Newspaper Page Text
THE CAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, S ATURDAY JULY 15, 1871. IIOOJXAHli'B. To Debilitated Persons I To liysimpllcal To Hullercri from Uver Com plaint I To those having no Appclitol To thoaa with Urokcii Down Constitution1! I To Nervous People I to Children Wsitlnr; Away To tiny Willi Debilitated DlRcstlro Oraans I OrNiiirrrltiK W illi nny uMhc Following Hyinloiii, Which indicate IiiKOBDtniu l.nrnonKioxAcii t Much iu Con ntlp.illnnilrm.iril I'flm, Wilne or llioo.l lollic Head. Ac hi . . Ily of Hi" Htopincli, Names, IfiMrtlitirni Di'icust for Cn('(, Full ness nr Wcliht In tlio fltnmseh, Innr Krniltdori v, Slikii)tf or KlulterinRnt iho Pit of thfHinmseh, Hnlmmlniror tlio Head, lliirriflur Dilllcultllrrntlilnir, HultrritiKattlui Heart ChnklnRorHullocallnKHf nsalions when In lijltiR Posture, Dimness ol Vision, )nt or ve lrorotlioKltliti Foyer Ami Lull I'nln fn llio Head, lefleciicy of I'ers pirallon, V llint iif-K of itm Lln ami Kyes, I'nln Hi Iho Hide. Hack Cheat, l.lmlm, rlr Biiddcn Flushes of Hi at, lliirninK In tlio Klcsh, Con stint Imaslninxs of Kvll, and Orcat Dc ine.nlon of aplrllt; ' HOQ MANp'S GERM AN BITTERS .ri ,7 , -i -v i any land. SB .lltleri III" pll ul ii ii n mro Juices, or Vital Principle or llools, 1 1 llarkft, (or, M medicinally tormo.t, Ks trait,) tliii worlblctanr Inert porlloi n.lii-MH hot I.miif U.ed. .Therefore tie of Mil jllttora tliero I contained as much medicinal virtue ns will bo lound In several gal lorn of ordinary mlxluroa. Tim roots, etc.. u.ed In thin lliturn are grown In Germany, their vital brim lull's' hitrkcfel In that rounlrv br a ncicn line Chemist, and forwarded tit tho manufaetory in this city, whero they are compounded and bnl uni illumining no Hiirituoua ingrciirnia, talk. jinurs irnrn iroui uio onieciinnH urgni against all other, rio-.iesire for Mlmulanu can 1 In. Uoeed from lliclr usoi they cannot inako drunk. ards, and cannot under any circumstance! fiayo ur i'U i n ucaeuciai meet. IIOOFLAND'8 OE11MAN TONIC r Wi compounded for those not inclined to ex. Iremo liitUiw, and intemled lor uh In caea when toinokJohAlicitinulnTitUre'iiliod in con noetlon with tlio Tonic prorrtloj or Ilia llitlcra. K'h botlloof tho Tonic contain ono hottln ol tin- Hltlepi. comWned witn piIr(vrlNTA (;ilDZ nu,nii uavorci in mien n mnnnrriitai ine ex irrmiU IJIllC'rilVBS Ul .iiw ninri. u.itiwiii. forming a preparation highly ngreeaM nnii iiltiunt In thntialalo. nad CunlAlninulhc iniNllc. Inal uirtuffi of Uio Ulttm. Tlio price ol Iho Tonic la t.!W per bottle, which many pernona Miik In lilnh. Trier mult take Into conaliler Hon IhattneatlinuUnt vied It guarantor. to tx) ol pure 'tualit'. A poor artlclo eotild hn fur atnehenper price; bulla It not (filer to iar a lliiio inoro nnu niro umi nrticior a ine lieinal irriiaiatina Hhoutd contain nono I Hie bit Ingrcdlenta ; and they who exjKXjt to oIk tain a enc?p compound, nnn i will most terUlniy bo cheated; x-3roo2rxi7i.3rx5's iiiitir a XT niflVlimiri LEHMAN BlTJ.J5Kb; HOOFLAND'S PODOl'HYLLIN VILL WILLCUUK VOL. They hit Hie llrrntvi . cm Known To llto inMlienl world, and will eradicate ilieasei nming from iinpuro ihoihi, ueonuy oi wh lilgclloOr)nii, or Dmeuod I.Ucr, In n ihortcr tlmo Hihu noy oUitr known rem. cllea. Tho Wholo Huprcmo Court of Pennnylranla prak for thane, remedied. Who would uk for more dlgnlnoil and atronger toallmony i Hon. (leorre W. Wnoilwarii. formerly Chiet Jus. ticoor the Mupreme Court of IVnn)linin,at ireynt ihoriijlt 01 juiigro9 iroin t cnuvjiru i III, wiik B i I'hlladclfdib. March IS. IM.7. t ilt 4IPOIIIMUI niivruiiui miii;iiiiiuvu wuiv n. ful In illaenwa of the dieeatire orenna. and of u. II .1 II II . I.. ... I l..l. t fat lienefit in cases ol dctilllly and want of j-rTOUi action in inn nyaiem. our, iniir. ( , uuoitaBW.wwD.w.yin. linn. James Thompson, Chief Justice of the Su premo courl of I'ennnyivantai l'hlladelnhia. Anrll M. 1MT. 1 consider HiiolUmt'n Uorman llillera a talna- Ue inedicluo Incases nf attaeka nf Indicosllon or lif'pcpsia. I can certify this trom my cxpcrl- I ruoooiii. lour, wun resiwci. JAMUS THOMPSON, Hon. Oeorge Bharswood, Juttlcoof ihoUnprcme comtof I'cnnsyiTinia: Pl,ll,llnlil. June 1. lfitO. 