Newspaper Page Text
THE O ft-IBO STJIiliETiaST," rMT.A.-y 28 r. E I V S I i lie utbjtn. . ...........1.,i.,....,'.,.,..., ,,,. riimmkii's iii:i:.tji, Htteet lirektl, of .iitntiir limn ' Of Irifftunt hlo'ioin and of kcented "tM bliiMomi landing v. hero aoft cmme ralll-r fnf ""aVwroaurrl ri.itndclry. ' Aw iHnr8lh of ..immcr timet WWjjHiexreil Hip lirn t rove almtit v1Mipb7l7ktrmr'n i thattipvt.trdiliuhrpdtiili, Dmppeth Ha pciiium.l hui.leii a I nromnl i A happy oul the UlcJed3C would ihai. m herewith th y i n abroad fiMlnloR llieniiitr of ?o I, , Th nnehiii lalleh o'er Hie- tnrtin" "W' . Anil like a hidden ar my f.-om the od A myriad flower lis. b til, Anil iliimilti i m. lh . u nil. tni tioavy iwcn ar paimeiiif in Hi 1 fi Th'lr flowerv lebck Ihe cifr-n..'efiil "" Tlio liclle in Mnd. Saeel breath of 11111111"" "''"i,., Of bio'aomii l-D.lhHr where Main-drop. . A llnulil nininielay. -md and JXnlc Necmlllrk. oniparc llnt-cliisa railroad bonds citato mortgage ns nil Invest the peoplo goncritllv, each will '' M lo havo pcculinr udvanlngca of t " n,. For oxnmplo n railroad bond U readiljr and always negotiable its cash tl raluo U known by nil banker;, and henco It can bo used n collatprnt at bank for temporary loans; tlio interest it bears Is regularly and promptly paid, without r trouble- or expense to tho holder ; the in vestor in railroad bonds, unlikci the owner h' annul inn title to t io nronerlr on uMcli i oi real ouaic mortgage.", nn no un.-y to his bond it secured, insurance on build Iniri nr tho annual imvment of taxes on which thocontlnued soundness of that title depends. On tho other hand, it is t be admitted, that a Ant mortgage on valuable hlid is one of the best possible securities. The propirty cmm neither-run nway lior burn up. It value if not n fleeted by specillii tivo combinations, nor by ilucturtions in the amount of railroad t radio. Tho actual value of good land steadily inureuti witli the iteady growth of population. It is becauso the '7-l!0 bonds of tho Korthcrn Pacific Railroad aro both u flrst claii railroad security, and it rcnl ostuto mortgsge. on lamb) worth twicu tho amount secured, that we commend them to tho.o of our readers who -deslro nil in veitment that is safo beyond question. while really negotiable and bearing n good rale ol intercai. i noy aro it art lieu, not only on a great railroad and its trallic, but in addition are a tlrft mortgage on vtilu- able lands at the rate of M iierel4 to ejtcli S100 of indebtednen. Add tcilhti tho fact, that the ralo of interest (7 3-10 ''per cent gokU is more than 8 per cent, cur rency, and (hat the bonds aro nlways ux changtaolo at lOper cent, premium for the lands oh which they aro secured, (practi cally giving tbo power of foreclosure ut wilb) and it is easy to explain the high favoV with which these securities