Newspaper Page Text
JOHN II. OBBULY & CO., PROPRIETORS. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, TUESDAY, JUNK 20, 1871. WEEKLY EDITION. n n r li IU h OFFICIAL W It KCTOIIV. STATE OJ'I'ICEHS. (Jotirn r, .lohiiM Palmer i Lieut, nutildnti rnor, .litlui Ioiiflitrty 1 eiel.iry f Hl.itf, IvUn.l lliiinmi'l i Auditor of Slate, C. II. Lipplncott, MnleTrca.iircr, !! N. Hate I Hilpl. Public Instruction, Newton CONliRESSMEN. intor- l. innii Trurnjijll nnl -lolm A. Logan. Iteprcsen; dive tt the Stale nt l.arie Vacancy, Ilepri.cninluc Thittcentli .iirtricl John M. t'n-l.. ,M E.MIIEItS OENEKA I. ASS KM III.Y. Senators, 1st District T. A. V.. lloleotnl.. of I nioii.urulS. K lilnn,of lialUtln. I pii-sehlaluc, 1st I i.trl 1 H . Watson Wi COUNTY OFFICERS. CIWCIT COItllT. .Ii. I I). J, Hiker, (if Alexander. Prf.f.Hlllig Attntncy-J. K. Mi liutlleyi of I r it I leik Inn. (. Ilariiian. Sun!! A. II. In in. COUNT V IUIIT. J,. I r llfOM. A rf-it'c J.;K,. McCrlteand H. Mareh'Mon. ( .,.. Jiu'ob it, i,)noii. I it ntr Henry On.stnan. .M UN KM l'A !. OOV ki:n m est. llay.r JiiIiii ! J.nden. I i urer J II. Taj lor. I nr,itr j let K. A. Ilitrnell. clerk -Mli li"l lloley. 1 . Marshal Andrew Ciln. All tney 5 II Pope. Pol. Magistrate K. Ilro and II. hlmii ! y. ti thieftll'il t I.. It. mi r. IM . t rotable-lohn Hhe.hiu (dal), an.l Jr. II errim anlJ.W.Siiraner, (night.) hKI.KCT COUNCIL. My ;i J tin 31 l.nnsden, I.,stVanl 1'. 0. Sahuh. k and VnnJ It. vooikard. Third Wmd .Ino. Wood. Y urth War J HUat Tjjlnr. t .') at Lutfc W. I' llallldity and It. Ilurd, HOARD OK Al.ltF.RMKN. 0 l ilt i WAHD- James lleardeii, 1 t.eo Kldi, imuu! Waldeu. l"Ki J.SD WAltl-K. ll.Cuiiumiibalil, i K. Under, Ijl Unity Winter. 4 Jim.s Swavuc. TilIIID WAKI- Win. titration, httrlck ntigf-ajd. Kol IITII WAltll -James Carroll. J.II.Melcalf. 7'uie of Mutiny. . m hi " ii. Hie tjt) Council meet in joint eIon mi i?..l.v i.iiiNj t.r.v....ttt.i l !.. rtr.t Mniiitni l.f 1 tiph tnAi.lli. .ri mi i.. i m it . HiciM'h'Cl Oiutir mf.loin IIm lift Wnlot. Jay anil Tliiirnlay, itK r tli nwii'1 Mun.lny In h mnntli. Ri iaii r uiifimrii, Th- Hoanl of Al'I'rini'ii tnet- on tin- flfl nionuay nnu niriuij u. mii'iimi. ijl rnM.Mi 1 1 r,rs "r i ii 1 1 ll fj strtrtt 5Ir..r-. Tutlnr. Wal.lcr. Winli-r. hvood ana Miu-lf. Ihattme li'in t'lllillillKUlll.N liull, KltKr il.l. anil Ilallnlay. t1iim Mffr WVmI, Cimainnliain aa.l Men. JlViM an.1 Jul! Mrar. CjIIoII, lludi r u I lA'cxxlwanl 11 VrUin'lfllf rr.r. . . . -j . .. It II.. .I..I llallnltv. Maikrlc- M."l HoIhiIj. Winter nn.l Klrli. ! Viwi.:;; Mcr.WoiIarJ, Swajin'au.l llujr. , iwiM-r-MffiTn. llnril. Klrattun aii.llti trail, u.-.-.i -f .iifMTlif flavor, ami Moir. Hear li... ii'j..i. Uir4lt..n nmlCn.rr.ll. h""U' """" kf - - i Ol'K ClirUCIIKS. ta BWMirallYTKUIAS- -i;i(!li"trc t. It' l.r.l.l., u.t.lnlh at 10U t. m.. nn.l ".V. r. m. Id I'raycr meftjDir. Wednnd.ty ut 1 v. . Sunday Ptlmol, t r. v. J. M., Wiir. Intcndenl. Itv. C. II. Knotf, 1'ii.lir. .IvrrlllllllHT Cur. Kiuhlh anil Walnut M. l' l...l.liw. U.l.l.nlli lftU i w nn.l T u It l"1 - 4; I'rsyirnii-Ptmfcr, Wfilntaday, 7.1; r. x. V f unday Bc'liosl 3 r ft. I,. W. MiIkcII, Hii"r J tntendtnt. Iter. K. L.Tnoxrvis, 1'ai.tor. I IILItCH OKTIli: Hi:iiKKMKI!-(:pi'fOial) Jtornmif iiraypra, SaUxvlli ii.' a. m. lltfnlnRpra)! V r. . r ?aiini.u r-nuoi, -j . . 4TI t.... f n ..... Ilfr.r. lT PATItltnirt ClU'KCIIor. . Ninth M.mul rl IL'n.lnnr.tnn I'uMlc i:crvlc,?alili.itlieJ und W)i .. x. I Wptrn, :i r x j riiii'iaj i.ui - i . It Sorrice every dny, or. k. It ltcv. 1'.J.O'IIi.i.irv, l'rle(. ill ltlHTIAN- Ki(,'hti'cnlh Htrect. I I'd-iictiliiy, i-nbtintli K5 . m., mid "Si p. k. IIav 1 Cnirvn lirftitnr. IIHSIM.V fl Y riCU0il.-ln the Cliri'tlnn , Churi'li, Klhlnntli Hireel. BaI.I.kiIi .S'linol :t ' x. J. II. Hern, Kiieriiitriidi'iit. (ir.MiMKN'oCIIKISTIAXAS-HOtilATlllX-Itex- . mvpting .ccond Monday each month at tl.o I'mycr room i.f the Prodiytirmn thurcti. , Wci'Lly I'rnycr incetini!. Prldny, TJJ r. ut 1 the Prayer room of th Prenhjlcrlnn rhurcli. .1 U. Iiihik, PreHldent. i)iKlt(JA.N M. i: -I'liiltleeniliSt. Lelwoen Wnlnilt and t.' erVH'eF, Salilintlii II a.m. 1 Sunday Sdiool, 1)J r. . !t c;a;ii'. m. I I'renoliitii!, 'li U". W. II. Himiwn I'.iHtor. )i-i.(i.'f I'I1I."."