Newspaper Page Text
wimii'I in i i run 8tu 3 COMMERCIAL- .i j-.w.fniirlii!t.Pll-',kl,vrc- j lbATLZ cW of Impcr.' i-theronai ., ..... , to note In connection ....- I I iliillnna inncmr. 2 pn-prct of Improve "nonrl. In rtbr MM but j ars-unchanged. CountrrpJn'",u' Hutlor ! plon tvna to.t In Iho in.rkr-t cm U tooght from 18C0.2OO. not., n l.n.lo Improvement .n ePP, -ml with t o ox Itlonofoncwlo of 300 dozen nt 10c. trieei are quolnbly unchanged. The weather Is extremely warm, ttirout ning rin. FLOUR The market I Improved line Uit report. Sales wore xn kM. Various Grade .$ 0(?8 f0 r, on flalei from Cit'f MlllV- 100 bbls. X 100 " XX -ISO XXX 150 XXXX "WHEAT. Wo quote 1 or. Rod ,..n oo ,.r. W) .." oo ..7 50 SI 35 CORN. Tbe market la actlvo and tlc mand good. Thcro Is brisk salo for nil offering!. Bale were , 2 car, Yellow, in bulk on truck. . 1 it " del , .S3c ..Mo 8 White And Mixed in bulk on track &'K 3 "uhltc&mx'd" In bulk-...63cfTfGlo 4 ii in bulk...M&4culc 2 " Choice "White in bulk on track G3s 1 Mixed, in sacks, dcl'd...- 02c C " Choico "White, in sucks, from atoro r,3c JOOaacka "White OATS. Tho tuppUet itill fall short of the demand. Fricca aro firm at previous quotations. Sales were 2 cars, In bulk, Mc 1 " on track 53c 2 " in aacks. delivered 50c 250 sacks 5!)c HAT. Dull ad unchanged, Sale wert S cars, Timothv, delivered. ..$17 0018 00 BUTTEIL-The market continues dull Md dtp rested. Sales were 11 pkp Choice 18c20o u Madium to Choico 15c18o EGOS. Thcro ia an improved demnnd for eggi. Prices unsettlod. Bales wcro 300 dox ihippera count 10c Wpkp u 12c(.tl!Jc HAIb The market la unchanged and prices are well sustained, fiules were 200 bblaSteam Dried, on track2 852 05 10 Fancy Steam Dried, from store 3 003 25 160 bbls city Steam Dried 3 103 25 POTJLTRY.-Innctlvu. S.ilea vc ro ll coops chickens $i OOQ't 125 FRUlf.-We qiiolo- lObexea Oranges JO 507 00 15 " Lemons o C(KJi7 00 POWnEK-XfK, rifle Ketf, tlntus....... -IlarMi other mini an I milirtrd HAlU-ptrkeK. lCd to Kt... Other llln an lirrmlll panl U III) 'TMIOKH-PoiUjneii,t.U.17 00I7 ni inaemetspork.pi'r bbl "iniMHt UtCOU .. Cluiideii,perlb,dry mil year tiden, bron r! "d', K' '' drr " RlbW ljen, lcon...:.. " aTBUmn.WTlli, nmokeil yuUrt, Uoon.. auftreiired llm,rKiin.'.l Coantry IUuh XOI.aSES-New Orleans, in tbl. " " OoldeaRvmp, Porghnin, " 5ilvr lrliH Lie 10 II'. 14VJ 15" hr 15lll Ial4c 70Wi7.1 HUtoH.1 iar.(i ou : 4o N.IhUU flRH-M'krel, So,l,i.erbt4.w. " No., " 11 ooaittoo No. 3. ia onus a oo No. 1, kit Nn t, " So 3. itwi no tl OOy i M5 i auiii 7rt ... w,,ll F'h ha f lb. RICK-P,r lb flALT-Perbbl ,. BObA Hi Caibon kev wr lb....!! " Inboiee, per lb... SUA KB Tureen and bb, per lb Keita and hi bbl, per lb.." Couolrv Lard, per lb ""UN-Hard, per lb A Colle Katra C ..,1 har 11, vr lb-3.'.T.M Brmht. it l. . 