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fie JOHN H. OBERLY & CO., mm HBLMBOLD'S hklmiiold'h it rtoLn'H iiklmiiold'h hklmiioliVb 11KI.M)I01.I)'h URLMItOMl's Tn:i.unoLi'H A TTT! JPXXSLj. CATAWIIA riRAPK rtLI.H. CATAWIIA (JHAI'K PILLS. CATAWHA OIIAPK PILLM. CATAWIIA (IIIAPK PILI.H. CATAWIIA flllAI'K PILLH. CATAWUA (lltAPE riLMt. CATAWIIA ailAPK PILLH. HELMBOLD'S helmiiolh'h iiklmiiolih iiki.muolih iiki.miioli.'h iiblmiioi.u'k iiklmiiold'h IIW.HIlOLD'tf EXTEACT SAJISAPAR1LLA PLUIH KXTIIACT HAHHAPAItlLLA. PLUII) KXTIIACT r AIUAPAUILLA. KLUIII KXTIIACT MA USA PA ni LLA. PLUII) KXTIIACT HAU.HAPAIII LLA. PLUII) KXTIIACT hAIIHAPAItl LLA. PLUII) KXTIIACT KAHSAPAUILI.A, PLUII) KXTIIACT hAK.'AI'AI'.ILI.A. rui;i v tiik iii.ood. . HKLMtlOLIl'ti PLUII) EXTRACT SAIW A PA RI LLA . Cures nil Eruption of the Skin. UELMHOLU's PLUII) KXTIIACT HAKSAPA III LLA Cat tuo wont form of Illood lilinifi, IinLMDOLD's KLUID KXTIIACT HAr.SAPA III LLA KoUra tiCKTily Into the Circulation of the Howl. HELMIIOLD'S VLUID KXTIIACT (AUSAry. 1ULLA Hciuitlfir-f the Comtilcxlpn. MKLMnOLU 8 PLUII) KXTItACT HAItSAPA III LLA. One bottle li -o,tial In etreogth to gallon ol IheHyrupj or IiecocMonH m u.tialty made; anil ..ini-iui wiiinj wB jiim 01 water equals irn Try it thli way. a urllgnnui hovernje. HEI.MnOLD'8 CATAWIIA ORAPE PILLH IIKLMIIOLD'm CATAWIIA (JHAPK PILLS A pleasant, aafeand agreeable Cathartic. llKLMIIOLlU CATAWBA GEAPR riLLS I'.nl In ll aRcctionn wherea Purgativo Medicine IIELMlIOLlH CATAWIIA ORAPK PILLS Harmless to a clilM, nnd taken by children. IIKLMIIOLD'H CATAWIIA OltAPK PILLH Magneala, Hltn nnd every other I'ur- i;rui.e. IIKI.MIIOL1) 8 CATAWIIA rJIIAPR PILLH, Certain in etrect, and pleasant in operation, II ELM HOLD'S CATAWIIA ORAPK PILL Is not a patented Pill. IIELMIJOLDS CATAWIIA GRAPK TILLS Aro com I io no J of CaUntlrnp Juke and Fluid uii n.w mil mime ui u r.j,:,i HUI..I n n.lUjv. VANILLA and one box ol l'll.I.S-wortli their knlirht it. irnlil. 1t.i.l.... I.a. lu.HU. - Ifprimnl l.m iii.iii Ho Ifcttrr investment can bo made lor so small sum.. HELMIIOLD'S FLUID KXTRACT I1UCIIU 11 as acquired n worlJ-u Idefame. AM. of my preparation are meritorious. A period of twenty yearn lias proved this to be rjee remarks made by Ilcniamln Traverse, f . H. C, M. tineaklig of those Unwise i, and Uineaten arising from thn victim of .Mercury, li etatea that no remedy Is emisl to th Extract of Kama panHa. its nover ia extraordinary, more so thin any other dtug I am acquainted with. It l. in In the strictest aense, a tonlo. wlththia invaluable HiuuHi-iiiii ii n uiiiuicauiu io a aiaio of me matem ao sunken, nnd vet so irritable, as ren diirs oliier ubi.tance of the tonic clans unavail- vfff'ffifLW!?' hHKATCIlEMISTaAND FILL M K.N OK AMEItlO'A : i m North Thlni street, Philadelphia, Pa. iJ.T. Ilelmboldt t KsWemed Frleud-I conratulaU- you orj irlog Uie handiiomtril mt;at the samo time the oat Effective Pill that I have ever known for the urpowia Intended. WJI. It. WAKNKIl A CO U.T. llelaitxild wlllrefliarlt, Incunclusion. (lint U remedies arc Iho result of luu und earvful tly. Tboinuidbxtriv-t.hsvu.ueeu bctoto the ribllc wtnt leara. 'Hie wUe or thnn In that me proves their value. All have been benefit. if d by them who followed my Inttrucliona, and today they stand imequalld;iik-iie extent, of frielr salej and uciurpasaed tv any medicament k Iho Dispensatory of tho United btatea, not aaceptinK a singlo Herb, Hoot, Plant, or Hclou UHe Preparation. Pnarmaceutical I claim all mlno to be, and havo (ever patented a single one. To dispel any. impression .or prejudice that jr.lKPt exist in the minds ol many nalnst my aMviiaratlons. from tho nublicltv c n tlirnin)i auvervisiHit, tuiu mni i uiu nnu hhtu uceu a urui 1, 'iai ior u pcriuu ui twviiiy vunra, anil more con, luaivrlv la oreve this sen letter from the hinrA.it1 I . ' i ... . V ..).. ... I I l r. .11 . n BJiaUHiatlUllwaj vv..i.a ill iiiv nviiiii . November i, 1854. I nm acquainted with Mr. II. T. Uelmbold ! he Bacuaied the drug atore opposite my residence, lad was successful In conducting the business rhere others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorably Impressed with his charac- auu enwrpnso.