Newspaper Page Text
nHOi.rjtAvr. choxem. rTsmyth & CO. WHOLKSALK GROCERS, onto I. K V K K , CAIRO, ILLINOIS. 4lo. kP con'Uolly on hand a wol cum- furie PIOCK "I . . rAju"i'jtrli) Jl a I ' Atr5irW OSS," ICOTVU, .lllla .misM . i'!!VIl;tii . r,o i,N;S,-r,i a Fort, MderU, Sherry1 and Catawba Wines t SMITH CO. 'sell etelualvely for caah, (o XV, which hvi Ihrr inrde Hip eapecial alien. tion ml cio. mil" " -"vi - i ' 1 1 I ' r7 i . ' i SKfun attention given to Filling Orders'. THE BULLETIN;' Saturday Morsixo, 3vsr. 17, 1871. JOHN It. OM.R.jY. F.kit m I'i ihimiik. Tis" or tnr llu llci Sulfripfhti. One wk, by e riie r, One month, bjr. mi, j.i...... ThrM moDlh - Six month v- One jer, . ii:tivi sn .. 74 12 25 2.1 8 00 ' - THtfsldtHrvofAlvnn.Urn.ntyi.n.lorthtextiiof Cairo; iiuoniiimorMnftKuuuiixnuncmiHiiYHii i ui a ictai'tnraxt journw ; irnou, out jmrinn; imi rpokrn on all nlijall of Inlerttt to tlr pMic f mil o Inre ant mere atinq tirtuLitioii, Iht Jlnlft- . tin tUuili thr pclnnagt of inttUijent itaJtri hVI enttrpruing ousinw mm. THE DOLLAR WKEKLY lll'LLHTl.V. John II. Otrly i Co. hr teiluced the tah lirlptlon price of the Weekly Cairo llulletln I' Om Dollar ptr niwum, makln) U the ehcapest ). u V...I In Cmilkarii Tllfnil. NARROW AND BKOA1) GAUGTC. In the New York Tribune we Und v V . i '"'"'" we1?nd the following as to the practical losses . .. i. -. I- to tne unnecessary width ol gauge: Thepuicngerlnflcoftlio Now York amtuniea w zuo,uv,uu pMSMlfctli'""' -""tD"S,,lls:lla yujo. special act I rutover; gercanledonemlle;butthpycarrIod30C,- Nowconib-was- -permitted' to et" "iiparl " let TJ' nascsswcnl woro illegal, tin 250.000 tons of desdweichtwith thorn. i.r . r.nn . r..i. ' constltotional and void. 8 ton and a half of dead weight per passcn: eer. exclusive of the wciirbt of biWai.r,. TbeKrledid worse than this. Thty car- nca ix.,oou,uo passengers one mile, with If'10 i,M,U00 tons or dead weight i which is- bf a dangerous form. Its first manifesta'- " v-,0Mon .ot tUo, "ntulion, and con thro tons and a half of dead weight per I !., ..i. . i , , , , trary to. equity, and good consoicne. pusenger. In tho freight tramc the Cen- trai moved 4.4.500.000 tons one milo with I 410,700,000 tons of dead weight, or; 9-10 I oj a wn oi aeaa weight ror every ton of idenco whero tho tracedy occurred was ptylDe freleht: while the Krie moved 81 R.L i , b...f -. . 000,090 ton? of freight with 1,083,833 tons uiunu -weigni, or lj tons of dead weight lsi vju ui paying ireignt. DKCLINK IX EXI'OUTS. The KewYork World calls alien-, tion lo iho fact that the high tariff and protection policy doej not enabje.our manufacturers to sell more of their pro ductions out of the couut'ry than be fore. lnd(a,in lfeOO our' total' ex ports of manufactured articled were 601,382,127, or 17 1-1 per cent, uf tlio aggregaW of exports' while' lint vent the amount was 8GC.274,ltl. or only muouv per cent, ot the ajigregale. ihia, too, while the country has in- QWtsed dO per cent, iu population VroteoUon puU a premium on had man agement, carelessnciH and lack of in- tenuity aud,culerprtVo,-nn(J, in tLe end. is as destructive to the beet jutercsts of tne manufacturer. as it h costly to the people at-large: " The ingratitude of ex-SemtJor AV'i.r her in declining his appointment by the presiJant as igovcruor of New Mexico, has engendered some hard feeling he tcen him and the chief magistrate. Grant, with a thoughtfullne, which wuld ot have been greater Warner had been a brother "'law, i 0IUer to Jllakc u 1" tor lam trauhferrcd tho minister to Vcineuela to llio Janeiro, and tl.o r.., . . . , minister to ieWilexieo irom there to YciweuolaVnnd"" in" the or all tVw Watl,er declines the oil and fuJkj toward ie dent lecau,e the latter didn't make eaKe him collector of cnM.ii.,8 at .Mo-We- (irant was actually compelled to If Mil' ft it.,. 