Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, THURSDAY, JUNE 22, 1871. 01, OSK A VINCENT, nwvWHAL COALMISSION MKKUHANTiJ, ash DBAIBES I3ST LIME ClCMRXr, lLAfTKR IAlll., An I LA ST CINCH'S If A I It, Corner Wcl'll' Strrvl iiikI Ohio I.'t. OA I ItO, IM- MILLIllt PAKKKlf, GENERAL COM 31 1 SSI ON an. FOinVAJDlNO MKIH'IIANTS, AMI DEALKKS IX FLOUR, CORN. Oa(s, Jlny, ol.c. CB Ohio I-evkk, CAlltO, I U.S. JOHN ii.ThillisT (Successor to Parker I'hllhs.) GENERAL C03I3IJSSION ASK FORWARDING .M F.ROHANT, A.D DEALKR IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Area), Bran, Cor. TEXTILST. and OHIO LEVEE, CAIRO, ILL. .1. M. PHILLIP? k CO., (Successors to T. It. lUndricks A Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANT? ANI' VVHA.KF-HOAT PltOlMUKTORS, cm no, ill. V3JSl,l.ileral AllVSIIte. made """leCSlff CnigmneHls. it" Are prepared to receive, store nuil forward Ircights to all lul and liuj atid fell nn eomnilsslon. aMrlimlnem attended In promptly. WOOD, (sunesr tl A)crs A d ) FLOUR General Commission Merchant moini) LEV EE Cairo, Illinois. INTOLERANCE. This is not llio lioatctl ngo of toler nnoo nliout wliieli (lie jioptri linvo nung ntnl llio lolilic'il LTlji:tii3 linvc talked with fn iiiiicIi fervor; ntitl even hero in Atiicricn, vtltero tlto tcotilu ittijoy mora freedom than in tiny other country in the worltl.tliecilioii in his iiuliridual re lations with his follow man exhibits too often the Miirit of intolerance wlibli in the time oi dominant despotism made might right and compelled dissent to aut the hypocrite and whisper its objec tions in secret. This spiiit, we regret to tiy, is as clearly tlolinctl in the body of the christian denominations as else where in America ; and, if it were not modified by the checks and balances of greatly diversified opinions, would cre ate new massacres of Ilartholemow and iiiriiiiigs and hangings for opinion's :ike. Take, for instance, the case of the :ite Mr. Vallaiidigham, who was the on of a picsbyteriaii minNtcr, and, until intolerance drove him from the church n steadfast member of that sect christians. After the late broke out the congroga- whicii he was n of war tion in worshipper took the loyal shoot and ho and his family were driven from it by the intolerance and proscription of his fellow-Christian!, who had not learned how few hare 1 that political opinion should be as free as the wind. Men with whom he had bowed at the altar of God, "whose mercy endureth forov- cr" who is the author of freedom and the creator of mind that should not be fettered curse! him; nud women, with whom he had broken the bread of the sacrament, hiss:cd and would hare hung him with as niuch malicious pleas ure as was felt by tho .lews when they consummated the great crime of his tory. And oren while they thus en tertained impulses that the devil, even if he is ns black as he is painted, fdiould be ashamed to allow n place in his time-immemorial-hardened heart, they plumed themselves on the sanctity of their lives. Most of them beliered that through death they would pass to psalm-singing immortality and indolent loafing about the corners of the ''new city," while Vallaiidigham, because he did not belive what they be lieved and icoifM quote the treasonable words which the angels sang on a mem orable occasion about " peace on earth 'ami good will to men," would inevita bly jump from life into the profoundest depths of the bottomless pit, where ho would roast for ever and ever, gnashing his teeth and cursing the stubborness fPIJ P 13 I T I I i?rm XT XII Li DUJj1jJ2jJ.11. Thckmuv Mokniko, Jink i!'J, 1H71. JOHN H, OBERLY, Euithu ami Pihumii u. Tint or tur Duly lli-Lirm: Suliteription.) One nut, Lj carrier 2u Or, month, by mbII 7.1 TUm month, -a, Six months i -y, On )esr, h III Tit 4ml juiperof Alr-tnmler nvntu un-l nf tl,r rilu of unmi; Hit onttivirat,li.iliiUiQuthern I Hi nun': awUi.a-mU jtniiml; smiuV, but fnirUu; nut joaoi