Newspaper Page Text
He lutllrti in i' 4 Cll 33 BY JOHN H. OBERLY NSUAANCE. W II. Notary I'iiMU. M. H. aie Notary rublleanJ Main mltllnnsi. ance TO 4 i t ?rr- -'waEMamaur i 3 gtutTHiwir, juw.k.v., Anton.c..:vUni A4. ! 7 . slf4KIX, HAHTt'OMI), AmmsU l,ttI.I4H M TKKBiATIOIVAL. jC. V., ,.iftHM... .... l,M3.3ltt 1? aWe 4 7it,37 7 CLfcYl,.D, CLE l.'l.A.ND AmcU-m:....; ttk j JtAiiiWAXi MMtia eWm an ' Tl ill XJCVEK -M7 Natleaal Beak, .ig3ar am. INSURANCE 'MtofWtCe ST.. Y. t ".si x.f riWvmania, IV. Y. r "' ,4Wtw..'... ii.m,im 1 1 - Hnoyer, JV, Y, .. jAMMt,... . tTHa.TM rj JHUpublio, 1ST. Y. ; iiBIM u . tpfyrtal Ike Caaleraerltess'AB; YontEerkV, N. V. 3 - t'!jfit : tw, cSaWaIl 4t3,IB 7f,0t Mtirtty; IN. Y.s Marine faTaVSaree, XtvaUlags. Purolture. liutii aa ygvw.tanrad at rates as favorable u aad Siissseaat sinrilr Till warraat iretpactrully ask ot the citiiena at taut, "r- I' "Owlne at First rVaSleSel Peak UTEBteT PAYING P '-i'B and ilovel system or Life Insuraiu-e t I .cantlv Introduced by the 1 tvia. irtfrmi Lite Iniarancei niraliAtd i Br W Utile teeL ileeottai br.tha uiutl Dliai. anil th lol. Bar seat, upon 1) tb money Cmtui : hi anaaat praml X hiavaa milch as a gatutnnr ,r" i.) nin.iuiai ami tttu rarntav boa4. Tba plan hamtaia.tBUtDQgbljr critlciiusi kom iniuTawl-tTltw,Tiit.tmlnf nt ictuirio 'andikllUil iiiihfniilcln lniliUnij lnJf-. -tthw not jrat htto "ttM nublect tif uaUrpiali "-infeBtlbninibtopWuAIi'qu.rtfr; ' OFFICE OF. TUB COMPANY : Mtrthweat cor. Foarth & Ollre; hts. ABASTTr'ciIJoin . m9w. V(u.i.iAu,Stcrftary. ' - i tat 0 ,w 01 0"n',' t,,rmr wi,,rr t ItbMaaipUeapltal-aiM.wio. WffiUll HIITIIIMI ' K bi Kar4 'iU(JWd dglltrs datotUatt WI'H maaiwvwi aarwa aya aa r taaii aiora tuu Mm .Mill, W,itt amuD tU ut Wlaaaaaai M MTWSatt.iaUlfal .aad iiau Ua aaaual laeama from tba l&tantt alas w .Iraady amta.taaa aiiaVlaal iMyiialauM. 1 ! - ItTnaH Dtiliaoiith ordTnir liri anil Tit poitey noiutri raeaiTt ail tea praaw ipi f.rtKi!JTBaaawBata1t14aaaa taaalla ka1teaaiaal' f7 araalar taaiaat ala JUaUrn CoropioUi ! beva afar baaaabla to par. T - Naawai & CO. HELMisLDS. IIKLVinOLD'B ULMDOLI , tUtLMBOLD'a uKLknoLD'a uiludolu'h bkluiiolii'k HKLUaOLD'fl QttAJ&TQ PILL. CATAWVA ORArs riLLH. CUTAWflA OBAP riLLH. CA.TAWJIA OJIATK ril.Ui. CATAWBA lAJ'XfHI.r.fl. catawa aiuyn ntLH. CATA,TBA;0IUPM riLU. ,.f4I.MOLl'll milubold'm uklmuolu'k UKLMHOLD't ujclmholu'h mklm hold's SXTBACT SARSAP ARILL A FLUID KXTRACT RAK8APARILLA. rLCIU IXTKACT RAHDArABILLA. FLUID EZTKA(rr"BAk8'ArAKILLA. VLUID KXTRACT aAMAPAltlLLA. FLUID rXTKACTT aARMAFAVlLLA. FLUID KXTXACT BAMAPARILLA. FLUID BXTBACT KAMAfAKlLLA. APRIL, MAY AND JUNE, rvmirr the lmb. Jb Ibaaa, monlhi H8LWB0LtV FLUID BXTBAPT HABMAI'A B1LLA Curat alt Eraptlooa of tha Hkio. UKLMaaLu'a fluid kxtkact. hakaapa- KILLA Cura tua wertl form of Wood DIhu.i. lmbold'a FLUID BXTKACT MAMAPA- HILLA fUr Lf ilf lato tha CircuUlioo of tha Blood. hblmbold's FLUID XXTRACT amafa XILLA Baautlfiaa tha Complaxion. ara aad ctniward aBhlirailo All Fowaara aad oatvard apaluatleaa daatroy la akla. randtr.BC It harab aad fnaraa. Lonk u tha akia, randtr.Bf It harab aad enaraa. Look at tbaaklaof old malda aad thoaa who haiaaead Ihoaa who haiaaead M j adfiea la to ill. eucn aaj iaD(it ol ueae. BIXLUBOLD" FLUID XXTBACT HAMAPA- KILLA. One boUlr U eaual Ln alraairth la n.i vmllaj txt thaHjrnip or Dwcx-lntu aa uiuallr made; aad a win aIdrd to a rint or wilar .aiil. lh ra'abrata.1 I.ISIIOS UIKT DRINK. Try II thle UKLMnOLD'b C'ATAWIIA URA1-R PILLN II F.LM HOLD'S C'ATAWIIA OKAPK FILLS A pUuanl, afe aad (retb!i Cathartic. IIKLMIIOLlVs CA TAW II A ORAPK PILLS L'aed In all a&tvlioni wbna a l'urjtltf MHicina IIELUIIOLD'S CATAWBA OBAPE PILLS lUrmlM. to a child, and taken ljr children. U ILK HOLD'S CATAWBA QRAPK I'lLLA fluixraada Mi(neai, ri.lli and ererj other Pur- game. n K I. W HOLD'S C'ATAWIIA ORAPK PILLS, Ortalo lo'etfiK;!, and pleasant in operation. IIELUnoLll's C'ATAWIIA ORAPK PILL la not a patented Pill. HELUDOLD'h CATAWBA ORAPK