Newspaper Page Text
itlletfit. JOHN 11. OUBKIiY ft CO., OFFICIAL JHHKCTOItY. STATK OFFICERS. Onv iiif r, .tnlin M. I'bIiim rt Lleiili nnnlflovirnor, John Dougherty I Hccu'lniyi.f fliilo, lilwnr.l Hummel; Mi.l I.Ti.f Htnte, 0. V.. Ltpplti'iilt, Flit" Ticnxiircr, I!. N. Hale i Hupt Public Irixlriii tloii, Newton ItAlcmati. CON'iRESSM UN. t-Ynfti r -l.yiiinnTniiiibiillan.lJohn A. Lop-in, Itrpii en' itivc fi t !(( ill Lnrci Wane), lli'pii rlilnlilr Tliltti'lilli Dixtrlit-Jnhii M Creb i. JIR l REUS (1 KN KKA L A MS KM HLY. 8eii;d..r-. l.t Dlxtrlct-T. A. K. Itolcoinli, of Union, mi.!" K. tUIon,of (ialinlin. J(t r Mutative, ixt Dnlrlet-H. Walxon Webb. COUNTY OFFICERS. circuit court. Jiul -e P. .1. Itakcr, of Alcxnn.lcr. Pron-rutlng Altornc) I. MiC.itlncy, of Clrcii.t Clerk Jno. fj. llarman. Hliertl! A. II. Inin. COUNTY COURT. JiiiI.t I'. Ilro. Axi-.-it -J.;K. McCntean l f. Mnr. li l.lon. Clerk Jacob (l. Lynch. Coroner Henry tloxxman. il l'NIC'1 PA I. GOV EKN.M KNT. Mayor John M. Lnnxden. Trra.iircr-J.H.Tajlor. Oomptm.lef K. A. llurtietl Clerk- Michael Howlcy. M.mhal Andrew (liln. Attorney -I'. ll.l'o-. Volice Mai(ilratei K. Ilro nl H. Inian ncxxy, Chulol Ponce L. II. Mycrx. Police Cnnxtablox John Hheslun, ('li)) """I Jos. II Velrrnn ari-1 J. V. HiimniT, (night.) hKLKCT COUNCIL. Mayor John M. Landcn, llrxl Ward -I'. fl.tSshilh. h.-on l til C. II. Uoodwapl. Third Ward Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward-S. Slnal Tajlor. City at Urge- W. T. HallMay and 1). Ilunl. HOARD OF AI.HKRMKN. riRSl WAHD-Jainci Rennlen, I, oo Kleb, laac Walden. HECOND WAItl It. 11.1-intjlnKhAift. II. Under, Hi my Winter, Jnl-ayii". third WAitf-wm. mrattn, pAltkk Kitigetald. FOURTH WAltD-Jauie Oarre-lt, ;o.H."-ec, J.H.Meielf. " Time of Mttlinrj. IJ'iTt cot'srit. Th Cuy Council meets In Joint eoii on Fr.Jay evening presilng the first Monday of tacli month. mm riiriu In' Select Council meets on tho t;rl Wednex. day and Thurx.ny, nttt-r the second Monday In etch month. romti or iii.ri.Mrs. Tho Hoard of Aldermen meet' tn the llrht Holiday an'ITuIiy In ettry month. roMMiTTKK? or Tin: council. t SI'utt Mer. T)lor, Vllr. Winter, Woixl nn.l Mete.ilf. Artm-if-Mf'Mr. Cunningham, Schuh, Kltwr rJ.1, f-e:i anl I f n 1 1 1 ft ' Clc s Mfw. WhtmI, Ciinninnhtin nn.l Kl( h. U.'c vl 7.h1 Mfr. Cirroll, llmlir an.l Woolwaril Ord,nwrr ler. S.W, Wl.leranilTa)l'ir. lr fc;i'(mf Me..r. lit a urn, Shbj lie nn.l JlallMiy. l tri M.kalu s.-liuh. Witiler hit I Klftt. Itiji :TM(n..Uni I v nr. I , J- -n - j u t hii.I Itu.ler. tin. . M. ..!. Ilunl, Mrmii.ti nn.l Jli lull. Jimi il -I xWiiV-Tln' Mayor, ml Mr. I!r ilen, W on r, Slra'i.i.n an. C.i.ri.ll. o - (iril iWliCIIKS. I'HR-I I Ki:iN- Kiglith-Mrril. I'rt .1. li itg Snl.l.lli Ht Wt a. nn.l 7V4 r. x. I'rtjer meet njr, Wclmnlay nt "'t i: n. i) Srli.iol, 1 r. m. J. M. I.inolen, Inten.Ient. Kev. (3. II. 1'imir, 1'iolir. MKTII()I'bT-Cor. IIiKhth ami Wnlniit SIk. J'r whin, Hahlulh 1J j a.m., nn.l 7 v. m. 1'rnyer me eUnjr, Weilnexlay, e. . 