Newspaper Page Text
Ill atfu BY JOHN H. OBEltLY & HELMBOLDS. HHLMBOLD'S HELklllOLU'H MKLMIlOLD's helmiiolih IIELMIlOLU'fl '' UELMIIOLD'm HKl.MrlOt.T'H hklhuoi.d'h O-BAPB PILL. CATAWBA (1KAFE PILLH. CATAWUA OHAI'K FILLS, CATATTHA OKAPK HLLK. CATAWIIA OUAPE 1'ILI.H. CATAWUA (IRAI'K l'II.I. CATAWI1A OKATK PILLH. CATAMWA OKATIC 1'II.LH. HELMBOLD'S HKLMIIOI.tlB IIXMfllOl.ll'H IIKLMIIOLU'.S IIBI.MIIOLI' t a iielmiiold's iielhiiolik v , iiklmuold'h ;S ARS AP A1VILL A v JTLUJD EXTRACT BAUKAl'ARILLA. FLUID SXTBACT nAIUMI'AKII.LA. FLUID EXTRACT MARMAl'ARILLA. TLCID EXTRACT ftAMAI'AKILLA. jrt.UIIl EXTRACT HARSAl'ARILLA. ' FLUID EXTRACT MARK AI'ARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT NAIUAPARILLA. APItIL, MAY AND JUNK, ITBII'I THE RLOOI). la these months HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT HARXAHA RILL A Cure ll Eruptions of the (iklo. HELMBOLD'h FLUID EXTRACT SARSAI'A XILLA Corn tiifl worst form of Wood Diseases. HELMBOLD FLUID EXTRACT HARM A PA RILLA KnUrs heatHy Into the Circulation of the Ulood. HELMUOLD'a FLUID EXTRACT MARHAPA RILLA " Beaatlflu theComllon. v1,.ow,'r! w,d oulwird applications destroy the ik a, rendsriar it harsh nf coar. Look at tMiklnof oM maids and those who hate used ueh any ength of time. My aduce I. to dls. continue them, and um ELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT t) A K(! A PA- KILL A. Oae bottle ii eu,ual In atreotih In oao gallon of iMHyniMOr Deeodont a usually maie; and srine.Kfaia added to a pint of water squall the ce'ebraiVl LtSD'JN UIKT Kit INK. Try It thla way. A delightful beTerage. IIELUDOLD'h CATAWUA URAPE PILLH HELMBOLD'H CATAWBA GRAPE PILLH A pleasant, safe and agreeable Cathartic. HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA QRAPE PILLS Used In all aflectlona whetea Purgative Medicine is neoded. HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA ORATE PILLS Harmless toachlltf, and taken by children, HELMBOLD'h CATAWUA ORATE PILLH upersede Magnesia, rtslts and etery other Pur gtlhe. HELMBOLD'h CATAWBA UKAPE PILLH, 0rtaln In effect, and pleasant in operation. CIIELHBOLD'h CATAWBA URAPE PII.I, Ii not a patented Pill. ' HELMBOLD'S CATAWBA QRAPE 1'ILLs Areomposed ol Catawba Grape. JuUeand Fluid . Extract Ithubarh. Jfow U proceed in the Mprlng and Summer nuBlhi, to inure new lite. nw biood, new Tlgor : Purchase! bottle of llKI.MHOLD'B HA MA PAK1LI.A and one box ol FILLS worth their weight in gold. No better inTestment can be made lor so small a sum. HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT BUCHU ,Jr Has aconlred a world-wide fame. ALL of my preparation lire merltoriout period of twenty yeart lin proved this t A the due, Berremr)cs made by He niamln Trarerse, t. B. C. It.: "peaking of those diseases, and diseases anting from the excess of mercury, ho states that no remedy la equal to the Kztract of fiarsa perilla. it powerja extraordltarr. more ao than any ether drug I am acquainted with. It If. in in the strictest sense, a tonic, with thla Invaluable attribute that it la applicable to a ttale of the sjstam to aunkan, and ret to Irritable, at ren ders jpilitriutwtaocel of the lonio clatt unarail. able h ininrioua. Be RKHAKKB ol the flUEAT CHEMISTS AND PILL MEN OK AM EH1CA : Wm. R. Warner A Co., . North Third ttrcet, Philadelphia, Pa. H. TCIielmboMi Esteemed Friend I congratulate you on bavins the handistneat and at the tame time the Molt KftVctire Pill that I litre eter known for the purpotet Intended. WM. K. WAKNEK A CO. H(T. Helmbold will remark, in conclusion, that hit remedie are th leault of long and careful study. The Fluid Ktrfict hive been before the public twenty veart. The tale of them In that time proves their value. All have been benefit, led by them who followed my Induction, and to-day they atand unequalled In the extent of their tale, and unaurpanscd br any medicament In th Uitpenaatory of the United Htatet, not excepting a tingle