Newspaper Page Text
.aTaaakatkw M JOHN H. OJiERLY PAINTS' OILS, ETC. II F Parker H' F. Itlak pARKKIt fc ULAKR. WHITE LEID. ZINC, OILS Window Glass an Patty. ruk(, Walt Paper. Wlaaaw h 95 OHIO iiEYEE, Ooiro - initios J M E GREENWALD FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP STEAM EHBINFS, BOILERS, Copper and Sheet Iron Work No. 218 East Pearl Sire)!, CINCINNATI, OHIO. LUMBER. W. THOIOTO.V OKA I. Kit ir. BLINDS. WINDOW UJjJLHH SHINGLES LATH AND LUMBER OFFICE. ON TENTn STREET Between Commercial and WAsr Ir.qlon Avenues, CAIRO, JaXjblJtfOIM. AcenlM for Reck River Paper Company') NhcMthliig Felt mid Quarts Ccnieat. n.W. Jehu'it IrapreTCd Hoot. In alwar oa hfcnd. BANKS. Savings Bank Ckarterctf March 31, 1660 OrPICK IK City National Bank CAIRO. ILLINOIS. orricKita A. H. HAFFOHD, President; B. B. TAYLMR, Vice-President; f. HVHLOP. ttorreiary and lreuurr. OIBKCTOBBi W.HARCLAT, CHA1. OALIUIIKK, M. HTOCKFI.ET'I, HAUL n. HCHUH, H. CUNNIXOUAM. W. P. II At, LI DA V. 1. M PHILLIPd. Ill of aajr Aaonnt Ilecel vd fras T Cat Upward. Illrat paid on deposits at the ruin of 6 per cent ir UBumNutbltiioilMpt. In, laterret not withdrawn laadded Immediately to Ik principal of the deposits, thereby giving them nipoaaJiBtrit. Harriett Womea aad Children May deposit money mo that MOOKB BL.NK CAN DHAW IT. pa every cosiness usy irom a.m. In 1 ad Saturday vaiDg fur H A VINO DKPX ITS air, from to l o'clock. illftVtt W. HrHLOP.Tr"ii mua CITY NATIONAL BANK CAIRO, ILLINOIS, capital - . 100,000 W. P. HAL.I.IDAV. Prldat A. B. ArrOKDi CashUri WALTER HYILOP. AltaatCaal DIRECTORS. Utts Taylor U It kit Ml. P. rTIHUasss. W. f. Uallldar. IUbt.ll. CiiaUfhaa Htephea Bird, A. . '. Exchange, Coin and U. 19. Bond Bought and Sold. XSejpoasltoas Xlooolvod D rjiiiE FIRST NATIONAL BANK or I OAIRO. DANIHL nCSD, prasltlriiti ROBERT W. MILIiKB, Vlee-FrM., C. N. UIIUUEN, Cashier. Collections Promptly Made 1 Excitant:, Coin, Bank Note I aaa United Ntatvn Necurl tie Bonn-lit and sold. Uteres Allowed on Time Deposits, GUARDIAN'S RESIGNA TION. To all persons concerned 1 Nolle ia hereby flTninat I Will. u liw 41111 nay Ul .uur, i. 171 at th June Term of the County Court of A. eiandarCouoty, Io Cairo, Illinois, resign my office MUUrdlnoi manna M.rinu. .Minn 130 iTinr (v DOOR SASH & CO. unco 01 . 3. EODSIUS, 420 North Elohlli SL, PhllHda. Dobbins Vecetable A color and dressing that will not burn tho hair or injure tho head. It does not produce a color mechanically, aa tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores the havr to its original color and lustra, by supplying new lifo and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of Hofl, uuo hair. Tho best and safest article ever offered. Clean and Puro. Wo sediment. Sold every whei e. ASK FOR DOBBINS'. EUGENE JACCARD&CO, HAVE IliiliiliiiBI MlliiFiim WUsUJUU 1 1 1 LaVDaWllli REMOVED! TO THKIR NEW JEWELRY STORE 300,302 i304N.FiflMSL Cor. 5th & OHtc. ST. LOUIS, MO All visitors to the city cor dlallriarttt'd to call. MICROSCOPtS. rpili: CKLIJ1IRATKD CRAIG MICROSCOPE lianopticol won.l.r. rTa!. the DioiiMndi of hlddrowoodrranf Nature; It ot t-rmnfnt ue and 1 prartieal aiailablllty, cimblnins uiilrurtioo with amuiement, anil netr It. inter.!. Jt rnROI6 TEN THOUSAND TIMES a power equal t other microdot of man lim lt co.t. lUfeal. couotlr.. little wotlda. all around on, teemlnn withlife. which to the naked .yemutt forefer remain a .aled look a. pel. in nneifai , animalt In water, chee.e mlt., augar and Itch iomtcii, rnllkOlotult., clows and litlr.ufin ecu, litindrrdinr eye. in MriKl. eye of a dr. du.tofa butterfly' t.