..VI1.I. HAl'TlhT l'lfleenlh HI. IE l.etwrcn Wolnttt aid (.VUar. F HerviccK UahlMth, Vt mid 'I I', u. f; Iter. N. llii,k,l,ntor. :i:r.i:-wn.i. lni'iirtTiiOMK mihsidn tu.v. K HAY S( lltlUIl iorner wnmui mm t.euar nm. 1 Himusynniiiui, .. . IIHSTFIU.I. Wii.i. iiai'iiii uininv.11 v'u- Iry'a Harme". IHervlce,raii"iui 11 . . r. " -t . Iiev. 11 ?i . nr.i.i.Mt iiixiui. RlUST MIilO.NAUY UAlTlrtT CIIUIWII-Het. tMrcnlOtliiindlllh utiocts 'I'l caching FubUtli Vyt A. M.,iunl tV, : . ll'rayer MeetHiis, wciinei.ii.iy inruwif. Bil.lth8.diiinl. IK r. k. John Van lt.uter mid s.Mury Hephem Superhiteinlfiitj'. It Uey.T.J.BliiuiM. P.itur. 1! Alt IIKItSi,, 1'ASinONAULli 1JA1UJER, Cor. sth-Hl. 11111I oiiiin rclul-av. i laoo'S'harp, '2 "; Clean Towel nnd 1(5 ItCSkillfull WCIkliicn. edrLadies' and clilldrfln'a hair cut and sham, loed, eithorut tho nhop or at their own homos, ur(ici)Ucint'iiY whl.lters hair dyed In a Icntlfic manlier, SatWaellon ijuaranleed. m:!.iiiiti.i'M. HBLMBOLD'S h IIKI.MIIOMlH'rt S IIKLtllllI.Il'H II Kt.M IIIII.Ii'h II ki.miioi.ii'm G-BAPE PILL. CATAWMA CIIS.M'K I'lLl.k. I'AI AWIIA llllAI'K I'M.I.M. I'ATAWIIA OIlAI'K l'll.t. ( AT AW ISA (IttAI'K TIM.. I'ATAWIIA (IttAI'K I'll.I.k. I'ATAWIIA (llt.M'K l'll.l. r VT.vwitA iikai'K rir.i.x. HELMBOLD'S IIKI.MIIOt.l'V IIKI.MIIHI.1.H IIM.MIKil.nV IIKI.MIIOt.ll's IIKI.MIIOI.IlV IIKI.MIKII.Ii'" ii:i.mhoi.ii'h EXTEACT SAKS A V A KILL A Kl.flll KXTIIACT SAIfAI'Altll.H. n.Ulli K.ATItAIT f-AlAfAHII.I.A. I'M'lll K.VTItACT (All.-AfAllll.l.A. It.flU KXTHACT .xAKoAI'Altlt.l.A. I'l.rill KATItACT SAKSAVAKII.I.A. KI.I'II) KXTHACT -AlthAI'AlllI.I.A. I'l.lflll KXTHACT I AIWA l'A KIM. A. I'l'iiu v Tin: ui.ooit. IIKI.MIUil.IlN n.i'in KXTitAcr HII.1.A AllAPA- Our.-' nil Kruiitioao uf the .'Uiu. IIKI.MIIUl.ll'x ri.t'IK V.XTBACT hAISAPA 111 LLA Cnre tl.u ort form of ItlooJ I'iK-a.e.. 1J' FLUID V. XT It ACT HAU-APA-111 1. 1. A I'.nli r ln iTily Into (lie Ciicnlntian of Hie lllooj. IIKI.M IKII. li KI.L'ID KXTHACT I'.ll.l.A 'AKSAI'A. lli'.'iulldi'- the t)in IfXlon. All Pnderf and outuard api.tirfllinii. ilektioy the frkliti render 11K it h.rh And vmie. IhiU ut llie.kiui.l old mld and ll'.i.-.i wlm hue iired mieh an) lenxth nf tune. UiM-oiilniiie thnn, and u e 1 KI.CIH KXTHACT hAKSAI'A HI LLA. One ltlle ii eiial in alren;;th tn one ehIIou of the Syrup" or I)eeolc.n a iiull) m.lei and a Mlue' abided to .f pint of kater enuaN the ce'ehrated I.I--BON I11KI' Dltl.MC. Try it this ). A UellUIHIIIl U-verae. IIKI.MIIOI.IlV I'ATAWIIA ORAl'K PILL IIKI.MHOI.IlV CATAWHA OISAPK 1'ILLH A plea. ant, afe and agreeable Cathartic. IIKI.MIIOI.Il'S CATAWHA flUAI'i: PILL- l'ei in all afltt tion. kheiea I'm j4.1t i v .Medirlne Is neilrd. Itr.l.MllOLIlV CATAWHA (1HAPK PlLUk ll.iniil. i-- to a child, and taken !' children. lIKI.MHOLlh'CATAWHA (1HAPK PILLS Hupefede .Mauei.'i, Silt gitl nii'l every other Pur- H CATAWHA OltAPK PILLS, Certain in eirecl, nnd pleasant in opetatinn. lIKLMHOI.D'rl CATAWHA (illAl'K PILL In not n patented Pill. IIKI.MIIOI.Il'S CATAWHA (IttAI'K PI I.Lk Arci ouiiMi.(id nt Ciitaklvi (irnjie Juitcaud Iluid Katr.w t HhuUirh. Puri h'i.e tnn Uitlle. of IIKI.M'rt SH. PAUII.I.A nnd one m ut l'll.l unrth their vt eight ill folil. tin Letter imotinent can he tnvle lor ( Miiall it mm. IIKI.M Kill. I)' I'LUIK KXTHACT HVCIIU ni'.iiired a koild.uide f.iine. A I.I. of my preKiratmn ar meritorlou. A period of twenty )i'.u. hn proted thm to he I lie vti.e. Sen remarka made hy lleninmiu Traere, F. It. 0. H. speakiui; of tnoi-e iliM-u-e, and ills"3.e ntlflng Irom the ixcct of niereiiry, he KtateH that no remedy In eiiial to the Ktr.e't of hara p'irill.i, it poeri extiiiordiiiirv, more o than liny other dun: I am acquainted uith. It 1-, 111 111 the Mrictrtt cnc. n tnnlr, k ith thm niMihiahle Httrihille that It in appllrahle to it "tale, ot the M)ftem 10 BUnticn, ami el mi irritnl'le, 11 ren iier other MilMtiincuit 111 tljo tunic cla- ahle or iniurloii". see HK.MAItKSol Ihnl.ltKAT CHK.MIsTo A.M PII,L,.Mi:.N UK 1EI!ICA Win. II. Warner A Co., 15 North Third Mrect, Phlladi Iphlu, I'.i. II. T. IlelinlKild . Ktee mod Kilend I coniirntulati' you nn n Intr the luiid-oinc-t and at the Ntme time the Moil f'.tlrctive Pill that I lure ever known lor the purpohe Inteudcil. W.M. It. WAIINKIt A Ctl II. T. lleluiUild kill remark, mcoiicliixioii, that hlii rtineuleH are the irMlll of ImiK aud caieful tiuly. TheKlilid Kxlriict har heen hefoie the iiutllt tkenty jearn. 