8uinlay School , a r. . L. W. htiUdl, Intemlent. Ilev. K. L.Tiiomi'mki, rtor, CWOUCH OKTHK ltKIlKKMKII-(r:i'leopal) Jilornin irayef, Sahltiilh loJJ a. m. J'.eniiig j.rayer V,$ r. m.' tilil)Slli School, 'J A. M. ltcv.t.Mii. Cov, Iteclor. fiT. I'ATItlCK'.S CIIL'KCH-'Jor. Ninth Si. nn.l Wnliuifion Ateiiue, IMMic Sen If o, Sahhath ty ami i)', a. v. Veipern, 3 r. m, Miliulay School, 2 r. m. bvrvico crcry day, S r. w. ltev, l'.J.O'lltLWRtv, I'rieM. CIiniSTIAN-Klghteenlh trtet. JVonehmit, HiLUIIi ln$ , ., nn.l :J r. v. Hcv, J. Knit Mi, I'axtor. JIISHION HVNIi.W hCHOOL-In the ChnMlan Chiueli, KiKhleenth Hiii rl. Hnhhath S-nool a r. m. J. 11. ItMn.Siioeriiitemlent. YODNfi MKN'S CllltlS'l'IAN ASSOCIATION IteK1 nlnr meetiiiK necon.l Mnmhiy each month at II. I'rtyrr room of llm rrefh) Irrinn Church. Weekly l'rayer meennif, Friday, Vi ' the Prayer room ofiho I'renhy terian church. t'. 1'mim), 1'rei.iileiit. AI'HICA.N M. II. Koiirlefnih Bt. hotHccn Walnut nnd Cedar. fcrlceH, Halilmth, 11 a.m. Himday K'hool, y m. riimail r. m. rreachmx, Vi : h. l'ev. W. II. IIhow.s Inlor. SECOND FRKr.-WIM.IIAn'ISTl'intcnlh HI. Iietvtcen Walnut and Cedar. bcrticcH Hahbuth, IJi mid a r, m. Hcv. N. Ilii kx.l'inlor, FKHn WILl, HAl'TIrtTIIOMi: M1KS1I1N bl'N. DA V 8C1I00I, Corner Miiluut and Cedar Sin. HunclaySchool.u a. i. FIJtST FHKR WILL UAl'TIST CHIIIICII-Ciir- ry'a liarracks. Bcrvlced.Hnbhttth 11 a. m., 3 p. u. and '4 r. M. ltev. Wm. Kuirv, l'nlor. FlKVr MISM10NAUY UAl'TIST ClllU!Cll-l)et-ween lmh nnd Utli i-trcct, nearCedar. 1'renchlng Habbalh lnjjj a.m., nnd Hi '. 1'r.iyer Meetlnt?, WeilnemhiyovciiniK. I'reiichliiKi Krhlay cveninR. Hahhalh School, Vt : m, John Van ILtxtcr and Mary Ktenhena Hiiierlntemlentii. Hoy. T. J. Biioms I'iMlnr, llAIIIIKItS. J.CiKO. STK1NH0USK, FASTIT0NA11LE KARIJER, Cor. Htli-Ht. mill CouiiiirrciHl'iiv. wri Imrii llainri", CO-Clcan ToneU nnd iS-SlclllfuU Wcikmen. KUTLftdloa' nnd chtldrcn'halr cut nnd nham. v.r....i ni llm Hhnii or ut Iheir oviii linnicn. TGentlcinon'f.whli.lier nud hair dyr.1 in a -i 1 1 it .. . . . UoIIIkaI nit niiarininoil VlvUUlIU llmtilHU uam-v wh ftuniwttvv. PROPRIETORS. mXMIlOM)'. HELMBOLD'S llKt.MIIOI.ll H II Kt.M HOLDS lIKLMIIOI.Il'M IIKt.MllOLIl'H IIKLMIIOLIl'rt iiklmiiold'h CATAW1IA flltAI'K TILLS. CATAWIIA OltArK l'lLL. t'ATAWHA (IIIAI'K l'ILI. CATAWIIA OltAI'K TILLS. CATAWIIA OltAI'K I'll.!., CATAWIIA OltAI'K HI.I.C. CATAWIIA OltAI'K 1'ILLN. HELMBOLD'S iiklmiioi.d'h iiklmuoi.d'h iiklmiiolu'h IIKLMIIOLlt'H IIKLMIIOLIj'm llKLMIIOLD.t IIKLMIIOLIJM EXTRACT SAIISAPAJULLA rLUii) KI.VIH KLCIIi ILUID KLLII VLtll) KLUID KXTIIACT KXTKACT KXTI'.ACT KXTIlAtT j:XTHA(.T KXTKACT HAHSAI'AniLLA. hAU.ArAKILLA. hAIts.M'ARlLLA. hARSAl'Ar.ILLA. bAIL'.Al'AltlLLA. CAnAI'AllII.LA. KXTKACT HAU.ArARlLLA. IT II IKY Till: III.OOI). HKLMIIOLU's l'LL'IIi KXTItACT fcAItSATA IIILLA Curei all Kruptlonn of tho Skin. lIKLMHOLU fi FLUII) KXTKACT SAK'Al'A KILL A Ciirei) mo word form of Illood