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I! M JOHN II. OJJERLY HELM30LDS. IIELMBOLd'a HKLMhoLb'n HZLMHOLD'S HIXMBOU)' nxtMnotiH ntt.MllOLb'5 , ' ifKLMIIOLD'Hi CATAWWVIItAI'K I'lLLH. qATAwnx pRrit rn.r.. CATAWBA OKAFE MI.I.H. TATATVBA OltXri? riM.M. OATATOA OHArK PILL. cataWIia' ortxPK I'lt.Ls. iir.i.Miioi.n'n HKLMyoU)' iiei.Miioi.hV hki.miioum HEi.Mnor.D'rt hki.miioi.kV lir.LXBOI.IiV EXTEACT SABS A PAR LLA FLUID KXTIIACT HAKKAI'AHILI.A. rLCID XXTRACT HAlWArAiai.I.A. FLUID IXTKACT MARNAI'AKtLLA. FLUID KXTRACTHABHAl'A RILLA. FLUID KXTIIACT A ARK ATARI LLA FLUID JCXTRAIT BAlHArAKII.I.A. FLUID HXTBACT HARf ATARILLA. A PItlly, M A Y A N D J ILV K, riTRtrr the ni.oon. la Uieie months' FLUID EXTRACT JA RA PA RI LLA 1 CatA it'EruptiODHof IheHkin. MeCUBOLD'H FLTTIlJ EXTRACT RARHAI'A KILLA Cures lue'woril form of IilooJ ii.i. KLMBOLD'fl FLUID KXTRAOT ARAi'A RILLA Raltn hear fly Into the Circulation of the IilooJ. niLMBoLD'n FLUID EXTRACT XAKHAI'A RILLA IWaulldr-a tl,i- Complexion. ..TlWOetffjMUward applications de.troy fSilt ""JrilH lJirliM(f cor.o. Iok at larmaneKitd.munim and those who hatued ueh oay length of Urn. Mjr adnre . to dis. eontlnaethfcm, and cat KLMBOLD'K FLUID EXTRACT bARSAI'A RILLA. Onjbotllo It equAl Inadmnrth to callo of tn Syrups or Deoorlons a, nmally midrt and WfofiMi added to t.lnt of water nuU the 2Cj.trV?,K5ii')?l f'f'r WtlXK. Try II 11,1. wsjr. A delightful beverage. iielmbold's cutawiia oraff. fillk TIKLilnOLls CATAWIIA (IRATE FILLS A pIfaMnt, safe anrl agreeable auhartfo. HKi.iinoLii's oatawha orate tii.i.. Used In all nnV-tlon, where a Purgative Mxilirinx Is needed, iif.lmiiold'h CATAWIIA (IRATE fill Harmle.s to a child, and taken by children. llKLMIIOI.IlV CATAWBA ORATE TILL auprade Magnesia, and every oilier I'ur gnllvp.' H CATAWIIA rillAI'L FILL.-, OertltrJninVct,and t.lea.nt Id operation. HEI.MIIOI.n CATAWftA ORATE FILL la not K patented Pill, nCLMIIOLDH CATAWIIA ORATE TILL Arnmt.o.rd ol Cat a la (Srnpe Julie and Fluid Kitroct Ithtitmb. flow l proceed la the Spring and Summer uionllu, to lu tire new Me, netrtnood, new .liror . Furcln.etno lott.M of llKLMllOLIFH fAK-V PAKILI.A and oi.o tax ol i'll.l-worlh tluir walght in goM. No Utter inre.tment can bo made lor ao Mnal! a itmL hxlmiiold'b fluid f-xtract iiuciiu Ilaa acquired worM. wide fume. ALL, of my preparaliom ara rneritorloii. A prlod of tweul yearn haa proreil thla to be the ewe. r . ' ramarka nude by ileniamio Trarerae, t . n. C. rj. -pkIo ofthoje ilUeaaea, and diaenea rltn from tEe eiceia of mercury, he etatei that no franedy la equal to the Extract of Haraa. parlU. IU power la eitcaordlrarr, more aothan aoy aither drug I am equainled with. It I-, In la the atrlcteat aenae, tonic, with this Inraluable attribute that It la applicable to n atate of the atalem eo aunkon, and yet ao Irritable, a ren dera other tlbtABCc of the tonic claaa uniTai. able or Inmrloua. liay BEMAKKHot tho ORKAT CHEMISTU AND HILL MEM OK AMEKICA : Wm. IU Warner A Co., ., "North Third atrcet, J'hlladelphln, I'a. H. T. Helmbotd i Eateemed Krlend-I conuratulati- yon on hatlngUio bandHOtneat and at the aame timo the uoat Effectire Fill that I Inteerer known for the '".rF"',! 1,ntn'.,Vd'. WM WAKNKK A CO, li.T. 11 el oj bold will remark, in concltinon, that hl remedies aro the rcault of Iohk and careful rtuoy. Tho Fluid Extract hare been before the public twenty yean. The aaln of them In thai time prpres their value. All have been benefit tea by them who followed my initructmna, and to-tay they stand unequalled In the extent of their Bale, and unsurpamed br any medicament In the Wapensatory of the United Btatea, not xcepttnn a alnglo Herb, Itoot, Want, or Scleu it no Preparation. Plvarmacentical I rlalm all mine to , ami have aver, patented a alngle ohe. JiIl'I,..L"frt',-,fSy.i!mir?"".1'n or PrejudU-e that tnlgnt eirat In the minds ol mnnv airalnt my preparatlouB, from tho publicity Klvcii throngli advertising, and that I am and have bocn a drug g it for a period of tweniy year-, and more con. clusllely Jopravpthls see reiterfrom the larucat manufacturing clirmists in the world t tfoveinber 4, lkM I am acquainted with Mr. II. T. HOmbuld : he occupied the drug store opposite my renidence, and.waa aucceaaful in conducting thahulne whefe ,o(hra had not been equally ao before him. 1 bavo been favorably impressed with hia charac urandenterwrlae. WILLIAM 'WIUUTm AN. Pinrt'of power A Wlghlinan, manufacturing critrnislsj Ninth and Iirown streets, I'hiladel. pni. ALL KT1MD OM Tlllltt MIKITS. The Pill l have thousht of offerinir to the nfflie ted for lea yearn. They Mfs aow perfect, and