Newspaper Page Text
Mll.l.tNBftn MILS m sv tNDER, DEALER IN MILLINERY MB LA DI Kh FI KM OOODfl ""wtrrlil Awnur. lp I II.. .11 Ml llnylhom ' I'aiRO, Ii.i.INoIH. Loth I No ton LADIES WEAK Made la order, or Read) Made. lull MnrtmMil ,,f Minimi nn. 1 Ladies' iUt nd BtinU of the latest Styles. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE! MRS.c. McGEE, I .' 1 1 Til SI KK K. r, IIKTWKKN W AHIIINi.ToS ANIi OOMMRRCtAl AVRRVRR, DM mat rwmi.,1 -, fi ami aplf) ) . . 1 D, ,, NEW GOODS DBE8B TRIM MI NOP. SILK 01 MP: 1 LE OA LOOS QOIPDBt Lacks. MUtle l (UN MINOS chock RT BUTTON m i.K AND PELVKT BU PTONS, I I I SB AM rRIMMJNU VELVET, II ITS AND BONNETS, Ki HE KIO OLOVBfl, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S flllOEft A 1 .1 a lull mul WUltte -10- I 1 I Millinery and Fancy ( loods, All of winch the piot - 10 Mil At THI V KK V LllWKHT ( AMI I'llli lis THE BULLETIN. Tl'tSPAY MoRN 1 Nil, .If'NK i!7, 1-71. IOHM II. OBEKLY, RaiToa Alt l'i m I-111 . Im.m- ur thc Daui Bvusnsi .S'uW,-,j.fKn. Om week, l,y earner, IS! "in inonlh. Iijr mail, 7.'i I i .te mnnlhe ti 26 I I x monlha 4 '., Om year, a 01) TV final pap r of Alr-mibler r.-aiin. on.l -l thiHtfi qf om; Bat eSaysssraimjf daily InfSwafAen. lit a HanaaMaVjMATIMl .' Hawaii, lei fmrlt pal pnktn on all MtaJaAtl fawwf A. aaalM , mm a inrgt aval IjafraaatAa rtrrwIafwHt, Ami -r.n eentfts fftl jrsfesssp! o? oiMi.,,,' raatA 1 aad 1 afai . I'i'Hi Mtafat 1 vm a THI DOLLAR WltKll RULLRTIN, I oka II. Obwll Oo nave rein I lha ui m rlflllOO iriee ol tlie Wfi-kly Calftl Itilltelili lii Onr laWler jaw aaawet, making it the phi -ipe-l yn 1 "i 1 11 lit ! m Southern lllisoia. THI trt tile Rook Gazette i in lavot ofUen. 1 1 Hiioyt V. fur president. TaiCohinibia (Tenn.) Herald oalli Tooubs the " Georgia Blusterer. " "OtfE MoJlOHW (IIhI D0U0 iinkiliL1 ffoveruor elect. "is the manner in wliicli thf TeBoessee barer ili-li up Governor Brown, Qbx. Nov B4, republican oandiilate fur governor ofOhia, served anappren ticeship offlnit yean and n lialf al tin printer's trade, MtiHtiAN, nf thf Shawneetown (Sax tUe, declares that JotT Davis i- n robol and a lid' losuranee agent, The double epithet sfionld crash him. It i- bad enough tn be n n il I, I. ut think "I it 1 be snltls to tbis crime tin- groatei erima nf being n lite inauranco agent ' Shameless man I The constitution of the state il Non Hampabire contains section making no man catbolies ineligible to office Among tin? democratic members nf tin legislature are five members ( the oath olio ehorch, ami tbe radicals are Hcck ing tu nut them (torn tbelt aeata. Bimom Cahbbor la named as a can did ate for vloe president on tbe (Irani ticket next year. A political organisa tion hit bcou formed Baltimore for tbe panose of advocating bis claims tn tbe Domination, Both Qranl ami Cam uron take whatever tin can reach ami would therefore make exemplary ratlL ea eandidates. An article beaded "New Notice- ol 'Dickens" is going tbe rounds nf tbe pre-- and opens thui "A young la iy, aii artibt, aha bad opfortunity for aoing Diokens twenty yean ago, when tin'' novelist wsh thirty year- old, bu 'copied her reminiscences iron her diary," etc. Tbis young lady i of an uncertain age. "WILL wonders never eea-e ' ex el. inu tbe Columbia (TBD.) Herald " Alexander II. Stephens, unt MtiaBod ' with rivaling Foote in nuking bimwll ' rUleulous by rushing into print on all 'ocessions, ha capped the climax of 'lolly and is now the editor of thc At ' lanta Am t If Mr. Ste,hens is look- 1 log the tuaiaat ami quickest means ol playing OUt, we think he has hit it.' - 1 - I -.. - The l'aducuh Herald ohuckeli over Mr JelTersoii 1 a i asaertion that he bk U-eu grossly inisr. j.n scnk d by tbe northern reporters who took hi- Speech at AtUutii. He did not, the y. ,,, says, counsel resistance to the umerid-mei.u-, and is willing to looepf them until the north bus returned to 11 sense of justice. f t. ,,, h )lt)m over tbe btforUtttUaa that Davis did m't make a fool .,( himself, as reported, w hy did it defend the t.Ult BtteranoM bieb tbe reporters put im,, r i, ivi wouthT Is the llvnMm uietu u Mm lower of lay man, that it will bdorse any foolish utterances he may be re ported to have indulged in V Tin: Oommcrci Hlo D!patch tA vises tbe ptOplfl if Thebes and Dantl Pt pruclncl in tbii county to voio foi