Newspaper Page Text
THB O-ftlBO STTXiliSfpiiiT, MAT 23 nlhtin. . COMMISSION FORWARDING. 1871. SUMMER. 1871 CHARTER OAK. apAivraa coojeiwg- oto-xthiibi. Jpvo. k. t initios, (Miewtorto Parker A I'lillll.,) 170,954 Sold Slnco Their Introduction Xhc itfosl SiiccesMrul Populnr nnd Perfect co oki arc BEERWAET, ORTH & CO COMMERCIAL AUKKTS I'Olt THK 0KI,K1IIIATKI i;i.m:iial, KKEfS CONNTA.M'l.V ON 1IAXD M-m-MSZ. s-rv- ra, C O IY (VI ! S SION ! AT THE LOWEST GASH PRICES p miiiratd SAIM-Pei ,, '.'XJ "J WUct , 1 0O!t.t on I !." in 1 1 PrlBiwJ"lt.r iw . Breft Iwron.. ClrW. P'"hdr.t CItt !de, Ribped 'Ide., F"r ih dr) null Xlhed til", hvnu. . . pum rmo Vf It". moki Who'll In "ufareuri-d IIt. eait. d Cuiinirt Hani. MOUeVlR-Kew Orleans, in Mis tiohlen -up, ' Forghum, " H,t..r llrlh. i. it1 j isurio 7llto7.- SOU..! 7.Vll OH 411 P.lallO I rm-n;ki.i..i.irbM..r. n 00Q1800 No.j! " " lBOOrulOOO No. i, kits " a&a no No z. ' " a ooqis as 'o 3. lmmTn White Fish half lb. BOaH 00 RICE-Pr lb - lo& BALT-PerbU . aBH('? ROD Bl Carbon kcs' per Ih. .. "Jt,7. " in noies, per id... no";, l.a mTi sreea and bbl s. tie r lb... 1 1 Ui 1 3 Kegs and hi Mils, per lb... 13H3 Country Lard, per lb...-. 9VUAR-Hard, per lb... ACoflee Extra C. 13v(M New crop. N. O., In hhd... Demarnra. in bbls IllolU RUOT Assorted numbers, per kea U U3n!i 40 Buck. 25 1b bug 03a 7.1 Bar Mad, per in- TOrUCCO-Uark.perlb "ff"? I.lp.L irlb.. 73mI0 BrErht, W ib.... "&! ' Smoking, per lb, pig: BLEU Potatoes, per 33 .1 1 00 VCflSTA bC4.HH......M. ........ " ..... While bean,, I bu.h 1 8Bgl 3 0(i43 no Onion.. nr W a ooyj oo FBOIT-reche.,q and hlro4 per lb 101 Armies, per n..... nT on.n n.rli, ...... ........ 7tM ""G.ra.a Jollied to 0W OILS-Coal. per tallon 2Dg30 ijird. " I 33C?1 40 Lluteed. 1 Cll ROPE-Mchlne md, Kr., per lb- 00 Hand mide, per lb y8H Manilla, per !-- 0t LIME-In ICO bbl lol .......V er lib 1 2-1 rLAITER-In 100 I II tola S3 CO CHBEBE New Tork Factory 1BQ1II OOFrBK-Prlme to Cholc Common to Fair Jara L)jarra ..,. lOKfiSO lHr10 20n-J7 Jlniia Illnl OAMBIXS-Siar, light weight.. CBKEXT-Ia btrrel ... Timoll.T... 0057 00 Km Top 1 OOyl 75 Blue Craaa Si Ollal 23 Haorariancraaa 1 SSnl H3 HOltC., 1 631 75 lACES-Cunniei... 22Ji !J3K Barlajii......... IH& 10 WmiAT-Choice White.... .... Z 40gl 50 No. 1 while ......... 1 Sllyl 40 Cnolteied...- 1 35 1 40 No. 1 red . 1 20 1 UO Ordaarr led A while UO I 00 WOOD, COAL, ETC. yoOD AM) COAL. li fraptrej to deliver the bent Fire Wood k Stone Coal ta anj part of lha city, m any omntltv ilened, a ihort aoiice. Coil Delhercd it $4 50 Per Ton. .t?,!P.I5EJ0,"LB,r", frlh 4 Co.'h hloro i,lodoori boeth vomer of Klulilli ulreet aadUmnnrclalaunua. da coil COLLEGES. glOU EDUCATION. HELLMUTH COLLEGE BOOTS AND SHOES. IJM. EHI.EIW, FASHION A Ul.p. '"KM I Kill S'lltEF.T, Be,wwW'U.RtonA.e