nro now regarded. Central Pacific It: 11. bond, secured only on the railroad itself, and Uarinijonly six per cent, gold interest, re now selling at 1U3. and thev nro well worth the Tirlce. In the liaht of tbi fnet. it is not unsafe to nredlel that X nrtliorn Pacifies, bearing seven and threo-tcnths per cent, cold interert. secured both on tho railroad and on 23,000 nerea of and to each milo of track, and now telling nt par, will at an early day bo worth 1.1 0. MILLINERY. TJ0 THE LaDICS. Cheap Store Is now atiiiodantly mij juk- I a I li NEW GOODS To which he parliviilarl) inrito aiti nllrn. khetikx just rn.eive.1 a full line ol Bress Trimming, Silk Gimps, Sill. Oaloon, loon, ti'iiiiinrc Ijiccs, TrJninIii-s, Silk and civet Jluttons, Crocket Hut Ions, l'jiisli and Trlmuilntr Velvet, .Silk (,'Iiiips. HAT3 and BONNETS. I'lnc Kid (iknes. Ladies and Cliililieiis1 Shoes Ani full SBdcuniplf t unci, in MBLMM JK II T ..A.Mi . FANCY GOODS Aiiofwhrt nr'torKMi.fniiHi gVtt;:-' - IZ' M .11 MILLINERY u Lnll(V u,.,.,.. for,r .Mint, str.M. mi...'A, ,1?";U j;u' ' ' ""rt;'(!t of ALESTATE BROKERS (3 winSyox a (Ubu-kMik io J"'i'l. lUrniMi A tin.., REAL ESTATE 74, Second Floor, OHIO Levff Onlro, m., t,tt Bay and Sell Ileal ARB MEVAMfc IXIJIVKVAM V OlAIXXIIIN a:e e: j. S. S-iUSrNS, JUL' north ai., PltlliulK. Deltas iwm . YmTASLiiWilR a .,.,!r i .'ivu Unit will or injure tho not l"iri! ' ' ' It duo i-fi- produce it color t)I('.''ly, ii- tho jioisonnns propurnlioiM do. It gx-MmWy jesluros ll.o o itJ oriiri"1' color mid lustra, In-snni)!vi:iir ipw litb mid vi'or. ft cnt: it itiviifiaiit growth ot' !ol, Hh; lr.4. . Tho boat :iiui -iilext articlo jvoi offered. (loan and Pure. .'euiineni. Sold cvoryvi.' j '. ASK FOU !Oj;iil,V.S' COAL. 1AIBrt CITY O A. JLm COMPANY in I'roparpil to Supply Customers ivllli 1 lie Host (unllty of PITTSBURG AND Or.ltm lilt at Itnlllility ltro. (lllli'r, No. Ja Ohio t.rrr, or ill lie Oml Vnt.l (lie HI. lini lc. Ho ld, t III llrt't'ltr I'rollipl .Mnilllon. I o I K MonlnuU" will liriiiu Coal iiIoiiku1p lonnieniunny hour. ilayor nlclit. liini. II I. it'tii. l;n .if BOOTS AND SHOES. Ypi. i:m.i:bt.s, Vf)JIIO.NADI,i: B90T 110 SHOE MB twk.tii:tm stkukt, llctivcou WaKliliigtcui Ave at Poplin- Si Do., I. mill Mtieft Matlo to (Irttrr. I'litfi Workmen Satisfaction Warranted Piitronairo oltr)1ril. FURNITURE. m:.M.v:u in Bar Fixtures, (i.t.ssn'Aii: mill iiocsi: i.vo (joohs, 185 and !07 COMMERCIAL AVENUE asro, lIhaoiK. SALOONS. J H.V IIVWMW SM.OO.V lh Mll)lllll Willi nil Kllltla dl SUPERIOR UQUOFS Eooi', -V-lo. jUc, O.V OM3lEKIAti AVKXUK llliTft.n Kililn itnJ NmlhSlrccli', CAIRO. ILLINOIS. ltllll', ttll 1 IOU (JOoJ llllll)l, HliOllIll civh Into itfnll, nn'l tliof ulio wntit :i I'an lmvlliPlrw.inlH m.iIh., t hN tur. J OM'i UXTV.S I'mri iKlur ol ll. Illllliir.l Siihxm ami liar ICiiiim 11 Porado