Newspaper Page Text
IIIKII I . n To jm i.ii.ttit. ,i , rm i I tot I to IhoM hivintr no ApKtil' I lo 'two llrokm I 'own Ommumiiiom I To N . roan f opto I To' n Wfl tine AV J'Mh wiili Ivbdit .t l In;;, idi.u or Hiniriiiik Hiiiiiiiiv ot UM NttotlN fy lllllolll4. Witt. I n 1 ' it DttMMMI MW ii t ma it Mm h m Con ril potion i In rl PllM, FttflH 01 ItlOOd to thfl Ht(Wl A till iiy of tho HtortuM hi Noiliflvn, lit aitl.nrn, I'iioi t fni I ood. Kull m rm or WmkIiI in tho Hi itni.i h, Hwil Ki it idonf. Hi nk i nil or Unto rtM d h 'ii .1 ii.- ,;i..iim-h, W i huo ov of On ) t,, Hum' l i 1'itfi' Ull Hri"itliii ', I lull run' nt it II mi I I ho iti" or Siiifftc-it uiv - nuMlonn w In n m Cfintf I'-'iof, iMnnoM ot Vim inn, Itoti of W h In for1 thfl H Rht, I H i Mid J j 1 1 I 'AID in I he !livl, I" fx ii mv ol 'i ftptrnllOft, 1 . HOWntftl "I the M. ip ip I Kyi , I' ill) m km hni-, Murk Tin -t, Liml. . ., Buddofl Mm In- of . M, hnrnlM m i wmh or,. tint lnifiiiniif- ol Rtll, mm orool I'i WtMMMI o Hpif.U, DOOPL AND8 GftRM AN BITTERfl yl Jlt'f-i 9ithotit Alcohol or fkririti fJ iny kind. 1 Ulli'irnl I m oil othori, I in i fpn i ol J tin paro Jiii--, or Viti Pnm pi oi Uooti, Horba ii i Hftrk (-ir. n m- in intiiy U nu d. Ki tuv ti,) tin ivor UileM of im ri p mot oi im n ifrohoi no) MllAg u-i- l. Tin r .'or , m w ii of tit i I til lor Ulro l rnnlninrd - inm-h Modtoiool v if too m vUl trt lottM n nrtrnU gfljl too oi ord n i y rniitiiri -. Tin root! tit , momJ im U.ip lUlli i - rn n1 n in ! no tnv, i r vital (rtrifii !-. rtlroowl i. Ihol fnnntri bj Mlofj boo Onrm i, ojn! IbrvftH t i -t oi tool iry in Ihil i nl . n Im ro thoj nn -oinp no i- : roJ bot Hni n m no uphTfitiou. in -r- lii nt-, tit -PiUori i rmm Ihn olnriu-i u.--. hmmmI mil tm 1 1 .- ioo4M lor t HioJooII i m '- Hi rtojooa fritn lhlrttM tin tim'-t tuk -irniih ii i -, ' m i ' -nit' t Mii h r itit) rifroonnoou tivi im i I'U ' i in Kontl it" tti HOOPIiAND'H UEKMAN tonic Wm tonip 'mi. . i lot ihoM mi iiiinii.i o io Initio tittt i, mil ihtii"l'l I t t,-i in eMM VMM f OffVM tl "h il.r timul tot r m in -1 m r Motion. Uiiti ti.i- Toojif firofpwH i - i it. i- Bitiofn. Kwii bodli ol I ho Took mi ton ttti- ol tin- r-, i ii i uitii (tare -vi fJuvt HI'M, ti il ivuft ! in on It in iniH ill it tho i lrin ' t -f tin- htlUrfi t .t i mim. 1'irinir.i i nrfnontloi hi tit If ...4l.l.- nnti lotto in a i ''..(, .1 .In in.l . ,.hi. ill.. Tonic 1 1 l Hi (. r t-til , oowfill lo.'iiy prwMn Hunk loo Ii fu Tii' niu-i tnkm nl.- I r "' i " it li ' l ill nt MoTl 'i il 1 1 J . A i 1 1 mi I r umlifHi fti 1 1 Im i pel prtoi . tut Ii it u bi Ui t to I i) lllttfl Ki ll - mi l hove i.M. nt . M a Mm lo i do I preiNUolloo inMuKJ uoto n nono 'it tlir l--i lognrati nti , Mtl Im tioi j Ui o. n i hi ip compound, MMJ bo I" tM (,'i 1 M t, o.ii u. ttii. bo i in i i II OOFLAN r-. B GERM AM B1TTEK8; II I I ICS a EUM A. 1ST TON i O Willi llu 'I LA N U P IDOPU') LL1 N PI LL wn.L CVM TOW. TfeVJ nr.- IMUMMM III I I'lirlll- ' 1 H II 'I ii (I iik I ' 1 1 ri I, nriil Will rTwlM It dMi hi King from Impart? Uoa.1, ul lh f'l'i-I.V'.lri'iri-, Ol I .-f ii- I I., 1 1 r . 10 ' tborvOI tin.. t. in i.i. y oum i liMtra n .r,- 'l in Wbota Bo 1 1 rum i Cottrl ol lYMMilvMta frok for in. rVmodtai Who woahl ai fc i tuure 'C.'ii mo! h,.i'' i taotlniottl ' Hov. Uoorai w womvom. lorttttvit ttiiti m- In .vl U.f Mtlptrm Oottrt Ol I', mi .Ivan i, t I'll- .-lit nrttbtr Ol CottftrOOfl tr-.m I, im. 1. 1- fcia, hi. i. - I'll. U.I. lotlls. Mairli It, MT, 1 Wli I II'" II .1. I Ii. I lit 'tit 1'. 1 1 ti i ik i '.t t total ip illofotrt ol I in- ilt rootifo orKon. nod ol HIMl l.t In!, I iii en I .l.lttlily mi l u nit ol Mffont artion in lii -. iii. l'oar, Irttlf , liRORi K W. WW llWAKt. Bttti i imti TI omunti, OtiH f ianllet of tit Rtt I itatt ' ''lint 1 1 i'. itn- it t 1 1 i d i i t. ipht ., April n, iter. I ooojtljirr ll' itti -ii i'- UonriM bitli r. t ttlitt Me mi" i if i in' in t .... . t ttlftokt ol IrtdtfottloB or ln-t' i-n. I i-,n t. ' r 1 1 1 tin- litiin my ixprtl. 'iu.u 1 1 it. Voan, with mpoat. IaMRS TnoMpttUM. ITotv. Utiorai Bh u naod, 1 nit lot of tii Banttnti . " i 1 ol Pent ilium, i HhlU it Ipklt. 1 1, in I, I-. t I ktt r-. 1 1 n . I bjr eipcriaaoa laiM Uooitod'i OortrtM Dilleri I- i. t tj ti.. i look), Minim, uj-ptjitic ttntptomi nl ii -1 liroellv, UKUMII RUAMWOOI), Jlr.n. Win. I". if, Miiym ol the I ily ol Jil.'i M. V. I M.twir mil. lliitlnl'i, Jiitn :i, I 'i, i. 1 Mt uh." lloodnta't in rmiin Bittort Ti.: in ...yliimily tiarlaR IheMtt trotr, un l I iii rooaiitnttBa tiit-m ti nu oxotlloiil loiito, imptrt. ihK loojo tod vlffor to tht tyttotn. Ttelrnot but IkiM I'TOilUl III!' nl .li t , li .Ily Li iii tit'iul 1'Hit ... WM. K. KUtJEiH, Jinn. .I .iii. - M Wiiii I, i j'M yor n( Wi!liiimi.nrt J'ii. l bikt kTMl ploMart in rtoMtrnertdiRg Hoof Itna't Oomttn ront to tD obo who mty bo &! flirlod with tytpoptit I Kit' tht brtptptlt bnillj it wm Impouiblt to Li t ) ny lood on mi in. mi n il, ud'l I bcuneu WtM n not In lif hI.Ii tn w iik half i. milt . Tuo botlloi ol fonle af fi'cie I a I 'tr. 