1 1 IV llll (lUllDII. I 1 1. I'tvuauif.M iii Ins ' retreat ''at one Uraneb ft Till w.l..-.. 1 11T 1 i ' r" 1,1 " ahi.iugtou would be aJuVer P0UT1CA. through tha.suuh lan wiur, ,. I'roUlly Horaco Orocly, alio. The democratic press show lymptom. of Hroremant In their mode of spring Jf tal Jounial- Sorry wo cannot n,.n, In 18C0 the i,,..i tared article w ! ?A?.rU. of manufa Q.Ytf n 1TI cni. or the Wj.Mll., amount t"J only about 18 der cent of it,V ' r "'IB It we ten vl ,. i Increased 30 per c, , "'-hnwiry h, "They carefully prlnt'tl,.,, . o'1. Inslenfln., . - ; oi every under .umbrr o""'"''";. look. iil... iuuoaii news that "d ur.ier. cule It," or ovon ridi Gov. Llrid UVnf 11. nouncw the ten. " ' ur de- coinmittitt of H .'.'"" lU0 ""''lux - - - tiitiii v iiir.. it '. . characterlte. as Cm,.Z ho . onopfof the ZCr:?'. "i8 UUa.ntJ.Jhit li,U .till w ""ffitflaWfc' being nn vs.. v A1 liwlcsi. Tlio governor also lives llicro, mid reprcronts Hint Alnbatna I thoroughly peaceful. ITIH.ENT NOTES, f I (1'craonat n The bluffs In fifei jili Is Is to ho grndM. -Some southdmi.ifri at w.iroioga tun year, ui beginning of tho war. Ollvo F. Risloy, who has been adopted m a daughter by .Mr. Sowurd, nnd Is now .l4,l?)in99l't?KtHf1BW'rd, Is kooplnc; J a full and complcto journal of tho travel I and doings of the Jarty, pn.thclr extended junrnoy, Willi a view of giving it to tho public Jr. theirs WliiWtd'ihis Country. 'f M-puill,, ita lsllll-llllllll. JJMWIUIIMI, ollllclnn, and lowspandr correspondent visued Laura fair, tho Iroc-Iovo murder- ess, In ipr prison .tp San'ranciaco, and1 describes tier as an affected, vain, and pn Intelligent women, 'with n dljfigr.e6illp voice. ' Ho does not ovon think her beau tiful. Hd.saysllidrfucb.liWuhilicr'form iuilo handson.o: but her eyesnre toodet ly set, find tlio has a lowforehoad. During his Interview with, tho jyoma'n a Icttorcamo . I . r A ' I r .1 rri I iu our iiuiii euinu uruzy jumaio in J. en- iicssec, offering t,o enduro I.npriaonmonUh bor toad. Tho flieritT. as ho was com pelled to do, had oponcd-jUiis lettorfoj wnlcn Mrs. l"ir iicnned on lilm tlio bit terest rcproachor,'lpealtlrg'ln'uch affected tonos, and using such -nflcetad'gcttur.d. 'oJ to niako tho exhibition an evident display of bad acting'. Tho doctor had I liOnn Inlil aim,.... I. .1.. 1... ' M con.umption ; but ho ny. .he had not a ymptomof that d.i.sonse, nnd that Iho story mm oucn siarteu oy somo.oi neririona to crgato sympathy in hor Lohalf. . II. D. Nowcomb, president of tlio Louis iusv. 10 .uiss nina omun, tno young, beau- TL , " -T"n ?aV8".r no' Vt . , rV , "Kcro1 lmu J' 01 ,mmC" .diately lort for a tour in Knrope, lBomb ix week gince, JTowcomb, by a 'special , ., . .. i.vorco .rom ni who, who ror it. years "?,oon anjnmutp ovfa public lnBano.ay- ZJZt Z 11 ,1 V ' in?toad of dividing equally his immenso C8otoi n required by tho general law of -i imp.iSTD.i.w s xt oiiU HUIbospeh Ui JK Jf A r 2im o first tilico Iho (Tilloand Najlivlllo" railroad, ono or Iho WfljMno Washington nvenuo, and after wealt..ieatf??n in LouUviflnd about 0?&80feal J" K"i was married on me I4tn ior mo-a unr ar.d trrad nr or in hi sirmu aiaio. Tlio insanity or tho ex-wife jJ,nunaonrnoni 01 tno assessments woold bo TtVr . , . s, , K" '"cr ""uru" c ie winuow oi nor resi- dcnce, killing one. Tho old family rod- T , Z T . "? P'aC "-- -u j.iiiBiojmi i ministers in tho stato refused to perform . i me ceremony, nnd Jtov. A. C. Hill, 0f Toronto, Canada, was imported at a great xpenso to unito tho pair. THE TICIIIIOHS'K IOI.K. "In reference to tho trrcat enso now be- loro tno r.nclisli courts, tlio following from tho. Winchester Observer, of"JM7or 1858, 'is not without interest: Tho rurally of' Tichborno dnto their possessions of tho present patrimony, tho manor of Tich iKrne, so fur 'back as 200. yearn before tho cowmen. W lien tlio Jiiidy .tlabolln. worn out witn ago and iniirmity, was lying on nor (leiuii-ueu, suo ncsotigiii nor loving bu)miul, in her Jasjt. . request,. -that-ho would grant her thn means of leaving behind her a 'cimritiiblo be quest, in a dole of bread to bo distribu ted to all wlm-slumliV apply for (it janntlA ally on the feast of tliiiiiininelr.tion of tho blessed virgin .Mary. .Sir ltoger. her hus band, readily acceded ti bor request by promisini: tho prodiieo of .as much land n tho could uo over in "iho vtcilikv of ihn nark while a certain brand or billet win L U r n I n ir. SIllillofiHL' Unit, from linr lnni !n- Urinlti-, (for she had been bedridden for somA ' years V ho would bo ublo to ifo around a small portion only of bis proper ty. Tho venerable dame, however, or dered her attendants to convey her to tho irnt'r 1 1 br . I lib I .uark. 1 i ih(fr,L bblnc; aiV'p6JiU'tr on 'tlio ground,, sho Veomed to recoivo a ronovaliou of strength, and, lo tho piirprisu of tier iiuxious uuu iminiriii iuro, wnn uugau to we'mdor whoro lliii' jiilgrlmago might end, iho crawled round sovcral rich nnd uoodlv acres. Tim Held which was the accnoof Luily llabolbi'n oxtrnordinary feat rotains mo iiaino or " c;raws" to tills day. his suuuicu near mo entranco-to ttiu park,, and contains mi urea of '23 acres. The tiuk-holug cminplctwl, iho was rnicon voy'cd to lier chamber, ;uid summoning her family to bur budsldo, predicted it prosperity whilo tho dolo pxisted, mid left her mukdicfiou on : any of hor deacciidents wIm should bu so, menu or co'vot'oiU us 16 iliscon-' tiniui or divert it, prophecying that when .'such should happen thu old houso should full, and thu family nnino would becoiqo cqtinct from tho failure of heir innlo. and Unit this would be foretold by u generation of seven sons being followed iimiinaiatoiy niter by u generation of sev en dmighturs and no son, Tho custom thus founded iu thu r-ilgn' of lleiiry i I, continued to, bo observed foe centuries, anidjthu -itli of .March bucumu thu aiinual li-Hivqdny of tho family. It who not un til tho'iniddlo of tho last century that tho' custom was used : when, under tlm ptutenfo of attending Tichborno Dole. V.1..1I.A....I. .-!....!..- ...I Ml .. . . ' --KxufiiuB, miisiej, unu liners 01 OYcry de-lerintW.n-iiiiA.i.t. .1 'i .11 -" .. - ei..i. ,i :r-.?rr b.ids,. ,.;,.,'!. ., u., Rron-'1 01 l"" day ed l.i. ii. . . Wlln no was succocd- ... ""u "men, llieru annenrnil n nn-... :.?""'? .si iS "OWhCHOLAKS AUK M w.f In nil i,.,S.. . Jl.. u t0 make scho ars. od;hehin', mauer of his own mind, fi 7 , !lyZtt l"'t I'olp" ; tM wWU u U WlJ? r. "I'-cated until he . i hi'' i A fnim U '"" :.t, itisnoVtho "r: Siton i..-i ... " nil In iUnf;.7rii"?j""5' P"C.K ".o Is of bur,?.; . ... "uJ,,u.U0.wn like abeait down ike a'bcait 77.7. "ver.oaued mas, of ti.r men's thoughts Nor Is It this man wh' . i , . . capacity. 10 slcgo of eeause olf- to use his -,...,. iiorcmuiuu irom 1111 quarters, pn ".,'' Vj'wghout tho, iiolghburhiiTHi.'Hnd,' Pluli , 5 ?, ?U"lJ" "ml Btrates 'com! piUllllUg It Wu, In 1111)11 Kl... fllt Ii. Hi k4in iv I H II UOUhl of -..ii. Wl7ad i "r"nwttrfrofl'!tl dUclnle i : i ''1"?f'c? t'Ct THE CAIItb TJH3 STBEET FILLING. THE DECISION OF THE SLMMIKMB court in Tim cask of 811(7 ivfif Illinois. Sunromo Uotirt. of .Inn- tin ry Term, 1871. Central Grand 1)1- vision "Walter Fulls v. City of Cairo. Appeal irom Alexander. Opinion of the Court ky Mr. Jusl.-ftl'ieldon. T,,l was an action of assumpsit for monoy had and received, broucht to tlio April lorm, A. D. 1870, of thd Alexander In 1809 as socclnl assessment nnnn iin. juiiun ii a , ui. iii iuu rum cuy ui uairo. In tho ycar.of 18C8 tho city of Cairo, through tho, City Council, ordered Well ington avenuo and I'oplnr street, two streets of tho city, to bo graded and illlod. io uoirny mo exponsos or tiieso Improve ment a special assessment was laid upon tl. 1..