Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, FRIDAY, JULY 7, 171. rllVMICI.tNN A, WAVQTMAIt, M. D., I5'IVfllcrV, Pnrirn and Aeenuhetir, formerly I Of Anna. i iiimnw, on I nlrt. it ccii EigMh niid Ninth Mrwts tVm loiiroiynminerriBi WILMAM . SMITH, M. 1). ftmSCF No. 21 Thirteenth itt-rct. lo fated .n. ..ninu. nirei-i 126 Commi rciai avenue, lip Haifa. 0. W. DUNNING, M. J). . -nriE.VC-cornrr.KInlfi and Walnut t. 1, onrr-comer Mxtli Btrert nnd Oliln levee. ,., nkin. lo. l'Am.. .m ii t in LAW VIJMH, ai.i7kx. .mulkey .t tviiijjxTriv,', COUN'RKI.OUS AT LAW, UilUmJ.AII'n. "I ,.,.,, ... n vin.krv. '..WHO, ILLINOIS. n, p-menhir sllrnlion pAlO. rivet, and nd:. m , ij bunne"- Si nrri, i-nooi. " AND 8 WINTER1 llUifjfc. nilKKX k GILBERT; .COUNSEL-OILS AT JW, tVilliam II. reen, 1 .......,. U'llhtra .lJIrl, , I'AlllO, ILLINOIS. .Milfsf.lintH-rt, J ee-.iUl attention given In Admiralty ami Steamboat business. orricK-4,li;o tr.trr, holism' 7 ixn8 over CITV NATIONAL HANK. THE BULLETIN. July 7, 1871. JOHN ll.OIIKItLV K p itoa m l'l cumitn. Ti of tiii Daily Sulscri.tUm, One vurk, by' carrier, ....... . 20 One iniiiith, I J r.inll - 75, Thrtt trir iitlm 12 5 Six in'iLHi. i M On jw,' L. I U Till vffieinlfnptTof Aleranfier county urut of tht city of Guru; thtvututnorningtlatluin&xtthcrn IlUtwit; atCklt-atttiUfjutnal; tmnll, but fenrlcu I out HAc ii on all lutijtcti of iiitcrat to the yuUlc ; vttk a tntfi and xncrtavnq circulation, thr llulle ttntulmUthet'OtmnafievI iiitdl'fjtnl rtutkrt unj tnicrjtruxng buiintu tncn. THE HOLLAR WEEKLY 11ULI.KTIN. , John 11. OItij A Co. havo rrdaicil'tlie ulJ scriplion price of the Weekly Cairo llullctin to Out IkVar per annum, making It tlio cheapest pa per published InBoathrrD llllnoii. IIo.v. Thomas Hoy.nk, on tlio day we celebrate, spote well of tlio "now ' departure." He is almost persuaded to be of tlie departed. Vick-Pkesident Colfax orated at Valparaio, Indiana, on the 1'ourth. Hq informed t)m acuilled patriots tjiat Ins Iiealt'h was improving and his homo was in the getting sun. He also added, that the American cnglo waS tlio proud bird of'tlie'inountains. Hen. Him., of Georgia,1 ortldrcs tho "new departure." "I do not accyiitiU' Mid tie. "because 1 aiiprovo ol the rc cent action o, ILCjOiiKrcHS. ji ittcr, .but ieUli4tVrttpofition-t it.wll .1 , .t. ' Decuse l eee41i4t-rtppof ' only taml us farther away from justice ... .V.Utllll( 1 11.11 11111 itJ Tiiumh say V The "next prgident of the United States," in the ptn-on of (ioorgol'raiicis m. ... ... Irani, na departed lroin tins land ol the free and home of lhe,hrav,;fj)r) tlie purpose of invading Ireland and rees tablishing the commune in Paris. If he fJiouhl he thot, grim disaster would walk upon tho heels of his death. Hut, since he is destined the next' president of the United States, bullota may whistle about his ambrosial locks in vain. Tiiat very cstimablo but exceedingly irate I5ourbnic jo.uraial,tho l'ducah Iff mid, is in a hopeful, ppudition.. . In a lato isjue it doelarosthat , i' jf-thoifo js II rtnnsnMM.:.V am. J:.l1iiM' tlin'tivna.' .. vi-iiiuv.iaii; v.auuiuiiiu tut iu i...j- 'idency wo shall vobo, for, him; plat ' forms may go to tho devil 1" . Wo have no doubt that tho readers of the Herald will von in iliia ilnnlnmiinil trikiug evideneo that tho IlMtld I willing to live nnd dio hv vrinchib:. Vnv ninn'r u-biiiv. 'n.nVt i s de oriiii- Ai J paper winch asscits its Ul:l r principles oi thenattr itvftupports, and Mipport the candidate of that party in any and every event,, if ft. model cham pion of priueiplo. Of course it is. 111: Vaducah Herald now asserts theru is not a newspaper or a publio man in tho south that has :ovcr con. tendod .tW Mwta lavorji caui bo re tored, and adds: lfAU have agreed 'that the one thing settled by the war 'is 'tho' otitirc "and final ' destruction of it.SnZA?,"li?''Jlit. .1.- '.. ...iuwuH.-ui.-B.u.Cry, wrongiuuy anu rascally woro the means 'taken for its deWtrUcUdn. The attempt, 'WTcHtnjiu ihcparLofilic J ullktis 'to conytitojprfn that.tho Her- 'uU, or that any faouthorn man, is con i. t!....i n .$ J 'i . 1: - icimiiig' iop ma restoration' ol negro 'slavery is unworthy of its editor." Wo would regret to do injustice to tho po. Kition oftllo WrVaf.l whicli wo porccivo 11 involved 111 ciiiiMderable obscurity, pi... ..t... . .1:.: . ... ...u vmin pi .JilUllieiailS to wiucli tlio editor of the Ilmild belongs, profuiH meat duMidii'trt what U,ey are pleased tn call "prineiplo" s contradistin. guisheJ. from "jKiliuy." They us.ett that what was wrong yesterday is wrong to-day, ami thaj ho is UI, h.con Bistent politician who docenot denounce vu uay wimt He denounced ycbtcrday. 'Hiey-decUro that this govcriiiiient was founded upon the principle of stato sov WttJMEOwnded by.BkBsra. John viuuuu, Alexander II. Stephens rnT"!!!! "Tho Rtat tuvw T,---W9icinun .It 4 powers to tho federal uovemmunt n.i 4 eierved to themselves all otbcr fut,c. 'tioiis of BOVcreiKMlv. Tlio riixiit to ' hold slaves, to regulate nuflrago, nntl of 1 poccssion wore never delegated to tlio fmloral irnvcrilincnt. It lrt trilO that when the fouthorn tntcS'a't.tcruptc.d to wile, iho ord rroVonted tin) oxor- 1 ci.o of tlo )i'l)t, hut the HWOrd decides nothing" A nghtj like truth, if orushod to earth will riso again. 