) F ' COOKCfL l'BOCEBMXU.S. '.) OL'V H - road pr 'I ho eftcm rmr.gr (lgi!l, I in Uipf!' '''.' i " ? i - .. . ,-j i'ft i : . Cou f ti t r. . : cicfy , W" nidi i e . a ,.... bo to to - ...It but W9 . tils "lii r.ir .1- Ml -ti. b.y, i.m .i ) . ' . ! tU irr .1 th.. l ' 1 tbv ua u ..-t'a d i. 1,. 1: 'J. 1 p r j I ' W'O'1 . Bsc IT . .lilted di .i''th ' i:f, . ; !' ir - d tl . . ::t ' -,tif ' r.:f .-.tyu , ..f : .A -in, Mm I as. ! HttVli. ' : iJufj.i- .iUr,huU ' d t!i. M,m4A '. dmbtwlt. 1 ' !1 f . . ? V . ad . ; Jp ! .. VI i f . u'i . r-. :...) I '.of ' ' on - ', vl I m 1 y lif t'uS UI .'lltltPf .tli i wil 1 il 1! II ' t' 1. 1 ! ,f.r. I ( t X. ! - . 1 A ' ... . .. . j t -is 3 .1-1. t! . . . a -m ' . . ,:fc . i !. .v ! - '(! o ..I 1 ' f ! n J ! I U. til ycr IiO r' u: a I nui f. t i 0 I' , p old i.4 1 t-. tt 1 t UI in I i u i l.t! j Si , In. ! Ci t (!or'!tiin:. i;m. lll.,Jni, i-;.. SI . ring of Mm City CuunHl oWl f..r t '- l.mririij of i.hjixvioxi tw th iisom IU9 1 it fur 187l( and fur oibor pur- JJMS, ' Mayor LinUan, prciidlng. I'rwcnt (Jooncil'iicn Hallldtjr, Ifurd, lanodsn, Toyl.ift Wood ml Woodward ; id Aldtrnittt Sudor, Cuflftrftgham, Kcll, nanrucn, Scuo, StfatUm, Swnvno nnd U'aldor H, AbncntCounoHmatij ScJwch; nnd A' drrmett OarrolJ, rHgtrftid, Mstcnir and Winter -A. Th 3(ytr atattrf the oMrjet of Ua- . mAnfln (a Im. 1. 1 t ..11 i u . t.mt iUere are mB- "r's ' wc!t f liojia? urxi who AMrtnun WeteaJf appeared nnd took . ih.si thinfirit f crutlty, wWeb 1 11 ' "MS'-, .nn J !r w teo Uw Innoowit ! Co,""-" wJ moved to ih-ow-I a tin il wttrilutc tlii failur u tbo aUcence of l Wfnr teHn Ut on all .'. i; . II- hat kfretofora ! i.' . !. iji. tio, nnd tbflatd I.. t. I t Ih lii.t ibino In tlio .. !. :s-iWt ; ring from Vlt :.(. i cftl Htilntr intSuunco. o I Ul,l .". rllntingl. V.Vd . t' 1 Li a i i t1fJ tl' ' t'.i I .' n-y . r .l ..it i r, - i.r . i. l :.! i i.t : .nd v ihr f Up r... ; ' .- ,f 6d AHfcfirt . f . f t4 lb 4 !-: : . n to 4bo Wring of ntjjactkiit, If any, to tlio aaaaaaawnt ws4 ly Aaalaaar liuriiotl for iWyear lfl. Carrlwl. rill- ' ruuiicinm ! each on eoruiu !oi In block C in the city as ... . . . ej i Ouncilman Wood moved to ruifo the lado-d ' m it , ". " ,n I0i " na l" ln eiiy lfX'f tl. . r - . w y 'rJ" tw .f3''w cnt" mi :f -nr.' . . tiHy 1 'ur Burttctt vspinoA a hi rc." liWaia .: Jj.jj ,' fo !' JJbSref .than od- Ml fnvor of mil- ;J'n,""S"r no ctwjaerea tuo latur i' in-jtn,,, Woo rhdww hi mo- - tmpr flsUlli v.d. . !i:ct l. i K f i. !.. !.- ., . t:, .u i. i' ii .-. I'" r t!d pl.; l-cr? i' il llio IUjii. AhLrrmitB Cuttfiinpharu irioveil to iablfr the puUi'xi of Mr. CUrk. AiinuBii wunu eoltad fr Iho ayca wkt u, with tixjAMkitei malt : . Unh t, QimWmm, Hxlliday. r F. M. AVnrd. Street Supervisor, to Juno j 1, IN7I, wore tuvornlly prwontod, nnd on ; motion of Uounellinnn Taylor, recelvcil j and ordared Hied with tho City Clerk. RKI'ORT OF COM M! fTKK O.V l'OMCB ASH I JAtf.. The Commllteo on Police nnd Jail, rc , ported tho city jnil to Imvo been onlnrgcd i and rapulred in a sntufnctory nnd work manlike imimur. Siiid Comiiilttco also preiented the bill of Timothy Oormnn amounting to $250 lor enlnrylng nnd ro pairing snul jail ii3 nbovo set forth, nnd rc oommonded tho payment of mid bill. On motion of Aldorimin Mctcalf tho re port wni received, nnd tho bill referred to the Commllteo on Cluims. Bald comiiilttco nlso reported tho pro priety of increasing tho night police forco to tlx. They alio reported on cortnin other matters referred to them nt the lust meeting of tlio Council. Alderman ltcnr den moved that naKl report bo referred to the Ordinance Committee, with Instruc Hon to report an ordinance In accordance with tho recommendations therein con tained. Carried; tho nv and navi thereon being n follow : AyenZJuder, Carroll, Fitzgerald, Hal lldny, ilurd, JClob, lienrdon, rJcase, .Stmt ton, Sniiyno, Waldor nnd Woodward 12. Nay Cunningham, .Metcalf, Taylor and Wood 1. ituroin ok cc.MMirTKi; ox kike ukvaut- MKNT. The Commllteo on Fire Ocjinrtmeiit to whom wus referred tho petition of Charles I.anoas'.er and others concerning tho : building on lot 10 in block 27 in tho first 1 addition to tho City of Cuiro, reported the ' j ..... .. I I. .!! .1 . .. 