Newspaper Page Text
THE O-AuIKO BXJIiUjETIOSr, IsKJlt 17 J a. STEAMBOATS. PACKETS. i The fo lowing- slettnera leae Cairn FOB NAHHVILI.E J on the dya and at the lio-ir bMow.narnfd TALISMAN, Every Monday at 6 p.m.; TYRONE, Every Thursday, nt 5 p.m.; LUMSDEN, Every Saturday, nt 5 p.m. For Kr eliht or I'eiease apply on board, er to BIGOS & MALLORY, )an:W71lf OHIO I.EVBK. CAIRO AND PADUCAH. DAII.V TACKKT. Tlx beautiful and llxht draught steamer ja-Meipisk:' jr DORSET PNEBLET .'....ataaUr. Learea Cairo dalle at Sp.m., aid Paducah dally at 9 a.m. flaring superior aocommndalione ahe olielti pubtie patronage. Particular a tention paid ta eollettlou or In. toic charges, bat the boat will not be repon elble for lha earn nntll collecle1. PHYSICIANS. AWAIM.YMAK, Bff. D., PLysi , clan, Burgeon and Accoucheur, for merly ol Anna, t'nion Co., llllaoli, baa perma. nently loflaied in city. 'OFFICE Commerclrl Afenue, Utwron Itn and Clh Hretii Weil aid, tnarchldly IV. DUNNINC1, M.I.'K. IIIKNCE-Corner Mnth and Walnut v FFICE-Corner Buth blrtet and Ohio Letee OKMCK IIOURS-Krom a.m. to II m., and pm ifif.iiMit. K.mru,.ti. ii KEUIDENCK No.21, Thirteenth ri f.twMa Wihin(ton Arrnua and Walnut Slreei OtPOK- Itn Cometclnl urn iiilti. WAKUKEK, M.D., Cairo . .S BEfHlF.NCB-ionir of Nlnetectilh' at., and Waahlgtob are. OFPICE-On Commercial an-.,OTflf iha Po.lofflee OKFICK O0K8 from lo m to li m., (Sunday, excepted! and from t lo 6 pm. r ' ATTORNEYS. A Li. EX . Hlll,kKY Ai AWbUXEfS k . COtXVSKLLORS AT LAW William J. A Urn, i II. HNlkat. CAIRO, ILt, Maui a el P. Wheeler J Particular atUatloo pid torlrand admiralty bualneis. , , ' Otaae noalna'7 tt 8 Wlm.r'a Blaek. Q.HEEN V C1II.HKMT, ATTORXETS AND COUKSELURS AT . WW. wi nam ii., Will aaa n. embers CAIRO, ILL. Specie! attention glvaa to Admlrallr and 9ieam beat bnatneaa. ORWa aai Oolatve. Rmsi 7 aaa g orr ii ir Mat imi I .M. WOOOCOAL, ETC. yyoOD AJt 1 COAL. .f. ward la prepare! to deliver the beat Fire Wood & Stone Coal in any part of the city, tn an quantity drilled, nu abort notice. Coal BclWercd at K60 JPer Toa. OWiCB-Orer Beerwart, Qrtb A Co.'s .lore store, tvodoora above the corner of Eighth .treat ana Commercial atenne. deceit BARBERS. Cr. fitkSt. SggjffU in tub PKMRV hoc sr. karat Uaere;'r!erTawele aael Hklll. ral Wvrkaieau Ladiaa' and CKIISren'i Hafr Cnl asd Bbampoosed uu.r ai in .nop or AT THEIR OWN U0ME8. Gentleraen'a WhukenanJ Hair Djed inaaeiao tISo manner and atlafariion guaranteed. COLLEGES. TJ IGU JIJOATXON. HELLMUTH COLLEGE Board and Tuition per annum, IiIO. HELLMUTH LADIES' COLLEGE Inaugurated bjr It. K 11 t'riuca Arthuj. hnard end luiionnfr.nnnm.liil. I'realdent. tbe Verr K v l.tllinulh,I). V.. Veto of Huron For partlculara apolr la UaJr Erana, London, Canwla T OOK TO YOUR CHILDREN J The Great Soothing Reined i' Mr.. I Cures colic and griping Prlf t, I, wniTl'ilKR'S In the liowrl'. and IM I hirup. 1 cimaie. mo iuwhivi i vent.. ( teething Mm. ( rtulxluei conrulslfna Tl'UnC0B'81 and jretcompa all dls tirral. raaea inoident to in ' Ifaitnaudahlldren. Prlre, Si Ceati. Prlrr, In. f Curradl .'8 J teryand ) plaint la I. ei uurraaiarrhra, diiien WHITIOHU I aummercom. 16 Ctati Bjrap icblldtrn ot all 1. 1. K. rr.t Infanta and ChtlrlrAn. Hu!hln Ramedr In all iliaordera broujtbt oa bjr TeeihlnR or any "iher cau.e. Vfeped or Ii,, ' Hold it DriiKinita anu uraiera in Medicine i .nowhere. ' ' " mrrawcm - BOOTS AND SHOES. fAIBIOXABXK .-1 i if boqi MMi urn TWENTIETH STREET, Bctweea Washlng-toH Are ft Poplar St saata a Bhoea Made la Order, I'lne mwww" Warknaaa SCmnluVMi. i. Satisfaction Warranted r,t l rs tv.t ! Fatrewtf kfclkltH. 0be ulli(tjn. ,atte'e'e'',al.te(tt(tatea,e,fe(,a(e, )..( NEWS OP THE CITY. i lour. Choice Family Flour In bbls half bill., tacks &c, for alo at theEgyp. tlan Mill. au Mines' Sorgo andKldPollihihofjIcallop top, at tho City Shoo Store, corner Com mercial avenue and Eighth itreet. tf Oitt Scrip for 8ALE.