Herb, Hoot, Plant, or Helen title Preparation. Pharmaceutical I claim all tnlno to I, and have never patented a tingle one, ro dlp.l any impreaaion or prejudL'o that might exltt In the minds ol many against my preparations, from the publicity given through advertising, and that I am and hive been a drug, gist for a period of twenty years, and morocon. clutlvely this see fetter from the largest manufacturing chcmlstt in the world t . i . i i,l November 4, ism. I am acquainted with Mr. II. T. Helmbold i he occualeil the drug store opposite my residence, and was successful In conducting the business when others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably Impressed with his charac ter and enterprise. WILLIAM WKJIITMAN. Firm of Powers A Wightman, manufacturing chemists, Ninth and Ilrown streets, Philadel phia, i in. srian on iiiiib xt-aiTy. The, Pill I have thought of ottering to tlio alllic led for ten yeart. They kre now perfect, and I aliall stake my time, inonoy and fame on their effectiveness, Tke igvltlng style n which the pill lltelfia made, the bottle, label, wrapper all show with what rare the? have been prepared. Aftor examina tion, no English or French preparation will show greater care, and I am really proud of them. Instead of tho nauteoiia-looking, carelessly prepared Pills vended generally, and put up In wooden boxes, and made generally, or offered Sy those liar. Hg to experience at pliysiciant, lirtiggutt or msnulacturors of medicines, teat the medicine ottered by your obedttnt seiyant, II. T. HELMBOLD. Crystal Palace Drug Store, Ko. 691 Broadway, New York. . Palace Pharmacy, G User House, Prcadway, and Tyrant. ninth street. New York. Temple cf FlurjpAcjr.. Continental Hotel, Phila dtipuia ; ao rta, vn bouid lenn nitet t, riiU' tdelpUJa. CO. BANKS. Savings Bank Cfanrtercd March 31, 1800 orricK in City National Bank CAIBO. HiLIXOIN. orrioBHH i. II. HAFFOIID. President; H. H. TAYLOIL Vlce-Presiilenli W. HYHLOP, Secretary and Treasurer. DIRECTUKMi "ARCF-AT, CHA8. flAI.KIHF.l!, F. M. HTOCKFLETH, PAUL O. HCHUH. ' K II. CUNN1NC1UAM, w. I'.:iiali,idaV. J. M l'ltll.Lli'H. Oepslts ef any Amount Kecelred from Interest paid on deposits ni the rate of U i-r cent, per annum March 1st and Hept. 1st. 1 Interestnot withdrawn Isadded Immediately to eomunlrnterest. ' "ru ,mm nMrrieu womun and Cbllilrcii ,JJrlerolt Tnnneir so that SO f INK let .Vac niv'iiniui on."c.rr t't"ln," ,)4X ffom a if Saturday etching fur HAVI.No DKI'd-irra ily, fmmCtoo'clfcs. OB augMtf W. II 7HI.0P. Treasury CITY NATIONAL BANK CAIRO, ILLINOIS. npitul - - $100,000 W. P. IIAL.L.IDAY, President A. U. HWVOUD, Cashier WALTKIl HYHLOP, Aaalalnnt Casl.lo iiui:ctiis. Staatt Taylor eott Yhtt. Meo. II. nilllassioa. A. II. KarTord, . I'. Ilallldaj, llohl. II. Cnanloahan Htephea lllrd, Exchange, Coin and U. H. ISoiid Bought and 8old. Sopoalto Rooolvod a me!kral' uaVki jfo nrwi.ii bus. rjiHE FIRST NATIONAL BANK or CAIRO. BAMIEI. MI1HD, Frealdeatt Collections Promptly Made ExcbatiKe. Coin, Hunk .ote nnd United NtatvH Necuri tic Ilouclit and Hold. Intrroxl Allowetl on TJrnc Deposlta. LUMBER. W. TIIOli.NTOX HEAI.EK i.-s. BLINDS. WINDOW SHINGLES LATH AND LUMBER .OKFICK. ON TNTH STREET Between Commercial and VVAsh ir.qlon Avenues, CAIRO, ILLOOIH. AgcutM for Kock River Paper CouipanyN Slicatlilng Fcit and Quartz Cement. II.1V. John'H Improved Ilool IncalwayH on liam!. PAINTS' OILS, ETC, II K I'aruer H. K. Wake p. It K Kit &. II LA KB. Dealers in WHITE LEAD. ZINC, OILS Window (ilnsH nml l'uttjr. Brushes, Wall I'eper. Win .tow HU 95 OHIO iiKYKK, Cairo - - - - initios J afc E GREKMWAL1I FOUNDRY AMD MACHINE SHOP STEAM EN6INFS, BOILERS, Copper and Sheet Iron Work rl No. 248 Knst Pearl Strcot, riNCINNATI, OHIO. DUORS SASH ttlltn. FRIDAY. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. EARLY II 8T0HY LOCATION MAX. UFACTURINU FACILITIES. I" Cairo Unhealthy? TOBACCO MARKET, ETC, ETC. From the Bt. Louis Journal of Commerce ! Cairo Ii undoubtedly tlin best slandered town on the continent. Krer ulnco Dick- cm wroto "Martin Cbuzzlewlt," it has occn aMociaica in trio popuinr mind with mi tno uismnl Horrors or Hcnddcfi Colony, ao iimi tnoji pcopio nuvo rcmy nomo to tc llero that here, fuver, death, InundHtioni mid Hguo, liold Iilglt carnival, poverty bo comes chronic and incurable, nnd lifo n uurinen in tuort, tiiutit . "a place with out ono ilnlo quality in cartn, or air, or water to commend it.1' Vi'q confesi to n pleasant lurprisc in finding tills traditional Cairo m much a pure fiction a tho "Wallcv of Eden'' it self, and having cen nnd become pretty won ncquainieu wuu mo actual Cairo, wo tiropo'e, in tho following article, to spread before our roaders lomo of tho facts wo have trathered rcsnectinn its location, ro- eource, present condition nnd futuro pros pects, logouier wuu a uriot uccount or ITS EAllLV IIISTOKV. Thirty years ntro an effort was tot on fool to build a city nt the mouth of tho Ohio. Knglish capital to tho amount of a million and a quarter of dollars was en listed and somu headway made with the project. Foundries, saw mills, machino shops, a dry dock, hotel and other business and manufacturing establishments wcro erected, nnd some of them placed in oper ation. Protective, embankments wero thrown up, and a city markel out that comported with the Utopian ideas of tho projectors. Many hundred acres of land contiguous wcro bought at extravagant prices, and made tho basis of a credit for the company. During a period of two or threo years that inspired an unduo confi dence in tho future of tho city, and the company, believing that tho excitement had not yet reached its zenith, perempto rily refused to sell or lease n foot cf tho land to either individuals or corporations, for any purpose whatever. In this way the very element that builds up 'Western cities was :ut oil'. In time tho Company's means wero exhausted ; the English house through which it had negotiated loans luiicu, ana soon thereafter tho abandonment of the Co.nDanv'a works and projects beenmu unovalda blc. Dunne a succeeding period of four teen yeart, tho place maintained a stale of torpidity, interested parties wero urging the passage through Congress of the Illi nois Central land grant, whilo others were engaged in tho work of relieving the city site of the incumbrances to which it had boon subjected. Tho passago of the bill referred to through Congress was tho sig nal for more vigorous measures. The property was conveyed to two trustees, who romoved every shadow from tho titlo and in tho year 1852 commenced laying off tho city. By an arrangement with tho Illinois Central railroad, tho present levees were, in part, constructed the trus tees completing them tho whole at ft cost of nearly half a million of dollars. In tho summer of 1 B. 1 tho first lot was sold, and what tho city is to-dfty U the growth of the intervening period, something moro than fourteen years. Every vestige of the original eflbrt to build a city hero lias been wiped out, Cairo as it stands being the cre ation of tho time stated. For tho above facts wo nro indebted to tho Cairn Bulletin, n widf-awako daily and weekly, published by John H.Oberly, Esq. AT l'REIKXT, Cairo is cnloyins more real and sub stantial prosperity than overbofore. Hav ing suiioreu soverciy irom sjverai "spells" of spasmodic growth, in cident to oxtrnvacant sneculatine shemcs. damaged equally by dazzling visions of suauen wcaitn ana greatness, ana ny the gloom of n n inovltablo reaction, she has, at least, settled down to a steady prosper ity, batsed upon a wiso development of her resources, ti system of judicious city improvements, nnd upon tho well directed efforts of a class of reliable business men to build up n prosperous commercial and manufacturing center. Tho levees, which now entirely surround the city, are moro thitn eovon miles In ex tent. 