Newspaper Page Text
1 mf$ nUettti JOJ'N II. OHBKLY & CO., iimmi. niiiKiTOHY. STATU npi-'icii:i:s. (Joy I i M I'slim 1 1 1,1ft I. i i i-dmi mor, Inl ii I'lii'ii1"''1) 8ci I it I Mate, IMhhM lliiinmel , Anil ..f f!l.,il. I". I. Wii" 'ii' . Htah T in.ur r, K.N. II lis y up Public I ..xt rn.'t (, Ni ulnn II ilwunn. CONORESS.MEN. fietiM' l.ymariTriiiiiliiilliitidJnliii . Login. Itepn i n dlw foi Ilic flnli' nl Vi.imii. j. Hrpn hi I'm- Tlntli i nlli Di.lrct I'llni M, Crcha. W E M I i K 1 tS ( ! K N KK A I. A KS K.M II I, Y. r , tt I intrl t 'I'. A. K. Ilolcomb, of Union, siihIH. K. (llwiu,f (IjIMIii. llepH-.t nl.ilho, 1st Di.trii l-ll. Watson U'i Mi. COUNTY OFFICERS. CIRCUIT COURT. JUJ'O 11. .1. Hiker, of AlrSltldef. Allornry-I. F. 'yiOitlney, of Massac, Circuit C ink Jim. O.. Ilnrni.'in. Uliei II A. II. In In. COUNTY COUIIT. Jmli; -F llross, Aaaoca'e McCrilc and March Mon. Clerk Jacob (I. I.yncli. Corfjiipr tli'iiry (lossman. MUN iCI PAL GOVERN M KNT. Mayor John M. IiSintdcn. Tri-aiiuer J. II. Taylor. Ounplro ler K. A. Ilurttett Clerk Michael llou Icy. Mar.hal An. Iff CUIu. Attorney 1. 11. Pope, Pollco Migislralos F. llron on. I II. Hhan- Uhlifbl Pi.ltcc-L. II. Myers. Police dti.tablos John Hhchaii, (day), and Jos. 11. Vclrriin ami J. W. Hiunncr, (tilnjtl.) SELECT CO UN CI I.. Mayor John M. Eannlcn, First Wanl-P. O.Schuh. tircond W.ird-C. It. soo..rnrit. Tblr.l Wanl-Jno. Voo.. Fourth Ward-S. StaiLs Taylor. Cit) at Iv'ii'' -W. I. HallnUy kiiiI H. Kuril. HOARD OF AI.DKIIMK.V. FIESt WAHD James Ilranlcn, f0 KM), Isaac Walden. UECOND WAKD-lt. ll.tOuiiulnghiin, K. Under, Henry Winter, Jiin Sway no. TEIUD WAP.D-Wm. Btruttoo, Patrick Fltigclald. FOURTH WAltl) Jaiots Corroll, Vi. H.fceasr, J.II.M.I(f.f. Time of Mutiny. irv mi'srii. Tbn City Council mods In joint session on Friday evening pri-cciing the firl Monday of rub Inontli. Mirer cui-ariL. The Belect Council meets on tho Erst Wodnea. tly and Thursday, alter tho fcconl Monday In rub iiKJUtli. uuku or At brums. Tho "Hoard of Aldermen meets on llic hrat Monday in every inontli. COMMITTEES OF Tit S 4--.rtj.NCI L. (HHtri'l' -Messrs. Taylor, Waller. Winter, Wood anil Metcalf. Jroinngt Mi'nnfn.Cunnlngiiim.Sc'liuli, FiUKr. fj.l, t'ta'i! and lUlllilny. CU mi Mer. Wooil, Ciinninhin nn.l Klrb. lU'tt aifl JatlitPWt. Carroll, HililiT find VToo-lwapl lllllllnfts-MlFr. Hi-wn; WaMi rninl I'nyliir. Vtrt A)mi fwoif Mr mii, ltia,it('H1tjwa)iir anil llalll.lay. Nnrktts Mt-aa1a. Hchuti, Winter nn.l Klrli. iViifwy-JIo-rii.Woo Iward, Siayneunil Huder. ytmmet Mraara. llunl, Mrnlton nmi Slclfhll. iWil lltallli'tlio Mayor, ami Mnr. Kcar Jon, Wintfr,Hlralton ami Cm roll. OUU CHUItCHES. I'llEBHYTEUIAN Kijjhlli.atrtf (. Prenclilns, .Sablith at . m ami , r. . I'rajiT int'ftlni,', WriliK-nliy at r. w. Him.lay .School, :i r. m. J. M. I.annlrn, Siior. Inttudent. licv. C. 11. Kooti, l'uilir. ilCTIIODIHT-Ciir. r.whlU ami Walnut Sin. l'rr netting, Hublmth 1( . w,, ami r. x. 1'raycnnictlnK, Weilnndn" 7i r. x. Hunday School ..1 1-. . 