Newspaper Page Text
trtMafaSaY' . - 7 aaaaLwkK ..go lira if BY JOHN H. OBERLY & CO. CAIRO, ILLINOIMAY 1871- ONLY DAILY PAm JOOTTO .. .i,jh, V PAINTS' OILS, ETC. B F Parker U. F. Blake , jAKER wkRLAKKl Dealers m v OILS it WIMbwCOiM aadTatty. raufcoa. Wall Vutr. Wl4 Bk. Illinos 7)!- . t t E GREEN WALD niiMriuiii mUU m V raaaaaia' aeW m. a TifllllitlTDV feiaMt-n 1MP ftp . 33 MACHINE SHOP n.1 STEAM EMINFS; 16ILERS, W4A.ll i - CoppefrandShaetvlron Work So. 848 EatPerl 8imt,' A i dMCTKHATI. OHIO. .DEALElt i.t 7r J ti t tAtHAKD 'L : i-LOWICrV ON;-. , ; .TEHTJl STREET Commercial and WA$b- ANK8. 1 r s NTKKPMUE Bank Ckartre1 Marek 31. orrrcie iv City National Bank r CAIRO, 1XLI1VOIS. r . t 'VriOKHS ; A. B. 8AFPOHDJ Prtfldent ) . H. B.TATUIIf. VIccPrvlMenti1 W. UTaLOrHArtaurjMid Treuurar. P. V.DAHCLAT. . ClfA.9. OALIOHEH, k.cuusouamv.p.uuaV. J-AWI. aiaMlii f Aaaakat Kaealva4 fra 1 :Taa,CafaiaIJsward. ' lata rax t paid 9n t)pott. at lha rate of 4 pes can I. w,MamHarhliilaad8apt..nw . InUrf.tooiwilWrawn Uaudad'lmmadlstaly to tba prineipal of tha dcpoalta. therob glrlnj tlm 'iiulw tMaVUaaJattsMaaatnal'- . o own mvm cam draw it. i 1 'I ."Vaa,fcnlV.tfUk.'' 1 ' ' I t; mHE'4 Z "' " x II iTK?afini!iti&5iiif tin ninunii ;Dinn raw-, CAIRO, ILL1HQI5. 9. HAIt.lBAVi traSa1aat A. .avABVMU CaakJa ' WAlI Mat UtUVOT, AaaUtatst Casaler 1 DIRECTORS. JliMtar.TAfUir W, P, HallUay, I'WSiiaiata. BahLH. Caaalaikass- sieaata mut. A. B. Safford. KxltanK.; Coiaft and ' U. BondBouKltt and liold. 1 Jji la Its' ! fl S' lUOaaitaaaw tOaai. 3R. vaoolirascS sli " 6-W lo Juj bvsix INKIiTO' . kA.'k iu aid a v -flHriwipiii eun .AHlSaTiirMWrwalW.1.., BMSBM roW.-aTbataw Vlae-PrasM . M UCIABav GaUr. c - 1 i Ul (I -.1 ) !' . Idiww-tanllB Mad CxcliiiBare. Celat, r Iliik tN'l5' an United States HecutH tier iSaHKlrt' aattl r.r 718OQltt!Sa0l43tLi rGM. " rninnp o i an II III! II. Y iVii.Ml hu Savings 1 Smiu'l jmIiv!mU . .ui vUlMfcadaM.MleeWO.'m?'? 1 -1 war iie watM. WU-M if". I p wa:o ct J. S. BOBBINS, ABO North El (i I. til SU, PfcUaeeHfc Dobbins Vegetal Alor nd dreeaiog tlit.?wnLl notl irta-n.tiio lUir7on'Itnur th head. It doe pot produce color mechanically;iithe poiAon preparatjpnf(dQ It gradually Jkacit wigipal icwVon It causes a luxuriant!! g of soft, flnolharrvJ . r? Th r btor a dx feat article :ateEOjffljrL'. r rrrs Clean, aad Pare. tfo sedimeni. Boldgyerywhci. AfiKr FOR DOBBINS'. ' GROCERS. SMYTH 4c CO., GROCERS OHIOrLEVEE, R.O. TTaTiXJg o, .keep eoaeUuitly on hud noet aoas pUt,itock o - Sceteh and Irish ;WhlskIf I ' OX3STM. Part, Madeirat Sherry, Catabaw . . ' W MirMlT1r toe Cub, to which 11 M ion of ciie wrgam oujan 8pcUl:,CJBtJon chrca to flillo etdtm. fcT ItMV SWAN DEB lfaiLINERV iAltM FaralsUaff Gm4s, irolcJl A.Yanue Coratr XUith lrt." 111 kfnda afrlothllltf for LAdUfe' w..r m&da to" I ord.r. or rJ mulo. Alto. fall Mfortra.ot WOOD, COAL, ETC. !0 AND CAIm JP. IsAl. WAErD la prepatej to delliat tae bt fire Wood & Stone Coal Inanjrp'art or ttie etty, in an qtiaotity desitM, ao abort uotice. Cos! cllrrtA at $4 SQTar Taa. OKFICK-Oyar Baerwart. Ortb a Co.'a alo4 atoia, two doora abate tha oaroor of Kilitb atrMt afld ImaMarrial ttacaa. . dacMl frllCROSCOCti. r "WV 1 " mBK1 OEtEBRATEl . c CRllllilCUPE UatitBlWondi,Tafaa:ta;ibaaaa