Newspaper Page Text
mm victim. en i i t: .VU aft' aVBBjftx. JOHN H. OBBRIjY & CO., PROIMUETOKS. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, FRIDAY, JUNE 16, 1871. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AVE. (Eatfo mm OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATU OFFICKRS. Oorernor. JohnM Palmer; Lleutenant-floveinor, John Doughcrly I Hrerrlnryof Stale, Edward Hummt-I i Auditor nf Hlali, 0. E. Lippln'nlt Hlnl Treasurer, K. N. Hates j ftiipt. Fnbllo Instruction, Newton Ilaloman, CONGRESSMEN. rVnators l.ytunn Triunbiill ami Jolm A. l.ogsn. Krpresi'htnlite fur the Statu nt forgi -Waney. Hiprrseniatm- Xtitrlfftitli District John M. t'reln. 1 .M KM HERS GENERAL ASS KM HLY. Rcuatnrs, Hi Dlstriet-T. A. E. Holromb, of I IT.,.,,,, W U. I..r..iri. fll ..JUalill. Representative, lt Iltrlr t 1. Vtataan wenu. COUNTY OFFICERS- CIRCUIT COURT. Judge 1. J. llakcr, nf Alexander. Prosecuting Attorney I. V. MiC.vttliey, t I' Massac. ,1 ( ircult Clrrk-Jno. (J. Hsrman. rjlifnfl -A. II. Irvln. COUNTY rotfliT. Judge -F Ilro.a. Aasoe.stes-J.IE. McCrileanl March Idon. Clerk Jacob (I. Lynch. Coroner Henry (Jo.smsn. M UNI CI PA L HO V K UN M EN P. i Mt)or John M. Ltnsden. Trcatiier-J,H. Taylor. ( jinptro.ler-t- A. liuruett. Clerk -Michael Howie). Wurahsl Andre Ualu. Attorney P. II. Pope. Police Msgntratep K. Rro" and It. Nhah- a t.a.T. .j. Police Conflablea jomi nin sriso uay,, Mayor John M I.insden, Vir.t Ward -P. 0. Sihuh. 1 hconu warn i. " """ ' rri.l.. tL'.r.l Inn. U Mill. Fourth Ward To lor. City at Large W. P Halliday od 1'. Hiii.I. HOARD OK ALDERMEN, llwr WARD-Jatne. Rrarden, Leo ICIeb. Isaac. WaM'ti. .- ECUNDWAHD It., I, F.. Ruder, ( Henry Winter, JomssHwayiie. 'MRU WARD Wm. StrKtton, p.ittlck FIlrKeSald. "bURTU WARD James Carroll. n.ll.Hoatu, J.H.Metcalf. . TVme of Mitting. mi twi.wiu The City Council meet" In Joint nlon on e.I.l.a .nlni lirPilllU lllf first Mllll.IlT of aeh month. surer inisrit. TheE'lKt Council mton Hi'- tint W.-1 Dec ay an l niuriMUy. """fl Momhy In .:li monlli. I The BoarJ of AlJermcn mrel en the n r-t i .nd Tiif.iliT in errrr month. 1 COUM1TTKES OK TIIK COUNCIL. fl. Ktr,l lTIr. .lunri, " i r..l.,n1mtl.i.lri.H.liUli. I ltZ!f-r. t ifravuigz jk"i.i i-1 ;iJ,Ba.aD.l I. rm. i..... Wnml. rnniilnohlin noil hlel. I i. iiit .'i . 1 - ' " JU l Jaa-Mrmrp. Carroll, nmicr an.l oolward ,Onlworu-Slei.r..'e.wa.iernu iy.r. 1 n J . Kf ariicu.DitRtiiv RU'I ; .. n.L...k U nU an.l Kigali a iiuRi! ..... Ua..aAa f fl I IT)1 1 . OUR CHURCHES. BKanVTF.HIA-fclnui'Mrrei. Preachlns, fabUth at 10' , m., ami , r. m. Prayer mee tinx, We.lnt'J.iy t H r. . lulenJcnt. Ittv. u. li. ooii, ruier. Prenchlnp, Hablth WA "i aI"1 U I'rayermeeiiPK. euncuaj, r. . WUUuay rsjuooi or. ... r'i"''i uui'i lutcniletit. Her. r l..Tiioiro, ranior. ' ...... m.. AKmnn i r.Til?Ltf I? I T l'.,:.......n Morning pra)er, HaMialh PiJi a. m. Kenlngcirayeri 7J r. m. .School, 9 a. m. Ilev. Ma. Coax, Hector. r, PATRICK'S C1IUKUI1 'Mr. ninui n. win Wanhlncton Avenue. '.. ... r. i. u.t LI ...I 1111. . u I UUIIO Dervico, nauuuill c-j au'i .v,-. . i. Ve.pem, 3 P. m. ItCV. P.J. O'lAM.0RtN, I'riest. - IIRIHTIAN-KlKhtecnth mreet. Preachinx.HitbalhlOjJ a. m., miJ 7i r. m. Rov, J. Friend, l'aktur. Ij ISSION SUNDAY 6CII0I-In the Chn.tlan I'l.iir.-I. riul.lonlh Hl.oi-t. HntitiAlll hVIIOill ;l i, J. II. Run, Superlateodent. f OUN0 HUN'S OHHISTIAN AESOCIATlON-ReR- meeting .ecoiul .Monday each month at Ihe ' Weekly Prayer meellnK, Friday, 1i r, m., at the rrayer room oi uio i-renuyicriunenurcii. ( u. I aron., 1'retl'lent. FRICAN M. E. Fourteenih St. hetween Walnut V and Cedar. I Pertlces, Bubl.utli, II a. m. . .. .1 i . i f elinuay diiiui, y . U Preaohlnx, r. . Rev. W. H. "u&w Piu-tor. Second free-will. haptist Fifteenth si. a. I, el ween Wnlnuiann t pervitin t .. 1.. .1. ny ....I 'I . Her. N. Kiraa.riiMor. REE-WIM' BAPTIST HOME MISSION tUN. DAY SCHOOL Corner walnut mid Cedor Stn. I .. i..n.hAnlDl. u HIST IfMlvii. iiii" " " - 'aUarrackH. Services, Sabbath tl a. m., !l r. . nd 7 r. m. Mn,e ' Rev. Wm. Kturv, Plor. IR8T MISSIONARY 1IAPT13T CHURCH Bet ween 10th and lltli streets, iifar Cedar, Pleaching Sabbath 10M a.m., mid 7J r. M. Prayer Meeting, Wednesday menlng. uhlnff. Friday evening. aM..iiiS.-hool. IK r. . John Van Ilaxler and Marv Stephen. Superintendents. ' Rev.T.J.eiioaM, Pualor, llAHltKltH. J. GEO. STEIK1IOUSK, . 'ASHIONABLE BARBER, Cor. Hlh.l. nutl t'onuncrelnl-nv. Hrharp Uatorx, 4-Clcan Towels and B-Bklllfull Workmen mmi o.iu." on, I rhllilrcn'a hair cut and Hliatn ,n..i iha ahoii nr at tlielr own homes. ililiVra anil hair lived In I OT uwiiisiiiviiiin.i""-..