I shall slake ruy time, money, and fame on their etfectiveneas. Tho iavltlitatyle in which the pill Itself is made, tha -.bolt; 1L wrapper all show with what sT07nTiiayeiienpreaareci Ancr examin' ihava tioa. no kogliah'or French preparation will show raster er, and 1 am really proud "of them., joateal of the nauseouadooklng,' 'carelessly pieparea rma tudhqu icrucrnuy, ruu put. up m LnnAm hoiea. and made ceneiallv. or otfercd by those r.o experience as physicians, druggist or manufacturer of medicines, test the medicine offered by your obedient servant, II. T. IIKLMBOLD. Crystal Pstlacn Drug Btore, No. 501 Urondway Palace Pnarmacy.'Ollsey tfoiise, Broadway, and T?eaiy.niaDirnew.aBj. ilNUUH Bilw tlVS V VH 1111' adelphla. & CO. SATURDAY. Horace (Jrkelev, Itko (Jov. (Jeary, f Ponniylvnnla, U wIlliriL' to hn n enndl. (Into for llio Preildency If his party Inilnts on It. So nro n good ninny otliori. Tho IntMt dcanntchfia from l'arls ntonnt. much leas horrlblo than thoio of the lnt few dnyi, except In ao far na they Indlcnto that tho Insurrection has been utterly crushed. Tliora eeorna rimllv lltttn in chooio between Oovcrntnentiata nnd Nn- tlonHl, In point of fcrocitv. nml onn rnn only wonder whethor tho futuro ruler of tit a a . urif , wnoovcr ho l to ho, wi llnd ant'. la...... oouy left for lilm to govern. If thuro Ix; n nil lilttory n more alckenltiL' nni'o tliiui that which is to tell of lMria In tho month of May, wo know not where to turn to It w o uo tot forgot tho wnr of tho Crescent mo: the Cro, hut thl is the nineteenth century I The jury In tho Jtillic-an cat.! nt ftiill. niiitnoiis returned n vordlct for tho n hi n. tiff, which under tho instruction of tho court, nnil with rcupcct to tho lav, they could not o'capu (loinir. Thov nwnnlfd m damages thu merely nominal turn of n i ii ...... live ooiiiir, fuuicient to throw the cota upon tho defondnnti. It would iccm Hint the plitlntltr is natliiled with the vor dint, as no motion oil his part looking to fur. ther procetxllngs wn entered. In which tt! tlie conclu.ion is uimvolduhlo Hint hi main object was to vindicate his con stitutional rights, nnd not to tuko ven gonco upon those who violently nnd crim inally set aside tho civil law. Hut with tho defendants it i difleient. Thov im. mediately guvo notlco of their intention to nppenl the cae to tho Suiireme Court. They still think that this is not n govern- mem oi luw, Lut n government of tho word. In which they show themselves to bo good partisans of King Ulysses nnd tho advocates of centralized imperialism. Tux death of Itodnev S. Church, auvi an exchange, at ono time n noted Xow York politician, recalls an Interesting hut almo.t forcottcn little incident In tho political history of tho last generation, In which no wai n prominent actor. In 1835, n divion arocin tho Democratic party In rew ioru, in concquenro of tho nomina tion of (itdeon I.eo ns the enndidato for Congress. This nomination hud to bo con firmed nt n general meeting of D.mioeruts nt Tammany Hull, nnJ tho friends or, antlcipntlni: opposition, nsembled in largo number to sunnort him. Tho selection of ths chairman would lest tho strength of tho partie, nnd's fricndu, th'j Tam many men. entered the hall as soon as thn doors were opened, by means of the back stairs, while at tho same time tho Kqunl Kights men runhed into the room tip the front stairs. Uotli parties wore loud nnd boisterous, each claiming that its man was elected chairman, and lu tho confusion that instiled tho gas wni turned off, a means of terminating dispute that been not unknown in later years. The Equal Kights party, cither having witnessed similar occurrences, or having received some intimation of the coursn cf their opponents, had provided themselves with candies and tho then now invention, locofoco matches, nnd the room wa re lighted in u moment. Tho Courier and Inquirer dubbed tho anti-mcnopolists who uscu mo matches, with tho name of Loco foco, a namo which was soon niter rlvon to tho Democratic party, nnd which it has slum ri'iaiueu, wiougu latterly, inueeu, it has loomed to caro littlo for tho old title. OIWEH IS ALABAMA. The New York World rejoices over tho condition of Alubnmn. It says: Tho full text of tho chorco of tho Hon. Itichnrd Ilustoed, .ludco of tho United States District Court, to tho Grand Jury lor tho district of orth Alubnmn, is now before us, Dicksnyi: "It elves mo un feigned satisfaction to bo nblo to announco that there is but a single caso of alleged offenco to bo brought to your notice, n case in which a party Is charged with having robbed tho mails. This stato of facts