-T30q, city jcrip n imau oruers anu on reaioaabie- ermi. Apply to JAMES JUINNt "Who Is It that does not like imoking hotblsculU for breakfast? Tho Fame Cook store will bake them In Are minutes time by tho watch. tf CoKKynui.,Fr.LtciTr. Nothing tends moro to connubial happiness than choer ful and healthy Infants and children. Mm. Whltcomb's syrup In tho great children's soothing remedy. mylCdlw Thk Urie patent moveable point steel plow; ono extra point given with cacL plow. For aalo only by HEERWART, 0RT1I & CO, Otf 1110 Commercial Ave. IIarclay Duos, aresclling more of Sim mons' Liver Regulator, at r;tail, than of all the others of that class of medicines put together. The reason of this is be cause till who try it recommend it to their friend. myZdlw A splendid assortment of bird cages mots baskets, flower standr, flower train ers, wire-cloth for window dcrecns, buth atid foot tubs, &c, dee., just received at REERWART, ORTII JjCO'B, aOtf 130 Commercial Ave. Tkl'K. There cun be no doubt that Baugh is, onr txcellcnet, the boot and shoemaker of Cairo. Ho challenges com petition in ills trade, and Atsurcs the pub lic that ho will guarantee to his customers satisfaction. His shop is on Eluhth street near the corner of Ohio Levee. tf Vjc sco by our exchanges tbatthetickets to the grand gift, festival at Omaha ro be ing rapidly taken. It seldom happens when one has an bor.est chance to win a fortune in a legal enturpri.e, like tho one n aid of u public library at Omnlra. mylCdlw A Happt Family. AVe have ofteni heard the remark that if you want good sweet bread in tho family, you .must have a good natured and even tempered cook to toako it. As an additional aid. we would recommend the unrivaled Charter Oak cooking itoro, which will insuro the hap py owner not only a well-cooked, palata ble meal, but also a contented and cheerful wife. mvl61w Takk it, take it on, and keep a taking it ; reduce the dose so that it acts as a gen tle laxative, and continue it on Jfgularlj. It is a tonic, and will strengthen you. .It took a long time to confirm your disease, and you can't get well in a day. Sim- n Otis' Liver Regulator, If persisted in, will cure the .nost stubborn liver disease. There is no failure about it. mylCdlw Machines. Attention of persons wiihing a first-class sewing machine is called to the late unproved "Wheeler and "Wilson's. They cannot be excelled for a family machine, or for light manufacturing pur poses. All aro invited to call and exam ine tho improvements, J. 0. CARSON, ap30dlm Agents, Cairo, 111. St. Nicholas, Day boarders can so- euro good accommodations atthcSt.Nlch- olas (formerly the St. James) at $4 per week. The house is at tho corner qf Ohio )evco and Eighth street, a central location. and is prgprletored, by Hany alkex, who is alive to tho wants'of bis patrons. Parties desiring boarding and lodging can learn terras on Inquiry at tho office. may3dtf For Salk. The undersigned will sell at private sale tho following described property: Four work horses; 2 sets doublo harness; 2 two-horse wagons; several plows and other agtlrtltural im plements.. Parties desiring to purchaso will call at her residence or at Robt. Bri bach't, opposilo tho court house. Terms of sale, half cash ; balance on six month's credit, with good security. apr22dlm Mrs. KATIE COOPER. The Fe.nto.v Cons Mill. This estab lishment, corner of Commercial avenuo and Twentieth street, Is now in charge of Mr. M. D. Uunter, who having purchased and thoroughly njflttcd it, invites, tho at tention of the public to tho fuct that hois cow prepared to furnish dealers and fami lies with tho very best article of corn meal. Orders left at the mill or sont through the postoflico will recoivo prompt attention. Fitzqerald's Samplk Kooms. Per sons bibulouily inclined, lovers of, tho ex onerating juice of tho corn and julcoollhe grape, or malt beverages, should call (im mediately nt tho sampjo rooms, on corner Commercial avenuo and Fourteenth street. JBesldes everything in the drinking l(n$, of tho purest kind, ho. has tho tnoit tfr- a IT a . . . gram siavana cigars, importations irom Cuba, that land of narcotlo weeds., iHtt- gerald, first-class place, and has ,witn mm Jimmy JSngllsb, who .knows ev erybody, and knows the, wants