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to Air. v Hi JOHN II. OliERIiY & CO., iir.bMnoi.nM. HELMBOLD'S iiklmuold'h helmdoi.d'h IIKf.MIIOLfl IIKLMUOMi'b IIKLMIIOLIi'iJ HKLMIIOI.ll'fi IIKLMIIOLD'a GRAPE &TJL1Lj. ATAW1IA tMAI'K I'lLLfl. t'ATAWIIA UltAl'C I'lLLR. CATATTM ORAl'K l'lLLS. CATAWIIA OKAl'k l'll.I.A. f'ATAWHA UnAVK l-ILLK, t'ATAWIIA ORAl'K I'lLLD. CATAWIIA OKAI'K i'II.LK. HE LMBOBD'S iiki.mhomn IIKI.M II01.d'h IIKLMllOI.lft 11KI.MJI0I.I)' IIKI.MnOLli'H IIKLMHOLlVfl IIKLMHOLD'H ' SAllSAPARJLLA K1.UII) KrrllAtfT'SAtUUrAHIM.A. FLUID KXTIIACT SASUAFAIULLA KI.UIIJ KXTIIACT KAIWAl'AMLLA. FLUID KXTIIACT HAKMAI'AIlILI.A. YLVW r.XTTtACT HAKMAl'AHILLA. KI.UIK KXTJIAIJT HAK.HAIVIIIIM.A. VLU1II KXTUACT HARJAI'AnTM.A. l'L'HIl'Y THE ItMIOD. IlELHllOLD'rt 1LUID KXTRACT HARSAPA HILL A Curei oil Eruptions of the SUn. IIKLUIIOLU'H FLUID KXTTtACT f ARSAFA HII.LA Cnrea Hie worst form of Wool Diseases. uci.miiold'h fluid EXTRACT AAKHAFA ItlLLA r.Qtrs hcatlly Into the Clirti'alion of tho Mood. IIELMHOLTj'h TLUIU KXTRACT HAU9APA- KILL A UcautlGes tlio Complexion, nELUBOLD O FLUID KXTIIACT SARSAFA KILL A. Ono ltlle it ivjiiM In strength to one (jallon of III.. .11 ... tr llu,4nniI .. ......11 . J . . . J ) vi a.i.i.fUU9 u.uailT III IV I a wine-Klaus adde d to a pint of water equals the ce'ebraled MHKON Dlirr Dlll.NK. Try It th' IIKLMROLD'S CATAWIIA ORAl'K FILL IIELMUOLU'8 CAT A W If A URAFE FILLS A pleasant, safo and agreeable Cathartic. IIKLMKOLU'S CATAWIIA OKAFZ TILLS 111 In nil attention where Purgative Medietas in neeueu. IIKLMIIOLTj'k CATAWIIA ORATE FILLS Harmless to a child, and taken hy children. IIXLMIIOLU'h CATAWIIA OllAl'E FILLS Hupt'rrlo Magnesia, litlta and every other Pur Kaine. IIKLMUOLD's CATAWIIA ORATK PILLS, Certain In efftvl, ami pleaonl In operation, HKI.MIIOLD'S CATAWIIA QRAI'K FILL In not a patented IMI. IIKLMIIOLDS CATAWIIA ORAl'K TILLS Are composed ol Catawba Orarm Julio and Flu Extract Khulmrb. id l'urcliaMe txo bottle of 1IIJI.MIIOL1VH HAR.HA- lAllllf.A Mn.l At.n t ... . . I I, f 1 u . V . I r Height in old. ru uciier luremmeut can to made lor so small a turn. hklmbold's fluid extract DUCIIU Hai acquired a worlds Ide lame. ALL or my preparations are meritorious. A nod of twenty years has proted tliia to tie Mm uuio. Heo remark) made livTlnninmln Tmru r d IC, . Hncakinp of those diseases, and diseases arinliif; Irom dm rxceia of mercury, h atatea Dial no rrmedy Is equal I l io u the Extract of Baraa- parllla, Hh power in extrnordlcaxr, more to than any other i I In the atnetett renoe, a tonic. urn i mn acquainted with. It l, in :,wltlitlilalnraluaLle bio lo a atato of the Ikltribilte that It la arplical iMMem io sunken, nnd vet so Irritable, as ren. the tonic claai unarail niileoriniurioua k -.'Wm.Il.AVarner'Co.1 II. T. llelmfilJ, ,,n,"Mel' rt.idelpai.. P. . , .Kste,n,eJ Krlend-1 congratalatc you on haviiiR the hinibtomeat and at the same time the iMo.t LirectiTS Fill that 1 hava ever known for the purpose intended. WM, It. WAKNKK A CO. ii, i, iiviiiiuuiu HiiircmarK, in conclusion, that ilt remedleB are tho result of lonir and careful -tudy. Tho Fluid Extracts have be?n iStoti f the- mime irau i. inn eaie or mem in that lino proves their value. All liavo been benefit oj by thorn who followed my Instructions, and why mivj Huc'iuftiivii in mo extent of .ivir !. ...... ........ (..wv.' iimuicamoni i) the Dispensatory of the Uiiittnl Utates, not xceptlnK (inglo Herb, Hoot, Plant, or Belta ne rrepurimoii. Pharmaceutical I elalm all mlno to be, and hare ever patented a Blnglo ono. To ilisDel anr Imnresalon or nreludirn thai ilxht exist in the minds ot many against my reparations, from the publicity given through i.eriisiuii, uuu niu nnu iinvu neon a urug mt ii tiprind of twenlv veam. un.l timr. nn. usirelv to urave this nee letter from the lament mnufacturing chemists in the world i , , novemboM, I&H. I inn acquainted with Mr. 11. T, ielmhold I he ciiicd the drug store opposite my relclnuo( id vaa auceosslul -in conductlnir tlio husinpiia here others had not been equally so before him. liavo been favorably Impressed with his charac r and enterprise WILLIAM WIUUTM AN. irm of rowers tviinunan, manuracturlng chemists, Ninth and llrown streets, ThlladcU pnin ALL STAND ON TIIEIIt VCBITS. Tho Till I havo thought or orTcring to tlio nlllic. 'I for ten years, Thev am now perfect, and I shall slake niv l"K', money and faina on tholr elfectiveneis, I'm lovitlngstyle in which the pill Itself is made, o Lottie, lftbi-l, wrapper all show with what I'jo they have been prepared. After examina. an, no English or French preparation will show filter care, aim i am resuy prouu oi inem. Instead f tho iiauseous.looklng, carelessly fpared Fills vended isenerally, and put up In 'clou boxen, and made generally, or offered iiniiii uc, (vi.v. I'll ivinuv Ulfulsta or inAnlltaetllrers of meilfmnes. e medlcrae otTered by your obedient seivant, II. T. lir.LMUULU. ystal Palace Drug Store, No. Cut llroadwar. Sew York. Ilaco Pharmacy, Gllsoy House, llroadway, and E-v..., ........ pmcvii ivn iuiki mple cf Pharmacy. Continental Hotel, Phila. liemniai ana no. iw Houtu Tentn street, I'lill-bdolphla. PROPRIETORS. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC). CHICAGO, A ClIAI'TKR OF CHUIK - BASK HALL. A BRUTAL MUKDKE. 1 - Cuicaiio. July 6. A.dMtnllf JnJ bru. tal rnurdor coinmltted near the edge ot ntiobbonay grova, 1m Kalb county' IRf. on tho evening of the 8d lost. Mis J Mo Corinlck, a beautiful young lady of kva tun yean, daugbUr of Mrs. A. McCor rolck, a wealthy farmer, while tiak mi the supper tabu with her moVMr and two yo.inirer litter and a broth, wo akot dead by a farm 'hand in the 'BrJ6vment ot Mn. McComiek, aaW.JaU Kak Hi reason was that Mi MeO. refje4 to accompany him to a Fourth of Jul cele bration on the following day. Keed flred two iboU throuch the wiadew from a- double-barrel hot gun, Irtt Mot entering hor brain aad killing her imtantly. Keed roturnod tbejgun to anelhf hor from whoa ho borrowetl it, aad fled: The whole nolebbor hood ii in hot ouriult at hfm and if caueht will nrettr certainlv ba lynched at once. ' AND STILL ANOTHER MUBDI. . Martin Meard, a farmer in arood cirouaa. tancee, ratidlngncar GllaMaj HLr.wae ar- reatea on Saturday lor murderiag a la hoy, aged oleren year,. In a moot cruel aaa nendiib manner, on the Ifth uJt. It ap pears from the testimony of MeardYwltV that on that day, whllo the wa tick in bed tho brute stripped the child, laid him naked on a hot (love and roaoted hi back in a horrible manner. He then beat him and placed him in hi Ick mother' bed. wn ere no died in a lew beur. Tk lecd buried the body of the dot under a hedr. and then went to town and pabliclr1, svi- vcrtltod that hi boy bad run away. ISua. plcion wero lubMaueatlr arotseed that thoro had boon foul play. Search waa made, tbo body found, aaa the murderer arretted and U bow ift jail at Wat eka. Mn. Meard wftnewed the whipping and death of bar boy but wm helpleetly sick in chlldbed at tho time. Bho ii now in the city ttop plig with tome friend. AND STILL AXOTUKIL Whllo theitcaraer Judy Johaaon