Poplar M " "j;ar-" Satisfaction Warranted ' uriiuage MiUcHtd. FURNITURE. Qa N. HAUICKL, l Bar Fixtures, 0L4MWAUK auil HOI'SK I'UUN.hli iN(i goods, ; 185 and 187 COMMERCIAL AVF.NIJE Cairo, UUuoIn. jOOKTOYOOnvnil.IKK The Great Soothing Remed ( Vri. I Ulirea couo an! Bni.lnv i. lu the Uwila,i,!f tiV'l', ra. Kubduea HlvntHBH 1 1 and jf ercoine. klldla. rrlr,, Col.. I'rlrr, Si Iffrip, I fMrji iii,mui Hi ID ' IfantaarndtliUdren. . Hn. rC'ur.a diarrhea, ll, en. WMITCMB'-lJ lerr and auoinier corn. J Mraf. plalntlncblldienol all Ceati. Lou. lila tha flraal Infanta and Children'. Hrmi - Umady Id All dlaordara brought on by Tn-ibloi ay Mnarcauae. Frepard by Hie n OKAFTOM .MEDICINE CXJ., bu Ixinlt. Hi,, tkild ly Dnilglata anil Itealar la Medicine irywler. rryJdwam u.&JIi W& COLLEGE T .1 III nil t .'1-nir tl.'.il. llns. Uri:. j:Um, l.rnii. Cor.lOth St.8tOhio Levee CAIKO, ILLINOIS. K. YY.Mtil.ra. HvsT. Pamira GENERAL COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants w:u,kiw IN I'l.OVit, COKX, OATS. HAY, 33to.. Etc., Ntu 58 Ohio Ievce CAIKO. ilmxois. J W. PHILLIPS Ac CO., fiicce!orii lo 15. II. Ifpn-lrfckfi ft Co. FORWARDING and., Wnarf - Bo At PROPRIETORS, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MHKKAI, AVANt!RM WADK ON CON. niunnE.HTN, BPlri. ... ,.,. I t ... frrlghla (o allpolnta, and buy nnd aell on com iniKtmn. rHiilnes.,nttciidei) to with prnmntneaa. C LOSE A VI.Ci:'T. 'iKN'KHAt MMISSION MEUCIIAN'VS, nn.1 ile.'itura In Lime, Cement, Piaster Pans AM) I LA STE I J K Il?N IIAIK. Cor. lL Ntrevt tuiil Ohio Lo . CAIRO ILLINOIS. lelUJhi H ALHIK4Y ItlCOTIIUItS. h'' L O TJ H. Aii'l Au-inu ul uiu uiviiij n k.w.vwii SALT COMPANIES rc n . 70 OHIO XjE vi-je CAIRO ILLINOIS. , ooi -. . .ih' Atrtri (In,, FLOUR AMi kwm Commission Meicbaot t'AIKfl, ILLS. COAL. cs o COMPANY rIMt n, "''-t Quality a PITTSBURG AND HlilloiM '.w..i Or."roir.,,a,,,,,"y nr.:. , ..'rr I'awrlM Uo Ileeelv. l'rompl AlUuil.iu. I,! uim wm t A10,4 FORWAROING 1 fJIMMISSIOH i'J'Iio Finest ami lle.l Ready-Made Clothing GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, Hats. Gaps. Boots, Shoes, Etc., COR. SIXTH STREET & OHIO LEVEE, CAIRO, - ILLxnsTOIS I'flrllpiiliirnllpiilloii pnlil lo onlero for WHITE SHIRTS In alt style's made, nml only the best of materinl meil. MEDICAL. AVAAKIVN Hi BITTERS Till. BEST TONIC IN USE fou win. nv E. F.MAYNARD, Prop. I'lTTSBUKO, PA. lotKjdir NATURE'S GREAT RES. TOKATIVE. SCHEETZ CELEBRATED Bitter Cordial WhllrxnlH l'epot-N. W. cornur Fifth and Rare xlri'eta, l'hllailclihln, Pn. JA(!IU Nt'liniri'Z, Nolerroprlcot V It la n rellahlu Family Medluine, unil ran tf nkeu by cltlior infant or nc tilt with trio aamo beet IK'lul ri'9Ull. It la arvrtulii, prompt rihI apeedr emeily lur ilinrrhea, ilyaentery, UihcI, complied