P. t. OAXII,
Corner Sixth nuil Walnut Streets,
(Entrance nnHiitliHtreet.)
OAKES, CADY & CO., Proprietors
Commercial At., Opposite Pont Office
Tha lions la newly lurnlhed and offeratolhe
public flrat'i-laaa accommodation. MMif
At Cairo, tnlhafitata of llllnnla, at h t"oe if
Huamaaa, April Krtli, 171.
Loana and diacounti..... .. I2J,24I til
11. H, bonda to aecuie circulation........ lou,ol 00
Other atooka, hnnda and mrtrtf
Dun Irorn riremlng and
re.erre aent ..103,M Kl
on nan'i. .............. HM. ic,&vj oj
7,02 (W
uueirom omu national
Hank ..
Dn from other llanki and
Hankeia ,
11,116 43 IM.ei.l u
iZ.UH 00
I,3M an 4,i,T2 3
2,:u II
Curn-nl expemea
Taxes paid ..........
C'h Item Including
atarnpi ...... ....
Dill, of other National
Jlanka 17,35 00
Kract otia currency... eu
"peefe (coin) . 12,141 21
Ixal Tender .Not.... f 1,000 09
7,: an
... U
Capital atnek ., IHi.UC uj
Hurplua fund ... ,
Exchange ..... .. .$',17 01
I ntatut,. i,4t M
Pront and lorn ......... 1S.7U M- JJ,J l
I Circulation ODfaUndiB;.. 00,000 CO
Indifldual dpoila... , Tfl.'M 72
Duo Nalio nal pa n k t . 40 18
Due other Maoka aad MankfTa U.VA U
Total - ..... tiN,'.- n
Alale or ttllnola, Alaxtndar County, at.
I. A. II. Saflord, Ca.hlar o' the City National
Hank, of Cairo, do aolemnly ewear that the aM,
alaiemenl la ttu to the beat of my knowledge
tad belief. A. B. HAKPOKO, Caihwr.
Hubaerlbed and awora to bfore mm. thla tth
darof May, 1171 H. II. CAMiKK.
Correct Alle-l. Notary PnMSe.
W.p llAfiT.lfJAT,
mydlw Director.
Fir it National Bank
At Vhe Cloae cf l'.nalrw, A,ril 2--th, 171.
Loana ait I dlecoutita...... . t
Orerdrafl .. M
n. H. bondatoircurxrlreulallon.. .. .
V. H. bonda and arcurltira on
hand ...... .,
Otbar bonda, mocki und mort-
jtagM ...HM..M...n w, .
Unr from redtcmlnx and rrrrrTU
asrnti.. ......
Dae Irom other national Lanka-
Due from othr-r hanka and Unkera...
Ileal Eitte.........,...
furniture and fiiturra
Caih Item, ineladiajr, retenae
Btampa .
Current -apen.ei ...........
7im p4l.-.....u .
Cud uu liauj luuin) 2,U7 21
Currary ......,....,... iot11H ifi
I, IV.! H
10,378 49
a,7JI SI
3,i:r7 M
3.7CI 41
1 CO
2,tM sa
us t
4?.4i; 20
I Capital itock-..
ll Eichane . 2,iJ7 u
i litereat z.iac 14
ffmfltacd loaa :il 37
tiuo,ooo oo
4.9M 31
rj,o w
30 00
9130 It
ft k.ir7uiaiiaa ou.aianaiDK
- flii In NallAnkl tt.nL.
it Individual drpoilta.......
' $209,30 41
tlAt tt lltinoia. CiUKtT of AlalanHnr. aa.
t I, C. N. Hujliaa, Cainier or the Firat National
1 Bank el Cairo, do aolemnty awtar tljit th atKt
W. . - i I - I .... I 4 I . 1 . . t
Itp.llaf. C.N IIU(;iII-UH, Ci.hirr.
to bubarnbed and tworn to before uie, thla Hh
ay oi uar, a. i. i".i.
CIIA9. Cl'NNlNOHAM, Notary IMldlf.
vorrect alien
HOI1T. W Mil. 1. Kit,
lit uniiPT.
Practical Watchmaker
- - - - TIT.' 1..
l Alwaya on hand a fino llock of
Liwmira nrnnvc ttiiiti nv rvri
II wpartlcular attention fiven to renalrinR Fine
" aWThelaneititOck of Oolil unit Silver Hnee.
'iciea in tno cny, myTdJm
rm. II. Mvra.
