OCR Interpretation

The Cairo daily bulletin. (Cairo, Ill.) 1870-1872, May 27, 1871, Image 3

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Romembor tho Sappho's to-night
Louis Houck, Esq., of Cape Girardeau,
was In tho city yesterday.
Tlio Young Folk' Calico Hop, at
Phlllts' Hall latt night wai a complete
The bowltchlng cantetlnco Mlsi Sc
lla Kills to-night.
Men's Fino Sa1 Hkin (lalton, and alio
"Prlnco Alberts," at Elliott & Hay thorn's
The greatest coralc and mimic you
over saw will be horo to-night, Frank
a new leaturo In tho Irndo of Calre
l thu peddling of Ice-crcarn. That de
licious "bivalve" Is trundled about tho
city In hand carts, and dished out In large
or small "dime's worth's," according to
me temperature of the weather.
(Jo oarly If you wish to securo a good
sent ntthe Atheneum to-night.
Gents' Oxford Ties, Prlnso Alberts
and Opera Slippers, at the ' City Shoo
Store," corner of C'omtncrciitl avenue and
Eighth street. tl
Unbutton your walit-conts when Sam
Collins tnakos his appearance to-night at
the Atheneum.
Ueartho fact In mind that if it rains on
Monday, the German school picnic will be
held on Tuesday. my2T2t.
Two demireps were arretted yesterday
and fined $10 and $15 respectively, as in
mates of a well known bagnio in the lower
part of the city. They paid, and Immedi
ately to their ways that aro dark, etcetera.
Everybody is going to the German
school picnic oung and old, people of
every faith ar.d nationality. Refreshment-,
jee -cream, cakes, confections, soda,
lem.cadf, boqueti, etc., will be found
for sale on tho ground. my272t.
Pa-tlcular attention is called to tho la
dles', uilsses and children's colored shoes,
ofwhieh a very cholco and styllih stoolc
may bo found at the City Shoo Store.
my ITtf
It will grieve you to seo Mr. H. W.
F.llia In one of his melanchollv moods to
night. MIis Ida Harrell will, receive a few
more pupils for instruction In the theory
and praclico of piano muiic. Use of In
strument furnished if desired. For terms,
etc, apply at 302 "Washington avenue. 2t
Conforming to a custom, tno Direc
tors havo authorized the dismissal of tho
public school on Tuesday next, that such
Uachcts and pupils as may feel disposed to
do so, may participate In the ceremony of
strewing flowers on the soldiers' graves at
Mound City.
Don't fail to attend the German
school picnic on Monday. It will be the
grandest afllr of the kind ever held in
l'lro. my272t.
Mr. .1. .1. Konden, tho most pollihed
of elocutionists, will deliver the poem
Sharaus O'Brien, at the Atheneum to
night. The examination of applicants for
teachers' certificates, that was fixed for
last Saturday, was postponed until to-day.
As no notice has been given In referenco
to the matter, we are not propared to say
whether the examination will take place
to-day or be postponod again.
Tho Peace Jubilee at Chicago, on
Monday, will be one of the gradest demon
strations ever made in that city. Tickets
for the round trip from Cairo will bo sold
by the Illinois Central railroad company
at about half price, viz: $16.00. Several
of our citizens express a determlnatien to
Tho steam tug Cache, tho enrs, and
tho Paducah and Evansvlllo packet?, pre
sent to our citizens eight opportunities to
visit Mound City ovory day. Pcur of
these chances aro presented by the tug
Cache a cozy little craft In cliargo of
that "veteran commandor," Capt. 'Wil
liam II. Sandusky.
(Jen. Itaum has labored with unflagging
Industry for tho Cairo and Vincenncs
railroad projoct from Its inception to tho
present moment. "We doubt if any other
man could havo worked with tho same
success. In tho County Court of Alexan
der county, however, bo as well as tho
peoplo of Cairo, finds what in common
parlanco Is denominated " a stumpor."
Thk Hvor is ruoro frequently the scat
of disoaio than Is generally supposed, for
upon ill regular action dopends, in a great
moasure, tho powers or tho stomach, bow
els, brain tnd tho whole norvous systom.
Regulate that important organ by taking
Simons' Liver Regulator, and you prevent
' most of tho diseases that flesh Is holr to.
Meyers and Sheehan, in enforcing
tho "bono ordlnanco " that has stood so
I long as a dead letter on our ordlnanco
book, find thomiolvea In possession of two
horses, which they are holding for the own
ers. Parties whose horse account don't
balance, this morning, will please thank
us for this Information.
