Newspaper Page Text
tct r COMMISSION FORWARDING- OOO-EIKTG STOVES. II. . PAT. :oU)MVi ''b'HARTikic.' COMMERCIAL Tr(l.rnrKrMM.. May 1", t-JI. .u.. r. (lie lllt few IIIIV IIM 1 no weainni bn fvor(iW" fr lriictlon of I-um- , neat, but mnrkel il.v nt hnv iiliv Tory 't frtur,'1' (-',,rn Hv ''' demand, but th mH,.l t I'" f"olu'l lbt activity which inlt?h' J" hM f"f If t the Kiipply of llio'f n-rnil vweerjuiil f ( lhe prrcnt domuntl for tncin. j Hny is firm Mt prko quoted The Flour tnnrki't f Iwtlvo but firm. Country produce continue t" largequYntities arid U a lruc in mar. kct. The prlct! of butter mid eps !' fallen ufT since our lut report. I'LOIIR. Tlic supply in the mr-rUei U mail nnd prices ire rirni. ShU" wore ' 60 bbls. low super 400 " varloiu grade 90 " -XXX Sales from city mills oO bbli. X i.o,oo c.r.o it) 100 26 60 XX XXX 7,00 XXXX V0 ii whito wheat 8,00 CORN .la unchanged and prices with. n the ran co of previous quotations, Salea vere 260 sacks from atoro rtOc 525 cholco whito del G2c 100 " in now bags ' 03c 1 car, white, In sackn C3e OATS. Arc In actlvo demand nnd prices advancing. Sales were 6C0 sacks, in order lots from .store... 08o HAT. Is firm at quotations. Sales were 1 car timothy, del S 17,00 600 bales, mixed lc,oni7o BUTTEK. Dull. Tho market is over- stocked, nnd prices have fallen off. Sales wro SO buckets 15c23c ib pkga strictly choice uc 6 10c EOOS. The supply exceeds tho demand ana prices nave declined icUc per doc Sales were 22 '. 1 2 Jc(jM3c 1100 dor ,l?jc 10 bote 12 Jc JtEAl Is in request and prieo tend upward. Sales were 100 bbls City steam dried $3 00; ?OULTBy. Tho markct is quotably unehapgtd.. Sales were 2 coops choieo hrn . ... $A 00 16 . ; 4 00(ZjV4 60 PORKl Little.doing. Wn note n sale of 10 bbls mou pork $18 26 POTATJCS- Aro inactive. Wo quote 10 bbls new .. ?0 25(a0 60 SUNDBIKS. 80 Vl cumenv. 1 CO 1 car load lime, in bulk, 10c per huhel ; 10 bbls new onions, SC 25(aX r,n. fOWDEK Kph, rifle - ui Km, bla.tus 4a.V3lil imON -BkS'J, other iltm n p mill card SAILS-Perkfjf, JSdJo Hvl...-..4 Ontn (H Other nitM m vr mill enrd aMVUIONS-t,ork.u)o, bl.l. I'rlnie me pmk, per lilil.. Brealcfwt Kiooq. ,...... Clriilrii.pcrll;dry nll cir vide.,' bstmr.-. Kibbed Ultva. prtilwliy Mir :ilhl)d ldei hltrnn:.;... Plain liuu.wi IU ,yin((li;l r Shottlilr, tbatoil-J-r-n.1 -ui:r cured Um, tii'l Country lUm r T 1 MOLAKSBS New Orlestiii.ltt lM. IS lift 13e 1 10 I 1.1,1 He lflKnlll 1:11 If 70I07S HIIION.1 73WI till H.lntlli OoldenPyrup, Sorirhum, " Hilter Drlp KISH M'krel. .n.l.Irtr.bll.'lin No.?,'.4' " 17 00StlKOO Nn. 3,' " " is 001410 no ' Io J VOtfiHX 1 niiMi 7:. T 30f (Ml II aoti'V H.I i Hi 11 ,'illl ' No X . I' " White Full half1 Hi, SALT Per bl....u JDA-Bi CarfxiD ktn rr IV " 'Inboiee, per U... Tnrce &nd bt.l-, per lb... Keir, nnd hi bUf f per Hi.,. Uouotrr Ird, yej lo.,- 1 ,1'UAK Hard, per ltiw, A Oillee Kxtra C. ewcrop;.ri.O,, In Mid.., Iiemntara, ill f'lile-.. : "Hill Aortd nuinle'ia, Krkeu Huelr. V III tm? -, liar Id, per ill . ' KHUCfXi Dark, per-Ui,,Mii... ,,,.., Liitnt, t-rr lu ..'lh,-.: HmoklnR. Rtr lb, p i! VBOBTAUI.rMPvtl 11 . I AH '..I.V l'4(ii;i A 3Ah'4 411 A Uiti 7.1 .lllilllW uuan." J.