of. aad prantical arallabllltyj eonbtnlns; mstractjoa wllh amuaemenl, and never It later!. It 'SaagnlflM- - - - - - TEN THOUSAND TIMES a power aqaal tA btber Sf)icroaeoaejor--Bn 1 HMWI ll.VU.l. .WIIOTP. ll.MV ..IIU. Ml around ua, teeming with tlfo. which to the naked., ye must roreTer remain a sealed book aa eels In loegar, aoloiala la water; cneeaemltaa, suaar ana :eh lniecia. mltkGlobulea.cUwa and halraof In- pacta, huodrada of area la a elnciaajrei of flf. auasara Dfjitarnr iwivniu ipw punrcuj- ivriiiru ealliers, the much talked of Trlnchlna pin,lja or with thia Mleroeeope.- It la of Infinate value lo profeaslonal men, to taarhera'and to a(udcni, but nowhere la it of creator value than n the family uabla, within the reaehof eTery member. If w(IHIetthlTpnreif. yourclnldren and your frlania during the long winter evening.. It will show ynu adulterations and uncleanlineaa ol rariouakludaof food, aa su gar, tea, bread, meal,' Ac. ItlBof Iac8tlnbrlYalueio tkeFrP; in eiamlnlnd leaecta whloh pipy vvon ma crop. Tha power of aJWraixroaeopo.aua aolalmple'in Its onaruoiiuii iurit any uimu -van ui-iihhu.i -atAodiBfiJ and with appreciations 1 . A baaalif ll preaeas alegaiit, lotructtTl Axaus-las-, and i heap. Over W,awluirwtieilil. Curlpg the past U j eai its worth kaa aer n tea. IAul tol ehauaanda of aclenllfla mrtVi tarmere. aohool teachers, students, physioisaa, heada of famillrs, and others. PKICEft ).-Seat y Mall, Pot Fald Ere omel ry ins'rumantls nesily Jboxel, aid Mad. 1 labeled with full dlrecUoai far use; Thau - aandahmva hmrnn iMlht al Addms, ' w-.a.UOTaMW.', i vaicago, 'TnaaileraaMntiA 'i.m. ... 1 MrV... 4iia.f9ritrvrieaeiUr-tha myaiarlaa ol nature a-tha i IlIo axplaioa-lntereaiing lutorraatlon on the won dera-af eraaUoB atortaa.-akatebaa, In. Term S6 II 00 par ifi.leuswi.-sjiatiiiaatraa I fii- una t atr la mr nnn niirnliaiinB a fM I FRIDAY. POLITICAL. which, u.fitlU0a'tjhe.Ud.tekea. for tha SUte. lti.Mk: )t0uko& U takMi a 1he1fttfnj'Iin7 dfkuit- SUUrwodld tr'ioon daponuUtcdi tiowi in rcgara 10 me jvnii.iux ouirge wo bkve MneeDuat bribe xmlmtlon of. four gentiemnsoT Macon county, 'at. MoTtoi6rwfrjJ '( ILfc wrapU(it?if.Viiegro for "Ku'EiuxingV him, which ndod prorBg tbat.thlan((ht M guttio44Bgafi tlemea-Bii of whoni he'and iU'wfa iwo'ie to having recognised, were omr?rhar4 elie, and that the negro I a notorious hog thief and Biiacblef.mikcr. i ' ' " , The return! from the Weit Virglrila election Indlcnto that tho Flick amend uicnt, which ,remoret .the, politloal dlia billllci of the ei-confederti aruL. the ne grocj, ban been carried by a large, rnijorl- The election in Minnesota harc.ulttd adterlcly to tho payment of the Slato rail- Way4ond. According to Mr. David A". WeUi,.toli. U A.ipeciea of .repudiation tqat will teriouily impair American credit abroad. , The New York Herald iayi, Jlj a pqlltlj; cal party u ererlaao ioaxtrjabie d dlo that-party IthCBep"ubUoa party Jin tbiiclty and State vtthit tlmo,' , Bei'ldca the..ConkUng.Fn tin-Morgan 'irfabroglio vl . , -at m . 4. 'i' m . tuero aro 1119 xnm-, jaurpny-jona jocd-rane-Hortca Oreeloy-Hank, SmllhiacU! r TouMj-Tom Dick-&nd-HeBery--rAg-Ug .'and'lbtanrcQmpUpatibnf, which)- waited L .1 . 