- - - , - liSIltlnC IllMlDCr. siliiac!!on Runraunvu. lirXMIIOLIVN. HBLMBOLD'S IIKI.MIIOI.D'H IIKI.MIIOT.II Jt i. i . IIKI.l"ll(l.ll'K IIKt.l IIOI.K'H HKi.Mnoi.n's tf IIKI.MII0I.1'." HUI.MIIOI.Il'a Q-BAPE DPIXjIj. CATAWIIA CIIIAI'K I'ltl.1. CATAWnA nilAI'K 11 f .I.. r.VTAWUA OIIAI'rrt'Il.l.H. CATAWIIA (IKAI'K. 1'll.l.x. -CATAWn.V (IllAPK PILts. I'ATAWMA nilAI'K l'II.I.H. I.'ATAWIIA (IIIAI'K I'll.l.". IIKI.MIIOI.ItK IIKI.MIHI.I IIKI.MIIIll.liV IIKI.MIIIII.irK IIKLMIIOLDV IIK.t.M llOI.Il'.S . EXTRACT SARSAPA 11 1 L L A KI.UIK KXTKAf'T J'AlfAI'AKII.H. KI.UIIl KA'TKACT KAIb-AI'AltlLt.A. " KI.UIII KXTIiACT CAr.AI'AKILI.A. KI.UII) KXTIIAIT SAItAPAItM.I.A. EXTIIACT r.AKAI'AKILI.A. KI.UID KXTKAt'T CAK'APAUII.I.A. KLUI1) KXTKAIT hAK.APAKILI.A. IMiltirY Til K lll.WOD. IIKLMIIUI.b'r FLUII) KXTItAIT rAU-ATA-nil.I.A Ciir'i nll Eruption" of the Skin. iiki.miioi.ii'k ruviu kxtkapt iauai,a- KII.LA Cure Urn worn.finn of Illood Iii.ea.-r-. HEI.MIIOMl'fl FLUID KXTKACT -AK-AI'A-IIII.LA I'.ntrrK heatiU Into llie Cliculalion of the HlooJ. ' II A KI.UIII KXTKACT KILL A HrailllfieK the Oinleiion. All I'od.-r and,oiitard application lolrov the nkln, ri ii'll r ug II harh and rore. Ijxtk at the Akin of old mli n. ti.ow who liaieiu-eil rurl, uny Knu'li "f lime. Ili-ontlnue thrin, ami uie UK.LMIKJLI) S LU1I KXTKAirr J.liSAI'A KILI.A. Onu bottlo l in atrength to o.i gallon uf ineyriip or iiiimioiih n iiimi) inaiH ami a ulue.iciAi.1. added to a pint of water e.iuaU llie re'.lTate.l LISirl'jN Kil.'l' DRINK. Trj It thin way. A drllKhtful beverage.' li CATAWIIA OT.AI'K PILLS HKLJIHOI.D'h CATAWIIA OltAPK PILLn A pleaant, Kafe nod ngrcealtle Crttlnrllf-. II K.I.M HOLD'S CATAWIIA OltAPK PILL Unedln 11 atlrt'lioiiM wheiea Purgalne Medlcmo I needed. IlKI.MIIOLD'h CATAWIIA OKAPK. PILLh llrmle.i to a child, and taken by children. HKI.MllOI.Il's CATAWIIA OltAPK PILLS HuinTneile Magiie la, Sail" and every other Pur gatne. , HKLMIlOLIl'li CATAWIIA OltAPK. PILL, CertAln in ellet'l, and plennint in operation, II K.I.M HOLD'S CATAWIIA (JUAI'K PILL In not a patented Pill. 1IKLM HOLD'S CATAWIIA (IKAPK PILLS ArcroiMHin'il ol Catavtlntirnpe Julte ami Fluid Extract Rhulmrh. PurchaxetMo liotlleA of HELMHOLD'H SARSA- PARII.I.A and out- Ux ot 1'IU.s-uorUi their weight In gold. no tietier iniehtment can to maue lor no fine.ll a Mini, IIKLMHOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT 1IUCIIU Ha. acquired a world-wide Lima. A LL of my prejanitlon are meritorious. A A period of tweuty years haa proved thla to be llie ce. .. See reinRrkamadebTlleniamlnTrau'iw, r.u. C. M. Speaking of ttioM ilieaie, and ili.eje nrliiug Irom ifiei oioeaa of mercury, he Malta inai no remeuy ia euuai io inw nnwi m onni. III. .. .......... I. ulr...t..llr i..i- innrn.ntlim Mtiy oilier ilniK I am acquainted with. 111-. In In the atricteUenc, a tonic, with thla Invaluable attribute that It In applicable to a Mate, of the lem .0 sunken, riml jet hi irriiaiiie, a. ren t oilier aubulancea of the lonio clan, muvail. nlitn nr Inllirlntm. See Hr.M Altlva Ot tllO (iUliA I Cll K.1IIS iTS A1U PILL MEN OF AMKIllUA i Wm. R. Warner & Co., IS North Third Mreet, Philadelphia, Pa. H.T. Ksteemea irienu i congraiuiaie you on having tho handnoment and at the aame time Die Mo.t EtTeCtive Pill that 1 have ecr known for tho purponea Intended. WM. K. WARNER A CO, . H.T. Helinbold will remark, inconclunlon, that LI. r.m.,11.1 urn lhA rimlt of lorn and careful atudy. The Fluid Extract have been before tho mbtlc twenty years. The sale or litem in ttuii Inn nrnvna valna. All havo been bonetlt- ted bv them who followed mv Innlructioit'. mid toiiay iney stand uneqiialiea in uie exieni. oi nam. anu iinsurpaBSeu or any nieuiuauiruv In the Dlapeniatory of the United htatef, not exceiiting alnglo Herb, Root, Plant, or Scicif I'harmaceiitical I rlalm all iiilnolo be, and ltao tn ' f, sinnie ono;. TO UlHDCl aOV llntll-nuulnn . 1 1 .n .I...I mignt exist in the mlnda ol many against, my preparation, from the. publicity g ven through advertising, mid that I m nmi jlu7. l(,cn R ,tu1,. gist for n period of twenty years, uml moreooii clusively topraVH this se , , tenor loni the nrgeat .nnnururtlirinL f.liemfutM it. il.u u...