'i cure. i.v.,ihi Wuuti Bwwaialbtir thai ItooDand't Oermaa Ditlart, nn l lltmllnii'l .n r. nun Tnitif, curt . viry ,'tS ol MAUA-Ml - OS If AHTIKO away OF MM. HOPTi Ki llloiiilM-r il. .t , . ti. tm.m Ki iiip- ill.t ir.' tit.' madioinai you rtquirt In i.nnly tho lilood, eioitt tin' torpid l.lyet in imnitny aolion, un l i.. tnablo you t pui taleU'li tiny luiJ iiiin u i expoinrOt It l( . II O O I' I. A N II ' S PODOPHYLLIN, Oi RabtUtutc I' f Maroari Plllt. XWti PIliU a pOBR, Tin' moat powerful, jrtl lonoaoBti Vegnlablt Cathartlo Knowiit 11 I not BatMnBfJf tn Inkr n hAOdlul ol Hiohi- IMIh in nroduoe tin- detlrod tftaott Twa ol .ham tut niii.'I.iy imti poworfully. claanilnii the l. hit, Htotnach and Bowalt, ot nil Intpuritiat. Tht lirin.-iiiAi lagvadlaBl it Podophyllin. oi tin' Afoo liollt lulraol of Maadrattai wnioh la by many tintat mora powortuli aolion and warohinji. than ii," Mandraka litalf, lit utouliai totiou bi itpon tha l.ivi-i, olaaitiBg it tpoodil) from all ohtlfuc. liOBti with nil tin. power of Nerourw . -i ftae Iran nil tin' itdurioua fttultt auachod to tht utt ui t minarali yx all ili.n-.-ini.'.s in whii'li tli.i tiiio ol u cathaitu' la.Bdioatcdi Utotapllli will ur ontiro tatltflto. lion in i-v. ry pite. They NSVM I'.Vll.. In i a-. , oi uvet Complaint, Itytneptkti ami ratrema Uoitiveneti. Dr. Itoofland't Oarman Bit. Ifrn. or Toiur, hIiiiiiIiI In' iisi'.l in ronni'i'tinn Willi tin- rillt, The tonic ettaot of tht Bittert.orTonio, i ' ii i - up tlm lyitcm, Tim Dittert, nt Tonio, pit. rit"H tlm Itlnoil, HtrHiitluTiH tlm iitrvi', reg li I all-1 tl.i: Liver, an I glVtl atrrtiijlli, tBtriy and t'lar. Kenp your Howi-Ih ai.livc with the l'llla, nn I ton.- up Inaiyttem wlih Blttera, or Tonle, and im ditenHOcan retain tin- liulil, or iiviui UHaail yon. id', nli.'i-t timt it in it UooBand'i Oorman Kern, lii- that nro mi UBIVOfially Ultd ami luvhly raMnnendM . Bad do not allot Hie ii u.-.-t i to ind.ii v you to take auylliint; . lie Unit Im may nay la ju-it ai Kiiotl, tii'iTiiisn Im tn iki-H :i lRittr prolit cm it. Tlii'nc ri'inoiiiin. will bo nent by Bxprett in any loctiltly uiion Hiiiliraltoii In tlin I'ltlNnil'AL OVTiOS. at b I.KUMAN MBDICINk bTUBK, tjiiiAiu ii frTBBIT, I'liii.Ai'Ki.i'liu. ( HAN. N. I VANS, I'roiirlclor. Koritifrly t.'. M. JatliBondt Co. Thmp Kimcilti H am lot nal.i by Iihht m-i loft kifi it", nut Mi'liciin' IHaU'ii t'Ti-rywrn'rv t'niiiii iiiimi Milt iiiiii. iii. MlMMft, ttii-i.iu in.. Awtffjnf. liVMM nn: HILL TO Tin, POOH BOVSX nr win. m. , a' i r rnr ' r tlm lull to tin or,r hOUtd I'm IiIbiii' my wi aty way I, it man ol "i! nl v, an.l oily Ir iln rr) I. boiun auiaiKntlinipiwr, m all tli-yuart I'n many nnolbt'i womin thi"'a only half a - old. 'u i the lull 'o tlm p'lor hi, use I cm t nulla itiakit it rlar I tvr ih" hill to tlii' ponr-ho nc-,l cmi o hoi rnl nuocr l M m n an p 'ti i tit. n n In IB' to m l fro, I it ii.ii. i a xirt oi otirntf I m-Tor Inouthl to Kn, What i I In in 1 1 h ipii.' nn rn" n BBnper'a abnini' ' Jm it, j it rat) I am I Mmd or lane I Ti in-, I nn in. t -n attBjHe, li'i y-t an aw.'ul itmit . I'm charily ain't na taror, innci a iiv tin-tti I m Willlin' and nniioit in' Pond) any I ' y To warn tor ad. wm Htn' an p.y nif onttf Wit) , Poi lenn tart m) itanhii an ntorr inn, i n ia nnwnili II any ltM i- only WlflnV to ham n.c'. 1 Tut- i w ' ronngind htm'tntA -I na . Upon n y tool ! hi) i hi ' w a f ii'wa, In ) i-y. ..l-n k t1 mil : And I r in I m im ii. . r in thi-in daya I hetrtnt M" l' ' I . , Pof any hind ol i i .-a hi, that 1 wnt in .In- i any. 'Taint no Hat o bOaatlB', oi talkin' nyor lia. , Mil. many a haul" an' hnma wa 'ifMn than in m. Many a nan inmii "uir i nan lit. in iiki n nn n, An l ni.lxt iy t Inoti'd that I wa a Imt'l'ii tin n, And when to John i Rttrrled, rare ha v i r id ataart, i: i' i,. ad all my neighbort would own I done my par , t .r at. all kntnit int, nn' 1 wa- yinintf 'V ttfwtngi And I Borneo 'h' heal thi.t I ' til l in t In' n KM hIoiik. And to wt worked lannAhef i and id- wat hnfd, l.iit i'ay, With in. ant 'in n a bai.y to rawer nt nn ntif urn : 'i li wa hint knll n donan, an' a'lgmwed ntorntn' mat, A.r to a tii'ii iiki-otbiT-, air n. i najne "i to int. Mo wi- wnik' I tor ' 1 eh Id . a- .1 i dead m i i'i) i'i.. . WOttotjlBl 'inn IWmmni .nt wuit'-f, tint a. we nttnhl to 'it dona ; "i.iy, parhapt, hnm'imd am, whn-h aonva pf'.tt'l to in" i '.nnt ion. Uot an ry evnnta - tHl.di n't i hwan thi keei .o it, in. tAttatya hom ejnali we iMnl nl ottr htetaed litfje oil"- ' iii itndi i for my dwnthtert, I 1 hare die. m ion - , And Ood in m I" that frlbj id ir,, ..ui iiiin Wa rt 1 1 ami " ay, I'ye aottred itaomet.mea t anetoiwta to W"-k tht o"n-r Way. -trin;. rnolherlning wheej our boyntn'glrl wara trown And whan, txta pt! t' cnarb-y, they'd left nalhnn alone ; W In n johl hi- naart i an' n IM .nw, an 'an i tat in ad to ta, 1 he Lord oi hloeti h" enene one tiny mi in. i I. in BWAJ from fnt, II I wnt hot -i.i t'- uunyl", an' n-n-t 10 Inge Ol tali Ml. II 1 a .ri.t .1 lot I my a'l ; .' i i narley i p wor.i .i an Till al I d In aint it Ir'ln l"l a. r Chart, y a-i- noa to rn", a it ti Benreh a in. 1 1 rooj I a win tap of I. hM I She wat totBewhtt d -. hadn't n tml'n Rhjn a-i .