PILLtf AraromiKj.fd ol Cauaba Grape Juke and Fluid l' . I .... I I l. .. V - V. low la rrocaad in the SDrinr and Kumm.r in-nre new life, new tnood, new rigor i ruraiMt iwd uoiuea or llt.L,MUUL,l 'a IUHVA PaKILI.A and oua box at PIt.I.M worth ih.i. weight ia gold. no rwuer lnTetimeat ran M made tor o amall aium. uklmbold's FLUID XXTRACT BUCHU II aa acquired a worU-wldt lama. ALL ttt tar praparatioBa ara.maritorioua. A period of (wautjr years haa provad thia to be .a caaa. Baa raautka aaada be nemamia Trarara. jr. R C. 8-. a peaking or.tnoaa, .dliaaaea, aad diaaaaea arising: from lb xeeea of mercurr, b atatc parllla. Hi power ia cxlraordlt art. mora aothan nai bo raniir ia euuai io ma cxiraofc ai Daraa. mi finic uu aer (bug I am .acquainted with. It l, In ma aspcuri eenae, a toaip, ww tfiis invaluable aiinouve mat u ia applicable io a aiata or the eiatem ao aunkea.and jet o irritable, aa ren efarvalliersarmtaBeea of the tonic' clan usuail. able or iaiurioui. trSeaBXUARKSo't the 0 BEAT CUEMIHTg A.NP ril.L If KH 9r AN EKICA I ' . Wm. R. Waraar m Co., IS North Third afreet. Phllaritluhia. Pa. II. T. UelmboMi . Esteemed Friend I congratulate too an haling the handaomeat and at the aama time the lloat Sfftetira Pill that I hye ever known for the purposes intended. WSI. It. WAH.NKK A CO rt.T.-Helmbold will remark, in conclunon. that hie remiiulea are the rteult of long and careful sludr. TbeKlu.d Extracts have beeu liefote the public twenty lesre. Ihe ealo of them in that tine proves iheir value. All bars been hanefil. tea Ij them who followed my Invtriictions, and to-day they stand unequalled In tha extent af their sale, and unsurpassed be any medicament In the Lupenaatory of the United Htatee, not excepting a single ilerb, ltoui. Plant, or Helen-' tiao Freparatlon. rharniaveutical I claim all mine to be, and hare never patented s single one. To dispel any impression or prejudice that might. sxitt in the minda o mane against my rirrjantlona,. from tbe poblictir gjreo through Ulna, and that I Jrtnflfv.t Pr(ot flf twenty; asts, Jtaat-mare coa TflilT to prove tnla aee lelter from the Isrgetl eawfanauna. aau wai i am ana liain, ck-u urua l.niaauCatturin .tnwufacturthj cheroista in the. world t I sat acquslBUd with Mr.'ji.X Ualmbild ; he '0ua, drug eiore orette wr rsfldence, antt aa' aiirceksful in couduotiaa tha huaineaa Kara othara had not bean v ao before him. Ware ua ia? oraviv iiuiuwju wh ur umiw and aatararisa. WILLIAM WliiHTM AN. firm of. Bowers W.lghtman,; piaaulactsriaf rnemisu, rtinta ana nrown airerui, rnuaoei pbta. ; s lU.aTXB0STSSaKIS4Te. -Twali lAaaa Wnghiof Werlag t-3 the afllic tad Sar lea Jaara. " Tiieyvra bow perfect, and 1 shall stake nty made, i whftt . i i .t -r . ,VBST4. vanuiiuB- arl..r.' -"..-""". .win mwb. bu jcnaniau or rr.nph ...... .. ..... riiiiauUTth;- manarad Will, vm.l.,1 . L'el carelesaly toenail 1 kf tho. HUKlVi T '""etorera orraedlcinea. I eel Si. T. rXMMU, Crystal Palace Drug Store,- No.- 6S4 Broadway. New York. ' Pslsse PharsBsoy. Oilsay Houie, Preadwav, aad ;i-Twaaly.Blnthtrt, NewVorki '- ' Temtla cf Pharthscv: ttmtluental UoUL PhlU. iderphiai and 1(6 UtBqnth Tenth street, Plul- annpnia. , - - bOXei. Mni itoJZrZZ'Jz&iJPi. .Hi..! TUESDAY. Tub Wiaoonain frieodfl of ox-con- krrcsemaa C. C. Washburnc tro puUme ku Ba.promiacnU jorwBtd u can didate for Gomnor of tbat-8Utc. Tn trial ol Boweb, the Congres- eional bigamist, waa concluded on the afternoon of the 3i imt. The jttry re- utreaft a Yri.qr .guilty, tiler ibein. ft Vi W . .a l'r out about twenty minutes. Ilia al tnoTod for a new trial, and he is ia thb meantime held ia' five thounnd doL-; hrs bail.' ' Spxakixo of thd IJavtoa platform, The Nation franklr aaya 'that "it tha Democrats should nut on it. at tho next i r ' . . j I preeidential election, a candidate of high standing and character, of good Union antecedents during the war, the consequences would 'most likely be such as Messrs. Cameron, Forney and the like would at first