Newspaper Page Text
lifi . - i fc r IraUmtk BY JOHN H. OBB11LY & PAINTS' OILS, ETC. V I'arker it. F. Itlftk- Dealera in WHITE LEiD. ZIHC, OILS Window Oln8 and Patty. " WU Paper. WIMow 95 Onto JiEVEF, jpairo -. - - - IUinos I A EOREEXWALI) MACHINE SHOP ST.f.AM ENCINFS, BOILERS Copper and Sheet Iron Work No. 2JR East Pearl Strrot, ('IXCIXWATIrOlllO. LUMBER. i W w. TiiORvro.v DEAI.KU us. BLINDS. WINDOW OliANN SHINGLES1 LATH AND LUMBER .orrim. on. ' TENTH STREET Between Commercial and WAsh- Irqlon Avenues, " CA..TRO, ULLINOIN. Agent tmn Rack River I'npcr Com4UiHhcaihlBg Felt toid Quarts Ccftient. iLw. Joha'H Improved Bool inr al war on hand. . BANKS. Savings Bank C'karlerca March. 31, l&OO OFFICIO lit Oity National Bunk CAIRO, yLMXOI.S. "i okVJc'kks 1 A. li. flAFPORtylVendentl h. a. T VI' III, Vice-President; W. IIVHLOI'. riecrwaryarid 'Irwur-r. IIIKECTURSi . W.BAHCI.AY, CHAM, OALIIIflER, F. M." rlTOt'KFLETH. PAUL O. fcCH UU, R H;1CWNIN(JIIAM. W. r.JULLIIUV, ; J. M I'IMLLlfy. Aeiloiltt of any Amonnt'Iteerlred fron. Tea Utnu Upwards. InteMtpald oo deposit at t)i rat of per cent. cr lOrrara March Ul and Sect, lai. Id tut ool withdrawn U a.ided Immediately to the principal of ihe-deposits. thereby gi'lng ttiem onipoun.i;trst. ' Varretl Women Add Children Mat deposit money no tiimt XOOHK KUtK-AN DRAW IT. pen every wartwtnrdsy-frdm'V'i-nTrtoS n.m. and aalunUy reninf. for HA VINO DEl'OdlTs ODly,frm C (o I o'clock. rpiic cm HillOlll BAKU CAIRO. ILLINOIS. W. P. IIALLIDAV, Pretldonti A. ! SAVKOUD, Caihlcri WALTER UVSI.OP, Atttitant Caihlu . DIRECTORS tttti Tflr XT. t. lUllldaj, Uobt.U.CaiRlaHllkB htrpbrn lllrd, colt iThlt Ueo. b. nillla 1. B.-Kifford. x?Iinnp;e, CoIh and IT. N.JSoml Bought and Nold. Doposltoa noooivod AOWVV.BH. UtHtlNO n TNINB FOUNDRY ri t 0 . . r .ft . . I milE FIRST milpHll BANK ! CAIRO. - . . i DANIEL MWKD, lrMliltBl BUIUtT W. MIIXKR, lo-Fr.) V. N. UOU11EM, CiMklcr. Collections Promptly:. Made. Exchange, Coin, Bunk Note and United NtateH Neenrl ties Beuifkii: and ' 'Meld. J latereit .Allowed ob. Tf Deposits. GUARDIANS IirSKJ NA TION. Tn mil nar.oni conomdi Notle la hcrobr IWentoal t will, na the ilith day ot -Jun, A, I), 171, at th Juoe Tarmof the County. Court of Al zander county, is wairo, uiiooL,riign pij orace Mlioardlanaf DlannaHartllB. ' CO. yaico o: L SC231WS, 420 North Elulitli StvPhilndu. Dobbins Til VEGETABLE A color and drcssiug that will not buru the hair or injure the head. It does not produce a color mechanically, na the poisonous; preparations do. It gradually restores tho iilnV to its original color and lustra, by supplying new life und vigor. It cuubcb a luxuriunt growth of soft, fine hair. Tho best and safest 'articlo ever ofTercd. Clean and Pure. ioKedimeni. Sold cvcmvht'ii-. ASK FOIt DOHFilN.S'. GROCERS. GROCERS OHIO LEVEE, OAixio, lurjiNoia. Also, ip ronstantly on hand not com plete stock nf Scotch and Irish Whiskies Port, Madeira, Sherry, Catabaw WHITES. We . exclusively for Ciuh, to which lai-t bute the. attention of close bargain buyers bpeclal attention itiven to fl.ling orders. Dlr Id MILLINERY I-adlen' Furnlsliln? (loods, Oommoroial Avonus Corntr A'tnlh Klrtri. All kind nf clothing lor l.!!"' wmr mide to ordr. otirmiij ntMlt. Al-o, full rurttncnt of Mn.iV im l.xillc .h mri)tt WOOD, COAL, ETC. JOOD AXD CO A I.. U jircpsreJ to Uclirtr theht Fire Wood & Stone Coal in anr part of thf citj, in in numtity drilled, nu khort uolice. Coal Delivered at $4 SO Per Ton. OKFICE-Orrf ncrwrt, Orth t Co,' itorr toic. twudoori boo th i-orner of Eighth itrct inq Ottnrnrclwl tn'i. dccMt