Jnn, , Cannon
Succeaaora to E. 0, Tl'ttli A Co.,
502 N. 4th St., cor. St, Charlex,
ter U. H. Expieaa Office, T, LOCIH.
lirufia ITIU K'VCllD w,wi,... vmviui nurti'
.. . 1,1 ...t.A ..n,nl an. I nAr..l
miUllll.ll II I .lllllllllll
t r ,
Her contract wirh tha United Btatei and Hrlti.h
HO" ralXaftv wa tuiayvi iuvii-ii-h
PUt JOIIN O. DaliB, Agant, IS Broadway,
ew Toik. r tn il. IlODfT,
01tc untn.
Men's Kino .Soul Skin OHltor., unci nluo
"I'rinco Alberts'' at Elliott & llnvthorcV.
.Mltac' .Scrnonnd Kid Polish, scallop
top, at tho City Slioo fitoro, corner Com
mercial avenue and Eighth street. tf
Pi.oup Choico Family Flour In bbls
half bbls., sacks &c, for salo at tho Egyp
tian .Mills. au
Ladles' ScrBO(Pol"lVh) French Kid,
oxed, at City Shoo Store, corner of Com
mercial avenuo nnd Eighth ntre'st. tf
Who is It that docs not liko smoking
hot biscuits for breakfast ? The Fnmo
Cook stovo will bnkcthem In five minutes
time by tho wat'jh. tf
See advertisement of Dr. Uutts' Dispen
sary, headed Hooks for the Million Mar
riage Guide in another column. It
rhould be read by all. uiyOdwly
Ocnta' Uxford Ties, Albert
ond Opera SKpperf, at the '-City Shoo
Store," corner of Commercial avenue nnd
Kltthth aired. tf
Ladl'V Serge (Polish, scallop-top, for
from nnn dollar and fifty rints :o three
dollurs and twenty-five cents, at City
Shoe Storp, corner of (,'ommnrcinl avenue
nnd Eighth treet. If
Haiicla v linos, arcsellin-r tiiore of Sim
mons' I.Ivor Kcgulator, at rutall, tlmn of
nil tlii) otliers of that class of medicines
put together. The reason of this is be
i'mu'h nil who try It recommend It to their
friends. tny2illv
A splendid assortment of bird cages
moss baskets, flower stands, flower train
ers, wire-cloth for window screen, bath
and foot tubs, tV-c, &c, Just received ut
n'ltf 130 Commercial Ave.
Itr.wARl). The Cairo Silver Cornet
Hand Kill pay twenty-five dollars fur the
recovery of the body of Carl Thomas, fson
of Carl L. Thomas of this band) who whs
drowned In tho Ohio river, May 11th, Inst.
It y order of tho band.
K. P. KOHHINS, President.
Tkuk. There can be no doubt that
Raugh is, par excellence, tho boot and
shoemaker of Cairo. Hu challenges com
petition in bis trade, and insures tho pub
lic that he will guarantee to his customers
satisfaction. Ills shop is on Eighth street
near the corner of Ohio Levee. tf
Sewi.vo Maciiinkk. Attention of
persons wishing a n rut-class
sewing machine is called to the
lato improved "Wheeler and 'Wilson's.
They cannot bo excelled for family
machine, or for light manufacturing pur
poses. All are invited to call and exam
ine tho Improvements. J. C. CARSON,
apSOdlrn Agents, Cairo, III.
StNiciiolah. Day boarders can se
cure good accommodations attheSt. Nich
olas (formerly thu St. James, at 1 per
week. The house is at the corner of Ohio
leveo and Eighth street, a central location.
and is proprictored by Hany Walker,
who is alivo to the wants of his patrons.
Vartics desiring boarding and lodging can
learn terms on Inquiry at the otiit-c.
Comer Wnablnartoti A-renua aiurt I'our-
tecniii airect.
Fred. Dla.ikcnburg's saloon 'Is newly
and elegantly fitted up nnd supplied with
tho finest wines, liquors, beer, cigars, etc,
that can be found in tho city ; and Fred,
his no superior at a dispenser of delightful
beverages. Do not forget tho place, cor
ner 14th street and "Washington avenue.
To occupy a very pleasant room, (fur
nished or unfurnished), on Washington
avenue, opposito tho new custom house;
suitable for man and wife or single gen
tleman. Also n limited number of day
boarders. Terms very reasonable. En-
quiro at this otlice. mnyU-Ctil
JOOK TO yoiik ;im iki:
The Great Soothing' Remed
Mr.. I (.'urea cnlio and KrlplnR i I'rlrt,
VY II IT CO JIB "SI In the UiHrl', nnd n- I S3
hi rati. rilitatca tho procen cf I Centa,
teethlMK- J
( nulidiiei conviiHl-ni
I lt'S J nnd Jtetc-omea all IU-
eiuu'K incident to In
l fmta and children.