'I he cale ol tlinui In that time prorea their value. All hao been heiiclH; leu hy them who follow e.l my hi-triu'tiiiii, and to-dav they Ha Il.l iincimalled III the e.Ment ef llieir HUH, anil uni-urpifM'il o mi; iuvii;.iim-hi ill the Dmpenxatory of the L'tiiteit statu., not excentlnn it fiiiKlo Ileth, H0.1t, Plant, or Siien lillo Preparation. Pharinaceiitical 1 claim nil mil'.otohc, aud hate never patented 11 Blniile one. In ipe any linprcimioii or prejudifa Unit miKht exUt in the mlnila ol iiianv ttKalunt my preparalioin, Irom the puhliclty given throilli iliert.nU, ,,, thm I am and have heen a ilrug. slat fnr u l.erlod of tunny renin, ami more con clunlvfl) to thin f eiter Irom the hiriei.t liinnurartiiriii?ehi jiiin m tin, Uut, 1 , , . , , iMivointier 4, InM. 1 am aijiialnle,l kid; Mr. , -p. t.JUa . 1U occupied the dnin ktoreoppomte niy realdence. and nicce.ul 1 11 conduullDK the kheroolherB hud not heenniinlly i-oherorehliii. I have heen latoraljly iuituesaeil (h hia cliHrnu. terundenterpi'i.c. WILLIAM WKillTaiA.N. t J rill ol Pourrii A W u 111111111. m.. .1.,.. ehenil I . KM. 1 .tV" ' .."...t.UU .Minn nun nrokn Uriel.., I'luladll- plilit ALL i-TAMO ON TIIK1U Wtllll., The Pill I have thought ol ollcrliiR t'j tho ittllia. ted lor leu yculK, They are now perfect, and I vhall atult my time, inoiier mid famo on their clh'tlvene.a. The invitini.'Htylo 111 which tho pill ilxclfii. mude, 11... I.ltli. li.l.ul .....i.tmr.l! uliiiu. Hill. i.l. ut are they hao heen piepared. Alter vxnniiiui. lion, no Kuglish or rreucli prep.traliun will ahow greater care, and I am really proud ot the m, linden 1 -f the naiiacoiia. ooklnif. t'uiilcly piepared I'illx ended aenerally, and put up in koodci) hoxe, and niude generally, or ollercd hy llio-n hav.iiK i.n ekperieiicti a phyalciaus, ilrugglsts or initutimclliiern of ineilieine., tett the medicine ollercd by your obedient iPivitid, II, t. iii:i.miioi.. Crystal Pulaco HtliH Stoic, No. f.'Jl llroadway, tvew Yorlt. Palace Pnitrmacy. fiilsey lloinna, r.rjadnay, nad Tkenty.nlnth street, Jev York, 'femplo if Pharmacy, Continents! Hotel, I'hlll. Uelphin', ami No, 104 Houlh Ten III street, Phil- kduphla. A elnglo trial will convince tlia most Kkcpticitl of tho clllcnncy of IIKI.M IlOUi'S (JHAl'K 1'ILIS In sick or ncrv Otis licadnclio, juumlicc, Indigestion, con alijiittion, ilt"i(!ji'I.'i, lillliouinc.', liver roiiiplniiitF, gciiorul ilobllity, etc. No nnu sen, no griping )miti., but mild, pleAiant nnd snfc in opurntion. Cliildrcn tnLo thorn witli impunity. Tlmy nro tliu best and moU rcllnblo. 1IKI..M HOLD'S KX TKAUT SA USA l'A HI LLA crcutui new, froth and healthy blood, bcaulidc tl.o I complexion, nnd impnrt a youthful np ' penrnnce, tlirpulling pinipje', blotche?, ' moth ;putclin nnd nil ortiptiona of tliu cktn. ' (iHCVT Kxcitk.ment. Tho city lias lidiiti ngltnlud during tho pnt week on tho tibjcct of tho oxc.cll.tnt St. Lirttls llecr, "NVhIm Ileer, llhino Wine, und aplcndld clt:nr for mlo nt ('hurley Schonetncycr'a aloon. 1 1 ia WeiM Jlccr h Wonting k xipiilur drink hit Kit trie Winn i. tliu lVt in tlie city, hii St. LouI Hrr ithvHva Ico cool. The Kcvptiitfi Saloon l loonled tit tho corner of Tenth street and AYaOilngton uvenue, where nil lovers of Uood things to drink should cull. Did Vol Kvkk? hSo, I never," saw it inoro cozy and complcto bnrbcr shop tlmn that of Anthony Kschbnch, one door be low the post ollice, Tho room lias been newly papered, llio floor newly covered nnd the whole ctnblUhmcnt pot in first cIum order. Kichbuch ii ono of tho most experienced, skillful nnd accommodating barber In tho Stutc, employs courteous nnd expert Histiuit, nnd keeps Just such n shop as citizens nnd strangets will take 11 solid satisfaction in patronizing. myisviim St. Nicholas. Dny boarders can se curo good accommodations nt the St. Nich olas (formerly tho St. Jamas) ut $4 pir week. The houso is at the corner of Ohio lovco and Kighth street, n central location, atitl is proprietorod by Huriy Walker, who is alivo to tho wnnt. of his patrons. 1'arties desiring boarding and lodging can learn terms on inquiry ut tho otllee. inay.'kltf Tub Fk.niox Cop.x Mill. This estab lishment, corner of Commercial avenuo and Tvcnlieth street, is now in charge of Mr. M. D. Ountcr, who having purchased and thoroughly refitted it, invites the at tention of the public to the fact that he is now prepared to furnish dealers and fami lies with the very best article of corn meal. Orders left at the mill or sent through tho po-tolllco will receivu prompt attention. tf A Cuhk (luAitANTKEU. Ktc-i' Fever Tonic is universally recognized as the best medicine extant for the curse of fevers. It is for sale by 1'. O. .Sehuh, druggist, two doors south of tho