Newspaper Page Text
ttfMtit WW Satfo JOHN H. OBEKLY & CO., OmCIALjmtKCTOUY. HTATK OFFICERS. Com"' r. JolinM.I'alirurS ,leulrimm-overnor, John Dougherty fcr l iiy of !nto, Edward Itumnie ; Am! rT - C. V. Lippincolt, - I, T it.iir r, E. N. lltoi ' I' .' It-xtructioii. Noton llateman. CONGRESSMEN. Ionian TriimbullandJohn A. Logan. ine for the ?tnto nt l.arirc Vacancy, i..tnlite Thirteenth District John M. IS.i. t'n 1 A I KM IlKRS GENERAL ASS KM IILY. j . j, . , 1t District T. A. lit Holcotnli, of I ni'-ii, -lid - K. (lilnon.of (lallatln. 1" ,, . i.'n'.ve, ltt District II. Walson Weld; COUNTY OFFICERS. CIRCUIT COUKT. Jn I v l, J. Hiker, of Alexander. ITj lit ng AttorneyI. V, MtCutney, of Mas.ic. ( ,r mtllcrk-Jno. Q. 1 1 arm an. Hlicrit! A. II. Irvin. COUNTY COUUT. J. ,-e-F. Ilron. Assoca!" J.'.K. McCrllennd !. March'ldon. Clerk Jwoli ft. Lynch. I" ironer -lohn II. Oossman. - M UN ICIPAL GO V KHN M KNT. Mayor -John II. Lntden. Tiea.urer-J.Tl. Taylor, t inijilro.ler-K. A. Iluroett link Michael Howlcy. Marshal Andrew CaId. Atlwnev-F. H Pope. l'olicu Magistrates H. Ilrosi and II. Hhan nessy, fluejol Police-L. H. Myers, l'olicu CinitaUcs John Bhe.han, (day)f and Jon. II. Wijl'j ami J. W. Sumner, (night.) SELECT COUNCIL. M)or John 51 Lansden, Fimi Waril I. O.Sihuh. tic onJ Vfanl -'. It. Woodward. Thud Ward Jno. Wood. Fourth Ward -u BtaAta Taylor. CityaM-nge-W. I" Holiday and I), Hurd. 110A11D 01" ALDKUMKN. I'lIWr WAHD James Uearden, L"so Kith, Isxac V allien. HECOND WAItlJ-ll. H-SOunninghain, E. Under, Henry Winter, Jamss Rwaync. TIMID WAUD-Wm. Strallon, Patrick Fllsg'tald. FOtltTH WAKD James Carroll. ri.ll.gcajp, J.II.Mclealf. Time of Muting. I lit tuocn. The City Council tnet In Joint session on Friday evening preceding the first Monday of each month. r-ELICT ttCNCIl. The Select Council metts on the tint Wednes. Jay and Thursday, alter tho second Monday in cwh month. SO A LI) Or ALtltRMCX. The Board of Aldermen meet cn tho first Monday and Tuesday In nery month. COM MITTKEh 01 THE COUNCIL. On Strtett Meitr. Taylor, Wnldtr, Winter, WooJ and Metcalf.!is. Cunningham, SIiuri, Kitiger aid, Scasoand llalllday. ttai.v.i Messrs. Wood, Cunningham and Kiel). Wicc cni Jail Messrs. Carroll, lluder and Woodward OrJinanta Messrs. Heasc., Walder arid Taylor. Rn Dfjtnttmtnt Messrs. IlearUen.Hwajne and llalllday. JtaiUlt Messrs. Bchuh, Winter anJ Kiel). IHnttn. Mcum.WooJward.Snayneuud Iluder. fnante Memre. Hurd, htratton and Mil tall. IXanl Health The Mayor, and Mcaara. Hear i!cn, Winter, Stratton and Cai roll. OUR CHURCHES. I'nESUYTEIHA.N-Elghlh-ntrtct. I'rcachlns, Kahtnth at 10 a. m., and 7J4 p. w. I'raytr mcetinp, Wednesday at ' v. x. Hunday School, 3 r. . J. M., Super intendent, ltev. C. II. Kourr, Taster. SIETIIOUIHT-Cor. KiKhth and Walnut Sts. I'rcnchinp, Babbath lo'a. M.,nnd 7 I'. M. I'reyer meeting, Wedueaday, "a r. m. fcumlay Kchool p p. m. I.. W. Stilwell, Super