Tho Dovoro gang of sldowalkers Is
making much needed repairs on the
Washington Avenue sidewalk abovo
Fourteenth street. In a number of
decayod, rendering it very unsaie lor
" heavy weights " to pedostrianato in that
part of tho city. Tho ropairs being mado
will make tho walk good for another
year's service, atloMt.
Tho flooring of tho aldownlks that has
been In uso thrco or four yoars, has worn
down nt least a half Inch. Now two-Inch
plank nro used for patching ore, therefore,
nooui a lialf-inch too thick. This fact,
nnd tho chanco to save twonty-flvo por
cent. In tho cost of tho lumber, ought to
suggest to tho Council tho propriety of
buying lurnbor of tho right thickness on
Wo learn that J. A. Lynvllle, ahand-
omo young lawyer of Joncsboro, de
camped, a few days ago, with About four
hundred dollars of tnonoy belonging to
his client. He never did nmount to much
as a lawyor, and now. If it should turn out
that ho has fled tho country merely to sink
$400 of other pcoplo's money, ho Is not
likely to distinguish himself even as a
Perry Powers' Circus held forth lust
night to an audlenco of 500 or COO per
sons. It being tho first exhibition the af
fair dragged somewhat! but this fault
will soon bo overcome. Tho cannon ball
man, tho juggler, arid tho trapcr. per
former did their parts well, and may bo
called really cood performer. Tho
sacrod bull of lllrmOi Is undoubtedly
well trained, and did some wonderful
things. I'pon the whole, the show li a
better one than Dun Rices, ond wo hone
rerry will make monoy.
Tho picnic given to the scholars con
nected with tho Sabbath school of lho
Church of tho Redeemer, will como off
to-day In tho Flora Garden. Tho school
will march to tho grounds from tho
Church, under charge of the teacher,
this morning. For (ho younger scholars
carriages will bo in waiting, in charge of
careful and experienced drivers. An In
vitation is extended to tho parents of tho
children and the friends of the school.
nd, since the occasion Is one that old as
well as younc. can enlov. the Invitation
will, most likely, bo "numerously" ac-
Tho "Memphis .Mackerels" confined
in tho calabooso made an attempt night
before last,to break out. They had succeed
ed in cutting a bar off tho iron window
grates, and would havo been at liberty in
hour or two, had not McIIalo heard
them nt work, and whispered in their cors
that they had better stop It. Tho young
scoundrels bad provided themselves with a
bludgeon to knock tho jailer in the head
In tho event of his interference; but that
peculiar individual "came down upon
thorn " so unexpectedly that thev didn't
have time to carry out their programme.
The four Memphis mackerels who
triod to effect their oscapo from tho cala-
liooso Thursday night, succeeded in reach
ing tho now addition to tho building, tho
outor dtor of which ii not yet provided
with a lock. Here they wero met bv tho
jailer, who, pistol in hand, halted them.
One of them mado an attack unon tho
ailcr, but feeling tho cold barrel of a re
volver rammed against his teeth, thought
it healthy to desist. Thev arc desperate
evils, thoso "mackerels," and rnako their
boast that, having escaped from the iron
lined Jails of Memphis and Vlcksburg, it
will bo only child's play to get out of tho
Cairo calaboose. 'Ihat they may be found
when wanted McIIulc has ironed them.
Citizens and strangers who havo tested
tho " good cheer " of lho St. Charles, speak
In the highest praise of the landlord, Mr.
F. D. Hex ford, alike as a caterer to tho
wants of tho inner man, and as n clever,
courteous and obliging gentleman. He
Is maintaining n first class reputation for
tho St. Charles, feeding his guests bounti
fully upon the very best that U to be had,
and bestowing upon them the thousand
namolcss attentions which onlya man who
really " knows how to keep a hotel can
bestow." Indeed, accepting tho evidence
of thoso who stop with Mr. Rcxford, wo
we do not hesitate to pronounce the St
Charles ono of tho best kept hotels in tho
Stato of Illinois.
Qcnoral Raum was In tho city yester
day, conferring with our resident direc
tors and leading citizens in relation to tho
Cairo ond Vincenncs railroad project,
Tho hopo is entertained that something
may bo done to counteract the adverse
action of our County Court, and sectiro
an early resumption of tho work. Our
citizens aro deeply in earnest in their de
sire for tho building of the road, and will
do anything in tho world that men may
do, to bring that much-wUhod-for result
about. "Wo hopo to be able, in a few diiyr,
to announco that, despito tho hostility of
our County Court, and its reckloss disre
gard of public sontlmcnt tho Cairo and
Vincenncs railroad will bo built T Of tho
plan now being matured, it is scarcely
proper for us to speak.