'Theso levees nro sovoral feet nbovo tho crest of tho highest flood over known In this locality, broad based nud woll set tled! nnd. with an outsido slono of flvo or six fuel to ono, all lntoral proasuro of tho water is destroyed nlfordlng tho most nm nlo L'unrnnteo nimlnst oven sorious annov- nnco from tho tioods. Theso lovees wcro constructed und will bo maintained per petually, free of nny cost to tho citizen nnd tax payer. An extonsivo system of sowerngo effect ually frees tho city from that herctoforo intolerable nuisanco, slpo wnter, many miles of streets huvo been filled up to n level with tho levees, and tho rough wooden shanties of early Cairo, nro rapidly giving way to fino business blocks, woll built, and in many casos, elegant nnd costly private rosidonccs. To givo somo Idea of tho extent of tho city Improvements wo givo the following items from a late report of tho Trustees of the "Cairo City Proporty Co." There havo been oxponded by tho Trustees over $900,000, in cloanlng tho ground and draining it, in building lovees for its pro tection, wharves for tho accommodation fl its commerce and mlscollanoous irr.provcf inetits. Tho corporate authorities hnvo oxpended about $500,000 in general Im provements, and the Illinois Contral Kail road Company, not loss than $200,000 moro, making tho wholo expenditure for tho improvement of about 1,300 acres, not loss than $1,000,000. "While tho matorlal prosperity of Cairo is thus placed upon a firm footing, tho moral nnd Intelloctunl tone or people, is roflcctoil in its l'UHLIC SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES. These, both ia ,Uo liberality of their mlxt 1 CAIRO, ILLINOIS, MAY 26. support and ability employed and thorough work accomplished will chal lenge comparison with tho best in tho land. Tho Public School Buildings, two in number, wero built at cost of over $00,000, and are tastoful nnd convenient structures. Six hundred pupils nro on rolled, nnd thirteen teachers employed, of whom Prof. II. S. English, is tho ablo nnd popular Superintendent. "Wo could fully appreclato tho genuine prldo which Cairo fools in hor public schools after looking through their various departments, as we did the other day. For orderly, quiot do portment, the earnest but cheerful atten tion of tho boys and girls to tho work in hand, and prompt and accurnto recitation, wo havo seldom toon theso schools equalled. Atl hnnnf l Ana tn Prof. Knallah nnd his corps of teachers for the good work they arc doing. The churches are eight in number, distributed among tho leading . .! 1 -ll .-I I ucriuuiin&uous biju nru wuu Busbuiiicu. CAtnO A.S A TOllACCO EARKF.T. The facilities which a locality possess for nanuiing any ol the great stapio produc tions of tho country, constlluto ono of the most important factors In its growth nnd uovoiopnient. Jioro than threo hundred million pounds of tobacco nro annually raised in tho United States, and, ns for well known reasons, ow lork und .Now Orleans aro fast loosing tho importance they onco had as tobacco markets, it is not strange that wido awako towns nil through tho Interior, aro cacerlvirranpine for nriv- ilageof handling, nt least, a eharo of this tremendous production. Individual enter prise nside, plainly thoso places will best succeed In tho ruco of competition, that aro most eligibly situntcd with reference, to shipments, in tho tobacco growing reg ions. In this regard Cairo simply claims a first place and this from no spirit of arrogancebut only because. Nnturo com pels her to that pre-eminence. Tho waters of tho Ohio, Missouri, upper Mississippi and their tributaries or moro than twenty thousand miles of navigable rivers now past ho wharrs. hilo these rivers penetruto n larco number of tho thirtv-ono States in which tobacco is being, at pres ent, raised, making it possible, for them nil, to be, in ono sonso tributary to hor makot, thoso rcclons In which tobneco is n leading