wm passing down the Miwiteippi rirer jett above Quincy, the wa fired into by'ome person on the shore. Bennett White wai ehot in the abdomen and another shot ihuoJ through hi clothe. lie i now ly ine at the Tremont bouse in Quincy in a critical condition. Two young men, Jos. West and Charles Irr, have been arrested on susbicion of be ing tho guilty parties. A match gamo of bate ball was clayed todsy at Rockford between, the Forest Cilict of that place, and the White Htock Ing of this city in which the' forrner was victorious. The icoro standing seventeen to eleven, ihj i orest uitlos scored four teen on the ninth inning, and thus won tho gamo. ST. LOUIS. ' INDErXKDENCE DAT AND QOW IT WAS CELEBRATED ACCIDENTS WOMAN hiiot nor biiot riRK. .St. Louis, July 6. Independence day was more generally observed yesterday thun it has been for several years. There was uo public display, but every person seemed intent upon a celebration of his own. Business wa almost entirely mis ponded, and the day was devoted to plcaiuro and hilarity. A national salute was nrod at o o'ciock in we morntnr. ax ter which there was a military procession by some newly organised companies, steamboat and railroad excursions, and picnics so numerous that the city seemed almost depopulated. Many thousands of people went to the country te spend the day. At 4 o'clock in the afternoon a salute ol one Hundred guns wm Bred, and at night the streets were all ablaxe with bonfirosand flro-works of all descriptions, and allclutct, ages and sexes, joining in the lubiloe with unusual seat aaa seirtsJ Several accidents occurred during the day from flroanns, most of which were serious. Among which were the danger ously wounding of M. A. Field, while sit ting in her bouse, by a stray ball from a pistol fired by a boy in tho stroet, and the tovoro injury oia boy by an accidental dischargo of throo barrels of a pistol, the balls entering into ms tnlgn and shatter ing one of his hands. During the after noon, a carpenter shop on Sixteenth street took fire from flro crackers. Tho flames sproad to five two story buildings des troying them: The total loss wm about $10,000, partially insured. The buildings, wero mostly tenement houses, and the oc cupants were spending the day In the country, but returned at night lo And thomtolvos homeless, and their furniture ruined. Two or three other small fires occurred during tho day.' ' CINCINNATI. A DKDFERATE ATfRAY IN A HOTEL USE. Cincinnati. July 6. Two soldier bo- long to the Newport barracks went into a saloon and boarding houto in this city, No. 81 East Plank street, about 8 o'clock last night and ongaged a room for the night. Their names were Jaa. Mitchell Ohrls Seffringer. After four o'clock this morning the DroDrfotdr'wa aroused by a call for wator from tholr room., Oolag tip, , tuuuu oouringer snot oaca oi toe ear and Mitchell doad with a ball in bis head, entoring behind at tba ibaio of the skull and coursing upward. 8effinger wm alivo but in a critical conaMtlnn. h inl. diors that Seffringer wm very peace1 J ui. iniimuii n m uaogerous man and ad threatened Seffringer yestarda. A flro this a.m. destroyed Pullman A Koch' chair back factory and three dwelling houses adjacent on Wood street, , The to tal loss wm about 118,000. It li supposed to havo originated from tho use of fire orkt. Cincinnati, July 6. The transporta tion committee of tbo, board of trade, havo toon looking after prospects for. southern transportation, during the costing three months viben the Louisville oanalillbe doted. Its socrotary