2tS CO 117 00 02 70 remainder shall bo paid; provided thn County Court of Alexander county ami tlio City Council, of tho city of Cairo, sh-ill atrreo in tiller stiU'criptions to such onuition Tllfrn will I .a .....i - ,- niuu 1AJ11L1: NVlHhlnirlnn trll n...l Councilman Wood moved to lay over ! (bunday) commenclni' at 3 n'eWt- nil rililrnn.l mnlfnri itnlil rtflnr (hit fTnlintv . At l in thn - -. i t t ... - . """"is (j;riiu luncn Wll court t5io.i action concerning tho Cairo & inccnnos Hallroad. Lost. Councilman Tuvlor also introduced tho for May John H.Ober'yiS: Co., publishing Council proceedings 2 month.-, Ac, fiC Jot. 1!. Taylor, City Troniurer, bal, duo on amount paid fur publishing delinquent Ux list .. Tho clerk presented tho following al.i ry bills to tho Council. Councilman Taylor moved to allow. Councilman Hal- 1 following condition as n substitute for tho llday moved to nmond by roferring said I 0n( cotUalncd in tho ordinanco in ref- llls to tho City Comptroller. Amend- 'cnco ti th0 turo & gt tj0U, :ttrpnd company, which ho stated, tho contractors wcro willing to adopt if morn ugrccablo to tho city Council ami County Court. "That tho work shall bo commenced and prosecuted from tho city of Cairo by tho tirst day o Kovembor 1871, and tho road-bed hall lio comnletcd tn tlm n.. . lino of Union county by tho tlrsi day of I w'ni' l'le!r July 1872, Provided, however, that the Mcati Tho D bond of Aletnmlnr i-nnnii- nn.l -i... .'ieuM. llio u tt'lkilllVrniii.. . . - . co 00 00 Khb, Itclcilt Homo. Stratum. Taylor, W4,ard Wootlward id i f..n. cf ; ' tin j;-4rtU : h 1 r Jtii.Mit f -1 Uurd, .in.iyrf is. Kiys---.ltrdcnJi4'ar?lt4--S. muiixii f Cuncilmnn llalliday, A! lormiii Cnrrfl tftid t'ltngerald were ixrfl..5 from v tintf. amo back, recommending that tlio owner be required to have said building repaired to a to renaer it safe for occupation. On . .1. . r til ... . nimiuii vi jwuunnnn i itzgoraid tlio rc- jrort wiw reeeivod. HKI'OHT Or VI.VAXCK I'OSIMHTtK .The Kinnncc Committee submitted their roport howing that on June 2d thev de atroyed by burning coupon to tho amount of 8 10, and rip to the amount ot 53,000, On motion of Councilman linllidav tho r it. ' .lr At (. -it Ut i..:.ty i . ...-ii .1 'Uw r i.,n nt u. f. Aldr.-rrtmn Cuni.inghubi inov oft that tiio wport was received nnd ordered tiled. !. .t.J ft. I A.V l o. or a ftbunoa ( & ; t.!at :;r,j)H J.o, ti,i.i. ut lut ti ra'.uaaad by lb Atosor Vj i i.S.uimJ.. WithJmwn. . (.,. uiaui liur.l movi-il ti refer aaid ii-i if, h pyvi.i! cjiiuoiue V.f three for cx ;.uiiiut',ii,.i. (u a,t a .ioi mevtlcg tit !-ctt!l.l iVr thturpoo.'.Wit)idrawn. Thp f.itlowiug rr-.jJutiont ereprcenl- il ti rw-iUaxt fy.iike Maaitl of AUUrmtH s ...... fn ... yHrr..i trm K, tiif lli'fi- , Culmnl t'l Utttltu ti iSiirn TIiHIm.,iio.J. tu mrnt !iU,,fvr t.o iir A. D. 18T1. iho , , 1-4, j ,,, , j ejm4l'al f i.-M4inmt of tho real ami ' rh. i d.-- "i.ijil'fropcrty in'tlwu-Hy of Cairo f.,r i i n ! n itriirf- sow year, inaK by ri. A. - f-4i..wHiS V.urti, Cl;y Aa.oa.or,' tut tm. naid yt 1 .' v" htfir Uty Council, nil ' ; Mij.i..t(-n tW rulw 4!i.kwn beard una . , t. ,.. 1 dewrtjitned, tlUctMSirW I hereby ih- i! t.-rlhrr rn-tinrii, Tlr.t tnvfidlow ( itii; - in'! !' UHMM-y U', M4 Wiu-mo nro I h("-.l,y iM( UJKn Tlil'rll't T:d btl'l pi-r- i im'l pf..nty i.ivi.liui. -d in. iii:d nci'ii-.l. 1 . .1 '. i.Kvt'f-'.i'-iit, 10 iiiVay tho ox- . i ..