I' teae. HKLMIIOLU'S ILUIU KXTKACT pAIMAI'A KILLA I'nlir. hcarlly Inin the Circulation of tho Ulovd. IIKLMIIOLl'n FLUID KXTKACT hAIfATA KILLA l atiltrif- the Complexion. All I'owder nnd outard n.plic:ition "lei-troy, render. nif It har-li nn.l coare. Look at Ihenklnof old and tho.o ulio lia(euel ueh any length of tune. Discontinue them, and uiie IIKLMIIOLI) r FLUID KXTKACT SAK9AFA KILLA. One lottle I" equal in atrength tn one elloa of thehyrup or Dco.tioii4 un usually made; and n liie.Kian h.I.IcI to a pint of uater equnU the ee'elirated LlfenoN DIKF DltlNK. Try it thin way. A delightful teternc. iii:lmholi' catawka nr.Arr. fills IIKLMIIOLI)'.- CATAWIIA OltAI'K l'iLLh A plea.ant, afe and nsrte.tlde Cathartic IIKLMIIOLI.- CATAWIIA OUAI'K FILLS t'n.l In nil nllieliuiia uheiea 1'iir.itnc Medicine in needed. IIKI.MIIOLD'.- CATAWIIA OF.AI'K FILL" ll,irmlei to n child, nnd taken liv children. HKLMKOLD'h CATAWIIA OF.AI'K FILLS Supersede Maxnia, Suit and eTery other Inr gatlve. IIF.LMIlOLls CATAWIIA OKAFK FILLS, Certain in ctlcct, and pleaAnt in operation. IIKLMUOLD'S CATAWIIA OKAFK FILL not a pntenteil fill. IIKLMUOLD'S CATAWIIA OKAFK FILLS Arecomofced ol Catawlm firnpo Jtnecnnd Huld KxtriKt ltliul.nrli. I'iirehae two liottle of IIKLMUOLD'S SAIWA I'AHII.LA nnd one lox ol 1'll.LS-Hortli their weight in gold. No letter invrtment can to made, lor o email n num. IIKLMUOLD'S FLUID KXTKACT UUCIIU H.ii acquired a worlil.wldefnme. ALL of my preparations aro meritorious. A period of twenty yearn ha protcd this to bo the caie. Sco remarks made by Ueninmtn Traveroe, F, It. C, H. Speaking of ttiono illi.cai.eii, nnd dn-eaiei. nrmliig Irom the exco.x of mercury, lie utatea that no remedy Is equal tn the Kxtmct of Bnrca pnrilla, power i extraorilicnrv, more o thau nny other drug I am acquainted with. It tt, in in thn ulnctcM itcnn'. n tonic, with HiIb innliialil ultrlbiite that it ix iipiilicalilo to u Ktato of the HiHtcm in aiinken. nml let no Irritable. n ren. ilem other tmbxtancci of tho tonic cl iinavaib able or Inmrlnnn. See HEMAltKSot the (iltllAT UllUMISTH AND FILL MILN OK AMEHICA : Win. II. Warner 4 Co , IS North Third trecl, Philadelphia, I'J. II. T. llelmliold: Kuteeined Krienil I congratulate you on having the handfomei-t nud at thu fame time the Moit Ktlectivo Fill that I hare ever known for tho purpoxcx intended. WM. It. WAItNKll A CO. II. T. llclnibold Mill remark, inenuclumoii, that hlii rcmediea are t tin rem It of long nnd careful ntudy. The Fluid Kxtructn haio been before tho public twenty Kari". The Hide of them In that time proven their value. All lima been benefit, led by them who followed my imtnictioni, nnd lo-.lnv they i.taii.1 unequalled in thu extent of Ihclr'xnle, nnd uni-iirpnutcd bv nny medlcuiuent in tho Dixpetmatory of the United Htatex, not excepting n aingle Herb, Hoot, I'lant, or HUcif lillii I'repitratlon. rliarmaceulicnl I claim nil niliio to be, nnd hnvo n",lCT I,ft,cnt,l "liiglo ono. ro dlxpel any