contemplate with horror, and then adapt tliemselres to' with commendable .alacrity." The Evening Pott hai undertaken the bopoleii task of re-organizing thuJlflpub'; I icon party in New York. It calls i Fenton and Conkllng, and leaders of two, factioni, to resign their leadership i or in the oventbT their refuial, urges the people' to throw them overboard. ThePoiJ takesv a very lugubrious view- of the prcieot prospects of Its party, and Admits that " if the IUpulieatu loic Hew York in M next Pruidential election ihty are probably Itatrtt." It says : "Another election for President ap proaches,, and promises to be cloier thsn the last. Few public moa believe that the" itepublicans can gain their ascendency without regaining New York, or that tho v can even contrel another .Congress, if they, loss anv mare anati in thia fltat. Tot thn" qusrroU among, them ntgs more bittorfy ' Miau erw, auu mo iwu nution who, ay their position are recogniced public lesd crs of the party in New York, spend ail its strength and their own. in petty squab- oie aooui i no airiston or omeee netwean their adherents. Already the pernicious effects of their fu4s ara fait In -their party throughout the country. Amd if they go on (n the ismo way a little longer, .Mew York will finally bo lost to the Republicans for 1872, nna vrun it, proDsuiy, xno unitea tstei. a e a The Republican purty of New York can never act in harmony under tho leadership either of Mr. Fenton or of Mr. Conkling. Tho organization which is controlled by either of them will never bo more thsn a faction, and will be easily beaten. Mult the party, in the whole nation, be subjected to dishonor and detest before the petty factions which make all the mischief here can be compelled to give way T They will go in the future, as in the (tast, as long ha there is an office to qarrel for, and only link out of sight when tho nation, as well as the Stale, is in tho hands of men they distrust, and of a policy tbeyabhor, unless the honest masses of tho Republican party the patriotic citizens who want no office and no spoils for themselves, but de want ?;ooa government,. man lake the matter nto their owa hands.- " if Horace Qreeley, on his return from Texas, stopped in Memphis where he spent last. Friday and part of Saturday, On Friday night he delivered a lecture on "Self-made. Men," sod on Saturday morn ing after a reception f t the Overton Hotel, drcve through tho city visiting places of interest. At twelve o'clock,' he was called upon by Mr. Davis, and tho interview is thus described by tho Memphis Avalanche: Anout.twelve o'clock; Hon. , Jeff. Davis called at thb Overten Hotel, and was ush ered into tba presence of Mr. Grcoly, at wbute lianas be met a. very cordial recep tion. The philosopher and hii visitor sat facing each other in tho center of tho room, the broad, open and plain counte nance, of tho one in strango contrait with tha vlry. nervous ana somowust. aellcalo face of the other. Mr. Davis was digni fied and somewhat formal in manner, while Mr. Orooly wai Frank, easy and quite talkative. Thoro was scarcely a ref erence to tnq political; situation, jar. Oreely enquired concerning the health of Mrs. Davis with much warmtn and earn estness, and again referred to the hich re- ?;ard ho eritortainod for that lady and the amity of which she eamei. Mr, Davis re sponded appropriately 'and XXNtlSSED THE GRATITUDE OF IllUSELF. AND SIRS. DAVIS to the philosopher for bis kindly services soon aitef the war. This brought up Mrs. Davis' interview, referred to' abovo, on which Mr. Ureeloy seemed to dwell with much 'pleasure. 