Newspaper Page Text
1 ? 1 1 ; If a 01 4 :3 'f70- ,intl II con.i.t of one Rcnorul, one Mlir arm.r c , four malor generals i,u(onnt R""! ' c,ncrnl, nt,itgnlcr ty , Bwrini d - ;,,, ,,. unt will coniw oi . wf 'M'Srcc .chants M..I io. iuff, ' ori''.. i2fc cui.itmt.v laiin- Arena, i 5 Q ,,. t lR K,nmitit I. will have to bo lulled aro Su,J. I. U U 1Ptd that it will bo ncceiwry to re .fufToOO during tlio year to keep tlio and, the Py iOTredurtd to tho old nntc-bflUim &fd cifflccrt aro tendering their rc-- nitiooi except lor rcatons WIT tittM aMOIUIC. aniuiit; " timl fr rciicnea nro w XK.tio''d service da icg the H .in.H nr,i I 10'f WHO BANKS. IT! H&TIOHAL BANK CAIRO. ILHWOIS. Capital -100,000 W. P. IWLMDAV, 1're.ldenti A. B. .AFFORD, Cashier WALTER HVSLOr, Assistant Cashlei DIRKCTOKS. sum liilor w. i'. lUlllJij, ei" ffkltf KoM. II. Cnanlnrliam liio. B. nUIUnion, Mtphtn lilril, 1. D. Sifford. Exchange, Coin and V.ft.BondKougli. and Sold. Xei3oalte Rooolvod ...... A OE5ERAL BAKKIKU nTNIMKHN, T IIE FIRST NiTIONll. BANK OAIHO. BAHIKL HriD, Prttldrnl; MlUf W. JfltLEK, Vlcr.l'rta.t 0. JT. Hl'fiHn, CaihlJr. Gdllecffons Promptly Made Kl Kxckange, Coin, Itank Hnie and lnltcd Niatvs Scctiri- HoilKllt ami NOltl. ItkTtA Allowfd on Time Deposit. JJSTERPKIHE Savings Bank Churtcrcd MartH HI. IMi!) 0FF1CK I2V City Xatioiml ISanh CAino, hj.ixoin. V. IYM '"l''.l.-llti - - . 3wr if nn,t 'I tllllKCltius, M.r0CKFt,FT4 w'lM '"illKi:. J- i'iiiu'ip"uuuu' ' UukJibm "at, .V. tna ' """'" lllfH Mil- it. . . tt Ka.1 .. .1 ... and Cliimroi '"l'.lre.nrei LUMBER.. W. TUOUXTON BLINDS LATH ASLTjMBER OFricy.. TENTH STMSUE letween Commercial and via.v lifton Avenues. WAsl mums m Aieut fmr Reck River Iu,.r MEDICAL- HOOFLAND'S !J HOOFLAND'S CEflMAh TONIC, phylllmi I'll! Hoofland's Greek lloolllnnil'8 (I'nrman Hitlers. A IIKtpra Wliliout Alrnliol ur Millrlta of nity kind Inllfltrentfrom all otnerx. lit composed of the pure)iliccaorTtinl principle of Knots, HerbsnnJ IUrs 'or medically termed, extrneir,) the worthiest anil Inert portions of the InKredkntu nolbtiinguted. Therefore, In one bottle of IIiIh Hitters them in contained as much medicinal Tlr tue as will be found in several gclloni of ordinary mixtures. Tho Roots, otc., used In this Bitters aro grown in Germany, their vital principles ex tracted In that country bv a scientific Chemist and forwarded to the manufactory In tin city, where hey are compounded and bottled. Containing no uplrltuous ingredients, this Hitters Is free from the objections urged against all others; no desire for stimulants can bo induced from their use, can make no drunkards, and cannot, under irctimstance., hare any ctfect. Hoonand-n Ucrmitn Tonic. Was compounded for thote not inclined to ex rime bitters, nsd is intended for uso In cases when some alcoholic stimulant is ciuircd In con ncctlon with the tonic properties of the Hitters Kachbotlle of tlio Tonic contains one bottle o. the