-J..IUI1 JA( I. II mi White liean., per Ku.ft. 1.1 1 I IMtl 7(J y. ilnliin ier M. ,.,. KHL'IT Pt'n'he.', - .u l hnlrr-i per V Apple, n -....-hOAl' Ko.:n, i-er lb.....,.i...,. German Nottlrd Oll,u-Co.l, per nllon.. I AO,a!l till .1 IKtU .VI IIUI'4 6m7 7i ttlnti,, Laid, Lliiveid, , 1 3.ti7il 411 I IllVikl KOI'B Maehl ie rna-U, Ky., per Vb Hand nude, per 1 . SSSti I lie Manilla, p:t lu. ...... LIMK In lfm bin lot ...Hi l riAMTI-In U9 MiOU, HJ Ctl CUKBMlC-Mw.Yorlc. Factory , I'JA lM(dlM ii.j'uao JIU'i7 3l COI'KKK-I'rlme to Cboiee Common to fair... Jk .,.. Lj()rr. . C u l Jl III u l CAM LC-Hitr, iXh( weight CMMT-lo jrrete... rimnltlT K4 Tod ... il 60 j17 OO i aohi 70 A VU&H US 1 031 1 AI 7(f 10 1 u5 40 1 sa 1 u Mine Grui llaaxarlaa iraaa aiiJi...-..).,. - tiAKUM amuum , Burtajn-. v. , J WaBAT-'Choic WaiU..-. ?So. lwhlt No. 1 rad a 1 OrdiDarrid ft white ? A'O. .or in 1'irk'r.t Willi".! m.M:ii.u. COMMISSION iii'l IIM'ertU I'lnur, !i'i!. llll),, Ui'un. ('orn. Out, Cor.lOthSt.&OiVio Levee OAlltO. ILLINOIS. It. V. tnT. I'ntKra jygn.I.KIt V lAKIKK, ANIi Forwarding Merchants nnAi.KiM i.v FI.OllK. COUX, OATS. II A V, Etc., Etc., No. 58 Ohio Ijovcc oaiko. II.S.IXOI.S. J M. PIIII.HI'N V CO.. SiK-cii'or lo E. It. Henilrlplis A ;o. FORWARDING ion ...uinl, Wliarf - Boat PROPRIETORS, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. f.IBKKAl, ahvsni:ki made OIT VON. NIU.Mr.Xl-M. AB'Are iircpnrctl lo rrcrtTP. more nnJ lomfti.i frrlKhti to nil point", and buy on J nrll on coin. milon. B-niiKiDPMinitdniifii lowitn uromi'iDci. c LOSE A- VI.VCJEXT. OKNKRAt. COMMISSI SI EKCIBANTW. nnd iU-alrn tn Line, Cement, Waste' Pans AND PLASTEECElt'N IlAIIt. Cor. tli Street sunt OSiln t.cvei' CAIRO ILLINOIS. leMMCv IIKAI.HIIH & L .9. ..P 4ud AeJnl d mi 10 IMVEU AMI KANAWII SALT COMPANIES tNJ : . '7 O 0 XX "jC 0 ."Cj JJi -7-: CAIRO ILLINOIS. :3U ros itrri'EsirsocNi:. FLOUR General Commission Merchant I licit Ohio Ivf, CAlKi). ILLS. . Loiini COAL. QAIKO ;ITY o o COMPANY I iv rrrpitrtd tfl Supply Cnloiner with the livst Quality .f PITTSBURG AND liliuofM Coal. CStaUra Uft lit HnllliUy Kroa, Olllce, No. "11 Ohio JLever, or 111 the foitl Yaird lie 1 11 tr (lui kit, t'lnirlee nu. ltl,wrlll Un-elin I'jouijil Aiteulloo. Ti.e Tk "Mnutauk" will hnnK Cftjj klruvodr ttauriki at any hour, dar or iiIkIii .Cairo, (M, 'tn, n;n,',f K j.j am.iisay ustin iiBis:.'