on alt uAjtUt of iithnml to the j.i.U,r ; n'talnreeaifttHeieatli)0 areUtiun, tl,r lliilU luiulnu tkii,atmnanot infIiif rmirrt inW mltrjirwnq (,mm wen. THE DOLLAR WKKKLY lU'LLKTIN. John II. OUily A Co. Mu reduced tlio hdI. Kriumn uf ,in ;.iiy l!jr ittitlotiit li Vt IWar jr nmm, umliinjj 't itip -liCii.ri-t -IpuUiiliHl inSomhorn IIIidoik. Rhi.t Haiiti: and his imitators John Ray and a thousand others, uie becoming too much for public eudur uce. Rrct hn vsatilitr which is the ttUtWwlW jTorve hi- reputation, but John and tho otlw Mlws have no good quality to save tlu.,,, from the defe". Poker Plat ! d.,.,1. u be enduit-d in very small doses- "fD C"j-Vt-J ; I'Ut a, steady diet taey won't do. The , ; position oi the democrat ,f tl.( yuD PW'Mt. of Alexander e.mntv railroad question , plewure. We w.ll have difficulty in - ,Dj5 lr!-"'' U'llovo that H luruu -jiu oi men, are opposed to the con "ruction of ,ie Cttlr( BI1(1 Vincennes ro''1 but such is the fact-a fact that " MWrtl, HMonishmet.t. Democrats . . iW I'tOBtcwive men of tll0 day in 'country. Theyureleadingthena. rtc.n.i t"iW duI,iirl,,r0 towards true ; f and are the ,o.-t ,,,e .untry , , 'mi. al ndnunis.ra.ion . sum, ! I the t.roner mail iwm.... 11 7 i ui ucinocrath to nzt? "e surmistid if we were to hear ,. .1... 1 ul " 1 , . inesc misled democrats, , (llc faw of (w ,f of their party, had 0,)Il0,j tli0 bnilllit of woewwy Bw kC.h0f) k fact, their oppo,i,i0 to tl.o building of now chjuche. wouJd not ,a()ro ,,mn jolut, sud the uemoraliitiiiu ..ffiii-u r.... doialution ol radicalism are becomim. viklble even ir, the raukH of the democ- tcy, that compelled him to refuse to become a republican and cry for blood and a wlnde forc.-t ol sour apple trees on which to bang tho people of the nouth. Of course, the urand defect of intol erance, which has yet so strong a held upon the public mind, is not the nsiili of christian civilization, but exists in spite of it is. we are almo.-t compelled to believe, a part id' tho elmraclerof man that can neither be washed away nor eoveied up. Infidels in power aie in tolerant, ilo.'lructivo and blond-thirsty. Tlier cut off the heads of men who be lieve in ChrM. profane the sacred fanes of the christian religion and brandish (lie dagger of the assassin in one baud while thov hold aloft in the other the ti.ich of the incendiary. T hey worship the (ioddc.s of Reason in the per sun of a bawd, and pervert com munism into slaii'diter. In truth toleraiue is a plant ol slow growth. I finds to day its mo.-t perfect develop incut in the teachings of the democratic party of America. "I'rce speech free 'press fiee opinion" are-hibboleth o the democracy, and have found in the ranks of the oiu'unization their most aHiant champions. Democrats teac the policy of the catholicity of free oiniiiiiii mat ttie i'ii:iit to entertain any opinion is inheieut in all men general universal, and that all men without fear and in perfect safety should have the right to give expres siuii to their opinions. When this doe trine shall have been accepted, by till men in fact as well as theory, tho days of that intolerance which now teaches thut the advocates of anr doctrine have the light, if they have the power to put down, ostracise and crush out the advocates of any other doctrine lelig iou, political or moralwill have been numbered and tho I'topia of human nocriy ieah.eil. .WDREOmNSOiV. it S V1KWS0K VA MjANPIGHAM'S l'IAT.F0KM. hi: still has vaitii t.v tiik I'Kori.K WHAT UK THINK? 01 SIIK11MAN. Cbrrttporulcnee Cincinnati Oimmtrriat. lvXOXrit.LK. Mnv 28. 