(ti ta r iB". i If ! t ttyto I Hct if erer I tried te anient dfdn know i got the wee hard im! n an' I awl it g. Mm i, ad an ed:ct'i , i t ti -o'". Il' n tha la i in ot m Be a - i in oi, nrm- '.a -)ia t inpaoy .fun.'. . Q An' 1 l"l I in M I" l-i-f - fbat 1 aarer wall iweda 1 immnr. oi via Bantie. Pwt'twnant y a f.'w dayt kntain th" tb.nir wn . 1 1 ma They waa a fund) at titamaterrna, and I mnihet i n" : And t vt.t) I 'If " nl i-'- n"i I ai ;! : la. 1 t : v r i.ivi- -.'-i n o li'-uia ilia, w 'r onli tul iwn. An' I aerer eoald -oak 10 mil ker, o- tat iuI I nl. ai- t ar ". f. An' ,1 ruade in iq h ir, I -nt, and ib.-ti 1 didn't in ; lini I w.- terribly ataggnred n' fnlt it linn a MOW. When Clteirley turned Bgia m-. an' told bji I l-onlil L'n. I a. iii to l it- witti suan tut Suata't honee wnt entalli tnd bin- waa alw aya a tnntiu' btn MMg M waa tol it. all ; And what am. lit r lui-lui'l'. ai-mr-, mi l what with nnttdr'n three, 'fwea eeey to dl ' laat there waan't room ttu ma. An' tin n I w. nt In Tbomai, the oldeat ton Pel nL I or I hoaMtl.a l.tiil lingt 1 I covor Ii 'if all hi m lot , I'm' all lln "iiihlt'li wu ' n In 1 roilldn'l -t m i tti"ir aaiK-c An I I ti in .-ta I I n it In '. think I 11 romm' tber' to I' j--. An' Utnn I wtnte to Rnhna ... my girl who Uvea outer. ', An l to I it", not ' .r from her "m" iwrmy m teenl ' -' . A i l in of 'em Raid 'twaa too warm linn- I t any llllt- -i' "IT, And t'other bal an opinion tbi '.iinat' w i- too aowi to they bnre ahlrked and alighted met i. e. i .11" alKlut 3n tin y havt-ll niih -"luri I me, an' WON my m i II' 1. i out : lini atitl I'M Lorn" up pretty we at wa-u't mm n i. ut i' mi, 'l ul I'hnili y wt nl I" tlii- ai(ir-inaatrr, an' put mi en me i"vi n, Ornr the hil' o I'm pajor-bouae my ehlld'n ttany, iro'.ij-li. r Many a sight l'rt waubod you when only Qi i W :l- n IK'. . AndOod'll udga between us. but twill nl ays That yu -ball naycr "Hilar Ilia half 1 do t. -.lay. - nar era w neK-y, KUAN K I.I N - TOAST. Krm an old Hook of AoecdOtea. 1): PlMKlin OnOO diuuU Willi tin) Bg li b hBtt r'rench uabwAnwdotn, when tlm following tohltl wore drunk: Tin- llritish tttiiliusfiitdor snitl "Soglnftd tho fun wluiso brit-ht bcinis enliirhtrn aint lertiiizo tho rnnotott oornon or tin onrtb." The French ftfiibasaiidor, olowini with nutionnl pride, but too DOlii I tu dltputO the proviom toast, dfuflkl "Franco the moon whoso mild, (.tendy nnd ohosrilts ruys nro tlio dollght of nil nnllont, consol lug them in dnrkncus, ml tunkii.t- tholf drebrinou bwAutlAil." Dr. Franklin then roir. and, with bit- usual dlgnlflnd lltTMllloItT, Mid: ''Ooorgo af Imii'ton the iloshuii who comrotn- ded the IUD. anil tho moon t" Ithfld f ill, nnb Ihoy obeyed him. " 'oi ton ijuwn jn THI Moi'Tii. Thfl cotton crop promisoa to full fur be low tho ttverago thio yeur, owini; to the wet nnd cold inrlnw nnef to the rlrvnrnait in thfl cotton grot, Many pluntera in the scuth, pomprehoodlng that cotton is no longer king, huvo devoted more neroa to grain hltd less to cotton. Thoconeiuencc is iiiuv wb pinntwrt nnvo neen nnlo to tur Ullh tliuir own feed for their stock, nnd what cotton they hnvo will commuml n hiylier price. Boy" U is n om is ftot llluitMtiag the tent nnd of kooiilag the , it, tl'ftt if n eont of . I co impot rlotlt to cxtori- of the ... in about i hotiri. 3 trie 1 i a child i -ion of 1'ope Leo II the j njml hnir. it ng 11;;,: to rep I . n id F" A C d It I vii niah um! 1 I noeosiiity of clout, pores of the ski: vurniahor .'hei nioUtura bo iij.pi body, denth Will -Tho cxnerht.ont nt Florence. l)r, thu Tenth's, nccc - was dotlred lo in relent tho (iolden utidoa nu over eli Thu child die I i' f. - hour li ''ie of n rnbbit or thg skin f it pig bo I with lolullon ndlhruhbai inntpht tho inlmtl Mgt to broiilh in tt en ijili' hou ri Oait' Tho htmoaphoro ia mid to be a dry at (!ordov, in tho Argentino Uopub lic, timt a bowl of milk loft uncovered in tho nWrtintr is dry at night, while ink vanishes from tho ink -land ttiul becomes thick alnviit by mai'ic TTIT .CAIRO DAILY III HIT EM .l. "Ol.tJ BlftCfi 1 III. in l.s I RuDDCtlON lie rno t Bnoeoi lui, iHtauiai md Pnrtofi COOKING MACHINES