-;. j mmi mm ' FOAMING s COMMISSIOH ! HA V WAS Window Lock 0 O-.L & Ml Till: ONLY IlKIitAUl.r. Window !'it nut t lr nn .prmj!i ' " Srup n find lHlin lil. a. !'!. in rn-i-meiutil, lock4 win dow, aeelirely, Willi" . open or, mid prevent" iBtllln-s of the irJ.i. , Ninndinrrrntklml of Trlminlnfia, to milt nil ltf. by wliiiih lhl Inclt i erfrated. iu;km.ii:imi:u a- caii.m Solo owner" of th Territories of the Staler ol llllnoi. V(eoninand Iowa, nnd" ( o'her SHIP. IJetiernl Olllie. HI! WAN11MJ" To.N .VUUH'.r. Clllt'AflO. marchTdOm MILLINERY- rpo the ladies. Mrs. C.McGEK'M Cheap Store I" now ntjiiri'lmitly mppili'd a'IIi NEW GOODS To which ho partlculnrl) lnvltcn nttrnllen. ffhohRH )ut rfcolv.'il n full lino ol DrrsH Trimmings, Silk Gimps, Silk jiGuloon, (iulpuro Ibices. Mom Trlinnuns, Silk nnd Velvet Ilnttons, Crocket Ilnttons, l'liisk and Trlmmlntr Velvet, Silk Gimps, HATS and SONNETS, Fine Kid (ilones. Ladies and Childrens' Shoes Anil n fill! and complete Mock ol ...AND... FANCY GOODS All of wlucli hop propoif i to tfll at Tho Vary I.oucNt Ciuh Price SholnrilM the Indies to cull and i her new goiils nud lenru Hit pricm. nh liiictprmlnod to malDtain brrllm to tn nutiie ol liarlnc Iiedinp (itori"." d OK M" W. MVANDI'.IS Henlfr in Wl LLINERY Ludlt's' I'nrnlsliluK 4iond, Coininoroiivl iXvotixio Cnriier N'tiilli Nlrert. All kind, of el ithmg Inr lidn-.' er niadu to order, or icadj in id" Aln. 1 full n'.nriment of Ml..e.' ani' l..idic eh ei. nir.uf MEDICAL. BITTERS rii a: iti:sr TONIC IN USE run "MA ' E. MAYS ARB, Prop. rrTMiti!it(j, i. vr.tTL'Kj's ;.si:at i:j:s. aCHEETZ CELKfllATED Bitter Cordial .'h iWule I epot N. W. 1 urnrr Klfth nnd Knee n'ri-i't., I'hiluJi Iphih, ', J A full M'l!Ui;T7., Nolerruprl.ot It l 11 rellli. I'muily .Meuiclne, end eiin t tki n li either iiifnhi or h. ult with me tet tWInl reeulie. It 1. acntitin, promptond .iieedy unruly Inr diaulica.ily.ontery, bowela complied dpepia, imne i,f n.,int, fuliillims mclc piiuUi.ljendache, i tu r'orchill" mid fi vtr ol all kind-, It ii far better and rer than quinine oilliout 8iiy of n. peiniciuu ellect.. It trtecl" kn appeitic.ptovn u ponerlul dinntor of Imid n'ld mil uiiiiiierwl the eilecu ol iwnnr in 1, niliiuten, Aa InilmputaMe evidrnci'ot lu lai'dl. cut oroperlien, u(l append a f. vr of Hie many cer lll.ntr 111 our poe.i-.mon ' JnhnioiS Deimt, Hat Tenn., and Va. It. It. 1 euu. JrnaKeiiHTi, !. DenrHir: 1 nueUked the llltteral have oh allied liom oii, mid find .hem (o be nil limy are recommended to I. I found oni Uittln loaltprd mucomidetablH teller, reel nHthouih I cannot do very well without Ihnn.iu mypretunl atateof health. D. MUNICIF.. lllSoulhClh m.. Phil. I'aetor Haptiat I'kmjui.u Chiireb. Allen,S4 Malnatreet Dubuque. ni'tldt'lv von ti.u5. It 11 1. and Vi:UY LAlIfiK cm.Ii coiiimiamont tpi;pnd a tent, who lire wanlul TUv eery. wiiVre. Homethlnfarorcrv home, hendkiumn I tor term, IUccd aforpnitial tpecimu, or ll.M I bircoippletr oillCI, tu llnehl elde f'jnipany II ,il',men rireei,, llivep, llilliui. 