presented a report to-day itating that the Louisville main and tho Louisville short line will take frcsght to Louisvillo and connect points below. To roach Nashville and southern points, both Louisvillo and NMhville, Henderson, EvsnsviUo and, Nwhylle roads will compoto. Tho latter road pro poses to establish rates m low as by Lou isvillo, and is recomended In tho report m a valuable outlet to tho city. The I. A 0. and tbo 0. & M, railroads alio offer fair CAIRO, FOREIGN. ., FRANCS. Tsta ILBCTICNS THESUnrUBLICANS III THE MAOatTY TOE LEOITAlCH A BID SJOSfA- rARTISTS MBCOVSUfilsWftlKCH OOV HXWENT DSUIAXM ftt BVlCVATION or the romV rAKU'trr tmboeb max TBOon rsuMcs and EdtrT. THE ELECTIONS. PARISW Julv 4. Thn aatiBsaia of the sun. plaaiBitary election show that out of 140 deputies elected. 120 are republicans, 8 legitlitMst and 20 bonepertist. Ofklal returns, will dlflerbut little frees ihit. ' rAiDHKRBE And oambbtta re each elected from three different as sembly dlitrlcti. A majority of the republioan e1ected belong to the moderate wlg of the party ; proportion being, 9S moderates to 13 rad teals. ' ' The unexpected strength developed by the repubUcaM iei the provinces discour-. ages the partisans f BAMarehy. Thefall-' p- V. t . . -1 . n . ...ri. ival waa v, ui irPfjJtSM U.U.IVTAB S1UIWUV, ssBtllntraakstewt' ike lagWwLtkUpro duoes s siHtretiiMii - It is feared the assembly will be more divided than srer, and that it wtll, balsa eisible to oMeln a compact working ma Jority, or. 4termine which party hat the' .MslAStce ot swwer. JlEJOICIKO, -" jettraals nrjoico over tbo 2K2 it vote -sriven for candidates '. iJsek-aartv la country distrists. and re- ard the -victory .as one calculated to ct- wwisae pertassaeni rwfmBiic in rrance. The monarchy press on the other hand show! signs of a panic, and accuse each other of , a lack of devotion and energy In the oanvass. The JVesss will resusee publication to ssamow under the tsuaaceaunt of Ouorro aer. ' . FaUkerbeku written alttUr providing for a syttstsm of servioeln the ersay for twq Tears. It will be observed that there'k'an irre eotusUabie dttWieie (si sit reeorU reWstag to the nsusof yvsKMsi lthi!Frnch UUMUimrfimumUrj etoctaeas. TkeeHspatehebovespeiWof a hundred uyi forty. delegaSae haying just beea eboseo, whereM previoas accounts gave only abuutA.lta or tll vaeaecies to ee niteti. t EVACUATION DflMAVDSD. The Preach goveraateat has desaaaded the early evacttation of the fort of Paris and of three deaartaieals oecupid by Oer- saaa treoee. Blsmsrk decliaes to give any peetuve promise to eempiy wnn toe desaaad. ArrOINTBD. , Commissioners have been appointed by the government to take observation in KngUnd and France at to the working of the commercial treaty. - FRANCE AND EOT FT. A difference has arisen between the XgyBtian government aad the French oonsel at Cairo in coeequence of the al lseed illegal arrest of a French citizen there by police. Satisfaction has been de- Blended by rranoe, and negoteatloat witn England for seUlemont of dispute. KNOLAND. KMFEBOK AND EIiniEM OV BRAZIT, VISIT QUEEN VICTORIA. London, July 4. The empercr aad are liaail. .Blsstest ijaeea MtJt, to-day. ' . 