- ninuiin y iuiumao. irm of Powers & Wlgtuiiian, manufacturing chemists, Moth and 1 frown streets, Philadel phia ALL STAND 0 TIIEIB MCRITS. The Pill 1 have thought or ottering to the, aMio tod fur ten years. They aro now perfect, and I snail stake my time, money and fame on their effectiveness. "The inviting style in which the pill itself la made, tho bottle, lane vtrspper all show with what rare Ihev hate been prepared. After examine tlou, no Kngllsh or French preparation will show greater care, and 1 am really proud of them. Instead f the uauseous-looking, carelessly 'prepared Pills Tended generally, and put up in wooden boxes, and made generally, or ottered try those having r.o experience as physicians, tlruggists or manufacturers of medicines, test Itis medicine offered by your obedient servant, ir. T. IIFAMBOIil). Crystal Palace, Drug Btore, No. 601 .Broadway, New York. falnce Pharmacy, Clllse; soy House, Broadway, ajd , New York. . . r . Continental UeUL PhiU- femple cf Pharmacy. Continental 1 delnhias and No. lMpouth TenU Tweniy.ninin sireei. - - 1. . . street, Phll- aaeipma. BOIB BY OmUOOISTS XYKAYVrUERK. PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. TlIK ORANGE AND TiTfc flllKKV OH EAT HIOT IN NEW YORK CITY. HARPERS ESTABLISHMENT TACKED. AT- forty KILLED AND WOUNDBD. MANY C0L J1M FISK 110113 COMBAT. ANTI-CATUOLIO MOVEMENT IN- AUOURATED. NEVRfOHK. oov. iiorruAN's pkoclauatiox. NkW-YoHK. JuU 11 OV. ilniTin.n arrived in tho cltr to-dev. and lain thi ercning iisued, tbo followlnr .procUn.- tton: J- 11 r John F. Hnffmari clatnatlon. Havine boon onlv tills fda apnrlicd. while at thn canttml nfik. ..mi condition of things hero with rcforonco to inu propoioa procession to-morrow, and bavlne, in the belief that toy pratence was needed, reoaired hltha lmm.rii.t.i. t do make this nroclamatlnn Th rik.. hcretoforo Issued by tho police authorities in roferonce to the said procession having been duly revoked, 1 horoby give notice that any and all bodies of men dotiring to assemble- and march in neacealiln nrnrn. sion in tills city to-morrow (the 12th intt.) will bo pormitted to do io, and they will bo protected to tbo fullest extent ponlblo by tbo military and polico authorities. A military and police cfcort will bo fur nished to any body of men desiring it, on application to mo at my headquarters, which will bo at thortolico hoadauarlora In this city at any time during tbo day. I warn all persons to abstain from intetfer- CnCO With anr SUch mnmtilt.n nr nrn..i. ion, except by authority from me, and I givo nstice that all powers at my com, mand, civil and military, will bo uied to nrcjorvo tho public pence and out down. ut all hazards, every attempt at disturb ance. I call upon all citizens, of ovarv racn and religion, to unite with mo and tho la. cal authorities in thii determination to prciervo tho peaco and honor of tbo city and of tho state. Sioned) Joii.v T. HorruAN. AltMS AND AMMUNITION CAPTUHEI). NkW-YoIIK. Julv 12. Several lirew-h. loading riflef, a largo quantity of cart ridges, four trunks and tevcral cases con taining wearing apparel and other articlos were left last evening at the home of the Good Shepherd ltomun Catholic reformary Institution, on East 89th street, by an ex pressman. Captain Clinchv was taformed of tbo fact, and took possession of the property. Conjectures areHhat the articles wero left thero by mistake, and that it was intonded for somo of the men who ware to pnrticipato In the attack to-day. Tho polleo authorities have knowledge of arms being conveyed to various loeali. ties in the cltr durlne the day. which are supposed to havo been distributed during mat uvvning o moio wno are expected to use them to-day. TUB STREETS. Tho day open cloudy with a denso foe overhanging tho city. Alio streets present a novel appenrnnco not unlike the days of draft riots of 1KG3. SOLDIERS in fatigue uniform aro hurrying in every uirccuon to report ior uuty to their re ipective regiments. MOUNTED POLICEMEN aro pntroline tho streets and hoavvsauadi of polico aro moving to designated points in luu (.iijr. EXTRAORDINARY PRECAUTIONS aro being taken to preserve tbo peace, and mo autuoruioa appear to do working with uarmony ana energy. PRINTED CIRCULARS, contalnine tho olan of thonroDosed attack upon the Orangemen, havo fallen into the hands ot polico, and tbey now nave a por- ioci anowieage oi tneir intentions. At a late nour last nigbt a number of HIBERNIANS DOT INTO A ROW . . among themselves in their hall on Pjrihco street. A number of them wero sevor'uly pummelled. THE REGULAR TROOPS at Oovernor's Island, Forts Hamilton and Schuyler and other forts in this vicinity have been placed under arms and ordered to hold themselves in readiness to march1 at a moment's notice. OEN. M'DOWELL has promised a hearty thojtato authorities.' ' co-operation with TROOPS UNDER ARMS. 1 1 Tho let, 5th. Oth. 7th, 9th. 17th. 22d. 71st and 84th regiments of national euardi nro now as joniMcd at their armories. QKN. 8IIALER AND HTAFP hnrt juit arrived at tho polico central office