'itl,'.lll noik;l7'0;954. Introduolion 'i'i MKt Successful Popular and Perfect COOKING .UAl'HIXKN nn oun wr.LL known Dctnirof the Simplest Construction, nrc cnsily managed nnd pnnrantccd to give ENTIRE SATISFACTION ! A no article In th,liouhold bin Kr'lcr Influi-nco m nromotuw tho hfnltli, comloitnnd liapturix of tho Timlly rlrclo limn th" Conk 8too, It U economy wfi ni policy to Rpt th very limit and In Inlying tho tho Cnnrtrr 0n'K you con icly en iPitlne the tnxt nice., til, jmpnlar ond perfect cooking Move ever tnailc, . SOLD BY EXCELSIOR MANUFACTUKINO CO. SIS A Ol N. Mln Ntrret, Kt. Louli, Mo., . AND AM. Live Merchants . LIKE. . W. HENDERSON Culro, Illinois. clTtwnUtv MEDICAL. I SIMWOHS' I iiiliaTeniiTrneTnwuainTt Th, a.mnlAinkhn liver complaint are UQfaaioep uupaiE n tno a de. some Imea the naln la In the shoulder, and I neatomacmaaneci' edwlth loss ofappetue and meaner, bowela in Keue alcoatlTe, aometimea allerimting wun tax The head l tmubled with pain, and dull, hcKTj LIVER j sentatlon, cunlderible loiaot memory, accom pnujru wiijpumiuisru. .ntlutiuf hanlie leltuu lono eomeimng, nriici, lUirht to hare been done Unu L'oiuiilaiiiiux nl kneji,di)ijll.iy, and low KpiritM. S-iinetime., emne of the above eytnp. I111111 attend th dlene. nnd at oihe' tlniei er few of themi but 1I10 Liver la generally tbp orgat Involved, l.'iirethe Liver with 13 r. Simmojaai' Liver IGgula.tor A prepHrntion ol runti and herb", warranted to bnntrlcily enetbl, nn. I inn do un Injury to any one. It haa been uaed by hundreiiH, and knownnl the Inut IV enr ti one of tho mod reliable, i tn est lout and liannleei prepnrntlona ever otlered the aulleriiiR. II inlicn rejtiimrly and p"rinr It I. euro In cure. Dyapenala, neaitael'.e, jnuiiiiice, coMiienija, ici; neminciie,eiironic llarrti'ea. allectimin ol iho bltddcr, cmni lyncn'er. anectlonf if I lie Hulneie. teer. iii'rinilinn'iN.ehllNiillfeM.e. of the akin, Impurity of tho blood, mel.incholy, nr depression ol uprrilt, hairllmrii. colic, or p!n In tho iHitieN, pi In in the lieu. I, fever and nuiii drop.y, loil, pain in the hn'.k nnd limb", aclhina erylielne, feinaln ntleetlonn, nnd blllona dlo.ieq eeneially. 31 I'repriri'd only b,v .T. II. Zellln at. Co., I'rut'.uUt", .Macon, Oa. For eale- bv llnrel.iy llrnihera, Oluo I,etee Clilo, lllinme, 1: bv marnavStdaw It Head Dispensary Kelabllahed 111 lxM), and chartered 1G1, lor th reatment of all dieea.e. or a private nature, cidenllo both, A, cure ta Elia'anteed every ea.e undertaken. For SaIo Dewoes' Female Regulators For enmle. ISairnnteil toreic tenbatrnct'i etc. I'rire ?i! pur Ikh. Alao a full iiavirnneiit nfllandni, nnd Trne a Biiperinr ipiahty nl M.ile rjl.eahhe ; HI forlnn . 