois Missouri, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Iowa. And with lines running East sad West for St. Louis, Sprlnirfleld, LobIsi Ulc. CIb- clnnatl, IndJauapolIg & Cdurabug, .aadanjOilcagoiwith UliMgsn Central, Hichlgaa , oomnrra, sau I'lttstiarc, rort "Iyn and Chicago r.ailroads to Detroit, CloTcland, Dunkirk, Albanjr, Boston, Ahlladelpltia. Nlagra rails, Erie. , lluflalo, Now York, rittsaurp, iiaiumore, Wnahltirrlnn. ALL POINTS EAST Fo. through tlckstannd Information, apply ' Illinois Centra. Railroad Depot. ' W. P. JOHNSON, neneril Passenger Agegt, Chicago. M. HEWITr. General Superl-itcndent h J. Johnsou. Agent Cairo. OPIUirjl IKL .V ILLINOIS OSOUTIIHAHTKKX K. Bt. On nnd after Monday, Airil 21th. 1871, tfalafwlll, run as i IOI.OWS! NOriTIIEIl.V DIVISION. Tunis ooi.vo ijoi'viiiisr. Mail. l.eavVirglnla :IUa.m " Hiiringrleld....- wao " " Tajlorvllle.......lU;Oj ' Arrive at i'min UilO tu iihi.siooino Koaiiiwur. fUpress, 12 3.1 p in. , 3:0i) " , M . f17 " .Kxprts Mall. .lawn, !'ill " my " G:10 " ,.-....S;l' " I.esve I'aut i 4;'la m , ' Tailorvdle 4-47 ArriTe at Sprlngflcld.C;l5 " Leave Hnaingfltld iCi'i'j Arrive al Vlrglnla....s-.M ' , TfOUTIlKRN P1VISI0N. va'aias noivo sovvntssr. I.eivn Edgawriod 5:a.m, ... KhtAoIra. " Flora 8-3 ..lltlii Arrn.e at btiaueolown:i:Mp m.... fc5 p.m ruai.n uoisu syatuwasT Leave hawnieton B:l5n.m H;!On.m Honv... t!S!) ..t...7!(i" Arrive at Kdgewwid ,4;o i M .S;iy ' The W j in. r;iii from F.dgeaoodj runs only Mfitl.lfll'd . W. it..... ... u... I I.'... .... .... ' train fiom Htmwneetown oi Tueedav... Thurs. itays and Mitaiilavs. ' Cn..nect at Ashland Willi JseUnnvlci ilivislon y l-hieagii and Alton It illroad.. for Jiasonville. l'i.terbii..v .Mason City, n nd all i.Mt.te uen. ' ' At JjprmienrJ.I. with Chicago and Allon, and Tllrdu. Vili-h mid Wenero Kihroai, l)lnrmliigt.n,Clil.-:ig.,,i,dsll glials iiorih.norlh. L.'.'.'.'?1 .nu,ru'ul '"r I'Unta e.t, .oiiih mid rer!te'1!l.,,,,,, VUh,Jn f)iv,,1" Illinois jfii1.','"',"1 A1'1 "'"Hiaalppi Itailrosd. AlHIiawiieetiMn, with slejinlnVis for fini-ln. l " i ' HH ' llll'l PI, If71ji, .N. SMITH. (ien'lHup't. I Fr'gt and Ticket Ag't. .I'JlIt Koj.liTf.r.r'll'l SfiKAsT TICKETS FOR SALE t'AltKl-miu tlltihgovr trrioolll.onilltri'errjr Uuetiihloivii to Cialro om an frialKml. .orrl CmirtoA. ;Blg COAL. O O COMPANY ''"'X-ffl'iU-S,,""' .PITTSBURG U' AND Illinois ?oni. Ort.r. i.ft ut Hallway i,roi. OM OMo tev.e, r n, the Yard belovr t.nrlct ,rtI let, M ill Heeelvc Prompt Attention. COlvfMiWONmWArlDING. ',t m. raiLislitA'co., Buccesiora lo K. D. Hendricks A Co.J FORWARDING limaAllPiMtslM , i Commission Merchants t . . .ssi RUUhimssm , .. ,' 1 ti. ' till a.'O OAIBO, ILLINOIS. . . . . a LIBERAI, 'AUTANRRM 'MADE 0H gi awxsansus aas. - . . 