intendent, tcv. F. L.Tmohikoji, I'attor. CHUnCU OK THE ItEDEKMEIl-(Kjiicopal) Morning prnycrD, Sabbath K' a. u. Evening rracrs;7J.J p. i. t'.lbbalh trchool, 9 A.M. Rcv.;.Mit. Coas, Hector. ST. PATKICK'H CIIUKCII-Cor. Ninth fit. nnd Vohlnjton Avenue. I'uUlo Service, S.ibbathe" and 10),' a. v. Vespers, 3 p. si. Sunday School, 2 p. m. . Service evory day, 8ivi. ItCV. T.J. O'llALtOKAN, Tricnt. CHlUBTIAN-ElKhleenlh Hreet. Treadling, Sabbath W . i,, Bud 1$ r. x. llcv, J. FmcsD, .'astor. ftSSION Sl'.NDAV SCHOOL In the Christian Church, Eighteenth Sireet. Babbath SVnool 3 r, i. J. 11, Itttn, Scr-;riutendent. YOUNO MEN'S CHKISTIAN ASSOCIATION-Iteg. ular mcctlajr lecond Mondny each month at ll.o Trayer room of tho Treabytcnan Church. Weekly Trayer meeting, Friday, V,i r. M., at the Trayer room of tho Tresbyterlan ehurch. . , O. I'auwim, Trcaldcnt. AI'llICAN M. i -Fourteenth St. betHeen Walnut and Cedar. Service", Sobtiitli, 11 a.m. Sunday. School, p.m. Cluss 3 p. M. Treadling, V,i v. m, ltev. W. II. Hiiown Taator. SECO.VU FHKE-WIl.L 1IATTIST Fifteenth St. between Walnut and Cedar. Scrvicca Sabbath, l' nnd 3 p. m. ltov. N. ltichH, 1'iwlor. llAFl'ISTHOME MlbSlu.-M fcUN. DA V SCIIOOICorner walnut and Cedar Sts. BundyScliool,9A. M. FlKiT FHEE WILL 1IATTIST CHUROII-Cur- ry' llarracks. Services, Sabbath 11 a. m., 3 r. m. and 7JJ p. m. ltev. Wm. Kellkv, Tanlor. HIIST MIBSIONAUV llAl'TIST CHUltCII-Het. ween 10th and lltH strccti, nenrCedar. Treadling Sabbath Wi a. m., and 7H P. M. l'payer Meeting, Wodnesilny evening, .rreachlng, Friday evening. Sabbath School, Vt p. m. John Van Daxter and Mary Stephens Superintendents. uov. j. j, Hiionrs, rnsior, UAItltlOIlH. ' J.OEO. STEINHOUSKi FASHIONABLE BA1113ER, Cor. Ntli-st. mill CoiiiiiH'rcluI.nv. WBShnrp Itazors, CD'Cleau TowoIh nnd D-Sl;illfull Wcrkmen. OVI.adleH' and children's hair cut nnd sham pooed, t'ilhcrat tho shop or at their own homes. arRtntlemen'p whisker nd hair dyed tu a cleiitlllo manner. Satlslaq erb iarantced. PROPRIETORS. iii:i.mroi,i'm. HELMBOLD'S II KI.M 1101.1) S iiui.miioi.d.s iii:i.miioi.I)'h lir.I.itllOI.D'H iiki.hiiold'h iiki.hiioi.d'h HKI.MllOI.Il' GBAPE PILL. CATAWI1A OltAl'K 1'ILI.S. CATAW1I.V OIIATK VILLS. (,'ATAWIIA flllAl'K I'lLI.ii. CATAWIIA OIlAre VlhtA. CATAWIIA OI'.AI'K CATAWIIA OltAl'K riM..S CATAWIIA OI'.AI'K 1'ILL". HELMBOLD'S ii elm iiold'8 iiklmiiold'h iiklmuOld'h iiklmiiold'h HELilllOLll's hklmuolu'h UKLItIIOLI'tt EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA FLUID FLUID FLUID FLUID VLUIU FLUID FLUID F.XTKACT K.XTKACT KXTKACT KXTItACT VXTItACT KXTKACT KXTItACT HAHHAI'AItlLLA hAIUAl'AItILLA. riAlMAl'AttlLLA. ,BAr.Al'AIlILLA. HARfAFARILLA. BAIUAI'AKILLA. bAK'Al'Ar.ILLA. iTiiirv tiii: iti.oon. IIELMUOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SAUSArA IULLA. Cures nil Eruption' of the Skin. IIKLWHOLUI! FLUID EXT7tACT.SABAl'A itlLLA -' Curen ttio wont form of Illood