1111 , c.i per 11.111 norrn, or per nor.MI. 1 A .Medidiil I'imiplilet, coiibilulua n elnhorai Ireatlee on ihenboveili.e ..r, with 11 leH piin'ti 1 remark upon Ibe eaiide, elleet nnd lreniinot I ti KiineenntulnlnK lorx ynzv une .10 r- , and einfiHriiif!', eho iiik the illtlerenl ara;e., , ent In eealed wrnitl 011 leeelpl ol 1 oenl',1 Addle.. . 1 Galen's Head Dispensary, No, 7.1 V-t .'rleri'on alrei Lnuville, K ej;e.ditSeovT BOAT-STORES. gAJII WIESO.V DKALKK IN BOAT STORES GROCERIES, ' ..UNO Provisions 1 110 OHIO LEVEE. Ontroi ZlUnolai. F. N. MI'UltAY. ! GAS & STEAM FITTER Man Hernofed (roiii lhe I'erry House to the - ' JUUCK IIL'IUIIXU OX SEVENTH ST Uelween 1 nnitneirlnl ami Waalil,. "Ktvll nk. uveniie,OpiaaltH Wluicr'a Illoi H l.u irr.'S'ly lntreed hl atock, ami Iihh now .',M'"i:' iMWf Ch4ndeh.iT, Urackcta, Pend. mi;ed,,,.,,,'hi'' jU,"" .t,!,",'t"'' ,"u' ha a hl Tl"' to h lowfit Hvtucr nmiie., .r.lmnte. tM pvronite of the public " tprl'ltf iMWV a 1 mrn 11 irnm KthULMUli BEEBWABT,OBT& &.CO .T f Aarxv I'ott Tin: UJ O UJ o LU LU h z WARRANTED FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY WHAT nOUSEIO: "FAME" ?OOKIIffi STOVES Always Ready, Always Hcliahic, iUways tla ISost, Always lic C7Iicapi?st AX II UXIUJUALKU IX THE l'KItl'ECTIOX OF COOKIXC API'.VHATrS TEN DIFFERENT SIZES NOW READY, 7.i .c ri n'' c- "?i V.a3 "r.?ii lUg Ji.'o. , i. Ii 1. lii . c 1 ; v .. c'?!t (i urra ildcr ami di'dfi" ma''- 1 in . iroc m:io cii(ii..oinrai fic tc .-.tiu t.t 'mrfiu 1 ..-.c .t .c h (if ilr.ntn, loots ana bcrrico, eo .."S't r.imr"iilTatcil Ihr.l eiich jii'll Votitalr'j moro nicillclnal ; tutu f. vvnnio dux or liott.M cf ordinary Uolr rurill- if ' c.nn in U10 in ik't. A'!hr-v,h ' fi- 1 ilirrrjut,:c lojni.aiiiiuj'.fii.iiiu ftv'tleean (!.vtaT.xwl!in-fccitifc:ij. C2 Price, t pcrlirr, uifil hy nil DttiKcNlB. r"?rAUlettorenocl.iiiKliifonnationormlvicc, rnl k iiromnt ly a'lt'vc ri'ii Cutc.1 ail ilitcasca caurcil I ysf)f-3bnac,Tlr:.'7.miir!-torrohta, VminJ U'ffifc lr, A'ight Umirtlons, .oticifX'tmonj, Vn'tcrtal Jjirrnvdr, J' (1,113 in tho Jlacl:, J)ir,n(ss cf Virion. J'remnture Oil M,t, Ytak AVrrc. l'&cl JlrcatMnj, Veto Couucnttnce, Insan ity, Oonivmptlon, anil nil dieeaaoa that fallow as a BOqninco of .uullifulinJiicrLtlone. Kaeli packs po contalna ore bottlcflllcil tvilh nnaar-coateJ l'ilis, and ono Tlal filled" with Medicated Powjera, tufficicnt to mako one liiirp'nt of injection; and ono Syringe. rj-Price. 