Newspaper Page Text
THKMML8. ARRIVE. 5oitti, Througn.... .., ?.r)fi.m. Way.J.-.. t p.m. r)oalh, War 12 $ P-w- " ' Through N. O., Mem- lilt and ColnmMi P-- lllii..' Biter route, (except cLdan, ,ZOI. )h.m ) .m. S.00 11,00 ll;0flp.m, l.oo p.m, Monday).-.. I. ul.,n R. II. MM. l,W 'lll ..... 2.Ka.ln rtOOp.n 11.10 p.m HI... mm rout, Tueeday i .i rrwr Th,i, Oeot island s,n, re. Ills., Thursday Frl .tar... i ' ' 6.(0 p.m. 7.00 p.m con p.m. J;0)H.II), u .a II. ltlandv.l.c aid n til, m. 1.(0 p.m. u line, liy - " " rn a ii"' n. Oenernl Delivery - ''V",m ,.-,n..dy8lo.i.m.) u.o iir.l.rilei.utininl "" G.0J ' . ... r.jimm. uVul.inr " ' ' s:w ii.iii. ,Mi Order and Heeler iemrttiicnts not u4n on Kanday. SECKKTJHWKH& Tile MA0.V.. ... l.l S'll."''! Assembly ' V,.L"; p'i J, JSiwij th.M ti!. at mr Ajl,,m '"""n" 1 V' "n ,'.!glM Convocation at ..C''' . , k-t-con.1 Friday In each roomh. :.:,.-,r,rt. No. 7t.-SKuUr;.ContoclIon t, judaic Kali, on tho third Tuesday of every Cno Lorx. No. 237 F. A A. M Regular Com. mnnlealions'at Masonic Hall, tlie second nnd fonnli Monlayt of each month. Ditii 101x11, No.tGS K. A. M. Regular Com mnaleations at Sfasonlo Hull 3rat unil third Thursdays In each month. TUB ODD-FELLOWS. AlJn"''0M,'-'"5Ic'',, ,n P'"0"' 11,11, In Arwr'a liuilJIni?, every Tiursday.Jevcn. Inc. atSo'cIojk. . TRAYULBR'S GUIDE. CAIRO'S IIAILUOAD CONNECTIONS. TAKE NOTICE. riMITAtlLEOr THE ILLINOIS CENTRAL n. 11. OnandanerPunday, JTa- 71th, 181, the follow ing iirae-talJ "ill go.ern tho arrival nml dcpnrt urcof DKf r trnln tit Cairo: Vparf-Mul imln, dally llMSp.m. Kipru. tlarir - 2:15 V"m- Artin-UM, daily 3:30 a.m. Eiprcis, Oally, except Hunday 3:30 p.m. AUhoURh tLe regular bt, Lntiii train ia taken oil Dotb trtlni out of Cairo will liavo through ear for St. Lonii, vhleh will bo taken through from Daqoatn by the trains on tho Dellerlllo road. Di rect and ctoae connection will bo mado at Dn qaolo, and there will be. no change of cara from Cairo to Si. LouU. Tho train leaving Cairo nt 11.41 p.m. will hare n through eloeplng car lor Ht. Louia. The attention of ahlppem ia especially calltd to the fact that a Fruit Kxpreaa train will leato Cairo daily, Saturdaya rxpecled, nnd lll make ihe run from this city to Chicago In twenty, two hours. JAH. JUJI.vsiW, Agent. QUICKEST UOUTE FUOJI SOUTU ILLINOIS CENTRAL R. R. TO St. ljuta, Louisville, Cincinnati, Chi- CAOO, EW '0K, llOiTON, AMI Alt. POINTS EAST AND AY EST. Paasmger trains arrive at and le.te Unlrn na to.. low . : mil. rxrarsii. Aant ........ :ii:iu a m '.li'JO, UtriKT llit.ln.m t!)!5 p.m Both train, conm-el at Ccnlriliawlih train on tlio rot Paba. IWalnr, IlloominnUrn, I.I 1'ao, IiHillr Mfu.lota, Mit)rl, (iali-in, iiuuiiiio, una all lointo in Illinois, .IlKinuri, JIlnnMota, rt'consln ami lima. And tilth f.lncs running Eai nml Wel fur . Imiis, H ngliflJ, fonlrlllo, CilKinml, li.(.inaiolit, Uiluinliiii. AnJ atChl.'y lliclnjnu "iii ml, M uli lum doinlprii. .ill IMNlinrg, Kort ,Vaytie .ul U.iic'fo lt.iilru.i Is tur LMrcit, Clririati'l, lliilihlrk. Hl.inj, It Hon, l'hllmlcipliln, .NlajjrK fall., Krlo, lluttalo, Trk, I'illahurg, lUltlinore, U'nliingtoii, AND ALL POINTS EAST. I ir through liiliets ami infnrmatlon, lo Hi it Central nallroid Itepot. W. P. JOHNSON, . i,iivi',tv'1Cf'U PnV'ongiT Auelit, Chicago, J. JOIINbON, Agent, Cairo. HTEAMIIOATN, - ." . 'j-. '.. . ..... , MOUND CITY AM) UA1K0. THE STEAM TUG, CACHE Oait. AVilliam II. Sandusky. WILL MAKE l'OUll Tltll'S KVEKV DAY nt its CAIRO VCID. CITY I.r.AVK Caiuo, I I1SIITII HTKtl.T, Al 7 A.M. At 10 A.M. At 1 P.M. At S p.m. Leave Mi City, wiutn.uT, At 8.30 A.M. At 11. SO A.M. At 2.:!0 p.m. At C.30 P.M. WI1.I. LAND. AVUEN HAILED, at run x vAtrrouY, hawk's um-rn or cache, mawnk wayh, AND NAVY YAltll. CAIUO AND VADlTOAll l'ACKKT. DAILY rJTk The beautiful and llght-ilMngtu . "GSa sleamer, JAMES V1SK, Jit., U.n fwrnw. Mat LEAVES CA11U) DMUV, LEAVES I'ADUCAU DALY, ' 'at ..'cuiea, "lUvini nirir aeeoinmoiUtioiif. .In- h0 lella publla pairiuiagii. sls-'rtllllr alleiillon I. paidloenl eet'ion uf Hi. ' Dksrges, I hi I th Uwt will 1101 la. n sikjii rttlx fur the Minx until ocll led. rUUMITUKK. B. S. HAKKKLIi, DEALER IN FURNITURE UTJEENSWARE, HOUSE rUltNlSHINO GOODS, BAR FIXTURES, GLASSWARE, 180 & 187 Commercial Avonuo ! ' CAIRO, 1LL1K0I. HAK1IEUK. J. GEO. 6TEINUOUSE, FASHIONABLE BARBER, or. Hilt!, suad Cstwiaiertliil.uv. wr.rl'iup tutors, SWCltto Towels tnd VUkillfull Workmen. 