-perfectly formed featiieri, the much lalkl of Trinchlna spirkha or pork worm, which . flrtti.cutered In America with this liicro.cope. It u of ionaato raluo to rrofetitlnoil men, to leathern and to ntudrnn, but nowhere I. it of greater alue than n th-fiinil)- ble. within .he rach of rvery member. Itwill loliitht yourie,f, yourchildren and your frienca during the loni; winter efening.. It will ihow you adulti'rfctlon. and iiDolcanliDPMOt rarioun kludi of fnou, n. u. Kr, tra, bread, meal, Ac. It Is or InrMImnljcl Vnlnr to the Farmc jDeiamlnlne loi:t which prey U)0t mi croni. rh power of 1 M mlcroacope, and o aimplenn itt cun.tiuction that any chiio van tie It under, tandingly and with appreciation. A laiufil present, elrgant, In-tructiTe; Amu ln, and (heap Oter to.iuj hae been sold. lunnn the past six jeais it. worth h.s been tes. tilled to by thousand, of actenlitio men, tarmeri, school Uacher. etudent", phyalciin, heads 01" faioilire, and other.. PRICE f 3 OO.-ieat by Mall, Post Paid Ef.ry iB.;rnroent 1. neatly boxe.l, and hand. labeled with full direction, for u. Thou, .and hato been .eat br mail. Addrtsa, . I.INKSSACO., Chicago. FREE! FREE! "The Mirro.cope,' a monituy journal of infor mationfor the people-the mysteries ot nature explained Intere.iinx lulormHtlon on the won d.r. of crettion atonea, ekMche., 4c. Term. II 00 per yeir. This journal wi!l be tent Free for one year to any one purchasing a Craig Micro, aor pe, at the regular price, J3, (Craig Microscope will be arntpo.i paid.) Fnrsampiecopr.and our beautifully illuatrated nddeacriptlve circular., and eight page ot tea, timoma. of Craig Microscope, .end six cent for V,0'0 . . W.J.LINRja,CO., Optician;, and Hole Proprietor of Craig and Not. elty Microscope, Chicago, 111, Agent rd Dealer., this Micruscnnn soil in ery family on its merit., when exlbiled. Lrge rri'uis wuick omea, reb23w6m W. . CARY, PRINCIPAL UNDERTAKER . S l H n 0 . u ; a fl aZ c o tt t .Sr i B - 1 v SALESROOM, No. 13 SIXTH STREET CAIRO, ILLINOIS. m9dtf A YOID QUACKS. A Ticlim of early indiscretion, cau.inrr nrrn. debility, premature dvcuy, etc., hurlng tried in TJn every adTertucil remedy, naa discovered u simple means ofitelf cure, which he will send for hla fcDowsuHcrers. Address, J. II, TUTTLK HWtm "8Nrmau tt.,New York. WEDNESDAY. Tiik control of the railroadnat Alsaco and Gorman Lorraine lias been pur chased by Prussia by an abatement of sixty-fivc millions of dollars in the pe cuniary indemnity duo from France. In addition to this, Franco resigns all interest in the railroad from Thionvillc to Luxumbourg which, for stragctic purptscs, has become worthless to her, but which is of vital conscriucnco to uennany. its acquisition is merely preludo to the certain annexation of tl Duchy a proceeding which may, not improbably, lead to another European war. A question relating to the Hel gian continuation of this same Luxcm bourg railroad, nearly brought about : rupture between France and IJelgium some years ago, and it is tolerably cer tain that Great Britain will