it exceedingly gratifying when wo consi'Jcr that n whole year has elapsed siuco tho Im- punneuing oi mo last lirnnu .Jury tor tho United States in this district." This U very gowl testimony, nnd wetind its cnuso on that pngo of tho World Almanac tor ion, which snows now iviaunmn wns car ried last oloction by tho Democracy from stem to stern. Tho titiito la onco mora un der tho control of its own people, with in telligence, integrity, unit property nt tho holm, rice pauperism, ignornnco, nnd crimo retired, nnd no wonder tho federal court meets only to Und ono caso in its Jurisdiction for a wholo year. "No bettor ovidonco of the general good order which prevails in the community nnu no stronger proof of tho loyalty of tho pooplo to their government need or enn bo furnished." lays Jiulgo ii., ith,m Is glvon by their obedience to tho laws' No doubt ; but Ha 1 ii tit -ii. I. .1 f ' kuo nun is u aotenco to tlio people whom thu chnrgo nddrosses, nnd U not niwu iki incir uusirUCllOll, lBA Mr.Yonas. of Lvnm (nnnit....f having drenmod throo nights in succession luai iroasuro was uiuuen at lut Itock Hill, went with hor daughter nnd two other ladles to tho spot, and nfter digging aomo time, struck an old earthen chern, nnd In It wns found a powtor cup containing inocle and qulto a largo amount ef old Continen tal monoy of 1812, which, it is supposed, was burled by Polly Donnieon, long since deccnied, Nl'KEClI OF JEFFERSON DA VIS AUOVSTA OEOIIOIA. Jeff. Davli recently had n reception nt Augusta, Georgia. Hon. 11. W. Hillnrd in nd a tho rccoption speech, to which Mr. Davis replied ns follows: My friends an J KnMowCitlzcns of Georgia! 1 feel tli at I hnvo a peculiar clnim upon tho pcoplo of Georgia, nnd that tho peoplo of this State hnvo, ulso, n peculiar claim upon me. My father was a citizen ol Georgia many long yours ago, nnd to him hnvo I often listened In thd days of my boyhood as ho told to mo traditions of the grcnt revolution. It was to 'this city of Augusta this ancient old town upon tho banks of tho Savannah that my father, then but a mere boy, came to join tho revolutionary forces, nnd enlisted be neath the American flag. I atn tiroud of my rathor, and or bis State. If it is a crime to feel proud of this sire to glory in ins devotion to tne cnuso or tno right to romcmbor with exultation his services in defenso of liberty, then my friends, it also is n crimo to opposo n despotic cen tralization of power, and uphold the right of n Htnto to withdraw from n voluntary compnet entered into for tho preservation or tho freedom of thcrn nil. If this is a crimo, then I nm n criminal, nnd it is tho only offense of which I hnvo been truiltv. I repeat, Georgians, that I claim to he of lioorgta descent, nnu i glory in my unc age. NOT IIIilrtF.LF, HUT THE CAUHK Although tho distinguished gentleman who welcomed mo to your city with words to kindly nnd so eloquent has said that you pay a tribute to mo by your presence here to-nitrlit, I Citinot think thai ho win correct in tills remark. It is not n tribute tn mo individually, but becausu you feel that I am ono of yourselves that you comr to do mo honor. And while I am fully awaro of this fact, do not linmagine that I feel at all mortitioi ul it, or tnat my vnn- lly is wounded because you honor mo onlr as tho representative of your cauao. That cnuoisdcar to rno more precious even tlinn life, npplnuse, nnd I glory in its re mcmbrancc. HIS WORIW TOKTUF.KD AND Jl ISCONSTHCF.D. Just here let mo say to you that I well know how every utterance of mino is seized upon by the organs nnd membcri of n certain faction. 1 nm well nwnro of the nacerness with which every word of mino is caught up, nnd tho Ingenuity with which it is distorted and used in lurtuor- nnce or designs upon my people, and' henco I dare not epoak to you as I desire. My heart is full to overflowing, God know., but I cannot speak. Many mem ories of tho past are struggling in my brain, but I must be silent. CONGRESSIONAL OOMMITTEEH. Thouch I must not ancak. it is no fear for myself which commands mj lips to be closed. No ; I hnvo been punished for my crimes, and bavo oxporienccd tho worst which could liavo been Imposed, in the cant lancuage of the Axr? punishment with mo Is "plnyod out." Tho worst that can be douo has been dono, and I bavo no mora to fear. If 1 speuK H is not myself, but you, who would lie Injured, for, un fortunately, iidditional wrongs can yet be heaped upon you. Thorclbro if I claim merit for nnvtmng, it win do ior Keeping silent. My simplest words may work you harm. If I say, "Good-night, my rnendx, Co to your homes," and