Take Notick. Tjmk Table ok the
lmnois Central Railiioad. On and
after Sunday, Mny 14th, 1871, tho follow
ing tlmo-tablo will govern tho Arrival and
departure of passengor trains at Cairo:
Depart Mall train, dally, 11:45 p.m.
Express, daily, 2:30 p,m
Arrive Mail, daily 3:30 a.m.
Expross, dally, except
Sunday 0:30 p.m.
Although tho regular St. Louis train is
tnkon off both trains out of Cairo will havo
through cars for St. Louif, which will bo
token through from Du Quoin by tho trains
on tho Bollovlllo roud. Direct and closo
connection will bo mado at Du Quoin, and
thoro will bo no chango of cars from
Cairo to St. Louis. Tho train leaving
Cairo at 11:45 p.m. will havo a through
sleeping car for St. Louis. Tho Attontlon
of shippers is especially called to tho fact
that a Fruit Express train will leavo
Cairo dally, Saturdays excoptedj nnd will
mako tho run from this city to Chicago In
twenty-two hours.
Immcnco Littlo Sappho's to-
1 night.
A Olanl Day for Site YonnR-nlrrn,
llecrtntlon for Everybody.
The Gorman school plcnlo will bo hold
in Flora Gordon onJMonday next. In tho
ovent of rain on Monday tho picnic will
bo held on Tuesday.
Arrangemcnlsaro bolng porfected for an
occasion In which parents as well as chil
dren can particlpato for n day of goncral
recreation and omusomcnt.
A committoo of ladios, consisting of
Mrs. Alba, Mrs. Korsmoyor, Mrs. Stock
floth, Mrs. Pruss, Mrs. Schuh, Mrs.
Schwanltz, Mrs. Winching and others,
havo charge of tho flower and refrosh
mcntJdcpartmont,and tho contributions se
cured assuro them of completo success.
The frlonds of tho school havo mado do
nations of ham, chickon, veal, dried beof,
fruits, vegetables, cakes, confections, Ice
cream, lemonade, etc., in sufficiently liber
al quantities to warrant the conclusion
that all who may attend will bo bounte
ously fed.
Tho children of tho school will moot a1
tho schoolhouso In tho morning, and, ff tho
wontlior uo favorablo, they will march
through tho principul streets of the city
ftiiouid tlio weather bo very warm, how.
over, thoy will march directly to tho pic
nic grounds,
Once there, thorn will be no lack of
amusement for cither old or young
There nro halls for dancing, shaded walks
for promenading, Arbors And seuts for
thoso who cliooso to pass tLo timo in
social "chit-chat;'' swings for tho littlo
ones; music for every car, and dolicious
ice-cream, ice-cold lemonade, cake, con
fections, etc., for all who may feel dis
posed to Indulge In that kind of luxurie.
It Is the aim of the ladies and gentle
men charged with tho management of the
picnic, to make it especially pleasant to all
who attend. A small cliargo for
admission 25 cents will ho mado at tho
gato, and as tho amount thus collected
will go tho German school fund, it will, no
doubt, bo paid most cheerfully. Tho Gor
man school Is an educational institution
that is creditable to our city, and, slnco it
is kept up without imposing nny burden
on tho public, ovory citizen who CAn spare
un hour's time, should enter an appear
unco at Flora Garden, to show, by his
presence, a good will for lho school.
Everybody is invited, and, we ahall miss
our reckoning greatly, if tho largest crowd
is not seen in Flora Garden, on Monday
next, that ever gathered there. my272t.
We, the undursigncd, passcngen on
board tho Sir. Tyrone, when wo arrived
at Cairo, felt that we would rob ourselves
of a ploasure unle.'s we returned thanks to
Capt. Tom. Harmon, and tho other officers
of the boat, for their uniform kindness and
untiring exertions to make ovory one
happy and comfortable. Never was tablo
bettor furnished, or waiters more accom
modating. In tho language of tho immor
lal Shakespeare, "Long may she float."
II. B. Titcomb and Lady, O. A. Cop
pedge, Tim. Gavhan, John Gilcrs. of Cin
cinnati, J. Cuno, Nashville, Tenn., A. U.
Pitcher, E. Curtiu, M. Leonard, G. W.
Roberts, Wm. Wicst, Thomas Hoan, D.
M. MoElhany and Lady.
Cairo, -May 20, 1871.
Did You Ever? "No, I never," saw a
more cozy nnd complete barber shop than
that of Anthony Eschbach, one door be
low the post office. The room has been
newly papered, lho floor newly covered
and tho whole establishment put In flrst
clasa order. Eschbach is ono of the most
experienced, skillful and accommodating
barbers in tbo State, employs courteous
and expert assistants, and keeps just such
a shop as citizens and strangers will tako
a solid satisfaction in patronhStg.