1 ho rignt ol fcce.cion thcicforo will yet triuniiih. The ' lost eaustj ' is not nltogethor lost. iW tlio MwWof iho sword tho right to regulate suffrage was taken from tho Utile, and therefore the so-called fif. (oeiilh aiiicudjjieili4iiull rftitl i)nL be cause a fact nccomplishcd by force or fraud is no fact. Consequently, oursuc- cohB at tho polls would bo a declaration tijby theniajority that each state, in tho Vfaoc-jpf 'tho SOfCallcd amendment tp the constitution, liasptill iho right to mako 'taco, color nn'd previous condition of ' eervitiido lests of sutTrage. Tho tliir j fconth aincndmctit, abolishing ulavcry, ' was adopted by wrongful and fraudu- liilif mnn iid1nr tlin tinwni rC tlin ' sword and it, too, according to our ' understanding, is liull and void. In ' short, tho late war on tho part of tho ' foJoral govcrnincut was unconstitu ' tional, and all ifs results are null arid 1 void. TJio constitution is td-day what 'it was in 18U0, and the man who says : " Lcljus acquiesce in the constitution as ' it is,' is a traitor to democratic priuci ' pics." If' this is llot tho position of the Bourbons, they have no position at nil and arc only bloviating asses. If it is a Crime ngainst "prineiplo" to say that the democracy should acquicsco m the fourteenth and fiftccntK amendments to tho constitution, no matter how wrong fully and rascally were tlio means taken to tccuro their adoption, because they have become parts of tho consti tution according to tho forms of law, then' the Herald has wandered from principle in declaring its acquiescence in tho thirteenth nmomluiont, which it proclaims was adopted by means wrong ful and rascally. Tho fact is, tho JTcr- aid is too much prejudiced ngainst the negro, or is too cowardly, to bo logical. All tho "war amendments" stand on tho sauio fooling. If one should be ao quicsccd in all should be; if one should bo rejected nil should be. Tho poll ticiiins who pay we shall acViuicpec in one, but to bo men of principle must reject tho other two are inconsistent. 'in, i-.,.,. ,,.,ii.;,,,. c ,,i nn. A 1.1.J niiuu iiuiiiin vii Ji 1 11II.IJI1U, unit Hiu neither fish, flesh nor fowl. FAsmoxuuKvrnRs.- Knshloiiablo bolls nll'ect colored linen collar. . . Sailors' huts aroiilltun rnno imionjj tho girls of sis Icon. Laeo shawls uro worn bolted at tho waist and forming a flowing sleovo. It'.uclc velvet wrutlots nro In voguo nmoni; woaltliy matrons. liixccs nro tho only possible trimming for lutylish full dross. Thrond, duchess. lvhlfcnclennci, ara tho most worn Uluo veils nro en renlc among the domuiEullcs who lmvo ut. iimato horror u becoming sunburnt or freckled. Tlio whole secrot of tho summer fas) Ions In trimming r all Icinds is tiimmed up liiwdVults. HViSrytliing.tlmt can be fringed is fringed; everything that can bo ploatvd is pleated. TUB DEMOCRATIC PARTY. IT 11 AH NOT IIP.KN HUM) HUT SLF.EPINO-- r.AlUCAt.'l T.STIMONV AH TO ITS BTUKNUTII AN1 rilWKU. I'rum it lungthy cdUorial in ,a Into Issue of tho Nowburyport (Mass.) Daily Herald, nn nblo radical newpaiier, wo mako tho following extract in regard to tho demo cratic party of to-day: It lias been our wont to spouic compiac- Dlly Ol tno ucujuurmiu jiaiij, nui niiii apyi'apuuiigo ot pokt-obtt eulogy, as dead ; UUt, WO UOglii now iu jnutuivij umi 11119 may lmvo been un error, uronqn, rouieu, cattered though it has been, Its left wing, tliat of tlio rebellious states engulphcd fn a maelstrom ol binou mm lire, nil inu btittes of tho union, with ono or two uxecp. tlons, thatched from Us i:rnsp, tiuiii 1ms shown that in what seemed complete an nihilation, .it). organization was etill per- fuct, and It but slept upon lis nrms. in trutn, if republicans cannot udmiru tho vitality Of that party, it does at loast excito wonder, iiiuitruiing as 11 uocs to their minds tho principlu "which makes calamity of so long life.'' Yo may de claro tlio democratic party to bo dead, but With what natural guelo might, not one of its pnrtlzafiJ' reply, pointing tb New-York or -ew jimupsmrc, tiiat 11 to 11 is inu kind 01 death winch is swallowed up in victory, That it is not dead tho republicans will have full rcasou'ld Know boforo the ,,,,.,,, 1872 ii fought "and won. Nay, were it as dead in tact us it is boliovcd by them to bo in tresjmsscs and tins, it needed but such a movement 11 that of tho states- nun of J Jay ton to recreate .it; as. when Jvzckiol propcslcd in tlio valley, and tho dry bonos stood up and dived, nntl they were tho whole of Uraol onco more, so has Vnllnndlgbain .restored 'hii party, so breathed into its nostrils a new life, so re- nuimntgd it, that there Is to-day nn emo tion in Its favor, men who deiiu'inced-liim as a traitor now, speak ofth!m as a patriot, and tlie ehlof justice writes of tho now de mocracy with filial sympathy as tho free coil party of his early fate. To meet this party, thus rr-organiztd and ro-lnsjiired, 10 contest With It for victorv. nnd t nvur. come it'if possible, that Is tho duty of tho epuuiiynnjiiirty, one wmcn It owes both o tho country' nnd Itself, nnd how this is to bo accomplished Is tho question of tho "! tar it nmieilr tlm! tl?n'll,,l,,l I...... , , , , I ...... ,..u . u JUltl- lldes. III I'lirU. Vlinri'ln urn .l,,,,t;i,l remmr -. . . tuVI'U.tll.14 illU mini ol tlm gtW,t Ni,jm!conrlind n mtr- row escaj.o from destruction at tho him of tlm Communists. Everything wns p. is pre- V. ' . 