MICROSCOPES. T ME CELEBRATED CRAIG MICROSCOPE laanonticol wonder, rrtralt th ihmn.nrl. nf hldtico wonlc r. of .N.tiirc; in 01 permanent ue and practical avallablUty, combining m.truclion wiin amu.emrm, ann ocrrr jong Hi. interest. It TEN THOUSAND TIMES a power equal In other microscopex of mn limea Itaco.t. ItcTealtcountlvi little wnil.i. nil around us, tcunlns xithlifc, which to the dM ejeinimt forever rcinnin a nt-aled book mccl in inegai,nuiiiia!i In water, chrene mitc, ausarand Itch ineci., milk tilobuluv, claws and flr of Id aecw, hundred nr even in a ulnglB eye of a fir, dmtofa buttrrlly'B hIiik. to be perfectly formed feather, the much talkedof Trinchlnanpiritli. or pork worm, which aa Hrtlil.'overed In America with thl Mlcrocnj.e. It la of Intinnte value, to prnfesnlnnal men, to tcR. hcr and to etuden), but nowhere Ik It of greater Tkluethan ' n the Utnily m tile, within ihn reach oi erery tnemucr. ii win jeumu yourtcn, yourchildron and your friend during tho lonn winter cvcnmjj". It will ahow you adulterations and iinc'lfuuliucss ot variutm kluds of food, at "ti gar, tea, bread, meal. Ac, It Is of Iiirsliiimlicl Value to the I'arnic In examinlDK ImectaMhlch prey upon nucroni. ine power 01 a iu microacopo, anu io:mpie in its conttruction that any chlln can uo It under alandingly and with appreciation. A Doaaiil 11 preaeni, elegant, luairuciiTe, aiiiub Ingi andchanp. Over rV-M have lximeo!d. During the past alx yciiiaitaworth baa been tea titled to by ttiuusanda of scientific men, farmer, echool teacher, dtudenl", pliyf iciini-, headt of familits, and ottwra. PRICE 93 OU.-Sent by Mall, Post Paid Krery m.'runient 19 neatly boxeil, and hand OtQelv laheleil with full ittroptlnnj fnp tliiA. Thou. rid. ha?e been aent by mail. Irlilra.a " . . a . rrt a. ill 1 FREE I FREE! ..Tn !X , pe' . mon"iy jonrnal of tnfor. mation for the people- the myMenea ot nature explained Interaannn ktormatlonon the won- jri.n....- ii, aaeionea, c. Term. II 00 per yo-r. 'Una Journal will bo aent Free for one year to any one nurchaiing a Crnir Mu ro. ecipe, aiineregaiar price, J, lUrai? Microscope eailf 1 aenl hAm wt a lit Knraampiecopr.and ourbeautifully illustrated and ileacripttfocircularH, and eight page ot tea. umomaiaui vrniu nicrosuope, bmihi aix cenia rni posiaaeto W.'j.lilNKHHACO,, Optlctacs, and Sole Proprietor of Craig and Nor vlty Microscope, Chicago. 111. Agent tod .Dealers, ibis Microsoopo sell In er. ry family pn Its merits, when txlblted. Large JTunu. yuica niuea.- ni"wn I TUEjDgT iVoa'je; of it l thews. Dana is not mistaken when lie pay.s tliat the Mobilo lirgitttrx edited by John Fomylli, ig one ortho roost bitter organs of the Southern irrcconcjlablcs. It hates the "Yankees" with an intense hatred ; it believes that the South was riglit in tho rebellion, and it expresses its scntimonU on a'.l pceasion in words that can at least claim the merit of en tire frankne.-s. Hut while no more out spoken representative of the "unrepen tant rebel" can probably be found in the whole South than the editor of tho Ilrrjiitrr, when it comes to talking of a lreh .Southern rebellion that nanor il . claims any desire forsuehnn untlertak ing in language which is plain. In ref erence to Senator Morton's recent speech, in which he declared his belief that if the Democratic party came into power in the Southern States they would quietly r-ccedo, the Rtg!hr takes occasion to say that the South has ah ready done all the fighting that it fceh called upon to do for the maintenance of iti-"liberties," and that any future rebellion