Newspaper Page Text
aJbf ..uUltn, trow the Atlantic tar May.l IRAK MATS I IT NTnAXt'ORI). wsar unf Oerel latvtneyMwVle the mavle O'er the Baalish meadows et It m nouateau summer weather All tbe roads wltli mmlorang. , Ml ram flays was my eorrmnnlcn A W i?rWlit Frees eHeAeilif lied conn-. h 2i .Beadae jdewase. d-rim. TowerfleWUafeneaVf Warwick MenHr lo etage-ooeeb Hew By 1 c,Pf my hands and ehoutod, la Wrttfirrt we'll be dnr "WW tfWt MMVkr; Hiram. . t "IMlknMn'i cattatrl.slnrlnna Will ! "' aaa ItM selr or Iron iWft We oaeaat p yoador httl f "TMri V&rae wsVi'lhere his arsve hi Taste, Sake aaaesira rw ublltiM t nMMMHitil tils mlxiitv THnwna. up uiue. - "1" Vr X hrnt slop there!" 7ifcrtliirtllilrm Haysi f wwp ww would bo thought of, . U t.rl aerM Om jyi" , , Wrrli. Tee fol'owlar amounts of cranberrlct weNraArketedJn 18Wi Malno produced l,000btrreli; ""KanMbhuMtU, 8,000; Con necticut, 2,049 s Ne Jersey, 60,000 princ pally, fro cultMtea Holds. At 19 elAtlont oa the SC.Paul and Milwaukoo tailreed 14,W barrels woro freighted dur .taf Ike berry season of the same year. A tBacre-loti. New- Jersey produced In one year 900 bushels raluo $0,000. Tiiq owner was offered and refused 82.000 por acre for his lot. ILLDTOIS CEXTKAX HAILB0AD. Hew Tine Table. On and after 12:30, p. m., Sunday, Dec. 4th, the following timo table will govern the arrival and departure of passenger trains at Cairo ; sxrxBT. Mail trala leaves at 3:10 n.m. Express at 3:30 p.m. Bt Look and Cairo Express leaves at 1:20 a.m. Accommodatjoa loaviw at... 12:30 p.m.- , ' ARHIYX. kail arrives 2:0s u.:u. Kipress arrives -.12:24 p.m. .fit. Louie aadtCairo pre4s arrives 4:45 p.m. The Us naBei .train leaves St. Louis at 10:90 a.m. Traders can leavo Cairo at l0 a.u roach St. Louis at 7:25 a.m., re main in the city thrco hours, and return to Cairo at 4:40 p.Tn? the fa mo day. The 12:30 accornmoa'ntldn nnd Cairo and St, Louis eiprcsj'lfavo daily; all oth. era leave daily except Sundays. Way passengers should bear in mind tkat the8:30p.m. trafn mates only 11 vo stop pings between Cairo'Atad Contrails, visf: Moaads, JoncsboroCarboDdale, Du Quoin' and Alshley. Tbef'3q"'p.rd,.tram stops at ail the station along the route: - -JASTJOmiSONi decStf --Agent, Cairo., . fir: WIRATPS Golden Remedies. - , -Use tbeea enl'y. and ure linie. Health and Msaier. , s)l,000 REWAUI) for ley cut of disease, la ear stairs which ther fill to care. 7 ua. HiCUAU ft UIII.DKX BAL SAMS, Not. i it 9, an the greateat alteratives known. Uiu niCUAU'S, OOI.D.KJf. ELIXIR U'AKOUH li the, , tlreaUat Tonic and Astringent 'In'Uie MedlMl I.tiU In. III. CHAU 8 GOLDEN AN1TD0TK 1a t. nnlv rUkhl dlnrt Tictf Utaiin War net admitted to Cura mil. CapUluU and bancnt Bne but art. ratrtntecd k tmwt a Ra-llcat aad Srxtd? Curt In all out for vhleb tbrr arc recenntnded, when all other treat- mtai nM jiimu , tu n uotuana Jturix reent br thelrJaatVvha'haYa'Igalall boie. MMM'ah 'lawrablS by 1b beat of toedlcl GOLDEN. JL I1ALBAH, No. e Ulcere, UleerafJ 1 nor TBroi a i. Sore Ejei, CuUno 1 Clotcbu. Jioteuen, UthaGrtatastBenof rnrlBer (son, ro- mm ail mereoi tho riteio. and learet IMMOoa I neaiior. . mm- golden Hi A, 'eures' Uercarltl ABk matlim la alS 1U farmi, and UafiBallcaaat..' Unreal 1 3, er.boUl; or two ' TOMS-GOIW tDOTfLa 7L31CA1 cura fir lUmtuir -t. lw'f rmqv,r eiee J Mr ootne. J-f 'AUXIBelVAMOUB.vairadkal cnn for ktrrta iot Oeil lXbllltf. la old or roast I inr-rt!nt rprrfcrmttb wonderful Ct. PrMtMr.pJUle.Jr Iwo-Ieril.' Oa ietti, o(. i.rcet tbcit retuollei' will be hipped H eoT'i'lu.!!. rroiu.t attention JiU to all eorreet Iiti-r Nnr rcaetne nllbuut tbe re of "l)n. Ill HAL A OtUjIlEKT.LSlUUIES, U. niCIIA.IUi, Polo rrnprtetor," blown la mint or UASit i Clisa3 at C frade nulled' ift? liberal di.cuy! mh i t . il '- f . ?, t ' Ailtm'4wj t, B.i RlCUAi:ia.rV.S Virloi tr9t tir - v . . yr A vi t:i, ah kxvh. - hrventr-fire to twd hun lrnl dotltrpf-r in.jnHi , rrrriiirbrrir, ri.n I - and 'mini", U. iiiir'ixiUcv' lh (l-iiiilhelini rurrdOouiii.anM'uo-KiiMlIt Swlnc' MeHiine. 