-, .ici :, and i uliiiil t- nid idly ..f I f, iro, t -wir tljio-Imlf pf rjuu p,.r cciituni ii p.. ii tii- ttM-9l vslno tf Mid property, t. 4. j.-ay tho contingent and otiu-r ox- i ;tn.i.i' tho city n.t nthcrwiaoprovidid , vir, l. univ t.i 'o into mid uoiutituto n I pnrt nf the gcn'UMl fund; als. 1 "f oiio par ountuni upon tho iMfocted ; v.dt.u therojf to defray the costs and i -x; miiswi of making iniprovemciit? upon j the streets, fad nvenues. und public t;f.iundi of the city nt otherwise pr vidnd , iV, intluding expenses f.ir public aewers. ) juim and drainage, wbich taxc shn 1 ; ctiiu-tiUite tho improvement fundinUo ' onotialf of one per centum upon tho as- m u vaiuo tnorfui, id bi ami ml to tho ir j. fi r. ii i 'V il .1 , .Uirio i xJ ft -4 l I," tt ., r. A. II Ir. i SI H.r I. J ' w . t Vi.i V M (ll-ll. I-I. : i.h. w tba i,WO ., 1 rue 1 payment of iuten-nt on the bonds of the v niy ramn OTTi; MS then, I i'iiy,isuea and negotiated, or to be hern. 'thing have. IV $2" '. ; vr.o thtfv' among not rwk tho nnitry T.O till. I i ii.nwrt an ftiiralio- in U cor.duelp openty,and v'i "uiW-tp.li or n 5'haltil ijrM "All Iv;ir apltitop, It .'. ii t!i v.i r,ld' a lottery.'' it luckly than rich," i nn t V. wy U try your luck !' Hutu-tl Aid Aisooia '. . i; ttty, ind tuy a ticket. i tn wbut't ok' imsifi koti- . . '-. ,i '.: In u grand U-gal , . "iu t;ottfn up at Omaha, ' -ic iiLrnry. ' r.- ..Jv rti'emejit. r I...1 . i tV, wt' K mi; VV.I.i r ' ..!! iuutliiiu, t, '.. ii louuii. - . ,-; iiul lii- .1, ' l flnaj-i l.vr. 'l tilt' l.t.li.'.C, 1 1 l ion t w !Ol. !.l . I. ."UK- uXuic.Ui.iiuI uiul nogctkted fur Improve ments and "tlivr purport, whieli tuxes shall ooatatrtute tho intorest fund: and aUo, one-balf of une per centum uncn the j ccw ikiuii ii.viuvi, lit ii r'uqiui lilX l.) pay ino iniorwt tin tne bontU iseuod by r.iacity to Vox, Howard A Co under scc-i(h$y-ii (27) tjflthe amcndinent Vov K I B? re c'y and HiBjpJ. ic baric j .. . t .f Anthon,;' .nIi,.or5 ' ' ' ' tl .' iHrrt-oflltai '.',! ri'oiu . - . i v. Jy pagurcd.-ll) fjv .s- nuly oivured i I tin-wbolu cxtnblifch ' . ".t pnl in (!:! c . crder. Ktehbucb i ..no t.i tl.o i .n.t i ' 'lionccd, skillful ntil uc.- .n.iuod.i.. . , 1,'il'bcrj n tlvafitat c !' ti r r . ,. mil cperl asrfatiintf, ar ! I. -'; - i - a l."i us fitir.oiiK und Stt v. ;:: n olid mliifiiction in padrroniclrn: mylKtllm : i'.ooy , IVr- . .. 111! tl, l'.Vlr of till! t'X . fi. 'i - ii n.ul JdicO ul Iho -, l.oijli cnji, mi .; .' i i m", on cornel . . . ; Mit"ei.th -ii." t. I'1- . , tlrlul.ln;; l.i.f, fJh pnrc,tl.iiul,. ho ha tlio moil li-u-.I'mit y.ivui.a t-liu ., ;mj)u ti,t;..: from C11I..1, yiet !..nd cf nnre-otfe wrrrl-. Pit- Pi n Hi t-cl.i ,dm., n'i 1 li-ia limtny l''n.'l!Vli. Wl, 1. ".M uy. i.i' ! ! :.-.v.. tin. vKtita I.!.. 'i.i : Hn?u ot met. ' i f - rsib! kt-i'i :! hint . ..f A-vt'i'y.' 4 --iaU'i4-j;.o'ty , itt !:. -Tl.t'i'o ran bo fiir f.i'.'ciV.'Ht", i i t,tjWbt tfnt, tUAYibriM and I ' lo hi ctMtoiiara rui.rial lli'il. iilil nllt'p I Oil Kiglltll tlOCt lli'ill' till- I'l'l'llt".' ft' Ohio 1,1'V'l' If 1 ill II'. Ill t. M . ; .. ii l.lv', llUti (9 no .utuncaarH ri' flfi'V fnrii& rtiuterd. That tho City Citrk bo, and ho u hereby instructeil to prtpart) a rrnpor warrant tuithorir.ingtho City Collector to collect tho taxis levied ii iifurew.d, and when prepared, the jiropur officers of the city are hort'bv instructed mmT. Btifiorly.sd to sln, tenV, "nnd deliver tho kumo in accordance with tho charter and ordinnneoa of tho city. Cjiincilnian Taylor mo'ved to incrt tlio wordt "one-half" in tho blank., Carried unanimously. 