10 1 . "p - W. J1?10'. w also the , i ...BV. 111U t?1 lA'llin 1,. t ,1 1 1 . 17. iiiiiiiuur of thcr depafturo from tho tcuno. thu uimmuhbu who wcro to lmvo done tho work, fortunately forgot to light tho tnntch. cs communicating with bcvornl btirrcls of gunpow(lr and Inllumemablo materials. 1 Imi was itthut by 11 more clmnco thu nsli. o nf tho first Lhipcror wcro Prcservei preserved , "em oblivion, AN ATROCIOUS AlUItDBII. RKMAKKAIILE D3EAM VEnlFlKD A HL'S HANDS VKUOBANOK. Tlio lilclitiioiid ll'Ma of Tuesday con tains nn ncfoiint of n Irtitnl murder com muted ncro tho lordor. In "Wllkcn county, North Orttollnn, a fow ttayg since, and tlio clrouminncc9 of which nro not i llltlo romiirknlijo. Tho.nccount is ns follows: It appear that a ircntlcmnn. rcatdinrr In Hint county, a fow days provfous to tlio murder, sold to a nolghbor n tract of Innd, for which ho rccolvcd S1000 In cnih. Iluslnoss cnlllnc htm nwnv from Jiomo soon nflcr, ho left tho money jvl'ti h)s wife, and on returning ho ttopped over night with a friend living so no ton or iwclvo inilev distant from hi homo, In tho night ho dreamed that soino men had .entered' hmnp. murdered hh wlf 11 nil furr. children, stolen his money and destroyed his proporty. Knowing that ho had loft tho money with his wife, ho Locarno un easy nnd restloss after his drcnin. and ro quested a poddlor who was stopping at tho Jiouso with him to nccompany him nt oneo to his home, for ho fonrod th'oro Was n re ality In tho dream. On arriving at his iiorno, to nis norror noiounu ills wito mur dorcd nnd two mon sitting nt n tublo count ing out tho money ho had loft with his who. lie and tlio pod lor being armed, Immediately flrcd upon tho men and killed thum, who turned out to bo tho man to whom ho had sold tho land, nnd frohi whom ho had rccclvood tho $1000, and his con. This is no of tho most astrocious murders upon record, and shows what foul deeds money will load men to com mit. DENVER. a rnosrECTivK watering h.ace. From tho N. T.Enn. It Is not unllkolvthftt before munvvenrs have nnsscd Denver, in Cnlnradn. will )n ono of tho most fashionablo watering places of America. It Is now a city of 10.000 inhabitants, all promises to becotno ono of tho most chnrmlnc resorts for travellers on tho continent. Tho town is situated on tho main branch of tho rlyor Platte, nnd an aqucducnt twonty-flvo milesjlong brings tlio water of this stream trom a groatcr olovation in tho mountains to servo tho purpos of Irrigation. By this means tho city nnd Its suburbs nro always looking iresn anu groon, wnuo almost every prl valo gentleman is enabled to ornamont his gardon nnd grounds with sparkling foun tains. Tho streets nro nearly all elchtv feet wide, nnd planted on each sido with shado trees. Tasteful rcsidoncosl nnd line churches and other public buildlnc indl- cnto rolinomcnt nnd enlorpnso on the pnrt oi mo innnoitanu. in tlio utsinnco is to bo seen tho llockv Mountain ramie. Its sides lor tho most part clothed with ever greens. Till! MCFAItt.AXli niVOUCK FRAUD. From tlm .Morgan County (Iml.) fitiotte. Aftor cirefiil innuirv wohnvobcen una bio to learn that Mrsf McKarland-llfchard- son, who obtained liordivorco in our com mon l'lcns Court here, oyer remained twonty-rour consccuttvo hours in our county, much loss having acquired a rcsl denco and her (iiinsi-inha'bUniicy in tho Stnto remains in doubt, whon it is known that sho boarded a whilo in IudinnnpolU and kept up nor business ns correspondent of tho iVu l'ork Tribune, nnd loft tho Stato tho next day or two after getting her di vorce, anu nns nover roturnou to ncr 'Homo In that city. Our laws aro trood whon thero Is no fraud and trickery: hut it must bo admitted that they necdsomo amendment in view ot tlio numerous instances or per jury Unit scnlawngs from oth'or states re sort to kci rm oi unconconini nartnors. which moy could not do in incirown Homes anu among tiieir own iicqualnlrnccs. K timpiv ivmriti The following spirited nnd timely reso lution was ndoptcd by tho iato convention of fomnlo sufl'racists in St. Louis: llcsolvod: Tliat thojjolaim of women to participate In making tho laws sho is re fill irca to oboy. and to onuallty ot riuhts in nil directions, has nothing to do with spccinl social theories: thnt tho recent ut tumnU lu Uils city and elsowhoro to assO' ditto tho womnn sulfrairo caino with tho doctrine of freo lovo and to hold It respon sible for tho c'imcs and follios of individ unlt, is an outrngo nn common-sonso and decency, nnd u rlaudcr upon tho virtue nndlutclligcnco of tlio women of Amorica. (.""An interesting discovery was madu on Die recent removal to tho British Kccord Ollico of tlio " Shaftesbury l'npors," presented by tho present Lord Shaftos Lury to tho nation. It was a small vellum-bound volumn, containing tho original draft, in tho handwriting of John Locke, of "Tlio l-'undamental Constitu tion for tho tlovermont of Carolinn.'' Historical invostit;ators liavo novar yet .found concluslvo uvldonco that Locko wns tho ronl author of this political scheme. LordAshloy, tho ancestor of Lord Shatt csburv, was ono of tho lords proprietors of Carolina, and Locko nctcd at ono timo as his. secretary, l-'rotn tho documents now brought to lit: lit it seems well established that Locko nut onlv wrote tho wliolo of tho Car.olipn constitution (which bear nu merous careful corrections but wns also a prime mover in the enterprise of tho settle ment of Carolina. Coy .Massachusetts farmers are trying a novel modo of fertilizing their crops. L. G. Curtis triod sowing Indian meal on his tobacco land last year, sido by sido with guano, and was so well pleased with tho results that this year lie sowed ten tons on his' tobneco' land, 'and J. S. Graves is try ing cotton seed meal for tho suuio purpose. Pitch Brothers aro making nn experiment witli barley meal. 