1.. V. KtiUcll, Hupcr- InU-ndenl. Iti'r. F. L.TiniMrmN, l'ator. CHUllCH OK TUP ltKIiEKMEIt-lKlili-fopal) MornlitK praycru, fiahtrtth . Krenin praycri 7) i r. m. fjabUlh.Scliool.tiA. . llcr.'Mii. Onv, lirclor. Er. PATKH'K'rt (!IUJUCH-Cor. Ninth hi. ami Wathlngton Avenue. Public burvlce, Bnl.lutlt nml lu'J a, v. Voiporn, 3 r. i. Banday School, t r.u. Bttnlcc OTrry day, 8 r. m. lli'V. P. J, O'IIallhii w, I'rifnt. CnBlSTIAN-EIhli'rnlhtrcet. ire:if.hiiu, HiMmlliloJ'J a. n ami iy,r. m. Uov. J. Fun mi, l'alor. MISSION SUNDAY hCHUOI.-In thf Clirullmi Church, Klghtccnth Wurct. H.ibi.ith KVnool .1 r,n. J. 11, lUi it. Sit in t ii t . IOUNU MK.N'rf CIlllISTIAN ASHOUIATION-Hfg. nlar incflltiK un'Ond Momhy cucli month at tt.o Prayer room of the. I'rcnl.j (criau Church. Weekly Prajer meeting, FrMtyf 7J r. at tho Prayer room of Iho 1'rf.thytcrlan church. ('. I'aiikumi, Preniilcut, APHICAN M. ".. Fourleeiilh ft. betucen Wihiul hdJ Cellar. Hervlee., Bablalh, 11 a, m. Bunday richool, V, I'. Cla H P. M. Preachln, V P. M. Uev. W. II- llmmsj P.istor. BECONI) FUEB-WII,LHAITIST-KilU-fnth HI. between Walnut ami Cedar. Boivicck fJabhulh, 1JJ ami a v. w. llov, N. IIirks.l'aHlor. FRKE-WIM, HAPl'IriT HOME MISMIM rUN HAY SCIIOOI, Corner walnut and Cedar Sts. Hunday Hcltool, l) a. m. rjlthT FKEK Wlbb UAITI9T CllUHClI-Cur-ry's llarracks. . Hoi vices, Hablulh U . m., :i i. ". nl 'ii " Uov. W. Kn-t.iv, Panlor. I-'IRST MISSIONAUY HA1TIST CHUUCII-Uft-woenlOlliamUllli MrceK ntarCedar. PriachlnifHabbalhlO!. Mainl7J P. Prayer Mooting, WmlneHilayovenliiK. PreachiiiK, Friday oveninK. Hat.bathPohoot, 4 I'.'u. John Van lliuler Mary 8thona Hiipeilntendenti;. Hey. T. J. Bnoutii, Pastor, IIAKIIKHS. J. GEO. STKINHOUSK, FASHIONABLE BAltBER, ror. SIIknI. nml ,oiiiiHorelitMtv. aWthurp ltaaors, OU'Clcan Towels an ito:.-"t)ilfiill WcrVintn. v UM'Iadles' and chllilrcn'n hair out and aham prWlthcraUhe Hhop or at Ihelr own homes. eitntlllo rrianiifr. Hatliilactlon giwrauteed. PROPRIETORS. iii:i,miiom'n. HELMBOLD'S H HKLMUOMi'S H IIKI.MIIOI.DH' H UKI.MIIOI.It'M IIKI.MII'tl.It'x GBAPB IPILL. CATAW1IA (IIIAI'K PIMA CATAWIIA OliAI'K 1'II.I.K, CATAW1IA (IIIAI'K I'lI.I. CATAWIIA OliAI'K 1'II.I.K. CATAWIIA OltAI'K 1'II.I.f. CATAWIIA (IIIAI'K 1'II.I.C. CATAWIIA (IIIAI'K riM.". HELMBOLD'S iiki.miioi.iim iiki.mhoi.iVm HKI.MIIOI.Ii'H' f IIKI.MI10I.I)'M lIKLMIIOLIi'h IIKI.M110I.Il' rt EXTRACT S A11S ATA 111 LL A FI.IM!' FLUID KLUIIt FLUID FLUID FLUID FLUID KXTItACT KXTHAI.T KXTIIACT KXTIIACT KXTIIACT KXTIIACT (AK-AI'AIIII.I.A. KAItoAI'AKII.LA. AIt'AIARILLA. MAIt!-AI'AItII.LA. MAniAI'AHII.l.A. HAKKAI'AHII.LA. HAItlAI'AItlLLA. KXTIIACT 1'1'Klt'V Till: III.O(H). lIELMIIOLD'rt FLUID KXTItACT SAIV-AI'A-IltLLA Curea all Eruption-, of the Skin. IIKLMHOLIlV FLUID KXTItACT .Ml!