postollico, ariil ho guaruuteei jtll who buy from him that it will euro chills and fevers. If it docs not euro .Mr. Schuh agrees to return tho money. Can nnvthing bo fairer thnn this ? may24tf llime t. Hime, at tho old stand, ca Sixth street, near Ohio lovee, ii conduct ing his barber shop in a tirst-ehisj style. It is a model establishment in overv par ticular, and whilo in his chargo all its cus tomer will receivo courteous attention, and the benefit of excellent workmanship. Hair cutting, shaving, shompooing, etc. myj'.f Foil Salk. The store-houso on tho cor ner of Tenth and Walnut streets, and also tho stock of groceries therein, uro offered for salo together or separately. Also, a good buggy and harness will bo sold on private terms. Apply for particulars on the nreti.ises. HII.N. F. F.CHOI.S. juTtf I do not hlow a otner rjartiar do, Nor keep my razor like Klna Willi.itn kkord II. 'can. 0 hi aword, a all inii.t know, Though handled well, wa round. I keep my rnmra aharji and keen, And Cup and Towel nlka.cleau, Perfiuurry, too, of all the brand, That' mule, in tin or fore u;h lm I. Then forclean hnlm: plea.e to .toil AT DANlULi I.A.MPHKKT S IIAHUKH HIIOl'. oh (Duo Levi .', nt !il, 1- wilt re viichkotk 1 neatly dnnn inyP.Mtin .Vfrtf. Tlio nruticli meat shop of .lumes Kyiinton, located on Coinmcri'liil avenue, next door to tho grocory storu of .lames Carroll, is now in full blast, and this pop ular butcher is supplying all the refined meat eaters of that portion of the Fourth "Ward with splendid meat. If you havo not tried him glvo him a call. tf Last Chaxck. Tho tiinu draw. near. Secure your tickets in tho (irnnd (iift Legal Festival In aid ofn public library, at Omaha before you have to pay a large premium. It is said to be ti grand sue CP's. Everybody is confident it Is con ducted on tlio " s(tiare." Comb to Stay. Hobort Held has per manently established a coal yard at Cot tonwood Point, Mo., for tho purpose of supplying steamboats with coal. Tows at till times, day or night. jcStf O.S. Hutchinson, Agent. A Ibu'u. Tho barber shop of Win. Alba, on Commercial uvenue, near the comer of Kighth street, is tliu place to which all lovers of u good, closo shavo with 'razors sharper thiin'lho wit ol twenty Jorrolds, wind their way. Mahhiaok Oi'idk.- Interesting v.-ork, numerous engravings, "2i pages. Frioo fiO cents. Address Dr. Ilutts' Dispensary, No. 12 North Kluhth Street, St. Louis," , "l ' -1,,' Seo Advertisement. Avhht tiii: Kvii.. If mothers would give Mrs. Whiteomh's Syrup to their chil dren when sick, mortality would bo less among them. It only costs 'Jo vents. JDlliUiVWlW. Kkkp L'ooi.. Ketrlgorutors, leo ohtsU watef coolers, I X L Ico oreain fremurs bath tubs, japanned cloth for window screens, etc., eti'., at BKKHWA I IT, OliTll A; CO.'S, lnylbtf rJOCom. Ave. ihii:i.v.. BARCLAY BROS.. OHIO LIIVEK, Cairo, I if. DBTJGO-ISTS SAHATOOA Sl'HINOS II HIL Kl.t.T AT IIAHCLATS' IlllCO HTOHK. Farm Hunt, Iltn v. MOCKINC HIHD FOOD ah until ion cm kirinii'T iKi.iMr. At Ha hp la y'. II K L M It U I. n ' s OHAl'K 'K I CATAWHA f i CATAWHA I. K I CATAWHA ) J,' OHAl'K (IKAl'K (1KAPK 1M I.LS FILLS OHAFK AMI Alt or I. M II O I. It 'H .11 I! It I CI .V V.H 11 : f'r.KSII FHOM VIHST It AN IIs, AlkHya in Block in lari supply, and for ale hy llnrelny llriin. fresh: blue lick: J U H T H K U K I V K I) AMI For HuW !' HirUlnkN, llotllc orlJitlltui AT lJAHOLAYS'. K.-TitA Fi.vf. Coloonk; tffirfiK.NL'INK iMPOItTKIl KXTP.ACTSJ toTllAiR, Tooth ash Nail IShusiik; JtajflNllIA l'.UHHKH Nl'ltsKItY f!lM!I ; AT B-3RCXj-A.-y BEOS. PUHK WHITE LF.AD PUKK FKKNCH ZINC. ltet grailrn in larije tiv:k and ra rlety, Tery cheap; Full. Link or Colons, uai ad in oil; Paint Dmahea)! Oil, Whltvu.ti Bru.hf, Tiirpentlnr, VarnlHliea, Etc. etc, ALL MM'" tL rTAMilRIi Ml tlltir. At Uahclay'. JfKIIICAI.. DUNHAM'S WON'DKItFUL IlISCOVKItY. BETHKSDA MIN'KUAL Sl'IUNC WATHKH, OF VAUKKSHA WISCONSIN. Tin water 1 the u.'