' i i)'siAti,koii coxx ectioxs.
O ami after Hominy, Ma- lllh. . f"1'
i- flrna-tablewlllrorern Hie arrival miJuVi "1
liif pnsnwrlralniniuiirni
lMrt-M.II train, dally lll-.w.
Ktrrf't "'"t
Mall, .tally 3.'
1'lprrss m)t, ePpt ehllldsy S.3)p.m.
A nmich It rw'M ,ou" lr'n '"lfn 0,!
il, iun u l Oipi will nve lliriingh mm
f . Ml. IvOtt S. WWPI Will IH- lllKril
: vjysx Vm :r:::rz
,oV . n.l ilier will i n 'I'wii' ' ' f,om
I iw I l SI. l-Oll'"' T,ie "n
l in.HlhMemroiiihliT.lnitMrlorHi.
I in- Tlie lintion of flil'xT' l "P-In)-,.
l, I li, lliefuct Hut t Fruit l .xjrr- Irafn will
. k -i .liil),."tr.ii.) fipeiif'l. "'"I
,, ikr r nfrum th.c'y CI' ,n '"'"'J-,-,,
... JAS. Ji'llX-'CX. Agent.
.M01N1J 'CIT V A K 1) CA1 110."
Cait- William II. Sasiiumky.
caieo .nsrr) 3vrx). city
Lkavi: Caiiio,
looter ritiiirii priir.iT.
At A.M.
At 10 A.M.
At 1 J'.M.
At 6 v M.
I,i:avk Mii City,
At S.30 A.M.
At 11.50 A.M.
At L'.SO r.M.
At C30 r.M.
at tin:
uoi FArrouY, iiawk's laxim.vo, ky.
IT . Tlio lioatitlful nml IlKlil-ilr.uigin
JhSSmttKm ptrMnrr,
Iionnt Emidut Mnlfr,
At 5 o'ciofx, r.x. ;
AT 9 o'cioci;, A.M.
Wlliiig rnprrlor Rccommodal'.oix the o
ilctt a puMie iwtronaicc
al' ntlrnlion l psnltnrol potion of
luroior clmrcrv, lull Ihp lion! will not Ih nMon
iILIp for llio.iinir until collrclpd.
Publlslietl rcry innriiliiL,-, .1!iuiIn. v.
city mm.
Treasurer Tayhr and family leavo
for the "lukcs" tc-dny.
Tho river news n ill again assume its
wonica place ia the Hullkti.v on Tues
day morning.
Mrs. Campbell, for using ubus'ivo lan
guage, was yesterday fined flvo dollars
and costs.
Tho reports of treasurer Tay or, tub
mittcd to tho council, nro moluls of pen
manship and nre excellent in arrangement.
Tho Presbyterian church building
having been repaired, urvluc, morning
and evenirg, n tmil, will bii hj'
therein to-day.
Ann Harris, a colored woman
shot, accidentally, throug.i the '. .'I shu. 1
dcr yesterday afternoon. Tho wound,
though painful, is not tcrior.
An awkward error in yesterday's
IIULLETIN' uiado in say Hint tlio fa'.in Tor
which it Is said Mr. Mcdnro reflistJ
$90,000, was assessed at $S3,600 It should
have read $o,000.
rrom ouno tsi to uiii, inclusive
$3,130.01, of scrip weru coltriml by ;hu
treasurer. During tlio sunu poriod
$1,103.69, in coupons wero cMcollal.
Thcso wero nil destroyed by burning, la
tLo presence of tho fliiinicocoii.iiiittco.
Tho following order of march of tho
Hibernian l'iro Company will bo strictly.
observed in their forthcoming celobrutlon
on tho Fourth of July: Starting at I!
o'clock, i-harp, from unglnu hoiiie lo Com
inerciitli down Commercial to Tenth; up
Tenth to levco; down leveo to Fourth .
Fourth to Commercial; up Commercial tj
Eighth; down Eighth to."Wushliigton ; up
Washington to Twolflh ; up Twelfth to
Commercial; up and down Twentieth to
Walnut, up Wiilnut lo Twi-iily-lhiid;
out Twenly.tbird, and to V lorn Harden.
f-Jainc Allen hrs been in hard luck.
Ho is a young man from tho country, and
visited Cairo with th0 view of teeing tin
"elephant: Ho dropped in llr.t nt a dii
teputabeden when ho wan robbed of .un
dollars and supplied with an unmerciful
beating; lie then louglit Hie police, In a
half-drunken condition, and related his
story to them, lntellnided with suuti re-
marks, as "ilia a U town in a nest of
thieves, and tho office -s are .ho worst
among them." II next found himself in
jail, where ho passed a full evening, nnd
was only released tho noxt day upon the
promiio tlmt ho would leavo town immo
diately depart and sin no more.
Don't forget the pic-nic of tho Hiber
nian flro company, at Flora Garden, on
the Fourth. This company, under tho pres-
o Jicuaie.has becomoono of tho
most efficient tire company, in the city,
and ts members, a. ,, u bod f ,nM ,
can be found in any city, ar a.wavs ready
to w.iwer tLocn'1 of the alarm W.,, lin,
labor, without ,,.,... .. ..i ......
fnr lliu i ....
" i'u" uouo. ijioy tiehiv
Ibn tifi(rnntia ..p l ."
Hie t
VI . '
ami we l.o ie
',7 ' ,uru crowded on Tuesday
with the property owners of Cairo, who
should pour out their money and thu, en.
ahlo the Hibernian, to procure hoie and
other necessary cngino '-flxlng.," to ,iu;;t,
the company even jnoru efllfilehl than It I.
-Tho Fourth of July excursion, o the
steamer Eckcrt, promises to be a succets
A general good time , anticipated. Our
cltiaens on all hand, are getting ready to
leave tho carea of b.lnci. and maku the
Fourth a day of rest, recreation and so-ial
enjoyment. ThoJickcrt is a staunch i.,i
trusty steamer, and In nil her cabin ar.
uBjmcuu anu appolntmoiita wri bv
With t racial eye to. audi occwloi
. .....1. .in
' 111 I t. .In Le'.feT 10 H18IT0 1110
Diuan, In
salclv of c illdifii. t'ij""'"
irtiv... ui tun1 . . in
is av . . ...
