Newspaper Page Text
-WW ii" urn in Jp,ssapjrs)tsasj JV to1 ' tain.' i , . l-ltt It, J of Aider , inber, In tlio . " "a r-mler, OnnnliiK- intr.-ii. fatfrJJl, ViUuer.-iM . . . "S'ldcrtnan th -J" .. . .... iitct wa dispensed with. X 4UHOKMKNT. immltteo to met of .loli A.I llm imn lini.b rofMllll nont thereof, vlx: tl.c mini l Winter moved to receive tlio concur In the rocoinincndntion nmlltoe. Carried by the follow - e: Ayes Ihulor, Cunningham, .', JlearJen, BcascijStrnUonSwiiynr' , jrand winter 9. Say 0. irOKT OT COMMITTER O.V CLAIMS tie Committee on Claims to whom were or red tbo following clnlmr, reported tlio - mo back rccommondlnc; pnyment: ' 'owen & Miller, for sharpening tooli S i 00 'N. A. Devore, labor on ildcwalkfl ' to Juno 2, 29 days at $3 a day, 87 00 '(T. Fitzgerald, labor on tldowulke to June 2. 29 daya at $2 a day, f. 00 i Frank Bcmls, labor on tldcwalki, to June 2. 11 dayi. at S2 a day. 22 00 Stratton&Blrd,3kegnaU, 16 00 Stratton & Bird, 4 keg null? , Tho. Mehan, hauling lumber..... Cloio & Vincent, 2 bbls. lime. . . . Tho. Naughton, 27 day labor on - itreets in May M. Mahoney, 27 daya labor on ' itreeU in May....'. Wra. Mcllalo, 23 days labor on streets in May - C. It. "Woodward, hardware, etc... J. G. Lynch, rent to May 19, 1871 M. Silverberg, collector's book, f index, dog tax receipts, etc... . J. T.Bennie, lumber Vfm. MeHkle. dieting nrisoneri 20 00 29 20 a 00 M 00 00 5S 00 128 19 25 00 46 107 . for April to the 28th, inclusive 309 70 ' Wm. McHalc, dieting prisoners I f for May ii 00 1 Timothy Gorman, building an ad l dition to and repairing to the U 200 00 f Alderman Stratton moved to allow tho foregoing hills as recommended by the Onnraittea. Carried, by the following rota: Ayes Budcr, Cunningham, Mctcalf, lUardtn, Sease, Stratton and Swayne 7. Nayi Waldor and Winter 2. The following bills also referred to tho Committee on Claims wore reported back with the recomtnondation that tlioy bo not allowed. Alderman Swayno moved lo allow said bills. Lout, as follows : AyM Ileardcn, Stratton nnd SwHync 3. Kays Budcr, Cunningham, Metculf, Sease, Walder and "Winter 0. Thoi. Kaughton, Iml. of duys labor on streets nt $2.70 a day in March last M. Mahoney, bal. of 4 days labor on streets at (2,70 a "day in March last II Of) 11 00 Tha same Committee to whom also were referred the several bills of tho Calio City Gas Company, reported the sarno bock rtcnmmending their refcronco to n special committee for examination. Alderman Budcr moved to concur in the recommendation of tlio Committee. Carried. Tho Choir appointed as such committee. Alderman Buder, Cunningham and Swayne. 11II.LH. The City Comptroller, to whom tlm fol. lowing salary bills were referred, ruportcd the same back us correct : K. A. Burnett, alary as ('(imp- trailer for May ,. . , K. M. Sumner, salary as l'ollco Conitablu for May 5-7." on 00 J. y. Veiruu, salary a l'ollco Constable for May 75 00 John Sheehan, salary it l'ollco Constable for May M. J. Howley, lary, as City Clork or May John M. I.itn.'Ji'ii, iilnry Mayor for quarter cr.diii.ltinc 0, 1B71 Jos. B, Taylor.iulury ui Treasurer for May t A. Cain, salary n Mamlmt for May L. II. Myors, salary a Chlitf of Police for April B. Klianneny, fnlury as 1'. M. for May 7.J (V) loi mi loo no f.o no h:i :::i L. ii. Myers, salary as Chief of Police for May M 33 Alderman Cunningham moved that tho saw bills bs allowed. Carried as follows , Ayes Buder. Cunningham. Ifetcalf Bearden, Sease, Stratton, Hwnyne, Wnldor Naji-0. Tba following UlU having been allowod by the Select Council wtr presented for concurrence: i, O. Lynch, rent to April lu, sncnth Morris, Hood Co., lumber Morris, Rood Co., lumber H. A. Hannon, stationery for Clerk's, and Treasurer's offices... 2s oo 172 to 8 70 )4 ai Aldorman Cunningham movc-d concur in tha action of tJaltct .Council. Carried by to the the Cun- WVowlBg vote: Ayes-Budcr, tiliiglinm.Moti!...., .vav-.o., V'nMerii n.. " , ' VRTO Mr.".. Thu Cltsrk lull tho Jti.inl the ,. 