-ArA-KILL A Curci tup wor-t form of I i I rxxl Ineniiot.. IIKLMIIOI.D'h FLUID KXTIIACT MAIii-Al'A-1III.LA Enttra h(avil) Intu ihr Ciieiilittion of the ltloifl. IIKI.MI10I.11 H FLUID KXTIIACT MAIiSAPA Illl.LA llfalillfii" lift- CouiplrXKili. All l'OHilera and outward ntithintiii!i detrfiv tho nkin, re', It au.l m.irre. ImiI. at the akin of old inaida and thrio aliu liinntihed urh any length of time. Ilincontmuu tln in, anu uae II K I. M HOLD M FLUID KXTItACT SAKSAI'A 1IILLA. (Jn lotllv la equal in alrength to one gillou ol tho Hyrup" or Itioctiona as u-unll) made; and a ulnr.glaa DAldr.l to a pint of tater eounla the ce'ebraie.1 I.I.SWJN 1)1 K'l' DISI.Mw Try it thi way. A delightful beverage. HOLD'S CATAWIIA ORAI'i: 1'ILLH IIKLMIIOLD'h CATAWIIA (iltAI'K PILLS A pleaaant, aafo and agrerabloCalharlic. IIELMIIOLD'S CATAWIIA (IltAI'K FILLS Uted In all alltclioiia wheien Purgitivo Metlicino l nectlcd. IlKLMllOLD's CATAWIIA OltAI'K FILLS llarmlean to n clillJ, and taken by children. IIF.LMIIOLIl'H CATAWIIA OltAFF. FILLS Fiil'redo Iag.ncla, Salts and ever olher Pur Kritlre. IlKLMllOLD's CATAWIIA OltAI'K FILLS, Certain in elKol, nml pleaint lu operation. IIELMIIOLD'S CATAWIIA OltAI'K FILL Is not a ali tiled Pill. IlKLMllOLD's CATAWIIA OltAI'K TILLS ol Catawba (Irnpo Julio and Fluid Kit r act llhubarb. PurchaotHt lttlcs of HEI.MllOI.Ifa HAIlA. I'Altll.LA nnd otto Ikix it I'lI.I.S uurilt their weight in gohl. No boiler niialinent ran bo made lor so small a num. IlKLMllOLD's FLUID KXTItACT IIUCHU Una ocquirednworld.wldeiamc. A I. It of my preparations nro meritorious, A period ol twenty years has proved this to bo tho ctuo. Hoe remarks made by lloiiinmlii Traverse, F. It. C, S, t-neaklng cf tho mi tllseaseH, and iltseaes arising Iront lltr vxvn of meri.'tiry, ho flatis Hi. i! no remedy Is eiptal lo lite lOxirm l of f.rsa. partll i, its power in cxlruordii arv, inoro so than any oilier ding I am aeiiiainled with. It l, in in the atnetptt seue, a tonic, wilhtltia iiiMilitalilu atlribtlle that it is applicable to n slalo of tltv S)atem o aunken, aim vet ao liritiiltle, as rem dels mher stilitlauces or tho Ionic cln., unavail able or iniuriiiiis. HeollK.MAHKSol tho (IUEAT CHEMISTS AND PII.I. MEN OF AM EHICA : Wm. II. Warner A Co., 15 North Third street, Philadelphia, Ptu II. T. Helmboldi Esteeinetl Flleud 1 congratulate jiiu on ha Intr tlto handsomest and at tho samo limo the Mot Kllrrtive Fill that I h ive ever known for Iho purpoaeK intended. WM. It. WAUNEIt A CO II. T. HcliuMd will remark, in conclusion, that his remedies tiro tho result of long and careful study, Tho Fluid Extracts have been hcfoio tho public twenty years. The salo of them in that lime proves their valuo. All havo been Ih-ui tit lou by them who followed my iumructions, unit to-day they stoml unequalled In the extent of their sale, and iinsurpaiacd bv any medicament in tho Dispensatory of tho United States, not excepting a single Herb, Hoot, Plant, or tklcit llllu Preparation. Pharmaceutical I i lalm all initio in bo, ami tunc never imionted n slnalo one. lo illapel any Impression or prejudice that might oxiat In tho minds ol maiiv against my preparations, from tho publicity given through aihertlslug, and that 1 am