GrtA.NI OfKNINO Concxkt. Wash
ington Hall Gardon was not opened last
Sunday on account of unfavorable weath
or. Tho result is, it will bo opened to
morrow afternoon (Sunday) under rnoro
favorablo auspices. John School, who is
Always casting about for something or
somebody with which or whom to enter
tain his friends, has made arrangements
with a number of tho celebrated Sappho
Orchestra to open with a Grand Concert.
Thero will, of course, bo cool drinks and
tempting refreshments subject to order
and fun and pastimo for every hotly. Go
by ell means. 2t
Rooms to Rent. Four largo airy rooms
on second fit or, in the brick building,
corner of Htk street and Washington
avenue, opposito tho now Custom houso.
Tho rooms nro In completo order, having
been recently renovated throughout; a
wide balcony in front is connected with
them. I'rico $10 per month ; aho, 3 other
rooms on same floor, in good condition,
ond will bo rented for $0 per month.
Tlio wliolo so von rooms could bo used by
ono family, If desired. . Apply to
may 20tf on tho premises.
Marmku. At Gooso Island, In this
county, on Friday, tho 25th inst., Mr. M.
D. Gunter, of Cairo, and Miss Eliza Hil
lings, of Scott county, Missouri.
Wo aro sufficiently Assured that tho
brldo is young, good looking and accom
plished, and know for oursolves that Gun
ter Is ono of the best follows in tho world.
Why shouldn't such a pair get marrlod?
A Cure Guaranteed. Kress' Fovcr
Tonlo is unlvorsally recognized as the host
mcdlclno extant for tho curse of fovors.
It is for salo by P. G. Schuh, druggist,
two doors south of tho postofllce, and ho
guarantocs all who buy from him that It
will euro chills and fevers. If it does not
euro Mr. Schuh agrees to roturn tho
jnonoy. Can Anything bo fairer than
this? may2ltf
Ovn Tobacco Market. Sluco our last
report, May Cth, wo havo to nolo u moro
actlvo markot, with prices ruling steady
and firm, at formor quotAtlons; but with
out any notlccablo advance Tho class of
goods now In request hero, aro woll cured
dark heavy shippers, and Planters Lugs,
suitable for cutters, howovor, wo find a
demand for all grades atprlces satisfactory
to planters.
On tho 10th of this month tho French
govornmont ndvorvtlacd for 9,000 hhds
Ky. Job, And 2,r00 Va., to bo delivered In
September. December, nnd Morch next
Thls,;how-ever,had no effect on tho market,
The ItatiAn and Spanish contractor aro
on tho market, but tho Gorman demand
having moderated, has had a tendoncy to
check any unduo anntmatlon.
Wo havo certainly had tlio most ic
markablo soason for keoplng tho crop back
that has been experienced for years, and
even now, wo find n portion of tho days
and nights unsullablo for handling
Our advices from tho country as to tho
coming crops aro various, but ono fcaturo
we nolo particularly In our correspondence
nnd that Is, In ovory section of tho coun
try wliero tobacco is grown, lho quality
will bo improved. Planters aro writing
us every day for information In regard to
tho culture and mode of handling and
houseing fine tobaccos. With tho incrcaso
n tho production of tobacco, tho con
sumption Is correspondingly Increasing,
and tlio Chincso and Jupancso at no dis
tant day will havo discarded opium nnd
accoptod tho more cxhllcrAtinitand healthy
Our market at tho present time would as
tonish somo of tho "old timers" in N. Y.
ond N. O., that still think there aro no
other market than thoso places. We Aro
giving through bills to Europo at less fig
tires than can bo obtained in N. O., and as
to facilities for handling and prices ob
tained, we only ask a candid and impar
tial comparison.
Our Annual Fair takes placo on tho28th
of June, when we aro confident of exhib
iting as flao tobacco as can bo produced
in tlio world.