11 or.1l. 1.111 lor nn .inli.i-.npr nimuc.. .. lQ ,.,l .inliwim ,'..r with II,- M,.y..r's..hjccli..uMhcrctol o - . . ... :.. llio following silill i.lili-li-ll '"'"'K '" J ,7 'u itl. ro.pcciri.1ly return to yon, i.if, "An oi.linnnc.. t U'icn-.l r,,1"nn(' , n." :: r t. , ; ,, ,ll0 ,. retuct. , bccii'i ol inylitivinV, L ! ";,(. by ihofelMl Council, ' ivcfif fitvurnblo to It adnptior i 'u..f.vv..r. the. view I limy expre'si-u on. '.Moroovcr.tlio view I limy cxire. or ..pin4. !. rc'iinli'il ti in conflict to whom was re- ' wln ,m',c)t 0f tlio nrtloii of the city gov n Cithill aInH : ,.,.uuent heretofore tiikcn, mid In roiillict ,n l,nck reeoni. with ..t lea l tlm prcfcn of 1 pnni-cdlng iK.'1'edlng of thorny council i" "'" " termeJ iu joini ii"". f No one Is less inciiiieu u" ." Interfcro with established forms, U'ligcs or ml,.,; kit in llii mutter, n m nil others, ! In Iw wl."? our duty Is, .ml hvlnff ,ucertnincil In our own stitlsinctlon what tl.nnn vth nc we imvc to no urcu.. .u, ' it is then to go lorwnni in us pcrioriiiiuiL-o. i tVa Hi... ciiarter of 1807 i.rcatcd a City;irmi3iliiif of tho Mavorimd Board .,f Alilnrnmn. and conferred upon thosomo corUln right anil iiowcrs set forth fit sec tions 0, 7, , , Ac, nrlcJo 2 of said r'i,..rf..r sid c v council so consii- i,iinl exercised tho' whole legislative au thority of the city government. It was so lo speak, tx general assembly of ft slnglo house ot ucicgnics or inomuors. Tho nmcnument mauo to saiu ciiarior n lfiGO. devested tlio old City Council of tho whole of Us authority, and vested It in "a liodv to bo stvlod llio city council which snail ue composou oi iwo nranciies, .. . i .. . , i ono of whicli shall bo called tlio buicci Council and tho other the Board of Alder This language of section ono (1) of the amendment is exactly tho same in sub stance in that of tho now constitution of the State, which provides that "Tlio legis lative power shall bo vested in a General Assembly, which shall consist of a Sonato nnd House ot Jtcprcscntaiivvf. Tlie amendment of 1809 makes tho So led Council n soparato, distinct and hide ncndcnl branch of tho lecislativo author ity, and, in express terms, makes sections C 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13 and 11, of nrtlclo 2 of tlio cliartor ot jbui uppncamoio soiu nc lnet Council, lrlvinir It thorebv authority to judge of tho qualifications, elections nnd returns oi its members, to uciermino con tested elections, to expel mem tnnk'n its own rule ot nrocccdini?. keep its own journal making it, in fact, almost coinplotoly what tho City Council was under tha charter of 1807. It was, it would scorn, tho creation of u now and on additional City Council, with tho same, powers given and restrictions imposed, as thoso glvon to and imposed upon tho old Citv Council. Formerly thoro was a simple body; now. there uro two bodies, possessing liko powers, nnd controlled by liko restrictions Kach body makes iu own rulo of proceed Ing, and neither has tho right to make rules of proceeding for tho other. It cer tainly cannot bo that these two branches can act separately whon they choose, mid jointly when theyso choose, nnd their nc tions'ln both cases bo valid and legal. 1 can And no nuthority whatever in tho charter, or tlio amendments thereto, for the transactions of gonoral or other busi ness of the City Council iu it joint session ! of tho two boords, except lu tho tinglo case ol tho election of otlicers, provided for in section u ot tlio amendment. And to my mind, this requirement of the amendment, touching tho election of otli cers In a joint meeting of tlio two board?, strong evidence that without such pro vision such joint meeting could not prop, erly bo had or held. IS'or can wo coiicluilo that becauso tlio amendment of 1807 requires tho concur rent action of both boards In tho pas.sngn of ordinances, that, therefore, all other l uilness may bo dono or transacted in n joint meeting of llio two board'. W might ns well claim that liec.iuv) tlio con stitution of the State, in express term, rc quiro tlio concurrence of a majority of tho members fleeted to each Houso of tlio Leg islature for tho passage of any law, that, thcroforc, all tho other business of tho Lugishituro might bo transected !u ti joint siMsionof tho two Houses, as well as tho election of Senators