Newspaper Page Text
TRAVELS (jfUJDE. fUHO'S IIAILIIOAI) CONNECTIONS. TAKE NOTICK. T1METAIILK Of TIIK ILLINOIS CENTRAL r. 11, O i ti aUr"undy, 5fJ llb. 1871, the follOM-" Bit ilree-utiTe will govern mo arrival n.i uepari ur n( nunnxtr trains at CAlro t Vim -Mall train, dally w,-........l I : J'-" Kij.rc s.dsily, .,...... , H" rrt Ml1i filr..i...-- ' SiWn.n. Eipress, dally, eiccpt KHn.lsy a1" l'-m; Although II regular tit. Louis irsln la taken oir i,tl. 'Mlao onl nl Cairn ve through cars f, r Louis, which will I through from liu.,4.. n l.y thfl trains on the llellrville tov. 1)1' rxctt. t ttose connection will ! nrolc nl IMl-i quoin .n I there ll! l no change of cars from' C ,on M. Unlk. The train leaving Cairo oil I n piii.uMhsieathroliglitleepirigenrtorHt. I, .UK Tho attention of shippers Is cspcclallyl . . . ...... .1 . . . I'.....,.. I,l ,r!1l Cllletl in 1IIC lri iti ik n i mi. " ....... .... Imve Culm .Ulljr, Ptiirlayi eipeeud, nnd wllll inK,i, I m from this city to Chicago In lwcnty.1 two h. r. JAH. JOHNSON, Agent QP 1 ClCBST ROUTE FROM SOUTH Illinois central! r. r. ' tit St. Lttuw, Louisville, Cincinnati, Cm caoo, N kw York; Boston, . AXD ALL POINTS EAST AND' "VVKST. PAif reef trfitn krrU Rt nml leiiTe Cnlro m fol town i , miii. ' - rirmii, Amvr 3t.'IOam mail p.m fitPART 11145 n.m mm p.m Both Iriilns connect tt Centrall wllli train on lie ro rn, lv.'iilur, Ulonnilnglcn, Kl l'fl"o, I.nSsllr, Mcn.l. la, FreciwrLtJul'nii, liitiiiiic, am nil points In Illinois, Minfouri, JIlnoMOlA, WUconnln uul . Iowa. ,Apil with , I.lncn running Em'l and wot for Si. lxiuln. HpilnKfleM, IjOuUvIIIp, Clncinnntl, Im&nApolla, Colutntiua. An J t Clilcngo with MlchlRn Ocntrnl, Michigan Houthcrn, ami Pituburjt. Kort Wayne ivnj CtiiCAfiO lUillrimil lor Detroit; ClevclanJ, Dunkirk. aioany. notion, ruiixicipnia, iHrm rii r.rir. iiuiiaiu. Mew Tork, rittaburr;, llalttmorc, WMlilngtbn. AND ALL POINTS EAST. For through tickets and Information, apply to Illinois Central Railroad Depot. W. 1'. JOHNBON, General Passenger Agent, Chicago. J. JOHNSON, Agent, Cairo. STEAMBOAT!!. MOUND CITY AND CAIRO. THE STEAM TUG, CACHE Capt. William ir. Sanduskv. WILL MAKE FOUH TRIPS EVERY DAY CAIEO JL2TX3 CITY Ltxvr. Cairo, roor or tisHTit nar.LT. At 7 A.M. At 10 A.Xt. At 1 I'.M. At -. t.5 t'.M. Lkave Mil Citv, WIIAMPWIAT, At 8.30 A.M. At 11.00 A.M. At '-'.30 l-.M. At 0.30 P.M. WlLTTANDHtfnENHIATL-ED; AT! Till I ' 110X FACTOUY, 1IAWK'8I.AJsT)INO,KY, MOUTH Or CAC1IK, MAltlNR WAYH, AND NAVY Y'AHD. CAIRO AND PADUCAU DAILY t , I'AOKKT. Tho beautiful and llght-draugnt -steamer, JAMES FISK, JR., iMkrM huii.l.r.Y, Mnslir, LMAVES CAIUO DAILY) 1 :' AT f) O'CLOCK, l'.M, i LEAVES PADUCAU DAILY, AT 9 o'clock, a.m. oa-HavinK superior RC'co'liiinb'iIalionH lie so iifllj public patronage. , , aJVPartlcalar attantlon .is paid to cM oi donf' intoice charges, out wie i win not ixi respon lor ilia sampnmu qonccieu. WINES ANI r.KtUOItM.' WAI. II. UIIUTIL'EJJ, Inilorler nml Wliolesiile Ilenli-jr In AVINES, LTQUOKS, AMI TOBACCO &c CIG-AXaS. Agent for tho Urst brands of CREAM. ANDuSTOUK.AIilV' - i I ' . ' AkU. - , . liupurteU Alex uf IHIIVroiit lilmlH. 75 Gjuo IjBvueI tt -CAino,(n.UNO?3. :i-mimi V . M. 8TOUKFLKT1I, rcctfdou mine t trockiLKTii Itei'llfyrr uil WIiii1piiIi IM-uler n t, t'trlKi ul DoiurMlir L 1 O US,' W 1NE8, ETC. KealMiiiliLli HkOCK, Cla(l,'II.I.lS013. t1 IKkres on hand cotiMautly n full luqk of 14 i'1-i i.tniucKy jiourbou, nye ann .ijouougu. lulu- aiid California Wines. Jnurmf rUUMITURK. . S. IIAKRELL, DEALER IN FURNITURE QUKEKSWAHK, HOUSE FUHN1SU1NO GOODS, j,!, DfR yiXTURKS, . , j ULASSWAllK, 185 & 187 Commercial Avenue CAIltO, ILL1S01B. BABUKKN. . J.OEO.STEINnOUSE, , FASHIONABLE BARBER Ut-t. Md l'UIUIL'rL'iUl. v, arwiarr Sators, "SrcieanTowUs anil' PTEtlllfttU IVcrliiocn, flakUito' and kUdrcn's l.alr rilt and aliam . eillitrrt Cue nhop or at tbtU o& homes. VjaenYwhsilMrs and li&lr dyu) ta a .'r, Uatiataetiou toaroatct'd. CLOSE, 2.00 p.m 0"",?;iX-.;-!)'p:.n. 11;p.m. South, Way - " 1 phs ninl CVhimtus,'....,...'