1871 Tim mini- tion was nsked of -Mr. .lolinsoti what ho tlioueht of llio Vallnndiglinm dopartur. "1 haven't rend llio cntiro plutfortn," re plied hnj "but from what I hear of It tlioro nro tomo sctisiblo poinU In It. Hut wo must not depart too much. .So to jpenk, thero Is n much dnnccr in ccttine too fxr nway n In ttnyine loo near. Thoro nro mldillo ground, wfilch it Is tliobest policy to occupy. Tlio trouble I, thai some of our party want to nccopt too much, nnd otlicrs don't wnnt nnytliing. It should not ho tlio policy of llio domocrncy to threaten to mo forco ngultmt tlio reconstruction nets or ncainst tho recent nmendmentr. Thuro is it lawful nnd constitutlonnl reme dy for every ill. Our party is a pnrty of pi'iice,of law, of order. 'W o want no vio lent measure'. In my opinion the lettor of Frank IJIalr to llrondliend, nt tho cvo of tlio lust presidential enmpnigu, did n great deiil of hnrm. "Why? iicciiuso It was so written ns to ho construed Into n tlirent that, in cneo tho democracy enme to power, they would uso forco against the re construction acts. Now, wo should not to renten force, nornnythlngllko it. There is a pcaccnblo remedy, nnd that remedy Is In convincing the pcoplo that tho Inst two amendments to tho constitution and tlu reconstruction nets nro wronp. It Is within tlio provlnco of tho pcoplo to alter ttieso things tr they will. Tho truo policy is to accept nil theso things as accomplished facts, hut nt the tame tinio lenvo ourselves frco to hercaftor uruo their abrogation nt tho bar of reason and justice 1 rinvo nlwnys had grcnt laitli In llio goou fenfo nnu inietiigeuco oi the American pooplo. "Wo must appeal to them to remedy theso evils, but do It In a Inwful nnd constitutional war. An other amendment can bo adopted that will do away with tho evils of the Inst two. I Intro no limn in a roinouy inrougu uie courts. It must he done nt tho bar of the fieop'.o. Thercforo 1 look for a remedy n tlio future, nnd 1 nm not going to say, and no other democrat should say, that ho nccopts tho reconstruction measures nnu amendments ai flnnlitiw, and that no at tempt will bo mndo in tho futuro to get rid of Ihom in a Inwful and peaccnblu man ner. We should not commit on raelvcs to anr such absurd doctrines. AVc should boldly proclaim that wo nccopt these amendments nnd acts as tho law of tho laud now, but that wo will hereafter use, erery honorable moans to convince tho people that they should bo abrogated nnd re pealed. If tho pcoplo will not do it, then of course it cannot bo done. Hut for us to say that wo will forever elou our lips gainst these iniquities is u u nonsense. I nsked Mr.Jolinsou what ho thouehtof ten. Sherman ns a democratic nominee for tho presidency. ".Sherman," said ho, "if a smart man nnd a shrewd man. There is nn doubt but what ho is looking forward to the presidency, and if ho can't got it from ono nartv. ho intends to from tlio other. lit is not very particular about parties. In courso of time ho expecto to io prcsideir, but hois in no particular hurry about it. Ills chief aim now is not to lo.'i: his popu larity, nnd to be ready when the golden moment conii?. Ho is u military man, nnd don't caro much about parties. He is a good ileal us tirant was utter tlio cioe ot tho war. That littlu follow had quitu a notion of going with tho democracy tor a while.' "Ho was formerly a democrat, w.n he not' Xo he wasn't un vtliiiitr. He didn t have sense-enough. Ho ha'" got no head of his own. Slu'ruian is tts'muuh smarter man than ho n you can imagine, rre qucntly they have both come in to seo me on iitifiiic-f. tirant aiwavs sioou uacu and let Shurmau do tlio talkilif. I ho lit tle follow full his inferiority, took tv back seat, and let .Sherman transact the business-. .Sherman is it man, while tirant is nothing. ) c, sir, he is just nothing. "Hut tho riiublica8 will bo apt to re- nomlmtte him, don't yon think'."' "Appearances indicate that they will. "Tlier have eot him and seem inclined to hold on to him.'' "No,' replied Mr. Johnson ; "ho hm uot them. They can't get rid of him. Ho is in and intend' to remain in. Ho has eot tho putronago and that imfniiious Ku- I'l. ... , ill I ...1. I.!... MM.... I.'