(;urrailinrrhe.t, diaen
'8 J tery ni ailmmercoin
j pU'.nt liichildienot nil
It la ttin i r':it Infanta and Chlldren'a HivithlDK
Remedy In all diaorJera lirought on by Teething
orny,ihi'ri,aiie. Prepared by tho
Wrrn.N Mr.DIClNECO., bt. IuW. Mo.
Sold by Drui!Kils and Healers In Medicine
everywhere. ir.y7dwum
Proprietor of the
Billiard Saloon and Bar Iloom
El Dorado
100 Comiucrclal Ave.,
Cairo - - - - Illinois
-William J. Allen, 1 awM ...
John H. Matlkav. CAIRO, IUX.,
NaraAcI P. WhMlsr)
ParticuUi attenilor. paid to river and admiralty
business. .
O01t Hoomt 7 WlBttr'aHlMk.
Tho present scholastic year of tho
Cairo public schools will close on tho 23d
day of June.
Chris Hanny will start East eomc
timo during tho presont week for his sec
ond ttock of Spring good.".
A number of workmen nro putting
heating apparatus In the new custom
houso building.
Tho trim llttlo tug A. U. Safford has
been rc-lnspcctcd, nnd isnow doing service
In tho fleet of tho Cairo City Coal com
pany. Tho pupils of tho Lorctto Academy
will give n picnic on Monday next. It
will bo held In tho beautiful groves in tho
rear of Mound City.
City Attorney Popo Is discharging his
duty in it fearless and conscientious man
ner, being no respector of persons in his
enforcement of the ordinances.
A public examination of nil persons
applying for teachers' certificates will bo
held, wo hear, In this city, on Saturday
Homembcr thu inveting of nil Itaptlst
people in Cairo, In the Presbyterian church
to-night. The object Is, the organization
of a Jinptlst congregation.
There are five prisoners in the cala
boose, viz : Threo whito men and two col
ored women. This Is the smallest number
that establishment has contained during
the past threo weeks.
The Springflcldcrs intensify the Inter
est of their picnics by a hot air balloon as
cension. I'corin, not to be outdone, pro
poses to give interest to htr picnics by a
tegular Mississippi atcarnboat explosion.
Another Tnlbott in the field declares
that tho solution to the cow problem giv
en by A. Comings Is Incorrect; that tho
cow sold for 31.2r, nnd not I3C.25, and
this ho stands ready to verify.
Everybody will visit the Atheneum
to-morrow night. Alf Harriett, the re
nowned facial artist, the poet, reader and
accomplished gentleman, forms the prin
cipal attraction.
Thomas Carlcton was up before
Shannessy this morning to accept tho
consequences of what tho squire felicitous
ly termed a '-whisky fight.' Fined So and
trimmings. Paid.
Tho enlargement of the calaboose, re
cently ordered by tho council, has been
commenced. It is tho purpose to construct
a cell for drunken prisoners, and to en
large and improve the Jailer's residence.
-Burke, of the Elizabcthtown Mineral
has bespattered Lusk, of tboShawnectown
Mercury, with the heaviest discbargo of
bad English ever seen in an Egyptian
Tho examination of the German school
under Prof. "Wirso.hing, will commence on
"Wodnesday aftornoon. Parents of the pu
pils and friends of tho school are invited
to attend. The exercises will be sufficient,
ly varied to Interest them.
An unusual press of job work, includ
ing tho pr-parution of tho Slate and county
delinquent list for publication, necessitates
the curtailment of our reading matter.
The list will make its appearance next
Slpe-water ba commenced develop
ing itself in tho fiats west of thu Custom
House. Wo mention this fact, not that it
is of any consequence to Cairo, but to fur
nish our l'aducah contemporaries some
thing to "barp" about.
An eflort was made yeserday after
noon to'raiso tho body of little Carl Thom
as, druwncd in the Ohio river last Friday,
about two miles abovo Cairo. At the
timo of going to press wo were not In
formed as to the result.
Tbcro was a shooting scrape in St.
Louis, on Sunday night, between n lawyer
ond a doctor, both of whom, wo infer, are
late residents of Cairo. -Tho lawyer shot
the doctor in tho side, and then, mounting
a passing street cat, disappeared.
Tho marked appreciation of county
orders speaks well for the financial man
agement of tho County Court. The dona
tion to tho county of $13,000 Stnto'taxcs
may have contributed something to that
result, however.