'riiu ni-hli.' will Mltvli. Iieni, fi'll, luck, tlnd,lfii!d. cord, quilt und rrnlirnljer In a mo'truprrir.r innoer. l'ric only Fully eiranleidforriif . Wnwill ,.i.eitl,(Kv for anjr ma;)ilrUit)iKtwlll new aetronKcr. tniro I ran or luorw elottc ruiulhuiurr. It mekrtM "KUatie Iyn HtlU-li." Kfrry focond ttithrnii becuL, aodtl.KlirtsWtlicMiuiolbe tiullcd ui.uit witliout i.ariiiKi We Jmjr km1 to $:w pi r nont! aixf ajtpr ur, or a vommei(i.t from whirh twiow tbjtt amount tatniln' lnJn, l'ur cireulum a-ja wki, aiiuir.uora ijrcii, .. i! f y O. UQWEllS Jt Of)., I" UIHpruon KtrrH. l,lillJel.til,"Pli,t ' Ovriewpw -licit tow tiiiioed Uion brother taitiplnuDKonwortbIfcal Iron inerhlnra 'under tb itma name or othrrwlic. Dura la the omj arauiiMenit rrll prai'tlcal rlimpinnchlne jniauufaoturad. , t abrloJJm YOU 99.25. , n lUUll, MtiA rnriv w .n. . . . ioaood ant..who ami wanted NOV rrj. for .tot "ff T-BOine. JSend sUtop for Urmr, Wcniiot,p1(JJl ,u.mnB.Dr,Slja W-il-Zi MIJI7 ai 'Jt'lV 11 Ojiiifauy 110 fwprltdor of tba" -ilii.aiteM aa Bar Boom Dorado ,VS . PVfftiirn" ta I uu- LiIHinoiH El i J4 SPECIAL NOTICES. n.t.Tciii:i.oii'N iiAiit ivi:. Thla auperb llairDj-aKtncaur tainrWoam I'orlwtlT Harmlesn, I!f llnble ami InXhanloonj. No disappointment. No Ithtlcutoua Tints or Un ple.ieMit bJor. Tliefienuino Y A Hftehalor'a Hair Dye piodti. ea 1MMEU1AVELY i gplehdld Clack or natural Drown. Doe B6l fc'tnin the kto, but Irarralhe tlalr Cltnn, poft. nud Ileaautl fill. Tticcnlt Knfe ird Ter fut Djc- Hi.Idbr alldrUERlaK. New York. retorj-lllondtreetj lanjlldeodiwly conscrjffiprioiS'. Us Curo and. Its Preventive by j. :r. scwoit' LD.-,1-, . '- al Maofa liuraan bclnk' ha paaapd nrjor tor lihtuw) dentil there waa nuolhnrrcaaon than the nrElect of known nnd lndUpuiatlr pruren mean a or euro. Tlioaa near nnd ilcar to fainllr nnd IrlcnJs uru aleimlna thedmiailtMVlnmbor Into whtcli, had Uicrcainiljr adopted ,( a , i)R. JofcKPIt II ,'rl C 1 1 KN ll it's HI311?I.B TUBATJ1UST, and araltrfl tlicmilro of Hli wonderfulireaita. ctona medicine-, tlier would not liar" fallen. Dr. hchaier-hetnrM-Trmrrl0 pnivisl tliat whererer anftlnent Tltalltf rcmalne, Hint vital- tent Yltamr rmnlnn, Unit Tltal. etmlf nnti-" OtrMU Jnii iuf tlielr 'dJuto rWdUifufrlKtir. ia, In e.jiimrencJJUi una etaiei .nia eutemunt iliorw la nothlnit pierumi- tuunn. IIUI I.I reprpeentHtlonUmtUlidVa tbou-and tlrueaanb- aii iiiu-iMifi. i.i.uiv imtiiiiu ia luKiig iiu eunllatcd lr lltltm and Tlaililo works. Tlio theorj'tif tlio rum laiueltnnlo aaltlsc i n V IIP. HiMionpIi' ntmll.lna. lanaslmpla aaltla nnrallmr. lta pluloauplij ro- qulmnuartruiueiii. ,lt laavlf-ajsu'Uie.aiJlf-oun rlnelnar. , The Soa.wecd Tmileand Slandmks Pills arntho Hrt two weiKin Wllh'whlch tlio tlUdel of tlio nialadr la naulleil. Two llilnli ot the cneei of rona nmpllim urlilnaH In 0a-piaand a lunc- uiiHiriiwriru iiri'n. nua una eonamon the bronchial tulx-a "urmpnlhlio" with tho Uimacli. Tker respond bl tlio tuorblno nrtli.ii of the Jlror. Ilero then cimiea tho rulminMtinjr Jxault. und tho aoitlneT to. witn all 1U ulatreaa nirainptOBia of .CO . ti D.IIP TI O N". Thalfardmki I'JIIn arorornpoaiidof- onoof Na. tnro'a iiuhleat nl tt tho l'oiUiiihllluni I'eltiitiim. Thcr rx.aaen nil tho blood-aonrolilna,' ullomtlru prupuitlct of calouiul, but, Uiillko calomel, titer "IiEATE NO BT1SG BEHIND." Tho work of euro ta now br-alnnlnir, Tlio vitia ted nnd niucoua ilvpoilu In th bowels nml In tho allmentarr canal uru ejected. Tho liver, llko n clock. Is