Since our last tho receipts have been
030 hhds, making it total of 5,102 this sea
son. Tho sales to-day wcro 6C hhds. Several
now buyers were on the breaks and mado
things movo off lively. An intonso inter
est is being manifested by our board of
buyer, and the planters are yielding to
their desires, by placing a grado of tobacco
upon tho market that cannot bo obtained
clsowherc, and'prices woro eminently satis
factory, Wo quoto as follows:
7 hhds III. lugs $ 00(5,4 CO
" Ky. ' l 05
10 " " low leaf 6 r0faiC, oo
7 " ill. " " r. corac 25
8 " cood 111. leaf fi BOfilT &o
10 " " Ky. a 76(7 25
" Piebald medium 10 00
" " " 11 7f
" " good 15 25
" " " 1C 25
" "' " 10 00
Decoration Day. Tlio ceremony of
QCtorating tho soldier's graves in tho Na
tional cemetery at Hound City, will tnke
place on Tuesday, May 30th. For tho ac
commodation of tho largo number of cit
Izons of this cliy who propose to attend,
nrrangements havo been mado with tho
steamer A. Baker to moko two trips dur-
ing tho day, carrying nil Adult persons for
50 cents each, nnd children undor ten
years of age, free. Tho boat will leave tho
foot of Eighth street at 8 o'clock a. m., and
12 o'clock m., promptly. All persons who
desire to go should bo on board at that
my25td IKE B. HUDSON, Master.
Ik you desiro a mild, pleasant, safe and
agreeable Cathartic, which will causo
neither nausea or griping pains, uso na
turo's remedy. HELMBOLD'S GRAPE
PILLS. They aro purely vegetablo, their
component parts being Catawba Grape
Juice nnd Fluid Extract Rhubarb. Should
you desiro n brilliant complexion, youth
ful appcaranco, now life, new, fresh blood
and renewed vigor, uso Helmuold'.s
Do .not forget that thu great Sappho,
and tho Star combination that supports
her will bo hero positively only two nights
and let no ono miss tho opportunity of see
ing tills wonder of tho ago, Sappho.
Whllo Collins with his funny Punch and
Judy And his "Dutch Komlkalitios," and
Dillon in his specialities (which aro said
to bo Immoriso) will keep you nil in good
humor with yourselves and all around you.
The Fenton Corn Mill. This estab
lishment, corner of Commercial nvcnuo
and Twoutleth street, is now in cliargo of
Mr. M. D. Gunter, who having purchased
and thoroughly refitted it. invites tho At
tention of the public to tho fact that hois
now prcparod to furnish dealers and fami
lies with lho very best article of com meal.
Orders loft at lho mill or font through tho
postoffico will rccoivo prompt attention
An Advanvaue. A great ndvantago
possessed by tho Charter Oak Stovo is that
owing to its capacity and draft, you can
burn ulmost any kind of wood, and, on
account of its substanuo and retention of
heat, you can run it with greenwood aftor
it is heatod, by having a small amount of
kindling matorial.
Thoso having to preporo fuel for ordin
ary small stoves will appreciate this ad
vantage. niuy221t
i - ' i i
Who Is it that doos not like smoking
hot blf cults for breakfast? The Fnmo
Cook stovo will bako thorn In flro minutes
time by the watch. tf
Mr. P. G. Schuh, drucgUt, Commercial
Avonuo, near tho postofllce, proclaims his
ability to soil Foathor Dustors cheaper
than any other denlor in the city. miMtf
Wk concludo this morning tho publica
tion of thonrllclo headed "GaIto, Illinois,"
which appeared In tho last Issuo of tho
St. Louis Journal of Cotumerer. It Is
well written and generally unobjectionable
bo far at It goes. Hut It docs not go far
enough. Several, In fact, quite a number
of tho most Important facts bearing upon
our cojimorcc, nnd commercial advanta
ge?, upon our railroads and their connec
tions; our contemplated rAllroad enter
prises, and our superior manufac
turing faclltles, havo been omitted
from tho Journal't trlbulo toour growing
city. Thcso omissions, together with noti
ces of tho leading branches of Industry In
our midst, wo propose to supply in tho
next Issuo of tho Weekly Bulletin, to
appear on Wednesday. For this numbo
wo havo nlready procured a subscription
of over thlrly-fivo hundred copies,
extra of our regular edition, but, to com
jienfnio ourselves lor trio labor necessary
to prepare n history of our city so com
preheneive ns contemplated, the issuo
wilj havo to bo increased to at least llvo
Our business men and citizens generally
will, of course, not hesitato to tako up tho
remaining Ufteen hundred copies, and
completo tho requisite number.
Will Say anu Do no More Aiiout
It. Gen. Itaum, Atiornoy of the Cairo
nnd Vincenncs railroad company, arrivod
in our city yesterday, and was in confer
ence during the day with tho resident di
rectors of tho company, Messrs. Hurd and
Mr. Halllday Addressed n noto to Judgo
Brofs, Informing him of Gen. Raum's
presence in tho city, nnd requesting an
interview wilh him. To this noto Judco
Bross mado tho following reply:
Cairo, III., May 20, 1871.
11". P. Halllday, Esq., Cviro, III.