10 vutini; aye. Cmitleilnmn Taybrnow movt'tl to adopt thu rosoluliiins a amended. Carried, us f.'iii.w i Ayen C'tiniiingliani, llalliday, Html, MtHca'f, Jtcardon, Seuae, tStrnttou, Taylor, Wood und Woodward 10. Xnys i litidr, Cwroil, FiUgerald,, .Ivleb, Hwiyno and AVuldcr 0. On motion of Councilman Taylor thu rpf'tfl.-ir t.r.ler of btnlncs wns prnciodi'd with, , . OttlHNASTt'BK. Tpon their ncond roadlng! "An urdi rittliuo tn rchtttt tbedutlMof tlio Chief of 1' dice and Pollen Constable" "An nidi n:inrt to nmond ordinance No. 20;" "An ordthUicti U iibMmI ordhianci! Xo.'lu, und f..r t'thor purqct" '-An ordinanco to amend eetitfn 20 of an ordlnHrko to adopt tho orftthitticaof tho City of Cairo as rvitd i.ud 1'uJiUvd ;'' "An ordinance to iimend tir.linuocj 1-Jo. 60:' "An ordi- ! iuiiico to pp vtnt tHw1 rdiAiing at largo ijf I cWi and fionU und for olhor purposes J"- an 1 -'An ordinance autltorUlng atay of ux- ' oniition in certain ca-ic.'' Suhl orillnanco 1 hiivlug been rend, on nfallpn f Council-, j jn.m ,Tytlor. th -y wro roforred to tho' lioaad of Atdu'iimm. 1 ..-.H" BKfOH'M Of OKIiiiKlUi, I " emWt roimvU of V. Hro, 1. ,M. I r flr AChmW! April; of tLo night l'olico 1 fdMa K". a' ... i ii i .i. .,.,.,; ! w n.n nub, itwy , it, ii. rtMiiiiuuT j y, P. M., for May; tf John Snodiaii, , day inllooman, for .May; of Jis. Jl. Taylor, City TronKiiror. lor May; and! I'ETITIOK". Councilman Taylor presented tho icti- tton ot s, A. Duvorc, repreienting that whilt eiif ageil in work on tho sidewalk in front of thu houso of L. J. Uyrne, ho was asailetl by said liyrno witli "opprobrious epithets" and that he, tho p-stilioncr, only replied in "similar terms" and for this, coirtplaint was made before tho l'olico Magiittmlo und the petitioner fined ?o twin, amounting altogether to ..7o. In ronideratir.n f the fat'tt in tho premiei the petitioner naked that the lino and coMs lie roniittt'd. Oottticilirnn Wotnl ninved to tnklo. Councilman Tiijlot niovt'd to ftinttnd by granting tho prayer of tho peUUonnr. Tho t.'lmir ruled tho nfneitd niaia nut of order. Tho original motion was then put and lo,t, as follow : Aye Carroll, Fitzgerald, Ilurd, Mel. and Wood .1. N'av Itu- dor, Cniinnigham, Ilalliilay, .Metcalf Iteardt-n, Soif, Stratlon, Swr.jne, Taylor, ..ldn tnd oodw.ird 11. f Juiineiliimn Taylor movod to gnmt the prayer of tho petitioner. Tlio motion was loitiw follower.: Ayes Iluder, Cunning ham, llalliday, .Metcalf, Koarden, Soa..;, Htratton, .Swayne, Taylor, Wnldcr and Woodward 11. Xayr Carroll, Filzgcr nld, IlurdwK!eb, and Wood.".. Tho Clerk prc-onled tho petition of L. Lincoln, nsking permission to remove the building on lots 3 and I in city block iis to lots 1 and 2 in tho same block nnd to rebuild ijnd repair houses on said lots 1 nnd 2. Councilman Wood moved to re fer the petition to tho Kiro Department Committee. Alderman Iteardeu moved to amend by gruntint tho petition. Coun cilman AVood withdrew his motion. Al derman llearden's mo'.ion was then put and carried. Tlio following bills wore presented and on motion of Councilman llalliday re ferred to tho Committed on Claims, with tho exception of tlio last two which wcro 'referred to tho I'rintlnc; Committee. l'owers A: ilillor, for rharponing tools S X. A. Dovorc, labor on sidowalks to Juno 2, 2!i days at f3 a day, T. I'ltzgerald, labor on sidewalks to Juno 2, 20 days at $2 a day, Frank Ilomis, labor on sidownlks, to Juno 2, 11 days, at ?2 a day, Strattou &dltrd, il kegsnnils, Strntton & llird, I kegs nails 20 00 Tho'. Mohan, lmuling lumber 20 20 Close Vineoiit. 2 bbls. limo. ... :t 00 Tho.