1 noH oo u aou SlH l.V.i'ild iliiin l3U(.t llolti , muia A U5aH 4( io;4iox 'Ha mi ar,r,ii i, omoklnj, p-r it., VROKTABLEB I'outor aa.t Whit heaot raty, Uolona. per FRUIT uar' Ko:n, pi German Nc 3U:i3u 1 38(l q I OOfal uu -aaturi-'"-- lb Appie';:v7c: ,ual? , si.rrt'i. .riT.r "ivi'2'riL".' Utt11 ,,nJ Hee hn 'u,w dtlad u .":'H Johnson's 11 . She Udi leriniiie.l to maintain her claim lo tlie ,lUM luO I. .ii. ?U Depot, Bail Tenn.. n.l V. i i Bsnia r l,l!l,snHlnre." MUJ4 sauc UWWa UK) U,i lou. nunaui, us, .,., : r r " P er bb I e lrat-Prlm to CIW, Common lo rir7.V.7!Il wars aa'4T Ba It in 81 s0 B(4l 75 . a tHin m ijsiTi M I talfttl H m top lna Graaa Kurlap,,.. itxa 1 iOlHl i avui i aa a 1HaWA-Choiee White gl-hib. ilfc; Ordinarv le t whliS 1 lU 1 4150 Norm :lj!itl lit,, I'liilmlu. Yttit l'DLt A color and dressing that will not burn tho hair or injure tho head. It does not product), a color mechanically, 08 tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores tho hikr to its original color and lustre, by supplying now life atid vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of soft, lino hair. Tho best nnd safest articlo over ottered. Clean nnd Pure. Ho sediment. Sold every whet e. ASK FOR DOMAINS'. MEDICAL. I SIMMONS' I The .vmntomstio liver complaint are uneasiness and pain in the lido. Some time, the pain In In tUesnouJder.and li finals ho evomach in ailed- ed with loss of appetite nnd sickness, bowels In KeneiaicosiiTO, sometimes alternating wiin ia Tho head la troubled with pain, nnd dull, heavy LIVER I ensauon, considerable lof of memory, norom. nanled with painful en- nation of having- left un done somcthine which buaht to hare been done Une voinplainiiiK of Hi'aknem.dcbllllT, and low npirltn. Sumetlmex, eome of the ntwve ymp. tiinia nllend the ilinrniip, and nt Oilier times Terj few or them ; but tlio Liver In ganrrally tho orgai mol Involved. Cure tho Liver with Xzr. 8tTriTnoM.a' Liver Regulator A preparation ol roots and herha, wrrranted to be ttrictly vegetable, nnd can do no Injury to any ODO. It linn been lined by hundreda, and knownol the taut 33 yenri an one of the moit reliable, elD mrlniix and linrinleim preparation ever ollored the lUtlerlnK- If taken regularly and perxiaten It l nurn to cure. Dyapenda, neadache, laundice. contivenea. REGULATOR nick headache, chronle aiarrnaja, aiteciions oi the bladder, camp dyncntery, nflectloni nf Ihu kldner, f ever. nrrvounFa. ehllla. dlieatei of the ekin, impurity of tho blood, melancholy, or uepremonoi apiritt. npuriDurn.couc.or pain in the bowels, pain In the head, fever and RUC uropny, uonn, pain in ine hack nnn nmoi, aumma eryidpelas, female aRoctionn, and bllloui diaeaae Kisnerally. SI rreparea oniy oy u. it m Pruuiita. Maoon. Oa. For aale bv liarclry urotnern, Ohio Levee Cairo. Illinom. l : tv mamavxtiiaw "jyjAWNAIlD'S BITTERS Tin: i:kt TONIC IN USE KOIt HALE II V E. F.MAYNARD, Prop s'ittsiuuk:, pa. UtxIHllV G Head Dispensary KiiaUlnlied in and rhartered ur,, lor th ri-Klmnt of nil dlnrntpa of a private untiire, fMtiitto lilh m'ah". A up- i" BtiKranteiMl tfrr ce undertaken. For S9cvlot Devices' Female Regulators Kir female". Warranted torenr w nbatrucl'i ci. hut i jmr mi, AUoafuUniaorinirntofllaiidKk ami TrtHB a or .lualitjr pi Mala heahh ; Jl for-lna nne; Ji per half down, or fSpvr dojen. i.i,.Vn A 1 T1'1'1'.'