... : p.m. 4;"0 p.m, Ohio llltrr route, ,(eicpt , Momlsyl .'....y.,.0.-"M'.'i.. 0 0" p.m. ,on Mountain It. " H:WP-" Miss. III! it route, 1 ileum ,i Kri,!,ir..i..- ami lyii. 7m'p.m. Ti.rbeMfoW Island A rifinih ' l, Ills, Thursday frl ,l,y j... 7if), M.J field, llainivillo Mil Liu-Inn', Ky uiuua.m. i."p.m. uincr. iimas. Oerernl Delivery 7iMbiii. (Sundays 8 to D a.m.) Money Ordr ilopnatmcnt 8:00 a.tu. i.m Register " ' " " H.oun.m. fc.dOp.m. Money .Order and Hegliler Urjiarttneliti not, SECRET OUDEHS. TUB MASONS. Caibo '.OoMMASMRY,, No. 13. Statcl AsM mMy' at tho Afjimn Masotill Ltnll, flnt and tlmd HftU' urdavs In each month. Cairo Council, No. 21, Iteguhr Convocationat Maonlc Hall, the fecond Friday In each month. Cairo CiiAPtrn, No. 71. '.tegular, Convocation at Masonic Hall, on the third -Tuesday of ovcry month. Cairo Ionot, No. 237 K, A A. M Hegular Com munlcations'nl Masonic Hall, tho second nnd fourth Momlays of each month. Dklta litmr, No.tM I'. A. M. llegillftr Com- mnnlivtHnng at MaonlO Hall flrst aenl (MM Thursdays In each month. TIIK OIiD-rELLOYVS. ALEJAViitRLoonr.,22!. Meets In Odd Fellow's Hall, In Artcr'a llulMIng, every Thursdayevcn. Ing, nt 8 o'clock. THE BULLETIN. lubllHlieil every mnriilnir, Momlny ex rciitrtl. CITY NEWS. BREVITIES. ' Ycstorilfiy wns tho hottest day of tho sen! on. AVhnt 1ms becomo of U10 nntWiog or dlnnnco potitloiu? Jacob Martin hna returned from n trip to Cincinnati. ltlieulnn is rcpnlring tl.a ttenm 11 ro en g'mo " Jnck Vintcr."' Alio Hough nnd llcuily llro eompnnj mndo their picnic on tho Fourth net nbout $1G0.00 Joscpii Vorrin, policeman, lias placed bin 'resignation in tho bauds of Mayor Lnnsden. Tho total receipts of tho Hibernian picnic wcro between six hundred and soven hundred dollars. Fred. Thcobold has returned from Cincinnati, nnd gono into tho old business at tho old stand. Real cstato is looking up in tho city. Lots, which bad been held for ycare'iinsold at lower prices, sold yesterdav for 51,600. 1 Judge l'idgoon flow into tho Uuli.k tin olllco yesterday, but spread bis wings "again beforo wo had tho plcasuro of seeing hirnj' - AH hinds of family grocorics, at C. H Evans' grocery store, west sldo of Wash ington avenue, between Eighth nnd Ninth xtrcuU. uo you want excellent eollec, sugar. syrup, muckcrol, butler everything kept in 11 first-class family grocery store? (Jo to O. II. Evans'. Cant. Diigiin, of tho Kckort, Jeft tho city last night for Little Rock to supcrin tend tho wrcokingof a stonincr sunk in the Arkansas river. Dun't lorget tho sulo nt tho Ilnllurd tobacco wnrohousc, to-diiy, nt 11 o'clock, There will bo n largo "break" of lino tobacco. Tito Mound City buso ball boys de feated tho Delta clubof this city yesterday. Tho gatno was played on tho grounds of tno Mound City club. Messrs. Scbub,Schongmoyor,SwanU7., Win. and Carl Ruder, and Conrad Alba, of tho Tumors of this city, returned last nlubt from u visit to Capo Oirnrdenu. Our young friend C. 