Hitlers, combined with pure Sata Crux Hum, and flavored in such n manner that the extreme bitterness of the Hitters is overcome, forming a preparation highly agreeable and pleas int to the. palate, and containing the medicinal virtue of the Hitters. The price of the Tonia is 91 00 per bottle, which many persons think too high They must take Into consideration that the stimu lant used is guaranteed to lie of n pure quality. A pour article could bn furnished nt n chepr price.outls it not better to pay a little more and nave a good article ? A medicinal preparation should contain none lmt tho best ingredients and they who expect to obtain a cheap compound will mot certainly Ik-cheated. They nre llir Urenteal Known ftcinc Ilea. For 1.1 ver Complaint, Dyspeptin, Nervotit Del. Ill ty, Jaundice, of tue Kidneys, Ilrup. Hons of the tikin, nnd nil disease! arising from a disordered Liver, atomach, or im purity of tho Hloi .food. Head tlu 'ullowlnR hyintitoms: Conpationvv liitulenee. Inward l'lles. i ullness nt blood to tho head, Acidity ot the htouioch, Nausea, Hart-burn, diigustuf food, fullness or weight in the Stomach, Sour Kructntloiif , sinking or fluttering at tliejiit oi ine siouuicii, hwiuiining oi trio iieau, iiurrieti ordillicult bri'ntliitig.tlutlcringnt the heart, chok ing or sutlocating sensations when In n lyi.ig pos ture, dimness ot vision, dots and webbs before the sight, dull pain in the head, deficiency ol perspir ation, ytllownesi of tho sUlu and eyo, pain In the mde, back, cheat, limbs, etc., sudden Hushes of heat, burning in tho tlish, const.inl inaginiiigs nt evil, nnd great duiiressiun of sblrits. Alltlicse indicate disease of tlio l.lver or digKstif o organs combined with impure blood. I'liousoof the Hitteis or Tonic will soon cause thenliovo sjtuptoins todisappiar, and the pslienl will b"vomu well and h"idlY. Dr. Iloolland'.s Uroek Oil, l.lhtlHK Cure for all KlniU ofl'oliia mul Al lies' AlI'LIKU KXVCUNALLY. It WlllclllO Ull kinds ol li.iliisnnd uches; such us Hheiirnatlsm, Neuralgia, Toothache, C'liilbl.uns, riprulna, Kruises, l-'iot. lilies, llenilachcs, l'alus in tho Hack uud I.oius, l'ulns the Joints, t.linbs, Hllngs ol Insects, King Horins, etc. TAkCM ISTKr.MALLY. It will cure Kidney Com plaint hackacheshiil: headache, colic, dysentery, liatrhoea, cholera infantum, cholera morbus, cramps and pains in the stomach, foer and ague, ro'iglM, colds, astliinu.eta. Ilr. Iloiillund's Poilojiliylllu, OK SimTlTUTH FOR .MKKCIIItY Two JN1N M Dose. The most I'uxctrjul, re( Innoctnt Vegetable. VntliarUe Jiniiwn. It is not nugnsar) to take aliandlul or these pills product, the ile.irod ttis ti two of them net 'I'm-hij n'i porriiiuy, cleansing ine ill or, slolu 1 , ' ti ami Umelsof all linpurllles. '1 Ik, priueipti ' ingredient is I'l'duphjlhii, or the iilelioinihe ex. I ri i -.f Mandrake, iviuclus by ninny times more I l',"';'f'l. a.'ting and scinching than the Mandrake 1 l"',;Uliar action Is upon the l.m r, clean, i 11 "I'!';'hl)' fiom all obstructions, Willi all the I ui.i .. . "lr)..)ei iree irom ine injurious ru ,r , i1".,1.""1 to '( -of that mineral. in n'lieale',r!'"' ',"'? ,"c ""'""ol a ealiari ntleii.e are sold l,y 1 HWiniKHr here. m'hI.11 'r- Hood deslers I l'IU(ig sts klul llecollix. AKUli bTKKi:r.I'hHadeli,hi II,K h'JHL OU '"'merly :. M. JACKHOX A. vti. 