1 1 swLaWirai' nd children's lialr cut Lud slum fboi, ellhrat the (hop or t their omu bomi. mm usjtiessi-(tBMKW man uair uyea a b NEW AUVJiltTiSUMBNTS. vni-r .ml . .lay aura, no hum- btirg, Pa, ftil.twHin I lrU) !,,.,:on $. In premiums," rl J VIii.infT discount A IVew Plan, nrruly t nr u ,,.;,,,(. lUrn. Kd I e.lar 8;Vl, Now Vera. Jj"J"". ST. LOUIS XjA.W SCHOOL. Mill P. regular annual Irrmcflhli l'w Botiool I will "pen on W'edne.ilay, October lllti. mi. ,urt ....... .1 mnntli!.. rt.ell. 81U . ..... . i a (i. .ni.i. !.... n vntiilnallotl i.w nhi.linnii.iti nn or befnro Oolober 7tllVa"1 itilli'in fee. till 00 rcr nnntiui. For. particular nil Jr Anilnir l)en orl. Faculty, 203 NORTH 3;J t5f., ST. LOUIS, MO. --ItHWAKl). 8.r)0. TK( lin.ler irncil will l,ltr KM- I V UUI,I,AK3 kV.U'AHII fur ihA rutnrn t., lilin nl onu kit Ol Moulder'n Tool, or either of tho tool, Molen from Heed Mann's, foiinilry between Cntimlay vening iat nt o d ciockaiih muwiht niuriiiuH, t.lw n.l 'I'),. Irtnl. irAtii , llV (J. A .Monk, and bear their linpilnt, and werci marked ullli the inltlala "1. II." . . H. (). lllJICK, nl Ileoil Jlalin a rounnry. Cairo, UK, July C, 1871. Jy7dlw (5HAND PJ5ACK CKLKU11ATION, MONDAY, JULY 17TII, .1 0 II N 8 C U K K L 'S GAUD E S, CAIRO, ILLlNOIfi. TH U ATItlOA L ENTKKTAIJttl ENT, ca-Orallon-, IVO'Concerl, oiTFirenorkfi, Bsrllliimln.illon, AND HAL PAItKE. 1 he celebrated OA1UO S1LVKU CORNET HAND, And thn best hiring Hand in Hon thorn Illinois have iiein engage! lor uiooecasinn, 'inio m, CoiuoAII. And cntoy volirselve, for this i designed to be Ihngreatea.celelirullon vrr hell In Cairo. Tho w hole lo concludo Peativlllea commence nt 1 o'clnelc, p,ni Tlek- eli of ftdiiii!!siou,Mi cents each Tlu- celebration tho THALIA ASSOCIATION. THE BULLETIN. I'tilillolicil 'cry nionilii, .M11111I113- ex 'ilil. CITY SEWS. JOTTINGS AJ.OUT TOWN. Court wag nlotig. TJ10 Sun still sliincs. IJiiIiio3 liril.iii; tij). Tciiijiornltiro yrtortlny jilcnsant. A now etirioiily In llio city is flyinir flcns. .Mr. .M. I!. Hitrrcll litis liecn seriously ill for n week past. City treasurer Tuylor left Inst nichl fur Crittenden Spring. Wm. AVinlor i, in thu city on n visit to his brother, Henry. Tho chnin uniiL' is I'rowitii; stnnll liv degrees nml beautifully lei. John Sheehtui is now nctl titr n9 tiiirlit policeinun. Mjo-9 doos tho dny. Tho .S'101' ltolihy is tho lutid fnM In tlio rear of llnrtintiu'i ntictioii utoro. Tho select council, nn Tliuridny night, liastinl tlio railroad ordinances In good ihnpc. Chief Myers has oxpresscd liisdutorm inrttiort to resign his position on tlio polico foroo. Stockllelh's CiiliforiiiK hnd ot'ior wines aro puru mid fold at tho vory lowest mark ot pricp. The hell of tho church of tlio llodooin- er persistently refutes to bo repaired. It mutt bo recast. ilpodyar's (imver & Ditker sowlnc machines aro jtut tho thing. Ho rents or sells Ihein on tho easluU ienn. Mr. Hyslop, nt tho City National llnnk, sluttttl eii.l ytisterday on 11 month's tour. Sntford asserts that ho will bring back with him a wifij. Slocktleth bus roUl onu hundred Mid eighteen UcUts to Uio peaeo celebration to bo held on Monday next. Carl Thoiuns ntui inuls Herbert havo told u bushol. Tltu penco culobmlbiii. nt ScheuVa iiir, dtp, next Monday ev-Jtibig, will be, no uoiint, an imposing affair. Tickets of nd lolstlon to tho garden aio soiling rapidly b"."B mi uku nov canes. Tim Dulu bnm ball thtb will pky tJ0 l'uftiuie. of Mound City tho final gaWu thm city on Monday afternoon next and return gumu with tho Trimbles of Vndueuh on Thursday afternoon nert. Tl... 1! ..iu iiLX-lltva uuu mo Urst Of tlm present month havo not all boon pia lu" "-'"'ii'iiiig unpaid, Tho M0. i'"-"" '"Ul- Ty