Newspaper Page Text
p pJK.T.Tj'Sr "H'V.'T BY JOHN H. OBKRLY & CO. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, JUNlfl . (871. AATT V Ti ATT.V ,PAlMli-.TV. ViTirtm Pi ' iHfifiti it i if ii 11 urn i r In in 51 it it ho III b r 1 1 NSURANCE. V. II. .( ' mtarv tiiMii'. II. M. fndf flolsrv Public and ' Csnnmisslvnet, FIRE HULL CARGO . livestock - accident lifI Insurance .ETNA, HARTFORD, AmhcIm 8.1,510. 50 1 01 OKTH AHIKRICA, PA., AtsaclN J... 2.73, HARTFORI), CONN., AmcU 2,51 I.lilO 7'J l'lIWMX, HAItTFORO, AiMCfM- 1,(11,1 IN t INTERNATIONAL, N. Y., AMteli I,353,S0 17 PUTNAM, 1IAHT1 ORD. A weu 709,037 73 CLEVELAND, CLEVELAND. Atacia aiS,73 Hit nOMK, COLUMRIJS, AMeti 51S,a? ai AMERICAN CENTRAL NOH AHMCtM 50,00 OX.V. MUTUAL LIFE, Awela :...3.M,t ( TRAVELERS, HARTFORD. LIFE V ACCIDENT, Aliacti i... 1,500,000 (M) RAILWAY PANflENUERN AN M NL RANGE CO., HART., AmgIi 500.000 00 INDEPENDENT, BOSTON, AmsU, 80:0,S6!J OH afford, Morris P. Ponriaa 71 OHIO trEVEK Ciljr National Hank, 0lxo. .111. (piRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COHPASIKM P! Ninjfara, N". Y. ; AMIETI II . j. , t. . -t. INSURE! () Sermania, IV. Y. ; Hunaier, IV. Y, AHMET Tiie,7a 1 1 Republic, iv. y. 5 i . AMllfllM. A mm iti MprUl( l7erwrUiVAj 'Vonliorii, rv: Y.j AME1.. fB7iM4 ) I I 1. 4. , IS MKTI .,.,....,.,I91,1H VI r r V v - IU tlAollKlfv. IV V- Mirmi. - .7 . --- AHMKTM l,3.8 (Jo '1 Htore. Iiwclllair,. Furniture. Hulls n I trof.lD(nml t ratnii u furorbl. t aonnd lT, trmuieDt urciirlly will warrant. M 1 lrptnill7 kale ol llio cltitrni nl Cuiru, It fr of thfirptrnne. 0(tlc-t Flrnt NtlonniUnk M'j-NTERKST PAYING PLAN: pe uhI: qtcI fj'.tT; of Lift" Irumrance iti i; atW intr5..Tit'.iI hy the IISSOURI MUTUiL LIFE or nt. r.oris. ,Rj tlila jstem, Mlo Imuraocom furnln.'icil M i litllit coat as'liy (lie usual tiLoun, and tli yi y holler rcwltun nn'Rnnual liilert. ol town it cent, upon atl Ihojnonnj .iU bjrliunlothn .impany; hit annuar premium? thu exnwng I m a much ni a KOttutuiil lxuil. The plan ha btn IhoroUKUijr erlti!ii;J anil II y IndorxcJ lijf the mo. i vmliiniit actuaric ui skillful mathomaliofant Inthp-lanil i.tnUe! hat not jet (he .ut.Jool of unlavoralJe jentlon lunny riMjKwUbtu iiartrr. ' OFFICK OFTHE COMPANY: orthwost cor. FourtW k OUte'lHts. ST, LOUISl MiSSOURI. I AHTHUn'lJ. 6A"ispEin VmlAtnA its.1. "Wimumh, Stcxtfury. " tna s r ik hlxh In tin ll)t!ol floiiml, tlnlfty Wen'eri ife Companies. It haa amplecapTTal-lli3,(i00. It haiasseU mure than enough topoter ilhi .mIIHa in Aildltlo a tn the phiiiIhI. b, It ha one hundred Ihoiuaml iIdIIui a cleponiliM u ,th theniHiooi Miisoiiri at a perpetual uuir H ,tetoiUpollov.6l(Jtr t i .! M IthascotuplM fuljrfiUUh(i lie lawiol w b ate. wmcn ars quite ua ezocunK tuu mora riuiu . nfntt'rii than thoteaf Eastern. Mtatca. I' i. It. fiiarfa lln iha Wkf. imnm. the fl ople ironi wnum iney rr rivi'iveti. UUtamanaKemBtlyiKonius,iikllirul uixl flit. . . , ... ,, . . Its annual iduuuii. uum mo luirir.t uiunr ii ready more thaneufflelent to pay tit losiet, ii i..n uollcieaUDOnthe ordlnnrt llfoandn Lwment plant, at the same rate ns other tint. is companies. The policy holdert receive all (he profits lun- KTiaiuivnienus. ljV The stoctt holder, cnu receive only ten por 5JJ ,;nt. of Interest on their ctpiml, by thu tt-nns ft F? ' charter. rhemnual dividends to policy lioldcu ainnl. idy Kreater than many old