stapio of production, are immcd- iiuuiy aujaccni to vairo. fctitutlcs from tho Bureau of Agricul ture, show that tho States of Kentucky. and Tennessee, Indiana and Illinois, Mis louri and Arkansas, grow annually over 130,000,000 pounds of tobacco, or nearly onc-hnlf the product of tho cntiro country. A market which is so nearly n geographical center or this region, and which offers to tho plantor such cheap fa cilities for transportation, posscssos natu ral advantages too obvious, to nood moro than a mcro mention. Another fact im portant to buyers is this. Baing a sort of half-way house, for both tho Ohio and Mississippi Illver Packets, where they all stop, theroissuuh competition for tho car rying trade, that freights, both to Xow Orleans ana nevr l orK. aro now, ana win continuo to bo clicapor from thi, than rrom any othor point on tno rivers. Such much for the natural advantages of Cairo fur building up a large distribu ting market. But thesa without individu al enterprise nro nothing. To this fact sho is beginning to wake up. I). Ilurd & Son, tho energetic proprietors of tho Bal lard "Warehouse, nro rapidly demonstra ting that this placo ought to havo nnd can havo Its proper position ntuong tho great tobacco markets of tho country. Besides sending the right kind of men among the planters, to represent their mutual inter ests, they issuo n weekly circular, which gives a, full and intelligent rcstimo of the market, quotations of sales for the week, together with such informa tion nnd advico ns the grower may need. They also havo in contemplation a fair, to bo h'eld sometime in June, at which at least SI 200 in gold will bo distributed as premiums. "Wu nro glad to bo ablo to roport that unexpected succes is attending their cntorprising efforts. Tho opening sale of this warehouse was on tho Tth of February last, and up to tho present timo, Mav Cth". tho receipts have been 425G hbds, and the actual sales for this year will not' fall short of seven thousand hlids. Thoro It a regular board of buvors from St. Louis, Now Orleans, Cleveland, Detroit and othor cities, whllo the local buyers, nro numer ous, und among tho most liberal in tho country. As an evldonco of tho satisfac tory character of tho sales, wo would stuto thtitthero hnvo been only oigiitocn rejec tions during the season. Tho following quotations lakon from tho Tobacco Circu lar of D. Ilurd & Son issued May 0th, will show tho qualities of tobacco offered nnd prices got on tho brakes of Cairo. Sales to-day wcro 78 hhds and 3 boxes ns follows : hlula trashy Iurs 8 4 ooto lM 10 " Rood Kfnliif ky lug 7 " l 13 " Illinois lutts 4 IS to fi ao 10 Illinois low leaf. ft 3 to 6 U.1 7 " crooil Illinois leaf. 6 15 to SW 13 " Kentucky shippers 0 BU to 7 40 " " plebnld IS Mto 19 75 3 " " pieu-M wrapper 'A' ) to 24 85 1 " Ilriulit Kentucky wrapper ...43 40 2 hones...... ;. 4 40 to C S3 4 hluls rejection.) 8 15 to 0 U5 (To be Continued. RULLOFF. Ills Last Honrs lie II ejects (lie Clergy and Dies Willi IiUaphemy on his Lips. On last Thursday the noted criminal whoso name Htands at tho head of this article was hung in lliuyhaiuptou, Now York. Ilelow wo givo an accouut of the manner in which ho Hpuut his last hout s, from tho New York Sun ; At daybreak ho was offered breakfast, but took only coffee. Of this ho drank freely. At 0 o'clock ho was romoved to the room in the Sheriff's house. Hero ho spent the time lounging on his bed chatting frivoously with his watchman, looking out tho window WATOIUNU T1IK CHOW1) gathering to bo near his execution, and pacing the floor. At half ptst nine ho ngiiin sumomned his only lntliioutiul friend in town, his counsel, Mr George Bocker. Mr. Bcckor was uwalting tho summons, and was promptly with him accompanied by his clerk nnd Mr. "Whitney, who has also bcon earnest In his sympathy for him. Tho prisoner was then guarded by two watchman stutloncd in tho room, und the third outsido tho