'In tho couno of conver sation. Mr.. Greeley again spoke of- jtho Rlalrs, and especially of tbe seniors, of that dUUngulshed famlljl,. remarking rt pauant that .Frank P. Jllair, Jr., and others oi tpe prefooj genorauop aia bos ao justice to tho old slock,' to whom herofer- rea wun apparent ueep, leeung. Mr. Greolevthen pi.ued on to subiocts nearor home. hhd'flnallK dwelt' i'to several rain- Utes on tno memory oi mbii. vuiiiuau, oi whom ho spoke as a WAHU PERSONAL AND POLITICAL PB.IKND in times gone by. No, a wor w.a'iaW on either side, that our reportor could over hear, concerning Mr. Davis' condition and prospects. All through the interview, which lasted ten minutes, Mr. , Davis maintained a reserved demeanor, while on tho other hand, the face of the philosopher was wreathed in kindness and smiles, with occasionally a hearty laugh breaking the SI, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, JUNE 6. iMllneH. It wai a tcene wortli y tho poncil of an artist, ono that would tnako a picture yaluable now and in future generation. Riling at the concluilon of the Interview, Mr. Davit withdraw with a itately bow, and in a fow minute after Mr. Greeley wu tn routrtor thoraUroad depot,'.wharo betook- ihOi-ifitiilWot OeberM-Jferrltr, htf frletd andtrv'41ln companion. In regard to-tbo-exmstltutlon as it is' the Nashville Union and Amiriean wisely says : Now tba thesttsadwtj.ts are.aart of tbe Constitution tbe conservative mind feels towards them something of that . reverence , which it . has ever feli wriUba. did ttalfar.cirir lil ertios. But in accepting these amend ments as final o far as anvthtne hu. maflarr'caTlcd BhsT-!t insists .thst the ty in-powBTTaaii noiu ascreu tbe great V of the instrument es wall aa tha amendments theme ret.' At-present ono weald think that4 'iKe" aimlnIsTratio'nhdV iU Jminediste McTids"rfegsfd"er 'the thirteenth,- fourteenth and-flfteenth amend mentsujho only part of the constitutionr invsatadwitb sanctity, while tho rest of it cotildtta'aet aside, or circum vented, if oc casiessDsIamanded. It is oi this platform of ftiraal strict . and hearty obeaionco to the contsttutlon ai it is amendments and all tHaU-the JdJfand moderato men of both parties can-eet and work together. , I . An Associated Press dispatch of Satur day, says f, Foster, tho murderer of Put nam, jmbliihcl. ah appeal, to the public asklbg-thtm to consider' 'his 'case diipss-1 liohately He says he is conident that theiamoelipg which, onlmpuise, secured his conviction vrilf, when cooKahd delib erate, do him proper Juitlce; ahdthst he is r doomed to dlerbecauso of V, wicked, druken freak, which resulted trTtbe slMth ginanin wnom ne no more intenaea to hsrm-scneusly than he would Ibis oi chlltt -"J I -1 PERSONAL. Henator- Wilson Wednesday. sails for Ei uropq on it j; Tho late Franciil Whlttaker'had insur ance on his life amounting to $100,000. ,S?dwIgTI. Fink, of thaTjatholio churchj'wni U'cbnjNrated'biihop in Chi cagbslno llthr - iftvTD7. Cuapln, of Now York, is to spend Jils-summer vacation in England aaa oeestiBna. v . AuewH' Belmont is not badlv off with $260 in pictures, race horses and UB.leA.ssta.tea bonds. Rev.Mr. Cheeney racelves sympathy anasupaawt from several loading members of "taeVfcptscopal Church. ' Brick " Pendleton and "But" John son are thu names of two local. editors in Georgin. Thoy throw brick-bats and but brick. Dr. Ltvingstoiio's perionalcxistcncoand tolerable health is at last definitively set tied. Tho last news says that bo in not at JJIJIJIJI, but has gono up to Yxyxyxy, Alico Cary's Sunday evening receptions tor tno flow xork literate and journalists are being Imitated by Mrs. Prof. Youman and Mrs. Fields, wife of tho editor of tho New York EvangelUt. Tho new editor of the Atlantic Vim. D. Howells Is a native of Ohio, aad is con sidered tho most graceful writer of English tbe country has produced sinco tbo days of Washington Irving. POLITICAL. The rm'on and American of Nashville says well and wiselv : ; We hope that Mr. Jefferson Davis will hstvo the leasure to read tbo numerous Kadical nsners of tha cohntrv. If he should, and will devote himself to the task, be will soon become convinced that his speeches are tho strongest card which has recently been playod Tn fovor of Rad icalism. If this bo consolation, ho can make the most of it ' The