1 tinto found lir exiierience that lloorlainl's German Hitters is a very good tonic, relieving uyIpuc ayit pioms almost uireeiir. ' ' ' OEOltOE MHAI18W00I). HoruWrn. F. ltotcrs, Msvor ol tho City of ' ' Mayor's Office, llufialo, June 22, If Dnf. Mayor' Office, lliiflalo, June 22, l). . I hire used llootland'a Herman Hitters nnd Tonlo In my lamily during thopnst yejir, and, can recominnd them as nn excellent tnnie, impart ing tone and vigor to the system. -TUeir iisohaa Uxm productlvu of docidodly lneHclal cltecls. 1 WM. V. ItOOKIH. Jinn. James M, Wood, cx-Mnyorol Willininsport 1 tiku Rrttt plca lirp ill teommtnilliiR Hoof. lan'il'a German Tonii! to any ono who may he ut- rtictoil, wiih lyciepaia. 1 hml th iy'pl!t ao litillr 'it itan fmiiosslUo to keen anv loud oil inv bvlly'itwas TmiiossiUo to keep any loud oil my tnmuh. nnd I (jeeainti ho wpnk ns nut to hoablo to walk hnlf.a inlle, ,lo IKIIIHIS oi lOlllll ci Jotted n crfct euro .L 1 JAMIlM. WWP, Iteiiieiiihri; that Hoolland'a (lerman Hitters, , jp. yfifliin.'a iierinou Tvulc) jll jquro 'tyery I AKABMUa, ,0(1 WUHaU(AWAV OV TlfE 0DV. ! -Itfiwieisibur Ihai-Hoonand'wOerrrfan-luVito ' ilie.i aro llio inoiiicinos you reiiuiro lo imriiy I lie lWooiU:cnntf.'Ui torpid Idyor ?t healthy neiion, aift. in eimuiu you tu liasn KHliiy inriiuuil nny liardshiriiil p jojiuro. - - I ' lllllf I l l TH 1,1. I- I ii uj)JiuooriANivtt v Or'HubitllUto for Mercury rills. TWO 1'II.LH A POSE. Tho vnoct powerful, yet jnuocoui, vewuiuio wanmriio itnoHii, I I ) ), 1 (l til ) It is not necessary to take n hnmllul ol these IMHu In nroducu thu desired ellcct. Two of them act quickly and iiownrlully, elennslnj? tlio Iilver, l Utgsil, Wi(ttlWwl, oliall ilinmirilwal Thu principal InKrodkint la l'odoiiliylllu, or tho Aleo- llOIIO KXiroct ul whuiiii!Jvimiii "y ninny l.iiiesmwrrixiwniUiictilil; pud kenrehiii... titan thu ManitraRo'iisclf. II" Kfulfjr action Ih ,on .1... tun, eleanini- it Hlietilllv from nl lilutriic. U6M,sllli ail thu power of Mereiiry, yet froo I lrom all tho Injurious rcsulu ftttochod to tho lisc of that mineral. IFdf'nll dl.scasen la Ulilell tho ijlp of i cnthmtlc .'.He Is Indicated, thesop iw will tivo cniiro Bimn ac n. invnniiiia. Thcv Nl'.VKlt KAIL. Incasca of Uver Oomnlaint, IWijicpsIn, hml .imn PniitiveneaR. Dr. HoortiLndrH flermnn lilt. ir. nr Tonic, ahould bo tiaod Ih ronnection with i thu I'lllt . Tho tonlo ctlect of tho ltittcrn, or Tohlc, iu lids MP tho system, , inn u.iiQia.oivipu e, vu. .iM.'thn tiiohd."fclrefurtnciift tIih-tfCrVfiB. res. nlte.U LHjorHtuid, giyciiUronistt energy hml th?ori' '' ' 1 ti , keep yousiltowols aclvorwUh Ihe. Ijills, td ' ) Joilo up tho system rwnn i uawrs, or.iame, anu no dlseaso can retain tho hold, or oven aaaall you, Ueenlleet ihnt it la f)r Hoofland'a Oerman llem. ad I na that juolsq, universally nsod and hlfbly smmrwniteilf itnd dV nol allow tho druggls to Isuluca vnu to Inka anvtlilnir else that hu mar nay as mat aa sood. bocaiuo ho makes a larger vaotft ca it. .Thoso remedies will be aout by KxPNitSi to any locality upon uppliiatlo stv'Finn. h. ilm (iKUMAN iiicatiun to tiiu i'ittnuttTAii MEDlCINr. HTOIlE, Ml Altdll BTREKT, I'HIIHELPHU , niiesa Bomcdlaa rei,(Qt,saJo,by. Dmffilits, PealnaoTeriwuere, THEJULLETI inlilienllon OfNrr, llnlletlit Rnllitln;, WnnliliiK(oM Avcune. THE FORTUNATE KISS, A mETIY HTORY DT FRKDKAIKA BREMER In Iho groat University of Upsula, In Sweden, tliero lived a young student, noblo youth, will) great lovo for studios hut Without (lio,ir)ons for punuing thom. Ho was poor, without connections. ,.SUI1 hoatuJod,llvod In grcftt pororty, bat keep ing a chcorful heart, and trying to look ul iho futuro which loomed so irrlin to lilm. His good humor and oxcoliont qualities mado htm beloved bv his