ilyp-nia, Inwness of Milritu, falnlmgi, aick atoinuili. headHOhe. eli. KnrnlnllM uml iium ni all kimlx, it Is lar better nnd eifi r than quinine t-iiuuiii luiy ui us jipriuuiuiir, ciiecii. ii euecia an uppntlte, provrH a powerful Uineelor of food ami Mill counteract the itltecta of liquor In n lew inlnlltoi. Aa inilisplltable evidence of it, mc'di r! oropoitln, we. ajipend n few of llm many cer ltli,ttei in our ponsi'i.non : Johinou'a Depot, Kn,t Tenn., nml Va. U. R. Teun. JacoaScntiTa, l.. UeurHir: 1 aiteued the Hitter I havo ob iilneil limn you, nml I'.nd them lo bo nil Ihiy nro recommemleil to lie. I found ono bnttlo toaltord mernnnidernhlo relief, I fool nHthnnsh I ennnot do rery well without tlici", in my present atate of henllh. D. MKNlfii:. i:UHiiilhfilli at., Phlln. I'j.stor Haptlst i'aanyiinlc l.'liurrh. Sold by W. V. Aljen.Si Mnlnatreet liiilmque. MICROSCOHtcJ. at rmr.i: :i:li:hicatki L GRMG MICROSCOPE I.iiinipticnl wonder, reteali the iliotmndu of lildiicn wnniiern of NhIuih , in ol perrminent uee and inw Ileal nviilnbllity, eiimblnini; Instruction itliuiuiiemnit,anil liner! iir imeii't. It miiKinlle, TEN THOUSAND TIMES a pi.Mii equal In iilhi'i inicriijifii.eii of iiiuiit tnii'-H ii.imi.I. llinenlneountle.. UtrnilJ, nil miihiiiii hi., leeiniiiK MiihlifH, which tn tin. nakml yf irni.i lnrnerrein.niiH.e.ilui bo.ik-im-ulii in V'luyii.oniiiinle inMHler.f'heeMPiiiltc,, auirnnd l"'ii ii i, mill: iilubiilee.cJaHk ami luiraoflu. eirlo, hllliiliinlof eye in a elriRle eye of n rly, ilu-tuf Imiifrrly'K wlngslu Imiwutn'tly formed feali.cru, the much miked nl TrlmhliiaBpiralm or mrk wuriii. wtilcli .in tirtl il.oenteml In America it n Hum Mli'ru(.'oiH. It i. of intliiain vhIhh to prolfmlnnnl mi ll, lo lea. lull, mid In MUilen), hut nowherr I it of Krenli r vuluethan 11 Hip family nhle, uithlu the rii"JiiifiinyilU'Hlber. It will Jelhjht yollMelf, .voiiroliil.lreii ami jour frleini ilunnir tlm lonx w inter eienniK. II lll ahow you Hilulturulnim ami iiiii'leaiilini'kH .l variniH Mud, of loud, ih ell Kar, tea, bread, mi-.d. Ae. 1 1 i or liii'Ktliiutlii l Value tu the Fni um in exnrnliilii liiirct, wlneh prev upon imerniii. Hi- piiwer of n nilfro'ii,i.,uii,i ro :mi,t In lln uiui.tiuftiiiii that uii) i hini ,:aii iim, ii under. eliuulinKly and with appreciation, A lieuuilf llpreeni,eli.Kaiit,lii.trueiiM.iAuiUH nif, limit heup Oier i-yi halo been enl.l. ,1Plr',,l,,",,l,,,"tlV''!!'',,u,,nf' b.-lieente. Ilfle.1 tu by tliouaaiida of Kittntllio men, larmera. achool leaehere. MudeiiN, ph)ielah-,,.u ,", "",( familiia, und otiiera. 