-. Kaughton, 27 days labor on sidewalks in May Oil 00 M. ilnlionoy, 27 days labor on M lowulki in Jlny Wjn. .MqIIiiIo, 'J:i days labor on jlduwulks in Jlay, C. I!. Woodward, hardwurc, etc. J. O. Lynch, rent to .May 10, lh71 .M; Silverbcrg, col'octnr' book, ilitlex, tlog iu, leceipts, etc... J. T, Itennie, lumber Cairo City CI as Co., gus consumed in btivct'lamps from April 1st to May 1st, 187.1 Tlios. Naulitoii, bal. nl' I day Ji'bnr o'n streets at $2.7.1 a day In -M.i ich last M. Mulioiioy, bal. of I 'lays labor on streets at 2,7.1 a day in Aim oil last Win. Mellnlo, dieting prisoners for April to tlio 28th, Incliisivo U.tirn City (las Co., gas ctiiiiiiiied ill tho suvoral live onglno homo, Council chiinili'r and clerk's ollKi.to Juno I, 1871 Cairo City (las Co., gas consumed in bticct lumps (or -May Win.'Molliile, dieting prNnnorn 1 00 87 00 5S 00 1.1 till 00 128 40 7C 157 02 1 1 .10 11 00 11 00 ;:r.o 7r. 01 05 270 00 mcnt carried. K. A. Ilurnctt, nalary ns Comp- $ trollcr for .Mny ....... 7.1 F. .M. .Sumner, alary as l'olico Constable for May 7.1 J. AV. A'clrun, salary as l'olico Constable for .May 75 John Shcchan, salary a l'olico constable for May ; 75 00 M.J. llowlcy, salary, for City Clerk for May 100 00 John M. Lansden, salary as Mayor for quarter ending Juno 0, 18 1 1 1:50 00 Jos. 11. Tuylor.salaryas Treasurer for May Q0 00 A. Cain, alary n3 .Marshal for -May 50 00 L. II. Mjcrs, salary as Chief of l'olico for April 83 33 II. ShanncMv, salnry ns 1. M. for May 25 (X) . o $' 'wm-ii mi spread, Ico cream, andoverythlng that w,sll i0r vmi uo Jn nbundanco. 1'AKlICULAtt M)TICES. To Tlieie the Allentlnn of th Pn uipTcisiijr invited. Alba's. Iho barber shop of AVm. A on Commercial avenue, near tho cornc Klghth street, i tho placo to whicl lovers of n good, closo shavo with Ta . . . . ,. . . . iiioi.tmo.V'i. Tho folowing resolutions introduced by Alderman Iludor wore, on motion of Al derman Cunningham, adopted: Hcsohcd, That from this dato no officer bhull bo permitted to shoot dogs within tho inhabited parts of tho cityj nnd that tho City Marshal shall bo inquired to catch such dogs and impound them. Hcsohcd, That nil resolutions giving officers authority to shoot such dogs aro hereby repealed. llesotted, That tho Ordinanco Com mittee is hereby required to draft an or dinanco in compliance with this resolution and that a .committee bo appointed of throo members of this council to firnlsh and erect n proper pound. Ily Councilman Ilurd : I'ctolred, lly tho City Council of tlio City of Cairo in joint session convened, that tho City Comptroller be, and ho is hereby directed to notify tho Cairo City (las Company that tho contract heretofore existing between said flas Company und tlio City, under which said company arc now furnishing gas for tho itreet lamps In said 'city be canceled from and after this dato; and that Paid Comptroller confer with said Gas Com pany with a vitiw of ascertaining at what lirice they will furnish gas for saitl street lamps mid other gas consumed by said city, and report to tho Council al its next meeting. On motion of Councilman Wood tho foregoing resolution was adopted. Ily Councilman Kurd : Hetolrul lj llf (.'ily Council of the city of Cairo in joint session a.iinnliled, That tlio Comptroller bo und ho U hereby di rected to correspond with parties holding tho bonds of tho city of Cairo now past due, itnu wiiu tnoo Homing uontis maturing during tho present year, and ascertain upon whut torms iaid parties will agree to nirroiidersuch bonds in exchange for other bonds of tlm city having twenty years to run, and report tho result of such inquiry to thu council as early a possible. Councilman Woo'd moved to adopt. Carried. oi:iu.vA.vi"i:s. Councilman Taylor submitted the fol 'owing ordinanco for tho consideration of Iho Council : An ordinanco to authorize a subscription of .100,00i) to tho Cairo and St. Louis 1'ail Itoad Company. AVhereas, by resolution of tlio City Council of tho city cf Cairo, adoptetl on .March 27th, lfefiO, it was ordered that nn election bo held on April