a Congressional nveit L'atinir committee happened to be within henrimr. its members would swear thnt I directed you to go offnnd join tho Ku-klux. Laughter and npplnuse. Filled with that Jealousy which springs from tho knowledge of thoir inferiority, and of tho justico of your pretensions, and conscious of broken covenants nnd n vio. lated constitution, they mistrust every movement, nnd tremble with fear when they think that right may aguln prevail. Applause. "WAIT AND IIOFE." But wrong' cannot always be trium phant. I will say nothing nnd you must do nothing, even though tyranny op presses griovously upon you. Forbear tor a season, and a day will cotno when all will yet bo well. I may not, nor may some of you llvo to soo it, but it Is surely comine. rAnnlause.l Ho who reigns above und fives nlways, will sco that jus- tice is done, no win noi auow mu vyiukou to always remain in power, nor tho right eous to bo oppressed. Wo can wait until that day comes, nnd in the meantime bo quiet. 'Tis an old and wise saying, that n good biting dog never barks much. If wo wait patiently a sense of justico will yet return to tho pocplo of the United States, or an opportunity will como when our rights can bo galnod, and not only our rights the rights of tbo South but the right of nil tho peoplo; tho rights which wero fought for and obtained nt the point of tho iword In the Aral revolution. Applause. CONCLUSION. Hut, though I cannot nnd should not sponk, I fear that where- the mind and tho heart nru both so full, that I will not bo nblo to restrain my words. I cannot think ono tiling nnd say another, and un Icm tho honest emotions of my soul can bo expressed, I do not caro tospcuk. I thank you, gentlemen, for your kindnoss, nnd feci deeply touchod nt Us exhibition. May God foster and prcsorvo you. If ever tho day comes when I enn openk freely, I will bo among you, nnd say to you nil thut is in my heart. Till then, fatewoll, nnd may tho Great God bo with you always. Ap plause. Coil. I.I ver Oil va t'renm. An exchango says: "Somu yenrs ago, physicians hnd n habit of recommending every consumptivo patient to tnko cod liver oil. Tho Incredlblo mistiness of the doso must havo constituted Us peculiar merit; for, as n matter of fact, any result established by cod-llvor oil would havo been nttainod by tho piutcnt had cream instead of oil been prescribed. Suddenly this Idea seems to havo dawned upon tho medical faculty. As n consequoneo wo now hnvo u 'mllk-curo' unnounced as a spec! Do lor consumption. Patients who formerly put thoir trust In cod-livers nro now told thnt tho cow Is their only hope. Thoy nro made to drink vast quantities of pure .Tillk, instead of frequent doses of tho. unspeakable vile cod-llvor oil. Tho effect is nil thnt can bo desired. Tho patent who trlna thn m ilk-curo finds himself rnpldly growing fat, nnd it Is also snid tbnt'ho b coii)cs ciilldiiKO nnu iiinnu in i monnor." JiSyA smart young lady says hor idenof a goou uome is u piaco wuero cuoweus and Ulssscs novor go togethor." CAIRO, ILLINOIS, JUNE 3. FROM SPRINGFIELD. Hrnisoriuu, III., May 31, 1871. 1 To the Editor of the Cairo Bulletin. 110T .ATKATIIER. ; 1 ' With the thermometer marking 10.1 in thn shade, ns it has donolo-dny, it would not bo wonderful if somo members of tho present Genoral Assembly should not only sigh for, but voto for tho high bluffs nnd cool lnko breezes which tho Peoria men nro continually making prominent reasons for tho removal of tho Stato capital, nnd still their cnuso docs not gain ut all. It Is true that tho CHICAGO TIMES tries every day to penuado tho Democracy and all tbo rest of mankind, that it is tbo part of wisdom to defer tbo approptiatlon and submit tho question of removal to tho people. JJut tho Democratic member, always ready to obey tho will of tho people, oro ablo to sco through tho flimsy protext of letting tho peoplo rule, n desiro to defeat tho wishes of tho people of 1111 noli, us those wishes aro ture to bo by tho time tho building of tho Stato enpitnl shall bo accomplished. In tho fow yonrs that must elapio beforo this end is attained, HOUTIiRRN ILLINOIS will havo grown sufficiently to mako Springfield tho center of population, und the members from Egypt are unnnimous in endenvoring to facilitate tho building, nnd secure its completion nt tho curliest practical period, both on account of tho economy of so doing, und for the purpose of forovor proventim: tho canltul from being locuted nt any greutcr distance from tho growing portion of tho State. TJIB HTATK I10USK AITROI'llIATION HILL, (Sunatoblll No. 2,) being undor consider ation