and liavu been a drug gist lor n perlittl of twenty joins, and more con. chislwly tit prvo tltla bco leitor from Iho largest maniiliutiirnig eheiiili.u in tho woild i . ,, iMtieinber 4, l(M. I am ncqiialiiteil wiili Mr. 11. T. ilelmliold i ho occupied tho tlritg store oppoaiio my residence, and was Hticccsnlut In conducting tho IiuhIhohs where others had not been equally so before him. 1 have been favorably Impressed with his charac ter Bud enterprise. WILLIAM WKillT.M AN. Firm of Powers A Wlghtman, manufacturing chemists, Ninth snd llrown striela, PhiUdcN phla " AI L STAND ON TIIKIIl MrillTS. Tito Pill I havu thought ol ollcring I'J Hie ntlliu. ted for ten years. They aro now jierfcct, nnd I shall stako my time, money and fanio on their peetivene. Tho inviting stylo in which tho pill itself is made, tho liottle.nliel, wrapper till show with what euro Ihcv havo been prepared. After examina tion, no Euijllsh or French preparation will show greater care, and I am really proud ol them. Instead f tho nniiscoua. looking, careless y prepared Pilln vended generally, and put up In wooden boxes, and inado generally, or ottered by tho.. r.o experience as physician, drugdlsta or manufacturers of inedicinea, test the mvilioluo ottered by your obedient scivant, If, T. HKLMHOLll. Crvstal Palaco Drug 8tore,.No, Ml llroadway, New York. ... Palace Pnarmaoy, flilscy llouso, Broadway, and Twenty-ninth aired, iNew ' York, Temple cf Pharmacy, Continental Hotel, Phila delphia! and No. lo Houlli Tcnlu atrcel, Phll CAIRO, flUIP IITI T HfllTXT FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. l-'KAKCK. I.Ol IH III.AM O.S' FIlKNt ll IIKI'L III.ICA.VISM ALMOST A COLLISION 11KTWKK.V I'liCs I IAN OrTICKliH AND CITIZK.S'S OF PAItl". CALLED TO DUTY. I'aiiis, Juno 23. Tho Ojiichl Journttl publishes n docrco roculllng lo their ports till (iirloiigliod troniurcra, receivers uml collectors to rt julvu subscriptions to tlto loan. TI1KAII) FUND. Thu Official Journal also pulillsltos nn iliiinciKu list of ntiiouritt nccivotl liy French consuls nn J ntnbinsuilors in forolfn countries in niii of thu vi"tlms ot the wi". TIIK SALK OF INFLA MM AliLKS. Miirsliul .Mnc.MiiIIon lins iisiu d utt order nbrogutitig tho former rcgiilutinns permit tint; tho snlo of inflatnmitllcs. Jly u new order retailers nro forhidilen to keop on hiind lit one time over two hundred litres of such material. All persons who dis obey this inundate will bo tried by court martial. .Manufacturers rnd dealers In arms nnd ammunition nro also required to submit to the restrictions upon the fabrication an J salo of these article TIIK FIlKNtll MAIL SKIIVICK for India and Chin i will be rc-estnblishcd in .July, leaving Marseilles once a fort night on .Sundays. . TIIK SKIOK OF FA HIS. Vkhsaillks Juno 23. In the asssmbly to-day thu minister of tho interior a'Ucd that it would bo Inopportune to raise the ai'ieju of l'nris at present, but tho govern ment would allow tlio citizens every lib erty in the coming