aotli, 1800, in the covcral wards of tho city for tho pur posu of ascertaining tho wishes of tlio voters of tho city of Cairo in regard to a subscription of $100,01)0 to tho capital stock of tho Cairo r.nd St. Louis Hail Uoud Company, and AVhereas, an election was hold in pur suance of such resolution nnd tho returns of the siuno wcro laid beforo tho City Coun cil at n special meeting held on .May !ld, 1800, from which it appeared that 073 votes wero cast in favor of said subscrip tion and 10 against it, and thereupon tho City Council declared said election carried in favor of said subscription, and instruct ed tho ordinance committee to proparo and submit to said Council tho necessary ordlnnnco to carry tho result of said elec tion into ell'ccl ; and Whereas, n provisional contract has been entered into betwoon tho saitl Cairo and St. Louis Hailroud'Compnuy nnd respon sible contractors lor tho construction of said road, based upon tho subscriptions heretofore authorized to bo mndti to tho capital stock of said company by counties, citirs ntm towns along tlio lino ot saitl road; therefore, for tho' purpoo of giving cllect to tho expressed wish of tho elect ors und tax-payers of tho city, as above recited lie it ordained by tho City. Council of tlio city of Cairo : Suction- 1. That tho Mayor of tho city be, und ho horoby is authorized und in structed, to subscrilio on bohull of tlm city of Cairo, to tho capital stock of tho Cairo and St. Louis llullroud Company, in tho sum of ono hundred thousand dollars, saitl subscription to bo payablo ns hereinafter provided (or; that bonds of tho city shall m issued in payment nf said subscription" to tho amount of ninuty-livo thousand thd lure, in such eumsas tliosnldcomnanvmav deslgnato, said bonds to bear interest n't Cairo shall bo paid to tlio nartv nf th stcond part on tho cmoplctlon of each flvo miles of tho road-bed commencing at Cairo, said amount to bo paid ;iro rala us tho amount done Is In proportion to tho whole work to ho douo cn the road bed in said Alexander county, said amount to bo ascertained bv n survey and nn es timate of tho cost of tho wholo work In Mid county." Councilman Taylor moved that tho nbovo ordinances concerning tho Cairo A St. Louis Hallroad bo laid over for a sec ond reading, and nho that tho condition in reference to tlio work to bo done on th0 road in Alexander county bo referred to tho Mayor with ii.structlons to confer with tho County Court in order that unanimity of action may bo obtnlncd in reference to tho conditions to ho imposed upon tho Kailraad Company as to the work in Alexander counly. Alderman Under moved to adjourn. Carried. Councilman llalliday moved to recon sider tho vote to adjourn. Carried. Councilman Taylor introduced the fol lowing ordinanco which, on motion, was laiu over lor a secomi roauing. An ordinanco to authorize tho subscrip tion of $100,000 to the Cairo and Vin cenncs llnilroad Company, und for oth er purposes. AVhereas, by nil agroumont entered into bet .vcen tlie Cairo and Vinccnncs Kailroad Company and tho city of Cairo, nnd ap proved by tho Citv" Council Xovomber 25th, 1807, it is provided that tho stock amounting to $100,000 to bo issu:d by tho Cairo and A'inccnnes railroad company to tho city for the subscription of that amount should bo sold by tho city to tho said company, upon certain conditions ns expressed in suid contract nnd Whereas, it Is understood that said com pany aro willing to extend tho time for tho issuo of said bonds nnd the commence ment of tlio payment of interest on tho muiio; therefore, Ho it ordained by tho City Council of tho city ot Cairo : " SectiokI. That tho Mayor, City Clerk and City Comptroller be, and thoy aro hereby authorized and instructed, to have prepared and to