Kasteru Companies ve ever bean able to pay. , The State of Illinois paid last yeiir about kii K'lWhy send so much money out of tlio Hlslo ay to Mew York an1 New Knsland for an artldje i at may ihj juuiltv.l ur an L-iicry iuriuure nu 'l"ome' WOOII.OW. i tpr2Cdwit Agent nt Cairo . Ii' HELMBOLDS. HBLMBOLD'S IIP.t.MIIOLtrt H IIKI.MIUII.Ii'k ItKt.MIIUI.flV IIKI.MnOI.IV IIKI.M HOI.Ii'b IIKLM IIOI.D'.H ' I ATA W II A OltAPK PILI.H. I ATAWIIA ORAI'K PII.I.S, fATAWIH riltAI'K l'll.t, t'ATAWHA dmi'l! I'lI.I.". fATAWHA liKAPK I'lLI.". CATAWIIA IIRAI'IC I'lI.I.K, CATAMMIA OKAl'K PII.1.1. HELMBOLD'S IIKLMIIOI.n'K iiki.miioi.k'h IIKLMIlOI.Ii's iiki.miioi.d'k ltr.i.Miioi.n'rt II' H IIKI.M IKII.H'n EXTRACT SARSAPAR1 LLA FLUID KXTBAOT HAH.SAI'AKII.I.A. FLUID KXTRAtT !AKKAPAniI.I.A. FLUID KXTRACT HARKA PARI LLA, fluid EXTKAtrr FLL'III EXTRACT HAIISAI'A Rl LLA. FLUID KXTRACT SARSAPAKII.I.A. FLUID KXTRA'.T I A R.5 A PA RILL A . APRIL, MAY A XI) JI'NK, HI KII V Till'. III.OOII. In llie.e month IIKI.M 110 I.I) V FLUID KXTRACT "ARHAPA RILLA Cure all Kruptlons of the Sklo. llF.I.UHOI.Il'l FLUID KXTRACT SAKSAPA RILLA Cure tile wot.t form of Wood IHpi.p. HKI.VtllOI.Tl'i FLUID KXTRAtT HAIHU'A IIII.I.A P.ntr hPHtlly Into the C'ltPiilatinn nf the Illojd. .1 FLUID KXTRAtT rAKNAPA 111 1. 1. A Heaiillfies the Complexion. All Powders and ritltward mtmllriLllnn. ,l..tinv the skin, It harsh and cnare. IxKik at theskiuof old rnalds and thoc lio hateued saeh any length of time. My alriee Is to dl. rontlnue them, and use IIKI.MIIOI.D'S FLUID r.XTRACT HARHAA'A 111 LLA. One lottle is c0J In atrnith In o je ksIIoj of thetfyrups or I'wocMuiis n usually ma.Je; and awlne-Ktass adiled to a pint of water equals the ce'ebrated MHI10.V IlIKT Dltl.NK. Try It this way. A delightful beter3K. II VI.WIiOl.I.'s PiTIWUl fJHAI't I'H.I.b iiki.miioi.d'k catawiia okapk pills A pleasant, af and ngreeaLlej Cathartic. iiklmiioi.d'h catawiia nitApi: pills Used fn nil atltetlons where a Purgative Medicine ! uepiled. IIKI.MIIOI.D'S CATAWIIA ORAPK PILLS llarrnles. to a child, and taken by children. HF.I.MIIOI.D'n CATAWMA ORAPK FILLS ftuprrsede Magnesia, Halls and every other l'ur gative. n'KLMllOLD's CATAWIIA ORAPK PII.LH, Certain In effect, and pleasant In operation. IIKI.MIIOI.D'S CATAWIIA ORAPK PILL Is not a patented Pill, IIKI.MIIOI.D'S CATAWIIA ORAPK PILLS! ArecouiM)ed ol Catawba (irupe Julteand Kluld Kitract Khubarb, How t. proceed in the fprinj; ami Summer months, tu iniure new lite, new Liood, uew vigor : Purchase two bottles of IIKI.MIIOLII'H ("AKS.. I'Alill.l.A uud one lx ol I'll. US worth their weight In gold. No better tnvetment can bo made tor so small aimn. IIF.LMHOLD'rl FLUID KXTRACT I1UCIIU Has acquired a woild.wlde fame. ALL of my prepiratlons nre meritorious. A period of fweuty )ears has proved this to l trie, case. See remarks mado byllvninmlu Traverse, F. It, C. H. Hpeaking of those illseases, and riixeatp arising Irotn the ejects of iiiercury, he stutts that no remedy iseual to thn K.ttraut of Sarsa parills, it potter is extr.iordltiiry, more so than ijny other iIiiik I am acquainled with. It l,in in the tri!tet ensc, n Ionic, Willi this invaluable attribute-that it I" unpllcable to n stale of the svstem ao sunken, uuu vet so irritable, as ren ifers other substances of tho tonic clas unavail able or Iniurious. Kej. RKMAHKHot the (IIIKAT CHKMISTS AND PII.L