1 1 r-cr jinckagc, l y mail, Vt HO. Hol by Dnicsidti cvirynherr. The tjeiat JiAian J him At! rt res ali (JiVcotw of t'tc Urin iir; OfiMwi, mc'i 03 IncontU ne'neeof (n'ne, JnjUtmmatlon fflhaJJ' Jua; Jnjlammiidtm t'l'tlifi Ki'liicys. ,S(or,c in tho J idticr, .Sii'.r.'urc, tl ravel, (fonorrhan, (tint 11ml is ; c c l ft f ( y it comrn enut ct tn (.or h hues.) i;cli packoKO ;o containi ono liottleillledwltuSii.'ir-coaleil iVllH. nnd ono vial llllnl with ' lerilc-atcil Powder, aiifllciCLt loinaiioono piutol injcciion; ono bvriitL'p. nv Price SO. (jt wail, i 3 CO. Mild by Druggista iiTerjivhere. AO-Wo tleairo lo Bond our tnlrtv.tvro pa', J.ampliltl, entitled "Jlan and Woman a nvalida," to evetyrcadcrof this paper. Send address, with Ktamp to pay rqturu postage, and addrcna as follows: ft Lorn UcDicii Asjociitio.4, 117 eotTU Finn maciT, Snar Lons Mtrtora.. KtlBIWiHIffigB EUGENE JACCARD&C0. HAVE REM NEW JEWELRY STOKE, 300, 302 & 30i N. FiflliS., Cor. 5lh & Olive. ST.L0UIS,M0. All visitors to the city cor. diully inyjtt'd to call STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. jg.nifJKA.vr TICKETS FOR SALE I' AUK from erioril,l,ourtoiiilei r.v niitaKOW ' )iiieiialawit lo 1 Cnlro HulTord. Jfforrln A. ;imiTr. gN rmiATi LITKUPOOL, JiliW lOBk'ASU PHILADELPHIA Steamship Company, Under contract with the United States nnd HrlHali lovbrnmeniforenrrlngihe.mnlli. For t'AH.nKu Tlekcia r further tU ""ltlrn pplvlo JOII O. DALE, Agent, 15 . Ml I v.iy, Svt Yoik, or to ai. Hot. 31 WhlhRton avenue, Cairo, il.e, ni)8d?m 1 M .XaSSaSElEariBBBBBBSBBBBBH (in from ONE (three) V DAYS VED r::..unitTi;:. I o 7; m 5 m r 1 RESPECT PlVltS SAY AIJOUT DRUGS. I Turtle Oi t o MAIir nv LOW, SON m KAVDOK, 0 MR Barolav XXx-oasa THERMOKETERS! Tin:i:OMrn:jss: a 0 0 1 I Large Stock! ...nut HAI.K AT.. j Whitcomb's SOOTHING SYRUP FOR.SALK AT in 4'1ifKtrr nmt lirltor ( ll nil I Simp Inr nil ti i t vit mIi 1 11 4 not I ir inr iM.ii.ii;? Wlii ltlt HI MAl'i. I'talllla m1 ihmIu oi Ii. 4 hi mi, iZt Ih fll II lit til NtV t mill llll Uenrint l)onfi ilfiinlit Pit l04t. lor 1'iillHlilitir lliilvtn. Tlnnli I Hi'hi.., .Meet, l.oil. it'lil nil Steie 'Ii 1 tvm t. ittmov. , n - .Mattlc, -l . nun iln.1, leuviiii: n In 1111. tut "in le rimil lo M v. I'nr .Sale hy ItAKCLAV Itlti. Chapped Hands GLYCERINE LOTION fj .111 i,n'(,-;tinij ipriiiiiit'ii nii'i K I'll 1 ll 11 111 f . nrttelf. Tn ii.n tullot .. r , l.lllllCH llllll Cl'lltlfllll'll. Ull O t!lll'l! I llilIMPll Illl)lllS.Klltlgllll('r. nr tin .skin: C'linpppil l.ip" nnd Cilittl'U MIlTlU'CS. TRY 0XK IIUTTl.r.. Prepared by Barclay Brothers. IIM FlflE COLOGNE. 