Newspaper Page Text
n diro -?k .& x s-?V . - iMtft JOHN II. ORERLY & CO., HELMIIOMV. HBLjMBOLD'S iielmboldb ii elm hold's IIF.I.KIIOLlg llEI.'MrOLIl'll helm hold's HELMIIOLD'S U O-BAPB ' IPIXjij" CATAWHA ORAPE PILLS. CATAWHA OIIAI'K I'll. LB. CATAWJIA ORAI'E 1'ILLS. CATAWHA ORATE I'tLLH. I ATAWIIA ORAI'E PILL. CATAWHA ORATE TILL. CATAWHA ORATE TILLS. , HBLMBOLD'S' lULMIIOMl's II ELM hold's IIILMUOLd'h HELMBOLD's IIELsUiOLD's ' i HELMUOLD'm ii elm hold's BXTEACT " i AllDA X ,Jt- XV X U JJ -V II LI A I I A I J 1 I I A FLUID EXTRACT SARSATARILLA. FLUID KXTJUCJ,SARSArARILLA. FLUID' EXTRACT sAMATARlLf.A. FLUID KXTUACT BARSAPARILLA. FLUID EXTBACT SARSATARILLA. FLUID KXTKATT HAK.SArARIt.LA. FLUID EXTRACT RARSATAEILLA. .PURIFY TIIK RUMIP. HELMHOLD's FLUID EXTRACT 8AR8ATA JtlLLA. Cures ll Eruptions of the Skin. UELMHgLD's FLUID EXTRACT WARS ATA-i tUI.LA Cure tlio worst fornof Rlood Diseases. HILMBOLD's FLUID EXTRACT 8AXSAPA- RILLA fkttrs heavily Into h CiranUtton f ttai lilood. HILLA BeautlAe tlio Complexion. RILLA. On bottli cilal In trrnffth to tae cll03 ol wmt'i iM wuinm io a mm 01 water wini i in helvdold's CATAW11A orape TILLS IIELMBOLD'fl CATAWHA OKATB PILLS A plaant,lare and agreeable Cathartic. HELMDOLD'R CATAWHA ORAPE PILLS Used ftj all afieetionVwher a Purgative Medicine ! neeueu. nELMHOLD's CATAWnA ORAPE PILLS A ltarmles- to child, inJ taken by children. HELMBOLD's CATAWnA ORAPE PILLS DtirMlii Mairn-La. flalu uirl tv.r-r nth-r Pur. I1F.LMB0LD 1 CATAWBA OBAVJl 1'ILLS, Ortiln Ib effect, nn j plcaitAt ta operation. BILiinoLD'tt CATAWBA QmXtT. WlV UnotapateoteOPiIl. o HELUDOLD'8 CATAWBA ORAPE TILLS Kitract llhutmrb. ' i i . . -. . i . r ntM utinr itu LLi.c i o ltl Icieitiof ut can bo made tor p amall um. 1 IIELMBOLD'S yLUlD KXTUACT BCCUU Hai acnuirnl a world-wide lame. LL of my preparaixio ar meritorloua. A tirlod of twentr yeara liaa proved this to be Rea remarlo madoby lleniamla Traierie. F. It. . . . . .. . . . i ..i.i .i 1. 1 i- Mttem to aunken, and yet to Irritable, aa ren Jet other ioostanoci ( tho tonlo cliM pnavail. See RKStAKKSot the GREAT CHEMISTS AND PJLL.ME.N OK AMEIUCA I . . Wm. 1L Warner A Co., . V 15 North Third atreet. 1'hlladelDhla. Pa. Bate.mad Xtlend I oongratolate you on purpoien Inleaded. WM. It. WAHNKK t CO II. T. UelniboUl will remark, in conclusion, thil ion .urciiTV rill iiitit I iitc cjer iduwd lur ilia I m a nrnfoi inoir vniiip. ah ith iMan iiAnanr. nin .AnniHrumnKJi j girmw ...... nui -tZ ' 'l l 1)nn llli..,! n. ki. ... lhirmftcentKAl I cUtrn nil miito to U, nJ hiv TO umpi ny imiinitiiuu r I'lrjuuic-o uibi Ii. ' ' I . I ... ..llWa .1... Hta tw in rTt thin ane letter from ir.e lafdCHt r.'i. ff J A tli' il... ..t 1 tNovemboM. mluJntU with Mr.(.TrUlmbuIU; lift . . I 1 . I 11 harn been favorably l'npre"4?iy?iWich.M0 irm oi rowers a mgmniiuj, iii.uui.i:.uiiuk cbemlili, M6l3kpjl yrewniireew. rouauiu- all aiaan on tuna Waairs. The Pill I hare thought or elfarlng to the atfliei lad for ten veara.' i ri Thy are now ' nerfeot, and I' iballr atako my me layiiiDKvyio inwnicii intrpiiiiiaeii i laaue, the bottle. Tabel. wrapper all ahow with what -1 ri i , .1 i .. vi r i . Inateal r me nanaeoui'iouaina;, careieiaij wotden bozea, ana maae genvrauy-i or onereu of lhoe haTiOS CO experience as .pnyiloian. hs medicine offered by vour Ohertient rvant, v . II. T. IIELMBOIjU. VnUl Palace Drus Store. No, 591 Uroadway, kw iorK. delphla. Twenty.nlnth street, Hew or. , mcle cf Pharmaoy, Continental Hotel, Phlla. dirnhla! and No. 104 Bouth Tenth atreet, Phtl- PROPRIETORS. THE BULLETIN. BY' TBLMRAFH 1 I .;:.u, , ..-; ,;i i. ,;. ,' WASHINGTON. OKN. SPINIER (AjT i"iEJlLIN. TJHE KU-K-LUK1 INVKSTJOAT. INCf CQUttlfflfo , tT OKX. STINKER AT BERLIN. AVashihotow. i.Ialv'2. LAtjrs.i rt eelved from General Spinner, dated Iter .lift, July lit, lay that ho was to dine with ui.i.i.. ii. . ! ...l.l. n. tv. chllJ and other bankori, to talk over the new American loan. During the yosr ending Juno 30tb, 107, 114 nauencert irrTcd'tt iho'tiort of New Tork from foreign countrie;, of which number 101.015 wro actual emigrant. 