111 r - 1 wiia tno growing unpopuiaruy 01 uenerai Grant, reader the entire LRpublf!an ta$n t,(.t li .M.' -I.- . -'. 'til... ! J 1 vMtBo, v. M- Tr3 w m wink wretchedly Jtd worklngcondmoBj ,-Tho icrewa all be loeaey tha cogwbeeli jam' and Ja;Wh erajk, aail the boiler eeemi to be on be,;wift'rpad to a high-ol aj ia-up all rofind. MOTfttMrnHEJ3AV. k Toledo fatt.evav(a'COt0te4 ? two years old, that can spell words 'of four syllables. Some bboliaara like snail, cheap dic tionaries;" you ffnd everythlnglhYro ex ceptwhatyou.want, j. c- Fittsburg expects io have silver smelt ing furnaces next. Hitherto it has smalt coal smoke, chiefly, A Chicago paper says of a coteruporary that "it has doubled its. circulation. An other man takes a copy now." We aro promised, a now stylo In the. ar rangement of ladles1 hair 'ibis Spring something ia.the Grecian order. Tbe average weight, of tho humanhoart is SJ ouncos.- Its work:ln a day la equal to raising 124 tons one foot high. Dr. Blake, a well-known F.ngiish phy sician, sayi It 9fcly requires two London seasons to rob a fashionable girt of" her freshness.- - ' - jf i i An old nemo, in, Howard county. Mo- Uiiald to 'bo a trlflesnorter that! a flour barrel, nr p.lhe:WX000 deaths iM0fde4 in. Ingiaod ijodfa). iales.. fjrpM if$i: Vrly 2,000,000 were those of children under five ' Mr! McGoIgan, pastor'of a Prcsbytfr lan church In Town, has withdrawn bo causo tbe rules of tho church foibid Mrs. McG.-to preach. 'j'J'i Z AUUUk f JVU MUrblt Ul HUH U.CB.C. . hair will jnake good,t)fa4Mp8:to two xerra JUaute lames, wno naaja uuBgrco- roent tho other day.. Our old friond, Dr. Livingston, tho Af rican explores, is agaipj alive, but poor.- Kalpb 1 Foljx, tho brother of Itachae!,!so far from being killed in Paris, is going to opon a London theater with a French com- llalVt, Journal o( Ilcaljh says a six penny sandwitcu, eaton leisurely in uia can, is better for,you than, a dollar dinner boUedatMiatiln'. -AX Out In Iowa,, Cshipg!'pajtles of, thirty or forty couples take' along- a brass band to play qa one sido of the stream and, drivo the flsb to tho hooks on tbe other. Tbe Newark AdverlUtr calls New Jer-j ley "a tight littlo SUte." 'Sarely.'tho ocll tor does not give It this title becauso it has Qilch,'SfcTsVj' Ughlnirigl1 la -U Abbiqf.erklns failed tp.uUsfy a Bel (ait, Me:;ijfafy; after ytkrwJays' hearlr)g. ihAlJErancU.J'aiaUBT, prnmlitw .a.tnirry her In 1805. and they rendoredwr.rdU aornnllna-lw. S ' " m ' i A 3 -OV em. 4'"1 .ti-'ly'VUiLCjIiil' Tae German tenor. Nlesaao.iwaei kithe 1 1 1 ftnfiultAr to t(i jtnl of toine Xlfi.OeO. alvorced huiWnd'bf arU See Vm,, hit! married Henrietta Raabe, a noted actr Tho Chineao tomplo of Quong "Wkh Mucn In San Franctico, wu utely dodi- cato4wltk;lmDottoa- -eareoaoalef .TClnore are wo Abba joIo,f"al' tFo" door, eabh twonty feet klfhr a, iorenty-, uto older uonet. ThiJnmatWwlilch tho aaucy little KnlkBraoaarawa,InorMte k aosaetkl remarkableiThey llNrtod thlrty-ilx pf thora In, HtchBond, ya., a .year.05 two, ago, ano BOW uoro m oi .u....w. TheleWof Wgr tiy tho Bonnet' Garre croTaue ia estimated at 20,000 hegaheadi And all tJrk Maabeoiute. oMjOaWTicUt tho levee to tbat,.)e .mljrht haul hUgkr throucb. Thli U a blir bee to put In the ekoftfiirotwaianajpappfc.t.Hie ae:i;ae!reariar rM Hf I " 1 M M A.