in tho sennto this morniuc, senator Kerr, of J'cona, moved to amend by ad ding a section, submitting the appropria. tlon to tho people at the genernt election next November, nnd providing thnt the bill should go int6 effect on tho first day of January 1872, if it received a majority votftj .He made- n rambling speech of nbout three-quarters of nn hour in length, in which ho ondaavored to show that to voto against tho amendment would bo to voto against tbe people. Senator Sto wo of Sangamon replied about fifteen' minutes when the dinner hour ar rived and the" senate adjourned, rank ing thc'nill the special order for to-morrow at Un o'clock. TltK PKNITKNTIAttY HILL Is also up on its second rending in tho sen- ale. It is un exact copy of tho bill passed by tho senate at tho regular session, m.d will, like that bill, bo opposed by tho Democrats, hi!' cnuso it docs not contain such provisions' as will make the leaing of the convict lubor n certainty. NO OKNKRAL RKVENUK HILL will bo passed nt this session, but u bill providing for n roturn of delinquent taxes by collectors and sheriffs to the county treasurer, nnd the completion of tho work by him. It Is held that under tho new constitution no Judgments can bo lawfully rendered until tho bill Is passed. Doth houses adjourned yesterday after noon on account of Decoration day, nnd this afternoon on nccount of tho cero monies nttonding the removal of the re mains of tho Into Gov. A. II. Disscll from tho old cemetery whero tho Stato has erected nn elegant marble monument nt nn expense of five thousand dollars. (lOVERNOIl PALMER delivered a biographical eulogy, in which he had tho bad taste to defend Gov. Ilis sell s acceptance of a challenge to fight a duel, by claiming that tho challenge was one of tbo first steps of tho rebellion, that it was really a defiance of tho wholo North, and that Gov. illssell acted tbo pari of a patriot in thus showing himself ready to Hcht lor his country, uov. Pitlnior seomod to forget thnt at tho timo tho cballcngo wns given ho was himself . i ti.r 1 1 . t. - . .1 acting politically with tho challenger, and was lTnblo to bo chosen ns a second on that side. Tho wholo argument in rolation to tho duol, was an ill-timed attempt to pet tifog for tho radical party under tho flimsy protenco of cloaring Gov. liissoll from tho stigma attached to dueling. KM NOYES. The Doctor." A recent travuler in Austria thus de scribes tho porformanco of u tamo cocka too uy lis pot namo " Tlio Doctor:' "It pretended to hnvo u violent toothache, nnd nursed its hend in its claw, rocking itself backward und forwnrd as if in tbo great est agony, nnd in answer to all tho rcmo dies which wero proposed, croaking out, " O, it nint n bit good ?" und finally sliding up to tho ond of tho porch, und crying In a hoarse whisper: "Givo mo u drop of whlskoy, do?'' It would also pretend to sow, holding n littlo pleco of cloth under neath Its claw, which rusted on tho perch, and going through tho motions with tho othor, getting into difficulties with its thread, and finally singing n loud song in favor of sowing machines, Just as If It wero an advertisement. 'Tho Doctor's bust performance la when ho im itates a hawk. Ho reserves this ncting until his mistress Is feeding her poultry, then, when all tho bans und chickens, tur keys and pigeons are in tho quiet enjoy mcntof their breakfast or supper, tho pe culiar shrill dry of n hawk Is hoard oyor boad, und 'Tho Doctor' li icon circling in tho air, uttering a scream occasionally. Thu fowls never find out that it is n hoax, but run to sholtor, cackling loudly for thoir chicks, 'turkeys crouching undor bushes, pigeons taking rofugo In thoir housos, As soon as the ground is qulto clear, cocky changes Its wild nolo for peals of laughter, from ii high troe, and finally alighting on tho top of a hencoop filled with trembllna chickens, remarks in a suffocntod voico: 'You will bo tho donth me. 1871. OHIO. DEMOCRATIC STATE COXVKTION. PLlTfORM, NOMINATION, ETC. Columiiui", U.,.Iuno 1. Tho State Dem ocratic convention met at tho Oporn Houso at 10J o'clock thli foronoon. Tho nttcn danco Is very large. John F. McKInnoy, of Miami county was elected temporary chairman; J. K, Nowcomer and J. P. Sontomeyer wore mado tompornry secre taries. Tho following commlttco on resolutions wcro nppotntod Mortran 11th, D. S Uhl: 15th. W It. Golden: ICth, J. M. Estp; 17th, D. AVooloy; 18th, VW AW Armstrong ; l'Jth, J. U. Odcll. Frank Hurd offered n resolution which wns tubied, instructing tho cominittco on resolutions not to considor the fourteenth nnd fifteenth amendments in its