.. iviux oiu io pueh nun. t iinv ih-ivhi law is it damnable infamy. Twenty years o it would have, shocked the American people like electricity." FOUNIUIV ANt AtAOIIIBTK HUOP. I. & K. GllHHNWALD. P0UND11Y AND MAC1IINK SHOP STEAM ENGINES, BOILERS, C'ori'KK AND SllKKT IltON "WonK. No. 248 East Pearl Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. WATtiHHAKKR. PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER. j i. jToupt, NO. U.O WASHINGTON A V EN UK, t'A I IIO, ILLINOIS, ltn ou linuil A PINE STOCK OP WATCHES, CLOCKS, .IKWKL11Y, KTC. I'Krtlciilnr Attenllun given to KKPAIUINO FINK WATCH KS. Tlin Inrciit stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES to Tiir nn. WINEM AN It I.IUUOIU. WM. H. SCH UTTER, Importer anil Wliolnutlc Ilrnlrr In WINES, LIQUORS, AMI TOBACCO & CIG-ABS. AkhiI fr Hm Im-'I lirsn l of CREAM ANI) STOCK ALE, MI Illlrlol Alot or Dlirrrrnf Hindu. 7") Ohio Lkvkh, tr CAIHO, ILLINOIS. P. M . ST Of KPLETH, h i i i -"hi iMiii.1 i sriK si i rtn Itorliryor ami AVholcsiiIc liair In I'or.-lun anil lliiinrHtlc LIQUORS, WINKS, ETC. No. 7S Ohio Lkvkk, Hi ionrin n Hijitk, CMIIO, n.MMItS. 11 II I.K'i nn html rnnnnnlly a full U': (if H hm KPiituoKy noiirn m. u' nn.i .Mniiniir.i licla Whlskii-s, Ficiii'li IIihihIic! mine mill Oillinrnia vinr-. 1 1 l 1 141 1' I (illl, li.;ii IIA.VKK. FIRST NATIONAL RANK O I' A I ItO. IAMi:i. IIDHli, 1'rc.l.linl ; IIOnr.RT W. MII.LKR, Vlcc l'rc-l.l.'tit! f:. N. IIIKUIRM, chiller. COLLKCTIONS l'KOMI'TLY MADK. I.tXCIIAMin, "iin, 1 .n i , V. nnU" nti.l I'ndi'd lj Sl.'lll"" SITIiritil" Ulllgllt Mlill Slllll. (HIT KXTKHPHI8K. LEGAL ENTERPRISE. $100,000 GIFT FESTIVAL, In alii of a Public Mbrnry, AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA. OA1.Y 00,000 TICKF.TB IN AI.I.. June"3u7i871. Tlrkei, Two polltra lUrh-Hnl vtn Una "BUT EUCU. B-Tliln enlcrprlur will lie conductnl In a pri clsoly (.imllnr rnnimjr to that of the ld- Omul f lit Concert .of the Mercantile Mbr.ry Assocla. .ViV.'f ".. which rbto such uturersm One Chance In Kvcry Thlrtr-KlslK. i i jsii mil.. 1 Oimli tlin.. f - I. (tin Vllltil tllllMMIMIMIMOIMIHIII ! i i in tun.! inniiiiani:k W. u Monnir, II. II. J'ANIiKK NotAry Public. No. Pub. wl U. Hi Com. FIHK, HULL, OAHOO, hIVK STOCK, vuiUIWl, JilFK, IlTSTrie,A.3Sr03I3! f , 1B.IMJ lii,(m0 a.ono 'J.CIO I.UJO l.KS) l.KHI 1.IMIO l.lW 1,101 l,l I .one 1,1100 a.fioo Vf.lniO 2,) .1.KIU V.MIO 1 0,1 II J f.OI) 2.110 Cfifls, mnountlriK to I(ii,iiiO Wlilcliwi bfl il ulriljiited lir clmnci, amnnis llio ticket lioliler, by tlio Mutiml AI.I Annovlitinn ol vinniin M. It. Ilrock. U.St. Mrlinl' nfflrn. Unmlm: K'lirnr .ulirmkln. Uto tlninn IWillc ILall rnml ci!W, (liiiulm; J. Turiirr, Deputy U. H. Mar- sni, ,iiiiiiii, j. uujir. roMoront, ummn, .eli, uilirn A. 1.. lurrcy. .Mitunolift. 111". (lomi rraioniije HKcnia wanlml. I.llieral coin mission kIIowciI. hnrfull partlcuturii add res., Omaha, Nebruka: 1 Cnali (litt. 1 Cauli (Illl. 1 (lift. 1 Cash t'lft. t Cnsli din 1 llii'li (lift.. i t'n-ii uirt i r.H'h din I C.i.ll (lilt 1 Cash Oifl I cu-ti inn.... IS Cnnti (l.flii, eai'h.... to i.mhii uina, mi eacn VH (llfis. Km tacli ! Cash ( llfti. ,VI ,.AUi lio Cash (Illl., :in eai.'li 10l Va-h (lilt., 2.1 eacli loiOCAn(liriK, 10 eacli 1() Cu-li (liftH, 0 each .KTNA, IIAHTPOItn, V; V, NORTH AMKIUCA, 1'A., 1 2,70,(11111 in IIAIITFOIIII, CONN, Aaft 2.MI.SIII ; I'IKKNIX, IIAIlTKOItll, l.Tsl.lH fO INTKItNATIONA L, N. V., An el. , Aet. Ancl.. Ael AsIk.., AmclH. I'm l Aset. IIOVAK MOVING. Anti. PUTNAM, IIARTFOIIK, 7IK),1 I'l (II.KVKI.ANII, OLKVKLANIl, iM,i;7't fk HOME, COLUMIIUH, AMf.KIOAN OKNTItAI, MO., i.'iTi CI HOUSE MOVING. JAAIES KENNEDY, riucru'AL HOPSE MOVER ANI) HUILDER N prepareil In ilo all liln.l nf HOUSK MOVING, HOUSK KAISING AMI I'.Ki'AlHINO OK KVKl'.V IiKSI.'llllTION UN Tlir Mil-T HrtSHMIIllE tlUKIi. HIIKItH left at Die reslilencn l Mr. Kci.iicilv. J on Ontcr street, next iloor to tin' new school Imu.e, t.r aililres.eil In the cure nf I. (. Hot 410 ortlie lliillelin otlli c, will recettf prnniit alien iiiin. CONNW.TIfUT Mt'TUAL Atset. . MO.iihi In I.I I K, lO (II TRAVKLKItV, HAin VOItll, LI KK ANIt ACCIDKNT, Assets. 