sign and seal bonds of tho city to tho amount of ono hundred thous and dollars, to bo issued to said railroad company, said bonds to bo in such sum ns tho said company may desire, to bear in tercut nt tlio rtito o'f 8 per cent, per nn num, and to bo payable twenty years af ter thu dato thereof, with coupons attach ed for tho payment of tho interest semi- I annually on the Famo; that tho Mayor Is I hereby nuthoii.ed and instructed to tnko j charge nf said bonds when proparod, signed sealed and reiulv for delivery, and is authorized und instructed It) deliver the sumo to porno responsible Hanking, Loan or Trust Company, located in tho city of Now York or cl.-owhorc, as may bo agreed upon by him ami saitl Hallroad Company, suid bonds to bo held by suitl Hanking, Loan or Trust Company in escrow, and to bo dolivorcd up to suid Hallroad Company when tho said Cairo and Vincennes Hall road shall bo finished from tho city of Cairo, Illinois, to tho city of Vincetincs, iiiuiuiiu, itiiii mo cars miau navo run thereon and not beforo; provided, work on suid road shall bo resumed by or beforo September 1st next, and said road shall ho finished by or beforo tho first day of Au gust, 1873, and provided also that interest accruing on said bonds previous to their delivery to said Hallroad Company shall not inure to thn benefit of said l'uilroud Company, but thu coupons for all accrued interest shall bo detached trom suid bonds previous to their delivery to said Hallroad Company nnd bo returned to snid city of Cairo, so that interest shall not bo paid or accrue to said Hallroad Company be foro tho timo when said Company shall bo entitled to recelvo said bonds according to uie conditions Herein expressed. councilman jtiainuay moveu Hint n Committee, of three bo appointed by tho Chair to confer with tho County Court concerning tho Cairo and Arinccnnes Hail road Company, nnd inform tho Court that tho action of tho Council on tho Cuiro nnd St. Louis Railroad will depend upon tho uctioii of tho Court on tho Cairo and A'in conncs road. Carried. Tho Chair appointed as such Commit tee, Messrs. llalliday, Strntton and Cun ningham. Councilman llalliday moved that tho Mayor bo added to said commit tee. Councilman AVood put tlio motion which wus curried. On motion tho Council therefore ad journed. M. J. 1IOWLKY City Cicrk. Tho branch meat shop of Ja tr . . r. . . next door to tho grocery storo of carton, is now in lull blast, ana tins ular butcher is supplying all tho AVurd with splendid meat. If you h not tried him give him a call. Ihmcs. llimc, at tho old stand, 'Ot-al. -. . rt, . .j.a... ri.u :.. iil-ui unit, iiivi'i i . ft r. . i r.... i.i. -i - .. in? L..,i.ui siiuti ill u iirab-viuss BV It Is n modal establishment in every utuiiir, nun iniuo in ins cunrgo nil its lomcrs win recelvo courteous nttcnti nnd tho benefit of excellent workman?! Ilnir cutting, shaving, shampooing, etc. itiy-'.i EXCFLSIOK SALOON. it-rmn street. A CuitB (luAiiANTKEii. Ktcss' Fev or Tonic is uiiivorsnlly recognized ns tlio best medieino extant for tho curso of fovors. It is for sn1o by 1 (J. Schuh, druggist, two doors south of tho postolllco, and ho tho rnto of eight per cent, per annum, nnd guarantees nil who buy from him that it to bo , pnyablo in twenay-llvo years from wH'curo chills and fovors. If it does not dato thureof, and that tlio .Mayor of the ,, , , . . , ,, city, City Clot k nnd City Comptroller be, !c,,ro Mr Sclmh "S to return tho n nil mov ntirn iv urn mitiinr zpii m il in. I uonuv. liiii iiitviiiini: no luirur strm-ted to sgn nnd nflix tho seal of tlio 'this? may: city to tlio snmo, una to deliver tlm same lltf upon tho following conditions, viz: ihut tho track of said road shall enter Alexan der county nt its northern limit, upon tho lilio dividing It frim I'nlon county and shall bo carried upon the most eligiblo rnuto to tlio levees surrounding tho city of Cairo, and that tho work tdiall ho com menced and prosecuted from thu city of Cairo by the first day of July, 1872, and when tlio road shall bo completed from Cairo onn half tlm distance to tho Union i It I...II' 11... 