Dearlstr: Your note Is at hand, nnd
will be clad to seo you and Gen. Raum at
any time, but if it is on railroad uuittors I
frankly stato hero that I have no muro to
say, and to do with tho same. I havo re
peatedly stated tho samo to somo of your
friends in tho last few days.
Truly yours, F. BROSS.
This noto plainly Indicates the charac
ter of tho County Judge, with which tho
peoplo of Aloxandcr county are compelled
to deal. Ho throws an almost Insurmount
able object In tho way of a rail
road project In the success of
which nluc-tcnths of our peoplo
aro deeply Interested, ond then
"frankly" Informs thoso who are charged
with tho management of tho enterprise,
that ho "has nothing moro to say or do in
reference to the same." Ho doesn't In
quire if new suggestions nro to bo mado,
ii new plans navo been matured, tr new
guarantees aro to bo otlored. No. Uo
peremptorily and curtly replies: "I havo
said and dono nil I intend to do or say
no odds what now phases tho
project may assume, no odds
what now necessities may arise, no odds
what you or the peoplo havo to propose or
prom! so you havo my ultimatum I'll
do and say nothing further I That Judgo
Bross or any mnn living may pursuo
such a lino of conduct; that ho or any
other man, may interpose tho " littlo briof
authority" he may possess, to defeat tho
will of the peoplo and delay or destroy
undertakings among them upon which
lho prosperity of tho country depends
that ho or any other man may do theso
things with impunity, wo deny. Tho
Judgo is undoubtedly heaping up for
himself " wrath against n day of wrath,"
and cannot hopo that tho tlmo will never
como when ho will bo held to answer.
"What on earth posscssos tho man?"
Reliahlk and Save. Dr. Henry's
Boot nnd riant Pills nro mild nnd pleas
nnt In their oporatlon, yet thorough, pro
ducing no nausoa or griping. Being en
tirely vegctublo, thoy con bo taken with
out regard to diet or business. They
nrouso tho liver and sccrotivo organs into
healthy action, throwing off discaso with
out oxliausting or debilitating tlio sys
tom. Try thorn and you will baatisflcd.
Prico 25 cents a box. Sold by druggists
and dealers in modicino ovory whoro. Pro
pared by tho Grafton Mcdicino Co,, St.
Louis, Mo. my9dwCm
Fitzqeralu's Sami-lk Roomh. Pur
sons blbulously inclined, lovers of lho ox
hilorating Juico of tho corn nnd juico of tho
grapo, or malt bovorages, should call im
mediately nt tho sample rooms, on corner
Commercial avenuo and Fourteenth street.
Besides everything In tho drinking line,
of tho purest kind, ho lias tho most fra
grant Hnvanit cigars, importations from
Cuba, that land of narcotiu weeds. Fitz
gerald keeps n first-class place, and has
with him Jimmy English, who knows ev
erybody, nnd known the wants of every
body and who Is a gontlcman, every
Inch of him.
Notice to the Trade and Puiilic
I have an oxcollont cutter who has cut for
many years on Broadway, Now York.
Being desirous of seeing tho West, ho has
mado an engagement with mo. Coniound
try him. I only ask a trial. I have the
host assortment of plcco goods In the city,
nnd prices which defy competition,
Flour. Cholco Family Flour in bbls
half bbls., sacks &e., for sale at tho Kgyp
tiitn Mill. hu
Ho, For Chicago
Persons wishing to attend tho German
Pcaco Jubllco to bo hold in Chicago, May
29th, can procuro Tickets nt tho offieo of
tho Illinois GYntriU railroad in this city
for S15.00 for tho round trip. Tho sale of
tickets will commonco on tho 23th And
discontinuo cn tho 29th, nnd tickets
will bo i'jA until tho 30th, Inclusive.
To -Ehear thn Attention of the Public
l EnpeeUUy Invliril.
AlLa't. The barber shop of Wm. Alba,
on Commercial nvonue, near tho corner of
Eighth street, Is tho placo to which nil
lovers of a good, close shavo with razors
sharper than tho wit of twenty Jcrrolds,
wind tholr way. tf
Meals. Tho branch meat shop of James
Kynaston, located on Commercial nvonuo,
noxt door to tho grocery store of James
Carroll, is now In full blast, and this pop
ular butcher is supplying all the refined
meat caters of that portion of tho 'Fourth
Ward with splendid meat. If vou lmvo
not tried him givo him a call. tf
Jlimc's. Ilmc, nt tho old stand, on
Sixth strcot, near OMo loveo, is conduct
ing his barber shop In n flrst-clnss .style.
It Is it model establishment In every par
ticulor, and while In his charge All Its cus
tomers will recclvo courteous attention,
nnd tho benefit of excellent workmanship.