election not inconsist ent with the public safety. Tho public uttcrnnco of insurrectionary doctrines n'ld intlamatory appeals could not be permitted. The assembly appointed the committee previously agreed to, to revise the decrees of the governments f Tours nnd Itor- ueaux. THE FIIENCII LOAN. I'aiiis, Juno i!3. Tho French loan will bo issued ut 82f. 50c, pnynblo in seventeen installments. Subscriptions to it will bo received on and after the 20th. LOUIS 1ILANC. A letter from .M. Louis lilanc is pub lished declaring the republican party, hitherto u farce, must become n power. La Liberie assorts that A VIOLENT (JUAItllEL took place yesterday, on tho boulevards, between promennders nnd a pnrty of Prus sian officers. In conscqucnco of thonflnir, .Mnrshni .Mc.Mnlion lips requestcu tho Prussian commander to prevent his offi cers from cntorlng tho city. Tho strin gency of tho pniport cystcm hns been In cteaced. UNFOUNDED. Pams, Juno23 A report that the Count do l'nris hns arrived at Versailles proves unfounded. , NO EXCITEMENT. Thcro is great apathy in Paris in regaid to tho elections, Tho -Marquis dcOnbuac, French charge d'allnirs in Berlin, has arrived In tho ticr mon capital. A single trial will convince tho mo-t skeptical of tho ctllcuncy of 1IKL.M- HOMFS OltAPK PILLS in sick or nerv ous headache, jaundice, indigestion, con stipation, dyespensin, billiousncss, liver complaints, general debility, etc. No nau sea, no griping pains, but mild, pleasant and safo in operation. Children take them with impunity. They nro tho best and most roliabfe. HKLM ISOLD'S EX TKACT SA USA P Alt I LL A crcatet now, frcih nnd healthy blooJ, benutifies tho complexion, nnd imparts it youthful ap pearance, dispelling pimpies, uiotcncs, moth patches and all eruptions of tho skin. Did You Kvkk? "No, I never," saw n more cozy and complete barber shop than that of Anthony Kschbnch, ono door be low tho post offico. Tho room has been newly papered, tho floor nowly covered nnd tho wholo establishment put in first class order. Kschbach is ono of tho most experienced, skillful nnd accommodating barbers in tho State, employs courteous nnd expert assistants, nnd keeps just such a shop as citizens nnd strangers will take n solid satisfaction in patronizing. mylSdltii Last Chance. Tho time drmvs near. Securo your tickets in tho Grand (iift Legal Festival in nid of n public library, at Umah.t before you havu to pay a largo premium. It is said to bo a grand suc cess. Evorybody i confident it is con ducted on tho " squnro." Hamilton's lluciii; nnd Danduliun is fully us good nnd n much cheaper article ns Helmbold's lluchu, und is ns generally recommended by physicians. P. 0. Schuh has it for salo and will sell it for loss monoy than any artielo of Its kind. jo21lf Come to Stay. ltobert Itcid has per manently established a coal yard at Cot tonwood Point. 