MO UK AM KHICA Wm. It, Warner 4 Co., IS North Thlld street, Philadelphia, Pa. II. T. Ilelmbol.l Esteemed Friend I congratulate jnii on having the handsomest ami At tho samo tune the Most Ktlrctive Pill that I hve ever known for tho purposes Intended. W.M. It. W.Ml.NKIt 1 CO. ll.T.'llehnUild will remark, in conclusion, that Ills remedies are tlm result of long and careful study. The Fluid Extracts have been before the public twenty vers, The ale of them in that umo proves their value. All have been benefit ted by them who followed my iii'truclions, and lo-dy they stand unequalled in the extent of their sale, ami unsurpaeit bv any uiedlcaiuent in the Dispensatory of the United hlates, not excepting a single Herb, Hoot, Plant, or Helen. tIHe ('reparation, Pharmaceutical I claim all initio to be, nnd have never patented a single one. To dispel any Impression or prejudice that might exist in tho mind ot many against my preparations, front Iha publicity given through advertising, and that 1 nm nnd have been a drug gist fr period of taenlyjears, and more con clusivrly toprve till see letter from the largest mnnufarturing cheinltts in the world i November 4, 1M. I nm lu'ipialnted will: Mr. II, T. lielmbold; he occupied the drug store opposite my residence, and was Hiicce.sfui n conducllng tlm tuulness vrnere others hud not boeneniislly so before him. ,1 have been Tavorably impressed with his ehnrac VfiJJ enterprise, WILLIAM WKillT.vl AN. ?l?i .H"5rr". Wlghtman, manufacturing phi w" Ph'1"''0'- l 1. STAN P ON TIIFtll M HITS tod fSr uli'veaM "'0UK-" "f "l,,rln '', ",e mi0- They are now perfect, aid I shall stake" my time, money nnif famo on their effect vne"s. .V- IahiL i i Wll,c" u'f. P"1 "elf la made, the bottle, label, wrapper-all ahow with' what care they liavp. been prepared. After exaiiilna. uon, no r.ngusn or rrencn preparation will show HirniPl nu , mil ic.lljr Itruilll III metll, Instead of the nauseous. Innklnp. p.ri..j piiipiireu rutn vi'uunu ceiiernuy, unit put up In worslfn boxes, nnd niudo generally, or nirered by' those r.u experience as phyiiciani, druggists or manufacturers of medicines, test in tnouivine ouercu uy your oocuicni servant, II. T. IlKLMIIOIiO. CryHtid I'ul.ico Drug ritote, No. 601 llroadway, New York. 1'slaco I'narmacy, flllsey House, Drondviiiy, und Tttenty. ninth street, New York. Temple tf I'harinacy, Continental Hotel, I'hil- ueipuia; iw ,o, tut nniiiu lentil stteei, t'tiii adelphln, THURSDAY. PERSONAL. l'eorin Is expecting n villi from N'llMon. Dr. I.iinuhnn linn been depoicd from tho agency or tlin IMcthodlgt book concern. Kx-.Scnntor Illrum It, Itovola (colored) lia bcfin clccteil l'rcildcnt oi Alcorn tJiil vcrtlty ut Jackson, MI. Oosslp says that Queen Victoria hat sot tied tliu cttatoi of Iliilinoral upon tlio l'rlnccst Louise. HlclmrJ Klmbcr, for thirty-Tour yeurt employed on tho N'ew York Iff roll, mid for many years foreman, died in Ilrook lyn last .Sittttrdtty. Mr. .Sat;o .Mcritrlniid llicliardson, MU .Sinclair nnd othor ladles, on tlielr wny to lo Hcinitu, wndod the underground streiitns under the bridge of ('ulmntts. The superintendent of tho postal money order system has gone to Jjondon nnd Mer lin, to negotiate nn international postal money-order system with (Ircat Uritain and Germunv. (Jen. Sam. Carey tnd Klchard P. Trov- ellick, l'rcsidont of tho National Labor Congress, will