Hint no iis.'itnmce nci" "" b1"-" "
. t 1... .(Iiiflii tli.lf flirt, ' ".' U I. In l, miiiW
:..r..,.. r ni nn ikhi
Inmmiirli at niowiiini"
(hn numlccs oi nnu ur iuu uvi.uuv .
Methodist church, It v.- '1 nut be oxpccieu-
that there will oo uanc ng .... u.m.u.
il, that there may do no muni
prcliri m nn tlio put of nny wlio Intend
jolnir. Thi-ro will
crninnnviit -Mound City, Caledonia, Mo
uou, ,mu w0 cnbut f,i
KSMircl llmt nil wlio go wir enjoy tlio dny
nntl over niicr rciiieinu'T ii wivu picnt-
-Tl.u following Icttor, accompnnj ing tlio
poem bVlowi explains it'Olfi I'o"'" ':
Your dojiro to posc s th s long.for-
gotten doggerel botli amusing and
and uuiHK'ngj but you aro qui.o wci-1
enmo to it. Tlio labor oi col' nc it from
oblivion having no copy nnd penning
It mav cull for r-jcip'oclty horc.ftcr.
AVhen 1 ri'ticnlcd in Cairo Mr. AV.ido
kpt a long straggling white board pen,
near tho nolnt. which In called n hotel.
.Air. Clark kept a s'.oru on stills, near by.
Mr. Kail kent a m Uov In a boat. Thoro
was tho company's olllco. Mi. Olnoy nnd
Snuiro Mnrsh Kvod In llttlo frames; be
yond thoso .ill woro shanties; thcro wcro
an-mlIJ., n founury, carpenter snop nnu
a larjjo dock under way. I'amfly boats
ovend tho riven rrilo up. Tho levco
w in procesj of construction ; a thousand
Inborers wc. working on it. AVhcro I
mention stars of scienco shining, I had
rofo'enco to porsons stopping nt tho hotel.
Thoro wcro l'rof. Kspy; the Ingrnhamsj
tho sister of John XcrJ.of I'ort'nnd ; J. K
Townscnd, M. I)., an nsociato of Audubon,
tho ornithologist; Tom. Hen Ion nnd n doz
en congressmen for nwhilo; 1). II. Hol
brook, proprietor, nnd his brother "Wil
liam ; Mr. Clark's family wero very high
ly cultured people. I, when tnere, invent-
ed and made poetry, fell in lov, nnd wns
loved in return, nnd wound up with tho
ague. I made tho lines on Cairo nt St.
Louis, put them in the Gazette, nnd they
raado quite a stir in tho city. They wore
nfraid of Cairo.
H:iilinfnnt ei.y 1 thy KyjiiinA nn no,
Scemsto portend, iliou til Lo nt Icnulh :
I'nliUe thy wclcrn ln,er,wnlt n.nllaine,
Thou rlseslw'.lilnclomita'olo ptt g 'I,
Ami like thy namcm c, n . ikMli tu lo be,
A nt; ion's c.ipltol In ,fu 'Mi y.
Thy att'tttdoV eoinin .'il-ni;, i"d riibl'ine,
Anil fomelli til inarltct.; rni! wy.H In lliy n'r,
V.'Hmh with tho sunny nnu taliin;iouivlline,
Throws ail thy ulrtcrt , Into ll?t df pi"-;
Who eclii3 thou nitf.ivorcd by !,
fiirsuo .hco wilh unconquerable Or .
1'ie oft, at e, when bunll j;;diyw.-i o'er,
H.ooil on ti.)'llowiig piilnt, ent-anccil to hear,
Tlio nlnut rivers musically ronr,
Which drain ono lml the wcn'.prn licinupheic,
A-ilfurm lo liquid mirrors. In which thou
J!iy'HtTiowthyclirm, orlavj thy clasi'c brow.
G'oat ciTtro of iho Union, whero who wi'ln,
Mavslpt'io watefrotn Alleglmny'n founta'cii,
Or tako ndrnlt, fiom nn, lire's northern vlllit,
Dcir In. he eaverni of thu roct y inountniDii,
0.' a mixed diausht, frcm cceni' thouirnd
AtOilaMibl mu convcu.lot; of ;lio v. ur.
bright focal poirt.wiicic, yci'n Wo h.-M mrl
l.j.h my of genius, kcU'0"o p of n.l,
Anl fMin all i;1.!!!?. nnj na.'Oit.coerlci'B llppt
Tii"cn:t Iniothco, Colemi'la' Vek.:,
Ami Lrru on .'.too wllh nwp.trtick nilin'i'ii'on,
'i n. inporimu of it ll-.i 'leu nation.
Wiitp wnvo .hy vpiihnt forp, I rpM',
ast pll' tr'd p.i'an's, mil ; il.tpr'.n no'rm.
Aid lil.'zi.igtlo'nnt, nml o."i oliu-.'i r'-e,
tv'D s of ntir ' nmor al m.v; ,
Vfcn ihuil "in r blooil .o i i l: o i' ,Vtp,
t vi re.-.' lo JicarPii tlio ooo'l'bo, y.
I'no futtiri' Icciih tic "oro rrn, I lipl'o'l
T porilnion tliii ln.ri .ilu oT lino,
I', Hiif,'iit in Itoiito n i'n nf o'il,
Hut noililmhi'r 'nyoi'.'i, ,io Prunt ; it'mip.
Anil n ri-l 'cat for vico f o n piy pale,'rsioni ofiiiy Iiomicide.
i- in- c-i iio.on wmliTlel ,reil lioulo ;
K ;pr a) e'vl 11 V, nnu hpr eonll ipi
WiTf 'uteil by hn ptvi ( Hwnnl,
)!. In .hi n't'fi'.hu m " n"lonei si tie,
r. !ik.H s'm ' freri! -n ii.l0Hky
8p. i. her o.igtit IniiiicrLirl-'yc no -y.
W'ti .i.ird iho pUr of iiti.iitii I Uim u wnv,"
tfontp mm lifi-t t.ald In n'oti o'ft.'iu 'iirlnnic.