up- soon, or elso tho officers mny bo pcrsut led to them inw court. Tho photogrnphio gallery lately occu pteu oy . i. worthington, is icllttcd aim rolurnlshed in first-class stylo by J J Thomas, n practical photographer nnd iir.i-ciiiss"worhiiin, who "says h has couio to stay. ', tsiyo him atrial. tf Our market is bnro of hay, nnd fresh ogs nro iu)t to bo Imp for lovo or money Villi Howard, lovingly culIol,'abird by hen l'uxon, has rotiirned from Vn ducalr, Ila camo homo In n violin box is musical ns over, and still soils meat to stouinbonts at prices astonishingly low. A.,young!tcr .indulge! in tho uinuso moot of tlirtovlng ;plcn eggs nt podetri ans on Thursday night, and broko ono particularly odorous, on tho back of a col ored d a ip sol, who had hlui.urrostcd yester day and fined SC. Cain tnudo tlio arrest. ''Pho Sun aisorti that Mr. Linogar will not bo u cundidato for congrtssmnn at THE ICAIRO DAILY BULLETIN, SATURDAY, JULY 15, 1871. hrgo. This Is i pntrlotto dolor.mlnntlon Tim fluid must be loft clonr for 1110 lion n iv M..n... Ho is Tim Uulletin'u cfindldnto nnd mutt bo nominntod. firms. II. Evan. "Wnshlngtoti nvcnuo liatweon Klchth nnd .Ninth stieots, litis on hnnd n snlondld itock of family groceries of nil kind, which ho is soiling nt tho low est prices. .IIo Is dototmlnod to bo not tut' dersold, find Ito cbnllcngos comparison of tho quality of his goods tilth nliy homo In tho city. Tho "Imbrtglo" betweon tbo county court nnd tho county officers concerning tho proposed destruction ofcoun.; orders has not yet culminated. Clerk Hnrman has obtained n howitzer and it nuly sword nnd is nwnltinc Judco Dross' ndviinco calmly nnd determinedly. Tlio Columbus DUnatch enysi "A corps of cnglneors, employed by tho 111. Contra) Itnllroad, nrrlvcd hc-o Monday morning nnd commence! n re-survey of tlo routo over which to construct n railroad to connect tlio MollloA Ohio railroad with tho 111. Centrnl nt Cairo. A survey lin been inatlo nbout overy nltcrnnto ycur for tho last twonty years; nnd .thus far it lifts nllcndod In surveying, but wo nro nssurod that this tlmo tho road will bo built with out fall, but over what patticulnr routo Is not yot determined. Tho 111. Control railroad Is to furnish tho means for con struction, but tho road will bo owned nnd operated by tho Mobllo & Ohio company. Tho Memphis "mackorels," who havo been confined In tho city jail fL y-3vo days, will bo discharged from custody to day. "Whon first locked up thoy informed tho jailer thoy that hnd broken from nn Iron jnil at Vicksburg nnd tho niodol jnll nt DIomphls, nnd thnt a d d rat-trap liko tho Cairo calaboose could not hold thorn. Hut it did. In Porryjconnty citlzons aro rosorl- ing to legal process to compel tho county court to issuo bonds to a railroad, wliilo In this county Martin Brown, for himself nlone, In utlor disregard of every interest of his neighborhood and county, proposes nn injunction to restrain our court from issuing bonds In aid of two railroads abso lutely necessary to tho wolfaro of South ern Illinois. An cll'ort was mado to induco Mr. IJurlingbnm, nt ono timo principal of our' public school, to again accept that po sition, but ho refused, having cntorcd Into other rngitjaincnls. Most of our clt- i.ons, who tnko tin interest in tho schools, will regret tb determination of Mr. lilt r linghnm. Hi's return to our schools would givo very gonornl satisfaction. A colored gentleman who happened to bo unfortunate and get into tho city jail by n.inie, Mr. St. Clair rofuscd to work on tho streets, but second sober thought taught him tho folly of his con duct, nnd ho is now earning fifty cents n dny in tho sweat of his fnco. Uis olfnso was striking nno"ior colored gontlomnn for mentioning his wifo's namo in a barber hon. "Enquirer" indulges in nn attnek upon tho council after Iho following: "Will you, Mr. Bulletin, nllow mo to onquiro through your pnpor why it is thnt our cit izens nro doomed to continuous, pes- tificrous nnd dangerous nnnoynnco by tho mullitudinoi'1 dogs running at largo in our