Washington aorreipondent of tbo IQui iviils Ledger says thoro is a story that .Cameron li very' jealous of Morton, and insists that tha latter shall not have tho treaty In charge in the' Senato. Ho porferi Ilerlan for tho purpose when ho is abient. Cameron returned Friday night to show his great knowlodge of interna tional law in tho Senate. Fighting Joe Hooker in giving his opin ion of tbe present occupant of tboWhito House says: "It is my absolute conviction tbattwcro ybU to walk the length of Broadway' you could not moet a man less qualified fur the Presidency than Grant we or tno army Know mm better man tno people at largo. Wheri his Adjutant Oen. Rawlins, was alive, tho President seemed to. be efficient and successful; but when Rawlins died Grant's bottom full out." Both of; the resident political commit tees nave rally organised bare and will re main in session during 'the recess. The work of preparing and distributing polit est documents has already commenced and Will be oontlaued untl tbe fajl, elections. aTach'comntiee has a room In tbe cspltol M4iU Jn,coqraniQation'Wlth tho various State and local committees. As there are io congressional olectton's tbii yar excepii In- California' an Texas', the Iabbrs of tho committees will not be so general as those of last yetiV;1ut will lay out the prelimi nary prdgrammo for the moro important Prasldentlabeampalgn of next yesr. WaiMnjjton' Special. Mrs. Laura D. Fair, notwithstanding har.face ihd llgure, h'u been' sentenced to ho hanged on tbe 28th day of July. bod 1871. CURRENT ITEMS- Tho " ImmorUl J. N." will "hortly "lift tbe vail of truth " in Decatur. . Two thousand dollars havo been raised bythcHitfof'litUton for tha relief oi tno wiaows ana orpnsns 01 me vicunas of tbo lato disaster. The.Boerd.of Directors of tho Louis vlllo Agricultural and Mechanical Asso ciation have invited Henry Ward Beccher to make tha opening address at their fair. New Orleans is again at tbo mercy of tbo Boods, caused by the lato heavy rains ..1?iSon? crevasse. On Sat urday night a crevaue in tbe new canal lovee was 125 feet vide and four feet deep. On Saturday 4Rot!mV. a'attorrMothod ist minister, was leaving tho house of a friend .Mr. JCIUngewortb, waste be hsd been stopping, handed his (Sutton's) coat ttt his daughter, when a pistol fell out of tba pocket on tbo .pavement and wu dls- cbargM 'the bullef pcnoVrailng thb abdo men of Mrs. Klllagi worth. Inflicting' a mortal wound. In New' Orloans a woman, Imprisoned; on the charge "6f kidnapping a child, Is af fected, with violent jbbnvulilons at timos(1 and her colored follolr'rjriioners aro under tho firm belief thatshohas been Voudoued. One of tho womon in jail with her says she opened her mouth one , day and a dog ran'oot of It, Unit sho i all, the;tlmo spit ting pins, and that sho sees the devit evory night. There is nothing too oxtravagent for the Souttferonegroto bclievo in regard to tbe power of Youdouiira. Tke ecstaasst WllasHe. The Washington correspondent of the IKorW.telograpbs ; "The district attorney, here announces his, Intenllon. to brine-to early trial the foor recusant witnesses cert tinea to him by tbe senate for Indictment iL-.ti-k as ibbb iado iaw laotaec watcsi we cases ''certified is th'bfllWTilwWtm pro- viaos mat persons wno rei use to answer committee of congress shall be liable to in drotment, and, on convicioB: be subject to a fite Of f 100 to f 1,000 an4dmprisbnmeht from one to twelve months in tho ooUntv Jail. By the' act of congress creating tho polico court or this dUtnct all.misdomsan ors not punishable by imprisonment in the penitentiary are within the jurisdiction of thst court, in which' proceedlnes Are on information and not indictment. . The question now is as to how tha district at torney will proceed; and If ah' Indictment is louiro.'wnaajaaT.iixan aa susiatnaa in sua criminal court. atssgmlar atetela af a aVttlla. The mania for saicide has extended to the children. In the town ot