!1 -ntHt'lK an elMKiral m i! ",,h"","fl"e,",. with k lew praelh .V. 1 ."' ,vu,1""i r"eci ami trentment ina aini'-.'onUiinlnn Wl larve pauea ue ;j o atilennraviiiM, .l,omK the ditterent Haue,, Sent in eealed wrapper mi leeelpt of Galen's Head Dispensary, SCHEETZ CELEBRATED Bitter Cordial Whle.:.!,. 1'f.pot-N. v ,.ornur .-mi, , a'reeta, I' P.v. live J.WMIII S(!IIKi:i.. K , e "lie J-amlly Mi-d e lie, imil . nn U 5 J.''!!'1"1"' prmnptaud peed. U3 . MKMr,E. ia3B.uthClh st.,pil,. ,vW I iiP",, ''"J U.ik'chufl-h. 'nanV n'M Mln"rtlubuoue. Hold I CI S, MLHUVY, GAS & STEAM FITTER """"PsHialu wiauor'a BlotV. onfchci"llVnii.12trf,leU.,'.U ,tocki n'1 ants, Mall LiJiJtVf u''V "rackeU. Peud. limrV.i : "lobes, Hhaila. n ll I... ii DO it 1 M Its 11 I',"'? VH'"" ...AND... r-u-Z ? M K KWWZ eu" TJ1 Lffi?',:-. FANCY -GOODS " iii?.:. ,v !.!, u i f,ir i,ller HU(1 , ,,- , , ,n . ., IibIkam I,., it-. iiiitiwirp, AM 1 1 til i u i .i 1 1 1 t ri . " i .run, . ... i 7 . " " .-r BANKS. CITY L BAKK CAIRO, ILLINOIS. W. P. IIAbMDAV, Prealilentl A. II. .1AKIOH1J, C-aalilrri WALT Kit IIVHL.UP, Aaalataul Vaahlat iiri:ctoks. Stiidto TAflor eott White Ueo. II. Ullllamnn, A. II. Sarford. W. '. Ilallldai, Kobt.ll. Cunnlarhax Mrphen lllrd, Kx'haiit;e, Coin aul U. S. ISond Bough, and Sold. Xoioaailtoa Zlooolvod a r.NF.nAi. nn UANICING FIRSr NITI0NIL SINK DANIF.l, II1TRD, lreiillrnti HOIIKlt r W. MII.LKIt, Vloe.rea.t ). AT. IIUnillM, Cnaliler. Collections Promptly Made Exchange. Coin, IJiuik Notcit nnd Uriitoil MtutvH Ncenrl tlCN BoiiKlit mid Mold. Interest Allowed on Time IteponlU. Savings Bank Chartered Itfarch 31. OFPICK IN 1SOO City National Bank CAIRO, ITiMNOIN. OFFIOBUB A. Jl. 8AKFOHI), President H. H. TAYLOK, Vlco-Premdent; W. JIYHLOI', Bceretary and Trnaaurer. DIRKCTUBBt P. W. BARCLAY, CffAS. OALIUHKR, V. M. HTOCKKI.KTU, PAUL Q. HCIIUll, ft H. CUNNINOUAM, W. P.tHALLIUAr, .f. M PHILLIPlj. Ucpoalta of any Amount Received froaa Tea Cent, Upward,. paid on deposit, at the rale of 6 per cent, per annum March lnt and Sept. lei. Interest uot willidnmn la added Immediately to the principal of the tlcpoalta, thereby giving them eonipoundlnleieiit. Harried Women aud Children May tloiinxlt money aotbat SIO OSK KLNK CA.VDIIAW IT. pen every bunines.t day from u a.m. to 3 p.m. ml Saturilay eveninR lor SAVING DKl'dilTa only, from u to bo'clovK. aiitfWtf W. llTSLOI'.Treaurur. MILLINERY. ticnler in MILLINERY Liiillo' Furnishing (JooiIh, ComTmoroinl il.vonuo Corner Xlnlli Ntrcel. All klndNcifi'lolliInu lor Lidlei.' wear inaile to nriler. r leiuly inmle. Al-n, full