IOIJ ;oiiiiuroiiil Ave., Cairo - - - Illinois WOOD, COAL, ETC. yo;n A .VI) COAF.. I- ri'iir-1 lo iIhIiiit Hip h"t Fire Wood & Stone Coal r'imUMnVf,.!.1''' '1,y' '" 'I'"""")' 'IcllCil. '(al Ilclhercil at f?t .V) l'erTon. I lll'TICK-lUfr ll.'ornrlr llrlh Co.'h Hove Mr! i' '"'"lf"' v Hie . i.rm r of KIkIiIIi Mi.i t I '"oi i.iiiinfreilovmiH. .Inctiil I VCOI..V , V Cor. I'oji ur and Tlilrw..n, m IIIIIC'.IIIH ht , , CAIRO, II I ihim.v I 1otn i. . "" "mult torp.) II . tut niu i i .. . ' cm. i. s. -f " "'"roenry Hiikinc. in 'ir.i-c hn run., -t , n . i n j "I. ili.ik.M Ii::,' u". "S1' IU,J"" ','ork, 'li ili Ft. '.i ' ""''.T. l'.u. Hour 1-iiitlV l. , , l'", -Oiot Hiid all kltt'lk iil.lui ''' "' lir.t.flHiiiifroi'erv inri PAINTS' OILS, ETC. I II K I'nrlior II. V. Jllnke 1 j,itiici-: fi;i: tt ni-,Ui;. llp.'lltfH III miimi iipx, oils j Window (Jluss mid TuUy. Untkli-. Wull l'n.rr. AVliulow Bli i tlo OHIO uliVKH, ( h i v illinos j a- v. i:i:. nVAii SUNDRY Ml SHOP STEAM ENGINFS, BOILERS, Copper and Sheet Iron Work No. 248 East Tearl Strcot, CINCINNATI, OHIO. EVGME JAARD&0. HAVE REMOVED TO THEIR NEW JEWELRY STOKE, 300) 302 & 304 Ns Fifth St. Cor. 5th & Olirc. ST. LOUIS, MO. All visitors to the city cor diully iiiyitrd to call. jpooK to youic cuii ij:x he Great Soothing Remedy Mrs. Corf rnlin nml riplnif 1 Trlre , Will H HMD'S J In Hie Iwui- f, hikI U- S3 Sj nip. I iMluatrs tli procoi cf f Ceiiln ( tt-ellilng. J Sirs. fMiUluoi uonvulirns WIIIKIIJlll'S I nnd jvercoint-i nlldls Njraii. rase mcl'U'iit to In V. fa t nljilcli lilrcn. f Cf nt. Mm. c Cur itinrrlif'u. illBon f Oir-Hituurhoii, itlrrn- S l'rlrci "S 1 ti-ry nn'l mnmi.T com. I sr lit in uhiiilu n ol nil Out. ill rwiJUr tcry nn'l mmm.T cim Sjrap. ) ntiiiclinilien ol all Ii l Hip (JriMi Inf.tiitH find OhlMrni's Snolltliiit in nil il.-orilfru liroulit on hy 'IVeilimu uriiiiy "ilii'rctii'o. I'mmrn.l liy the lilt W Ti N MKIIICI.NEt;i., tl. Loiili.. Mo. t-'ol.l i y I)niiii nml LiinltTS In .Mrillcini Mi'rytthiTf. irjTilMiim A BOOK TOE! THH Mil.- Marriage A I'riv.ito'Counclor lo llio Murrioil ol tln'i- lo nuirry oo tho IttllriinlOl'IP.t IIIVhlfTllW lltlfl rillillinnw nf ll.j. ...vtinl Ufklr.,n i'li (ho ht("tilloovi'rif'' in pro.lticiii anil ire tpnliliK i.ll''rln. piPtMirvintr Hiecninplpxioii, ac. i-mi iiiu-ii-Mifi uork oi niiniiri'ii ami tHcnty-futir jiib, who m oiisto in?, iiihI voii'nuii. .iil'iniilf iiifrnnntiiin fur lliiir-nulw uro tiirrlcl orciuiiHinplBlp in irrmac ; ctill il in liook that .(Ida ml inici lo-k ami key, anil not lJi'1 iMii lc.lyulKiut lunn fvnt to mi) on - (irn' or iiosiasc) furCD ci'iits. il.lri.1 fir. IJiiiih' Ul.pensiBry, No. 1! N, KiWilli kiri-fi. litilri. Mo Aoilfoio t lii. Allllct ril Hint t.'i.roi tiiiiuir. Hdloro miplyinK lo Hie iiolnriotig 0'iacltsnho n lvorilK- In tii. public pnppra or itilnii any Qtmok rviiifihor, p.'iiici. ir. jiuin' work, no inuitrr illlloii5'""r ' """ '"' ,10w dei'lornblu your ion Dr. Hint., riii lw cnnmillil, pornin.