jt overy- oouy aim whu is u goniieman, every inch of him. , i ' K liavo been requested to sav that :5 lllott & Haythorn havo, now on exhibl Ion, and for sale, everything In tho boot and shoe line for ladies, and gentlemena .wear; and that all their goods afp. new anditylUh. apriotf BREVITIES. Judge Marchlldon, of Thebes, was In tho city yestctday. Tho Cairo box and basket factory is In full tide of operation. Its capacity is 60,000 to 00,000 boxes dally. Ladles' Sorgo (Pollsh)shoos French Kid, foxed, at City Shoo Storo, corner of Com mercial avenuo and Eighth street. tf Tho drawing of Rcilly's gift enter prise is announced to come off somctimo during the present month. ,ho religious furore among tho col ored,.peoplo continues. Thero will bo quite a number of immersions next Sun day. OenU' Oxford Ties, Prince Albert and Opera Slippers, at the '-City Shoo Storo," corner of Commercial avenuo and Eighth street. . tf The funeral train that passod along "Washington "avenue yesterday afternoon, was that of Mat Price's wife. Price is a colored man who keeps n family grocery on Cedar street. See advertisement of Dr. Butts' Dispen sary, beaded JlooUs for the Million Mar rlngo Oul'lo In another column. It should be read by all. myDdwly Two colored .blade;, named "Wade Hampton and Steve Bradley, wero each fined JO and costs, yesterday, for fast driving along one of our principal thor oughfares. The fines were paid. Tho organization of a regular pnxo light, between two down-town roughs, was prevented by the police yesterday evening. Tho affitlr created a perfect whirl ol ex citement for a time. Mr. Malliew Clark is an applicant for a position in the city pollco force. Mr. Ciiirk's friends urge his claims on tho cround that he is capable, industrious and scrupulously honest. Musquitots were again troublesorno, yesterday, in somo parts of the city. The reflection, however, that tho petifer ous insects were "taking" Paducah was rather consoling. A floating circus, on a small scale, is being organized in Mound City. It would be strange indeed if anything of that kind should be gotten up in Egypt with out tho assistanco of Perry Powers. Bring your Ooodey's, Ballous' or any other magazines or periodicals you may have lying around loose, to tho Bulletin Bindery, and have them neatly and secure ly bound. The cost will be only a trifle. There is an increasing inquiry for dwelling houses in Cairo. Some of our heavy manufacturing firms propose to erect a number oi tenement bouses, wo understand, fur the occupancy o'f their employes. Toe yilla Jtldge Horticultural Socie ty baa. determined, we understand, that nelthor prayer, benzine, nor swearing will destroy the curcullo. Orchardist will, therefore, bo compelled to rtaort to some other means. Yesterday was a pleasant day for out door business operations, but there wero very few operations to be out. Thero was, In fact, an unusual quiet in business cir cles. (The city wore n dull, sleepy aspect during the entiro day. "Wo aro sorry to learn that all efforts to find the body of littlo Carl Thomas have proved ineffectual. Twenty-four guns were fired Monday, near where the little fellow fell into the river, with the hope of raising his body. Belle Taylor, a colored female of a most vicious nature, was arrested, yester day, for using abusive and threatening language.,. The flna was $10 and costs, to pajr3lwhich baj will subsist. on calaboose fare until, tho 2nd day. of June ntxt. 1 r-Thero was quite a sutler among the demirep yesterday. Cain and Shechan devoted a portion of the day to bringing hem to their periodical account for their transgressions. Quite a number of them wore fined. The raid is not yot ended. Haley, charged with tho murder of Harrington, in Uie strcots of Metropolis, a 6hort time ugo, and Grasshopper Sam, whoso fame and deeds aro familiar to our' readers, will bo tried in tho Pulaski cir cuit court during tho present session. It I. expeeted that Oen. Logan will bo the orator of tho day, at Uound City, on Decoration day, viz.: May 30tb. An invitation is extended to everybody