Newspaper Page Text
4lxt ttlkLtut. BIYEMBWS . POUT LIST. AlinlVALK. Steamr Illinois, Columbus. " Jut. Fil, .Jr., l'niliionli. " Arkansas Helle, Kvuiisvillo. " (ulcktop, tivantvllln. " City ol ChesUr, Memphis. " Abeona, Cincinnati. " Pauline Carroll, ow Orleans. " Samson No 2. Motnphl'. " PoUitnuc. Louisville. " Englo Moinplils. " Jnn.GIItnore-, Meiiipli's. M .1.8. Mi Dotinlil, MeniPhl'. IlKPAUTt rtK. Bteamer Illinois, (J .1 rntn- " Jhi Kink, .lr Pmliinili. Arkiin-as Hell"1. KvhimvIIp. " IJ.iickslpp, KvninvflN' " City of CliP'trr. ft " Abcinn,.St kouls. Paulino Carroll. St l.ytii'. 41 niii So. 2. Louisville. " Potomac, 'ow Orleans. ' Kitfllr. Louisville. ' Jno. Ollmore. Louisville. ' ,J. fj. McDonald, Louisville. V Steamer A Baker ii also mlvnrtlfetl for 'the occasion. J0" Tho new steamer 'Emma KUlot vn to baro been launched yettenlny nt Loulf- Tillu. , B0" The Potomac remained until a lain hftur ysvstorday and added about GO tons for various points south. ITho Illinois for Columbus and Idlewlld for Evansvillo are tho regular packets to leave promptly at 5 p.m. 10 Business Ss reported active in St. jLouis and all boats out seem to corrobo laU the statement. i Tho Potomac added here 83 bbls. whisky, SO bbls, meal, 60 sks. bran, 5 coops poultry and a largo lot of hops fur Now Orleans. "Tho Jim Fisk caino in lato venter day evening having been delayed by bus- inces. She brought fl hhrls tobacco for the South and 1G for St. Louii. I Tho Emma Floyd is aground on llarpoth Shoals in tho Cumberland river, and the Burksvillo has been cent from t Nashville to relievo her. I -Tho City of Cairo, last Friday, tc- ccived 100 tons of freight for Vickslmrtr, t being 100 less than sho expected to re ceive. iWThe river has fallen fully 12 inches linco last report. A most refreshing ruin Toll yesterday ufteruoon which cooled tho iitmosphcro very much, and was very ac ceptable. Ifif.Tho Kellogg and barges, .lames Howard for Now Orleans, Colorado for "Vicksburg, Emperor for Cincinnati, Co umbia, for Fort Smith, H. J. Lorkwood l'or Shrcvoport aro duu to-day. tfThe hat which wo spoko of as bo ng worn by Mr. Marion right with t . ,,. i nericai grace, is a present srom .ur. iiick Winston, and not the Head Ccntro of the Tennesgco rlvor picnic, ai some nnu sade us say yesterday. M9Tho T. F. F.ckort, roomcy and itd nlrably arranged for excursion purposes, 'idvertises to mako two trips to .Mound 2lty on decoration day, leaving Cairo at "and 11 A.M., and charging fifty cents 1 r tho round trip. I tjV An engineer named KuUm U about o xaminu and report upon the practica- lillity of crossing the Mississippi KIvit 11 1 Natchez byablldgo unil 11 steam furry it' sufficient capacity to triui'fur loaded Mrs without breaking bulk. , QyTbe declinu still continues in all b water courses except thoe in the fur (Vest, which are rising slowly. Them hid fttf innl.i,. tn tti.. I...r...l ... I,,U. urg; 2) in the chute at l.oiiUville, and fctt 0 inches on Ilarpeth shouls in the 'Inrnberland. 'he Quickstep brought llTi bids 1 our for Chut, (lallgher, and 11 lot of 'arniture fur 11. B Ilarrell, and tho lol owlng for reihiptnent: M bbls whisky, ihhds tcbrccn fur t. l.oui, nnd 111 bbls .our, 130 do. whisky, and a lt.t of suti 1 ries for the South. It Mr Tho followinir U frniii thi' Cinciii. ;ti (jommrreial ot the With: "(ien. teynolds, Superintendent uf Western Iva. HnnrfiVaniimll ll .iitkhln. rurvniril ho work of exiimining the variou1 rivers 3 his department, with a view to improv e tents in navigation. Major Allen Inn 1st returned irmn tho Omichita Kiver, aving examined that strcmn from ArUi , elphia down to Trinity liar. Tfio river 'as lounu Hifccpiioiu 01 iinjiruvuineiii, lough in place) full of snugs, lugn ami ind-baie. Tho flhlt and utiu of the sna oats will bo put to work on this ttrentn. 'ho water in tho upper portion of it U om 3 to 4 feet above low-water mark, 'hllo In tho lower part it is from 'JO to 25 tt above it. D ISSOl UTIOJV. (Tri partnership e sliding Ijelween Jnn. II. Ilitij ja iiugn n, Jlu, ho lar us me "iron unit .m i. finery bupplifnt-tore" iheor.i-eri,ed, la this ln) MOlieil bj mutUKl constat, Jus. II. Heed lui .igbnught outttie the interest ul II. .M, .Mann in e'ne, 'Iti stoie will bo conducted under the name of , , , . JOs, II. ItUKIi. .The Oilro Iron Worln uiil be con fueled as ,uJ tn ler tl e firm nam, of Heed It Jlanri. jh. ii. ni:i:i. 