Warren, Minn., lives Mr. Levi Kllii, whose daugh ter, a girl of' twelvo summers, was the victim of self deitruction. For some time she haa had a habit of eattnr camphor gum; whenever it came within ner reach. Aware of this habit, her psrents exorcised a good deal of care to keep things out of her reach, and a short time ago her mother havine occasion to uso some strvch nine, deemed if prudent to ox plain to her daughter tbo dangerous nature of tbe poiion, and to caution her against taking it by. mistake. After this nothing more was thought of it. The girl attended school with tbo otbor children, and went to tho funertl of Mr. Green's little boy the other day, whoro she appeared very mmmK .flUt . i.r j j . ... u4ibvu. situ u m utuiuiu uvcres. She took the little sacks of salt which had been used to keep tha eyes of the corpse closed, and put them in her 'pooket, where they were found after her death, Sho told somo of hex acquain tances there would he another funeral be fore long, and on Tuesday, when "she re-, malned with two other girls to sweep out tho school house, she bade them good-bye at'partlng, and said she. would novcr sie them again, After, this she went home. Her parents were away. She got the strvennine. took a nortlon of it. want out in the yard and told the hired man what sne naa done, and in fifteen minutes was dead. Tke Rajral Casil, West Point Correspondent of the N. V. Hun. I received another liltlo opiseode to-day iu uuunectioa mw sue career oi uiaet Grant, which goes to show in what direc tion the wind blows. In tbe Spring of 1869. Llent. C. 0. Sears of tho Corns of Engineers, acting as Assistant instructor of Slcnnlllntr. had undor his supervision the section in which Grant held rank. Tho oung man having boen called to the lack board, tn order that ha micht instruct tbe other benighted monibers of tbe ssmo section in tbe art ot signalling; was de tected by. Lieut. Sears in .the 'act of ; road- ing uia lesion, wuicu no uau written on his shirt cuff prior to his ontrv into tho section room. Tho officer immediately placed him undor tirrest in his nuartnr. as this offence was considered not only a flagrant violation! of tho rales, and regul a tlonf, but nt the 'same time dishonest sub- torlugo to obtain standing in his class. That same evonine Gen. Pitcher ro. leased Cadet Grant- from" arrest. Lieut. Bear's order to the contrary notwithstand ing. The sequel of tbo story is soon told. A short time afterward an order was re ceived from Washington dirictlng the Lieutenant to proceed to some place out West and report, to the commanding offi cer 'or the' Station for'dtlty.' Tees was honesty rowsrdod, and an upright officer not only snubbed, but'stjll more, trans-: ferred to oVh'ef duties wbero ho would in the future be dnable to Interfere with tbe ruling lamiiy. tio-tv does this compare wttn tne treatment atTorded uadot liaira bv the first class lut winter 1 He. T be., ..lierft Wis acaibaedf tenUe aYaliehobd. I 'whiWdYan'UhdefW gentlemen, as cadeu are an supposed to. be, u. great; a' falsification as 'the simple fact of jeljing an untruth. 9 Profanity novor, did any man, tbe least good. No man is richer, or happier,, or wiser for it. It commonds no ono to society. It Is disgusting to the refined;1 abominable to the food; Insulting to those with whom we assoclatot degrading to tbe mlndj unproltablsj ' needless andinjurous j to society. ONLY PRE8ID3NT GRANT. Otthe irukimctea Treaty All Ocawr al Politics. Tke SJlaUasi ObaarTeat While hale Prettdeat. Niw York, Juno 3. A reporter of a morning paper yesterday interviewed President Grant at Long Branch. The President said there is a good deal of ap prehension on both sides of the water con cerning tho treaty at Washington. It Is thought by a great many that It wu rushed through and acted on without prop er consideration on the part of both gov ernments. Every arttclo of the treaty wu submitted to me after it wu adopted by the Commission, and then approved