Ann .11 tl'oi l.y, 'twill ma! en 'imlctny,
Pllf'h I i i.ivi llo.i, l.'in'nii. , mMiiec,
A l libo n pirn j,itw ii'.l a b,of
'I 'in iiiikiioun iiilP'oitt cf .'loti'nvnaini 'ro', hn' i.t oiciMi li'llow h i.nii tity more.
Tli n ro of w Turn hjuci h nl-t .nlahtv thlp, Iji "j itp liclf a e t ti-y l oe' ,
h r. 'lttitl-i. .I'lim r.i) iipo at thy whnrre.4 nClr'ilJ II :o-i ofr.t I oni'i om r.iclt t'.niern nnrt
Will it 'in'iiul l iiin. yver.i i'e.'liy,
A i' ii. 1 1' 'ooissy I i In ny du."
. JP l i t m iieit' en n 1 )! boi.i ,i) llooJ,
Ti).-m t u vii tiiilp- lic'n n t l wml ilii'lrwnv
Tj !i ri'.rx.nrj' one it n iir'ni IbuoiIh.
At Iho" nil In a mi f.i- ,li i,,i it ho-ir
ljun'i unufp tun" -co Htiilliim irlul pouir.
TI'.ouil miilimy tin hp Hi . iiibi-'k-.p lopn
Of Mint kl,ljll'.' I'llllllilollM tulti.
A't n lit n lini'i Jit ntpi n.i a luco'ip.
Wi hcu- ypni'tny whoieny guf .
boil iiin.Kt ..i i pi linn- un tin's
AnUxiiti'i hi inoilprn rirbtl hi iift-o ti..
1'.. K. MOUf.-l.V.
Tax km or tub Couxrv PumsiTr.
Wu append the follow'ng llgu , sliowln
the taxes eolltcled and iwpoidcd ouuhlo
of Cairn during the vears onilinL'
Ma-ch 1, 1871, tlio render bearing in mind
lhat citizens of Cairo and ti hi. residents
have paid very nearly half nf tho iinuuinti:
CO I.'. 1:1 TIVl.
Amount of tnVpal.l 1807
Amount of tax paid IMIS
Amount of tax jmhl JbOti
Amount of tax paid lb7U
Expenses of roads and br' lg. 4
from .March 1, '07, to .March
I, 'CS one vear q
7.CJ7 !H
Ono yearrmi M-re'i 1, 03, to
.uarcn i, -oy
Gnu yea- from .March 1, liy'iv
-March 1, '70
Jno vear from Inrcli l "in
1.038 fiO
O.'Jl 87
Mart in, '71 a 211
U will th.u U boon that nearly all thu
Sl-H'TS :;.'t-'-'o county have
.. , U1U i-onstruc.lon of bridge
undinroad repa-r., leaving Cairo to ,mv
tne cxpensei or the circuit court,
to support tho school 0f '
county; in shoit, all lis expenses
moo enumerated in tho ubovu
" .ujunnanyoi the country p jploro,,,
A - .1 .... ...
I-.-.M u. mo miruons which t. aim heun on
Kl Nl.LINO.-Ir.O.) (.1,,.; l0,., f(ir tlllo
uVenu ,.,tt.l, W.W.T.,ouoKf
tills. Tlio hurrlcano deck mm F "
the boiler .leek are well protected by h fiti
TIIK ltOI'0i: VOf'llTII OF JVi.1
Tim Itotich nml Ready flro compnny nro
l " .
I - - i . nmninmKtlAhla In PA P,
mani.-g ojictmu ......
, r.rnio tno ruurm . uu, m ,n ii'ivii
. mi... l.. ." .1 .1 .
Into manner, x uvy ittivu uuiui m.i.uu m
. htiVC n j.rnnu picnic on mo jvcniuoKv
slloro OJ,po3lo Gallghcr's mill, mid to In-
vil0 iho public lo participate In tlio fostlv.
itlcs. Thcro will not bo much oratorical
patriotism indulged in, lull thcro will bo
nny nuantitv of fun and liilnrlly. All tlio
edibles of tho season will bo procured, so
linltll0 ,iungry may Cftl. tll()50Wllonro
drv bo 8Uj,j,ncd wllh tlio wherewithal
to qllcnci, tliclr thirst, nnd n string bnnd
will supply music for thoso who uro in
(,ncj l0 trj t10 ju fnntnstlc toe. Tlio
neat lilllo stenmer, Odd Follow, has been
,jrcj t0 ronvoy citizens to and from tlio
piCMc grounds and will commence, run-
ning at 8 o'clock a.m., and inaho a trip
every hour Curing tlio day. Tlio boat will
bo handsomely decorated, ami tho boiler
deck bo covered with canvass for tho nc-
cointnodation and comfort of ladies and
Tickets CO cents
After tho plc-nic, commencing nt 0
o'clock p.m., thcro will bo n grand ball in
dulged in nt School's hnll, nnd a magnifi
cent display of llro works bo mndo.
Tickets to tho ball, for gentleman and
ladies, CO cents.
I ho colebration will bo conducted under
tho direction ot tho following committees:
On Arrangement) Joseph Mondol, A.
Mnrx, K. Whitcnmp, F. Strnutz, and II.
On lloal Sam. Wnltcrs, Peter Eh,
Christ. Orth, M.Silvorborg, Jos. M. Vir-
run Joseph IJ. Taylor, J. II. Mctcalf,
Oi liar James Swayno and Herman
Meyer, cashiers ; Joseph Mendel, Kobcrt
llribaeh, F. Swobods, 11. Zlmmormnn, K.
"Wittcamp, Fred. Strnutz.
lee Cream Stand A. Marx nnd II. Uix-
by, cnshlcrs; K. Hobsncker, Nilos Swayne,
F. Dcckor, II. llasenjacgct, F. Axloy
lloor Managers John Koohlcr nnd
Hnrry Schuh.
OiiriiAK Asylum. Treasurer Thorn
ton submits tlio following report of tho
finances of tlio orphan asylum from May
10th to Juno 10th :
,-ocp edn ol licknts (nolil for ilaiifo at Mm.
