Newspaper Page Text
1 lie miu jafe Wvdhtm JOHN II. OBERLY & CO., OFFICIAL DIRECTORY. STATE OFFIOEKS. Onyernor, Jolm M. Palmer; l.lciili-nniii-floverDor, John Dougherty 1 8,-eielary of Mate, KdmirJ Hummel) An.! lur if HltU; C. K. f.ipplncott i i l.ili'Triurer, K.N, Rates J Sn.i, Public Instruction, Newton nMcinan. CONUKESSMEN. HnialdtB 1, niMii Trumbull and John A. Logan, Itepresenlallro for the Htalo nl Large Vacancy. Itrpresrnialitc Thltlccnlh District-John SI. On In. .M KM ISEltS OEh'EKAL ASSEMHLY. Sualnrs, 1st District T. A. K. lloleomli. of I'iihmi, amlM.K. (HUon.of Oatlatln. I!.'i-.. i,lulic, l.t District II. Watson Wel.b. COUNTY OFFIOK1W. , CIRCUIT COURT. Jn lic It. J. Ilaker, of Alexander. Piojirullng Attorney J. F. JIcCrtliey, of Cm tilt Clerk Jno. J. llarman. HI.eriH -A. II. Irtln. Win. Martin, Amrnor and Treasurer. COUNTY COUKT, Judgo P. llross. J.;K. McCrite an I M. March'ldon. link Jarob (1. Lynch. (Vironcr Mm II. Oossman. M UN IOI PAL GOV K UN M KNT. Mayor John M. l.tnsden. Tirasuier J. B. Taylor C-uapIro lr K. A. Ilumett , Clerk Michael Hon ley. : lr.)il Andrew Cain. ' Attorney I. II. Tope. Police Magislrales-K. Ilrosa and It. Hh.n- Chill ol I'ol ice I- II, Myers. Police Constables John Bhethan, (day), and 0.. II. Velrrun ami J. W. Sumner, (night.) SELECT COUNCIL. Mayor John SI. 1-ansJen, First Wanl-I'. O.Hdiuh. jiwond Hard C. It. Woodward. Third Ward Juo. Woo.!. Fourth Ward S. Malta Taylor. CityaLUige-W. I1 Ilalliday and 1). Kurd. HOARD of ALDERMEN. tco Kith, l-c Waldenr .'-. I Vll U' llllll! II JOlnnlni'liam. K. Under, Henry Winter, Jainos Hwayne. lllnw Alui-nin.niiwui Tall Irk Kitigerald. (. II. ', J.II.Mctealf. Time of Muting. cur coixriL. The Cily Council meets In Joint se.sion on . ....... j-. . ...... " - 'j HI ICt lot MIL. TheMect Council metta on tho first Wednea. ar aim i nur-uaT. nurr iiiv arcoiiti ;-iuiei.y hi Mat or luumx, Tim Hoard of Aldermen meets on the first nri.itf nnii i iijui.. i ......... .n,....i. - ..... " ' '--.- ... cici II1WII1I1, O'l Strtttt Messrs., Waldrr. Winl.r. Itroinntt Messrs. Cunningham, Schtlh, Fitwer- CIiiwi Messrs. woftd, Cunningham and hleb. and Jail Messrs. Carroll, Iludcr and bo.iwaru OrdiannMj Menrs. Scase, Walder ami Taylor. Firt Dairfmtrtiltrtn. IUnnlen,Hvrayna and kill. lav itm Ittt Mf-Ki. Bchuh, Winter and kith. tmiij SUairv.Wooilward.ijviayneand lluder. non Sleiara. Hurl, Hlratton and Mrlrall. llunM lltolth The Mayor, and Sirmn. lt ar- l,.rt U' nl., Hlllnn an.l f'.i.nll OUH CljUHCHES. 'ItiailYTKKIAN-EiKhlh.ftrnl. I'rcachlni;, BahUth at W,$. and r. m. I'raycr meeting, Wednesday at 7J p. . Huii.lny School, 3 r. x. J. SI. Ijini.lcn, Huer intendent. Key. 0. II. Kootr, I'aitr. l'riaclilnj;, HabbAth lu a. m,, and 7 r. u. I'rnyermcetlri(j, Wedneaday, l)i r. n. Bunday School 1 p. . I., W. MlUell, Huper Intendent. Iter. K. L.TiumMnN, I'antor. IIIlllCII OKTIIK Morning rayera, Fabhath 1'iJJ a. m. Kreniun prayeraK r. x. SaLUtli School, 9 a. M. Rev. Mb. Oh, (tector. T D.TIllfl."'il rilllUf'll'V.r Nlnll. Ul un,l Waahlngton Arenue. Public Serrlce, Sabbath S and int.' a. . Vespera, 3 p. w. Sunday School, 2 r. x. berrico crery day, Sr. w. ller. I'. J. 0'IIlloius, I'rldl. Hiblinlh School, 'Jj A. if. Subboth. I'reachlnx, Sablwlh 10 a. m., and 7J r. x. Her, J, Fairxu, 1'ai.tor. Ii.i.iiiV iilfa.'rwl' rjmrirki . . . rniu.i uutM'Ai oiiiuMijiin 11111 i.nriiiiHii Church, eighteenth Street. Habbath Scnool 3 r. x, J. II. Hi tu, Hiiperintcmlent. UU.Mi Jiir.. o lIIUlfl 1 1 aim AsauciATiu: lieg meeting aecond Monday each month at the I'rayer room of tho Prcabyterian Church. Weekly I'rayer meeting, Friday, 7J r. m., at tho I'rayer room of tho Preabytcrlan church. V. raamisa, Prealdent. I t..tiinAH.I. u. I ... ... . . and Cedar. Bervln, Sabbath, It a.m. Sunday School, r. x. C!aas3r. M. Preachlng,7r.x. Iter. Win. Jackion, Pastor between Walnut and Cedar. Services Sabbath, i and 3 p. x. Iter. N. Itiriia.l'aator. UAY SCUOOIs-Corner walnut and Cedar Sta. Sunday School, 9 a. x. IIU3I r i.. -? .. ...7. vi,iw.,wi ..... - rt'a llarracka. Uervlcea, Habbath II A. x., 3 p. x, and VA r. x. Iter. Wm. IviLLir, Pastor. iiwi ano3ii.!ii. ., viiuiivii MTv ween loth and 11th utroeta, ucnr Cedar. Preaching Sabbath 10)4 a.m., mid 7J p. x, Prayer Meeting, Wcdneailny evening. Preai'hliig, Friday evening. Sabbath School, IK ' John Van Uaxter and Mary Stephen! Superintendent. Key. T. J. Snout, Pastor, . MANHOOD : HOW LOST! HOW ItESTOHED ! A lecture on the natural treatment, and radical voluntary Emissions, Hoiual Dcbilltv, andlinpe- OHniVlltB W HHIIIflK. WliriMil , Consumption, Epilepsy, and ritai Mental and 1'lirsleal Incapacity, reaultlnc from aelf ahupe, etc.. by Ilobt. J. Ciilverwcll. M. I)., author of the "uroen hook, etc. "A H00N TO THOUSANDS OF SUFFKRKRS Rent under acal, in plain envelope, to an ad dresa, poitpald, on reoelptofeli cunta.ortwo posWgu Btamps, by Chaa.'j. 0. Kline ft Co., 127 Howery.Kew York, l'oitomoe box t,0W. PROPMETORS. IIELHMLB-H. HBLMBOLD'S iiklmbold'h mkluuolii'h ' iiklmbold'h it elm hold's HKLMBOLtVa) UKLMBOLlll belmbold'b O-ISz-AJPE PILL. CATAW1IA ORATE PILL8. CATAWIIA UKAFC FILLS. CATAWBA OBAI'K T1LU. CATAWIIA ORArX PILLR. CATAWIIA GUAPK TILLH. CATAWIIA OBAI'K PILU. CATAWJIA OBAI'K I'lLLR. HELMBOLD'S II elm hold's iiklmiiold'h helmdold'h iiklmiiold'h HKLMBOLD'l I ii elm holds, iiklmuold's '. i. EXTEACT SAHSAPARILLiA. FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPAKILLA. FLUID EXTRACT HABflAFAKILLA. FLUID KXTRACT 8AKSAFAEILLA. FLUID EXTRACT BARAAPAR1LLA. FLUID KXTRACT SABSAFARILLA. FLUID EXTRACT 8ARSAFARILLA. FLUID KXTRACT SARflAFARILLA. PURIFY THE IU.OOD. IIF.I.MIWLD'S FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPA KILLA Cured all Eruptlona of theSkio. IIKLMIIOLK's FLUID EXTRACT SARMAPA KILLA Cures tne worst form of Wood Diaeaaea. IIKLMUOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT HARSAPA B1LLA I'.nltrs hearily Into the Circulation of the Illood. IIKLSI1IOI.IIM FLUID EXTRACT SAKSAFJ. HI LI. A DeautlSea the Compleilon. HELM HOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT 8AR8APA HILLA. Ono loulo la equal In strength tn one gallon ol theSyrupt or I)ecociona aa uaually madk; and airi-Elaa aildrd to a pint of water Muala the ce'cbraFed MSIWN DIET DIUMK. Try It thli way. A delightful bererae. HELMDOLD'H CATAWIIA ORAPE PILLS IIELMHOLD'S CATAWIIA ORAPE PILLS A plcatant, safe anil agreeakle Cathartic. IIKLMUOLD'S CATAWIIA ORAPE PILLS Used In all atlcctiona where a Purgative Stediclce Is needed. UELMHOLIl'sATAWUA ORATE PILLS Ilarmteaa to & child, and taken by children. IIKLMUOLD'S CATAWIIA ORAPE PILLS Hiicrede Magnesia, Salla and every other Pur gative. IIKI.MIIOLDS CATAWIIA OHAPE PILLS, CVrl.iin in etli'ct, and pleaaant In oeratlon, IIKLMUOLD'S CATAWBA URATE PILL la not a patented Pill. IIKLMUOLD'S CATAWIIA ORAPE TILLS Arocouiioed ol CatwlOrape Julaeand Fluid Extract lthutwrb. l'urchaPtn hotttca of HEI.MI10I.IVS HARSA 1'AltlI.l.A and onu box el 1'ILLS wortli their ut'ight lu gold. .No U-iier investment can be made tor so pmall a sum. IIKLMUOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT UUCIIU Una acquired a world-wide lame. A LI. of my preparations are meritorious. A period of twenty years has proved this to be the caae. See remarks mode by Benjamin Traverse, P. R. C, p). Speaking of those dlseaaes, and diseases arising from the, excess of mercury, tit state! that no remedy la enual to the Extract of Baraa- parilla, iin power ia extraordinary, more so than any other drug I am acquainted with. It Is. in In the strictest sense, a tonic, with this Invaluable attribute-that it ia applicable to a slalo ol the system ao sunken, and vet so Irritable, as ren der a other subatauccs of the tonic clasa unavail able or (niurious. M0 HKMAHKHOI tll liKKAT Ullh..MIS13 AU PILL MEN OK AMERICA i Wm. R. Warner k Co., 15 North Third street. Philadelphia. Pa. II. T. Esteemed Frienu I congratulate vau on having the handsomest aud at the same tunc the Moil Effective pin mat I nave ever anown lor tne purposes intended. WM. It. WARN EH A CO. II. T. llplnitmlil will remark, in conclusion, that his remedies are the reault of lung and careful study. The Fluid Extracts bare been before the rublic twenty yirs. The sale of them In that I mo proves their value. All have been Unetlt led by them who followed my instructions, and to-dy they stand unequalled in the extent of BMiti, anil unsurpuaaeu ut but iiivmcaiiient ill tho Dianonaatnr or llm tlnltx.l Htatva. not excepting slnglu Herb, ltoot, Plant, or Helen tlno Preparation" never natentnl n uinui. ' i nariiiaceutlcal I claim nil mine in I... anil liava To dispel auy Impression or prejudlca that might exist in the minds ol many against my preparations, from tho publicity glum through advertising, and that 1 am and hivu been u drug, g at for a period of tweniy years, and more con. clualvely toprsve this see fetter from the largest manufacturlOK chemists in the world i 1 an, aeiiualnted with Mr. ij nW.W.