whero headquarters will bo duringtboday. OOV. HOFFMAN AND STAFF established their hoadquarleri at Glim n ot hotel. THE ORDER l'KOIimiTINa JT1IK nriivnv. MEN'S PAMADK REYOfcXD'llV THE OOVi EHSOIl. . Tho rovneallnn of si.. i u.... r tondent Kolso by Gov. Hoffman, and thq Governor's proclamation, wero roceived by citizens of nil parties with'oxprossions of tho hlghost satisfaction ' ; , POLICE FORCE v AVAIi.Aiii l- Last evening each, captain of tho polico was requirod to mako out a sebodulo of his available forco, from whleh wore selected thret fourthsof tho aggregate complomont' of men who woro ordirod to report at tho! polico hcadquartors at six o'clock this' morning, with two sergeants, a1 rounds-! man and three-fourths of the patrolmon under his command. This will bring to tho polico headquarters 33 captains. CG sergeants, 33 roundsmen ansi botwoon 1400 and 1600 patrolmon. This forco will bo formed into three batal lions of ton companies each, commanded by inspectors Dilks, Walling and Jama con, wbllo tbo supremo command will be veitcd in Supbrintondent Keho. , TJoildoa this largo forco of rloUoe, the PBZCIMCT DITECTIYE9 have been ordered to renort to Cantaln Moray,-! 0f the deteotlvo force, and with the central offlco'detfkUvs, will act sii ' BXIRMISHIRJ. " Thoir duty will be to note the movement CAIRO, of tho Orangemen and Hibernians and when anything of note occurs to report it to tho netrest station, from whenco it will be transmitted by tolegrnph to thocentrfll ofllco. Resides tbo instructions in tho genornl order which has boon giverVto tho public, tho polico havo received from Superinten dent Kolto secret instructions In regard to tho disposition of tho.forco to-day. A BATTERY of light artillory has been brought over from Govornoi's Island and stationed iivar Caitlo Garden. SEVERAL BATTERIES of mounted howitzers from tho navy yard havo been placed upon tho tugs' in the har bor, and aro now lying opposito27tlistrcot, In East river. A detachment of UNITED STATES I SfAHlXES has boon placed on tugs, aadara now await ing orders from tho arsenal, corner of 35th stroet and 7lh avenue. Col. Jnmcs Cron ny it in command. ONE HUNDRED AND THIRTY ROUNDS of ammunition for -small arms havo been Issued ; ono hundred and slitv rounds of canister for twolvo pounder field plocci, and a lareo amount of ammunition has boen measured out at tho arsenals. Kncli . soldier will be furnished with forty ball cartridges and will carry ONE DAT S RATIONS AND K.VAITAOK. Cannon will bo planted at different points along tho routo of tho procession, and will bo guarded by heavy detachments of troops. Ono battery will be stationed nt tho cor ner of 8th avenue and 33d street, but tho lo cation of tho others it not' ascertained. Tbo police will bo most exclusively used in rROTKCTINO INDIVIDUALS and preserving order on tho streets before ana alter tne parade. A battery of light 12 pounders is now CR0H.1INU FROM BROOKLYN. It is supposed to be from Fort Hamilton. ALL MARINES at tho Brooklyn navy yard havo boun placed undor arms. rilEPAHI.NO FOR THE RIOT. Nkw-York July 1J, 11:30 a.m. Tho street in tbo up town districts have tho appearance or a nouiuay. Groups of loungers are to bo seen on nearly every corner, nnd gangs of mon, five and sixln number, may bo seen going in the direction of tho westorn part of tho city. The aspect of affairs look VERY TUREATENINO. The men in tho marble and stone yards along East river havo nearly all left tho works. It Ii supposed they left for tho purposoof opposing the Orangomcn pa rade New-York, July 12, 10 a.m. In the vicinity of tho polico hcadquartors all is buttle and excitement. The police under the command of tho various captains assembled to upwards of fifteen hundred, strong. Thrco hundred havo been ordered to twenty-ninth pre cinct under Vie command of Cupt. llar- reii, anu ou more were sent to rourtli pre cinct for tho purposo of guarding Harpers' building. Among tbo personages who visited tbo central office this morning, wore Oov. Hoffman, Mayor Hall, Sboriff Hronnan, Assistant District Attornoy Follows and several other leading politicians. There have been no disturbances up to this hour. I THE MOUNTED POLICE wero kept busy all morning carrying or ders from one point to another. There aro about twenty stages kept in readiness to convey the polico to any part of the city as soon ai pojsiblo. Tho building is nearly filled with ro- portorr irom an tuo city paper. in tuo vicinity oi uiucrma nail vary few persons have mtdo their appearance. In front of Fourteenth and Sprint; streets AN EFFIOY of a man trimmed with orango colors was suspended