comrades. Ono day ho was standing In tho sauaro with lomo of thorn, prattling away an hour of leisure, when tho attention of tho young men bocamo arrested by a young end olo Kant lady. who. by tlio sldo of an older one, was slowly walk- Ins ovor tho Place It was tho daughter of tho govornor of Upsula, living in mo city, anu mo may was ncr governess. Slio was guncrnlly known for her goodness and gontlcnoss of character, and lookocl at with admiration by all tho students. As tho young men stood gazing at her as sho passed, iiko a graceful vision, ono of mem suddenly exclaimed : h& tlTbl$ ,omcU),nL10 wno lookta on that pure nngollc face, x clalrnod. as if by lnii4rallon i "Wrii, i uiinK i couiu am . "Weill" cried his frionds in a chorus, aro you craxy 7 Do you know Uor.T "xoi at an," no answered, "but i iiiinn iho wouldTtlss nio if. I fuked Her. "Whntt in this pl&co. and before a'lour yM.i" .1 "TC." "Krccly?" YM fioPlT." 'i ; C, Well, If sho would civo you a k' In that manner l will promise to civo you a thousand dollars t" exclaimed ono of tho party." . ,-. . "And 1 1 and 1 1" exclaimed tbn-f or four other,' for it hafirxinod that 'sereral rich voungmuti were in tho group, and tho bets ran hleh on so improbable lnn ovent. Tho challcneo wm clvon and 'r'-' ccivou in lots umo man wo lako to toil, it. yur nora I my autnoriiy tcijs no wneth or no was plain or nandsomo; 1 bavo, my ixuunr reasons tor oeucving tnai.uo was rather plain, but sincularv cood-iouktnc a mo saino umo,; immediately walked up uj inu i nuy rtnu said i " Mcin rroulcln, my fortuno is in vour hands." .. bo' looked at him with mitonishmcnt, but Arrcstod her slops. Ho proceeded to state- his namo and condition, his aspira tions, and related what had passi 1 be tween liltn ana Iiis compaqions. 'l"ho youncIaiH llttcncd attentively, and at his ceasing to speak, she said blushingly but Willi great sweetness 11 u mtw s imng no mucii goou can bo effected, it would a wicked tS rt- tl t .. If... . .1 -1. 1 iuse your roquosv anu puuuciy, in urn open aquaro, she klssodhm. cit day mo student was sent lor by in govoi nor. ilo wanted to sc tho nun wno dared to seek n kiss from his daugbtor in that way, and whom sho consent vl to khu. no received him witn n scruunicing bow, but after nn hour's conversation was so well nloascd with him tliLt ho as bod hlm t0 dmo at hls taUo Jung M'tu'ci Ufc VilU UIIIVUICIkT. ' " 1 - .1 1.1. .!..!!.. I vur vjiiii ; iricnu purauuu nn biuuics.iu such a manner that ho wui soon regarded at tho most promising student at tho uqi- a piaHU aiucv tuv unt KISS, when me young man wru r jiowqa to givo a second kiis to tho daughter of the gov- ornor as his wife. ' ' -1 i Uo became, Utorvon,a of too most noted scholars in Sweden, and was much' re spected for his character. His work will enduro whilo tlmo lasts among tho, ,worki of iclanco; and frotn tbla Eapy union sprang a family well known in Sweden at tho Present tlmo. whoso wealth and po sition )n society aro. regarded as triflds In' comparisoa.wiuuu.goounou ana.ioio. ' - i-oai'anu wood. F7rMT"wTiD7" '"" WOOD AND Colt MEHCUANT. M; WARD is prejired to" dclitf r ttc lc( x: . r h'tro Wood f.nJ Htcao CcaJ IN ANY PAHT OV TflE CITV. And la any quantity desired, on short notice. COAL. DEIilVEKED at van -ton OKVIOK-Oyit Ilecrwarl. Orth A Co.'a atoe.) laouoora anoyo tue coruer oi tigiuu street' aun iMHpmprciai avenao. vcn S. WALTERS, pixuaiB . HARD,ani SOFT LUMBER i el evtry description. lljAill, HltUlJiV, JiwAK tKiO, DOORS,. SASI, BLINDS. - ORDERS SOLICITED. S T EAO'AjTU M B E B,. , . , ,Kurnltlie4onhortttjitice. i 1 Commcrcial-nv. hot. 10th and llth-stp,, .IU.. J . CA1KO. ILLISfOlf. . Jytdlf" -lil-i i .'lii Hi " II ' aUMMSMN.; -TTT "E LDOR"A"l0" ' i .-l.4ti'lM . MILLIARD!. SALOON AND DAR KROOM. I I joo Ciunmcrcml Avepue, , f!AUtO, lliMojfl sc..'. I 1)1 I.I.I AltU Mlnnn fnrnlihed,Uli tlio b fit ol j iiiiuenj iinu inr aiiiipnrii irith ulne, lli)UnrA 1 ' frfisgjiflf . 'I i for. 