- a f 1....1f t ... ' the Jots frontinir. boundlm? nr nbntiln., said streets. Thoappollant owned two lots assessed In li s nninii Avhinli vim ili,n... from I'oplnr street to Washington nvcnuo, iwiu wore ajscsscu lor tuo inline: 01 bOtli streets, and four other lots fronting on Wu.h n-Un awittntn .1 . I . i Wasntneton avenuo. nnd nssnsiui.l for dm . . ' . n .... tilling of said avenuo. Tlio assessments wcro mauo by tlio Hoard or I'ublic Works, confirmed by tho City Council, and war- rant'Iuod to. tho collector of city taxes dlroctihg tho colloctlon Uiercof. The amounts assessed upon appellant's lots woreinoi paiu ,wiimn thotimo llxcd bv tho i U 11 .1 .i if . . a tlollnqmnt, a judgment against each of uuuntii, uiiu niior puDiisuinirii is lots iincm -was renaorea in tho countr i nnti .pin. Li 1 . ' . . T. vi vioianuor county. Alter tuo rendition u,ftra 'r; tho- apaouilt 1 assokwi uiron his six lots nmountlntr in tho fli-rnirnin iii si r.n-y r.r! Xhftclly tjeri abandoned tho collection of assessments In which woro lnelu.ll ll i.l... 1 .v ...... ... jiunuuM.iuw, uuu ior uio uiiiiipoi t'ODIar "auP " w"u mo city in payment VcriouoViiio pv th '"tcrct on. those bonds, as woll ai tho loU of appellant, upon which ho has paid hi acjsmcnt, sui other property. To recover back thia amount with interest fnifn dnto of payment, .tho aDDallant brourht thl BUit,V:and he insistJ upon tho following point, upon' which lio basis his right to 2d-,Tb Pay,n?nt of 11,0 u""iont by appellant, was compulsory. 3 3di To rcUln tho money paid after an 4tti. Tho consideration for which tho monoy :w.ts paid has wholly failed. By. reference to section 5, article 6, of 1,10 viiancr pi uuiro, private laws 1867, vol. 1, pairs -lft2. vo find tho City Councl is ompowbrod t'o cauo any trcet to bo nuou unci graueu, -anu to assess and coi- 'ect tho expense and cost of tho, same. . .1 ...i.i. ii. i. ,. .. ' i B "c . expense oi collection, from the. real property beneflled thereby, to tho oxtont of tho benefit to conferred by such Improvement, the balance of tho cost f such .improvement to bo paid out of tho Improvement fund, said assessment and collection, to lo .undo, as tho City Council'ihav by Ordinance direct." To tarry into effect this provision of tho courier, an orainnmo -was passod by tho City Council., Section 8 of this ordi nanco prbvldce " After said contruct has boen awarded or snid material, furnished and worlt performexl by tho eity tho Jlonrd of I'ublio Works ahull imm.utlately pro ceed to roako. an as.cHinefit nf tho oronor .jiroporti'ons of tho expense and cost of such improvement upon cucn lot or part or lot frontltlgybotindlng or abutting upon tho street, avenue or highway or portion of slreot, avenUe or highway flllod ussei-slug to each Jot or portion of' lot tho special bceflfcennferrod by such improve ment u'jkiii such lot or pottien of lotljlhn total amount ofslicli special beucAt; bow- ever, not to exceed the total cost ot nirch improvojhcji'.'df proposed illIp'royclnenl., Thosame section imposes upon tho llpiird of ifublle wurks thu duty of examining tho locality vjioro thq proposed Improve ment is, to bo made, as well us nil the lots or parts of,lot,s,th"at vliniaMcioliy bono- Jiiiuu iiiurenv, Admitting tl.onQ nssusiiuonts lo liavo been illegal, iincoustltutio'nnl and, void, becaUhu, ihu. inuking of the usi-esamoiitu was confined to tlio lmtUculur pronortv fronting .Uport thu stroot wliloh might be speciuliy'buiieflt'cd. It-wiU.iiot extended to all tlio ro)urty.wIncli might bo so bene fited. After hitvlinr paid th em. unditr thn tin cbbo, is tlio appenl- luiii uniiiiou uj rocoyor tuo moLuy back on tho ground of tho payment having been a compulsory upd notu volulury oner Tho precept which was In tho hands of thoof llcor at the tluio these assessments wore puid, did noj nuthorizo lilm to low upon tho Koods and chatties of tho ainibulhmt. .but Uireo'ted hitn jncrely tu mal.o sulo of too lots to sat.siy