-.. occupied llie drug stoj-o opiiosiiu my residence, and was successful in couducllng the business whero others had not liccuequJIy so before lilin. I have been favorably Impressed with his charuc tr and enterprise. WILLIAM WKillTHAN. firm oi i-owers a wiKiiuimn, liiHiiuructurinii chemists, Ninth and ltrown striets, Philadel phia AM. STAND OX TIIEIU XEXITS. Tho Pill I have thought ot offering to the affho. led for ten years. They are now perfect, and I shall stake my time, money and famo on their effectiveness, Tho inviting style in which the pill Itself is made, tho bottle, label, wrapper all show with what care they have been prepared. After exaniina. tion, no English or French preparation will show greater care, and I am really proud of them. Instead f the nauseous-looking, carelessly piepared Pills vended generally, and put up In wooden boxes, and made generally, or offered by thoso r.o experience aa physicians, druggists or manulai.tiircrs of medicines, test the medicine olleied by your Obedient teivant, II. T. HELXBOI.B. Crystal Palace Drug Store, No, i'rt Uroadway, New York. Palace Pharmacy, Ollsey House, Hroadway, and Temple tf J'harmaoy, Continental Howl. Phila delphia and No. 164 Houth Tentk street, Phil adelphia. BOLD BY DRUaOISTS EVERYWHERE. THE BULLETIN. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. KXOITKMKN'T TN NKW YOltK CITV. OKANOKMANS' I'AltADK PJIOHIH 1TKIJ. TltOOl'H OUDKRED UNDER AUMS. INTEHESTINO HAILKOAD INTEL T.TOENCK RESIGNATION OH COMMISSIOFKH PLEAfc? ANTON DENIED. HTKAMSIIirS WRECK KD. WASHINGTON. COMMISSIONER I'LEASANTO.VH I'.K.-KINA-TI0 DKNIEDMKTE0R0LOflICAI "Washington, D. 0 July 11. A Wash ington ipoclsl mys tho report for tho put Cow days that I'lciunnton lmil rcitgnod that. his relgnntlon hnd liecn accepted aro authoritatively denied. It is at the lami timo micrtcd that Secretary Boutvrell beforo leaving for homo gave aotne insttuctlona tc Deputy Coiiitnlsiloncr Douglati yvhich Indicated Hint ho ex pected that, gentleman to bo acting Com missioner before lils return. Thcro is much speculation as to tho courio Pieman anton will pursuo, tn case he should not be .sustained by tho president and attorney general, ionio aiiertlng'that he will imme diately reilgn and others that ho will re tain hlipoiltlon and square hit conduct to tho Secretary'! orders. METEOROLOOICAL. Washington, D. C, July 11. Tho syn opsis for the past CI hours' shows that the barometer hat fallen very generally rust of tho Ilocky Mountains and lipecinlly north of the Ohio river, and lin risen in the Middle and Eastern State, but it U now again stationery, and fallen temperature has been quite high Monday, p.m., on the South Atlantic coast. Local storms hitvc been roported in Virginia and Southern Michigan and Missouri, cloudy and thrcateninrr weather has prevailed dufio? day from Philadelphia to Iowa nnd heavy rain fell Monday morning in tho latter State. I'itOIIAIIII.ITlK.-. South-wost winds with low barometer probably provail Tuesday very generally east of tbo Kocky Mountains. Conditions are favorable for cloudy weather with rain trom Mississippi to outli Carolina, and threatening weathor with local storms from Illinois to Pcnnsylvat.ia and on tho lower laces. TELEGRAPHIC RATE. Tho poBtmaster-gcnerel has, in accord ance with the telegraph act of 18CC. tlxed the rates of telegraphic communication be tween W -! aigt..t(ti.nJ fit tllA (rov- ornmcnt and their olilcers and agents, which havo priorty over nil other busi ness. Tlicso new rates aro cxclusivclr conflnod to public business. Ono cent per word is namod lor cacn circuit ot llv miles or less; all words in communicntionH to bo transmitted to bo counted except date and placo at which such communica tions nre mod. rue rato lor signal eor- vice menaces and reports is two cents per word for each circuit or distance irre spective of length. These rates took ef fect J my 1st. PERIANAL. Senator Spencer, of Alnbuim, is hero looking after tho interests of hit political friends of that state. Ex-lligh Joint Commissioner. Williams will lcivo Washingcon in a few days for Oregon. NEW YORK. TO-DAY ORANG EM KN PARADE rORIIIIiUKN BY THE CITY AUTHORITIES AHRKVT OK A MURDERER HTKAMSHIP ARRIVALS IIO.V.A.II. LAFLIN ACQUITTED THE II EAT. New York, July 11. Thoro is much feeling and coniidcrablo surprise mani fested in tho city this morning at tho order of Supt. Kelso rORDIDDIXOTIIK TARADE OP TIIK ORANGE MEN to-morrow. Orangemen nrd of courso bitter and sulky and their enemies feel thennolvcs masters of tho situation. (J rent excitement prevailed in tho citv all 1hv yesterday with tho moYOiucntts of the cath olic societies. Tbo intontlon of tho Or angemen and tho prcpara'.ion of tho