1 tiriiiiiiin linpnrtcil Kxluclx. tin:: UNCMSII H0APS. b H 0 e 0 H Ilitlr, Tooth :i tul Null llmslir.i, Iinllit Itnlilifir Xnrkfry (onils. AT REAL ESTATE DROKERS- we.vs'rox iv (;., (StlrcemnrH to John Q. Harman A Co.,) REAL ESTATE 74, Second Floor, OHIO LEVEF XIX., Cairo, Buy and Soli Ileal Estate 'HKNIK1I AIINTllAI'TN I IK TITM rt.Ml llti;i,vili'. tOrt Vi:VA.t.M or.i.i.Ni)u jX IXI)Elr..IEXT , SIX MONTHS. It cm be in ie hy.ini-n ri.i icon v bow to do bun. remiui thoqiilet Him e 111 kcop a ecret. No coin, imitilcnlluni received fro 11 Mile will b nn swired, tor partlcu n'a uudrcra ETHAN OILItEIlT, nprJinli SOU nrnailvrny, Srtv York. Sapoiio, l llAltLUi A. D.VNA. Kdltor. A Nep!iperol Iherreeenl Tlmea. Intended for l'cople Now on Carth. IncIuClim Virmers. Hechanlci. Mtrrhaats, rro filonl Mca,W(,iri,Thlnkra, anil all Han ' tier of IlonMt Folk, and the VYIyti, Bona, and 'Janjatcri of all loch. (NI.V 0,MJ DOLLAR A VKAIt ONI'. HUNDRED COPIES FOR 30. ' nr tnan one Cent a Copy. Lst.Uwra t &SD 0i at artry ror. Office . Ur.SUail-U'KEKLY HVS, 9'2 A YEAH, ror'th'i"iinia ilia and general chatacur at TIIK WHtXLV. bat with a irreater Tarltty of raltcellastoui readinz.aail fornUhun lb O'W J tolH inyerjbirs.irlttf iteaiar (raaukaaa, btanuit I itcomei twice a wees iniieaa ot oaco only, THE DAILY HVS, 00 A YKAB. A preeminently readable newipaser. wiw th. ciranlatlon in the orm. , rre., tnac neiaeni, ana irarie.a id tKlutlca. All Ih. Bcw imm every wnere. iwoccnta a copy 1 by mall. 30 rBt a moutb, or M a year. TERMS TO OLTJBB, THE DOLLAU VKSKt,Y HUM. fire eoploa, on ytu, SaratlT'ai)dred1 Four Dollars. Ten rental, one yr4r, en.rtely aMrcu4 (antf nu extra opy lo lbs tttr at ofclao). Elskt Dollars, twenty copies, one year, eeparatelv addreirrd (43d an exiracopy fci lhe eetur opftf rlnb), fifteen Da Mara. Fifty npl. onn year, to one a-ldrtu land th feeml.VV eeltly line ear 11 tetter a p of eliib). Thirty. three Dollar. Fifty rople. nnn tear, epatately aadreeied (and trie. Semi Weck1yooyearioKetterniortiBh), Tbtrtrne Dollars. Ono bsndrrd tot.lea, on. year, to one addf (vol tho Dally for odu'jbu toib. (titer no of ciasi. Flitr DolUra. One hundred coalea, one year, earatrly a4 droed land tbe Dally for one year to ineiretter np of club), Mzir Dollar. TIIK HEMI.WEZKI.Y 8CN. rive corlef , one year, separately addteeied. Clfkt Dollar. Ten year, leparttely addretltd (and aa eitta copy to setter op nr elub), . . Mtsteoa Dollar. MEND YOUR MOXKT SiToit Ofire orden.cheki, or draft. ooKro Vorlr. wherever eonvealeat. If not. is.n rf mot taelettencontalDlncinooey. Addrou I. "X. KKOLAHrt. PntilUhw. San office, Mew Torn Cttr. MICROSCOr'tS. T tm: ci:i.i:imATi;i CRAIG MICROSCOPE . l.nnnnticnl wander, reveala the Ibouaand. of blilJeii wnmlera nf Nature! la 01 permanent uae and praetieal availftbility, cumbiping IDUui;tin Hlthamuremrat.iuel never Iopk ft Inrere.t. "It maj;ninev TEN THOUSAND TIMES a power equal t" other rnicroeope. of manv time. It4 co.t. KeveKlaeouiiUe.aliltlrwoilda, all around o, leenilnR with life, whleh t.i tho nkit eye mii.l lorever reina n aaralud bona a,.eeii 10 vinejMl , nnunni. in wwer, cnrr, riuir., en.r tqa iteii in.e.