city, notwithstanding tho positivo ordi nnnco to the contrary ? Is it becnuso thoy havo not tho moral courago to enforce their own ordinance, or bccmi90 n major ity of them hnvo not paid their canino lax,? If tho former, It would bo a grtt rulicf if thoy would resign tho'r official honors nnd givo pluco to mon of moro norvo. If tho latter, why not got up a festival to rniso funds to reliovo thorn? Enqciukii." A fWuml )inm nulluil to OUT lltt Oil tl On tho following llavory paragraph from tho St. Joseph Herald: "If St. Joseph Is to bo n vast hog pen, why not funco it in nnd appoint certain council mon who havo a hankering for hogs, ri Imdsmcn? This might bo a good invest mcnt for tho city, und lower tho prico of pqrk. Loo); at this question philosophi cally, for n moment. Suppose tlio city council could throw 2.00(,000 hogs .on tho market nt once, won) 1 it not fetch bacon and hnms down to living rates? It wouldn't cost tlio city anything to fatten thoso hogs on, save, perhaps, a few bushels cf corn just beforo killing tlmo. Thoy could Iced around in tho gardens. Early potatoes, cabbage, lettuce, radishes, sweet corn, etc, would keep them In good condi tion through tho summer. And besides bringing down tho prices of pork, thus benefitting tho poor, sco what a rovonuo would puss into tho city treasury." o call this wiso suggestion to tho prayerful attention of our oily council. CiiANOK. Tho iiiinamod sail-boa tho winner of tho fourth of July rnce, was uum in tins city by M srs. llabor & Car penier, and is pronounced by parties an m tilings imutlcul to bo nn ctcsllont specimen of workmaiishln. Thn InnrAh v. eei is 21 foot ; breadth of beam 7 Hot 0. inches; depth of hold. 27 Inches : con. tro board, f. fuel long, and cantos 00 yards of eauvi Thn lu.ii.i. i. --- ..... uxuuurr, woo nro lliu proprietors, proposo lo dispose of hor jn this way i F0Ur clubs r-o to bo formed of muc.Mcac"i wJi mombor of each "uo 10 ton dollar,, which will ." """"n "ur clubs aro formed tl,n .... . "g will take pi,, , llml wl u bjlhosamoru,,,,,,, rcKlutlona nttond- .... oruinary lottery drawings. It is i nderslocKl thme-h subscriber to a club rJ, belong ,T 7 ' u 1 ina.vwur.lly. Tbo ' "a " '"bHlon nt tho lovco every sr lino, or uin.i.. .. ... . invitation 1. . ' ' "Uy' ft,,a R" ,.t.i. . 10 11,0 puwio to . .... i,u v.ijuy n ireo ride, l..l r.'oi " ,urk Kimrc WiiH.,.,. . . ciu . L.. -r. Jilaelc or tho Ul Shoo Store, agont for tho snloof our gentlomciis,1 ladles' nnd misses' .i.. f,. ntlthorizcd by u to Warrnnt ..11 r shoes bearing tho stamp of tho City Shoo -.1, ...m lorepiaco with now ones ull shoes of nnr l,..,,,.l ...1.1 1 ... 1 , .. y.u vy iiint mat may ' ilHOLAHKI tk CO., ji-i-ii onoo ainnuracturors, St. Louis Kikdlino600 "gltus boxes" for salo . u . emu each. W, W Tuowjiok. Jo2Ht. V - v SELECT COUNCIL. (ItfgiilariricclIngollhoSelectConncll.l CoiMrtt, CitAvurn, Caiiio, 111,, July 13, 1171. Mnyor Lnnsdon prdsidlng. I'rcsont-Councllmen Hallldny, Hurd, Ltinsdnn, Taylor and Woodward 0. Absent Councilman Schuh nnd Wood 2. On" motion of Councilman Taylor tho reading oftho Journnl wasdlsponsod with. OnDlNANCEU. Upon Its second reading, "nn ordlnanco In refcronen to tho polico force" Said ordlnanco having had Its socond rending, Council Taylor moved to ndopt. Carried as follows : i Aycsllnllldny, Hurd, Taylor and Woodwnrd 4. Xnya-0. Upon Us stcond rending, "an ordlnanco. to nuthorlzo tho subscription of $100,000 lo tho Cairo and Vlnconncs railroad com pany, buhl oruinaneo Having boon read, Councilman Tuvlor moved to amend by in serting nt tho beginning of snld ordlnanco after Section 1, tho following : "That tho mayor oftho city bo nnd ho hiroby Is1 au thorized nnd instructod to subscrlbo on bohnlf of tho city of Cairo to fio capital stock of tlio Cairo & Vinconncj railroad oompnny in tho sum of ono hundrod thous and dollars, said subscription to bo pay ablo in bonds of tho city ns horolnaftcr provided for." Amendment cuerled. Councilman Schuh appeared nnd took his scat. Councilman Hnlllday moved to amond said ordlnanco by