by me, ana eacn article wu in tne ssmo way submitted to tbe British Cabinet and ap proved oy tne .Minister ot tne crown at once. Tho English Commlsioners spent a great deal of menoy telegraphing the seciroriS'e-r tftfl tr-Srtr-. "The Queen (3 England . pledged her .sfgaaturo before' band. ilMrefbre.,reirard tlm (matt? aa practically ratified. There pocu cunlary considerations of j course. Meaiures. will havo to be adopted on both ' sldss to carry out the provisions of tho treaty., Our House of Beprssintatlvea will, I fsel certain, acsjpatrieikally and wisely in: the matter. Tho treaty mutt be ratitedaad made tho law of both na Ucs; this UaA immetlkU necessity. As fat sa .we ara eoveeraod we'saoalof havo hotter 1crmi, btatnhefo wero two" partlos in tho bargain. If I had it all my own way, I think I could make it moro fa vorable to the United Slates. Tho point to be arrived at was not merely the pecu niary satisfaction of our losses by the Ala bama and other cruisers rrom Uritlsh ports, but to settle Irritating and disturb ing questions tiEeiy toonnt- tno two na- tlons Into armed conflict. My aim was by wis treaty to secure peaco inrougn justice, ami a believe A nave succeeded. Ho sp- preaession neea no xeis as to ine eourso oi the AMitisa people. 1. would regard Ran act of bad faUh on tholr part to reject the treaty aiter its almeat unanlnooa-accept ance oy;onr oeaate. xne Jtngiun must surely prefer a fair settlement of odr dif ferences with them, for which the trcaty proviaes, tnan to nave a war settlement, as was the alternative. A final ratification will be a blessing to both countries. In regard to the report of Mr. Fiih leaving the Cabinet, the President said : "Mr. Fish will not leave th Cablnot or Tesign his seat in the State department j with my consent while 1 am President. He hu been faithful, patriotic and dili gent, i should be grievod ir he resigned, but he won't." Now, u to Cuba, there hubeen no dis cussion in the Cabinet in reference to the Cuban affair of late. The policy of the administration la unchanged in regard io Cuba, we are mtnorut ot our obUKkuons to friendly nations. While careful of our rights the United States will not be unjust, wnuei am rrestdeni wo will do u we would wish to bo done by. The condition of affairs on tho island of Caba does not seem to Secretary Fish to demand action on our part. Pretly BMiarp. The New York Tribune thus disposes of Ooneral Butler's opposition to tbe treaty of Washington: "Altogether tha Gan. eral regards this frank and cordial agree ment Dctwcon two great nations u being u full of tricks ondsinful games, as if ho had made it himsolf." Once upon a time Horace Greely and Dean Richmond, happening together at Aiuanj, ion into a uorce uiscussion, u was usual, on the question whether cock eyed men could be trusted. Dean bold tho affirmative and Horaco the negative, of tho proposition. Souetlmo afterward Dean went to the Charleston convention, a strong rrlend or Douelu and of the union of the National Democracy. Ha found himself opposed in all his natriotia purposes and desires chiefly by James Bu chanan and Ben Butler, tne one through personal jealousy and tho other from a pre-arranrea treason to tne uemocratio party. The conspirator succeeded in bis object aad broke the Democratic party in to manors, a ever wu were so indignant a man as Dean Richmond, who, gathering up his papers, cane and hat, started for the depot. On his way he met Ben But ler, who. BDDroechihr and ax. tending his hand, said, why, Mr. Rich mond, you are not going away." Whereupon Dean, putting his hand In his pockot roared ouC " I am going back to see Greeley to apologise to him for de nying his 'assertion that al. cock-eyed men aro u u rascals. A Mevaaesa CaelcC. xne Bpringleld Xnntblican comments very lu ustiy upon tne appointment of Briar. ham Young's son to Wost Point : Tho Presidont has ten appointments of now cadets for Wast Point Academy year ly, and General Grant has