Hair cutting, shaving, shampooing, etc.
Opposite Moln Nteamhont Landing
hlto & Lynde, Proprietors. Term?
2.00 por day.
ARRIVALS MAY 20ril, 1871.
Col. Cortuary, Charleston, Mo.
Geo. Underlng, " "
W. W. Fctherling, Controlia, III.
J. W. Davis, Carbondalo III.
O. Thompson, Belleville; III.
Wm. Shepard, Chicago.
P. D. Batcman, Eldwarsville.
Thos. Burrougb, Shawneotowu.
D. G. Bauclough, Fort Smith, Ark.
nunc, l.oouil l- Co. lit llir Froxrn Flrlil
Tho ice wagons of Huse, Loomis & Co.will
commence to deliver ico about tho city on
Monday, May 1st, nnd will continuo to
moko daily rounds each morning (Sun
days excepted) during tho presont season.
Orders left nt tho office of tho company,
corner Ohio levco nnd Eighth strcot, will
receive prompt Attention. Iluse, Loomis
&. Oo. lira utso priiparad tn till all orders
in ic steamboat and shipping trade.
Tho houso hcretoforo occupied by Pat
rick Fitzgerald, on Ohio Loveo between
Fourth nnd Sixth streets. This house, if
not tho best business houso U certainly
ono of the best stands in Cairo. It fronts
tho principal steamboat landing nnd is
near tho Illinois Central railroad depot
Also tho second floor of tho samo building
suitably arranged for offices. Apply next
dcor nt Robert Smyth fc Co's. wholesale
grocery store. tf
Corner Washington Avenue ami Four-
(emu aireei.
Frod. Blnnkcnburg'n saloon 'is nowlv
and elegantly fitted up and supplied with
tho finest wines, liquors, boor, cigars, etc.,
that can bo found in tho city; nnd Frod.
his no superior na a dispenser of delightful
bovorages. Do not forget tho place, cor
ner 14th street nnd Washington nvcnuo.
Skwinu Machines. Attention of
persons wishing a first-class
sowing machino is called to tho
lato Improved Wheeler and Wilson's.
Thoy cannot bo excelled for a family
machine, or for light manufacturing pur
poses. All nro invited to call nnd exam
no tho improvements. J. C. CARSON,
iip.')0dlm Agents, Cairo, III.
I ilo not blow iih other bnrbr t ilo,
Nor keep my rators like Kln William Mrord
llecan.o iiId sword wj rough I
I keep my nunrs sharp and keen,
Cupi unci TmveH nlwayn clean.
Perfumery, too, of all thn brand.
That nimlo In this or other InmN,
I nlt my enemlen and friends,
Come ami vce, 01 Ohio Levee,
True. Thoro can bo no doubt that
Baugh is, par excellence, tho boot and
shoemaker of Cairo. Ho challenges com
petition in his trade, and ncsurcs tho pub
lic that ho will guarantco to his customers
satisfaction. His shop is on Eighth street
near tho cornor of Ohjo Loveo. tf
St. Nicholas. Day boardors can se
euro good accommodations ntthoSt. Nich
olas (formerly tho St. James) at $4 per
week. Tho houso is nt tho corner of Ohio
loveo and Eighth street, a central location.
nnd is propriotored by Hany Walkor,
who is allvo to tho wants of his patrons
Parties desiring boarding and lodging can
learn terms on inquiry at tho office,
may 3d If
Kkei 1;ool. Itetrigorators, ico chests,
water coolors, I X L Ico cream frwaew
bath tubs, Japanned cloth for window
screens, etc., etc., nt
myl8tf 130 Com. Avo.
Wk lmvo'bcoii requested to say that
Elliott & Haythorn havo now on exhibi
tion, and for sale, everything In tho boot
and shoo lino for ladles, and geutlcmen's
wear; and thai all thsir goods nro now
and stvllih. aprlGtf
HAUIITnv'i ii.... . -
utug store. my2Uf
Seo ml vnilt.nAHi -i t ti.... . ...
wry, hadcd Books for tho Mllllon-Mar-nago
Outdo-In anothor column. It
snouiu uo rcadliy all myOdwly
-nisscs sorgo andKldVollihshoo, scallop
top, at tho City Shoo Storo, cornor Com-
incrcini nvcnuo and tfightii street. tf
Ladies Soriro (PolishUlinoi VrnM. trt.i
foxed, nt City Shoo Storo, corner of Com'
mercial avenuo and Lighth Direct. tf
Steamer Illinois, Columbus.
" Jan. I'isk, Jr., Pntlucnh.
" Richmond, St. Louis.