must begin in the North. With grim satisfaction it asserts that Orant is now Dictator in New York and Ohio just as he is in Virginia and Alabama, and intimates that while it would sec the North and West rebel with great complacency, "as for the South arming or a man pulling a trig ger to begiu the htrugglc, it is as utter ly foreign to Southern thoughts and'in tentions as. it is to build a ladder to scale the moon. When the North be gins, and calls on us for help, why. then 'we'll think about it.' No more recession for this quarter." The at tempt to bolster up the iniquitous Forco bill by the pretense that the South in tends to secede again is the veriest non sense. That a sentiment of bitterness against the North'cxists in the South ern States is not strange ; it is natural in a people who feel that they have been conquered, though in time it might be overcome by just and friendly legisla tion. Hut as for any intention ou tho part of the Southern people to inaugu rate another civil war or make the at tempt to re-establish slavery, nothing moro untruthful nor absurd could well be imagined. THE POPE ASH PRUSSIA. It is a fact that is regarded of much rguificauce that the only powerful government of the Old World that has manifested any disposition to exert its influence in behalf of the Pope, or to take measures to assuage the painful ncss, of his position is the Protestant government of Prussia. A well in formed cQtemporary, remarking upon this fact, says, that Prince Bismarck has lately appealed to the Italian cabi.' net to be as kind and easy with the venerable Pontiff as possible, and has received from Florence the assurance that the utmost respect toward the head of the Catholic Church will constantly be shown by the government of Italy. This assuranco is also fortified by tho passage in the Italian Parliament of a bill guaranteeing to tho Pope nbotit all the privileges and immunities which could be expected from a popular legis lative bodr. j On tho other hand, Austria, which for tho past half century has been 0110 of tho bulwarks of Catholicity, has now fallen away from her fidelity. Not only is the concordat, which settles the relations between tho Paral See and tho Imperial Government in a mannor satisfactory to the former, to bo abro gated, but the Ministry have announced in the Parliament their intention to propose somo tort of declaration against the recently proclaimed dogma of Papal infallibility. Should such a declaration be adopted, Austria uuder Francis Joseph will become as decided ly a schismatic country as England be came under Henry VIII. Thk Connecticut election riddle ia finally solved. Tho investigating ooin mittce, in which thero was a predomin ating ltadical influence, declared, oh quito evorybody supposed it would, whether warranted by facts or not that Jewell received ouo hundred more votes than he was credited with in the CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MAY 16, Fourth ward of New Haven. This hundred ,was necessary to elect him j but had the need been 000, who sup poses that the Iutestigating Committee would not have proved themselves, equal to tho occasion ? On Thtjnly It tho Legislature formally declared Jew ell eleotcd, and thus, probably, the mat ter ends. TiiudoUof, jChicngo ia 14,417,000, Tho cpertdl.ture of. Itao chy last year were f 12,020,000, an& tno receipts lfl3,80T,O00. Amountln the hands of the treasurer, $1,- 3"7,000;. " "Mrs. Urlctr rorn'eroy hot heen di vorced from Her husband. "We can call to rnlonly, two men -whom: no woman iiouw & compelled