to bo presont and participate in this annual tribute to the memory of tho country's dead heroes. Alf Burnott had a good houso last night, and dollghted everybody. Hi's "lightning transformations" wero most wonderful, and his entertainment gener ally of the most amusing and refreshing character He will make his last appcar- anco this evening. Judgo "Win. A. Lemma, a slmon puro Democrat, was elected to tho ofiice of school trustee, in the Radical town of Cur bondalo a few days since. Ho was brought out Just one hour and forty minutes before tho closing of the polls, and beat bis, atrongclt Radical competitor seventeen Votes. Dr. Brigbam effected a purchase of the Harnish farm at Villa Ridge, a few days ago. The prico paid was I2.C0O. Tho farm is one of tho most deslrablo in that locality, and will, this year, produco $1,000 worth of peaches. Dr. Brigham purchased the place as a homestead for his father. At an Episcopal fair, hold in Mound City, last weok, a gold,rng w,ai awarded "by, ballot to tho handsomest young lady In attendance. The contest was between Miss Annie Fair, of Mound City, and .ilUs Thatcher, of Columbus. On Whops land and thirty ten cent votMVr polled, a small majority was cast for Miss Thatch er. Tho ring netted tho church $103. Eichoff A Bro's new furniture- facto ry Is cnclojed and roofed, and nearly ready to roccivo tho machinery. It Is thought by tho 1st of Juno the now estab lishment will bo ready to go into opera tion. It is ono of tho largest, and will bo ono of tho completcst furnltuto factories In the Southwest. The subject of a wagon road to the Cairo cemetery is being agitated. A "narrow path" will do, as only now and then a traveler will uso it; but it should bo provided nevertheless. Tho cxpenio attending the conveyance of bodies thith er by-Tail Is beyond the reach of poor peo ple. The colored girl who, In a paroxysm of religious excitement, fell over a bonch last Sunday, and broke threo of her ribs, declares that she sustained the injury while "fighting the devil.' If sho speaks the truth, the fact is qulto apparent that tho "old boy" is "too many fur her." Tho nexttusslojho may break nor nock. The proceeds of a donation party got ten up in Mound City, tho other day, for the benefit of tho Rov. Mr. Van Trcas, amounted to upwards of $200. Mr. V, T. is well known in Cairo, as n kind hearted amiable gentleman, and as deserv ing of nil tho favors our Mound City neighbors may feel disposed to bestow upon. The ever-bearing strawberry, tho plants of which Bold for 53,00 per dozen last year, aro pronounced a fnlluro In Southern Illinoiso.whcn compared with the "Wilson and Agriculturalist. They are inferior aliko in size, appeuranco and lla- Tor. It is alleged, however, that the size can bo regulated in a great mcaiure by cultivation. The "country press" aro unanimously of the opinion that "Dn Rico's Greatest Show on Earth," now traveling in the West, is tho most consummate humbug ex tant. The members of tho troupo are de nounced as a strolling bund of loafers und dead-beats. It is n well-known fact that Dan Rice never did proprietor any other than a "one horse circus." An old colored woman .who claims that she is the 'seventh daughter of tho seventh son, and was born under tho in fluenoaof the seventh moon" Infortis ua thai. on. tho III day of June a drouth will commence that will not end until tho mid dle of August. She therefore admonishes her friends to husband their cistorn water, and hurry up the crops, as fast as possible. To-morrow evening is tho timo fixed upon by tbe ladies of tUo Episcopal church, for their strawberry supper and festival. Thornton s largo new building, which presents a hall 25 by 100 feet, Is the place. Tho entertainment will prove a delightful onej ilia MeeVwVerttlea, vtcBin', oto, delicious, and tho welcome of the lady managers uroaa enougn anu coraiat enough for everybody. Therefore, go. Tho examination of Prof. "Wirschlng's (the German) school will' commence this morning, and not thia afternoon, as stated yesterday. Tho pupils will undergo a thorough examination