'cslro, III.., April -h, iWlUu" MlS',m ft. ML'littAY. itwe tommeirini astu aiiiiixtoll MdM.ODBOill Wlultr'a Illuek. htgr-t! iDcrewtdhUiitoeU.tntl hauow 'hand ailklmiiof Chuidelierf. Urw.ketn, l'nd i t t . ni..Li.u'a Hm link '.fried down Ids priees o tho lowest I ring Joxh, nlluv)tetlie pstronsgeof Viej'ubllo. j w inn I i rrr i iic niiui-iiimn,, , nm u ex pieas in aiv 10 ' Has Bemoredfrom the Terry House to the AHcil wthi:i:i,1 I'liliadeiimiu, IftlC'I BUILDINU ON SEVENTH ST v,llXH KVAAS, Prourlilor MEDICAL- HOOFLAND'S nrnaan. niTTrflC IJ,i;i:i I'. ; oilojrliy.ihin EMU Hoofland's Greek Oil Iloiillliind'.s ('criimn Kilters. A llillrr. Without Alrnliol ur Sitlrltn uf any It I ml ttilldrrcntrrom all otner. Ii composed of Die purcjiiicpi. or viirI (innciplo of Ruotx, IlerlnanJ llsr.1:; (or mfilionlly lormoJ, rjttracti,) tho worilile.-.. ninl Inert portion of tho InKrcllents not lin ii.cil. 'J'herefore, la one Ixiltle of tills Hitters tlicro U coutiimcl n much meJIoliml vir tuu hi will lie found In cevernl gcllnm of ordinary mixtures. Tho Uoots, etc., me,l in tills HltterH aro grown In Germany, tholr vital principles ex tracted In that country liv i acletitlnc Chemist nnd forwarded to the manufactory In tin city, where ihey arc compounded nnd bottled. Contalnlnu no cpirltuous ingredients, this Hitters is tree from the objections urged nuiilnnt nil others; nodcnlra for stimulants enn he Induced fnim their tie, can mnke no ilriinktirdM, nud cannot, under ircuinitanuo , htiyo any mitn tiencflcial effect. Htiollaml'.H tiuriiiiiit Tonic. Va compiiiinded fur lhoo not inclined to ei riinn hitters, nnd Ii intonded for use In caiei uhen Houin alcohu'iicntlmulant h equlicd iucon uccilon with tho tonic propertlen of the Hitter'. Eitch hottle of the Tonic coutninn one iKjttleo the Hitir,comhined with pure Batn C'rut Hum, and flavored in mieli n muniicr that tho extreme hitieinesi of the Hitters Ik ooicome, fornungn preparation highly agreeable nnd pleas lit to tl e palate, and containing tho medicinal virtue of the Hitler.-. Tho price uf the Tonic l $1 at) per bottle, which many pernon tlilnli too high They 11111-4 take Into eou.iiilerallun that ihu stlinu hint ued Ii guaranteed to bo of a pure quality. A poor article could he luriilhcd nt 11 chepir rrice.uutM it not better to pay a little moio nnd nave n ood article 1 A medicinal preparation fliould eoninin none but the bent ingredleiili and thej hn expect toohtilnn clieH) eoiiipound Hill ino-tcetialnl) be clieulcii. Tliry me llio Urcntest tile. l(n oh a iteiuo Kor Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, ervoll debili ty, Jaundice, iiineav, ol'iiix Mdneyn, Drop tlent ol the Hkm, und all iln-eases nrimng Ironi a dlf-ordeted I.hcr, Sioniu..-li, orlm 1 uunly of Hie Hloou, Head ill. 'ollowlng Hyinjunnis : Ccnpstionvr l-'lalilleiioe, lliwuid 1'ilew, 1- nlliiff h ol'tjlood to the bead, Aenlity ot ihe Mouiach, Nausea. Hurl-burn, disgust uf fond, tuiinestiiiruelght in the btoiuach, Sour Kruclatiuns, lnkuii; ur llutteilug ut ttiu pit of die stoiuacti, huiiiiiinug of ttie lieud, luirneii urdlllitult lireathlng, lluiienngnt the e nrt.ehol. nig ur sulloeiillng senintioiis when in a lyljg po. tine, dtlunead ol viiiou, dutH uud webbi befuin the tight, dull lulu in the liejul, di-lleieucy of perspn. Ktinn, yilloiies uf the skin nnd eyes, p.nn in Ihe mile, b.M-k, chest, limlii, etc, siuldeii llushe ul bent, burning in ihu llrh, i-uustnni inugiunigs id t Ml, nnd depression n snlriH, .Ml tin se mdicile dls' uf the I, iter ur digestive oigms eoinbiniil u 1 1 1 1 impure blood. I'lieiiteol ihu Hiilt-iH or 'I'onlo uiil soon ciuit ihenbiive Sjliiptiiius ti.diappeni', ami Hie patient n ill In eume well mid lie.dlv. S)r. Hniilliiiiil'.s (.'reek Oil, MylillllK Cure lur nil KlmU or I'nlili unil AWit-. Aimin Kxtibnali.v. It will cure nil kinds ol IMinsniid nchex', such as Ulieiliiintisiii, Neilinlgoi, Tuutlmehe, I'hlllil.iius, Hpriiilu, Hiuisef, hnisl. Hues, Hendaebei, lvdn-i III Hie Hack and Lnlns. l'aiii the Joints, Limbs, htlng nl lneets, llnig. norms, etc. ,, l'ai.N lsriusi.i.T. It will euro htdney Ouiii. i liiim liaelinelien, skk lieKilnehe, eulle, d tenter) , li iillioen, .clin.eru iiifuiituin, elioleru luorbur, eriuiili-Hnd intlnt In the noiiiaoh, feer and ague, (.ougliM, i-oliis ustliina. et.i. Ur. lluollnnil'H 1'tiilupli.vlliu, (tit KtUtrilUTK l-'Olt .UliHUIIItY 'I l'llls ii IlllJe. 