delibera tions. After tho appointment of other com mittees tho convention took n recess until 2 o'clock. . Tho Democratic Btato Convention rens. scmblcd nt the Opera .'House at 2 o'clock. A pormnncnl organisation was effected, with Geo. II. Pendleton M Chairman, and ft vico president from each Congressional district. AVm. Hclsley was elected sec retary. After reports from several committees, thero was long waiting for a report of tho Committee on Resolutions. Atlast Gen. George AV . Morgan submitted tbo follow. Ing as the report of sevottteen out of nine- Uen of the committee; hnd moved their adoption by tho convention: Itetohtd, JJy tho" Domocracy of Ohio, in. mat, denouncing tlio extraordinary means by which thev wcro brought about, wo recognize ns accomplished facts tho thrco amendments in fact to tho constitu tlon recently declared adopted to tbo same us no longer political issues bororo tho country. 2d. Ave dcmand'that tho rulo of strict construction ns proclaimed by tho Demo cratic fathers nnd nccoptcd by tho states men of nil parties previous to tho war nnd embodied in thn Tenth Amendment to tho Constitution bo vlcorouslv a n oiled now to tho Constitution ns it is. includine- tho thrco recent nmendmchts nbovo referred to, nnd insist thnt tlicjo amendments shall not bo hold to hnvo in anv respect altered or modified tho orlginnl theory and char acter oi the leucrai government, but only to Have enlarged mo powora delegated to It nnd to tliul extent ana no more, to havo abridged tho rescrvedlriehU of tbo States. and lliht as thus construed tlio Democratic party pledges Itself to tho full, faithful and absoluto elocution nnd onforcomont of tho Constitution as it now is, so as to secure cqunl rights to nil persons under it with out distinction of raco or color, or condi tion. lid. Thnt tho absolute cnunlltv of each nnd every Stato within the Union Is n fun damental principlo of tho federnl govern in cut. Ith. That wo will ulwnys cherish nnd uphold tho Amorlcan systom of Stuto and local government lor btato and local pur poses onh, nnd aro iinnltornbly opposed to nil attompU at centra. ization, concen tration of power in tho hands of tho pen- erni government, hiiu mo more especially when such attempts are in tho form of usurpation by nny department of that gov ernment; and further, thut wo ndhcro firmly to tho principles of maintaining a perfect indepenco between tho co-ordinato departments of government tho legisla tive, tho oxecutivo nnd thu judicial con demning nil encroachments by ono upon the junctions ot luo other. Cth. AVhilo tho fundamental law, as ex pressed In tho constitution, is necessarily permanent until abrogated, as prescribed by that instrument, all legislation is in its nature and purpose temporary, anil sub ject to change, modification or repeal at tho will of n majority of tho people, ox pressed through tho law making power, and that the pretenso that nny act of Con. gress not oxocutod and ipcnt, or nny legis lative policy of n pnrty ns nn ntsofuto unaiity is totally inconsistent with tho wholo theory of u ilopublioan govornniont, and that it is tho inalienablo right of tho peopio, oi inomseivcs ana m rough thoir representative at each succcssivo election nnd in each successive Congress, to judge of what legislation is necossary nnd proper or appropriate to carry into elocution or enforce- tho constitutional powers, rights nnd duties of tho federal government. Cth. That as an instanco cf eminently nppropriato legislation, undor the Four teenth Amendment, wo demand now of Congress universal amnesty. 7th. That whilo wo donounco riotous combinations und conspiruccs against tho law or to disturb tho peace, in tho South or olsowhero, nnd demand of nil good citi zens their utmost Influonco to put nil such down ; woTalso denounce tho net commonly called tho bayonet bill recently passed by Congress, and tho moro rccont net com monly called tho Ku-Klux bill, oxteudlng by iU terms to ovory State, in enacted for no othor purpose than to complete tho centralization of all power In tho hands of tho uenorul irovoriiment. cstnbllsh military despotism, and thus perpetuate tho present auiMHiioiiuiiuu, wiiuoui regard to tho will of tlio pcoplo, and as not only utterly In conslitunt with tbo wholo theory and char acter of the Fedorul govornmont.'nnd rev olutionary and dangerous in thoir charac ter, but in direct conflict with tho spirit and letter of tho Constitution. Incliidlni? tno amcndinont, which thev pretend to en force. 