Dliea'c... HKLMIIOLDV FLUID KXTKACT hAltsATA 1SILLA ' Enters heavily Into the Circulation of the Illood. IIKLMUOLD'S FLUID KXTItACT SAlATA KILLA llcaullfit" the Complexion. HKLMUOLD'H FLUID. KXTKACT hAKSAI'A KILLA. One lottlc Is crjual in atreogth to one galloa of tho Syrups or Dcccc-lon. a. u.ually made; and a wlne-Kla.n added to n runt of water rquaU the co'ebrate.1 I.tsr.i'.V DIET DltlNK. Try it this uay. A delightful beverage. 1IKLM nOLD 6 CATAWIJA ORAl'K FILLS llKLMHOLD's CATAWIIA OKATE TILLS A pleasant, safe and agreeable CAthartlc. It ELM HOLD'S CATAWIIA OKAFE TILLS Used In all aflectlons here a Turgative Medicine is needed, IIKLMNOLD'.H CATAWIIA ORAl'K TILLS Harmless to a child, and taken by chlldn n. IIKLMIIOLD'H CATAWIIA OKATE TILLS rtuperi-ede Magnesia, Salts and every other Par gatlte. HKLMIIOLD1!- CATAWIIA OKATE TILLS, -Certain in elfect, and pleaant In operation, IIELMUOLD'S CATAWIIA OltAl'K TILL Is not n patented Till. IlKLMIiOLl) CATAWIIA OKAl'K TILLS ArocomK)scd ot Catawba Ornpe Juieoand Huld Eatract Hhubarb. Turcha.etwn bottles of IIELMUOLD'S SAK-SA-TA KILLA and one box ol TILLS-worth their weight in gold. Ku better inveitment can be made for so small a mm. IIKLMIIOLD'H FLUID KXTItACT 1IUCIIU Has acquired a worlil.wldc lame. A LL of mv preparation are meritorious. A XV. period of twenty years has proved this to o mo ease. Seo remarks made by Ileninmln Traverse. F. It C. M. Speaking of those, and diseases arising Irom tlm excess of mercury, he states wiai no remeuy is equal 10 inn j.xiraci oi enrsa parilla. its power is cxtraordir urv, more so than any other drug I nm acquainted with. It is, in in tho strictest sen.e, n tonic, w illi this invaluable attribute that it is applicable) to n stato of tho system so sunken, nnd yet so Irritable, ns ren ders other subitances of tho tonic class unnvail able or iniurioiis. Heo KEMAHKSot tho fiKEAT CHEMISTS AND TILL MEN OK AMERICA s Wm. It. Warner A Co., 15 North Third street, Thiladelphla, Tu. II. T. Helml-old: Esteemed Friend I congratulate you nn having tho handsomest ami at the same tune the Mo.t Etl'ectivo Till that I liavo ever known for tho purposes intended. WM. K. WAKNEK & CO. II. T. Helmbold will remark, in conclusion, that his remeitles arc tho result of long and careful study. Tho Fluid Extracts havo been before tho ti iiiblic twenty vears. llio sale of them In that time nroves their value. All havo been benefit. tod bv them who followed my instructions, anil to-day they stand unequalled in tho extent of their sale, nnd unsurpassed bv any medicament in tho Dispensatory of tho United States, not excepting n single Ijcrb', Koot, Plant, or ScleiiV llflo Preparation. Pharmaceutical I claim all mine, to bo, ami hao never patented n single one. to dispel any Impression or prejudice (hat might exist In the minds ol many against my preparations, from tho publicity gUcn through