to Congress. J do not ovuriooi: nectian i t ot Anient 5 of the Cliartor of 1807, which provides that "all ordinances snail navn vwo read ings nt length tin ktiuarato days In tlm City Council before thoir pnssagu.'' I'lldur thu present city government, or under tlio amendment of I8t;9, there Is nosingUi body corresponding to tho Citv Council ofllm Charter of 1807. This Section II of thu Charier is sub.tnnllally compiled with, if imleej it must bo compiled with under till amendment, by reading thu ordinances the requisite number nf times bef.ini each board, Tim two hoards mav no doubt have their joint mcetlngi, appoint Joint cojn mittoc., hear reports, petitions, at.., nnd do all other such matters and things as will tend to inform tlw member... itinl nut thu buiiness of tho council lu proper nlripj ami condition for premutation to and notion liy tho bcparatu board'. This ordinance which in ellcct goes far toward thu doing away with the bepurato boards, and trai sferring thnlr busiuc" to a joint meeting of the same, U for that r.iat-on objectionable. Its object may bo very do'irable, but that Is npooi-criterion by which to judgo of iu legality. Tl.u importuueo of the matter, lupechilly in cenntetiou with tho contemplated rovU inn of tho ortlinanccs, is, I trust, a sulli dent oppologv for llio length of these re marks. .11)11 N M. LAKSDKN. Cairo, ills., May 19, lrill, Tho quostlon then hilnj" shall the bill pass notwithstanding tho objections of tho Mayor?" it was docidil In tho negutlvo, in tho following voto ; .yes None. N'uys Uuder, Cunningliiiiii, Mctcalf, Jloardon, Sease, Stratton, Swayne, "Wnldor and Winter 9 AbnthHMIC.VT LIHli. Alderman Strattcn moved to tako ui) the usossmont lists fur 1871, together with the resolutions .concerning tho same adopt ed at the joltit nioeting .ol tho two boards on tho 2d Inst. Carried. The Clerk then laid before tho Board thq assessment Hits for tho your lbll wlh tho following resolutions nboyo men tloncd. ' H'A1 r''('lr1 h Hoard of Aldejmtn and tM StUtt Council, Otnaprhlwtfic CUy CmeU o l),c(,joj fufro, That the mw- ment lists for tlio j sumo being the ncnionl tu . personal pnperty In tlio city of Gaii citv tavos for fho said year, made by K. A. Burnett, the City Assessor, for tho said voar, now beforo said City (Council, all nlijoetloiis thereto having boen lienrd and determined, be, nnd tho sanio is hereby ..iroved and emflrmed, and that tho iiinin "lo m I'm City Clork's oillco. Jle it lui 'vtcr rcsoivca, xiihi mo ioiiow nff minis of n.onry be, nnd tho same nie licreby levied upon tha said real and por- sonnl properly mentinnod In, nnd accord Ing to s.ihl nssos'tiiont, to defray tho ox- pcn'C, nobis, nnu tiainiiiius ui ram cuy ui Cairo, to-wit'. One-half ol ono per centum upon tho a'ses'ed valuo of said proporty, to defrav tho contingent and othor ex penses oi' tho city not otherwise- provlvcd for, tho same to go into nnd constitute n purl of tho genernl fund j also ono-holf ,.r.inn ner cpiittnii upon tho assessed valuo thereof to defray tho costs nnd expenses of making Improvements upon tho streets, .i,ml fiViinllt.'. nnd nubile crotinds of tho citv not othorwiso provided for, includ- ng expenses lor piibllo sowers, pumps nnd drainage. which taxes snail constitute the improvement fund; also one-half of ono por centum upon tho ns scsscd valuo thereof, to bo applied to tho i.iyniont of interest on tlio bonus oi mo ity issued and negotiated, or to bo hero fter Issued nnd negotiated for Improve- inents and other purposes, which taxds shall constitute tlio intorest fund; nnd ln. one-half of ono nor centum upon tho ,mi.