'H. Evans, has opon'cd a first-class faintly grocery store, on tho wost'sldo of "Washington nvonuo, between Eighth nnd Ninth streets. .ludgu Murehlliloiu precinct is not much in favor of railroads. It didn't givo Ono ballot for tho Calm and Vtnceiincs road and only four1 for'tlio Cairo nnd St Louis road. Poor eld Thebes I Tho Itjilliutl tobaOo'.i warehouse of tliis city,. D. llnrd & Hun, proprietors, shipped one day last week one hundred and four hogsheads of tobacco direct to Antwerp, llolglum, via the Evansvlllo freight line. Frank (Slostop, ton years ugo n Culro itc, cnllcd.ou its on VediK'iiiiiy last. Mr. Ulussup is 1111 old-tinui newspaper pub lishor and for tavern) Jfiart Wns outsido business correspondent of tho Springfield (Ills.) S'i Journal. t At tho suggestion of ,thp ljerjl following named poisons w6ro"nppoinied ballll's to servo during tho present term of th crciiil ci)urt, vir. ; (feorg Hill, Rich nrd Fitzgerald, Nicholas Williams, Wil liam Huldon, Jno. Cam, Ceo.'Woldon nnd Michael Ruggabcr. Judgo Marcim'ddn'iV In'lllo city. Ho proposes to cut Cairo loose, and lot tho city float down tho river. Tho city don't want to bo treated in that way. It is nnxious to bo in Alexander county when'tho judgo offers himself for re-election. It is nnxious to go for htm. 1 Amiechioroui thief stole from tho foundry of Reed & Mann, on Sunday last, a kit of mouluor tools, ucloni'lnt' to L. U. Hulco, of tho' valuo of $85. Mr.RuicoboB ofltrod a reward of $00 for tho recovery of tuutooli. llu suioocts'a man who is nt nmUy with him und bus" 'dccllvcs on his truck. TheBptlngUeldand Illinois Southoast n. rallwaj'ii itow open for business from wiT.l0 "ett.rdlUiwn' w' It connects with the Rockport und Rock Ulaud rail road for Rock Island, llurllngton and all polnU in tho won and southwoat. Our travailing readers would do wall to mnko a nolo' of this, lkpu'Tu ,1ijnckCj whon las.t heard Aw, flTe yoara bko, waslu Cairo, eiiism-ed i the saddlery nnO, harowu butlao;i. Uli THE CfAiRO DAILY BULLETIN, FRIDAY, brother, Ohtrlcs L. Holncko, is In tho city, from Sacramento, Cal., in search of him, nnd will bo thankful for any Information feinting to him. Mr. C. L. II. is' stopping at Honry Dlnkle's. Tho troubles lirl'ArlslmVU'ftt lastsub sided, nnd AV'm. Ehlors has received it largo Invoico of "Jodnl"hnd "Morclar1 French calf skins two of tho best brands; made, which bo Is ready nnd willing" to manufneturo into boots and shoos, for any and nil porsons who aro willing to pay tho highest cash prices. His shop Is on 20th; strcot, opposlto tho oourt botis-J hotel. joietr Tbcro is only onb night policeman on duty now Sumnor. This forco is alto gether Insufficient to securo rcasonablo protection to tho.proporty of citizens, ana yet tho council hesitates to fill tho vacan cies on tho forco. Tho tnnyor persistently1 nominates and tho council as porslstently refuse? to confirm. Tho prcsont city government has boon' In powor now nearly four months. Dur- Inc'thaUimOthorohavo boon.inofO arrests maUo by tno ponce, nnu lower rouwjci havn been committed, than dnrlnc tho sdmo tlmo In soveral years last past, Scrip has been brought from 65o on tho dollar to par, nnd $7,103.46 moro than tlm eTnnndtturei havo been collected. In abort,' everything is lovoly and tho mu nicipal gooso bangs high. ,Tho barber shop of Ous III me, onfSov onth street, bctwoen Commercial nvonuo and Ohio lovco, has becomo n placo of popular resort, visited by all,porsons who know bow to oppreciato closo nnd de licious shave. Ous Is u mastor In his pro fession, nnd employs only tho most skill ful of "workmen. "Ills razors aro always In order, bis towels faultlessly clean and his shop tho neatest and most comfortablo in tho city. Olvo Ous a call, nnd oxpononco bis skillful manipulations of your beard and vou will know what tho pleasures of n flrst-clasi sliavo nto. Curcly Mlko fell Into tho hands of Chuf Myors,on Wednesday evening, and tarried with McUalo all night. Uo was finod $5 and costs. This arrest, was, in our opinion, an outrngo on personal rights Mlko has a perfect to do just as bo pleases and Myers, in arresting him, has broke down a precedent which has run for years, But, maybo, tho