-illv or by niKil, on tl. ,iik(.,in., mt'iitloni'd in lilfi'uorkii O Hill., .So. U N. K.ithlli Htt. et, l?t. Marlift nml ClH'Uniit, M l.oii'B, Mo. inWilwly j Ki.V!i kn'ti:ikisj:. E3!,,X, FESTIVAL IS All 01' A I'Ulis.lC 1.1 Hit A IC V OMAHA NEBRASKA, tiuki:th i. am.. -Mnr il.'itlt, 1S71, 'ricKCtk'I'uil llolllll'H Ivllli - II Ikl t ) N Olie Doll.r l.nt'li. ITO'l'hlti pntPi-hrifcO u I tl l.ji ...imliii.t...! lii i.r.i- cNpIv Hiinilur niuiiiiiir to tlmf or id.. iin n.nmi (i ft Coiipprt of tin. Morpuntlld Library AmuocIii. i.wii,,ii ,-u, rrann.. Mlllfll Jf.u'0 UllPIl IIMlVPrsM .Illl.lll'-ll'lll. Onofinnc,. , iivi-i-y Tlilitj-ICIht. ',!' 1 IJO.HOO J " is j ' 1 '' ' Kl .KiO ." 1 i' X ni I !'J i .' ' :'i"HI i i .i ii iiiit . I Cn-ll lilft... 1 l'uh l ilt I'.iill I. Ill '" ' 1 t'.ll lillt 1 Cimll Dill 'i"i;" 1 Cimli Inn I l'.lli III t l r.ii oifi ' 1 Cunli liill l.i' 1,111 Kl l.IKH) 1,000 l.fmii 1,1'jd 1,001 I.MH, 1, (Ml 7. MM aiou a tpm 2, l .'1,(1(10 a.fioo III (KKl A,ooo 10 ' l II Il. S'Jtt LIU'll pii Hum, .yi MJ t hhii liifi.. iim (.iini... M liift., ;it Km ('ui (iifi,,, ;tn PH0, lO'l IIiihIi liiliK, i:, i,.,, IK! fan. i (iiliii, pi o,1(', limiCnli tlifta, i'iu'I, "" 2ll'i fiifln.niniiiiiiiiiiK to sui i Wlilcli v ill b tlmtribiiip'l by I'luini'i. 'iirTni it... nk.l io,PrH,by ,1,.. ?, AM A.S3; fin' nfllce, Hull r. "1'' '"f'lcjiJ. Hoy... IW.illle Omaha J A :V, " lUri?y i'K'i'H. ilu. '"'l ri'M'Otl'. bf.'Km.ut. Ht.,l. Mbmitlr Krb. iiun ni p. mi i vi' ''"ruill pail!.n.!iir ailiir..,,, I. I (IHI)iC(J , IIII.II1..H. Mao WPri.. ' iiinaiii,.'i.or.iKa; 1 11NIN ICS CA ISDN, hi i.i. iii:ais, IllklJi I.AIIIMI, MCTIKIl III'.AnH, ! RAILROApS. Qiii cic est it o dtjb" i'iiom THK SOUTH, ILLINOIS CENTRAL 1 1 I ! .St. OuKfntilHvilIc. Cincinnati CIik'OK, Xciv York, Iloston ...,i!.D ALt Joints Ejist mid oV ortb I'limt-niccr TrnliiN Arrive At nnit lnvc t'nlro it follown i "I"" Kxpreai. 4IIK1VK Hi.'llf A.M UKI'AKT-ltltSl. ... ni3u i.m ..aciii p.n Xo KxprcM trnln arrives on Sinulny, oih trains connect at Ontralla with tAinson lb MAO MTVE. Pana, Decatur, UloamlnRtnn, Kl lao, I.a Snllt, Mcuilola, Friiort. (lalrim Ittibuiiue, anil all polnta In Illltinli J""iirl, Mlnuetotn, Wlironilu and lovra. And with lines tunnlii; Kast und Went lor M. Louis. Sjirlngilold, Louisville, Cln clnnatl, Iuillnniolls & Cclumbus, andaiHilcago with Mlnlsan Cpntral, Michigan southern, nail Pittsburg, Kurt W'iyno nui, viiivhuo nniiroaiia to Uctrolt. Nlngra Fnllx, KWe, IliifTalo, New York, Plltkaurt', Cleveland, Dunkirk, Albany, IlllHtOII, Alillailelplila. iiamniore, H'nuhlinrliin. ALL POINTS EAST Ko. throuKh tlckrlSand information, apply Illinois o.nt?n llftllroa.mppot. W. P. JOHNSON. ,n,',, I'awnRfr ArpkI, ChtcaKo. M. HKWi rr. (leneral Sitperi itenJent J.Johnron, Agent Cairo. CtPIlIXOFIKI,D V ILLINOIS Osi ;tiii:astku it. it. Onnndnfli rMnnilay, April '.'lilt, 1871, trainowill run itk ioKoui i MiKTItKK.V DIVIrilON. THI liOl.lM SUITIICAIIT. ... . Mall. Klpren". Leavo Vlrfjliiia i;:lua.m 12. 