'M'- A BANQUET. London, July 6. A banquet wm givea at the WsuUtigtsa hotel, Xlverpooi, on the FeurthT Mr. Braasootae, the United States txauel at Mahshester, presided. A larger ausaber of Aaterieaa residents of earbeafeaj Xi verpeol aad ether cities wen BvesBavt. Letters were read frosu Mlaieiet Jckestak aad Jacob Bright, w seetiag their iaabllHyvto attend. TeeaU e as usuat to vaeea v ictenn, aaj-. Qraat: Ohe also to the'txeMy e asst.' HoBBches were Btade try bettt fiawirteBBiisI XaglUkaea, ia which the most friendly and pecilc aeaUsaenU were interchanged. NEW YORK. YELLOW TEVEE VABONIC. Nxw-Youc, July (.A cable dispatch says that the American knights of tem plars, from Pittsburg, were entertained ia magnificent style yesterday by the earl of Shrewsbury and Talbot, at his seat in Alton Towers, in Staffordshire. In honor of tho day and hit guests, the earl caused the American flag to be raised over the hall by the side of the ancient banner of. Talbot. , Divine service wm' held ia the! chapel, and a banquet served in the ha!l. TEXLOW VEVER. New York, July 5. The Spanish brig Inlegrida arrived at this port from Ha vana with yellow fever on board. ROME. V1CT0B EUUANUSL AND MIS BSCXFTIOV AT BOMB. Rome, July i'. The king had a grand review, yesterday, of the regular troop and the national guards. lie wm enthu siastically received bv the soldiers, aad itbe municipalises of Kesrie gave a brilliant !ball last night, at which the king wm (reseat. At the close his majesty started for Floreece. There hu teen an unusual atteadaaee of cardinals aad other church 1 fllgnltarles at court during the king's stay QBome, t . j MILWAUKEE. SALOON ABSCBNS10K AND "WOAT CAMS BT ..XT.. Milwaukee, July Prof. Steiner ad, a balooa ascension from this place etUrdsy p.m. The balloon went directly ICS, asm Bnics in wuimm wsinwBiii Utt '. here pasted near Grand Havea. icMiag'hM beea seen of him on the other ie of the lake up lo one o'clock- p.m. to- MARKETS BYTELEGRAPH , ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, July 6. Flour dull and un settled; -whs at steady aad in good.deauad; No, 8 red Sl.ia No. 2 white 11.15; corn quiet; mixed In bulk on track, 49 to 60o; oat quiet at 60 to 60c for mixed sacked ; ryo,.7t to BOe whisky steady at vac ; pro visions Terr aulet with little doine i pork 116.76; shoulders, lie; clear sides, 9c NBW ORLEANS. New Ohlbaxb. Julv 6. Cetton market dull; sales were two thousand middling 30); low raldt. 18 j; ordinary 10) ; re ceipts, were lite; exporu xtss. jguotun. Mobile, July 6. Cotton Jqulet ; Mid dling; 19J; net receipts, two days 176; exports, coast wise, 834. Sale 100, stock1 1017. GALVESTON. "iT10"' , n 7 l?.r7A72J podotilljiarilfll netWflalpU.tvJe dATSJ ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JULY 711 ; oxiorts to Great Britain 2093 ; coast '8jJMtf( sale 860; stock 25.WJ. TO WE DO. TotBDc, July 6. Flour, dull. Whctft, very dell aad lc, lower r No. 2, red, at e. Cora, dull add Ic. lower; high Mixed, Tejc : low; 66 lc OaU: dul I and a shade lower; No. l.'Slo; No. 2, Lake freights very dull Sc. to Buffalo aud efgec. to Oswego? CINCINNATI. ' Cincinnati, July 6. Flour steady; family f6.t0toM.G6; new extra sold at $0.16. Wheatr-newNo. 1 red, $1.25, and old, $1.35. Corn, dull aad lower, at S3 to 66c. Kye) esM SA90c. Oats unchanged. Cotton quiet; sBttdlibg zOje.-To 21c. Whic Vv In good deessnd at ma Mot pork, f IS 60. Lard, inner; sales of country at 10,c, and cUy bold nt lOJc. BulkcaeaU a shade higher i sale of shoulders at 6c, mostly hqld at 6c; sides sold at 7c. for rough: clear rib and cloar hold at 8 to 8Jc ; bacon in good demand: tales of shoulder .at $&70xo $8.76. Lard oil in good de mand at, 75 to 7c ; linseed, dull at 88 to We. DETROIT. Dbtboit, July 6. The wheat market is deatovalised ; regular $1.20, amber $1.36, best offer buyer $1.35 with $1.88 atked ; No. 1 white $1.30, with nobuyors; corn 6 to 69)c; ocas quiet at 65 to 65 