'Wheat bran is said by tho "sclontWci" to contain most of tho ele ments of tho wheat which nro found in phosphates, lfbnrloymcal proves to bo 11 good loriiuzor, buying 1110 crams trom broworlcs, which aro sold for clcht or ton cents per bushel, would certainly bo a cheap modo ot enriching 1110 sou. - - .--I . - CQrtjquiro Julia "Ward Howe is net to bo allowed to assume tho ollico ot J. 1 . to which she was appointed by Gov. ClaQin, tlio Supremo Court having decided that "a woman, whether married or unmarried, would have 110 constitutional or legal au-' thoritv to exercise any functions of that of fice." This is rntlior a hard blow to "tho cause,"' and wo expect to hear thoso Judges ritrlit roundly berated, but as Mrs.Uowohas plenty ot otucr ways or making, norseii use fill. 11111I ns it will nrobnblv notlio vorv (J i 111 cult to fill tho vacant ollico, wo suppose it docs not make much difference. 'o dare fa v. tliouerli. that sho would havo proved a good deal bettor magistrate than many ngainst whom thero aro no constitutional objections. tgy-Tho nail and spiko manufacturers, lutolv in "session ut tho AEtorlloiise, aurcod upon a geiieraleroductlon of pricos about lorty cents por Keg on an sizes, i no ioi lowfnt: nro tlio now rates: 10 penny to CO penny nails, los than 100 kegs, $1,115: ojd rato,$l 75 100 to -tOO kegs, $1.L'5; -100 to 1.000 koirs.St 1!0. Tho Central nnd "Wes tern New Yorki bohcdulo for tho above sizes' woro tad at $1.10. A general aver age decline of -10 nor copt was agreed upon for 3, 1,0,0,7,8, anal) ponnys; also upon cut b pikes, finishing, flooring, box, coopers', casing, slating, trunk, tobacco, nnd clinch nails. L6yTho Scientific American uives tho following recipe of a soap to cloiin sjlvcr and britunniu; Una half pound of ' soap, thruo tublospooniuls of spirits nf turpon- vuiu ,uuu nun it lummcr oi water, it boil ten mlnutoi: add six UMpannnnfuii I of hartshorn. Make suds of this aid wuau viitniv. TIIEJEROMmuKJlACES. AMERICAN WOMEN AN!) THEIR RiaiHS TW0S1DES T0 TUK QUESTION. From Jennlo I.otil,- F,Mlon ulUtl wo,n?n 0r ,,ho? t0 8C American ..i Ion, . P0-d "llond.tho races f iht. in ft,' "lB""lccnt grounds ol tins instllujtion, tho lorolv sufrnnndlnc country, tho convenient clKuw "n" ts broad ploM, which in.ko "Mblo for a lady to enjoy thosport without oncoun terlng dust or wind have all fti,i0d to give tho races which, annually Uko place midor tho auspices of Iho' distinguished .lockoy club n fashlonnblo reputation, and lioy now briitg toother, without doubt, a litrgornunibenbcautifulbf.womon.cxnulslte toilets, aiid.hlgh.brod Amorlcnn mon, tlinn cult be found In nny. 'Other ono catlioriini In city or country. 11 would bo a Jlno sight for Susan D. AnthQny, or nny othor gauntboliovcrln tho wrongs oi tno sex, to sua tho nssombWn of gorgcou.', creiiniy-comploxlunod, woll fed eontlnuully-eiired-for women, attondod deforcntlnlly by superb-looking mon, who carry their wraps, select for them tho' most comfortable seats, and seem to fool bound, for tho ploimiro of thoir society nnd tho beauty nnd brilliancy they odd to tho scene, to return them a "good tlmo." It WOuld show most conclusively that there are two sides to tho question of womnn's rights, that tho husband and tho father of tho period is not nhyaysso black as ho Is painted, 'nnd that if ho errs, It is sotnotimos on tho sidoof too much kindness. Tho Joromo park races aro fast taking tho position of tho "English "Derby," mi nus its crowd of thieves and loafers, its tlilmblo-rijrcor and vulgarity, l'orhsps It is tho high rata of admission more llkoly tho determined efforts of tho managors; hut from whntovor cause, n high tone of fashion nnd oxclusivencss is maintained, nnd tlio manners, tho dress, tho appoar ancc, tho conversation aro such as would bo soon in tho best drawing-rooms of Now York. HARTFORD TO BF. THE PERMANENT CAPITAL OF CONNECTICUT. The capital question in Connecticut has been ono which, for sevoral years bus caused much feeling and given riso to much cnlousy. Thero is a laruu number of tho pooplo who lmvo become sick of two capi tals and would have only ono. Local prido has almost como in to prevont a set tlement. Now Haven has for its friondi tho western section of tho Stato, Hartford litis tlie easlorn and portions of tho ccnlrnl Last week tho Sonata passed a resolution which looks liko a moasuro for establishing a single capital, and that at Hartford. A resolution was adopted apprnprialinc $600, uuu lor a rjuuo uouso in iinruord, also uuthriEing that city to raise $100,000 for the samo purpose; also n