'ii p.m. ," SprniKlleld " a.on " " Taylorvllle 10:5J " l:M " Arrive at I'ana U:ltl m i:17 " TKAissootaa aoaTiiwur. Kxpiew Mall. Leae I'ana 4:11 a,m 3:34 o.m. rH)iorviiic.......4:47 - rr'Vo at prlnefielil...c;15 " Leave Hpningneld .6:'A" " Arrive at Virginia .a:W " C;lo " -...."lis HOUTIIEIIN MVIH ON. thiinh GOIM1 noi'rintiar. heave E'IrctooiI .1:30 n.m 10:10 a.m. l-iorii B:2 " 11:10 " Arrive at BiiawncetoHnJip in 5:15 p.m I HAI.i. UUI.1'1 .UKIHHUti Leave Shawneetown 5:15 n.m 8.2Hn.m nuii. i;i.i " Arrive at Kdgewood I:i0 " 6:-.0 " Tho 5:30 a.m. train from EdgeMood, run only Monday, Witlnei la) a and Krnlaya, and rani ironi oiiawneeiown on j neJay, 'Jniira. daya and buturdaya. Co'.necla at Aaliland with Jacksonville iliriilnn of Chicago and Alton R ilrcd. tm Jickaocville. Putorklill if. Ma.iitifitv nnilJIimini. Ha.i At HprniKn-ld. with Chk-HKU and Alton, and Toloilo, VVabah and We.lurn Hallroad, llloomlngtr ii, Chicago, nnd all points north, north. ..cit ann wea , At Tana with Ind. and HI. i.outa, nnd Illinois Central lUllroad for nil points cut, aoulh and Honthea.t. At K lRpwood with Chicago Division Illinois Central At Flora, with Ohio aid Mi'insippi Uiilroad. At.-haMneeton. with uleainlnMia for Cincln nan, I'j lucah, Cairo and St. OIU.ANU SMITH. Gen'lfiup't. John I oujirr, (leu'l Kr'gt and Ticke' Ag'l. P 31. STocKCi.irrn (Sllccevor to Pohle A Hlockflctli) Hectlller and Wholesale Dealer in For eign and Domestic LIQUORS, WINES, ETC. 78 Ohio Xicvcc, CAIRO - - ILL. He keeps on nan I constantly, a full utock of Old Kentucky lloiirbon, Hye and Mou ougaliela Whiskies, French Uran dies, Holland (Jin, Kainc and Calironila Wines. ansndtf M. II. SCHUTTKIt, Importer and Wholesale Dealer IX Wines, Liquors TOBACCO and CIGARS. Acen. for bent brands of CltEAM AND STOCK ALE AND Xxtxxaox'tocl iSLloai ofdif" foront lK.iaa.dsai. No. 75 OHIO Xi 1. VEE CAIRO. ILLINOIS. HOTELS. r. J. 0At, r. a, i.on.nrx. CRAWFORD HOUSE Corner Sixth nnd Wnluut Streets, (Knlranco on Hlxtli Biroet.) CINCINNATI. OHIO. OAKES, CADY & CO., Proprietors. in) Worn QOMMEHCI AI. HOTi:ii, Commorciul Ay., OppoHlto l'ost Ofllce CAIRO, ILLINOIS. JOSEPH HAYLISS, Proprietor, Tim Iloiiao Uiinwly liirnl'lied and otreralotht. ubllollrM-flaaa accommodatlotik. ftu7j VOID QVAIW. A vlutlm of early Indlacretion, caum nervou. dclilllty. premature decay, etc., having tried in vain every ailvertiaed remedy, nai dl.covered i almple meani ofaelf euro, which tin will a,5,i ; h!rllotr.Ritl!rror. Aldraaa, J. It, TU'ITI.K Hwrm 7H Nakaau !,, New fnrlt. CHARTER OAK. 170,954 