'iiwi,;' ir"ln"" hold, or ever linn nns.uii ,, Hemedies, thkti,, , '" '' "ootlant 'a fiermaa meuditli ind .lo ?ttTow I r ,y, ftn4 'r jouto Isko an) thing, ? l'""1 10 s good, t-caiio he UiJi,.. "'u' isjusl IImU Kemedle.wlll Z ",l',lJJ" I""" it. i "'rough,,,,, ,' W ,.lr' Iaiers, evcrywhtr, UOdlhlM, AlnerieaundtUW,"' ;'hV''''"..-nadas, Houth' J-BAr.1-f"IndU:' JrHaleby lUAMnOII I II.lNOIH SALOONS. Is jtiipllrl wltli all Iilndi nl SUPERIOR LIQUOPS . COMMESSCIAFi AVI3XUI2 I'etxeen Eigii'h and NinthSlreels, CAIRO. ILLINOIS. e lhirly, wh love good llqlini, should give him a vail, and thoso who want n F JiAW SCANT CIO AB Can have their wants supplied at his bar. Proprielnr of the llllliartl Saloon and liar llooni 131 Dorado 00 C'oniuicrclal Ave, Cairo - - - - Illinois y.n- kliioe, iji:alkkin family Groceries DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, ETC., Iln ju-t received n heav) stock of boots and shoe HOSIEilY AND NOTIONS, For sale for Cash at a very low figure. Ho nlolin nfino stock of FAMILY GROCERIES of every kind. Cor. (i Street nnd Commercial Avenue CAIItO, IL.I.IJJOI8. m)ISeif PAINTERS. QAHL, 1. THOMAS, Is prepared o do all kinds ot PAINTING ....jinn...... IN THE PERRY HOUSE. VOBSKR COMMKCIAI. AVKNUE AND K1U11TU HTRKCl'. MILLINERY. jypt. M. SWAN I Kit Dealer Inj MILLINERY AND Ladies' riimlshliitr (Jomls, Oomxaoxoial Attohxio t'oruer ZVInlli Nlreet. All kinds of clothing Inr Ladles' wear made to order, nr ready made. Also, full assortment ot Misses' am l.adici shres. mrJJtf rpo the i,Ai)ii:.s. Mrs. .McGEEi Gheap Store Is now abundantly auppiicd rt lh NEW GOODS To which she partlcularl) Invites nltention. tiio has )UH rceliul a full line ol Dress 'rriiiiiiitns, Silk (limits, Silk (iitluiiii, (;uliiif(! I, net's, MtiSH Trfiniitiusts, Silk and Yolvot Ituttons, Crockit lliittons, 1'lunli and Trlminliiu' Yelret, Silk (Jlmps. HATS and BONNETS, Finn Kid Clones, Ladies and Childrens1 Shoes And a lull and complete stock ot ...AM)... FANCY GOODS All of which sne proposes to sell at The Very lowcul CiinIi Price She turtles the ladies to t al noil see her now goods nnd learn the prices. bhe isiU teriuini-d to maintain her claim to tne caiut'ol having '"1 he Cheap Hloie." I, nil STOVES i TINWARE ETC. A. iiai.m:y, llKALKH IN STOVES Tin and Hollow Ware, Clothe YVrlBgert. Toilet Ware, Coal Hods, Fire Shovels. Air Urates, Manufacturer o Tin, line, Copper and Sheetlron XI. 31. No. 166 Washinqton Ave CAIRO, 1I.I.N. ltolliK. Outlerlnir uml all kinds ol lot. Work Hone nt fsliorteat Notice. feWdlf HANDBILLS. CIRCULARS . . And all k'tls 1 "StlAl. ANIV COM M KltC'f All Jtlt 1KINTINU ri III JB II RID A Ei ciiAitinim. .1. ESSAYS FOR YOUNG MEN 0"! Urrsl Noclnl l'.vlla anil Atinars. Which Interfere with Marriage, with sure mans f.