11 Z iff to-day examined a witneai named Mcllude, who teitlQed that whllo teaching a colored county. Thero are tbreo witneuus Irom r 11 ! - .I .U. : . I tti ... iwriu vymroiins iu aiieuuBUcrj woo win ici tlfy relatiro to the existence of ku-klux in that state. A telegram was read btforo the ommit tbe from a citizen of Macon, laying that he bad toleraphei on tk 11th of Jnlr. that he wai. ready to report, but reeelyed a. telegram from the sergeant-at-amt,' till ing mm be need not oome m mc commits tee bad not tinio for th witneatei. The! aergeanlat'arn., being out of town, could not explain, and at the instance of the democratic members, this Georgian and several omen -were raumnixiN ey vio graph to appear before) the committee. SYNOPSIS OF THE CONDITION OF TBS WEATHER. AVABiHXOTow.'Juljr'al. The barometer has riren very generally since Wednes day night from the Itocky Mountains to the Atlantic; but least so on the Gulf ocast, where it was quite low on Thursday morning, la toe notbwest wuere a 'local depression existed the tcmperaturo has fallen, especially at stations in the eastern and middle states. Brisk northwest winds prevailed Tor a short time m Thurs day morning ontbo snlddle Atlantic but light winds and calma are now reported. IICBi nvBkuv.1 a' v aas w ua aaj n At m day east' of the Missiwippl, exceptine one area of clouds in Ohio and Indiana. ' PROBABILITIES. Clear weather . with lower tern- fieraturo is .probable lor Friday on tho akes and pleasant weather with rising barometer will ptobablyonunue on La Atlanllo coast and Odlf. vrmir vAnir ) t . 1 . ' it . THE GOVERNMENT NEW LOAN. HENRY WARD BEEUHER THE ORANGE PARADE QUESTION. ON THE XEW LOAN. New Yobc, July 21. The records in ibe treasury department show that up to yesterday sixty-seven million of the now funded loan have been subscribed for. This saves the government treasury in an nual interests the sum of $070,000. Should Secretary, Boulwell.iexpeadpne.year,in tereit in placing tbts'loari'an'tho market bo will then receive a saving interest of six hundred and seventy tbousand dol lars annually for nine years. Therefore the itatemenU that the government would sustain a loss by the loan are inconsidor ato and erroneous. ' 1 ' : 1 w Tho Tribune's FINANCIAL artlclo says continued threats of a rapture between tho( northwest 'and St. l'aul people leave but little doubt In the gene ral mind that former harmonious relations will be restored only when their ultiinato object shall have been attained. The pub lic will do well however to leave the quar rel to bo fought between the interested parties. New-York shares went off at 1 to 2 per cent, belter on considerable sales ; but St. l'aul was weak on lighjjbusincst. Thero was unusual gossip about LAKE SII0HE, tho price seeking a lower range. This stock Is looked upon bv many as a test ldrer of the market, and It is thought that: the courso or futuro speculation resit in a great tncasuro on the rosult of tho meeting next Wcdacsday. It will bo remem bered that according to thoir last report it was ooly by strides arithme tical calculation that the company declared an eight per cent, annual dividend, the precise figures reflecting about nine per vent ns-the n'etHarnlnga.onahQcapital. stock of tblrty-flvp millions of dollars. Should the result of (h next meeting be to Increase the capital tp,fl(ty millions of dol lars by nn additional fifteen1 millions now lisuo, tho question of future dividends would bo at (oast problematical 'While these considerations. may not govern tho contracting cliquoTn" their future actions, yet ltought,tg.iluivDt.weigbr, yrU.i, future purchasers Advices received hero state Sir Wmi Logan and bis party-who left St. John's, .univuuuu im , fHlAI ,t Iff ' OEOLOQICAL BURVBTlSfO MXl JtDITIOM, J on the 112th Inst., were eutlrely cut off on tbeir route by, Merer storpqn tho Utb, which swopt away the bridges and flooded Iba principal par W of tre gnly road tbey, bad on. It Is prpbablf thai the"' horses arid fcaggage .'a'acre-d" th