'sWAfs prepared to receive, (tor 'and forward freight to all points, 'and buy and sell oa com munion. . , ,,-1 L linsinessawencied tewitneromptnea.. OSE 4c VI2VCEMT, OENEBAX COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ... and dealer In ime. Cement,' Plaster Paris , AND PLASTERER'S HAIR. Cor. 8lh Street ami Ohio Kiovco CAIRO ILLINOIS. feblidCm R,W.Mtl.t.ra. DrasT.J'iaara jirXKK fc PARKER, 6EHERAL COMMISSION AND Forwarding ' Merchants DEALfertS IN . JFJLOIJIt, CORN,OATS, HA V, ZItO.s ZItO.s No. 58 Ohio Xteyee CAIRO. ILLINOIS. ' J SO. B. PHILXIS, '' Succouorto Parker k Phlllia. i flKSEBAIs COMMISSION; And Dealer m Flour, Rlcal, Hay, Cora, OntB, Bran. Cor.lOth St.&Ohio Levee CAIRO, ILLINOIS. H ALLIDAY RROTHERS. F L O TJ R Aod Agents o OHIO RIVKIt AM KANAWIIA t SALT COMPAlflEB ttr o. 70 OIXIO XaZIXTSCXg CAIRO ILLINOIS. Q . WILLIAMSON, GRQCEB tRoiucti: t v .n MISSION MERCHANT No. "0 Ohio Levee, CAIRO'. ILL. NpeciMl atienllon sjlvrn to Canada men I a and rilling QriUr. W. Htraiton. T. nird. O THA I TON 'V lllKO ucceasors lo8tral(vn, Hudson A ClarU.) "WUoleisixlo ..tXD... , CAIRO. ILL. ' Anttsta liAacreti Powder Co.. stbil Mmftas).wrira Awntf Iter iotse.' v-- j0of gBAr?lNfj ANI NOV. SUMtRWELl, & BAIRD CAIRO, ILLINOIS., Pfepl Jo cenlracia for raisin w itlng houaesor imy.sns or tUseriptlon Tr.S eiher kind of work in thelrllne. wn'luon';" it i t or nnlhiJil n. ---r- i vi.ii. (lier liava sll lhamsr.ll1nerv .V..n.h... ttoTln. or raising house un sno? S '"r ashsie, of piihlle natrniuwe. "si" ittL mm ...AKIl ...... FQRWtVRDIHG ! COMMISSION GROCERS STEAMBOATS. PACKETS. The fo lowlotf steamers leare Cairn FOIl NAHI1V lil.E on the dars and at tho ho'irs bln-iumed TA17TMM AN. K..etr Mn,lu. . r. t.r.fcreMjarjLag swuy ois-tHtsHrorto BIOOS & MALLOltY.. m sa mm CAIRO ANDPADUCAH. The Unutlful tuiJ.llt Jftfttht utrrtmor JAME8 FISK' '.TT ?T" fia'ro lallaJP.m..iaAdPade4rs'dsll MDa.tfi IfaTln.-jHDerlor IsfVntTimnilallnna mill oliclts public patrojiage. ' - Parleulr,aleutioo paid U ;oollc.lou of In. trolco. charges.. but the. host will nnti.e sibtef enterpriMe. r . t r. 1 . 3 SIOOOOO. OMAHA ' Mar 2, NEBRASKA, ".'Hi, i87trl ' IN All) OP A rUHI.Irt LTliuAltY Tickets Tito llollarN rirli-IIrsl vea 0'e . ioiir t.aen. SsaTThls enternrisn m-III UiAniliMi..l I. . c I el t similar manner in lliaciifili l.inri...i OftOoneeriofttie Mercantile Library Asncla. uon. oi nan irancisco. which Rare such un sersal sstlifactlon. OiioC'tiaairela Kerry ThlrlylXIght. 