the Cairo nnd Vitioinuoa reilron-J on in x! Monday By doin so, the Pi'a. - bclioVOU, the people of the: pre cincts uill bt furthering their own in .1 ii 1 . t hir theory i l," add tin Dit pateht ' that tbe VinCOBBUI road will Tfetttally cross the river on tin Cratid 'Chain; and. if we nre correct, it would tie a become an important Improvement lo :.ll portions ol tbe county. They 'argue, and probably correctly, that it is only !riiii(' the money to Burnside, 'SO that he Bill be able sell his road to 'Other iarlies to better advan agffi Hut 'then tin y should n licet that Burn. -i'lc cm throw around thc road cm 'barrni mi nts that can prevuni it:' early 'completion." Sensible Dttjpmteh. 4- TltB Oarbondale New Km is earn estly advocating the claims of Mr. J DO, A. Logtn 'or the presidency. "To day," shouta the Vent Km, ''he is ber 'alded as the people's favorite in thc 'coming straggle." We cannot partic ipate in the ecstacies of thc AYic Sea, Imt eannol deny that Mr. bogna troura lie a decided improvemenl upon the present incumbent of tbe white bouse. lie would not. a- president, startle tbe world with any manifestations of peat ibility, but the savor of democracy yet lingering in bis political constitution would make him f ir less objectionable to democrats ;han thc Morton-controlled tuvi wh not) OCCUpica the oflice of preJ lr. Ln-'au lacks all those irrcat tie- and nbilitics which a presi lenl nhould possess, hut be averageain ability, doeency and patriotiam with the other leaden the republican partv. Sin'-. I . aesma( a member of tho methodbtt . -n lit l.k bus bis heart pur.'i 1 ' . . i iv: 1 l- ?i just as icrupulou- a- ;. it.-.-, i ri.-bt to oxjK-ct n republican '.'..l r eaa be. Tn l " ital objecti d w hieh the .Y.r ioaai Intelligrnrrr has to tho allan digham dootriuo . "thai it practicaily 'consigns the democratic party to do- feal in all gonoral and federal elections. - A 1 a national party thodomooracy will ' CCaSC toexit tho mOlllCnt it adopts the 1 new departure doctrine," The old in telliyeneer may real eay, for if we admit the tiutli of it - objection to the new departure, we have the consolation of knowing that wo have been defeated in a struggle for common sense prinoi plea nnd have not tone down In disaster shouting worn out battle oiies and pro testing that events that have already transpired shall not happen that facta which have become fixed ami stable ai the eternal hill- -hall not be rOOOCnlied For our pari wo want nothing more to do with tbe Intrllimw , kind of demo crats, We have been had by them into the me he-ol the mo t consummate jacks sory bavo allowed them to put impracticable plank Into mir political platforms have followed tbein, year after year, during now oxoooding a de cide, into defeat ami political odium. And now the t i ma - ha- come when they must I'dlow or gel out ol the party, They h i n t iu!e nny longer, and If they air, there foro, determined to go into the 1 1 1 1 i lie of ruin, let them KO, A 1'iioMiNKNT citiscu of Commorco, Mi nlii. a little tOWtl on tbe Mississip pi 1 Iver nearly opposite the homo of Judge Man hildoii of our county court. deelarod, the other day says tin Commerce sy.o.7i that each eon re imial ill irici IlliUUl nave nut out . ..... 1 111 1... Rohool, and that school t-boiild be liui Bed to twenty scholars, ami that they should all In' oduoated for tho uiiuistry licit lonow win. without uount, come ovor i" Aloxauder county next Mon day, ami vote pgain t the Cairo and Vino inn - railroad, Such a man is m ither ornamental nor useful, and, nf coin e, he abhors railroads. Unless he has had an opportunity to steal himself rich, he live- in a log cabin with one loom in it ; work- hi- children on an unfenood patch nf ground fifteen hours a day .carries bis dfitlkiug water a mile rather than dig a well fifteen feet deep, goes to church every Sunday ami do mett every preacher who omits lire and brim tout from hi- discourse a clean shirt he regards a- a vanity, and be would Qog hi- children for patting on aristocratic airs if they did not above) their victuals into their mouths with their knives Wo want that fellow in Alexander county Ho la enlightened in Comparison with some of the ant railroad men who do the heavy dchat iic against tin- Cairo and Vlnoennes road. In a letter doolining to