1,vn hi RAILWAY I'AhfiKNOKRSt' ASUKAN('K CO., IIARTKOIIII, A'teta , ..Vimiii (0 1N1KI'KXIIKNT, IIOSTON, Assets, m,HS t SAPP0R1), MORRIS k CAN I) EE, 71 Ohio I. ewe. City National Hank, CAIIU), II.I,. FIIU-: AND MARINE I1TSUBA1TCE Last ('iiaxci:. Tlio time draw near. Meeuro yourtlckcU In tlio lirmid. (lift l euival in aid of n public lllinnv. nt Oinulm lioforo you liavo to tiav u litrtic premium. lti46aid to ho n j-rand sue- i-.vor.VD.Kly It coiilldent it U von. ducted on tlio " Kiinre.' I MAltlllAdi: (iL'lltK. Iiilnrnitt,... "I'i-'U milll I liumnnm. ., ... ' "cinocruth aro uctnar... . . fa'i ' 1'kp. rrico the Luildin- f a r,n "V "l'l'o.i AlHri)jj ,)r lllu. . h. Advurii.uiiiunt 'W.l:i in,. Kvn ic n. MKHIKJIS UUIHll Ul'ITUN OK TIIK WIDOW. MI1S. VALI.A.VIIIOHAM Cltt'hllKII II V TIIK SAI NKW. lli:Tl'ltN 10 II KK IiKMJUTK lloMi: I'KOWliH OK C1TI.KN KVKl'.V IIKAII UK NT AMI UNCOVKAKII. Tho special coach containing Mis.VuI laudiKliam mid friends artivoliit D.ntjii at half-past nine lo-niijlit. Tlioy at once proceeded to .Mr, Viillandiliam's Into res idence. A ipliuk look at the countenance of tho dUtreud woiiihii, who in tlio last few days had sulleted a Icrrilde double nhoek in tlio death of both brother ami husband, told tlio sad story of her deco an guish. Careworn from tlio fatigue a ol f.iiitinuou Journey, independent of tho torrlhlo allliction which had befallen her, no wonder nho failed to bo re-ogui.cJ by familiar and sympathizing friend who woro at tlio depot awating her arrival. Solemnly iior earriago proceeded to tho chamber of death, and u. It wended it way through tlio broad avenues ono could al most lead tho deep, indescribable grief which pervaded tho niaisos. Shu had lel'l her husband in tho full vigor of his man IiuoiIomIv to return nnd find hill) it corpse. Crowds of citizens swarmed about tho gate and doorway, and at tho heartbroken widow alighted from hor carrlago a ecenn of great solemnity ensued. As if by com mon Instinct, every licaU was lioni ami imcnvoriMl. Mrs. Vallandicham pa-sod thrmiL'h llio dense orowd. who by their silence gave vent to their truo feelings. In her piosonl slinltorea eonuiuon oi inlnil nnd hodv. it is scarcely Mirpri.iug that hho nliould havo refused to look ut tho uorpso to-night. Hor friends thought best Unit sue snouiu noi veniuro io ga.u hjiwh iior iliHtliiguisliuil husband s. taco lor nit1 present. fcfriVAIl our news from Paris is Io the etl'eet that the three polilleal tiarties in ! ranee nro eaeli ilolng Its liest to w.n ill tho approaching ntpplementaiy election T hi renuii leans aru waiciiiui, mo Hour bons aro full of hope, and the adherents of tho lloniipiirtes are ny no means in despair Tho military disphiy.ln thoChampdo Mars will roveal tlio sonumonis ot mo armv. nnd It is posslblo that after tho rovlow wo shall bo ablo to writo moro dellnltolv as to what shall bo tho futuro government of . ranee. .M, rulers, meanwhile, .s doing well by tho republic. "Mr. WI.UcoiiU.'H Syrup to their ,1,11 n::',!.1 'nrt"y..H l-le , h Mi. lll. HHIliy ( OtV lit CClLly Ji:.iKVwlw. TttLSTV-I'lVIS CKNIH.. Iiili'icst AlloiH'il on lime lleposlt!. ENTERPRISE SAYINGS iiiirlircil Mari liill, IHUII. . DIMCf IN CITY NATIONAL HANK, CAIKO. urriirus : A. II. S.U'KOIlll, I'resiilent; S S. TAVI.OII, Vice-President ; W. IIV.SI.ol', riecreturv ami Trcnuurfr. MKICIIillS I P. W. lUun.u, Y. M. KmcKiLi-Tii. H. M. (.'I'.NMMIIItM, Cm. (.Auniira, I'll l 0. 8. Mill, W. P. lUlltnAV, J, M. PlIILLII'S, IlwoltN uf niiy Amount llecel vest from i en . 1111. aiiHrii-. 