Tho Springfield Atlas In an ctlort to
ridicule tho effort of Peoria to secure tho
removal of tho capital, bos resorted to an
immenso wood cut. The stupidity of tho
design Is only equaled by tho exultation
of tho designer over his imagined success.
The ladles of tho Episcopal church
will glvon strawberry festival In Thorn
ton's how building on Thursday evening
next. Tho namos of tho ladles in chargo
furnish an nmplo guaranty of tho complete
success of tho affair.
Mr. William Martin Is making an as
sessmont of tho taxublo property of Alex
ander county, for tho tax lovy of 1871. He
has already dovotcd two or threo weeks
to tho work; but tho beginning of tho end
Is not yet visible.
Lyman Jamos' Fourth ward saloon
was opened Saturday night with a grand
free lunch, whereat tbcro was nn unusual
flow of w ne, wit, wisdom and lager, nnd
a hearty discussion of ono of the finest re-
In tlin ritA- I
pnaia uvi si'iu ...
JohnScheoV "Washington Hall garden
den will bo open In a ow days, wo under
stand, with a grand free lunch, ravishing
music, nnd such a programme of amuse
ments aa was never before gratuitously
tendered to tho Cairo public.
"Wo regret to hear of tho continued
illness of our friend of tho Charleston
ttiiWrr. Ho Is suffering from complica
tion of diseases that would kill outright
any man of less energy and determination,
vlz.i Dropsy, consumption, dyspepsia,
and chronic diarrhea.
A negro girl, named Harriet, excited
to an unusual pitch of religious enthusi
asm under tho dripping of elder Shores'
eloquenco, Indulged In n regular roaring
ranting "shout," ending tho oxorc:. by
falling ovoru cnch tnd breaking two or
threo of her ribs.
Tho Southern Hotel Is now In chargo
oi Whlloand Llndo. "Watch is kept day
and night for boat and train, and baggago
Is convoyed to tho Hotel frco of charge.
Tho proprietors aro experienced nnd ac
commodating hotol-kcepcrs and keep a
well ordered and popular establishment.
A young man, of rather Intelligent ap
pearance, named .1. Martin, was taken bo
foro Dross this morning charged with an
attempt to steal a pair of shoos from Dan
Hartman's auction room. Dan detected
the fellow in tho act, and, very properly,
gavo him a good thumping. Martin was
commuted to Jail fom furthor hearing
A auil for broach of promise ol mar
riago was tried at. Metropolis Inst week.
Tho plaintiff was a German girl named
Katharino Kahanller and the defendant
Goo. Mitchell, son of a wealthy farmer.
Tho Jury gave a verdict for the plaintiff of
$2,000. Judgo Green appeared forplalntiff
and Judge Allen for dcfondinl.
Tho government has purchased tho
steamer Try I s for tho uso of tho engineer
corps now making a survey of tho raging
Wabash. Tho snrvcy is preliminary to
tho removal of snags nnd sand bars from
tho channel of that stream, and to other
much-needed and long-neglected improve
menis. Messrs. Fish A; Co. nro placing mn-
chlnerv In the old South-western Furnl-
tus factory with n view of commencing
immediately the manufacture of slaves,
heading", barrels and kegs on nn extenslvo
scale. It is said that when fully in oper
ation the firm will give employment to
forty or fifty hands.
"Wo have heard two or three Individu
als who attended Madame Ferris' seances,
pronounce her an unconscionable humbug.
There is no denying the fact, however,
that for "ways that arodark and tricks that
are queer," tho madnmo is not to bo sur
passed easily, notwithstanding her coarse
and palpable ignorance.
-Special attention is called to the now
time tabloof the Illinois Central railroad.
Tho arrival and departure of tho transit
steamer and tha trains of the Mobile &
Ohio railroad have been changed to cor
respond. Under tho new arrangement
two trains leavo every day for St. Louis
via the Short Line.
Tho Young Ladies Sodality will givo
a strawberry festival on Friday evening
next, In that portion of Smyth & Go's
block recently vacated by Alderman Fitz
gerald. Tho young ladies have in view
tho purchase of a library, for tho uso of
their society, and should bo liberally en
couraged In this, their first movement in
that direction.
The Vinconnes Sun, of the 12th inst.'
speaks of the departure from that city of
Mr. James C. La Hue, ex-sheriff of Knox
county, to take up a permanent residence
in Cairo, Illinois. Tho .Vim speaks of
Mr. La Hue as an honest, amiable and
excellent gentleman, and warmly com
mends him to tho friendship of the people
of Cairo.
Tho Kansas City Tribune presents us
ono of tho attractions of Cairo that tho
dead body of the citizen always gots a
free rido to tho gravo yard. Certainly.