1 Cash ritlf J.;...M 1 Cash Oift.... 1 Cash CJI!t...... l Cash uirt..r..... 20,000 .... ir,,uoo .... 10,010 6,orl Cash Qitt i, a,ui 1 Cash 0111 . Z,UI 1 Cah O ft-.. l'Cash Cift...,.' cssti curt 1...!.. ... l.OJO 1 Cash Gift I Cash Oirti.M 1 Cash Olit... r Cash Ol't 1 Cash Oifti.. I.KII 1,'XIC 1,000 uiin uiri... is cah a fis, aoo-cactr; 10 O sh (lifts. .ZVa.Mcn. 2U Cash Gifts. 100 each'. CO Cash Gifts. 60 each..., iw vain uitts. au eacn 160 Cash'Oirts, "JS each 1000 Caan Gins, 1Q eaflh, 1000 Cash Gifts, & each io fjift, amountltir: lo .. t.iito,w)0 WhlcliwilT bedlitnbure'd by ehance'amer-e; the ticket holders, by the Mutual, Aid Association of V"ia. 'iui.uMirri.kig stock a,u.o. .nsisnii s pniqe, .-roaa omqe. uniau J. iuiner.'lpuu u, H.'iiar- r """I v;ioi uwiui,v wiuraaaJt airu Good responsible agent waataiJ.r Mberaloom.' mission allowed. Address, nai, pmahal J. Doyle." Poatofflce, Ornaha, Neb. uir ysw as ww'ODBinoa naoagars, Omaha. Nebraska. SEWINQ MACHflsiES. S EWING MACHINES. AciCNcrror THE DAVIS TEBTJCAL FEED SEWING MACHINE, Tho CompletcHt, Simplest and Uest ScwlBfr aVachlne la Use. orrBth St, & Washington Are CAIRO, ILLINOIS. - The damand for the T)AVf9 SEW1N0 MACH- 1NK in Ihe Atlaotlatatea, wherettbey artt bcal known, and where' they "supplant all other, la ureater than can bo supplied. Itnerer faiialn arqr kind of work. It Is simple,, eonsistrtia Ufa few tron parts, and'lts vertical, feed enai.les It to run orer scams and to turn cor' ners without ebadeO orstltchor tension. Clothing aiul lilore manufacturers prefer It to i all others, and that It Is Just the thing for family aewiugeYerybuilywil I acknowledge 'after exam n. mg. Messrs Milder have several sues and dlflerent styles, of finish, and respectfully Invito all who I want tlm l ' BEST SEWING MACHINE Manufactured to give them a fall before pjirchae Ing else here,- ' ' Call and Hat a Circular. REAL ESTATE BROKERS Q WIKSTO. CO., , (Bucoraoie to JohnQ. Hannan 'A Co.,) REAL ESTATE AUCTIOJfEEBS " 74,' Second,' Floor, dHIO LEVEE , " , ) - Buy and Soil Ileal Estate FAT TA3TJB, I .'tmwiair armtu amtu nv TITIJ MB PRWAKh DOMVEYAM ;jbs DliNOLVTIOiK Of! COPAUT AEHHIIIF. in fI , . Thejco.partnoraliip heretofore exlailng between npoqanuiQyia in ine lasson sau uuua. (ia o4"ness, ) nereuy aissoireu oy mutual con. etuii. t,iinror tnepurtiesare aainoriieu tosti. tla 'sry outatAndlng. claims lor or againataaid rm. "The prtnerhlp exlatldg by Wood Boyle lathe packing and provision buslnssawlll until further notice remain ai heretofore. ISiSned) l rfiinn euui.. l , AI,TlIUttWyi-K. , .Arthur Boyle will continue fn th building buil. Ineaaand being thankful to hi Irlend for past faiors, hopes to receive a continuance of the same future. A. BOTLE. Oairo, 111., Aprl 2, 1IT1. rnyiVJt i....h..........mhm 7H'SJ MW.MI.WHmH. S.CIO . mio .i. 2.