Ket lloustinotciilluu or..
....Sit SO
l)r Wll Smith
O 1) WIlKamson
i Pi
'J t i
J ()
2 6
:i :io
2 en
It mini
II II CMiilee
W W Thornton
I'urker A lilakr
Ml (J 1) Wl'Mainscin
Al Woo
II II CanUee S no
Clini IMnU ,
it to
II W Webb
Jamo. Johnaon
- ai
a e;
:i ii
1 in
4 Ml
2 in
3 01
Wood It ttenhoiiHP
Clmtloi Ilpiiiericn
W W Thornton
Iir v, KHuiith...
W W Thornton 2 00
t!3 to
Hill or Parker A lllnko
OrJpr Tiiror M r. Wmki r (II 11 U).
, 2 rn
, 20 00
, 2 Ml
Mr Wnlkpr....
a ji'ni:
211 45
' Word for wooJ 4 00
Cash nn hn'ti.l
Cairo, Ills., July 1, 1871
l'Ul.MIUM A' I lPL'l '. Wo I' 'p tllO
fo"' ng from the Owonsboro Mr ''or
.Mi. Zuckrlogul, of this city, has been
nwi.. M tno premium ana tllp oma by t.'io
commuico njipointeti lor tno purpose, on
bracinir jiidcts I'-om NovaScotia.
.Maine, Now York, Iowa and other states,
for tho handsomest original design for a
monument in marble. His contestants
numbered ttrontr distinguished art'sts und
ilesignorn from as many dillorent states,
Rhodo Island, Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio,
Indiana, Now York. etc.. and hmoni
them .Mr. W. Fox, of Sioux City, Iowe,
whoso fame in mi artist is ncknowldcL'oJ
throughout thu I'liited States, nnd who is
considered tho first designer in tho West.
This ilc'orvcil mark of dUtinc.ion W most
worthily bestowed and wo aro gratified at
t'i's high recognition of tho merit ami tal
ent of our gll'ied townsman, Mr. Z.uckrit
gel. whose lino artistic work wo have often
had tlio ploe ire to flatteringly alludo to
In thc'o co'.umns. Wo congratulatu our
friend upon his tucccs3 and liis honors.
Mr. Zuekiiege' is an artist of lino cul
'.uro nnd raro tinto. H" Jini furnished
mmy lino monumonts for our citizam.
Mr. uari 1j. t nomas is liis local agent
for Cairo, who will always ho pleaded to
furnish designs and mako contrrcts at tho
lowest possihlo ratti. His olllco is on tlio
co. nor of 8th street and Commercial av
enue, Gairo, llH.
V.KK CoitXKT Haxii. For playing in
front of thu Thentri'. weeklv ent?n!ri!.
- n a
ments moro or less in thu evening,
not to exceed three pieces each night,
$10 00; for playing for a funeral march
fro n rcslilcnco to cars or,
S-f 01); for same, Jlncluding trip to Villa
Ridge, $.10 00 ; for playing after 0 o'clock
n..n at any place within the city, not to
eseeeii ono Hour (no marjhlng), $25 00;
firsamo when marching Included, 40 CO;
for playing during dny tlmo not exceed
ing two hourj, $50 00; for playing in city
not exceeding eight houri, 75 00.
TJio abovo rates do not apply to the
Fourth of duly or oihor national toll
days. All applications to leave tho city
nro not ir.cluded, and a special action of
iiiu jmnu must bo had beoro a contract
ii modu except on ftmornls.
R.P. Ro.iiunh,
P. Saup,
F. llnoss,
u Committee
IIowk'h Skwi.vo Having
leased thu corner room of tho Athcmeum
building, I shall expect to bo aWo to keep
on hand u good assortment of niacb's.
Parties desirous of goUing machines wou'tl
do woll to call and see what ours wl" do
boforo buying. Machines sold on mo.-tVy
tistniluients, ami old ones takon at the':
aiuo in exchange. All machines war
ranted five years. To nroduco thu t,cw.
ing machine was tho studv of Ellas Howe,
i- .
, iwonty.iivo years iil'o. He envu to
tho world tho first sowing iimehino over
Invented. Wo now ollor his Jast pioduu-
. vaii and bee us on Cotumereial av
enue, corner room of the Atheiueum build.
J. O. Hats, Agent for t.'ompany.
Sr. Paul and isktuhn via Chicago, re.
tarn via Dunlclth, 3U.6(j. Oood for U0
-d" Jylta
largo and enthusiastic mooting of tho
friends of rni'road cnlorprlso convenod
In front of Wlntor's block last night, and
was called lo ordorby Mr. II. S. Har-oll.
On motion, Mr. Jno. Q. Harman was
appointed chairman and Mr. M. I), liar
roll secretary.
.Mr. Harman thriikctl tho meeting for
tho honor conferred ii m him in calling
him lo preside over a meeting id tho citi
zens ol Uairo a!sombicu lor tno most
audablo purposu a peoph could havo in
viow tho up-building of tho city. "Wo
havo suft'oreJ," ho said, '-for yenrs, for
want of husineff, and now wo havo an op
por. unity to net so that dullness will givo
plnco to enterprise nnd givo to cur city
tlmt prosperity wo havo so long hoped for
n vain." Thanking tho meeting ngnln,
tho chairman askod tho pleasuio of the
Tlio silver cornet bnnd then woko tho
echoes, and In tho IiIazo of tho hugf bon-
iiro tho tire-work superintendent let go
n shower of rockets.
then nppenred nnd mndo a shot!, forciblo
cch. Ho was astonished that nny citi
zen should opposo tho proposition to bo
voted upon on Monday. Ho then spoko
of the present languishing condition of
business, nnd cont.astcd It with tho bustlo
that would result if tho proposed railroads
woro constructed. Qutncy had voted over
$800,000 as n bonus to n road in tho state
of Missouri terminating nt that city, nnd
not n voice was raised in opposition to the
mmonso subscription. Let us emulate
that example. Ho had Iieard no good
reason urged ngr.inst tho proposed sub
scriptions to tho Cairo nnd Vinconncs and
Cni.'o nnd St. Louis ron ". This is nn era
of suicides', tho epidemic is prevalent
throughout tho world; "but," said tho
spcnl or, " 1 cannot beliovo that Cairo will
bo so mad ns to commit suicide to murder
its piospei.ty by defeating tho railroad
cnicrpiiscs now on foot, upon t ie success of
which all our material intcrists depend.'