-riii.f fur the errina snd Unfortunate, deseased an 1 rleb litateJ. Hent In sealed letter em elopes. en of eh'irge. Aiiuress nouaru raniiary ,mij issoi'iatioD, Houth Mulli street, I'd ladcl- phia, I'a. jcnum RAILROADS. Q UICKEST ROUTE FROM THE SOUTH, ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. St. I.niil,TiiMilHVtlle.C'liicliiniitl ClilcaKo, New York, Ronton ,...AD ALL loiiits EhhI and !IVortli lnsscna;cr Trnlnn Arrive t unit lenT Cairo in foUowii Mll Expreu. AH tlVK fliflO A. !.... di3it UE 'AItT lltlSl. Bl .,....!l3o No Express train arrives on Sunday. Moth trains connect at Centralis with trains on th fPanai, rteestur, Bloomlntton, Kl I'aso, f.a Nails, Mandota, Krc.orl, Uslias a.u.uuv, .UH ail lolllia in S11IUOIB Missouri, Minnesota, 'Wisconsin and Iowa. And with lines tunning East and West for St. Louis, Spring-fluid, Lonls .tile. Cln clnnatl, Indunapolls & Ce'umljUB, and S Clilcngo with Mlelgan Central, Michltan Southern, aad Pittsburg, Fort Wlyne ami Chicago rtatlroads to Detroit, NlaR-rn Falls, uicTeiano, i;rie, linnKirk, Albanr. llnffalo, New York, Boston. Plttsaurtr. Ahlladclplila. Haltlmore, Wnshinurton, ALL POINTS EAST Fo. through tickets and Information, apply ' Illinois Centra, Railroad Depot. W. P. JOHNSON. Oeneril Passenger Agext, Cmcago. M. HEWITT, General Huperl jtendent J. Johnson, Agent Cairo. S PRINOFIEIiM V IEIiIXOIS SO IITII E A &TE R.V It. R. On and after Monday, April 2tth, 1871, tralnswil ruu as iollows i NORTHERN DIVISION. TSAISS OOISO SOCTHIAST. Mall. Express Lsave Virginia f!:tOa.m 12 as p.m. ' Bpnogfield 9:20 " 3.00 " aaylorvill...-ll):oi " t:2 " Arrive at Pana 11:10 m 6:17 " TXAIMS 001X0 NOaTIIWUT. Expre Iave Pan ...4.),m . " Tavlorville ..4:7 " . Mail. ,....,1:35 D.m. 4:20 " 0.00 " 0:10 Arrive at UprtngBeld...C;15 " Leave SpsingHeld 6:2& " Arrive at Virginia 8:2i " ...8:15 HOUTUERN DIVISION. tbaisb eoixa SOUTHXAST. Leave Edgewood 6;30a.m 10:10 a.m. " Flora..... MS " - 11:40 " Arrive at bhawneetown-l:Mp.m 1:1 J p,m txaini ootaa KorruwuT. Leave Shawneetown S:is a.m 8.20p.m " Flora- 2:03 " 7:00'' Arrive at Kdgewood 4:60 " 8:20" The 6:30 a.m. train from Edgewood, runs only Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and 6:4Sa.m. train from Hhawneetown on Tuesdays, Thurs. days and baturdays. Connects at Ashland with Jacksonville division of Chicago and Alton Rstlrosd, for Jacksonville, Petersburg, Maon City, n nd all points west, At Nprlncfleld, with Chicago and Alton, nnd Toledo, wabash and Western Railroad, for Illoomlngton, Chicago, nnd all points north, north wcit and west. At Tana with Ind. nnd 81. Louis, and Illinois Central Railroad for ull points cast, south and southeast. At Edgewood with