Jc. liFANClAL. Nxw-Yoric July. 6. N. Y. C. OClt scrip W; Krie27;pfd 60: Kesdlng 111 Mich. Cent. 1 20: Lake Shore 1 201; Ills. Cent. 1 36- FltU. 1 18J; N.W.7SJ; pfd. WU; Koch IsUnd ! St. Paul 61 V Did. ll Wabash pfd. 80: Ft- Way no 93: Terrthaatuae); Alton 1 20; pfd. 1 20 SBdiaaa sjent. ivi; Burlington & (Juinoy 1 66',' HI. Joo 87; Exchsngo long 10; shenll. Htocka rather heavy and dull; gold 11) Al; Govts. dull and strong; Stato bonds dill aad heavy ; mosey easy at 8 per cent. mI4VXCES, 01DINANCE NO. 114. Aa Ordlaeacc aajikoTisiag tUj f aiaenUoa ia esmla . !Bc Jtoriiaia'!! bj.tac CUy Cooadl of the ciij o( Hsorml. Thai ltahsJIIlba.lut nflK- ls l,. MaBSbtraU or tha ellj of Cairo whenarar tt City Attotaay of aaiC adj mtj so direct to allow a slay afaiMUtlon for aatlm oolazcaadmg xcaadmg Sorlr-aif bt haura' is favor nt aajr partoa wlra may Mia bM fauaC gailir of Tto iraoa wno loo of any rdiaaaca of aald dir. and lati ut vnj Aitoracy may direct such atar wbeaamr ha mar think tneto- U.aatcf thacl.y reqairet'auchatay of execution, Proridaa), aa panoa In whosa faror iUr of em aauoa la had who shall he found within tae limit of the city of Cairo after the time of such atar ol execution has elapsed shall be dealt with aa if co aoefc atay of execution had been granted. Approved June 2J, 1171. Attest, JOUNH. LANJDEN, Mayor. M. J. Hownv.Oty Clerk. JeKtdHK ORDINANCE NO. 116. Aa ordinaaee to amead ordinance No. 23. Be la ordaiaed by the City Council of the city of Cairo- Hacrioal. ThatordiBancaNa.!. imwimI ln.1 Sth, 1SC7, be and the tame la hereby amended ii, iboi, do aau me tame is nereby amended j addtnk TUrUie worda "or any .tewer, trough, lotherihlaguaedfor tha dratawe ol slops or alar," la the eleventh and twelfth lines from VJ IK1W1BI Ol Oil water, the top of ceetlen 1 of said ordinance, the words, uiHTiinp lacwrr, anyplace, oaiming ores Ualtehmeat used for the atearatnr or renderios ef lard, tallow, fat, offal or dead animals or any MetaMlahineat oaed for the stcamlnir or render- HaSjjS? aauataaeeawlilch in .liin,to pnaHninmHuHin. miaiavaa mcreoi 10 jc 'cRenalT to tha public or any portion Unroof or UJuriaos to the public health. . Approved Juae'Atd, mi. ' ... . w , .. JOHN M. LANBDEN, Mayor. Attest, M. J. Ilowaat , Cliy Clerk. JeSullOt ORNINANGE NO. 117. AaOrdiaaacc to rtrulats the dalles of tha Chief or Police aad Polie Constable Be It ordained by IbcUiiyCenncil of the City of f 'aim Cairo. BacTioa I, ThMibe Chief of FolhM shall act aa aeK ya. '"'' aarc xetwral sharge ol tha Nl saaswal la cily. (aMeatias the City Marshal.) ssaCVaader I he gsaaaral direction or the Marr ahall eaperiataasd aatC aoalrU the ODera noma oi jus aavaeai mauaair aaaaiaMna wane an doty. Tbe other pollea coaaUUe n w author laed by rdlaaac ahall it duty aa night watch- Bsc. 1. All ordlnaiuAa or aarta of nnlinmnp. lo eoalliet herewith are hereby repealeil: JOHN M. IiAflSDEN, Mayor. Approved, Jane Win. 171. Atfett i M. J. IIowlit, Cil Cl'k. ORDINANCE NO. 115. Ad ordinance to amend section 20 of "an ordi nance to adopt the ordinance of the city uf Cairo aa revised and codified " Be it ordaiaed by the City Council of the Cily of tire Bscnosl. That section Jfovii of "an ordi nance to adopt the ordinances of the City of Cairo as revised and codified" be amended by adding after the word "provision" In said sec tion tha word "or any impure, unwholesomr, adalteratador diluted nllk. Approved June 2!d, 1871. JOHN M. tANSDEN. Mayor. Attest. M. J. Howur, City Clerk. jeaudlM MANHOOD: HOW LOST! HOW RESTORED I Just published. In a scaled envelope. Price, 0 cts. m m.ui w mw m.wi. .iniiuvui.ui, i mi,i emaof Bacrsnatorrhcaor Semlael Weakness, n yoluatary Emissions, Bexual Inability, and Impe desaeata to Marriage generally: Nervousness, Onaaemctloa. Epilepsy, and Fits; Mental ami ITirsiaaX laeaMcilr, resulllag from self abuse, etc., by BoW, J.Culvtrwell, M. D author of tlie "Oraen Book," etc. rt "A BOOM TO TH0U8AKDS OF SUFFKREUS. Beat nadar aaal. in blain envalona. to an ad. 1 IuLihm IU..h.Ml Im.Im..I I ...I.