-i.i . "tt1 hi ial null, y I am acquainted win: nir. h, v, i . niU.l.i lm .. ....... ...... i. occupied the drug store opposite my residence, and was successful In conducting the btmlness wnviu u.iit-in nun nut nvrii eiiiRiiy ao neiore Iiim I have been favorably impressed with his charuc ler and enterprise. WILLIAM WKIHTuan nrm oi rowers wigiuman, manulucturlnu chemists, Ninth nnd Drown alreetn, 1'lnl.nliU pnia ALL STAND ON TIIK1H H.glTSJ . Tho Pill I havo thought of otlering to Uio alrlio (n.l fur f.n VAflrn. They are now perfect, nnd I shall stake my nine, money utiu isuiu uu tuei. t-uw.nt-uuw, Tin. invltlniratvle in which the Dill itself ia made, tho bottle, label. wipper-all Ihow with what eare liter nave oeeit prepareu. Aiier bahuhui. lion, no English or French preparation will show 0-rnnter eare. anil I am reallv lirotld of them. Instead 41 the nauseous. looklns. carelessly prepared Pills vended ueqerally, aud put up In wooden boxes, ami made (.tnetuuy, or onerei: by tho.o r.o experience as physluiant aruggista or manuiaeturers or meuioint'., let the medioino ottered by your obedient yeivant, II. T. llELSIHOIiU, Crystal Palaca Drug Store, No, 691 Ilroadway, turn lorn. Palace Pharmacy, Oilsey House, Droadwny, ttnd Twenty-ninth Mrcet, New York. Temple tf Pharmacy, Continental Hotel, pliili- dslrhlai and No. liH8oulhTen.liatiHl.PhiU idelphlH, THE BULLETIN. a ej.rtj- FOREIGN ANDJ)OMESTIC. TIIK IXAUmJKATION OK (JOV KKKOU WKBTON AT CONCOKD. STATK AND NATIONAL ECONOMY UKQEIJ. THKTHIJK IJASIS Of TUB UNION. TIIK IOWA DRMOCItACY. M KKTI NO OK THE STATE CONVEN TION IN I)ES MOTNES. 1 A UALA Day I.V CONCORD. J'o.vcohd, Juno 1 1. Tliogaliilay of the N;w lJuuipslilro k'iiiocracy commenced at sunrise by a ealulo of thirty-four gum. The sicinl train of twcnty-llvo car over tlio Concord road urrivea nt 11 twn. In cliargo. of (Jcncrul UonHliue. brintrlng Uuv;rnor-lcct eton, the Amosteng veteran, General Head, commander of the Head, uuardi,. the .voluntary iiillItMrv or. gntifzation of Jfanclicfter known us the Mieridnn unrds, and n largo number of others. Tho nrrival wai greeted by n sa lute cf.artilcry. HECKITIO.V OK (iOVKU.VOK WKSTON. Governor "Weston was received at tho depot by Governor Stearns and other dis tinguished pctsons, Tho legislature, hav ing met, took a recess arid proceeded in a body to the depot, wtiero n procession was formed which escorted the governor-elect li the Capitol. lilt! I.VAUOL'ltAL. Gcvernor Stearns then delivcrod his val edictory fiddrf", after which Governor Weston was inaugurated and read his mes sage. GoveritnrSicnrn", In his valedictory, gives u fiivorublo account of tho material loturetU of Urn slute, and expresses tho hope that, under tho blessing of divine I'rovidcnce, tho industry, intolligenco and virtue of the people will continuo to in crease, nnd that through the influence of religious and educational institutions we may perpetuate love of freedom. OOVKIINOK WK..-T0.V , INAUC1UHAL AlKSSAOK states the recolpts of tho trensury for tho year ntfl,18L',325j expenditure 51,088,3eC, of which sum SU&.oOl was applied to tho payment of the state debt. Tho governor suggest u more moderate, taxation for meli payments, and an appropriation for tho purpose ol n sum equal to tho interest on tho debt and $100,000 of tho principal. Thogovcrnor condemns special legislation, counsels prudence in tho administration of the state and national flnnnccs, and on UnllUAAl. ri'l.t. ?., spends ns follows: It is tho occasion of congratulation that tho union is restored and that all citizens are entitled to protec tion in tho rights guaranteed by the con stitution, nnd it behooves all to endeavor to cultivate tho.o relations of amity in which Uio union had itt origin, and which must bo fully rcitored if wo would roalizo tho obvious advantages tho union was da- icncu to secure. Hownvor diverse tho In terests of different sections of tho country mny nppear, nicy nro really identical, ana THE UTMOST HOPE OT THE UNION wilt novcr be realized until wo feel our selves to be ono people, and until W6 aro equally careful of tho good name, nnd equally jealous of the rights of nil. Let us cherish witli care nod stead v devotion to tho union, aud all thoso sentiments of fidelity, cburity und brotherhond, which alone can make the union ble-scd. ftor the delivery of tho rnessaco of Govornor Weston, tho legislature not be ing in working conditio!), adjourned till 10 a.m. to-morrow. THK IOWA DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION. Dks Moixfcs, Ia., Juno U. Tho demo cratic stato convention met in this city at 11 o'clock to-day. Tho attendanco was tho largest tho pnrty over bad in the state. A PKKMA.NKNT OKOAN1ZATIO.V was ellectcd, with U. Y. Montgomery, of l'ottawattomie. as chairman: V. V. Gardner, of Louisa, nnd T. C. Walker, of uavis, its secretaries, mo lollowinc com mittee on resolutions, was appointed : A. 0. Dodge, of Des Moines chnirmitn ; Charles Mason, of Dcs Moines: E. 11. 