Dl Um period, arc Ml Wed known H" n'.f m -niij ! t rnr -trurtit.n, nro riiy IgMMkJp I mi I gptwtMAtOO I t gift KNTir.i; BATWPACTIOK. u no it rl ml' In ih" houaeboM tia.. grenlm In guenne ib promottat lb. henlthenmfofl nod tt ippllii'ta ot in lajlldy I ir.'l" .hut i b- OOOk Htoee, it ia ravmomy aa wan a .oiti- io gel tlm v. i be . ; and .a totying tin t 'hat i' i .it ton ono it i i, i Itt at tin- in t I m i i 111. laaMll t in I I" rflwl eookmn lotn are made, KXCKLSlOll M A : i I ai i I ItlNtl CO, ot ASH M.I. LIS K M l.lli II v I I I IT. W. 1 I 333 f"D ' lUHON, su II. It. i.i it. L' I I.I.I. i I iSu iMiun Luck SASH Ih il.liKil. PA1 EK1 - V INI .. '.V run i Ant i. v "IT. ItBRLtZII KIM BR ft ' All N o. I" i.wm r- 1. 1 1 1." '1 "i 'l .nan oi he W tat aa r, Utinnta, Wi- -.-i - n ami Iowa, nt,tt Ai;i i.i - i nth. r Mateo, OSKKRAL UPPICK UQ W AnRIK0T0K '111' AO". 1 1.1.1 Mill Si: Milt I M. I Ii M SK MOt I M. JAMES KENNEDY, inn SK MO l i: VNl) UriLDKR 1- Breared 10 io id kind- at HOI i. MOV INC llnl' PI R AIMING ami RKPAimwa cir rvr.r.v pgschtPTiog tiii wewi nr.- manii Truwi ORDRRU I. it ni tin- realdenee ol Mr, Kennedy on Cenler atreol, neil door to the new eohool houae, oi ad Ire. -".i t" the . are ! I'. O. Bon lb or the Bulletin otbee, will rnenire prompt mini' lion. i.i l l 1 1 1 It 1 m i 1 : LKOAL BNTERPRI8B. sioo,ooo GIFT FESTIVAL, In m i 01 a public LdBrurr. AT OMAHA, NEBRASKA. tIMI.Y Ull. OOO I'll litis IK Aid. Ji nk 30, 1871. IT. Uel - Two llnllara Ehi'Ii llnl tea tine Hollar Kaeh. on'Thm enlerpnae will be condncti d in a pre. eltelt similar manner to that ol tin' late Qrand lidt Concert of the Mercantile Library Attoelt Hon, of s in Praaciaca. which gave tneh universal Utltfaotiont ttuet lianiell. Kvrry Tlilrty-KlgUI. 1 (tajtb (nit - fjnaai 1 Oaan 'lift 14,000 I Cash 111,1100 i cath (nit '',"' 1 Caah (iitt :i." 1 Ctlh 'Jill -i"1" 1 Cash Olfl ," i Cath rift 1,000 l Cash GIR 1,0011 1 faith Olfl I,"1" I fash Uift 1,000 1 Cash (.lit 1,000 I Cash liilt l.OflO 1 Oath (nil '. 1,001 I Cash llllt I, ' IS Oath (lifts, Ho each T,6O0 in Call (lift", 'i's. etli'll 1,000 at cash Qiftt, im. each 1.000 .'.1 l ash (lilts, 'si each ," loll Cash .lifts, I' ll... S,OJ0 iihi Cath nut-, - "i. 1 i,'"n looo Oaan Glfte, pi each 10,000 IOU0 Oath Oif U, I eii.-b a, OLIO KM 'lifts, Amounting to Iloo,ooo lloktl bolder.-, by tin- Muliinl Aid Aaanulallon ol iii 1 Mantua It. 11. Rrock, ll. M. Marabal'a offloe, ilmahiii Kdirar Zabriskm, laio I'liioti i'lieitit- bail rpad ollit-a, I III mb 1; J, 'I'm hit, l.cpilly I'. S. Mm- thai, Omaha J, lioyle, Pottomen, Omaha, Neb. u i.;.- A. I., itarvon, Mngn. in, Ills. I,.,.. I 1 1 - 1 , 1 1 1 .ll. , 1 u'nntiiil. I I , 111I1 '1111 mission allow. '.i. .'''it-lull parliiTitars atilirCal, I.V PI IRI fe 00,, llnsinc.s Maii,!. r,H tiuiaba, Nnbrntka .101$ PRINTING. Tha uudcr-signcd, pr'.pnetora of the IMltt nnd WriKi.v lU'tLtTta, huve iiihi reeeived tin iissiirt mnalnl the latesl Mtyb's nt Job Prtnlinu types, anil bavn now oil" o1 (be miiale.implule loliolheea in the hniith antl W -t. They Ibiltnr llit-iiisi Ives that they potmen" ItinliticH for turn 1 11 r out promptly, ill the heal style ot tbe All, all work entrusted to them, from thu nmallcHi card oi label In the maiu uotli poster, ami at Br i eta which have will. 1 ui ttUtfnett inon im K.aitl 1 J cttiie Im sen. tine tin ir wmk n tut . 1.0.11s (.Hutu nidi or Chn au'i. JR0. H dthKLY A I 'll mm OAK Z nil tn 4 i wE hTtaHlwBS, BULLETIN, TtWAT JVM 27, 1871. ntnn ai LWK To jfoUB UHILDRKN. TIU. OBUAT ygoTUIMQ UXMSOY .. ... .'!r.. I '-nrat colic and irrlniM prlM, III 1 1 in U . ) m lb'.- I III 2.i f I eilltalct tht proci itol lOanle. ' k ethlot, J BlJmtai. f eonnlsion i t P.irr, tt n 1 1 1 iittn s j md ortrromea ail die-I H S"' lii.- Incldenl to m- f (el. I ' i'i' ni. 1 1 I,-! Inn I .. ...V,r;;-... f "lierrhca, dlteej. Prlrr, It III 1 1 ..111 H 1 o-ry an l -n.nmar ".m- I 25 i)rui. i put ni in obilornn oi i f Centt I ) Itis tlm Ureal Infant an t Children's Sooilnnt; Rem. ily in nl. diaoi lara brnnnrn .u, by Teeth nn at any other cauae PraBstreaTby tbe 'lit A IT' N NBDICIMRCO., ' I. Loin., Mo. Hoi i by Drntrjfial and Dentot In Medhnne 'im ywhere r yrd t 1 ,n MANHOOD now L08TI now RE8T0KKDI int nn but had, in aw tied en re tone, prinn, 1 1 1. A lecture on the nttertl tadmal nn-nl .-.(,1 rmatorrhraof btemmei weaKnp-, in loiuntarj Kml '-ion-, 1 onual InrbiliUr, ami Imp lfiiu .it- to M , r r i .if,- iinii rnllv ; .Nitiiiii m-' - inaambtion. KmhTt-y. im-l fit--, Mental and rhy-ie-if In'-spaeitr, reniliinir fr-tm .11 nhn"", .'te., 17 ito.ti j, vuiverwi'ii, tti 1 . inn "01 1 im ".liif-n I'.onk," eb-. "A BOOM TO THOtTAAHDn OP 1 1 it:i;kr. snl nnti"r aaal, in plain enTOlope, to nn no ttrana, pntMnnhl, M renniptnl -n renin, or iwo 1 ' "lampa, by Cfiaa. t, C. Rime A Co., Ifl I low are, Ni a v.'ik, PottohMenoa I, Me, i I t.fna .1.1 rnrea all duwaitca canoed by aclf MM , viz : .Sarnui" torrhca, catlllfctfll W 'li near, Ninld J.u,,- , htt of Mmioryj Lr...rrR'.l yiatiu.Ir, P ti 1 n fit (Ac liark. Jhmticn of V'niofi, I'rrnutfuri (Mil At IP. (lit .vrrra, uanetiu UrfiUMna, iPlbw CbaBUBUMbBA JW n- ii tMmnnn3Bkn nnd ull I .liacawiH that follow as a ICO ill itidiar rr tirina. Oaf Thu tin 1 in , in haa been lined in onr im'- lice for many year, and with ih- . 