to a telegraph polo. It was out down by ordor of Capt. Walcott of tho sixth precinct. New-York, July If, 11 a.m. Tho Irish catholic laborors on the boulevards havo suspended work nd aro ,,!,. MARCHING DOWNTOWN IN A BODY. Inspector Jameson, with 2o0 mon. has boen sent to Forty-second street and Eighth nvcnuu io intercept tiiom. . THE NATIONAL OUARD is out in full force( each rogimont being stationed at; itsrospoctlf a) armory, ready iur any uovuiopinont toat may arise. HOW TU1NOS LOOK IN JERSEY CITY. JNew-iork, July 12. Tbo streets of Jo0),i;itypresont this morning an nspect . I 1 . m I . . . . . uniiiiuui ui iruuuio. aiius nir no.disttirrj ancci havo occurred, but tho indlctions aro that ovoning will witness RIOT AND II LOOKS HE I) at every street crossing. Congregated around tho liquor stores arc groups or Hibernians, who mitlnluin h sul len silonco. Somo hundreds aro linucrimr about Washington hall and their head quarters. TUB POLICE. Tho polico display crest energy in their efforts to keep order, .A numbor of per sons, armed with pistols, knives andlmteh. ets, wero arrested. They had Icon drink Idr froely at the urangemon s hcudquiir- ters. Xverything is quiet at present. Tho Oraneomon aro encaged in prepar ations for tho procession, which will movo at 2 : 30 p.m. RUMORS OF RIOT. ;w. York, July 1212 ,m Kumors are rire or rioting-now going-on in'tho up per part of Oth uvonue. The rumer creatos groat oxcltemont. THE RIOT COMMENCED. New York, July 12-12:15. Tho riot has commenced at last. About a quarter boforo oloven this morn ing reports ccmmenccd to coma In. Tho first report "was r'cc'olvod from tho 23d pre. cinct to tho effect that A LAKQE MOD was Catherine in tho vlclnitv ot 8 2d street and $ ayenuo, and woro , DRIVINO PEOPLE FROM THE STREETS. Two hundred and twonty-llvo men wero immediately nicked out and nlacod undor command of Capt. Hodden, of tho ISth precinct, who was ordered to procood to tbo nbovo point and disporso tho mob, Tho second report was from tho 32d pre cinct and stated that tho . UI0TERS WERE MARCHINQ through tho Boulevards and bad attacked tome Italian and Hwus laborors in tho vif cinity of 143d ttreet and Oth avonuq,. BUl'T. KELSO AND OKN.IBUALEIl immediately hold a copiultation and Gon. Shalor orderod, some corapanlos of 71st ,Beglra6nt, Col. Iiock Fellows command lar. to orooaed to aad truard that tvilnt e lilt . ordor bad bitrely boon gWen1 ILLINOIS, THURSDAY, JULY 13, 1871. when another report was received that tho rcninns bnd collected ABOUT THE FENIAN HEADQUARTER, between Nineteenth and Twenty-first street-, whero n largo quantity of nrms nro siorcu nna clamorca loudly to uo given their nrms. This was refuted when thoy threatened to pull down tho place, i&uotncors wero put in stages and sent tvor there. AT FIFTH REGIMENT ARMORY In Chester strcot, a largo crowd collected and signified thoir intention of taking units. 100 men of tho rcclmcnt woro In tho armory to each of whom wero dealt out 40 rounds ol cartridges tins morning. Seeing that tho regiment wero prepared for them ono brawny Irishman said: "Come, llyos, Ill's go down to thoSovcnth 'ward and got tho lads and clean out tho d' d Dutch I" A maloritv of thn nml. then startod-out under tbo leadership of iiiis mini iu lliu iuuj. PRINCE STREET is allvo with men speaking In whiipcrs who, when thoy scon stranger coming, keep silent. Thero was a report of a FIOHT AT HII1ER.VIAN HALL but'beforo tho polico reached thero it was Stopped nil J nil quiet. AN IMMENSE MOB. New-YOiik, July 12 la: 30 p.m. An immensa mob collected on Third nvenue, near Eighty-third stroct, nnd nro driving all tho men from their work. Tho mob is coming duwn town. Tbo polico head quarters uro prepared to meet an attack. Two companies of soldiers tiro quartered on tho upper floors. THE OIUNOEMEn'h PROCESSION will turn out ut two o'clock. Tho water-works men, 10,000 strong, nro nil off and not at work to-day. Tbo men In Central I'ark nro ull at work IIUURYINO TO THE SCENE OF ACTION. Col. Conkling's regiment is hurrying to tho sccno of tho affray. FIOIITINO ooi.vo ON. New-York, July 12, 12: 15 p.m. Fight ing is now Kujn(. on -. tont, linj eleventh precincts, nnd nlont- Illeokcr street. THE MILITIA havo boon ordered to Eighth avenuu nnd Forty-socond street, whero AN ATTACK has boon mado upon Judtro Hciser's houso. T ...... I IT r i . , . i-arj;u uuuies oi poueo Jinvo lull 111 stages for tho sccno of tho affray. THE MOll OATHEIIINO. New-York, July 12, 1 p.m. Immenso crowds havo assembled in nvenuca A and U, whero tho Irish catholic clomont is strongest. Largo bodies of polico havo boen sent up there, nnd firing has been heard for tho past hour. No casualties yet reported. THE RIOT PIlOOltr.SSINCI RIIIIIONMEN KILLED-IIAllPEP.'s BUILDING ATTACKED ETC. New-York, July 12. 