'sWrtctWalh'ftl. una font mereiMi AtvNw7 -ITUT'OKUAI.P'a ifamplo Uoorrw- aro tnee-I P with inito tinnotted wlnox.'llaifora and clL'ara. and aro dispensed from tho tar In Arst-csvis style. Tfioif Iti no bettor tatftbHabmont la HoqUi. eru iiunoia, anv tHinu uuttvr aweiteu. vail anu tot tho various brands ot) wipoa and llnuorH. I : :v : J ' 'ir! I v I t. iW- .n ' i 1 JOHN IIYLAND'S SALOON, aO'W'fli ' t auasl I'sMataaerelUal i i. ' Avvmw$.. r l woTSHaa jO moil oin'I lllhtful bavarages aliould not lall to call and enioy mem. ah tnair weaas win do aitonn 10 in a mart, ner that will warrant a return. All hla HnuarS, wlnos. aaa eiats,liave beem atlected with Kfeal earn aui criucai taaie. IIOAT HTOKEfl. 8AM WILSON, D E A L ft IN BOAT 3TOEEB, artocsmns, , i 1" It OV 181 ON a, UTO, r Ho. Ilo Onto Levee, : : Oxmo, Ilu oacraa nnMrrlT riLLrn; . 0. ). WILLIAMSON, WHOLESALE GROCER, l'ltODUOli AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, No. 70 Ohio Ivo. - i . ' O A IIO, -I I.tJ I NO !. aWMpehil attention and fillinu firdnrr. glren to Confgnmenl Hl'KCJAL NOflOKS. HATCIICMtH'N 1IAIK IIVC. ' This Bnperh llalr'Dyo isthfl bcst ixtur. Wnato 1'erloctly Harmle.iB, ltollaUo rul lnntlmnlcon No disappointment. Ha lUiliciilaii Tints or t,'" plcaiant Odor, T)io;culno W. A. ll.vln lnr'a flair Djo produce. lMMFl(il VTI'.I.V a cpletulld THatk or natu'ril "Crowft. rViei' not iltnin iiie Bkin, hut IcaTCathc.lfai'r' Clean, fWt nnd lieniltl' ful. The only Hafe and rerfevi Dje. . Hold liy all drngKlaln. Fatloiy iftUnnd.Htrcit, wjioia. , iiii-iin,i4tir consumitio!n. ITS CUKE AND ITS PUJiVENTIVE BY pit, J. II. SCUENCK, M. 1). i Many ahwaaaa bciaa Isai rosod ajray for who OaMh Uwrownanoiitlierrcaaon Uwn tho nexWct of known ami Indlspuutdr pruon inennsnf cure. Thoaa Mt ana dnr to iamUy nnd SrieteH nro Uy cufmlyafrtwi'''' ,,u'lrt', ,uw Tl'lfh, had DK. JOSEPH It. CIIKXC:K'SHIMI-.K TUEAT.ME.NT, and aralled ihcmselrca of his wondcrfnllrerricu clous medlHne. Uioy 'H not Intvo fulleii. Dr. aclicockihaa Ul tiUfiwn.caiwi iimireU I lint whprcTer raeteni vlUHttr remains. Hint TlUil Itr, by his medicines nod U OlcccUoua fur their tiM, IsoTHctrnBUMtohcOlhrulTliror. ' In Oil-statement llwl notlilntf prosnmr luoua. Tu Hi falUi of Uio lntH4 la ausuo no rciHTsenemotf that U not a thonsanit umca sno suotuied by itlTlw and -rkUUo works. Tho theory or Umi euro by nr. Bchenck1 tnoUklnci la aa aunpto.aa It la uuaillnc. Its ptuiosowiy re- quires no argument. ltlSKlf-ojiur1rul,olf-con vlndaar. inoHca-i weed Tonleahd Kandrakarillaamtha Cut two vcaponsi with Whleh-Ui citadel of Ilia malady Is asaalled. Two thirds of tho caaes of corisurapUon orlKlnato In dyspepsia mod a luno- tlorutllv.tUaonliirod LLwar. svjiii tnia crfc condition wuii tho tho hroocliuU -Utuutf ay atnmach. Tbrr reanond i action of tho- liver, llera then oumca tho culatliwtlng muit. sun tnu eetuna; in, witil mi iu uipwuas in ayiuptocns of, CONHUMPTION. Tho Ifandrakn rills are composed of one nt Na. ura'annhKalalfta Om PodiitUilUum tVLt&tuni. Thay possess all the blood-scnrtJilnaaltanilrc MWsVaHio', STlxd'BiuiND." , TIsassoHi of cava la now aa1nalax. .TbeTltla ted and mucoos depoalts In the bowels ana In tho aiiaaiiaary tankt are- ajooua: Tba UTaryllko st wound wp. It aroasea from lla torpids sty. -Tka . atoandi acta . roaponalnsl y.' and tho paUeol bccins to feel that ho la getting, at hut, A SUFPLY OV Obod DLOOD. 'The Bcavweed Tonic, in eoh)nneUnn with the ' Pi . penuoatoa aa4 aaalaMlato. with. tho food. " Chynrfcaaiow u now procttjaalna: without Us pre vlvaa tortara i Ureatliio. ticcumes painless, and inactrru hi seen to Ge at hand; Thero Is no mora aatolaneei mo esaeertaUon of uio stomach. oauoo or. uio stomaca. aq imwjt swa i . i Now cones the are ow cones the ireatest mood ruriflerereryet - ftrea bran sMaansitifaUwr to atiacrlna nan. IViULIKT HrniDeoo reoencira s-ojoaonie eynip eomea in to punonsi IU ftDe4lona and to. baaicivi ' ninx i coinpicia too a Its work. Nature run. It nlm at nnM ntMin an!not.t)aaetd.nlrcullet anitrtpona