adding nt '"'o ond there of, tho following, viz: Skc. '2. It shall bo and it ia horobv mado tho duty of tho Banking, Loan or Trust Comnnnv. Trustee or Trustoes which shall bo choson or solectcd to hold said bonds as horoinboforo provided to dolivor up said bonds to said Railroad Comnanv upon said Company's issuing to said city and delivering to said Trustco ono hundred mousnnu (luo.oooj dollars of paid un slock in snld Railroad Comnanv. which said lock tho said Trustco is hcrobv author ize! and directed to sell to saia Railroad Company, for flvo thousand fC.0001 dollars of Cairo City Bonds; soasthoroby to carry out tho provisions of tho agreement cn torcd into November 25. I8G7, by nnd be tween said city and said Ballrord Com pany." Amendment adoplod. Councilman Ilalliday furthor moved to amend by striking out tho words "bo fin ished," whero thoy first occur in said ordi nance, and insort in lieu thorcof tbo words "hnvo boon construct! 1." Carried. Councilmnn Tpylor now movod to ndopt tho ordlnanco ns amended. Carried by tho following voto: Ayes Ilalliday, Hurd, Schuh, Taylor and Woodward 5. Nay 0. Upon its second reading: "An ordl nanco to authorizo a subscription Jof 100,- 000 to tho Cairo nnd St. Louis Rail road Compnny." Said ordinanco having been rend, Councilmrn Taylor moved, tho following amendmonts thoroto which wcro adopted, viz : to striko out tho word "flvo" nftcr tho word "twenty" in tho fou-tconth no from tho top of snld ordinanco to striko out tho words "Alexander county nnu lit wiu louiu uniu unu num iiiu ii- tomofsald ordinanco; nnd to striko'out tho words "party of tho second part" in tho twolfth and thirteenth lines from tho bot tom of snld ordlnnnco and insert in licw flinrpnfttin wnrdalljnLl rnll-nnfl trn n v " " ..."" tvuni.u; . Councilman Hallldny witlidrow tho nmnndmont offered by him to snld ordl nanco nt tho Inst meeting of this board. Councilman Hurd offered to amond said ordlnnnco by adding at thoond theroof tho following, vis: "nnd provided, furthor, that in no cno shall thcro bo issued to said railroad company a grcator amount in tho bonds of tho city than fifty percent urn oftho cost in cash of any Ave milos of said road-bed, as shown by tho certified measurements oftho cnglncor of said rail road, until said railroad shall havo been cornpioioj, And that nny surplus of said bonds not delivered undor this proviation shall bo delivored to said railroad compa ny, when tho track thereof shall hnvobcon completed, and tho cars run thereon from Cairo to St. Louis. Councilman Schnh moved to ndopt. Car ried ns follows : Ayes Ilalliday, Hurd, Sclii-' Taylor nnd Woodward 5. Nay-bi Councilman Taylor moved to i lopt tho ordinanco ns nmouded. Cariicd by Iho following voto: Ayes Ilalliday, Hurd, Schuh, Taylor and" Woodward C. .'m Nay 0. . " hill. Councilman Taylor moved that tho bill of Officer Shochan which' wt laid oyer from bust meeting bo allowed I' :s for two days' services.' Withdrawn; y I Councilman Schuh movod to allow tho amount in full. Curried ns folic ws : J Ayes Hulliday, Ilurjl, Schuh, Taylor nnd Woodward 5. Nay-0. No further business nppcaring, on mo tion of Councilmnn Schuh the Council ad journed. M. .1. Howi.KY, City Clork. ASSIGNEE'S AUCION SALE, OF HANKnUPT H Kl'FKCTS. By virtue of a decrotnl ordor of Iho U. S. district court fur tho southern ills trict of Illinois, 7. shall, on Thursday, tho 2Qth uay..of. july,.procccd to sell tho uifig- nlllcont stock or goods of WILLIAM :M. DAVIDSON, . Imiikrupl, coulitlng of plows, cultivator reiipor,i norso-raKos, coni-snellors, corn- planters, grub-pullers, nnd ull kinds of ag ricultural implements ; grass sood, nails, taoks, hinges, washlng-inachinos, carpon i tools, coopors tools, sido-saddlos bridles, saddlory, trace-chains, horso pow ors, pumps, lightning rods, Stowart's par lor stovo, gnrdonors implements, cno i.illto idilor lllillS. BflfllJ. n vnlni lim.a I "I" .... ' . ' ."I "'"', I kettle, pliltiorni nnu oountor ncalc-, cross out nnd clrculur snws, corn mills, pruning hooks, n largo stock of pockot knives