attend a niOOtiUg of tile Springfield (Mo ) (jon federate Cemetery Association, Jeffer son Davts asserts tnat me contouerati soldier- who died tor Rocestion, "gave their livos to the maintaiuauci ol com 'in unity independence sud constitutional 'liberty. Thbi is 11 generality which glitters, hut means wry little, The doctrine nf "eommunity iudetieudi not " is t be doctrine of state sovereignty run to 01 d it is the doctrine of politioal chaos. If orerv oommunltv. when ii 1 - m ? (eels amrrtoved or anurv. nalabi a art - - W 9 1 n - its indepi iidunee, ilisinlerratiim w ould lead the nation into ehiio,. If the com mualty of estate has the right, at any time it may declare its imlc THE CAIRO pan deuce of the go?onnent why shouhJ le i tin eommunity of a county have the right, at any lime it may llect, t" declare il- lllcpendenco of both the fed, ral and -tate governmaBl Ami may mt thin loghj earrj us down to tin right of lnunicipalilie and town hi.- and neighborhood to ol up g t crnments Tor tbctn-clve-. at any time they may desire to do so? The com munity of a slate should hive this right, says Mr. Davis, because liberty is Rife only in those gOVCI inncnt- which recognlte the right of communitioa to -eek tlu ir own happiness outside of any government in whieh tin y believe tlu ir rights arc insecure and their liberties in iangufi Bul if the libo os of the people of Rhode 1 hind or Dele ware depend upon tbe recognition of thil doctrine, why may not tbe liber lies of the people of the city of New York ft Community much more numer ous than the community ol either the states mentioned depend UBOfl the re cognition of their riht to at any time heeoine nu iudcpcndent community ? The liberties and rights of the coiiiuiun- ily of :i State arc surely not more SBDIWd than the liberties of tbe community of a city or ward or township or neighbor hood. The doctrine of Davis is the doctrine of an imprac 'cable enthusiast, If it should be rOOOgniied, chaos would come again. I'l l! HUNT NBW& BorslftaaRtfl DeRMstH I lion. A 11. Btephena1 nealth is lm proving, Ho now weighs 79 pounds b'l Weight about six niontna ago belog only 70 pounds. The estate of Blr William Drako; val ued at $l '2r. 000,000, ii looking for heirs in America, and luo American Drakes willing to assume charge of the ducats ns. ambled in New York, Monday, to con" suit m to getting pott ati Ion. Mi'inarck hi" written a saviru; that all of tho ttoriel of bit health arc purely invent'ont ; but these ttorliihaf i ilea he an i sick unto death r id that be wat in rohu-t condlt'on ; so the tat h:. health Is ( ;i an open qneat'oa. llllle nf the Ultramontane Journalt of the continent sre revenging thomselvi upon Gsrlbsld' by accusing him of being a Itotnnn catholic t bent, end ol liu- 1 n n - r. 1 1 1 Imltl I to the church with in n few montl 1. The lots) numl er of pli Iclrnt who paid tan t" the govemment for the year endlns Anrll 30.h wn 40,798. Of these there wi i rcgiilaf or allopathic 89,070, homcsopatble I,M1 bydropa'hte ISJ; eclectic 3,800' n'ci mlseellsn n" or not elstalti I t.7;o Tho whole length of all the railway! in tic world i . 1 20.000 u Me The cost of tic umo waftj In round numbers, ten bil lions of dollars, Those of Oroat Britain are the most costly, nml those ofthe t'niteil Slates the loast so. Tbe railway lyttem of the world la Mippoaeil to give t mploy in r.i to ever una mil' on persont. The following i- n li-t Of sovereigns still living who have been doprlvod of tlu ir throne-: Prince Oustave Wan ol Sweden, 1800; Count do Chaniboro, Am;, 12, is.:o; DukoChsrlnsof Brunswick, Sept 17, 1830; Count do Pari-, fele 'J I, 1-1. Dul.e Robert do Farms, 1852 1 Orand Duke Pordinand of Tuscany, 1800; Duke Pran olsof Modenr 1800 Pranclt II. ol Na ph ', Peb. 1801 ; the widow ol King Otho ofOi co, Oct. SM, 1802; Duke Adolf of Nn -an, 1800; King Oeorge ol llsnovor, 1800 ; the doctor of Hosse, 1800; Bmprest Charlotte of Mexico, ihi;7 ; Isabella of Spain, 1809; Emperor atapoleon, 1870. Kather n romerRabta ease of eombral sfToetlon Ims ooeurred at Bomorvllle, Muss lail niuneil Dickinson suilil uly ilisap- poarod from iii home Two dayt after hi returned In an oahausled oondltlon, II state. I that ut'ier Indulging In varlout play with other boyi, and then, with his body heated, went into tho water to