8th. That, holdlnt? still (o the food old Domocratio doctrines of annexation or e- qulsatlon of territory, wo aro yet totally opposed to tho scheme of l'reident Grant to acquire San Domingo, us ii Job, by tin means and for the purposes intended. 9th. Thnt wo nro in favor of a strictly rovenuo tariff, conformed to tho theory .nnd principles of nil othor just and wise tax-laws, and opposed to thu protection theory, so cnllod. 10th. That tho profiigato corruption nnd wanton oxtrnvagance which porvadn every dopnitmont or tho federal govern ment, tho sacrlfho of tho Interests of the tirst district, Wm. II. Kamscy; 2d, "VVm. AW Oliver; 3d, C. L. Vnllnndlghnm ; fth, Charles Hawkins; 5, C. N. Lamfson; Cth, C. A Whlto; 7th, J. E. tVright; 8th, II, D. Vnnlleet ; 9, O. F. Dickinson ; IOtb, F. H. Hurd ; 11th, Geo. A. Wcllcr: 12th A. 1). JIavo: 18th. Gen. V ONLY laborers to ngrandizo a handful of nristo crats, tho wicked deprivation of tho peoplo of their rightful heritago In tho pnbllc lands which havo been mado a gift to rail- if, S i'.".? I.OOO.OOOlpremiurn during tho administration of President Grant on government bonds payable at Jpar, main tennnco ntnn nnualcouto tho peoplo of nearly $30,000,000 of nn unconstitutional oppression nnd oxtortlonnto system of banking, whyroby monoy Is mado scarce and Interest high, nro abuses which call for wlso and thorough remedies. 11th. Thnt wonroln favor of strict econ omy, of a Inrgo reduction In tho expendi tures of tho Fcdornl and Stato govern ments, of civil sorvlco reform, of the col lection of tho internal revenue, by Stnto authorities, and thcroby a return to'honcst ianor oi tno myrinds ol tax gnthorers who ullllct our land nnd cat un its substnnen. and of tho speedy trial, conviction and punishment ofthothcives who hnvo sto len the taxes paid by tho pcoplo. 12th. That white wojrrjcct repudiation we equally refect tho nronosflfon m nnv tho bondholders moro than tho contract with them demands, that if tho crs have rights so have tho taxpayers, nnd we insm upon juiiica Doing dono to both, that tho creditor Is entitled to bo nnid In tbo same currency ho loaned tho govern ment, that when ho loaned greenbacks, unless tho contract otlierwlso provides, and when ho loaned gold ho should bo paid in gold, that to guard ngnlnst too great nn expansion, greenbacks should bo convert ible In thrco per cent bonds, nt tho option of tlio noto holders, said bond to bo re- deemed in greenbacks on demand, that tlio iruemciiiou oi returning to specio pay ment is to rnnka custom duties paynbla in legal tender currency, whether pnper mon oy or gold, thnt such u policy would se cure a unilorm currency, stop gambling In gold, nnd thorcby olovnto tho credit of tho government. 13th. That with tho watchword of "re form" wo confidently go to tho country; that wo beliovo tho interests of tho great body of tlio peoplo nro the snmo; that without regard to past political associa tions they aro tho friends of freo govern inont; that tliay nro equally honest, bravo unu patriotic, nnd wo appeal to them as to our iiretnren nnu countrymen to aid us to obtain relief from tho grievous abuses which wrong nnd oppress ovory one, ex cept tho wrong doers nnd oppressors them selves. 14th. Upon Stuto issues wo rcsolvo thut wo are in favor of calllnc u conven tion, ns provided for by nrticlo sixteen. section eight of tho Stato Constitution. C. L. A alundiirham. who stood bv -Mor gan's sido during tho rending of tlio reso lutions, seconded tho motion for their adoption. rrnnk 11. Hurd, on bclialtof luo other two members of tbo tho committee, moved to striko out tbo first two resolutions of tho majority roport, and Insert tbo follow ing in iiioir ateail "That tho Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments having been mado parts of tho Constitution by violence und fraud, nro revolutionary and void." Tho motion lost. A'cns, lfi9; nays, 290. Tho majority report was then ndoptcd ; yens 305, 130. Durbin AVnrd, TIioh. Hiving nnd Theo. AV. McCook wcro nominated for Gov ernor. On tho second ballott McCook was nominated, tho ballot standing : McCook 251, Ewing 101, 'Ward 0. aamuci r. mint, oi uinctnnali, wns nominated for Lieutenant Governor. Tho convention then took u recess until eight o clock. At midnight tho Democratic convention is still in session. AYnllacc, of Clark county, has been nominated for Attornoy General : Col. J. It. Cockorill. of Adams. for Auditor of Stato: Dr. Bruehl. of Ilntn. nion, ior stato xrensuror! Heorin w. Geddcs, of Kichland, for Snpromo Jndgo, and Arthur Hughes, of Cuyahoga, lor member of Hoard of Public Works, ztotw inntions aro yet to bo mado for School Commissioner nnd Clerk of Supremo Court. DEMOCRACY OF