POLICE AND MILITARY wore subjects of interest. Tho mayor. Superintendent Kelso, Major General Shaldor and others in authority were in consultatioun during tho day nnd wo And tho result ot their deliberations embodied in tho order Issued by Superintendent Kciso lato last evening, it appears that on tho Otli inst. tho Mayor wroto n com munication to Jno. J. llond, grand muster of tho Orango order embodying somo sen timents oxprcssed in Superintendent Kolso's order, nnd suggostod tho propriety of dispensing with tho intendod par ado andpicnio: but as no reply was in ado to his lotter and as tho indications of a riot in caso of tbo orange demonstration grew more and more threatening, tho may or finallly DETERMINED TO PROIIiniT THE PARADE. Tho order prohibiting tho parado is al most unanimously denounced as a coward ly surrondor, and it is confidently nntiel- Sated that public opinion will strongly isapprovo this concession to lawless throats of men who aro condemned oliko by their religious teachers nnd their in telligent political leadors. Tho oxcitcmont in Jersey City in regard to tho Orangomon's parado, and riot which is expected to follow in its train, is intense. Thoro is no doubt but that tho Orango mon of Jersey City havo determined to pa rado at all hazards, and tho greatest alarm exists in consomienco among citizens who aro apprehensive for tho saletv of their persons and property. Tho Hibernians make no secret of their determination to nttack tho Orangomon in caso tho lattor should parade. Tholr preparations for tho expected fray is said to bo vory comploto Tho Shamrock, a society composed of about four hundred Irishmen, met at Franklin ball, Warner itroot, last ovon ing. Before and subsequent to tho mooting excltod groups assemblod around tho ball discussing tho situation and indulging in inreau against tno urangomon. Tho Celt Ouards, an organization numbering over two hundred men, recolvod orders to assemoia at tneir nan on ravina avonuo to-nigbt and remain under arms till the CAIROjILLIiNOIS, WEDNESDAY, JULY 12, JS71. following morning. Tho United Irish men aro also slated to bo determined to turn out and make common causo with the Illbcrnlans. Thoy number somo thous ands, Atsomo of tho meetings wild state ments wcro mndo to tho cllcct that thous ands of Orangemen aro coming from Ciin-' adn to purllciputo in tho parade, which added not a littlo to tho excitement Mid liato jf tho Hibernians. IIUXINKKS IlKIOItK FIGHT. Judgn Hilton, roprcicnting tho pnrk commissioners, issued orders yesterday forenoon, directed to foremen of all gutigs of laborers employed by the commission ers, instructing them not to excuso nny workmen from labor to-morrow unless n reasonable causo could bo shown. Any workman absent to-morrow will bo imme diately dismisscd.unloss ho presents an ex cuso satisfactory to tho park commission ers. " JOHN J. com JtnpncArs that John J. llond, grand mas ter of tho Orangomon of America, has all along been opposed to tho parade, but that tho various OrungclcHlgcs opposed him in this view, ilo said yesterday: "I nm strongly opposed to tiny public demonstra tion. I think it bid prlicy for tho Orange men to turn out on tho 12th. I know becntisu I havo been woll informed that tl.cro nrrt between six and seven thou sand catholics under arms and that they will opposo tho diiplay. I know this, however, that the Orangemen propose that if they are attacked thoy will stand their ground and will not show tho while feather. The Orangemen did not intend to hold u picnic; they Intended to pnrud;, nftor which thoy wcro to retire to their various lodges of which thoro am seven teen In tho i.ity, and then disperse, ARRKST OF A MURDKREIl. I. aft evening, dipt. Cameron, of tho 18th precinct, learning that John Scounel, who, on the night of tho lOlli of Septem ber lust, shot Thomas Donnhao, supposing him to bo the mnn who assassinated his brother Florence was at the Hull's Hend hotel, went there und captured him with out difficulty. It transpired subsequently Hint scounel had v. sited .Juuiro Jlanon in the morning und guvo bond in the sum of ;o,uw to appear lor trial. Jn hearing this, supcrintcudnnt Kelso ordered him rclcaccil. ARRIVALS. Tho City of London arrived from Liv erpool, and the Sidonia from Glasgow. 