Tho spoakor then reviewed tho eiibris of
other points to cut oT Cairo, nnd closed
with an earnest appeal to tho pooplo to
turn out on Monday and voti for tho pro
posed roads and roll up an immense ma-
ority, tho mean!) g of which no man can
Tho remarks of Mr. "Webb wero re
ceived with applause, ni 1 at their concUi
sion tho band played a stirring nir.
said that this was li' fi.-st railroad speech.
He had been in whore thoy had rail
roads and in places w'aore they had cono.
Ho always got out of the no ra'lroad places
ns Foon ns ho could. Ho had lately been at
Marion, "Williamson county, and attended
n meeting not half ns largo as '.his, nnd
witnessed ii.dividunls subscribe 30.-
000 to a "nil road, tnaki : ir sub
scription of tho county $100,000.
Ifo then aigucd that '.he uuild
ing of railroads puys and will pay Cairo.
Faith without wjrks is dead. "Wo have
faith In the out-come of our city, but our
faith will bo dead if wo do not work for
her prosperity." Tho speaker then refer
red to tho country opposition to railroad
enterprise, nnd said that if tlioy do not
wish to prosper wo should overwhelm
thorn on Monday and compel them to en
joy prosperity. In answer to theio men
who say thoy want tho railroad, but don't
want o pay for It, ho related tho nnccdoto
of Ibn man who wished to bo married
and had obtained tho consent of "i
maidun fair," but when ho -ippearcd be
fore tho p-iost and was told that ho must
first pay a dol'ar for a marriage license,
s lid lie thought ho could get married first
and pay for tho licenso afterwards. "Wo
must pay tor tlio riiilrond boforo wo got it
or not 5htaln it at it'l." "Wo cannot in tho
brief notico wo nro compelled to write, do
justico to tho unique, pointed nnd very
.ll.i 1. r r .
loiciuiu ppeec i tu .nr. .uiuin. li was a
jswel of its kind, nnd ro:eived tho hearty
npr 'auso of his hearers.
Mil. LI.VKOAll.
at tlio conclusion of Mr. Munn'a speech
took the Ftand spoko for about half
nn h iur. After e'nbjratlng tho proposi
tion that In this age, railroad nro noc
( sary to tlio propority of any community,
ho stld that the ipicstlon to bo decided on
Monday wri tlio most vital ono ever
a ibmlttcd to our people Upon its favor
able determination depends tho building
of two important railroads, tho ' irmlnl of
other roads, tlio establishment ol steam
boat Unci, the buiMingof manuf.ieto.-i ,g
and tho dillusion of genoral prosperity.
These results will not bo achieved with
out our help. lla'lroiu h will go where
tho strongest Inducomon nro presented.
Wo havo ovorythhg at stake, and cannot
afford to refuse tho nssistnnco i ked.
Vote- down the railro ' on .Monday nnd
o.i Tuojdny, tho pro erty in CNIro will
deprccinte mo;o enoi'gh to pay tho
bonds ton tluios over, and your propor.y
will not sell for enough to pay tho taxes
in i. Lot us como forward, then, nnd by
ono overwhelming majority carry tho
p-o.wVons pent'Ing. Tho speech of
which wo havo imt t,:von even a synopsis
wa frequently interrupted by npp!au,o. '
was then loudly called nnd rr -ponded in
n speech in nolo ns It vns pol'ihcd and ol
i Ho oppcnlcd to tho peoplo to
turn out on Monday r d vo'.o for all tho
propositions ponding. "Cairo stands to
day," ho said, "in n p. miliar position and
must either go down or up. The cltv liko
an Individual, cannot romoln long upon
ono plain. It must go forwr d or retro
grade, and whether tho city goes up or
down dopondj upon tho result of tho
veto on Mondnjf noxt. If it .hall bo ad
verse to tho propositions pendlnc. then tho
days of hor prosperity nio numborod; but
If It shall bo n favor of them, Ihon tlioro
canbu no ilaubt that tho will airatn at-.rl
I, forward In tho raco of prop' y." Tho
.Tudgolhon oloquontl'Inpn Vd to tho In.
boring men ol tlio city, and clos I by in
voklng nil tho citizen - Wliorngaid the weal
of Cairo lo turn out on Monday nnd labor
and vote to roll up n l.'go nnd decided
majority fir tho proposl' Ions.
Mil. OBEIU.",
belie called, thon brloft -iidrcsscd tLo
meeting, nnd nt tho conclusion of his re
marks It adjourned.
I;.i1ftr Joint m.etlr i of the Cll- Cor id' he tl a'.
tno Couaoil CYimber In the olty ol Or'ra, on
lrldiy ore ilo-;. Ju low, 171.
Ills honor, Mayor Lansden, presiding.
Present Councilmon Lansden, Schuh
nnd Taylor; and Aldermen Cunningham,
Klob, Motcnlf, Koardon, Hcasc, Stratton
and Winter. 10.
Absont Cottncilmcn 'Hnllidny, Hurd,
"Wood nnd "Woodward; and Aldo.mon
Budor, Cnrroll, Fitzgerald, Swayno nnd
Waldor 0.
On motion of Aid. WIntor tho reading
of tho journal was dispensed with.
Aid. Fitzgera'd nppcarcd In his scat.
Tlio official reports of F. Press, P. M. for
May; nnd of P. Shanncssy, P. M., L. II.
Myers, Chief of Police, Night Pollco Con
stables Vcirun nnd Sumner, nnd Jns. 11.
Taylor, City Treasurer, for June, wcro
prc3cntcd,;nd, on motion of Aid. Roardcn,
received and ordered filed.