&00 ....... lo.oou . ...... 6.0UI) mm STORES. WaeVvsU,. A 211 WILbO.V.' r DCALEK IN BOAT STOHIS OEOOEEIES. rnm mi- .sL. -ni' Jf-a I. I i il'Ji.W .X" ' WHITE rfAjfiiAUtfilkprlio Cooperate .. . hr f ; LIR8rn)oriftnh,illoll. WHITE LrlAI), fihil Coforgi Utc, Etc., Elft. AT JfOOXSAtSlDJSHOES EHLER8, 1'AamoxAOt.r. BOOT AHD SHOE MAKER TWENTIETH STHEET, Bet ween Washington Ato & Poplar St Booti amd 8hoeairser. Vlu ' WorkiUFiriimnlurnl. Satisfaction.. Warranted , " rntronfltfo'SoUclt'ctf. a JE k iJWKATJ Robt. Bribach Hs ItcmoTcd ift1 WfoftfVmoci, ani a 1 OtMncd a Ftrst-CIass lie will kpepftlimjN on lund the htt of Metfe of fltflrv VKr!(v. s ' 4 Zjowetit XzrlpoM. Smoked Meat, Ftcab Meat. SansaBr, ete, ' i At the lowest prices. Olre him a call. npr22llf h,. i aa. e t.s i-e QITY SHOE HXOIti; " ...AND... HOOP SKIRT TACTORY qoCk. Aoen'CV rort "Brolasltl's'' Custoni-Mnilo Shoos & Slippers. Commercial Avennn Corner ofKlghtk nircea, vairo, in. PurtitMil nt- attention raid to all irdcrs apiMf for' f HOOtKIRTd nnd HHOIiS. F OUj MALE. Willlama Uourlion and High Wlna ' aiisiiiiery.7' AT OAIIto. ILUKOl. ih olfered for s tie by the undersigned on tho mot reasonable terms, Tlio bulldlng lsnow and complcle thronghlut iu ii mo inouern irnirovemenis nnn appliance of such an establishment, Is in C'tmj'lete running order, but' has never been run. The engines, machinery, and apparatus generally aro of the uri. iinuiiiwiurPi Tfik.ruaU biilldlnff.l M by-It fect( and three atotlis Mgl?. Th boiler shed is H by S3 feet , the tub shed is 67 by 12 feet, each shed being one niurjr, liign, To oiii ino' ia lc inch cylinder, with 80 'inch, strolie. to bollera 41 inches lH'diahiater,'4 flues.' and 3) feet long. ' ' ' dav. Continuous to the distlllorr are a lame brielr WHrpnouse, una pens iur biuvk. J It iS blllOVAil that to anV OnOfleSlrinc Inrnrrv nn tiiedutillery buslnsi-s, no better npportunity for investmentcan booCored thsn ls fuundamn! lnih consiaerniKineiisuiiery ouiiuinit.aud annlrttua and the location thereof at Cairo... ' ' For. further particulira apply lo the under. signed at uuro, rjrnlUi.JieKgs & Co,, corner of juwu son ,'iuiiu sirreis, oi. ujuih, Die, . m " ' J0I4W M. liAWlDEN,i Cairo, illlnoli'.