Such "rides" aro so rare hero that wo can
afford to mako them free. In Kansas City,
however, they load daily trains with such
passengers, compelling railroad companies
to charge, or burst.
Tho caterpillars are making fearful
inroads on tbo vegetation in MuEsac
county. Many fruit and forest trees have
been stripped of their foliage and stand as
baro as In mid-winter. Noeffcctive, prac
tical method for destroying these pests has
yot been hit upon, and their vast number
precludes all idea of their destruction save
by heat, fumigation or smoke.
Tbcro seems to be no danger thatsomo
boys will not defy to enjoy tho fun of
swimming. Tho swift, muddy nnd chilly
waters ot tho Ohio, the treacherous banks,
and tho penalities of tho ordinances '-in
Ss-uch case modo and provided" havo no
torrors for thorn. "Wo anticipate as a re
sult of this "dovil-ma'-cnrolossness" a local
Item, now and thon, under tho head of
"Floy Drowned."
A nogro woman named E1U Harris
was on tho rampage, on Poplar street this
morning. Armed with that fonnidablo
weapon in the hnnds of an infuriated ne
gro, tho razor, sho expressed n desiro to
separate tho bronchial apparatus of an-
othor wench, who, nothing loth for a set
to, bared her black bosom and invited El
la to proceed to liar work of blood-letting.
Pacificators appeared on tho ground at
this juncture, and thonffulronded as ithad
commenced, in horrid oaths nnd threaten
ing gestures.
Tho combined strength of four men
was employed this morning, in tho work
of conveying Gcorgiann "Williams to tho
calaboose. The job was finally accom
plished by ono man seizing hold of each
"corner" of tho obstreperous female, and
conveying her to tho prison enclosure
"sprcad-oagle fashion." At the onsot,
Gcorgiana droppod bor dress in the street,
and trlod hard to divest hersolf of the only
romalnlng garment, but tho "povw" bolni;
composed of modest men, foiled her pur
pose. Tho editor of tho Herald congratulates
tho people of Paducah ovor tbo consolida
tion of the NowOrloans and Ohio and
Mlisisilppl River railroads, and predict!
that tho consolidation will spocdlly lead to
the construction of a road from Paducah
to Vlncenncss. In view of this Is It not
pertinent to Inquire If tho stnto of affairs
that ' tho citizens of
I'nducui. cause for congratulation Is not '
in a croat mcasuro duo to tho action of
thu Alexander County Court in reforenco
to the county subscription to tho Cairo nnd
Vincent railroad "Wo merely ask tho
E. A. Parsons, tho editor of tho Urac!
41V.J .a . .1
ioru (i-a,j Argus, uopiorcs tno depravity or
Illinois law-makeri. Ho says that during
l"io rocont session of our Legislature, a
member entered tho hall, bowed politely
to tho galleries and then drew a flask from
his pocket nnd took n drink. Old nc
qualntancs of Mr. P., living in Cairo, Inti
mates that he, Mr. P, has undoubted tal
ent In tho snmo direction, and would not
hesitate to drink to tho preacher "right
out In mcollnz." Whorcforowo insist that
persons occupying glass mansions ahouldn't
hcao rocks around too promiscuously,
lest tlioy invito n missile that will render
tl'ntn houseless.
Citv Scrip rort Sale. $.100 city scrip
in small orders and on reasonable terms.
Apply to J A M ES QUI NX. MoWMV. The "calico ball" at
tho St. Charles nolcl next Monday night
is alrcadycxciting considerable talk among
tho young folks. It will bo what Its name
implies a calico ball ft reunion whoro
thero will bo n freedom from that unpleas
ant restraint always begotten bv rustling
silks, glistening satins and Hashing din
monds a ball whoro every participant
will "feel at homo" and heartily enjoy
himself. Invitations will bo extended, we
hear, to our neighbors In Mound City,
Charleston and Columbus.
JiURNMLiK. A correspondent of the
Carml Coun'rr demands that the Cairo
nnd Vincennes railroAd bo wrested from
tho hands of Hurnside, and given "to par
ties who aro willing to complcto tho work
in two venrs". The wresting of property
and franchise that aro valued at a million
of dollars, from their owner, might in-
rolvo consepuonces that nobody would be
willing to face, though stimulated never
so strong a desiro to servo tho public. If
Uurnsido is over separated from tho Cairo
and Vinconnes railroad project, tho separa
tion must be effected amicably, nnd not
by foroe.