-l dress, postpaid, on receipt of alx cents, or two Ciiva" ewaaapa. yj vnav. . u. Aline m im,. Ml wery, Mew Tort, 1'oatotBoe box t.Mo. Jaisitawssa ., ' JAMES KYNABTON, aveticlaev lev 1st all HlaWU rreast BfCSSt, Oatsae Aimtsutw aid Porta a Stsiii. CAIBO, ILLINOIS. UYtt ssd slaughters only the vsry beet rattle. dVaaae p.". auevp, ana is prepare! io on aay ad ror freah tnasia fraaa ns. nnnnd to ten thousand pouads. deciotf 8BWIMO MAOHIBB. WANTED, AGENTS. gevanty-Sve to two hundred dollars per month everywhere, male and female, to introduce the mn nc Improved Commea Henae Family Sewing Msohiaa. Th maohiaa will atltch. hem, fell, tuck. Mad. braid, cord, quilt aad embroider in a most superior manner. Price only ill, Fully war raatid for Bye year. Wa will ay I.OOO for any aaachln that will sew a stronger, mora beau tlfjil or more elastic team than oars. It makes the "EUitloLook Witch." Every second stitch can be cats aad atlll th Moth cannot be pulled apart without leaf tag II. W pay agents ffs to liuu per wawitMewN uiKaaea, vs a COJL, mission irom wuun twice that amount can be made, for circulars and lersss, apply to or address, . ' U, BOWEUS A CO., J tM8prucmreel, fhiladclphl. Pa. Cacrtoii. Do not be Impottit Jipou by other eabBlttc eB worthleaa cist Iron machines aaAeithc saase name or othsralsa. Our la the ea3yjrvittlaM0i.II praottcal .tlia machine Siflactursd. artwsn , r 6, 1871. UOTltUs. CRAWFORD HOUSE, COKNKIl SIXTH am. WALKUT-8T., (Entmnoi. cn Hftlli-st.,) F. J. Uaks, ) II. CCady, . K. II. Lodwick, J CINCINNATI, OHIO, OAUKJ, CAUr A CO. I'mprl. l..r.( SOUTHERN HOTEL, Ohio l.evre, between Hixlli and Eiulilli lri els, opi-oslie main steamboat lar.ditijf, CAIRO ILLS. NRWI.V FITTED AND FURNISHED. TemiN, 8'J prr !. Watch kept for bonU nnj Iratna nlhl and day. WIHTK A Ll'MJE. Proprietors, CENTRAL HOUSE. Opposite tlm ro.tolBce, on Hixth Street l-twn Washington and Commercial avenues, CAIRO, ILLS. This houte has been thoroughly over-hauled, refuruiahed and renovated , ami is now open for the reception of guests. The rooms nrn all large and well ventilated, and fualiiture new. H atch sept nightnnd day, MRS. tJAFFNET, irtdlf Proprietress. COMMERCIAL HOTEL, COMMERCUL-AYKNUK, OITOMIE P. O., Cairo, ills. joexrn baylim, ; s : : i'romiiktob. Thb House is Nkwi.y Furnished And offers to the public first-class actommoda. tlona at reasonable rales. XIIXIHBSM. MRS. M. SWANDER, DEALER IN MILLINERY AND LADIES' FURNISniN'G GOODS, ('stitasercUl Aveame, opixxtlto Elliot suae Hay tkora'a Cairo, Ilunoih. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WEAR Made to order, or Ileady-Madc. A full assortment of Misses' and Ladies' Uat and Bonnets of tho latest styles. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE 1 MRS.C.McGEE, XIQHTIT STREET, DETWEEX WABIIIN0T0N AND COMMERCIAL AVENUEK, Ua just received a full and splendid line of NEW GOODS DRESS TRIMMINGS, SILK GIMPS, SILK GALOON GUIPURE LACES, MOSS TRIMMINGS, CROCKET BUTTONS SILK AND VELVET BUTTONS, PLUSH AND TRIMMING VELVET, nATS AND BONNETS, FINE KID GLOVES, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, And a full and complete stock of Millinory and Fancy Goods, All of which sho proposes to sell at THE VERY LOWEST CABU PRICES. OKMEBAE, AOKNTfl. IIALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS, FORWARDING and COMMISSION MKKSJHANTN, ;il ! l- f l.l ! U. U' " ' I. ". S ' r axn DEALERS IN FLOUR ; And ARents of Okie Hlvrr and Kanavilia B JLIaO?' COMPANIH8 70 Ohio Levee, CAIRO. ILLINOIS. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AVE. STAMB COBK.XHU BTOVKH. AQKNT9 FOR al 9 s WARRANTED FIRST-CLASS IN EVERY RESPECT. WHAT HOUSEKKKfErtS SAY AllOtT it. FAiyfE" cooKiiisro- stoves ALWAYS READY, ALWAMS RELIABLE, ALWAYS THE BICST, t.'. ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST, AND UNEQUALLKD IN THE l'KUKF.CTIOX OF COOKINO APPARATUS TEN' i)IFFEBElTT It R T CLOSI1JG OTJT JT COST ! Tho pbblle are hereby notlfkd DRY BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, UrCAngirig the SCOTT WILL BE AT THE OLD STAND, CORNER CAIEO, - Jeifitf CL.OTIIINO, 1871. SUMMER. KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, -A.T THE LOWEST CASH PBICE3; Tho Cheapest and Best READY-MADE CLOTHING, GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS, SHOES, Etc., t'ORNER or SIXTH-NT. AND OIIIO.I.EVUE, CAIRO, ILLS. PARTICULAR attention paid to or.lcra for WHITB SIII1IT8 In all styles made! and only of the best of material usi.l. ' DRY-UtlOnS, CAKPKTS, KTC. Ho. 101 t'OMMUllCIAI. AVKNIIG, Wishes to call atteut on to hit immensa stock of new and seasonable DRY-GOODS, CARPETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. eveeythiu"g peesh, astew, jdesior-a-bxie. Dress Goods a Specialtv. noveiuea in Millcs, I'opllns, Japnneso Bilks, etc. Aniericau inaca iina urain Heaver Ilraud of Tbo largest WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, lace cxnR.T'.A.iisrs, Heal ! luillatluu iMtm, etr., ever atjrlrn ofCarpeta, staid full llutt eta and Murv. KwIi, Bhe PAIR DEALINGS AND SMALL PROFITS. "An examination of hla stock is respectfully asked. OKOCKBIEH AND BRV GOODN. WILLIAM KLUGE, DtAita in FAMILY GROCERIES, DRY-GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, ETC., lias Jusl received a heavy stock of fl"t Rid Uhoea, Hosiery and Notions, FOR SALE FOR CASH VEJlV CHEAP lie also has a fine stockof Fmlly Groceries ot every kind. CORNER SIXTH-ST. AND COM MER CIAN-A v., CAIKO, ILLINOIS. rest HALE "YotiobV" The Illinois Central Hall Road Rammnv. now otter for aala tho following described Iota In First Addition to lite viiy ot uairo, viti Lot ST block 20, Lot it tlock ta, IS 'iO, ' M, . 5 i 2 i)j ii w' U ' 8i, 31 S2. ' S3 W, SI 81. orf.t,,?,ie,.lsp1lto ,I,IWWSHW. . Assntt OBTH &c CO. TIIK CXLE1I RATED r. w r f SI2JS3 HOW UOOI1K. that tho largo and masnlflcent sloclc of - GOODS, ,. v. '. . "ETC., !it i CAPS, NOTIONS, tstateof tho' ale WHITE SOLD AT COST, f . ' c SIXTH STREET AND OHIO LEVEE MHN. SCOTT WHITE. IIATN, CAPN, KTV. 1871. Hilk Warns, Mohairs, Lawns, Percales, 1", K.'s, ana, ana a lull lino 01 tlio celebrated Pure HUck Mohair. assoitmcnt ot oHV'retl lu tbe rllr. uf Oil Clullm, Mattl Bftw aunt rbolr Mnllllin Klmlw I'liru. and lints la great variety. WIIOI.EMALE CJIOCBBS. R. SMYTH ,i . &' CO., WHOLESALE GROCERS, ...M .... ......M,.,,.,,MMMOMM OHIO LEVEE, CAIBO. ILLIMOIB, Also, keep conttanily on hand a most cota: ' pleta stock of "" " LIQUOE3. i.l. ill BC0TCU AND IRISH WnUKIBB i ' ' -o i n a,- , Port, MaderU, Sherry and CataU"WlnM HMVTll A 00. ten exclusively for cssh.ta which fact thav Invlla th aanclal uao. ion at close Urgalu buyers. Special Hcn ykt to JFiKfjsj Qritr