advertising, nn, that 1 am and havo been ft drug, g st ror a Period of twenty yoars, und morocon- V1,'I-rlj,.! prvf thl,.Hl'" 'eltor from tho largest manufacturing chemists in tho world i Inn; acquainted with Mr. H? Ke'lmbVdiie occupied the drug store opposite my residence, nnd was suceesstiil In conducting the business ".... ,..... y. won equally NO LetOro him phia ALL HTAtlO Oil THEIR HIBITM. Tlie Pill I have thought ot ullering to the alllie ted for ten ) oars. They aro now perfect, nnd I shall stake my time, money nnd tamo on tholr ctluetivcnrss, Tho inviting stylo 111 which tho pill Itself is made, tho bottle, label, wrapper nil show with what caro they havo been prepared, After exnnilna tlon, no English or French preparation will show greater care, nnd I um really Proud of them. Instead f the nauseousdooking, carelessly prepared Pills vended generally, nnd put up In wooilen boxes, and mado generally, or ottered by those l.o experienca ns physicians, druggists or manulacturoiH of medioines, tost the modlcino ollercd by your obedient sonant, II. T. Iir.LMUOLD. Crystal Palace Drug Stole, No. 691 Uroadway, Nwv York. Palace Pharmacy, (illsey House, Uroadway, nnd Twenty. ninth street, New York. Templo rf Pharmacy, Continental Hotel, Phila delphia; and No. 1U1 Boutli Ttntu Ureel, Phil adelphia, 80LH IIY DRUGGISTS EVERYWHERE. , mi. uei-u mwi.iuij iiiiiiiyaarii nn rus cliamc lerandenlcrpnso. WILLIAM WK1HTMAN. Urm of Powers A W ghlinan, manufacturing chemists, Ninth and Urown streets, Philadel CAIRO, TILE BULLETIN. KOKKlOiV AND DOMESTIC. THK TUKATY DISCL'SSKIJ IN PA It. LIAMKNT. LONDON. IIKHtKST OF A LlilltAllV TAKLIAMKNT TIIF. WAHllI.N'OTO.V TIIKATV Illf-CUHSKD KMTKttOK AVU KMI'IIKsS OF HUAIL All KIVKD. London, Juno 20: Tho Into historian Ocoruo Oroto lic'iucnUicd Ms llbrnry to tho London University, of vyliicli lio was. for jomo yar president. In tho liouo of lords lo-nlgltt, Lord Ornnmoro moved u resolution exprcijn roy ret Unit, tho qucatt lfad Icon ndvi.ed tu ii-n tlio treaty ol" "Wusliinglon. A Lar gnin jo unbecoming to tho honor nnd dig nity of tho country in its conditions, ho snid, was in conflict with tho instructions given, was subject and humiliating, ami Irritated Cunadn without coficilliutitig America. ' ' Larl Acrlio defended nnd praised tho treaty. Tho Karl of -Lotidtrdnlc said it l-iivo ev erything to tho United State without securing an criuivulent for Knglntid. Lord lloufjhton. was utilWd .with tho cornpatt, becmiho il would prevent future quarrel. Karl Granville closed llio debate with it vigorous defense of tho fiction of govern ment, and tho motion of Lord Oranmoro was defeated without a division. In the TTouso of Commoni,"5ff. Glad stone hoped that an ourly day would bo tlxod fpt; discussion on, "tho treaty of Wnehingtoiu Sir Charles Dilho opened tho question of tho ballot. Ho stated that voting by bulla had proved ft failuro in tho