1 1 OX. A. II. LAFLIN. The news of tho ucouittal of Hun. A. II. Laflin of tho chargo of perjury beforo tho circuit court is received at "tho custom house and oltewhcro with every demon stration of dolight. It was cviuent from tho first that the chargo was groundless, and Instigated purely from political mo tives. This acquittal is regarded as n tri umphant vindication of his private as well us iiis official career. Latlin will be in this city during the day when ho will rc- ccivothc congratulation!! of his friends. THE HKAT. The heat wus oxtrcmo csterduy, at tended with a number casualties. CAVED IN KILLED. An embankment on which somu la borers wore at work yesterday ut 0 St. and 2d ave., cuved in and buried several of them. Jno. Hagerty, aged 60 died soon after ho was taken out and all the others escaped with slight injuries except Jason ard who was removed to Jtellevuo Hospital. Xutwilliininr, tho orders of Sunt. Kelso, it is apprehended Unit t run Mo will occur to-night or to-morrow and pre cautionary measures aro being mndo to quiet any disturbance that may nrisr. TROOP. OlillKUKIl OUT. lien. Shaldcr when visited this morning declined to say how many troops would bu under arms , but he said that lie had been careful tn call outn number sufficient to meet any emergency. CALLED OL l Col. Clark, of tho 7th regiment, has or dered his regiment to ii'scmbly at their armory in fatiguo dres at i a.m. to-inor-row.tJUcn. Dakin, of tho llfih brigrdc, has ordered tho' 13th regiment '.o nssemblo ut tholr headquarters in Brooklyn to-morrow morning, fully uniformed, tinned nnd equipped for nction in aid of tho civil au thorities. OUOCKItV HOARD OF TRADE. TheGroccrs' board of trade havo decided to includo in membership brokers, dealers and importers or all kinds of groceries. Thoy met to-day and received a report of tho committco appointed to got up consti tution and bv-laws. After n full discus sion tho meeting adjourned for ono week in order that tho roport may bo printed and circulated among tho members. Illtl'G LICENSING HOARD. Tho drug licensing board held tholr first meeting to-day. A largo number of applicants woro rigedly oxaniitiod in chemistry, poisons and their antidotes, etc. PKNNf YI.VAI NA CENTRAL "TAKING THEM IN." Tho Pennsylvania Central railroad has loascd tho .lolfersonvillo and Indianapolis railroad, Including Madison branch, pay ing o per cent, interest on capital siock. I'lTTSBUlKl. A MAN blXTT-KIVK YEARS OLD KILLS HIH WIFE 11V HEATING HER HEAD TO A JKLLY. Pittshurg, July 11. Patrick Hurry, C5 years old, residing in Monogahela borough, killed his wife aged CO, this a.m., by battering her head into a Jolly whllo in bod. The old man had saved considerable monov. part of which his wife had given to hor brother, which so inconsed Harry that ho determined to kill hor. Ho dullv orod himself to thoauthocltles immediately afterwards. Tho Health Zouavos who recently loft tho city on n tour through tho iTnltod Statos returned homo last night from Cloveland. conakntion of juvenile editors. Tho fifth con vcntlon of tho amotuer press association, composed of the editors of about CO boys' papers, in all parts of the unuod niatos, moots in tins city to-mor row. Tho delegates raniro from IJ to u years of ago. LOUISVILLE. DRAYMAN KII.I.KII A COLORED PROFES- hor convicted of manslaughter. I .lllTlrfVII .Til lu 11. 'l,.,lnv Marshall Irvln. driving n dray load of corn across a guttor was jolted oil' in front of tho wncoi, which passed ovor his hook uroiih- ing it, and killing him Instantly. James Oakloy was yosorduy convicted of niunsiaugiur uuu was boiuoiiuu.i tu i years in tho ponotontiary for killing Kd. Parker, somo months since Lawroneo Minor a rospoctablo colored man of tills city, nnd for u long time por ter on tho Cincinnati mall line of steam crs, has been appolntod ono of the profes sors of Alcorn university, Mississippi. cincAoo. RUMORED CONSOLIDATION OF THE ROCK ISLAND AND THE CHICAGO AND SOUTH WESTERN RAILROADS, AND INCREASK OF STOCK OF THE It. I. It. R. Chicago, July 11. Tho Tribune of this niorning says that ull sort3 of rumors aro in circulation in regard to tho Hook Island railroad. Tho associated press ills patches, Saturday evening from Now Vork, contained a rumor ot nn Incioiscd issue or stock j also tho consolidation with tho N orth western railroad company. Yes terday dispatches wero received hero from brokers in Now.York. saying that notlco had been given on New-York oxchango by tho Hock Island railroad company of tho proposed Incro.tso of $2,000,000 to tho stock. Later dispatches to tho associated press failod to confirm ilv such report. Even If they did, it would "bo apparent to thoso conversant with tho constitution of Illinois that such reports, or even admit ting tho possibility of such u stop buTing been taken, nro humbugs, got