mo uossmonts. Jn Jitadlbrd v,.tho.jcityjQf Chicago, -ioIlU-fl I, it was held that tho payment of an atsets ment made to a collector' bf tuxes, whiW having iu his hands a warrant to low and collect the amount of the usscssinont, of goods and chatties of tho owner, might bo considered compulsory, and mado tinder such circumstance- nswpuld authorise tho parly paying the 'money to 'recover back tho same, If tl.o nssossmeiit was illegally made. Hut It wiib decided in Stovor v. -Mitchell, in 111., 213, that a lovy of an oxccutlon upon ones land did not make u cuso of micli duress or compulsion that a payment made to prevent tho'ealo of tho land under tho execution could bo rccov-orod-biiok as a compuUory payment. It ai hold to be a voluntary payment mid not ouo mado under duress, und it is tliuro said, "Ills Insisted that tho lovy of tho execution on Stover's land was tho exor cise of such compulsion as to interfere with Stover's freedom of action. No casu is.dtod giving to this oxtont, and wo von. turo to say none can bo found. In order to render such a payment compulbory, such a pressure must ba brought lo loar upon .tho porson paying us to interforo in somo way with the froo enjoyment of his right, of person or property," citing Uradford v. Tho City or Chicago, suiira. and K'slon v. City of Chicago, 40 III.; B14. '1 hero was hero no luterforonco with thn plaintiff's free enjoyment of his property, and thoro would not huvo been, by making sale of It under tho pro ccpt. Such salo would not have dif turbod his possession of tho property ho would then have had two years to re deem from tho salo, and If at tho end of that time the purchaser had obtained his tax deed nnd brought his action of eject mcnt for the recovery of tho possession, the illegality of tho unsessmonts could have boen shown In defenso and tho recovery of tho possession defeated. Or had thu plulntlll desired lo rouiovu any cloud which might be brought upon his title by such a salo, ho could have had his remedy for that, purpose. u is very uiillko tho cam of tho pay went of money mudu lo avoid thn seizure ot goods, or to gain the liimmwloii of them. wnuro llioruiinuy ho a prcwalng imceisUy for tbiilr Immediate uio, und being ur a liioyablo and porlslmblo eharactor, any legal remedy might bo Inadequate for full protection. Tho rcasoun upon which it Is I.- IV' 'A WI'IIK'niTV DAILY BULLETIN, SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1871. I hold, thai whoro a parly is compelled by duress of h s ncrinn nr .,. r... t.i. : ...i""" "'J ""'"V w. m,, ov imuio, mo payment n not voluntary hut compulsory, and that lin ttlnt. I.I. . u . ..v, .""j, lutuo iiimsoii irom nucn duress by navmnnt nr i.n nihni si tt 1 1 aftoryards on, proof, of (bo fact rcoovur it bacKrdo not nnulv to tlm .if ,v Aftlalrt lilnl nnnrl Tlll it. I.. (lin nraintil n.m A it ii.t. . i"v?vi"j'.".?fc wo imnitiiio iiiiv-i moni orincio ftiees.imcnls wns not made Under sudh circumBtaiicas of compulsion ag'to except It team tho opor- iiiium ui iuu icirui iiiineitiin. Li.iit ' A party w th fu 1 knnwlnilrrn -r . - . ...... of (ill, tho facts, ofi tho. r mo, rolutititriTt .pays monoy 'iiin' ' snirct!dii ' 'br uiseiiargo ol a demnnu unjustly mndo on him, ho can not nflnrwinli the money. As to tho tlllrJ noliit. thu rmisoii does not appear why' tho collection of iia other assessments was wbnndoricd. .If bey woro sumo It to have" been because (hoy.iyero hot paid voluntarily, unci thu 'city could not ' u..u ivm un willlilluu. I. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 V nrii. tlllWlVU illU IUIIL'UIUII Jlut tho ininKVveiirtl IVWiis not nlm. uoneu; it was completed, and tlio money paid bv the tllllltlttfnvus lint relntnn.) l.T. tbo city, but it wai 'niitllled towards thn 0IP.?,, 01 1" niiprovomeiii; l no niainilll lias but DA d thn ninmlnl I "o pcoiai noncllt wlilch his property I . iwiu niu iiiii)ruv;ineni it wan Cdllltnbln that lin hoiilil .In .n. i - . ..... . i l"o circumsianco tbat otliors fiiUnd in Ptti'"lonls fr tlioir special bonoflts, uola "ol varJ 1110 wm. It doon not ap- Poar, tu u'i t0 uo contrary to oquity and KoJ concienco for tho city to retain l"15 mo,,yi "'"1 apply It In relief of tho Bcn-'r" property ownon from tho pny- ". "k ,u " eix-'cmi oonciit conierrcd upon I Mm nlnlvilln . iuu. As to tho consideration for thn nnv. .tin iiimug wiiuny iuiicu. tno improye- iiifiu naving ocen made, it is to bq con- amuiuu mai mo piaiimii nas rccoivcd a full equivalent or compensation for tho iiicnoy paiu, in tno ennanced valuo which ins property lias derived from tho im- ........a I e .1 (ti i tho city of Chicngo, Iii, III. 403. Hliarn r. I 11111 7rt ' wr" ; ,v; In Jlradfordrs. tho City of Chlcairo, supra; the casos of thn ot Now Orleans r. tho city of New Orlonm, l' Louisiana. It. 421 : thu oitv of I..i,il. villi, r. Lanorc, 1 Mit. (Ky.) 131 j and Walkor vs. city oi oi. JiJins. wcro eitmi. whUh .1 cidothat whoro an lllogal speoial assess ment ior special benefits has boon volunta rily paid it is not rccovorable buck, nn ilm ground that a consideration was received for tho money paid, In tho special benoflt conferred by tho improvement, and ono so benefitted wns not in good conscience en titled to recover buck again, tho money JIUlU. mo enso ol Jtradlord vs. thn rilv ni Chicago, supra, is dlstincuishod from thu present one, not only by tho fact that llicro llio collector had in his hands a war rant against tho good&and chatties of tho plaintiff at tho timo iho payment was made, but the contemplated improvement was not made, but was abandoned ; so tlmt me uoimiunrauon ior tno payment had wholly failod. Tho judgment uf the Court below hav ing been lor tho defendant, it must. not bo uiurmeu. duugmcui uiiiruied. HUleof llllio , fciipicme Court, Ornn.l I, William A. Turney, Clerk of said Su premo Court, do hereby certify that tho foret:oint Is a into conv of tho oninion of n.iu muiiiv iu fiuiu Milium inu ffanii; nil- pears of record in my olilco. In testimony whereof I hereunto i..h. set my hand nnd nlllx tho seal of said uourt, nt Sprlngfluld, this 1 Ith uay oi .lune, A. u., itwi. W.M. A. TUHNKY. Clerk, Supremo Court. iscit:is. t'KXTHAIi JKJU.SK. Ojipoiilti. llio rokl.illloc, cmHixlli Strec I Muw-n naniiiKion uiiu iuiiiiivrciiii nvcnucx, OAIKO, ills. ThU lioiiKe lm been thoroughly over-h.inleil, rrfiiruixlieil ami renovnti-il, nnd l now hihii for ine reer iiiin hi (jiichlH. I li rooms Mr all larK ami well ventlluleil, mul fimhitnrn new. Hiilch tepl nlKlitsiel ilny, Alio. (iAI'KNKr, Ji lUtl I'roprietreHH c()MMi:uuiAj71ToTrioi I'OMMKKriAI.-AVKNUK, OI'l'0l TV. V. II., CAllt('), ILLS. JOtKIMl 1IAYI.IKR, I'ROPRlKTOn. Tin: Iloirsi: is 'X i:vi.y Furnihiikis And olleri lo the piiblio fl rfl -c-Inxx aeroniinoils- ii'.oi m p-KKoimuiH rali'H. CUAWKOllI) IIOIT.SK, COKNKIJ .SIXTH anj AVA LN'IJT-.ST., (niilriineo on Mlxllc I ,) Kr.l. Ortli.V, ) M. (). Caily, j IJ. II. liQilMlelt, J CINCINNATI, olliO. OAKK-f. OAIIY .t CO.. 1'rnprlelnrn. WIXI.S AMI I.KtUOIlN. ,W.1. 11. .SC'lIUTTJjK, Iiiiiot-Ki- mill VI'IiiiIisii Healer in WINKSLIQUORS, ... ; mi- if AMI . . i , ., TOBACCO c OIGAES; Agent jir, iho Ipst brani nf- j t. ritlCAM AND STUCK: AliK, . .AS II - , inporKsl AIvh of nlin-rrni KIiiiIh. in Ohio I-iKVKK, Ml 110, ILLINOIS. V. M . STOUKK h BT1I, siTrnwoR IHHI.K k sioevritTil Iteelllyer mul Wlmlemiip )i r in I'strrlKii unit lliiiiiesllit LIQUOJtS, WINKS,-ETC. No..' 1. 1. 'fi Ohio Lkvkk, HriilMiiiriu 111 mi., I'llllO, IM.lNOia. M'liVli" "." 'i""".1 "itanlly full kluok of itin;a!ifor0fa,'w,l,,vj:"'a'M' """wd-' imcos. 13A11CLAY 13110S ; cjiKo, hiS & (I SAHATOOA Sl'ItlNOH it I ii n-i.s. sunt I .