view with considerable uneasiness the possible complication involved in the command of Prussia over the eastern frontier of Belgium PR Ij'SSJA .V I M KMX I Ti '. iy tnc terms ol the treaty just signed between France and Prussia, tho latter country agrees to a reduction of the war indemnity by half a milliard of francs ; consequently the Germans re ceive immediately a French bond for four and a half milliards of francs, pay able within one year, and indorsed by rrencn and Ocrraan bankers, The bond is convertible into stocks or con sols, whichever Germany may prefer. Two milliards of francs have already been taken by Baron Rothschild and Uaron Erlinger, the French hanker?, and Hcrr Halm, a German banker. Im mediately upon tho ratification of the treaty the majority of the German forces will leave France. The forts east and north of Paris will be surren dered to the Versailles Government im mediately, and prisoners in Germany will be returned to Franco as rapidly aa the trains can transport them. The Germans will only hold Belfort, Long- wy and Nancy as hostages till the ful fillment of the conditian. MIXXKSOTA A RKPUDIA TOR. Several years ago the State of Min nesota pledged her faith in connection with certain railroad enterprises, then regarded as essential to the development the country. The companies in charge of the road were unable to dis charge their obligations, and, as a con sequence, the State failed to reap the advantages she anticipated. During the progress of tho work the bonds passed into the hands of third parties, who took them, not becauso of any con fidence reposed in the companies, but because the bonds had been indorsed by the State. It cannot be denied that the railroad companies acted in bad faith, and that, therefore, as to them the State is, in equity, relieved from any responsibility in the premises, but, as against tho in nocent holders of the bonds, no such equity can be pleaded. Whether tho bonds should bo paid or repudiated became a vexed question in the last legislature, and after much wrangling, it was decided to submit the question to a vote of the people. Tho election was hold, last week, and the decision was that tho debt should bo ropudiatod. Over this decision all the friends of that young and prosperous State have occasion to feel sorry even humiliated. It was a grievous mis take. State repudiation has never been held as honorable. When reference is made to the repudiation by Mississippi Northern fanatics iiecribo it to the demoralizing cfTccts of slavery. But what excuso can bo offered for Slinno sota ? Tho stop is ono that will long associate her name with discredit a stop that can never bo so retraced as to oblitorato the damaging impress it has made upon tho Stato's escutoheon. That the Legislature has all along considered tho bonds valid, is shown in the repeated offer to recoivo them in payment for lands belonging to tho public domain. Men accustomed to dealing with public matters, or largely as citisens, estimated properly tho ne cessity of discharging theso bonds, but tho rural population unaccustomed to general and enlarged transactions, havo I a I It'll II I I KUIH II IV 1 '7 IUT1 vixxvv. lJJIjinVlO, JHA1 1, 10 II. committed the crime of voting not to keep the recorded promise of the State. A future volo may do