1:50 p.m. Two Kibbonmen wero killed and toveral sol diers woundod. Harper's building has been nttneked. Tho mob have proucd tho conductors on tho Eighth avenuo rniiroud into service. Tho telegraph wires havo been cut. Sovcro fighting Is now going on. FORTY PEII.-ONS KILLED. New-York, July 3010 p. m. Alotit forty persons wero kilid during tho riot to-day. Tho total number of wounded is unknown. Fit Icon nro known to bo mor tally woundod. At tho sixteenth precinct thero were sixtocn dead bodies this ovon ing, which wero removed to tbo morgue. At tho morgue thero aro at present forty bodies. Tho only ones so faridentified nro II. C. l'acc of tho Ninth rccimont nnd tho advertising agent of tho Grand Opera, Ulias. l'ettlt, Chaa. Uucklin and Jlr. Arch ibald, killed nt tho sixteenth nreclnct. Tim remainder aro supposed to bo rioters. COL. FISK WOUNDED. Col. Fisk was at tho head of his regi ment nnd was woundod early in tho af fray, under tho lollowing circumstances: Tho colonel was with his regiment during tuo morning. About two o ciouk no wont to sco Governor Hoffman about tho run ning of tho l'avonia ferrybont. Ho ro turnod about 2:30 p.m. and took command of his regiment. NVhon tho collision on Twenty-first street took plnco, nnd whilo ho was in tho net of giving orders, ho wus struck with a club. Ono of his ankles was broken. Ho was at onco removed to n Erivuta house. The wound disabled him, ut is riot dangerous. Captain Spencor, of tho Ninoty-oight regiment, it is reported, was struck at tho samo time, and seriously but not fatally injured. SEVERE FK1IITI.VCI. Tho moV opened flro, killing nnd wound ing sovoml soldiers whun tho military re turned iiro, killing 8 and wounding 13, Twj boys nnd a lady woro shot. Si.tocn citizens and 3 soldiera woro kilVd. hilo coininti down tho avenuo ut tho uornor of Twenty-third and Kit-hly-fourth ivri utnn l& wb urcd upon tho mob, I aii nnd t-iiiod tstrocts ma regiment ittiitntr nna wounainc uno policeman wus snovnna Killed REPUBLICAN PRIMARY ELECTIONS New York, July 12. Primary elections wero hold last evening undor tho now or ganization of tho republican p'irty throughout tho city for ofllcors for various assembly distriqt usrieciutions und delegates to tho republican general cummittcc. Tho uttiost harmony prevailed. CALL FOR. A PROTESTANT I.EAOUK. New-York, July 12, 10-30 p.m. Tho following is said to ba in circulation for signatures : In vlow of recent and prob able ovonts in tho futuro wo cull for tho immodinto organization of n society to bo known as ''Tho l'rotestaut Lcagtio of Ainoricn," with hoadqunrlors In Now-York-City, l'ubllc iiicotings will bo called in this city and clsowhoro. Tlia circular takes tho ground that ltoman Catholicism Is incompatible with civil nnd religious liberty. CLEVELAND, BUICIDK 11Y DK0WNINO. Ci.kvklan ii, Ohio, July 12. H. R. Castlo, a prominent citizen' of Cleveland, drowned hlmsolf n tho river early this niornlnc. A watchman who saw him jttmpod in nnd throw a ropo to him. but ivasuo wouiu not eaten it anu himself further out Into tho stream. Ho was to fleshy that ho could not sink, and forcibly put bis head undor until ho hud drowned hlmsolf. Cause, dissipation. HAIITFOUD, CONN. PHIII1CTA KAPPA OltATION. HAHTyonP, Conn., July 12. Noah Por ter, D.D., prosldont' oloet of Yalocolloco, delivered tho Phlbota Kappa oration boforo Trinity collogo last ovoning. Tho oration was llttonod to with groat attention arid Interest by tho largo nudloncb. WASHINGTON. THE NEW LOAN STILL ON THE MARKET A DELEGATE TO CON(ll!ES NOT A MEM BER OF CONGRESS. Washington, July 12. Tho roport that tho now loan 1ms been withdrnwn from tho market is not credited cithor by Acting Secretary Horvoy, or by tho chief clerk of tho treasury dopartmont. It may bo re membered that .lay Cooko & Co., somo tlmo ago offered to tako what thoro ro innlncd of tho 5 per cent, bonds nbout two hundred nnd fifty millions but thoir offer was rejected. It hns been conjectured horo that another offer of thU kind hns been rccolvcd. Hut thoro can bo found no good authority for such surmltcs. A DELEGATE TO CONGRESS NOT A MEMBER OF CONGRESS It wni decided by Assistant Attorney Ocn. Waller II. Smith on Monday Inst, that a delegate to congress from n territo ry is not n mombcr or congress, and tho election of a candidate as a dclcgato docs not dobar him front continuing ns an ac tive member of nny business firm he may bo connected with. This decision, it is understood, was rendorod in tho catoof Hon. N. 1. Chapman, dclocatoto congress from this district. THE CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION. Tho civil scrvico commission adjourned yesterday until tho 17th ofOctobor. .Mr. uurtu lias been dosii'natod to call upon tho president at Long 11 ranch and plnco in his hands n communication, to tbo nttorney general, submitting questions on wnicn nis opinion is itskea. uurtis anil .Modill wero appointed to draw up nn of ficial statement for tho board to bo to tho press. given Curtis will visit tho president ut .oa Hranch on Thursday or Friday, and ad viso fully with him upon tho futuro court o of tho commission. 