1 haver, of Clinton ; M. M. Haydon, of Dubuque; .1. U McCormack, of .Marion: 1). O. Finch, of l'olk : nnd H. IJ. Wilson. of Woodbury. THE EVENINO HKJSIO.V was cnlled to order at 2 o'clock. The com mittee on credentials roportcd fifty coun ties represented. COMMON 5KNSK IN THE ASCENDANT. Followine tliis was a lencthy dobuto on the manner in which tho committee on resolutions was uppointod, Judge Clnggett moving Unit tho committee) bo enlarged. This was tlnully tabled by it voto of 188 to 64, which may bo taken its it victory for the now doparturc. Waltlnc lor tho committee on resolu tions to report, tho convention took re cess of hnlf tin hour. THE PLATFORM, Tho Hon. A. C, Dodge; from tho com mittor on resolutions, reported in tub stance as follows: Tho amendments to tho constitution nro recognized ail tie facto a part of that instrument; favoring stato and local self-government; demanding univer sal amnesty; demanding mo repression or Itwless conbinations by statu authorities; denouncing tho San Domingo Job; de manding n turifV'fbr rovenuo only; de nouncing tho federal administration for its extravagance of tho people's inonoy nnd its general corruption ; denouncing tho banking systom; demanding it, reduction of stato aud federal expenditures, und tho collection of tho internal rovunuo by the stato authorities; rejects tho idea of re pudiution ; favors tlio taxation of railroads; nnd, with tho watchword of reform, op penis to all tho people to aid in obtaining relief from tho grlovous abuses which wrong and oppress evory ono Tlio resolutions were adopted unuiii- mously without dobato and the conven tion proceeded to nonilnato candidates. THE TICKET, J. 0. Knupp, of Van Huron countv, was nominntoJ for Govornor by aeclamtt ,ini. ,?V' ""'"i of tho Dubuquo Hor aid, for J.loutenant Govornor, by acclama tion; h. W. Mumm, of Loo, for superin tendent of publio instruction. For Supremo judgo, John S, Duncomb, of Webster, was nominated on tho socond ballot by a voto of 121 to 102 lor Waltor J. Hays, of Olinton, nnd tho nomination was then .mauo unanimous. Tho Stato Contrul commlttco was ap pointed, nnd John 1. Irish ro-olected us chairman. Tlio convention then adjourned. Did You Ever? "No, I novcr," saw a more cozy and completo bnrbor ihop than that of Anthony Eschbach, one door be low the poH ofllco. The room has been newly papered, tho floor newly covered nnd the whole establishment put in first class order. Eichbach Is ono of tho most experienced, skillful and accommodating barbers in tho Stato, employs courteous and expert assistants, and keeps just such a shop ai citizens nnd strangers will take a solid satisfaction in patronizing. myl8dlm Fred. Dlankonburg' saloon Is newly and elegantly fitted up and supplied with tho finest wines, liquors, beer, cigars, etc, that can be found in tho city; and Fred. Iim no superior as a dispenser of delightful beverage. Do not forget tho placo, cor ner 14th street and Washington avenue. The kouso heretofore occupied by Pat rick Fitzgerald, on Ohio Lcvoo between Fourth nnd Sixth streets. This house, if not the host busino house is certainly ono of tho best standi in Cairo. It fronts tho principal steamboat landing and is near tho Illinois CVntral railroad depot. Also the second floor of tho same building suitably arranged for office!. Apply next dcor at Robert Smyth & Co's. wholesale grocery store. tf True. There can bo no doubt that Hauglt is, par exctllence, tho boot and shoemaker of Cairo. He challenges com petition In his trade, and aisures tho pub lic that he will guarantee to his customers satisfaction. His shop is on Eighth street near tho corner of Ohio Levoe. tf Avaunt, Ixdiomtion. Tho Charter Oak Stove is tho most interesting and im portant feature in tbo family economy; for it fills tbo bouse with warmth tho ta ll o with good cheer, and prevents that dreary n.pect and Indigestible meals that bring sourness of temper, discomfort and dissatisfaction. jcCd&wlw Great Excitement. Tho city has been agitutcd during the past week on tbo subject of the excellent St. Louis Beer, Weiss liccr, Ithino Wine, and splendid cigars for sale at Charley Schonemoycr's saloon, li is Weiss jjcor is becoming a popular drink his Khinc Wine is the best in the city, his St. Louis lioer always ico cool. Tho Egyptian