bo pretont nt tho "Vorking men's celebration In Vinconncf, on tho Hit of July. Col. David K. Murray, ono of the oldest and tno't honored citizens of Southern Kentucky, and prominently identified with the early political hiilory of the State, died nt hit residence, near Clover port, Kentucky, at eight o'clock on the morning of tho 28th Inst. ' Tho Secretary of the Treasury has di rected the Atslstnnt Treasurer In New York to sell two millions of gold on tho Urst and third Baturdavs, and one million on the second, fourth nnd fifth Thursdays of June, or ?cvcn millions in all, and to purchase, una million bonds: on rach Wedne'day in June, four millions in ll. tiry-H is well known that Miss Nilsson has Indorsed several different piano-forte, each being tho best, and we now have her opinion upon articles of food. Messrs. Dix & Case, fiih dealers of Chicago, III., publish the following In their advertise ment' Hirst Them coltish It tlagtnt, their jlaror it high, so it them Htrron. I rec ommend them tu I do you to nil cui-irM of gwl tni'xn. Kcsp'y, Christine N f.i.sson-. Vey-Tho Cincinnati Enquire ot the 23d Instant regrets ''to notico tho decease of Mrs. Kachol A. Pugh, tho mother of ox- Senator floorgo K. Pugh, at tho ngo of eighty-one years. Mrs. Pugh was one Of the oldest residouU of this part of Ohio, und a lady who possessed, in a great de gree, the best qualities of tho women of old regime. She had groat strength of thuracter, power of will, onergy and res olution, united to moral principles and strict religious convictions. She was tbo worthy mother of superior intellectual and distinguished sons." THE RELIGION OF THE COMr MUMIST. A Paris correspondent of tho New York JleralJ has bocn Interviewing a Commune commander, Bcrgorot, who gave his Ideas on religion as follows : Cor. You havo no religion, of course. Do yon, however, believe in tho immortal ity of tho soul? 'ii. I bcltovo in the immortality of tho human mind ; but not of tho Individual soul. Wolivo; wo grow up; we fall and dlo us tho leaf, und return lo the dust, from whenro wo camo; and wc nre only immortal in our children. C Do you believo In God ? Il-No. C Why? B Ilecnuio it is not republican. Ho cituso if there were A OOD, UK WOULD UK A TYRANT I I lit; lit God iii tho universe as I did the otupirc in Prance. It Is tho One-man power the pouvuir persontl of Napo'oon III. If there wore such a place as heav en und I went thcro nnd found a God, I would immediately commence throwing up barricade. 1 would hoist the red flag. 1 would rebel. It is contrary to juslfce, it is contrary to roason, It is contrary to right that otto should govoru tho many that llicro should bo n God. 0 What do you substitute for God? B TJnlverfal harmony. C What do you mean by that? B Tho union of overvtfilnir that oxlsts in ono harmonlouis whole. Man, animals, flowers, plants, trees, stars, planets every thing. L (Jtnerwisu mo universe ttseii. U-Yos. C Did this unlverso or universal liar- inony, as you call it, crcuto Itself? IS AD, mat is a question i cannot ans wer. It is somcthlmr tho human mind cannot grasp; probably beeuuso wo luck it (acuity. As u person who was uorn utino cannot comprehend light, ?o wo' ennnot understand tlio creation, i coutu usk you at) welbwbo created God, and you1 would probibly give mo tho sumo answor., Try U) think It out nnd you will go