7ie muit I 'itmrftil, yet hmoen Cdtlmrtie Known. ul i'eo'ntte It H not lotnkealiandlill uf these pills in urodiicu the ilulrod ttlect; to of tliein act pilvltl) and poHHlully,clesiiiiig ihu liter, stom Mi ll and buviils nf all iiiipiirilUs. The prlucijn' mgied cit is I'udnpliyllin, ur the nleliuiiolle ex r. tot Miiinliiike,..ieli la b) luiiny tunes mom pouerlul, acting and searching t hull the Jlaiidl.ike itself, lis roculiar lu'tiun la uuonlbu l.iv, r. eleun. I lux It speedily from nil ubsliuelio s, witn all Hie i merul Mucii-,yet freo tniin the lujuiioiis ie , suliaKtiM lied tu the ueuf that luluend. ; I or all diseases, In whlcli llie Us u ul u calm rl i is lu.iieatvd, Uieae 1'illa i I give enlile Mtist nun in tun ci-e. ihev tvr.n I'Atl.. u In cases of I.iureuinpl ml, Ii)siiepsia,iiiiil er.. tieiiic custitene.i., lir. liiioltuudr Aeunau luiters ur luuio should be used u. eonneetion Willi lliu fills I he luiii etttel uf the hitters or Tuiiui I build, up Urn at stem. The linters ur Tunic pur. idea the oluud.nreui'thciiB ihe nertes, iiiocLATts i th I.ncr andg.iea urenglh, energy and nr. Keep our bovielaiietne mill the 'ill., uud tono up the ).u ni Kith the Hitters ul Tunu , und no Uisenseeaii r lain its InId, ur eer again usaid It. I Im so medicines am so'd b) nil Iiiuju sta ud j dealers in In. ilpoiies etennheie. i Uncollect that it i Hr. Huoliand'a Oerman I Ketiieillea, that are an unnersully u.t d and recuui. tnendull and do notaiim, iiiolirutglst to iudiitu )outu tako mi) thing el tit ie may say Is just m liuuui ,.w..rv .i s u lurger proui ur it. I'ormerly U. H. JAUii-SH.V ii. VO, TKf'ttM (KltLU.Iii.. . I. 1... Ti..,.....l.. lj, . t, ami Mf!iuin If.ltT"( everywhere V'uuhgut the l'nh..,i Kt .t,.- rannln Kmut. Atni'ru-u unil ll.u U'.t I. ..ii.. 'i i' bAtot.a-. .J, , " ZJXIOJS.. UNDERTAKERS. -117- tt. OAKY, 2 3 " 1. 1 "11 - r 1 -i 1 y, $ 8 SALES UOOM, No. lit SIXTH KTKKET CAIRO, ILLINOIS. mjl'iHf N IC'HOIiAS FIJITII, UNDERTAKER V. 'r. 3 Cor. Washington nvc. ic lllh Street CAIRO ILLINOIS. np2J dlliii CflARLn? A. DAN'A, Kdltor. A Neivepnperol thol'rcseut Time. Intended for 1'coplc Noit oa Earth. Incladlnr; Fsrmcrs, Jfcchsnlci, MercbantJ, Pro fessional Men, Workers, TMnkers, and all Man ner of Honeit Folks, nnd tlio Wives, Sons, and Daughters of oil such. ON1.V ONE DOLLAR A VEAU J ONE J1UNDKEO COI'JEH FOR 830, Or !c than One Cent a Copy. Let there be a tj.0 Club at every Tost OfS.ce. HCUI-WEEKLY SDN, S3 A YEAR, of tlio tame slzo ana general character at THE WltKKLV, but -will, a xreiUr -.tUtr ot miscellaneous rcsaine:, and furnishing tho news to Its tuDicrlbcts with greater freshness, bcsiute It comes twice a week Instesa of onco only. THE DAILY 8UN, 80 A YEAR. A picfmlncntly readable iiowiparicr.wltli tho largest circnlallon tn tho vfonrl7 Krec, Inde pendent, and Xesriesi In politics. All tho news from everywhere. Two cents u copy t by molL SO cents a mouth, or 80 a jcor. TERMS TO CLUBS. THE DOLLAR WEEKLY SUN. I'lve copies, one year, separately addressed, Four Dollar. Ten copies, one year, scniratclr addressed (and n extr.icop) tothcectter up ofclun). i:icut Jlollnrit. T'vf.Hr copies, one year, Fcpnratcly addressed (and nn extra copy s the getter up of cmbi. Fifteen IlollnrH. fl ft y rnps. one jcar, to one address und the jScuu V, eekly one ) ear to getter n p of clob), Tblrlv-lhreo Dollars. I'lfty enpies, nno Tear.'epaiatelyarJdresscd (and the J-cuil i eekly unoypar to getter up ofelnb). Thlrly-llvo Dollars, (ino hnniircd conies, ouo year, to one addreta land tlio Jmlly for one year to tho getter unot tIa?J- , ITUy Dullur. one hnnilred coplea, one year, separately ad drewed (and inoOsllylorono year to tueiicttci' tip or club), Mxtr Dollani. 1'IIK KE.MUWEEKLY HUN. l'lvo copies, one year, separately addiened, Elgltt Dollars, Ten conies, one Tear, eeparmtelv aridrcatcd (ami an extra copy to getter up or clnli), Wlxtecu Dollars. MEND YOUll MONEY Jirpit pfflee orders, checks, or drafts on New ork, wherever convenient, if not, tnen rezlttet Vie letters containing money. Address I. W. ENOLAND, Publisher, Sun oBlcc, New York Cftr. TV eeit-niy-flve to Ino hundreil doll.irs per month cieitHliere, male and 'einale, to Introduce the 'cnuiiio Juipi ul eil C'ouimonHense Family Hearing .Mncliini.. This inn thine Hill stitch, hem, fell, tuek, Id rid, braid, cord, unlit and enibrnlder in n most superior minner. I'nee only IIS, Fully