Sold Since Their Introduction The HffoMt r-itiooi'MsSul ropultir and Toi feci, C OOKING .MAI 1IIM-.H A IIP. l it'll vi:i.t, KNOW.N 2 '""III TAkWv ii"V v Hclnjr r the .Simplest Construction, nro easily iiiaunKCil nml guaranteed to give ENTIRE- SATISFACTION! Ak no nrtletn In Mm l.n. Intliience In orotnoiint! tho health, contfoit ami hajLitiejk of tho family elrulo Ihan llio Cook btove, It la eronomy a. well na pnlley to isct the iint, nun in minig ino too laak )On can tely rn rettlnc llin m int atie- ea til, lupiioir iinn p.'ripci cooiiin Mete ever Itia.le, 11V EXCELSIOIt MAXUPACTUKISd CO. 012 as. Oil N. Mnln Nlrecf, St. I.oiiU, JIo., .NI) AM Live Merchants i.i ten Cairn, Illluoli. Ivlwiilalv BANKS. Savings Bank Chartered March :tl, 1S! Ol'KICU i City National ISanh CAIKO, II.LIXOIN. OPI'ICISHH A. II. RPrOU!), 1'rei.ident; H. a. TWI.OH, VlecPn-kidcnli HVfiLOP. Hceretary and Treauter. m nnc rims : P. W.nAIlCI.W, C.ltK. OAI.KIHKi:, F. SI. .SrOllKKI.KT't, PAIM O. fcCIII?ll, It Jt. CU.NMMSI1AM. W. P. IULUDaI'. J. M PniLMP.S. I).'iOklt.or any Amount Itccfl red frun 'len Ccnia ITptvartU. Inlcrnkt paid on di'no.iti. ai ihi. ratx nf r. pn, per annum Marih l.i and Sept. 1m, ''"" "iwi.iri.wn i a men tmmeiiiateiy t. Hie principal of IheUenoaltn. therebv irlrlnv ii.n,- compound intereat nurriea tvomcn and Cliildreii May depoilt money no tnat SO ONE KlfkK CA UK AAV IT. pen every bimincaa day from a im. to nd Haturdav evemnir fur HAVtNn HKl'ii-lrrv ooly, from 0 to b o'clock. RilKvw w, tlTHI.OITreaora. CITY NOTIONAL BANK CAIRO. ILLINOIS. Capital - - $lH,Ci W. P. IIAI.LIDA V, I'reMlilellt A. O. SAFVOllU, Cn.lileri WALTKIt II VSI.OP, AaaUlaiil Caahlri DIKFCTOKS. Ktaati Taylor eott IVhlte Uto. I), nilllanmon, A. U. Kiffnrd. IV. i. Ilnlllday, llobt. II. Cunningham Stephen lllrd, xcliaii;;, Coin anil V. N.ltoud Bought and Mold. Dopoalto a a:NEitAi.""i'i'- H ooolvod anu IIANKINU IJL'.HINi:s. rjtiiE FIRST N&TIQH&L BUNK or CAIRO. ANIEI. IIUIIU, rcHlilcnt; IIOHKKT W. .1IIM,i:i(, VIo.l'rtH.t . N. I1UU1IF.N, Cn.liler. Collections Promptly Made Kxcliuuec, Coin, Miuik XoieM und U-illvd SlitleH Nk.'curl tiCN HoiiKht and Nold. IntercHt Allowed on Time Deposlto. BOAJ-STORES. Q AM WII.SO.V. PKAI.KK IN BOAT STORES GROCERIES. AM HO OHIO LEVEE, Oniro. XlHnol. HANDBILLS. CIRCULARS mkI all k'da I'XUAI, AND 'OMMi:ilClAI. JOll I'KlN'l'lAU IIIIvKa BEERWAET, OETH & CO aoi:nih idit tiii; txl Q , . , 09 - ai WARRANTED FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT- WHAT HOl'SKKK PKIW SAY AIIOL'T "FAlViE" COOKEltf STOVES Always ESead.y, Always liable.. Always the Best, Always the Cheapext axi i.'Ni;(jUAiii:n ix the peuf ctio.n of ciiokixo appahatus TEN DIFFERENT S ZES NOW READY. MED.CAL. 