arnrlinent ol MinX's'iim" Ladies' ell v. tnrltf T Gheap Store 1 now abundantly aitppued '.lli NEW GOODS To willed tho parthmlarl) invllei ullenllon. Klie lie iil p-eelved a full line n IIicrh Tiiinminirs, Silk (Jlmim, Silk (Jiiloon, iiilinri' Lures, Monk Trimmings, Si IK and Velvet Muttons, Crocket Ilnttnim, 1'IiikIi ami Triiiiiniuif Velvet, Silk (JIiiiiik. HATS and BONNETS, I'liie Kid (iloiies. Ladies and Childrens1 Shoes And h lull andeiilnplelp Htnek ol rlcc HASEIN PAT, DOUBLE Window Lock & Sash Holder. TUB ONLY HKItlAHIiB Window fast out It - has no spring la Bliiple and Dura Die, us wen aa vrna' menial, looks win dowa securely, while Odsii or closed, and prevents rattling of tlio sasu. I . MliiedinareDtklnd of ' Trimmings, to Ikltit all tastes. wincli una lock 'Oporatod. HEKMZHKIMWt eVCAHUr .,tiol owners of the Territories of the Btatea o Illinois, Wisconsin and Iowa, nnd Asenta for olho I nimi : M TON HTItt'.ITI. OlIltlAflO. innrcU7dm RAILROADS. iUICKEVT 1.1 mill.' jwlr- ai ....VIA.... ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. TO Nt. liOt '., LoiilHr'ire,liM-Iniiiit Chicago, iXrnr York, Uuston in. folntN Eat and !lVortli PnaaeriKer Treilim Arrive nt nnd lenve C'nlro aa folloivat Mall Expreaa. ArtUIVK-.'li.'lO A.M 1JEPAHT-11I13P. M... 3(30 P.M MlIlO P.M No Kxprc train arrives on Sun tiny. Both trains connect at Centralla with trainaon th MAO MIE. Pana, Decatair, lUooinlnRtou, El I'aao, La Malic, Mendota, Freeport, Ualenn Itnbnqac, and all point In Illlnoli Mlaaourl, Mlnneiola, Wlaronaln aad Iowa. ' And with line running Ear t and VTcat for Mt. Lonls, SprinrOeld, Lonlsvllle, Cln clunatl, IadJaBApolIg & Columbus, and at CJilcago with Mllgnn Central, Michigan Houtbern. nad PlttaburR, Fort Wlynn huu viiirNjco nnuroaaa to Detroit. Nlagrn Fallo, Erie, liunalo, Now York, nttsaurfr, Clcvelaud, Dunkirk, Albany, Iloston, Alilladelnlila. jiaitimore, nashlnirton. ALL POINTS EAST Fo. through tlekets ami luformatinn, apply llllnme Central Kallroad Depot. W.P.JOnNfH)N. General TaaaenRer AKeKt, Chicago. M. flEWITr, llenernl Silperintemlent J. Johnaou, Aent Cairo. SPRINGFIELD dc ILT.INOIN SOUTIIEASTEUX It. 1C. On nnd nfler Monday, A prl ril2llh, 1H71, trnitviwll run m owa : NOHTHEUN DIVISION. Tail aotxa aoi'Tiir.HT. Mail. Leave Virginia - c.:loa.m , " HpruiKtield - " M., " 1ylorTille...10:Si Arrive nt 1'ana 1I:PI m Taaixsooiao hotiiwmt. Eipte Kxproa I2:v p.m. . 3.00 " . i-M " .. :i; ' Mail. ....H.Mu.m. ....4:20 " ,...6.00 ' ,...6:10 ,...:! Leave i'ana ...,:ie,m , Tavlorville.. ..4:47 Arrive atHprliiK0eld...C;IS Leave apmngfleld -0:'i'. Arrive at Virginia... ...ti:M 80HTUEHN DIVISION. tiuiiih aoixa oiTiir.r. Leave Edgewood.... 5:30 a.m. 10:10 a.m. " Klora-. H:-ii ' , 11:40 Arrive at Bhawneetown3:Mp tn 6:15 p.m Taatxi cioiao aoaruwur. Leave Shawneetown S:l'i a.m ... 