TENNESSEE. Nabiiville, Juno 1. Tho Democratic Stato Executive Committeo of Tennossco met In this clly to-day, upon tho call of Its chairman, Hon. Drey 1J. Thomas, and adopted a resolution declaring thoir accoptonce, in good fnith, of tho issues of tho war, with all tho lata amendments to tho Constitution, and their acquicscnco In them as tho snpromo law of tho laud. They nlso declnred thoir approval of wio into democratic congressional ud dress. At a larrfO moetimr of tlio oilitnra f thn Domocratio nross nf thn Klnln nntv In Oil. city, this afternoon, this nctfnn nf thn aiato JJomocratlo Executive Committoo wns considered nnd unanimously approved and indorsed. This mooting was com posed of Democratic editors from nil Hurts of the Stato. LUMBER. T W. TlTOIiVroX .iik.i,i;iv !., BLINDS WINDOW OIiAMS SHINGLES LATH AND LUMBER orricK, on TENTH STREET Between Commercial ami WAsb Inqlon Avenues, CAIUO. HiLINOIM. Akcii In tor ltock HLver l'apor Coinpiiiiy' Sticutliliig Felt am! Clii.iriz Cmtetit. II. W. JoUiVn IiuproTCil Hoot JlllCHlWHYM Oil llHIIll. O R ASH DAILY TAPEll IN EGYPT. NSURANCE. W. II. Moil NotAry I'm Mir. HvM.ttind Notary lutlk and I Commissioner. INSURE! FIRE HULL CARGO LIVE STOCK ACCIDENT LIFE Insurance i:r.A,iiAitrioRi, AhHctH $5,540,30 1 0? NORTH AKlKUIOA, PA., AaoctH 'JtffH, HAUTl'OHl,WoNlV., AMCtN- t,Q4 1.210 J 1'IKIAIX, IIAUTFORI), AhhcIm 1,1H1,148 Sti INTUX&NATIONAIi, N. V., AhmcH I.:i53,30S 17 lMIT.V'A.TI, JIAKTFOK!. A met 700.937 V CJIiEVEIjAXO, ci,evi;i,axi. ctH S15,7.1 88 JIOMi:, COIVCMBCN, AmclH 013,278 HI AMERICAN CENTRAL, MO., AkbcCm 50O.OOO oo COXX. MUTUAL LIFE, AfSCIl 30,000,000 oo TRAVELER'S, HARTFORD, LIFE As ACCIDENT, ANHCIN I.OOU.OOO OO RAILH'AV I'ASSEXGERH AS flWRAACE CO., HART., AhkcIn 500.000 OO lA'DEPEXUEA'T, BOSTON, AHvt., ...803O,SOU 08 Safford. Morris & Candee 71 OHIO LEVEE City National (linUJ, ' O'm&rtdi am. jpiRE AND MARINE INSURANCE C-UMPAKIKN IVing-ai-a, IV. Y. ; .. assets t)i,3,aia Germanin, IV. Y. ; a ASSfiTft Hanover, ANHRTH -i.esf.ei i Y, ,.. 7!46,7ea IV. Repviblic, IV. Y. ; AHNKTS...... .. 711,033 CoinpriNliiK tlio UiMlcrwrlteri'As; Yonkoi's, ANSF.TH IV. ...87M64 IB AN.HKT8 ...493,198 at iTirem'n'ta FandsSaf. AKMirrS - ...887B,008 00 Security, N. Y.5 Marine ANSIS TS ...... l,4aa 849 00 tSStores, Dwflllags, Furnliure, Jlull Cargoea insured at rates na farorable aa s :a an aa tound permanent security will warrant I respectfully ask ol tne citizens ol Cairo. hare of their patronage. Offlre at Kirat National Bank JNTEREST PAYING PLAN: A new and novel system of Y.ifo Insursnc i ccntlv Introduced by the MISSOURI MUTUALLIFE OF NT. I.Ol'IS. Ity tills system, Lllo Insurance is fUrnJahed at as littlo coat aa by tlio usual plana, nd the pol. icy hoi ler ri'ciilvfs an antiunl inlerm6l serea imr cunt, ujion all llm money paid by him lo thn Inmpuiiy i hia annual premiums thus earning lilm a' much nin corernrnent bond. Tlio Plan hill bvtin llluroilirhlv 'rrltfUf..! mrtA fully indorsed by the most eminent' actuaries und skillful mathematicians In tbo land 1 Indeed it has not yet been the subject of unfayoraUe mention In any rosjicctablB quarter. OFFICE OF THE COMPANY: Northwest cor. Fourth & OUVo Sts. ST, LOUIS, MISSOURI. AllTnUIt 15. BARRETT, President Bi:kj. AVilliams, SccreiMy. Till KISSOTOI Z&XJTTTJT rtAnlta hlxli In lhIW ol sound, thrifty Weslerr Life Coniranles. , , It liasaiiiplecipiliil-SlJJ.CW., , It lmsut more than enough, to cover l lit, llabllitlea III additio J tn the capital. It li.-H ono hundred thousand dollars depoillej with th.ilteof Misaoun aa a perpetual aiuar. aute to it I'Ollov holders. It h.19 compiled fully with tho uew taws ol sshe Slatr, Hhltharo imltti as exacting and mpreriRld. ly enforced than thononf Astern Htate. 'j iuvet Ha funds inth' West, utSonii tlie nt iiplo from whom they are received. Ut mauagemtml ltlKOrua, skillful mJ pru lt nuntinl inconio from tho Interest alouo 11 already more tlianumcleul to nay iu losses. It Issues nollclcaiirjntitha onlinitrv 1i'.n,l n. dOHOientblans, fi;thv Hume, into aj'oiher tlrsU class eoinjmnles. jne policy noiaers receive All thwproits nan liual dividends. ' T Tlio Mock holdera can reveivo only ten per cout. of interest 011 tieir capital, bring terms ot thecliartor. Thu annual dividends lo policy holdera are al ready greater than nmiiy old Eastern Companies nava.over beenahle. to pay. TheUtntoof llllnola paid last year about lour million dollarsor Life Insurance. - Why uud so mucli money out 'of lb 8lt uwayiorvw orK anjiMewcax that may lx produreit ust as ch at hoinuf axland Tor u articl choap'v (orator M WOOD ASW, sprCf-lairll AU ftt Ct