in the branches they have been studying, and those who know tho Professor can testify that he practices no delusions. Tno actual pro ficiency of every pupil will bo put to tho test. Parents of tho chlldrcu and friends of tbe school are invited to attend. Madam Ferris, the " medium" grave ly informed her audience here, that money had nothing to do with her com ing to Cairo. She visited this city simply to please the people of Memphis. It was observed, however, that tho madam never failed to exact a dollar from each niale member of her audience. "Wo aro fully persuaded that a little light on her dark scenes, would divest them of much of their mystery, and, most likely, rob the madam of hor occupation. If wo could forotell tbe base ball ac cidents that the usual devotion to tho 3amo in Cairo, will insure, quite a number of our now enthusiastic baso ballists' would beg to bo excused." Already an arm and a flngor havo been broken ; a knee-cap crushed ; sovcral eyes havo been blacken ed, and, yesterday, a littlo shaver narrow ly cscapod'sculplng. Tho bat slipped from tho hand of a young man who was butting for practice, and striking tho little lud on tho back of the head, knocked him, for tho time, senseless. Nevertheless it's "anoblo gamo." "A man of sin" is amazed at tho di versity of opinions and creeds prevailing 1 among christians', who claim to found their faith on tho Bible. This wretched man remarked to tho editor of a neighbor ing journal, recently : "I attended two church festivals last night. At one, the crowd was singing hymns and praying ; at tho other they wore fiddling and dan cing. I can't understand it hang me if 1 cun; for you soe in both cases " But tho newspaper man would hoar no more, no turnod sorrowfully away, mar velling that tho sinful man did not know that " whero reason ends, God begins 1" Mr. Davis, who enmo down from the mouth of Cach', yestordayj informed us that about four miles above town ho heard the whining of a dog, but for somctimo was unable to determlno from whenco tho soundi'prycoeded, Continuing his soroh a fowroinutcshe .discovered that somo heartless wrutch had chunked up a dog In .the bUpwpf'ftjl'pij . lying near the rlyer bank, and left jijtn, tbero;to starve. The poor creature had evidently been .Impris oned a week, or ten, days, as ho was so weak from starvation, M to be scarcely bJo to walk Tno less than man, und wrse than beaW'guHty;,,of,,s,vch cruelty,, should nj3WfDo t'olognaizrd for the starved dog to fatten.' on. The Tricks ok Trade. Tho. effort on J the part of somo of our httckstors to socuro tho "first pick" from tho vegotablo wag ons coming into our city, often gives rue to ?cry splrtyijjeontcntion. About threo o'clock yesterday morning an cntorprlsing member of thnt class tf traders posted himself on tho sidewalk about a hulf milo abovo tho court houso, with a view of "way-laylng" a load of green peas that wero expected to arrive in town about daybreak. Ho felt quito suro of his prizo, and felicitated himself on the advantage It would give him in tho trade of tho ear ly morning. "Whllo waiting on tho side walk, and congratulating himself on his promised success, n rival' huckster was stealing by him, underneath, tho sldo walk, determined to gobble tho samo batch of peas. The "dodge" was a good one, Tmt not qulto sacceisful. No. 2 finally stole beyond the eyo and car-shot of his rival, and emerged from bis cover. Thtnklng it possible that a third huckster was still boyond him. ho mado up his mind, as Uotts once did, "to head 'em or dio." and actually visited tho garden from whenco tho supply was expected. Findine a cou plo of busheh of tho coveted vegolablo already gathorcd, ho dumped them into a wheel barrow which bo found at hand, and actually wHcclcd ttio load, a distance of twomlloj, tohisplacoof business, in tno city. This he thought "sharp," though somewhat laborious "practice," and it was ; but the result scarcoly justified tho effort, since, on his return, he found his competitor "up to his ryes" in peas, nnd measuring them out by pecks and half bushels