id Uvi -With, Tly. : JMn Jticoand Urick Tomeroy. A i.iTTf.E while ago Scnntor Sumner stood up In Ms plnco In the denote and boldly denounced tiio Presldont ''a usurper of kingly nuthority and rt violator or the consUtution." in his attempt to force ... his .Snn Domingo project upon the country More recently this samo Sumner, from the same place, spoke and voted in favor of the ku-klur bill, which confer on the President unlimited and unconstitutional pcwcr, and makes him the most ubtoluto dictator on tho fuco of tho whole csrth 1 Thla is "trnnge consistency, surely. The people tiro just paying for tho in terlorence by tho Federal government with tho olections held in New York last Pull. -Marshal Sharp was in "Washington last week endeavoring to get money wherewith to pay on" his Iambi, asking for this purpoe tho snug little sum of 107,000. Sharp having some difficulty with tho treasury officials, the President iaiued an' order for tho bill to bo paid. This $57,00 is about onc-third of what It cost tho.natlon for Grunt Interference in the New York election. -a CtaTA melancholy cuso Is that of the two women In Uroqklyn who were frightened, to denth by the posorico of burglars In their rooms. It Is an nccopted maxim of tho Court of General Sessions now that, u burglar intends to commit murder, 'If nec essary, when' he enters n houso fur burglar ious purposes) and hero is a percitliar enso that btrongly illustrates the idn. Tho burglar have actually committed a dou)lc tnuiOur, 'uui uiyi"wfm6(rt, 'any ac tual intention, hut actually without tiny necessity, and wo may imigine tho horror with wh'ch they find that their crimes havo brought them so suddenly und so use lessly under tho awful Minduw of the seal- fold. tAsonofthc Into rrciidont Tyler, only twenty-one years old, is an Uhlan in the Twelfth Army Corps of Saxony, nnd served through the Franco-I'russiun war Ho had been for live years a mining stu dent at Freiberg, but when tho clash of arms camo he laid aside his books nnd sought admission to tho service Ily nn especial favor of tho Minister of War this foreigner was permitted to enter the ranks of the King of Saxony. Being a flno look ing, gallant young man, ho mude nn excel lent soldier, and his record as the son of an American President was enough tocau6e every officer nnd private to seek his com panionship. During tho latter part of the war young Tyler Is said to have carried his cavalry .lance into several hot engage ments. It is nroDosed to turn the old Stnta House at JUiliedgcville, tia., Into in osy lum for inebriates. A letter from liuenos Avres re ports the death from yellow fever nt the rate 01 sou per clay. $QjrTlie Supremo Court of Indiana, contrary to general expectation, has de cided the railway lax law constitutional. . SssT Under tho new apportionment tho Leglsluturo of Ohio will consist of thirty six Senators and 0110 hundred and llvo Itcprescutnlivos. Mrs. Judith Jinn of Ipswich, Massachu setts, who last week wont whero rust doth not corrupt, win married ou Christ mas day, ViW. blent on tho samu bedstead thvrcatter to the ilay of her death, survivd tho ninety peoplo who taw her married, left sixty descendants, nnd was the first poreon to hoist the innovating umbrella in the stroots of oltwlev. SOT Up to tho present date but two ap plications hnvo been recoived at thoofiieo of tho comptroller of tho currency for or ganizing national gold banks, in accord ance wiui the act providing lor their es tablishment, and tno notes iuued for this purpose thus fur havo not vet ranched a halt