swim. Tin next day he went to school, feeling 111, and studied b ird. In the afternoon he went for a walk, and renu mbers nothing more until he found nimsotl In Manchester, N. II Win n bit lonaoi returned be started homeward, and walked all tbowsy. Hi ihoet and slocking- WON Worn out. Uc is now in a serious condition from fatigue and lever. Tbe danger of bathing when heated should induce rjretlt CllUlioll. - - HUMOROUS. pinliere.1 in hum our Bsthanes. A lady in this city tayt the latest thing OUt is her husband. Motto for rejected Duitor be woo 1 and she Wouldn't' be coOi I nnd she couldn't. A Pennsylvania paper sikti "What is it that the tiermaOl have that we have not? We nally don't know, unle-s it is Isgor-beer, pretzels and Umbergor obeete. A man in Illinois, It hours after his wife died and before her funeral, playcj eroquot with lbs girls. For this the in dignant neighbors tarred nnd feathered bim. Some friends were remonstrating with Clarke, the titter, about his profanity, and quoted the icrlptural injunction, "Swear not at all." I don't,'' said Clarke; "1 only swear at tbote who offend me.' i'etor the Great on visit to the bouse ol parliament In London, noticed about thirty gentlemen olad in long red to;'n- nnd powdered wig. "Who are they? lie n-ked of bin necrotic. "TbOM ntlomon art lawyers." "Lawyers I ln dood! M many u- shut1 Why, I bftTi but two in Buttla, and intend hanging one on my return. ' - a ' i.e. fJlovataro 1 in- dried unaxnsndad budloftbe clove tree, a 01 ijohl all d sp'"' oultivated on the Island of Amltoyna, iu Sumatra, Sianftinar, Bourbon and Oayennoi the culture and trade la tins srtluw w as s monopoly In tbe handtol thu Puteh for many years. Tim Import! into the 11 nb led .Sliitos are SUUUt two hundred Ihou-nud pounds annually, and into Rilglsnd about una million Tdue'nama It derived from thu retembbwee of thu iplct to imai' nails, and in all euunirios il is called by a name bavutg tail signification. DAILY BULLETIN, TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 1871. CRIME. DKLII1KRATK MUKDBR OP A YOUNO LADY IN INDIANA ATTEMPTED SUICIDE ok II RK H ItPERER TU KEATS OP LYNCH I, AW. IIOBRIBLI MURtlRR at BTOHH LAKK. La Obaror, Ind. June 18, Mi-s Anna DWlght, a lehooimlltteit, was murdortd on yotlordty at Stone Lake Fchool-boiiai , shout ten mlUM ft mi here, in Van BUND lownthip by ft young man named Chaun- coj Bsrnot, of Elkhart county Barnet h ft his fnihor i houat on ytttorday morning, walked to White Pigeon, four miles distant, hired a bone and buggy there, nnd, inking a Wo man whota name and oharactet are not yet known. Went to the lehoobhoUM where Mi--. Dwigbt was teaching. Miss D. was, at thotl onjoylngtbo noon rec- roation With tho school children on the margin of the lake near by, when Barnet and the woman drove up. Tbe Woman called Min D. to the buggy side, when Barnet alighted and asked her to walk with him, SS he Wlthed to speak to bat privately. She Contented, nnd they went a short distance and sat down on a log and oonvonod a few minutes, when Burnet was seen to ri-e, draw a revolver from his pocket, and lire two shots at her. Hbo fell nt the lir-t lire. Ho then presented the Ditto at his own head nnd tired tovoral times. Two children ran, frightened, to a neighbor near hv. who ran iiinnoJ Htol v to the snot. found Mhit Dwight dend and the young man reloading his pistol, lie and tho Wo man wore promptly placed in custody, and lurgeon nn'oii, tn w nin l'igeon, sent lor. l he i .. tor reports lour wounds on the head of the young man, two of which en tered the brftin, and would eventually provu t it'ii An examination nl the par- tics was had boforo Juttloa Oalloway, and the young man committi 1 to jail and the woman heiii to hail in tho sum ot - i oia Charles Dwight, tbo father of the inur- bired girl, her bail. 1 hu young mnn was brought to jail limt night, and is this morning resting comfortably. The phytlclant here are not so certain as to tho erloutneto of hit wound, Great excite ment prevails in the vicinity nf the bomb cute, riio neighbor! prepared to finish tho work tic young man attempted on hlmielf, but Mr. Dwight protettOU against it. an I h-'tler judgment prevailed. There is, thuuirh, Homo comment on the fact of tbe father of tho murdered girl bailing the Woman. Tim only supposed causu is