-ktow lodged cure of the In tractable and Incuiablo di."ne knnkna' ditease and dlahete. Ilrlalit'. iliseae ii fatal tothe kidney, the '.xidy wate nway, deatroys lile hy t:trtatioii of the blood. iJiaoete oommence with fieipient dene to pa water, Croat th rs eunaltpation, lo of strength and tfeab. AtoniahlnK cure of drop.y lue been Heeled, l.nck-JilM ilepnlt,lullauiatlon of the neck nl the hladder, alkali, and cnutv MtellmK. l'or the liver It 1 iipstirraimed. It will allay all lufuimn tiono I tho kidney and urinary organs In tenlj four hour, Kivlng Immediate relief! nl-o 11 si'ar let ferer It prevent the kidney from congcliiur. and runote all trace of nlbiimenerin. It will Eire relief in nil ca-e ol hlijh fever. KIlWAHl) IIUMIAIt, niip. (leneral AKentattheSjiriDK, Wnukeha, Wis. Header, if v oil are alllicle.l w ith any of the lorc colnii dl.eitin. krito to the lindernlKiied. Ill ud rice will cot you nothing; he can by chcmiciil aiialynla hlin.e'f ol a clear knouleilte of any iniliii.lualea.e no mutter ol how long utand inK. Hi" uoii.lerful dl-cotery Itetheulu Mineral Water 1 a pomtite remedy for tho foreu diiK ailment. It lia never (ailed to do k hat declaim lor It where ever utd. Thla water ha tho same good etlect at 'he remoteM part of the ountry, that It has at the Bpriut:'; U never loe u parli cal of ll medicinal qualities hy packojjc or trans portation. Directions How to ue tlio kater 11ml circular wilt accompany cack package ordered A. hire.., HICHAltll Id'. MIA II, 32i IVniisvlvmila-av , Wm-hint'lon, I). !. Cr Edward I. luiibr,(icuerttl Manager at the Springs, WiukcHha, Wis. Agent wanted evervkhere. jelf.iniu C4II.L.KUKS. HIGH EDUCATION. HHLLMUTll COLT.EGK. Uoard und Tuition, per annum f--'i Ml IIKLL.MUTII LADIKS' COLIiKH B IMl'lll'UtTI II 111 11, K, II, IIIIMI llojrcl mi l Tiiilini, per aunum tkim a. , I.'.'fl (k) Prefdent-Tlio Very It. V. I. Ilrllniutli. I'. !.. Lruu uf Huron. l'or particular, apply to Major K.van, I.olidor, (Uiit'lii Wet. MANHOOD: HOW LOST! HOW HIWTOHHD! I Jii-I piihliiheil, III a si alo.l eiivi lo e. Pr !''" e ''Is. I A lecture on the Ireatmenl, ladieal 1 cuieof Sierin.ttoitln ti' Hcniiiiel;ii.'. In , r(.luiilar) Kml loii, Kexu ll tu-l.ilil , mid Imp" - I 1- to .Mi.rrl.iK.. generally i .fl'"1m,;,;i 1 IJouMimpllou, bpilep.y, und I II" I 'M' . Inenp teiiy, ieiililug ittun sell ';H';'i etc', hy lloht .I.C.ih'erwill.M. H . aullmr of tin "(lieeu Honk," ele, l'A HOO.N TO TIIOUAASIH OF SUI'KKHKHs. Sent under seal, III plain eint lnpe, lo mi ud tlres., on receipt of -l t ent". 01 two postage stamp, hy Oha. J. C Mmy 4 lM '" lloweir, New Y"ll'i Ponloince IhiV I, jellll.tH'Ilu Sl'KOIAL NOTIOKS. hatch i:i.o:i.s in ut vi:. Thla atiperh Hair Dye I lh rr im tiik Wohid Perlectly llarmle., lleliahle nnd lnthanteott. Noillsappoinlmeiit. No llnllcnloti) Tints or Un pleasant Odor. TliDKimiilnr W. A. l!.vlielor' llalr Dye prodn.ei IM.MKIH tTKI.Y u splendl.l Illack or llrown. Hops not stain tho Hkin, hut Irau.athe Ilnir Clean, foft nnd Ileautl fill. The only Safe ind Petfc't lye. Held Iiy nil ilriiKKiiitF. I'aetoiy tn llnnd .Street, Nevr York. wniSldeo.Uwly CONSUMPTION. ITSCl'Hi: AND ITS l'P.KVENTIVK 1!Y 1)11. J. II. SIMIHXCK.M. 1). Manr al.nmnn lietnirhas ttM(sl niray for rrhn.a ileHlli tlierukaa nuotiier n-ai'iti than lh neunt of known und licll.putitblr proven luenna of cure, TIiilo near nnu itenr In luinllr mitt frlemU 11m leeltiK tlioiHeitniK-f fliiulcr Into nlitch, I.jJ the) caiailyaitjiilrM JOSEPH II. SeilKNCIt'Sai.illM.B THI-lT.lli:.T, nnd nrnllerl ihenntelroi of hl wnndc rfnllr "Hcii UniM nietliclno., ttiejr wail.t not trim fiillen. Iir. bchuiick 1 1 ah In hi own ch.o proved that rtlierrrcr aurllrlent rltiillty leuiali.a, Ihnl rltnl Itr. hf hi medicine und hl illrtH-tlona fur lliclr '(ulckened into tieiiltlifiil ritfor. In thi4 atttcineut them I ni.thiiu prtiump tuiii. To tho f.nt.'l of llio Inrulld 1. 10 repre.entatlon that 14 not 11 tlioiikiiid tliuciniib stuutlatei liy hvlnj.' nrd vHlblo works, 'llio llicory or tlio euro l.jr llr. hohentk'a luinllclnei la a alinplu 11. It It uiirallmr. Ita hllovilijr ro tjuire. no argument. It Urclf-ii..unnt',8of.OTii- IiicIuk. TI10 fcea.Vfce.l Tonls nnd Mandrake Pills are tha f.rst two weapons with vrhieli the citadel ot tho ma la J r I a.illi'd. Two tliinla of Hi" ca.ei ot oriulnato In tlr.ti..p9la und it func tloi.allr illfnlcrcl llnr. With llil comlltton tho Pionctilul tubei "ruipHllilo" witli tlm rtoruucli Ttipr reflHind to tliu uiorhlMo action of tho liver. Hero then corner llio ciilnilnatlnK rr.ull, and tho rvltlruj In, witli all lit OljUcs! yniptonia of CONSl'.MPTION. Tho Mandrako PillinToe.imiiii'.Iof ono of Na turu'a untile. I cltts- tlm Podoplillltim I'eltittnm. 'I'liey ihiscs. all tlio bliHMl.reiirt hiim, itlterutivo prupurltea of calomel, but, uuttku calomol, tticy "LKAVK NO TIN(! IiniUXI)." T)io work of euro 1 now tcslntilii--. Tho villa teilitnil mucou4ileM.ltA tu tlm bowel unit hi tlio ullmentary canal uro cjoctcd. Tho liver, llko n clovk. 