wound up. It nrouaos f mm Its torpid ity. Tho stomach nets rc'pimslrelr. nnd tho putlent begins to feel that ho la gating, ut last, A SUPPIjV ,OP OOOD BLOOD. Tho Roa-wccd Tonic In conji Ilia, nenneatos nnd ttailmllale on with tho rills, permeate nnd nsslml Chrllhcatlon Is now nroeresi Scs Willi tho food. hrlltfcatlon Is now progressing without its pro- vlous tortores. Dhrcatlon becumea oulnleaa.and the cure Is seen ta b at baud. There Is no touro flatulence, no exacerbation ur tho stomach. An appetite sets In. Now comes tho cTcntetlMood Purlflcrcrcr ret siren bran ttululccnt father, to antrartnK man. Bcbcnck's I'nlmunla Hirun comes In ui tivrlorni lu functions and to button and complete tbo cure. It entera at onco upon Its work. Naturo crtn not bo cheated. It collects nnd ripens tho Impaired nnd dlseused )ortlons ot tho luDita. In the form of propnrca them for czpectorutlon, and lot In nrcry short ttmo the rnaladr Is Tanulshd. tho rotten that It occupied Is remrraled und mado new, and tho aaurnuin mi mo uixniir or reaainea rigor.Bieps forth to enjoy tlio manbood Or womanhood that wua OIVEX UP AH LOST. Tbe second Alnir Is, tho patients muat stay In a warm room until Uior net well i It is almost lm posalblo to prerent taking cold wlien tho luna are tllaaased, hut It tuuat be prevented or nenro can not bo ftrorted. Ireah ulr Rml rhlinir mil. eapeclally In this section of tbo country, in tho fall and winter season, nro all wront. Physi cians who recommend tbat rourso Jose their pa tients; If their lungi aro badly olavaard: and yet, because tbey aro In, tho boueo they mutt not sit down quiet they niuat walk about the room na muca ana ps ruai as sue atrenKUt will Dear, to cet un a sood cireulalion of blood: nil The Patients rouat keep In good aplrtu be dctcrmtn CD III mod anlrltabo detormrnail to ret well. This bus n treat deal tu do with, tbo appe tite, and ts tho nrcat Dotnt to mln. To despair or cure utter aucii evidence of Its tkoaelbllltr In tho wbrak rflsea. And moral ir. talntr In all others. Is sinful. Dr. 8rhenck's per sonal atatement to tbo f aculty of bis own curo was In these inodeat words i , - Many years SK'1 .1 was In the Jut tarcs of consumption t routined to mj bed, aritt at one , time my ebrstelaiis tluiuabt that I ronld not live a weekt then, llko a drowning moo catching at straws, 1 beardnf nlid obtainvil tho preparations which 1 now otrur to tlm, public and. they mado a perfect curo of m& -li ecemou to tno that I 'could 'feel them pvnetrnto mr wbula sratcm. Thcr soon ripened 'the matter In raylunas. and 1 would spit up mora than a plut ot intensive yellow inatutr every tnornlnp; for a lonu time. , "Assoon us tliaLboiCian tosuhalde. my cough, fever, pains; nnd night sweats all beiran tolcuve me, and mrapiH'tltH became so creat that Itwu with dlfllcuJtr tbat l.uult'ktN'p from uatlnct too rnncb. - 1 soon jrainril my ttrcugtb, and have Krown In floali t er shire,- 1 was wolahed frhortlr nfter mr reiorerT.rt nooira me iociiir. ipui loosing use t keleanm inr wHrht'waa utile ntnotr a raero seven pounds i nirjiresviit woiKht Is tmihunured and twenty-tlveiSil pounds, and for years 1 bavu en- iouu uiiiiiii'rni,ui;i i,fitiiii.- 7 Dr. rVjtielick lias illHOontlnuod Ma professional vtlitiNw.Ynk nnd Ititori. lfu or his son, Dr. J. II. Mheitex, Jr sill) rontlnnn to sea pa tlenta at their omen. No. 1J North Slath Mtrect, I'UlliilcjIphi.u evcrr alurditr from 'J A.5I. to 3, , 0'luio who wtah u thoroUKii eiumliualnn villi tho Ileantnimetiif will lie clmriicd li. Tlio Ids plrometer declares tho exact condition of tho Iuiiks, and lailli.uts cull ivudily learu whether they aro cur.iblu or ni.t. Pi.o iltrrctlons fur taking tlie mndlrlncs urn adaptt'tl to tli.1 ItilcMci'iii-o .even ot n child. Fol low illrccthina, and kind Nature will do thu rest, exceptlni.' that In sonni cioivs tho Mandrako I'llls up to bo taken In Increased doest tbe throo medicines titHSl no other Mncomit!iiiirnnt than the wnjilo Inatructlonv tbat urromp.inv.v.1 (l.ntn. IImI mw. .In ann..!,. ill v ... haiih, hunx.'r l tho must wiilixmin sjloHohu WhMO It illlilH. I. tfcwlll eOnil.. lrt itiM ,Ii.,imIi. f ijicati nebcof Roottcbatn'. (lood blood at once r...i .ts, tno cnulr tut.senir, tl.