Imprexxlon or prejudice that might exixt .in the mlnda ol tnany ngalnxt my prepnratlonx, fiom tlio publicity given through nilvertlxlng, ami t lint I niu nnd have been a drug. KIM rnr n iierio.l of twenty yenrx, nnd more coil, cluslvely (o prp thix xeo letter from tho l.ugcat manufacturing chcmlxtH in the wotl.l i , , , , November 4, IS.VI. I nm acquainted will: Mr. II. T. Ilelmbold i ho occupied the drug iitorooppoxiio my rexldence, ami n succexxliil in conducting tho buxlnexit where othera had not liceueqiiHlly xo before him. I hate been favorably linprcxxed w Ith hlx chnrau. tcr and enterprise. WILLIAM WK1HTMAN. Firm of l'owern A Wlghimau, iiinnuructurlng chemlbtx, Ninth nml llrowu utrcctx, I'tdlaiicl- iihln ALL XT AND ON 1 lltlll Ml 1I1TX. Tlie Fill I havo tliouglit ol ottering to tlie allliu ted for tcu yean. They nro now perfect, and I xlmll xlnko my time, money nml fame on their cirectlvencm, Tho inviting xtylo m which (ho pill llxelf in made, Ilia liottle,dabcl, wrapper all ihow ith what enro they havo been prepared. After examlna. I Ion, no i:ngllh or Flench preparation will nhow greater care, ami I am really proud of them. Iiixtnnil af thn iifinxonUH.looklnc. care exxly I prepared Fills vended general ly, and put up In fwooden boxes, and tuado genetally, or offered I by those having r.o experience at Phyilclan. uruKgiMs ur manuiaciiirera ui iitcutuiuvx, u-tv thu tnedicluo ottered by your obedient ctvant, II. T. IltXMHOMI. Crystal miaco Drug store, No. Wl llroodway, flew York. Palace Pflarmacy, Gllsey House, llroadwny, anil Twenty-ninth atreet, NwVork, Temple ef Pharmacy, Continental Hotel, PUtln delphia', urn! No. lut Houlli Tenth street, Philadelphia, Til E BULLETIN. FOR HUNT. The limie Imrcloforo occupied ly Pat rick KltzgcriiM, on Ohio I.ovco Lctwcftn Fourth nml Sixth street. This house. If not thu het litniri's lioii-c it cortuiniy iininiftlu! Iicut itntiilfj in Cuiro. H front tho principal fteuinhnnt Intnliny nml is iiiuir thn Illinois Cctitrul ruilrott'l ilc.i.t. Alo ttic second Moor of the en mo btiildini; rtiitnhty nrrniigoil forolllco. Apply next dcor nt Unhurt Smyth cV Co!, wholccalo grocery store. tf Kkliaiu.k and Safk. Dr. Henry's I toot nnd Plant Fills aro mild nnd plento nnt In their operation, yet thorough, pro ducing no nnuicn or griping, lleing en tirely vegetable, they can bo taken with out regard to diet or business. They nrouso tho liver nnd secretive organs into healthy action, tin-owing oil dueiue with out exhausting or debilitating thefsystcm Try thctti and you will bo satisfied l'rlco 125 cents ii box. Sold by druggiota and dealers in tncdiuinu everywhere. Prepared by the Orulton Medicine Co., St Louie, Ho. tnyOdin Did You Kvkis? "No, I never," saw a more cozy and com pic to hurber shop tlinti that of Anthony Ksclibaeh, one door be low tho post olllcc. The room hits been newly papered, the floor newly covered and thu whole cxtabliihtncnt put in first cla.'s order. K'chbach is