1Ni'Klti:T pulil on li pnltB at Die rate ol all portent, jicr nnniiin, March 1st ami Septem ber 1st. Itilere.l not withdrawn l fvldeil Imtne llstely to Ilia principal of the deposits, thereby K iiik ineili ciinipiiuiiu iiiirn-i... MAHUUI) WOMKN AND CIIILDRKN MAV UKPOSIT MONKV Sll HUT Ml HM'- IUIM HaAW IT. ()neiieeij liiislaess day from u a.m. Io a p.m., and t-atiirday eveniiiK lor HA VIM I IHIPtHlTri only.orr,i, fl ... oVk. w,n,T.fcUffrt " THE CI T Y " NATIONAL BAKTK, CAIUO II.I.I.VOIN. I.KIJAL. l) IN I S'l'R A TO R'HNOT I C C ' Estate of Feutt White, ileccwu-.l. fPUK nndersliiiiel halnulieenaii)iiiteil Ke. I culrlK of tlio la.t'uill nnd (e.iiiineril .if Heoti N lille, late ot the county of Alexander and Mtl.te oi Illinois, iieceaseii, ncreiy Gives nonce inai Hhe will appear l.efnre tlie County Court of Alex, under count., nt thecourt house in Cairn. Ilhn- (.!. at the Anunl term, on thn third Monday in August next, nt which time all pwrsnns Im.lliK claims nualust said estate are notlheJ utiJ reoiieit- eil to attended tor llio purpose of having the same adjusted. All penoni Indehteil Io estate are requested to innko immediate pa) mtlit to the un ilersiKneu. line.) iLls 21st .Uy of June, A. I). 1671. ItOSV WHITE, Kiccutrix of Scott White, decease.!. lirccn II Hlllieit, Attorney. jey-'w't KXKCUTOlt'S NOTIOJi " E.lale of Michael (Unnon, deceased. The nnilorsiimeil liavlnir heen annolnted Ee? utor of the last will ami testaraeut of Michael I ....... Int. .,f Cnllnlw ..r Alutitiflup kml l.t.. ..., ...... ... ...v vun; v, ........ ., ..." .Stale of Illloois, deceased, lierehy Kivea notice that lie win appear neiore uie county court oi Alexander county, at the court house in Cairo, at the .Inly term, on the 3d Monday in July next, I ' which tune all persons liavintr claims avainstaai elate are notified and requested to attend tor the purpose of havlnc the same adjusted. All persons Indebted In said citato are requested to tnaue inimcuiaio payuieni. u. oi- uuiie.siKiiru. Imteu mis Join nay oi may. a. i. i"ii. jelwU JOHN CBOWI.EV, Executor. MASTER'S SALK. Slate ol Illinois. Alexander County, ss. In tin ('in. nil (!ntiri of Alevamler (y.llllltV. fs.oi'iicl ritaals Taylor 'ind Edwin Parsons, i ru. i..... i,i (hi. Cairo CUV I'roitritv. vs.Thoinas II. Kills ntnl Henry U. Elll. Hill to .-nfurcc Ven der's Lien. PuMio nnticoia lierehy uiven that in pursuance ..I t. ,h.,.r..t. ..iit..reil of record ill the nUive euti- cauo In said court on the third day of March, A. Ih Iii7l, I, John (. Jiarnian, .nasier in winn r.trtf.1.1 court, will, on Friday, the 30tli day of June, A. II. 1S71, at the hour of II o'clock a.m. of sod .lay , sell ut public auction to the Highest bidder, lor cash, at ihe door ol the Court House, Intliecny oi i.turo, in a.uii coumy me described re.l estate sltunto in the county nf Alexander and State of Illinois to-wti: Lola numbered (S) eight, () nine, 1"J ten, 111 eleien, B...i ii..1u..i.h ... I.lrwk iimiioered three i.ll in the first BiliMlon to the city of Cairo in the county of Alexanlerniiil niau) oi Illinois, loKiiner aiiinin ami mnuiiUr the tenements and hereditaments thereunto belontjilil'. I A ilee.l of conyeyauce will he exenutod to tho purchaser on the il.iy of "'''' JOl'N (J MAItMAN, Master in Chanel ry. Calm, Ills,, June 7th, 17J. MASTER'S SALE. Blato of Illinois, Alexander County, si. Alexan der Comity Circuit Court. Hatntiel StaatB Taylor and Edwin Parson", Trus tees of Ihe Cairo City Property, vn, Thomas Jl. Kill ami Wlllllam II. Merredith. Hill to en loree Vender's Lien. Public, notlee is hereby slven Hint in pursuance ol adeeree eiitered of record in tho iilwye enti tled cause In said court on the third day of March, A. 1) , 1S71, I, John lj. Harman, Mn.ter la Chan eery for said court, will, on Friday, the :wt h day of June, A. I). Isjl, at the hour of 12 o clock in., ot said .lay sell at public auction to tho lilti'i o.t bidder, lor cash, at ihe door of the Court il,,n.n in (he cltv uf C.Uro. Ill said county the tollowiiiK destrlbed real estate situate In tho county or Aiexanuer anu niaieoi Illinois, ni-wii . l.niu nninbere.l tlie ts six (li) uuil seven (71 in block numbered 'luee (a In the first addition to hi. cltv