iinriiinteil for lite veins. WimiIII ,.ny l,(KJ for any irischuin that u 111 sen- it stronger, mum leau tll'ul nr mule el itlc seam than ours. It makes the 'i:iatie S-lteh." Kiel) seeond stiiclicnn be ml, nud still Hie cloth einnot ho pulled apart Hilhniit Itiirinai', We ji.iy agents Si.'i to f JKlper llllilir'iil,l.ltl,i.tMrf.jd n-n nnmtn l,.lnn f ei, m 11 Ii i I. twice ihu amount can be made, For circulars a'ld lei-ins, niiph to or address, U. HOWKItS .1 CO., l.ii.Sprucefctieet, I'hll.ulelphln, Pa. l'Arii". Im nut be imposed upon by other ii ties pilming nil Morthlei-seast iron lii.iehlnes ill der the same naine ur i lif r ic. Ours Is the nnl) g inline una lenlly priir tical iheuinnachino luanllbiciiileil. apriiidlllil A CAttli. Inventors hum it buir.cs with the I'iilled Kiates I'.nent Ollicc will find ll to theiriidiitnlage to tut I iii ii iu the ;ii;uiih of Hie uld eatublished llrm "f Mason, Fenwick 6 Lawrence l tellt Au't lltu, 'Witslllliudni, ll, !. Thev luve ilone mv liiisuu-sa 10 mv knii.rm,. Iton, nnd I take plcasuro in leeniimieudliig them to Western Inventors. XVH. II. 1-AKIUK, lnvcutui'ul Improved llevoltin;; Tiihul-r Wster (ir.tte llurs. Oaliu, April un, imi, nprJDd.'nr ICE CREAM SALOON Commercial Avenue, between 17tli anil 1 Mil Kneels, CAIItO, ILLINOIS. Handsomely and completely furnished, will alnnja slipp'y the heat leu Cream, Cakes, Con. Itctions, I.emooudp end f.oda to bo found In tho citv, famine nr parlies supplied on short notice, Pntroni'ijo icspeclfiilly solicited. inylWlin 1 :s r c e 1 !i V C - w ! M TiVrc PtZto nre an unfailing Temule llegilalor, intended for rrtci 1 rfljca J tViute obstinate one i", a r. t.uer ana cheaper meat' u .7. r aro composed of tho moat ac . 31 nndiiowcrfnl nrinclclca of iilMiln. rootH nnu berries, ao v IllglllV UUIIbUJltAKieU UlUI. i "A pill contains tnoro medicinal i li Irr iioth than a. whnln bov nr l''fevl Imtllii ni" ortllnarv ilollar metll. CA W ll c'uo m KCt. Although "77 in thUr o'ficrcttlon that the most fee'j ca i taUthan. irtt perfcet eafety. J3 I'' S per box, told by all Druggisls. !ar MliotterHtoekiiiKiiiformationoradvico, viUbi luimiptlyanswcreil C'urcit ail diseased caused by neif-abuso, vizi Fperma tonvhea, fitminal It'cufc ticss, Right JCmhslvns, losaof Memory. Unitertal LattUude, J (tin in the Jlaek, Jllmness of Vision, Premature Old Ane. Weak A'crm. lf!lcuUlireathlng, Pale Countenance. Intan' 7 ity, Consumption, and all F diseases that follow aa a Boautneo of yuutlifnl ituliscretlong. ljach pnclingo contalna ono bottlo filleJ vilh f!u snr-euj ted 1'illa, and ono vial filled vrith M -ilicntcd PnwdeiH, mifTIcIcnt tomako one Ji vif p! it uf l'llcctloii; anil onoBjringo. lys-Pi'lco, ti per packaBC, by msll, 13 50. H i d bv Drucgiatu everywhere. The qivni Indian Viurello cures fill diseases oj me tnn-(ii-! Organ, such as IneontU in mre rf IMne. Inflammation if the illaihler. Inflammation of the Kidneys, Alone in the jimuucr, amcrure, teracei, .oonorricoa, utcct nnci is I e s p e o i a ll y rccomni rn ded in iriuor juui s tor tvriucs.i l'.aclt packaco contalna ono bottlofllledwitnSngar-coated I ll.D, Ullll uuu ii.iuiioii nitu Stcdfeated l'owdcra, Biifflcient to malco ono pint of injection; and ono Hvrineei jfa Trice. 15, by raall. ij CO. hoiit tiv jnugcists cvcryvriierc. jTirV'o desfro to eeiid our thirty-two page n&mrihlct. entitled "Man and Woman as Invalids," to every reader of this paper. Send address, with 8tamp to pay return poistagc, ami auure-ij as touowa : t Iacis Medical Association, 117 5onrn sixth sratir, Saisi Lons MlMOTJi, allfJMiJiffuJBB w rn. klioe, DKAI-KH IN FA3IILY Groceries DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, I100TS AM) SHOES, HATS AXI) CAPS, ETC., Ilai just received a heavy stock of boots and shoes HOSIKKY AM) NOTIONS, For sale for Hash at a icn me. He iiNo lias nllne stock of FAMILY GROCERIES of every kind. . I! Slreel and Commerclitl Atomic for C.tlllO, ILLINOIS. mjisclf SSEWSM ..XT A'OTICU. Notice is heieby given that thcroullj boninect ing of Ihe Hoard uf Al enil'-n and the t-i-lect (.'onncll uf tho cityuf (,'mru at the Council Cham her, uli Witshingtun Atenilu bvtueeu Teulli mi l f-.leveiith streets, on the evening of I rnlay the Jd day of June next, nt half past even o'clock, p.m., to hear nl.jeetioi.s to the iistes-luent for taxes undo I,) nuCity Assessor uion the real nnd per sonal property in the city ot