1 ' ' 1 ' L'HICKit 01). SeiitlivMnll.Iw hvery lin'riinicnt ia neallv l.n.i. .mi ..,. soiiiely labe ed with lull diriMdloni for line. The i. niidaliatr been aent by mail, ""'u""1 ' " ' ,lNF.3HAi:o FREEl FREE! lor mi year lo any one pureimnriK a Crnlg Micro, aer pe, at thu ri-gulitr price, IS, (CiM Mlcroncopo Knraamplocopr.niid ourbeautlfulU illuatrated RndUecrnitlveclrcular,undfi;lit pauea ot ten. tiinonialaof UrnlK Mlcroacope, acini Vlx renla for poHoaeto V. J. l.lNEhUAco., ilptlcianf, and Hole. Proprietor of Craig and Nov. oily Microaeopo, CliirnKO, III. Awuta and Dealera, thin Microaeopo aell In ev. ery iainlly on Ha merit", when exlbited. Liira-o l'rutlla. OulcW rialei,, febiawOin OMTLItN, HANDBILLS. CIRCULARS IttUAl. AN Ik COMMKHCIAI. J OH I'HiaiTINC "The Miritiattupev; a mommy louriinl of infor. ination lor li9I-o.i.ih0 minir'B oiVJiSVa Mplained-lntere.i iir iUornmiloii on the "on. Hera of cronllon-Muriea, aketehea, An. Terni; ii w vvr voir, una luurnai u i... MILLINERY. THE IiAlDIES. Mrs. C.aicOEE'S Cheap Store la now abundantly auppned wth NEW GOODS To which ahe particularly Inrltes attention. She has juat received a full line ot Drew. Trimmlngg, Silk Gimps, Silk Galoon. Guipure, Laces, Mods Trimmings, Silk and Velvet Buttons, Crocket Dnttons, 1'lush and Trlmmlnff Yelret, Silk Gimps. HATS and BONNETS, Fine Kid Glones, Ladies and Childrens' Shoes And a full and compute atock ot MIIiJjllirJBRT .-AND... FANCY GOODS All of whieli file propoaea to aell at The Tery T.owchi Cnuli Price Hhelovltea the ladle, lo call and aea her new good, and learn the price. y lie Is determined to maintain her claim to tn nanm of having ''The Cheap btor." . KWANDER Dealer In MILLINERY 10 Ladies' Furnishing Goods, Oommorolal Avonuo Coruer Mlulb Nlreel, All klndn ofclothlng lor 1. adieu' wear made to order, or feady madH. Alio, full narortmant of Mln.ee1 am' i.adio' ,h"-ea. mr29tf H ANSEL'S PAT, DOUBLE' At; until Window Lock & Sash Holder. I THK O.SM' HKI.IADL.K Window Fast out it Ins no spring; ih Sin pie and Duru. iiih, iui wen HS uriiH mental, locks win. dowa securely, while open or I'liiHeu, ami preventH rattling of thn .ash. Nine dilleront kind of Trimiuincs. to suit all times, by which huh iock is operated. DKIIM7.IIi:i.nKIt ts. CAHN Hole nwneianf the Territories of tho Btatea ol Illinois, WlBConsinand Iowa, nnd Acentafnr oilier Htatea. (Jeneral Ofllrr, 00 WANII.NU. TON NTHKBT. CHICAGO. mnrc)i7dm oi J. R. DOEBIiTO, 42J North Kl.jntli St., Hhllndu. Dolobiiis Vegetable A color and ilrcpsiiig that will not burn tho huir op injure tho head. It doos not produce a color mechanically, aa tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually rofltoros tho husf to its original color and hiBtrc, by supplying now life and vigor. It caiftea a luxuriant growth of soft, tino hair. Tho beat and Biifest articlo ovor offered. Olcau and Pure. iTo Bcdimeul. Sold everywhoro. . ASK FOR DCVBT11N.S TV X TTlrv mm MACIIIXKN oar tub rmmo-n A III! Ol'lt WKM. KNOWN llplnif lit lllfl Nlltllklnul f,nnafiiA(lnH are easily mnniiRcd and guaranteed to glre ENTIRE SATISFACTION ! 