crazy. C Therefore, at this limit of the hu man understanding there is a barrier which you call universal harmony, whorcai wo call it God. B That Is my meaning exactly. Forty of tho most influential of South ern Democratic journal!) havo expressed their sincere acquiescence in nil the re sults of tho war. JNTEIIPKIBE Savings Bank Cllmrtercfl March .11, 1300 OFPICK IN City Nutional llniik CAIRO, ILLINOIS. orrioKUH A. 11. HAKFOItt), President: M. H. TAVI.OIt, Vice-President; W. HY8I.OP, Hecretnryand Treasurer. lllHF.CTOKHl P. W.IHRCI.aV. - lift AH. fJAI.IUflKH, F. M. HTiMiKKI.KTtl, PAUL CI. HCIIUII. K 11. CUNNINdUAM, W. I'.tlULl.lD.V V, J. M J'lllM.lI'S. Seposllaor avuy AiaiMt H.eelred from Tea Ointi SJpwrards. fnterct paid nn deposits at tho rate of t, per cent, per annum March l"l and Hept. 1I. Interest not withdrawn I" added immediately to the principal of the deposits, thereby giving them tompounl interest. IfntTleu WoiHota AHtl Cklltlrcu if ay deposit money so that XO tl.NK KI.Ni: CAN DllAW IT. pen every business Jjyfrctn : a.m. to .1 p.m. od Hatunhir evenlm: for HAVI.S'd nL'POHITS only, from ii to 80'clock. niijnvii w. uini.ur, Treasurer, Q.ALEN'8 Head Dispensary , K-labllshed in IVi, and chartered 16r,l, lor th .reatment of all disease, of a private nalare, cldent to both sexes. A cure Is guaranteed every ca.e undertaken. 3for IB cilo Dewces1 Female. Regulators For females. Warranted toreir' veobstruct'i etc. Price fi per box. Also n full assortment of IUnJm, and True a superior qua itr ol Male Hheahhs i II forsing one; 13 per halr'doien, or 13 per doten. A Medidal. I'amphlal, containing an elahoral treatise on th above diseases, with a few practli remarks upon tha cause, effevt and treatment tne same .'ontamlng ii large pages ane ;iO ct and engraving., jowiog the different ttages, Sent in sealed wrapper on receipt of cents,) Addre.s . - ' ' Galen's Head-Dispensary, No. TJ We'st''Jetferon,tree e27e.ddlen M AVNARirS BITTERS THE RENT TONIC IN USE for SAi.n ny . F.MA7NABB, Prop. 1'ITT.SHUKO, 1A. lOeodlv N ATURE'N GREAT 11 EN- TOR ATI VE. SCHEETZ CELEBRATED Bitter Cordial Whlleaale Iepot N. W. corner Fifth and Rac streets, Philadelphia, Pa. JACOB HCHKETZ, SoUrroprlaot P It is a reliable- Family Medicine, and can b aken by either Infant or ac ult with thn tame been flclal results. It is acertaln, prompt nnd speedy emedy lor diarrhea, dysentery, bowel, complied dyspepsia, lowneis ef spirits, falntlngs, sick stomacn, neaaacne, eic. rorcuiiisanu iciior ui all kinds, it Is far better nod safer than quinina eithout any of Its pernicious ottects. It ellocta t.n appetita, proves a powerful digestor of food and will counteract thu effects ofliquor In A few minutes. As Indlsputible evidence of Its medi cal oropertics, we np.end a fen of tho many cer ln atet in our possession t Johnson's Depot, Kast Teun., and Va. IL R. Tenn. jACoiScuxrrz, Esq. Dear Bin I nave used the Bitters I have obtained Irom you, ami find them to be all they are recommended to be. I found m ..Ifir.l tua pnn.lilf.ralilA relief. I fflpt uuu Will" - , - astliouslilcannotdo very well without them, in ray present state of health. U. Mi-.ruifr;, laJBOiiiiiuii si., i-uua. Pastor baptist Passytink Church. Hold by W. 1'. Allen,. "W Mainttreet Uubtique. ootlOdlv CARD. Invenloru Iisviiik laislcess with tho United States Patent Office will Bnd it tollieiradvaiitag