time has ccmo when pub He officers, in liiolr insolence, will no long. cr tolcrato outrageous conduct In any citi zon. "Whon will tho good old days como back again 7 "William Alba's harbor shop is groV' ing In public favor ovcry day. It is neatly fitted up, and can boast of tho most skill full workmon in tho city. Tho proprietor has had many years' experionco in bis bus iness nnd is rocognizod ns ono of tho most export shavers in Southern Illinois, whilo young Alba h a master in his profession Citizens nnd strangers who wish a pain less shave, n luxurious champooing, or their hair cut in tho latest stylo should patronlza Alba; His shop is on "Washing ton avenuo next door to Hannon's news depot. "Wo copy tho following from tho To bacco Leaf, of Juno 28, from a correspond cut at Boydton, Vn. : "The low prico to which tobacco has declined is altogether unaccountable. Several of our farmers had returns on Saturday from Richmond f tobacco sold for thorn. Ono gentleman who shipped what was considered an extra flno articlo of Jcaf, received only 57.00 per hundred ; nnothor $3.80 for n bhd.of good Jugs." Tho some nrticlo is selling horo In Cairo at S0.00 to $11!.00. Hotter ship to bacco to Cairo nnd realize its vuluc. Pkiwonal. Through nn inndvortency, thanks duo from The Bulletin to Mr. J. R. Johnson, of Villa Ridge, woro not ex pressed at tho proper tlmo. Last week we woro tho recipients of a box of apricots, largo, swcot nnd delicious to tho taste, und wo horoby return our grateful ncknowl- odcomcnls and npprcclation'of tho samel to Mr. J. 11. Johnson, tlio kindly donor of tho gift. Howe's Skwino Machine. Having lenscd tho corner room of tho Athcnamm building, I shall expect to bo able to keep on hand a good assortment of machines. Parties desirous of getting machines would do well to cull and eco what ours will do before buying. sold on monthly installments, and old ones taken nt their value In exchange. All machines war ranted flvo years. To produce tho sow ing inacliiuo was tho study of Elins Howo, Jr., twenty-llvo years ago. Ho gave to the world tho first sewing mncbino over invented. "Wo now offer his lust produc tion., Cal and sec us .on Commercial av enue, corner room of tho Athcnieutn build ing. J.C.Hayb, Agontfor Company. jo30-lw. Reliaiilk and Safe. Dr. Honry Root and Plant Pills' aro mild and plcaco nnt in their operation, yet thorough, pro ducing no nausea or griping. Being on tlrely vegetable, they ,cun bo tnken with out regard to dlot or business. Thoy arouse tho llvur nnd secretive organs into healthy action, throwingioff dlscaso with' out exhausting or debilitating tho systom Try them nnd you will bo satisfied Prico 'J5 cents n box. Sold by druggists and dealers in mcdlclno everywhere, Prepared by tho Grafton Mcdlclno Co., St Louis, Mo. my 9dm HKLMiiOLHti Extract Sahsapaiulla Is tho great blood purifier: thoroughly cleanses nnd renovates tho entire systom. nnd readily enters into the circulation o( tho blood; aftor purging with Hklmiiold's Git.M'K Pills, tho foul humors that havo accumulated in tho systom for years Uolh'nro carcfull' prepared according to tho rules of pharmacy nnd chemistry nnd aro thoroughly roiiablo. A tostof 10 years lias proved this. Try them. U it eat Excitement. Tho city bus boon agitated during tho past week on tho subject of tho excellent St. .Louis Doer, AVoiss Beer, Rhino A Ino, and splondid cigars lor saiu ni unnnoy ocuoneuuiyor a saloon, iiii "Weiss Boor is becoming n popular drink his Rhino "Wino is tho nun in tno city, ins, ijouis jieer nlways ico cool. Tho Egyptian Saloon is locuiou ai uio corner of Tenth. stroot nnd Ynslilngton uvonuo, wberu nil lovora of uood things to drink should call. For Sale. A good open .buggy. Ap P y to jame joitjittw, ritong VpoW JoHB-lw. THE RAIIiROAI) ELECTION, TIIK OFFICIAL JIKSDLT THE'YOTK ON TIIK HKVKItAL PROPOSITIONS HE8ULT IN TIIK COUNTRT I'hliCINCTSi' 1 Tho following propositions woro sub mitted by the county .cpurt to tho pcoplo of Alexandor county, nt tho spoclal elec tion held qn, the 3d of July last, viz: ' VmsT fhorolTioy. For a special tux not to oxcocd thirty flvo cents nnnually for twenty years per hundred dollars valuation to pay tho In terest on thovCalro nnd Vinccniti railroad bonds, f i( Against a special tax to pay tho Inter est on the Cairo nnd Vinconnos railroad, bonds. ' y ' SECOND rROPOHtTION. ' For tho salo of tho ono hundred thou-' sand dollars Hook in tho Cairo and Vln cennes railroad for flvo 'thousand dollars (in Alexander county" bonds) to tho Cairo nnd Viticcnnes railroad company. Against tho sale of tho hundred thou- sand dollars stock In tho Uulro and vin- cennos railroad for flvo thousand dollars In Alexander county bonds. tiuud ntorosiTio. For tho Isstilm: of tho county bonds to tho Culro nnd Vlnccnncs railroad com- ;inny nt onco nnd placo them into tho hands of tomo trust company or trustee to bo handed ovor to said railroad whon said road Is completed nnd a train of cars havo passed over said railroad from Cairo to Vinconnos. Acninst tho issuing of tho bonds at onco and placing thorn into tho bands of a trust company or trustees. FOUitTH rnorosiTiON. For a snocial tax not to oxcocd thirty. flvo touts nor hundred dollars valuation annually for twenty vcars to pay tho In terest on tho bbnds to bo issued to tho Cairo and St. Louis, railroad compnny. Against a special tax to pay tho intorcst on tno bonus to uo issued to tno uatro anu St. Louis railroad company. TIIK RESULT. Tho election rosultod as follows : 1st 2d propo'n 4th propo'n lroo'n propo'n I'reclactj. For agit For ast For For agt North Cairo... Houth Cairo.., Dog Tooth.... Santa Fc. tei 741 8 1 Ssl 3 1 5SI 745 745 15 6' 15 3 6 17 21 el as 20 1 40 1 62 tiooso Islmid 5 34 34 49 4 1 heties Clecr Cieek. ci 143 3S 4 4 14 144 2 IS Hai'.cwood ' 39 Unity 20 25 Tut Total.. 153 33S11375 ItECAriTULATION. For first proposition Against 1,38 333 Maioritvfor 1, For socond proposition 1,37 Against 340 Majority for For third proposition. Against , 1,029 1,380 .142 Majority for 1,038 For fourth proposition 1,404 Agninst 2C0 Majority for 1,108 AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE. I will offer for sale, on Friday, July 7, nt 10 o'clock A. M., at tho residence of Mnthow Clarko, on corner of Twelfth and Poplar atreots,-n largo assortment of parlor, bedroom, and kitcbon furniture, consisting of sofas, chairs, mirrors, carpets, bedsteads, rauttrossos, pillows, bureaus, knives nnd forks, cooking stove, etc. Also, ono flno milch cow nnd calf will bo sold. Salo posllivo nnd without icsurvu. 1). Hartmak, Auctioneer. THE SAIL BOAT RACE. IIKTWKK.V THE CAM1IRIA AND THE UN NAMED THE CAMDRIA DEATEN IN TERESTING" DETAILH. On tho Fourth, n match was silled by tho "Cambria," ownod by Mr. F. Oilman, ono of tho employes of tho Illinois Cen tral R. R., and tho now sailing boat, not yet named, owned by Messrs. Baber & Carpcntor, of this city. Thcso boats woro built horo by their ownors, with tho hopo that sailing may becomo a popular amuso- mont with our citizens. Thoy aro models of symmetry nnd beauty, nnd reflect groat credit on their designers and.buildors. In tho rigging nnd construction of tho "Cam bria." Mr. French, 6f this city, rondorcd valuablo nid, whilst for designs and much assistanco in rigging, tho owners of tho new boot acknowledge thoir ob ligations to Fred. R. Kent, Esq., tho popular agent of tho "Western Union tclo grnph company. The match rctultcd