-nljl.t siroDt Is almt 1 In n sjput tlnio. butb of tbtrseinjorplit' rm.iiir.snrtf amio rorerer. Dr Sehioick's nirilti'llien a-n eonatantlvkentln tcabrluiuiinniit riimilli-. As a l.tiatlvo or liiiruatlrp.lhc.MiindtakH i'lilaarauslandiuit pre Inrntion t nlnlo too 1'uhui.nld fyrniv nsu cur J oi comma gnu r "ia.mjyi;u rcnuruon us nj f"l piiyiarveiia. tFuiniuiiiiuuBipiiou tu atiy o iTtco;pr, tne Tonic, JUh t araka PtlN.sie au uutl dealer .lUco'pf. the PUlmniiia Hvron and Pea-wccd II.WH botll.'.)r.t7.KlB half dcaen. Man, icrDtuixs.. iruraaio t Valiums. A new mid notel vstera of Iiife lnsiiranee rm ,j eently lutjudMyid by I tin iliSSOl!!!! IIOJI LIFE r uv. i.tii'ss. hy-tllh'siauni, I.ila- limiiMiifei' flinilhnl at as lit In -nil e () Up, u.iisl niuns, an,! iM pvU ley l.i.l-1'rVM-elves nn anrunV Ilitrri.' nf srteif iji-r rynt. ipoii u, j,i. i;..(,o imd uy ImniMlie t iiiuh i Ins. n-.iiual preimuiiis II. in arnmi' lillil n- lil ii li i ..ri " i i ill I". n. I. ''Ii pao h. i i.ii il. .. hjjI.I) ,-r.l ciaiil. find limy iii u, iii.ii jurist ei.llllenl Hi'lllFrl-S ami tt If I in.tji iiu lei.u. m til" 'audi Itiileud It hai not 5-t t i Mil'leet i f tinfiitiiral li' liienlluiKiiaiy i. .p.-. inl.J,) .ait i on'ici: oc fTTiT comi'.vxv: Xorl!it( epe oinlli'ifc Otlwt St. ST. LOUiQ, MISSOURI. AlSTinj U It, U.VlUUiTT, I'ruiilniit Hksj. NVii.i.imio, Seorftuty. '' tits Itaaka hiKh In tho list ol sound, thririy Wi-Mcrn IMii tkllllpaillla. It ha uiiiilPMiiinlivA raai . Viiu""i'"',l,,""i'c ,''l0ufi,, toeorerslllla ,f ail It La nno litin tr.i I il.. n.,.t. ai,,tl.,a .1... ..-u,..i with (littitnf MUonri ns rpeUuf Kar. It hascoiULlied fuliv with tlu, tmw r Slate, MhlcliareiiiiitniisexsctluBsnd more rhti'b ly enforced than those i.f l'jitern ntatia, it Invests its funds In Ilia Weal, atuonir the people from whom they ute rrci lte.1. lis tiiansKement liorotis, skillful and' pru dent. . ' Its annual Inrnina fiom the luleresl alone Is already more tbliti snlllolent tu pay Its losses. U isauea policies upon the prdinarj life and cm dowment elans, at His iinm i-at n. ntt.AF itrki. Class companies. The policy holders rccclte all (he profits in an- Tiie ftlock holders, can recelvo nnlv ten ner cent, orfntorrat on their capital, by the terms of luneuaiicr, . , . ... -I Theannnal tllrldeuda to policy liohleis are ! rta.iy Kreajerfbanoiany old Kastern C'omixinles', ; aw. . rimhlaleof Illinois t.iiiil last jeiu- nlsoiil foi.r inlUiou dollars for Life iiistirancn.t 3 . t."11"0 much money out of Iho Stale tZS.Vi n J New Holland for an urtlelo at homyt'? i't0Jw,;', M Wrieapy (orore.,0) WOOU aV IMW, sprtndswtf f IHH CAIRO BULIjETIICT, 9 MEDICAL AVJVAKD'8 B5TTERS TONIC IN USE 'r'Liit HA'r.n hi Oil 'I E. F.MAYNARD; PrbJ. J 1 rfrvcj liVf s A I'lTTSlllinO, PA., IObchHv' ' I J ri -r A" "a-vIci rlctlmor early indiscretion, causing nerroua lit v. nremaluro deenv. etc.. linrlnii tried in rnln ntery adterlised remedy, una Ulacoyefed u alaiplo means iifaelf cure.'trlilch he will send for III Jqllinr-sullorers, Address, J. U.TUTTJjE 11 1li.. -a .. . i v . t . .ilWVUI IDa.,USBaU ll ,IVW JUIlii , sp(4etz celebrated Bitter Cordial Wloletalo Depot N. W, corner Fifth anil' .Race Mrcets", Philadelphia, l'iu JACIHJ KOUEKTZ, Holerrojirleot l It la a reliable Family Medicine, and ran t