resolution appoint ing n commission to superintend tho croc tion of tho liuildini?. if tho House concur It mny bo considered cerium that tho intoa- ! r l. . Ti...if.. i ai. . iiuu is iu muKu iiuriioru inu permanent capital. EgyDurlng a recent speech by Henry Dean, at Corydon, Iown, in tho interest of nnow railroad, two mon on horsoback rode up in front of tho National liank, dismout cd, entered tho institution, nnd, finding no ono in except an omccr oi tno minx, pre sented revolvers nt his head and demanded tho money on hand. Koalizing that ho was completely nt. their mercy, tho ofllcor surrendoro sonio st.uvo, when tho villains loft. Aftor quitting the bank thoy rodo to tho mcotlng, which was in tho open air, and called out that tho bank had been rob bed, nddinrr thntthov hadnlontv ofmoncv SVith n cheor for 'jyilkcs Booth, thoy then struck spurs to their horse?, and galloped out of town boforo tho crowd had fairly realized what had taken nlnce. A nartv soon started in pcrsuit and after riding a short ilislnnon rnmn within hailing OlStanco of tho robbors, who waved n doflanco and dnrted oil with increased speed. Ct5y A couplo in Dubuquo havo a lino way of Rotting nlong without work. Tho Wile gaVO out thnt lior )inlinml had gouo to AVisr.nnsin, nnd that sho was left to got along as best ho inljrht. This, of course, oxoltcd tlio compassion of nil tho bonovo lent pcoplo in town, and sho has been sup ported by tho d liferent churches during tun past winter. Tlio othor diy a benevolent lady visited tho woman) and opened tho door without knocking. Sho was somewhat surprised to sco a pair of boots disappear under tho bed, nnd still further nstonishod when sho discovered that tlio owner of tho boots was tho husband who was supposed to bo in Wisconsin, but who in reality had lived comfortably on tho pious fraud thoy been perpetrating throughout tho entiro wlntor. BS?A "Washington tolcgrnm says: "A gentloman from Columbus roports that mambors of tho Ohio Democratic Contral Commlttco havo considorcd tho statements that if tho voto of tho lato convention had been correctly announced, lowing would lmvo boon tho nominee. Tho committee took no formal action in tlio matter, but tlio statements submitted woro such ns to show beyond question thnt if correct tallies had been kept thoy would havo shown a' majority for Ewing. It is understood that tlio friends of the lnttsr did not insist upon' public action on tho mntter, nnd 31 c Cook's friends assort tliatKwing will stump tho Stnto for tho lilrof .'a utin nnn,wl 'I WATCHHAKEK. PllACTICAL WATCHMAKER. H. IIOUPT, NO. 1&0 "WASHINGTON AVENUE, CAIRO, ILLINOIS, Has on lmnl A FINK STOCK OF WATCIIKS, CLOCKS, JKAVELHY, ETC. I'nrtlciilur nttonllon (jlvrn to ItEl'AIltlNG FINE "WATCHES. Tho largest stock of GOLD AND SILVER WATCHES IN TUK CITY. UUTGIIKUM. THE PEOPLE'S MEAT MARKET CHAN. JA'i:it it CO., I'noruurous. KKKP conRlanlly'on hnml tlio bestif becl, porl;, iiiiilloii, vnnl, I.htiIi. Kiunnuo, itililltirr. do. Fiosh wlillo Innl 111 any quantity, norncd twef. em.. nliuiVK on limn!, nln tivit nn linn,!. Oiders pronipllyllllO'l, and x.iti'f.iction wnrrnn toil; ' Mi7lf .JAM US KYN ASTON, lliilclii'r mill Dt-alcr in all HIiiiIh 1'roali ' .Mini, Coiisrn WixrTrr.Ntn ami I'.u uii fjTKcrr. CAIRO, II.IilNOI?. )IIYU ami slaulilors only Iho very beat rallle, A) liOKSuml hIiih'Ji, nml in preptnul to nil any ilouianit for frcali uicau from oue pound to tcu tlioimund pounU. JcciOlf SrfiGIAIi NOTICES. HATGIIEIiOirM II AIll I1VK. Tlili superb Ilrtlr l)jo la tlio nrsT imnWoniD Perfectly Harmless, Reliable nnd Inathanteoti. No disappointment. No Iliilicttlotm Tints or Un pleasant Odor. Tlio Reniilno W. A. llacholor's llntr Kje prodiicos IMMIIDlATKLV a Sil!inlll lllnck or nitunil Drown. Poes not Hinin the Skiu, but lcavcathe Hair Clean, Soft nnd Beaiill fill. The only Bnfo nd Perfect Dyo. Bold liyallilriiBSlst". FncloryinllomlStreet, New York. inn) JldeodAwly CONSUMPTION. ITd OUltE AND ITS TKEVENTIVE HY Dlt. .1. II, SCIIENCK, M. 1). Many nliumankolnahaa passed nar for whoso death iiiore waa no olnor rvaaon than iho neffloct if known and Indlipaublr proron moaniof cure. Those near and daar to ramlljr and frlaads aro uleeplna tno dreamlesa tlumber Into which, had they calmly udopled II R. JOSEPH It. BC'IIF.NCK'HHISiri.K TUEATiUKNT, nnd arallod them.olrcs of Ills wondsrfullremoa ckiuf rallclni. thoy would not haro Mien. Dr. Hchenck haa in Vila own caio protod that whcrcTor nurflcicnt Tltalltr remains, tlial tIUI Itr, hr bit medicines and lilt dlroctlont for their uko, la qulckonod Into healthful rigor. In thu aiatoment thoro It nhthtnir t tuout. To tho faith of tho Inralld It in ado no reproientaUon that la not a thousand tlmoa tub Manttatod bjr bring and Tltlblo worka. Tho theorr of tho euro by Dr. Bchenck'a mtdlelnea la nt tlmpta na It It unfailing. I la philosophy ro imlres no argument. 