-a IJt K M )l L 1 1 I rirlhia 'editor tiftvlng notified1 cqr- re8iondenUUiatTalU.oomBiunicatlon Iti- Unded for publfcailon rauit bo accomria- nlod by the full name of the writer, re- ,cc(red otStdn a lady wiiprlgn,he 6wn Ifnll narae,'io-)vt: Anna ilitlld'o Soph'la A gentleman in a suburban town buried hht tilth wifo. Shortly after tho funeral ho met tho tnlniiter who officiated, and off fered htiri athredollar'grctnbauk. minister declined to take it, saying ho was.. not accostomcd to accept, pny, for such ser vices. Tho gentleman cooly replletd, "Just as you say; but that's what I've been In the habit of paying." The, following, highly .appreciative- tri bute to California strawberries is from, a Western paper: "Strawberries grow in 4altoraia all the Year rooadTi '-The straw- (b4 Kam.'. 1cowidcriri?e; ,U U not uncommon for an ordinary family to sub slit on one for a week. It must not be siippoledthat all'the.varietie. aro pfj t!s size' I some are much smaller,1 and It il not an uncommon thing, for a healthy innnjto finish one at a meal." Recently a thtof of tho Mawworra typo said to a jugUoIreol, quito confidingiy, "My lord, I realjy,assurp-ypu I committed We'theft tn aea WomceiT-quijle, indeed, against my own will, my lord.- quite;' "Oir.'Yery.WBH," amid bis lorusutp, "it is only rlgbiUkatiyou should) havo no cause for complaint. Tho ofienso will bp. met In a proper spirit' ' Xs you committed, the act against your own will, you will je punished agklnii yibuVwn will." MAMtae fcAUKlTV NEWS. - -r -T t ? v,"j -i Mr. John Reynold, a well-known farmer ofjMsai WOTtY,.died,onthe3d Inst. Tbo donomluation 'o( Ghrljtians are, taking steps for tbe.bullding of a church edifice. Tho license on retail liquor stores has been raised by the county court from sevenly.fivo to ono hundred and flfty ,doHars;a year. The Maisac'-Joiirnni says: "Iu tho casei of tho people vs. John W. Haley, for tho, killing of Joseph T Harrington, which was called yesterday, on -motion of the counsel for the dofense, Judge Baker granted a change of venue. The caso goes to .'Mound City, and will come up for trial i tbi 3d Monday of the nresent'nionth. jppnp. W.;;Munn and Judge,Gteen havo been retained tor iho defenseautTwe learn, that Judge Allen will assist our able State's NEW YORK NEWSPAPERS. Correiponlertce'BnrJalo Courier. We learp,fror tho country papers that Commodore Vande'rbilt"is proparlng to eatablish a'dally'paper in this city, with a capital of n'early n-tnilllion dollars.'' As Vanderbllt (i a pretty shrewd old gentle man, and very careful of his money, poo plt'.here 'do not bollovo he. baa any such Intention. Thero is no need of anew daily in New York aad certainly the Commo dore Is In nonoed of an organ.' Thoi'aii aiWreaUbllshed a-ywr ago, celebrated its anniversary oh Monday, ah'd allured Its friends thiti it is prosperous and strong. Mr: 'Dana's effort to break it down , by abusing, its n editor, John Ruieeli Younir." havo not been "very, sue cenfui. Tho now one-coot, morptng paper, TKc Kai, .which a co'uplo of adventurous journalist projected somo Weeks ago,- 1ms not ysi muuu iu appearance.,. as hid Evehxng. Htet, at tha same price, has bo come one of the bestrpayingclioap papers in tbe New York,1 thero is a chanco for The Ray to get in. 