(ml value thereof, as a special tax to no v tho Interest on tho bonds issued by said city to Fox, Hownrd & Co., under section twenty-seven (27) of tho amend- ....... T llw. 1' Jle it further raohtJ. That tho City Clork bo, and ho is hereby instructed to preparo n proper warrant authorizing tho citv collector to collect mo taxes lovicu as aforesaid, and when prcpared,tho proper otlicers of tho city aro hurcby instructed and authorized lo sign, seal, and deliver llio sumo in accordance witii me dinner and ordinances of tho city. iVlderman Cunningham moved to adopt tho foregoing resolutions. Carried as fol lows: Ayes; Buder, Cunningham, Mot- calf, Bourdon, Seaso, Stratton, Swayno, "Walder and Whiter, 9. Nays, 0. OltPINANCKS. I'pon their first reading In this Board, "An ordinance to regulato the du ties of the Chief of 1'olico and l'ollco Constables ;" "an ordinance to amend ordinance No. 29;'' "on ordinance to amend ordlnnnco No. 49, and for other perposcs:" "an ordinnnco to amend sec tion 280 of tut ordinanco to adopt tho or dlnanccs of tho citv of Cniro us revived and codified ;" "an ordinnnco to amend or dinnnco No. 00;" ''an ordinance to provent tho running at largo of cows and goats nnd for other purposes;" and "an ordi dinanco to authorize Etay of oxecution in certain cases. Aldorman AYaldor moved to table the foregoing sovoral ordinances. Tho Chai ruled tho motion out of order. Tho said ordinances wcro then laid over for n sec ond reading. PETITION. Alderman Winter presented tho peti tion and accompanying papers of (1. "W. McKcalg praying tho Council to executo a deed for tho following described real es tate i 0 feet oil' K. side of lotnumborcd 11, in city block 2.1; lot numbered 27, in block -1G; lots 27 and 28 in city block 33 s lot 30 in city block 70 ; and lot 33 In block 80, Alderman Slratton moved to refer tho mutter to tlio Committee on Claims. Withdrawn. On motion of Aldorman Cunningham, tho petitioner was permitted to mnko ex planation in regard to tho petition and tho atlidavits and tax'certillcatcs accompany ing tlio snmc. Tho petitioner hnvlnjj ex plained the matter, Alderman Seaso moveithat tho prayer of tho petitioner be granted, and thai tho Mayor nnd City Clerk bo ordered to execute n dcod to Mr. McKoalg for tho foregoing mentioned property as prayed for hi snid petition. Curried, as follows : Ayes Uuder, Cunningham, Mctcalf, Ileardcn, Sease, Hlrattnn, Swayne, Wnlder "Winter 9. Nays None. On motion of Alderman Winter tho Board then adjourned. M. .1. llOWLKY, L'itu Cterl;. Takk NoTin:. Timk Taiilk ok tiik I.i.I aro'fl Ckntkai. Kam.uo ad. On ami after .Sunday, May lith, J871, tho follow ing tluHMiiblo will goycri the arrival ami tk'purtiiio of passcngor trains nt Cajro: DrjmrtMuU train, daily, 11:5 p,tii, Kxpressj dally,!,,, 2:0 P,tn ArrirrSluU, dally,,,,, , ;i;.10 tun, Hxpruss, daily, except Sunday , i):!!0 p,ui, Although tho rcgtilnr HI. Loilis train Is taken oil' both tralr.s out of Cairo will havo through car. for St. Louis, which will bo taken through from I)u(uolii by tlio trains on tho Belleville road. Direct and cloeo connection will bo made at i)u Quoin, and Jlwiiu will bo no change of cars from Cairo la Sj Louis. Tho train leaving Cairo nt U;45 p,m .will ha vn a thrnuL'h sleeping car for St. Louis, Tlio nftontlon of shinner Is emeciilK- .nll.,,1 in bk f.,,,i I li .i H T." t a Cairo dally, Saturdays excopted, nnd will make tho run from this city to Chicago In twenty-two hours. .IAS. .IOIINSOX, Agent. KlTZnKu.,i.V Kuin,K ItooMH. Per sons blbulously Inclined, lowers pf t)o ox lilloriiling juico of tho corn nnd juico ot grape, or bovorages, should cull Inir mcdiutoly at thu sample rooms, on corner Commercial nvctmo and Fourteenth struct. Besides everything In llio drinking lino, of tho purest kind, ho him the most fra. grant Havana clgurs, Importations from Cuba, that loud of nnrcotlo weeds, Fit., gcrnld keeps a ilrst-class placo, and has with him Jimmy English, who knows ov. cry body, nnd knows tho wants of every, body apd tjhv )? j gentleman, every Inch ofiim, f niui, t nun xiirt,t's iriaiii will iniivn F,i.ouk. Oholco Fiimily "FJpur in ,bbjs half bids., ). Ap.,foralii nt'.thn.Kgyp. .tlau Mills, an Albtt'n. The barber ..r, . ) ? on Commercial avenue, near tho comor o. Kighlli strcot, is tho placo lo which all lovors of n good, closo shavo with razors sharpor than tho wit ol twenty Jcrrolds, wind llioir way. If Meats. The branch m'eatshop of Jumcs Kynnston, located on Commcrclnl nvenue, noxt door to the grocery store of James Carroll, Is now in full blast, nnd this pop ular butcher Is supplying nil tho rcflned meat eaters of that portion of the Fourth "Ward with splendid meat. If you