1 1 . ..o .1... t'ouniv line, tiuu .inn buu uonua ui iiiu county of .lo winder and tho citv of Cairo shall ho paid to thu party of tlio second purt, mid on tlio completion of tho road from Cairo to tho Union county lino tlio .St. N ii'IIoi.as, Day boarders can se cure good nccumuiodntlon nttlioSU Nich olas (formerly tho St. Jaiuc) at $ per weak,- Tho homo I ' corner of Ohio loveo and Klghth street, a eontral location, nnd is pri'prletorod by Hariy AValkor, who is rillvo.lo tho wants of his patrons. Turtles desiring boarding nnd.lndging can Ifirii terms on inquiry at tho office. inav3dtf Men's Fino f.eul Skin Guitar, nnd hIso "IVmoa Alberts,'' at Klliott & Havthorr.i. tt f?-.i m- .t und olegnntly fitted up nnd supplied w tv nit 1.3 1. unit.-?, uijuuiSf UVUif UJglirBf V !... I... 1 : 1 1 . ts a o i . i . . . . u s 1 F I IV t lt.il i,tUUb illiU If USIJlULJbUU UVt'll FOKKEN'T. The house hcretoforo occupied by rick Fitzgerald, on Ohio Levee bef .i i . . . f . tlio principal steamboat landing and Also the second tloor of tho snmVbuildi a 1 1 ilrnr nf Inl.orl MtnrlVi X: fTrtTfl. vliftltfl Tun Ckxtkal House. Mrs. Oaffn bus rented tho Central IIouso, on Si) street between Ccmmcrcial and ,AV ington avenues, and will continuoit hf.tnl rril,A l.Mien l.n Tiftnn lllrttt. repaired and refitted, newly papered . , 1..,. T. r ., , 1 ... . uuinoita ui ijuutiuiti puuru in u uem part of tlio city will find this hotel to just tho plnco to put up. See- udverti mcnt in another column. , ; "T Pl l vna J A . I. Ikn . i ...a t'.i . itrt11.1.tn cleaning anil nuitinc in conumon lor t Tl -li l t f,l if, nil Tin nn aiinri TinT.pn (inn in inn rn approved style. Lcavo your ordor nt A. llunnon's Hook Storo. mySOdlw 3T . L .lit II HKf I Jill JL M. c H.VTKAI. IIOUSK, mil irii. hot. i nninipri'iiii nna una nigion avenues, (tl.posito raitofflce) ' CAIRO, ILLINOIS. This Iioiisd h.ts I'Ofn ttinroucbtr over-bauled. Inrniat.A.I ami F.naT.lBi ai.il . nM AHn la. I '.! voiiiiii.ii'.r, nnii luriuture new. wpcu llicht nail il.w.- 'IVrms rrainnubt. J .Mli.S UAFFNKy.-ProDrfjtrrn. mUE IHtlDVL CU AMBER. A J-' ,'si OS . .'.1 Ureal Soclnl I'.vlU ilAMi, it Li. l udii iiuiiiuus Dim i ii iraicu. miMr aniEiuue fAiii.rillilMi. 1. , m MntfO BAmlfla Ai AaftAfMiiion. na'i houtii rintn BicAflcrniiAtie phu, " JHd2 $100,000 i.i am or a I'tliftiiu lilxtKAtt IT OMAHA NEBRASKA, OSW 00,000 TICKKTB I.V aU, June ilOlh, 1871, itREii a ww U iruiiai r Man- mmwm w wm J lint ii v:mta. uatinhiciloii, OiipClianrolu Krery Thlriy-Slghf . ' .l-Xl : . ill t" nAtn,n.Umt'illtm '' HllftH(HMIHt rrr 1 Cssri dill... 1 fJh '-'m-1 OkIi tilt!... i liirt.., l cash tint.... 1 Cash lllll.... i c.nii tiirt 1 Cash rift..,-.. 1 dull Mill ., I Cash (lift..;.. I Cash (.lift.. 1 Cash (lilt.. t Oath (lilt , l cash Oifl t Cath Oil! ,.A.2;. 'tl (,ah lllh.1i.l unl. ..," u rMrii . nil ir.1nn.il. ....... ull- 1 i ..... Which mil Ui illttribiilt'ti py elitnca biiiokk tl .il... t.vn.ci., uj lliq zinnia, AIU ABVOCiailOa Unmlm t ll.ru.u ra l U 11 .r. I. ft U ftA-.-.fc. . ,. . m . ,..( ut... -m . U.I. VI. inmHU. . BIB ulnl, tinmlm: J . Doyl". I'oitofflct), Onulu, Nub iiuKi. ,. i.. niirfi'v, nmKariix, mi, ., . il.. uu.i iiwr.i. r rill i iariini.iKr-i .fliif.u ui rutin siAi,.itiHiua Mun.irtti. Omitha.NebrukaU W Ca.li c,tnr toil L'ft.h (ilfiH, loo Cnilitilfb., ItkK) dtia Oiftli, llKlO)HlH,lft, tl-rftkiltftll WMMM. t Ftoi. Miut to OT'W, or l(MVlv-Mir. I PfftldKB' Thn Vr 11 V t 1UII