ox pedition lmvebcon elthoYldst'rjr badly in- Jur.od. -tm? Pvty'r(,V9iyivAfpv inasmuoh as, tbey were pravidea.wltK por table eutta'Tiercba belts and'onaicaho. Tho storin;'ai.'dpV, porislderablo'dm'' toge in and. around the towns of ..Topsail, and Iioilywooa, oi nuwiuunuiauu, auu it Is said'tdiWa 'cohtlnutloh o(a hH"icno whlrh blew over the coast of Labrador some 'weeks '.gf - 'dostroyingrfafii fishing imacki ; twenty-threo dwelling houses, .fourteen .iorei,, ,n4 abo3t,,thMg. hundred thousand' doll worth of Qt4J, nib, and'othor property. . Tb,o numtyc of llvef alrt.nily.Mcertatned as nlriety-tbree. aod: many mora are uaysago, , Sfcl'Rcnitra'vom Bta OKLT CHILD: j expoctoa to.hB-JWaso.j,p;B: A poor Italian, namod Retro (JardelU, oI.Ttov. N. Y.arilvM In'lhikcity. a few been stolen or ontlced away by a vllllan named OiocomoMuitane,'an organ-grinder. She disappeared on the 29th of April in company with Militant, from Troy, and sines then no trace can be found of her. The child is threo feet nine Inches blgb, lender form, dark complexion; with brown balr arid dark eyes. She can apeak very littlo EaglUb. It is feared that the poor child has met with foul, piay, or been left With , ono of the keepers' of infamous. hWmlrf His city. ' The Sun says that Na'Wct.'on the Hack easock Erie R. It, has been during latt y " kiwi 1 1 ii -n si I BIBI0US DUTUBBAXCKS between the .Erie employers, . Thero aro a large numboil'of Irlih'and German la borers', arid to guard against national dis putes, tlio company stationed the Germans at one point and the Irish at another; but the men met In tho Tillage after labor hours and entered Into a deadly contest. On Saturday, the men having been, paid, they repaired to tho saloons In tho village A pumber of Gormans wcro'at 10 o'clock, in tho 'evening sipping lager in Jacob Gross' ttfbbfl,'when a ri umber of Irishmen urdcjrMhe InfJocnce of liquor and bent on nmchleT enCerod", and' picked a' quarrel and eventually, drove tho Ger mans out. Their violence was such that Mr. Grots and fais .family were .obliged to flee for their lives. The Irishmen having thus cleared tho saloon, drank nil tho liquor: b'rbkoithojglassja'nd cM6 wire, nbd then 'departed.' On too following Tuesday morning, while Ryan and O'Dunnoll, I rials laborer;, wfcre goitg' to work, tbey were met bv several Germans. and terribly beaten with club., Kyaa may ' not survive ljU inju- The'Iriih laborers at a'raeeting held tho same afternoon, resolved to attack Gross' laloon, tbsheodquarteft'of Germnas. Arm id with clubs and stones they appeared late in the evening at the .door of the, sa loon and demanded admission. This be ng denied, they stormed the place with stones and, dam aged It considerably. Thu Germans had, however, got wind of tho.ln tended assault and armed, themselves with shot guns, and discharged volley afW.Tolley.lnto tho cipsrd .of air lattanU from tho' windows. After 'a while others armed wilu clubs madrf a isjly on them fom ,below." The riolen beat, a hasty retreat leaving tbreo of their number wounded; Patrick McMnhon was shot' in several places. Ilia wounds though painful are not necesiarily fatal. Isaac CulIfln'Lwas SHOT IsT 3C PLACES and his recovery, if doubtful. Martin Gob egan. was 'shot two or throe times and. Severely clubbed. How many .of those' Who ran were hurt cannot be ascertained. SCIENTIFIC EXPEDITION. IfBW-Yoa, July 21. The scientiao expedition to liraxil headed by Prof. Cbw. Heath, of ..Carnell university, Is to sail from Mew. York next .Monday on the, steamer Merrimac, bound to Pnra and' Rio Jeneiro. The steamships ScotU and CAtnlria left this port and have arrived out. MACE AND CORBCUN. . llaco fnvltes' Joe Corburn to meet Iilm at the office of a sporting paper next Mon day so" thoy may come to somo under standing for the futuro meeting. CUBA. Mail advices received here to date of the 7th inst., report' that Gen. Cavalda bad been shot after an orderhod been received from Madrid that he had been pardoned and sent to this country. ANOTHER VICTIM OF THE