Saloon is located at tho corner or Tenth street and Washington avenuo, whero all lovers of uood things to drink should call. The Fenton Corn Mill. This estab lishment, corner nf n i-' - and Twentieth street, is now In charge of Mr. M. D. Uuntcr, who having purchased and thoroughly refitted it, invites the at tention of the public to tho fuct that he is now prepared to furnish dealers and fami lies with the very best nrticlo of corn meal. Orders left at the mill or sent th'rough tho postoflico will receive prompt attention. St. Nicholas. Day bourdcrs can se cure good accommodations at tlio St. Nich olas (formerly tho St. James) nt $4 per week. Tho houso is nt tho corner of Ohio lovco and Eighth street, a central location, and is proprietored by Hnny Walker, who it alivo to the wants of his patrons. Parties desiring boarding and lodging can learn terms on inquiry at the office. roay3dtf AlbaU. The barber shop of Wm. Alba, on Commercial avenue, near tho corner of Eighth ttreot, is tho place to which nil lovers of a good, close shavo with razors sharper than tho wit of twenty Jorrolds, wind their way. tr Meat. Tho Dranch meat shop of James Kynaston, located on Commercial avenue, next door to tho grocery store of James Carroll, is now in full blast, and this pop ular butcher is supplying ull tho refined meat eaters of that portion of tho Fourth Ward with splendid meat. If you havo not tried him givo him a call. tf Last Chance. The time draws nonr. Socuro your tickets in tho Grand Gift Legal Festival In aid of a public library, at Omaha boforo you havo to pay a largo premium. It is said to bo a grand sue coss. Everybody is confident it is con ducted on tho " t quaro." Keep uool. Refrigerators, Ice chests wator coolors, I X L ico cream freozera bath tubs, japannod cloth for window screens, etc., otc., nt HEEUWART, ORTII & CO.'S, my!8tf 13C Com. Ave. .MEDICAL. DUNBAR'S WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. BKTHESDA MINERAL SPRING WATREK, OF WAUKESHA WISCONSIN. Tnls water is th oukiowledged cure of the In tractable and incurable diteose known llrliht disease aud diabetes, , , Bright' disease I fatal to the kidney, the body watte away, destroy tile by starvation of Hi uioou. Lhuoete commence with fioquent desires to pass water, great th r, constipation, lost or .trmiirth anil Mnah. Astonishing cure of dropsy have been etlected, brick-dust deposit, lutlauiation of the neck of the bladder, alkali, and g.iuly swellings, lor the liver It Is tii'turrassed. It will allay all innama tionol the kidney and urinary organs in twenty four hours, glvine Immediate n-lfrf: also a scar. let fever It prevents the kidney froincoiigcstlnE. and removes all traces of ulbumcueri'i. It will give relief in all ca'es ol high fever. EDWARD DUNBAR. Eiq.. (leneral Agent at the Bprings, Wuukesh. " is. Render, If you are afflicted with any "f the 1'' guing dl.eoses, writo to the undersigned. Ills advice will cost ynti nothing he can by cliemii'itl analysis possess hliiuo'ful a clear kiiowledso or any individual case-no tattler ol Imw long tlsnd Ing. His wondorful dlseovery-Uct!''lMlDl!r1 Water-is a positive remedy for the foregiqug ailments. It li nover failed to dowliathiiclaims lor It where over used. Tnlswuttr has tu same good cried at 'he remotest part of th ountry, that It ha at the Springs ; It usver loses a rani calof its medicinal qualities by package or frans oitatton. Directions how to use the water and c rcnlar will accompany eack psosage oruereu Addrt. 1 'RICHARD DUN MAR, an,-.v Washington. 1). C. Or Edward P. Dunbar, (leneral Manager at the nptingB, vviuuesna, wis. Agent wauled everywhere. jtiodJin SPECIAL NOTICES. BATCHEIOaVM HAIB BYE. This superb Halr.Dye nthe mtaaWoaLD Perlectly Harmless, Reliable and Insthanteooi. No disappointment. No RldlculouaTinta or Ua pleasant Odor. Tha genuine w. A. Bachelor' Hair Dye produces IMMEDIATELY a splendid lllatk or natural Drown. Does not Stain tho Skin, but leaves the Hair Clean, Soft and lteatttl fill. The only Safe and Perfect Dye. Bold by all druggists. Factoi y 18 Bond Stret, New York. lanylideodftwty CONSUMFIION. ITS CURE AND ITS PREVENTIVE Y DR. J. II. SC'HKNCK, M. D. Many aburaan being has paused away f orwhoM dsatii there was no other reason than tha necleet of known and Indisputably proven means of cure. Thoso near and dear tu (molly and friends are sleeplrur the dreamless slumber lolo wolcH, bad they cuimlyadupted DH. JO.IEPII II. SCIIF.VCK'H SIMPLE TltEATJIKNT, and availed themselves of his wonderfully