nnd fancy hardware, and numerous other jir- liclcs. Tills Is tho finest, 'IkisI selected, and most dcslrnblo stock ol Hnidwaro ovor olfocod at pubUo ftln. J" faouthorn Illinois. lMio saloVilllcommJnco on Thursday,' July 20, anu coniiiiuoirui.iony lo uny until tlio on tiro stock of uoods is sold. Until tho dav of nubile sain tlieao ccodi can bo obtained at' u bargain by calling on viiQunuorsignou, , Geo bub FinuxB, Asslgao. CIRCUIT COURT. Frlday.ynly 14, 1871. Tho nrgumcnt in tho caso of Ynlr vs Shotwoll was concluded by D. W. Munn in a spcoch of two hours. Tho Jury dollb orntcd about on hour nnd returned a vor did In favor of tho phlnttff ond asscssod his dnmngo at $1,000. Tho Pooplo vs. William Carter (a negro) charged with stoallng $27 from Harmon Able. Verdict of guilty and sentenced to 3 years in tho state,' prison. Tho l'coplo vs. Balto Mnoro (a nccrois) for stealing ?10 from Graco Windsor. Motion for now ttial overruled nnd de fendant sentonc l to pay a flno of f 1G and romain In tho county jail 7 days. Tho Pooplo vs. llobort Stewart (a negro) charged with nn assault to do n bodily In- Jury, by cutting ano'.bor nogro with n ra zor plea of guilty, and a Uio of $30 r.i sossod nnd his imprisonment n tho county Jail fixed nt 20 days. Albright for defend ant. ! . Tho l'coplo vs. Giovanni Batast'no, Pcr- adno Batastino and Domlnlco G!ovanul charged with riot. Indict nont qunsbod. Allon, Whcolor and Albright for dofdnd- ants. Tho Peoplo vs. tamo rartlcs, charged with nssaultlto murder by stabblnc 6on. Bryco. Plea of guilty of assault to Jo a bodily injury by Giovanni Batastlnc, ,snd n flno of 100 assosscl and imprisoned 30 days. Nollo as to ForaQno Batastino, and tho ctno continuod rs to Dominlco Gic vanni. Tho bail of tho lattor wn placed at $300. Allon, Albright nd Whoclcr for dofondants. Ono or two othor prisonors who bad bcon proviously convicted waroiontonced by tho court. Tho criminal dockot being now disposod of. tho common law docket will bo taken up this morning at 9 o'clock to hich tlmo court adjourned. lUrrLE and Ball. A flno watch will bo raffled off at Mrs. GatTnoy's this even ing. Aftor tho rafllo thoro will bo a dancn given. Fon Sail Tho building now occupied by Herman Moyor, on tho levee, is offer' i for salo on very roasonablo to. mi, as ho proposes to! erect a now building on tho sito of tbo old ono at oneo. Jy 1 l-2t. Personal. Wo Uko solid ploasuro'in returning our appreciative thanks to Col. Vocblci, of tbo box and basket facto ry, for a box of poaches sent by him to tho Bullktin ofllco last ovcnlng. Tin peaches wcro flno and large and just ripo enough to bo deservodly called luscious. Baeder Wasted. A barbor can find wnploymont by applying to Fred. Thoo bald, at his shop on Sixth street. Nono but a good experienced workmnn need ap ply. Wages $14 per week. Work steady. tl Our Railroad Interest. Tho prosont encouraging ovidcncoi of railroad pros perity should induco ovory citizen of Cairo to patronlzo Frod. Thoobold, who ha re turned to tho city and taken charge of his popular tonsorlal palace, on Sixth street, between uiuo iuvuu uu' wu... -. cnuo. Fred, is a master in hi business, with a reputation, that extend far nnd wido. Ho employ only tho most skillful workmen, His razor aro sbrp, his tow els fresh and sweet, and his barber-shop as clean and bright as a now pin. Give Fred a call, all for tho sako of all Id lang sync. This is tho season of tho year whon tbo system should bo thoroughly purged of tho humor which croato diseaso. Thcro is no purgative or cathartic so mild and efficacious as Uxlmiiold's Grape Pills, causing neither nausoa or griping pains as is tho caso with tho ordinary cheap pat ent pills of tho day most of which aro composed of calomel or mercury, and carelessly prepared by inoxpcrlcnced per sons. Aftor thoroughly purging tho sys tem uso Uelubold's Extract Saiwai'a uilla, tho great blood-purifier, and thoy will insure now life, nowbloo.'