to Intrust it in tho ;iiandtof the old established nrni "i Mason, Fenwick & Lawrence. I itlaut Agcnll, IVnaliliiKlon, It. O, Tliey nave none my uusmess to my satis tac. Hon, and I take pleasure in rccniu to Western luventnr. , WM. lit VJ menuinginein AltRIS, Inventurnl liupruved Kevnlvlug TubilUr Water - (iratn Dsrt. C.iini, April :tn,iSTI. optidim A HOOK FOR THE Mil XX IilON. Marriage Quide, invsler eannd revelations A Private Coun.elur i lo the Married or, those about to marry on tha nhvslologiovl of the system, i with the latest discoveries In nro Juoiuir and pre venting otlsprltig, preserving , This it ai interesting work of twuhuudredand twenty-four ipages, wlin numerous engravings, tuid contains valuable information for lhoeviho are married nrcuuleuiplate marilagat-still it isa bonk that ought to lie under lock and key, and not laid carelessly about tho house, , Went to any tine (freo of postage) for. Ml cents.' 3 Addrostt J)r. Ilutts' Dispensary, No. U, N. AiHiiill miuFii il. 1.11111S, flio, . natlretotllAaiBlriiaudirufortu(c. Heforo nptdylng to the." ttotoriouu (Juaclra who. iKiverusu in me puouo papers oruaiog any tuiiuit remedies, neriisu'Dr. Ilutts' work, no matter what your dlseaso is or how deplorable your con. .lit ion . Dr. Ilutts can be cousultcd, personally or by mail, on thediseaies inenlioned in his works Otllce, No. U N. Uighih Nlteet, bet. Maifcet and Chi'slnul, Hf, Louts, Mo. mj'idMl! LUMBER. W W. THORNTON r . " ' .t.aFJurf:it in.. BLINDS WINDOW SniGLES LATH AND LUMBER -....OFriCK, UN TEHpil STREET Between Commercial and WAsh Inqton Avenues, IMaTaTN OIN. AciiIh Tor Rock Hlvcr Pnpor Coiupmiy'si Nlicalhiiig FeK uud narl. Cement. II.M'. JToIih'm iBipruTctl Bool in? nlwars) on hmid. C1PRINC.FIEL1 tV ILLINOIS tOKOLTII EASTERN R. R. On and after Monday, Aprtl 2lth, 1STI, tmiiwll ruu as lollows i NURTHF.HN DIVlftuN. TSSISI OOIS SHlTIIXlsr. Mail. Kxpresa , (, 12.13 p,m, .... OSM SOU " ....WM " :W " ...MM m :.:I7 " Leave Virginia " springneiu... ' Taylorville.., rivent 1'sna Arriv TKAtxi ootxo soaniwrsT. Kxpte Mail. Leave I'Ant.. ......S.ij,m ;t:Uti m. " Taylorville... 4:17 4:20 " Arrive at Hpringfleld...v;U C.ii " Iave Hpsingfield 6:'il 6:10 Arriveni Virginia. .H:2V ...S;I5 ' HOUTHKHN DIV1HI0N. TXAIIS 001X0 OI'Tllrt'T. Leave Kdgewood i:30a.m .......10:10 a.m. " nora..... t-:i.- mm Arrive at Kbawneetown3:.Vtp,m .VIA um 1BAI..I uvmu HUHIIIn r.i, Leave Shawneetown .1:1.1 a.m fc.JOp.m " Flors 2M ' ............ ..7:fii." Arrive at Kdgewood 4.51 s.ju " The a.m. train from Edgenood, run only Mondays, Wsdnvsdaysnnd Fridays, and t:4.1a.m. train from Shawnectown on Tuesdays, Thurs. days and Saturdays. Connects at Ashlnnd with .lack.ontille divi'ion of Chicago and Alton Itsilroad. for Jacksonville, Petersburg, Mason City, nnd all noluta west. At Mpnngtield. with Chicago nnd Alton, and Toledo, Wabash and Vetern Hailroad, fur Illoomlngton, Chicago, nnd all points north.north wot and west. . At Tana with Ind. and HI. l,onl. and Illinois central iiauroau tor nil points east, south ,and southeast. At Kdirewood with Chicago Division Illinois Central Hailroad. At Flora, wltli onto rtI Mississippi iuilrna.1, AtShwneetnan, with stuamboais for Cincin nati, P.iducah, Cairo and St. liuls. OHLANDHMITH, tien'l Sup't. Jons Foo JITT, Oen'l Kr'gt and Ticket Ag'l. IlOJtRS , F. M. NTOCKFLETII (Huccesnr to Pohle 4 