3Io for tho tiurnoso of supplying steamboats with coal. Tow's at till times, day or night. jcBtf C S. Hutchinson, Agont. "VV.M. Eiileks hai tho lest brands of French calf, moroccos, kid, buckskin and pntcnt loathors, all of which ho will man ufacturo into tho latest stylo of booth nnd shoes to suit tho tnsto of any and all bin patrons, jnc'Jltf Kkkf Cool. Kelrlgeratorn, ico chests water coolurs, 1 X L ico cream frcuzers bntli tubs, japanned cloth for window screons, etc., etc., at J1EKKAVAUT, 0UT1I A: CO.'S, mvlStf 130 Com. Ave. Take notick. All persons who havo been notliled Unit their street taxes aro duo, must pay thum immcdlutoly, if thoy do not wish to pay costs. V. 31. AVauh, Street Commissiotior. SlAttniAaE OutDK.-Iiitercslliig work, numerous ongravings, 221 pagps. Ptlco 60 cents. Address Dr. Hutu' Dispensary, No. 12 North Eighth Stroot, St. Louis, Mo Koo Advortlscniont. ILLINOIS, SUNDAY, JUNE W1.KW AND I.mUOKn. WM. If. HCHUTTKU, Iiiiiiirli i' nml U'linlcaiilc Doiilor III WINKS, LIQUORS, TOBACCO &c CIGAES. Ag. lit fur the Ik-i brut Is of LMIKAM AN' I) STOCK ALU, Aktl Impurlrsl Aim of IllllVrriil Klnila. 73 Ohio Levkk, If CAIIIO, ll.I.I.MJl", F. M. .STUUKFLKTJI, aiccrisiH MULL i aMimi r.fil lleclllyrr nml l liolcsnlo lirnlcr In I'orclKii ami liinifllc LIQUORS, WINKS, ETC. No. 78 Ohio Levee, HiaiNontLD Ili's-k, CMBO, ILLINOIS. HI. k. t un Land consiaittly a full M.tck of Old Kentucky llourhou. II) e and Mononga hrli Whikkiea, Flench llrandlrs, Holland (.in, Itatne and CalifoiolA Wlnea. jauMf a - J- - ror.vimv 3iaciiik niiop. I. & E. (JKUHNWALI). KOUNDUY AND MACMIINK .SHOP STKA.M ENGINES, IJOILEHS, COI'FEK AND SlIKKT IliON 'WoliK. No. 248 East Pearl Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. HANKS, FIRST NATIONAL BA?K or c.tiitn. DANIKI, llllltll, Preaidcnt ; ItOHEKT W. MH.I.EIt, Vice l're.lei.t; C. N. 1UI0IIES, Ca-hler. COLLECTIONS PKo.Ml'TLY .MADE. IjSXCIIANOE, coin, bank notes nnd Uii.led J .Stales nciirilii bought and Mild. Iiilrrt-;! Allowetl on Time Dcioslts. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS Chnrlorcil Mnri li isuu. ortirr. is CITY NATIONAL HANK, CAIltO. A. B. SAFFORD. President ; H. S. TAYI.Olt, Vlce-Preildcnt I W. IIYSLOP, tk-cretarv and Treasurer. niurcroRsi P. W, Dabclav, Ciias. (lALiiiiiru, K. M. SriH-kiHTil, Pu t. O. Hi iiiti, K. M. Cl'NMNOIIAM, W. P. Hiim.u, J. M. 1'iin.Liiy. Ueiiosllfi of any Amoiiiit Ilprrl t nl I roin 'I'rn ( I'lilt I'liviarilH. INTEKEST paid on detoit at the rale ol al. percent. ;'r annum, .March lt and Septent. tier I l. Iniere.t not willnlrawn Is added imme diately fo the of thu deposlH, Ihert by g'vlug them coiiipouml interest. MAR1UED WOMEN AND CIIILDItEN MAY PKI'OSIT MONEY PO THAT 0 OM. MSI'. CAN IHItW IT. Onen everv businesa 1av from 9 a.m. In :I n in.. nnd f-aturday eyening lor BAVINI! DEI'Orfl'I'ri only, from 0 to 8 o'clock. auiou v, it i.-ii.ur, irennttrc r. rilE CITY NATIONAL (tAIHO II.I.IMIIS. CAl'lTAL, 811111,(1110 W. P. IIA 1.1,1 DAY, Prcldenl; A. H. HAFFOltD, Cishleri WAl.TEh HYHI.OP, Assistant Cashier. DlcrcTonsi BrATS TaXIOH, Hlll HtT II, (VNJMIIIAV, Hl'lirT WlllTf, W. P. llAllll'Al, llio. II. YVIIIMMHIV Ktll'lIlN Ullll'i A. II. Hai num. i:rliniiKC. iolu nml I'lilHil Mules HoiMl lluiiKlit nixl Nol'l- KrtJ-SITrf imlveil, nml fl K'n'nv. linking IMIHHlfHH IIDI1P, WILLIAM U. SMITH, M. 1). Rr2ill)KNt!F.