tho mpairoa ana aiacascu portions oi uio. iuoics. ntha Xormof. a'axherlncsilt taranarea.tham fur. cxpoctorauon, and lot In n very short umo tho sBoladr lavanqulabad. tha rotten throuo uuit U occupied Is rvnoTaicd And mado new, and tho pauont. In aU tho dlxaltr of regained Tliror, stops tortb 10 enjoy the manhood or wonutnlnnxi that raa (UVM VI' AH LOST. ftheaaeoDd thine is. tho naUenta mutt star In a warm room vntll ihey pet wet 1 1 It la almost Im possible to pniTont. liikina coui wncn ma lunira aro diseased, hot It tooit no proTontol nr a euro can not bo oOectcd. s'roslt air und riding out. nsocclallr I in mis section or mn eonniry. j rlntor seasi. ae mil wnina iPuyat- fall aad wtnler season. T'JKi una who rufaniouit that coarso loan tncir pa- tlanu. If their Una ara badly diseaaedl and ret. becauso they ore In the houra they must not all down quiet I they must walk nbuut tha room aa much and aa fast aa tho strength will boar, to cot up a rood circulation of blood. Tho patients must KeeV In Rood spirit be determined to act well. This has a great deal to do with tho appo tlte.and la Uio axial point to tain. ... . To despair of euro after such OTldenco of Its poeslhlllir la thai wont eases, and mural cor. taint In aU outers, la alnf ul. lir. Hchcnck'a per aoauU ataWmaot to the -racalty of his own euro was In.tbeao modest words: "Starr ycare axo I was in tho hut stare of consumption: conttned to my, bed. and at oee tlmo my pnysicians mmmans taa s nan not UTO avweoki then, like a.oownlna roan. catchUur at iwi, 1 neara oi ana onuinen ne prepaiatioi h 1 now tha DuLUe. and uurv majj a perfect euro of me. It seemed to mo thatil eouldr fol;tha d faol'than pcnelntto nr wholo system, y'anon ripened tho matter in my lunirs, and mid-salt up mora than a pint of oswistTo iMM.IMI.nn mnraln, fnl Innallnn " They bo 1 would juiiuw luMwr VToij uiuiiimit iui m iuiik viniu. i fever, paint, and nurht aweabi all bcaan to leave .-iT HkB u UIU U 'M1IIB1UO. IB T 11111111. sact aa q mwmmmna imronii so ercax mat it .was wHndunculty that I could keep from eating too mueh.. I aoon iaJned my, strcDuth, and ubvo arown In ficth ever since. , ' ""l was wolghod shortly after my rccovery;, added the' Doctor, "then looking liko a mcror aXoktuwii ray woicBt-wta looly nlncty-Mvan poundsi myjretcnt wolght Is two hundred undo t won tT.UVo t BKil naaadaj and for -reiira 1 haTO en. . jood uninterrupted health." . I . 1 : Ir. HcrKinak haaaUaconUnntd bl. professional Kiu t now-vorc anu amston. uo or nis sou. ,'JU.ScfaeiKa. Jr.. BUM oootluuo to ae pa. iva at uieiromco, rio. u riunn nixtii n.riK, Hue, every auuuruariruniv iui.mii bo.wlsh a thorough T examination with XroaioLiv will be sairvnl Bi. Tho Ilea- fmeacri doolaro the oxuot condition of no fSitits.jd paueota can readily icara. whether tbevar curautaor sotiLi u -: j "ha allroctbiaa for .ukirur the modlelncs aro adaMedto tho IntotlKeuca cren of a child, fol low these directions, and kind Nature will do tho rott, eiceptlna that In some oases tho Mandrako 1'llls are to be taken In Increased doses I tho throe asedleinc need no other aeeompanlmcnts tnan tno amnio tnstracuuna tua iu;viiiiiaii7 i,Tim orentaripppBiite., ut ruinrpuia h Cinnvli the most welcome atmotom. Sajelt Qoi&J It will eoao.kt Uo despair. at oneobo bfcood cheer. Hood blood at onco Jolluwai tbaaantgB loaiMna. uio nlaha sweat is aottton. tit a anon uaio.uutu vs fcuwu m.v.ii najitbea aMtoa torevei lir. ulMtnek,a wiMtlelnaa iae rorerer. il i , . sBAdlclnea am eonatantlykept In ) tens or puaaall mm& nr.tanltlea. As a laxatlyo or t III IT0SBIUIIU.IH euro Us imm IImi tVtilmnnlft Rtran and HAa,weed , 6nl7iia nCbrtid; or tttJOa tull doten. Man. duwIUB. fjToenta a box. ,lut nolo by till drug- BlTCIIsai.l. THE PEOPLES MEAT MARKET ..1 MIAN. GAYKK a '.. ' ' 'i'aoratr.tonn'. TT'EEl' constantly on hand Iho Wat tI lyei, A ..Mir nmllnn. venl. Iftmll. Rnilsai.0. Cltl 1111 tttf. etc. .VrosltwIilU l.'rd in nny iiiniuny, tonieu rMei, eieMfllirnyn on iiniui. . . Order uronintlvtlllod.