Cairo lur this, the )iir A D. 1S7I, the assessment list therelor hav ing been reluined by said Assesior to the Citv Cletl.. t his ullleii at the CiiunuilCh tnbor, wheie said asi5suient list uiil rcinuin for examination by nil parties Intciesteil unill the meeting of the City Council above mentioned, liy order ut Ihu Ma)ur. M..I. HOWI.F.Y, City Clerk C.ilio, Ills,, May ISTI. ni)21dld QKDIAXi: NO. Hit An unllnarieo to restrain lugs fimn running nt lirire wlthlnthn limits uf the chi ne It unlitiiied by the City Council of the City of Cairo : pi mill 1. That no ho or ilg shall iuu at largo within the limits of ihe said t-uy; and tho (inner or keeper nt aueh itnlmn s, who shall knowingly sutler nr permit lliem ao to run nl large shall tor felt nnd pay to said oily a sum nut less limn three uuiiars ii r more iiuui ien uuuars tor c.icn and eieiy ullense. ."i.e. Jt shall ho Ihe duly of tho said Citv Mar- dud nnd of in 1'olleu Cunstnhles nud' each uf lliem to tulio up nil minimis luiind runiilug t Isigettitliin the limits of sa d city contrary to the ordinunce thereof, and confino them In some se cure pen, pound or oilier plate, ami the oltlcei taking up said animals shall provide suit tblo nnd necessary sustenance for them, nud the reasona ble cost of providing such xiutcuance shall be pain in iuu uuicer neiuru lliu auupal shall he re leased by him, hie. it. Any snlinnl taken up under Ihe provi sion of this ordinance, may ho sold by the ufticcr taking it up, nt any time niter the expiration of three days Ironi tho time of being taken up, uf which unfa two days' previous notleu shall be giv en by posting up willien or printed notices of ihe tmio nnd place of sale, at the front door of the County Court hoip.e, nt tho post nlllce und City Clerk's otficc, describing the animals by their color, aire, marks and bn.nds. Hue 4. Tho otticer taking up nud impounding any iinimnl shall hu entitled toehtngo niul rec lie for the same lllty cents) and lur each twenti lour hours tho same may tie kept, wcniy tivo cenia kdditlomil ; nnd ll uld, lib) cents for each nulinal sold, hut II nuy person shall nppiyuud nay the ulllter's ties and costs uf sustenance and impounding, at nuy tlmo liefuro sale of such mil ti'iils, they atinll bu released by the udlccr. Hie, 0. All acctirstn account shall bo kept by tho nlllm, m.ilnm. Din mtln mid rendered to (he (M v Council at uiery stateu meeting thereoi, and nil ' animal sold hy him, nud his lees ami charges I thereon, and all niopeys received hy him lor tho sale uf such animals, after deducting tlieiefrom the fees iindcustsof mipumidliig, ale, and susie 1 nance, snail without deli), bo uld, na a special I deposit, Into the City Treasury and tho Treasurer shall receipt fur thu same ami shall keep it in a 1 separate account subject to the order ot tlio C'ty I Council, I Hi.c, u. If nt any salu of animals, under tho pre visions nt this ordinunce, no person shall bid, tlio itholo amount nl' costs for taking up, keeping and . selling said animals, tho otliccr entitled to receive the fees may, for himself, hid tho amount cl his costs and chit ges,and ll no poison hull any mnro I said animals n ay bo struck oil tohlmiiB iu other , cases. ' Hie, 7. If any person rhall breok oponany pen, l pound nr other incloaeuru, in which uny iiiilinsls . liniv lineonllne.l nr kei.t under tho renuiremeutd utthls ordinance, or shall directly ur Indirectly iiiiiuruuet trie same nr escapu ai any sucu em mills, lie ur thev slinll forfeit and lav to suld City u Hiun not loss tlian ten dollars nor more i man nuy uniiiirs lor eacn aim every intense, I ere, . It tlio Citv Marshal or any Police Con stable shall neslect nr refuse to take up and im pound any annual known by him to be running ut l.treo euninu y to tho ordinances ot tlio city, lie shall forfeit and pay to wild city b sum not less than llteilollars norniorethniitwonty-dollar fur eaeli und every oltensu. ! Approved May Itfth, 1871. ' ,.