one of the most experienced, tkillful and accoinmodiitliig barbers in thu Stute, employs courteous and expert n fit Unit?, and keeps juit tuch h shop as clti.cns and strangers will take a solid intisfaction in patronizing. niylSdliii Tub Fknton Con.v Mill. Thix cstab llihmcnt, corner of Commercial avenue and Twentieth trect, is now in charge of .Mr. -M. D. (Jiliiter, who having purchased and thoroughly retlttcd it, invites tho at tention of the public to tho fuel that he is now prepared to furnish dealers and fami lies with tho very best article of corn meal. Orders left at thu mill or sent through the postoilico will receive prompt attention. tf "Tkctii Ii poweriul und must prevail," and it is true that there is not n better boot and shoonmkur in Caito than I'killip llawjh. Ono trial is eullkient to satisfy'of the fact, that for durability, stylo and lltucss, his work cannot bo ex celled. He can be found at all time? at his shop, on Kighth street near Ohio Lovce, and not confining himself to any peculiar style or fashion, can guaranteo to his friends and customers full and com plete satisfaction. je-'JO-tf St. ' iciiolas. Day boarders can se cure good accommodations at the St. Nich olas (formerly tlio St. Juinur) at ft per week. The houo U at tho comer of Ohio levco and Kighth street, n central location, and ' jiroprictored by llariy Walker, who is alivo to tho want of hi patrons. Parties desiring boarding and lodging can learn terms on iiiquirv at tho oilKe. may .id if ' A CfF.K tiFAiiANi'KKD. Krc.s' l'cvcr Tonic ix universally recognized as thu best medicine extant for tlio curse of fevers. It Is for ah' by P. (!. Selmli, druggist, two doors south of ti..' p.i-lollii'O, unit ho guarantees nil who buy from him that it will cure chill' and fevers. If il does not euro Mr. Sehtth agrees to return tho money. Can anything bo fairer than this?" ' mavSttf Onk IIundkkd and Fifty Thousand Tho array of Charter Oak Stoves now in nctivo scrvico in tho kitchens of tho south and west Is over ono hundred and fifty thousand strong, nnd doing tho work of thrico that number of stovr of other kinds. jc27d&wlt. Fok Salk. Tho store-houso on tho cor- nor of Tenth nnd Walnut streets, nnd also the stock of groceries therein, aro oll'ered for salo together or separately. Also, a good buggy and harness will bo sold on private terms. Apply for particulars on tho premises. HEN. F. KCHOLS. Ju7tf CANS I CANS I! CANS!! I Fivo hundred dozen No. 1 Tin FKUIT CANS at tiik nkw-vokk stokf, nt $1.00 per dozen. Largest wholcsalo nnd retail stock in tho city. Okkkly & 1'aktkk. Hamilton's Huchu and Dandollon is fully as good and a much cheaper articlo ns Ilclmbold's Huchu, and is ns generally recommended by phyjielatis. P.G.Scltuh has It for salo and will sell it for less monoy than any urtlclo of Its kind. jo2ltf Hamilton's Huchu and Dandelion us good an nrtlclo as Helmbold's Huchu and for less money, for salo at P. O. Schuh's drug store. tnyitU