justico to the holders of tho bonds ; but no repent ance can wash nway tho stain of repu diation from tho history of Minnesota. t&TD. O. Tuttlc, of Wnrron, III., died on Tursday last of voluntary starvation, having for twenty-flvo days previously swallowed nothing except a few ounces of wine and water. Tho deceased was a trong bellovor in spiritualism, and claims that tho spirits had told him that ho must fait forty days, after which ho would go into a trance, and tho spirit would depart: but after six days it would como back, and then ho would riio up and eat, and then wo would all bo brethren. The riling up has not transpired yet. Ol fir Another exploring expedition of Mnjor J.AV.Voweil, is to start In a few days for tho canons of tho Colorado river, ecvuun vi country aimoit cntlrclv un known, having novcr been explored In a scicnimc way. iiio party will tnko the iiiiiiusu nz uruun i.ivnr iiy, IIIO croninc of Green river. W. T. and ilmsn embark in their boats for tho junction of ;....! i i i . , uiunu miu wrccn river, wnero mey lorm tho Colorudo, and thonco to tho Gulf of Lulltornln. It Is exnectml tlmt thn nmi. anion will bo absent twolvo or fifteen months, and winter in old Aztec cities In Arizona unU 'ow jlcx co. Mr. K. n licamnn, a lanilicimo and nhotoi'mnli artist, will accompany tho party. 8s3r"Kellow trabclcri." said n '-cullmP prencher, "r.f I hnd ben catin' dried upplcs ...i. . i. . I... . 1 iur u ncuH, an uun iook io urinKin lor n inonf, I couldn't feel nioro swelled up dan I am dii mintiit wid nrido nml vnnltv nt lecin' such full 'tendanco hnr dis evcnln'." fe?Tlie .Southern netrroos are so mtioli attached to circuses that they duto oil re mark.blo occurrences, births, marriage, deaths, olc, from tho time tho "circus wus yc-r last." ""Durinir the wnr." mv an change, "Franco produced no .Marshal JlurAt. And vet she ate cavnlrv lior.o. enough to hnvo produced even a martial neigh. Louisville Courier-Journal. QITY nVKNlfAIs MHICi;. All owners of Dog. are hereby notlSed thtt from and afier the 14th of Hay, lari, I kill kit J1 unlicensed dogs found running loose inside he corporate limits i.f th city ol Cairo. I can .'"" v" i-i" omee aaiiy Murine office hours.ifrom the l.l of May until the lth ol May.WI. AMIHEV OAI.V. .,.. City Ma shal. Cairo, Apnl 21, 1S7I. .prtSdtd RAILROADS. QUICKEST ROUTE FROM THE nOUTH. ILUHOIS CENTRAL R. R. 81. l.Bi,iLouliiTillc. Cincinnati Chicago, New York, Boston .AMD aLt.... Point East and IVortb l'isa.enKcr Train Arrive at and lenv Cnlro a follow t mll Exprtii, ARK1VE 3i3U A.ST.. DEPART 1 1.4 5 P. M, 3i30 P.M ..ill3u P.M No Express train arrives on Sunday. Both train connect at Centrall with trains on tb MAO MjtfE. Pana, Dceatar, BloomlUKton, El Pa.o, J.a Mall, Mcndola, Kreeporl, Ualitia Ilubuqoc, and all point In Illlnol MUaourl, Mlnneiota, Wlaroneln and Iowa. And wllh lmea running Kast and Wcat for St. Louis, SpringOeld, Lonlai'llle. Cln. clnnatl, Indianapolis & Cclnmbns, and.tUiicago with Mlelgan Central, MKhlfaa ouuiuriu, r.u i-iuaiiurK, rnri ,yno ana Chicago nailroada toj Detroit, Cleveland, Dunkirk, Albany, Boston, Aiiiladelnhia. Nlnsrra Falls, Erie, UtilTulo, New York, PIttsaur?, iiaiumore, Washlnsrton, ALL POINTS EAST Ko. through tlck.13 and laformation, apply I Illinois Centra. Railroad Depot. W, P. JOHNSON, Oeneril Passenger Agegt, Chtosgo. M. HEWITT. General Superl jtendent J. Johnson, Agent Cairo. SIKINGFIEE, Oc IIiM.VOIf, SOW MM A tTE US Ml. Ml. On and After Monday, April 2UU, 1871, tr.ilnswill run as ioi.ows i NORTHERN DIVISION. TRUSS SfllXO S01TIII1ST. Mail. Express. 