'At any rato. i hope It will." Tllton'a OoWsnoe continues to mako iuroadsi on itho 7n(frnii(n?, and is said to be prospefing finely. Certainly, It is a -great," deal Lworo yeadubla 'than liowon's great, blanket sbeel, and in ovory jospoct'a moro attructlvo paper tnougn mucii less gignutio nnd ponaer OUS ivev.oiepnen u JTviiuf'theodiie- er, has retired from tho editorship of wie VI, 1.1. I.MIIM IIVIH .1111 VUIhWIllll V. .l CArisftats at Work, having found tbe du re All thirdailies.'ecoDt6 JTK.'aro pros pering finely,-Tbe-papcr excepted Is 1 ArItl'sWswKt fiiwRlttTriosUlonVlMiold undet Mr.burmoB4ananagomont to tho nia in inn niiinrv tw rana m. nrav luuiuait twirPT rwinitwnn-.i; , PdnVafei: up Utaai OB9our.auiband'iih(ris j, do not rake Up 'ay,,Wlsqe f 'protect tno ' wnaer. rci's aM"aaTV feelings, aud'expect a' re 'Hi. ties of tho, pc4lUog(Up;oaerouf. Clergy men, generally, mako rather poor editors, c6mr'nlsXfe odlv isken'waoJtntifckoiat lo run a ipapor. VU Q. A. K. IKrom lh New Tork Standard, May Mh.J During tho present week at Boston tharn la to be a otenslve gathorincof ex-sol- dlew,fcmetnberi'of varlous army socictlos, wflo, corao logeiner ior ineir. annual ro 'dBton lnrfrcastlrig. The National F.n caiaMtMait or tbe Grand Armv of tho Re. public convenes on Wednesday mornlnir. rfnd ln;tho eventng will lit a ban-; fluoiatlfaneuiruan.. , On Thursday tho society ot tho Ninth' Armv Corrs sitdown ta diarat wlth General -Auraaida. .their ,bW, fommaader,,thb.jsvenlng tho Massachusetts commandory of the .uovat ..Jjestonr.iCeiebraM.atUialr.' an- BivanarTii'uniijrniay. nno'rneetine Of: llirtM.hWTVUr- Aar Armlr1 f V h Polbmac'taVs1pYa:3? followed by. the'socl etlos of tho Sixth Army Corps and tho OaValry Uorps. The Grand Army of tho r.-ocmbr5oL,in Ju, amnbership, and Geaj,JHookcr,ii7rJeflsanton Aleado nnd many olberhave accepted Invitations to bo present Tho arrival of General. Slicr ldanfrom Kurono is anxiously looked for. General Logan,, tho prpaent sCoftrmandcr of tho Graqd Army, the general stair, and i.tlio cdclecates fromi ' Califor nia, taryUBd District ,6f Columb I'flnnsvlvania. and mti' Kt4tnV r,t thn West, ro'dcy.ous jrt this city to-lay, arid leavofor, I)ostim'-(n n.'body tbi; evening. Fof. 4Li Conttrianilerablp of tbe Grand Army quito a, contest will taku place, Atiioiig thu. candldatea Gen. llurnsldo, DoKrPlcA'San'ton and Gen. N. P. Chlnman "of Waiblhcton k'ra amonir tho mora nrni.,- incnt. lloforeiho Hociotv.of the Army pf , ii ; . ..('. . I ; tno-rotnmiir, ur.nraircniui or Wisconsin delivers :ino -annual oration.-' Tim con test! also7''fof tlie '-lrosldohby of the So ciety, promlscs-to bo exciting, and should Gen. Sheridan arrivo '.In season, the honor will possibly bo given htm. The BfUan'a Otn. Tho correspondent of thu Now York Ilerald says of tboparpot presented to this government by tbe Sultan' of Turkey for iho-OAJt roon of Iho WWlo House: "ino sultans gin was borno, into tlio apartment. anrolled,-and instead ofia uuuuiiiui aeaign, as nai eipecinuta .yel low, red. nnd whlUr.itrlpcUi carpet, .with vine work,-not unlike tho crudo deslghs discovered on.anclont .Egyptian ware. dr. porhaps,mQro correctly speaking, tho fun- taitic