The Boys xvd the Bat. Tho match
gameof baso ball played by tho Independ
ents (down town) and tho Atlantic (up
tiwn youngsters) was really woll played
and rathor exciting. At tho close of tho
fourth inning tho Atlantic! were sixteen
runs ahead. At this point their pitcher
left them and only ono moro inning was
playod. In this inning the Independents
scored nlnt . vu At.ntU. wuly
two, leaving the scoro at tho closo 57 to
SC. It is duo to the Independents to say
tha. two or threo members of their first
nine wero absent. Tho result not being
satisfactory, a game for tho championship
will bo plnyed on tho grounds of tho Indo
pcndcnU on next Saturday week.
Both clubs are composed of boys, aged
from 11 to lo.
Charley Haiidy. Tho Young .Hen's
Dramatic Association have tendered a
complimentary benefit to Charley Hardy
Tho tirao will bo named hereafter. "We
hopo tho benefit will be a substantial one,
Charley, In his particular sphere, has
contribuled not a llttlo to tho relief of tho
poor and destitute of our city. Through
ontortainments given by tho Y. M. D. A.
(of which association Charley is a mem
ber) tho treasury of tho Orphan Asylum
has been repeatedly replenished, and at
times wbon funds were much needed to
provide for tho comfort of the little ones
charged to tho care of that institution.
We trust this fact will bo remembered,
and that the result of tho benefit will as
sure Charley that '-bread cast upon tbo
waters will, after many days, return unto
tho caster" or words of similar import.
Ay Animated Colloquy. Georgiana
Williams is a she devil. Sho visited the
domical of a whito bawd, namod Martha
Smith, yosterday morning, when tho foll
owing colloquy onsued :
"Lena mo in you white hussy, or J'll
bust your door down 1"
"You bust my door down," replied tho
determined Martha, "and I'll cut open
your head with a tomahawk I''
"Yo-," rejoined tho sablo Gcorgiana,
"you draw a tomahawk, and I'll cut you
into mince moat, you ," and with n
surgo, Goorgiana broko tho lowor pannels
of tho doer into a hundrod fracmonts.
Martha, armed with it hatchet in hand
stood roady to mitko good her threat, but
at this juncturo Nod Shannessy appeared,
and, no doubt prevented bloodshed.
Two witnesses testifiod to tho factsabove
stated, and Squire Sh nnncssy imposod the
"usual fine," $5 nnd trimmings. Gcorgi
ana nttomptcd to prove nn alibi, but her
witnesses most vohemcntly declared that
tho y know nothing at nil about it. This
resort failing, nnd Gcorgiana being short
of funds, sho wns taken to tho calaboose,
sorcamlng and fighting, tuik fully lllus
rating tho poetically stated fact, that
"Hell hath no fury like a woman 'corned."
i .
FiT.op.KALti'8 Sampi.k Rooms. Per
sons blbulou9ly inclinod, lovers of tho ex
hllcrutlng julco of tho corn and juico of thu
grnpo, or malt beveruges, should call im
mediately at tho sample rooms, on corner
Commercial avenuo and Fourteenth street.
Besides everything In the drinking line,
of tho purest kind, ha has thu most fra
grant Havana cigars, importations from
Cuba, that land of narcotic weeds. Fitz
gerald keeps u firat-class place, and has
with him Jimmy English, who knows ev
erybody, and knows tho wants of every
body nnd who Is a gontleman, overy
inch of him.
A regular convocation of Cairo Chap .
ter No. 71, R. A. 31., will bo held
p.. ..i... . o 't..v ., . ..t. i
thu Tuesday, at 8 o'clock p. in., work in
M. E. donree. 1W order of M. K. II. P.
Tin: Urio patent moveablo point steel
plow; ono oxtrn point givcrt with each
plow. For nlo only by
tiltf 1.1C Commercial Ave.
Flora Gakdk.v. This placo of popu
lar resort will bo opened to-day At 3 p.m.
Isonberg will bo in nttondnnco with his
string band, and a sacred concert will bo
tho main feature of tbo fotivltlc. Tho
orderly public are Invited
JOHN UEES, Proprietor.
Wk havo been requested to V,y that
Elliott & Haythorn havo now on exhibi
tion, nnd for sale, everything in tho boot
and shoo line for lndlc, nnd gentlemen's
wear; and that all their goods nro now
nnd styllb. nprlfitf
Tin: Fk.nton Cokn Mill. This estab
lishment, corner of Commercial avenue
and Twentieth street, Is now in charge of
Mr. M. D. Gunter, who having purchased
nnd thoroughly refitted it, invite tho at
tonllon of tho public to tho fact that he la
now preparml to furnlh .dealers nnd fami
lies with the very best article of corn meal.