Comk to Stay. Kobcrt Held has per manently established n coal ynrd nt Cot tonwood Point, Mo., for tlio purpose of supplying steamboats with coal. Tows at all times, day or night. Jebtf U.S. Hutchinson, Agont. Wm. Kiilkiw has tho bct brands of French calf, moroccos, kid, buckskin nnd patent leathers, all of which ho will man iifncturo into tho latest stylo of boots and shoes to suit tho tasto of any and all his patrons. Jno'Jltf Kkkf Cool. Hetrigorator, leo rliMts water coolors, I X Ii leo cream freo.orn bath tubs, japanned cloth Tor window Ecrocns, etc., etc., nt JIF.KHWAUT, OltTH & CO.'S, inylStf lSOCom.Avo. Makkiaqk Guidk. Interesting work, ntimorous ongravings, 221 pages. Prico 50 cents. Addross Dr. IlutU' Disponsary, No. 12 North Kighth Street, St. Louis, Mo. Soo Advertisement. CAIRO, ILLINOIS, WEDNESDAY, JUNE WINRM AND IJUOORa. WM. II. SUIIUTTEU, Importer nml Wliolrwile tXiUr in WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO &c CIQAES. Agent for the bext brandx of UHKAM AND STOCK ALK, An lniMtrlrl Alt of IMII'erent Klntl. 75 Ohio Lkvku, If CAIItO, JLLLNOI". F. M. STOCKFLKTH, ji"H"xob I'jiar. t ncxkrLini IteellOcr nml Wlml-np lleiilrr In foreign mill lloinellr LIQUORS, W 1 N ICS, ETC. No. 78 Ohio Lkvkk, SrniNOiirib Ulocx, C1R0, ILLINOIS. Hl.keei on hand conxiantly i full ol Old Kentucky Itourlion. ltye nml Mononif:i. hei.i Whlxklex, Ftencli llrandie', llollaii.l liui, ltaineaud Colilomla Wlncx. Jauilf rtllt.VnitY A5fl MACIIINR MIOl. I. fc E. GKEENWALI). FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP STEAM ENGINES, UOILEHS, COFFKK AND SlIKKT Ilt'JN WoitK. No. 248 East Pearl Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. HANKS. FI lWFNmoNTv l7 jiANK or I'Aiitu, DANIEL lirilD, Pre-ldent; HOKKrtT W., Vice-President i C.N. IlUOIIfM, C-i-hler. COLLECTIONS PKOMPTLY MA DK. ITlXCIIANflK, coin, bank note- nml Uu led It State n ciiritiex lioulit ami nM, Illleri'xl Allowed oil Time Deposits. ENT ERI iti SES;N 7vX(.l S b-a.2stk:. 'lirlered Mnrrli '.II, lstltl. ornci. in CITY NATIONAL HANK, CAIKO (iiinici: A. H. HAKKOni), Prexident i S. S. TAYI.OIt, Vice-President i W. IIYriLOP, Bocretary nnd Treasurer. rtitrcTet P." W. lUncm, Ciu. OuiniirR, K. M. Hr.H krn nr. 1'iu . Sciu ii, It. M. C'CNMNOIIAX, W. P. IfALllhAI, J, M. PiniLirx. lfOKllN of nny Anioiiiit lloceltnl from Ten CrulN Hunts. JNTKKKST paid on depnxitx nt the ratool six percent, per annum, .March Ixland Hcplcm r Ixt, Intere.t not withdrawn ix added imme diately to the principal of the depoxlln, thereby giving them compound Interext. MAKKIED WOM F.N AND CHILDREN MAY DKPOSIT MONK Y X.l HUT NO I1M I IXT CIV IlKkW IT. Open every buxlneis day from 9 a.m. to .1 p.m., nnd Saturday evening lor HAVINU DKPOMTS only, fiom C to 8 o'clock. aiu-otr W. HYHLOP, Treaxurer. -Tin? r-T'PV AT A 'PT iV A I L11JJ KJ I -I iWlilVilillJ CAIKO II.M.VtllN. CAPITAL 8100,000 W. P. II A 1.1,11 IA V, Prealdent; A. II. HAKKOKD, Caxhiert WAI.TKR IIYHI.OP, Axxlxtnnt Cnxhier, in ii r toiixi HrutxTAVton, IbmrKT II. CiwtvnnvM, riiiT vvinri, vv. i . 