million dollurs. The banks are es tablished in Uoston und San Francisco. JfiiT Prince Hismarck, it is "reported, has gone tt Uompeigno, to confer with M. Thiors upon tho present condition of Franco. This ancient town, by the way, has figured moro than once in history; it was here that Jean of Arc was made pris oner, nnd here, too, that the first Napoleon espoused Mario Louise. The King of Saxony is taking taro of tho town at pres ent. A Virginia editor, in noticing tho statement that tight lacing save tho country $2,000,000 annually in board alone, says it Is a villainous and hubiluitl lie. Ho knows a girl who laces so tight that his arm will go around hor twice and lnp over hor clour to tho elbow, and on'o wouldn't think to look at her thu't sho could cat anything but soup, but sho Jims got an appetite like a cross-cut saw, and she mows a swath at a tsbla like 11 -soil'-raking roapor. 1871. airlt may surpriso tomo of our renders to know that the oleander, ao popular m a yi.rd and hoiuo plnnt, Is extrcmoly nolison ous. Ur. T. J,. Wrlclit, tn a communion lion to tho Ucllufontalno (O.) Republican, iavs ho was called to nttoml it rrillil ft few days aro who had eaten some fragment of nn oieandor buili that hud been clipped oil". The symptoms wore sudden and violent, uuu iuq rexuii nearly latai. OJentniy pros tratton, sunken eves. treat nallor." Inpo. santvomltlnff, extreme tblnl, and purging, mi o niu priiuominnni sympiotnl. STEAMBOATS. OAIKO AND NASHVILLE ,,r.KET, rJS The fn lowing atejmers leaf e Cairo FOKNAH11VII.1.K on the lay ami at the ho'ir below-narood TALISMAN, Evory Monday at ft p.m.; TYHONK, Every Thursday, at 5 p.m.; LUMSDKN, Every Saturday, at C p.m. For Freight or IWago apply on board, or to HIOGS A- MALLOltY, janWTltf 1 ;i OHIO I.KVKK. CAIRO AND PADUCAH. The beautiful and HrM draught utenmer JAMESFIRK eTB IIOK.NKY H.MF.nt.t:V Maater. l.eaies Cairo daily at 5 p.m., ajd Taducah dally irt 9 a.m. Ilarlug superior accommodation, she olicit" rubuo patronage. Particular a tention paid t collection of In voice charxe... but the host will not be rcspon' rlbtefor the same until collected. QHAXCERY NOTICE. f-tate ol 1 111 noli., Alexmder County, t. In tn Circuit Uonri or Alexnnder County. Patrucl Staats Taj lor ind Kdwln Piir.oon, 1rtl. !. 01 inr tyairn cuv ivoperiy, sc. i.uey r.. William.. Prank II 'Williams, Krnetin V, Drurynnd MnMiall I. Uniry her husband. John SI. Undori. Jacob Ktain. William M. Wil liams ' and George y..her, ndmlniatrator lo onu.non 01 AhtahAtn s llliani', dc eated. In Chancery. Hill to Vendor's l.len. Said Krnestlnit V.,Urury and Marshall P. Drury arc hereby noticed that the nliove milt Is pen. 1 In;; in caul Coiiit, and thnt the tiliio and place of the return or summons In eaid ca-o Is the lirst Iondaym July, 1S71. at the couul house in Cairo, in Mii Couul) nnd state. JUUN . II A KM AN, Clerk. t.reen Cllhert !jol'. for Cempl't. mylw't 4'.S HA Jul! -i. of heaij instate. Sly virtue ol an order and decree of lb County petition f.f the 1 f.';e - W, .VT" V deceased, t the Ma en 'term, lb"l, of taid court, I to-wit.on the21.tdn of March, 1S7I, I thall.on the Ultnd.iYof May. IpTI. between the hours 01 tei. 0 elovk in the forenoon and four o'dock in the afternoon of a.sld dar.iell, at public aale, at the front door of ihn Court Hon" in the city ofl'airo, in aid countv,the real .