RIOT. Charles A. Kallenback, anotber .victim of the riot died last night. . NINE ELEPHANTS, from Ceylon, arrived yestorday on the bark Nemlsh. k ( An earthquake was felt yesterday at ,Leedivllle,kl)uchei county, Ni Y. Some Orango lodge have nearly doubled membership since: the .riot. The tamo may bo said of tho Hibernian and anti Orange societies which are growing rapid ly In consequence of, the recent excite meat. - A new philanthropic Institution, bear ing the name of tho "Helping Hand of Brooklyn," hsi been organised under tho lawi oftho itato of Jjew- York, and yes terday its certificate of cnoorporutioh was 'filed. Among its specific objects; aro, tirsti to instruct women in various useful pursuits of female laboiyto'givb'tbem 'employment to tar as possible, and when necessary, caro for their children when they go out to do days tabor. Second. To offer temporary relief in caics of urgent want'or give any other aid that may properly bo given. Third. To establish'induslrial schools for teaching those who can't go to other schools, and also evening schools. TRIED FOn PARTICIPATION IN TIIK RIOT, PatroJmafl rtrick.Lo8an of v,2?'" precinct was tried 1o-da5' ooforo I'reaidont Smith and Commissioners Uarr and Ma nlorro for improper conduct and; insubor dination on the day of the riot. Sergeant Carpenter testified that Tat. Logan refused toattackitho ridtorsj saying, that he was an Irishman and Roman catholic, and folt that his conscience would not allow him to attack his fellow countrymen. Iq.dofenso Logan denied that .there .was either a crowd or riot and brought' half a dozen witnesses in.: The case was referr ed to the board, when he got up and made" a rambling speech 'abouPbcihg Catholic and his roliglon being assai red. 'The conimissiojora thereupon dlsmiisod him from 'tho fofco and took his shield, wreath and buttons from him. FORTXl DKLEOATED . from different Roman Uatholio tompor jance societies, representing, it Is said, 00, (000 votors held a meeting in St. Columbus mn,!on (tbo mit lido of 25thltrect,ito. akection to Innusnco the commissioners i to rotaln Logan on the forco. HENRY' WARD BEECH EK IsayTlnThTChflitlah Unfon orihli week! If the Orange societies would parade !nxfweok, ,wl,h a banner leis, or one in scription rdbbed but, they should not do it on an implied promise that if protected for once tbey wore then to do it no moro. Thov ouuht to raovo throueh tho streets lof NewtYQrk until nobody tblnki of mo lesting inemv rvnentnat time arrives it will be a matter of no publlo.iropo.rtanco whether this annual procession Is kept up r not. Rut as lone as a do wses hin tonguo against au Orango procession. or a bewildered magistrals forgets his duty towards them; the public good rc qulros their1 continuation, .If. the Orango men of NowrYork ,wait till, next, year to march through the streets of the city, they will betray a, sacred duty. I)y accident they have become tho representatives of the principles which lies at fbo foundiitlon of modern civilization. They do not now represent, fact in, history but a,Mving prin ciple. It Is not the battle of tka Beyne In Irelsnd, ,but It it a question of liberty In new-xors." . CAIRO, ILLINOIS, SATURDAY, JULY FOREIGN. FRANCE. Paris, July 21. Tho contcit for tho municipsl elections appointed for next week grows more sovoro and exciting. Le Monde, the ultra Catholic, demands that tho government support tho pope in bit temporal rights, J -The Prussian troops recelvedoordcrs from Berlin to evacuate tho' cities of Amiens and Rouoh, and the departments of the Sommo, Lower Soino and Euro, BATIK OF PRANCE. f The bullion In the bank of Franco In created 11,300,000 since last week. ENGLAND. ABOLISHED. London, July 21, In the houso of commons this' morning Cafdwoll, Secret ary'f'm,'irorHrK;Mald on tho table tho Queen's warrant abolishing the system oftho pnrchase of army commitsiont. CO.MrERE.VUK OP EUROPEAN1 rOWF.RH. A Conference of all tlie Europoan pow ers will, It Is reported, tbortly be held for tho purpose of agreeing upon n uniform Jyllem