Htocktlcth) Rfftmpr and Wholesale Dealer In For eign nntl Domestic , WINES, ETC. 78 Ohio JLevee, CAIRO ILL. He keeps on hand constantly, a full .lock of Old Kentucky Bourbon, Kye and Mon ongfthela uhlsklefl, Front k Uran- dies, Holland Gin, Ha I no and California Winer). atiMltf lrt. H. SCHB TTEU, Importer andtiolesale Dealsi ......IN...... Wines, Liquors TOBACCO and CIGARS. AfffU for hmt brfniila of CREAM AND STOCK ALE 1SV M. IxXipOrtocljElLloal Ofdif" foront ls.lxxd.rn. "No. 75 OHIO LEVHK CAIRO. ILLINOIS HOTELS. r. 1. oikia. r. u. LODutca'. CRAWFORD HOUSE Cornel' Sixth uud Wttluut Hlreets, (F.iilrani'HoiifllxtliBtreet.J " CINCINNATI, OHIO. OAKES, CADY & 0., Proprietors. myldr.m gOUTUERN HOTEL. Ohio Levee, Between (id! k Hlli Sis. DppositH Mam istraiiitKiat immllnj! t Cairo - " Til's. NEWLY FITTED AND FURNISHED. TcmiH 3'i Per Day. Watch kept for boats and trains night and day. WHITE 4 f.YNDK, tnySOiltf -... w a , Proprietors, i yyoon ritteiiiki:, rit'C,cr.ioi'or,'Ats4 Co., ' ' ' . FLOUR AND i r ... General Commission Mercbanl No. lii: Ohio Lvi'i', C'.VIHO, ILLS. noTllit DOORS SASH HOUSE MOVERS. JJOWNE MOVING. James Kennedy rnAcitca HOUSE MOVfR AND BUILDER la prepared to do all kinds of iiouni: movinu, iioisi: raiminii AMI HepalrliiR of t'.vpry llf scrlit Inn tin thinot reasnnsblo terms. Orders left at the rctdence of Mr. Kennedy, on Center street, next uoor 10 inn new scnooi iniiiuitiir, or addrc.e(t to inn cam ot r. u. tsnx tic, c- tne iiniietin office, will receive prompt attention. mvctf BUTCHERS. FA .HEN KYN ASTON BUTCHER AND Dh'AI.KK IN AM KINDS OF FRESH irE ATS Cnr. IDtli and Poplar St., Cairo,' - Illinois ntiVHnud sliughtera only the hestcattle, nogs and sheep, ami is prenared to till any demand lur fresh mennls from one pound to ten thousand ouods. drctxiiltt rjiHE I PIBPLES' MEAT MARKET .,. CII.LS. OAYKIl & CO., l'roj)r.t., Keep constantly on hand the best of lleef. Pork, Fresh while lard in nny qtiantllynrneil beef, etc., Iv... nn tinn.l. Orders tilled promptly and satisfaction war ranted. fl7dll YyALTE ER & Jf ALONY. Butchers AND ItEALHIH IN FRESH MEAT Eighth St., between Washington & uonimurciai avc, Adjoining ltlttentionsp at llanny'M. Rean ttietiest of lleef. Porl:. Mutton. Veal. Lamti. bausage, etc., and are prepared to serve citliens mine mosi nccepiauie manner. ocimiii M EAT! MEAT ! Robt. Bribach Has Removed to Winter's Block, and Ononed n First-Class AT STORE Ho will keep nlwaya on hand the best of Meats of- every varieiy. Xiowoat Xxlooaii. Hiuoked .Meal, 1'rtnli Ment.siniitaKe, etc, At the lowest prices, (live him a call. nprt'Aitf yrM. ki.uge, DEALKIt IN FAMILV Grroceries DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AM) SHOES, HATS AA 1 V.YrS, bit'., H it H"t recelvl a heavj stock of boots and shoe HOSIERY AM) MOTIONS, For sale for Cash at a very low figure, lie wlo has a fine stock of FAMILY GROCERIES of, every kind. . for. 0 Street uud Commercial Avenue !AII(U, ILLINOIS. mlspf Dr. RICHAU'S Golden Remedies. Use these only, and save Time, Health and Uuney, 11,000 Itr.WAIIIi for any cato of dlteaic, In tuy stagu which ther fall In cure. II11. UlCHAU'H COLnE.V HAL- S yssSTN. HAMH, Nos. 1 k , are the fBl Kreatest alteratlvr, known. llBHL Da. nlOlIAH'H 00I.1IKN I AtBJQ I ELIXUt II'AMnCK It the fSWI tlreatett Tonto and Attrlnnnt BU In the Medical List. lis. III. X1 cHAirti aoi.nK.v anitdotb Is