-lute decntied aa folloin,! Ile-innini! at tho fOulheat corner ol claim CS1 ureyW.1, on anah and sweet irum , runnins aoulh ol wc-i. vi 11I1 the orlKinul lino nt taid -iirtey, to the bink i.f the M.faisaippl r.vcr, one hundred and eighty poles, four links et nf a Hack oak nlrn inches in diameter i up the river Ufty.four ulelo .toie, three linln notlhweat of a l.l.vsk oak eight inchei in iliameter; tlietice north of east one hundred and eihtj poles to a atone on the northeast Una of sild mr- v. y; theuce hfly-four poles, east of couth, with aaid line to the beginnirj , coutalnlni; cixtv six 7J-llltli acrea. Al,o. bemunine at a atone fill. four noles north (bearinu tmrtT-nine ri.eree. forty minutes west) irom tne outhcat corner of me original sursey, (claim wi, survey mil) run nloa tiience wen (bearing aouth rfty degrea ist-mv uiiiiiiies w.sii onv ndnuieu ana r eh pole to a no. e, three link- northwest ofa bin i oak elirtitinchea In diameter, on the bunk nt thn Mli-i9ippl river; thence up with and on the bank ol tho said 3!tr"iaippl river ninety f. ur pole to n Monei thence eat(eeannR norlh fiity de. grees t enty ininntea eaatjono hundred and eighty poles to n otone In lum of paid -urves , theme aouth (tiear.ngeast) with the cittern lineuf tne mi l mrvey ninety-tour poi-s to a atone in the said line, the besinningcornerof the tract ot Utut herein last described, eot talnln one hun dred and flveTS-lOith acres. All of the said l.n,l atovodeecritmrtbeiiif; the south part of claim No, 'ret ..... . ... . 1 .. . j ' vi.i, j ..w. m AieAMQiirr county. .Illinois, containing in the agrei-iitK loo and III lUutliacreaand knnwnasthe A.hley N. Masav) farm, (subject only to thurlahtof the nresent ou cu aut to make a crop on raid Unda fur the year 1ST1, und the rich! of the l.eirs of said Ashley N, Slassey, dec aasnit, to collect and receive tho rente 'cranio, land for the year l7l); on the fo lowine, lu.wii; unt nan 01 tne purchase money to be Paid cash tn hand, and the balance tn twelve in mths Horn dale of sale, the purchaser to Kln 11 P.IU mvriKSKn tn ui premifKt. HOIU to HO cure 'he paymetof tho unpaid mouey Dat.d fhlavythdiy of .March. Irtl. Administrator 0. theeetate ot Ashley N, Mas. aev, deceased. fiairsA (inarRT. Attva. mehSOwTt M ASTER'S SALE. State of Illinois, Alexander County, ". Aletan urrouiiiyuiroiiu uouri. In the mutter of Samuel Htaata T.iyliirnnd IMiiln i'ar.on. Trustee ol tho Cilro City l'ro,crty, va, tieoro w. Alcitenzin ami John W.lrvler. Kn bill In enforce Vendor' Lien, Tublio notice la hereby civen. that in iiurmiancc of a decretal order entered lu tin. al,,ie entitled cause, In said Court, on the tilth I nay ol Juiuary, A. I). 1171, I John IJ. lUman Master in Chancorv for .aid Court, will, on tin. 27th day of Muv, A l. 171, nt 11 o'clock In the urenooii 01 huh uiiy, feu nt puhl'c a. it'. urn to the highest bidder, for cash, ut tlis door of the court house in the city of Cairn, In ald County, the bil lowing described real estate, eltuilo in tho Conn ty of Alexander and State, of llllnt.ii, lo.wli I.ot numbered 'hlrlecn (U) In block numbered tweii ty eight in the 1-irst Addition to tho city of Cairo, (will l. sold without redemption audn deeit executed to the purchaser) together with all and ainguUr the teneineuts and hereditament there unto U'lopging. JOHN't. HAKMAN, .May let, lb71, Master in Chancery, ntytwlt N otici:. bta'e of Illinois Alexander County, sa. In the Circuit Court of Alexander County. July Term, Daniel Arter. Cha.