up In AVafi street to ntlect tho prico of Hock Island stock. It is tho opinion of somo of tho best legal talont In this city, that, under tho constitution of this stutej no railroad company of Illinois can consolidate with any other company, nor inurcaso its own stock till tho legislature has passed somo gcnorul law authorizing such act nnd prescribing a method of pro ceeding. All incrcaso of stock and consol dations ure positively prohibited by tho con slltution, except under tlicso conditions' and thcro is ,no such law cither in exis tence or proposed authorizing consolida tion or increased issuo of stock, it is ap parent that any such incroaso or any such consolidation with any other company us rumored about H. l.'would bo fictitious, und the constitution provldos that all slock, dividends and other fictitious in crease of stock shall bo roid. The Chicago and Southwestern Huilroad which is the one rumor says is to bo con solidated with H. I. extends from Wash ington, Iowa, 275 wiles west of Leaven worth, Kansas, a distance of -50 miles. This road will tnako a direct lino of live hundred miles from Chicago to Leaven worth, a distanco about tho same,! also, by this now lino to both Kansas City and St. Joe. This company now have about two hundred miles of their road open and in operation. Tho gap of nbout fifty miles, in Davics, Grundy and Sullivan counties, in Missouri, will bo finished in August, and in view of tho fact that this company will boa shorter lino than any at present from Chicago to threo of tho most im portant cities on tho Missouri river, there is reason to buleivo that it will bo ono of the most important and profitable roads in the west. As shown, tho constitution of of this state prohibits consolidation, but this road, in tact, is a continuation of tho Hock Island company's system of roads. Tho Hock Island company havo guaran teed $3,000,000 of the Southwestern com puny's bonds, and tho latter road lscntin ly under the control of the Hock Island company. It will probably bo loused to it at a rate which will make it tho most important feeder, the Hock Island Com pany has. The real secret of all these rumors probably is thut Mr. Tracy and his friends aro covering shorts they put on a day or two beforo Wood ward's failure, knowinc as they did then, that they could could cause an explosion nnd depress tho stock temporarily below Its real yiiluc, tUcr nlbiwlnt' rumors to no uncontradicted und by countenancing a huso view ot mo real vuiuo oi too south western Huilroad as n branch of the Hock Island system.1, NEWS FROM KORT MU'bOWELL. Letters from Camp McDowoll to n Tuckson citizen dated Juno 12, says Liotit. Chas. Morton with 1!U men of cavalry und n party 10 citizens from Prcscott and Ticlnity arrived ut that fort on that day after a mo.-t successful scout, having killed CO Indians and recaptured 150 head of cat tle sto'en trom liowcn s ranch on the :d lust. CONCORD, N. 11. STATE AID TO THE WASHINGTON MONU MENT THE CENT EN I A I. CKI.KHU VTION. Concord, July 11. In tho houso to-day a proposition for stnto nidfor tho complo pletion f tho Washington monument was re fur red to tho next legislature. C K N T E N I A I. C E I. E 1 1 R A T I O N. Tho committco on national allair recom mended tho appointing of a committco consisting of tho governor and four others to participato in making nrrangmonts for tho ccntoniul cllcbration of tho national independence. TOltOXTO. UNITED STATES ARM V OFFICER' AT TOLEDO. Toronto. O.vr.. July 11. Mai. (Ion. Heamen, Jell'. Davis, Mnj. Dow and Cupt. ash Uardnor, ol tho l niton states army, arrived hero yesterday. Thoy constituto tho board of inspection for tho military hospitals and rKo:n, und nrj making a tour throuirli Canada by nn Invitation of tho Dominion government, for tho pur pose of inspecting our military hospitals und prisons. WHEELING. A CIH.OREII JL'RV. Wiieki.imi, W. Va July 11. A col ored jury has been summoned nnd will bo I in pa ii n ol toil at 8 o'clock to-morrow morn ing nt C.iinbridgo, Ohio, to trv tho caso of Kohcrt YV right, colored, lor sliootint: Willi intent to kill. This is tho second occasion whero u colored jury has been imnannollod in that State. MADISON, WIS. M ANIII.ED II V A JUMP. .Madison, Wis., July 11. S. Tabbln, an Irishman, latoly nliiccd in tho iiisauo asyl um, in a lit of frenzy jumped from a fourth story window of tho asylum to-day, break botll legs ami ono arm. Ho can hardly re cover. 