havo not tried him givo him a call. tf Himc't. Himo, nt tho old stand, oh Sixth street, near Ohio lovoo, Is conduct ing his bnrbor shop in n flrst-clnss style. It is a model establishment in every par ticular, nnd while in his chargo all its cus tomers will receive courteous attention, and tho benefit of excellent workmanship, llnlr cutting, shaving, shampooing, etc. my2tr EXCFLSIOH SALOON. Corner WnitiltiKton Avenue anil Four teentli alreet. Fred. Blaukenburg's saloon 'is nowly nnd elegantly fitted up nnd supplied with tho finest wines, liquors, beer, cigars, etc, that can be found in the city ; and Frod. has no superior as a dispenser of delightful bovorages. Do not forget tho placo, cor ner 14th street and Wnshlngton avenue. FOB RENT. Tho house heretofore occupied by Pat rick Fitzgerald, on Ohio Levco between Fourth nnd Sixth streets. This houso. if not the best business house Is certainly ono of the best standB lu Cairo. It fronts tho principal steamboat landing nnd is near the lli'mols Central railroad depot. Also the second floor of the same building suitably nrrangod for offices. Apply next door at ltobert Smyth & Co's. wholesale grocery store. tf A sallow or yellow color of skin, or yel lowish brown spots on faco and other parts of body; dullness and drowsiness with frequent hcadacho, dizziness, hitter or bad taste in mouth, dryness of throat nnd internal heat; palpitation, in many- cases n dry tensing cough, with sore throat, unsteady appetite, raising of food, choking sensation In throat; heaviness, or bloated or full feeling about stomach and sides, pain in sides, back or breast, and nbout shoulders : colic pain and eoroncss through bowels, with heat, constipation alternating with frequont attacks of diar rhea; piles, flatulcnco, norvousnoss, cold ness of extremities ; rush of blood to head, with symptoms of appoplexy, numb ness of limbs, especially nt night; cold chills alternating with hot Hashes, kidnoy nnd urinary difficulties; female weakness, dullness, low spirits, unsociability nnd gloomy forebodings. Only few of abovo symptoms likely to bo present hi tiny cuso nt ono tlmo. All who use Dr. Picrco's Alt. Kxt. or Golden Medical Dis covery for Liver Complaint nnd its Com plications, aro loud in its praise. Sold by all ilrt-class druggists. 667 jo7vlt FLOURING MILLS. OHIO IiETEIS, CAIRO. FULTON & SONS, - - Proprietors. Arc Now In Fall Operation. Mssrs. FiillnnA Bona are prepared to fiirnu all kinds of Hour or the best .madly, and also Mill heed of all kinds. Graham Flour, In sacks or in lcs qnnnllly, made from the lcst While Wheu BARBERS. J OE(RGE STKIXHOIJSK Cor. 8Hi St, am Conimcrflpl arf IJV Till; PEKRY HOlsi: Sharp Uaiurs.i-IeanTowsU nnd 8UIII- i.ii svoruiiicii. Ladies' and Children's Hair Out and Bhainnooneil oitlinr nt lim utiAi..ty ' AT Til Kill OWN 110MF.S. Ilenllemen's Whiskers and Hair Dyed inasetcn .iu iiiHiiiiri mm vniipuwiionguaranteea. COAL. COMPANY ire Prepared to Snpply Cimtmuers irlth the Best (Quality tf PITT38LI RQ IIUuoIh Colli. UrtUrs lft Nr Hlfltay ilrni, OIkr, Mo. TO Ohio Lav, ot mt ti Ca Yard balosv tit St. Charles Uq, II,vjvI1I Beealv I"roniU AttCHtlOH. The Tug "Montauk" will bring Coal alongside learners at any hour, day or night. sCulrii.Ucl. itfth. 1BT0 tf ' I If Mill CUO littiii.. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN TOik IIooHauil'si litoslijilliiu IMII Hoofland's Greek Oil llonfllnnd'H Mcrmnii Bittern. A Illltera Without Alcohol or Hdlrlta ur niiy kl nil Iidlfltrcnt from all otners. Is composed of tbo purcjuicpitorviinl principle of Hoots, Herb nnd llari; (or as medically termed, extracts.) the worthiest nnd Inert portions of the Ingredients not being used, Therefore, In ono bottle of this Bitters there lit contained as much medicinal vir tue ai will bofouml In several grlloni of ordinary mixtures. Tho Itoots, etc., used In thl Bittern are grown In Ocrtnsny, their vital principles ex tracted In that country bv n scientific Chemlstand forwarded U tho manufactory In thUrlty, where they are compounded and bottled. Containing no spirituous ingredients, this Bitters is free from the objections urged against U others i no