door, Kulloff received his visitors cordially, saying "Ploaso bo seated." Mr Becker rruponded to hii greeting, 1871. Uftll, lllt.n. a ...... II . Iluiiofn'' 'uoung, r,uwara "Bettor then perhaps you could expeot." Becker Slnco your brother Is not here, juu w inn 10 suy aiiyinuig io me in regard to tno DtSl'OSIT OK TOUR REMAINS? Kulloff Yes: I don't wish mv remains to be desecrated. If burled In tho Pottor's Fiold, thoy will probably bo disturbed by somo hvona. Can't thev bo placed In a vault somowhara to await tho action of my friends, if I hnvo anv 7 Becker I will try and havo that done. But always expecting your brother on, and ns you havo not mentioned tho subject to mo before, but havo rothcr evaded It, I havo mado no arrangements. I will endeavor to carrv out vour wishes. I can not, hwowevcr, undertake to be responsible for what 'the Sheriff will do. Mr. Becker thon called the altantion of tho guard present to witness what had boon said. Thov all said thev understood ll. Mr. Becker continued Edward, you uavo aiwnys proiessea to no a philosopher, nnu io pinco your rejianco on pniiosuphy, and no rellirion. Can vou dlo like n stoic 1 Bulloir Vcs; leavomo alone for that. oocratcs took tho hemlock. Cicero was murdered on tho seashore. Seneca commit ted suicide. I shall endeavor in mv hum bio wav to meat death WITH THE SAME FOUTir.UDi:. Becker Thoro nro somo elerevmen who havo tendered their services, nud aro now wntintr vour biddinc if vou will havo ineir ministrations, i liny nuvo expressed a readiness nnd n desiro to administer anv spiritual comfort to you that may bo in their power. Bulloir "Well, I thank vou: lam a man ofstronc convictions. I will not chanee mv mind In a dav or nn hour unon n subject of so much Importance. I never alter my mind without a reason, and I seo no reason to chance it upon that subject. An importunato Bohemian, purporting to represent tho anticapital punishment organ of Xow York, forcod his way into tho room at this point, HulloQ said ho wisnca to treat every had y kindly, out no was now engaged in conversation with his counsel nnd desired to be alone. Tho Bohemian cot out. Kulloff then walked to tho window over looking the lawn back ol tho Court Home, which covered with people. Ho asked, "What aro all theso pcopio doing here?" Becker Most of them aro from tho county, and not from tho city. Thcro has nevor been an execution in Broom county before. Kulloll y oil, l supposo they havo a morbid desiro to SEE A MUUDEK COMMITTED. He then turned from the window nnd snt down besido Mr. Bcckor. Kulloff said: 1 1 wonder If that Tribune man it back again. He is quite a young man and evi dently inexperienced. Ho had to get in sumcthinir about Harvard. Ho is a nlco boy. but miner aovnomoric. Jio will im- provo protiauly wttn age." uuiiou tuon crew facetious, sayinc : ' Orocloy wrote n funny article nbout me n Httlo while ngo. It was only shown to mo last night. By the way, did you near mat LAST STORY AUOUT GREELEY? Ho had been out to dinner ono day, and wrote n report of it himself. In his re. port ho mentioned that tho company was entertained with cltumpai'no and Ilcld- seick. Tho next day the assistant editors thought they had the old man, and gather ed around to hear what ho would say wncn tno mm was poinieu out io mm. 1 Woll, by O 1' said Horace, "I'll bet I am the only man in this ollico that could mako that mistake.'' Tho story seemed greatly to amuso both Kulloff and his auditors. Afterwards ho told the story of tho collcgo student who kept a barrel of beer in his room, and cot so strong that he could lift a wholo barrel. With these and similar anecdotes ho con sumed tho timo until tho arrival of tho Sheriff to announce tho reudines3 of tho prcperations for tho hanging. Kulloff and Becker then shook hands cordially. Kulloff said to his counsel, "I hope you will not entertain anv hard feel ings towards mo for anything I may ever havo said