8:J0p.m " Flora ..2:6J ..... T:0O Arrive at Kdgewood 4:Su ..........8:JU The 6:30 a.m. train from Edsewood, runa only Mondaya, Wednesdays and Friday, and i:4Aa.m. train from Shawneetown ou Tuesdays, Thura. days and Hatnrdays. Connects at Ashland with Jacksonville division of Chicago and Alloa Kiilroad. for Jacksonville, Petersburg, Mason City, a nd all points west. At Springfield, with Chicago and Alton, and Toledo, Wabash and Wextern Railroad, f ir llloominxton, Chicago, and all points north, norlh we,t and west. At Tana with Ind. nnd 85. Lout, nnd Illinois Central Kallroad for oil points ciut, south and southeast. At Edgewood with Chicago Division Illinois Central Railroad. At Flora, with Ohio and Mississippi Itailroad. AtShawneetovn, with steamboats for Cincin nati, Pddiicah, Cairo und St. I.onli. Oil LAND SMITH. Ocn'l Sup't. Jouh Konjiir, Gen'l 1'r'jtt and Ticket Ag't. LEUAL. EciiToirs XTICE. Ex Etute of Michaelliannon, ileceaied. The undersigned having boen appointed of tho lat will and lestument of Michael Gannon, !nt of the County of Alexander, and btato of IlllnoU, deceased, hereby ttlves notice that he will appear beloro the county court of Almnnder county, at the court house in Cairo, at the July term, on tho 3d Monday In July next, at which time all persons having claims against said estate are notified nnd reipiestod to attend lor tho purpose of having tho same adjusted. All pnrsone indebted lo eaid estito are requeued to msko immediate payment to tho undersigned. Dated this 3iith dny nf May, A. D. 1871. jelwi.t JOHN CKOWLEY, Executor. 7-30 Gold Loan JAY COOKr. A CO. are now selling nt par the Firit Mortgage Land Urant Hold llonds or Ihe Northern Pucitio Kaiirosd Company bearing sov. en and three-tenth per rent, gold interest and seiured by llrt and only mortgage on the entire road and ciinlpuicuta and on more than 22.000 ACRES OF LAND to every mile of track, or SOU Acres of Land lo each Il.noo Bond. There is no other sernrity In the market more safe or so piolltable. Tlie Highest current price win ub pniu iur u.o, 1VE 1 WENTIEH. and all other marketable Hecurilles received in exchange. Pamphlets, Maps and lull information iiirniiien u appnni. tlon. LVNT, PRESTO l at KEAJV, HANKERS, CHICAtiO, Qrncral Ascnla for Illllnola, Wiscon sin, JlluuaeuiK uu num.c.M dlann. -FOR HALE I1V THK U1TY NATIONAL RANK AND F1KST NATIONAL HANK d&wtf (tAIRO, Il.I.l.VOlH. FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP STEAM EHGINFS, BOILERS Copper and Sheet Iron Work No. 248 Eat Pearl Strcot, CINCINNATI, OHIO. PAINTERS. QAM . THOMAS, Ia prepared o do all kiuds of PAINTING .....AND IN THE PERRY H0IKF -ORNBBMMKCIALAVENVKANB COMMISSION FORWARDING. Sticcossorto TarkerA Phlllls. o'r."Ai CO IV1 MISSION And llnaler in Flour, itttiiil, Hiij-, Corn, Oikn, Itrim. ConlOth St.