Uuitcd at'-is: The debate was continued by Kir Staf ford Northcote. Foster, (iladV.onc and Uesracli until tho adjournment. Tho crnperor and empress of Jfrazil ar rived at London thisjevening. .MADRID. mokkt's financial scheme. to nr. at- TIIOVED. Tadkid, Juno lio. It is believed the Cortes will annrovo all tho Utiuncial bills submitted by Senor Jlorct. m. l.r . i.. ir t. , . , xiiu King i.i iu receive ji. inirrci lo-uay. HEltLhV. AMNK.-TY OKANTKD TO NATIVKs OF AL- HACK AND LOKI'.AINE. IIkkli.v, June 29, Tho emperor has granted amnesty to nil natives of Alsnco and liorrainc ur.der sentence for political c military oflcntcs, which are not com b.ncd with ordinary eimts. Kkliaiilk and Safe. Dr. Henry's Itoot and Plant Pills arc mild and plcaso ant in their operation, yet thorough, pro ducing no nausea or griping. Ucing en tirely vegetable, they can bo taken with out regard to diet or business. They arouse the liver and secretive organs into healthy action, throwing oil" dUeaso with out exhausting or debilitating the system Try them and you will bo satisfied Price2S cents a liox. Sold by druggists and dealers in medicine everywhere. Prepared by the Grafton Mcdiclnq Co., St Louis, Mo. iayOdm The Kenton Coiin Mill. This estab lishment, corner of Commercial avenuo and Twentieth street, is now in clmrgo of Mr. M. I). Gtmter, who having purchased and thoroughly rcfltted it, invites tho at tention of the public to tho fact that he is now prepared to furnish dealers and fami lies with tho very best article of corn meal. Orders left nt the mill or sent through tho postotlico will receive prompt attention. ' tf " Tisi'TH Is powerltil nnd must prevail," and it is Iruo that there is not n better boot and shoemaker in Caito than Phillip Jlaugh. Ono trial is sufficient to satisfy any.ono'of tho fact, that for durability, stylo and iltncss, his work cannot bo ex celled, lie can bo found nt all times at his shop, on Eighth street near Ohio Levee, and not conilning himself to nny peculiar stylo or fashion, can guaranteo to liis friends nnd customers full ondcom plolo satisfaction. je-'-'O-tf St. N iciiolas. Day bourdors can se cure good accommodations ntthoSt. Nich olas (formerly tho St. James) at $1 per week. The house is nt tho corner of Ohio lovco and Kighth street, a control location, nnd is proprictored by llariy Walker, who is olivo to tlio wants of his patrons. Parties desiring boarding and lodging can IcArn terms on inquiry at tho ollleo. inay3dtf Meals. Tho oranch meat shop of James Kynnston, located on Commercial avenue, next door to tho grocery store of James Carroll, is now in full blast, nnd this pop ular butcher is supplying all tho rollncd meat caters of that portion of tlio Fourth "Ward with splendid meat. If you havo not tried him givo him a call, tf FnuiT Fou Sale. Tho undersigned of fers for salo, in tho orchard, in Puluski county, nino miles from