-ii. milk (ilobnlev. clawa and liair.of ln' eecla, biinilr.daof nit In a aiORlM aye of fly. duet "fa biltlerfly'a" wing. In lie p.ifeully formed fi-Hti.i r, the mii'.h ialkei of Trliichinarp'mlia or pork Murm. which wae firit d. neutered In America with thi4 Mierocope. It i of intlnnle !n lo profeaainnat men, to i4 her. and to ntudmii. but uoxhere I. it of itreuter r,ln than n th-faluily nI4, witnin ,h rvacti 01 every memrjer. 11 wu J'lmni jourte.i jourenildren and your frlenu. during the lone wlnterevenmX". It will ahow yiiu adultefktl'in. iin-leaiiline.4 ol Varinila kuda of fo-u, al u. Uar, tea, bread, tnel, Ac, It is ufJiicMjumlcl Yaluc to tho Fa mi ni examlntiiR Iniect. which prey upon ni cropi. o The power of n JVi tnlfro;op', anil 'j aimpl 1 u C"H4liU"tiia that any ehlia i-sn u.u it lin"r. tjindinnly and ith appreeiatlnn. A l'aiiuf i prc-rnt, violin, Inetrurtive; Amu in, nnd i heap Over en,iJhe len eol.l. During U" j.i.t eix yi..a it north h s b.en lei. lilicd tn iiy thousand, of netentlfic men, larmer, eehoul te")iert .iinleni", jihyeieiuii", Iiead4 o? f.tmili p. and oili.-ri. I'lttCi: W 00.-Sent tij Mall, l'ost Paid Every tna tnment, neatly boxed, and nand. aomily labeled with full direction, for uae. Thou. and hie been ect by mail. Addre", vJ.MNR3SACO., C'liU.i. FREE! FREE! "The Mieroaeope,' n monlnly journal of infor mation fur tns people-the myederln ot nature explaineih-iiitereannir lulormatlnn on the wop. dera of ctentiiin itoriee, ak'tchev, 4e. Teima tl ml ier ye-r. Thie Journal will be aent Frae. fur one year to any one nnri'tia.inga CrnlfMl'TO ec pe, at thn reRular price, 13, ICraig M icricop will le went poll paid.) 1 Knrninp;eeopy,nnd ourheaiit'futly illuatratril and deecriptlveelrciibire, and eight pages of fe.. tlmonmliuf CmiR aiicroaoonernd alx cenla for poataf e to W, J. LINK-sl a. CO., tlpliciHS", and Sole Proprietor, of Cralgand Nov elty Mlcrohoupe. Cliicftco. 111. Aitentaand Dealer., thli Micro. copo aell n ev. ery family on Ita merits, when lblted, L.r.e I'n.lU. Onleli sle. f.h'wHiti. jl r uses b: 3. E3DBEN3, 120 North Eltjlith 3t., Phllndo. DolMis Vegetable A color and not hum the dressing that will lutir or injure the head. It docs not produco a .color mechanically, aa tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho ht.W to its original color and lustre, by supplying now life nnd vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, fine hair. Tho host and safest article over ofFercd. Clean and Pure. No sediment, Soldrovorj'whovo, 7 ASK eorEjjOBbTnsV (rnt - 'OHe" FURNITURE. 7erevrvff iiAiticrx, e- " iTll " M DEALKlt IN Bar Fixtures,1 - i a , iu U3.ASSWAUE aud IIOLHK FUkNiSII- 1X0 GOODS, ' 3,0 1 185 and 187 COMMERCIAL AVENIJE.' Cairo, Illinois IT