1UVER NEWS liv TEIiEGKAl'H. Sr. Louis. Julv 11. Arrived Idu, Missouri rivor; Huiitsvlllo, Poorln ; Flor- eno?, Tcnn. rivor; Allantio itnu uurgvs, and C. II. Church, Now Orleans; ,S S. Morrill nnd Hob Roy, Keokuk. Departed Htmlsvillo, Peoria ; City of Cairo, Vickshurg; City of Viclislmrg, ICvlo. Now Orleans: Lako Superior, St. Paul; Rob Hov, Keokuk; Alice, Kun- sus City; Ida, Augusta; river luiiing- wcathor olouuy and cooler. V li'KMiinui, dttiy ii. uowii u, a. Piko, Up R. J. Lockwood; woutlior warm nnd clear river t'alllliL'. Cincinnati, July 11. Tho rivor Is stationerv Willi o loot o inqnes in nui ciihu nol; woutlior cloudy In wirt) tbermoino tor 00. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AYE. FOREIGN. ENGLAND. London, July 11. Thcro is a strugglo among tho Americans In Paris to sccuro possession of tho communists prisoners as colonists; somo want thorn for Colorado nnd others for Lowor California and Ari zona. Tho government is puzzled to de cide. STEAMERS WHKCKKI). Tho ship .Madagascar, from London, bound to (Quebec, camo iti collision, n day or two since, with tho steamer Wldgon, during a heavy fog, In tho English Chan nel oil' Kddystono lighthouse. Hoth ves sels sustained serious injuries, and sunk in n short timo. Tho sea being smooth, tho crow woro nblo to roach the shoro In saf ty with their bouts. .nm veil Liverpool. July 8. Tho steamship At lantic, from .Vow-Vork, and tho Austria, from Quebec, havo arrived out. SPAIN. MA ntim. .Ink- llTlin ntlnnilnnrm nf the members of tho chamber of deputies in niu vurics uas uecn large. MARKETS BYTELEG1UPU.' CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, July 11. 1871. FLOUH-Unchnnged. WHEAT In good demand j $1 'J.I 1 25 for now red; $1 .13 for old. COHN Dull atCOc. KYE Unchanged. HA HLEY Unchanged. OATS Steady at G2c. COTTON Dull ; tiOJc for middling. WHISKY Steady at 01c. PROVISIONS Dull. MESS PORK SIS liil. LARD Held at lOJc, hut hardly any demand, and it is not salcablo at better than 101c in bulk. MEATS Dull; prices nominal; bacon drooping; sales of shoulders at 7c; cicur rib sides nt 8Jc08Jc; clear hold nt Oc; su-gar-curod hams at 15loJc. HUTTKR-Dull ; ISfjiMc for choice. EGGS Dull ot 12l'3c. CHICAGO. Chicago, July 11, 1871. PROVLSIONS-Steady. PORK $13 00 for Aug.; $13 1!5 for Sopt. nnd ?l:i 30 for Dec. LARD 10 c cash; held at 101c for Aug. WHISKY Firm nnd saleable nt !lc. FREIGHTS Active and unchanged. MJKFALO. JJuffalo, July II, 1871. FLOUR-Steady. WH EAT Neglected. CORN lc hotter: sales of 31,000 bu. No. 11 western at C'Jc on spot and to ar rive. OATS Market bare. ItYE Western XOe. CANAL FREIGHTS lllu per bu.for wheat and lOjc tor corn to ow-lork. TOLEDO. Toledo. 0., Julv 11, 1871 FLO UK Quiet. WHEAT lc lower; No. 1 whito Mich igan SI 381; nmbor Michigan il 31; o, 1 red SI Ul; No. 1! do $1 28; No. 3 do SI 25; rejected red $1 20. CORN Unchanged; high mixed 573c; low 57Jc; Michigan 57Jc. OATS 1 to 2o better; No. 1 59c; Mich igan BCc. LAKE FREIGHTS Vory dull; 3c per uu. to Jitiutiio; aoo to uswego. MILWAUKEE. Milwaukee. July 11, 1871. FLOUR Unchanged. WHEAT Steady, at $1.20j for No. '.. FINANCIAL. New-York, July 11. N. Y. 0. 'JO, scrip 00J; Erio273, pfd.50; Holding 110J; Mich. Cent. 120; Lnko Shore 107 J ; I. V. 135 ; Pittsburg lid ; North Western 71 J, ptd. 895 ; Cloveland A; Columbus 00J ; R. I.10CJ; St. Paul CO J; Wabash Q7J pfd. 81 J; Ft. Wayne 100; Torro Haute pfd. 55 ; Chicago di Alton 120, ptd. r.'3 ; unio & Miss. 112,; Ind. Cent. 18( ; Hurlington A. Otilnnv 152; II. l St. .Ion T.l ; V.t. chnngo long 110 J, short stock dull work ; i liold steady at 112J(a)ll2j; uovts. dull and heavy , Stato bonds steady and more strong ; Money easy at 3c. oitnix.vxs r.s, UKDIXANCK NO. 114. An nnlliinnco niilhoniinK st.iy of execution in certain cine. Ilo it ordained hy tho Cily Council of tlic city tl Cairo : Hictiiis I. That it ahull bn tho duly nflho I'chco .Mni;lstr.iteH of Iho city of Cairo whenever tho City Attorney ofld city may so dlicct tonllour ii ruiy in iMfuiiiii'ii ,ur nny iiiiic uui I'.icei'uinx forly-elRht houm in fuvor of any person who limy hiivo been fminil KUillr of a tiul.itiou of any ordinunce of suldclty, nnd the City Attorney limy direct such stay whenever ho may think thn in terest of tliocl.y requires aiiclistny of execution, 11- t.. .. e... ..r ... ciiliou if hnd uhohhull bo Iniind ulthin tlio Hunt of the city of Cairn lifter the tluui of Mich atav ot l'.rcillloil lllli l'l lieti kiiiiii im nniii wild iiv 11 uu such stay of eieRiitinii hud been granted. Approved JuncW I, lrtl. AIUM. JU1INM. I.AN'SDr.N, Mayor. M.J. Hum r.v, City Clerk. ej.kiit OUDINANUK NO. 11(1. An ordinance to nuieml oriliiianco No. 1W. lie In nrduliicil by llie Cily Council of iho cily of Cairo- HrerioN 1. That ordinance No.'