-.,, joun Mt A8lll:', ! Attest: Ma)ur, Jl.J. llolu, Clly Clerk. injsiidiai iSTW.I (in rnoM ONE (THREE) VAYS SPECIAL NOTICES. iUTciii:i.oitH uViit iVvV:"" This nuporli llnir ll)e in tun imiiikWiiuiii Petfeclly Hnrmleis. llollablo nnd Instli'inteons. Noillsappnlnlmeiit. No Illdiclilotis Tints or tin pletsant Odor. The genuine V. A. Ilachclnr'e Ifn r Die produces IMMIHH vTT.IiY a splendid lllatk or nntur I Ilrown. lloea not Hmin tho Bkin, hut leaves the Hair ('b an, Sufi and Heaiiti. fill, The mill fcafc nilliilu- I H..ld b), I-'nelo y In bond Urc t, New York. Inni2l Itn.llwlv lis Cure and Its Preventive; BY J. II. SOHENCK, M.D. Many ahuman being has passed array foV nhniv death there was Mouther reason than tho uegletl of known and Indisputably ruvcn moans nf cure. Thusfl near Hint dear to iaiully unit friends urn sleeping trie dreamless sluuiuer Into whlcli, bad they caiuily adopted D1C. JOSEPH 11. KriinNClC'rtHMIPl.r. TltEAT.UKNT, nnd availed themselves of his wonderfully clllca clous medicine, tliey would not huvo fallen. Ilr. Pchcnck has In Ills unil cao proved that wherever rufflclent vitality remains, that vital ity, liy Ills medicines and his directions lur thulr ue. Is gulckcncd Into lie.tltliful vigor. In this etatumnnt there Is notlilng presump tuous. Tu the faith nt tho Invalid is Hindu no rcprccntntlon that Is not it thousand times suti staiitUted by living und visible wurks. 'I ho theory or the euro hy Ilr. Hclicnck's hit-dlclin-t la as simple ns tt Is unrnlllnir. Its philosophy rn (pilres no nrguniunt. It Is self-assuring, sclt-cvn- Hieing. 'I ho r-ea-wend Tonic and Mandntko Pills arc tho first two weapons with which the clludelot tun malady is usautled. 'L'mi thirds uf thu tuiss uf fonsumpllun tirlglnaln In ilyspepsiit uud a func tionally disordered liver. Willi this, condition tho bronchial tubes " synipatldiii" with thu stomach. Tlier resisind tu tlio uiorbluo uctlou tif the liver. Hero lliun conies thu ciiliiilnatlntt result, nnd the setting In, null nil Us tll'tre lug symptoms of CONSUMPTION. ThoMnndrnko Pills nroeompoednr onnor Na ture's noblest gifts thu Podophllliim I'eltatuni. '1'liey isisseM all the blood-seal ctilng, ulierutlvo properties ur culuiuct, but, unlike culuna-1, they "LEAVE NO hTINti IIEIUND." Tlio work or euro Is now tieclnnlng. The villa ted and mucous tlepuslts In ttiulioH-!siind In tins alimentary canal uro ejected. Tho liver, I Ik.s n clock, Is wound up. It arouses from Its torpid ity. Tho stomach nets ifsihinslrely. und the patient begins to led that ho Is gutting, ut la. t, A BUPI'LY OF (JOOD 111,001). Tho Pea-weed Tonic. In conjunction with the Pills, permeates und usslinllates with the food. Chylltfcnilon Is now pnuresliur without Its pre vIuub tortures. Ingestion becumes imltilc-s.iind tho euro Is seen to be ut b-tiid. There Is no morn llntulenco. no uxuccrbatluu ur thu Munutch. All appetite sets In. Now comes tho preatct Wood rurlflcrcvcryet given tiy mi ludulirenl fnltier to i-utrerlng iniin. pchenck's Pulmonic Sirup conies In tu perform Its functions nnd to hasten und complete tho cure. 11 enters nt tineo upon Its work. Malum c-in not bo cheated. It collects and ripens tho Impaired uud diseased putttons nf the lunus. Initio form of prepares them for expecUiratlon, und lol tn it very short tlmo tho malady la vanitilhed, tho rotten throne that It occupied Is renovated uud luado nuw, and the patient, In all tliudlunlty ut revalued vigor, step forth tu enjoy tho manhood ur wumanlioud that wits t'.IVEN i;p AH LOST. The second thing Is. the pntlents niut star In n warm riHoii null ther net well i It Is nlmorilm Kislblo to prevent taklnr ctdd when the tunes uro, hut It must to prevented or a euro cin not tie effected. Fresh air mid ruling out, especially In this section uf tho country, Iu thu fall and winter season, uro till wrong Physi cians who recommend thateuurse luu their pa tients, If their lungs are badly diseased: und yet. ticcauso they ure In the hou-e they must nut sit down tpilet I they must wulk about the risuu ua much nnd as fast ns tlio strength will bear, to get up it good circulation uf blood. The patients must keep lngmsl spirits be cetermlned to cet well. This bns n great ileal to do with tho appe tite, and Is the great point tu train. Tu desiair uf euro uftcr such evldonco of Its possibility In tho worst case", and moral cer tainty In ul! uthers, Is sinful. Dr. Hehenck's cr sonaf statement to the Faculty uf his uwu cure was In these mudest wurds: "Manv vears rum I was In tho last states of consumption 1 coritlned to my bed, and ul .'