Orders left at tho mill or sont through tho
postoffico will recnivo prompt ntlention.
Fop. Sale. Thu undersigned will sell
at ptivnto salo the following decrlbd
proerty: Four work horcs; 2 cts
double h amcss ; 2 two-horse wagons;
several plows and other Agricultural Im
plement. Parties desiring to purclinso
will call at her residencoornt Robt. Iiri
buch'f, opposito the court hone. Terms
of sale, half cash ; balance on six month'
credit, with good security.
npr22dlm Mrh. KATIE COOPER.
. !
Rp.i.iAm.K and Savk. Dr. Henry's I
Root nnd Plant Pills aro mild nnd pleas
ant in tholr operation, yet thorough, pro- j
ducing no nausea or griping. Being en-
tirely vegetable, they can bu taken with- )
out regard to diet or business. They
arouso the liver und secretive organs into
healthy action, throwing off disenso with
out exhausting or debilitating tho sys
tem. Try thorn and you will boVsntisIled.
Price 25 cents a box. Sold by druggists
and dcalurs in modicino everywhere. Pre
pared by tbo Grafton Mcdicino Co., St.
Louis, 3Io. rnyOdwCm
The houso horctoforo occupied by Pnt
rick Fitzgcrnld, on Ohio Lcveo between
Fourth and Sixth streets. This house, if
not thu best business house is certainly
oneof tho best stands in Cairo. It fronts
tw T.inAp tv.iuiijuit AiuiOiiig and is
near tho Illinois Central railroad depot.
Also tho second floor of tho samo building
suitably arranged for offices. Apply next
deor at Robort Smyth & Co's. wholesale
grocery store. tt
TIVAL. A supper and strawberry festival will
bu given by the ladies of tho Episcopal
church at Mr. Thorton's now building on
10th street on Thursday evening May
18th. Supper will be served nt 7 o'clock.
The building has been recently restored
nnd placed upon a now and very sccuro
foundation. The room is spacious and
cheerful, nnd will bo pleasantly fitted up
for tho occasion. Lot every ono obtain
supper thero on Thursday night. mU3t
Ilnie, LoomU A Co. In the Frozen Field
The ico wagons of Huso, Loomis & Co.will
commence to deliver Ico about tho city on
Monday, May 1st, and will continue to
make daily rounds each morning (Sun
days excepted) during the present season
Orders left at tbo office of the company
corner Ohio levco and Eighth street, will
rccelvo prompt attention. Huse, Loomis
& Oo. isro nlso prepared to fill all orders
In Mm steamboat and shipping trade.
To Those tile) Altriltlnn of the I'ulillc
upiriaiiy inviieil.
ullba'n, Tho barber shop of 'Win. Alba,
on Commercial uvcuuo, near the corner of
Eighth street, is tho plnco to which nil
lovers of 11 good, clou shavo with razors
sharper than the wit ol twenty Jcrrolds,
wind their wav. tf
Meati. Tho branch meat shop of James
Kynaston, located on Commercial avenue,
next door to the grocery store of James
Carroll, is now In full blast, and this pop
ular butclior is supplying nil tho refined
meat eaters of that portion of tho Fourth
Ward with splendid meat. If vou havo
not tried hint givo him n call. If
Wine's. Hime, at tho old stand, on
Sixth street, near Ohio levee, Is conduct
ing his barber shop in it first-clues stylo.
It is a modol establishment in overy par
ticular, nnd whllo in his chargo all its cus
tomers will receive oourtcouB attention,
and thu benefit of excellont workmanship.
Hair cutting, shaving, shampooing, etc.
.Voir Itarbcr Shop. Tho razor is mte'it
ier than either tho swonl or jCi u"d
Frederick Notzer handles hi razor with
more skill than William din-s his sword or
Dickens did his poii; atiO beyond all
doubt, ho bus tbo most splendidly fur
nished shop In the city. Ho may bo
found near the corner of Ohio lovce, on
Eighth slrcot, in (he rear 0 tht St. A'icA
ola$ Jlotil. Give him a call. tny6tf
I Takk Notick."-.T,Me Table
1 Illinois Ce.vthal V.uLr.0AuOn nnd
i -.... yn.'JAu. vn anu
wr ounciay, Jiny nth, 71, Ihe follow
ing timo-tablo will govern tin arrival and
departuro of passcng.r trains al Cairo i
Depart MM tran) ja)y n..,5
Express, daily, 2:30 p.m.
Arrive Mall, dally 3:30 t,m,
hxprcss, dally, oxcert
Sunday 3.30 p.m.