111-. , tlio. D. Viii.imxiv, SneiiiN llmu, A. II. Hai i.iiin. KxrliniiKt. Coin nwl 1'nll"! Nlnlcw ItoiKl llouiclil nml HoM. D KPOHlTd received, nad a general banking unxuieBs uone. BIN HI Nil and ruling done. In ft firxt-clai manj uer In the Hullotln blinlery. Thin depr incut Ix complete, nnd now fully piepaM (or kll V.Ui.l.of woik In Die bmdliiK Uih. 28, 1871. l'A 31 K IIICI.U NIOVKS. AOENT1 FOK TIIK I U j M M WARRANTED FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. WHAT IIOCSEKKKFF.KS SAY AII0UT "FJLIE" OOOICIZSTG- STOVES ALH'AYS READY, ALWAMS RELlARliE, ALWAYS THE REST, ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST, AND UNKQlALLKD IN TIIK PERFECTION OF COOKING APPARATUS TE331T IDIH1E,E3-R-H33Sr,r It It V OLOSJ.31TC3- OUT JlTT COST ! Tho piibllnnrehereliy tiotillnltbat Ihe largo and mapnlfieent xtnek of DItY-GOODS, ROOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, NOTIONS, ETC. Itf longing In the exl.ileof the late SCOTT WHITE WILL UK SOLD AT COST, AT THE OLD STAND, COIiNKI! SIXTH STREET AND OHIO LEVEE C-rVIRO, je2.f 'I.OTIII.N', II ATS, CAPS, KTC. 1871'. ' SUMMER 1871. ISAAC WALDER, KKKI-S CONSTANTLY ON HAND, -A. T THE LOWEST CASH PEICES, The Cheapest nnd Itext BKADV-iMADE CLOTHING, ;KNTS FIM'.NISIIINO (iOtiDS, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, Etc., Olt.M'.lt Ol' M.VIII-ST. AMI OIIIO.I.KVKi:, CAIRO, ILLS. pF.TlCULAll attention pud tn order- for WlllTP. sllirtTS In all etylei mo.lo, and only .L 'd the l-t of material lled. llltY-tlOOnS, CAItlMlTS, KTC. Xo. 101 COIMi:itt'IAI. AVI'.M'r., Wixhex to call atlenllon to bu nnminxo xiocl; of new anil seasonable J)RT-G00J)S, CARPICTS, ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. Dress Goods a Specialty. Noveltlc in Hilkx, Pnpliiix, .latnnexo Hilkx, Silk Wnrpx, Mohalrx, Lawns, Percale", P, K.V etc, American lll.i.'k tiroa tirmii Silk, ami u full linn ol the celebrated llcavcr Hruiid of Puro lllack Molmlr. The largext asxoitmetit of WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, LACE CITETAI1TS, Iteul nml liulliilloii l.nees, etc.. ihit ottered hi the ellj'. e nml cliolrt Hljles or Carpels, nml it lull line ol oil Clollis, Vlaiiliigs, Stiili-Cnrii. els nnd Hiikm. IIimiIs, Silmes FAIR DEALINGS AND SMALL PROFITS. tlTAn examination of hlx xloek Ix rexpeetlnlly nxked. I.AWVUItH. ALLEN, MULKEY & WHEELER, ATTORNEYS AMI COUNSELORS AT LAW, William .I.Allen, 1 John H.Mulkey, J- CAIIII), ILLINOIS. Samuel P.Wheeler.J litl'Particiilar attention i.iii.I tn river mirnlty luixluexx, OFFIttK KOOMS 7 AND 8 WINTKIt'.S III.nt'K, GREEN & GILBERT, ATTORNEYS AMI COUNSELORS AT LAW, William II. flreen, ) ,.,,.,,, William H tlllbett, V CAIItO, ILLINOIS. Miles I'.tillbert, J wa-Sneeial attention given to Admlnilly ami Stcnmbunt Ihikiiu'hk. OFFIOK OHIO I.KVF.K, KOOMS 7 AND 8 OVKK CITY NATIONAL HANK. PRINTINO. OOKH, pamphlets, brietx, calaloguea, uew I uiiiicrx. tax lists, and every variety nt etten- eivo lirintiug contracted for, ami promytly ami speeility exocuieu, in me iniiieiiu iiuok, jou, ncwapnper a icVtadlnit fatablislunent. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AVE. t KLKIIHATV.I) , i B lr M fX. s n SIZES UOW ElEjfVX)ir. liOIIIIN. ILLINOIS. .11 UN. SCO IT WIIITI.. nml lints In grcnl viirlelj. IVHOI.IMAI.i: CHOCEHN. R. SMYTJl & CO., j WHOLKSALK (IROCKRS, t) II 10 LKYKK, C A I It O, I I, I, I X O I N . A'so, keep constantly on hand a moit enm Jele stock uf XiiQiro-RS- SCOTCH AND IRISH WHIHKIKS, 0 I N 8,- Port, '.Mttilorla, Sherry and Catawba "Wines RHMYTH CO. well exclualyely tor , which fact they luvltu tho expecial atteo- nun ui ciose Durham uuyera H;iiul uitmtion oivtii to Filliit) Qrdttt, HOT EM. CRAWFORD HOUSE, CORNER SIXTH and WALNUT-ST., (Entranco on Hixth-st.,) K. .1. Oak?, ) II. C. Cndy, J- CINCINNATI, OHIO. K. II. Lodwlck, J OtKK-j, CADY A CO. Proprietor. SOUTHERN HOTEL, Ohio Levee, between Sixth and Kighth street, opposite nrvln nteamboat landing, letwren Sixth nod I to miln nteamlx)at I CAIRO, ILLS. NEWLY FITTED AND FURNISHED, Ternu, S3 per Dny. Watch kepi for boats and train night and day. Je2ld!r WHITE LYNDK, Proprlctorn, CENTRAL HOUSE. Oppolto the Poxtoince, on Sixth Street between Wathlngton nnd Commercial avenues, Cairo, ills. This homo has been thoroughly over-hauled, refurulshed and renovated, and id now oi.en for the reception of guextx. Tlie rooms are all larg nnd well ventilated, and filalulure new. Hatch kept night and day, MRS. GAKKNKY, Jel.lll ProprlelroM. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, COMMEKCIAL-AVENUI, OrrOSITE P. O., CAIRO, ILLS. J0EPII BAYLIS., rrtorniETon. The House is Newly Furnished And oilers to thn public flrst-claxa accommoJa- iionn hi reaaouaoio raiex. UKOCKRIES AND DRY GOODN. WILLIAM KLUGE, LIALta is FAIILY GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, NOTIONS, ROOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAr?, ETC., Wm Juit received a heavy slock of UooU and ijhoes, Hosiery aad Notions, FOR SALE FOR CASH VERY CHEAP lie alio litis a line stock of Family Groceries ol every kind. CORNER SIXTH-ST. AND COMMEU-CIAL-AV-, CAIKO, ILLINOIS. OEK Kit A f, ACK.NTH. HALLLDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS, Asn FORWARDING and COMMISSION MI'.UCH ANTS, ANU DEALERS IN-FLOUR; And Agents of Ohio IUvvr nml Knunwliii SALT GOMPAKIE3I 70 Ohio Levee, . CAIRO, ILLINOIS. COAL. CAIRO CITY COAL COMP AET5T, la prepared to supply customer with the best quality of PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS COAL. O UDERH left at HaJllday Broi. oBtca, TO OHIO i.r.vr.r., or ai mo usu xaru iow ino at. Cliarloa Hotel, will receive prompt atUDIIou. TIIK TUtl " MONTAUli" Kill bring coal aloi ir side steamer at any hour owir JOHN U. OBERLTtl A CO.'S Book Vlt-Uty, la the UoLiarm ilmlding, tt praprti W Iui Blsh all kisda of blank tok U IU UUM- doailkiaJaof bloJtui.