desire for stimulants can helndiiced from their ne. can make no drunkards, nnd cannot, under IrcuinHtnnco., litre any niitnoenencmi cnrci. llootland'.i licrmttn Tonic. Was compounded for thoie not inclined lo ex rime bitters, nsd Is intended for uic in cases when somo alcoholic stimulant Is ciulred In con necllon with the tonic properties of the Bitters Each bottle of tho Tonio contains ono bottle o. the Bitters, combined with pure Sata Crut Bum, and flavored In such a manner thai the extreme bitterness of tho Bitters is overcome, forming a preparation highly agreeable and pleasint to Hie palate, ami containing the medicinal virtue of the Bitters. The prlce'of the Tome Is 31 fill per bottle, which many persons think too high 1 hey must tske. Into consideration that Hi" stimu lant used is guaranteed to beofn pure quality, A poor article could bo furnished nt ft chepr pnce.lutls it not K-tter to pay a little more and nave a good article, ? A medicinal preparation should contain nono but the best ingredients and they who expect to obtain a cheap eumiiouud will mot certainly if ciicateu. They are the CJrealest Kiiouii Itetue. lies. For I.lver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Nervou. Deblll ly. Jaundice. Diieae of the Kidneys. Krun tlons of the bkin, and all diseaei arising from a disordered l.Hcr.Mninach, orlm purity of the lllood. Head Ih. 'ollowlng symptoms: Conpatinns- Klutulence, Inwanl Piles, Fullness of blood to Hie head, Acidity ot tho Stomach, Nausea. llort-Lurn, disgust of food, fullness or u eight in the Momach, Hour Eructmiom, sinking or Muttering ut thejut of tlie stomach, swimming of the head, hurried or (IlllicuU breathing, tluiterlng at tho Im.irt, chok ing or suttocatlng sensations when in a lyiog pos ture, dimness or vision, dots and webhs before tho fluhl. dull nalnm the head, deficiency of iieMtdr. Ation, yellowness of tlie skin unit eyes, pain In .the side, back, chest, limbs, etc., sudddii flushes or neat, burning in the nesn, constant luaglmngs of evil, and great depression of spirits. Allthcjo indicate dlseusn of tho l.lvcr or dlgcttre oigans combined with Impure blood, The use of the llittcis or Tonic will soon cause the above symptoms In disappear, ami the patient M ill bfCDjnp well and hi-altv, Dr. Moorland's Greek Oil, Mft-lttliiK Olire for all KlntU ori'aliis anil A .'lies Ami in F.XTKBNiiLr. It will earn nil kinds ol pains ami nulies; such ns Kheumatlsm. Neuralgia, Tootlmt-lio, Chilblains, Siiralns, llrulses, Krost. Bites, lleadaclies. Pains in thu Hack mid Lolas, l'ulns thu Joints, idiubs, Btlngs of Insects, Hum. worms, eto. Takm IsrrRXALL'r.-Ii will cute Kidney Com. plaint tiacliaches, sick headache, c-ollc, dysentery, diarrhon, cholera infautinn, cholera rnorbiii., eramnsnnd pains in the stomach, fever anil ngue cnsigis, t-olds. asthma, etc. Br. HooIIiiikIVs I'odophylllii, on MUIIT1TUTK FOR I'lLLS. .UURCllIt': Two Ila it Hose, The nwt I'owcrttl, yet Inn(,cr,nl ne(,iLle Oiilinrttc Known, Ills tint necessary lo take ahandlul of these pills , -."ii.'. iiin-i, i" "I iiieiu not '!,.' k.l,i f uJ J',0w7"'lly. cleansing llio liter, atom fn im'i' '""Ifofal linpiirltU-.. Tho principal Ingredient Is l'ododiyllin, or tlie nlchnliolia ix. irueioi Manurake,Hnlc-li Is by many times moro powerful, actlngnnd searching than llio Mandrake Itself. Its peculiar notion Is upon the Ltvtr, clean- IniS II uhAa.lilu nil .1 jk. ' . . ... ey-ij ..uiii in, uuniriiuiioDs, witn an inn ponerof Merctiry. yct freelrom the Injurious re. fcullM fittuhed tn Ihnll,. n.,1 Is Indicated, these Pills gyo entlrn sttlsf I .,,v...ui i4,i iiuiiiui-iint, I'ysiiepiia.nnd ox. tremecostiveness, Dr. lloolland'sGormuu Hitter Sm" .p!'l"JI,IJ,,je i'se:' ,n ''onnpotionwllh the Pills. Tlie Tunla eHect of tlm jtuter- or Tonlo ttlV,MtA.vf 1 era '""liters or Tonlo jur. Hies tho blood, alrengthcna tho nvrvos, niaciin: ;"liui, energy anil V gor. Keep your bowo s actlvo fth Iho Pills, and tone up tho system with tho Hitters or Tonic, nnd no disease t-ap r tain its hold, or ever again ass i l it. ! Tnoso medicines ar sob by nil Drlieg tts ind drtileni in' medicines every where ? ' iwwuiiwi iiih n