( j at iiaiiclavs' imuo dTonr.. Y rnWii..r.! : Att- nrutr roR rr. wimorr tuncmr J K'li M 'll'O-lIl'g (II'.AVKf CATAWnA HA) 'fORAJ'K) l'lbl, HIA .i ClllAI'K r,,A ) n lRAPE ) FILL 1 (!ATAWIIA (UtAPKlcATAWllA ILISJ ash til. or II K I Sf II O I. Is 'H X K U I CI X F.N . KRKMII VROU riRHT HANDS, AUajx In lo!k In iire auiily, ami for calt by Itarelay Ilron. JUHT UKCKIVBII ' AXIl 1'iir Nnle by tu Ulnoii, llnlllr or Uallau AT UAKCLAYS'. TKxtra Fink Colckink: WariiKNUINK I M l'OHTKD F.XTRACT8 J ZBaTllAiR, Tcwtii and Naii. Hkiishkx; DSTIndia Uuiiiikr Niikskry Gooih; BAECLAY BEOS. 1'UltK WHITF. LEAD 1'lTItK FItKNCII ZIN'C. llet "rule'. In; slock ami rleiy, vt-ry rheap; Full Link ok Color., imi u Ii oil; I'alnt Il.-intir, Unseed Oil, Wliltevnsh liriislie., Turpi!Tlne. VarnMier, Etf. etc., All. Kl.Vlm Al) IMMIIt l'ALITIU At IJarclats'. MIM.1.NKK.H. I.AUIKS, TAKE NOTIOK I AIRS.C.rcGEE, niOIITII (.TIIl'.KT, IIKTWKEV WASIIINOTON AND C'O.MMKKCIAL AVENUES, Iln Jnt ruilvfil n full anil i-plcn liil Hue of NEW GOODS DltKSS TltLMMlNOS, SILK GIMPS, SILK (JALOON, OUllMIItK LACKS, JIOSS TIIIMMINOS, CROCKET BUTTONS, SILK AND VKLVKT nUTTONS, l'LUSH AND TI'.IMMINO VKLVKT, II ATS AND HONNKTS, FINK. KID GLOVKS, LADIES' 'AND CIIILDHEN'S SHQUS, AcJa full and complete slock of Millinery and Fancy Goods, All of uliieh tho propose, lo sell nt TIIK VKKY I.OWKhT CAH1I PRICW. MRS. M. SWANDKH, DEALER IN MILLINERY AND LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, i'oiiniK-rrinl Avriiue, oppoilltt' Elliott anil llnylhorirN ' Oaiko, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WEAR Mmln to order, or HVaiIy-llik.le, full assortment of Mlssosr and Ladies' Shoos. MCniOAIi. LOOK TO YOUR OIIILDRKN. :TI1E GREAT SOOTHING REMEDY. 'Mm. C!llra poll. Anil ifrlnlnv Prlr,. ..',..Vi...u I r -V I ... ii ii.K.ojiu .- j in win noweii, unci ia- za Nyrup, 1 cillinteK the proccos of f Ceats. I teethlnir. 3 Mm. ITIOI e SiilulimM nnnvti . nna I'rlr. WIIITCOHII'H J mid uvoreoinei nil din- ( ii nil dlH- I to lo- f en. I Nyrup, I euxeM incident ... . i r ...... I faataanilohildreo Jlr. rciirti l;urt diarrhea, uiaitn Pfle,1 Willi COMICS 1 lury o ' anil dimmer com xs t en Is. jrui. l plalnl ntlnehlldieool all Ills Infr.Ml'annilClllldren'n Hoothlor Henu'dv III all ilinnnlera brousht on by Teeihinu or nay oilier cause, Prepared by tne (lltAI Tl)N MKDK.'INE CO., Kl. IiOllla, MO. Bold hv IlruL'sialH nml Defilern In Medicine everyvrhore. . rr.y7ilw0m 3IAN1100U: HOW JiOST! HOW HUSTORED! .Iimt j'li lil I lieil , In a eaU'd envelope, l'rloe, 6 cl. A leelurenn iho nsliinil treulnieiil. und niUlcal eiimuf HperuiHlorrhea or Hmnlnel WenUcon,, lu- i,iniioiiH,Beiiiai I'ciiiiuy, anu impf o lurrinic ui'iierullri Nervouaneaa. Consiiiniitlon, t'pllupay, and l'iW Mntl nuii PhvalCill loeunnellv. rnKliltlnir rrom Hell ik irom pen noma, I. 1., author of th eie., ny hoik. j. i.iii verwell, "Oiecn llook," ulu, "A 1IOON TOTIIOUHiNDHOrSUVVKItKRB," Hent muter ..i ....i..... a.l. nM.,'.7.,.l'.lt!J'.,J,r,l,irlof pl contr, or two I l?is5iaw?m wU,tC'-"'oi4,MiO. I INMVItANC'K, W. U. MOUHIH, Notary Public, II. II. C A NUKE No. Pub. anil l'. 8. (Join. xasra-rriKJ'Alasr'caai l,..i..i ' i n-THSMIIIillili.1,,,.,1 1 n . . ... MS, ,i ' 7 l...ll,iW IU VHOMiXf IfAUTIrORD, Ael.. ...I,7M,'US SO I NTKIt NATIONAL, N. Y. Ameln,. l,S.Vl,riH 17 PUTNAM, IIAHTrOHI), AKel ..7(,V17 ( VI.RVKI.ANI, CLKYKLANII, At.. 73 fs liovjK, cnLUunUn, AMKKICAN CKNTKAL, MO Anrta. AHel... liO,(ii (II OINNKOTIOUT MUTUAL I.IVK. AfCt . ' ..Sll,(fll,(MI III travklkk'h, IIARTroHI), I.irK AND ACCIDENT! . 1 rti-e., .,., I.snitt.i ... KAILWAY I'ahhi:n(i:um' assuiia.vck CO., UAKTKOKIl. Ati -Vii.uii Ii0 INDKI'KNtiRNT, IIOrTON, Aeta ! SAKKO i ! ' i ':-:, ' KOKD, MORRIS k ('ANI)KK, 71 Ukis lvf, Cily National Rank, CAIRO. U.I.. FIRE AND MARINE I3STSTJIA.3SrOE! L SOMFAXIESit NIACIAKA, N..Yn Ala , SI.4V..ilC if. CIEHMANIA, N. T., Aet 1.(Jt.72l 7S IIANOVKK, N. T., Ai-e 7Jfi.wa l UKI'UIILIC, N. Y., Ael m -....... 