to a perfect crowd of customers, and manifestly Ignorant of tho offort that had been put forth to "head him." While No. 2 was under tho sidewalk the market wagon passed him, nnd with it! entiro contents, fell into tho hands of his cntcprising competitor. That Calico Ball. Arrangement aro maturing for a "calico hop" in tho St. Charles hotel, on Monday ovoning, next, that will eclipse all re-unions of that kind ever held in Southern Illinois. Gentle men havo tbe affair in hand who are ait fait managers, nnd aro putting forth their best exertions to bring about tho result wb have predicted. Cairo is somowhat noted for the uniform success and brilliancv of hor social ro-unions, btxt, to borrow a phrase from an eloquent divine of the city, we shall expect the hop of Monday to "clap tho ciimato of all former successors in that line of intrusting amazements.' Tbo members of the Committee of Ar rangements will bo distinguished by badges or bluo ribbon; Reception Com mittee by red ribbon ; Supper Committee by purplo ribbon; Floor Managers by white ribbons. Gentlemen from Mound City and Charleston, as well as from Cairo, havo been selected as committeemen. rt will doubtless be present to assist in tho management. TheCdstom House Grounds. Seven thousand cubic yards of earth are yet to be placed on the grounds of tho new cus tom house. Tho job will be let to tho low est and beet bidder, and since we havo tho men and teams in Cairo' that need tho work, wo hope tho best and lowest bidder will be a Calroite. Tho work must be performed under tho direction of tho cus tom-bouse superintendent and bo com pleted on or beforo tho 1st day of No vcmber, 1871. We publish a notice in anothor column over tho signature, of G. H.Sease, inviting soaled proposals, and furnishing all need ful information. Road it. Mrs. Fxrbih. Wo havo bcon informed that Mrs. terns' raasculino mediumistic assistant proposes to utterly " wipo out" any individual who shall dare to throw light upon or into her dark sccanes. The madame's mortal fear of light is evidence, almost conclusive, that her "manifesta tions" are simply trickery that Is liable to bo exposod at any timo by the flash of a dark lantern. Tho littlo wonder sho ox- cited by her first seance here, has been turnod into disgust by tho subsequent oaes. fainco madamo J orris exacts pay for an entertainment that is neither litcraryt cnaritauio nor religious, why is it sho Is not compelled to tako out licento 7 Wo again ask tho attention of tho polico to the matter. A Card. We, tho undersigned, passen gers on Capt. Doxtor's boat, tho Quickstep, from Cuiro to Mound City, on Friday, .Way 12, tako plcasuro in horeby express ing our sincere gratitude to Capt D. nnd his officers for their kindness to us during our Bhort trip, and tako great pleasuro in roccommending tho Quickstep to tho trv elling public as the boat for oomfort and safety. Chas. Cunningham, Will L. Norman, Will Ucoiies, James A.Phillis, D. Carter, O. Haoey, And Ladieh. Reliaule Aifji Safe. Dr., Henry's Root nnd Plant Pills aro mild and pleas ant in their operation, yet thorough, pro ducing no nausea or griping. Being en tirely vcgotnble, they can bo taken with out regard to diet or business, Tboy arouso tho liver and secretive organs into healthy action, throwing off disease with out oxhaustlig or 'debilitating tlip sys tem. Try them and 'you wjll bd'satlsfled. Prico 25 cents a box. Sold by druggists and dealers in medicino everywhere Pro pared by the Qrufton Mcdlcino Co,, Si. Loiiis, Mo, myOdwCm , Particular attention is called to the In dies', misses and children's colored shoes, of which a yery choice, and stylish stock may be found at tho City Shoo Store. uiyl.Hf ,. Men's Flne'ral'Hkin Gaiters, and also '.'Prlnco Albert,"' at Elliott & Hay thor'fc PARIICUIjAK .notices. To These tho Attention or (lie Vnlille. In j.pecl.Ur Invlleil. A lia's. Tho barber shop of "Wm. Alba, on Commercial avenue, near tho cornor of Eighth street, is tho placo to which nil lovers of a good, closo shuvo with razors sharper than tho wit of twenty Jorroldj, wind