Tho City Comptroller reported that his
books show a balance duo tho city from
tho City Collector of 18G0 of 3"8.C'J, but
that tho books also show that tho Collector
settled with tho propor comm'ltco of tho
City Councilreceiving their receipt in
full and a city order for 17.20 to balanco
his account. Tho Comptroller suggested
that a special committco bo appointed to
mako a proper adjustment of tho matter
and havo tho ex-Collector's accounts bal
anced on tho Comptroller's books. Al
derrann Scaso moved to refer to a special
committoa of thrco to bo appointod by tho
Chair. Carried. Tho Chair appointed as
such committco Messrs. Sc e, Taylor and
Councilman Hurd appeared in his scat.
Tho City Marshal made a report In re
lation to dog tax colloctod to bo 142.50,
tho amount duo him as per ccntago 71.25
and for killing dogs $24, leaving a balanco
duo tho city of 47.25. Ho showed that
by mistake ho paid tho City Treasurer
59.25 (for which ho cxhibl d tho receipt)
instead of said amount of 47.25, boing $12
over nnd abovo tho propor amount, and
asked the council to refund said amount of
Aldermai. Winter moved to recoivo tho
report nnd nllow tho Marshal 12, tho
amoant ovc 'paid ns reported. Carried ns
follows, viz: Ayes Cunningham, Fitz
gerald, Hti-d, Klcb, Metcalf, den,
Schuh, Scase, Stratton, Taylor and Win
ter 11. Nny 0.
Ordinnnco Comm'ttco reported tho fol
lowing ordinanco for tho consideration of
tho council. Alderman Ktardcn moved
to refer to tho Hoard of A 'dcrmcn. Car
15o it ordained by C'y Council of iho
City of Cairo:
Section 1. That two additional polico
constable bo uppointH who shall net ns
additional night watchmi and who shall
bo paid 'o sauic'a'ary o.ho: polico
ci stable-!.
Sec. 2. That tho city Mirll bo divided
in i threo polico di-ricU, first to con
sist of all that part of tho city below rnd
south of 8th street; tho second to consist
of all that part of tho city botween 8th and
18th streets, und tho third nil that part of
tho city abovo and north of 13th street,
each of said districts to bo palrolcd by two
of tho polico constables in such a manner
as tho chief of polico may direct.
Sec. 3. That section 46 of "an ordinanco
to accept tho ordinances of tho city as re
vised and codified" bo amended by adding
after the word "authorized" nt tlio end of
tho llrrl lino of said section thu word "by
the city council."
Councilman Woodward appeared and
took his scat.
Tho on MarKcU roportcd tho
amount collected by tho AVcighmustcr on
account of cliy scales from March 11 to
Juno CO, 1871, to bo 11 05 rfter deducting
tho Weighmaster's fee- o" 15 per cent.
Alderman Fitzgerald moved to receive
Tlio Financo Committee presented their
report for Juno howingthnt thoy canceled
and destroyed 3.130 01 in city orders nnd
1.103 89 in coupons.
Alderman Itonrlcn moved to roccivo
tho report and order it filed. Carried.
Alderman Roardcn picscnt I tho peti
tion of 11. J. CundilT, praying pot-mission
to build un addition 22 fret wide, 20 feet
long and ono story high to the bui'.ding on
lot 37 In city block 20. Aldoi.nan Konr
den also prcsen.ed tho petition of F. Roto
a a .ting permission to build an addition to
t o building on lot 3 in city block 24.
On motion of Aldcrmsn "Winter tho
foregoing potltioni wero granted.
Tho pc.ition of John McCampbell was
p. -vented, representing that ho had been
li nod twlco for ono and tho samo offense,
via: carrying concealed weapons, and as
serting that tho b-co nd flno, amounting to
something moro than 18, was unjust,
and prayed tho Council to refund him the
amount of tho second flno.
On motion of Alderman "Wintor laid pc-
ti.ion was rofcrrcd to tho Committoo on
Police mid Ju I.
Councilman Tuyior prosontod tho potl-
t'o iof JL Mrhoaoy and Tbos. Naughton,
s' cct laborers, p.'aylng tho Council to ol
io, v them .or fou days' services In March
last, and which tho Council has heretofore
ro"'iscd ihotn, after their bill had boon re
potted adversely by tho Commlttjo on
iVldormau Cuntiiir;hm moved to refer
to tho Polico and Jail. Alderman Fitz
gerald moved to amend by allowing tho
poll loners tho omonut claimed. Tho
Chair refueod to entertain the motion to
amend on tho ground tin'', it was not within j
tho province of tho Council in joint ses
sion to nllow claims.
Alderman Cunningham's rr lion was
thon put and carrl ".
The petition of Uoo. II. Scr.'o, KupoTin-
tendent of tho U. S. Custom Houso, was
presented, asking porm'sslon to tempora
rily removo tut aldow 't ou tho westerly
a'de of X'oplir olrcel i tweon. Fourteenlb.
nnd Fiftconth streets, until tho filling of
...uu.oKisrcompiolcd. Aldormac Win
tor moved to grant tho prayer of tho peti
tioner provided ho rrplnccs tho sldownlk
after tho filling hna been completed. Car
rled. '
A communication wr-j received
from tho City -Attorney suggest
Ifig tho propriety of ving
the ordlnnnces of tho city published In
book or pamphlet form.
Aldorman Wintor moved to tnblo.
n I LLH.
Alderman Rcnrdcn presented n copy of
thoJuJgmont obtained by 8. P. Wheclor
against tho city at tho Scptombor A. D.,
1800 term of tho Alexandor olrcult court
for 102.54. Appended to said copy wos
a nolo from Mr. Whoolcr nsklng tho coun
cil to issue an order for tho ninount with
six per cent. Interest frim tho date of tlio
rendition of the judgment up to dalo of
tho order.
Aldorman Winter moved to refer to tho
Committco on Clalmes. Carried.
Tho following bills wcro presented nnd
on motion of Councilman Hurd woro re
ferred to tho Committci on Claims:
1 !.hinci, hauling ilrunktn innn lo jall...S Ui
l yg ' wiirKoi-mewuiks, t.t
T KiltKornM, 21 dny I wo7k"or" VVi"wrtlk"t
72 00
nt It t , 4 ou
rrankUpinis,2liUyi work tin ttUrwalkt
t 2 00 J( o)
JohnMoNully, hiullm druaon innn to
flernU or ctish fo
Win Mulla'p, dlclloK prisoneit for Juno... 3.13 i l
Htmtton A lllnl, Tor rialli It -nlahpil cl.y... 71 :U
'l'ltomu Ki.:"erald. bianco duo him fo.