- UJI Prluce Arthuy.V,5S"y anu lution perannm, vua. rresment, me u Uv.l.isllinuth.U. 1)7. Dean of Huron, .for particulars apply to Major Eraaa, London, BOAT- i A!D Hr w tJ. ' fr ' n n MB' e. sSsar " stssasBaaBsBN fi CO- - LsP 3 M. C3 lrJ sjrJi 3 S t 09 2 J T mmmK CD S3 -s a-D 92. W . r- o 35 3 O J-SlotaejR- ri p ssij trH4:or Ss r? t SsBC0 (Jb '1 '1.1-1" U. HELLMUTH COLLEGE AKTT Hoard and Tuition per annum, IBM,' J ,' bull.""1D kiori sit. Itae Bmtth Wf!) . i HELLMUTH LADIES' jC0UEG'tfra1 ',2 PAINTS' OILS, ETC. "''"' U. l.niake OARKER A. RLAKC. I cA"SWC- - -V .Ft --Alt 7t , relernn WHITE m. Ml, OILS Window UlnsR nnd Intf : . -MoretBW) Oairo - - 'NNATI HVEIITISMEN I'.S. FOUNDRY ,riTon j;Kinrieor MACHINE SHOP E.IB!!IaW1SK, WJelUW No. 248 East Petri Slrcal, tl.tClWlVATl, OHIO, LUMBER? - eDKAI,EK i.N..M BLINDS LATH AND , LUMBER ' A A k V .. it r-u - i-r-0?' on.-., ' r,4yrri TENTH ttot BelwegA tornmercUV'Msi.WH ' Irigton Avenues, Akcii A h,r RrSik' Hirer Par) ii.W. Jeka'N lmrTMl lnirsalwiaa'fejalasass-i au sua V jglMBMttIim CJbarterc! March 18 j CAIRO. lixkrTO -asJ . .aaasraWj a. ii. HAvronu?p!iiFi t or ti. ti. TAYUOIt, Vice-President! W. J1Y8L0P, tSeeretaryand Ireasorer. DIHKOTUR9t W.HAnCIiAV. t CIIAB, oAWfinEn; M. HTUCKKI.ETrr. PAUL n Bnilini ' K, II U. CU.NMKiiUAM. W. p. IIAT.I.MiaV SaviaM r -jJ.M PHILLIPS i a 3 i Uepoalta of auy Anioum necelrad rYoaa Tea Cinli Llnterest paid on deposits at the rate of C per cent. ii eiiu oen. tsi, laterritnot wlthdrswn l..i.l..l lmw.lj..l. 1. the priiwlpal of xhedeiiosiu, thereto eiylozlbein rnnipoun.IinUr.-st. n ;I ". " yiarnca women and CblldrcH May deposit money so ttist JOOSK KLSE CAN DttAW IT. pen eycry business dsy from s p.m. arur Haturdar .erenma for BAVINo dkpushtm ronlr. friirn S to t o.'clock. . . . ii ic.ur.Trrmsarer. T 1UK rpiTv N.TIOIlL'uilK bill -Jl ( w. P.HALI.IDAY, Presleleati A. R. sivennn. rr .s. WAbTKallIYHl.OAaf.tay4daalalr 11 Staata i Taylor W. P. HallMay, eoti tVblU ltokt.ll.Caaalafkaa , Uee.D. t llllasssea, Ntepkea Blrsl, A. li. HalTord. E.xchaiige, o!m , nd U. M.lSond llourhtTl auu oia. lDopoltoa Zlooolved 1KB A ' ' FIRST NATIONAL BA1IK -or- ' i'AXZL'O.1 r ri i .nil iJJ;it . Ji'UTJ ' A M nANir.H, lIVRTrlrel(Uaft HOUKHT W. irB-.I.I'.M. lee. ee.Prea. ;. n. UVOHKH, Caubter,. t iirjiOTrriitih n Collections ..tapll-Maije . and ITriUcd HttcM Mecsrl .!? Uawjtht-nnl - Ibtereat Allowed ob Tine DmmI mi w ii ' 5 L i -:Fami a. " , Ir' rultM Hmokod an t'Hilt Meat. I'm tiled Pork. v. i ard. timoked Ileal. Butter. Frash Rir.a. Plnne el,Slt Kiah, Nu s. Om lies, Snot, and all kind ffoods US tlsliv 'k nt ln srneiiev alntA anlUawt ' ' ' Itt3 i e 53 t,. Hp ,