-niid Pftttrr.tction war run lod." " ' fel,7lf " 1 ' JAMES, KYNASTON, .. . i ... i, . i .,. " BMtcker bhI Urailer 1st nil HIsttMi Freest ; ... if'"?' . "J I ' i . " ' f COBNKB NtNITl rNTII AMI I'ortAU BmrtTy , .1 "CAliO; I ILLINOIS. 'ii VH Ui h an.V.tera'&'hV Ko.W litSat eatlle. i . . r . it i f s ... 1 hoBsand heepthd'U'prepared io TIH any deaakdifor'frosh meats from one pound to ten tc re,uieatanun LTCoad'eo , BkylaeTatla axalutl coruumpUgn In any o thousand pounds, aewtl UNUKnTAItliRA. W. 0. OAItY, PRINCIPAL UNDEHTAKEU, HAL'9 KOOM, No. 13 SIXTH 8TKKET CAtno,IttINOIS. NI01IOLASFEITI1, ' QENKUAL UNDEBTAKElt, m W w o r I H W t i ft o i -K. c a for. lltn-at., L'AinO 1LT.IK0IS. a"!r.jl3m DOOKN. 73 w 'A O 23 OT w V. ti w P B 5 S3 O v. -i 3 MS o o r 14 rl .3 i V. -, cr. o tn o o P P t a r o 'A ci 'A va O I a 3 a t. r O a r3 i 3 55 II. A. II A N N O N, Wholesale An4ReUll BOOKSELLER, FfrATIONKR, NEWS AftKHT, Dealer iu Shkkt Mufic, Picture FnAuns, Slori.n iNti?, inc., No. 126, CommorcinlMtenue, CAlttn, iLU.vnip. rjf fiteamcri anpplleil with itlier mml'.nerv, nd daily papers slumped to order dny niu1 nlA'n. iJyftf i. HTOVEM, TIN'WAKK, KIV, A. II ALLEY, DEALER IN STOVES, Tin and Hollow Ware, Clothes WnnKern, 'I'n.l' ware, uoai nous, rircuiiovni', Air.ft'e. (' MtNLTACTlBln Or TIN, ZINO, COPPER AND Mil MET i I lllUiN WAiu;. No. lGO Washington -ft vcniio, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. . AWriloofiaE. Ilulleiinc. and . all kin.U ol workilonont.blioiteiit noiioo,; . let.l.lll , J MEIIICAI.; MAytNARD'S, STJfLlR BITTERS THE BEST USUI rwu.HAi,r. uv .ttAYNARD, l'liOFit JOHN. II iwa. isioli lllftdery,l)ii the UvUttis UnildlnR, le prcpaiad to furuikh all kind of Mask books to the Vtlt audoall ainua ui Kiauiua;. E O " BSIIIIIIIIIl! 1 3 1 ; 1 11 (iJH i IIP laBRawLHaBaKisBt TONIC IN , l',; ' TAMK COOKI-VO AOENTlJ 1'On THE i s ... ' S t WAIUIANTED l-'IItST-CLASS IN EVERY UriyiKCT. t WHAT HOUSKKEKrKIW SAY AI10UT "FAME" OOOKIUGr- STOYES ALWAYS HEADY, ALWAM8 RELIABLE, ALWAYS THE BEST, ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST, AND UNEQUALLED IN THE PERFECTION OF COOKINO APPARATUS rvttir r)i3?T?ETg,Eiisr'r sizes isrow IfttY IIOOIIN. OLOSI2STC3- OUT AT COST ! Thu" pt.Mlo ore hr rrby noliflnl that DJIYGOOBS, HOOTS, SHOES, II ATS, Hdnni'inR to the eetiteol the lalo SOOTT WHITE WILL HE SOLD AT COST, AT TITE OLri'STAND, CORNER CAIEO, JM2-J.I s'l.OTIII.VU, HATS, iWI'H. MiTV. Tsir. SUMMER. I87h ISAAC WALDEB, KUnH t"ONSTANTI.V OS 1IAKII, AT aT-Tja LOWEST CASH TT?.TOTi5S, The Chinpost nnd Heat READY-MADE CLOTHING, OKNTS VUHNISIIINO OOOIX3, HATS, CAr.S, HOOTS, SHOES, Kt lOHNEIl Ol' SIXTII-HT. AND OIIIO.I.F.VRi:, CAIRO, ILLS. 1JAP.TICUI.iIt allenileo paid tQ orders for , of Iho beat of tnatcraf uccd. nUT-b'OOIIH, 11,. 13L. So. 101 CO.WMEIIl'IAI. AVKM'i:, Withes lo call altent on lo his Itnmcnso Mock of newnrul seni.i DRY-GOODS, OARl'ETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. Dress Goods iuiri ii u. ill niiKH. . uiiiiiia. t..niii.'nii iia.. H, I.. U.l... tlAltn etc. American lllnck (Irns tlrnin Heaver llmndof The larnetit nuioi t mcnt of WHITE GOODS, NOTIONS, HOSIERY, GLOVES, lace CTJii'r.A.iasra, ICrnl stBicI Imitation lama, etc., tver oirored Iu llio city. ATrsv nnd rholrc elylP4 ort'itrprlH, null it fit 1 1 lino nf sll S'I(Iin, MitltlnaTN. Nlulr I'ttrat-r-lNitiitl llitarH. IIooIn, HtiorN mill HnlN Iu srrrnt vnrlcty. PAIR DE A RINGS AND SMALL PltOFITS. fjarAu exannnatlmi of his stuck la reapeetlully aake.1. IIIHITH AND HUOK8. WILLIAM EHLERS, , I''ihlnal.lo, H()(iT AND SHOE MAKER, TWKNTIEVII HTUKBT, Uttween WaMimglnq Ayenuo and l'oplnr Gtrrit, CAIRO, I LLP. IWds and flknes Madn lo Oriler. Vine- Workmen Kmployod. BalinDvollou Warranted. 1'atrpnaKo Holicltcd OITY MUOE STORE HOOP SKIRT FACTORY sols Aiirxcr roi CUHTOM-MAUK ROOTS AND SHOES C'owmcrfisii Avmsno, (Vtrsicr of KlKlti" nsrcri. OAIRO, IH.IN0IB. PAnTICUtAll ATTKNTIOH PAID TO ALL 011- IIKIIH TOll 110018 K1UTH AND HIIOKH. I'llVHH'IAWH' A. WADGYMAU, M. V., T)il VHIOIAN, Burgeon nnd Accnuheur. forinerly I- nf Anna .Union rountyt llli.ini,rliaa per- nmovnUy located in tnlr.i. Oltlcu-Coninifrelal "venaViH-ta ""' Ki(Wh and Nlnlh'Btrceu W.wt BllllV - ""J WILLIAM . 