. and renew ed vigor. Try them. Reliable and Safe. Dr. Ueiry Root and Plant Pills aro mild nnd please ant in their operation, yet thorough, pro ducing no nausoa or griping. Boing en tirely vegetable, thoy can bo taken' with out rogard to diet or business. , Thoy arouto tho llvor and socrctlvo organs into healthy action, throwing off diseaso with out exhausting or debilitating tho system Try them and you 'wjll bo satisfied Price 25 cents a box. Sold by druggist and dealers In mcdiclno overywhero Prnparod by tho Graftcn Mcdiclno Co., St Louis, Mo. myOdm St. IS icmolas. Day boardor can se- curo good accommodation at tho St. Nich olas (formerly tbo St. James) at $4 per week. Tbo uouso is at lira corner ot unio lovoo and Eighth street, a. central location. and is proprlotorod by Atari y TVaiKor, ..itvn tn thn wnnta of his natrons. Parties desiring boarding and lodging can learn torms on inquiry uv vuu ytuvu. may3dtf 3 For ExciiAnoi5.i-A.n invoice of Hats and 'caps and othor mcrcnanoiio -io small house and lot in Cairo. For doslrar bio propcrtywlll pay sonw casn alitor- enco, Call nt No. 140 Commercial avoque Elliott, Haytuorm uo. ' ' o VkHBl. CANS II CANS!!! Fivo hundred dbz'on No. 1 Tin FRUIT CANS at the NEW.-fpW'BTonr, at l'.00 por dozon. Largest wholosa! and.rct;all stock in tho city. ' " " J UREELTttt A A..1I1. K.KK1- cool. Uotrlgorators, ico chests walor coolers, I1 X L' ico cream rrcozorB bath tubs, japanned cloth for window scroens, etc., etc.,- at BEERWART, UUTU as vju.b, myptf 130 Com. Avo. (Viui! to Stay. ltobort Rcid baitlpor- manently ostnbllshod a coal yard nt Cot tonwood Point, Mo., for tho jmrposo of supplying steamboats with cotil. 'lowajnt nHtlmos, day or night. joBtf U. S. JUUTCIUH80N, AgonU Marriaoe Guide. Interesting work, numorotis ongrnvings, as pagea. at CO conts. Addross Dr. Butts' Dlsponsay, No. 12 North Eighth Btroot, St. Loii, Mo, Boo Advortisomont. 1 A Wnnn nil A nvtno MotllOTS Unt tho Importance attached ;to tho euro I of: . " . -m AL.A.1ansslS) lUfl. teotning cnuuron. itoau tuo u' mont of Mr. WWtconib' Syrup U in othor column, JyiUwlwj nOTCM. OltAWFOnU IIOUSK, CORNER SIXTH and WALNUT-ST., (Kntranco on Hixth-st.,) F. J. Uaket ': j?: CINCINNATI, OHIO. OAKEB, CAUr A op, prorrr,. CENT11AL HOUSE. Plpoall Iho i Posloffleo, on Hlxth 6.tMt b,tween Washington nnd Commorcinl "uei, CAIRO, ILLS. Tills liotlo haa been thoroiiahly ner-haule,l and,enlil.l.7,l, ,.i r"0"nn"w? ll'Hich k-epl riUhlnnil dny. Miw. HAKKNKV. i'i,,,t I'roprlelreaa. cOmmkuuial hotel, COMIIKRCIAL-AVENUE, OPPOSITE P. . 0., OAIJU. ILLS. . I JosErn datlisb, : : : : : rRorniKTon. Tun. JlousK m Newlv Fuiinisiied And oners to tho publlo flrat-elaaa accommoda lions) al reasonable rates. , HIIXINKBS. MRS. M. SWANDER, DEALER IN "MILLINERY Ann LADIES' FURNISHING GOODS, CosMBaertUl Aveanr, optMMlla Elliot . sisyiaivrn'si Cairo, Illinois. CLOTHING FOR LADIES' WEAR Made to order, or IUadyMade. A full assortment of Misses' and Ladles' Hats and Bonnet of tho latest styles. LADIES, TAKE NOTICE I miS.C.McGEE, KIOI1TII BTRKET, I1ETWEEN WABHINOTON AND COMMERCIAL AY EX UK, Uai just ree'etred a full and aplcnitid lino of NEW GOODS DRESS TRIMSIINGS, SILK GIMPS, SILK OA LOON OUIPURL LACES, MOSS TRIMMINGS, CROCKET BUTTONS SILK AND VELVET BUTTONS, "-uf -vrr rrutv iivrt vvl ttWj HATS AND BONNETS, FINE KID GLOVES, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S SHOES, And a nl) and complete stock: of Millinery and Fancy Goods, All of which. sho proposes to sell at TTIB1 TERT "LOWEST CASH PRICES. .sm i. NOTICE. 18 hereby given lhat dolault liaTing b:en mado for moro than sixty day In tho iiayment of n porlion of tho amount' aeeurotlito be paid by a certain mortgaxn exemte.1 by William II. Kchut ler to Bamuet bluala Taylor andKdvtin Parsons, trustees of thn t airo Oily l'ropoily, dated ilay loth, A. V. 1S, nnd rocorded In Iho Itwordrr'W ollice, inand for Alexamlerconniy, In thn slnlool Illinois, In book ",P" or decdi, pane CI, elc.,, we, the unacmlirned, snld trutee, will on brnlsiy, thoxlstday of July, Instant, A. 0. Ml, nl 10 o'clock In the forenoon of lhat day, tiuder will by slrtuo of the power of aalo contained In tutnl