to you inadvertently. The deplorable- situation In which I havo al ways been since I met you, has mado me Irritable and nearly distracted. Pleaso bo present to tho last." Then hesitating ho added, "If you desiro me to say nnythln publicly I will do so." Becker What do vou mean? Kulloff I mean any further apology for MY RUDENESS YESTERDAY. Becker No. I nm perfectly satisfied. havo always endeavored to entertain a pleasant recollection ol our personal rota tions with each other in our intercourse as client nnd attornoy. Good bye. Kulloll Good byo; tako enro of your self. Mr. Becker left him with thoShorlfr and his Dotmtlas to prepare him for his exocu- cution. FaNhlon Notices Standing collnrs pointed in front aro in fashion. Street drosses nro worn niodorntoly high nt tho throat. Plain belts will bo moro worn this year than sash ribbons. Small-mcslicd groniidinos aroused this vnar will, ll.rl.t l.ln.L- .111.- . ., ,1 . ! t .1 jv, ...... ..p, o.t.k titiuvinnitH, Whilo muslin drossos havo u kind of postilion of laco and muslin, instead of u sasii. Lyons poplins nro to bo much worn Ten and Frou-Frou shades aro must alloc- tod. AVIiito cround, with lionclled strlns either of black or colors, aro to bo fash- lonaoio tor summer suits. Strips on pongees aro an Inch wide, l'hi in color, tea, and London smoko aro tho most fashlonablo shades. Klegant Leghorn bonnots for older ladies art) trimmed with palest ecru, and ostrich tips of tho two colors. ftoTIt cost San Francisco $5,800 to try Mrs. Fnlrjltcost Mrs. Fair Sl'J.OOO, in cluding $5,010 to hor suniur counsel, to be tried, and it cost ono of tho papers thero $1.4:ir to phonograplilcally report nnd print tho trial. Mrs, Fuir Is such nn ospnnsivo fotualo that tho community can ntlord to keep but fuw of her. 8Dr. Medllcott, of Lawrence, has been hold for trial for tho murder of Isanc M. lluth. ONLY COAL. QAIRO CITY o o COMPANY Iro Prepared to Supply Customers with the Ilcst Quality or PITTSBURG AND Illinois. Coal. Orders left nt llallltlaj Bros. mee, No. 70 Ohio I.evee, or nt the 4'onl Yard below the Ht. Chnrles Ho tel, will Receive Prompt Attention. Tl.o Tu "Montauk" trill bnnR Coal alonRsnie Cairo, lli-t. gfth. IKTii if BOOTS AND SHOES. yM. E If I. E IW, FASHION, II I.K BOOT IHD SHOE 1KB TWENTIETH STKEET, Between Wnslilnglon Ave ic I'oplar St Boot nnd Hhoesi .Maile Io Order. Fines Workmen Huiplojml. Satisfaction Warranted Patronage Solicited. FURNITURE. J H. IIAKHEX, CKAI.KIt I.N FURNITURE Bar Fixtures, GLASSWARE nnd HOUSE FUUViSH INO GOODS, 185 and 187 COMMERCIAL AVENUE Cairo, Illinois BARBERS. J" GEORGE HTEIN1IOVME FASHIONABLE BARBER Cor. 8th St. and Commercial ar., IN TIII7 PERRY HOUSE Sharp AaKora, Clean Toivel and Skill. iui st orKinen. I.aJies'and ChlMreu's Hair Cut nnd Shampooned either at tun shop or AT THEIK OWN HOMES. Gentlomen'a Whiskers and Hair Dyed in awion tilic manner, nnd satisfaction Kiiaranteod. SALOONS. J"IIX IIYLAXDS NAL.OOJV la anpplleil with all kinds of SUPERIOR LIQUORS OX COMMERCIAL AVENUE llt-lweeii Eighth nnd MnthStreetx, CAIRO. ILLINOIS. e thlrsty,"whD love Rood llo,uor, should Rive him a call, nnd tlioo who want a aFRJLGR AJf T CIGAR Can have their wants supplied at his Imr. JOHN GATES Proprietor of the Billiard Saloon nnd Bar Boom EI Dorado 100 C'omuicrciiil Ave., Cairo - - - - Illinois HOTELS. I'. J. OAMS. ii. c cauv. I, U. I.0D1WCK. CRAWFORD HOUSE Corner Sixth nml Wnluut Streets, (Hntranco ouHlxlhStrect.) CINCINNATI, OHIO. OAKES, CADY & CO., Proprietors, myMtim JOMJ .1IEIIXTAI. IIOXEIi, Commercial Ay., Opposite Post Ollico CAIRO, ILLINOIS. JOSKIMI BAYLISS, Proprietor. The House Is newly lurnMiod niut oilers to the ulilln Hrt.i'lx sffnmiiKidutliiiK . fol7d COLLEGES. -' EDUCATION. HELLMUTH COLLEGE Board and Tuition per annum, J220. HELLMUTH LADIES' COLLEGE InaiiL'iirimil hi ii. nil 1'rTiice Arthur. Hoard and tution peranunni, l'rident, tho Very'iimuMiii'. i'., I'uuu oi uuron. ror particular