" 11. C. Yaegar.St. Louis.
" J. It. Kyle, OhloRlvor.
" Minncola, Memphis.
" Tyrone, Nashville.
" Dixie, Mound Cltv.
" N. W. Casey, Casiyvllle.
" Dick Fulton, Louisville.
" City of Cairo, St. Louis.
" W. It. Brown, "
Stcnmcr Illinois, ColumhiH.
" .Ins. Fisfc, Jr., Paducah.
" Richmond, New Orleans.
" H. O. Yocgor, "
" J. R. Kyle, South.
" Minncola, Cincinnati.
" Tyrone, Ntuhvillc.
" N.W. Casey, Casoyvlllo.
" Dick Fulton, New Orleans.
" City of Cairo, Vlcksburg.
" Jona3 Puweir Pomoroy.
fiSTTho Robt. Mitchell left Now Or
leans on tho 25th.
Cfiy-Tho Jno, Lumsdcn is going on tho
ways at Paducah for repairs.
CSyTho Richmond and Yacger wcro
very deeply laden, but tho latter added n
littlo hero.
JgjrTho City of Cairo received about
200 tons yesterday, l.'O of which was for
ffoTTho Jim. Fisk, Jr., brought 15
hhds tobneco for Cairo, and 30 do. for ro
shipment East per rail.
figy-Tho river has fallen 1 foot during
tho past 2i hours, making tho entire de
cline to tho present time, 4 feet.
S-As tho T. F. Eckort is now at tho
wharf, wo suppose that long-talked of
Tennesseo rivor picnic will como off
CerTho Ollvo Branch for Now Or
leans, Hello Memphis for Memphis, and
J.JN. lvollogg and barges for Now Orleans
nro duo to-day.
CftCTTho weather for several days past
has been very hot, with tho prospect of a
shower at any moment, but winch Is still
delayed ot present writing.
E3Tho Illinois for Columbus, Jim.
Fisk for Pnducali, nnd Arkansas Hello for
Evnnsvillo aro tho regular packots to-day
to leavo promptly at 5 o'clock p.m.
BS?Tho Tyrono, drawing thrco Inchos
moro water than there was on Harpeth
Shoals, grounded and remained twclvo
hours. Tho Burksvillo lighted her off.
06rMr. Marion C. Wight, of tho Cairo
City Wharfboat, was tho recipient of n
valuable prosent in tho shapo of a very
lino " plug " hat yesterday, at tho hands
of Mr. Jack Winter. Ho wears It with a
clericlo grace.
fiTho Mississippi is still declining at
St. Louis and above. Tho Ohio is falling
at Pittsburg, with 2 foot 0 inches In tho
channel and at Louisvillo with 3 feet 3
inches in tho chute, and o feet 3 inches in
the canal. Tho Cumberland is also fall
ing, with -1 fcot scant on Uarpoth shoals.
6S-Mr. Tom. Brashoar is again in tho
city, having visited Memphis, Vicksburg,
Now Orleans, Mobile, nnd many othor
cities, during tho past few wcoks, In
search of a busier placo than Cairo, and
all to no purpose. Ho says to all appear
ances Cairo la doing as much buslnoss as
any of thorn, and wo aro Inclined to
think ho Is right.
eSTTbo Tyrono brought 234 hhds
tobacco, nnd 370 pkgs sundries for reshlp
mcnt South, and 170 pkgs sundries for
St. Louis. Capt. Tom. Barman is again
at his post as her commander, smiling
sweetly as of old, though rathor foobly
yet, upon nil who havo tho good fortune
to cross tho stago plank of tho Tyrono.
Wo aro glad to seo him in his place
again, for, although matters woro ably and
satisfactorily managed by tho jovial, gon
ial, Fato Spillors, during his absence, wo
could not forget tho fact of hor Captain's
Cut. William H. Sandusky.
Leave Cairo,
rooT or naiiTH "turn.
At 7 A.M.
At 10 A.M.
Leave Md. Citv,
At 8.30 X.U.
At 11.30A.U.
At 2.30 P.M.
At (1.30 r.M.
At 1 P.M.
At 5 I'.M.
at tub
A victim of early Imllacretion, causing nenrou.
ilcblllty, prematura iluoay, elo., Iiavinx tried m
aln every ailverllseil remedy, na dNeoierod it
simple-meana ofaolf etire., which lie will n.l for
bin MIow-miHerers. iddre, J. H.TUTTI.B
ir.wOni ;s Nissan ( New York.
, "'7 "ucnu ml Dandollon.as
good an article as Holme's Iluchu nnd
for less money, for salo at 1'. it. Schol,'.

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