urawins .or ambitious urchins, was ioMrrMtv..rviiaTO.iuu.iiionQWuyu tapciiry ifibricatod by one Hadji Halil-Elendi Si .yandjl Zade,T' bConstantihoplq., Tho c4r- P0tIs.:Mdly sewoU'1'pgolfc.c.maiqhed In. a aoian places; ano ..when atrctentd afid nailed do wa' Will -present to tbo'eyo Innu- 'mbrdblborponttne llncutterfy dlsflgdr- inc tho hitherto sorroeble appearance of tbe executive saansion;' but as it edsttho govornment nothing; and'lt wpuld bedfs reepectful to our friends ia tho neiahbor bood of the Ooldcn Horn not to accept it. the sultan's, prcscnt .will doubtless continue to aisngure tne exocuiive mansion ' Blsinarck aad Farrs. FRASKTOBToif-TUE-MAiN. ifftvC llis- .marck, attended, by. JBaroi. Yon. Axnlm. has had two Intorylows with Favro and Ponyer Quartier. The latter declared that tho paymont by Franco of contribution in accordance with tho preliminaries of "ponco was Imposslblo. and asked for concessions,' offerinc os an equivalent for tho prolongation of 1110 comraorciai treaty nn aavan- tageous arrangement with tho east ern railways. Favro asked for possession of forts Charonton, Noire nt, Itnsney and Naissy by the Ye rial lies forces, also tho return of all captured arms and munitions, and prompt return of all prisoners of war. Bismarck .Insists upou strict and immediate compliance with the prelimin aries of tho poacO convention. Ua sug gested that loaifti be obtained from Eng lish, French ami Gorman banks, and added further that protraction in paymont of tho indemnity will entail serious come quonccs iipon tho Versailles Government, aWTho following "apology" Is pub- llshod in a Topoka, liansas, papo er: "An Apology. Somo time last winter Dr. S. K. Sheldon ordorod me to mako him a' Ann' singlo breasted frock coat, to bo worth $19. I made the coat, and it was a perfect fit; but bo left It on my hundx, be cause ho wanted a swallow tall Insteud, wberobv I suffered a loss of $20. This spring do ordered of me a business suit, nnd. endeavored to again loavo a coat on my hands. I told bim to loavo mo tho whole suit or pay mo for it. Ho refusod, and I kicked bim out of my shop at eight o'clock. on tho morning of March 27, 1871. lie has since, however, paid mo, and re quested an apology, which I now. mako, and stato that bad ho paid mo for my work as requested, I would not havo kicked htm out of my shop as abovo mon tlonod. J. V. HART." A. II. Stophens issomctimoscnllod an aristocrat, but hero is a picluro or bis household: Mr. Stophens could not but bo entertaining. Tho colored children of his household, servants como and go nt will, squat on tho floor, play with tho dog. pr stand. beforo tho fire and staro to tboir heart's content, tnko part In, convocation wheqover thoy desire, boing humored n overythlng by their mueh-lovod mastor. In his bachelor life his servants aro his family; and tboir wolfaro has always been a loiirco of anxlotv and comfort to bim. So writes a radical visitor. Problem. t -Tho following question is said to have proved a stumbling block to a great many appiiqanw .examined jor .places In tho Census Buroau at Washington : ' A. sold AcdwUfolwoflty-Hvq, 4ollftrs"and, by tbq transaction '.lost sUtcerj kan4 two-thirds por cent. Ho sold another cow at an ad vance of