nben br clllicr Infant or at ult with tho aar.iobeci flolul results. It is ncettnln, promptnnd apeedr cmedy lor diarrhea, dysentery, bowels compiled djIM'piia, Inwnees of spirits, faintlnus, sick eioinach.hcaUaclio, etc. Forchillaand fever ol U kinds, it Is far better and Bifrr than quinine eithout any of lis pernicious effects. It ellecle an appetite, proves a powerluldisestor of food and will counteract the etlocts of liquor In a lew minutes. As indisputable evidence ol Its medi cal properl.u, wv Hpp?nd a few of the man; cer iriiauia in our possession i Johiwonle Depot, East Tcnn., HD.I Va. U, It. ' Turn. , Jacob SciittTi.'tVto,. Dear Bir't I ntveusfil the UltterHl have ob alned fiOirijou, and f.nd .hen. tobeall they are recommended to I. I found onc.bottlo to allord tnoconeldernMo relief, 1 iwl 'a's'thoutli I cannot do very well without them, it- ray present state of health. , I). MF.NIOK 'lMEouthiitli st., li.lla. l'aMor Uaptisl l'awyuuk Chlirch. i rifttJ by'W. P, Alien, S8 llaln'slri el JJutuqua. oetlOJlt ! I SIWHIOHS' The uvinptomsho nilver (uniiHsint are Eiinraaineaa nnopaiu .n trie sine, came times I he tintn Is It. the shoulder, and Is en or rheumatism. I he stomach isanect t'd wUi'lai ofappotue ahd aicknes-, Imwela in koiie al costive, sometimes alternation with lax jThh han.1 latronbliM irllll pain, and dull, h'av) I sent I nun! sensation, eonslderable ta or mcnior),m'com tiled with Painful sen- ationof tiuviucleftun. lone something whict Unt to nam ueen aone Uno tiomiilaininic of weakneaa.Uobllitv. and low ipifilm. runt-tlnie, some of the above )mp tnins attend the disease, and at other times ver) (eVDP'therri ; 'but the Liver is RenctAlIy the oruai tr.cftlajfltop.i Cure the I.ivir with' I Xx. Slmraonn' Ejiiver Regulator A prcpatattonol roota and herbs warranted to bo strictly vegetable, andean do no Injury to nut otie. It h.ts been used by hundreds, and hnovrnol I ho lal Si yenra aa one of the moat reliable, elb eniloiia and barmlers preparations ever oflered thoebllcrinK. II taken regularly aud irarsialeu it la mire tn eunv 'RDyspepsia, li-iicne. lEGyi&TOi ijauii.iiee. ciiMiTenc-s, (nlul( headacho.rhriinlc ilarriiiea. ol the bladder, camt' i hi i lie) it ihhhiiiIih il 11 1 1 nli li ftileclioiu. tlio tii.lnejw, finer, nervoiteiirss, chills. diaiw r I lit. iutn. imnur IV of the l.looil. intlinoht. v. or nei'rrsslon'rii dpirili, heirlburti, oolle, or piitu in ttft ,ttitii, in 111 tile nead, lever and uriii Mti'pi.y, boils, pil lu lhuh.i'.l,Hiiililinhs,athiiiii eoeipeiar, it'inain imeciiori', huh uinoim uiscase KrfiifiriUlv. l rftpttred only by J. II. '.rllln A Co., . DriiKKils, Mii.'i.n, Ch , jFor sale bv Itjuolry lirglbera, L'bpi l,ev L'ijlni,1lllivoit.. 1 1 by niim.e2a.l. EDGiJAARD&0. HAVJS REMOVED! TO THEIR JVEW JEWELRY STORE, S00.302& 301N.FifU.SL Cor. m & Olive ST.L0UIS,M0. All Tlsitors to tho city cor dlally juvitf d to call. "k- ' ' ' SIB QASaSCX'N A JBEead. iOispensavy nlabllbed in 18SO, and eh.vrtered IMl.lor lh reatnienl r nil diseases or a private nature, Jldi ol to Ik, Hi sexes, a euro a guaranteed every va undertaken. j IPor Snlo Dewees1 Female Regulators For' females, arrauted lorerr' teobatrucli 8to. Price VI per box. ' ' Also a full asaorimrnt of llandat, and Truss io a uiu uxaorimriit of Uandat, and Truss .erior quality ol Male Hhea)ms; II forsloa fd per hall dotun, nr toper iloien. Medidal Pamphlet, contalnlnK an clanoral puperio nnai rj A Medn .treatise on liiHabovedlsetses, witha few nracliij ciunrns iikjii iiio eausv, wiect ami trealineot ln sitiiie-tfonlalnlDg Ui liirife paxes ana SO ft aiideuijrarjiiB:, ahowinKlhe dlflerent stairs, Sent In sealed rapper pn lecerVt of ceuta.) Addfesa , ' . - J Calohs.Hoao; Dispensary, I Ml r ! 