their way. tf Meats. Tho Drench mcatshop of James Kynaston, located on Commorclnl avonup, next door to tho grocery storo of James Carroll, is now In full blast, and this pop ular butcher Is supplying all tho refined meat caters of that portion of tho Fourth "Ward with splondid meat. If you have not tried him give him a call. tf ime's. Hlmo, at tho old stand, on Sixth street, noar Ohio lovec, Is conduct ing his barber shop in n first-class style. It is a model establishment In every par ticular, and while in his chargo alt its cus tomers will rccelvo oourtcous attention, nnd tho benefit ofuxcollent workmnnidilp. Hair cutting, shaving, shampooing, etc. tny2tf AVio Barter Shop, Tho razor is might ier than cither tho sword or pen, and Frodorfck Notzor hiindcs his razor with moro skill than William dou his sword or Dickens did his pen; uni! boyond nil doubt, ho has the most splendidly fur nished shop In tho city. Ho may bo found near tho corner of Ohio, on Eighth street, tn Iht rear of the St. A'iei- 'efnt Hotel. Glvo him a call. myCtf iceice. Iluac, I.ootnU A- (Jo. Inllie Froxen Field Tho ico wagons of Huso, Loo mis & Co.wlll commenco to deliver ice about tho city on Monday, May 1st, and will continue to make daily rounds cach morning (Sun days excopted) during tho present season. Orders left at tho ofllco of tho company, corner Ohio levco and Eighth street, will recoivo prompt attention. Huso, Loomis & (3c. nro also prepared to fill all orders in flic steamboat and shipping trade. apr27-dlm EXCELSIOR SALOON. Corner Waahlugton .tvenne and Four teenth aireef. Fred. Bla.ikenburg's saloon 'is nowly and elegantly fitted up and supplied with tho finest wines, liquors, beer, cigars, etc., thHt can bo found in tho city; and Fred. hus'n'o superior as a dispenser of delightful beverages. Do not forget tho place, cor ner 14th street and Washington avenuo. SUPPER A.D STRAWBERRY FES TIVAL. A suppnr and strawberry festival will bo aiYen by the l&dlne Hj.Wjt church at Mr. Thorton's new building on 10th street on Thursday ovoning Muy 18th. Supper will be served at 7 o'clock. Tbo building has been recently restored and placed upon a new and very secure foundation. Tho room is spacious and cheerful, and will bo pleasantly fittod up for tho occasion. Let every one obtain fiuppcr there on Thursday night. ml43t FOR KENT. Tho houso hereloforo occupied by Pat rick Fitzgerald, on Ohio Loveo between Fourth nnd Sixth streets. This house, if not the best business houso is certainly ono of tho best stands in Cairo. It fronts tbo principal steamboat landing and is near tho Illinois Central railroad depot. Also tbo second floor of tbo snmo building suitably nrrangod for offices. Apply noxt dcor at Robort Smyth & Co's. wholesale grocery store. tf BOARDERS WAMED. To occupy a very pleasant room, (fur nished or unfurnished), on Washington avenuo, opposito tho new custom houso suitable for man and wife or single gen tloman. Also a limited numbor of day boarders. Torms very reasonable. En quiro at this ofllco. . mayWHd Take notice. Time Table or the Illinois Central Railroad. On and after Sunduy, May 14th, 1871, tho follow ing timc-tablo will govern tho arrival and departure of passcngor trains at Cairo: Depart Mail train, daily,... 11:43 p.m Express, daily, 2:30 p.m, Arrive Mail, duilv 3:30 a.m. express, daily, except Sunday 3:30 p.m. Although tbo regular St. Louis train is taken off both trains out of Cairo will havo through cars for St. Loulf, which will be taken through from Du Quoin by tho trains on tho Belleville road. Direct and closo connection will bo made at Du Quoin, and thero will bo no change of cars from Cairo to St. Louis. Tho train leaving Cairo at 11:45 p.m will buvo a through sleeping car for St. Louis. Tho attention of shippers is cspecislly called to tho fact that a Fruit Express train will leave Cairo daily, Saturdays oxcoptod, nnd will mnl;o tho run from this city to Chicago in twenty-two hours. JAS. JOHNSON, Agont. s EAIiUD PROPOSALS. New Custom Home, Cairo. Ilia,, May mill, i7i Sealed proposal will be received at the office of