IS ilaos w-or i In May....!: oo
C It Woti'rtnril, nails IiirDl.lifd city 19 oi)
John II Oberlv A Co,, publlthinv Potini-II
nroec!ni!S lor June, cto. Al f,6
H tValten, rluinl-t-r furnia ird city 1 13
Cairo Clly (InComoany, can ronsuu-.t-d ui
atrcet lamin for Jnnr...... 27j 60
lowt.t a Minor, sua pen log loon rot ei.y
Taylo- Parsons, two ql a Ipr.' ham of
lotsRiiJ f, hlocL Is, due Jims 2d
Tl'omas Meehan, hnulinx lumber fur city
M Mahoncy, for woik on alrcett let! tliya
at $2 CO L
Thomas Ntughlon, tor work on streets "1
day at 12 u .,
Wm Mcllilc. In charge of cluiii-aDg 2
da a at tl 1 1 ...
J U i.yncb, fnr I months rnit of house....
Powers A Mlllor, iiindrltt ror Jill
Morris, Hood Co., lumber lurnlahcd clly
Arublim Co. nrccssirv exnenses from
6 .'0
30 00
to OU
Jo r i
2.1 CM
13 1'.
p. f
April I to June 30, 1871 104 10
The following salary bills woro present
ed: F llro i I M, lalaiy for 3 months to Jen
9. 1SI! ...TS on
H bhacn-isy, I' M, salary for June 2S no
K A II 'rnti, salary as CoinMrollsr 'or Jen 7J Co
KMHuinacr, salary a I' Cous'able Iur
Ju ip.............. - - ...... "b CO
JM Velru sa'ary as 1'ol ce Coosiable for
June . li 00
John Hheehati, palarv at Police 1'oostatle
lor Jrne.... 75 - I
A Cj.n, salary as Unrshti lor Juie. W I i
I. II Myers, si ary as ChUf of I'nllcp for
Juae ,.....,. M UI
Jos-ph 11 Taylo-, tala'y as Treasurer 'or
June ...If) i
St J Howley, salary as Oil Cork for Jimo-lmi to
Alderman Itcdcn moved to allow raid
Tho chair ri-u'V 1 to entertain tho mo
motion. Councilman Woodward moved to refer
said bills to the Committco on Claims
Alderman Cunningham introduc 1 tho
following preamble and resolution:
WliEiir.AH, In municipal, us In stato
and national govcriimcut, the majority
should rule.
And, Wiieiieah, It Is claimed that a
majority or tlio voters or the city or Uairo
aro opposed to ordinnnco 113, prohibiting
hogs from running at large, and providing
lor impounuine; them,
lletohed, That, if a majority of tho
. p . ! . l .. . .i
voters ui iiiu city, vy jiuitiiun ur outer
wise, snail uik lor mo repeal oi rtata orui
nanco, .he council will obey tho will o
it constituents thus expressed, and lose
no timoin comply. ng with it.
Alderman Winter moved to table. Lost
Councilman Hurd moved to adopt. Car
Aldorman Winter moved to repeal or
dinanco 113. Tho chair ruled tho motion
out of order.
Aldorman lludcr appeal cu in his scat.
Alderman Rcarden introduced nnd
moved thu adoption of tlio following reso
lution, which was ailoptod, viz:
lleiolced. That tho Committee on Streets
bo and nro hereby intrucled to hnvj con
struct d, nt the carliert possiblo period, n
piaui: siuewaiK or run irom the Hibernian
I- ire Company h oiigino houso on Thir-
tscntii street to Uommercial avenue
Tho Mayor called tha attention of the
Council to tho fact tliat tlio Hog Pound is
immediately adjoining tlio rosldcncu of
Mr. John Powers, and is likely to becomo
n nuisnnco in its vicinity."
On motion of Council nan Hurd :ho
mutter was referred to the Hoard of Health
Tho Cor. mitteo on Polico and Jail ie-
ported that thoy had established a Hog
Pound in the rear of tho ja'l and roportcd
tho samo to bo i i good working order
Thoy reported tho jail to contain moro
than the usual number of prisonorH, and
also compliment-'1 tho Jailer for tho ex
ce'lont mannor in which ho continues to
conduct tho jail.
On motion of Alderman AVinlcr tho vc-
port was received and ordered filed.
The Mayor nominated "Win. 11, Robert'
son for tho position ol Night Policeman to
fill vacancy, and appointed Aide-men
Fitzgerald and Reardon us tellers.
Tho nomination was rejected as follows
Yeas. 0 , nays, 8.
Tho Mayor thon rnnounccd a r ess of
flvo minutes.
Upon ro-assombling, tho Mayor staled
that ho had no furthor nominations to
Thcro being no further business, on
motion of Alderman Klob tho Coun"ll
adjourned. M. J. Howlkv,
City Clo-k,
Mrs. J. Cummlngs desires to inform tho
ladles that sho is nbout to disposo of hor
spring nnd summor stock of goods nt cost.
Hor stock comprise a vory flno soloctlo"
of hats, bonnots, flowers, ribbons, etc., u
of which woro chosen with groat care. All
tho ladioa who want teasonabld? tasteful
and cheap goods should not fall w patron,
ize Mrs. Cummlngs, a. alio Intends to put
all hor no11 Bt tbo vor' ,owo,t
prlco, In ordor to disposo of thorn as qnick
ly ai possible Groat bargains can bo
made for tho next fow days.
Fob Sals. A gool open buggy. Ap
ply to James Johnson, Stono Depot.