11 Is self-assuring, tolf-con-rlnelna. , Tho sea-wood Tonle and Mandrako Pllla are tho first two woapons with which tho citadel of tho ualady U aaaalkxt. Two thlrda of tho cases of consumption orlgHiMo Id dytRevalaiuid a func tionally disordered llrcr. WIUi this onndltlon tho bronchial tuboa "armpatblio" with tho tlomach. Thoy respond to tho uiorbino action 1 nf tho hrer. Hero thon tonics tho culmination result, nnd tho sotting In, with all Its distress ing tjmptoms of , CONSUMPTION. . Tho Uandrako Pllla aro eoropoaod of ono of Ka. tiire't noblest Klfu-th I'odophlllam 1'eltatum. They intMsa all tha hlood-ttarohlna;, allarmtiro . propertlca of calomel, but, unllko calomel, they ' "LEAVE NO 8TINO BUIKI), Ths vfltk nf mmIi nn knnU lpk.iii-. tad and mucous depoelta In tho tiowelt and lav tho alimentary canal ire ejactod. Th JT rWer.lto viucs, is wounci up. itaiouaoarrontl front tl ulrtSd-1 i iuo bwiuikii ku rvs(Kinsivc iwwuus ovajioa w xot aoaanoiagi A BUPPIV OF GOOD BLOO.- ' Tho 8ea-wead Tonlo. in ConJiiiWlnn'Wui Wo ' Pills, pormealet and aaslmilaua snm la a: food. Chyllflcatlon la now progression wlthoul, Ua pra-, rlont torturea. Dlrattun bvotrmm palnl,n tho euro la aoen to Co at band. .Thero la no ssoro Oatulenoe, no czacorbaUon of tho aloauach. Ao oppoUto sets In. . Nowoomoa tho mattat Blood PurlSarartrytt taren by an Indulgent father to aufrerlog roan. Hchenek'a Pulmonlo Syrup comet In to pirfara , lu functions and to hasten and oomptet Ua 1 euro. It enters at onco upon Its work. ' ruttito ' can not bo ckoated. It collccta and nptot tno Imnalmn nml illBon.iMl mrilnn. nt Ik. hinn In tho form of gatberlnis, It prepares them for ' .cjzpoctoratloo, and lot lo r rtry short U ma; tho . malady It ranqulahed, tho rotten throno that it occupied la renorated and mado nawand'tha patlent.ln nil the dignity of regained rlgor,Blft forth to enjoy tho nianhood or womanhuyd that . GIVEN UP AS LOST. The aecond thing la, tho patients must ttay In a warm room mill thay satwallt It la almost im possible to prorent taking cold when the Jungs are diseased, but It tnmt beprorontedor aouro can not bo effected, fresh air nnd tiding out, especially In this section of tho country, In tho fall and winter acaton. nre all wrong. Phytl. clans who recommend thatcourao loso their pa tlenu. If their lungs are badly diseased r nml yet; becauto thoy aro In tho houso thoy roust not tit down quiet i they roust walk about tlio room na much and as fast aa tho strength will bear, to gel up n good circulation of blood. Tho patients luustkeen In good spirits bo determined to get well. This has a great deal to do with tho apjic tlte, and ts tho grunt point to gain. To despulr of euro after tuch erldenco nf I la possibility In the worst case, and moral cer tainty in all others, la sinful. Dr. Scbcnck't per sonal statement to tho Faculty of hla own euro wns In these modest words: "Many years ngn I wns In tlio last stages of consumption; condnod to my bod, and at ono tlmo mjr physicians thought that I could not lira a week i then, Uko a drowning man catolilng ut strnws, 1 heard or nnd obtained tho prapuratlona which I now offer to the public, nnd they mado a perfect euro of me. It seemed tn mo thai I could fool them iicnctralo my whole system. They soon ripened tho matter In my lungs, nnd X would spit up more than n pint j offenalro yellow matter crery morning for n long time. ' At toon as that began to aubsldo, my cough, forcr, paint, and night aweata nil began to learo inc. and ray appetite became ao great that It was with difficulty thnt I could keep from etiilmrtoo much. I aoon gained my etrcugtn, and uro grown In flesh orer since. I waa wolghed shortly after my recovery." nddod the Doctor, then looking like a mora skeleton! my weight was only ninety -Keren pounds i myjirotent weight la twohundrcd and iwenty.Uro iJii) pounds, and fur years 1 haro en- tihWSvA,'MKm n, Tlslta to Now. York nnd lloston. lie or tils son, Dr. J. II. Hehenck.'Jr., atlll continue to are-pa. tlenu at their offlco. No. Ii North lith etreot, Philadelphia, orcry Saturday from 9 a.m. toar.H. Thoso who with a thorough examination with tlin llcsplrornclor will bo ehargod tX The Ilea plromctor dcclarea tho exact condition of tho lungs, and patients can readily learn whether '''fri"mroctlona0orVaking tlio medicines aro adapted to Iho Intelligence ercn of u child. Fol low ihcso directions, and kind Nature will do tho rent, excepting that In somo cases tho Mandrako Pills nro to bo taken In Increased dososi tho three modlclncn need no other nccompanlmcnla than tho ample Instructions that j accompany llicmt First crcnto appctlto. Of returning, health, hunger Is tho must welcomn symptom. When It comes, at It will oomo, let too despair.: Ing ut onco bo of good cbecr. (iood blood at onco follows, tho cough loosens, tho night 'sweat Is nbatod. In a short tlmo both ot these, morbid, symptoms nro gorui forever. Dr. Schcnek't medicines nro constantly kept In tensof thousands of families. Atalaxatlyo or purgutlro, the Mandrako Pills arn a standard pro." paraUon i while tho Pulmonic Syrup, at a euro of cought und colds, inuy bo regurdodoa a urn. phylactcrlo ugalnst consumption In any of Its forms. Prlco of tho Pulmonic Syrup and 8oa.wcpd Tonic, SliOn botUo, or 470 n half doson. Mun. uruko Pills, 2.1 conta a box. Fur oalu by aU drug UaU and dealers. lIti:XTKia'UI8E. LEO Ah ENTEllPltlSB. SlOO OOO GIFT FESTIVAL, In nUl of a fuMIc Library, AT OMAHA, NEDKASKA. ONLY 00,000 TICKKTN I. AI.I., June 30,. 1871. Tickets Ttro Dollarai Knelt Halves Oat Dollar Each. iTThis enterprise will bo conilucteil In a pre cisely nlmllar manner lo (lint of tho Intoarund (lift Uoneert of tho Mercantile Library AhumId. tion, of Han Francisce. which t.ivo such universal sntlsfucllon. One Cliamco lu Every Tlilrtjr-Ulght. 