sixteen pgr cont. for Juit'onough to cover '"tho Ibfs-iipon tho first cow, how much did ho got for the second cow? AnwooUcIt,ed, ,. WSf" Loading cdltqrial articles, einbru cing:commontsion tho topics of, tho day, aro said to have beon invented by tho latoi John Walter, of iho London Times. Hn foro he took that japbr In hand, tho daily Journals, did no'r ook' to guido tho pulllo, or oxorolsa politloal inOuonoo. They wore ysewi papers, little jnorpi, any polcal artl clas Introduced being in the form of 'Gut ters to the editor," iicpuDiin is composca particularly, ot uio 1o'6tt!(rwiwwTil tllei rjllloiviilthoirph vcTr tniiiv nlficor. spanmeni. woe colors nro yop neavy fto dojilirgUogfthc fof a4c7tnaoaM)f-lHa nrlaolBali.Barlor br PHYSICIANS. AWADC1THAI, W.f7,,P -a clan, Surgoon and: Accoucheur, for-' metlf ol Adds, Uaioa Co., Illlnolt, has perms nanny looaied m city. OPFlCE-CommerciH ArtDUa, between tin and 9th Btreets West aid. marchldly CW. DDNIV1IVQ, M.D, Ilci- I DENGE Corner Ninth and Walnut ' JFFJCK Corner BUth Street and Olilo Uvae Or FICK HOURS-rrom t a.m. to It m., and i pm WILLIAM R. iMITH.M. D REHIDBNOB-No, 91, Thirteenth ' ten .etwsen Wmhloxtati Arenue pndj Walnut S(rfe( ComielrAe'ri'e i Hrlrp HWAIIU.VEK, m. I., Cairo . nramrvfip n . vi i . .t. i iiiimiioviti v.m iirr ni ..luncrnwi pt and WaahlKton era, C1FFICR On Commercial a.,OTer iho I'oitoffice. OFFICE iOUKS from ion m to 12 m., (Sundays excepted and rrom z to o p m. CARD. at. 7 i7 Tk " ! U'i'ur .Willi III tuilllfnj Tltwantnaa haninM l.ia m I mm .!. il . It-la. I riaifvj iiwni wmci win nn u iotneiruiVNtitffr . to mtMt.iH Inlh JiAftUuf the old ecfubliihed nrrnui , Mason, Fenwick & Lawrence, PalentJAge uta, WMhlDBtoni I.C. Tlley harrt dnn my ,bnsinea to my sattafAj. Hon. and 1 take pleaaura lnri-corumen'llojrihrm tq 'talctn luteatoM. XVH. II. I'ARIllB, Inrantvrof IinproteU llovolrlng- Tubular Water urate Bars. . . Cairo. Aprfl .10.1171. airll.l2m' X asspplleat with all klaaU ol SUPERIOR LIQUORS Beor, jOULe, eJbo., ON COMMERCIAL AVENUE Retween Eighth and Klnthsfreets, ' CAIRO,. ILLINOIS. a.lhlraty, whs love good liquor, should, girt . aim a can, anu mono nno want a Can have their wanls'aopplied at hip bar. H OUME MOVING. FBAvTlCAls house mxm mm Is prepared to do ell kinds of HOVHR MOVIIfO, HOCBE RAI8IMQ AND Kepalrlag- of Ewerjr Dtacrlwtloai On the meat reasonaMe terms. Orders left at the residence of Mr. Kennedy, on Center street, next door to the new anhool building, or addreaaed to the. care ol I. O. Box ls, or ihe Bulletin onVe, will receive tirnmrx mvmf ANTED, AGENTS. Herenty.Bve to two hundred dollars per month evervwhere. male and female, to Introduce the Genuine Improved Common Henao FamilySewing Machine. Thla machine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, bind, braid, cord, quilt and embroider In a mgpi superior manner, rnco only f ia, ruuy warranted for Are veais'. We will ay l,000 for any machine that will sew a stronger, more beku llfulor more rla.tlo aeamthanonra. It makes the Elastlo LockHtltch." Every second etitchcan bo cut, and still the cloth cannot on pulled apart without leering it. We pay agentatfotoriUOper month and expenses, oracommisaton from which twice that amount cm h rnirfn. Vnr rlM.nlnr