8MITII. M. . Trk'liaiiJENCK--Tp. 81 Thirteenth strett, be. Xi lvren Washlettoa aveuuo anil Waluutxlroft. uinoe vm comnwrviai avenue, up aiaira. 0. AY1. 'DUNNING. Mi D ftlKWossr'ner Nbtlrt arid WalhlitUta, JLV Ulllce-Gomer mxtli street and Ohio levee UIUOQ iiours-from o a.m. to w in, MM V Mil, BTOVEH. CKLKIIIIATED H e e Ft a. n - the Inrge nnd innRnlfiernt toek nl CAPS, NOTIONS, ETC. SIXTH STREET AND OHIO LEVEE IlilillTOIS. MIlS. NCOTT WIIITK. WIIITK PHIUTH In all alylea mado, and only VAKPKTH, ETC. a Specialty. tltll. lA..a Mohairs, I.awns, Percales, p, K.'s, unit i. nil'-. 4i..ii.iiii .i,' Hilk, and n full linn oi the celebrated 1'uro ItUi U. Molmlr. IO: VKKAM HAliOOm. LOUIS NASSANO'S ICE CREAM SALOON, COMMERCIAL AVENUE, llPlwrrii'NcvciitPOiitli mill NlrtolN. . t:iRlitr4ulh rnilF. HA MM IN has heiin haa.lmiinely title I tin 'J. nml Hill laya Mipply tlio lust Ice Crenni, t'ake, Confeolnlnt, 1 I.einoiiAile, , , j and Boda! To ha fuiin.l anhrro in theciiy. KAMILIESOR PARTIES HUPPLJKD ON SHORT NOTICE. O'lT'.hn palronni;n of Iho pulii la tetpefiilly Holiviled, WATI'IIH AHKK, I'll A CTICA L W A TCH MA K ER, H. iioUFP, ' , i N. 150 AVASIUNdTON AVENUE, ' I1AIU0, II.LINOIH, ' Has on hand ( A PINE STOCK OP WATCHES,' 01,00KB, JEWELRY, ETC." Particular atteulion eW(n to REPAIRING FINE WATCHES. IM. I a . a UOLD AND SILVER VyATOnj mimtciTV. THE BRIDAL CHAMBER, ESSAYS POIl YOUNQ MEN ON OUBAT SOCIAL EVIL3 ASO ADTJHES, h.'jr-V '"'"'"o vrlllt marrlsftc, with snto meant Jillm..ti,.neJlnu,, unfoitunatr, dlaeruicd inil dehllttateil. Bent In acale I enyBlopo.", firo of f!' ,A,:1,!.,IoJ"", nllarv Aid Assocln Jilawam N"-rt., 1'hll vUiphla, Va. umco oi J. 3, D0BBIN3, 420 North Eighth St., I'hllndn. Dobbins Vegetable A color and drosaing that will not bum tho hnir or injure tlio lie!. It tiu) not prodnoo ft color mechanically, na tho poiaonoua prcparntionB do. It gradually restore tho hAr to its original color and laatro, by fiupplying new life and vigor. It Cftuacs ft luxuriant growth of soft, fiuo hair. Tho bent and salcet article oyer offered. Clean and Pure. No aedimonU Sold overywherc ASK FOlt DOliBINSV CELEBRATED BITTEItCOItDIAIs WIUUiEHALE DF.rOX: BCIIEETZ'8 NATURE'S GREAT RESTORATIVE. N. W. CpnNElJ VIPTII AUD IIACE BTS, lhlliwlclibln, I'n. JOIIX 8CUKKTZ, 80 LE mOmiETOH. a Ula n rellahln Fftn'ly sredlclnp. nnd can I aken hv either Infant ornctilt with tno sama lieen tiolal results. It ia nccrtaln, promptnnd speedy e medy tor diarrhea, dysentery, bowels compiled dspepnin, Inwnesi uf aniriti, falnllngs, sick stomarli, hendneho, etc, Forchillsand fcrer ol all la larlictter nnd safer than quinine eithout nny of lis pernicious ettects. It etleclis an apimllto, provea n powerful dicestor of food and will countornet tho cllectn of liquor w minute. As Indlsputntilo evldeneooflti m cal proportie?, o nppend feir of tho many UOraU'i 111 our josniion ; Joliuaoii'd Depot, Jiist 'i'tiiii., aud Va. U. Teiin. , , Jacob KenuTi, Ks. IienrBirs I nayoused th nittern I linvo ohlnlned liom you. nnd find the in lo ho all they nro rwoin mended to ho, I found onoltllotOfllloritmoconiioraiiorciicr, 1 irei although 1 cannot do very Troll ltlioitt lliem.iu nty present atato of health. It. MKNldi:, 1338oulh6th at., Phlla. 1'0-ttor linpiini rossyunit unurcn. gold by W. I. Allen, 38 Main street Uubuque octlOillv LOOK TO YOUR CHILDREN. THE QUE AT SOOTUINQ REMEDY. Mra. wiiiTcoan's Hyrap, Mrs, WIIITCUMD'S Nyrap. Mrs. WIIITCOXO'S Nyrnp. Uuroe colic and striping ) Price, In tho bowels, and fa. f cllltntca tho process of f Ceats. teethlna. J Hulidtiea e o n v ulalona i Price, and overcomes nil di I S5 eases Incident to in- (Ceats. fonlsandchlldron. .1 Cures diarrhea, discn-1 Price, tory andoummercom. I ii plaint In children oi bM 1 Ceats. BROS. J It Is tho Oretit Infant's and Children's Soothing Remedy In all disorders brought on by Teething or nny other cause Proparcd by tho OUAfTON MEDICINE CO., St. Louis, Mo. Hold hy DrtigsUts aad Dealers In Medicine everywhere myTdwOm DUN BAR'S WONDERFUL DISCOVERY. BET1IESDA MINERAL SPRING WATRERj OP WAUKESHA WISCONSIN. TfllH water is tha neknowleilffeilenrn of I lie In. Irnelablo nnd Incurnlilu disooso known as llrlf ht'a iia.