completed bis list this yoar with a son of Briebam "i oung, the Mormon, and a soldier's or phan from the Baltimore Orphan Asylum. Tho latter choice, if of a personally fit lad, is born of a lust and eracoful thoucht : but tho formor is on insult to the public opinion of tho country. With what moral power can tbe country, Congress, or the administration contend against tho offensive Mormon hierarchy, if the head of the Government is to give it such con- donement and comfort u this T Tho Re publican party bu solemly pronounced polygamy a "twin DarDarism" With slavery, and Congress hu enacted laws to firerent and punish it; but now a Repub lican President sinelu eut a conspicuous offspring and representative of this only rejuinuiiBg UBiuBriaui tuu eon oi a- man who defies the national authority and has openiy proclaimed lus rcoeuion against it tor one oi ins caoieesi oompitsBents and most sought gifts In but posrer ',XtU cer tainly discouraging business to those of us "who had supposed one1 of the exeelleacles of the- RspubllMnadrUjnlstratlon, was; op. position .to and exlaBguishsaaat of lh in suiting detanL-degrading- reselllon set up andled'by Br'ighm Yiflg.- aWaaTh'e Lawrence (Kis.) Standard haa been shown a Utter from tho father ot Dr. Medllcbtt respecting tho cue of his eon. High testimonials as to the doctor's char eater baro been forwarded.' The doctor's father states that nothing biUthe llrmltles of ae Prevent him from. earning to Law rsace tn his behalf.- BU father Is now seventy-one, end his " wether sixty-four yeara of age. They live at Marietta, Ohio, DAILY PAPER m EGHT. QROCERt; R. 1 OHIO LEVEE. Also, keep eoniliaSly ea Jaw4'saosi eosa plete sieea'af; IsIUOM, Scoloh.ajse) Irish Whlsklt. MiillWheirjai we sou exeiDMTttr ror casn. ta waicn taet sanM tna atsention or aoaa, eargala' sayara Bpectal attention siren to luisv oroers. r -e- ej a C R O 0 E R PRoiybsi OMJbTI8IOV MteeMHAJaT ne. ta "At.1. r . v viesw ajtJVTOa I CAIRO.. ILL. ttaaetatf atteatlaa aTtTwat' S47aaala-a I aaesita asset rilllaa evratesa., , . W, Btratton. gT.HATTON ...T. Jird. BlUltJ accseeora to Btraltoa. ri u Json AClark.l WJioleHali GROCERS V- ' ;,.,. fa ,? i w7(MaMmc AceMa al AsawSsieak Fawtftr Oa., Laaafttataurerra Asrasste sar OaSJaas Y, AOAJMsXt Jf.iIMll !. "i;"j-"'t.t Inveatora haviaa; business with tha United atalaa.Paaaat Oftaa wUI ftad. iVta tkaksarvaataga ta tatreat tt lalSa aads af tkw aid.estaUUhed area at- t Ii!7t Mason, Fenwick & Lawrence, I. ..S vac.. te. W&AVm& .C. They have dona my buaiaees to ATsatlafaa Iton. and 1 take olcaaura la raeommaaatlnv thaaa ta Westara InveBles.7T TTT . . f'v," f-,;W.V.Asatxs, Inventor af Improved Ravolvlng Tubuiar Water Orate Sara. . - Cairo, tprttaa.lsn. taartadtai. V Argentine mesch's Family Grocery Car. 8th St WMhtagtaav ave. Cairo. - - - Illinoia Is ssppliea with tha freak eat Clraeerlee. Ovaaat asaal atrteel asaat STaaw seel jTrsslts. fasttA Poultfjf, Fresh htter Sad ererythiag alsa aaaded for (sally aaaalT It Is ln shert oaa of tha beat atatffeaai anearfaa la theeltv. "-i A eoBtlaaaoe ef oablle nalrnaaaa ia i aaisilfall i ottAited ' '.satatdawa 9 "7"" awaaaaasaw COAL. sQAlatO 1TT o o COMPAHT ire Prepared to Snalr wltM m qaaUtyaf PITTSBURG AND jaUMOlM L Orders left at Kalliatajr atrae. eMaea. Na. T Okie xts, ar at tke OsU Tar kelaw tke It. Ckawlee Ms. (al,wlUBUelva Fraaaa AttessUaau Tt.a Tua "Montauk" will brinar Coal aloamda t earners at anv hour, daw or nlaht. aOalro, Oft. aMa. 1STO tf HOUSE MOVERS. JJOUHE MOVING. HOUSE MOVtR AHDBUILDER is prepared to do all kinds ef P UOVHK MOWING, HOrjIK IAIIMH !1 ti uoaablSSarsa terau.r id v.ob. lefti tha r. Krnnadr. oa ioer to the new achool buUdUg, or addresaadto est Siei a-aag-ai gaa sr. ai. nni aia. f iriaa aamiaBallaa rm. iJOMHERClAL HOTEIt, Caamerclal At., OpHelte Ptat Oataa jww it-iiAf urns. TtmUUr. ..IvJ i Itl'ltlK) U,lXt 9 The Hsusatsueely luraiakad and of era U tk nbliaflrat-claas access snadaUf-s. (ebre 3M. a AseA rivTOai -aar" -A r