of itriport dutlc. THE CIIOLKKA IX PERSIA. Dispatchiw from the east roprosunt that tho cholera prevails to an alarming ex tant In Pemia, and tho ravages caused by the doieaao aro dreadful. SPAIN. Madrid, July 20. Marshal Serano has been entrusted by tbe king with tho for-, ination of a now ministry and has al ready designated the following tninistors : Minister of Foreign Affaire, tlannan; Justice, Gomez; Minister of Marine, Admiral Malcnmpo; Minister of .Finance Camadrc1. Tho CortcE has adjourned nmtd tho pro teals of the minority. ,A, DENIAL FROM JEPF. DAVIS, THE STORY A RADICAL -FALSE. JHOOD. Mempuim, July 21. Tho following wjll appear In to-morrow't Avalanche: - Mempiiim, July 21, 1S71. Beforo and since my arrival in Mem phis to-day, my attention has been called, to slandorous articles, in certain radical papers, which attack my privalo character In connection with that of a lady, who, it is stAtcd,, wa travelling under my charge. It is deemed duo to myself, at well as to my friends, to state, unequivocally and without delay, that tho story in whole and iji all it cssontial parts, is unmistakably tbe instigation of malice, and is heroby pronounced utterly false. Signed JEi'FEBbON Davis. ST. LOUIS, AN IMPORTANT LAW CASE. CASE OF TILLER VS. THE COM MERCIAL AGENCY. m at. a.f v aj auu twu us I. Tiller vs. Charles Shephrd, manager of the' Kt Tj-KTfttl .Till 1 TfsA rxC A A uroaa street commercial agency, was be foro tho circuit cour yesteiday. Tho hoaring being on motion oftho defondant to dissolve tho Injunction granted n few days ago enjoining tho circulation of the July number of the Broad street commer cial reports, on tho ground of false and inlurlous rating of plaintiff. Sevoral witnesses testified to tho solveuccy of Mr. Tiller and his business qualifications, in tegrity, etc., also that he U doing a Ixrjro and prosperous business. W. B. King, formcly an emplboe of tho Broad street agency, tostilled as io the mode of transacting tho business of the agency. ' CHICAGO. MINISTER WASHRURNE WILL NOT VISIT HIS HOME THIS SUMMER. A JEWELER ACCIDENTIA' SHOOTS HIMSELF. Chicaoo, July 21. A jowoller at Men da, Iowu, uocidently, shot himself dead cn Wednesday whilo hunting. Tho Galena Oa:ctte of List evening says a letter has been received in that city from HON., K. II. WAiillHURNV, Minister to Franco, which indicates beyond question that ho will no t como homo this year.- lie isruffering fr om tho ague and is about to visit Carletda for tho benefit of bis health. LONG BRANCH. TUH PRESIDENT HULL AT HIS ''COTTAOK BY THE SEA," Lono Branch, July 21. The president is still nt hit cottage, receiving no visitors. Wednesday next tho leading republicans of Now-York will bo hero, and tho presi dent will hear,them on affairs concerning that state. NEW BRWSWICK, N. J. DEATH OF A PROMINENT MAN. 'ft'iw Brunswick, JuTy 21. Rev. Dr. Joieph F. Berg, Proffettor in tho theolog ical lemmlnary in this city, author and writer for tho periodical prei, died in this city last evening. PORTLAND. THE HORSE DISEASE MAKES ITS APPEARANCE. Portland, Mk.. July 21, Tlio horso disease has made Its appearance in this city. " SAN FRANCISCO. THE DEMOORAOY ELECTED, Sah EitANciico., July 21. Tho Demo cracy hitherto divided into four factions agreed upon terms to unite for the elec cloii of Mr. Higby. 22, 1871. EYiVNSYILLE. IND. THE ANNUAL TOBACCO FAIR. A LARGE BOARD OF BUYERS PRESENT. LvANivii.tE, July 21. Tho annual to bacco fair closed last evening and was In every respect a grand succeic Twenty Ato' hundred dollars in gold promlums were offuted for the" different' grades. Tho fair brought together ft IsrgoTium bcr of competitors for pri.ei In addition to the regular board. Thero' were additional represcntntitei from Cincinnati. Puducah, St. Louir, Hal timbre, Now York, Henderson, Louisville, Shawneclown, Hoplrinivllle, Olnrkivillo and icvcrnl other place, causing the bid ding to bo very spirited and atYull prices, The two hhds. entered for account of a planter In Mallard county wore not admit ted bv tho board' on account of tomn In formality. During tho talo of prizo and classed tobaccos they wero oftercd and fought by J. II. IJyrnoj, of Evansville, at $102 and $1)0 per ono hundred pounds. Some choico soleclion of bright louf and cutters wero taken nt fancv nriccs somo as high as fltftotW). Tho taleJ, howevor, avcrago abovo former quota tions, and at tho close may bo laid to range ss ioiiowi : i-ugt, go.