1 ft i(''' iiarst No, ,T3,West Jellcrson llrea 'X ' 1 liuville, IC 'Usbo' I ) ' " el7crjiileow 170,954 Sold Since Their Intrpductfon The Most (SncccMftil Popular aut xoifoci; COOZS11TG i it iTiy Muovr l n . j MAaUatrn(rid 'till J . AKT. OUB VELlifiKiNgWK ; Being of tho 'Hlmplcstl flstrncllon, aro eAAtJjr HiaBAsrctl abb! gttAraiiteed to JEN!RLjRE SATISFACTIOlj") Aa no article in the household has creater InQuerroe'ln rromotinir tbe health, comfort and than tbe Cook Btove, it Is economy aa well aa policy to tret tho very best! and In buying1 the the. Charter Oaak you can rely cn retting the, most aucuesstul, popular' and perfect cooking. stove tjpr made, ..BOLD DY. i MANUFACTUKINU, CO. i EXCELSIOR 012 A OU If. Matu Street, fit. Louis, Mo., AND ALL i t Iaiive Merchmnts LIKE i , r . t X Vi r ii 'i s " W. HXSNjOERsSOBT c: Cairo, IlllBota. driwiiisiv INSURANCE.' W. II. Morrte. Notary 1'utJio. r ,i II. li.rnndr Notary Ihibtle and V CpmmisaioDor. FIRE CARGO LIVE STOCK ACCIDENT LIFE Insurance ..Mais'-' 'O .i: iwa, tiAurroni), AmhuIh s.r li.-itM f AOUTJI AnKUIOA. IA.. s .lsf(s !i.7M:i. IIAEtTFOlCU, COAX., Aticts 2,51.1 210 7'J I'IKE.V EA', .11 A ItTI'OKU, liKsets I,(N1,11M (l I.Ti:itXA Tl.VAIi. X. V., AnNt'la i.:t3u,:is 1? PUTA.A.U, IIAltTlNUU. A 'wit 70(,oa7,7a, jr,Kri:i.AXi. AfaclM ..., 515,07:1 8S llO.Ui:, COIallM HUN. 1 Axt'a niS,37S 48 a. m: it it; ax ckxthal. Mp, Hsits auo.ootf oo A"!" .10.000,000 OO. : KAVK,e,i:uN, iiAm'vonD,' MCheV AfldllkKIVIV " kmii i.aoo.eeo n A li; HAI PASSlOXtaKlW Afi . rvtlRAXCJi: LO., IIART . 4hiael ...i.... SOO.000 00 m IXDKPKXOKXT, HOSTOX, Atct- .....$oao,H6a 68 Safford. Morris & Candee, City National Hank, Oaito. 111. axi .ti.iuixi: INSURANCE IN ia tyu,x'a, TV.' Y. t akhi;ts.... i.i3a,aiu Gurmanlu, IV". Y. ; ABNr.TN ...I,008,IIH Hnr-voii', IV. "Y, ANSirTPI. STrtOBA Republio, N. Y. 17I,D3B bo liiilirlalne; tbe VntlerwrllersM Yon leer b, N. Y. 5 AHABTbI .; 87H,lot s rVlbany City; Firemn'ssi Fund, ASH ETA ui.,'j .8078.0oe 00 Security, IV. "Y. ; Maririe A.SW.BT.tq.M ..,..aA. 1,434 ge 00 MTStorea, fcwellfngs,'Firn'lltire, Hul", J ' tar)toe Insured, at,rute aa.favorab.a as sound' permanent aeeurlly Hlll warranl 1 I resnectnillr a'akSbf ifii1 eltia.n'. n'.i.J. ' share of their patronage. ' h hi , J. A. 11 UU II Err. Offlee-ttt First allons.Hnlc 1 OK INSURE! 'i i. r -r." - j t . '.,'? t mvi n- hi BEEBWABT, AUents roit Tin: DJ o r (0 Q LU UI H n it ' ' iu.ut.jfri lO.: ci -t 7 ajmi'nui"' ei- .u-c "FAME" COdElWG STOVEIS 1 V and xv.(UAinib ix the iebitotiox of'C(iokin6 appakatCs TEN DIFFERENT . ThrtQ -FGU ,am an'urrfaUlng Tcmaic ficgulhtor, intended for ijxvfat catrj ; tho?e obittriate one vltcromtUkrand cheaper mcdi-i ciiwsfail. 'ilioyarocomposctloflltompsl ixctlvo atul tiowcrftU princlplcu ol iilnntd, rdbta nnd bcrncs, ro Itlnl'ly eTicentralcd that each pin contains moro mcuicinxi ittrcnrth tlinn n. trlinlo lini. or bottlo (it brdlnarr' dollar mcdl ciiio in tho msrket: Altiiouah unefrful, yeitomUd andpltcucint in tlitlr operatUM that the moil fcttfa can tale thcin rtii prrfot tofely. Ale-Trieo, t1 jit-r lint, told by allIrugdalB sri-AUlelteraccoUtiKlnrortuatlonor advice, Trill lioiirniniitlyaustycrcd . fJunVilVdlecascs cansed by bMf-nbuseVvfz: Sprrma tcrrohca. Seminal Weak' litis, Itight Emissions, Loss qf Memory. Uniterm jMssMtle, J'ains in the jiacK, jnmntss or mton. Premature OUlAai. Weak' tXerves. VIJUcvULrtatMng, 1'ate 'Countenance.' Intan- rjt), (Xmsumpttan, sil duicaaca that Xolloir u a eorittmeft of yoallifnl ludlscrcllona. ' .j! aoh iiaojta go eontalhs oca bottle filled Trith Rtigar-coaii d JPillj, nnd one Tlal filled witb 'Jrefllcate'd Ttowrlei-8, sufficient to rnalo ono hilfplqtofidJcctkM; and one Syringe. Ae-frico. I i pec package, by mail,' f 3 CO, . ' JKold by DrmrglaU everywhere. -.2'Ai oiratrJf titan .Uluiio ,cures all itttates of Vte li'in nni Oman, sveh as JneonlU tunceof Urine, InjUmrmatian ' of the jioMert'Iimammatton (j ju'tirws, otone in tno JXnlder. Stricture. Oravel. Gonorrhoea. Gleet and is Unnecialhirecomrriendedin KuwIitia (orj Whites.) Eacli paeVaco contains: ono hot lie filled vr ith Btifraroated 1'iUs. and ono Till filled with TUcdieatedPovfilcni, enflklcat .to make ono pint of injection; and ono Syringe. A3-Trice. 