1 wound up. It nrmiso from IU torpid ity. Tho MoniKrh act rcMninnlvetr, und tho pallcnt bciilnt to feci tliut !iu I EuttiiiK, utlatl, A HITPPI.Y OI-' UOOI) 111,001). Tho Rea.weed Tonic, In conjunction with tho PHI., permeate and u.inill.tle wiiti tho fo.Mt. ClirliUcatlon it now priiureln wltlinut Hi pro Yloua torturea. lilKOtlun become. palnle.A.iind tbo euro la aeon to bo at hand, 'j'licro i iiniunrn tl'tulence, no exacerbation of tliu etuuiach. An uplietlto acta In. Now come tho crcntcntnt.'Od Purldor ever yet Flron by nil Induuent fattier 13 aurerln mini, schetick't Pulmonic Myrupconie in in perform Ita function and to hasten nnd complcto tho cure. It entora at one.) upon lt worlt. Naturo nn not bo ckeatcd. It collect, and rlpcna tlm Impaired nnd tlli.ea.ei1 urtlon of tho lunc. Initio lonnof Bithi rlnirs. It prepare them for eipectonttlnn, und lot In 11 very idinrt tlmo tlio luaUdy 1 vanquliihed, tlio rolteii throno that It occupied t renovated and luaOo now, und tho patient, In nil tlm illfnllr of reualncd vlt'or. slep. forth t'j enjoy tho tuanhood or k-oui.inliAi. that vaa CJIVK.V l l Mi I.OsST. Tho second thins is, the iatletit mut stay In a warm room t nil! ther i:et well 1 it I aleio-t Ini Mjinlblo to pruvent taking cold when tho lunjM uro, tiut It mil. t ho prevented or it cuio can not bo cHectcd. Prc'li air und ritllntr out. eipcilally In thla tcctlou of tho country, in tho fall and winter ennii. are ml wrong l'liyil ctana who reciimnieud that ouir.j Iomj their pa tient, If their lung; uro badly tlirea.edt unit yet, Ltiev nro in tlio liou.o thev niilnt llt rltdown quiet t they mu-twalk nlmtit tlio room. h much ami utiutun tho i-lrt ncth win br. t'i cot upftKona iirfumiion 01 uik. i o n; Tbo patient to nt well. TtiirJ mtit a Kreat Ueul tu d wrklli Uiu u,i,.u Ilia at MCI lat tllf ari-att IMllnt t(t Ultln. ttOMlbllltr In llio worst c.ic iMlnlv In htl ntliMr. ll lltiful- I 10 nespair ui curu uiivr ruin vvmfnco fti in and iniinil cor Dr. hiliL'tu'lk's lMr- r.tnaf lUtouient tu tho Fuculty ut ItU own curu wjiji in iiiepo inwcii worm. "Many yenr uuru 1 nan in tho In?t rtjicoi of ooniuniptlun: contlntfj to my ninl itt .no time my phyr-ldans tlioueht tlmt 1 ifiiiM tint liv.i a week i then, llko u clruwnlitti' man tutthinK at M raws, I heart! f nnj ilitatml tho prefaruttunB which I now t.flt'r to tht imbllc, ami they mm In ii iHTfect euro of mo. It nt-vnittt to mo that 1 could feel them tHMictratu my wliohi t-ju-ni. They toon rt(eiif4 tho inattor In inylunm, anil 1 wuuld pit up nioro ttiitii h pint of uUerwlvo yellow matter rrcry mornlnk' fur a lone tlmo. A loon u that tK'k'n to iiihiIOo, my cfiujzh, fyver, pAlns. and ntitht nwoutiill bfifun lolcaru lue.ani! ray apr'tito heniino cocrcnt that It wa with difficulty that 1 could kovp irom t-atlritf tf- mucn. i soon kuihimi iuj tiieiifVin, mm uavn Krown in Heli cTcr itnco. "1 wa welched nhortly nffr mr rrcovory." nddfsl tho Doctor. tliou luukliiK llko a men) hketotnni my woltfht vui only ninety .even I)undi my nri'Aeitt wulWit fa twoliumlri) and twenty-tiro ('."ii) fiouihl, nixt fur j earn 1 h.ivu ou Jined iinlnterruptisl liealth." Ir. Schi'nck hu tH.-cmtlnue-l hU prufrMlonal visit tn Now-Vork and Itotoit. I hi or III mjii, Dr. J. II. clic:i('k, Jr., tlll rontlntio to i-cu pa. tUntn at their nfTtco, .No. li North Mitl. Mrtt-f, l'hlladelphla.overy Saturday from U.t.M.tti3 p.m. ThoMt who wtiih u thurouk'li I'xumtnathtii with tho Henptrotnctcr will he chur'c-l Ji. Tliolhs pt remoter declaro thp emct itindttiotj of tho lutib., and patient caii ruudlly Kuril whether thf y uro curublo or not. 'J ho illrectlons for t.iklnc tho medicines aro adapted to tho liitt'lllu'onc-t uven of u rhtld. l't.! low theo direction, und kind Nutury will do tlsu ret,eiceptlna lhattn ttomo cane this Maudruki) 111U nrt to bo taken In Increaneit d(iet tbu three medicine ueod no other inciiniimnlineriH than Ibo utnplo lntructloni that accompany tln'in ; Flnt crealu appetlto. Ot returnlm; lit'iilth, hunticr li tho most wctcomn Hjinptoni. When It cutiien. a It will cotm', let lite denpalr Injr nt our., bo of uooI cheer (iood blool at onco folIi'M. tho coiitfh louden, tho nlttht we;tt u abated. In u short tlmo both of the so morbid yymptom an Kono forever. Dr. p'ClifMickV medicine nro contftntly kept In tt'ii of thouantU of fumlUe. A a laxutlvo f.r puriiatlvf,tlieMaiidraku rilUaroarvtandard pre pu rut lun i whllo tho ruliuonlo Hyrup, tw u euro ot cum:h unil, iiiaf bo legardt-il a it iim- piiiac(crio Hgaiusi couiuuipuoii m tiny 01 lis loriii. onus, I'rlco of llio I'titniorila Kvrtiti nml Sa.tveiHl Tonic, IA3u bottle, or itM 11 half Uoico. .Mull, tlptko I' cents u box. Poraalo by ull tlruu "t and dealers. IIOI'SK .movim;. IIOI'SK MOVIXC. .lAlES KENNEDY, I'lltl'TK'H. IIOI'SB MOVBIt AXI) MM l 1 reparcd to do nil kind of HOUSE MOVINO, HOUSE ItAISINO SMI HKi'AIHIXII OP F.VKHV llllsdltl PTIOX us mr. ko-T ui'.t.oSAi t r tii.m. 0III1KIIS h it at the residence 1. 