&0hio Levee CAIKO. ILLINOIS. I)KAI,VIt8 IN PLOU R And Ag)ul nt OHIO KIVKIl AM) KANAWHA SALT COMPANIES JMo. 70 OZZZO Xj 33 AT" 33 33 CAIRO ILLINOIS. It. W..Mn.i.ra. lv T. I'AUsrK M ILLFJt iV PA11KK1E, GENERAL COMMISSION AND Forwarding Merchants DKALERS IN FI.OIIK, COKX, OATH. II A V, 33to.. 33to., No. 58 Ohio X.cvec CAIKO. ILLINOIS. J M. PHILLIPS tV CO., (Buccessors to E. II. Hendricks A C. FORWARDING Commission Merchants and "7S7XEil? - Boat PROPRIETORS. OAIKO, ILLINOIS. MIIHUAI. AllVN:i S .MA in: ON !. nion.iii:nti. Are prepared to receive, store and lorw aid freights to all points, and Inly and sell on coin miiaion. , crl)iiinesnltendcil lowlih nroinptness c LOSE V VIXCEXT, (JENEUAL COMMISSION MKKCIIANTS, and dealers in Lime, Cement, Plaste Pans AND PLASTKKEirS 1IAIU. Cor. Hih Street ami OliloLuvcv CAIRO ILLINOIS. MICROSCOKtS. T HE CKLEKKATEI CRAIG MICROSCOPE Isnnoplicnl wonder, reveals Ihe thoussndi of llllluen WfJU'lcrs UI iHlliru. in til iiruumit-ii. tij .nil r.rantlr.1 nvtkllnlillitv. I'ntniiinlnu lnstructioD Willi Hllllinriiivui. nuu iiv-i i-i uniiis ,m .. nmnoilies TEN THOUSAND TIMES a power equal In other microscopes nf inntiv tunes Its cost. Hoveiils countless little woild", nil .,n..nil ii. fu.mlmr with life, which to the naked eje must lorever remain u sealed hook as els in vincitar, animals In water, cheesa miles, sugar and Itch insects, milk filobulos, clas and hairs of In- secta, liiinilrousor eyes in n siiikid "j" " " " .i.,ut r. l.nM,.rflvu wlnirstn hn iterfectlv formed feathers, thniniieli lalkeclofTrliicliliiabpiridis or pork worm, wntcii was nrsiu.seunTen nmiiir,,.-.. with this Jllcrofcope. i iu ..f volnn In nrnfi.MHlnnul men. to . II. 1. 1 (IIIIIII..U , , .7 r teachers ami to students, but now hero s It of Krcater value than on the family is J;ln, will n l reach of ovsry memuer. uwiu j.-hki.v J" yourcliildrcn and your fr ends diirinK the i Iohk wintcreveninxs. II will show you ndulteratinns aud iincloanlliiessoi various Linus ui ai"" cnr. tea, bread, meal, Ac. i.oi Vnliia In i ho Farmo Jl 19 lt IHvOii - In examinlnc Infects which prey ui.on mi i crop,. The power o? a .W 'microscope, an d so tin in US consinicnon mm nujuimj. TbcaKpVe Inir. and cheap. uverw,uuiiiaYui.'rii nv. '"fcriw the jt six yea.s lis worth has been tea. t fled to uy iiiousnnus ui kbiii ..i school toaohers. students, physicians, hoiuU of families, and others. PRICE 93 00. Sent by Mnll, PostPaia Every msirutnent is neatly boxedj and nand. somely labeled with full directions for ue. 1 lion. SOniCIT l.wvicw ni.i. ..... sands have boon sent by moil v.'! J.L1NE3HA CO., Auuress, FREE! FREE! at - itinnllllV inlimftl Of ITlfO matAou RflkTtl mii ot nature LI. ViPiLlntareaftnie lUormatlnn on the won. Sari ol "crMtlon" S?ie- .ketches Ac. Term. iiSttXLf ia"r Thla journal will bo sent Vreo ?orei?to any onenuwhasing a Crylg Micro mom, al"V regular prfce,J, (CralK Microscope WFJISpPMa our beautifully illustrated orsiuiioiyi .,. l, nl ty. Agents and Dealers, this Mlcroscnpo sell In or er family on Its merits, when exlblted. Large I'roflls. Quick