In a romplcto victory for tbo now boat, com manded by Mr. Kont. Ho dfsplayod his well-known nautical ability in his manage ment, aud'notwlthstnnding tho gallant and unceasing efforts of tho Cambria and hor owner, tho now boat won a Dot 01 91 ta tor Mr. BabcrJ Mr. Frank Hundloy backed tbo Cambria for tho samo amount. Soma of our citizens, who, by tho courtesy of tho owners, participated in tho sport, hugoly enjoyed thomsclvos. St. N icholas. Day boarders can tc curo good accommodations at tho St. Nich olas (formerly tho St. Jnmos) nt $4 per week. Tho house is at tho corner of Ohio lovco und Eighth street, a central location. and Is proprlotored by Hnny walker, Who is nllyo to tho wants of his patrons. Prtio3 desjring boarding and lodging can learn terms on inquiry nt tho office. moy3dtf Shoes Warranted. Mr. Black of tho City Shoo Storo, ngont for tho snlo of our goiitlomcns', ladlos1 nnd misses' shoes, is authorized by us to warrant all of our shops bearing tho stamp of tho City Shoo Storo, and to replaco with now ones all shoos of our brand sold by him that may rip. Brolaski & Co., jy-l-tf Shoo Manufacturers, St. Louis. ' Comk to Stay. Robert Bold has per manently established a coal yard at Cot tonwood Point, Mo., for tho purposo of supplying steamboats with coal. Tows at till times, day or night. je8tf CS. Hutchinson, Agont. Wm. EitLEiti has tho best brands of French calf, moroccos, kid, buckskin nnd potent leathers, all of which ho will man ufacturdllntd ttho latest stylo of boots nnd shoes to suit tho iasto of any nnd nil his patrons, jno'Jltf 6ANS I CANS 1 1 CANS 1 1 1 ' Five hundrod dozen No. 1 Tin FRUIT (JANS AT TIIK NKW-YORK HTORF. at $1.00 per dozen. Largest wholesale and retail t ivock in tho city. UUJWLY Ai PATiMU JULY 7, 1871 CIRCUIT COURT, UOCEF.DINaS YESTERDAY CRIMINAL AND LAW BUSINESS. Tho court convened nt tho usual hour yostordny morning, his honor, Judgo Ba ker, presiding. criminal side. Tho caso of tbo pcoplo vt. Ueorgo Shanks, chnrgod with assault to murder, was Cnishod, tho jury reluming a verdict of not guilty. Tho pcoplo m. Frank White, chargod with larcony. Jury out. LAW RIDE. Sarah J. Kurtz vs. Oertrudo V. Kurtx, el ah; po till on to soil real cstato. Con-, tinuod for stile and roport. Luclan M. Wolcolt and Jno. Swasoy, partners under tho name and stylo of Wol colt & Swasoy, w. Jno. P. Glbsunj In as sumpsit. Coutlnuod with ,leayo to make tbo personal rcprosontatlvo, of JobnP. Olb ton, deo'd, party deftfiidBnt'. Lansden for plaintiff. Joseph McKenzio rs. Jno. Johnson j in assumpsit. Plaintiff takes a non-suit j udgmont against tbo plaintiff for costs. Albright for plaintiff. Kato Cooper, executrix of tbo citato ot Chas. Cooptr, decoasod, vs. Aloxandcr U. mint replevin. Leavo clvon plaintiaw amend declaration by ailing ulanK. ai lon, Mulkoy & "Wheolor for plaintiffs; Oroon A Ollbort for defendant. Cordon R. "Woodward s. Jonathan W. Steele, Chas. Dean and Henry Harms, un dor tho firm namo of Steele, Dean 6c Harms; in assumpsit. Defendants, Jona than "W. Stoelo and Henry Harms each called and mado default. M'Kcalg for plaintiff. Aucust Sumner vs. Joseph Arnold; re plevin. Defendant called and mode d fault; judgment against defendant for costs. Allen. Mulkoy & Wheelor for plaintiff. William W. Thornton . Honry F. Goody oar; assumpsit. Defendant called and mado default. Orcen & Gilbert lor plaintiff. Meats. Tho ornnch meat shop of James Kynaston, located on Commercial avenue, noxtdoor to tho grocery storo of James Carroll, Is now In full blast, and this pop ular butcher Is supplying all tho refined meat caters of that portion of tbo Fourth Ward with splendid meat. If you have not tried htm glvo him a call. tf Foil Exchanqe. An invoice of