'jTho nymplomtho tliver tdinplalnt are Hii.'iuiu.'ki. nun pain IJZZr V"V . the iln u In .ii m it mi i runrmflml'tio aliou der. and H ..bTtak.ii,,,,,. "healomivch i,ilt. Vl. w".hi '" PI and .ickne"., boiel, in ene alcoktite, omeiimea nllarnallng with lax lLr:,:i:ttl'', nnd JuIl heavy i. ante, eoma i 1 "'tlal.0n. funili (Ion of memory, necom paulmlwith painful aen tmnf haviiK h it tin lonu aotnethlliK which TT!:- ' ","""" 'i" "'siiniiimipwi'inionii Mill CUIntllnilllllL. ill MMrtLn.M .l,...ll.iu ii... nini. . ;.,........7... :.:.-"'...""." uu , . " ""i'-i., r.Miir vt aiHJve aytnti' Ba """iti iiip, irn few of them; but the Liter i u..n...llv n . tr.oitinroltcii. iroltcd. Curetho Lltir Mith Xx-. Iivcr Regulator , iuuik w.i wru, wttrranteii to be tric fly vegetable, andean do no injury to auv ono. ' It ha been tikul by hundredk, and knownot lie la.l yeau h. one or the mot reliable, elTl w ict.i a-i I l.itinlckk reparatiotir ever itlered ie ! 'i r l.l!, II I.1KCII r iM.iurl n.l A hlnl..r.lmn if . .... . ... I I. ' re to .Mire. 1 asaraaaMri'iz3Mij,,,n,lai neaduche, f f(l II i Tf) Di-tckVJrAkTriVjjhnrorc I. I II II I n I llllliiarrlitea.iillei'ti.'ii.ot ilihUU LHIU III he bl.,d,lcr, camp J . n tfuii aptOk. I "inter., nllccliofn. llliH,.,'.,it'i,r mrt. Jtnrka,i.'ina. f the akin, uniiiirity ol the blood, inebnrholy, r aei.r.'kk.tjnol piril., hcirtliurn.collu, or pain uthc boel, pa n in the hea I, fever anil ,.V'Uc i"Py, IkjiI., pa-n (n'lhelakandllttibk.Hiitlima r)Mp, female atlin Iiun , and biliotia diea. enerally, j Prej ared only by J. II. Zellli, A. Co., ..... I''Utfmi. iiacon, Oa. ror aale by lUrclry Ilrothern, Ohio Ijvee 1 ! bv inamarSldaw G AI.JlX'S Head Dispensary Kiabllhed in IMn, anu chartered iw,l, t(,r th n kiinriit ol all dlrentei. of a prlvala Dature, ii enl to Imth kee. A cure In guaranteed very eve undertaken. For )alo: Dewces' Female Regulators For female". arrantcd lo reir' vc Ohktrtsct t etc. l'noo per loi. Al.oafiill a, jrlln. nt of Ilandat, and Trure auperUir .juality nl Male Bhenhna j tl forlm ones t'J per lull doien, or I5.'r dozen. A .Medldiil I'nmphlet, conuininj; an clanorat reatlie on lh" above dmo nei., hiiIiii few pra 'ii ciiiarki upon llio cauic, ellect and trmlmcnt me eamo-oontmnlnK laro pavei n rt and enitraviMK", "howinR tho diilerent t.igk, Sent In healed wrapper on of cent.) Addiesa Galon's Head Dispensary, No. 73 West Jellerron ktref eiletdJAeow- liltille, IC M AVNAKIV.S STAR BITTERS Tin: iiknt in, TONIC IN USE I'OH HAI.n IIV E. F,Mfi.-?KARD, Prop. I'lrisnuiuj, i'A. lfleodlv N" ATIJICK'N iitKAT KUN- 'rOKATlVI'2. SCHEETZ CELEBRATED Bitter Cordial WhslcenlB i'epot N. V. corner Fifth and Ilace HIUCK, J'IlllUUei!lll, J a JAIMIII S!lir.r,TZ, Nolerroiirleot ! It la it rellabl.i I'Minlly Medicine, and enn If alien bv either infant or ut nil .villi tho atiio beei fiulul rcHiiltk. It ! n curtain, prompt nnd ieedv enindy lnr.lmrrhea,iiyeliiery, uoii twinpiou dtkpenkia, lotviieea of splritB, fulntiligi, nick Bloiiiaih, headache, etc. Forchillaiiud lover 01 all kmd., It ih lar ladu-r ami anler than ijuimnc eithotit uny of in pernleloiis elleets. It ellccti tn apiiotllu, piovea u powerlilldlteator ol loon i ''.ii it... f.llr..1.1 ni nun, I., n luu aiioHiii cuiini.