tho rejection of Itnrnes n- a suitor, a short time ago, and tho acoeplance by Miss Dwight of tho ftttentlOUl of another per son. Thu pistol used was a small llx IDOOtor, Barnet bat been clerking in n grocory store at White Pigeon, .Michigan, lately, mid had borne a good character. Hi- father It a fanm r in Blkbart county, Indiana. ENGLAND AND GERMANY. y sritioi'a COMPLICATION- R M.I. TllKV Ho 111 ? ALL Altol T llKI IOoLANO. It 'tut tftt Sru York lit al llle In UjSMWa sm H A leriotll COmpl'eation has arisen be tween Oormany and Rnghnl, and e Vero dispatches nr p.i-Mng tietween His march and Karl Oranville, British minis ter of foreign sUklrS. The government observes an Impenetrable silence on tn t luhjoetof the present difficulty, but I am infoi mod that llismnrek has addressed a note to tho German representative in Lon don, informing bim that the imperial gov ernment desired to ncijuire the island ol Heligoland, and emjoworing bim to make proposition- to the Itriti-h government for the purchase of tbe Island. Karl Granville replied in the same man lier, laying England will not part with Heligoland, and that the British govern ment could entertain no poposition look nig to a i t s-ion of that island ; upon which Bismarck again addressed tbo Brit ish eoVOrmont through Count lleru.-tortl, tbo German Ambassador in Lm ion, do- luring that the acquisition of Heligoland was neccsisry tor mo protection ol the German coast, reciting as an instance the ilities lor coaling and the immunity from attack which the Krchch tleot eu- luyoO ul II eligolaml oy winch il was cmi- liled to lilui kaile II ..u.i.i.i und paraly.e the commorco of tbe German coast. He loked upon Heligoland, on aocount of its loac proximity, us a (jermiin territory. nnd it- possession by any foreign power us a standing menace to liermauy. Karl (iruuvilh) ugain replied that luhd whs only bound to consider her own Interest; that the wish ofthe German gov orment to aoqulre Heligoland did noteon- ItltUtO bar right to it, ua the island hud never been under liermnn rule. ODDS AND ENDS. A PBORISM. Judicioutadrertiiing alwayt pays. If you bavo a good thing, adrertite 1 f you baveu t, don't If you don't mean to mind your own butineii, il will not pay to advertise. Never run down your opponents goodl in public. Let bim do his own advertising. It's a- truiMif advertising as of anything ei-e in tin- world it it Is worth doing nl all. it is worth doing well. You don't tat enough in ono week to last a wnoioyoar, ana you can t advertise on that jihin either. A large ndverlisemont onco, nnd then discontinued, creates, tho impression thai the mull Ims Bsaled. Injudicious advertising is like Ashing lu re there's no llsh. Vou need to let tho linos fall in the right place. If you can aroUSO curiosity by an ndver tiaemont, it is a great point gained. The lair sex don't hold all the curiosity in the world. People who advertbM only once in three months forget that most folks can't re member anything longer than about icvcn days. American Iftwtpaptr Reporter, w katii KB INDICATIOVS, A rosy sunset nreSftgM good weather; a ruddy tunrlte bad woathor. A bright yellow sky ill the evening in dicntes wind; ft pale yellow ky in the evening indicates wet. A neutral gray color at evening is a fa vorable sign ; in the morning, an untavor ablo one. Soft and feathery clouds betoken line weather. Deep, unusual hue:', in the sky indicate wind or storm. More delicate tints he- ipoak fair woathor, a rstntiott ai ne, iiuft, Xha '-ailor- taka warnlaft ; A rionhuw nt, a the Mtior'l ittliftht. 11 ihe in'iini -hew.' Iilte a Ivor ' hu I I, lie in. i afraid to reap y iui BpM ; Hill il she rises liiilon.l :tri,liu,, Hue a mil wi " "i' n delugst groandi The eseniaji ""'' tht rnomlai irsr, Ar rtainilitnaol i beautiful ,iuy win n rook i iiy ajmriiui blab la t r, ii, i tnat slnil) ttorma ari nasi II the cock unci crowing In Ix-'l, , 'b -uie tn rlss ill, a e head. a , Bv a Padueah woman committed sui cide by banging bar IS If to an apple tree At the funeral, a neighbor, noticing thu -ad appearance of the hushuud, consoled him by saying that be bad met yyith a ter rible loss. ''Yes,' says the husband, heav ing ft sigh, she mu-t beVft kicked liko thunder to shake or)' six bushels of applet that would have been yvorlh a dollar a bushel