12 3i p m. . 3.00 " . 4:20 " ..5:17 " Leave Virginia 0:40 a.m Hpringneiu v:m " " Tavlortllle 10:5 " Arrive ut Pann 11:10 m TKilNSOOlKO NOaTUWXST. Exiirpss Malt. Leave Pans..... m J:35o.m. " intlorvdle 1:17 ' ivn arrive ai DprinKiieiii...ujio si Leave S singtlidd.. .0:2 ...OilO ...8:11 Arrives 'ginta.. S:2J SOUTHERN DIVISION. TBslNS UOIKO S0VTIII4SV. Leave Edgewood 5:30 a. m " KlOra 8:23 . Arnvo at Hhnwneeton3:53p m tbains flotao auRTimrsT. Leave Shawnettown 5:15 a.m ... " Flora. 2:.'.5 " ,.10.111 a.m. ..11:40 ., 5:15 7.oo " 8:20 " Arrive at Edgewood 4:S0 The 6:30 train from Edgewood, runs only Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and 5:1.1 a.m. train from HhawneetOMti on Tuesdajs, Thur. days and baturdays. Connects at Ashland with Jacksonville division of Chicago and Alton Killro.d, for Jsclnor.llle, I'etcrshurg, Mason City, and all points weM. At Bprlngfleld. with Chicago and Alton, ami Toledo, Wabash and Western Railroad, fur Uluoaisgton, Chlgo, and all points north, north, west and west. , At Tana with Ind. and 81. Louis, anil Illinois Central Railroad for all potnta eaat, south and aoutr-east. ' At Edgewood with Clilcsgo Dirlslon Illmols Central Railroad. AtKlora.wlth Ohio ami Mississippi Railroad. AtHhawneeto.n. with stesmboaia for Cincin nati, Paducah, Cairo and St. Louis. OHLANU SMITH, Oen'ISup't. John hooaiTT.aen'I Fr'gt anilTlckIAg't. T IN Mil I n OHIO IiEVEi2, CAIRO. iui,to. k SONS, . - Proprietors. Are Now In roll Operation. .n1 L ," r'!i,on .S01" re prepared to film i of Klourof the best qua Ity, and also til feed of alt kinds. Graham Flour.ln sacks 3"1 iiuauniy, maoe irom the best White Pirn JAMEH KYM ANTON BUTCHER AM) DEALER IN ALt KINDS OF FItESII MEATS Cor. 19th and Poplar St., Cairo, - Illinois Hutraaml alatighUr only the hesloallle, no mm pin-irru iu mi any rreah men is rrooi ono pound to ten thousand ounds. d-c2ivj( T.,K PfOPlfT MEAT MARKET CHAS. GAYER & CO.. Proi.'rtt.. heCpcontantly on hand the lie.tof lfeel. l'ork Mutter. ea. I.nmb. Hnusszn. Pndd nr. ptn rresh wnito in anr nuantitv.eornpd hrr. pii. always on Imnd. rdr tilled promptly ami aatlsfaotlon war runted. fehTdtl W ATE US, TODI fc CO, Impotters and Jobliers of RIBBONS, MILLINERY AND GOODS, 409 N. FOURTH STREET, ST s LOUIN, Have at all limes n full ataortment nf fashion lonable goods, which will he sold at the lowest amei price, uruera o icitca aud promi ly lied COAL. JAIRO CITY o o COMPANY lie Prepared to Snpply Customers with the Best quality t,r PITTSBURG AND IlliuoiH Coal. Order lrrt nt Uallldajr lira. OUU, No. 7o Ohio Levee, or at th Con! Yard below the SI. Clinrle Ho tel, will Receive Prompt Attention. The Tug "Montauk" will bring Coal alongside aCalrn. 