Although tho regular St. Louis train Is
taken off both trains outof Cairo will have
through cars for St. Louis, which will bo
taken through from Du Quoin by the trains
on tho Ilollovlllo road. Direct and close
connection will bo mado at Du Quoin, and
thero will bo no chango of cars from
Cairo to St. Louis. Tho train leaving
Cairo at 11:45 p.m. will havo a through
sleeping car for St. Louis. Tho attention
of shippers Is cspeclilly called to tho fact
thai a Fruit Express train will leave
Cairo daily, Saturdays excoptod, and will
mitko tho run from this city to Chicago in
twenty-two hours.
.IAS. JOHNSON, Agent,.
Steamer Illinois, Columbus. '
Jns. Fisk, Jr., Pudiicub.
" Idlowlld, Evansvile.
Belle 3Icmphi.i, St. Louis.
' Virginia, Louisville.
" John Lumsden, Nashville.
" Argoy, Cincinnati.
Abeona, St. Louis
Sallie, St. Lotii.
Lady Lee, St. Loulr.
City of Cairo, St. Louis.
" Commonwealth, Now Orleans,
" Grand Tower, Memphis.
" Warner and barges, St. Louis,
" Talisman, Nashvlllo.
' TigreM 2, Pittsburg.
" Gon. Anderson, Pittsburg.
" I'tah, Arkansas river.
Kobt. .Mitchel, New Orleans
" Valid and barges, Wheeling.
'- Champion, Cincinnati.
" Atlantic and barges, St. Louis.
" llismnrck, St. Louis.
' W. H. Brown. St. Louis.
" A. J. Baker, PitUburg.
-' Robt. Burns, Memphis.
Steamer Illinois, Columbus.
" Jas. Fisk, Jr., Paducah.
" Idlcwild, Evansvillc.
" Hollo .Memphis, Memphis.
" Virginia, New Orleans.
" John Lumsden, Nashville.
" Argosy, Now Orleans.
" C. B. Church, New Orleans.
" Abeona, Cincinnati.
" Salllc, Arkansas rlvor.
" Lady Lee, Shreveport.
" City of Cairo, Vicbburg.
" Commonwealth, St. Louis.
" Grand Tower, Memphis.
" Warner and barges, PitUburg.
" Talisman, Nashville.
" Tii:rcss2 Pittsbure.
Cn. AT,deTaull,lAuUUU CUji. I
Utah. St. Louis.
" Robort Mitchel, Cincinnati.
" Champion, St Louis.
" Atlantic nnd barges, N. O.
Bismarck, N. O.
" A. J. linker, St. Louis.
" Robt. Burns, Cincinnati.
KSrTho river has risson 4 inches in the
past 24 hours but will probably come to a
stand in a day or so.
CfflTho weather continues clear, and
was very warm jesterday.
tttTllalliday Bro.'a new tug, which wo
understand is to bo named A. B. Safford, is
n porfect llttlo beauty, and performs in c
manner entirely satisfactory to her own
ers. Sho is much smaller in many ways
than tho other tugs in the harbor and is
intended for work which thoy are too
clumsy to perform.
EST Capt. W. H. Farrls has relumed
from St. Louis highly ol&tcd with the sue
ces which ho met in his hollow grato bar
enterprise, and tho oncouragoraent given
him by all pracliclo engineers who exam
ined his drawings. 3fr. Farris Is now en
gaged in making a working model of his
invention, and after it has been completed
ho will immediately introduco It to prac
ticlo use. Tho princlplo upon which it
works Is this : The water taken from the
lower part of tho boiler passes through tho
bars, is thoro converted into steam and Is
then Introduced Into tho upper part of tbo
boiler ready for uso. It is claimed to save
fuol, to bo vastly moro safe, and In overy
way vastly superior to any thing yet in
vented. ttSrTho 3IissiIppi is on a stand at
St. lx)uis nnd tho Illinois and upper
Mississippi nro falling.
e&-TIo Ohio h railing at Louisville
aid nbovo with 11 feet C inches in the
chuto over tho falls.
Bfiy Tho James Fisk, Jr. for Paducah,
Quickstop for Evansville, Illinois for
Columbus aro tho paukots to-day, leaving
on arrival of tho train.
Alf Burnett
ABilaTCl) IT
Miss Helen Nash,
Burnett In His Llehlnlng Changes Ac
kuowledged to bo I ho Most
Rapid Erer Made.
Admlasloa ,
M cent
tt canty
Performance ooa
" Children
loors opeu at 7 o'clock,
menae at 8 o'clook,