1. . trt atod, it ban not failed io a tingle inatanci . t Kach ...t ka.'t of PtmRnato Chart in teratita d in ultramarine blue paper, printod in cold IulUrH, and cnutain.s one laittluuUcd with P iirar-coat. d Pilln, and one vial of Medicated Powdnrt, eTtfucient to make one-half puil ol injection ; and one Hrringc. AirlYiee 5, pet packago, told Drugqietis, orecnt by mad on receipt of to..rjO. TKt rtrtftt ludiiin lJiurtfU en i s all dUt lar.s t,f (hi L'n n nfij OtgpnB tWOA na Jiuvntf ,,i in i if I'ritit , JfiJltUiiiit'lHijU i fthi i'JiuUU r, Ihltammatioh nl tu Ai'i';s, Mow In tin Bladder, Btrkturt, liravil, ii ono t r Ao .1 , Ulut, owl i. 1 jm riiii'ij ret-irtufufwUil f'.-r Ftuot 40M (or H'ii..) tti' Kaeh package rf Vegttabl Itrmcdy in wiappid in dark inum. lled paper and printed in gold let tern, and contains one laittle tilled w ith rtnuAT -coated l'dli-, and ('in lal with Medicate J IViwdere, aufli cient to tnaKc ono pint ol iniaesann : and one Syrintto, enouKh to cure any ordinary raac. W PriM 15, per paeklRf. ai.ltl l y ull DruggUts, or sent by mail lor ItUO. , T!..-- VeeelaWe Cure " and " Vet eUWr firmed) are -obi by renpontible lmiggiat: everywhere; home donlon, however, try to sell cheap aud worthlcaH compsiunda in.i'laec of Ibeac, in order to make more money. lie' not deceived, aak for these 15, preparation and toko no others ; if the dcalcm do,not keep tbem, cncloao the mouey in a letter aud v will aend th m by return niail.- I. eln a or Oentlemen writing for treatment.' will auto their trymptonuj in full ; thi y in 1 : not hegitato on account of their viait lis, na we have treated patient- BOOOnne fully in all pOVUoni p , tho coiitiuentll j corrospeindeuc. Bar WO d"hire lei aend thirlv two page pamphlet ,tutitle.l, Una anal .Human 1 a inyalid,'t to every read, r ot thi paper.jbcnd ndtlrcsa with Stamp to pay return iatap ' and nddi .- a- followa : ' r' l,nstlaDieilAl-neiArios, ii; ttniu Rgng tmanti Sum Loro.'tfisannii. b5i I.AMI LAND FOB TDK LANDLESS BOMBS roil THE HOMELESS OKLT pl.88 PRB ai UK FOR ACTUAL SKTTLBRB. rati mr t in or LRATRXWORTII. LAWItKX.'K ARP OALVRBa TON 11. It. LINK prom Law relief and K m 1 Oily and i it the eel torn tod" eoiiniiy, Tug Qardkm Spot 01 Kariai aprSun 3m III ll. IM All AI.I N 1 ('. WINSTON & CO.. real estate agents ABB AUCTIONBH8, TI (R00RH FLOOIl) ..UM I.KVKK, 'A I It", ILLS., Ilrv ami Ski. 1. RraI EhTATH, I'AV TANKS, 11 UN l.'-ll A USTRACTa nl' TITLES An l prepare Oonveynneot ol Kind IMIMIH. 9ARL h. TIlo.MAS in prepared to do all klndt 01 nlainandorna' m. ni ii PAINTING, KALSOMININO, I'A l'KK UANUINU mux w 11 iti M ' , kt 1' ., At In are which dely all tOBtptliOB, nnd ill the hlghCal style cl the palgtoPl arl. DROP IN Tilt, 1'KllUY RODBBt U'.illNKU ni' . nMMKIU'IAl. ANKM'K AM. B1UUTII HTRBRT. mm i tnyfanVni onu a.AJ.llef RL DORADO BILLIARD SALOON AND BAR ROOM. IOII.N 4JAII.M. l'liillclo. IM nn menial ATennt oairu, U.I.I! Bi 1 1 1 m 1 aioon fa rnl 11 nub it. I tabic ; and Inn auntylte.1 with win. , b ,t- r and .-iitar ' f tlm rineai hrnndi KXCKLSIOI! SALOON Corner 01 Wnthington Avenue md Fonrteenlh Slraet. I. ll..tMtl l!l l!( l'r....rletor. riHRfl RLANKRMIII'HO'fl .loon, BOwlf ! B ted up, md ni ihnmmri tlaeanl tyi". It .a upjaued with the im" i nlnat, innore, beer, at. earn, etc., thai can ia lonnd ut .he elty. im nnl foritet the pi n '-, t o hut ., y , hlUgton nienne hit mum 1 111 11 iireei, " FiT.'iKiT.vriTiVs-" Q-A.3vllPI.33 EOOMG, l ot . I . nil. si. mill I in... ...erilxl Atonic. JIITEORRA 1.08 Bample I loom tn lot-bed jT with pure tmportod win. , liipiora andrigam, ara iluypen ed tmni the bar n lu-t-tTn-- ivie. The." 1 no belief eat ihltehmi nt InBonlh. .111 lllrnott, ami nun" latter tloeked. l ull and te I thn vartout hrnnd nj winea and lignort. JOHN HYLAND'H HA LOON, ( '.tiler I. ..Hi sin 1 1 ii.ui t oniHirrrlal Ali lllli . Si 1 1 1 ii! Hi.tor, beer, nle, and f.agranl llav-iiin. a'li.-iya on hnnd. Thote .leelrtng de iighlllll is villi" - ahoiibl mat i.i tonsil an l enjoy tin hi. AI Ih. ir want-a dl I tt"iid In in a man in r lieu mil warrtni 1 retarn am ins liquor, a in- im. 1 elgar hntnia'en aeb lad with gjreul 1111 and ' i ll- . I t:i- 1 I Min; i tliKIIS W I. CAIiY, PRINCU'AI. 1 NDERTAKER, OS r I eo - -I 1 l a, lr: eft 2 ml M - a.