-lcs D. Arter and losenh II. nil. teahouse partners doing bumtiess under the nun iimim 01 11. Arter .v i.o., s. r r.ncis t Uilson. In Attachment. Demand tUti.W. Dam neea ti' Notice hereby elventoyuu, the eaid Francis E. Wilson, that h Writ of Altaoliment has beei sued out of the nttieo of tho Clerk of tlie Circuit Court of aald Countv of Alexander, at the suit nt the said Daiiiii Arter, Char ee U. Arter and Jusnpti II, Rittenhoiisc, firm o D. At(cr Co , and against tho estate or )oti, tho raid Frauol, K. Wilsun for ouQhundred and twelve dollars, besides interest, directed 10. the Hherifl of aald Couuiy to execute, which said writ has been returned by asld Mientl exieuted by attaching Lot N .eilit (8) In IU0.1L No, twenty four I'Jll In the t'l rat Aililition to tin- No, twenty four U City of Calm, lion City of Calm. County of Alexander and hlote ol Illinois, aa the property ofanld rt'ilscn. utiivi, luu, n r.,,,1 1 l.ll'.in ... ,, shall personally bo and appear before the Circuit Court ol Mihl County oil thollrsl i' ay of tho next term thereof, to behildcii in the city of diro, In said Coumy, oil the first Monday In Hit I'loulli 01 July next, rfivo apeuial bull ami plead to said ao. lion, judKineiit wll ho entered ugalnst you In fav r of the .ai I plalulttls and the propert attauhed sold to satisfy Hih .11110 with noais. JOHN Q. HAKMAN, Clerk. Sinur unl... .1... ......I L'.n...l L U'.l..... Ctlro. riinnla, Slayv-l, isn. Lincgar, MiinuJt rope, 1 ope, Plaintiffs Attorney, nuiltwtl ONLY REAL ESTATE BROKERS- (J WIXSTOV A: CO., (Successors to John Q. lfarman i Co.,) REAL ESTATE AOBNTS 74, Second Floor, OHIO LEVEE Ooiro, 111., Buy nnd Sell Real Estate PAY TATCBB. UMNIMt AIMTRArTSI OV TITI.I nt'Ai.i.rvrm BOOTS AND SHOES. y.n. ktii.ers. FASI!IO.AUl.r. BOOT AHD SHOE MAKER TWENTIETH .NTH SET, lletwrnii lVashinglon Ave & Poplnr .Nt noolNauil Hhnfs MailMn Order. Finca norttmpii f:tiiiiyi. Satisfaction Warranted Patronage Solicited. . CARY, PRINCIPAL UNDERTAKER to 2 0 s I 5 23 H la II 9 V. S cS SALES ROOM, Xo. 13 SIXTH STHEET CAIRO, ILLINOIS. myedtf ' COAL. Q.AIUO CITY o o COMPANY tro Prepared to Snpply Customers with the Host quality t,r PITTSBURG AND IIlinoiN Coal. Urtlcra left nt llalllilay llroa. Oilier No. 70 Ohio Levee, or nt the Conl Yaril below the St. t'hnrlea Ho. lrl,wlll Ilceelve Prompt Attention. The Tug "Montauk" will brim? Coal alongnd learners at any hour, day or night. T HE OHIO LEVEE, CAIRO. FULTO.X & SOXS, - - Proprietors Are Ko win Full Opernllon. Jfessrs. Pultun .t Rnn. p . . . .1,1.1 . ----.... ..... , .in, ri, , If (111 1 I a I M ula of t lour of the best ijua Ity, and also dill heed of a k nils. nnlm t i.,;,. , ..,,. , '" lunui.n, iiiuuh irom 1110 neat iVhlle JA.TIE8 ItYAASTO.V BUTCHER AND DEALER IN ALI KINDS OF FRESH MEATS Cor. llh and Poplar St., Cairo, - -J Illinois Iluva and slsimhtera cnlv tho lst cattle. noes and Hlierii, and Is prenred to till any demand tot fresh meanta from 0110 pound to ten thouaand oiiadri. i o.illl T HE PEOPLES' MEAT MARKET ( HAS. HAYEK & CO., Prop'rs., hecp constantly on hand the best of Heel, l'ork, Munr, Veil, Ijimb, r-auasge, Pudding, etc rresh wliltelard in any quant ty.comed beet, etc., alwava on hand. Orders tilled promptly and satisfaction war oated. feb7dtl RATERS, TOIl A: CO. Importers nud Joblxueof RIBBONS, MILLINEBV AND STRAW GOODS, 409 N. FOURTH STREET( ST. LOUIS, lluieatall times a full assortment of fashion lonahle goods, which will lie sold at the lowest Karket price. Orders so'tcited aud promply led nprtdlm LI, Hill IL DAILY PAPER IN GYPl PHYSICIANS. A WAGYMAlTm7irli jOL, cian, Surgeon nnd Accouchourt tor. merly of Anna, Union Co., Illinois), oaa-pytmiw ncntly located jn city. OFFICR-ComtfH-rcSTl Aienue, between Sin and th .Streets Wail "lit, marchlclly CW. l)Cm0,M.I), Rt,. IDEXCE-Corner Hlnth and Wln -1 OFFICE Corner