Chicago Division Illinois Central Railroad. At Flora, with Ohio and Mississippi Railroad. AtShawncetotin, with steamboats for Cincin nati, Paducah, Cairo and St. Louis. ORLANU SMITH, Gen'IPup't. John Fooairr, Oen'l Fr'gt and Ticket Ag't, FLOURING MILLS. rruiK i. OHIO EEVI2I!:, CAIRO. FULTON tc SONS, - - 1'roprletorB, Are Now IB Full Operation. Messrs. Fulton Hons are prepared to furnis II kinds of Flour of the best uua'ltv. and also M.ll Feed of all kinds. Oralis, m Flour, in sacks or in less quantity, naoe from tne ix-st While wnea BARBERS. J GEORGE 8Ti:iMIOl!Si: FASHIONABLE BARBER Cor. 8II1 St. nnd (.'ommerelnl nr., IX THE l'KltKY HOUSE Nliarp ilaxora, Clean Towels rtn U Skill. Inl Workmen. Ladies' and Children's Hair Cut and Shamponneil either at tlio shop or AT THEIR OWN HOMES. Gentlemen's Wilis kers and Hair Dyed inaseien tific manner and atlsfactioiiguaranteed. COAL. C AIRO CITY COMPANY ire Prepared to Supply Customers with the Best quality of PITTSBURG AND IllinoiH Coal. Ordsr le t Halllday Uros, nmee, No. 70 Oblo Leva, or at tb Coal Yard below ttiaHt. CharUa o. tel,wlllKeel Protnnt Attention. . Tbo Tug"Montauk" will bring Coal alongside , learners at any hour, day or night. tOalro, Oct, 2?th, 1T0. tf Hi yM. JI. SCMUTTEIt, Importer and Wholesale Dealsr Wines, Liquors TOBACCO and CIGARS. Aire tit, fnr tHt hrnniU nr CREAM AND STOCK ALE A.SD Ixx3Li30Xtod Vlosat ofdlfa lorout lK.lxx.ciB. !fo. 75 OHIO LEVEE CAIRO, ILLINOIS A E GREKN'WATil) FOUNDRY MACHINE SHOP STEAM ENGINFS, BOILERS, Copper and Sheet Iron Work No. 218 East Pearl St root, CINCINNATI, OHIO. JOUIS ASSAXO'S ICE CREAM SALOON Commercial Avenue, between 17tli anil ltli Nireels, CAIRO, : ILLINOIS. Hantlsomelr and comt'letelr furnished, will always supp'y the lrt Ice Cream. Cake", On fections, l.ernODado and Hod:i to be found In the city. ... Families or parties supplied on short nolle Patronage respectfully solicited. in) l'Jdlm QOMMEUC3 AI. 1IOTEE, Commercial A v., Opposite Post Ofllcc CAIRO, ILLINOIS. JOSEPH HAYLISS, Proprietor. Tho Houma Ifinpwlv lurnNhed and oilers to th ptihhrnrl-rinonrnrnollinn. REAL ESTATE BROKERS- 1 WINSTOX V CO., (Huwessors to John Q. Harman A Co,,) REAL ESTATE , AUCTIONEERS 74, Second Floor, OHIO LEVEE Cairo, Xll., Buy and Soli Real Estate X1S. t'VRNIItll AIINTUACTH IK TITL1 AND PRCPAKk CO.1 VEYA9IIJKH OFAf.I.Nn 7-30 Gold Loan JAY COOKK A CO. are now selling nt par the First Mortgage Land Orant fiold llonds of the Northern Pncilic Itallroid Company bearing rn and tlircc-tenlli per cent, gold interest and setured by first and only mortgage on the entire roait and eiiulpinenta and on more man 22,000 ACRES OF LAND to every mile of track, or WW Acres of Land to each 1100 llond. There is no other security in the market uioroaafcorso profitable. Tho hlrrhest current nrice will bo nald for t 8. F1VK 1 WK.NTIK.S, and all other marketable Hecuritles received iu exchange. Pamphlets, Map. and full information inrnisiieu on applica tion. I.UXT, PKESTOX A KEAX, HANKERS, CHICAGO, (Jnncral Auenls for Illllnols, Wl.ttiii- Nllt, JIlnilimilH "Ull .