bats and caps and othor merchandiso for small house and lot in Cairo. For dosira bio property will pay some cash differ- once. Call at No. 140 Commercial avenue Elliott, Haythorn & Co. Some Distance. Tho number of Chartor Oak Stoves mado and sold, last year by tbo Excoistor Juanuiacturing Company, if placod in a lino closo to gether, would stretch out fr a dlstanco of twolve miles. jy 3-d & w-1 w Try It. Mrs. Whitcomb desires all to try her syrup ; it is tho great children's soothing romcdy, and sold at tho low prico of 25 cents Jy C-d & w-1 w Keep Cool. Retrigcrators, ico chests water coolers, I X L Ico crenm freezers bath tubs, japanned cloth for window screens, etc., etc., at JIKKRWAUT, OHTH & OO.'O, my!8tf 13G Com. Ave. St. Paul and return via Chicago, re- turn via Dunlclth, $32.00. Good for 30 days. jylt3 for salo Kindling. 600 " glass boxes " at 5 cents each. W. W Thornton, jo21tf. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. REWARD. 850. The undersicned will liar EIFTY DOLLARS REWARD tor lite return to hlai ol one kit ol Moulder's Tools, or either of the tools, stolen from ltcod Manu's foundry between baturday evening last at 8 o'clock and Monday morning, July 3d. The tools were manufactured by U. M. atonic, anu near tnoir imprint, ana were marked with the initials "L. B." H. O. UUICE, nt Heed A Mann's Foundry. Cairo, Ills., Julys, 1171. Jy7dlw S. AVALTERS, ctAiiaix HARD and SOFT LUMBER ot every descripUun, LATH, SUINGLES, CEDAR POSTS, DOORS, SASH, BLINDS. orders solicited. Steamboat Lumber, Furnished on shortest notice. Commercial -a v, bot. 10th and lltli-sts., CAIRO. ILLINOIS. lyTdtr W.Btratton. T. Ulrd. STRATTON & BIRD, (Successors to Blratton, Hudson A Clark.)- WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, 57 Ohio Lovco, Cairo, Illinois. tarAgent of American Powder Co., and mam ufacturers Agents for cotton yarn. Jy7df t THE BRIDAL CHAMBER, ESSAYS FOR YOUNG MEN , OH CHEAT SOCIAL EVILS AND AIIUSK8, Which Intortero with marriage, with suro means of rulisf for the erring and unfortunate, deceased and debilitated. Mem In aealed'envelonos, freo of charge. Address, Howard Hanltarv Aid Associa tion, No. 2 Houth Nlulh-Bt., riilladelphie, l'a. Jy7daw3m ORDINANCE NO. 115. An ordhmnco ta amend section t0 of ,"an ordl; nancoto adopt tho ordinance of the illy or Cairo as revised nnJooditlcd." He It ordained by tho City Councilor the City of Clr' BacTioNl. That MeetionNo. !Uu of "an ordi nance to, sulopt the ordinances or th City or Cairo as teviaud and codified" bo amended uy adding after' tho word "provision" In said sec tion ihe words "or any. impure, unwholesome,! adulteratea or diluted nillkV' I .ApprovodJunemj. Attest, M.J.Uowwr.CltfXlerk. itaoOJ nOTCLN. CRAWFORD HOUSE, CORNER SIXTH and WALNUT-ST., (Kntranco on BUth-at.,) F. 3. Oakes, It. 0. Cady. K. II. LoJwIck CINCINNATI, OHIO. . OAKES, CA UT CO. Proprietors. SOUTHERN HOTEL, Ohio Levee, between Blxlh nnd Kighlh street, ui.uriiv mam Bivninuoai innuing, CAIRO ILLS. NEWI.V FITTED AND VURNI8IIKD, Term), M per Buy. Watch kept for ooals and trains night and day. JeJl.ltf WIIITR A I.YNDE. iToprieiors, . CENTRAL HOUSE. Opposite tho rostofflrp, onBlith Hired Utween naimngion ana iwmniorciai avenues, CAIRO, ILLS. This honse has been thorouahlr over-hauled. refurnished and renovated, and la bow open for the reception of guests. The rooms are all largo Ma wen veniuaieu, anu iijaniiure nnw. naicii kept night nnd day, M R3. OAVFNF.T, jrtuii 1 jupncirvsv. i COMMERCIAL HOTEL, COMUERC'IAL-AVXNUE, OPl-OSITK r. O, 1. CAIRO. ILLS. iOBirn BAYL188, : : : : : momiKTOii. Tuk IIouhe in Newly FuoMisnxo And. offers to the public Orst-clsss actommods- hdu m rvasvnMJiv nsn. MRS. M. SWANDER, DEALER IN MILLINERY ASD LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, Caen nre led Atrcssae, p4Hille Elliot a Haylleans'tj Cairo, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WEAR Made to order, or Ready-Made. A full assortment of Misses' and Ladies' Hats and Bonnets of the latest styles. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE I MRS. C. McGEE, KIOHTH STREET, IlETWEEN WASHINOTOX AND COMMERCIAL AVENUES, lias just received a full and splendid line of NEW GOODS DRESS TRIMMINGS, SILK GIMPS, BILK UALOON GUIPURE LACES, MOSS TRIMMINGS, CROCKET BUTTONS SILK AND VELVET BUTTONS, PLUSH AND TRIMMING VELVET, HATS AND BONNETS, FINE KID GLOVES, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, And a full and complete stock or Millinery and Fancy Goods, All ot which 1 ho proposes to sell at TIIK VERY LOWEST CASH PRICES. UENEBAL AGENT. HALLIDAY BROTHERS, GENERAL AGENTS, FORWARDING and COMMISSION !'!! ! ,1' I: l!' i .Ml i I .if ( MKHV1IANTN, DEALERS IN FLOUR; And Agents of Ohio IUer ! Kauawlm COMPANIES' 70 Ohio Levee, CAIRO. II.MNOI8. BEWlMfl MACHINE. WANTED, AGENTS. onth provea vommwm "",",fT Ken Machine. This ?' ,7'" VTmbrotder In a tuck, bind, warn, c, hlv- ,y !. Fully mostiuperior rnanaer. 'ay 11.000 for wwranUd for flTOjeare. We ww "J,; boau any machine that will new 'i. makes tho d torma, apply o g'wERB CO, iseBpruoaStrMt. PbilaMphla, Pa. oautiowj-Do oot be Imposed upon by other riSuerSrolUB ott worthless east Iron maehlnea ISSLl tSrSfitMM tt otherwise. Our is the wly Vu'" prsetlcai cheapmach mantifaetured. apilOdSM COMMMSIOMAJTB rOHWAHDINU. CJiOSE & VINCENT, GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ARO UBAIiBEB I2ST LIMB Cement, Plaster Paris, AMD PLASTERER'S II A I R, Corner EAgfcUs Hireet nnd Oblo Levees CAIRO, ILL. PETER CUHL aicLtuvt FLOUR MERCHANT AID MILLERS' AGENT. No. 80 Ohio Lovce, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. Orders solicited and promptly filled. jyl dtf H. M. HULEN, GROCER and CONFECTION MEEOHAKT, No. 134 Commcrcial-avc., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MILLER & PARKER, GENERAL COMMISSION ASD FORWARDING MERCHANTS, AXD DEALERS IN FLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. J8 Ohio Lkyxe, CAIRO, ILLS. JOHN B. PHILLIS, (Successor to Parker ft PhllUs,) GENERAL COMMISSION AXD FORWARDING MERCHANT, AXD DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Cor. TENTII-ST. and OHIO LEVEE, CAIRO, ILL. J. M. PHILLIPS & CO.. (Riicccsbors to E. D. Hendricks Co.,) Forwarding and Commission MERCHANTS AXD WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS, CAIRO, ILL. I vOr'SI.Iberal Advances made "Pf""BtV I 2 Consignments. S?VI ' Are prepared to receive, storo and forward . freights to all points and buy and I ell on commission, f srilinlness attended to promptly. WOOD RITTENIIOUSE, (Successor ol Ayers A Co.) FLOUR AXD General Commission Merchant 133 OHIO LEVEE, Cairo, Illinois. HEAL, EMTATE AtlEJfT, C. WINSTON & CO., REAL ESTATE AGENTS AXD AUCTIONERS, 74 (second floor) ohio lxtie, cairo, ills., Buy and Sell Real Estate, PAY TAXES, FURNISH ABSTRACTS OF TITLES And prepare Conveyances of Kinds. PAINTER. CARL L. THOMAS, Is prepared to do all kinds of plain and orna mental PAINTING, KALSOMINING, PAPER HANGING SION WRITINd, ETC., At figures which defy all eompetlon, and in the highest style tf the painter's art. SHOP IN THE PERRY HOUSE, CORNER OF COMMERCIAL AVENUE AND EIQIITII STREET. VOAI. AND WOOD. fTmT'wXriT, WOOD AND COAL MERCHANT. FM. WARD is propared to deliver the best , Kiro Wood and utouo Coal IN ANY PART OF THE CITT, AnJ,lQ'ny quantity daflireil, on ihort noUc., COAL PEHVERED. AT 4.60 FZBTOH n.miiK 1) . an n l AV I m .I... two door above the ooruer of WglttU 6tt ai4 oommercisi avenue.