.no tlmo my physicians thought that 1 could not live n week: ihen.llkn n Liowiilrig man eatchtni; at straws, I heard of nnd obtained the prcpaiattons which I now offer tu tho public nnd they made a perfect euro of me. It seemed to me that 1 could leel them tienetruto my whole system. They soon ripened tho matter In mylunxi. and 1 woald spit up more than u pint uf offensive yellow matter every morning for u long time. "As soon Its that began tu subside, my couch, fever, pains, und night sweats nil began to leave me. und my uppcllio became so great that It was with difficulty that 1 could keep Imm t-atlmr too much. 1 soon gained my t-lrcnglh, uud huvo grown in flesh ever since. ' t wsji weluhed sliottlv lifter mv receiver..' nililcn mo Doctor, - men looking u Ike ii mere skeleton t my weight whs only ninety-seven pounds; my present weight Is iwn hundred una twenty-tiro (?i'i pound, nnd fur jeurs I have en- )oyoa uninierrupieii neaiiri.-- Ilr, Scheuck has discontinued his professional visits to New. York and ttoston. Hour hts son, Dr. J. II. echunek. Jr., still continue tn sen pa tients nt their utllco, No. l' North hlxth Mreet. Philadelphia, every Saturday from 11 toil P.M. Tliu.o wlio wish u thorough examlniulon with the Hesplrnmeter will be charged .'.. The Ilia, plromeler declares tho exact uondltloii nf the lunus, and patients can leadlly learn whether they ure eurablo or mil. The directum for taking tho medicines nre adapted to the Intelligence even nf it child. Fol- . luw these directions, and kind Nature will do the rest, excepting that In some eases the Mandrake Pills are to be taken In Increased doses t the thrco medicines need no other neeoniimnlraeiits than the umple Instructions that uccompany them i First create appetite, of returnlmt health, hunger ta tho most welcome symptom. When It cuiiies, as It will come, let the despair ing ut onco bo nf good cheer. loud blood ut unco follows, the coiikIi loosens, tho iilnlit sweat Is nhatod. Iu it short tlmo both ot tlicau morbid symptoms ure (.-ono forovcr. Ilr. Schcnck's medldnus mo constantly kept In tens of thousands "f families. As it laxative nr purgative, the .Mandrake Pills nru u standard pre paratlon I while the Piihiioulu Syruit. us it euro ut coughs uud uulds, muy be regarded us u pre phylactcrlo ugatnst cuusiuuptlun In uny of Us forms. Prlco of tho Pnlmoiile Syrup and Pca.weod Tunic, SUV) n bottle, or 7.1,0 n half doieu. Man. Mrako Pills. cents u box. I'ursxlo by all drug Ism nnd dealers. LUMBER. T W. TIIOIiXTON .DEAl.GIl , BLINDS. WINDOW SHINGLES LATH AND LUMBER M....OFFICK, ON TENTH STREET Between Commercial and WAsr Inqlon Avenues, CAIRO, OLsOJOlM. AkuiiIh lor Itititk lii'vur latr Coiiipiiny'hSliciitliliiie l'ult ami QiKtrlx Cement. II.W. John'H Iinpi'ovt-tl lEool in;: always) on Iiautl. STOVES, TINWARE, ETC. DKUiKK IN STOVES Tin and Hollow Wire, Clothes lVrlugcf i. Toilet Ware, (.'mil Hotls, lire Shovels. Air Unites. Manufacturer of 'Tin, Zinc, Copper and Sheetlron W jOu XI. 33, No. 166 Washinqton Avj CAIKO, ll.l.S. Iloollnit, Gutterliis snil ll .klmU ol Job Work Done lit wliorlcstt Jotlce, feb2llf DUORS SASH ?to! Oil! )VIHTK.STANI)AUI),i, pi linr. t'tMipcmc, LINSI'LI) OIL, Haw nud llnll ptl. WIUTi: Ll-AI). unil Cnloiv. WIM)OW(JI,ASS, ISM'SHUS, 0 A H 0 S N i:ic, i:ic, i:i', AT X:r. yy. 3TL O TLs X. "V ttTKt-ytt. HOUSE MOVERS. JJOIJNE jUlVlSU. James Kennedy l-IIACTICAl HOUSE MOVI'u MID BUILDER Is prepared to do till ll lids uf norsi: jiovtsti, not'fii; AMI ltepalrliiK uf livery Ilrst rlptlim On the tip st rcisonable terms Orders left at the riHilctiee of Mr K nncdy, on Center street, next door t the nrw , Iciol building, or addres.e.1 to the ,-are ot r. ii. IP.x 110, o-ihe uuiletin otll i will itsene i n int. .i lenlion inilitf BUTCHERS. JA.IlliS liY. ASTON ' BUTCHER AND I'KAI.r.It IN AM ! KINDS OF FItESH JIEATS Cor. lillli niul I'ojtliir St., j Cairo, - - - - Illinois I lluvsnnd slsnghter cniy tno Iwat esltle, nogs ! and sheep, and Is pre-ared tu till any demand lor 1 iresn ineuhts lrom nut, pound to ten thousand I "iiu'i.. 