1 Mr. Kennedy. 011 Center street, next door to Ihti new school ho se, i r ml. Ires. t d to the cure of P, O. Ilox I IU nrllic Hulletin oillci., will icceivi. prompt alien lion. MINIUM). BI.N'DIXfiniid ruling ilnne in n llr.t-i'las lining tier In the lliilleiin hlnilery. Tin depart ment ! complete, and now fu ly top'.ir I for all kind of woilc In the landing line. THE CAIRO .nUU.KTlN; Wct'Lly IMilliiti, JS 1 1 1 cheapest p t.r pnhli.heil In lln ttn nf Illinois, and should 1 1 and 111 eeiy fuiuily in "Kgypt." It 1 ollered at tho cij Ida piicool" ONK POLLAIt l'BIt AX.VXI'M. The llnllcllii will"tle llio rtn ;i l" of the democialie pail, nni I 'I'"' ."a1oiiI) I; inlu " into tlie orgHiiliuliiin the eiii,,iiiiisni win. I m the "ohlen tlmo" o "fit 11 ''n' the xoverni 1 into its hands. All Ihn lali l lie a of the tlnyi A caielully piepired ngni'iillninl column , The new of Southern Illinois , The fieshi sl market report 1 Au'l tnerMhlnn Intel iwilut! W II lt Mind In lh" ('uro Weekly il,.llrtui, l.f iiy peisoiliilt'reli'd In the WelUto ul hull net l'ilioiIiuiini HLortu exieiei ir.e cucnivioii 01 the llnllrllii, t I'll VSICIA.N.S' A. WADfiY.MAH, M. IL, 1!iV",(i.1'VS'.tur,,''on nnd Accoiiheur, formerly ....w.niil x. ' ,,'n."m r''nty, llllnol. has per nianenlly located n tain. Otllte-Commerclal -venee, hetweeu K,Khlh aud Ninth .troet." West marly C. V. Dl'NNINO, M. lT JjESIlJENCK-corner Ninth and Walnut .1. V onice coiner fclxth atreet and Ohio levee Uttice hours from 0 a.m. to W m., and ti p.m. WILLIAM 11. SMITH, M. I). JjESIIir.NCE No. Ul Thirteenth .trust. In-. V tween Washington avenue, and Walnut street, ottice IM Commercial avenue, up atalr. U. WAUDXKlt, M. 1). 1)KSIuKNCK-'orner Nineteenth tret ami L Washington avenue, Cairo. Ottice on Com. m.rcUl uvenue, over postolflfe. Dltlce hours from in a.m. to to l in., (Sunday excepted,) it'i iruui 6 tu ji.iii, i.avyi:hs. ALLKX, MI.'LKHY ,t WIIKKLKH, ATTOHNKYS AMI COl'XSKLOHS AT LAW, William .I.Allen, ) John II. Mulkey, . Samuel P.Wheeler.) CAIIto, U.LINOIrt. 0Prtlcular attention paid to river nnd ad miralty bii'lncai). OFFICK I'.OOMS 7 A Nil 8 WINTKIl's 1IL0CK. -SltKBaV tt (JILHHHT, ATTOHNKYS AMI COUNSKLOHS AT LAW, William H.fireen, ) William it liilhert, -Mile K.dilbcrt, J CAIIIO, 1LUN0II4. i)-Speels attention given to Admiralty aud ..I'-itlllinjut oil-in,.. OFFK'K- -01110 : I'lTV .KVKK, KOOMt 7 AND d OVKH NATIONAL HAVK. IIOIIKN. V. V, 3 .- r 7! a - U Jl VJ X. V. J. fi I. AMI. LAND I'OHTIIE LANDLESS rioMBS FOK TUB IIOMLBSS OXI.V li'5 PKIt ACItK l''OU ACTUAL SETTLEHS. Tiki: tiii: cm. or r ir. LP.AVKNWOItTII, LAWItK.VCK AXI) OALYES TO.V It. K, I. INK Krotn Law renceand K.tua City and vi'it the cel. ehriite.l (. ago country, TiiF.OAitur.N Slop of Kaxsas. anriiik 3m I III'MIIIY AMI .MAC1IIMC NIIOl. 1.& K. 0HBBXWAL1). KOrXDHY AND M ACIl 1XB SHOP ST BAM BXIMXBS, liOILBHS, CoppKii aniiShkkt Iitov Work. No. 2-18 East IVarl Street, (IIXCIN.VATI, OHIO. It.lll.UOAON. Sl'ltlNOFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTH EASTERN It. K. I hi and after Monday, April 31th, Is'l, lr:tliiwil ruu it iol ows i NDKTIIKItX IHVISKIX. rittiMi uoiso MiiTiirtsr. Mail. K.xpress l.eate Virginui ih.iii p.m. " Spnnulield !';" " :i.(m " " ''ajoitille...-.....l":'i. " I:'.H " Arrive al Puna IX; 1 'i in f.;l7 " TH 1 1 . (101. I NOUTIIWkkT. i;vpie Mall. Leave P.111.1 l:"H',m 3.S11I.III, " 1:1" " .:.''! " Arrive at Sprlrigilfld...c;l.'. " ii " Leate .pliigliilil ''.ii"' " 11:1" " Arrlteiil Vlialnu smA " S:5 ' SOUTHHUX DIVISIDN. TUAI OOISI1 sot'tiiktsr. Leave IMcuovd frUlii m Hl.lo 11.111. ' Flora :-A " - llilu " Arrive ut sl'amictloii:i:.VIp 111 .'.;l'i p.m TIIAlk o.ll Ml SliHTIIWr.T. Leave SluiHiieetown 'IS a.m s.'.'up.m " l'..r 'fM " 7.1"" Arrtv "I Kdgewiio.1 l:SO ' :o ' The .'j: n a in. irin Irom Hdgdiood, inns ''a')' Mouda), Wi due lays mid I'lnl iys, mid ,:,4,' :,.a. tram tnnii S aiitneelown 011 Tucsils, Ihuis. tiara and satiirila. ., ,, . . Conmcuiil Ashland with Jacksonville division of Chicago and Alton It'llnud. Mr, lvtersl.iir, MusiiiiClly.andall iiolnls west. At Spriualleld, kith Chicago and Alton, nml Toledo, Walia.h and "t'."