Tlio Hlbornlau flro company, second to
no company in tho city In ofilclonoy, havo
resolved to cclobrnlo tho coming Fourth
by n picnic nt Flora Ourdon, nnd nppec' to
tho citizens for that pnlronago to which
their labors for tho public good has entitled
them. They have procured tho services
of tho silver cornet band, and will open
tho festivities by marching, headed by tho
band, through tho prlnclpnl streets of tho
elty. Arriving nt tho gnrdon tho declara
tion of Independence will bo read by
M. 11. Hnrrcll and an oration dellvorcd by
n gonllcman whoso nntno will hereafter bo
announced. Tables will bo prcpnrcd for
tho hungry, mild drinks furnished lo those
who arc dry, and an opportunity to danco
given lo thoo who affect that amusement.
No Improper charnctor. will -bo adinlllod'
nml the best of order will bo preserved.
Those who attend this picnic will enjoy a
pleasant dny nml bo in nodnngor by either
field or Hood. Tickets, 50 cents.
Tho commillco of arrangements is com
posed tho following gentlemen: William
Mollaln, James Kennedy, Jnmes II. Eng
lish nml .liilm Hognn.
Tiki following c immlttces will siipcrln j
tend tho celebration :
Oi Arrangements James Kennedy,
Jami s II. English nnd John M. Hognn.
On liar Patrick Ilurke, cashier; Put.
O'Lmighlln, Michael Hnmbrick nnd Thof.
On llfreahnenh James Kcnncdy.cnsh
lor ; James Groncy nnd Timothy Sulli
van. On Ten-Pin'. AUey James O'Donncl
cashier; Thomas Lcnry and John Miller.
On Shooting Gallery Edward Morris
soy, cashier ; and L. P. Garner.
Gclc Keepers W. R. White, cashier;
and Richaid Fitzgerald.
Floor Managers Thomas Lovctt, M.J.
Marnoll nud David Fitzgorald.
Mcrniial Jnmes Kennedy ond John
I'lag Hearers Thomas Foley and
Thomas Lcnry.
No. SO Ohio licvoo,
Orders solicited and promptlv tilled.
"" jyl dtf
JULV 1, 1871,
ma the iM:riT
Will leavij 'iplnilni7jo',onno t
Ciirslon Ui l to Ukio, louclilru at
MoiT.s n cn v,
Tioktls, uliich must proetired bpforo goin
on Iwitid, i-ait li ha l ut the book and dmjt s'.ores.
I.piioC i,.i. ,
' . o im; City at ,
I plpllolllll ut
" Mr -oiohs at
V,Z a.m.
eJi a.m.
rn'iiicnii nt
Keluraii-K InCiIro nt an e.irly hour ill tho Ptentni;
I'mr ror II n rniitnl trip from Uniro, II; Irom
Mmitiil Cily, $i; from I'uli-doiil.i, SI; from Jlplro.
polls, tl. Chlldrpn Trom nio II yparsold, lct.
IlL-rrpshmrnts ulll li scrveil on board ror Ihosj
h Iki tlo not lake their dinner with the.-n.
Kopliiblrrn nllowed lo ro unless nccompanli-d
by p.-iii-nlsoraimrdlans. Jc2Hdtd
II. 31. II UL EN,
No. 13-t Coninicrcial-avc,
IturuENc-.f Merciants of Cairo. Jyl f
a in.
An Otd'nanee to rpulnte lite duties of Ike Chief
o.Tol'ceaml I'olieo Constables,
lie it oriiniiied by tho City Councilor the City of
C .o.
fiM-T-oi I. That iho chief ori'ollco shall net ns
iln iioI'LCinan, and sha'l havo general charge ot
Iho i'n'ico loreeof tne city, (excepting the City
Mnrshal,! ami, undr thn xi-tieral direction or Iho
Mayor, shall superintend una eontrnl the ODers
.ionsol the teiorul polico constablet Mhilo ou
tiutv. Hie other police eonslnbles niw author
, by ordinanco shall do duty as niji,ht natch
men. Htv.i. All ordinancci orpartH or oulinancos
in Lonltict hcrowilli urn ht'reliy repeal pd!
JOHN M. LAftSUKN, Mayor.
Approved, JiiiieWlh, l7l.
Al est: M.J. Horn ti, fit) Cl'k.
An o- i.innco to ntneiiu nectioi 2so of "nn orli-niiit-o
to adopt the ordinance of Iho Ity of
Cn'ro r.s revised nndeoilllicd,"
HoUojilaliied by tho City Council of tho City of
Si.ctiok- I, That section No. 28U of "nn orJI-naiit-8
to nilont tho onllnanccH of tho Citv or
Cairo nt revised nnd codified" bo amended by
adding nfte. tho word "provision" in said 03
lioa the words "orimr i in nn re, imwholcsomr,
ndditerutPilor diluted milk'
Approvod Juno 2M, 1H71.
JOHN M. I.AN3DK.N. Mayor.
Attest, St. J. Him lev. Clly Clerk. jo3udH
An orillnnneo lo amend orditinncn No. 29.
Ilo in ordained by Iho City Council or the city of
Bictiok 1. That ordinanco No.29. nnnroved Apr!
6th, 1(07, be and the emtio la hoieby nmenjod
by adding iftor the words "or nny newer, trough,
or other tiling us"d for tho drnlnaa ol slopior
water," in Iho eloveath and twelllti lines Irom
tlio top OI aei-nuii . ut sum iiruitntnce, inu wutun,
nrnnvaoan f.tctorv. nnv place, bulldlne or e.
"lalillsbinent used ror the steaming or rendering
f'of laru, tallow, rut, ollnl or dead animals or any
establishment used ror the steaming orrendor
Iagof any other substances, which in being so
"rendered shall causo Iho business llinreof to bo
"cllensivo to Iho ptiblla or nny portion tho-oof or
Injurious to Iho pnblio health.
Arprureii jitttuii, ion.
Attest, 31. J. IIowlev, Clly Clerk. jeJodllH
The Illinois Canlral Hull Itonl Cimiuii, ..m
oiler ror sale tho following doscribod lota la l-lrst
Addition to Iho City or Cairo, via t '
Lot 27 block 20. lilt 21 bloclc fi,
19 " 2V, 27 " Hi,
b " 8J, " ti Si,
U 'I 82, ' 31 Si,'
it a 82, " aj w.
For terms, etc.iapply to JAMliW JOHNSON,
l2dir Anit