1. nn rln In lit,. tw.ii. .I.A1.1 l.. ... .... h...v.v , u .t.v iinu.cni'111 11.1. cii'airr Influence tn oromotin the health, cornloit nml happiueaa of tho family elrcle limn Hie Cook Btove, It la economy a, well n, policy to cct the v.rv Iik. I anrl In Itnvl.w. (I.n it... J . - , ...... ... um .in. VfiiBiicr un.i. you can tely en lettlmr tho muit euccc, ul, .uri.,r., ..hi. i-nrvi vvuniux mom ryer inane, BOLD UV EXCELSIOR MAN UFACTURI S G CO. 013 Oil N. Mnln Ntrect, M. Loula, Mo., AND AUi lative Merchants LIKK . W. IIE lERSON Cairo, Illlnola. lvlwulalv MEDICAL. The avmtitomnho SIMMONS' liver complaint ere .uncnainear and pain in ttie nidft. Kitop times the pain la In l.l... l.f.. ...I I- miataken or rheumatnm. The stomach laatleot- u.l urith U.. nr ........... I . , .i. gene al costive, eometimea alternatlnK with lax The head I, trnubli-d with pain, and dull, heavy incn.aiion, conHiurrauir Ion of memory, accom panied with painful sen LIVER .Hiiunui iinvuii it it ud lone something whlcli lUKht to have been done CaHBajBBBBBBBVaVJBJBBa 'Uft'l lO liM.tJ UITU UUUO ne voimilaininu of wciikneas.ilebilliv. and Iom apirita. biimetlme., aome of the above, eyinp. tmns attend the dlseane, and at oilic tlmea ver) fuwof them; but the Mver la generally the orzai most involved. Cure, tlm I.I ver Huh laiver Regulator A preparation ol roots and herbs, warranted to be strictly vegetable, ami can do no Injury to any one. It has been used by hundred, and knnwnol tho last 35 yenra sb one of the mot reliable, ettl caclous and harmless preparations ever uttered the sutlerlng. If taken regularly and peraltten I. ! nuih in uur., Dyspepsia, nemlache, I jaundice, costivcnesa, .,ick headache, chronic llarrlKea. ntltvtlona ol die bladder, camp RGULATOR o tTrieldeBfeve?!n?rv lysentery, ulleclions , ullect hills, due ekldnva. fever. nervousness. c of the akin, impurity of the blood, melancholy, or depression ol' apirilt, he irtburn, colic, or pain mine ixmei, pain In tun neail, revcr and ague dropsy, bolls, pain in tho back and limbs, asthma eryalpelaa, female atfections, nnd bilious disease generally. . $1 Prepared only by J. II. Zellln dc Co., Druggists, Macon, 0.1. For aale by Ilarcley llmltier, Ohio J.eve Cairo, Illinois, It bvmamav2tdaw G ALEN'S Head Dispensary Established In l&V), anil chartered 1SG1, lor th Jeatment of all diseaiea of a private nature, oldent to Imth sexea, A euro is guaranteed every rase undertaken. IPO!.' ISJvl O t Oewees' Female Regulators i-or lemales. Warranted to rein e obstritcl i eto. Price ii per liox. Also a full iissortment of Ilamlnk nnd Trusse a superior quality nl Malu Hl.ejihlis ; 81 forliiR nnej I'l per half dozen, or