is iir. noonanu's Oerman Uernedfos, that are so unlversallytued and reborn, mended! ond dpnotnllow iholirutgrsi to In. line Tli?aVi7tmid.VlU i.rnlll en MlJ'y.upfln PplCttllon to tlfc flllNcfl eso itc meuies wii be sent by osnreii to are lo. r i.;r, ..cii.iiAis Ai, AltCli UTItivJiT, I'hlladel dphia. .i.i r VUAH, 9t. liVAAjS, rrourlplor Formerly O. M. JAOKN. CO. These remedies aro for tale by Druggists, More keepers, and Mediolne Dealori, every wl efe IhroUllhotlt the United Slates. fJn.,lI. S"..T America ond tho West Indies. ForrMlo by ILiXJINOia ery vih'nre. i.,r own una """JL irc.ii, niio cont no Ifipni III umiin .o. euro pen, pound or other i,iro ,. .i.- -.n p laklns up .'.id anlmali ifiM tifcemsry su.lenanco for tlici,,. nn i . - ...J? n.n.'1 necessary sustenance- for them, and li V..n..i tle..c"'. !'E?7W'.. -""it" ninee ,?: u iu ii i iJiiicnr iii-imrn iii . " tbyhltn. "-"mnisnsiiiwre e.e n).?.nn8' 'SI" ."P"?' !h" P'otl . M. ! in rum riv tha . . ni . sion of tin. ' the t mo or I. lnC.,tlr,,on of J?EC. . i ana . . . ..s Vllli.ff lliteo .lays fnun , oi 'nrlni.,; i u,.,.r which sttletwo dayk n P.r hr'n''j n0'.'? J 'h en by posting up wi ItU ' I oost nflieL2r tune mid place of Mle. k P..?e, .ndipi' County Court houw, at tin. animals by ihefr Clerk's dike, describing thu . color, slie, marks nnd brands. impounding Hcc. t. The ollleer taking up ami id rectlve any animal shall be entitled to chuge a. "ly for the some ftlty cents : and for each -nve four hours tho sarno may le kept, twenty 1,n cents sddltlonal : and if sold, fifiv cents for eoc animal sold, but II any peron shall apply and pay llio oWeer's lees and costs nf susteaanee and iniiiounding, at any timo before sala of rucli nnt- tnnls, ihey stiall be released by tho ollicer. Hi.c. 5. An ncctiralo account shall bo kept by the ollicer tnAklpg the sale nud rendered to the City Council at et ry staled meeting thereof, and all animals sold by him, nnd his fees and charges thereon, and all money s received iy him for the saleot such nnunals, after iledtielViig therefrom tlio lees iindcostmir unburnning, sale, nnu suste tunee. si.sll delv. Iioinid. a. ft sneclal (le,oli, into tho City Treasury and llio Treasurer Minn receipt lor tlio sainn ami snmi Keep u in a separate acvounl subicct to tlio order of tlio Ctv Council. fr.c, i. If at any sale of animals, under the pro visions ot this ordinance, no perton shall bid, thu wholo amount of costs for taking up, keeping and selling saidntumiili, the ollicer entitled tu receive the fees mar, for himself, bid the amount ol his eots nnd cli'ges,and li no pet son bids any more said annuals n.ny be struck oil to til in as in other cae. Met. 7. Ifany ix-rson ejiall break open any pen, pound nr other incloseure, In winch any animals iii.iv lcconilned or kel.t tinder the renuirementi of tnl orilinaacs, or shall directly or indnectly nld.irnbct the same ur esonpoofany suoh ani mals, lie or they I lorit-it anil pay to said City a sum not less than ten dollars nor more th..n tilty doi at l-jr eich and ecry oirenu. li. It the City Marshal or any Police Con stable shall neslcrtnr r.-fii'O to lake up and Im pound any animal known by him lo be running at Isrire conirsry to the ordinances of thecity. be shall forfeit nnd pay to said city a sum not les than live dollars nor more than twenty-dollars for esett and every ollenso. Approved May l?lh, ll " JOHN M. MNBHEN, Allot: Mayor. M. J. Himtrv. .'.ity Clerk. mtZWK STBHEOBOOPEB. VIKWrt, AI.1IU1IM, CHIlOMOS, FP.AMFJJ, E. & H. T. ANTHONY & CO.. 501 llltOAUU AV, .KV YOIIU, Invite the atl.rtiou of ttf Trade lo their exten sive assortment of tho above Roods, f. tiirta oss ICBLICAVIOS, M.MTAl.TlSr AAS iMrnarniOH, Also, 1'IIOTO I.ANTr.ltN SLtPfX AXt OHAPHOSrCJPK.S. NKW V1EWHOF VOriEMlTK. :. A- II. T. A.NTIIONV Utt., Ml Hsoadwat, .N'tw Vokk, I Dpporlti' Metropolitan Hotel, IMP.KTtEJ AMI' MAMl'VACtrKias Or PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. mlsdiwSrn LIOUCRS F. ,s KTOCKFI.iyril ISuccessnr to Pohle A .Sloe kit. ttil Ilrcllller nnd Wlinlo.inlit HcaliT In l'nr I'igu mid llonicsl'.