1IOUTWELL. Secretary Houtwoll iscxpectodto return to Washington to-night, nnd resume his duties in tho treasury department to-tnor row. KU-KLUX INVESTIGATION. P.M. Dor, mombcr of congress from Alabama, wniio ocioro tno ku-Kitix com mtttep, testified that in 18CH, during tiio election which was hold that year, tho ne groes bccamo unruly and boisterous to such an extent to to alarm peaceable citi zens. They by somo means SECURED AltM-J and would frequently march in squads inrougu mo streets nna ronus in cities nna villagef, FIRINO OFF THEIR OUNS in a careless manner, nnd much to tho alarm of women nnd children, nnd that LIVES HAD BEEN LOST by the imprudence of tho colored people Thoy wero expostulated with and request ed to refrain therefrom, but to no purposo. Accordingly, with n view to self protec tion, tho citizens thus annoyed banded themselves togothor as a kind of local pn trol such as existed beforotho war in Ala bama, in order to work on tho supersti tion of tho negro, nnd with n view only to scaring them, nnd by such moans endeavor to subscrvo tho obj ct for which tho organ ization was fortnod. This may have been tho nrlmo reason which led to tho belief by many that there was a systematic organization, willt cho sen officeH, called ku-klux. Hut from It's own knowlcdgo ho testified that tho local patrol una accomplisnou tuo objoct of pre serving order nna, quiet in a short timo after; but no military organization was in oxistonco thoro called ku-klux. $1,000,000 TO A RAILROAD. A prlvnto telogram frcm Mobilo says that city has granted ono niiilicn dollars storling bonds in aid of n railway termi nating at Holono, Arkansas. FOREIGN. FRANCE. THE PARTY OF EIGHT PREPA11IN0 AN AN SWER TO COUNT DE C1I AM 1IOURD DENIAL -THIERS' I.ETTFK TO TIIK POPE DE CLARE!) A FORGERY. Paris, July 12. Tho parly of eight tr. tho tissombly, is preparing nn an swer to tho proclamation of Count Do Uhambouru. An order for raising tho siogo of Paris is oxr-jciou at onco. (Jiimbetta appeared in tho nssembly IIHU IUUK ins scat. DENIAL. The minister of Marino in nn nddrcss be lore tno assembly trnvo an cxnlicit rnnim diction to tho roport that thousands woro nrrostou in raris ns inccnd nrles. and nf. tor tho occupation of thocapital by tho Vor- sniiiiBis nrmy woro to oo transported t. Uavnno. f'nvre, In a speech beforotho snmobodv declared tho lettor recently published irum iiioirs to tno popo to no a forgery, Torre, u communist loader, hns been ar rested. Payment of tho first Installment of tho (lorman iclemnity was completed to-day, ",ul l,,n vcon of tho dopnrtments f ,,, Ficur(i Kuro nmi'sommo by Ocnihiii forces havo iilroailv begun. i ho llllicml .Ion nuil of to.ilnv nlun stales positively that tho allegcil lettor is n i.irciory. Coiitit Do Puligiiac is dead. L.uuntta, ox-profoet of Cur. hns been oxtradlctnd by Swilr.erland at tho request . uiu r ruuei. govcrnmoiu. PHILADELPHIA, DKbTlifCrlVE KIllK HTKUCK NINO. II Y LIQHT PillLADKLPHIA. July 12. A dostruct- Ivo flro occurred hero last night. J Morris & Co.'a work", which cover o. five acres of ground wero totally destroyed 'Iho promises woro Insurod for $100,571 which will not cover tho tos by $150,000. During tho storm tho l'rosbytorinn church, cornor of Twelfth nnd Oxford stroets was struck by lightning nnd com pletely dostroyed. BALTIMORE. MKS. K. O. WIIAUT0N AltltKSTKD ON A CHAIIOK OP POIbONINO. Haltimoiik, July 12. Mrs. E. o. Wharton, widow ot tho Into 3taJor H. Wharton, U- S. A., residing on tho Ham ilton placo in this city, was arrested Mon day night on warrant from tho criminal court of this city, charging hor with pols oulng Gun. Kotchum who arrived at hor houso on tho 21th, nnd dlod on tho 28th. Tho caso will go boforo tho grand jury on Saturday. In tho moan timo Mrs. W. is being kopt prisonor In hor houso. CHEYENNE. F " CHUItCH 1IOWK UKl.NfiTATKD. Oheykhnk. July 12. A telottram was roceived lisro to-day from Attornoy. Gon. ACKorman romstaiing cnurcb