1 Cash (hit IjO.(ioi) 1 Cash (Jill 15,000 1 Caih lillltl 10,00 1 Cash Ulft S.ouo 1 Cash (litt 3,000 1 Cash (lilt 2,000 1 Cash (lift i 1 000 1 Cash Cift , 1 ujO I Cash (Jilt M l,nu) 1 Cnh (iift 1,000 I Cash Olft l UK) 1 Cash (fill l (00 1 Cash (Silt M l.ouo 1 Cnsh Olfl l.OHC I Cash (lift 1,(100 IS Cash (liflH, J.'idil each 7,X) 10 Ustli llifts, 1M eauh 2,600 20 Caah lillls, 1UU ench , 2,(100 ft) Cash (ilfti, Mi each i,.. 2, lis) Cash (liflH, an iMtoh a, loo Canh(ilrts, M each,, , ,,, 2jki moo Cusn Olfm, lo each 1000 Cnsli OrftB, 3 each B.OOO 2310 Gifts, nmounllne to ..lHi,(iW Which Will i illdtrilnili'il by clinnco amontf the tickvt hoURTH, by thu Mutiul Alii Association o Oninhn Itri-KIIEXCI S SI. Ii. llrorlt. II. M. Marnlnil'a nlllpn. Oinnlin; Kdgnr .abriNir, ato Union l'acltiu hull wnn.l .111. .a 7l,.,Al.n. 1 T.,..,r.. I... o mi ,,.. wiiiv,., uinniin,., .Ultll'l, 1IVIUV U. O. ;iHI" ahnl, Oiniiliiii J, Doylft, I'oHtolllce, Umalin, Neb, til,,.. A I ll.,nV 'M,inlln III. ' (Jnnii rrJponslbfaagenls uniilml.' Libnrnleoin inlsslonnlloweiL For full particblnrH mlilrci-t. LVl'UKl) lew., llusineBj Manogor.s Omaha, Nebraska: IMUN'riNU. BOOKH, pamplilols, brief a, catalOKiioa, news papcrH, tux lists, and every variety of i iten- sivo jirintlDK contraclod for, und promylly and tpeciilly oxoculoil, in the Ilultetln book,' job, nowapupor s Viailhig establlHliinent. allltOMA'nu work printniK in many nnd and Varied colors at one liiinrnsnlon. nil tho cvlfbmtoil clinimatlo press done at tlio llullcllo job printing ollico, 'i'hla Is tlio most remaikaUa rreas over, it poriorma in qu "y ho work. In colored printing, of ten ordinary irnsrv'i'i iiiriikij rcuiioiOKiiiu uobi ix iiiakvuMfuv cr of work ton very ow rate, jrii:nicAi., Dll. KIOHAUIS GOLDEN REMEDIES. lite tlinae onlr. and nun tlirie. Iionllli nnd money. I l.Ooo reward for any etireCf illseasc, in nny stage which thoy tall lo euro. Mil. KICIIAU'8 DOLDEN 11AI.8AM, Nos. 1 nnd 2, are .ho greatest nllernlirea known. DIl. HICIIAU'BOOI.DEN KI.IXIK D'AMOUIt It the irrenleat tonlo nml astringent In the inel cat list. , , . , , , I)It. niCllAr8 00LDEN;ASTlDOTB' 1 1, the only relitblo Uiurnlio. These tiine.lles nre not mlvertlseil to cure nil complain Is . and bentOt none i l,t mo ijnninntecd to cocci a rnuicai anu rpceun cm e in nu castn ior which lliey nro lecoininended, when nil older treatment hat failed. Ten of thousands yearly recover by their use, who havo lost all lion, and been pronounced aaJininiaMobr Ihetwaf of our medical faculty. ' , ' " DR. niGUAU'S GOLDEN BALSAM No. 1. cures Ulcer. Ulcerated sora throat and rnnutli. anrc eyes, eutaneoot eruptions., copper color. il Molclivt, toreneta of tho aoaln, tarolulu, etc. It la the greatest rrnevator. nllorallf and blood purifier known, removes nil mercury from the avslcui, and leaves tlio blood pnrt and healthy. DR. lUUHAU'S (IOIiDKN 11ALHAM, - No. 2, cures mercurial anectlons.rheumatiam In al Its forma, nnd gives immediate rtlloflnmll caaos. . ' ' DR. UIOIiAU'H 001.0 KN ANTIDOTK, I radical cure for all urinary derangements, Price, 11 per botlle. - a, - DIl. IIICHAU'H GOLDEN Kt.tXIK D'AMOUIt, A rullcal cure for nervous or icnernl deblllly, In old or young, Imparting, energy wllh wonderful elfect. Price S3 tier liolfie. or two for S3. vju ri-t:riii ui jiriw. .iirsi. Funiculi' uu n,,,,.. ped to any place... 'rqmpt,altenlion pnld to all 1 1.1 . . II ...III I . I . .. i correspondents, rsonauenulno wllliout tlm nntni or nn. mciiAUu (JoiiDkn iKf.t)irn, d, n tlm name Hicuijicsoio.proiiilc,tiir.'J.liiowii in. of ri. ij. ii. circulars seni. t rauu bujiiiicu bb n uuerai uis Address, DrD. n.'nicKafit22S Varlck-at., N.V. eTBcnil rnAiier 'b cx'Dresa' or order gooda through yodp DruggM; hJ' yVAi will meet wllli in mil, i ' 1 ... i J 'I r . iciiuiiwii DUMiAR'S WONDERFUL BETHESI)A,..MINKHAL SPRING) ' l'" I ' J? ! WATHP.n, 1 1 ," J . 11 ' OF WAUKESHA, WISCONSIN. . i I i , "Triia vr iter Is the Uinwleiigeil euro of'the In- iroc.aiiu) ami locuianio uucaao knoHuna jiriim a disease and diabetes. ' ' . . llrlglit a .lisottiie la fatal to the klilueyi the body wastca away, idantroy. bio, by eUnttlon of the blood. . i Dinnctea'botfimencea with 'fronucnt desliet to pass water,- great tlrat,. oonaiiiIIOii, loss of BirenKinnqcuiran,) . ; Adtonulilog cures of dropsy haveboen eircctod, brick-dasnleiitilt,iiiflahiatloa of the neck or tlio Madder, alkal), ,nud J4auty.;nilllDiL For the liver It lmHnrpaed! -fl wlll allavalt inllAiiia- tion o I the kidney nnd urlnury orgtni In twenty-' lour nuurs, giving iniuiemuie rt-ui'i uiio a scar, let fovcr It prevents Iho kidney from congesting and removes all trace of nlbumencrln. Itwll givo relief in all ca-ej ol high fever. EDWAKD IlUNUAIl, Kin,., Goners,! A cent at tho Hnrmzs. Waukesha. Wis. Hcoiter, If you are nftlicted with any ol tho lore- going uisenaes, wruu in tne unucrBignou. ins advlco will cost rou nothing : ho can br chemical analysis possess hlinsc f ol a clear knowltdto of any inuivniiiaicn.c no innitrroi now longsiaini J nt?. Ills wonderful iIi-coyitv Ik'thdalineral Walor laa iiosllivo remedy for the foregoing ailments. It has nevf-r