13: byrnall. 13 60. hold br uroggtste cverywucro. A91Vo doairo to send onr thirtr.ttro page pamphlet, entitled';1 Man and Woman h trivaliila," to every reiacr Of this paper. Bend address, iriUi Stamp to pay return postage, end address as follows: ' Bri Ioei's tfactcxt Assodinoj, ' iilLnearasiiw sratn, SitsjLorns KissotntM -HJAJaEm IPAT, DOUBLE 11 ACTllVCi Window Lock-6'-'Sash Holder. IT. rm only HKIalAIILB Window ' Fart out it has no snrintr: Is titain'o and Dura. M,,ns well as ornu-, menial, locks win Jowsrnuurely, mIHU o6en. or t'lnse.l. luul prdventa raKllnn of me M'li. , i Nino dill areiit kinds of 'IrimnilnKs, to ittlt nil tastes, hy IfwiiitTli una lorn 'orliralcd. ' .i cv oATiM Solo owners of tho Territories of tho Stales ol Illinois, YVIsooosinand ltitra.afid Aontaforniher Ktatrs. Oeiierstl Oilier. 00 1VANIIM.. Tn, HIltEETS. UIIIl'AtlO. marili7di:in STEnEOBCOPES. VIRWrl, ALUUilS, gn HOMOS, Vl.AM.E9. Et & H. T. AMTHONY & CO,, 501 IlftO.UJH AY, Nl'lVYOHK, Invite the altn tlou of tno Trailn in a.i.. slve assortment nf the itbotacnods, ot Tifriu" una Also ""l'7J-' fSIW'Pr'Wj PUorb I.ANTKRN 8MIIKH -nirivt bun t 'TNU " ' f a OIlAl'HnfflIFit. ' NEW VIEWS OK Y03EM1TE. K.'attiH.'T. ANTHO.W Si To,, Ml Daoiiiwiv, Nw Yoaa, .Ojipos llo Metropolitan Hotel, iMreaTsxa axd uxki-rxcu'sraa or PHOTOQRAPHIO.IV1ATERIALS. mltidHJin i JQINSOLUTIOIV. ' The Dartnerahlnaiilatil'ilr hltVreeit ila.'n Pno.i aadlluah M. Mann, no far aa Ilia "Iron phlnery Bupphes Store" isconcerncd, Is this day dissolved by mutual content, Jos. II. Keed liav PAboUKht out tno the interest ol li, M. Mann in thessnio.,,.,, 'id iatllr aaliM luesioio win do conuuolau tmaorlha name of . , JOS. U. KKED. The Calto Iron Works will lia.eiiniliinm.i n,. usual under tbo firm name of Heed A Mano. Ji". it. iir.liD, Illinil Sf at kt.. Ciiro, Ills,, April Sflh, HTI, I sWr.NI'?,11 m BatTs, jwasswyw, (iHraoM) VpAYS pJlm '.j.'sjii ORTH & CO oi:!aitim.TRKt 'in rV i - DO ' K m ' ' 'ri' - v o t Utl Mk olln.L : Hit' lectl outf -id ' Jkaya the Beat, Vf '' ui. Jjivayn r, the , C? Jieapeftt SIZES NOW READY. DRUGS. SON AND'HAYM ' AT THERMOMETERS! TIIEK-tlOSf ETKltS . a 7 O r Large Stock ' sHfOR ALK AT.. t , sa.n.oxjia.iri. Whitcomb's 1 SOOTHING SYRUP TORjilXAT ' T A T5-tT A.VO Sapolio, a bl C (0 fe Cheaper and better than avopfor Kllnees Uzcrpt WHialf Inar cloihea) for ilrntilnir Win. dDWi aalllionl water. I'aliil. ell Cloth, Floors., Taplra, and avis wssuwnrs, vrtBtist, B.ariia en Hint Ciliiaatrwre, stud lor Ueneral House Cleitntni; l'ur- poaesf' , far loilahlnsr" Kalvra. 1 1nwa Brass, Nleel, Irou, ssud all Mela '- Wares. Itcmovi a, sua lay .vtasilc, ril .aa ami Itual, leuvlli; a brllllnlit aur li equal to Mi xr. I'or Sale by ItAKCLAY DHl. Chapped Hands GLYCERINE J-0TI0N An Eli't,'unlly iM-rfiimcd nnd rnliiulilc arlltlc for tho ttillctul l.atl Ion and llcntloiiipii. Hli cum IhAiined IliiitilBilUiuirhi'cvs or ino hkim vnappcd l.lp .and wiaivu fluriaccs. ' Tlir OXli 'MOTTLE. Prnarpd hv Barclay Brotiiors. (Icnnlrio rritpbrtctf Extncin. II.E ENUUHU SOAPS. t3 D r 0 rw O I. Hair,, Tooth mid Null llnislic.i.l India Itnlilirr Nursery (loods; AT 2 Il iuii; llilTIl, (I'AF.rUL IXHDESRTAKKR 31 Cor. WasliInRtoattve. & 11th Street CAIRO npr22d3ml'l" ILLINOIS. v Ol I f.lUiV el HANDBILLS.. C'B.CULAR.8 .i i , .i' i .J rtil