&u to ti.TU; common to fair low leaf, $7.00 to $6.80 ; medium bright leaf, 3U.0U to 11.00; com mon to medium cutten, $12.00 to $10.00. Tho tobacco to bo shipped will go to Louisville, Cincinnati, Now Orlcam, iow Yorknnd Baltimoro-princtpiilly A largo quantity of the shippers arid factory dried leaf go directly to Liverpool and London. CRIME. " MUltDER RAPE CONSPrRlNtr TO DEFRAUD. Nashvillk, July 21. In McMInn county n few days ago, Hczekinh Jackson shot and mortally wounded Allen Detli crldge, who had been summoned by tho officers to arrest him. Jackson escaped. Dclbcridge died next day. Gen. Weaver was woylayed tand shot in Franklin county on cdncsday. Ho had juit been released from jail on bond. Ho was' charged with the murder of a man named Poo. New-York July 21. T. Pickorell was arrested in this city yesterday by detect ive Tully. Ho was charged of conspiring to defraud tbo Wilmington, Charlotte Rutbford railroad compucy, and was last evening given into tho custody of detect ive CD. Walls, who will take liim to North Carolina for trial. Memi'IU. July 20. J. Ira Reed, who was urrestcu by Bowers nnd Levi Smally in Salsbury yesterday for tho murder of SVtn. Garrett, in that place, In June, was brought hero to-day, to bo tried in Au gust under tho enforcement net. Almicrn, N. Y., July 21. Robert Uuf fum, who murdered M. Sevcruns nt New burgb, X. Y,,'last winter committed tui cldo Thursday in his cell at tho statu asy lum for insarlu criminals in this city Milwauka, Wis., July 21. Tho Wal worth county sheriff passed through hero lust night with Phillip Evchardt, who was indicted for rape and tho murder of Anno iiutt at omirori a year since, and fled to Gormany, but recently returned and was arrested at Schnectady, N. Y. DETROIT. suicide or col. henrv barney. Detroit, July 21. About 11 o'clock this morning Col. Henry Bnrnoa, li " aiui ngenc niid rormcrly postmaster of tins city, aoa at an carllor period editor and proprietor of tho Detroit Tribuno, was found dead about two miles below this citj under circumstancos that indicate death from his own hand. LOUISVILLE. is favor or oivKN rou COMMISSIONER. Louisville, July 21. Thoro is a strong feeling among republicans hero in favor or tlio appointmont of Col. W.J. Givens, deputy coiiims.sioner, ut commissioner of Internal rovonun in caso of tlio resigna tion of Ploiisanton, which privato advices says is iminiiiout. HUDSON, K. y. KIRK COTTON mill destroyed. Hudson, N. Y July 21. Tho cotton mill belonging to Alcxundor Abott, nt Vnlletti, was destoyed by Ilro to-ilay with its contonts, Los.', $00,000. Insured for $311,000. Tho origin of tlio flro til -known. CLEVELAND. BASK BALL. Cleveland, July 21. A gamo of base bull to-day betweecn tho Kckfords of New-York tin I Forest Cityt of Clovuland reiiiltod in tlio dufeat of tlio I'ornior and u neon.1 of 8 to 2. I.ANU. LAND FOR TIIK LANDLESS : HOMES FOR THE HOMELESS ONLY $1.26 I'KIt ,cnii FOR. .ACTUAL SKTTLERS, " . i ' tsxr. TimVius or Tiir. LEAVENWORTH, 'LAWRENCE AND QAI.YKt 'TON'lt. It. LINK I Fnim Lawrence mi Kansas City and visil the eel i ' ebruted IUuk country, The Garden Spot ok Kansas, anr2Qw3iri .1011 PRINTING. The undeislxned, prcpriolors of Iho IUii.i sihI Wkckly lli'LLsriv, luivo ul rveeltud an assnrl inentnl Ihe latest stiles of Jjli I'rinlliiL' i)fr, mid huvu now ouonftho iimstcoiiipleto JiibotlW'cs in the Hon Hi ami West. They Hatter thrmseliut that they possess (iicllilies fur turmu out promptly, in tho Iwst style nl the Art. all work entrusted to them, from tho smallest card or l.hol lo.tha uiaintnoth oostor. and at n:l3s which Uavo with our btisineas men no goad ex mse for