wheu thuy got ripe.'' IV Di' t for truiuing biiso bull players Itntlir pudding' nnacHBR i doo aruBT. Fmi thr OMtNas Mm A narrow log lay m n brhlo over n ra vine. Prom tho opposite ends of the log at the tami moment, thorn started lo cross it a big Newfoundlnml nnd n little Italian grnyhoiind. Of courao tboy met in the mldtlls; tf courte there arm not room for Ibem tO pattj neither Could they go buck The height wai a dangerous one for the greyhound, and to tint water at the bottom he was extremely averae. Tho Newfound land could have taken the loan in Hafuty, but evidently did not want to. Thore wal i fix. Tho little dog sat down on his liuum he-, stuck his nose straight up in the air, and howled. Tho Newfoundland stood intent, his faeo solemn with inward workings, rrsaently he gave a nudge with bin nose to the howling greyhound, as if to say: Ho still youngster, and listen.' Then thore waa silence and seeming confabula tion lor a second or two. linmodiatnly the big dog spread his legs wide apnrt like a Collosus, bestriding the log on its extreme oulor edges, nnd balancing himself care fully. Tho littlo dog sprang through the opening like a Hash. When they reached the opposite shores the greyhound broke into frantic gambols of delight, und the Newfoundland aftO! hi more sedate fash ion expressed great complacency in his achievement, us he aurdy had ft right to do. AN APT l' Krum llir t'lin-neii Thorn sre those of the Democrat party who declaim ngainit Mr. Yiillandigharn s Dayton resolution. Let them consider the following parallel A certain farmer was ploughing in his fluid ono day, when along carno a deputy sheritfwitb ft Judgmont lor tho collection of a liglitning-riwl note, as they aro called, and demanded immediate payment. In vain did the farmor protest that he had never got the article! Tor which the nolo was given in payment, and thnt he would not pay for Ibut which he had not received ; the ihorilf laid hold of the farmer's team and declared that hu would Bftrry it otf. Tho tanner rcasonod with himaeif. It is better that I pay this note now, kup my team, and go on with my planting. The nolo is illegal, but were 1 to atop now aud settle the matter by law, my land will lie idle, and I thould bo ruined. Ho therefore paid tho note, and afterwards, when his crops wero safe- Iv stored, took the matter to the courts. when his Ittjttrl0l were righted, and Hu swindlers wure exposed. RaUrTho lAtrrarii hVerU gives the fob lo who: MStln as to the (tirrlaml "The Oeerland MunthUi, ol San Francisco, hi ,'an its career in July, IHiJH, A. Roman .V Co. being its publishers, and Bret Harto its editor. The miming of the magazine was a matter of erent difficulty: lliinlly Bret Hart! selection was chosen from a list of twenty names. The die OR the title-pagi gavo more trouble At last it was decided to give thu portrait of a bear; but when thedrawing ot the animal was maile and a 'proof taken the effect was hot gen erally pleasing. Several literary gentl men pu..lisl lone over the mailer, when -uddenly Mr. llurte lelaed ft pencil und drew two lines under the hear, represent ing a railway track. A burst or upplausc loll,, wed, and the die was 'cast' in two sen ses. This bappy thought of Mr. Harte't leemi like a veritable inspirations. Kev Horatio Stobblns, Starr King s successor, was one of tho council which superiritcn d'.al tho birth ofthe OttrUttut, Mr. Hftrle ' salary as editor of the On rlamt was $1&0 per month." I'll y sit I s A. WADOYMAR, M. D.. Iy.i V -MIAN, IMlffaMMI Ml)J A i oiilictir, fertDCtl ol Amm, tfaiufl 'iinly, llliH'H-, hM MN hiHionily loi .b il hi ( air llfUcc I 'innit r'-inl :i ui', bttVMa Righlta Bkiti Ninlli -irt cin, Ui-i Hhlt. Mftflf WILLIAM ii SMITH M ! UKSIIKNrK-N'. VI YhlftoMMll -trt, U lwtn WCkhiogton nvcnuc mi l WtJnul "-trut-t. UWtcx m CQfniiMrc,ti nfnttfi up fiir. II WAIIDNKK, M. D I UKsKNrK -ornT Nim (ocnth MrrM MUi WnVsiihI'ti it mi', CMrot Olalc CJP Coin Hit r lJ WUUO OfVt DOEtottCtf. Ollict hull it -from I I in to li 1J in., (Siiiiilny s xc-j i. 4t and front i t B tn t.'