-sorincrii in llnllll. FOR HALi: 11Y- TIIK CITY NATIONAL J5ANK AND FIRST NATIONAL HANK d&wtf Cairo, Illinois. MEDICAL. M TAVNAKD'S BITTERS the iii:st TONIC IN USE FOR HALKJ ItV E. F.MAYNARD, Prop, l-ITTSHUIMJ, 1A. lOeodlv Coal Oil! WHITE STANDARD, In prime tooperab'c. LINSEED OIL, Raw nnd Holl- a 5 m n eu. WHITE LEAD, and Colors. WINDOW (JLASS, HRUSHES, Etc., Etc., Etc. AT BAHOIjAY BROS. A VOID QUACKS. A victim of early Indiscretion, causing nervy u debility, premature decay, etc., having tried vain every adrertiaed remedy, mis d scovcrod simple means of aelf cure, which die tOl send fo hlafelloir-sitlTerors. Address, J, H.IUriLK lOwem 78 Nassau it., No LINUS'- 'CI M. STOC'KIJ'Iir.TII IftUcces.nrto Pohln Ac Blnnkrlntlil tVlinln.nlii !)..,. I,.,- I.. I',.,.. I elutt and Domest't; LIQUORS, WIKES, SITC. 7S JIEftI jTiCVfe, CAIRO - - - XLjTj. He keeps on hand constantly, a full iott of i Old Kentucky Hottrlion, Ityo nnd Mon oniraliela Whiskies, Fiencli ltrnn-! dies, Holland (Jin, Halne and Calirorala Yl incs. sn30.Jlf FURNITURE. J N. HAHIIKI,, DEALER IN FUItlVITUItE Bar Fixtures filiASSWAHH nnd HOL'SK FUUNiSIl IMI (iOOIlS. 185 and 187 COMMERCIAL AVENUE Cairo, Illinois. G.iv miiie sioisi: ...AND... HOOP SKIRT FACTORY HOLIi AOENCY FOR "Hrolnskl's" Cnslom-Jlnde Shoes t5c Slippers. ;niiiiiierclal Avtnns Corner nrKlglith (Stn i l, Cairo, III. Particular attention I ld to a'l inlers for IIOOpMKIRTri and rtllOW. aprStf ATTORNEYS. I I. s. EX. M I.'Elii: Y A 21 YVHEEI.EIt, ATTOKNEYS Ar COUNSELLOHS AT LAW. William J. Allen. ) John II. MiHUo. S CAIItO, ILIh Siiiiiiiii 1 IV WIKrliT) P.irt.cuIarnttent.on paid lorirerand ailmiralty nuiness. Ofllee lloorni 7 t Winter's Illork. Q.REEX tV'GIMtEKT, A1T0KNEYS NI COUNSELOUS AT LAW, A'llllam II. Oreeli, 1 Vllllmii II. ;ill)trt, CAIItO Ilea '. tillbvrl, J , I I.I. riwclal attention L'iven to Admiraltr and Steam- ooat laisiness. Olllre on Ohio h.vci. Itnnmi 7 anil 8 over CllyJVatloiiHl Hank. STEnEOSCOPES. VIKWC, ALI1UMS, CHP.OMO?, FRAMia. e.&h.t.anthony&co.. .101 ltltOAIJWAV, .VKtVYOIlK, Invite the attsrtion of the Trade lo their exten sito assortment of theaboe iroods, . thlik o I't'SLICATlOX, IIAM'rit.TCRC A AO IMI-naTA1lS, Also, PHOTO LA.NTHRN 8LID&S AMI ORAPH0SC0PF3. NKW V1EWSOF YOSEMITE. i:. A II. T. A.VriKI.W Al '., L VJ1 Ilr.OADWAV, N.w Yoas, ' (ipposile Metropolitan Hotel, lxroaiEBS am. jiAscrACTt ara, or PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. mlrkllvirim PAINTS' OILS, ETC. It F.Parker It. F. Illako n.VHKER &. IJt.AICi:. Dealers in WHITE LEAD. ZINC, OILS Window (llass) nnd Putty. Urushcs, Wall I'aper. Window Su 95 OHIO jiEVEE, ( - - - - Illinos yyrOOI IlITTEXIIODHE, Huccifsoiis or Ara A Co.. FLOUR AMI General Commission Merchant Xo. Vt'i Ohio Jiu'vce, CAIRO, ILL IlOflttf qj.osi: a