-iiii.. in.- ..'.w. I ,." nilinites. A. Ind inlltab e evidenco of lla tnedl. eal "iropertiCB, wo iippend ii few nftho tunny cur- llllrtT.'k 111 OUT iuri",",niun JoIiiisoii'h Depot, llaat Tcnn., anif Ve. H. K. leiiu, jAcoaScuctTi. V.M. DenrHin I n'tvoiiseil Ihe Mineral Intvo oh allied Itom you, ninrf.inl .hem lo bo all limy nre, recomineiided t9 bo, I fopnu ono boillo to nllord moLonldeillo relief, I feci nalhouuli I cannot do very well without them, In my present atato'of health. U. MKNlflK. l33Hoiith0lh at., j:'''1?,;., I'astor llaptlat PaMjiiid: Church Hold by W. I1. Allen, 38 Mulnntreet Dubuque. ( tmlHIdtl 1 COOKING- JS'O-crOaiai. ci::,kiiim. run H O CO m m DRUGS. Turtle Oil 'iAnr nr LOW, SON AND HA7B0K, AT Haralav Broa THERMOMETERS! T II i: K.TI O.tlKTKKN t Oi 1 CO 6 g 0 1 I Large Stock ...I'OK HAI.K AT HA-IICTjAYS. i I Whitcomb's H 0 A SOOTHING SYRUP ronAtK'AT BAE' 'LAYS' Sapolio, fal'liraiier anil better Iban Mniiplnr all tiaea ( xi rpl waalt. Inif I'laiheo far 4 Iraalaif Wit. tliitv tvlllloill Vkiiter, lul. Oil :inllia, r'loorx, Table, and nil WiioiltKirk. t'liluu, Karth en nml ila.avitre. and fur General Iloiuc 'lennlnif Pur. pOkl'li l"or Io!lalilitc Knivta, Tlawa llrnaa, Nteel, Iron, and all Hal li VVarrk. Itrumva, im hy Magic, HI aa anil It.i.i, IntttUK a Itrllllant nil itliutl to w. Fur Sain liy ItAKCLAY Illtd ROPaWMMHftMMMMIMHnHM Chapped Hands ir.I YrFRINF I OTiniM BNMA W mm AV A & 1 Aaal MW A A W A fx a 3 i an Aii Elegantly perfnnicil nnd vnlnuljlu urticlo fur the toilet ul I.Hlies nml (Jentlemcn. VilJ wtrii Cliniipcd IlnuiIcKouglinest. or the Skim Chappefl MpH and Chilled Snrraoe.i. TRY ONE IIOTTLE. I Prepared by Barclay Brother. EXTRA FINE COLOGNE. (.'ciiiiluo Iuiportod Kx tacts, FIXE EXOLISH SOAr.S. Hnir, Tooth nml Xnll Umghfi.1 India Hnliber Xursery Goods. AT BAHOZiAT' BROI jX imm:pe.du NT FdHTTJUTil IN SIX. MONTHS. It can be rmi'io by men who know how to do bum neaa on tho quiet and can keep a ecret. No com. munlentluna received from Indies will tie an ivered, 'or partlcuin'n nudroai ETII.IN CIII.BBRT, npr'J'luU nOO llruatltvay, !Sw York. TTA.VSEIAS PAT, DOUBLE' JUL ACTING Window Lock & kh Holder, ."l THE ONLY KKLUIjLEr Window rnt' out It lua no aprinst a Hmple and Dura. Me, a well aa orna mental, locki win. Ions securely, vtliile open or closed, .and prevent" rstllliii? of tho aaah. 'uit1 or 'IXninii.,.. t "it all " kuifia, byWt which ilils lock ft oncrated. ' IIKHUZIlEIKm'.'raiikr Qlk ntiina.k af I. T Ii ... Btalea. ' Oencrai' HmeVJ f VtPVMlXZ'tf' t ; i n q Tun HTitrcr. ciiicAooHtnxftftn