. W. DUNNING, M. 1 URBIfiBBOB -eornsr Noun mi l Walnut Dili, e -earner Willi -in i t mi l Ohio la OfDe nourafrom e a in. to M tn. , una t p.m, PftTMIWi FOUNTAIN SCRUBBER. Sam: TIMR, LABOB ABD MONEY ITS ADVANTAGES OVKK OTIIKIl ARTI0LI in Ital POtt I'l.oon AMI IIOl bK-l'LKAMMJ, ARI lai - ii lurniihM trail ii tad does lbs acrubblns -ill, I lii,innK ul tlie -mne time. -I it will iu its uurk in oRefeRrth et tht tins rsquired in Ihsordlnsr esy. 3.1 -it win ,in ihe wnrii ,,i ins lerubblns brush' SS, llial DOS I 7', osnta e srbi III! 1 M ill "live MM priee ,i Itastl twice a jn ar III I ! .IM oil. - It w .ll not raise sdUSl, .III. -The i ul, ncr can he rc,laeej lur It 01 nl-. 7lli The haad Is mullraUu iron, and will last 1 lllu-tlllle. Mllt-lt you wish In u-f a mop, or , loth, to dry lie renters, remove the tin. anil insert yourelulh. an, I you have that additional tnTSBtSit! EVERY FAMILY, STORE. SALOON HOTKI. AND STKAM UOAT SHOULD USE T1IKM. 1 inn nrupared in furnish Ilium hv amide doren ornruss, un short nulicc. Addieiia in .' . inn Wit. UBMRV. Cairo, Ula. 1 1 i hi:. B. 8, 11AUUKLL, DEALER IN FURNITURE IHKKNSWAHE, IIOVEB I'L'UNISHINO GOOD.S, BAR WXTUREB, Q LASSWARK, lSo A H7 ( iinimerciiil Avenue OAiaO, ILLINOIS. sr.WINU si.! in i:. WANT KD, A0KNT8, iieventy live tn Isre linn, Ire, I dollars per iiloalh n e, i vlieiu, male and f, in il,'. to introduce Ilia Usnntne Improved t-nniman Uenas KanuiySi'wuiK Msotiiusi iiiiH msohias wtii uttsn. hem, leii, In, k, liiud, braid, curd, and embroider In a most superior msaaeri i'i i ''. Fully srarranted ftir Brs vesrsi Wowiu ,.a.v fi.tssi fur an) ma, hue thai mil see a -IronKur, more bean, lilul or mole eiaatit seam than oars. 11 mukea Ike 'Ivlailie 1.,,,-S Btlteh." Kvery Hueond tllwhesa l.n Ul and still the oloUT rWRROl PS liulluil npiill Mitliniit IsSartng il. Wu pay agents V7, lo $2no ,,ei mouth and expe lines, or auoniiniaaion from which IWkis that amount osa '" made, Fur circulars aad U'tiiis, apply to or adilrrsa, ti. BOWBBBft co OilHprucii Struct, flulailelplua, I'u. OAVTIOSwpO net ho inipoaed upon by other purlins jialtniiiK oil wortbluHH cnal iron mactunra in, .In it,, auiiio iiuiiiu or otlierwiao Ours la Ihe only ecuuiue and really prailicul ilieap niachiuo rnauiilactuitid. aprltsDm iivauitAffrr, W B. MoltlllH, II II I N l)RS N,,liy Pubhr, Nn , e ,,, USTBXJIHli PIKE, HULL, OAHGt), LIVE stuck ACCIDKNT. LIFE, INSURANCE! ACT A , II A It'l I'oKD, I',, M i, Mil 'i; NoK I II AM Kltlt'A, I'A., AH ham roan, i ons- , tateti t.6M,Ill I! patBWtX, HAin pord, Asarta ,. 1.7-1. 14s si I VI MINAI IOSAL, S V., i i i nam, ii a ii i roan, ;,r,.'i i I.kvklaMi. CtRVRtARD, Asstti HUM . iioxiic, cm. rum .., aaastt Uhjttt t AM I. KIca N ORRtRi l lo A-ets M,mi 00 OORRRGTtCVt MVTVAt, I in:, Aai-t-ta RlyOSja.e0O DO tBATBLRR'a, HAttTfORD, nit: ash ACCIDRRT, Aarla IJaRUm US RAILWA1 I'A 1 m K Its ASaltRARCa o., hari roan, Asael RliRRl ia. ixdrvrndrrt, poeToti, aieStS i in.naj M BAPFOBD, MOItlUS .V t'ANDKK, 71 Ohio LSMrSMS, et) Balleaal Bsab, OAltto, n.i. FIRE AND MARINE L CSMrPABTIM i RIAOARA, S V ftsants tl,ltt,nt M oaahtAvtA, r, v , A-wt. I.k.".'! II I Nov KK, N V , Aasl Vti,,') - Hi RRFVRI li', H. V , ftssels iii pay qq Oowprlalas He' Under vr iter' Agset) VONRRRS, H V . Aaat- r - a I it s I lilt, Aaseta I'.'l.l't l '.!.'i iriaRU rh's tv r n - i , A I. CTs.u ancuBirv, r. v. marinr, ! .4tt -t SltiKH, Pwellinsa, Furniture, Uulla ind u Kin, ilinlir. I al rales ii- I n . i il l. ai a ,11 le I parmaasnl aeeurlty ain warrant. I rwepei tlully a. k i,i Ihe ell iioai ,.i l!iro a -iiaie ,,i tii , ii patronage, c a. in ..his. I' OftV. at Kir-i Nnli, ui,l Ram AM III III IS IN MAN LINK Lttsrpeol, Rsw-Torfe nnd PftiUlriphis Bteantship Company, mrass i asrssci with i sitae itatsi saa i sitn oovsasusati f',,r Dsrrruuj the Malls. FOR PASSAGE TICKETS elt 11 STRBS ISroSRATIOS APPLY To JOHN ti. DALE, Am tail IlroaJway, New York, or lo II . II o a (Mi nt Waahingtoa Aiemu-, Csiro, llllooia, I MM Hi HA NT TICKETS FOB BALE, 1 fSfjj ( FOB BALE, FOE SALK.jih:;rs;;,' (K()U HALL Fare from LlVBlfOOt, Fare from LoVSOHaBBBY, Fare from tii.Asoow, Fare from QcBBRaTOWH TO CAIRO, 148.10 Hattord, II .mi A Candee, A-, in PARKER & BLAKE, I'I M I 11 1 IN WHITE LEAD, ZINC, OILS, WINDOW (iLASS and i'UTTV. IiItL'.SHKs, WALL I'AIMiltVINlKJWSlIAUKS n OHIO LKVKK, Caiuo, Iili.inoih. OltlMN AN I S UUDINANCK NO. 11 1. An iirdinaiii'O aullmriiing Htny of mooiilion in ..nin I,,-,--. Ho it onla i Iiy tliu City QOBftSlI of the city of Cuiro : KecTioa 1. Thai it xhall liotliu duly of II, o BtlRM MaKlaltalm of Ihv ellv r l.'airo lienevei- tlie 1'ity Allornry of aaid city may a,, d t lo allow a flay of sRsentfea for any limn imi ,., forty-ciRht houra in lavor lit any ,i i -,,n who in iv lime Iimiii found uiiilli of a violation ot 'an i ordiiunco ol aanlcity, ami the City Attorney umy .ii.,. aurri mmj wnvntoer ne may neiiK uie in t'-r.'