Hides. febawtlm jTJAIililDAY ItKTIIi:ilN. mm FORWARDING WMISlll 3J-a.3VI13 OOOXCI3VG' QTOVES. BEEBWABX, AtlllNTrt TOIL Till! til O !a - d UJ UJ Q UJ UJ r- r '('V"' i"l ' WARRANTED FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RE8PECT- WHAT IIOUSKICKPKltS SAY ABOUT "F'ArvlS" GOOKOTG STOVES Always IE liab!o, , Alwxiys Hie Best, Always the Cylicapeiit ami rxi:(ji'ALF.n i.v tim: vv.nv cnox of cuokixu apparatus TEN DIFFERENT S ZES NOW READY. These rm are an vnfatttng Tannic lltgulator, intended for rpcclai cates ; iose obstinate tmrt where mxldcr and cheaper mecli cinrsfail. '1 liuy nrocomposod of tlio most active anil powerful tirinclnlea ot Til unto. TfintH nml Iterrira nn liiniily concentrated that each pill roiitalna inoro medicinal trcngtli than r. vfliolo Ixnk or bottlo of ordinary dollar mcdl cino In tlio market. AWtough 'c'),V enu take thim iciiU perfeet sqif(j. eu J'rlce, t'i jier In x, i-oid liy all DruRpiHts. rn-iiiicnorsfcchiiiKinionnaiionor aunce, vdil he iirnmptlyatiaMTrcd f'nrcs all disease canoed Sundial llVal;- tlic, A'fjAt mittUm, JsOtscj Jlnnory. omteriai iMstuude, l'nins in th Jlaek, Jlimnen of Virion, 7'rcmaure Old Age, Weak Xerxes. JUJficuU llreathinj, J'ale VoutJenanee, Jntan ilii, Comumjilon, and all diseases that follow aa a Bonntneo of youthful indiscretion.. Kacli packago contains one bottle filled Vfith Rugar-coatcd l'ills, and ono vial filled with Medicated l'owdcra, tufficicnt to mako ow hilf pint of Injection; and ono Syringe. tir Price, t J per packago, by mall, tS CO. Bold by Druggist everywhere. Tlie ; great Jriuiui munno nil lUneatei eif tlie JTn'n- cures ary Organs, such as Inconti nence of J'rine, Inflammation of the Jl' titer, Inflammation vfthe Kvlneyt, ,Vonc In tho JUadder, fitneture, (travel, Uo7iorrliaa, Uleit and ts especially recommended in Fluor Attux (or Whites.) 1'n.cli nackatro contain ona bottlofiUedwithSugar-co&ted l'lllH, anil one vial uuort witu Medicated l'owdcra, siifUcieHt to make ono pint of injection; and ono Syringe, rra- Trice. 15. by mail. 13 CO. hold liv iJrnscistu overywherc. i yj-tVo desire to bond our tbirtv.two pago pamphlet, entitled "Man and Woman ai Invalids," to evory reader of this paper. Hcnd address, with Stamp to pay return postage, and addrcM a. follows : i'r TOCii MimciL Aiiociirto., 117 soara stxra ira.ti, Sitsv I ins MtstoriM STOVES, TINWARE, ETC. A. UKALKIt IN STOVES Tin nnd Hollow Wnrp,ClolliPlVrlii(rprt. Toilet Vnrp, Conl Hods, Fire Sliovcls. Air Urates, Hanuf.icturcr ol Tin, Zinc, Copper and Sheetlron No. 166 Washinqlon Ave CA1SZO, 1I.B.S. Itoolliif?. fJiitterliis mill all lilmU ol lull WiirU Ilime at hlKirtost .otlcr. feb'Jdlf TAXTim. AH HXTfS, Kevonty-llvo to tun hundred diill.irn per month evcMwherc, main nnd (eiiinle, to Introduce tlio fieimino liu proved foiiiinoii feno Katnlly Hew Ing Machllio. 