Anuiw'us ' . I'XUAL AND I'OMMEsKCIAI. JOB lBI9(TINO a s Turtle Oii J MAurnir 3 81 low, .hi r W 0' warn .5 n i aaiu - u FURNITURE. aAarar B.s- iMwwrWnyiwu.f ha::i:i:im 'IEAI.liit,"'lN i"i r!.,i,iaK h'ii tJl.ASSWAUK nml HOUSE FUK'iiSll mi cnons. Ultiu . It rr lBand.Jil CQjt5riEIC!AL AYE-HUE Cairo, Illiuoia thou in ayl"ijL MILLINERY- Mrs. C.McGEK'S, Cheap Store I XV- . Ms poir abtlridariDyHuppife'd Ajih She Hai fust receiVlVfdll'libe o - DrtKM Trinimlnirs, Silk (.Imnx, .Silk (iaioon. liuipuro incest, .iohh ' TrlniniiiiL's, Silk and Vclrct lluttons. Crochet i lltitlons, 'IMbsK M oiitl Trlmmlnir Vi'lvcl, Silk Gimps. HATS and BONNETS., Flrio Kid OlonoH, Ladies;.(,and Childrens' Siioe?' And a full and complete stork of r FANCY e9DsO Alfof which sne irotaaea sqaell.ett"; The Very Iioucst Cuek. J?ricc Shainvilea the ladle to. rail aad sea hrr Bajw foods and learn the prices. ' ... alalmtetrisi name oi navin i naviiwuoKiib, . it oil . Tji''i't. i i i 11111, .T. M a ' 11 AM) DEALKB9 IN at .ITT B emsisiH asac. Eighth St. 1belwee8 tWashtogiM'sk , i ' Commercial dive., lAdJalnttiR RltlenhoaM AHasmterS'! -will. a u u! " l keep the best of Beef, Pork, MoJMe(Tea1,.Iailtl(l, Usmas.a amtM. si XaK.txa taw mst SS mwWm afltAtalA to tho mot cc ptM mnnMer. cetfMtf q nil - ii i in up i 1 ' ' t I CfUB,W?4;BflTr She JoUav WttWx&w. A.KevTspapersjl tkePreeeat Ttseea. f Isueoeeal for teerle liar. Carta. " I Iseloalnt'Farmera, Mtchsnlci, Wertianu, Pr ftsiional Men, rToiten, Talakera, aad, all Mao ner of Ilonoat FoltCaal the Wives, lotas, sad Dauthtarief allsneo. ONIV OMK DOLEAsfA 'EABT' ' OXE UDNDRBO COriZS FOB. f 3e Or Jeu.tian One, Cent Copy. Let there M a 30 Clan at every Poet Oflce. BEJU-WEEKIiY fi A TBAB, of the tuns tits anl leneral .thsraetar as TUB TTEKKXY, bat with a araaUr variety of mlsoallaneows readlac, sad raralshlajr.'tka news . , tgiuaooserllxis with rraster fresaireas. beasuae 1 It comes twlco a woek Instead of oace only. 3 i TOE DAIXT BC?r,;t TBAB. rreta every where. Two oaais copy t by rnalL Otceuu a moat a, or M ayear. ' ' TERMS TO CLUBS. Iff TUB DOLLAB WEEKLY MUX. Five copies, one year, aeparatslv addressed, f -r - . ,i Fear llellara. Ten capias, one war, seearatetr aHsstte fjual an extra copy to tie ( susr op of elatlTr5- -, Eli at ilollarav Tw.ciii,'-ecp ! 0Be 7ir' PrateIr addrestett (sad an extra copy io tbe enter up or cinO), . ' ' " irtea DelTara. .c?J'1t..on Tear. o ono address land the Bentl.W cckly one year to sstter a p offlab), . " , rTalnr-tkree PeOaw.r RiiV?2!iTer- "P'tlT addresied (and ta Semi-Weekly one year to setter unof etoD). r,-i , . Thtrty-ATo Pellara. 0n jinndrad eoples, ooe year, to one address una the Dally for one year to the srttoTSVot c)nt' Fllty bailers. One hundred oopins, oae yrar, seoaratelr ad. TUB BEMI-WBEBlY Vl v ' rive copies, one year, teparsuiy addteraad. Ten conies, one resr. separatelr addreued (and as extra copy to cetler np of clob)7 , uaweea xvoiiars. ' &lHSB?JOVm. MOKETf 73 hPpstptBce ordsn. checks, or drafts oaKa thrfcttSV'.''.r7IT,,Uen if noCtSen rwtMsr ins (etten contalolae money. Address E W.ErTQtAND, miUner.-' 1 Baa offlee, KtwYork (JtW. yA l lAM, TODD ek CO if ,riT "all a IJII 1 TI I cmt it A i j importers aridT Jobber RIBBONSMILblNERY STRAW GOODS, ' Ml i. bt. iioum, Ifave at all times aftillatwrtMMt'Xga.alsar T lonable soodt, wtnon win oe sum at me lowest .? mallcet price. Orders ao.ioitca auil promplj (led r "1 M O; nim1 wiaj wuc an a as. aaaj :sisjoxi&aii vaswoim . i.yj. .... ,r tvu .1 itri in UlX'fi H BILLN,fAAfBp. ,,m .to.) Lai. ) IS. c rV 3 1 a .1- at.j' I ' 7 ,f V ' HiBj 1 11 T if . ,t t,.,i tkia'J e.n ; 1 . JU 'i rflf uiJ trrK a, '-?r t s,t.' awtJl 4t wr' .lav ... 1 1 . II. It -iaH , t.iH .Hi V.iM a lla-'Je1 . ,...,. , 1 uu'j tit .j tT at i