of Cairo In the county ol Alexander and riute of Illinois, toother with nil and singular the IcrauieniH suu iicreiiiininciiii increiiiiio i.e longing. (Aileed m conveyance will be executed to I Jim purchaser on uie nay oi saie, JOHN (1. HAH l AN, Muster In Chancery. Caiio, Ills,, Juno 71 li. 1I. Ats . As.ela. Assets KPII'A.MIIS: NIAI1ARA, N. V., (IKRMANIA, N. V., IIANOVKR, N. V., lU'.I'l'III.IO, N. Y., ..11,V,.ilC I.ISJ.,71 ,...7i,S'l2 i (IKNI'.IIAI, AOKNT.N. 1 1 AL LID AY BROTHERS (JKNBKAIj agunts, 'ORWARDIN-l anii L'OMMISSIO M IIItl'IIAXTN. JJUALUKS lis I'liUUli; A II.I As.enls of Ohio Hirer mill Kiuiiiuliii 70 Ohio Levee, l.ll'i: I.N'SI'UAJIt'K. " NTKiiEST-VAYNo" l'LA N. A new anil novel sytem of Life Inursnee ceullv Inlrotllice.l by the 1 1 iciorvi t n i ii iiiiiit i i iii (IF NT. I.OITIN. jiv nil svsirrn. insnrsneei. ii rt. .n., as little cost as by the u.uil plans, and the pvr rent. UMn all the money paid It) hiinto mm as rniinu as a governineni i-onu. The plan has been thorouKhlr crit.r -stl fully Onioned by Ihe most eminent witusi nieniiou many repeeiaitie quarirr. of the Company, NoimiwT const-:!; rot'i.iii amkh n ST. LOUIS, .MO. Acl , Tll.oi', (n Conipriing Ihe Underwriters' Agency. YONKKRK, N. Y., Asset' S7S.IM li ALIIANY CITY, Assets SVI.VH 21 KirkuknV ruMi, . r., Assets tos.l.ii HI hKCHKITY, N. Y. MARIN K, A-ets. .,4Ttri HI CJTORE, IiKellitiK', Kiirniture, Hull, and Cur 13 goes, Insured at rale a ravorable a. permanent security will warrant. ttlllld, I resitectlilllt ask of the flli.tTiH nf Cairo, n share (d theli p.tlrnua(e. f. .1. Ill (lll., (illlce at Firnl National llsuV. t'HUNITUKi:. H. S. HARRELL, DEALER IN FURNITURK (J U KENS WARE, HOUSE KUItNISHINO (lOODS, HAIt FIXTURES, GLASSWARE, 18o & 187 Coimnertiinl Avenue CAIRO, ILLINOIS. IMMIUHAVr TIC'KKTsl. CAPITAL, 1011,000 MASTER'S SALE. Htato of Illinois, Alexander County, ss, Altxauder uniiiiiy uiruini uouri, Hammi t-iiials Taylor and IMwin Parsons, Trils- lees ol the euro city Property vs. l nomas u Ellis, Hill io enforce Vemlor a Lien. Puhlie u itlce Is hreby given that in pursuance Dfa decree entered of record In tho above enti tled c.tu.c in said court on tint third day of March. A. D. 1S7I, I, Jolui(. Illinium, Master in Chan cery mr Mini court, win, on rrnuy, me umii u nf June. ls.l. nt tin. hntirnf 111 o'clock, a.m.. 01 slid day, sell at public unction to tho highest bidder, for cash, at the iti.ur of tho Court House, in llio cltv of Cairo. In said cniintv. tho followijg described roul estate, situiits In the county ot Alexander ami Slate of Illinois, to. Hit I Lots WTUa Alton Ttlfgraph nnd Hollo vlllu Advocate I'nvor tho nomination of lion Wllhird 0. I'lugg, of Madison, as tho candldiito for Oongresimiinat-Lnrgu from Illinois. Aiming other nuincs men tioned for tlio position aro those of ox amount I Governor Oglinby; tleti. Rlnukor, of v,nii , i , iimouiil IJovernor Uglesby, tloti. Rlnukor, of will buy a bottle of Mrs. YhUcomli'. Kvr- Macoupin; S. YV. .Moulton, ofSholby, and UK. Hi.. I .,.1.1 . .. .. I (illirV I' IVrr if (lutn.l,.irt. . . &"' ..lining reiiieay lor nit un-1 ., -. im i'll'lll io liiliinl in i.l .,1,11, .mi i lalll-lt .!... I lira .so uingriiouar in i luiunuion ' . I run uflnr nnd captured a ritnawHV tosm . sy-(T,.Uax list 1 uV tallied to a wuuon loadol Willi Wenecn ilhiiittiiti.u nlirtui btniHoH since hu I Himlslonc, beuRuso ho wanted to tuaVMn Vtiis with Ibu nomueli uclie. u" aoinliiUtrKllon. W. P. HAM.IIIAV, Pieiidenf, A. 11. HAFFOHI), Cashier j WAI.TKR HVfil.OP, A-slslaat Cashier. nillllTOIlil HriTsTAwti llttuniT II. Ccnxikoium, HllITT WlllTI", W. P. llALI.lltAV, (liu. II. Wlltunwei., nt.riu.s man, A, I', n.u luuu, I'.xcliniiKV. Coin mill VultcU Nlnlci lloiul HuitKlit nud Hold. BuVlUlM KKn- KBrM ItAUklUK I uiliihreil seven (7) uud eight (S) in block nuiil tiered tweiiiv.four(il), also all that portion ot lot ! nine (li) in said block nimibered tHcnty-foiir (-1) twelve (l'il leet six (UJ inches wide unit V"l miy feet long abutting and Joining upon said lots num bered seven (71 ami eight (s) together with all the rights of way ami piss.icii to 7th street in tlie city ot Cairo, Illinois, over and upon that portion ol said lot numbered nine (10 lying anil being bo Iwceii that portion of same lot conveyed by coin. piainaill in uciciliiani nun iui nilllinercii teu iu salt block llillliltered tuonly.foiir (i I), lllti portion of lot uuinbeieil nine IIJ conveyed a. uloresalil lwlug formed by a division of said lot longitudi nally and extending from Hevenlh street in said Cily ul Cairo to the soullieastwanlly , line of said lot niimheiod soven (7) nroduced aniithwesterlv till ot aald lands situate in thoclty of Cairo, county of Alexander and State of Illinois, together with nil sad singular Ihe leneiiionla and hereditaments. l,i,a,inli.l.i.l,,,titliW,. f A ilnt.ll III cnilVKVILOCfl Will bu executed to thn purchaser on the day of sale. juiir. i) iAl(MAM,;iaHier in uniineery Cairo, llU.tJiuui 7U1.1K7L INMAN LINE. I.lTerol, New-Vnrk nnd Philadelphia Steamship Company, I'Hilk rn-itKU'T WITH I VITIIi SUTIS AMI SIIITISII UlltlKNMrSTS For Carrying the Mails. FOR PASSAGE TICKETS OU 11'KTIirK IM'IIKKlTIOS APPLY TO .IOIIN O. DALE, Am., l.'n Hroatlway, New VorW, or to II . II II i 1 1 'Jlii Wa.hlngton Ainme, Cairo. Illinois. IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALE, frrH-lo J FOR SALK, FOR SALE.J ForB'InlFOR SALE. Faro from Livkri'ool, Faro from Lonponiikrry, Furo from Olakoow, Faro from Qukkntown TO CAIRO, ; ; : : i i i I $1 8,2 0 Sail old, Morris A Cantlee, Agents. ARTHUR II. IIARRKTT, Preside IIknj. Williams. Srcrttarv. . a, . . j 1 .l.-.ft. ItWtHK1 I II K 1 1 III III1-' ""'i. .saa.i. Life ljinpaiileii. It Kau Aint.lfi'iifiktat 'ittM). It hl ftlal lllllfa- tllHtl f fl(tll It 1) Ut TO r rll liAtilUtii'N inmlilitioj tnXUr cai.tutl. unit iriiiN iirnni i aiaii ii r i nm n iirriiciiiFii hi filil- U ili k1h'V holder. li id.i.ii.rt bw nil v u till I ho iiHtr i:iMrji Il iiiVfnlA tin fundi in lit' Vft. mihhi tioiinln friiin vrhnm th nrt n'rlld liu IliniHHlllirui s i,i" " dent. ftlrcady rnuru tlmti nuttu imt to piy ! IpmM. it i..iwi. n.liisifti nt .nil Ihn orr1inir 1 r mid .lAiininnl i, nm ft I Ifl 4.1 1 Till rHir Rat lllltrr ill cIa-sn roii.inniti Tilt l"tllC) IHiUMT n-f-n nil I'rmii- in ntir.iiidfiid-. , , TIm ctork lioldffK tnii rt-fftTf only tn rni, Ul llllfM-F Wll M-tl "I l..)l-rtT. , 'lliMmiriual lutdtnd Io o1ky ltoldtt m- Into t'xrr U'Oiiftlle to wiy ti. stain i.f llliiinii iihkI fHr nloiH 1 tmllLiii ilnlLirri fnr I Aft I tlilirHnc, llriltimy Ito jirodntnl )tut tn (Jlit-flp v lonnnrc ","0,m" woon a-row. ai.ri.slaw II PARKER & 11LAKE, IIKALKBS IN UIN1IINU. 1JINUIN0 anA ruling done In a Hrst-olass man) jlj ur in ne niiueiin lilwaory. this uew inrntls complete, and now fully erepjrd forull kinds of woili In the binding Hue. WHITE LEAD, ZINC, OILS, "WINDOW GLASS and PUTTY, IIHUSHKC, WALL PAPEll.WINDOW SHADES .I5 OHIO LEVEE, CAIRO, IILINOW. ICE Oltr.A.M NAI.OO.V. LOUIS NASSANO'S . . . . w -a 1 a n k 1 " T lUJ'j UlJ'jil m COMM ERCIA L A VEN U E, III.IHIM'II aetrnirr.i... .. NlrM-m. rnilE HAI.OON has been ban loliuiy titled .1. iin.l will alwa)s supply ine nrsi Ire Cream, Cake, Coufeclolns, Lemonade, ami bo. I a To he fiiillitl nnywliere in llieciiy. ON SHORT NOTICE .f It.n (.1,1,11,. Im MK,e.lfll i. ii.i ..i.i..- ... ..." -. 0f IICII, ItKOTN ANII NIIOI'.). WILLIAM EIILEIIS, Fashlonalilo HOOT ANI) SHOE MAKER, TWENTIETH HTKHHT, litlHeen ivnsiniigion nuinn' i.iei CAIRO, ILLS. Hoots mid Hlmrs Made to Oriler. line Workmen Employed. Satisfaction Wnrranteil, .... unll.llti,l xTre" CITV SHOE ST 1I00J SKIRT FACl'Ult. soir. Aor.vcy roa "BEOLASKI'3" cubtom-maok II O 0 T S ANI) S II 0 E S Commercial JA venue, I'orncr of EIkIiI Ktreel, Cairo, Illinois 1 A ItT II? II LAIl ATI EH II I'Alll 'IOA.1.1. U DEICj FOR HOOl'nKlIITS ANU IjllytW.