efflca cMui medicines, they would not have fallen. Dr. Srhcnck lias In tils own case proved that wherever sufficient vitality remains, that vital ity, by his medicines and his directions for their vuiii quicienea into ncaitnrui vigor. in mis statement mere is notni In presamp- tmius. To the faith of tha Invalid 1 representaUon that It not a thousand times snb- u ! mmam no suimiaiea uy jiving; ana Ti.iDte woras. ins theory of the cure br Dr. Hchenck'a medicine Is a. aimplo a. II la unfailing. Its philosophy re quires no argument. It Is slf-Murlnf , Mir-con-vtnclnr. The Sea-weed Tonle and Mandrake Fills are tk Crst two weapons with which tho citadel of tha malady is asaallod. Two thirds of tb caaea of consumption originate In dyspepsia, and a func tionally disordered liver. With this condition the bronchial tube "sympathise" with tha atomach. They respond to the morblBe action of the liver. Here then comes the culminating result, and tho setting in, with all Us dlslrt.s Ing symptom ot CONSUMPTION. Th Mandrake PUIS are eomposad of on of Na tnra'a noblest silts tha PodupuiUum Palutoaa. They posses all the blood-searching, alterative properties of calomel, but, unlike calomel, they " LEAYK NO HT1NG BEHIND." Th work of cure I now beginning. The vitia ted and mucous deposits In the boweis and lo th alimentary canal are ejected. Th liver, like a clock, Is wound up. It arouses from It torpid ity. The atomach acts responslvely, and tha puuent begins to feel that bo la getting, at but, A SUPPLY OF GOOD BLOOD. The Sea-weed Tonic, In conjunction with tha rills, permeate and assimilates wlUi tha food. Chyllocntlon 1 Dow progres.lng without It pre vious tortures. Digestion becomet palnleas.and tha cur t seen to bo at hand. There Is no more flatulence, no exacerbation of tho stomach. An appetite aet in. Now comes the groatest Ttlood Purifier vr yet lvn by an InUuuent father to suffering man. itvu vr an inuuif em lauier to suuenng i ehenck'a 1'ulmonlo Hrrunmmea In in nr It function and to hasten and complete tho ocjicuiia. i uiuiunii It function and I euro. It anter at , cure, It enters at once upon Its work. Nature cm not be cheated. lmpalrd and diseased portions of the lungs. In the form of prepares them for it couect ana ripens ma expectoration, and lol In a very short lime ths maiaar is vanquisiiea, tne rouen inrono tnat It occupied la renovated and inado now, and tho forth to eojuy tho manhood or womanhood that was GIVEN UP AH LOST. Thaiecond tlilnsr Is. the patients muat atav In a KMWlM to prevent taking cold when th lung rwn toui iuvt net went it is almost im- asseauwa, out it muat du preventea or a core r're.h ntr and ndtnif ont. aapadally In this section uf tha country. In tho Tall ana wtnter season, are all wrong. rnysi dana who recommend thatcourao lose their pa tients, II their lungs are badly diseased! and yet. neatusa tne? are in mu uouav tuur oruva an alt down quiet J liter must walk RlaiuLJLhajocsu rCtf k coosl rtreultlnn of bliKxI. The patlanu must keep in good spirits be determined to get woll. This has n great deal to do with tha appe tite, and is the great point to gain. To despair of cure alter such evidence of Its possibility In the worst cases, and moral cer tainty In all other.. Is sinful. Dr. Srhenck'a per sonal statement to the Faculty ot his own euro was In these modest word, i - Many years ago 1 was in tho last stages of consumption! conflned to my bed, and at one time my physicians thought that 1 could not live a week I then, llko a drowning man catching at struws, t beard of and obtained tho preparations which I now offer to tho public, and they mado a pcrlcct euro of me. It seemed to roe that I rould feel them penetrate my whole sy.tem. They soon ripened tho matter in my lungs, and 1 would spit up moro than a pint of offensive yellow matter every morning for a long time. "A. soon a that began to aubslde. my cough, faver, pains, and night sweat all began to leave me, and my appctito became ao great that It was with difficult? that 1 could keep from eating too much. 1 aoon gained my strength, and nave grown In flesh ever since. "I was weighed shortly after my recovery," added tha Doctor, "then looking ilk a mar akaletont my weight was only ninety .seven Kundst mypre.eut weight Is two hundred and enty-flve (tu) pounds, and f or ycurs 1 have en joyed uninterrupted health." Dr. gchenck has discontinued bis professional visits to New. York and llo.ton. He or his son. Dr. J, II. Schenck, Jr.. (till continue to see pa tients at their