Cairo, a largo amount of choico fruit, consisting of poaches, pears, tipples, quinces etc. This fruit can bo bought at a great bargain, if applied (or soon. F.nquiro of 1, S. IIawki.vj, jtin21d2w U. S. Custom Houso,Cairo. S'm. Ehlkks has tlio best brands of Trench calf, moroccos, kid, buckskin and patent Icathoni, all of which ho will man ufacture into llio latest stylo of boots and shoes to suit tho tusto of any and till his patrons, Jne'Jltf It bet f ooi Ketrigerutors, ico chests "water coolers, IX L Ico cream freosers batlf tubs, japanned cloth for window screens, etc., etc., at UEERWA11T, OKTII & UO.'S, myl8tf 130 Com. Avo. ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, JULY WIlftM Attn U((OOIU. WM. H. SCHUTTEIt, Importer nnil Wholesale Dealer In WINES, LIQUORS, AMI TOBACCO & CIGAE3. Agent for the lest brands of UltKAM AND STOCK ALK, AMD lniiorlr.l Airs or IHirVrnii KlmK. 7o Ohio Lhvkk, l CAIItO, ILLINOIS. V. M. STOCKFLKTII, mtwn miiir. x stuckilktii Rfrlirjpr mill Uholponlp Ilmlcr in t'ort'larn ami Itniuriitlr LI QU 0 RS, W 1 N ES, ETC. So. 78 Ohio Levee, HrRiiritvi.n llus.K, UMBO, ILLINOIS. TI E kft on hand constantly a full stock of I JL Old Kentucky llourlxjn. Uye anil Monoura hela Whiskies, French Hrnndles, Holland rim, II. In ,.,t t.tirA.-.l. ll'l ' ... JanSotf 11AXKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK or (,'aiiio. DANIEL JIWtD, President ; ItOBEUT W. MILLEIt, Vicc-Pre-ldent J C.N. HUOIIEf, Ca.hler. COLLECTIONS PROMPTLY MADE. IXCHANfiE, coin, bank notes nnd Uu ted J Mates securities bought and sold. Interim! Alton eil nn TIiiip l)eiollN. ENTERPRISE SAA'INGS Chartered March HI, 1SUU. orrict is CITY NATIONAL BANK, CAIRO. A. n.SAFKOnn, President; H. H. TAYI.dK, Vice-President I W. UYSLOP, Secretary and Treasurer. Dinreroiss P. W. IU ECLAT, ClIAS. GALIHIIKR, K. M. ritcK'KiHTH, PilO. tieiiiu, U. M. Cl'N.MMIllAM, W. P. HaLLIUAI, J. M. PniLlies. Dcioilts of nny Aiiinimt IteeHiHl from Ten CenlH l'iuiirN. JNTEUE3T paid on deposits at the rate ot six percent, per annum, March 1st nnd Septein r 1st. Interest not withdrawn Is added Imme diately to the principal of the deposits, thereby giving them compound interest. MAURI ED WOMEN AND CHILDREN MAY DEPOSIT MONEY so that no osr. rur c.iv nmw it. Open every business day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., nnd Saturday evening lor 8AVINH DEPO.SITii only, from t to 8 o'clock. a&anf W. HYSLOP, Treasurer. THE CITY NATIONAL I'AIKO ILI-ISOIfi. CAPITAL, 8100,000 W. P. HALLIDAY, President-, A. II. BAFKOllD, Cashier; WALTER UYSLOP, AsslsUnt Cashier. DinccTons: Btaats Tavlos, PnnrRT II. Ci'XMMiiUMf ftoTTWiiiTt, W. P. Hallihav, Oi.ii. I. Williamson, Bth-hkn Uiuu, A. II. Haitouh. i:xeliiiiiK., t'ulii mill Viiltnl Slnfi'N lloiiil Ilaii(lit mill Sold. DEPOHITU received, and a general banking business done. llVTCIIf.UK. THK PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET CHAN. (JAY KK A- CO., Pnoritir.Tons, KEEP conslnntly on hand tho lost of beel, pork, mutton, veal, lamb, sausage, pudding, etc. Fresh white lard lu any uunntity, orneil beef, etc, always on hand. Orders promptly tilled, nnd satisfaction w1r(afn- JAMES KYNASTON, llnlelii r mill lleuli r In nil Hlmll I'ronU Meat, CiiiNru Nivirrr.sTii anu Poi laii BTi;r.T. CAIHO, ILLINOIS. rUYB and slaughters only tho very best catlls, 15 hogs and shemi, ami is prepared to fill any demand for fresh meals from ono pound to ten thousand pounds. decSUf ,1 1871. I'AJIK COOKlNU HTOVKM. aok.vth ron thk mm ''kaw;'- i( O WAHHAaNTKI) IMHST-CLASS IN KVH11Y ltKSPKCT. WHAT IIOCSKKKKTKKs SAY AKOCT "iF-A-HUriE" COOTZTlSrG- STOVES ALWAYS HKADV, ALWA.M8 ItKLIAJJLK, ALWAYS THK UKST, ALWAYS THK UlIKAPKST, AND UNEQUALLED IN THE PERFECTION OK COOKING APPARATUS TUjisr nDiFFETEisra? I It Y GLOSHLSTG- OTJT .A.T COST ! , The pi.Mic ore htrehy notliled Hint the largo nnd magnificent stock nf DUYGOODS, HOOTS, S II OK. 3, HAT S, CAPS, NOTIONS, KTC, Ue'inging to the estaleof the la!o SCOTT WHITE WILL HE SOLD AT COST, AT THK OLD STAND, COHNKIt SIXTH STHKKT AND OHIO LKVKK CAIEO, je'-W '1.0THIXJ, HATS, AI'S. KTC ShiER' 1871. rSTJMMER.l 1871. ISAAC WALDBB, KKKT.S CONSTANTLY ON HAND, A. T THE LOWEST PRICES, The Cheapest and Itcst KEADISMADE CLOTHING, J GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, HOOTS, SHOES, Etc., COUNKR OF SIATII-ST. AMI OIIIO.LKVKK, CAIHO, ILLS. IjAT.TlCULAU. attention paid to orders for WHITE SHIM'S In all styles made, and only . of tho best of material used. lIKY-UOUnS, C'Altl'KTS, KTC. Xo. 101 C'OMMI'.ltt'lAI, Avr.xvi:, Wishes to cnil atlcnt on to his mimcnso stock of new nnd seaonahlc DRV-GOODS, CAltPKTS, HOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. eveeythi1tg peesh, wew, eesieabee. Dress Goods a 'Specialty. Novelties in Silks, Poplins, Japnneo Silks, Silk Wimii, Mohair', Lawns, Percales, P. K.'s, , vie. American Illaek Oros (irnin Silk, ami u full lino of llio celebrated Heaver llrand of Turo Illaek Mohair. Tho largest nssoitment of WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, LACE CTJ-TAiatTS, Ileal mill Iinlfnlliiii Liucm, dr., ever ollerol In Hie elly. New mid rlioleo hljleo l' 'iirielM, null 11 lull lliir ol' oil L'lolliw, .tliitl liifM, NtnlrC'urii els Mini llugH. liiiols, billies mill HiiIh In grenl variety. FAIR DEALINGS AND SMALL PROFITS. tfAn examination of hln slock is respectfully asked. L.AWVKHH. ALLEN, MULKEY & WHEEL Kit, ATTORNEYS AMI COUNSELORS AT LAW, William J. Allen, ) John H.Miilkey, V CAIHO, ILLINOIS, Samuel P.Wheeler.j BO-Parllcular attention pnid lu river nnd ml mlralty business, OFFICE KOOMB 1 AND 8 WINTKIl'S 1ILOCK, GREEN & GILRKRT, ATTORNEYS AM COUNSELORS AT LAW, William II. firccn, 1 ,.,,. ,,,in.