'I.eisiti PEOPLES IIT MARKET CHAS. (JAVJ:U & (JO., I'rnu'rs.. Keep constantly1 on luind the bestnf Heel, pork Mutter, vea, l.iiinh, hnusige, I'lidding, etc I'resh wnitniard in any quant l,-orheil lieef,cle,, nUnys on hand. Orders tilled promptly nnd sal isfietlun war rvited fel,7dtl : yAIFKK.V MAI.O.VY. AM DHALKIIS IN 1 FRESH MEAT I Eighth St., between Washington & 1 Commercial Ave., AiUoIiiIiik llltu-nhoiisn X. Ilniiii)-. I Keep tho best nf Heel, Pork, Mutton, Veal, I.nmb Piiiisitj;e, etc., niul srn prepared to serve cltuens I in tho most iiccfptnol inunncr. octsdtl jy-EA'A'! MtlATI llns Jlcnuivt'tl 1o winiur's Illock, nnd is. .1 f SI A 7 MEAT STORES He will keep always on hand tlio best of Meats of every Mirlety. NmuUeil.neiit, I's t-Nli .Mrnt , Nausn(;i, etc, A' r lo"CBl I'riees. tiivo him a call. COLLEGES. jLJKJII li,IUOATION. HELLiyiUTH COLLEGE Ilunrd nud Tuition per annum, tiln. HELLMUTH LADIES' COLLEGE InaiiKiiraied hy ll. It II I'nuco Arllmy. Hoard and tution poriuinnm, K.i,, Pieshlent; tho Very It v I.Mlmutli,i II.. lienn ,,f Huron IVr piiiticul.irsapplv lu iliyor Uvans, I ondon, Uanmh 9Jt 2 co A m Cam? -j slT 9 V TO DO "ZZ rsi p. Vis I EL N , O ? I o gas 7s , cp s 1 ; m 'A k ;d O ess? O ' . m s: mil llllil, IIIUIIS, IIII.I.S l,AIII.(j, i.ii'PiKit ju:aii., NSUfiANCE. V. II. .11,11 I M. Nntaty 1'id in . II. ll.Snmlr Notary I'nbllc slid Coiuinisslonei, FIRE HULL CARGO LIVE STOCK Insurance JV. I'.VA, II ARTI'ORD. Asm-Is, H5,5IU,.'OI (I) AO Kill A Ml-; It I OA. I'A.. AsselH il.7s:, HAKTioitu. ;omv.. Aixt-li 2,544 210 7'J k'IKK.MX, IlAltTFOKO, AHsetH.. l,tdl,l4H MO i.ti:u.atio.aIa, s. v.. Ahnuin i,:tn:i,:i8 i? I'lI IWA.Tl, IlAltTFOKO. A 'set 70(t,tt:i7 VU UM,vi:iiA.i, cIaU i'iam). AasClH .-ir,U7:i HH iiomi:, coi.iJMiti h, Aaavts. Hi K.TftAI MO.. AhhcIh . 5UO.OVU l t... IHIiTlJAL 1.1 FK, Assteisi Oil HtAVi:i.KltN, HAKTFssltO, MIM.dc ACt:iIK.M AHHels 1,5UO,OUO 00 KAIMVAY lANNi UKItN AN SI'IIA.K CO., IIAItT., AnhcIh OUO.OOO Oil IMi:iE.OK.T, UONTO.V, ANses, J?):iO,f6!J UH Safford, Morris & Candee 71 OHIO UBVEJK City National Bank, Olro. XU. Jllti: A.M .HAItllVE INSURANCE CO Ml' A. VI KM rVi:i ni'ii, IV. Y. : assi:ts. 8i.i3e,'4i j, Ci ei-mii.M in, IS". Y. ; AHSKTN 1,OOH,'S1 IX Iliiimver, IV. Y, ASSKTS 170,783 I is-'publ.cj, IV. "S'. ; ANi;is , jji,iai s,.i CoitiprlsInK the t'nilerit r llera'Ac VotilierH, IV. Y. 5 ANSKTN.... 9J7tt,i6ft l A.lla.iy City; AsSKr.S .ta33,la ut Pirem'n'h F'uncl, AssirrN .. . s7N.oov uu Socni'ity. IV. Y. ; Marine ANSKTN 91,438 N4 00 fjy-Htores, iwelllncs, Furniture, Hulls an I'arjroes insured at rates a. favorable as aound permanent sccuriti will warrant 1 respectfully ask ol the cltuens ol Cuiro, share of their patronage. . S. HVUIICr. nftlee l First Nutlnnal Honk T.Ti:ui:ST PAYIXG I'l.A.V: A new and novel system of Life Insurance le eentlr Introduced bv the MISSOURI MUTUU LIFE OP NT. I,OVlM. Ily this system, Life Insurance is furnished t ns little coat ns hy ihe usual plans, and the pol. icy hoi er receives an annual interes ol seven per cent, upon all the money paid ay him to the tj.'inp.iny ; his annual preinuims thus earaiun linn as inuchns n Koveinmcnl bond. The plan has been thoroughly criticiacit nod fully indorsed hy tho most eminent actuaries und skillful mathematicians in the land i Indeed It has not yet been the subject nf unfavoraiie mention In any respectable quarter. OFFICE OF THE COMPANY j Jiort Invest cor. Fourth ic Ollro Sis. ST. LOUIS, MISSOURI. AllTHUIl JJ. IiAKKKTT, President J1j:nj. AVilliams, Secretary. Till ItaBlts tilgh In the Hat ot sound, thrifty Weslerr I.tfo Companies. ' It iiawamplocapllal-SIJS.tiOO. IlllllUHUkAfM m,,nl.nn .. 1 1. 1 1 nl.l Mllaa In o.l.l I, l . . . .1 . " "I'1. 10 ' I A': , I,, " "1,L"?V'I laid Ides In nddllloj tnthe capital. J '"s ono hundred thousand dollars deaniileu Willi inentltto Of Missouri na nemntn . - -.-."v " "its tuoiiaauu uo I, ., it ii "nsauuri an a perpotuai auar v. , ' i'"'iuv uuiuers. It hascpiiipllcd fully with tho new laws ol Klie pinte, h hlth are quite as exacting and mare risld. lyenfoiced tluin thosonf Eastein Htatea. It Invests Its funda in tho West, anions the people from whom thoy nre received. Je" l"iioment Isvlxoreus, aklllful and pvii. lis annual income from the interest alone is nlrsady more than sulticient tu pay in losses. It Issutw policies upon the ordinary life and em tlowinont plans, at tho samo rate as other flrsU diss companies. niwhiildenili?1'''" rfCelV8 8,1 the prom ,aKa' Tho stock holders can receive only ten per rent, of Interest on their ospltnl, by ihe terms ot thechurtor. 'Ilieunniinl ilivldcnda to policy holders are al ready Kieajer than many old Eastern Companies Imio cier been able to pay. r""'" TheUialoof Illinois paid last year about Im.r inillloiiilollaraiorLlfoIusurntite. r Why send so much money out ot tl-o qi,i away tu elv i or t nu lew UiiHland for an aitlula at hoTim? I,roJlltcd Jusl ftH chej y (ornioro so INSURE! : fJ G m vir la H 9s WOOD LOW. apr20dsivll AgenUMt Cairo.