-nnii mm iiiitiirieu. llptlll..U .lluf..lUA I - I..I.I 1 n I i. i. , i .. . 1 l . i ... wa.4tnd owny, Uastroys llio by starvation of Iho UIOUII. Dmocton commences with frooticnt desires to pun wator, great tli'.rat, conatipatlou, loua ot airennwi nun uesn. AKionisninR cures oi uropsy nave ocen eirecteil, lirick-dust deposit, Intlauialion of Uio nock of tho iiiauacr. aiKan, mvi couty swelling, tor ilia liver it U upsurpossod. 11 will allay all mtlamn tionnt Iho kidney and urinary organs In twenty four houru, Kivlug tmmodiato rcliof l also, a scar let fover It prevents tho kid noy from congesting, and removos all traces of nlbumcnorla. It wilt uitc relief In all casax of hleh fever. KUWAltU DU.NUAK, E3.)., (leneral AccntatthoHprinKU, Waukesha, Wis, ncador, if you aro atllicto.l wiUi any ol Iboloro ciiluu dUoruei, wrllo to the undersigned. Ill.t adylcowlll cost younothinci ho con by chomical nnaiyHia posiess iiunBoii oi a clear KBowiease in nny individual case no matter ol how long stand- in ij. Ills wonderful diacovcry IlothcsdsMlnernl Water la a noaitira nmod for the foreirolui nllmentn. it Iina never ratlodlo do what ho clalmn lor It Whero over imnJ. This witter has thn MAtnn Koo.1 olleot nt Iho remotest part of tho country, that II liannt llio Hnnncsi le nevorloues a paxii enlof lis medicinal ijualitic. by pnekago or trans nortation. Dlreotionu now liiuanilmtfilnf.nil circular will accompany pack naekaKo ordered. JJS l'liiiniiTlTsnlu-av., WashinRlon, II. O. Of Edwitrtl 1. llunbar.Uonoral ManHeer ntthn Hpttne.t, Waukrulia, Win. ak"w's wuwn iiTnrywn. imwum Dlt. lllClIAlTB GOLDEN REMEDIES. Uo tluvto only, and snvo tlmo, lienlth and money. sl.Ouo reward tor any cane of disease, in any nlaio which thoy tail to cure. DR. RICH AU'S DOLDEN HALS AM, Non. InudZoUieRrcatest allornlivos known. I)ll.ltICllAU,U(lUI.nfiNEU.Ill D'AMUUK is tho i;rroloe tonic and Bilrlngcut In thomcdi. ra list. nn. niciiAU's tioLDEX antidote U tho only rellal.o tliurntic. . I ' '' T...1n.llu nrfl not nitrerLfsOil tn enrn nil complaint', nnd U'lieHtuonn! but nro guar anteod tneifMta radlenl and upeedil cuio In all ensoa for whleh Kiev nro recowrnenilfxl, when nil othcx Irentiiieiii in' i men. tens oi inoutaiuia yearly riieuver by their use, who hnvo lost nil hoim, auit been priuioiinvrd iu IliClUMjlQ by tho bftfof our iiitslienl faculty, J)IC. RICH AU'S UOLDEN BALSAM VO. 1. Cliren tlleern lllei.-nfA.I mrn lli,Ani innutll. HOto ovea. lUiitsnaaua .nn.u.p eolorril Hotehes, aoroncBs of tho Bcalp, ncrolul i. u . in uioKiwiwii I'lwiaior.'uioraiiyoiana blood purlller known, removes all mercury from iho Hvntcin, and leaves tlio blood nuro nml houltliy. DIL UlCJUAU'E aOLDEtf.llALSAM .i No, 2, eiuesmereurlnl al!octlon,rhciimatlamtrl all its forms, ami glvee 'immediate relief In ai' cssos. Dll. IIICIIAU'3 GOLDEN ANTIDOTE, A radical core, for all urlaary' derangemeats; I'rlco, w per bottle. ihi.'hicuau h doivkn txiiH vamqvu, A rdlcal euro, for nervous or leneral ileWllly, In old or yonac; Importtair. 'eeetXy Mt veadurful elfect. , price as per noute, or two for. t On rooel ot of nrice. theaa iwaaaatteatiHIl ha atun. pod to any place. Prompt stleflmn paid to all correapondente.' rtoae ceMtnevtlthout tho name of "UR. HsCHAUtlaOtDKN HEMKD1EH. D. II. KicuiBse, soie proprietor. ' stms id uibbb or bottles. circulars sent, :iraue suppuesi as a UDsfal dlt couat. ' - i t'UNt Addrees, vri P. u. mc bar us, as varwt'et., m.Y. lBJariii'w4aey try cxprsaa at ewBVrrlraiVila threngh your DrKeat,a4 l saef wu ao lorn rHaa BU rekKencre, ami hcuiciho