aendiou their woik to Sit. Louis. Olnclu natl orChlcao. JNO. 11. OBKIU.Y A CO BULLETIN BUILDING, WASHINGTON AYE. MARKETS BY TELEGRAPH. NfcW ORLEANS. irrwt t?1 Orleans, July 21 double $0.00 ; troblo $1.75(j,VT.oo. CORN Firm, mixed 7" ; whltn 70(7080. OATS-Easiorat60(S)C7. ' HAY Unchanged.: BEANS Firm at $1.0051.05. PORK Unchanged. RACON In good demand nt 30lc. LARD Fair File WHISKEY Firm at 92J(3$1.65 CHICAGO. Chicago July 21, 1871. FLOUR Dull and unchanged. WHEAT Dull and lowor at S112J fpr July, 1171 sollor August. CORN Dull, heavy nnd lower nt 49 401'cnsh for July, 48l8f for August re jected a( 48(n IH. OATS-T-nctlvo but easier, Sales at fl 48 cash, according (o tlio location, 34 34 seller August. RYE Firmer nt C959j cash. BARLKY Dull ami lowor, sales for Sctnntcmber70. PROVISIONS Inaticvo nnd nominal ly unchanged. CINCINNATI. Cincinnati, July 20. PLOUR Higher but tho market Is unsettled, family ?C.29C.r0 for new, ?C.60(5C.76forold. WHEAT In fair dcttand but lower, new red $1.18. CORN Dull at 0t65 for new. OATS Dull at 40 to 45. RYE Quiet at 70 to 72c. BARLEY Unchanged, fall 80 to 90c. COTTON In good demand. 201 to 201 for middlings. WHISKEY In fair demand at 02c. MESS PORK Dull and prices nomin al. LARD Dull at lolc. BULK MEATS-Dull. TOLEDO. Toledo, July 21, FLOUR-Dull. WHEAT 1 to2o lower; amber Mich igan, $1.20 to 1.214; No. 1 red. $1.22: No 2 $1.18. CQKX Dull and a shade lower ; high mixed, SGc ; low do, 55 jc ; white, 04. OATS Dull und lc lower; No. 1, CO; new, 52c. LAKE FREIGHTS Unchanged. NEW-YORK. New-York, July 21. FLOUR Dull. WHEAT Dull and lower, nominally $1.30 to 1.38 CORN Quiit nnd weak at COJc. OATS Du atGltoC'.'e. PORK Du ut $14.50 to 14.C2J. LARD Quiet at lljc. TAX PURCHASER'S NOTICE, ToM.M Rnwlincsi Vou aro hen-by notlOcil. Ihnt al n ne of rea' estate tnado by thn nherltl of Alexander tminly, at th iloor of court limine, tn tho town of Cairo, Alexander counly, Illinois, on on the nth day of June, A. 1. 1870, c. Wlnmon purchased tho follnlne described real estate. MlUHtp in .unl county, tor tho taxe. Inierrtt nnd ro.l dun UiiTfou, for tho j our A. D. 1870, to-wit i raciion.M !j e-. I, T. w s, ii, i v assesaeil In tho n.nue ut M. M. HiullnKK, and that said C. Vln'ton has nl?n, all hi riglits under nald purchano to thn undersigned, nnd lliat the tlmo allowed by law lur th redentlnn ol said real estate will expire on the -Tih day of Junn, A. D. lOi- Jl. 1'. llALiUll'M. Cairo. June 3d. 1871. lyaMU DISSOLUTION. Tho Ann of Elliott, Haythotn A Co., is dm.olr ed bv mutual consent. Mr. Oil Hidden of Cn clnnatl, retlrloK. The buiinna will be continued uy Elliott & Jinyuiorn. iney luiumt ail llaljill lies auu coueci an money uiio iiio nrm. HKNItV ELLIOTT. UaCAIlHAYTHOiOr, OTIS HIDDEN. In consequence of the atoro change, and to make room lor a larga stock ol fall pooaa, we Hill uuirkall cooda down o co9t prjc'ei for tha"... . -'' rrx llAitlfOrtN. cuini, 'Illy III, 1571. JyVOdlw ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY. Tho Forty -Third Annual Session oftho ST. XiOTJIS TJUITEBSITT, Will open on Monday Sept. -1th, '71 This la tho qnly Institution ofLearnidg in the wt, having lenestablishi"l In W:i, Thn courto of slndlen otlera utcry facility for acquiriiiR a thorough CUjiicul and Commercial eilucation, Catiilogiiei'l-ontiilning lustriicilons to narenta ami ful uirlciilars, will bu sent on apdllcatlon to Hr.v S. Id bTUNTIUlEOK, H. J, President, tt. IJUis University, ST. I.OI.'IN,.lIO' I'UHMTlIlli:. . S. HARRELL, DEALER IN PURNITURE (JUEENSWARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, HAH FIXTURES, GLASSWARE, 185 & 187 Commercial Avenue CAIRO, ILLINOIS. noemts. 11. SMYTH & CO., I WHOLKSALE GROCERS, j OHIO LEVKK, V A I 11 0 . 1 1. 