failed to do what ho claims lor It w hero ever used. Tnls water lini Iho samo gooil (fleet nl tlio remotest part of the country, that It hat at the Hnringi I It never losca n parti cal of ila medicinal qualities by package or trans portation. Directions how to use the water ami circular will accompany cook package unified. Address, ltlCIIAKI) DUMIAIl, JM Pennsvlvanla-av.. Washington. II. C. Or Edward P. llautar, Oencral Manager nt the opringa, wauKcsna, wis. Agents wsnted. everywhere. JelWim IiABfU. LAND FOH THE LANDLESS HOMES FOH THE HOMELESS only $1.25 rr.u Acnr: KOI! ACTUAL SKTTI.EUS. TKkT. THE CABS Ot Till: I.KAVKNWOIITII, I.AWItKNOK AND (IAI.VK. TON It. II, LINK From Lawrence and Kansas City and visit the eel ehralod (tao country, Tm: Gakde.v Spot of Kansas. apr20w3m I'KIIfTINU. Having recently n.l.le.l nil Ihu foulH of thu latest si) Irs of card aJd circular typo to our ntready -full nml complete annulment, wo take pleasure in announc ing lu our readers that wo do all kinds of Job woil, aucll as Bill Heads, Letter Heads, Statements, , Illanko, Checks, Cards,' Euvelojic.B Circulars, - Dodgers, 4'ostcpii Etc., Id tho most artlstlo style, and guarantee satisfaction. NASH UOLDfiK. DOUULE-ACTING "NVINDOW LOCK AKO SASH HOLDER. HANSEL'S PATENT THE OXLY IIEI.IAI1LK WINDOW FAST OUT. lS.g. o M5,'B oSi W IB. O SJS-il B O BEBLIznEIMEtt & CAHN, nolo owatrtof thcTorrltonea of tho States Of Aueata f6r other Blatosi t Gkmkiul OrnoK-9l "WABUiNaroK-er,", MEDICAL. GALEN'S HEAD DISPENSARY. Kstabllsliod in 1850, ntd ohnrtorod In Ml, for tho l HI I D1S1 HASES or a l'KIVATE NATUKK . a euro giinrameod In ct erye. FOlfsALE; dkwee'h female nsauLATons ron rcMAtrs, "Alio, ft full iwsorimcnl of llandagca nml Tritsaei. I, nnd a superior quality if Male blienths SoxcS. H 0D8 ,S lr' hair ilcten, or I "ir A MEDICAL PAMPHLET, Containing an elnlnrale treatise on iheahovoillt. SriS, f.w. remark, upon Iho f.iii.'.'jTf1 nJ "infn f the anme-con Ulnlng w largo pge and :) cntt ami engravingi allowing tlm dlllerent atagcj,, etc. ... " wrapper on iccclpt or ceutn. Address OALEN'8 HEAD Dl8I'ENSAltV, Fo. 73 Weat Jelferaon-at,, LOUI6TILLE, Ky. wnco et i, 3. D0E3IHQ, A20 North niglilli St., Plilli.da, A color ami dressing that will not burn tho hair or injure tho head. It docB not produco ti color mechanically, ua tho poisonous preparations do. It gradually restores the ha; to its original color and lustre, by supplying now lifo and vigor. It causes a luxuriant growth of Boft, fino hair. Tho best and safest orticlo over offered. Clean and Furo. No sediment. Sold everywhere. ASK FOB DOBBINS'. NAT U HE'S OK HAT KE8T011ATIVK. SCUEETZ'S CELEBRATED BITTER CORDIAL WHOLESALE DEPOT t N. W. COKNEIl rlETH AND BACK STfl, Ilillaulellila, Vn J01IK KCIIKETZ, sole rnorniETon. It la a rellaMo Family Medicine, and can U aken by either Infant or ntult with the same Imi del al results. It l acertaln, prompt and spv-nlr emedy lor diarrhea,dysntery, hontls complied dtspepsit, lownest of siilrit", ftlntlngs, sick stomach, headache, etc. Forchillsand fever ol all kinds, It Is far belter and s(er than quinino cilhout any of lis pernicious eltects. It rtlecla in apMtltu, proves n powerful dlgestor of food and will lounleract the etlicts of liquor In a few minutes. As indisputable evidence of Its medi cal woportlos, wo append a few of the many our thlcatct in our possession t JolinkOn's Depot, East Tenn., and Va. It. U. Tenn. Jacoa BtntiTi, Esq. DenrHiri I noud tne Hitlers I have obtained from you, and Cnd to I all they are recommended to bo. I found ono botlln lo allord me considerable relief, I leel aa though I cannot do very well wlthont thom.iti tay present state of health. D. MKNIGi:, 133SouthCth St., I'lilla. Pastor 1 1 a ri e I . r.iyuiiK unurcn. Hold by W. P. Allen, Si Main street Dubuque not 10.11 I'Ol'.MIUY ANU MAC1IIMK NIIOP. I. & E. GREENWALD. FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP STEAM ENGINES, ROILERS, Con-Elt AND SlIEKT I HON WoHK. No. 248 East Pearl Street, CINCINNATI, OHIO. tOlibKOF.1, HIGH EDUCATION. JIELLMUTII COLLEGE. Hoard ami Tuition, per annum S22C w HELLMUTH LADIES' COLLEGE ivu'oi inn n nv ii. k. ii, ramrt abiiu r, Itojrd nn I Tiutien, per auuuin i;.0 UU I'rtsldent-Tlio Very It. V. 1. llellmulli, D. D., Deau of Huron. Kor parlioulnrs, npply to Major Evans, London, Cinsiln Wont. PARKER & BLAKE, ur.ii.ats in WHITE LEAD, ZINC, OILS, WINDOW GLASS AND l'UTTY . i u" i HIIU81IE?, WALL PAPER.WINDPW SHADES 95 OHIO LEVEE, i Caiiio, IiLMNQia. NEW TYPE FOUNDRY AND PRINTER'S WAREHOUSE ST. LOUIS BRANOII or tun HUSTON TYPE FOUNDRY, - Coll. OlIKBTNUT AND SECOND SlU, ST. LOUIS, MO. ;iljolf, newspaper nnd Job typo of every style, mado of tho colobrnted Hard and Tough Metal peculiar Initio lloston Type Foundry, brans rule, lends, metal furniture,' block nnd colored mka. cases, iBtonda, couiposltlon mieks, presses, roller composition, galleya,- ley brnahot.mllennima chinos, paper and curd cutters, etu,, rle., kent constantly unhand. Addreaa ordera JAMKb A.HI'. JOHN, Mitnnger. Bt. Louis Hrnnch of tlio lloston Tyi rotuidy. Bt. Louis, Mo. JelSOdlm B INDINO nnd rulioe ilono In a tlnd-clasn man I ner In the Bulletin bindery. 'I' .ln.., meiit la complete, and now fully prepard for alt' kiaOa of worlVlD the hmdinK line. ' v