So per dozen. A Mednlal Pamphlet, containing no elahoral treatise, on theaboindiso'ses, with u few practlo remarks upon the causo, elleet und treatment tne eaino containing on Inrgo pagiw une lit) ev and engravings, showing tho ilitlerent stages. Sent in Healed wrapper on lecelpt of oents.) Address Galon's Head Dispensary, ,d, 73 Went Jeiteri-on atrer ei7ecilJAeow" I.ouville, K BOAT-STORES. QAM WILSOK. DKALKIt IN BOAT STORES GROCERIES, rovisions 110 OHIO. LEVEE, Cairo. Ill i -oloIio. "P N. IttURltAY, GAS & STEAM FITTER flaa ItcmorcJ irom tho Porry Houauto the I1HIGK 1IUILUING ON SEVENTH ST Uetween omineiolal anil WaatiliiKtuu HTuuea,Uipoattn Wluur'a lliot-k. He hasgrra'ly Increased his atock, and has now on hand udklndiof Chandeliers, Uruckels, I'eiid. anla. Hall Lmhis. (llobea. Hhadea. eto. Ha ). I marked down bis prices to the lowest lulu; riajures, andlnvitesthe patronage of the public. Ui (J) csL ui UJ o Ul Ul OL a WARRANTED FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT- WHAT HOrSKKK PKJIS SAY AHOUT "FAME" CPOOKIIffG STOVES Always ISciuly, Always Italinble, Vhva.vN the Hist, Always the Che a peat AM) I'XEQUALEI) IN Till: I'KKKECTIO.V OF COOKING APPARATUS . TEN DIFFERENT SIZESNOW READY. j. Jtc o PGh oro an utfatllng Jtrc.o Jlf'j Iftlof, intmdalfor i -r wici)ej;tloscob!tinate on r f ti: Jo ctuJ cictyf r mttlt t 'f '. 'Jli vnreenmriniiril nf Itinnn.l r.C c nml powcrfultirinclplcs of til nut ii, roots ami lurnci), ao highly coticcutrattil that oach Ii in ruiiiauin inoro mcuicinai i.trenct!i than n nfiolo box or ij -iv ui nruinarr nouar mcui c io In tho nrikil, Mhovgh ; ' rcrt ti ,(. '.ro m fjt a ndflt ma nl t l f.iii ,,:ier;.To that tho tnrtif I lKth H t". h vrrfect tsifiiJ. iiiuiii ,..i.i).....nw,.i.i. rx-1 , v. n u mi. ill uKliM, Sik'tc-e cr..i 1 f jrmitliJiioraIvicc, ra- vill J'nmalure OldAnr, Weak t n i ' v&.-trvet,j.t!tcuXJl)-ealMnj. HT'.i i',',iX'-J'al) Countenance, Jtaan-5-7j KXtif1 l,'J ContumjtUm. and all Ht&i ilieeitHCH that follow as a aoatu nco of youthful ltidicrotion. llach packsgn rotitaitiHOCobotllo filled with. Put r-coatetl Pills, and ono vial Jillcd witU Mrdi"atcd 1'owdrrH, pufiicicnt tomako one. b If filnt of injection; and ono Byrlnge. E3-I'rhv. f J pi r vrlKO, by mall, 15 GO. hiM by DrugglaU cvirynbirc. The fire n Imuan Jh'inHc c res aUtlttearcs of tho Urin ary Organ, rvch an Inconti nmeeof Lnue, Jnjlammatlon f the Jl'-i'Mer, Inflammation tfthp KUhnys, Atone in tho J'lldJer, htnclure, (travel, Uonorrhaa, ulccl ami is i specially rccennmendtdin I'uor M'jus (or Whites.) J.acli tiacKOKO containa onn 1 initio llUi d with Hugar-coated 1'iUn, and ono vial filled with Medicated PowdcrH, Hufflcicnt tomakoono tiintol injection; and ono Hyringo. a Price. (5. bvmaU. IS CO. miju uv jraggistg everywnoro. iyjWo