0-1. ZSh. 1870 if QLOSE dc VINCENT, CKNEUAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. and dealer in Lime, Cement, Plaster Pans AND PLASTERER'S HAIR. Cor. 8th Street and Ohio Levee CAIRO ILLINOIS. leblldGm jR. M, SWANDER DeMer In MILLINERY AS D Ladles' Fitrnl.shlnff Goods, OoTmnorolnl Avouue t'oruer Xlutli Ntrect, All kinds nf clotliine Inr I,n,ll.' wf nr rrttiiln its order, or ready mado. Also, full a.,ortment of ais.ea- anr Ladles' nres, mr.Mtf CARD. Inventors bavin business with iii iTm..i Plates Patent Oltice will tlud It to theiradvantace to intrust It in tho ;iinda uf the old established Arm of Mason, Fenwick & Lawrence, l'1)""'' Auenl. AVndilnaton, n.C. They havo uono my busmesa to mysatlsfae. ton, and I tako plrasuro In recommending them to Western lurentors. " AVM.n. I'AKIIIM, Invenlorof Improved Retolvlng Tubular Water Cairo, April 30, 1871. apr29d2m N.UAN LINE. MYKUfOOL, SEW VOItK AMI 1'IIILADKI.PIIiA Steamship Company, Under contract with the Hulled States sndllrilish floyerninents lorearrylng the mail, ror fassage. Tickets or further Information mily to JOUN O. DALE, Agent, 15 ltroadway, New loilc, or to si. II U HIT, 21C Washington aveoue, Cairo, Ills. myOdSra ONLY JEPORT OK TIIK CONDITION OK THE CITY NATIONAL BANK OF OAIEO, At Cairo, In the State of Illinois, at the Closo of Business, April 20th. mi. KEftOURCEH I Loans and discounts U. S. bonds to scciiin circulation'.'..'.'. ' " on hand Other stocks, bonds and mortgages.. Duo from redeeming and reserve agents ...103,8it a Due from other .National Bank 6T,12-63 Due from other ilanki and Bankei 11,110 13 tU,M so loo.wi oo ltl.Vfl ou 7,om ho 162,613 ; Banking hou. .. 00 Other rral estate 27,102 65 A Current expenses.. Taxea paid .... 3.2H M . ... 2,344 30 S.CTl 3 Cash Item. Including stamps 3 713 17 Bills or other National lnk. 17,3 no ypecl" (con)...... . 12,114 21 "7,174 1 ""1 5373,899 9J Capital stock oo Hiirplua fund 2i,io 0 Exchange 5 t,m ol Interest..... io,tw7 w I'roflt nnd lo 1H.711 bl 33,591 91 Circulation outstanding. fio,uc) w IndKldual deposits 23u,v 7i Duo .National Hank 40 71J Due oilier Hunks nnd Banker. 3JJ M Total ,.Ji73,8i'S na ."late of Illlnoi.. Alexsnder Countv. ss. 1, A. 11. fallord, Ca.hler ot the City National nank, of Cairn, do solemnly isnnr ih.u id. n.tni .Uiement is trunbithn t,.st of my knowledge and belief A . II. HAFKOlfD. Cashier. HuhsCrilvd Anil .irn.n In llAr.,A .n n ,klu LtU dayof May. 17I. 11. n. OAMifcn. Correct Attest. .Notary I'libllc. VV. P. IUM.IDaV. II. II. CU.NNINfSIIAM. G. I'. WII.I.IAMH'I.V. myfJlw Directore r miiiut, report UFTHE CONDITION OK THE First National Bank OF C-A-IIRO, XXjX.3., At the Closn of Ilnsiness, ,irll .Nth, 1S71. IlESOUHCIK. ,o.msand discounts t 63,cai oo 1,222 04 Sl.iUU w 11,710 M 10,378 49 8,721 21 18,38.1 C9 3,701 41 125 00 2,63,1 38 fl Ci 42.415 29 Overdrafts U. 8. bondstoaecurecirculailon. U. 8. bonds and securities on hand Other bonds, stocks and mort- cases Due trom redeeming and reserto agents Due irom other national banks Heal Kstate t urniture and fixture. Cash items, Includlne revenue btamns fitrront rnenes Tcs paid J..'.'.'.'.'.' Cu.ii uu tuua touinj 5 'i 17 19 vnrrrucy .... win mi 2G9,3M 49 LIABILITIES. Capital stock... . IIOO.OOu 00 exchange Interest .12,237 Ki . 