office. No. U North Sixth Street, Phlladclphla,every Saturday from A.M. to 1 r.M. Tho.o who wish a thorough examination with tho llesplrometer will be charged (i. Tb He- rlrometer declares the exact condition of th ungs, and patients can readily learn whether they are curable or not. The dlraetlon for taking the medicines ar adapted to the Intelligence even ot a child. Fol low these directions, and kind Nature will do the rest, excepting that In some cases the Mandrake I'llts aro to be taken In Increased doses l tha three medicines nood no other accompaniment than the amplo Instructions that accompany Ihomi First create appetite. Ot returning health, hunger is tho roust wolcoma symptom. When It conies, as It will come, let tha despair, lug nt once boot good cheer. Uood blood alone follows, tho cough loosens, the night sweat la nbuted. In a short tlma both of these morbid symptoms uro gono forever. Dr. Schenck's medicines aro constantly kept In tens of thousands of families. As a laxaUva or purgative, the Mandrake l'llls are a standard pre paration whllo the Pulmonlo Syrup, a a euro of coughs and colds, may ha regarded a ajro phylacturlc ugalnst consuaipUoa In any of It forms. i-ncu oi too Tonic, SIJOatM drake Pills, zic auts and dealer i'rico or tbo Pulmonic Byrup and Baa-wood ooitie, or iuxi a nail aosen. . Man I cents a box. ior sale br all drtui- and dealer. IIOUNR MOVING. HOUSE MOVING. JAMES KENNEDY, rnAcrirtL HOUSE MOVER AND BUILDER la prepared In do all kinds of HOUSE MOVING, HOUSE RAISING AMI RKi'AIRINO OF EVERY DESCRIPTION hi Til V MUHT KI'.WINAIIlr. TKRMS, ORDERS If It at tho residence ol Mr. Kennedy, on Center street, next dnor to the new school hoi'se, cr addressed to the care nf P. O. Box IIS or the lliilletln oitlce, will receive prompt atten tion. UlNIlING. THE CAIRO BULLETIN; MVkly lUllllun, TH Hie cheapest paper published In the stte of a. milium, iiim annum i e read in every isiiiny m 'r.gypt. It la oitcro.l ut tho i iy luw price ot ONE DOLLAR PER ANNNUM. Tha Bulletin will mlvocato the principles of (he democratic, parly, mm labor xealoualy to infuse Into the organisation Urn enthusiasm which In tho "olden time" so often jravn the goveriiincnt into Ita hands. All lh latest newsof thudiiyi A curelully prepared agricultural column The news of Southern Illinois j The frehf t mulkut rooort 1 Ami everything Interfiling Will be foiiml in ilia Cairo Wi'fklv Bulletin. Ev rv neraon interested In the welfare of Southern Illinois should Isborto extend the cncuUUon ol me miiiriiii. T1NIHN(1 and rullpg done In a flrst-elats man It nr in tho llulUilii biuderv. This depart ment Is complete, aud now fully prepard for all Kinusoi woik in mu mulling uue, rHYsnciABft- A. WADttYMAR, M. D., PrB1.C.,N,Enruou n4 AMouhenr, formerly of Anna, Cnioa county, Illinois, has tlr. niaoeallylocated la Calrbmivmm4rC"T aveme, lweB Eighth and. NlnthttteSiT, West, marly C. W. DUNNING, M. D. RESIDENCE corner Ninth and Walnut tts. Of.ce corner Sixth street and Ohio lve. Ufilca hour frota 0 a.m. to 1 J m., and 9 p.m. WILLIAM It. SMITH, M. D. T ESIDENCE No. 21 Thlrleenlh ntr eat. lie, t tween Washihgton avenu and Walnut street. umce izo commercial avenue, up stairs. H. WARDNER, M. D. T)ESlI)ENC-ornr Ninteoth street and lb Washington avenue, Cairo. Ornce on Com marclal avenue, over pottoffic. Office hur- from in a.m. to to 11 m., (Hundays excepted,) ..... ,,u.l, . ,u t .111. ZLWYKKaT. ALLEN, MLTLKKV & WHEELER, ATTORNEYS COUNSELORS AT LAW, William J. Allen, John H.afulkey, . CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Hamuel P.Wbceler.) SkarPartlcuIar attention pnld to rlvr snd ad miralty business. OFFICE ROOMS 7 AND 8 WINTER'S BLOCK. GREEN & GILBERT, ATTORNEYS AID COUNSELORS AT LAW, Wllllaas H.flraaa. . "I William B Qdbart, CAIRO, 1LLIN0IB. mum r.tnibsrt, 'V'SpMUl fctttittoQ glTen Iq AdmlraU tad " t LSVafiV wUllUrPI. OFFICE OHIO LEVKE, SOOklS 7 AND 8 OVER CITY NATIONAL SANK. BOOKS. Of V) K K w w 0 o 9-4 H4 - w s- . . E ty 4) O Q Q 93 m m ' 01 c V. w w o o H H 73 73 33 i M at a t3 t a ia n i 1 m as. 1 - a a a 3 t thO .a t s a u o o n i r ta at O l 3 8 COAL. CAIRO CITY COAL COMPA1TY, I prepared to supply customer with tilt bt quality of PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS CO-AXj. ORDERS Uft at llalliday Bros, office, 70 OHIO LEVEE, or at the Coal Ytrd below tha St. inaries Hotel, win receive prompt attention. THE Till! " MONTAUK" wlllbi ring coal along. tide steamers at any hour. OCiOlI LAND. LAND FOR TnE LANDLESS HOMES FOR THE HOMELESS ONLY $1.25 PER ACRE FOR ACTUAL SETTLERS. TASK TUB CAIS Or Tilt LEAVENWORTH, LAWRENCE AND OAI.VES TON R. K. LINE Frum Lawrence and Kansas City aud visit there), brated O.age rouulry, The Garden Spot or Kansas. anraiw'm rODNDRY ANB MACUIIK HHOP. I. it E. GREENWALD. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, Copper and Sheet Iron "Work. No. 248 East Poarl Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. IOLLBOEN. HIGH EDUCATION. HELLMUTH COLLEGE. Hoard ami Tuition, per annum 1226 00 HELLMUTH LADIES' COLLEGE mvuviiTto h, a, u, raixra aithv, Hoard and Tuititn, par annum ...tttu 00 Prcstdent-The Very B. V. I. Helltnuth, D. oi ituroD. For psrlkulatt, apply to Major Event, Loudti, tisiiaua nesi, GBOCBBIFJt AND BRY GOODN. WILLIAM KLUGE, Dlatxa IN FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY-OOODS, NOTIONS, nOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, ETC., Has Ju.t received t heavy stork of Boot anJ Shoes, Hosiery and Notions, FOR SALE FOR CASH VERY CHEAP H also has a fine slockTof Family arocrltof every kind. CORNER SIXTH-ST. AND CUMMER CIAL-AV., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. GAS I ITT EH. F. S. MURRAY, GAS AND STEAM FITTER HAS REMOVED FROM PERRT HOUSE TO Tilt HRICK UUILDING on SEVENTH ST. OPPOSITE WINTER'S BLOCK, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. HE ha greatly Improved bis stock, and has now on hand all kinds of CHANDELIERS, PENDENTS, O LOBES, BRACKETS, HALL LIonTS, SHADES, ETC. HE HAS MARKED DOWN PRICES To the lowest living figures, and he invites th patronage of the public. , BUTOHUW. THE PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET CHAN. GAYER A CO., . PaortliTOt. KEEP constantly on hand the best of beet, pork, mutton, veal, lamb, sausage, cuddlag. tc. Fresh white lard In any quantity, cornod beef, etc., always on hand. Orders oromntlv filled, and satisfaction warran ted. febTtf JAMES KYNASTON, Butcher and Dealer In all Kisitla Freah Meal, Coaira NisrictKTH axd Povlak Strut, . CAIRO, ILLINOIS. P den UY8 and slaughters only the very best cattle, nogs ana sneep, ana is prepared to nil anv lemaoi thousand pounds u iui jrenii meats irom ono pounu to pound to len PAINTER. CARL L. THOMAS, I prepared to do all kinds of plain and orna mental PAINTING, KALSOMIKING, PAPER HANGING SIUN WRITINU, ETC., At figures which defy all competlpn, and In the highest style of the painter's art. SHOP IN TJIE PERRY HOUSE, CORNER OF COMMERCIAL AVENUE AND EIGHTH STREET. BEAL ESTATE AGENT. C. WINSTON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS AMI AUCTIONERS, 71 (second floor) ohio levee, cairo, ills., Buy and Real Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS OF TITLES And prepare Conveyances ot Kinds. HALOONM. EL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND BAR ROOM". JOHN GATKN, Proprietor. IOC Commercial Avenue, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, BILLIARD saloon furnished with ths but ot tables ; and bar supplied with wine, liquor and cigars of the finest brand. , EXCELSIOR SALOON, Corner of Washington Avenue nnd Fourteenth Street. r. ULANKRNBEBG, Proprietor. ERED HLANKKNIIIfRO'S saloon is newly 111. ted up, and in the moat elegant style. It I supplied with the finest wines, liquors, beer, a), gars, eto., thttcsn be found In the cily. Do not forget the place, corner of Washington avenue and Fourteenth street. FITZGERALD'S 3 J 2 IP Xj DEI HOOKS, Cor. I'ourteeatb HL aad . merclal Aveaue. IlTZOERALD'fl pample Room, are ttocked . With liure lmnnrlA.1 win.. l.n..n. .i....u ?4 "'"dispensed from the' bar in flrttlat ...,1",0, ,,no twi'er establishment In South ern Illinois, and none better ttocked. Call and test the various brands ol wines and liquors. JOHN HYLANDS SALOQN, Corner Tenth Nlreet aatl Coiaiacrelal A vest He. u QI1PER10I O Uavana iilbtlulbevH PERIOR liquors, beer, le, etc., and bacraot aiway on naau, I nos urrrOR de- IlibtlillbeVHrage should not tail tocallaadaniov ....... ,1 in i . . 1 . . i ! - - l ner thtt will warrant a return. All hit liquor. .it-,,,, n.. .,.it wauu. win uw attaaoi vv tm m man- n... m .v.m.m. u alia .iiiuuta, wine and cigar have bean ltal-wlttx grtat care and critical taste. PBIMTINB. SHROMAT1C work printing In, many', ami and varied color at ono luipreaMaa. tn th bratad ehromatla iprvta dona at La lBaila I ivu prmtiag uraue. t ni i tna most raaaMawaata Ire vr n uariortn ia . na work, ia colored piiaUng. tr lea ortiaitT press, thereby rtxtueiaglhaeotl of that chai ait' ler ot work to a very low m.