7ll.!rl'i ID (Vimprlilnn tlm Un.lf rwriler-'Keoey. YON K Kit, N. Y., At S7S.IM 15 AI.IIANY CITY, k"t 4U.1' a vihrmkn'm ruNi, v. r., Aoetn .. BKCURITY, N. Y. MARIN K, eH. . I.tU.SI'j 10 STORE. Duelling. Kumllure, Hull aoJ Car. got; insure,! at rate a. faroralile at sound, permanent eentliy will warrant. I rcunectlully alc of lh citiw-on of Cairo, a aharenl Uielr patronaf e. '. S. IlVUIItUt, If ()lac-a( Kirt National Usak. DOOKN, MAflll, ETC l AV. W. TIIOKNTON, DOOES, SASH, liLlNDS, WINDOW GLArfS, NU1.NUI.EM, LATH eiwBrTtTMBilR- 'Office on Tenth St., jmIWfH'n ('osasmrrelsa ttna WBahlBKo AVHCHH) ylli.ll OKNTfl lor Rook. Blyar, Paper Company'a 4 bbaalli nf si anu S" -i on JOIID impruyeu awuuu' ; haail A (leilanof .aarlir Iniliaoretion. oauainir nerTOUS debUitr. nremntura dnoav. etc. havlnn tried la -yalnry a4rtiad remedy, nu dlaoqyerad,''. iiupieaieaaa oraeu.oure, wmun nt win aenaior, hlfl.c)i.un.rra. Ai.dre.S, J. If.TUrHlin 1HW WNS0 t.'.flSTWtolP" I Ti HIT mm:' f"Vi m rifau i ClKNl'.nAIi AUKNIW. (IBNBUAIi AtJENTS, (.in a lil.ltll . ... itttttCiL1 mill ii .'viiwiiiu itvn -ijsiiii isjiji M E KSill ANTM. DEALERS IN FLOUR And Agents of Ohio Hlver mi UsninHlin SALT COvrdPViTIE 70 Ohio Lkvkr, CAIRO. 1I.1.INOI I.l-F. I.VNDUA.It'SC. I'NTERi.isT.l'AYINd" l'LAN." new an.l notel aylem of Life Imurancr eeiillir Inlro.lucrd by II, e iy mt. i.iriN. ui Uv Oil- -v-I.m III. t.. . . r i . nn nine col aa liy tin u-iml nln. and Ilia 1 Iwr cent, upon all Iho money paid ky htm lo . ui.iiiimiii. .iiu- rr nun u mucilMa KOTernroecit IKJIUl The plan ha U-rn rritii-..! ...... ... v. IHUM milD.UI lU'.1 11 run. ...m... i i . .. . . ..- . .... II 1 1 a - rir.1 v. I I . . . .K. ...I.l... - . , iii-iiiiuii ioaD7reciaoie qiurfr. Office of the Ceropany, NOKTIIWKST CORNER roCIlTH ANDOI.IV ST. LOUIS, MO. AlrTIftrir II 11 1 Ull'lfivn li t l Ukkj. Wii.uamm, Secretary. f 9 I. I I.l. I !. Ifa .. ...... I ll..Ihu St . l llalillltiea (n addilio j In the cai.ual. t itm nBirn iistiD mail rufUKia iuiuiii m a It ha one hundred lliouiam: il ilo II r. il.riui with Ih-iHlaleof Minouri aa a prrix-tua! antee to It, pohcr holder. ninir. which Bra mill-, n- f xikiiiih kji.j nini- riz lyenlorcnl nun inoHiar r-n-iern ntair li inveaiit iia ninna mine ei, aniuuK people from whom they are received. lent. 11 annual Income fiom the Intercut alone alraailr mom than rulnc enl lo ray lit lo-ri. If l....u. iiiunll.a 1 1 .ml . rit'n companies Tho policy holder rtceirc all Iho nroflla la nual ilivldeuija. i ne auicK, uuiuerk can receive only Mil ceol. of Interest on their capital, by (he term. inecnaner. ii eannusj uiriuenaa 10 doiict noi.ira are reauy ereaier man many eiu tjviein vomam nave ever iieenauie 10 par. The Plata of llllnola nahl laal year about li.) Illon Hart for I. If Inaunutoe. wiiv ..nil an mnen mon.1 niiL r.i ira lit inmi mar lie uroiiiiceii ilia, as L'liran T lurinuiu ni nome i wos s avow. ICK ORKAM SALOON. "T.OUIS NASSANO'S ir'V rm?Ar KAinrnM COMMERCIAL AVENUE, I rrc I J. mill; SALOON hit Ixvn hanlom.y lilloJ X Kiel will aixaja yilpply I lie leu lee Urraiii, UiVei, CoDfectolni. Lemonade, and Hod, To lie found an) where lo the city. li a i r r jva i in iaiittw hitppi.te ON SHORT NOTICE. . . . .y .... ...... ii. i. ... i r. . i HOIICIieu. HOOTN AMU KUOE8. , WILLIAM EIILEUS, Faslilouable ' HOOT AND SHOE MAKER, TWKNTIKTII STREET, ISCITSS-VII IT ranillU.UU iHtuuu "a-a .... 11' i.liiii.ilnii ln.niia nn.l l' nir? UAIHO, ILLS, rloolia and Shoes Made to Order. Ir'lne Werkinon KmployeJ. Batisfacllop Warranled. Patronage HolielleJ. CITY SHOE STORE. HOOP SKIRT FACTORY bolk aoinct roa "BBOLASKra" CUHTOM-MADB BOOTS-AND SHOES 4i....u.u.l.lil A anoMaai sr W avltlt Ntrcei, ..'Ca'uwIIiunois., PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO ALL PKRS VOU IIOOPSKIRTS AND 8II0KH. jVMINTINO. iwaih IH.IUIII..-.-, . "o" -" - ti,Mtii 'eieuuJ, the BulleUu book, lolk iwspsiier tuu viumug raiauinniiivqi. . -r. -.....I. - , a