destro to Bend our thirtv-two r&(0 pamplilit, mtiticd "Man and Woman a lnvnlidd," to every reader of this paper. Bond adilrefH, villi Htampto pay reluru iiostage, and addrcaa aa followa : Fr. Lovu JItDicjL Anocuno', 117 jroom una ,rmi, Siim Iina Mrwonu. EUGEiEJAARD&0. HAVE REMOVED! TO T1IEIK NEW JEWELRY STORE, 300, 302 & 304 N. Fifth St. Cor. 5th & Olive. ST. LOUIS, MO. All visitors to the city cor diullViUV.itl'tl tO Cilll. STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. TICKETS FOR SALE I'AIti: I'rniii vrrpool, I.ontlontlri'ry UIhnkow luoenslovui to Colru tin mi. Nuli'ord. Moi pIh &. Caudoo. Aul'i TNMAX LIXE. IiIVKUPOOIi, KI,W V0I1K AND rillLADl'Iil'niA Steamship Compainy, Under iiontroctwIUi the United Stntoa nhdllrlllsh (loverninent, fowarrylng tho inallj. , For l'a-ace Tlckoia or further 'rJjxmatlon PplyloJOHN U. DAbK, Agent, 15 HUNMway, Stwyoik,ortn il, ilOUl !',, ill Washllmlon avonnp. Ciiiro, III". Ntw 13 ?2.! 1 1 f "rc3 31 iliacaata c&usctl "X?'ff i ryt 'nbuw.vizj.'.icmirt. rS'h r " H Snninnl HVafc- tWUl ijJj MS, Xirjhl J'.mhtlons, YK'&J ', U -'V-''i', ruins in IU iV Hack; JHmncu of YMotu ontv (in rnoM) VOllE (THREn DAYS H O CO m $ m r druqs. Turtle Oil soap, MAtir IIT LOW, SOH AKD BA7D0K, AT 1 h 0 2 n B 1 Bnrolav Sroa THERMOMETERS! TIILIt.MOMLTLUK! . 0 5 r Large Stock -.i'OIt SALK AT Whitcomb's SOOTHIHG SYRUP rORlALK AT BAEOLAYS' Sapolio, lasClicnper mt better til an Hanplur all UNea (except x-iwtl. Inir rluilir.) lor ( leanlna; Wla. ilnwi wlihoul -water, I'alBI, oil -IoiIih, r-mora, Table, aud HllWonilivork.C'lilna, Bartla en ami tllasatrnre. and tsr General House ijlmiiliiic Pur. poies. M For I'ollatilriR Knives, Tlnwa. j Itrnaa, .Nlrel, Irou, avail all Hal 'U. Wnrra. Ktinovi, im by .nialr, tit anal Itnsl, IchvIuk a brltllaut aur . c 'liinl lo ,rw, For Sale, lij ItAHCLAY BK( Chapped Hands GLYCERINE LOTION 8 d u An Elcjjunlly pcrrumH m4 rnliiable article for the toilet wt Ladles and Gentlemen. Will enro Channel! Hands, nontrhnetn or tho kin; Chapped Lltm u4 (i..,e,..l w..e.. TltY ONE BOTTLE. Prepared by Barclay Brother. EXTRA FINE COLOGNE. (.'ciiuine Imported Extncts, PINE ENOLISH SOAPS. Hair, Tooth nnd Nail Urngliei. India Tlnlibcr Nursery (Joodi. AT Tt3A.XI.OIji A. 33ZIOAV REAL ESTATE BROKERS- Q WINSTON tic CO., (Succossora to John Q. Harman A Co,,) REAL ESTATE tiAMDiieMt AU C XIOIf EEBf4 74, Second Floor, OHIO LEVEE Oalro, XUi Buy and Sell Rear Estate a'tlUNIHII AnHTUAIITH OFITITL "Sl I'Htll'AKit VOM VETAn CM OFAI,LNU n ' . It is ' ' 1 'J '.; ' ' SIX MONTHS. , , , ' It can ie made by men wko know how to do bnal. nossiinthoquletandciinkeapa.ecret. Noeom. iiiuniciitlona recelrod from ladlta will be an awered. for partiouiari audreai ETHAN OILBBBT, aprwlt fiOO Hroartwar, 8W Yorla Pj 0 "'l W'i n mytilum