mortgage, sell. public auction, to the. highest bidder, for cash, nt the omco bulliliux "' '''! trustees, corner of Wnshlngton nTcnue and 18th street, In the eily of Cairo, In Alexsnder county and stiteof Illinois, all tho right, tltlo and inter, cat or aal4 William 11. rihuttor or hia nssixos, In and to lota numbered one, 1, hro.p three, a, four, 4, fire. 0, slx.o, seven, 7. eight. , nine, 9, ten; 10, eleven, 11, twelve; 12, thirteen, 13, fourteen 1, fifteen, 13, alxtoen, la, seventeen, 17, eihtecr, is, nineteen, 19, Iwenty, ito, twenty-one, al, twenty. two,U, twenty-three, 23. twenty-four, M,twetity-fivei-.'lTrentT-ttxr), twentr-eeren, . twenty eight, l, twenty-nine, 2-J, thlrtr.30, Ihfrly-pne, 31 thlrtr-two, 5i, thiry-thrce, ilthlrty four. 34, thllty-flvo,' 34, Mirrtri. a, til rty-seven SI, Ihlrty-eight, 3, thlrly-nlno. irj.and lortyio o ho block; attyeven447, gin the drat addition ui the aala city oi L-airo, iMjuurmu .w o iwi'' s"--iUsrtof. jwlth tb !ppurtru. wtuOr tho 'purposeod condition at gald jflfflffioR., KI'WIM I'AllHUnB, Trustees of Iho Cairo City Properly ( Dated, Cairo. Ill- JulJ . 'T'- n U PAINTEH. CARL L, TH03IAS, It prepared to do all kinds of plain ami orna tnentul i Fainting, i KALSOMINING, PAPER HANGING BION WRITING, ETC., I At figure which defy all cqmiwtlon, and In the highest stylo tf the painter's art. SHOP IN THETERRY HOUSI , CORNER OF COUUEROIAL AVENUE AND KIQIITII HTREET IMMIUKANT TIL'KETN. INMAN LINE. Liverpool, NeV-tork and Philadelphi 'SWanlsliip'Company, vxDia rovvaliT with vmtid stati AkucanisH OOtlKMiaXTS For Carrying tho Mails. ' , FOR PASSAGE TICKETS ' Ot' i'l KTlItU INrO'lUSATIOX APPLY TO JOHN G. DALE, Aut., l.'OIlroailway, New York, or to , ;l , II. Uo,np li . t JIB WasblPgton Avenue., Palro, Illinois. IMMIGRANT TICKETS j FOR SAJC.K, ytVXfA F0R SAL1' FOB SALE.JfoJrSlSUOR SALE. mOM ''Mil Faro from Liverpool, , Wnrn frnm TONIir.NDEURY. . r aro .trom uiAuun, Faro from Queenstown TO CAIRO, H,t Mill $4 B.J 0 '4 Bastord stonl 4 Outlet, Agent. 4JOMM1H9ION i & W.Stratton, STRATTON & BIRD, (8uccossora toBtratton, Hudson A.Clark ) WHOLESALE GROCERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, rrr t i iiwn i ii, .,., Agents of American Powder Co., and mt- faeltirers ascnta for eotton yarn. JTiuu UJ.03E & VINUKNT, tt-ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. axo H31E3A.IilE3I4S XHT LIMB Cement, Plabter Parih, AKD PLASTERER'S HAIR, - r niresi una uiilo Love CAIRO, ILL. PETER CUIIL T txctrsiv FLOUll MERCHAN AD MILLERS' AQENT. No. 80 -Ohio Lovoo, CAIRO, ILLlNOIt. Ordor solicited nnd promptly tilled. II. M. 1IULEN, tjrltUUJJiH ANDLKJJN 1 I'll ; I'M 1 MEECHA3STT, No. 134 Commercial-ave., CAIRO, ILLINOIS. MILLER & PARKER, ta-UiN-UKAL, COMMISHK) AB FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ASU DEALERS IN fLOUR, CORN Oats, Hay, etc. 68 Ohio Levee, CAIRO, ILLS. JOHN 11. PII1LL1S, (Huccessor to Parker ft Phillis.) - . . l. -' m,M w -.a.. v- v a AD FORWARDING MERCHANT, AD DEALER IN HAY, CORN, OATS, Flour, Meal, Bran, Con. TKNTH.ST. ivn flllin T.V.VRV CAIUO, ILL. .1. M. PHILLIPS & CO., (Successors to K. D. Hendricks A Co.,) horvfirlinr' .ind ( nmmission MERCHANTS WHARF-BOAT PROPRIETORS. CAIIIO, ILL, l.llulrAI A.l.n.a m . I . Hnin uonsigninenis. Aro prepared to receive, store and forward freights to all points and buy and ell on commission. JTIInilness attended to promptly, WOOD RITTENHOU8E, (Successor olAyeriACo.) FLOUR AMD General Commission Morcliant 183 OHIO levee, Cairo, Illinois. WINEN AND UtlVORj). WM. II. SCIIUTTER, Importer nnd Wholesale Deale In WINES, LIQUORS, AMD TOBACCO &c CIChABS. Agent for the best brands ot CREAM AND STOCK ALE, AKD lBil.orK-41 AIM or BISTei-CMt Kinds. 75 Ohio Levee, tl , . (JAIBO, ILLINOIS. F. M, STOCKFLETII, tvecKssoa roun a iTocmiTii KcHtiryrr mhU wtsolcaaie Dealer a Forclg-n and Woraeatlo LIQUORS, WINES, ETC. ' No. 78 Ouio Levm, 1 HratMoruui Dlock, CAIRO, ILLINOIS. TTE keeps to1 trend eoiiUiluJr-a full stock ot XL Old Kentucky Bourbon. Bye and Mononga hela WhUklM, Franeh Brandies, Uolhuid (Uiu, Xain Md OaWonk Wtoe.