-No. 21 Thirleenili trcet, Uu. tweeu Washington avenue and Walnut atieirt. oltice 11 Coininnrclal avxuur, up-alalis. 25, 1871. 'AMK OOKI.NO STOVKN. A0EN1S FOIt I .. H 3 ,'ra& ' ,1 I I ' WARRANTED KIRST t'lfASS IN EVERY RESPECT. WHAT HOUSEKEEPERS SAY AHOUT "IFIMIIE" COOKING- STOVES ALWAYS READY, ALWAMS REIifAliliE, ALWAYS THE RES'J', ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST, AND UNEQUALLED IN TIIK PERFECTION OF COOKINO APPAltATUS TEN DIFFERENT I It Y OLOSI3STO- OTJT A.T COST ! 'I l.o public nro lieri bv notitied that the Ijrga and manllicent tuck of DKYGOODS, HOOTS, SHOES, HATS, UAI'S, NOTIONS, ETC., IU longing to tho cstatenf the lale SOOTT WHITE WILL ItE SOLD AT COST, AT THE OLD STAND, CORNER SIXTH STREET AND OH 10 LEVEE CAIRO, - - - JelOtf 'I.OTin.'M, llA'l'N, CATS, K I''. 1871. SUMMER. 1871. ISAAC WALDER, KF.KFS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, JT TETE IjOW est gash prices, The Cheapest nnd F.est HEADY-MADE CLOTHING, GENT'S FUKN1S1IING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, Etc., ( OF SI.YTII-ST. A.M WIII0.1.KVt:K, CAIRO, ILLS. l3VP.TICUI.An attention paid to orders for L of tho best of material uod. UUY-(iOOIS, ;.HPKTS, F.TC. No. 101 '.ii.Mi:iti'i.i. avi:xih:, tVuhea to call attention lo h.a inimcnso stock ot new an icajon.iUe DRY-GOODS, CARPETS, ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. EVERYTHING- FRESH, NEW, DESIEAB1E. Dnicss Goods a Specialty. Novt Itles In Silks, Poplins, Jaiianoso Hilkt, Hilk Warp", Jloh.iirs, Lawns, Porcalea, P. K.'s, etc, Ainurican Klack Orna drain Bilk, ami a full line nl the crlebratrd Heaver llrand of Pure HI uk Mohair. Tlto largest astoilmcut of WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, LACE curtains, Itciil mill Imitation l.ticos, lc evef ollVriMl in llio HIv. Xpw mid rliolcr ail)lM ill' 'nri'N, nml 11 lull lino itl till ('liiilin. .MiiHIukn, SlulrCarif vlsmiil lliigx. ItottlN, Sillies iiuil IIiiIm in Kreut tiirietj. FAIR DEALINGS AND SMALL PROFITS. UfTjii examiiiatlon of his stock Is respectfully o.skul. I,WYKI18. ALLEN, MULKEY & WHEELER, ATTORNEYS AMI COUNSELORS AT LAW, William J. Allen, 1 .lohu H.Mulkey, ) CAIIIO, ILLINOIS. Hami.el P.WIneler.j lUl'sriieiilar altrtitlon naid lo tn.r nnd in!. Ittirally luisluess, OFFICE ltOOMS 1 AN 11 8 WINTKIt's III.OCK. (iRKEN & UILRERT, ATTO UNISYS AMI COUNSELORS AT LAW, William II. (ireett, ") , , William II UtlUit, I CAIIIO, II.I.INOI i. Miles F.dilbn'l, J laaTHpeciiil nlteiiliiiii giitn to Admiially nail hteiimlmat busiuifs. OFFICE I.IIIO I.KVKK, UOOMS 7 AND 8 OVIIII CITY NATIONAL HANK. l'lllVriNO. BOOKS, pauiililBls, It. lets, catalngma, news iiain'is, tax lists, nml eviry vaiiily ot eileii. aivo pr tiling contracted tor, and promylly and pcculy execiilcd, lu tho Uulletin book, )tb, uewspapet nc I'jdll'K i stabllshmcnt. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AVE. THE CKLEIIItATKD '11,. la HI '!' I ' SIZES NOW BEAET. 1 4 O It S. ILLI2STOIS. MIIS. SCOTT WIUTi:. WHITE aillUTrt In all styles mode, and only sVIII.USAI.i: C'UOdKHM. R. SMYTH & CO., WHOLESALE CKOOEKS, o it i o i. k v i: i: , V A I It O, I 1. 1. I N O I v. A'so, kt ep coiikl'intly nn lmi"l mo't enin plclo aliH'k "f I IjXQUORS. Mitli'll AND IIHMI WHISKIES, -II I N H, Port, .Mndorlii, Sherry nnd Catawba Wines 1 SMYTH it CO. tell exclusively for cash, to V. hlt'li lacl Ihrv invite the especial alien tinti ol close lmruni buyrrs, Snciul attention yitfii to Filling Order. '"mr,TZi sP HOTELM. CRAWFORD HOUSE, CORNER SIXTH and WALNUT-ST,, (Entrance on Slxth-st.,) F. J. Oaks, ") II. C Fatly, I CINCINNATI, OHIO. E. II. l,o,Iw!ck, J OAKF.J, CADYACO. Proprietors. SOUTHERN HOTEL, Ohio Levee, hctwaen Hixth and Eighth itreetl, oppoailo main steamboat landing, lictwaenHlxth and E to main ateamboat la CAIRO, ILLS. NEWLY FITTED AND FCnNISHED. T'rni,H'iirr liny. Watch kept for boats and Iralna night and day Jc2Mtf WHITE LYNDE, Proprlelora, CENTRAL HOUSE. Opposite the Poatotrice.onBixlh Slre t between V aihington and Commercial avenues, Cairo, ills. This house has been thoroughly over-hauled, refurnished and renovated, and is now open for tho reception of gue sis. Tho rooms are all large and well ventilated, and fualiituro new. IFatch kept night and day, MRS. (JAFFNEY, Jrldtf Proprietress. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, COMMERCIAL-AVENUE, OrrOSITE F. O., CAIRO, ILLS. josefh liAYLiss, : : ritorniETOR. The House m Newly Furnished And otrcrs to tho public first-class accommoda- iiona ai reaaonaoio raiea. UKOCKKIEN AND DRY UOODN. WILLIAM KLUQE, MALIK IS FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY-UOODS, NOTIONS, HOOTS AND SHOES, n.VTS AND CAPS, ETC., Has just received a heavy stock of Boots and Wliocs, Hosiery and Notions, FOR SALE FOR CASE VERY CHEAP He alio has a tine stock of Family Groceries ot every kind. CORNER SIXTH-ST. AND COMMERCIAL-AY., CAIUO, ILLINOIS. UENEUAL AUKNTN. IIALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS, AND FORWARDING and COMMISSION nr.HCIIANTH, ASU DEALERS IN FLOUR 5 And Agents of Ohio III vor nuil Uatiaiwlia SALT COMPA1TIES 70 Ohio Levek, tf CAIIIO. ILLINOIS. CO A I.. CAIRO CITY COAL COMPANY, (a preparod to supply cuatnRiera with the beat quality of PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS COAL. OltDKItH lefl at llalliday tiros, olllce, 10 OHIO I.KVKK, or at thu Coal Yard below the HI. Cliatl.-s Hotel, will receive prompt attention. I'HETUll "MONTAUK'" will bring coal lo, jd steamers at any hour. oCiUf AVOID QUACKS. A victim of early Indiscretion, causing nerttnu debility, premature decay, etc., having triad in vain every airtiaeil remdy, naa itlMovarad i limpte rauana of al( cure, which be will Mod fvi' htfellon-atiflrm. .ldr., 4. M.TUTri.B. lam U Maaaeit at., New tcrk-