the only reliable diuretic. Their Hrruedlcs are not advertised to Cure all Csniplalnts, and benefit none; bat are ruarantecd to effect a Itadlca! and Hieedy Cum In all catet for which they are recommended, when alt other trust ment hat failed. Tens of thousands yearly recor by their ue, who have lott all hope, t4iiMttTVro' nnuneed at Incurable by the best ofeTr medical faculty. T. RTCHAIFSG OLDEN JLUALSAM, No. I, jaret TJlcert, Ulcerated Hura Threat anil Mouth, Sore Kyej, Cutane nm Pruptsins, Coppertulored Btotchcl. Mureness if the Scalp, HcrofulsSc. It It the Orcatcst Iteno vator, Alterative a1 Wood Purifier known, re uiovet all uiercur from the tytteoi, and leave the blmsl pure anjn healthy. 9 HI. liTciIAFtS GOLDEN 1 J ttil.Hif. No. i. enret Uercurlal Affec tions liheamattsni in ait tit loriui, au i 1 reiiertn an cam, r No. I or 2, 1 per bottle, or two r laTCirATT'S fiOLDEAr IVTIIHITI' ' ta tt,.lt..l Avis St II UtlVtLTY X-J KLIXlit UVVMHUlt. a raJ'cal cuy for Nervou. or dvutfal IwWIIty, In old or yoiinir 1 hupartliu '"' '"1nJ,.'ul Price tl per buttle it l? I0' On receipt of prhv, thoie rcraeillet will be thliiiwl tu auv pistil, Puuipt attenllim paid to aU ioriuni'ii.b'i.". N mil irenntno without the namenf Int. LP H U' IIOI.DIIN HKMWJIKH, II. II. Iliriltl!"'' tt"l J I'riprlclur," blown In L' l III lljltll". Circulars .cut. ttiAi tuppllcd at a llb.ral ili'i' iiinl. tf 9 t.uie... mi. ii. 11. ntciuisns, v.tici. tlicet, Nvw Yotk. COMMISSION-FORWARDINQ. JNO. B. jpmLLIM, laucco'sorto'Parker A Phillls, oeni:' l CO EMISSION FQRWDIHG MERCHANT And Dealer In , Flour, Moal, Hay, Coru, OatH, Urnn. Cor.lOth St.&Ohio Levee OA lit O. IIJJNOIN. H. W..Mlii.Va. IIVAST. Psana jyjILLEU A. IMHKKIt, GENERAL COMMISSION A Nil Forwarding Merchants DF.AI.EIW IN FLO V R, CORN, OATH, II A V, Bto 3B2to., No. ' 5S lhio jTtevee C'A I HQ. ILLINOIN. J W. PHILLIPNiVCO.. Successors to i:. II. Hendricks i Co.) FORWARDING Commission Merchants .....and ., Wliarf - PROPRIETORS, , CAIRO, ILLINOIS. I.IIII'.RAI. AUVANim MAlte .t-tN' IRAI. AUVANim MAlte VNA-VN' i , 7 iT'l Are preparediWi Tvcelve, atore aad Totwaitl u I freighta tu all points, and buy and ell 90 com- iiiissiim, n . utfllusineks attended tnwlth nromntness. "tLOSE tV VINCENT, OENElt.VL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 4 and dealcra lit Lime, Cement, tale: Pans AND PLASTERER'S HAIR. Cor. Mih Street mul Ohio Levee CAIRO1 ILLINOIS. lebUdCm GROCERS. J SMYTH & CO., GROCERS OHIO LEVEE. OA.IH.O, XXXaXXsT03 Also, keep constantly on hand a taott com. pleto stock ol Scotch and Irish Whiskies OXZsTS. Porl, Madeira, Sherry, Catabaw WINES. We sell exclusively for Cash, lo which (act w. Invito the altentlou of closo tiargaiu buyer tspeclal attention given to tilling orders. 1. WILLIAMSON, It. GROCER COMMISSION MERCHANT No. "; Ohio f.ttvee, CAIRO. ILL. Mprclrtl tieiitloii elvi n lo lon.lgu taioute and MMInK Orilecx andriliiiill urinrs- ,. trrrifD ISHTIB .ENTI.Vi: RESCIPN AI. Family Grocery ,Cor.,8tli St. ft Wnslilugtpn nf.k. Cairo, - - -.T-lJin-ois ;( h J , Iti siipp,ira with the. rr'eslwst j't U'l iirocerl, l.reen mul Dried anil Can. ttveu rriilta. Bressef Poultry, Fresh Butter And overyllnnif else needed lor family supply It is In shun una of tho best stocked Krueeties la the citv. A eoiitiuu.icc of publiu palrouaie it respectfully olliilled decildJia .'PA 3V "Hi s'.l i, a. tMtA -I