2,41(1 II I'rntit and loss., 214 37 4.934 34 Circulation ou.atamlinir 73.005 00 30 00 91,330 It Individual deposits S2t9.303 48 SUtenf Illinois, County of Alexander, as. v. ... iiugucs, cannier oi mo nrst auonai Bank ol Cairo, do solemnlr swear that this ntmx. statement is truo to the best of my know! Ire and tellef. C. N. HUff II 3. Cashier. nubsrnbed and sworn to before me, this Bth VI JIST, A. 1. I"ll. uitAa. cu.nmngham, Notary Public. Correct attert D. HURD, ROUT. W MILLER HERMAN MEYERS. '")'' Directors, JJ IIOUPT, Practical Watchmaker 21G WASHINGTON AVENUE, Cairo, : : : : Illinois Always on hand a fine slock of WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC ," Particular attention given to ropalring Kino W a fr Its. a " (MTThe largest stock of Gold and Silver Hpec- " ' '! my. mm m. mors. Jno. II. Cannon rNO, II, CANNON A CO. tf Successors to I.'. O. Tittle 4 Co., WHOLESALE rilLtai IN STRAW & SILK MILLINERY GOODS, S02 X. 4th St., cor. St, Charles, Over U. a, Expiess Oflice, NT. I.OCIN. Orders will receive inouir.t and careful alien. "i, neridim HOTELS. T, S, OtKIS. r. B. LODWIClf. CRAWFORD HOUSE Conipr Sixth und Walnut Streets, ( Entrance on Ninth Street.) CINCI.N.VATI, OHIO. OAKES, CADY & CO., Proprietors. niysnom QOMHERCIAL. HOTEL, Commercial A v., Opposite l'ost Otttcv CAIRO, ILLINOIS. JOSEPH BAYLLSS, Proprietor. The Housti lanewly turnlahed and offeratatha public flrst-clsis accommoilatloB., UbTdtf DAILY l'AIEU LN EGYPT. FURNITURE. jg H. IIARRETj, DEALER IN FUBJIT1JB Bar Fixtures, GLASSWARE and HOUSE FURViNII INU GOODS, 185 and 187 COMMERCIAL AVENUE Cairo, IlllHoia. MILLINERY. f0 THE JL A OIL'S. Mrs. C.McOEE'tH Gheap Store I now abundantly mpped NEW GOODS To which sh psrtlctilnri) Invites attention. Khehas iusl reccivl s full line ol Dress Trimmings, Silk Gimps, Silk (nIiion. (I'lilpnre Juices, Moss Trimmings, Silk and Velvet Buttons, Crocket Buttons, PInsh and Trinunlnsr Velvet, Silk Gimps. HATS and BONNETS, Fine Kid Glones, Ladies and Childrens' Shoes And a full and complete stock ot FANCYGOODS All of which sne proposes to sell at The Very l.owKt r,au Vricc She Invites thn ladles In rail and ..a h.r rutw goods and learn the prices. iauwrmineu w maintain ner Claim to toe name or having he Cheap Store." d-ott ' MEDICAL. jyjAKNARD'S BITTERS THE REST TONIC IN USE FOR SALEJHV E. F.MAYNAED, Prop. PITTSBURQ, PA. tOeodlv NATURE'S GREAT RES TORATIVE. SCHEETZ CELEBRATED Bitter Cordial vHolesale I'epot N. W. corner Fifth and Jtac rceta, PhlladvJjibla, Pa. JKCnil HCUIBETZ, NoUrroprlcot H It is h rnliahlH K.milu X,.nMin. n.n aken by either infant or at ull with the same been ncfal results, It la acertain. cromniand n,Mfv emeily Iur diarrhea, dysentery, bowels complied d)spepaia, lowness oC spirits, fainting., aielc siomaih. headache, eta. Kori'hilu.nrl rT tH all kinds, it is far better and safer than iiuinm eithout any of ua pernicious ellects. It etlects an apiicuie, pioves n poweriui Ulyestor or food aad will counteract the etlects or liquor In a lew minutes. Aa indisputable evidence of its mrdi. cal oropertiea, wo apend a few ofthe many cer. iui.,l'cs iii uur iunfsium Johnson's Depot, East Tonn., and V. R. R. lenn. Jacoa Scums, Esn. DearBiri I nsveuaed (br Hitters I havo ob alned horn you, and Cod ".hem to be all they are recommended to lie. I found one bolllo to attord mecontidrrsbls relief, I feet asthouith I cannot do vrry welt without them, in my present state of health. D. MI; Mfil., tuMuintiin at., I'htia. Pastor Ilaptist Passyunk Church. Hold by W. P. Allen, 38 Main street Dubuqu. nctlMlk c AIIL I.. THOMAS, Is prepared o do all kinds ot PAINTING .....IND...... SBOP. IN THE PERRY HOUSE, CORNBB COHMBCIAI. AVXKXWAM KieHTH mm.