-il of Iim, uy require auchalay uf ox.cutlon. Frovuled, any iornoa in whoao favor alay of elo cution ia hail win, shall bu loiind witluu llm limit of t lie city of Cairo altar lha lime of aiich alav of execution ha claimed ahall tat dealt Willi aa if no auee eiay of eseoution tiau uccu granted, Annroved Juue'.-'l, ISTI. All. .-I, JOHN M. LA.NSDKN, Mayor. M. J , Uowliv, Ully Uvia. i.'.Wlei S.I I ! ISJSH It A sr. -K. I N TLUKST-I'A VIMi PLAN A ,i ; -u l , invei ry u m of lAfs In nrane' ii i , ii, i introduced iv lha MISSOURI Ml TI Alt LIFE 0 NT. I ol IK Bl (nil "t in, let In lii-tntM'f i- inrniHi.ti v m lit i ! eott m y Mm- nsiuil irnifi nnd Ih i' i Iny hoi Im fCNSivoE n Rnnnnl mifn-' nl i l or i nt upon nil IIk monP) l i Nj him In Ho ' niif my j iim nntsitRl pfniBiiiiw" Ihn ifi l. i til M ITIIIOh i :i i' 1 1 i i ii lot nl Iron t. The iIhh h:t bntH II n'll Prll i n i -.ii. indorntNj iy thf mm'-i emlurul nt'titat it in. i AiiiimI mnthomnilriiin" inlln lnnli imlmt Il RM l.i it Vt'l U l tin MUlBjrftlt nl llill iX 11 '"' "i my pi? fu . i Uh tu m i I men nl tin- CnmptajTi rfORTRWInl rnitSKl, fOVWtfi AKDfM in UT Louis, MO ARTHUR u. BARRRTT PmUIti1 Bieic-i Vim i AM", tteerHm m u:::oth.i mutual Itittk 1. 1 if la in Hal n1 Mini. ilii,li Wft4tfl I. 'If I osHntl'N. Il lllli M!lioe i,tl;( f '.,IBE. 1 1 htu MtntE Nmpf iiihii m Miiti t T, 1 1 i,i , 1 ti.iliiM-i in nVltlflln i U Hi CRBMtnJ ii hM Mm hnrnlh il il. m mm iiini iinanMinsi Erilh IhnHMlnol Miaonpi t- i hrpftHnnl rum ibjU il mi, v hoi l-r- H hMftompJicH fuiiy wiih ihn m w i , nl i m inli . wdirh ii r 'tnf i . 'u tin j' un I iti..n t.i i ly nninfoH IhnnlhnMnl RMtrrn iHnlrE K InvnalE U inn-It NB ilM wi -t, iMimn I Mi pfM.ic fnttn wi, '.mi Itiry tr ro t ik-Ii Ii - in in.-t m mi nt i4 t IfntvinEa l iliful in. I nr i It-nt. 1 II- ulkiiiiNl IMMNM fiotn Bit- nit r -t MMH lra i.l) MOPt tliHh ) All I Hi I (-i) il- UUH . It lEAUM .om h a ilrfm lb nfulMII ) lif' no I Ml' lOWIIM'Ill -lniR, lit Hu- - t late i. m r-tlnf It r i it-- noMMWini. Tin miIm y tiHi-ra PMeVlfi .11 Um nrMtl - n aM nnnl tilt htowlRi Thn "itM'k hoi Infii m pnwHn Milf t mh flit Ol iflt! r- t BJBJ (fit ir iil:tl, Itv Hi ti tin . i in ImrttT. TMMiMMl UlfMOMil to y ti'.tilc.a nu I n fly iri ad r limn in my ol' Kti rn bMMM hnfC vi r btaPM ntiln tti any. Tho Mlntn ol IIIIooIe pnfq I i-t iom rIemiI total million dollopa lot 1. if' fii-nri -. Why hi n t n rntifh moiif out nl tl i in--BVny to Ni' Yoik un J .Si MftwMl l' i id :o it. iinti nitty bn nroaocoil oiM u i hnnii v toi mort it hOMOf uiMin a row . npi MilMttl t k nt- it t nit . I ol mission AMI KHtWAataiatl UliOSE A VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION M Kin BANT! AN Is DRAT.ER3 TXT X,T1Vri. Crmrrt, Plastrr Pari SRB i i. BT K i: K i: H ii i R lorner I i. Inn sire.', u.i.l t..-. A I Km, ILL mil i. i.i; , PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION POEM BD1NO M RKC1IA NTS AM. DEALERS IN FLOI H CURN i):it-, Hay, etc. M Ohio Lrvrr, CAIRO, ills JOHN B PHIL LIS, ' BSM aaoi I., 'u,k, i A I'lnllia,, GENERAL 00MMISSIO1S AM POBWAEDIMa MBB0BANT, AND DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS Flour, Meal, Bran, t'ou tknth-st. am. OHIO LEVEE CAIRO, ILL. I M. PHILLIPS A CO., tBnsesstaw to B. B. Bsadrteas a t;u.,) Forwardiug and Connnission MERCHANTS AND WHA RP.BOAT PROPRIETORS, 0AIBO, ILL, RlpfcaLil'cral Advani-ea made iii'On-ersaaaV J -Br Oonaignmenta, JSJw Are prnnarMl to receive, lure nnd lorward IreirlilH in all ,inliniel l,uy and it'll on oornsilsiioBi aWBuiineia suended to nronpUr, wood RITTEIIHOU8E, ISucconBor ol Ayera A 0e ) FLOUR AND Genera OommUsion Merchant im oillo LEVEE, CAIRO, Illinois. OOAIi A Mi ttot ii. Pi M. w a n d, WOOD AND COAL MERCHANT. i.a m. WAitn ii BMMred to dslivei tiieii L . I'u,' W,,d and Mi-1,. Cnal IN ANY I'A RT Ol' TBI CITT Aud ill any ijiiantity deaircd, on idiort nolicr COAL DKL1VEHKD at $I.DU i kh ton. twoUonra sboTS the oorsei ol Eighth . treat anal L'oUIIIU'Klul avenue. (ItCtll ..l. i'O'l.- il,... 1'.,,.,,.,, Orth A 1