1. I M I H . Also, keep romdmtly on hand a most com plete stock of SCOTCH AND IRISH WHISKIES 7 1 N H , Port, Mndorla, Sherry nnd Ciitnwbn Wines K8MYTH A CO. sell exclusliely forcah,lo . which fact thor Invito tho esp.vUI alien lion uf close bargain buyers. Special attention yiren to Filling Orders. iiAiiiu:its. J.GKO. STEINHOUSK, FASHIONABLE BARBER, Cor. Nlli-tl. nmt C'ouiiitercUI-nv. ourHharp Haws, t BO'Clcwi Towels and a-akitlfu)l Workmen. aW,Ladlt'' and children' hair cut and sham pooed, either al the shop or at their own homes, WOntleinen'(i whiskers and hair dyed In a cUulltk: mauutr. Ballstartioii guarantetM. HA5K8. FIRST IVATIONAlTBAK OF CAIUO. t nt.- p , ' i DAMRI. iltmn, Pre.ldcDt M' '. UOllEBT W. Mff.I.EB, VIce.PreMdent ; CN.nUfIIIE.9,Chli-r. i 4i i -tin COLLECTIfl.NS PROIUTLYMADE. EXCIIANflE, coin, bank note, and Call states (ccuritles bouglit ar,d sold. e.t Inlcrcit Atlonol on Tlmo Ienolu. ENTERPRISE SAVINGS Clinrlfrrtl .tin roll 31, 1180. nrrict ix CITY NATIONAL BAN.K, CAIRO. A. II. SAPFORT), President M. S. TAYLOR, Vlca.I'residenti W. IIYSLOI', tSecrelarv and Treasurer. DIRirTomi P. W. IlAaCLAT, Cuas. fiLMiir, K. M. BTlKKniTIt, Pll-L O. SCUlll, 11. M, CixMxoiiix, W. r. Uau-idat, J. M. TUILLIM. llpiioillo of nny Amount ltrrclvr.1 rroni Ton Cenlfrt'iinnrtls. XNTKKEST paid on depo'.lls at the rateol six percent, per annum, Much Island Septem ber 1st. Interest not withdrawn Is added Imme dlately to tho princlpil of tho deposits, thereby giving them compound Interest MARRIED WOMEN AND Cl"llLDRENMAY DEPOSIT MONEY . P- THAT 10 O KUK C4.V CBAW IT. Onun Itr.rtr lillcln... il.v fmnx n a m 1. M anil Saturday eyening lor BAVI.NQ DEPOlfrl only, from 6 to a o'clock. auivw tv. HYSLOl', Treasurer. THE CITY NATIONAL CAIUO ILLINOIN. CAPITAL, 8100,000 W, I. HALLWAY. President; A, H.8AFFOI1D, Cashier: WALTEK 11Y9LOP, Assistant Cashier. KiatcToait Htsats TAtioa, kokut H. Comsouav, SroiT W'HITt, W. P. IIaiusav, Geo. D. Williamson, Httrut. uikd, A. U.SirroRD, Excliisugc. Colu and I'siltctl Ntatci ' Boat! Ilouajlil nnd Nolil. DEPOSITS received, and a general banking business done. BAILKOAON. SPRINGFIELD AND ILLINOIS SOUTHEASTERN R. R. On and after Monday, April 21th. 1171, train wil run louowa i NORTHERN DIVISION. TaAits Qotaa sociutAsr. Mail. Express Leave Virginia ti:to a.m 12i36 p.m. " Hpringtleld 9 w " a.oij " Taylorilllt'.......Ki'.S. ' 4:ial ' Arrive at 1'aua 11:10 m 5;17 TEAIUS O0IKO SOSTI1WUT. Expre Mall. Leave Pana S:uoa,m .3:34 o.m. " Taylorville 1:17 " 4:lW " Arrive at !jprlnKflcld,..6;l3 " 6M " Leavo8psingtield 6:M " 6;10 " Arrive at Virginia 8.25 " .,....l;15 " feOUTHERN DIVISION. TSAiaa ooixa sovthxast. i Leavo Edgcwood o:30a.m - 10:10 a.m. " Flora 6:1 " 11:10 " Arrive at bhawneetown3:Alp in ... Sill p.m ibai.v. ooin aoariiwisT. Leave Bhawneetown 6:13 jum JilOn.m " Flora. 2.S3 ' 7.i)' Arrive at Edgewood 1:60 .........l:20 " The fl-ao a.m. iraln from Edgewood, run only Mondays, W.dnesdayaand Frulaya, and 6:13 a.m. train from Sliawneetown on Tuesdays. Thura. days and Saturdays. Connects at Ashland with Jacksonville division of Chicago and Alton Railroad, for Jacksonville, Petersburg, Mason City, a lid all points west. At Hprlnitneld, with Chicago and Alton, and Toledo, Wabash and Western Railroad, lor muoiniugiiu, vnicago, uuu an pointa nortii,nortn west ami west. AlTana with Ind. and Si. Louis, and Illinois Central ItAllruad lor all points cut, soul h and soutt'enst. At Edgewood with Chicago Division Illinois Central Railroad. Al Flora, with Ohio aid Mississippi Railroad. AtShawneeto'ii, with steamboats for Cincin nati, Paduciih, Cairo and St. Louis. OH LA N l SM ITII, Oen'l 8u p't. Join FooJitT.Oen'l Fr'gt and Tickel Ag't. IHMIU1IA.VT TIl KETH. INMAN LINE. Liverpool, New-York and Philadelphia Sfeaiiiship Company, I'MiAK WITU t'XnXD STAIU ASD SSlIIIU UOVCENUINT For Carrjrinit tho Mail. FOR PASSA"GE TICKETS OK rlSTIIta txrORMATION APPLY TO JOHN G. DALE, Aqt., lffl Uroadway, New'York, or to II. Hostt, itlO Washington Avenue, Cairo1, Illinois. IMMIGRANT TICKETS FOR SALE, ) For ( FOR SALE, FOP. SALE.J ForBaielFOR BALE. "v i Fare fwm LvvKRrooiV,v Faro from Londonderry, Faro from Glaboow, .j Faro from Queenistown TO CAIRO, ; t t t :.i i : $18:3 0 i . Bafloid.Morria Jt C.ndfe,Agrnls. a beautiful ckiaMyaart oi age, who bad. I I ' 'l .v'tK.V ya ri i'vv bold bv xmuaoisTa sykrywubkx. III . ', 3T