apply tn Major Kvun, l.omlon, Canmla West. DAILY PAPER IN KGYFT MISCELLANEOUS. JJ 1IOVPT, Practical Watchmaker 210 WASHINGTON AVENUE, Cairo, : : : : Illinois AUYHYfi on unnu a nno iwck oi WATCHES, CLOCKS, JEWELRY, ETC "Particular attention given to repairing Klne Wslctiei. OB-Tlie largest stock of Gold and Silver Spec tacles In the city. ny7d3m s EAIiED lKOIOgAI,8. Kew Custom House, Cairo. UN., .nny i(tii, mi felled proposals will 1,0 received at tho oftlca of HuiieriniiMident of the new Custom House, at Cairo, Illinois, un 1 4 n'clcolc p.m., theWth day of May, 1x71, for Hllinr; anil uradln the Custom llousf Mock. Tho propussL tn bo mode for toe ruble yard delivered, and will he measurod after filling l,y the Superintendent or an authorized nuenti and in per cent of all payments to ho retained until completion of the contract. The) earth retired will li almnt 7,10 cuhic yards, morn or less, and the fllllnR to kocompletedon or mils be accompanied j n lnd of tvr reepnnsl. h!e persons In the sum of one thousand dollar mm me iimucr wm accept nnu perrorm tno eon tract awarded to him. The llepartmetit reserves the rlghl to reject any or all the proposals. I'rnposals to be endorsed, "Proposals for Fllllnz and Oradlnii'1 ami ftddres.ed O, II. yeasn, .Super Intendent of Custom House, Cure, Illinois. '"y",'r't ll.ll.HfcASE.Hup't. w ANTED, AC!i:NTf. Beventy.nve to two hundred dollars per month everywhere, male and female, to Introduce the (leniilno Improved Common .Sense Kamlly Hewing Machino. Th s ma?hlr.e will atltch, hem, fell, tuck, bind, braid, cord, unlit and embroider In a most superior manner. Price only 1S. Fully warranted for five vi-ars. We will ay 1,000 for any machine that will sew n stronger, more beau tiful or moru ehtic seam than oars. It makes tho "hustle Lock Stitch." Kvery second stitch can l.e cut, nnd still the cloth cannot li pulled apart without tenting it. We pay agents STS to J2i'per month and expenses, oracoiumlssion from which twice that amount can be mado, For circulars a-jd terms, apply to or address, C. IIOW'KIIS A CO., llOSpruce Street, I'hlladelphla, Pa. CAfTtor. Uo not be Imposed upon by other parties piImltiR oil worthless cast iron machine under tlm same name or otherwise. Ours Is tho only genuine and really practical cheap machine inaniiMcturpd. aprlRd.'tm CAICI. Inventors hatlnr bnuinoss will, it:i.i States I'atcnt Oltice will find it to'theirndvantaee to Intrust It in tho panels of the old established una ui Mason. Fenwick & Lawrence, 1 ntent Agenti, 'Waalilugtoa, !.. Thev have donn mv husinpss tn mv saiIV,. iton, ami I take pleasure in recommending them to S estcrn Inventors. W.H.H. FAKK1H, Inventornt Improved ltevolvlnj Tubutjr Wster Cairo, April ao, 1871. apr2tM2m QITY SHOE STORE ...AND... HOOP SKIRT FACTORY SOLK AGENCY FOK "nrolnski's" Cnstom-Mnde Shoes & Slippers. Commercial Avennei Corner of Eighth Ntrect, Cairo, 111. I'articnlsr attention ralil to nil trders for UUOl'siKIHTa and SilOFJ. aprStf JTAND EORTIIE .ADI,EHS Homesforthe Homeless ONLY $1 25 PER ACRE FOR ACTUAL SETTLERS; TAKE Tilt CARS Or THE LEAVKNtTOItTII, li.l WHENCE A5D UALVEMTON II. B. UNE, f.i.Vi-eiej nml IC ansai City aud visit . t 1 1 a Re O 011 ulry, The (lartlcn Spot of Kansas riuw;lm STEAMSHIP COMPANIES. "glMIGKANT TICKETS FOR SALE I'AUK From verponl, Indoaderry GlnxKoiv w 4iieeualown to CiUra Nulloril, Morrln &. Cautlcc. Aut'n JVMAN lil.VE. MvintrooL, m:w vouk and Philadelphia Steamship Company, Under contract wltli the United States and British (iovernmenta forcarrylng the malls. For rasaee TicUeis or further information pply toJOllS a. DALE, Afrut, 13 kwdwy, Nuv Votk.ortn fl, JlOUl'T, Sia WashlhRlon avenue, Cairo, Ilia. m9d3m REAL ESTATE BROKERS aQ WI.VSTOX A: CO., (Successors to John Q. Ilarman & Co,,) REAL ESTATE, lU'IOKEEKS 74, Second Floor, OHIO LEVEF Cairo. XlLi Buy and Soli Ileal Estate l'VKNISH ABHTHACTH OK- TITLk AMD rHKrAHK COM TKTAMCKII OFAIAHBM