."'r!' Killroud, for HlootuiiiKton, Chlciigii, und all point north, tiorlh wot aii'l we'. , r , , At P.tna with Ind. and S.. I.nul, und llllnol Central llillro.i l lor all point, cu.t, kbiilli and soiltpe'ist. At IMg' with t:iilcsg.i Division Illinois Central lUllro.ol. At Klor.t, with Ohio d Mississippi H.ulroad. At Shaw neetiiA 11, with teamhoui fur Cluolli II ill, Padlloah,C.tllo undSt. I.011I. OKI. AN I) SMITH, tleu'lHiip't. J'lllN KoQJITr.den'l Kr't und Ticket Ag'l. AVOID QUACKS. A victim nf earlv ludueretion. chUKinic notiou -l..k.lld i.r.i .1........ ..... l.utiit... tn .. -, ,i.,ii.i remedv. naa tlUcovercd ll I Hi,,,iim.ftu. tifuelf cure, whleli tin will s.uil for i,, iiovt.slilh'rers. kddress, J. tl.TUTTLK, I nwHu 1aaall t.,VtwMotW. (jnoc'Knir.s ami dry ooodh. WILLIAM KLL'OB, rrtir in FAMILY GROCERIES, I)V-U001)S, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS A.VI CAPS, F.TC, Ha Ht received .1 heavy stock of Hoot in 1 snoe, lio.icryann nouons, FOHSALE KOH CASH VERY CHEAP He alo ha a fine stiK-k of Kninlly flrecerie of every kind. COHNEll SIXTH-ST. AND CO.MMKH-C1AL-AY., MHO, ILLINOIS. OAS 1 1T1I.US. F. S. MUHHAV, ' GAS AND STIOAM FITTER HAH ItKUOVKD KltOVf PKItHY IIOI'SK TO THE liUICK I1U1LD1N0 ox SEVENTH ST. Ol'I'0ITF. WIXTKIt'ft IILOCK, CAIUO, ILLINOIS. II K ha greatly Improved his slock, and hat . now on ha.i.l all kinds of CIIAXUF.I.IF.HS, PF.NliF.NTS, tll.OHKS, lir.ACKKTS), HALL I.HIHTS, SIIAKKS ETC. 1IK HAS MAHKKD DOWN l'RIOES To the lowest living figures, nn.l he Invite the patronage of the put, lie. HUTClIi.ltM. TUB I'KOI'LB'S MBAT MAHKKT 4'iian. ;.vvi:it a .. PaoiiiirToi;'. KKKP conslniitly on hand Ihn U.l nf beet, pork, mutton, veal, lamb, sausage, pudding, etc. white lard ill any quantity, cornel beef, et.'.nlit.iy on hand. Order nriiMitillv tilled, and satlf.iction warran- tiM". fehitf JAMBS KV.VASTO.V, lliili lier mill lleuler In nil KImiIh I'retli Mriil, COUSIK .N'lNr.TllNTII AM) P.irtVtt StUEl.T. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. BUYS and slaughters only tlio very lot cattle, hoc nnd heep, and I prepared to till any ileinanu for fresh uicaw from one pound to ten thousand oiind. tloeiutf FA1NTK11. CARL L. TIIO.MAS, la prepared lo do all kind of plain aud orn' mental PAINTING, KALSOMININO, VAl'Elt HANOINU hldX W Kil l NO, F.TC, At figurea which defy all competion, and in th. highest stylo tf the painter art. SHOI IN THE PERKY HOUSE, COltXEIl OF COMMERCIAL AVEXUK AND KItlimr STREET. HKAL. KSTATK AUEXT. U. WINSTON k CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS AMI AUCTION ERS, 71 (SECOXII Fl.OOttJ OHIO LF.VEr, CAIItO, ILLS., Buy ani Ski.i. Hkai. Estate, PAY TAXKS, FURNISH AllSTRACTS OK TITLES And prepare Conveyances of Kind. NAl.OO.tN. HI LLIARD SALOON AXD HAH HOO.M. JOIIfV i.ATUS, I'roprlelor. li.''. (Vimmereial Avenue, CAIItO, ILLINOIS. B1I.I.IA11U s.iloou furnished kith the h.s.1 of table! and supplied kith wine, liquur and elgHrs of the linest brand. BXCBLSIOU SALOON, Corner of Washington Aieniio nnd Koiirteeuth Slleet. I'. l!..A.lii:MtKIU.. 1'iiiiirl. lor. ."HI'.ll HI.ANKKNIirKtVS -aloon I newly lit. ' ted 1111. and In the int elegant style. It I supplied kith the tlnet kines, liquors, beer, ai. f:nrs, etc , iht can I1 found in the city. Do not nrgel tin. place, corner of Washington aenu amil'miilct 11th street. VlTAd BRA LP'S S -A. 3VT I3 L 23 BOOMS, Cur-. I'oiirteeiitli Nl. mitl Com. uiert'liil A valine.. .M'l'.liKHAI.D'S Hnninle llnnm i in..t.i J. with pure. Import! d wine, liquors, n... n, iir.ruseti Iftilll inc in nrit)ia I Vie. Thl'IO I no heller men I In Slnull.. em Illinois, Hud none heller stocked. Call and tost the various hrand ol wines and liquors, JOHN UYLANIVS SALOON, onier Teiillt Nlicel it ml t'witliiif rell. A veil lie. niTKItlOU liquor., beer, ule. ete., and flagrant O llaviinai nlwaya on Pand. Those desiring de iiihtlulhkverages shoulj not lad to call and enjoy int'iii. At tneir wauta is in itv alienor 10 m a man tier that will warrant n return All hia liquor, k Hit's it". I cigar, havo hem selected with grrat late and critical taste. PMIHT1SU. BOOKS, pamphlets, hrlela, ctl(jgu. utw., tas, lists, and every lailaty of elUo aim printing contracted for, and prorayily tsd spve.nly exHiiilt.1, In th Bulletin tstvlk, ,jh, nevtsps.peri.iid binding esttMiahinent.