."l, approved Apri Mil, 1SI.7, bound tlie aaino la hereby niuended by iiihllneiftHrtlui Hor.U "oruny .lewer, trough, or oilier tiling ueil for tho ilrnluauo oi slopsor Muter," In Hi" elcveutli mid t'.velKh linen iroin tho lop of section 1 of said ordinance, tho words, 'or nny i-o.i liictnrv, anyplace, buihlliiK ores. "Ulillsliiiieut used for iho steaming or remleriaK 'of laid, tillow, f:it, ollul or dead auiinalsor auy "eilnMUIiinenl used lur the steaming orrenJer "inirof any otlu r sub.tancea, whlcli in being so "reii'leri'd shall cause the business thereof, tu lio 'cllcnilve. totlie public or any porllon tliereof or inluilous to Hie public nnaltli. Ari-rovcdJuncmu liASsiBJf Attest, M. J. llottli.l, I'll) Clerk. JellodlOt OUXI.VAM'H NO. 117. An (Irillnanee to regul do tho duties of Ike Chief of 1'olieo and Police Constables, He It ordulned by (ho City Council of the City ? Cairo, Hiction 1. That the Chief of Police slif'i net as ilar polleeinau, ami sha'l lmo geiii'ri'''''1,r' 01 IIUU9 Ul lilt) BtJtlMltl . , , luty. Iho other police cnst'iblea n iw author ned by ordinance shall duty as night watch. I by u...'. .i in ,.!,.,. res orn.irta of ordinance In conlhct lieiewll''" i",.r,ub rifi!'1 , Approved, .Mn'-"Jlh. 1HI. Attest i M. J llowuiv.Cltj Ll'k, PBINTINU, 0 llltOMATIO work prmtuiK in many and anil jmirn i.u,oi wn celetmdcd chromatic iircaa done at tho llulleiln job printing olllce. This is the most remarkable iroa over iiivcmu. i i.vnwnua , ho work, In colored printing, of ten ordinary Iiressea, inercuy iimuuiiiniiiiiruiiui i,. v. .. cr of urk to a very low rate. . BOOKS, pamphlets, bricla, catalogues, news papers, tax lists, and every variety of exten v'oTrntnreonUrtcdforV; pedily exeouted, In the Bulletin, hook, Job; uewvttpt tndlnK establishment. Urn police lores oi tin, city, texcepiM "',;.',' .Marshal,! und, under Iho general .'ireetlon of Ihe JBAXKS. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OI CAIRO, DANIEL HURD.rrMldcntj UOHi:itT W. MILLER, Vice-President; U..V. HUIIIIKB, Cashier. COLLECTIONS FKOMPTLY.JMADK. EXCHANGE, coin. Unit nolo onl Uolteii Hlatcs securities bought sod aolJ. Intrrrajt AllowrU on Time Depoalta. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS BAIN- JEC. S hnrto rHl March SI, 189. orrici IK CITY NATIONAL BANK, CAIRO, orrtctsi: A. 11. SAFFORD, PrMldfnti H. S. TAYLOR, Vice-l'resiilent; W. IIY3LOI', tsccretarv nd Treasurer. DIStCTOtlt 1. W. IUaruv, Cms, astinnii, K. M.HriwarLrtii, I'U''iil'H, It. M. Ui'iiMKiiiuM, W. 1'. UsuiDar. J. M. Pamirs. nfMltaj or Any Amount Keoetvcd from Ten CrnlN Upward. TNTKKE4T paid on deposits at the rated six JL percent, per annum, March 1st anil Heptem. her 1st. Interest not withdrawn la added Imme diately to the. principal of the deposits, thereby giving them compound Interest. MARRIED WOME.V AND CHILDREN MAT DEPOSIT MO.VEV SO TUaT NO o.vt tut CM DBAW IT, Open overy business day from 0 a.m. to 3 p.m., and fc.dur.lav ereninir lor HAVING DEPOSITS only, from 6 to 8 o'clock. THE CITY NATIONAL tJAIIlO ILLINOIN. CAPITAL, 6100,000 orncias: W. r. IIALL1DAY, President; A. II. HAPFORD, C&shleri WALTER HYBLOP, Assistant Cashier, BiitcToas: 8TiTsTAttoa, Kossat H. CruxwanAM, rkoTT Wiinr, W. P. Hauidst, (lio. V. WULUH80N, BTsrniM Blu, A. U. Sarroati. Kxrliaug', Cola smd United rlUtca llond llouKit read Hold. El'OSITS r e eel red, and a genersl bank Ing Dusinesa none. WUOI.ENALE CROCBKS. R. SMYTH & CO., ast(sttftSStttlS(lttfMnntstttM WHOLESALE OROOERS, I OHIO LEVEE, VAIllO. ILLINOIS. A'sn, keep constantly on hand a most com plete stock ol IaXQ,TJOE,a: scotch and Irish wnMKin GIN 8,- Port, Madorla, Sherry nnd Catawba Wine EH MYTH A CO. sell exclusively for cash, to , which fact they invito Ihe especial atten tion of close bargain buyers. SifcidI attention given to Filling Orderi. II. A. II ANN ON, Wholesslo and Retail HOOKSKLLKK, STATIONKK, NEWS AQENT, Dealer in Sheet Music, Picture Fbauks, Mould. INOi!, ETC No. 120, Conimorcial-avonuo, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. ,y Steamers supplied with office stationary, .net daily papers stamped to order day aarf night. J)'if HOUSE MOVING. HOUSE MOVING. JAMES KENNEDY, rsACTICAL IIOUSK MOVEU AND BUILDER la prepared to do all kind ot HOUSE MOVING, HOUSE RAISING AMD Rt?AiRia ot vnt DXClPTIOst OM 1H HOST IIUOXAIU 1ISKS. rnDBH3 left at the reaTdnnco ol Mr. Ksuady I I An IW.r akraat. Baal door to IlkO B4)W SjCBOOt 1 or I BuUeAln oBk, wiU rxl1-Vaaft attssa I Who.