Slith Strast aad Oato-luT- OFFICE IIOUR-From 9 a.m. In It m., and pm- . ltK.rtiriKSOK-No.Sl, ThlHeenth" fa r-tweenWashlncton Atenua and Walnut fllfeet" OFFOEli Comeielal Asenne. iipnelra T WAHOMER, W.I7 iZ. n!,glon f'FFICVOntomtfirclaf " 1 o.ioiiiee. iff 1 p. rrniTitH from 10a m t 11 m Ironi '.' tn intn. x fuodKjs. J'epted) anJ RAILROADS. UICKEST lCOUii; FROM TJHJ NOUTJI. Q CENTRAL R. R; Nt. i.oiit,TinulHvlllc.i;tiivliinaU ClilcfiK", New York, Ilnstoa ....11D AIL I'oijilsEant andVortli 1'HsaeiiRcr Trnlni Arrive nt and len Cnlro lis fullowras M ICipraaa. ARItlVK ai.lls A. Jl UEl'AKT-11.131'. 31.., Stan p. st .-. Mai3UP,M ves on Sucdsv. No Express tn 1 hi Both train connect at C.'entrulia withtrainton tn WLAJW LIME. Pana, Pecatur, lllooinlnc; toil, CI Paso, la Sinlle, Jlleiiilora, Freenort, CJa lenn lliiituiiur, and ali imiIiii. n Illlnola Il.sourl, .Mlnaeiotn, WlaconaJu, asad lova. ... And with line, running East and Weat for , ' St. Louis. Sprlngllnld, Lonlmllle.' da ciuuaii, inuiaunpolls A; t'clumbur ; and sjCIilpajo; with MiclRan Central.. Miohffaa n .-"luurrn, n,ui riusourp, r un Wiyna. nnd Chicago nailioaiis tol . ItOj Detroit, Clcvelund, Dunkirk, Albany, Huston, Xiagra FaUs, Erie, llutTaln, New York, Plttsaurg, vuiuuiurr. iVashinrrton. ALL POINTS EAST W.P.JOHNSON. M. IrEwrTr, General 8iperiMtendent J. Johnson, Avent Cairo. & Il.I.IiVOIS soiniii: iviKiiv r. u. On and after Monday, April Itth, 1B71, trains will ruu ai lollows 1 NORTHERN DIVISION. TR1I1S OOIHO SOCTIIIIST. Mail. Leave 1rgln1a . tilua.m...... " Springrleld - 9.S0 " Taylorvllle.......lU:5' " Arrive nt I'ana ll:io m TBUXSOOt.MO S01TBWUT. Express. 12 as p.m. . 3.00 ' . i-.-id " .. 6:17 " Express Mall. ...... 4:20 " ....6.a ......6:10 ' -.-8:15 " . i.eave rana .....1.li0a.m " Tajlorville ..4:I7 " Arr ve atSpringfteld...6;IS " Leave ."psiugReld .r.:K ' Arrive at Virginia bi'ii " SOUTHERN DIVISION. TlilXS GOING SOCTlltlST. Leave Edgcwooil,,... S:30 a.m ...10-.10 a.m. " Flora sas ... n:tO " Arrive at thawneetown3:Mp m 6:15 TBI1XS OOIMO KoaTHWIST. Leal e Phawneetown 5:13 a.m .. 8;Srp.m " Flor S:M 7:00 Arrive at Edgewood t:5U ' ...........8S!0 The 5.30 a m. train from Edgewood, ran only Slondays, W.dnes.tajaand Friday, and 6:45 a.m. 1 rain trom Sliawneetown on Tuesdays, Thurs days and Saturdays. Oo'Tiects at Ashland with Jacksonville division of Chicago and Al'on R llrosd. for Jacksonville, I'etersbu'g, Mason City, a nd all roints west. At hprimifield. with Chicago and Alton, and Toledo, Wabash and Western Railroad, for ttloomlngton, Chicago, and all points north.north nest anu wes . At Tana with tnd, anil 9! Louis, and Illinois Central lUllroad Inr all point! eiut, south and soutreist, At IMgewood with Chicago Division Illinois Central Uiilroad. At Flora, with Ohio aid Mississippi Railroad. Atrilmwneetosn. with steamboats for Cincin nati, I'aductth, Cairo and St. Louis. OltLANU SMITH, 0nl6up't. Join Foonrr. Oen'l Kr'gt and Tieke' Ae'l. QlaOSIJ A ViSVKST, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and dealera In Lime, Cement, Plaste Pans AND PLASTERER'S HAIR. Cor. Mil Street und ObIX,Tee CAIRO ILLINOIS. fel'ltlcm CARD. Inventors havlnr laiuip.,,.. w,ti. ih i,nit..i Btates. Patent Otttce will Bnd It to Ihsir advantage to intrust it In the :tianduf the old established llrm of Mason, Fenwick 6 l?ifence74 1 latent Assail. WaalilsssrtoH. sa. s M' Tliey have done, my business to my saUafj Hon, und 1 take p'eaaure in recommending lh fac- m VM. It. t'AUKIH, Inventorof Improved Revolving Tubular Water Urate liars. Cairo, April 9 1671, aprSWa 1