- 5 ? Ja '- y r- . - E AleKs ROOM, Na 13 SIXTH STKEET nAttto, ituwott, N ICHOLAS PXITU, 0KNKRA1 UNDERTAKBH ra-U 5 f1 m- J ,eaW Pj - a s w i t or. t -in . um I lllli-sl.. OAtRO ILI.IROIS, f oil 1 s A N It Mil. I. WILLIAM EHLER8, t ithlnnnkli BOOT AND BUOE MAKER, rWENTIRTtl HTKKKT, lletween WnthiagtoB Avenue tad Poplar kreet, CAIRO, ILLs. Knoll miii ghntt Made in Order. Pine Workmen Rmployod. i it. 1 1. tion Warmnled. Pntwmngn Bolleiled. OITT SHOE STORE HOOP SKIRT FACTORY io4J A'.r.Ni v rn ' BllOLASKI'S" CUSTOM-M a 1 1 1, BOOT s A N l s ll o B s t .iiiti.M'reli.r;.v.'iii..'. to. -i.e. 1.1 I 11 lull Sir. el. Cairo, Illixoia PARTICULAR ATTRXTIOR PAID rO ALL OB I. Kit- lull IIOOPBRIRTS AND AIIOKH, H I 1 lll t'l SAI.I.Oi. LOUIB NASSANO'H ICE CREAM SALOON, COMMERCIAL a V l.N 1 I llelweei. Seve.i.e.'.Ml. in. I l ltlileeiilli SI ree Is. ritiu : 1.1 h.n ha- been hnndtomol) lliied up BUB a HI nlaay . 1 1 1 1 I y tin l' I be oream. I'aki s, c mfecioint, lanmont If, and ' o in, I n be futtudl .toy 11 here m Ihe oily FAMILIES UR PARTIES rlCI'l'LlKU ON Sin UT NOTICE, d'.h" pationuKi' l tin- publu- is tiHpeetfl Ily aolieited. AVOII QI'ACKS. Avii-uinol curly iii li'tTi tion, r ui-in" aorvtittk debility, promuiuiv dooiy, eto., litviuH l,',, l" villi poTf msfiiiod rnYod y, mw tllnirtovoro! impu ui' iiu. ol uuii nufo, wnlob i" m mnd i tn-. ii'iiu, 1 in ' 1 - 1 gvmroHH, 1 . 11. 11 1 1 1 k r.wi.m In rVt"" vi nl., Ni-w Vork FECIAL .V'lTK I li t I'I II li'i' II.AIK DVR nn- Mperb Bahr.PT 1 UM sbm in Ms Wenu Perteeiiy ll u,i. , teinrtla gnyj IntlhMteon 'o tffttjppfi attr ht. Ro llu lie liJ'ii Tint; m Cn- pica in' 1 lor . . gcnniaa W. a. 1 wheioi ItMr Dyt prodn IMMKD1ATILT a .plendi l Pin'k r ntturtl Rrewn. Pont not tstnin 'na ''kin, hfU I. tVI - I'i' U ' 1 r Nmb, nf and ll" ful. ihe hly . md Pi rleei J.j-e . wild by all Irnggi i . Pncfory IA Bond hi reel -. 1 tn, iiivJIdeolaiily ( nXtSlMJTloN. It 1 I 1U. AM) IT : ITbKVKMlVK BY M; 1 11. BCIIKNCK M. I. MrtnT fiMiT.ri lnBl, ,lMo11 nwny fot whoto ii tti. tt.t-r.' on 11 thcr ri-iiAvm than tlm mvlrt of kniiwii lind iii.lmiiut;ibi) iirovn mount i,t t-uru rhMRii nunr itmi ttr ! tumtiy finil rticinU aro "loi pini: tho 'lrrntiiliMi -IuihImt int i win. x h.ul MO ilojljr BOOpittd I) It. JOSEPH ll. MRINCll1! SIMPLI TUKAT..IKNT, . fic nr ttlod thomo'-lrpn) nf i.u winflirf ully onira-n- lorn roodlotno, thiy wduI-i tint h tvn fullpti. Iir. luchfinrk hiM 111 hi iiwn riuto pr.vutl that wln ri;viT MufTl ii'Tit vititht riMiiiuns), that vital ity, hy hm in.'.;, 1 nnd l.H 1 1 n tgV4. ma fur tliotr M ijulrkpniMl infn hcnithful Ttfj-nr, in tin 4 m iti'iiMTit ihpm i n"thiim prnwumP' IQoUB. T" tint fitith f tho Invulxl It iubuIu m rcprmontiiil'in ihut 1 n-.t i tl. i timutriub i.uiti.itiHl hf 1 .... u,,, worki. Thn thoorf t thn i itro hy hr. Sch' nek mtllclii'A - inipli ns it ij nnfniltno. It philortophf rc- ' 'nr.-- ruiurnmncilt. ll .1 nu. avil-v -i. incintf- Thfl t':i.wor. T'ltnraml Mumlrnko PHUftfMba ' t two voaistini with which tho cltiulul I tho ia nwiillt-il. Two thlrtlni uf thu catwt of ' ii"iiriipt!oti oriiiiiiit.i in ilTBiM 1, a , nn 1 H fitnc- tionoltf dlnwrderod UTOft With tit 14 tntnliti .u the timnchi.-il tuho ' nympttlhl " with tho i"iimi:li. ThOf raHiximl to thu ni irhillc at?tin f tin- livor. Horn then OtrtOOB thu culuilnutlohf i.'iiilt, nn. I thu .icuiiibf in, witti ull Ut tlMlrt. i'i cyiiijtt nnl uf CO.Nr.IITIO.V. n6 Mnnilrukc PUIl nrn r. npofoil of ono of .V.i lurn'inoblnwl prlftm tna I -i rliiilurn Pcltnttini. I ln-y nil t M hi- l -t t n liliibT. nttjr:tt M I r pOrtiOl Ol MUOMtli hut, BnllM ' :il"iUL'l, thry II WI. SO hTINt, HKIIl NO' Thn wurk "t Miro n now hPirtnnlne. Tho Tltut-li-1 :ml note ut iioitotlu in tin- bowlnunit In thn tJimt'tiuiiry cut ml nra ;.'.! i hr htOfi llkn n ploi k, Ih vntina Op, It iiraunPR fnnn lt Inrpltl uy. TM toiii'.rli actH rttliwfirttotft antl thn paUoDl boglnl to fool moI Tho p.i.'ttiiijf, ut A HI PPKV OF MOB IILOOI). Tito nn-wtMil Tonic. In r with tho I'ii 1 - rnii ili'i 11 ml iixRtniil.'Ui'm With thu f.f I. hyllnrotlon ti now prm-Tri-'mr without Iti pro vImiim t'Tturfo. Infati.n Iroounu'R pulnlcfM.unil t nr.- is in t In nt luiti'1. Tht ro It no in urn llatuli-nrc, DO OZOOtrb4woa "I the Bl-ihac!i. n app4titn ".'t (n. N'-w cotnoi the frofJMt Hi. l Punflpr ovor tot k,'ivin hy tin imlulbriMit. luthri to piiftVrliikt mini. Hchenok'i PolmnnTn Bfropootanii in Io portorn a- luootloni itnd t ntuton nnd pumplwo tho arO. ll ontori ul noo upn iti w-.rk. Nuturo ( in not bo uhouU'O. It c.lhrt.j nn.t rtitcn tho lillplllri'll Oi l (IlKI-tlrU'i) Kill.illR Ol till' lUHblrl. Int in l"rm..f lt . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . it, pi.'pttrpi them ftr 1 Ipoctorotlon, Mid lo! in a vt ry ittn.rt tnuo tho in .1 uiy it VonflquliMd, ttn roiton that it I 1 llptod I font tol mttd nia lo DOWi unil thn I ttlriit. In all tin- ilibftuly ri'irttlnt'il tiif-.r, ulupt forth to t lij- jf thn Omni I OF 111 ti.i I that UltS I.IVKA I P AM LOOT, ThfiRPi ml thlnff i. 1 ho notlonti mwl wtnv In n wiirni r- in 1 mil tln-y ool troll . it li alniunt Ini 1 lilblo t nrovont wkinif add win n thu lunart UT ttiM'H.niMl, hilt It Ulllat 00 P0OwOd 'rCUrU fiirt h ! ho 1 uVrti'.!. F'ri'-h mi nml rotuitf nut, MpocUtlly in thin MOtioo ol 1 uiitry( tn thu f ilt nod wintiT BOOioa. lire all wi.,nr Phrsl 1 torn m)i. 1.1 iromond thui eonroi looo their pa-ti-iit. if the ir InnM nro bodl) dlMMOai in. I yi-t, boefOM lhv a:' 111 the h -uto 1 1 v n, i-t nut il rt"Wn qnlol : tho must irulk ah-att thn foam ,ir nnn h ai.' I i I i-t at thu ! r nulh w ill bi-nr, to bi t tip 11 lt . -.I riraulotlon ol Lwmio. Too inth rit 11. nut krpp in Rood ;-; : 1 1 - -bo detonnJnod lii m t WOll. Thlrt hat it RTOOl OOOl Io f itK'1 thu BpO tii.-, utui Utaoorool point t "train. To tlun(atr ot euro tiller pueo i-vionoo of itn pfBMtbllttf 111 On' w "rt racp, ami mural Cit i.nnty in all ..IIhtm, is smlul. IJ Si hrnrk'n Imt r nial .tlalA-iiii'iit Io thu rooollj ol Ml 'Hiicufu na- in thttf init'U-t w.-nlur "M.inv y art tu.. I wat in tin' lat HigTOi of r Munpthini eonilnod Io my bod, nml ut ono time my phraletini tin unht that l oould nt livr a w.-i k ; tin 11, hltf a ilr-'wninv mon mtOhllnfl at irnwi, 1 h ard nl uu.l nbtalnod tho prrparatuniri which 1 tn.w "ir.-i to tin' pnbllo, nod thry moo a perfocl core ol um U ioitnod t mn thut I rmild fool them ponotfOtO my wlmlo nyrttum. Thiy noon ripi'iico thu multur In my lunut. untt 1 w iuhi tiit up toon tun 11 pmt ol oirmniiTu fOlloOJ maU. r t-vory ui'irnlnu fof a l nu UM " Am 'I. no thut In'tfan tu MbpkSo, my OOtttfhi fi'vor, painn. nml niuht Hwuats ull ht nun to Inavi? mi', uml my mPPOtilu bcuumu H'i threat thut It wan nlthdlflluullv that 1 r ml.! kt'i'p tr 111 t-atlnnt tiw. much. I taiiuii'd my ctu nuth, uritl huve i.Tiwn tn iluh cvrr him'. "I was wnuhnil ph'.rti, n 1 te r my ra'YoxT," mddod tho li .tt -r, ' toon I'M.kiTinf hkf mure Mki'loton , 111 jr wi'itrht wat only mm t - ptuven m ttiinlfB ; niy iirO:int wuitrht It tu.hunirutl ami twt'iit v 11 vi 1 lift) I" umlt, uml for years I have cn J'.Tiil iinlnturrtii'trd hculth." llr. ti'hi'iirk hat disu 'iitniuu.l liw pr'.fottMnnal Vlitti t" Now. V. irk un1 lVito. Ilo i'r hot ton, Hr. .1. 11. tv henck, Jr.. htill OontlOM to mu pa Urnti at ttoolromeo. N'. I" North stith stren, l,tnlaiifiphiii.i,viT Saturday tr.m'J Adi.toi p.m. Thnii wlin with a Ih'-r'niuh t xiiniimumn with thi Itoiptratnctor will bo clutrgod 'thn Hi s pirnntiT dooloroi tho oxad ounalUati of the I Ull Bit uml ppUonti COJ1 roodlly luarn wliotturr titer ara rarivbli or not. Tho dtroctloni for t-tkinu tho piodtoitMi are mlaptoil in tht- Intt'lliktumiT t-vi n nf a rhll'l KoU .w tbOM tllri'Ctionn, OOd km. I Nuturo will do tin' rott, OaBOOptlno that in n .nm cm.".' tho Mamlraku I'iMh urn to in; twtfcon 111 InerOttiOd 1 mua ; the thrao modlolnoi nood no nthor nvootmponlnonti tluin tin ampin in-ti ui tunit that at rninpuny Om in : 1'irtt t rcalo oppouUL 1 t ri'turniiiif honlthi huntror li thn moat wolcocno ifptaom. VVbon it inr.t, an it will 0 "Hip, lot the MMnWnj Intfil nooboof grood ehocr. (Jood, bloKl utonre fidlowi, Uto OOttfTh luoooni, tho niht .sweat li itbotoda In a ihoii tlmo both ol thtae luorbi't rmptotpyi ar" ffOflO fnravor. Ir. Honoiiuli'i OiodlcJOOi urn C'.nntantly kept in tout nf Ihouawmu "t fmrolllefi. An a laxative nr purirativu, tin- Mamlrnkn I'iIIm arou -laiular'l pre pomtlun ; wbllo tno PoliiBonlo hvtuiv um uura ai-'ht ami i' iM. m.iv In' r , ! .t 11.4 n nr 11 i or it pnjiucturio iitUAlnil i,"ii-uiiipti-tii in aoy list 1 .ruin. PrlOO ol tho Pulnii'iiii' Svtup ami Sen-wnml Tonic, rl '-ia botllo, of tT.aUit half doOOO. Man riruJu Pol-, oonti u b"X. l.iraalo OyulldruK aod dealt ra. IMMUS. S SII, l it THORNTON i-ritrt: is DOORS, SASH, HI. 1Mb V INDOVt 1 1 1. ASS Sill M.I I S h i ice nN Tenth St., BolnrnoM t niawnif inl .....i wieii.tuiiin , , . lilies. OATKO, T.I1X1. Ad KM - Im Rook K.ver Paper Oomgajty'a sin at limit Felt and v u -nieut . ti, W s lUUT'jVtd It mlm ala lia nu !, 1 """;I'I'VM, A BOiiK PUR TliE BtlLLlUS MABBIAOE '-iUIDF- ..,'(.. ... . ... A PrrVstt onnttanlet to .1,- Han,4 "i" .1 " ii to mini on the I'tiysKdociett ' " .... . r V I ,1' -ll .. II." -mil., ".- tt ta ' 1 '.' 'I I III, IH"" r : .. .. . . . 1 11, o -oiuai .y u tn, .-.i'ii'.' S 12.' ""t'tnawork 01 ito liiin.lrco and rteBly-bvir im-., v,,h m.meroU'i -nffraviniM, .ml eonlam . v iini.Ma il rmaif n l"r the -a w, ire mam. I i." ir.,it marriage! mil It i a sink that niiibt to he un.lar lock and key, an.l not lanleareleaslyalsiutthe hona. Sen! to any ona (free nf po-tata) for 'fi rent A blreas Dr. Hint' I)iapen,nf. n0 ' Bighthalroet, 31., Mo. ' Votlee to the Afllletr.l ami I nrortunata. Before npplyinn Io the aotoriottl Qjwatkawta vlvcrtise in the iiiiblu' nata rs nr usint' an? u.uiek rt'me.lms. Dcrusc Ir. Hull- work, no matl.