-ij William II (lilbert, ! CAIHO, ILLINOIS Miles F.dilbert, J B-HuecliiI attention glieli to Admlinlly aud Steninbont busitioss. OFFICE OHIO I.EVEE, UOOMS 7 AND 8 OVKK CITY NAT1UNAI. HANK, y I'KINTINO. BOOKS, pamphlels, briels, catalogues, news papers, tax lists, and every variety of exten .i.a npmilni, pontriLcted for. and nromvllv and speedily executed, In tho llultctln book, Job, ' .. .. k...ll.... Atitil.ltuli.n..,tt uewspuper u iiu'iii-, ."v. .,... BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AVE. celeuratkd sizes kow beady. S O l S. IXjXjIITOIS. ?uts. sciirr wiiitk. WIIOI.IXAI.K CllOCEHS. R. SLYTIL & CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, OHIO I.EVEE', (Mill (I, ILLINOIS. A'so, keep eon-tantl)- on hand u most com. pletv stock of Xiio,iroias- SCOTC'll AND UIUU WUIS1CIKS, -a i n s,- Port, Madoria, Shorry and Uatawlft "Wines R SMYTH A- CO. sell exclusively for cash, to , vth ih fact they invito tlio especial atten tion of close Unburn buyers. Sjifcial a(nfioi yhtn to Filling Qrdtn. HOTKLN. CRAWFORD IIOUSK, CORNER SIXTH and WALNUT-ST., (Enlranco on Hixth-st.,) V. J. 0k.., ) 'J" .V' . . ) CINCINNATI, on 10. I-.. II. Lodwlolc, J OAKES, CALlY A CO. Proprietors. SOUTH KHN HOTKL, Ohio Levee, between Hlxlh and Eighth streets, opposite main steamboat landing, between Hlxlh and I to main steamloat I CAIRO ILLS. NEWLY PITTED AND FURNISHED. Tcriii,82er liny. Watch kept for boats nnd train night and day. Jo2ldir WHITE & LVNDE. iTopnerors, OKNTltAL JIOUSE. Opposite the PostolTlce.onHixth Street betwaen Washington ami Commercial avenues, Cairo, ills. This house has been thoroughly over-hauled, refurnished and renovated, and is now open for the reception of guesti. Tho rooms aro all l.irgo nnd well ventilated, nd fualuturo new. IFatcli ,Pi P'lltud dny, MU3. UAKFNEY, Je'dtf Proprietress. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, COMMERCIAL-AVENUE, OPPOSITE P. O., CAIRO, ILLS. josetii daylis?, : : : : : pnorrjEion. The House is Newly Furnished And offers to tho public first-class accommoda tions nt reasonable rates. UROCKRIF.S AND DUV UOODS. WILLIAM KLUGE, DEALtn IS EAIILY GrROCERIES, DIIY-GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CATS, ETC., Has just received a heavy stock of Boots and Shoes, Hosiery and Notions, FOU SALE FOR CASE VERY CIIEAP Ho also has, a fine stock of Family Groceries ot every kind. CORNER SIXTU-ST. AND COMMER CIALS V., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. OENEDAX AGENTS. IIALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS, F0UWA1DING and COMMISSION MEHOIIAXTN, DEALERS IN FLOUR; And Agenti of Olilo lliver nuil Hannwlin salt compan"ie0" 70 Ohio Lfvee, tf . CAIKO, ILL1NOIB. COAL. CAIRO CITY COAL co:m::f.a.:t.iz, Is prepared to supply customers lth the test quality of PITTSBURG AND ILLINOIS CO AT, i. left at llalllday Bros, office, 70 OHIO LEVEE, or at the Coal Tard below to M. tries Hotel, will recelvo prompt aitesilnm. VnETUQ''MONTAUK,rwlllMUoUlo ild uttamtrt at any hocr. UMCtr