- , WINES. ETC. 78 Iiio lacvoc, CAIRO - - UXXi. Ife keep on iian Iconsl.mlly, Rfullsocl: of Old Kentucky Jloiirhon, Itj e nnd Mon cngnlieln IVhlMkicH, French Jlran-; dies, Holland in, Uiilne nnd CalU'oriilu AVlues. iyr:trt.Uf FURNITURE. DEAI.KH IN FURNITURE Bar Fixtures OliASSWAUi: and HOUSE FUUViSIl i.vii coons, 185 and 187 COMMERCIAL AVENUE Cairo. Illinois. C" y shiou sioici: " AND... HOOP SKIRT FACTORY HOL-b AOENCV KOIt 'flli'olaskl'n'i Ciistoni-jraijo iShoes & Slippers Coiuiiif t'dnl Avilltiit Corner nrKlirlitli Nlreel, Cairo, ill. " " i-.irticuinr ntlcntlon r d to HOOPSKUtTri and bllljll.s. ft! I trdcrs aprSlf foi attorneys. uiiki;m;u, AnOKNEVS A: TOUNSKI.LOS ,T William J. Allot, ) Jrollli II, .lullir S t'Alltfl. 1 1. 1. Hiumiel V. Wlieilorj bl,shre's".ln'tl'n,I0ll ,lft'a 10 " v,'f"1"1 ni''lrHy Olllee Ilooms 7 &, 8 Winter's Illoclt. ATl'OIWIJVS AND COUNSBMllB AT " IiAi , I . , !','!!!"m Ween, ) rt llliam li. nilberl, l Cairo. m . r., ' "I.. on uniol,evee. Itooma i Tl li .... Prr,ity JValloi.,,1 jk. aujl q IJININESS LAUDS, HILT, II i: ADS, IIIM.S I.AUINU, I.GTTBRJIRAIIM. ( V. UVSSIXU, M.D. Ite Va IUi:.NfK-Corner Ninth nnd Walnut -KKICK-Corner Sixth Street and Olilo Levee flKyiCK HOUIW-Krom 9 a.m. U II ra., and pm W Us MAM U. K.lllTII.M. O ItKrflllKNOE-No. 21, Thirteenth r etween Washington Avenue and Walnut Street OFKOK.lno Cometclal Avenne, upslslra JT WARDVER, M. D., Cairo ivm oliL'L00 .WlOWn Commercial (romo"?!,0 9odV an. HTE AM BOATS. MOl'KI) CITY ANDiTor''' 'HE STEAM TUa, CACHE ( mt. William U. Ham.uhky. FOI'lt r.W'H KVERY DAY ( 'irwiiM caieo -ft-ruT1 2:x. city Lkavk CAino, roor nr rinntii ns.r.r. At ........,.. 7 A.M. At 10 A.M. At ll P.M. At .'..5 P.M. LkaTiMd. Citt, wl.'4rsoAT, At 8J0 a.m. At 11.80 a.m. At 2.30 p.m. At 6.30 r.M. WILL LAND. AVIIKN 1IAILKI), AT THE JIO.V KACTORY, IIAWK'H LANDINO, KT. xioi'tii or cachk, MAmrtr. -at, AJVD WAVV TAR. CAIRO and NASHVILLE PACKETH The tollolng pickets leave Cairo FOR NASHVILLE, on the days and at the ho'irs bslow.named ; TALISMAN, Kvi-r y Monday at 5 p.m. j TYRONE, Kvory Thursday, at 6 j LUMBDEN, Every Saturday, .nt 6 p.nli For Freight or Passage apply on boarJ, or Id UIOOS A MALLUKY, anT7llf 1 7S OHIO I.KVEli. CAIKO AND I'ADUOAH l'ACKET. DAILY The beautiful and llght-drsngM steamer, .TAMES FISK, JR., IS.axrS HvrtilVT, ...-.Mstf, LEAVES CAIRO DAILY, at S o'fLoca, r.. j "LEMTK8PADUCAJl)"DAILY;. S. AT 0 O'CLOtI, A.K, "irltaTinz superior accommodations she so licit, public patronage. RTParticiilsr attention is paid lo collection of Invoice charges, but the boat alii not be rupon. stble for th" aatne until collected. MISCELLANEOUS. FOUNTAIN SCRUBBElt. Havkh TIME, LABOR and MONEY ITS ADVANTAGES OVKU OTItKIt AUTICLE IN UHK FOR FLOOR AXH IIOUCK-CLKANIXO, ARK lal It furnishes water and does the scrubbing ' and lnopjilng at the same tlmo. l!.l-It will dgtits work In one.fontth of th time required in tho ordinary way, .1.1 It will do the work of the scrubbing brush, es, that cot75 cents each. -lib It will save the price ot itself twice a year in brooms, mil It will not raise adust. . lllli Therubberesn be replacedfor 15 cents. 7 III -The head Is malleable Iron,' an will last ft lire-time. ' Nlli If you wish to use mop, or cloth,-to dry the corners, remove the tin, and insert'yourcloth, nnd you have that additional advantage. EVERY FAMILyTsTORE, SALOON UUTiiLi AU SIISAMIIUAT . SUOULp USE TJI. 1 1 nni prepared to furnish them by tingle down rgross, on short notice. " Address my!Md)m WM. HENRY, Cairo, Ills. James Kcnnody HOUSE MOVER AND BUILDER is prepared to do all kinds of IIUUNF. MOVING, HOUSE HAI8INS ANU Repairing of Eerw n.crl.tUn On (he mnst reasonable terms. Orders left at Ua '"idence of Mr. Kennedy, on Cebt.r r.ViVt door lo the new school building, or ddradW tho rare of I n. nn i, ;io.5HK!"ff Mill receh-i rJnmm .u.V.,1 wp. mvstf- Q OMMERCIAli 4TIOTEL, Commercial Ay., Opnojlc post OMet CAIRO, ILLlWpig. - siosHfii iiaxlims, Proprietor. i ",' ! , The House isnewlv (nml.ti,i ,j iabllcrrr.claliacconmod.tronr V f.M4 gIGf EDUCATION. HELLMUTH COLLEGE jioaru ana i union per annum, Ml HELLMUTH LADIES' COLLKE ' Inautrurateddiv It. III! i.i,,. . . .. p.rtloular.s.D(,ly to Major KMloadoCw ' I ! k , I' aaapBBBaMaBBB