aud terms, apply to or eddreee, 13d Bpruce Street, Philadelphia, Pa. ClOTIOM Do not be Imooaed unon brother naitlea D.ilmlns oil worthleaa cast Iron manhlnai under the aame name or othervilNe. Our. la the only g.nulne and really practical rheap machine iiiaiiuiauturct. . aprioidui JOHN GATEN Proprietor of the Billiard Saloon and Bar Room El Dorado 106 Commercial Ave., Cairo - - - - "Illinois ATTORNEYS. AL si EX. MVLKEY IVIIEELEIt. ATTOUNEYS & COUNSELLORS AT LAW. William JT. Allen, 1 John II. Slulkey, CAIBO, 1 1. 1., Nniuuel 1. Wheeler ) Particular attention paid to river and admiralty Imainoaa. Uttea Uooms T A 8 Wlnter'a Dlork. KEEN St GIUIEUT, ATTOBNETS AND COUNSELLOttS AT LAW, rVllllaiu II, Green, ) irilllam II. cnlberl, y CAIRO, H.I.. M Ilea '. Ulttterl, J ript-oia) atiention given to Admiralty and Steam buaiueta. UUloe au Olilolieyee, Uooms 7 anil ear City Natlontel Uautk. OOD IIITTENUOVME Pcccaaaoaaor Ansa A Co., FLOUR AMU General Commission Mercbaoi N, l?a; "paMi IevcV. "novlllf CMHQi ILL. &ii nw.H. r riA.. .re herobw bOlifieiLtbat omand after the liih.of May, 17I, I IU kdl- all ttnliotnaed doira found ninnlpe loote'ihalde rromanti arier me uin.ui 01 j, i.mi 1 . h corporate limit!'' clT Jl-CattoK'l'eai lined uoga iminn ninuiiiK rule irmiuj f lhaelty oj-i at lh fiv; lerk'S 3tBfca bo found 'as ih niv; nerK'S oroca flawy dorinir oitlnehoura, from the 1st of stay until tliMMMei Cairo, April 19,-1111. i aprDdtd COMMI3SIOr4FOAWAlaiH. 'tsoetewSrs W Kf YHifilnTiiH Jco.i FORWARDING n , " ' ' r 70 ilOtf TIJ Ol!) 3JJ ' r: q-jDi wqrno; torbooi ioa r , ,t .,riju...ri,iHow "jalwol ; J J tl ti.v ,Wfol Itto Ci 1 - ' "x-d rati nirnol edT .silr tn - PrtOrrTI ETOWr. ',,f ' ' - I -'ftl oitibn lortBAS I'' -.r' gMRO jlililNflWi MRERAi. Ai:AifjJ7-,jr. MltANHftflinsnoior bca Raf.lro jirrnared to rer17fii)rriTii( forward frelfrhts to. nil point, hudewry anil sell oatnm- mtlon. . , .. .v., (:ililfne sirenTel Id WIIH nrnrrtpteefs.'" ... 1 1j t 0 U To ogu OfiAl,,; H 11 nlltca-n tltu r" ' 1 " -I ii;t ni i Ji5qao MERUANTrvid ' 'andeaiels-'rn-. 'V 1 ASA w a -v t rL lSTEREli'nAIR. ' r .i2 Cor. 8lk Street aal OklLce ."J-;9i ef c febllJCm , . r 'Wt high' ' t R. W.Mlllia. -'' 'drisPsWra r-:irjf etH' jyTILLEK tePJkMMffrfrm II C 1,0 I ocr.Jt t-J l.ucM'liweoaous tierJllo Forwardirt&:,.Me'aiits 1 " iHJSW,"2r". FLOHHtCOatXeOATaaJ HAY, i xiSi r.nrjij.njI'H.Ioff -1 pf-r ' n Jooia ooT MJitorrt CAIRO! TbtZlim." TNO. II. PHIIilVlfi, iltt . T, " r. ,.i,'. 1,. , T (Bnrcosaor to' Tarker ft Fhmtl.l QSHBBAIadl 7.J IrtI V CO MM I 11 And Dealer m -. Flour, Meal, Hay, 'Cora, Oata, CorJOthSt&Ohio Levee CAIRO. ILLINOIS. " TTALLmAYBBOfflE., I vtmmn sqortr MERCHAJIT8T 1IKALCRI IH t FLOT3R And Agents ol 01(10 KTYEIt A5D KANAWrfi, SALT COMPANIES . -. I.' t ttt-o. 70 oacxo sua CAIRO ILLINOIS? Q D. WILLIAMSON, ' GROCER ja?JROJIJGJEJ ' iso-r -1 'f -- t OMMI!5'1KCJafT No. 76 OUorK tHI CAIHOalLL. isucoImI alienllon stvess CeMca oieiila and rilHnaT erslaraUPO w..8tran. mo-il uvvTHVfi (w iiaituiu uuuiuu m viaifir 'ul etotii osiTaaa4iui loeUhat nnitnhatiTrrVllarWlBWotlw' bUHffliOOlUfl sunt I 1TH0I JIUJBII 0 l- Asrenta Aaiiarle aUawJSMSsirare.Ajrawta) M CsyMawHava C0MMiN GORM m ntniitR Off mm m FORMING Ukrfi nil 24 GROCERS i wyifue ui' ' 1