vixci:xt, (lENEIUL COMMISSION lERC'IIAXTS, ami dealora in Lime, Cement, Plaster Pans AND lM.ASTEKEirS HAIH. Cor. hilt Street ami Ohio Tierce CAIRO ILLINOIS. lebUdCni JJICiH EOIJd.VTIOX. HELLMUTH COLLEGE Jioani anl Tuition por nnnuni, 9220. HELLMUTH LADIES' COLLEGE Inaugurated by . R 11 Priuce Arlliuy. P"'1' and tution mir nnntim. t!D. Presldeat, the V'ry R.v.l,7ft!llmuth,I ).. Oean of I uron. ' I parllcularstfiply to Major Evans, Londju, oannua j West. GROCERS. S.1SYTH A: CO., 'wrroiiESAXiE GROCERS OHIO LEVEE, OiSLino, xxjXjzrJoia. Also, keep constantly on hand a most com- plete stork ol IKtUOHSs Scotch and Irish Whiskies OrXMTaSI. Port, Madeira, Sherry, Catabaw WIISTES. We sell exclusively lor Cash, to which tact we Invite the attention of close kargaln buyers Vpeclal attention given to filling orders. Q. I. WIEEIAMHO.V, GROCER I'RODUOK KI CMMISSION MEKCIIAMT No. 7(5 Ohio Letee, CAIRO. ILL. Npeclal atteutlon gtvfa to Ceaslgn menta and FIllluR Ordara W. Utralton. T. Hird. S TKATTOX Sc. 1I1RO, uocestora to Btratton. Hudson Ctark.) "Wholesale GROCERS commssSmerchakts. 07 omo 3LaJEr7"anni CAIRO. ILL. Agents of Antrlestn todr Cm., aM Hnnufactarrra Aisats lor ;atlaa Vara A CAIID. Inrsnfors havlnr traslce.s with the United Kiates Patent Office will find II tothtiradvaataf. to intrust It tn the Jnands of the old established firm of Mason, Fenwick & Lawrence I nt.nt AKcnts, Waahlncton, 1. C. T)iv done mv business to mrsatisfac- lion, and I take pleasure tn recommending them to Western Inventors. "WW. IT. FAURII, Invenlorot Irnprovi-d Itetolving Tulniar Water i.ratn iir. (Mro. tpnl W.lsTI. aprCTdim YALIJXTIXE KEHCH'S Family Grocery Cor. 8th St. k Washington aTe.,, Onivo. - - - Jllinoift Is supp.,ra w "i the frescest l.'rocerles, l.rren anil Dried ami Can ncd I riill.. Dressed Poultry, Fresh Bully nd everything else meded lor lamlly supply It n in short ono o( the belt stocked groceries in the cllv. , . A continuacc of public patronaje is respectlully olr-Mil ..K-llr'Tn BUTCHERS. riniE PEOPLES' MEAT MARKET CHAS. GAYER k CO., PropTi., Keep constantly on hand the best of Beef. Pork, Mutter, Veal, ljunb, Sausage, pudding, "to, rrcsh white lard in any ouantlty.corned beef, etc.. alway. on hand. timers nuea prornpuy anu s iibuk.-hui. w. -ranted. ftbTdtT JAMES KYXASTOX BUTCHER AND DEALER IN AL1 KINDS OF FRESH MEATS Cor. 19th and Poplar St., Cairo. - - - - Illinois f lluvsand sUnuhters onlrthe best cattle. ROM andshsep, anil Isprcaredto All any demand tor iresn ineants ironi one pouou w inouMuia minds. JteiMll BOOTS AND SHOES. w M. EUEERS, FASHIONABLE BOOT IND SHOE Mil T1VENTIETII STREET, Het ween Washington kit Poplar St Iloota and Hhoaa Hade taOrdler. FlaM Workmen KmpW. , Satisfaction Warranted PatroHare HollclU. ' r, j. oaxss. ii, c. cdt. (. I. LOBWICK. CRAWFORD HOUSE Corner Sixth and Walnnt Htreeta, (Entrance on RlxthSfreet.) CINCINNATI, OlltO, ' OAKES,',!CADX CO., Proprietor!. IliO 111