'Mils liiachli.e will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, hliul.l tald, cord, unlit and embroider In i; mol Hiiperior in minor. I'riee only warranted for live wars. Wo will (.ay fl,0(l foi any machllio that will sew a stronger, more. i beau tiful or more tdt.tle soani tlian onr. It wake Uui 'Klastio LocsHilteh." Kery second sti chcan bo cut, and still Ihe cloth cannot bo pulled apart without tearing U. We pay agents togii. per month midiix!ense.,orncommlsion from which twicn that iitnuuiit can be made, 1'or circulars and i.'H"1'wiyQ,i:n9,t.COii 43ilBprncot)lreet, Philadelphia, I'a, Oautiov. Do not bn Imposed upon by otlmr naities pilinlng oil worthless cast iron machines under the same name or otherwise. Ours is tin. only geinilneand really practical flioap muthlno manufactured. aprluduin COLLEGES, "pj 1 G 1 J 151) IJCATIOX. HELLMUTH COLLEGE Iloanl and Tuition per annum, f22t;. HELLMUTH LADIES' COLLEGE Inaugurated by II, It II I'riuco Arlluiy. Board and tutlon perunnnm. fili. President, tlio Very 11 v. I.;illinuth,D. I., Dean of Huron l'or partloulsrs apply to Major Kv"i London, Can'sla West. (in rnoM) OHE mm (THREE) Vdays OETH& GO ';:,!4HK.ITKI H O CO m m r r DRUGS. Turtle Oil SOAP. MADf HY low, so m mm, AT Barolay XI o a t 1 o THERMOMETERS! Tiii:K.Tio!riirri:iiHi . D n m ft v Large Stock 5 8 - i FeK BALK AT.. r I3A.ZlOtiAVCI. Whitcomb's SOOTHING SYRUP rOKJALK AT BAECLAYS' Sapolio, ls hen,ier unit better lliau hemp lor all uaca ( xirpl waali. I ni; rlolliral lor lenulnir Win aliitts vtlllioiit water, I'alm. Oil Clnllis, Floora, Tables, ami nil WimiiI work. 4'lilim, Karlh ri, nml JI,mr, and fur Uciirral House (lennlns; Pnr. post's. I'nr I'nllallllltr ltnlv,l. Tllltira Itiuss, Meeli Iron, and all Meir 'lb Unren lleiiiov a, na by Maiclr, etc J. anil Itmi, Iriivlng a brilliant stir ra iiinl lo Ni vv. For Salo by UAHCLAY HKI. MMHMaBaMaHMaaaaMHMiaiHaaaHftHMHaa Chapped Hands GLYCERINE LOTION in Elfgantljr pfrfnmed and raluulilo article for the toilet ul Isadles and Uentlemen. Will cure I'lianned HantJa.HonR-htie). u h n of tlio Skint ChanDPfl LI pa a4 tiiaieu surfaces. TRY ONE BOTTLE. Prepared by Barclay Brothers. EXTRA FINE COLOGNE. Urniilno Impottfd Extactn, FINE ENHLISH (SOAPS. Hair, Tooth nnd Nail Urnahea. India Itnlilicr Nursery Goods. AT BAnOtiAY J3H.OB REAL ESTATE BROKERS- Q WIWHTOIV CO., Euccessori to John Q. Harman A Co.,) rn-nt. L.O I M I La A -k"r M -W -k. -. aaanl-MM 1U -rm. j M. M. mJF XV MJ XJl MW 19' ' 74 CnoiSn. Pfnniv tUl( I tVCC Til I) Buy and Soil Real Estate! TAT c'UUNISlI ABNTRACTH OV TITtk. AMI! FRVI'AHfcCONVfcYAIICEa l FA I.I.N Da) JOIIIS NASSANO'H ICE CREAM SALOON Commercial Avenue, lirtwaaat 17th anil "in mrcata, CAIRO, : I ILLINOIS. " Handsomely, nni completely "furnTslied a ed, -Willi es, Cn-n id in the! j, nVilrlal hi "''i'""'1! wiimi'.ui' sun nutin to no loun eitv. rumllles or patties supplied on short notice, i ..ii.uinijv icipn;iiiiiir HOIICIIell, InylVdllll 1 1 ?H