-r a-hat your alteiine It nr hou ilepli rshle youreona iirion. It. Units etn bo consulted, personally or hy mail, on tbi' di.-i'a.o mentioned in h . work '. (Uf. rn. Mo. 11 N. Rlnhth slieet, l.t I. Market and Che., Ht. Lou's, M". my'Mwly uxnee MA B. C0EBIK3, A2tt North Ei.jhtli St., F'hilacta. Dobbins Lr.aj VECETABlE'i"irtlA A color nnd drosfllng timt will not burn tho lutir i Injaro the head. It .loon not pro'lueo a coloi mochani.'ally, tho i.oionous preparations do. It LTadiially rnstorcH tho hthf to its original color and liiHtrc, by supplying now lifb and vigor, It ctraaofl a laxnriant irrowth of soft, lino hair. Tho best and'.' t article ovei' oll'ored. I 'loan and Pure No riodimeiil. Sold evory whoi . ask KoU ipOBBINy MAYNARDS STAR BITTERS THE BEST TONIC IN U8EI roit gutaU 111 E. P. MAYNABD, PROFR P1TTSDUEO PA.. -----.i. w. The bvmptomshu ' I liver complaint arc . Rfirifiva' ) nnemineaf nnal nam 1 OlMMWtB m tho aide Mama 1 tunes thu pain .' in 1- the shoulder, and ll mistaken lot t huuiniitisui. The stomach t alio edwith lotl oi appetite anil sickness, bowels I neneiaieoetlve, aomettmni nllnrnnttng with lax. The bend it troubled with nam. and .lull, heavy 11 .1 ' jm' m . - sensation, ennsiderablo 1 1 loot 01 roemory, tooom lav BR l jianien wan pauu 111 J 1 mUOBOl navint leftun- ( ) nn.1.1 stunt 11.11m ann-u .ww. . ought to huve been donn (.ne complaining oi woakneta,dnolllto, uei low spirit'. Bometimen, tome oi tbe -mp-tomt albind the diaentn. sad at mher timet vry few 1,1 them 1 hut the Liver It generally tbe organ mo tlnvoivou. Cure the 11 ver with nu. Simmon i LIVER REGULATOR, A pn-printion of root ftnd herh-i, witrranto.l (o m - o n tly fogftltblo, mild eU tio no injury tu any Olin, It Im.- boon QMd hy hUUdfvdbj BOd known nl Iho loot 1U yonn m oneol tin.' most rolioblo, oft ai 10 nt ninl hfirtnlCrifl pn -pa rat loni vi r otfoved t" thfl aufterlnjf, if mken rcKUlill) Md pcrsiateutiy It M iO)ft tn OtttO .'e-'-.-' - - PyipotaOlO, hrfwJtv,hfl 1 1 imfandhMf, ooill ronooii ' 1 f i'i i'i 'viMt homvnijohOe oJtroahi , iiiii ii.tH'u ( dlmrrhoMu otfooUooo ol I I tlm Ma.Jilt-r, t amp 1 ' - - wn tlv triiu-rv, mAootion if th' klduoi A. fovor. uervou - ni". chilli, .liscam a ni thd BklD, Impurity ofthobl I, noliiiKholv, nr nprmiunui --piiiit, in-anniii 11, ri'in-, m pitiu ilitliu bow ill, pfttn in thu heftd, fofl r and ffjkt Irop-iy, bollii p on m thu book nnd Umbo, Mthnt, ry Ipol i-, t nutlfl kllcotloni, nnd t'llioun dli -nun rAlly. tjl Pr pun I only hy J, II, Zcllln ttt Co., TtRjtlil, Miu-on, (In. For Biji trf liArvlfy Prothen, Ohio Li'vuo Cairo, llliiioir, 1: hv inannviMaw Tl ALKaNVlIEAl) PlSPLAMr Ri labllahod in IU0, ao.i sharti rod la l" 1, (01 tin Irealmenl oi ail DISEASES or a I'M VATK ATL'HK A cure glltragland in every OSte. FOB VLK: DIWM'fl FEMALE ItEHl'LATORs i ii rmMbBS, Warranted in remove obttrustlont, etc I'I 1. e, J pet I OX. o Al ', 1 lull lytirlluent ot llaiiihii" a an l Truttot ; and a sua-Ti t tpiality of Male Micallis, I lor single one , (J pet ball ttcim, or IA per aoaoBi A M1P10AL PAMPHLET, ' niii aiuiim an 1 lalairale lreati-.e nu I'm 11 01 i nases, Willi a Tew priietieal remarks upon tin CAUaO, eltect aud trelltuient ot the sain.' enn tain ng uilarne paget nnd :) cut- ami t'liy. aviu--ahon tuft Um tliitiTant ttagee, ele. Sent in tetled wrapper mi reoOiBI al Scents A Idieaa QALM'li DSAO DI8P1RBABT, I'n ":i West JttTntloa ll . liTTTTtTn lil Ky NATURE'S UEEAT JIKSTOKATIVE kCHIBTI I OKLKJUIATKD BITTER CORDIAL WnuaRBAl.C PBPOTi N, W, OORgUXR Vl t TII AM. IIAOE STS. lMillulel.lilM. I'n. 1011 M nOBRRTB, 80LE PROPRIRTM. lt is a reliable Family Medicine, ami ran 1st nken by either intanl or m. ull with the aanit-1', n tieial .. 11. t. It ia neertaln, prompt ami emedy tor diarrhea, dysentery, bowels complied dyspepsia, Inwneet nf ainrita, fainltuir, auk stitmni b, he nlaebe, etc. r'orchillaand lafet ol all kinds, it is tar bOAtBt and aafer lluu. itu.uine .' 1 1 1 1 " 1 1 1 any ol us pelliienill. elleels. It rltae.s an ippttito, promt a powerful dlgnntoi of r. 1 and w ill counteract the ettecu of lnpinr in a la w minutes. A uulispuiublu evidence ol iu iuedi eai nronertiea, nt apnnoai lew in..- manyier- '..11, ai. in out cn- -t - 1. 1 lohnaoii' iHtpot, r. , 1 Tenn., ajd V . ... " Tenn. anaununa, Ka.i 1,, a, it.r . 1,-.. , i tna liittersl hava ubiaiuad you, an I t ad tbem to Im all ihev arc rovowmeudud I" or. 1 found one bottln to aitord meconsidaraMa relief, 1 met aaihnuth I cannot do vary well without litem. . a my pi .-icnt atate of health. Ii. MF.NPiF.. IJJ snuihMli at Phila. Paatnr llap.,t I'aMyuaa Id.uith. rtob t.yW P. Aura, Ma.a-atreal ItnBatamn.