Howo ia marshal of Wyoming. BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AVE. ALBANY. DEFAULTING BOOK-KEEPER ARSENAL CLOSED, ETC. ALBANY N. Y July 12. Itfi li. Schuy- lor, book-keeper for S. W. Campbell, a clonk-mnkor has been detected In a defal cation amounting to $12,000. Ho ndmlts guilt. ' Tho news of tho riot In Now-York caused n great sensation hero. Orders Wero issued to closa thn nnonnl nml,1 it which was dono although thero was no nppcarnnco oi uiuuruancos iioro. LITTLE ROCK. POLITICAL IIAII.ROAD COMPANY INCORPO RATED. I.iTTLK Rock. Ark.. Julv 12. In nddl tton to tho largo number of prominent uuiiiuvrauu (runueiim- ncrc, n great many repuuticnns jinvo uccn Iioro during the week watching tho proceedings of tho uuuiucriiey. .nn nn usual micron is mani fested, Iho result being considered tho first movement looking toward tho campaign of next year. Tho Central railroad company was in corporated to-dny by Col. Dorsoy, Judgo Hanks and others. Cars nro to bo run ning fiom Helena to White river by tho 15th of September. MARKETS BY'tELEGRAPII. CHICAGO. Chicago. Julv 12. F LOU R Dull : buyors and Follow anart: spring suporllno quotable nt $1 1.75 : do extra $5.'-!&f7M.r,0. WHKAT Dull andcasior; No.2 closed at i.ivi I, ensn or July ; -No. 1 sold at $1.21 1.2U1; No. 3 at $1.11; rejected Sl.01. CORN Steady, with fair demand: No 2 closing nt 02 jc, cash or July; rtjoclod Clc; yellow Mc. OATS Quiet nnd n shndo easier; No. 2 closed ot45ijc; rejected sold nt 10llc, according to locution. RYE Quiet nnd easier; No. 2 sold at bt)(ii;uiC. JJAJcI.h 1 Dull nml lnu-nr onlna aepiomueriit iifcyT&o. WHISKY-SteadvatOlc PROVI.SIONS--Quiet and weak. PORK SI l.G2jlJ.7u cash; S15 for scllors of Sc))tombcr. LARD Nominally lower 10J10J. JIACON Houso sold, lo10. CATTLE Recoils 1,301. lUnrkot dull nnd weak, tending lower. Sulci, 009 head nt ?2.70(.? I.'Jj for common to trood. Tox- nn steers $3.G0(5.10. Common cows and oxtrn butc'ior's steers. $5.20rn0.3G cood to oxtrasmooth shiprint; becvos. HOGS Rocoit" 0.332. Market ouiol. Heavy wleght hogs easier. Hacon hogs steady. Sales heavy, $3.05 1.25 good to oxtru. Hacon loU 4.-15(JAi.SO. ST. LOUIS. St. Louis, July 12. FLOUR Very quiet; extra, Sl.00 to 4.75; XX S5.-r.05.5O; XXX C.C0, Family $0.00G.G0. WHEAT dull heavy by Inspection; No.-l, red fall $1.05; No. 3, 1.101.12J; No. 2, S1.20; bysamplo, No. 3, 51.10 to 1.13; No.2, $1.18 to 1.20; No. 1,51.25. CORN Dull, except white, which is actlvo and firm; No. 1, mixed, 52c; bulk mlxci.' 50Jo to 02c; vcllow, 01! : No. 3, white, G(lc to COc, sacked. UAib Now, dull nnd unsettled ; old, unchnnged: now COc; old, Glc, ilAltLEl Sacked Vc crvntliot: 78otr cue ior cnoico inn. RYE Stronger: G5o to G"c. PORK Quiet; $10.50 to 10.70, bulk. MEATS Firm. HACON Firm nnd quiet; clear rib 0c: cloar sides, 01c. SHOULDERS 7o. IIA.Ma- 1G. LARO Quiet, unchangod. OROCERIES Firm; coirco, 1GJ to 17c Rio, Louisiana stignr, 10 to 12Jc. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, July 12. COTTON Dull nnd lower ; middling, 201c to 201c. FLOUR (iuict und unchanged; fam y . .... - 1 ily ?u.ou to u.ia. WAEATMull and unchanged, now J, $1.20 to 1.2j. rod CORN Dull and unchanged at 6Cc. RYE Unchangod. OATS Unchanged. HA RLE Y Unchanged. OILS-Steady. EGOS Dull, luwcrat 12c. HUTTER Dullnnd unchanged; choice, ?V (II -I). CHEESE to 11 -Dull nnd unchanged nt 9Jo ruv.v i'ulr Uemnnd; lowor nt Sr-WIO to 1.G0 : ntmlltv rroo.1 mni put iLriwit'a T. a - 1 1 i i - . earner imin usual. If ' . " " POJIIv SlOaskod. LARD Full nrlcos asked, but nn dn. ninnd nt 101c. IH'LIC .MEATS Dull and m.mimi f asking rates, GJc, 7j to 8 fur shoulduH. ii.i..u.-m uniy small jobbing domniid. WHISKY Dull and tincliaiii'eJ : !llo ueked. NEW-YORK. -N i:v-YoitK, July 12. FLOUR Dull nnd declined. Suner- lino Sr.,30. Coinmun to irood oxtrn $5.50 fJi5.U0. OckxI to choleo ?t,0."fn(1.35. iiri.ii. ... .... - u ii no western o.jayu.Bo. WlllSlvl I'lrtu vil.l'.ij. WHE.VT-Dull. declined. SnrliiL' No. 2,,$l. 1.01.13. Red nnd iimbor $1.10 1. 50. .iuw s'i.ioy;i.o;. IIVK-t.tilot. IIARLI5V tjulct. CORN Wcetern mixed 71rt?72. Cood to choice 72. OATS-Dull G570. COFFKK Firm. RIo 1315il, SUGAR Firm. Fair to good running LIVERPOOL. Livkiipooi., July 12. COTTON Middllnir; unlaiids.Oi . Or- leans, im ; sates i.iiuu. II. A. II A N N O N, Wholfrialo and Itelull UOOKSKLLHlt, STATIONKH, N E VS Ad ENT, Denier In Shkkt Music, Pictuuk Fiiamks, Mould 1NOS, KTC, No. 12G, Commercial nuo. CAIRO, ILLINOIS. tir Bteamera auntdleil with ofHco atatlonerv. &nUdatly papers atampod to order day aail night, JJOll TOIIN It. OllKUI.Y L CO 'S Uook Blndarv. in tl tho lliriMma Building, ia prepared to furatsh all kind of blank booka to Ihf publla ami, do all RIUU. ii. wmiaiiifA BANKS. Ji'lWST JNATlUiVAL BANK OF UAIUO, DANIKI, lIUHIM'rralilcnt; IIOIII'.KT W. MILI.KR, Vlccrrcohlont; C. N. HUdllES, Cashier. COLLECTIONS PROM PTLYjJMADE. lt,.J5,9l.,ANf5K' ,coini Unk not"" "nil Unlte.I O Hlali- nrcurlllcs lKitiht and oM. Inlorost Allnwnl on Time DcMMll)i. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS riinrlrrnl Mnrcli 31, 1869. orrica in CITY NATIONAL HANK, CAIRO, orrictas: A. B. HAFFORD. Praiilont; H. H. TAYI.OIt, Vlce-Preiiilcnt; W, IIYrtLOl', Hecrotary ami Treasurer. DttltCTOBSi P. V. Ilnrnv, Cn. Oitianri, l' u LO. Ban ii, W. P. IlmiDir, K. M. Hr'Kri.r.Tii. It. M. Ccvmnuiuw, J. M. PlIILLIM. Dcpo-I In or nny Amount Uttlrnl from Ten OiitN I'pwnrttit. INTKKR4T paid on .lcpolts at tho rat ot six percent. pr annum, March Island tviitcm lvr Int. Interest not withdrawn ii added Imiiic .1 lately to thn principal of tho deposits, thereby Kivii.K I hem compound interest. MARRIED WOMEN AND CHILDREN MAY DEPOSIT MONEY SO THAT XO ONI tUt CAN CaAVt IT. Onen everr hUnlneia dav from 0 a.m. tn a n.m and Saturday cventna lor HAVING DEPOdlTa only, from 6 to 8 o'cloo eK. auVOIf ,W. HTSLOP, Treasurer. rPTTT? nTrrv at a rnTrvAT a t A. AAA Ull A A1VJ.AVJ.1XJ CAIRO ILLINOIS. CAPITAL 8100,000 W. P. HAL1.1PAY, President; A. II. HAKKOUD, Cashier; WALTER 1IY3LOP, Assistant Cashier, BiatcToaai Htaat Tatlob, kokbt n. CrxmxauAtr. HC.ITT WltlTC, W. P. IlAtLIDAT, (Ico. I). Whluiiio(, HTtriitN lltau, A. U. SirrunD. Kxchnngc, Coin nuU I'tiltctt HUtca Boiitl nought nnd tsoltl. DEPOSITS received, and a general Ijankina; busin dona. ni)iVAi:Ks. OllDINANCE NO. 114. An Urdlnance authorltins star of execution In certain couch. Ho I t ordatnod by tho City Council of the city of Hr.CTION 1. That It ahall Im Ihn ilntv nfihn nllnn MaRlatrutea of the city of Cairo whenever tho City Attorney of 'mill city may eo direct to allow a stay of execution for anytime not exceeding J inWS t ordinance of said city, ami the City Attorney I ersoo who any direct such May whenever ho may thlnlt tho In tarentof thoci.y reiviitea audi atay of execution. Provided, any person In whoso favor atay of eie- tuuuu in mm wiiu nunii mi rounu wunm mo limit of tho city of Cairo after the timo of auch atav ol execution han elapsed shall ba dealt with as If no such atay of execution had been grantod. Approved June-id, 1871. AtU-nt, JOll.NM.MNSDEN, Mayor. M.J. Howtr.v, City Cleric. Vnd'lii OltDINANOK NO. 116. An ordinance to amend ordlnanco No. 9. Ho in ordained by Iho City Council of Iho city of Cairo- UrcTioN 1. That ordinance No.), approved Anrl pth, 1M7, bo and tho aamn is hereby amended by nddlrijr snr tho word), "or any newer, trough, ur uiiii'r iriinfr uaou tor tno uralaae ot alopsor water," In Iho eleventh and twelfth line from tho top of aectlon 1 of aald ardlnnnci), Iho wordii, "or any soap factory, anyplace, buildina; ores labllstiuieut used forthealeaminiror renderlnir a'Ot laril. tallOW. filt. nllnl nr ilenit inlmit. n, -nu "ostaliliahmeiit used for tho tcamim; or rend er "IriK of nny other aubstaucea, which in belnjj ao "rendered ulintl came the buaineaa thereof tn U ciieuaivo io uie puinia or any pottlon tticrtof or injurious to thu publla health. Af proven Jiuio-.-ii, isii. JOHN M. I.ANSDEN, Mayor. Attest, M.. I, Howlky, City Clerk. Jc3odlUt OUNINANCE NO. 117. An Ordlnanco to regulate the dullei of Ike Chief of Polico and Police Constables. Holt ordained by the City Council of tho City of (Suro. StcvioNl. That tho Chief of Police ahall acta dar policeman, and sha'i have Kencral charge ot tho Police lorce of tne city, (excepting- tho City Marshal,) and, undr the general direction of Iho Mayor, rdiall siiprlntend and control tho onera tlonnol the neteriil polico comtahlea while on duty. Iho oilier pelico consUNog now author ised hy ordiiunco shall do duly as night watch men- , .... tire. 2. All ordinance.) or parta of ordinances iuciiiitlici herewith uro hereby repealed: JOHN M.tAlNSDEN, Mayor. Approved, Juno Hh, IWl, Alie.t t l. J. l!o lit, Cit) Cl'k. IIUVNB MOVIMC. 1IOUSK MOVING. James Kennedy, raACTICAL HOUSE MOVKll AND BUXLDElt la prepared to do all kind of HOUSE MOVING, HOUSE RAISING iKO repairing) or xYatHY siwokimox on' tiii atoat atAsoaam nana. OUDERfl left at tho raaldeBce ot Mr. Keaaedy. on Center atrtot, uaxl door to th bow acltsol bona, or addreaaad to the cart of P. O. Bos tM or a nuuouB osace, sin itceiva fmf i OOKB, ptunphlau, brlata, eilajosnm. new a I Batter. (AX; llat. aad inn tuUIa of aaaaat. alvo printing iiontractod ftwvavaut ttMaayt lm:ii-.. -.i ii .i.... . w9 "