buperimenueiit ui inn now u.iuni uou-e, ai Cairo, Illinois, until 4 o'ebok p.m., tlielltli day 'of Mar. 111, lorhllui and amdlng tlie Cu.loni lloufe Block. Tho prop,, ml. io bo made fur Uia ,ubla yard delivered, and will bo mewured afler ttlling by the dui.enntendent or an autlioiKou gent) and 10 per cent or all payni"' 10 bo retained until completion of ilieoonirl I lie eaith required will bo bIui T,i ;ibieai-ila, nn.reor les, and tbe til'lug in be completed on or b.forethv UtUy of Noteuiber. All bid. rout be accompanied by a loa lot tv? rtsuonal. hie peraona In the .am of ou thousand dollar that tna bidder will accept and perform the con tract awarded to hlui. , . The Ueparimeut rriervc. the right to reject any or an me piopoai frODoaala m beBdorseu.."t'ropaaaiafor Filling and Uradlog"enaauureseu u. ii, aeate, super latenuoatof L-aaiom uouie, uuro, iiiiuois. tnyiaaei aAMafwp I. :R;rv:EyR, n'iu ws. PORT LIST. arrivals. Steamer Illinois, Columbus. " Jas. Fisk, Jr., Paducah. " Talisman. R. C. drey, Louisville. " Wild Duck, St. Louis. " Painter, Pittsburg. " Gloncoc, New Orleans. ii 11 ii Peytona and bgs, New Orle.tni. Liberty 4, Pittsburg. City Alton, New Orleans'. " Simpson Horner, Pittsburg. it n t .J. m f uuu. ixiiutnuu, Acnnesieo river " Littlo Condor. " City Chester, St. Louis. " Mary Alice, New Orleans. " Mary Houston, New Orleans. departures. " Illinois, Columbus. 11 Jai. Fiik, Jr., Piducah. " Tnllsman, Nashville " R. C. Gray, Arkansas river. " Wild Duck, St. Louis. " Painter. " Gloric6e, Louisville. " Peytona and bgs, Louisville. " Liberty 4, St. Louli. City Alton,, St. Louis. " Simpson Horner, Now Orleans. " Gen. Anderson, St. Louis. " Littlo Condor, Memphis. " City Chester, " " Mary Alice, St. Louis. " Mary Houflon, ,L:oulsvule. Opy Tho Talisman didn't got off as soon ns sho expected, though her prolonged stay did not add much to her freight. E"Tho weather was exceedingly hot yesterday, with just air and clouds enough to mako It bearable. Thero will certainly be n storm soon, OST During tho year 1870 there were 4,4S5 arrivals in steamboats alone, being nn nvcrngo of about twclvo boats per day Can any other river city beat that ? tQrTho Mississippi is falling again at St. Louis. Tho Illinois is dcclilnng rapidly and will soon bo in a bad condition. The Ohio is fulling all tho way up, with' 4 feet 10 inches in the channel at FlUburg, and 13 feet in tho chute at Louisville. CfifTho river came to a stand yester day, Hnd will bo on the declino to-day. Largo quantities of drift wood havo teen floating closo to the wharf for throe dayi past, much to tbe annoyance or boats moored at tho landing. It is now float ing farther out in tho stream. 10 Tbo Citv of Alton brought 11 hhds sugur, 20 sks salt, 10 sks coffee for Nash ville; 180 hhds sugar, 10 bales moss, 100 slabs steel, 200 bbls rosin for Chicago acd following for Cairo : R. Smyth, 30 bxs, 1 CasV -win. HinnVftotVl, 1 V ivluu'f 2uo. Lcemmer, 2 crates cabbage, 10 bbls pota toes. Wo havo heard it said that tho Robt. E. Leo, Kutio and Natchez propose to leave New Orleans on tho 1st of July all bound to St. Louis, and as tho story has been often repeated wo almost begin to consid er it a fact. Tho rumor further states that the stage planks onco drawn in al N. O. are to bo launched only at St. Louis. Ono your from tho date of the old race would bo a first rate time for such a trial of speed. REAL ESTATE BROKERS- Q WINSTON & CO., (Successors to John Q. Barmaa Co.,) REAL ESTATE AUCTIONEERS 74, Second Floor. OHIO LEVEE Oalroi 111., Buy and Soil Real Estate 4'URXIBII AilNTIlArTM OF TIT LA AN l'K:i'AHte CONVEYANCE ' OFAI.LNDS GROCERS. J SMYTH Jk CO., WSCOZiIIHil GROCERS OHIO LEVEE, OA.IRO, XXaXjXXO'OXeB. Also, keep constantly on baad a noil com- plete stock of Scotch and Irish Whiskies 3-I2J. , Port, Madeira, Sherry, Calabav, WINES. We tell exclusively for Cash, to which Irct we rarite the attention of cloae bargain buyeie r Spec!! attention Riven to flUIng ordtra. 1 JOHN 'GATES Proprietor of the BtHlar'd Saloon and Bar Room El Dorado IN Co: crctaiATtte, Cairoi : Illinois